Procedure: VMBC Section: Membership Title: Membership Policy


Procedure: VMBC Section: Membership Title: Membership Policy
 Procedure: Section: Title: Date(s) of review: Approval Date: VMBC Membership Membership Policy – Membership Categories & Structure October 21, 2013 December 16, 2013 – ND for VMBC Board Table of Contents Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Agency Membership ........................................................................................................................ 3 Sector Membership ......................................................................................................................... 4 Associate Membership .................................................................................................................... 6 Employer Membership, Corporate Partnerships and/or Sponsorships .......................................... 7 Individual Membership ................................................................................................................... 9 Volunteer Membership (Clients) ................................................................................................... 10 Government Partnerships ............................................................................................................. 11 Education Partnerships ................................................................................................................. 12 Membership Cancellation Policy ................................................................................................... 13 Appendices: Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA) & Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) ............................ 14 2014 Membership Application Forms ..................................................................................... 15 (Agency/Sector/Associate/Individual) Employee Volunteer Program ................................................................................................. 16 Page | 2 Summary Membership in Volunteer MBC provides the opportunity for agencies, organizations, companies and individuals to gain access to specific benefits that the volunteer centre has to offer based on their membership level. Membership is offered on an annual basis (January to December), and is fee‐based with automatic renewals occurring at the beginning of each fiscal year (January). Prospective members complete a membership application form which provides an outline of the value of membership in Volunteer MBC; as well they would sign a membership agreement in order to be considered for membership. Application forms are reviewed in detail to ensure accurate information has been provided, to ensure authenticity of the organization’s intention to join the volunteer centre, and to confirm that the appropriate membership category has been applied for. The membership categories for Volunteer MBC are as follows:  Agency Membership – not‐for‐profit/charitable community service organizations;  Sector Membership – for‐profit organizations who provide community services;  Associate Membership – for short‐term volunteer opportunity postings supporting not‐for‐
profit/charitable community service organizations;  Employer Membership – companies who deliver products/services, typically on a for‐profit basis, and who fully support employee (individual or team) volunteerism;  Individual Membership – individuals with a personal interest in the voluntary sector;  Volunteer Membership (Clients) – registered individuals who have either created a volunteer referral through Volunteer MBC’s on‐line database or who have completed a volunteer application form. In addition, strategic partnerships are available as follows:  Government Partnerships – local MP/MPPs, Regional/Area/City Councillors, Office of the Mayor, etc.  Education Partnerships – educational providers  Corporate Partnerships and/or Sponsorships – for‐profit companies who wish to support the volunteer centre and/or the voluntary sector The specific details and list of benefits for each of the membership categories and partnerships are provided on the following pages. Page | 3 Agency Membership Volunteer MBC launched their agency membership in early 2009 and includes community service agencies/organizations that operate on a not‐for‐profit or charitable basis and who provide programs and/or services in the Region of Peel. One of the key benefits of agency membership is the opportunity to receive support and referrals for volunteer engagement at their organization. Prior to activation of agency membership, organizations must agree to follow the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA) and use of their contact details, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). See Appendix on page 13 for more details. The benefits of agency membership include:  Opportunity to submit volunteer positions to the centre’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database (CIOC);  Profile opportunities through various marketing and promotional approaches;  Opportunity to submit events, galas and fundraisers for posting on events page of Volunteer MBC’s website;  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Networking opportunities through the centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Access to professional development programs, workshops and webinars at discounted rates;  Consultation and assistance for their clients in helping them to find meaningful volunteer opportunities;  Opportunities to participate in Volunteer MBC hosted Volunteer Fairs, at no charge;  Support and professional consultation regarding volunteer recruitment and management;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an agency member;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Access to preferred member discounted product/service arrangements;  Opportunity to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Rates are payable annually and are determined by operating budgets. Members who join after July 1 pay 50% of the annual rate for the balance of the year. The 2014 agency membership fees, which have remained the same since 2009, are as follows:  $50.00 (operating budgets up to $100,000)  $100.00 (operating budgets between $100,000 to $399,000)  $150.00 (operating budgets between $400,000 to $999,000)  $200.00 (operating budgets over $1,000,000) Organizations that provide their programs/services through multiple locations, units or branches (more than 3) would be eligible for a group rate, which would range based on their specific requirements. Membership is automatically renewed each fiscal year, unless advised by the member no later than the end of the current fiscal year. Reminders are sent out in November each year. Renewal invoices are sent out in January. Page | 4 Sector Membership In order to accommodate for‐profit organizations who provide community programs and/or services in Peel Region, sector membership was launched in June 2011. It is absolutely necessary for our volunteer centre to monitor all volunteer opportunities that a sector member posts to ensure that they do not replace a paid salaried position. Prior to activation of sector membership, organizations must agree to follow the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA) and use of their contact details, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). See Appendix on page 13 for more details. The benefits of sector membership include:  Opportunity to submit volunteer positions to the centre’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database (CIOC);  Profile opportunities through various marketing and promotional approaches;  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Networking opportunities through the centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Access to professional development programs, workshops and webinars at discounted rates;  Consultation and assistance for their clients in helping them to find meaningful volunteer opportunities;  Opportunities to participate in Volunteer MBC hosted Volunteer Fairs, at no charge;  Support and professional consultation