In This Issue - Northeast Iowa Council


In This Issue - Northeast Iowa Council
Newsletter of Timmeu Lodge #74
We Want You!
As many of you know, at Fall
Fellowship the passing of the bonnets
happens. This means that it is time for a
new LEC and we have many positions that
need to be filled. We are asking you, as a
member of Timmeu Lodge to be on this
year’s upcoming LEC. If you are interested
in being a part of our lodge and making
decisions that not only affect the lodge,
but the whole council as well, then you
can contact our upcoming Lodge Chief Joe
Delaney at [email protected] and
put in the subject line put Join LEC.
August - September, 2015
In This Issue
Pg. 1: Timmeu Lodge Books
Pg. 2: Meet The LEC
Pg. 3: Meet our Friend from Across the
Pg. 4 & 5: Spring Fellowship Rap-Up
Pg. 6: Welcoming New Members
Pg. 7: Lodge History Books & Section
Pg. 8: Upcoming Events & Passing of the
Pg. 9: Smoke Signals
Pg. 10: Adviser’s Minute
Pg. 11: Fall Fellowship Paperwork
Meet the LEC
Name: Nathan Maiers
Age: 16 years old
Troop: 88
Rank: Life Scout
Position: Lodge Treasurer
Favorite activity/hobbies: Loves spending time working on
his car, washing his car, and being with his car. Also enjoys
bagging groceries and making bank at Fareway! And of
course... Mixing up slushies at the Camp CS Klaus Trading
Interesting fact about yourself: I'm an allstater in Group
Favorite thing about camp/the OA: helping others and all
the awesome food!
Name: Beau Cline
Age: 14
Troop: 40
Rank: Life Scout
Position: Dellaykee District Troop Rep. Chairman
Favorite activity/hobbies: Golfing, trout fishing with my
grandpa and giving my sister a hard time.
Interesting fact about yourself: I like camp cooking.
Favorite thing about camp/the OA: Meeting new people
Favorite form of entertainment: Giving my sister a hard
Meet Our Friend From Across
the Sea
The picture above was Camp C.S. Klaus’s very own International
Scout, Mohamed Afifi. Mohamed traveled all the way from Cairo, Egypt to
join camp staff this summer with the help of our very own Timmeu Lodge.
Mohamed is 18 years old - has been a Scout for 3 years, has been in the
Venturing program for 3 years and Rover program for 2 years. His position
held in Scouting is Leader Assistant and he is the recipient of the Friendship
Award (WSJ Sweden 2011), and Award of Camp (29 Arab Scout Camp). At
camp Mohamed worked in Aquatics and he led songs and cheers in the dining
hall, as well as in the campfire ring. This isn’t the first time that Mohamed has
been to America though. He was also a foreign exchange student in St. Louis
for a year.
Spring Fellowship Rap-Up
Spring Fellowship was attended by 66 plus OA members who spent the weekend
doing cheerful service. Our weekend was headed by Logan Zasada and Jesse
Jaeger, with the help of the OA attendees. A large thank you to those who took
the lead or those that assisted to make this weekend a success: The projects
completed are listed below:
OA Bowl - Stack/Split wood
Field Sports - Install .22 target area
Field Sports - repair/replace water hook ups
Dining Hall - Hook up Ice Machine
Shower House - install sinks
Camp sites replant signs - Bloody Ridge, Owl Hoot, Deer Run, Trail’ s End
Dining Hall - Replace freezer
Campsites - level tent platforms and outriggers
Campsites - Replace broken outriggers with new ones
Bike Trail - Clear entrance to mason's land
Camp - Repair Trail to Owl Hoot from road
Chapel - Replace door on chapel side of chapel
Dining Hall - Fix doors
Aquatics - Install shelves in Tower
Dining Hall - Replace broken screens
Aquatics - Fix water fountain
Dining Hall - Remove wood burning stove
Dining Hall - Move unused wood outside
Camp Office - Weed Whip
Trading Post - Split wood across road
Campfire Area - Weed Whip
Camp sites - Clear foot trail to Owl Hoot from road
Campfire Area - put teepee up
Cope - Spread wood chips around cope events
OA Bowl - Fix Benches
Shower House - clean shower bays and utility room
Staff Area - Gravel road
General Camp - cut grass
To the right
is a picture
of the Ordeal
clan right
after they
their brand
new sashes.
Below: Beau Cline is
working on a tent
Above: Collin Sindt is performing
in the Ordeal ceremony.
Left: Drake Oswald (left) and
Adam Mueller are giving thumbs
up on completing a project.
Welcoming our New Members
Congratulations to Timmue Lodge's new Ordeal candidates:
Brian Allman
Will Allman
Cody Gibbs
Ted Moser
Jacob Patterson
Cody Gibbs
Daniel Reich
Mike Schmelzer
Dallas Schroeder
Nathan Wardle.
Welcome to Timmue Lodge. We hope to see you at all OA events.
Congratulations to the 14 Brotherhood candidates who completed their
Brotherhood ceremony at Spring Fellowship:
Zach Donath
Beau Cline
Terry Flynn
Nathan Maiers
Paul Silich
Conner Sindt
Jacob Sindt
Beau Busch
Vincent Schmelzer
Laura Bies
Luke Bies
David Scofield
Garrett Helbing
Chris Rodenberg
Timmeu Lodge History
Books Now Available!
