You`ve waited and waited. And waited some more. Now the Game
You`ve waited and waited. And waited some more. Now the Game
Intro You’ve waited and waited. And waited some more. Now the Game Boy Advance is your hands, and along with it the most impressive handheld game ever created--Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2. That’s right. Vicarious Visions and Activision have made what many thought impossible--a 3D game on a 2D console--a reality, and the result is amazing. Everything that made the stellar series amazing in its prior incarnations has been translated to this excellent game. The same addictive gameplay, the same pro skaters, the same difficulty. It’s all here. Now with the help of IGN Guides, you can grind the rail fantastic and air with the best of them. Our detailed guide to Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2 on the Game Boy Advance covers virtually everything you need to know to blow this game wide open, including a full Skatethrough, all Money locations, Skater information and tips on how to earn the most points. Now go skate. If you downloaded this PDF from anywhere besides IGN Insider, please email us at [email protected]. Those who post or distribute this PDF may be subject to extreme wedgies (and legal prosecution). Another quality guide by: Chris Carle Layout by: Little Sin y El Sexo Basics THPS2 takes place in the skateparks and school yards of the world. Each level has been optimized to be fully skateable. Every surface, rail, jump and ramp has been tweaked out to give you a complete skating experience. Take some time to explore your world. If you see something that you think is impossible (grinding a high ledge, transferring across a massive gap), you will likely be able to get to it in the future. Any edge or rail is grindable. Try to link long grinds together to score massive points. In addition to the obvious, try grinding on park benches, planters, curbs, lamp posts, fallen poles, etc. Curved surfaces can be used to get massive air. They are referred to as “vert.” Vert includes half and quarter pipes, pools, and other somehwat diguised lips. Of course, Vert skaters will be most adept at using these surfaces to score massive points, but as Street skaters buy stats, they too can count themselves among the airborne. There is so much to do and see in THPS2 that you’ll be discovering things months after you open the game. A good way to expediate this process is by exploring all of the nooks and crannies of the Tony Hawk world by taking some time to Free Skate in each level after you open it. Tricks Tricks are the heart and soul of this game. Many of the ones you will remember from Tony Hawk are available again, but this time out, there are practically double the moves available in the original. Again, it is just as important to link them into sick strings. Luckily, this time out you’ll have more linkable moves at your exposure. But more on that a bit later. If you’re new to Tony Hawk, you’ll be asking, “What is this linking thing you keep talking about?” Linking is nothing more than stringing a continuous flow of tricks together without landing flat on your board. Each time all four wheels of your board touch ground, the trick score resets and you’re on to the next. Note: The more times you do a trick, the less it will be worth. The trick’s value declines by 20% every time it is successfully landed. The more things you do and the more different things you do in one string of tricks will really help to pump up your score. In other words, if you manual to a grind to another manual to a Boneless to a Rocket Air, you will have many more points than doing each of these tricks separately. It’s all in the math. And the math is determined by something called “multipliers.” Multipliers The reason for all of this insane linking is not only to look cool and impress your grandma. It serves another equally legitimate purpose: gaining points. Here’s how it works. Each time you successfully add a trick to a string, you will gain one multiplier. This is eventually used to multiply the base score of all of the tricks added together. Let’s say you do a Manual (50) to a Boardslide (140) to a Manual (60) to a Nosegrind (145). You will have 395 base points. Since you linked all of these together, and there were four tricks total, your final Spins Certain tricks allow your skater to spin in the air. Anything that happens in the air can usually be spun into a points-grabbing frenzy. Spins greatly add to a trick’s base score. 