regarding volunteer recruitment and management;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as a sector member;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Opportunity to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Note that sector membership would not receive the following:  Access to preferred member discounted product/service arrangements;  Opportunity to submit events, galas and fundraisers for posting on events page of Volunteer MBC’s website. Sector membership would be available for organizations that have an invested interest in the voluntary sector, but operate on a for‐profit basis and would typically include long‐term care homes or seniors’ residences, although there may be others. Rates are payable annually and are determined by operating budgets. Members who join after July 1 pay 50% of the annual rate for the balance of the year. The 2014 sector membership fees, which have remained the same since 2012, are as follows:  $250.00 (operating budgets up to $499,000)  $500.00 (operating budgets over $500,000) Page | 5 Organizations that provide their programs/services through multiple locations, units or branches (more than 3) would be eligible for a group rate, which would range based on their specific requirements. Membership is automatically renewed each fiscal year, unless advised by the member no later than the end of the current fiscal year. Reminders are sent out in November each year. Renewal invoices are sent out in January. Page | 6 Associate Membership In order to accommodate community service agencies/organizations who request access only to Volunteer MBC’s on‐line volunteer opportunity database, associate membership was launched in January 2013. Associate membership is available to organizations that operate on a not‐for‐profit or charitable basis and who provide programs and/or services in the Region of Peel. Prior to activation of associate membership, organizations must agree to follow the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA) and use of their contact details, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). See Appendix on page 13 for more details. The benefits of associate membership include:  Opportunity to submit a maximum of three (3) volunteer positions in the centre’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database (CIOC) for one (1) fiscal year;  Profile opportunities through various marketing and promotional approaches;  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Opportunity to submit events, galas and fundraisers for ‘active’ volunteer roles in on‐line database on events page of Volunteer MBC’s website;  Networking opportunities through the centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Consultation and assistance for their clients in helping them to find meaningful volunteer opportunities;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an associate member;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Opportunity to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Note that associate membership would not receive the following:  Support and consultation to assist with volunteer recruitment and management (fee for service);  Opportunities to participate in Volunteer MBC hosted Volunteer Fairs, at no charge;  Access to professional development programs, workshops and webinars at discounted rates;  Access to preferred member discounted product/service arrangements. Rates are payable annually and cover the fiscal year from January through to December. The 2014 associate membership fee is as follows:  $25.00 (for a maximum of 3 volunteer postings, per fiscal year) Membership is per fiscal year. Email requests to confirm intent to continue membership for the following fiscal year are sent out in December. Invoices will then be sent out upon confirmation of continuation of membership. Page | 7 Employer Membership, Corporate Partnerships and/or Sponsorships In order to support local businesses in the development and implementation of their own creative employer supported volunteer programs, Volunteer MBC is connecting with employers in the Region of Peel through employer membership. Employer members include companies that have corporate offices/locations in the Region of Peel. Based on a structure that the Volunteer Centre of Guelph/Wellington launched in 2010, employers have access to participate in an annual Time to Give Challenge, which is an employer supported volunteer program for the employer, employee and the community. Program Goal:  To increase the quality and quantity of employer supported volunteer programs in our community.  We’re looking for people to lead by example and get involved by facilitating volunteerism (employer or employee driven) within their organization. The benefits of employer membership and participation in the Time to Give Challenge include:  Volunteer Recruitment and Referral: o Employees are matched with existing volunteer opportunities. o Employers receive regular summaries of new volunteer opportunities (e‐bulletin or link to our website) which appear in Volunteer MBC’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database. o Support and assistance for setting up team/group volunteer opportunities. o Support with internal employee volunteer recognition.  Training and Consultation: o Lunch & Learn session to employers and their employees about the Time to Give Challenge. o Access to marketing materials to promote the company’s support of volunteerism and to encourage employee involvement. o Opportunities to connect with community service organizations in order to learn more about their cause and the direct impact of volunteers. o Access to professional development programs, workshops (can be customized) and webinars at discounted member rates.  Promotion and Advocacy: o Opportunity to post events on the Volunteer MBC website, which are in support of a Volunteer MBC member organization. o Listing and recognition on Volunteer MBC website as an employer member who is taking the Time to Give Challenge. o Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding. o Community exposure through Volunteer MBC’s targeted e‐newsletters and media relations.  Additional Fee‐for Service Support: o Customized consultation and/or training (i.e. policy and procedure development) is available at a fee‐for‐service. Page | 8 Employer members would also be granted:  The opportunity to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Rates are payable annually and cover the fiscal year from January through to December. The 2014 employer membership fees are as follows:  $150.00 (up to 50 employees – small businesses)  $300.00 (between 51 to 250 employees – medium businesses)  $500.00 (between 250 to 1,000 employees – large businesses)  $750.00 (over 1,000 employees – corporate head offices) Membership is per fiscal year. Email requests to confirm intent to continue membership for the following fiscal year are sent out in December. Invoices will then be sent out upon confirmation of continuation of membership. Corporate partnerships and sponsorships are also available to support the centre’s programs, marketing and promotional approaches. Specific details can be customized based on each program’s requirements and the specific requirements of the corporation. It is important to clarify that the employer membership does not engage team or group volunteering, only individual volunteering. Inquires received by the centre for large‐scale voluntary involvement would be reviewed in detail in order to determine the potential of a partnership with the United Way of Peel Region. If the company is not a current donor of the United Way of Peel Region, Volunteer MBC would then offer one of the specific programs listed below for group/team volunteering:  Self‐Directed  Search‐Assisted  Event Managed More details can be found in the Employer Volunteer Program brochure, found on page 15 in the Appendix. Page | 9 Individual Membership For individuals who have a personal interest in the voluntary sector and who wish to support their local volunteer centre, Volunteer MBC launched an individual membership in 2012. The benefits of individual