Part of the OA obligation is to "observe and preserve the
customs and traditions of the Order of the Arrow". Timmeu
Lodge has taken this to heart. The story of Timmeu Lodge, and
what its membership has done for Scouting in the Northeast
Iowa Council is now documented and available for purchase.
Contributions, both financial and service projects, are
documented in this full-color, 140 page bound book that
includes over 100 historical photos. Get your copy from the
Scout Service Center. Copies will also be available at the
Trading Post at Camp Klaus this summer. Cost is $10.00.
Section Conclave!
Greetings Brothers! Section Conclave is a yearly gathering of
Arrowmen from 5 different lodges from the Midwest area,
Timmeu, Wenasa Quenhotan, Konepaka Ketiwa, Cho-Gun-Mun-ANock, and Sac-N-Fox. At this amazing event we have many great
training cells, attend great shows, and enjoy meeting new
brothers from other lodges. The weekend will be September 18-20
at Ingersoll Scout Reservation in Illinois. Where can you sign up for
this great event? I’m glad you asked! You can sign up at The cost will
be $35 until September 7th and after the 7th the price will raise to
$45, so register soon! I hope to see you there!
Yours in Scouting
Peter Flynn
Upcoming Events
What: NOAC
When: 2-9 August 2015
Where: Michigan State University
Who: All Contingent Members
What: Fall Fellowship
When: 14-16 August 2015
Where: Camp C.S. Klaus
Who: All OA Members
What: Section Conclave
When: 18-20 September 2015
Where: Ingersoll Scout Reservation, 33 Knox Rd. 650 East, London Mills, IL. 61544
Who: All OA Members
What: Lodge Leadership Development
When: 16-17 October 2015
Where: Camp C.S. Klaus
Who: LEC Members
The Passing of the Bonnets
Elections were held at Spring Fellowship and the following members were elected.
Passing of the bonnets will take place at Fall Fellowship weekend. Your 2015-2016
LEC officers are:
Chief – Joe Delaney
V.C. Activity – Drake Oswald
V.C. Business – Logan Peterson
Secretary - Nathan Maiers
Treasurer – Collin Sindt
Left to Right: Logan, Nathan, Joe, Collin, and Drake
Smoke Signals from the Chief
Dear Fellow Arrowmen,
There are many opportunities in the Order of the Arrow
and in life. It is all about reaching out and taking those
opportunities. From OA High Adventure to Spring Fellowship,
there are many programs and events that will enhance your life in
the OA.
I first want to talk about the OA High Adventure program.
The OA offers High Adventure at the 4 different national bases.
All of these programs offer a great program for an affordable
price that you will be glad you attended. The lodge also has
scholarship programs. You can see the article about High
Adventure for more information.
The next set of opportunities I want to talk about is on the
local level with Timmeu Lodge. From attending our roundtable
meetings to being on the LEC, you really can do anything in the
lodge. If you like service, brotherhood, or you like to be cheerful, I
would love to talk to you. All you need to do is contact me. You
can email me anytime and I will try my hardest to respond to you
within the day. Please contact me at [email protected].
Yours in excitement,
Britt Oswald
Lodge Chief
Adviser’s Minute
As Scouts and as school pupils, you spend a lot of time meeting
standards. In school your work may be graded on a scale from A through
F. In Scouting, you're asked to meet a set of standards before you can
earn a merit badge or new rank. These are all pretty clear cut standards.
Either you can tie a bowline and perform rescue breathing, or you can't.
There's nothing in between. We have other standards in life that are
harder to measure. I'm talking about our standards of behavior, dress,
grooming, and Scout-like conduct.
As we explore camps, other councils at the conclave, NOAC, Philmont
Scout Reservation, Boundary Waters or other high adventure bases,
these standards will be particularly important.
I'm not saying that they are not important all the time. But in summer
camp (or on tour) you're not just John Smith, you're representing your
troop, the Lodge, and the whole Boy Scouts of America.
We hope you will all remember that and do your best to be neat and
have a great time. Make memories that will last and are enjoyable. Take
the time to have a safe rest of the summer.
Steve and Ruth Arlen
Timmeu Lodge Advisers
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Adults will drive vehicles from Camp Klaus to Highway 3 for the purpose of taking scouts off camp property to
perform “Highway Clean-Up” then return to camp upon completion of the service project. Please review this
permission form for your son to leave camp and to participate in this off site service project.
I understand that participation in the activity involves a certain degree of risk that could result
in injury or death. In consideration of the benefits to be derived, after carefully considering the
risk involved, and in view of the fact that the Boy Scouts of America is an organization in which
membership is voluntary, I have carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent
for myself (or my son or daughter) to participate in the activity, and waive all claims I or we may
have against the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all
employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity.
I am not under the influence of any chemical substance, including alcohol. Understanding that
any physical activity involves a risk of injury, I understand that my participation in the activity is
entirely voluntary. I release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity
coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated
with the activity from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation. This release
does not, however, apply to any harm caused by negligence or willful misconduct of the local
council or its employees.
In case of emergency involving my child, I understand every effort will be made to contact me.
In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the physician selected by the
adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia,
surgery, or injections of medication for my child.
Participant’s signature* __________________________________
Date ________________
*If the participant is under age 18, his or her parent or guardian must also sign below:
Parent’s or guardian’s signature ___________________________
Date ________________
This MUST be completed before participation is allowed at Fall Fellowship.
Updated: March 10, 2013
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Northeast Iowa Council
Boy Scouts of America
P.O. Box 752
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