180: 1/2 turn (Base score X 1.5) 360: 1 turn (Base score X 2) 540: 1-1/2 turns (Base score X 3) 720: 2 turns (Base score X 4) 900: 2-1/2 turns (Base score X 5) Ollies and Such An ollie is a glorified leap in which a skater pops the board into the air, keeping the deck magically glued to his feet via the wonders of physics. In addition to the vanilla ollie, other tricks in this family include the No Comply (Tap UP once), Nollie (Press L before doing a trick), and Boneless (tap UP twice). Use ollie tricks to leap up to grinds, gain air on vert ramps and hop across gaps and over objects. Note: Never merely ollie. Use a No Comply or Boneless before any other trick to add to both your multipliers and base score. Manuals A new trick has been added to THPS2. It’s called the manual, and it will save your ever-lovin’ life. A manual is nothing more than a fancy wheelie, performed on either the back or front wheels of the board. Like the grind, the longer you hold the trick, the longer you score points. Also like the grind, the manual can be used to score massive amounts of points. Its real benefit is that it can be used across flat surfaces, allowing trick linkage previously unavailable in the original. To perform a manual, tap up, then down (or vice versa) before you land on the ground. If on a ramp, you cannot land in a manual. However, you can launch off of a ramp from a manual, something that will come in quite handy to finish up an especially impressive run of tricks. Once in a manual, you may have to balance using the onscreen meter to adjust your rider’s balance. Grinds Grinds are nothing new to THPS2. Find a lip, edge or rail and hop aboard, sliding your board across the surface to rack up huge points. Examples of grinds are the Tailslide, Darklslide, Nosegrind and Feeble. Try a manual/grind string of tricks to pump up your scores. In addition to grinding, you can Wallride flat vertical surfaces. Skate towards a wall at an angle, then ollie and press A to Wallride. Once Wallriding, Press B to Wallie, which allow you to jump from your grind to a higher level. Lip Tricks A lip trick is performed when a skater pauses at the lip of a vert object, stalling the board on the coping or planting a hand on the rim and inverting. As your stats grow, lip tricks can be boned out and held for huge points. Try tacking a lip trick on the end of a mega-long trick string to maximize your scoring. Grab Tricks Grab tricks are performed in the air, usually over a vert ramp. Essentially, the rider leaps into the air and takes hold of the board. The longer a grab is held, the more it is worth. Spin grabs to the max to yield massive scores. FlipTricks A flip tricksis performed when a skater flips the deck independent of his/feet, then lands aboard again. Flip tricks are a bit quicker to perform than Grab tricks, so can be used easily by street skaters at ground level. Use them to trick up to and off of lips and rails and in between manuals in huge trick strings. Flip tricks include the Impossible, 360 Flip, Kickflip and Heelflip. Skaters Tony Hawk Moves: 900: RIGHT, DOWN + R Sacktap: UP, DOWN + R BS Overturn: DOWN, LEFT + A Bob Burnquist Moves: Racket Air: LEFT, DOWN + R BS Rocket Tailslide: UP, DOWN + A One Foot Smith: RIGHT, DOWN + A Steve Caballero Moves: FS 540: RIGHT, LEFT + R Triple Kickflip: UP, LEFT + L Hang Ten: RIGHT, UP + A Kareem Campbell Moves: Ghetto Bird: DOWN, UP + L Nosegrind to Pivot: DOWN, UP + A Spidey Grind: LEFT, RIGHT + A Rune Glifberg Moves: Christ Air: LEFT, RIGHT + R Kickflip 1 Foot Tail: DOWN, UP + A One Footed Bluntslide: LEFT, UP + A Eric Koston Moves: Pizza Guy: DOWN, LEFT + R Indy Frontflip: DOWN, UP + R Fandangle: RIGHT, DOWN + A Bucky Lasek Moves: Finger Flip Airwalk: LEFT, RIGHT + R One Foot Japan: UP, RIGHT + R The Big Hitter: LEFT, DOWN + A Rodney Mullen Moves: Triple Heelflip: UP, RIGHT + L Hardflip Late Flip: UP, DOWN + L Nosegrab Tailslide: UP, DOWN + A Chad Muska Moves: Half Flip Casper: RIGHT, LEFT + L Double Hardflip: RIGHT, DOWN + L Rowley Darkslide: LEFT, RIGHT + A Andrew Reynolds Moves: Nollie Underflip: DOWN, LEFT + L Heelflip Darkslide: RIGHT, LEFT + A BS Hurricane: DOWN, RIGT + A Geoff Rowley Moves: Mute Backflip: UP, DOWN + R Half Flip Casper: RIGHT, LEFT + L BS Hurricane: DOWN, RIGHT + A Elissa Steamer Moves: Indy Backflip: UP, DOWN + R Hospital Flip: LEFT, RIGHT + L Madonna Tailslide: UP, LEFT + A Jamie Thomas Moves Laser Flip: DOWN, RIGHT + L Kickflip 1 Foot Tail: LEFT, DOWN + L Beni F-flip Crooks: DOWN, UP + A Skatethrough Hangar: Meachem Field, TX (Open at Start) Scoring Lines The Hangar is the perfect blend of vert and street skating surfaces. The low, metal quarter wall that lines the entire level is a good example of this. Not only is it good for grabbing lots of air, but the constant edge will help you stretch your grinds into lots of points. To fully maximize these edges, use a combination grind/manual/air to grow your points. Hop into a grind and when you’re running out of steam, jump down to a manual, then head back up the quarter and flip an air or liptrick to end the run and grab tons of points. Another great way to get massive scores is to keep transitioning over the half pipe. Boneless in a grab, then land in a manual on the opposite side and carry it to the quarter lip to do an invert. Or go inside the half pipe and exhaust your supply of air maneuvers, always No Complying or Bonelessing into your tricks. Tack on lots of rotations to multiply the points further. Another great spot for air tricks is the Wind Tunnel. Or use up all of your Lip Tricks here, but be sure to Boneless into them for maximum effect. Collect S-K-A-T-E S: From the starting point, head straight down the roll-in and over the half pipe. The S is hanging in the air above the gap. K: After landing on the other side of the half pipe, continue to the wall opposite of the starting point and use the curved quarter pipe wall to pop up into a grind on the low bar. Grind it to the left, grabbing the K that rests on the rail. A: Hop off the bar and stay in this first room. Use the