membership include:  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Networking opportunities through the centre with organizations and community partners;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an individual member (upon approval by the member);  Access to professional development programs, workshops and webinars, at discounted rates;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Individual membership is granted to individuals who are not currently engaged with an organization serving Peel Region (either through employment or volunteering) as it would then be a requirement of the organization to join as an agency, sector or associate member instead. Rates are payable annually and cover the fiscal year from January through to December. The 2014 individual membership fee, which has remained the same since 2012, is as follows:  $25.00 Membership is per fiscal year. Email requests to confirm intent to continue membership for the following fiscal year are sent out in December. Invoices will then be sent out upon confirmation of continuation of membership. Page | 10 Volunteer Membership (Clients) Volunteer membership is granted at no charge to individuals (clients) who register with Volunteer MBC through a volunteer registration form or for individuals who have submitted a referral through the Volunteer MBC volunteer opportunities database (CIOC). The benefits of the volunteer membership include:  Bi‐weekly e‐newsletter which provides a link to new volunteer opportunities appearing in Volunteer MBC’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database, tips and helpful resources for volunteering;  Access to create a profile in the volunteer opportunities database (CIOC) in order to save searches and create alerts for volunteer postings;  One‐on‐one consultation to be matched with volunteer opportunities;  Opportunities to connect with organizations who require volunteer placement;  Opportunity to be profiled in Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Spotlight. Volunteer members would not be granted a vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Note, however, that upon discretion of Volunteer MBC’s Executive Director, volunteers who assist directly at the centre would be granted the following:  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting;  Access to professional development programs, workshops and webinars, at discounted rates. Page | 11 Government Partnerships Volunteer MBC would greatly benefit from having the support of the local and regional government and would engage in government partnerships. Government partners would include, but not be limited to:  Members of Parliament ‐ Federal (MP);  Members of Parliament ‐ Provincial (MPP);  Office of the Mayor for the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the Town of Caledon;  Office of the Regional Chair for the Region of Peel;  Regional, City and Area Councillors. Support could include, but not be limited to:  Submission of regular‐featured articles for their public/Ward newsletter;  Link on their website to Volunteer MBC;  Support, endorsement and attendance (when possible) at events that the volunteer centre supports or is hosting. Taking into consideration the responses from the other volunteer centres, Volunteer MBC would be open to offering the following benefits to government partners:  Networking opportunities through the centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding. For members of the provincial and federal level, an exclusion statement would be provided clearly stating that Volunteer MBC is non‐partisan. Government partners would pay no membership fee, but a letter of partnership/memorandum of understanding may be required to outline the specifications of the partnership. All other municipal or regional departments, programs and offices that have a need for volunteer placement would be required to join Volunteer MBC as an Agency Member in order to access all of the benefits of membership (i.e. posting volunteer opportunities on‐line, discounts for workshops, etc.). Alternative options and/or arrangements can be explored in lieu of paid membership (i.e. complimentary space for workshops and/or meetings, marketing support, etc.), or as part of the centre’s funding agreement. Details of alternative arrangements would need to be documented in writing to be placed on file for audit purposes. Departments who do not have a need for volunteer placement would be granted the member discount for workshops only. Other member benefits would be determined on an ‘as requested’ basis and may be subject to a nominal fee. Exceptions include the Mayor’s Youth Councils as Volunteer MBC strives to develop strategic partnerships with each council (Mississauga, Brampton and Caledon) in order to collaborate on shared goals and initiatives for targeting youth in each of the three communities. Government partners would not be granted a vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Page | 12 Education Partnerships For providers of education that deliver their programs on either a not‐for‐profit or for‐profit basis (i.e. Sheridan College, UTM, Humber College, TriOS College, etc.), Volunteer MBC would offer an education partnership. Support could include, but would not be limited to:  Link on their website to Volunteer MBC;  Opportunity to access space on campus for Volunteer MBC events and workshops (pre‐determined number at no charge to Volunteer MBC);  Hosting volunteer/career fairs on campus (pre‐determined number per fiscal year). In turn, Volunteer MBC would offer the following benefits to educational partners:  Opportunity to submit events, galas and fundraisers for posting on events page of the Volunteer MBC website, which are in support of a Volunteer MBC member organization;  The delivery of a pre‐determined number of workshops/information sessions for students, staff and faculty (nominal fee‐for‐service may apply);  Networking opportunities through the centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an educational partner;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Guidance and support for volunteer referral/matching process;  Customized program development for core faculty departments (i.e. internationally trained, PSW, Volunteer Management, etc.) at a fee‐for‐service. There would be no membership fee, but a letter of partnership/memorandum of understanding is required so to outline the specifications of the partnership. Education partners would not be granted a vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. Page | 13 Membership Cancellation Policy [Please refer to the separate Membership Cancellation Policy.] Page | 14 Appendix: Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA) & Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) For Agency/Sector/Associate membership, the following membership agreement is required to be agreed to, prior to activation: “In applying for membership in Volunteer MBC, we verify that the information provided in this application is accurate and correct, and that as a not‐for‐profit or charitable agency / organization offering volunteer placement that we meet the eligibility and adhere to the principles and practices of the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement. We also understand that the information contained within this application will be added to the Volunteer MBC database in order to match and refer appropriate volunteers to opportunities that are available at my agency/organization, and approve the use of contact information for Volunteer MBC communications.” More information about the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA) can be accessed at:‐code‐volunteer‐involvement More information about the Personal Information Protection and Electronics Documents Act (PIPEDA) can be accessed at: Page | 15 Appendix: 2014 Membership Application Forms [Refer to separate Agency/Sector/Associate/Individual Application Forms attached.] Volunteer MBC 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Agency/Organization Membership Package Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Do you need help with the effective