Neighbourhood Snapshot [PDF - 983 KB]
Neighbourhood Snapshot [PDF - 983 KB]
City Councillor Liaison neighbourhood snapshot Jeremy Loveday Victoria West Neighbourhood Coordinator The Victoria West neighbourhood is approximately 158 hectares (390 acres). Located in the west portion of the City, it is accessible from the rest of Victoria by two bridges and the Selkirk Trestle (Galloping Goose Trail). In 2011, the population was approximately 6,805 people, about 9% of Victoria’s total population. Victoria West is a peninsula with water on three sides and borders Esquimalt at Dominion Road. Victoria West is a diverse and rapidly growing area. It has a relatively new village centre, industrial land, several large scale, high density developments (e.g., Bayside, Dockside Green, Railyards, Roundhouse), older single family residential areas, numerous institutional sites, and heritage sites. Victoria West has the largest household size (3.7 persons per household) in the City. Victoria West is one of the eight neighbourhoods with a community centre. Local area planner Population Land Use Chair: Doran Musgrove [email protected] 2011 2006 2001 1991 6,805 5,985 5,575 4,975 1,830 new residents (27% growth) in 20 years 6,805 % of population Total Population Children (<15) 685 10% Youth (15 – 24) 655 10% Adult (25 – 64) 4,305 63% Seniors (65+) 1,135 17% Median age 40.3 % pop 15+ 90% Kimberley Stratford Neighbourhood Support Staff Leanne Taylor Building InspectorAmy Skovill Ray Berkely Electrical Inspector Philip Corby Plumbing Inspector Roy Kellington Neighbourhood Contacts Victoria West Community Centre Facility Coordinator: Johanne Thompson [email protected] Neighbourhood Association President: Nan Judd [email protected] Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m. at the Victoria West Community Centre Newsletter: JULY 2016 1 CENTENNIAL SQUARE, VICTORIA, BC V8W 1P6 | VICTORIA WEST • NEIGHBOURHOOD PROFILE PAGE 2 Economy Private Household Breakdown Total number of private households 3,675 Total number of persons in private households 6,760 Average number of persons in private households 3.7 Single-detached or semi-detached houses 15% Multiple family dwellings 85% People per hectare 43 49% own; 51% rent Tenure Parks The parkland in Victoria West is significant. Much of it has come about through dedications from recent land developments (e.g., Railyards). Much of the south shoreline has parks, with waterfront walkways, i.e., Songhees Walkway. The east shore has the Galloping Goose and Point Ellice Park. Regatta Point Park in the Railyards Development and (Banfield and Victoria West) Banfield Park contains areas for active recreation, passive experiences and nature conservation. Total parkspace 22.4 hectares. Alston Green Arm St Park Arthur Currie Green Banfield Park Barnard Park Burleith Park Catherine Green Dundas Green Galloping Goose Regional Park Hereward Green Johnson St Bridge West Green Lime Bay Park Mariners Walkway Mary St Park Point Ellice Park Rainbow Park Raynor Park Regatta Point Park Saghalie Park Selkirk Trestle Sitkum Park Songhees Park South Selkirk Trestle Tenas Park Triangle Park Victoria West Elementary School Victoria West Park Vista Park West Bay Walkway West Song Walkway 190 Bay St 1455 Arm St 521 Craigflower Rd 300 Barnard Ave 1414 Burleith Ave Bay and Catherine St regional trail 514 Hereward Johnson St Cooperage Pl Cooperage Pl Mary St @ Lime Bay 383 Harbour Rd 201 Robert St 530 Raynor St Tyee Rd 130 Esquimalt Rd Kimta Rd Songhees Rd Tyee and Esquimalt Rd 150 Wilson St 155 Wilson St 40 Saghalie Rd Catherine to Dominion Cooperage to Paul Kane • Village centre – Westside Village • Number of business licences: 459 Biking • Victoria West has 7.8 km of bike lanes, paths and signed routes. Schools • Victoria West Elementary (SD61) Food gardens and orchards, farmers market • Vic West Community Association has an active Food Security Collective. • Three community gardens: Rayn or Shine Garden, Banfield Commons and Victoria West Community Tea Garden • Three community orchards – Evans Orchard, Hereward Park Community Orchard and Banfield Park Community Orchard • There is no farmers market in this neighbourhood Shelters and meals • There are no shelters in Victoria West. • Community potluck dinners happen 4 to 5 times per year at the Victoria West Community Centre as well as an annual corn roast in September. City owned properties 1455 Arm St 1465 Arm St 1135 Arthur Currie Lane 300 Barnard Ave 190 Bay St 645 Bay St 85 Bay St 1414 Burleith Cres 260 Catherine St 270 Catherine St 280 Catherine St 290 Catherine St 10 Cooperage Pl 521 Craigflower Rd 100 E&N Rail Line 11 Esquimalt Rd 130 Esquimalt Rd 705 Front St 387 Harbour Rd 904 Hereward Rd 908 Hereward Rd 912 Hereward Rd 200 Kimta Rd 250 Milne St 390 Milne St 400 Milne St 530 Raynor Ave 1 Regatta Landing 201 Robert St 202 Robert St 40 Saghalie Rd 700 Sea Terr 710 Sea Terr 716 Sea Terr 510 Selkirk Ave 512 Selkirk Ave 570 Selkirk Ave 720 Sherk St 730 Sherk St 740 Sherk St 47 Songhees Rd 49 Songhees Rd 53 Songhees Rd 56 Songhees Rd 61 Songhees Rd 801 Tyee Rd 869 Tyee Rd 419 William St 710 William St 150 Wilson St 155 Wilson St