kicker ramps on the airplane here to ollie up and grab the K that hangs above the plane. T: Continue past the plane and use the quarter pipe to transition over the low wall that separates the Hangar in two. The T hangs high above, so you’ll have to get decent air to grab it. E: Head to the back wall of the chopper room. See the bar that connects the two sections of quarter pipe together? The E is above the bar. Grind the edge of the quarter heading toward the bar. In the middle of the rail, leap up to grab the E. Barrel Hunt 1. Drop in and vault over the half pipe and knock over the barrel on this side of the ramp. 2. Then head into the open end of the half pipe and topple the barrel sitting here. 3. The next barrel lies near the side of the airplane (on the side nearest the starting point). 4. From the third barrel, get up on the quarter lip nearby and grind into the chopper room. The next barrel is on the ground just on the other side of the low wall. 5. The final barrel is in front of the wooden quarter below where you grabbed the E. Collect 5 Pilot Wings 1. From the starting point, drop in and head to the right wall. Follow it toward the halfpipe, ollieing into a grind on the propeller that lies against the wall. Not only will this open the wind tunnel, but you’ll collect the Pilot Wing atop the prop. 2. Go back near the roll-in ramp. The second Wing floats high in the air roughly above the starting point. Hit one of the quarter pipes on either side at an angle to launch over the roll-in gap and snag the Wing. 3. The third Wing is above the ridge that sits directly behind the plane in this side of the Hangar. Use this ridge to pop up into the Wing. 4. The fourth Wing is the same as getting the T, except on the other side of the room. Head toward the wall opposite the starting point (the one with the two rails on it) and use the curved quarter wall to tranisition into the chopper half of the room, grabbing the Wing in the process. 5. The fifth wing is atop the large wooden box ramp that sits against the dividing wall. Launch off the wood to grab it. Nosegrind Over the Pipe As easy a challenge as you’re likely to encounter in this game. Skate straight forward from the starting roll-in and line up with one of the curved rails that hoops over the half pipe. Use a nosegrind (UP + A) to get the special gap and earn the objective. Hit 3 Hangtime Gaps 1. The first hangtime gap is the easiest. As you come down the roll-in, crouch and prepare to jump. As you near the top of the halfpipe, Boneless to sail across the gap. Successfully land on the opposite side to score the first Hangtime. 2. The second gap is to sky over the airplane. Use the wooden ramp and Boneless over the plane, landing in line with the opposite ramp to score the gap. 3. You’ll need more Air, Hangtime, and a better Ollie for this one. Head to the Chopper room and use the wooden ramps on either side of the helicopter to air over it. Land on the opposite wooden ramp to complete the gap and earn the third Hangtime. Find the Secret Tape To get the Secret Tape in the Hangar, you’ll need to open the secret area. This is accomplished by grinding the propeller at the closed end of the half pipe. The actual secret area is in the chopper room. Transition over the low wall that separates the Hangar and head to the back of the room. Near a small wooden quarter wedged between the metal quarter perimeter, you’ll see a blue arrow. Jump atop the wooden quarter here and jump toward the arrow to get into the secret wind tunnel. Once inside, gain some speed in this massive half pipe. To get the secret tape, you’ll have to transition over the entrance, and to do this, you’ll need a lot of air. 100% Goals and Cash 50 Bucks 1. There is a Fifty hanging near the propeller on the closed end of the half pipe. Ollie over the pipe to grab it. You’ll likely get this as you grind the propeller to open the secret room. 2. You’ll get a Fifty when transitioning from one side of the Hangar to the other while attempting to snag the Wing that hangs over the low wall. 3. One Fifty hangs at the end of the ridge that lies behind the plane. Pop over the ridge into it. 4. Grind the rail that connects the two wooden kickers near the chopper to get another Fifty. 5. Boneless off of the wooden kicker near the chopper into a Fifty that floats over the whirlybird. 100 Bucks 1. In the corner of the chopper room (near the secret wind tunnel) is a 100 hanging high in the air. Gain speed in the room, then hit the corner quarter pipe to sail up into the bill. 2. This one requires a good deal of air, so you’ll likely have to buy some Ollie and Hangtime skill to get it. The hunny is perched atop the high rail in the chopper half of the Hangar. Go back and forth, using the quarter walls to gain speed. Then head to the left wall and Boneless off the quarter here, landing in a grind (going left) on the high rail. The Hundred is yours! School II: Southern Cali ($1000 Needed to Unlock) Scoring Lines While there are a lot of decent places to pick up points on this level, there are none better than the little area just to the right of the starting point. Here, you’ll find a quarter pipe against the wall and another against the arch. These two ramps form a sort of halfpipe where you can get a ton of points (well over the 