recruitment of volunteers? Are you looking for assistance in growing and improving your organization and raising its profile in the community? Would you like to be provided with opportunities to collaborate and network with other organizations within the Region of Peel? We can help! Volunteer MBC is the local volunteer centre that fosters and develops volunteerism in the Region of Peel, serving the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the Town of Caledon, by raising awareness of the power of service. Our mission is to promote and support volunteerism in an effort to connect all people to meaningful volunteer opportunities. Here’s a snap‐shot of what we do:  We offer a referral/matching service for volunteer placement within the community for all ages to include youth, seniors, newcomers and groups;  We serve the corporate community with various programming services that engage individual and team volunteering;  We provide education and support for volunteers and community service agencies and organizations through topic and issue related workshops, comprehensive and informative programs, and community outreach;  We strive to be a strong voice to support and promote volunteerism through advocacy, community outreach, public and media relations. Community service agencies/organizations that operate on a not‐for‐profit or charitable basis who require volunteer placement can have a direct connection to volunteers within the Region of Peel and gain access to a number of member benefits through Volunteer MBC’s Agency Membership. | | |‐mbc Page 2 Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Some of the many benefits of joining Volunteer MBC as an Agency Member include:  Opportunity to submit volunteer positions to our centre’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database (reviewed and approved prior to posting live);  Profile opportunities for your organization through various marketing and promotional approaches;  Opportunity to submit your events, galas and fundraisers for posting on events page of our website;  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Networking opportunities through our centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Access to professional development programs, workshops, forums and webinars at discounted rates;  Consultation and assistance for your clients in helping them to find meaningful volunteer opportunities;  Opportunities to participate in Volunteer MBC hosted Volunteer Fairs, at no charge;  Support and professional consultation regarding volunteer recruitment and management;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an Agency Member;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Access to preferred member discounted product/service arrangements;  Opportunities to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. For more information regarding membership in Volunteer MBC, please contact Sharon Clark‐Koufis, Marketing & Communications Manager, at 905.238.2622 ext. 221 or at [email protected]. | | |‐mbc Page 3 2014 Agency/Organization Membership Application Form Organization: Program Name: Name of Volunteer Manager/ Coordinator: Position/Title: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Other Phone: Email: Preferred method of communication: Email Website: Telephone By Mail | | |‐mbc Page 4 2014 Agency/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued Executive Director: Email: Phone: Does the Executive Director wish to receive Volunteer MBC communications: Yes No Board Chair: Email: Phone: Does the Board Chair wish to receive Volunteer MBC communications: Yes No Year Established: # of Staff: My organization serves (select all that apply): Mississauga Brampton Caledon If you are a registered non‐profit or charity, please provide your number below: | | |‐mbc Page 5 2014 Agency/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued
Please provide a brief description of your organization/program and impact on the community: (300 words maximum) Please indicate how many volunteers you currently have: How did you hear about Volunteer MBC? Community services Poster/Brochure Word of mouth Newspaper Radio/ TV Referred by someone Phone book Website Social media site Other: | | |‐mbc Page 6 2014 Agency/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued
2014 Annual Membership Rates Volunteer MBC membership is available to agencies and organizations that require volunteer placement and who operate on a not‐for‐profit or charitable basis. Rates are payable annually and are determined by operating budgets. Members who join after July 1 pay 50% of the annual rate for the balance of the year. For agencies/organizations with only one location, unit or branch, please select one of the following: $50.00 (operating budgets up to $100,000) $100.00 (operating budgets between $100,000 to $399,000) $150.00 (operating budgets between $400,000 to $999,000) $200.00 (operating budgets over $1,000,000) * Note: Organizations that provide their programs/services through multiple locations, units or branches (more than 3) would be eligible for a group rate, which would range based on your specific requirements. Contact us for more details. Membership Agreement In applying for membership in Volunteer MBC, we verify that the information provided in this application is accurate and correct, and that as a not‐for‐profit or charitable agency/organization offering volunteer placement that we meet the eligibility and adhere to the principles and practices of the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA). We also understand that the information contained within this application will be added to the Volunteer MBC database in order to match appropriate volunteers to opportunities that are available at my agency/organization; and also approve the use of contact information for Volunteer MBC communications, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). For more information regarding this Membership Agreement, please refer to Volunteer MBC’s Membership Policy which can be accessed at under the “Membership” section of the site. Signature: Date: | | |‐mbc Page 7 2014 Agency/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued
Please make your cheque payable to “Volunteer MBC” and mail or drop‐off a completed agency/organization membership application form with payment to: Volunteer MBC c/o Community Door Brampton 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 | F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Charitable Registration #84792‐0469‐RR0001 Volunteer MBC is proudly supported by: (as of January, 2014) | | |‐mbc Page 8 Volunteer MBC 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Sector/Organization Membership Package Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Do you need help with the effective recruitment of volunteers? Are you looking for assistance in growing and improving your organization and raising its profile in the community? Would you like to be provided with opportunities to collaborate and network with other organizations within the Region of Peel? We can help! Volunteer MBC is the local volunteer centre that fosters and develops volunteerism in the Region of Peel, serving the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the Town of Caledon, by raising awareness of the power of service. Our mission is to promote and support volunteerism in an effort to connect all people to meaningful volunteer opportunities. Here’s a snap‐shot of what we do:  We offer a referral/matching service for volunteer placement within the community for all ages to include youth, seniors, newcomers and groups;  We serve the corporate community with various programming services that engage individual and team volunteering;  We provide education and support for volunteers and community service agencies and organizations through topic and issue related workshops, comprehensive and informative programs, and community outreach;  We strive to be a strong voice to support and promote volunteerism through advocacy, community outreach, public and media relations. For‐profit organizations that provide community programs and/or services within the Region of Peel can gain access to a number of member benefits through Volunteer MBC’s Sector Membership. | | |‐mbc Page 2 Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Some of the many benefits of joining Volunteer MBC as an Sector Member include:  Opportunity to submit volunteer positions to our centre’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database (reviewed and approved prior to posting live);  Profile opportunities for your organization through various marketing and promotional approaches;  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Networking opportunities through our centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Access to professional development programs, workshops, forums and webinars at discounted rates;  Consultation and assistance for your clients in helping them to find meaningful volunteer opportunities;  Opportunities to participate in Volunteer MBC hosted Volunteer Fairs, at no charge;  Support and professional consultation regarding volunteer recruitment and management;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as a Sector Member;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Opportunities to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. For more information regarding membership in Volunteer MBC, please contact Sharon Clark‐Koufis, Marketing & Communications Manager, at 905.238.2622 ext. 221 or at [email protected]. | | |‐mbc Page 3 2014 Sector/Organization Membership Application Form Organization: Program Name: Operator/Owner: Name of Volunteer Manager/ Coordinator: Position/Title: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Other Phone: Email: Website: | | |‐mbc Page 4 2014 Sector/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued Preferred method of communication: Email Executive Director: Telephone By Mail Email: Phone: Does the Executive Director wish to receive Volunteer MBC communications: Yes No Board Chair/President: Email: Phone: Does the Board Chair/President wish to receive Volunteer MBC communications: Yes No Year Established: # of Staff: My organization serves (select all that apply): Mississauga Brampton Caledon | | |‐mbc Page 5 2014 Sector/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued
Please provide a brief description of your organization/program and impact on the community: (300 words maximum) Please indicate how many volunteers you currently have: How did you hear about Volunteer MBC? Community services Poster/Brochure Word of mouth Newspaper Radio/ TV Referred by someone Phone book Website Social media site Other: | | |‐mbc Page 6 2014 Sector/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued
2014 Annual Membership Rates Volunteer MBC membership is available to for‐profit organizations that provide community services and require volunteer placement (note: not paid staff replacement). Rates are payable annually and are determined by operating budgets. Members who join after July 1 pay 50% of the annual rate for the balance of the year. For community service organizations that operate on a for‐profit basis with only one location, unit or branch, please select one of the following: $250.00 (operating budgets up to $499,000) $500.00 (operating budgets over $500,000) * Note: Organizations that provide their programs/services through multiple locations, units or branches (more than 3) would be eligible for a group rate, which would range based on your specific requirements. Contact us for more details. Membership Agreement In applying for membership in Volunteer MBC, we verify that the information provided in this application is accurate and correct, and that as a for‐profit community service organization offering volunteer placement that we meet the eligibility and adhere to the principles and practices of the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA). We also understand that the information contained within this application will be added to the Volunteer MBC database in order to match appropriate volunteers to opportunities that are available at my organization; and also approve the use of contact information for Volunteer MBC communications, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). For more information regarding this Membership Agreement, please refer to Volunteer MBC’s Membership Policy which can be accessed at under the “Membership” section of the site. Signature: Date: | | |‐mbc Page 7 2014 Sector/Organization Membership Application Form – Continued
Please make your cheque payable to “Volunteer MBC” and mail or drop‐off a completed sector/organization membership application form with payment to: Volunteer MBC c/o Community Door Brampton 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 | F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Charitable Registration #84792‐0469‐RR0001 Volunteer MBC is proudly supported by: (as of January, 2014) | | |‐mbc Page 8 Volunteer MBC 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Associate Membership Package Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Do you need help with the effective recruitment of volunteers? Are you looking for assistance in growing and improving your organization and raising its profile in the community? Would you like to be provided with opportunities to collaborate and network with other organizations within the Region of Peel? We can help! Volunteer MBC is the local volunteer centre that fosters and develops volunteerism in the Region of Peel, serving the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the Town of Caledon, by raising awareness of the power of service. Our mission is to promote and support volunteerism in an effort to connect all people to meaningful volunteer opportunities. Here’s a snap‐shot of what we do:  We offer a referral/matching service for volunteer placement within the community for all ages to include youth, seniors, newcomers and groups;  We serve the corporate community with various programming services that engage individual and team volunteering;  We provide education and support for volunteers and community service agencies and organizations through topic and issue related workshops, comprehensive and informative programs, and community outreach;  We strive to be a strong voice to support and promote volunteerism through advocacy, community outreach, public and media relations. Community service agencies/organizations that operate on a not‐for‐profit or charitable basis and who provide programs and/or services in the Region of Peel requiring access to post their volunteer needs in Volunteer MBC’s on‐line volunteer opportunity database can gain access to a number of member benefits through Volunteer MBC’s Associate Membership. | | |‐mbc Page 2 Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Some of the many benefits of joining Volunteer MBC as an Associate Member include:  Opportunity to submit a maximum of three (3) volunteer positions to our centre’s on‐line volunteer opportunities database for one (1) fiscal year (reviewed and approved prior to posting live);  Profile opportunities for your organization through various marketing and promotional approaches;  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Opportunity to submit events, galas and fundraisers for ‘active’ volunteer roles in on‐line database on events page of Volunteer MBC’s website;  Networking opportunities through our centre with volunteers, other organizations and community partners;  Consultation and assistance for your clients in helping them to find meaningful volunteer opportunities;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an Associate Member;  Use of Volunteer MBC’s corporate logo and branding;  Opportunities to submit nominations to Volunteer MBC’s Volunteer Recognition Awards Program or Volunteer Spotlight;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. For more information regarding membership in Volunteer MBC, please contact Sharon Clark‐Koufis, Marketing & Communications Manager, at 905.238.2622 ext. 221 or at [email protected]. | | |‐mbc Page 3 2014 Associate Membership Application Form Organization: Program Name: Name of Volunteer Manager/ Coordinator: Position/Title: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Phone: Fax: Other Phone: Email: Preferred method of communication: Email Website: Telephone By Mail | | |‐mbc Page 4 2014 Associate Membership Application Form – Continued Executive Director: Email: Phone: Does the Executive Director wish to receive Volunteer MBC communications: Yes No Board Chair: Email: Phone: Does the Board Chair wish to receive Volunteer MBC communications: Yes No Year Established: # of Staff: My organization serves (select all that apply): Mississauga Brampton Caledon If you are a registered non‐profit or charity, please provide your number below: | | |‐mbc Page 5 2014 Associate Membership Application Form – Continued