100,000 required for the highest challenge). Rip Boneless to spinning air tricks on the wall side and Boneless to lip tricks on the arch side. Each time you do a lip trick on this extension, you’ll get the gap bonus (meaning another multiplier as well), so it is worth your while to exhaust all of your lip maneuvers here. Another great place to session the airs and lip tricks is the secret pool area. To unlock it, head to the far right corner of the map. Here you’ll see a pair of portable buildings. Use the wooden ramps on either side to get on top, then grind the rail on the roof to prompt the message TC Sez, opening stage itself. To link series of grinds, use manuals as you travel to the next edge. If you can, finish each trick string by manualling into an air off of the wooden quarter ramp at the end of the stage. Collect S-K-A-T-E S: Skate down the ramp directly to the left of the starting point. Grind the railing here, and ollie midway down to collect the S that floats above the bar. K: Once you get to the bottom of the ramp, get up on the center stage. Sky off of the quarter pipe at the end of the stage to score the K. A: After you’ve collected the K, skate to the opposite end of the stage and out of the area. On the opposite side of the big building in the next area is a ledge with the A on it. Grind the edge and pop into the letter. T: Keep going past buildings until you reach the bottom of the ramp. Here you’ll find the T hanging above a wooden quarter. E: After you’ve collected the T, move to the right to find a small classroom building. Ollie on to a grind on the handrail, then jump up at the end to grab the E. Wallride 5 Bells 1. Wedged between the arch and the rail in front of the Leap of Faith is a small stretch of wall with a bell on it. The best way to get the bell is to follow the handrail toward this wall, then take a sharp left and ollie into a Wallride over the bell. 2. Now go down the long set of stairs to the area below, following the school wall right (at the top of the screen) until you reach the sloped entrance to the gym (the blue door). Just past this is the second bell. Boneless into a Wallride to rock it. 3. Move slightly down and two the right. Here you’ll see a pair of portable buildings sitting close together. On the visible face of the building with the rail atop it is the third bell. Ollie into a wallride. 4. Keep moving right into the far corner of the map. Here, you’ll find a curved slab of concrete near a back entrance to the school. At the end of this is a bell. Get on top of the low ledge and as you reach the edge, angle into a Boneless, Wallriding through the bell. 5. Once you get the fourth Bell, go left past the portable buildings, past the picnic tables and follow the buildings at the bottom of the screen. When this long building comes to an end, duck left to find the fifth Bell on the side of the building with the ramp (where you first found the A). Collect 5 Hall Passes 1. Straight ahead of the starting point, skate forward and grind the long, central staircase rail to grab the first Hall Pass. 2. At the bottom of the stairs, you’ll see a picnic table propped up. Grind the table top, then ollie into the Pass that hangs in the air just off the end of the table. 3. The third Pass is near the gym door. Grind the left handrail leading up the incline. As you near the end of the bar, ollie up into the Pass. 4. There are a pair of wooden ramps back near Bendy’s curve. The fourth Pass floats between them. Launch off of one ramp, then transfer to the other, grabbing the Pass in the process. 5. The fifth Pass is above the low concrete ledge in the corner of Bendy’s Curve. Get on top of the platform and Boneless into it. Kickip TC’s Roof Gap The TC’s Roof Gap is the space between the two portable schools near Bendy’s curve in the far upper right corner of the map. Use the wooden kicker ramps to Boneless up to the roof, then kickflip (L + LEFT) to grab the gap and the subsequent loot. Grind 3 Roll Call Rails 1. The first roll call rail is the long, kinked handrail that runs the length of the huge staircase straight ahead of the starting point (the one furthest to the right from your perspective). Make sure your Rail Balance skills are up to par. This is a long rail and you’ll have to land the grind in order to collect the gap bonus. 2. The second roll call rail is atop TC’s roof. Use the same technique to get on top of the building (use the kicker to Boneless up), then grind the rail on the second rooftop. Not only will this fulfill your roll call obligation, but grinding this rail will open the gymnasium door (the blue door on the sloped ramp on the north building). Once this is open, you can get inside and session the pool, which is great for bonus air and lip tricks. 3. The third roll call rail is the short kinked handrail on the stairset near Bendy’s Curve. Use the small wooden ramp near the stairs to Boneless up to the rail, the grind it to the ground to finish the objective. Find the Secret Tape To get the secret tape, you’ll have to master the art of roof jumping. Head to the stage area (down the ramp to the left of the starting point). The central stage is a long platform with swollen ends. On one side is a wooden quarter pipe and on the other is a bunch of boards leaning on a planter. Gain speed by tricking on the quarter pipe, then head down to the opposite end of the stage. Line up with the slanted boards here and use a Boneless off of them to launch yourself up to the roof. Once on top, stay to the left and prepare to jump again. Boneless off of the slanted fan/ramp to traverse the large gap to the next roof. Atop this roof, head to the right slightly, following the long, jutting section of the roof. At the end of this narrow segment is the Secret Tape. Ollie up into it and land in a grind in the concrete wall here. 100% Goals and Cash Fifty Bucks 1. One fifty is floating high above the arch just to the right of the starting point. 2. Find another fifty hanging above the side rail on the stage platform. Grind the rail into the bucks. 3. On your way to get the secret tape, instead of going off the fan ramp, take a sharp right and jump off the corner of the building here into the Fifty that’s floating up here. 4. There is another fifty hanging between a pair of ramps just past the fence just below the starting point. The easiest way to get to this area is to go down the long ramp straight ahead. Then, turn around and go back up, but grind the left rail. Ollie off of it on to the roof beyond the fence, then use the kickers to pop into the cash. Hundred Bucks 1. In the secret pool area, there is a Hundred hanging up high on the side of the pool. 2. Also in the secret pool area. You’ll need a lot of speed going to get the Hundred above the top high dive. Boneless into an air, then do a lip trick atop the top platform to grab the dollars. 3. This hard-to-get Hundred lies high atop a ledge. To get it, head right from the starting point to the rail that runs in front of the Leap of Faith on the opposite side of the arch. Boneless over this rail to the narrow ledge that runs along the building. Follow this ledge to a ramp. Boneless off of it to the next ledge, then follow this one around the corner. Boneless once more off of the next ramp to grab the Hundred hanging in the air between ledges. Marseilles: France ($3000 Needed to Unlock) Scoring Lines Since this is a competition level, it’s all about the scoring. Luckily, there’s a metric ton of great lines in the level just begging to be exploited. To cheese off a bunch of easy points, do a series of lip tricks on the dumpster near the crossbar at the entrance to the bowls. Once in the bowls, use all the vert that they provide to cycle through all of your grab tricks. Make sure to Boneless into them and fully rotate. If you can land three or four 720 tricks in the bowls, you’ll be well on your way to a gold medal. Just below the starting point, you will also find a couple long, wide quarter pipe channels. These are also perfect for aerial assault. The rails near the bowls make for a lot of great grinding action as well. Get up on a rail, then hop to the lip of the bowl, then ollie to a manual and go to the next rail. Or ollie to a manual inside the bowl and carry it up the side of the bowl into a grab or kickflip trick to end the points run. There is another great street area down and to the left (from your perspective, not the skater’s) of the starting point. Filled with lips, rails and even a staircase, manuals and grinds can be linked together here for serious points. Use the fun box here to leap in the air and perform a grab or kickflip to end the run. Getting the Cash Fifty Bucks 1. There’s one Fifty hanging between the rails on the wooden funbox just behind your starting point. 2. There is another one at the end of the long, narrow wall that separates to the right of the starting point. 3. You’ll find a Fifty at the end of the curved rail around the rightmost bowl. 4. You’ll get another Fifty at the bottom of the stairs in the street part of the course, just below and left of the starting point. 5. There’s a Fifty flapping in the breeze just below the starting point, in the middle of a curved rail next to the dumpster. Grind the rail and midway down it, ollie into the buckage. Hundred Bucks 1. There’s a Hundred bucks atop the plywood building up and to the right of the starting point. Use the angled on the near side of the building wall to Boneless into a Wallride. Grind the edge of the wall when you get up top all the way to the dough. 2, 3. There is a Hundred at each end of the crossbar (the one that’s festooned with pennants) leading into the bowls. The easiest way to get either is to use the inside edges of the quarter wall here just below the bar to launch up into the money. Who knows? You may just get an Over the Crossbar gap in the process. Warehouse: Troy, NY (1 Medal Needed to Unlock) Scoring Lines This is another one of those levels that is a great mix of vert and street. The entire back wall of the level is a quarter pipe bank, meaning lots of air and lip possibilties. Of course, we all remember the finger that juts out of that wall. This is good for transfering over or manualling across to stretch out the run. If you played the original Tony Hawk on PSX, there is a line you’ll immediately be wanting to exploit. It’s a bit harder to do for persepctive reasons, but here goes. From the starting point, take a sharp and, then head down the roll-in ramp here. Crouch as you approach the halfpipe and stick to the far right side. As you reach the pipe, Boneless over the top and land in a grind on the high rail (this is the toughest part of the run). Grind this to the quarter pipe lip, then continue to slide around the quarter until you reach the protruding finger. String a series of kickflips in between the grinds to pump up the multipliers. Keep an eye on your balance meter as this is the point when things easily fall apart. If you can, keep grinding all the way to the wall, then leap down and manual. If you can complete this whole string, you are a god. Plus, you will likely have enough points to beat all of the points challenges. Otherwise, you can rack up a pretty serious score just by sessioning the quarter wall. 720 all of your grab tricks, and be sure to No Comply or Boneless into each one to pump up the points. If you can land each one Perfect, you can get 13,000 points per trick easily. That adds up pretty quickly. Collect S-K-A-T-E T: Drop in on the roll-in and hit the left side of the halfpipe, transitioning over and grabbing the floating T. A: Use the small wooden ramps against the taxi to Boneless into the A. K: On the back wall near the double rail (same side of the room as the taxi), is the K. Air into it using the quarter pipe bank. S: Head to the bottom left corner of the warehouse. Near the oil slick here are a pair of ramps. Line up a jump between them, then Boneless over to grab the S. E: Head midway up the starting roll-in ramp. As you’re even with the platform to the left, jump off on to the raised level. Use the quarter wall here to leap into the E. Destroy 5 Crates 1. Turn around and head slightly right from the starting position to break the first of five crates. 2. Skate down the roll-in ramp and past the halfpipe. Turn right at the taxi and break the crate near the conrete apron. 3. On the back wall is a large, protruding finger that extends from the quarter pipe bank. Grind the edge of this, then leap off and knock over the crate that sits at the end of the finger. 4. Skate through the crate in the oil slick in the back left corner of the warehouse. 5. The last crate lies atop the small platform to the left of the roll-in. Follow the roll-in up, then leap off to the left and nail the final crate. Collect 5 Spray Cans 1. The first Can is directly behind you from the starting point. Turn around and air off of the quarter pipe here to grab it. 2. Now go down the right of two roll-ins. Just to the right of this is a quarter pipe, tucked in the corner. Air off of it into the second Can. 3. Head back toward the half pipe and Boneless over the right side, landing in a grind on the high rail here. Grind the rail, then pop up to grab the Can. If you miss it this way, go slightly beyond the rail and use the wooden quarter and grind the lip right, then leap up into the Can. 4. Just past this high rail to the left is the beginning of the wooden quarter pipe bank. In the corner here, high above the ramp is another Can. Use the quarter to launch into it. 5. There is a quarter pipe stashed in the near corner on the far left wall of the level. From the oil slick, head down, keeping the wall to your left (from your perspective). Air off the quater to get the Spray Can. 5-0 the Big Rail This is another fairly easy challenge. Locate the long rail in the center of the level. Ollie up to a 5-0 grind (DOWN + A) and grind the length of the rail (until you see the Big Rail gap) and you’ll get the bonus. Hit 3 Old Skool Gaps 1. The first Old Skool Gap is near the starting point. Skate down the roll-in at the beginning of the level. There are quarter pipes on either side of the path. Go to the right one and trick off of it to get up some speed. Then, aim your board up the quarter at an angle and sky over the roll-in, landing on the opposite quarter. If you land successfully, you’ll get the Channel Gap. 2. To get the Kicker Gap, head to the far left corner of the arena, near the oil slick. There are two small, wooden ramps here. Ollie from one to the other to score the gap. This one is hard to line up, so it might take you a couple tries. Just remember that you need to take off and land in line with an invisible area that extends from the two outer edges of each ramp. 3. The last gap is an oldie but a goodie. See that finger that juts out of the quarter pipe bank at the back of the level. You simply need to jump over it and land on the other side. To do this, gain some speed on the quarter wall near the kicker ramps, then head straight toward the broad side of the protruding finger. As you near the lip, press and hold UP to sail clear over the top and collect the Old Skool Transfer. Find the Secret Tape To get the secret tape, you’ll need a good deal of speed. Head to the back of the warehouse, to the right of the finger.Get some speed up by tricking off of the quarter here, then head up this ramp and Boneless, angled slightly left. When you are even with the top rail, grind it to the left. As you near the end of the rail, ollie and land in a grind on the next rail to score the tape. 100% Goals and Cash Fifty Bucks 1. In the far left corner of the warehouse, near the oil slick and in, a Fifty hangs above the quarter bank. 2. Transition over the halfpipe on the right side to grab the Fifty near the rail on the concrete apron. 3. As you transition from one quarter to the other when getting the Channel Gap, you’ll grab a Fifty. 4. There’s another Fifty hanging in the air midway down the Big Rail. Grind the rail and ollie up into the loot. 5. Another Fifty is near the wall above the oil slick. To get it, head at an angle towards the wall while approching the slick. Boneless into a Wallride. As you near the money, Wallie to grab the cash. Hundred Bucks 1. Air over the right side of the half pipe to score the hundred that floats high in the air near the brick wall. 2. There is a Hundred hanging just over the right roll-in. To get it, use the quarters on either side to air into a transition over the roll-in, scoring the bill. 3. Another Hundred is high atop the double-stacked rail toward the back of level on the right side of the finger. Get some speed up, then Boneless into a grind, moving right to score the dough. NY City ($20000 Needed to Unlock) Scoring Lines The city is a grinder’s paradise, with long, complex lines weaving throughout the streets. Keep in mind that almost every curb here is shreddable. The best line is right at the beginning of the level. Skate at an angle towards the wall, Bonelessing into a Wallride, then grind the wall. Kickflip over the Park Entrance gap, then continue grinding all the way down. As the wall begins to curve, leap off into a grind and head toward the wall straight ahead. There are a pair of wooden kickers here. Hold the manual as you approach the right one, then Boneless into a Wallride, coming down on the other ramp. Land in a manual if you want or just rest on your laurels (and 50,000 points). You’ll need them, too in order to get the 250,000 needed to get the top points score. Another quality place to rack up points is in the park area with the blue cow. Use the massive brick quarter wall here to launch up into air and lip combos. Every time you do, you’ll score a Pouncer Was Here! gap, so you can rip off 20,000-30,000 points per trick. Not shabby. Other places in the course have fun little trick strings, like the benches and fences to the left of the park, but the park area is where you’ll earn your bread, plain and simple. Collect S-K-A-T-E S: The S is on the wall just to the left of the starting point. Boneless to a grind to grab it. K: Head down into the park and air off of the massive brick quarter to get the K. A: Take the path under the bridge up to a park bench with the A floating over it. Grind the top of the bench to gain the letter. T: Now follow the fence along the water up to the bend, then turn right and follow the path lined with benches. Near the top of this path is the T, floating over the fence to the right. Grind the fence to get the letter. E: At the top of the park, cross the street to find a pair of concrete quarter ramps. Air from one to the other, collecting the E in the gap to fulfill the objective. Ollie the Hydrants 1. Follow the long wall that borders the park just to the left of the starting point. Near where the wall bends is a hydrant. Line up a jump and ollie over it, trying to land on the hydrant itself. This will break it and cause water to shoot into the air. One down. 2. From the first hydrant, move forward until you get close to the wall ahead. Cross the street, then make a sharp left on the sidewalk when you see the two kicker ramps. The second hydrant lies just to the left of here. Ollie it to make the spray. 3. Now turn around and head all the way to the right. Near the closed off street here is the final hydrant. Ollie it to earn the objective. Collect 5 Subway Tokens 1. Straight ahead from the starting point, you’ll see a pair of kicker ramps in the street. Boneless from one to the other to collect the first Token. 2. Head along the rail to the right until you see a path leading down to the area below. Grind the middle of three rails here to get the second Token. 3. Return to the street and follow the wall that borders the park. At the second opening, duck in left and follow the path to the bridge. Grind the right side of the bridge, then ollie up into the Token that floats lazily above. 4. When you land, turn right and follow the path up to the street. Go to the wall and head right, looking for a pair of kickers with a Token floating between them. Boneless from one to the other to collect the coin. 5. Now go left on the street. See the sheet of plywood balanced on the top wall of the park? Use this to launch up into the final Token, which dangles precariously above the park. 50-50 Joey’s Sculpture To the right of the starting point, you’ll see a handrail bordering an edge that overlooks a deep area below. Midway down this rail, you’ll see a triangular modern art sculpture. Back up and take a run at it, ollieing over the rail and attempting to land in a 50-50 grind (A) as you come down. It will likely take a few tries, but luckily it’s near the beginning, so you can use the old pause/retry maneuver. Wrangle the Blue Cow 1. Head down to the bottom of the park area. Using the small platform under the Blue Cow’s feet, Boneless over the steer from left to right (or vice versa), clearing the cow to earn the Moo Cow gap. 2. Use the other side of the platform (front to back) and leap the steer to get the Blue Cow gap. 3. The third thing you have to do is grind the Cow’s spine. The easiest way to do this is to begin under the bridge and head just right of the point of the platform. Hit the platform just to the right of the point and ollie (don’t Boneless, you’ll go too high) up to a grind on the moo cow’s spine. This will take a couple of tries, but once you do it, you’ll have wrangled the cow. Find the Secret Tape I’m not going to lie to you. Getting the secret tape is the toughest challenge in the game. From the starting point, head straight forward, keeping the park wall to your left. Move forward until you cross the 3. There’s a Hundred on the top of the electric sign you grind to get to the Secret Tape. Skatestreet ($35,000 Needed to Unlock) Scoring Lines The roll-in you start on is wedged between the half pipe and the pool, two excellent locales for scoring. From the roll-in, leap to a grind on the hoop that connects one side of the half pipe with the other. Grind around the horn, then leap to a manual, holding it up the other face of the quarter and tricking at the end. A nice lip trick will really rack up the points in this case. Go back and forth in the pipe, using Boneless to grab tricks (720 rotation of course) with Perfect landings to carve up a pretty nice score. 100,000 points per run will usually be enough to win. The same tricks work in the pool. If you want to get cute, get up a bunch of speed, then transfer from the half pipe to the pool by pressing up at the lip to hop the gap. Another great place for air is in the vert gulch in the lower right corner of the map. Here, you’ll be able to get a natural 900 if you work at it. As far as street stuff goes, the funboxes and bars just at the base of the roll-in provide quite a few edges to rip. It’s tougher to get points this way, but more stylish. Use the funbox rail to gain speed, then hop to a manual and session the steps. See if you can hold a manual until you get to the shallow quarter channel to the lower left, then grind this long, low area. When you’re about to lose your grind, hop to a manual and use it to launch off the small lips here into a grab trick. This line can be beaten like a rented mule until you are well over the 100,00 threshhold. Getting the Cash Fifty Bucks 1. Go straight down the roll-in and take a sharp turn left at the bottom. Ollie on to a grind on the rail that runs along the funbox to collect the money. 2. Another Fifty floats above the narrow vert channel in the lower portion of the level. Use the small quarter lip to launch into it. 3. Near the large, slab-like stairs ahead of the starting point, you’ll find a Fifty at knee level on a plywood incline. 4. There’s a Fifty hanging above the right end of the pool. 5. Boneless over the octagonal fun box up and to the right of the starting point to get another Fifty. Hundred Bucks 1. Just to the right of the large wave wall (near the back of the level), you find a Hundred hanging above a shallow, curved plywood quarter pipe. Use the QP to get the money. 2. There is a huge “vert gulch” in the lower right corner of the level. Just left of this is a quarter pipe leaned against the near wall. Air off of it and transfer to the next quarter over to earn the C-note. 3. Behind the half pipe is an area with a couple of soda machines. At the end of this cul de sac is a high Hundred. Use the small quarter to launch up and drift over to it, landing in the half pipe. Secrets Unlock Spider-Man To unlock Spider-Man as a playable character, enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, START. submitted by lukeybaby46 All Levels Unlocked and Maximum Money To unlock all of the levels in the game and max out your money, enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press B, A, LEFT, DOWN, B, LEFT, UP, B, UP, LEFT, LEFT. submitted by lukeybaby46 Happy Face Blood To unlock Happy Blood, enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press START, A, DOWN, B, A, LEFT, LEFT, A, DOWN. Now, each time your rider bails hard, a bunch of happy faces will emerge from the wound. Now it doesn’t feel so bad... submitted by mr_bball23 Set Time to Zero To set the time to zero, enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press LEFT, UP, START, UP, RIGHT. submitted by mr_bball23 Turn Off the Blood! To clean up the game and turn off the red, red krovvy, enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press B, LEFT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, START, START. submitted by lukeybaby46 Unlock All Levels To unlock all of the levels in the game, enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press A, START, A, RIGHT, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN. submitted by mr_bball23 Unlock Cheats To unlock all of the Cheats in the Cheat menu (in the Options screen), enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press B, A, DOWN, A, START, START, B, A, RIGHT, B, RIGHT, A, UP, LEFT. The following cheats will now be available: Perfect Balance, Always Special, Stud Mode, Sim Mode, Moon Physics, and Always Zoom. submitted by mr_bball23 Unlock Disco Zoom To unlock the crazy disco zoom feature (which makes your game look like an episode of Laugh-In), enter the following button presses at the main menu or while paused during gameplay. Press and hold R, then press LEFT, A, START, A, RIGHT, START, RIGHT, UP, START. submitted by mr_bball23