Please provide a brief description of your organization/program and impact on the community: (300 words maximum) Please indicate how many volunteers you currently have: How did you hear about Volunteer MBC? Community services Poster/Brochure Word of mouth Newspaper Radio/ TV Referred by someone Phone book Website Social media site Other: | | |‐mbc Page 6 2014 Associate Membership Application Form – Continued
2014 Annual Membership Rates Volunteer MBC membership is available to community service agencies/organizations who operate on a not‐for‐profit or charitable basis who request access only to Volunteer MBC’s on‐line volunteer opportunity database. Rates are payable annually and cover the fiscal year from January through to December. The 2014 associate membership fee is as follows: $25.00 (for a maximum of 3 volunteer postings, per fiscal year, and other values of membership as noted on page 3) Membership Agreement In applying for membership in Volunteer MBC, we verify that the information provided in this application is accurate and correct, and that as a not‐for‐profit or charitable agency/organization offering volunteer placement that we meet the eligibility and adhere to the principles and practices of the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVA). We also understand that the information contained within this application will be added to the Volunteer MBC database in order to match appropriate volunteers to opportunities that are available at my agency/organization; and also approve the use of contact information for Volunteer MBC communications, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). For more information regarding this Membership Agreement, please refer to Volunteer MBC’s Membership Policy which can be accessed at under the “Membership” section of the site. Signature: Date: | | |‐mbc Page 7 2014 Associate Membership Application Form – Continued
Please make your cheque payable to “Volunteer MBC” and mail or drop‐off a completed associate membership application form with payment to: Volunteer MBC c/o Community Door Brampton 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 | F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Charitable Registration #84792‐0469‐RR0001 Volunteer MBC is proudly supported by: (as of January, 2014) | | |‐mbc Page 8 Volunteer MBC 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Individual Membership Package Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Are you interested in learning more about volunteering and to get connected with your local volunteer centre? Would you like to gain access to professional development programs geared towards the volunteer engagement profession? Are you interested in networking opportunities to meet with community service organizations? We can help! Volunteer MBC is the local volunteer centre that fosters and develops volunteerism in the Region of Peel, serving the cities of Mississauga and Brampton, and the Town of Caledon, by raising awareness of the power of service. Our mission is to promote and support volunteerism in an effort to connect all people to meaningful volunteer opportunities. Here’s a snap‐shot of what we do:  We offer a referral/matching service for volunteer placement within the community for all ages to include youth, seniors, newcomers and groups;  We serve the corporate community with various programming services that engage individual and team volunteering;  We provide education and support for volunteers and community service agencies and organizations through topic and issue related workshops, comprehensive and informative programs, and community outreach;  We strive to be a strong voice to support and promote volunteerism through advocacy, community outreach, public and media relations. For individuals who have a personal interest in the voluntary sector and who wish to support their local volunteer centre are invited to join Volunteer MBC’s Individual Membership. | | |‐mbc Page 2 Volunteer MBC is your local volunteer centre. The future rests in our helping hands. Value for Membership
Some of the many benefits of joining Volunteer MBC as an Individual Member include:  Monthly e‐newsletter featuring tips and helpful resources;  Networking opportunities through our centre with organizations and community partners;  Listing on Volunteer MBC website as an Individual Member;  Access to professional development programs, workshops, forums and webinars at discounted rates;  One (1) vote at Volunteer MBC’s Annual General Meeting. For more information regarding membership in Volunteer MBC, please contact Sharon Clark‐Koufis, Marketing & Communications Manager, at 905.238.2622 ext. 221 or at [email protected]. | | |‐mbc Page 3 2014 Individual Membership Application Form Full Name (First & Last): Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Phone: Other Phone: Email: Preferred method of communication: Email How did you hear about Volunteer MBC? Community services Poster/Brochure Word of mouth Telephone By Mail Newspaper Radio/ TV Referred by someone Phone book Website Social media site Other: | | |‐mbc Page 4 2014 Individual Membership Application Form – Continued
2014 Annual Membership Rate Volunteer MBC individual membership is available to individuals who have a personal interest in the voluntary sector and who wish to get connected with their local volunteer centre. Individual membership is granted to individuals who are not currently engaged with an organization serving Peel Region (either through employment or volunteering) as it would then be a requirement of the organization to join as an agency, sector or associate member instead. Rates are payable annually and cover the fiscal year from January through to December. The 2014 individual membership fee is as follows: $25.00 Membership Agreement In applying for membership in Volunteer MBC, I verify that the information provided in this application is accurate and correct. I also understand that the information contained within this application will be added to the Volunteer MBC database and approve the use of contact information for Volunteer MBC communications, as per the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). For more information regarding this Membership Agreement, please refer to Volunteer MBC’s Membership Policy which can be accessed at under the “Membership” section of the site. Signature: Date: | | |‐mbc Page 5 2014 Individual Membership Application Form – Continued
Please make your cheque payable to “Volunteer MBC” and mail or drop‐off a completed individual membership application form with payment to: Volunteer MBC c/o Community Door Brampton 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601 Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 P: 905.238.2622 | F: 905.595.2612 E: [email protected] Charitable Registration #84792‐0469‐RR0001 Volunteer MBC is proudly supported by: (as of January, 2014) | | |‐mbc Page 6 Page | 16 Appendix: Employee Volunteer Program [Refer to separate Employee Volunteer Program brochure attached.] Employee Volunteer Program
Supporting your Employee’s Growth
through “Community Strong Roots”
How We Support a Positive Employee Volunteer Experience
At Volunteer MBC, our Employee Volunteer Program links your employees to volunteer opportunities in the
community, with your encouragement and support. We thank you for supporting your employees’ personal
and professional growth, while they strengthen their community engagement.
Here are the various options of how we can help provide your employees with a positive volunteer
Service Options
How You Benefit
We provide you with
• Self-directed and at
your own pace.
a link to our On-line
Volunteer Opportunities • Provides you with
an overview of the
volunteer opportunities
with our community
You review volunteer
service organization
opportunities, select
the community service
members in the
organization member
that aligns with your
goals and contact them
directly to set up your
Employee Volunteer
• Saves you time and
With Volunteer MBC’s
effort by having us
assistance, we will
match your volunteer
review and recommend
needs to the most
up to three volunteer
appropriate volunteer
• Volunteer opportunity
Once accepted, we
is tailored to meet your
will facilitate an
introductory meeting
CSR mandate.
• Lunch and Learn
between you and our
session for employees,
community service
upon request.
organization member.
• Promote and advertise
any corporate
fundraising and/or
awareness activities on
Volunteer MBC website.
• Use of Volunteer MBC
logo and branding.
Employee Volunteer
Group Size
1 to 10
11 to 25
Your Investment
No Cost
$100 *
Service Options
Event Managed
How You Benefit
With Volunteer MBC’s
• Saves you time and
assistance, we liaise
effort by having us
between you and our
match your volunteer
community service
needs to the most
organization member
appropriate volunteer
to create, run and
manage a successful
• Volunteer opportunity
volunteer event/activity
is tailored to meet your
for your employees.
CSR mandate.
• Promote and advertise
any corporate
fundraising and/or
awareness activities on
Volunteer MBC website.
• Listing and recognition
on Volunteer MBC
• Use of Volunteer MBC
logo and branding.
• Community exposure
through Volunteer MBC
targeted e-newsletters
and media relations.
• Lunch and Learn
orientation session for
your employees.
Employee Volunteer
Group Size
26 to 200
Your Investment
$500 and up *
“Thank you so much for your help in organizing
this location. The HR team absolutely loved the
residents and had a very fun and fulfilling day.
By the end, we were all in tears because everyone
was so nice…what a great way to share
our time during the holiday season.”
Rose Nigro, Executive Assistant, LoyaltyOne
“For me, the corporate volunteering is the best
option. When you’re living your busy life, we
really don’t get a chance to do anything in your
private life. So when you give like this, it
is the best way for me to give back.”
Employee (Volunteer), PepsiCo Canada
Service Options
Time to Give
How You Benefit
Volunteer MBC works
with your individual
employees to connect
them to volunteer
opportunities with our
community service
organization members.
Your employees are
engaged and feel valued
by your support which can
translate to:
• increased
• lower employee
• higher productivity &
• enhanced skills
• increased well-being
• Promote and advertise
corporate fundraising
and/or awareness
activities on Volunteer
MBC website.
• Listing and recognition
on Volunteer MBC
• Use of Volunteer MBC
logo and branding.
• Community exposure
through Volunteer MBC
targeted e-newsletters
and media relations.
• Lunch and Learn
orientation session for
your employees.
• Marketing materials
for the “Time to Give
Challenge” for your
internal promotional
Employee Volunteer
Group Size
Individual employees
in your company
Your Investment
Annual Fee:
< 50
51 to 250
251 to 1,000
> 1,000
* As a non-profit registered charitable organization, we work hard to provide the best volunteer match
and experience for your volunteer employees. In doing so, we may incur expenses such as materials
(i.e. paint, tools, gloves, etc.), transportation, lunch, refreshments and staff time to coordinate an event
and/or activity, that, as a charity, we or our community service organizations members are unable to
We respectfully request your financial assistance to help us recover these costs so that we can give your
employees the best volunteer experience possible.
Employee Volunteer Program (EVP)
Seven Steps to a Successful Volunteer Experience
Setting up an employer supported volunteer program can be a lot of work. But don’t worry…Volunteer MBC
is here to help you! This section is designed to help you maximize your employees’ volunteer experience.
1. Be informed
• Become familiar with the non-profit charitable sector’s and community service organization’s unique
culture, opportunities and limitations.
• Determine the goals of your Employee Volunteer Program (EVP), such as providing a meaningful
volunteer experience for your employees while meeting a demonstrated need in the community.
• Be committed to offering true collaboration between your company’s wants/needs and goals and those
of our community service organization member you want to volunteer with.
2. Identify the cause you want to support
• Review the charities/organizations your company already supports through its donations program.
• Poll employee interests (i.e. the types of charities/organizations they already support or would like to
support, as well as the types of volunteer tasks preferred).
• Look at the social, environmental, health, economic, and educational challenges faced by your
community, city, country, and world.
3. Set aside a budget to help offset costs
Consider supplies pertaining to the volunteer activity (i.e. paint, plants, furniture, etc.).
Provide refreshments for your employee volunteers.
Provide transportation of employee volunteers to the volunteer event/activity site.
Take into consideration the organization’s staff planning, coordination and implementation time.
4. Form a partnership
• A successful EVP requires leadership – establish policy and provide direction.
• Meet with the key stakeholders and decision makers at the organization’s you are interested in
volunteering with. Volunteer MBC can open doors and facilitate these meetings for you.
• Select a charity/organization that is reputable and demonstrates stability.
• Ensure there is staff at the charity/organization designated to carry on the partnership.
“We had a great day with the Mars Canada group.
Together, we filled two dumpsters!
Our barn looks marvellous and now we are
having movie nights in the barn!
Thanks again for the contact.”
Susan Morling, Volunteer Manager, Peace Ranch
(Volunteer MBC Agency Member)
“What a fabulous day Friday was
for our first volunteer event in Canada!
The team really enjoyed the whole experience. ”
Paula Wright, Director Events Marketing,
Target Canada
5. Select a volunteer event/activity
• Make a site visit to the charity/organization to review potential volunteer events/activities.
• Make sure the site is “volunteer friendly”:
• Can accommodate a large volunteer group.
• Safety of employee volunteers is ensured.
• Appropriate and adequate training is provided.
• Define the scope of the volunteer event/activity and obtain buy-in from all parties:
• Identify the number of employee volunteers needed.
• Determine the time required to complete the volunteer event/activity.
• Review budget and clearly communicate which costs will be covered by your EVP event/activity.
• Prepare a contingency plan for inclement weather, too many/too few volunteers, event/activity
completed sooner than anticipated, etc.
• Determine volunteer training requirements and any pre-project prep work.
6. Execute the volunteer event/activity
• Keep track of your employee volunteers (i.e. pre-register volunteers for event/activities, log number of
volunteer hours, etc.).
• Advise our community service organization member in advance of employee volunteer skill levels and
allow the organization to assign tasks accordingly (i.e. leave corporate hierarchy at the office).
• Be punctual, reliable and committed.
• Ensure all EVP committed supplies are on-site and payment has been made.
• Have fun!
7. Follow-up and evaluation
• Thank and recognize your employee volunteers with a party.
• Conduct a post-mortem with our community service organization member (i.e. review
accomplishments, challenges and missed opportunities).
• Obtain feedback from your employee volunteers on the current event/activity, as well as for future
events/activities and share their thoughts with the organization (and with Volunteer MBC).
• Use the knowledge you’ve gained to plan future volunteer events/activities.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What exactly is employer -supported volunteering?
A. Volunteer Canada uses this definition of employer-supported volunteering “... a company that voluntarily
supports its employees’ involvement in the community. Typically, employer- supported volunteer initiatives
are integrated into the workplace and involve various levels of employer involvement and expenditure”.
Q. What can my company do?
A. Traditionally, many companies think about cleaning parks, painting rooms or serving the community at
a food bank or soup kitchen. While these are vital options, consider the internal skills sets your employees
have to offer. Perhaps your IT department can partner with a community service organization to train
their staff on the latest computer software. In some cases, your marketing team may even be able to help
create a marketing campaign for the organization. Skills-based volunteering is a trend on the upswing.
Q. What does Volunteer MBC do to help us help our employees?
A. Volunteer MBC is your connection to the community. Leveraging established connections with
community service organization members, Volunteer MBC can tailor an event or activity to match your
stated goals and objectives.
Q. What does it cost to have Volunteer MBC help us?
A. Volunteer MBC recognizes that not every company has a large budget that has set aside funds to
conduct an Employee Volunteer Program. For this purpose, a menu of affordable service options is
available to you to meet your budget starting as low as $100 to secure an activity for you (refer to charts
listed on the previous pages).
Q. We’re onboard! What are the steps and time frames?
A. We’re delighted to be able to help you on your journey! The first step is to complete a registration form
and return it to Volunteer MBC. Once it has been received, an invoice will be generated depending on the
level of service you select. Upon receipt of payment, we will work with you to identify your goals, objectives
and time frames. The more lead time available, the better.
We will then assign a Volunteer MBC representative to work with you to create an event/activity that will be
fun, meaningful and memorable to you and all your participating employees!
“I thank you and my company to allow me to do
something that makes me feel happier;
that I did something good for somebody.”
Employee (Volunteer), PepsiCo Canada
For more information, contact:
Executive Director
P: 905.238.2622 ext. 223
E: [email protected]
Volunteer MBC (Main Location)
c/o Community Door Brampton, 7700 Hurontario Street, Unit 601, Brampton, ON L6Y 4M3 | |
Charitable Registration #84792-0469-RR0001
Volunteer MBC is proudly supported by: