Current Newsletter - Temple Beth Sholom


Current Newsletter - Temple Beth Sholom
“Our Spirit’
“Our Spirit”
Volume 56 Issue 2
October/November 2016 Elul 5776/Tishrei/Cheshvan 5777
Rosh Hashanah
October 2-4
Yom Kippur
October 11-12
October 16-23
Shemini Atzeret
October 24
Simchat Torah
October 24-25
November 11
October 12
November 24
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Temple Beth Sholom
50 Pamela Road, Framingham, MA 01701 508-877-2540
A Member of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Laurence Bazer
Rabbi Emeritus
Murray Levine
Scott Sokol
David Levinson
Vice President
David Krendel
Vice President
Eric Weinstein
Vice President
Dianne Wolpert
Daniel Mainzer
Financial Secretary
Marc Shapiro
Recording Secretary
Brett Berkman
Immediate Past President
John Herrera
Education Director
Fredda Hamilton
Office Manager
Fern Elinoff
Marla Levin
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext 201
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext 210
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext, 255
Ruchenu Deadline
The deadline for submitting articles to appear in
the Ruchenu is the 10th of each month for the
following month’s issue.
The deadline for all ads is the 2nd Friday of each
month for the following month’s issue. All ads
should be submitted in Word format, camera
Please e-mail all materials to [email protected] and [email protected]
Next Issue Information:
Deadline for December issue:
November 10th
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext, 215
Temple Beth Sholom Hours
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext 202,3
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext 205
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext 206
Committee Chairs
Adult Education
Norman Finkelstein
Stephen Golden
Robert Haberman
Evie Shorey
Caring Volunteers
Lee Bauer
Ilana Downes
Event Planning
Dianne Wolpert
Hall Rental
Fern Elinoff
Marc Shapiro
Richard Davino
Norma Kramer
Sara Kramer
Norma Kramer
Stacy Edinburg
Strength To Strength
Jody Comins
Social Action
Ronnie Pologe
Strategic Planning
Deb Frank
Web Site
Mark H. Granoff
Young Families
Nurit Lieberman
Gayle Seletz
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext. 250
508-877-2540 ext. 250
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext. 213
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[email protected]
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext. 205
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext. 208
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext. 211
8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Monday & Wednesday 7:00 am to 10:00 pm
Tuesday & Thursday 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
7:00 am to 9:30 pm
8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Hours subject to change
8:30 am to 3:00 pm
8:30 am to 12:00 pm
Religious School
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
5:00 pm to 7:30 pm
(7th and 8th Grade)
MetroWest Jewish Day School
Monday - Friday
7:30 am to 5:30 pm
7:30 am to 4:00 pm
[email protected]
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[email protected]
[email protected]
508-877-2540 ext. 263
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508-877-2540 ext. 260
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508-877-2540 ext. 209
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ruchenu Staff
[email protected]
Lee Bauer
Norman Finkelstein
Sara Kramer
[email protected]
[email protected]
Norma Kramer
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
Rabbi’s Message…
Our five senses help us perceive the
world around us. Taste, hearing, smell,
sight, and touch provide the stimulus
for living life. These senses can even
create “memory cells" that can be
recalled when wanted or needed. I
want to connect our five senses to the
Fall Jewish holidays. From Rosh
Hashanah through Shemini Atzeret and
Simchat Torah, each sense can give
extra meaning to our experiencing the
Holy Day or Festival. And each sense
can create positive memory cells that
can be recalled, taught, and
experienced years from now.
Taste and Rosh Hashanah: It would be
easy to connect hearing and the shofar
with Rosh Hashanah. Yes, we hear the
shofar to awaken within ourselves the
urge to do teshuvah (repentance).
Another name for Rosh Hashanah is
Yom Teruah: the day of the blowing of
the horn. While we hear the sounds of
the day, I believe most people connect
Rosh Hashanah to the family meal
after services. It's the foods and more
specifically the tastes of the food that
stand out. One can eat a piece of
challah or a slice of apple drizzled with
honey any time of year, but most
people don't. Only on Rosh Hashanah
do we deliberately eat these
combinations of sweetness. They are
the taste of what we want for the New day of Sukkot, so too do we gather
Year: a sweet and good year ahead.
together as a kehillah. The most
recognizable part of the service is
Hearing and Yom Kippur: Hearing Yizkor. It is here where our sense of
Kol Nidre by our wonderful Hazzan sight comes into play. Seeing one
and Meshorerim
is one of the other allows us to remember that we
powerful and moving sounds of Yom are not alone but connected to a sacred
Kippur for me. It is not just Kol Nidre, community. The comfort of saying
there are numerous prayers on Yom kaddish happens when we see others
Kippur that move us to reflect on the sharing the experience together on
meaning of Yom Kippur. It is the day Shemini Atzeret.
when we look inward in silence while
hearing the prayers that can move us to Touch and Simchat Torah: It is simply
do teshuvah.
carrying, touching, dancing with Torah
that brings the meaning of this fifth
Smell and Sukkot: The festival of sense to light. Torah isn't just to be
Sukkot is an olfactory revelry. No seen or heard, it is to interact with.
other Jewish holy day is directly Carrying Torah is to carry our heritage,
connected with the sense of smell. The our peoplehood, our history, and our
etrog is my favorite scent source. It’s tradition. Touching Torah brings all
the strange lemon-like fruit, with a this alive.
tantalizing fragrance. Only the etrog
and hadas (myrtle) of the luluv are Our five Holy Days and festivals are
fragrant. And while dwelling outside vehicles for us to experience our lives
in the sukkah, we are surrounded by and our Judaism to the fullest. May
the smells of Autumn, especially this we all revel in our five senses and holy
October as Sukkot falls right in the days over the next month.
middle the change of leaves.
From my family to yours,
Sight and Shemini Atzeret: Officially Shanah Tova and may we all be
Shemini Atzeret has no intrinsic inscribed B'sefer Hachayim--the Book
symbols, save being called the Festival of life, for health, happiness, peace,
of Assembly. As our ancestors and love.
gathered once more in the Great
Temple on the eighth and concluding Rabbi, Dr. Larry Bazer
Rabbi Bazer’s Office Hours
Rabbi Bazer will be available to meet with congregants on Monday mornings
October 31st — 10:00-12:00 Noon
November 7th and 21st — 10:00-12:00 Noon
Please feel free to stop by.
Also remember that the Rabbi is always available by appointment by calling
508-877-2540 ext. 201, to set up a time, or
by e-mail: [email protected]
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
President’s Message…
The High Holidays have to be my favorite time of the year:
more people come together as a Jewish community than at
any other time of the year. The clergy recognizes this as an
opportunity to speak on important topics and provide
inspiration and meaning.
Here, at Temple Beth Sholom it’s also the time of year
when we kick-off our annual Strength to Strength
Campaign. Last year’s campaign exceeded our budgeted
amount even at a time when we had to do extra fundraising
for our broken air conditioner. Our members really know
how to answer the call when called upon! 70% of the
congregation donated to the Strength to Strength campaign,
and 70% of those donations were either the same or higher
than the previous year!
While you are davening in Shul on Kol Nidre, and listening
to the Strength to Strength campaign speech, surrounded by
beautiful new air conditioning, please consider donating to
the campaign. The popular saying is “No gift is too small.”
Our goal is 100% participation this year so even $18, $36,
$50, or $100 means a great deal to the campaign. If you
gave in previous years, thank you! If not, please consider a
token amount; every dollar of your donation goes straight
to our bottom line and strengthens our community.
Jody Comins has graciously accepted to chair the
committee this year and John Herrera will assist her in our
I look forward to seeing everyone at services this year and
get the chance to not only pray with you but to welcome
you and shake your hand as I walk around the sanctuary
prior to the Torah service.
Thank you, and may you and your family have a happy and
This years’ Budget committee worked hard not to increase healthy New Year and an easy Fast!
the amount needed by Strength to Strength to fund our L’Shanah Tovah!
operations. The amount for this years’ campaign remains
the same as last year; $104,000.
David Levinson, President
to keep up with events of interest in the Greater Boston
area. Also, throughout the year, Hebrew College offers a
variety of programs for the community. Go to for information.
The Adult-Education Committee members, Milt Coleman,
Rona Kahn, Ruthann Ruthfield and Norman Finkelstein
wish you a G’mar Hatimah Tovah.
Adult Education:
It’s never too late to learn. Our Wednesday and Thursday
classes offer exciting ways to expand your Jewish
knowledge in a friendly atmosphere. (No tests or grades to
worry about!) Beginning on Wednesday, October 19 for
nine-weeks is Unsung Heroes in American Jewish History.
The class meets from 9:45-11:30. On Thursday evening,
October 20, join fellow congregants in Rabbi Bazer’s class, Norman Finkelstein
From Idols, Arks, and Kingdoms to Exiles, Greek Games, Adult-Education Chair
and Rabbinic Thoughts: The World of Judaism vs. Ancient
History. The class meets weekly at 7:45 PM. (Come a bit
earlier at 7:15 for Minyan. It’s a mitzvah.) To register,
please contact Fern in the Temple Office at 508 877-2540,
ext.205 or [email protected].
We are fortunate to live close to many Jewish educational
and social activities. is a great way
New Members:
Returning Members:
Karen & Bruce Cohen
Margie & Eric Pell
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
also by our Ha’Zamir Choir members, service with Rabbi Bazer and Aaron
Benjy Sokol, Mykalah Jacob and Zwicker for making sure people are
What do the High Holidays mean to Jessie Wulf.
where they should be! Thank you to
me? On a personal level, they mean
all of you who volunteered and helped
spending time with family and friends. Behind the scenes of every High with the greeting and ushering.
There’s always lots of cooking and Holidays there are the people who
cleaning in advance and then enjoying make it happen seamlessly for all who Our children have wonderful services
the company. It means reflecting on come. We have Fern Elinoff and of their own, thanks to Cheska
the past year to determine what I could Marla Levin in the front office making Komissar, Nina Gursha and Geri
have done better and how to make the sure the applications go out and come Segal. This year we also thank our
necessary changes. It also means back, and are processed in a timely USYers for helping with the children’s
thinking about how to improve manner. After the applications come services. Our younger children have
back, we have Eric Weinstein and babysitting, which is arranged for by
relationships within my life.
Mark Granoff performing the dubious Jackie Krendel. Thank you!!
The High Holidays are a time to task of arranging for all our seats.
remember those who are no longer Once the seating has been assigned, During our services, we have
here and to “visit” them before the the tickets are then prepared to be sent motivating speeches by our President,
New Year begins. I look back at what out by Sara Kramer. Then, we have Dave Levinson, Brotherhood President
they taught me and realize they are our custodians, Rob Crowley and Steve Golden, Sisterhood President
still guiding me to be a better person. David Bacon setting up the Social Hall Stacy Edinburg and Strength to
S t r e n gt h r e p r e s e n t at i ve , E r i c
It is important to take those lessons with all the chairs.
Weinstein. These are in addition to the
and pass them on to others. I hope that
I have been able to do that and will Another important part of our High inspiring sermons from Rabbi Bazer.
Holiday services is arranging for all
continue to do so.
the Aliyot, Torah and Haftorah Please know that if I have missed
On a Ritual level, there is always much readers, people to open and close the anyone, I apologize in advance. You
planning for the High Holidays and so Ark during the Torah service, and are all important to our success!
many people involved. We have to people to carry the Torahs. Thank you
Most of all, I want to thank you, our
thank Rabbi Bazer and Cantor Sokol to Paul Kaufman, Aaron Zwicker and
congregation, for being a part of our
for the wonderful services, Larry Marc Shapiro for help contacting all
High Holiday services. All the work
Sandberg for davening shacharit on all the congregants involved.
in the background is to make the High
3 days, Lee Gartenberg for starting us
Holidays meaningful to you and your
off, Dan Wulf for helping with Yom It is always a pleasure to walk into our
families. May we all be inscribed in
Kippur Mincha, and Larry Sandberg services and be greeted by members of
for bringing us home. Let us not our Board of Trustees, Committee the book of life for a good year.
Ritual News…
forget Eric Weinstein blowing the
Shofar once again this year, always a
pleasure to listen to him! And of
course, the Meshorerim choir with
Francene Sokol, Jill and Larry
Sandberg and Dan Wulf, accompanied
Chairs and Sisterhood Board. Once
inside the service, our ushers, arranged
by Jonathan Hochman and the
Brotherhood, help to keep the service
running smoothly. We also thank
Mike Bromberg for working on the
L’Shanah Tovah from my family,
David, Sara and myself,
Norma Kramer
Ritual Chair
Mazel Tov:
To Judy & Stuart Rhein on the Bar
Mitzvah of their grandson,
Matthew Steiglitz
To Pam & Gary Yunker on the
birth of their grandson,
Gabriel Kail
To Margie Pell on the loss of
her brother, Michael Gilbert
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
of classroom technology, and we are educational technology which she has
looking forward to putting everything been sharing with our other teachers.
When we start to read the book of together.
I would be remiss without also
Deuteronomy, we know that Fall is
upon us. This fifth book of the Torah We are hoping that these new tools welcoming Geri Segel, our long time
is Moses’ farewell address to the will continue make our classrooms teacher into her new role as Lead
people of Israel, standing assembled more engaging learning places for all Teacher. Over the course of the next
before him, ready to cross over into the our students. We believe that they will two years, Geri will be taking on more
Promised Land. The text reviews and also present us with opportunities for and more of a leadership role with our
expands on the story told in the books each child to receive a higher level of staff, as I move toward retiring from
of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. It individual attention from their my position as Director of Education
We look forward to here at TBS.
repeats and amplifies many of the teachers.
older children with the
commandments, including a complete
The French are known for saying, “the
recapitulation of the original ten o pp or t uni t y f or t he ki nd o f
more things change, the more they
commandments—with a change. The collaborative learning that the
remain the same.” As I think about
commandment regarding Shabbat is technology can offer, especially in the
the changes we have planned for the
altered to read: Keep the Sabbath day area of project based learning.
coming year, I also want to remind us
holy, rather than remember the
Another change will involve our all about the things that will not
Sabbath day.
increased participation in SholomPlex change. We are still committed to a
Personally, for me that change is programs. This year, our Religious curriculum which emphasizes Jewish
representative of the change in mood School will attend the first 3 values, and the importance of being a
that Devarim brings. Memory is a SholomPlex Shabbatot in lieu of their mensch. Your children will still be
mental state, precursor to action. Sunday programming. We are excited mastering synagogue skills, and doing
Similarly, the summer is a time for to be part of the greater TBS so in a fun, engaging way. And you
will still be our partners in this process,
memory and assessment, getting ready community in this new way.
a critical role for which we are very
for the next year’s work. By the time
Speaking of changes, I would also like grateful.
we read Devarim, we are ready to
to take this opportunity to welcome
move into the mode of action. As we
Dena Feldman to our teaching staff. Shanah Tovah,
move toward the book’s completion,
Dena is a graduate of TBS religious
school has already begun, and the
school, and comes to us with Fredda Hamilton,
changes we envisioned are in the
experience teaching and tutoring, as Director of Education
process of being implemented. The
well as a vast knowledge of
staff has acquired new skills in the use
Religious School News…
Upcoming Religious School Events:
TBS Preschool Dates:
October 9: No Religious School, Columbus Day weekend
October 30
October 19: Second Grade afternoon classes begin
November 20
October 20: Orientation for students and parents, Grades 7 & 8 6:15-7:00 p.m.
October 24: Simchat Torah 6:15 p.m
November 13: Pre-Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program 10:30 am
November 23-27 No Religious School: Thanksgiving weekend
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
women spanning all age groups and from all stages of life.
Our goal – to support each other, the Temple, and to have
fun! If you haven’t come to one of our events before,
please take a look at our calendar, and try something new!
Even if you belong to other groups, consider joining us for
Ladies Night Out (November 1) or a Bollywood Dance
Class (November 6); one an old favorite- and one a brand
new event! We hope to see you there!
Sisterhood News…
As we prepare for the High Holy Days, it is a time to take a
look back and reflect on the past year. After attending the
Sisterhood Paid-Up Membership Dessert Reception with
our amazing guest speaker, Judy Izenberg from the Jewish
Genealogical Society of Greater Boston, I will be looking
back – way back! There is so much history in my family
and now is the time for me to get it documented. I can’t
wait to get started! Sisterhood also took a look back. Stacy Edinburg
When planning our events for this year, we looked back Sisterhood President
over the last few years to see what was popular, and what
wasn’t. Which events were successful, and which ones
didn’t maybe go quite as we thought they would. Using
that information, we planned a schedule of events for the
upcoming year which we hope will continue to be as great
as our first event of the year! Sisterhood is a group of
Do we have your correct email address????
In an effort to keep you informed of all our wonderful activities at TBS, please make sure we have your correct email
address. Please notify Fern, 508-877-2540 ext. 205 or [email protected], of any changes.
Catering is continuing in full force. We are already
scheduled to cater several events continue our barbecuing
Summer has drawn to a close and we hope that everyone
for many Brotherhood and temple events. ur Heritage
has had a great time. Over the summer the Brotherhood
program will continue as we lead Friday night services at
continued its barbecues for various good causes around the the Heritage assisted living center on Water street. The
temple. There has been a lot of fun, schmoozing and good residents really appreciate what we do. We are always
looking for more help. If you would like to help contact us:
While all this has been happening, the Brotherhood Board [email protected].
has been hard at work preparing for a new year of fun and The programming committee is hard at work planning
activities and we are still looking for your requests and
events, breakfasts, and speakers. If you have any wants or
ideas email us at [email protected] or tell one
of the Board members. We welcome questions, complaints
Once again we are working hard at scheduling our ushers
for the High Holidays. The ushers are here to provide any and especially compliments. Please look for our fliers and
announcements for upcoming events.
help that is needed and to help services flow smoothly.
Brotherhood News…
On Sunday October 9th at 8:00am we start the first phase
of erecting the Sukkah by building the walls and roof. On
Sunday October 16th at 8:00am we start the second phase..
We will complete building of the Sukkah with the roofing
and have the Sukkah ready for our Religious School
students to decorate.. Please plan to join us (men and
women) as we do the mitzvah of building the Sukkah. No
building experience is necessary but it is always a fun time.
Bourbon and Brisket. Yes I did say bourbon! We are
planning a Bourbon Tasting with dinner (smoked brisket
with all the fixings) in the Sukkah on October 16th.
It’s time to renew your membership for the new year. Dues
for the year 5777 is $56. To pay by Paypal go to:
On behalf of the Brotherhood Board, my family and myself
I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New
L’Shanah Tovah
Steve Golden
Brotherhood President
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Young Families…
The Young Families of Temple Beth Sholom are excited to follow up our apple picking excursion with more exciting
activities to welcome in the New Year and bring us together. Mark these on your calendar and be sure to join the fun!
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Sukkah Decorating Party
Friday, November 4, 2016
Shakin’ Shabbat,
Family-friendly Shabbat service featuring fun-filled singing, dancing, and
We hope you will join us at these and all our Young Families events. Sharing special experiences together helps
strengthen our bonds to Judaism and our community, and we would love to get to know you! If you would like to share
your ideas with the Young Families committee, or if you would like to join the committee, please contact me .
Nurit Lieberman, Chair
[email protected]
Thank You:
Kiddush & Oneg Sponsors: Margie & Aaron Zwicker, Lisa & Scott Feldman, and
Charles Winer & Debbie Kurlansky Winer
To TBS shoppers : Milt Coleman, Lee Bauer, and Dinah Moeller
To Ruthann Ruthfield, Lee Bauer and Richard Diamond for beautifying the sidewalk gardens
Sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush Luncheon?
If you are interested in sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush luncheon, please let Fern know by Tuesday of the week
you are interested in sponsoring.
Watch for these upcoming December events:
December 3— SholomPlex
December 9 — 2nd Soul Shabbat
December 10 — Lunch & Learn
December 17 — Student led service
December 18 — Young Families Party
December 25 — Family Game Night
Come join us for all the excitement and fun!
October/November 2016
Youth News…
“Our Spirit’
themselves, both in the USY community and the greater
Jewish community. I think that's one of my favorite parts of
engaging with our youth -- helping them grow as people
and be excited to inspire the younger kids. We have some
great programs and outings planned this year, from getting
lost in the (Big Papi-themed) cornfield Mega Maze to minigolf to pre-Pesach fondue party, as well as some great
social action/tzedakah projects throughout the year. Please
join in on the fun!
TBS Youth had a very successful and exciting launch to
our 2016-2107 year. It was wonderful to see so many
Kadima, Jr. and Sr. USYers at our kickoff event in early
September. We played games outside, had a delicious
BBQ (thanks to the support of our Brotherhood!), and we
got to know each other better and our advisors, Ben and
Julie! Our Advisors and the Sr. USY Board have
been busy planning our events. Please remember it is
NEVER too late to get your child involved in USY! Try Kadima/Jr. and Sr. USY Save the Dates:
one event and see how much fun we have! Bring a friend October 8th: Jr. USY and Sr. USY is going to see the off
from outside our temple community to come along with Broadway musical Wicked in Providence
October 16th - Kadima and Jr. USY Pre-Sukkot Harvest
Our Jr. and Sr. USYers had a fantastic time at their first Fun at the Megamaze
NERUSY regional event on September 25th at the United
October 30: Our Regional youth organization, NERUSY is
Skates of America. NERUSY regional events are a great
hosting their first Kadima (3rd - 5th graders) event right
place to meet new friends or perhaps meet up with friends
here at Temple Beth Sholom!
from overnight camp in other chapters.
1st Friday of each month - Jr. and Sr. USYers will be
Now a word and introduction from our wonderfully
leading a Friday afternoon service at the Shillman
talented Kadima and Jr. USY Advisor, Julie Koven
This is a brief but extremely rewarding
I'm Julie Koven Levine, and I'm thrilled to be back working
with TBS Youth, this year with our Kadima (3rd-5th grade) November 13th - all youth Sky zone at Westborough
and Junior USY (6th-8th grade). I've worked with our Gayle Seletz
synagogue youth program in various capacities over the Youth Chair
past 15+ years, and it's been amazing to see former
Kadimaniks and USYers grow and become leaders
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Temple Beth Sholom Book Club
The Temple Beth Sholom Book Club meets the second Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to 11:00
am September through May. If a meeting is cancelled due to a Temple event or inclement weather, we
will meet on the following Tuesday at the same time. If you would like more information, please call
Jackie Shina at 508-877-6109 or Charlotte Lastnik at 508-877-0036.
The following list represents selections chosen by the book club members. Some books are new and may
need to be reserved at the library; some are old and may be available only in paperback. Some selections
may be found in other libraries in the Minuteman system. We suggest that you go to the library and
reserve as many as possible. If you haven’t read the current book, you are still welcome to join us.
The Book Club schedule is as follows:
November 8
December 6
January 10
February 14
March 7
April 4
May 9
June 6
A Man called Ove
The Burgess Boys
Where the Heart Is
Life After Life
All I Love and Know
The Art of Hearing Heartbeats
The Guest Room
The Fortune Teller’s Kiss
Fredrik Backman
Elizabeth Strout
Billie Letts
Kate Atkinson
Judith Frank
Jan-Philipp Sendker
Chris Bohjalian
Brenda Serotte
Some suggested reading:
Friends Indeed ~ Norman Finkelstein
PsychoSemitic ~ Ellen Golub
The Muralist ~ B.A. Shapiro
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry ~Gabrielle Zevin
City of Darkness, City of Light ~ Marge Piercy
The Screening Room ~ Alan Lightman
Abraham: The World’s First
(But Certainly Not Last) Jewish Lawyer ~ Alan M. Dershowitz
Miller’s Valley ~ Anna Quindlen
On This Foundation ~ Lynn Austin
Probable Future ~ Alice Hoffman
Many thanks to all our advertisers….their ads help defray the cost of the printing of the Ruchenu!
Please be sure to frequent them and mention that you’ve seen their ad in the Ruchenu!
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
Daily Services
9:00 am
7:00 am
Sunday through Thursday
7:15 pm
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
Keep our Kiddushim Alive! Join the Kiddush Klub
Sometimes, we have a Shabbat during the year when we are left without sponsors for a
Kiddush because there are no life cycle events being celebrated. At these times we need to
have a fund to help underwrite a meaningful Kiddush. Please remember, you can always
sponsor a Kiddush for your special event on a special date...just contact the office at 508-8772540 ext. 205.
Thank you for helping enhance our Shabbatot.
Will you help by joining The Kiddush Klub?
Kiddush Klub Membership
Name: —————————————————————————
Membership Level: Monthly  Quarterly  Annually One Time
$18 $36 $54 $118 $180 Other $ ———
OPTIONAL: I would like to sponsor a Kiddush
In honor of:
In memory of:
Date of Sponsorship:
Please drop form
off or mail in with payment to: Temple Beth Sholom, 50 Pamela Road, Framingham,
MA 01701
The Place To Be
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
Community Information
MetroWest Jewish Day School…
MWJDS wishes the Metrowest Jewish Community a sweet and happy 5777! Shana Tova!
Building the Sukkah at Shillman House
Sunday, October 16, 2016 11am-2pm
Shillman House, 49 Edmands Rd. Framingham
MWJDS will erect its sukkah at Shillman House for the enjoyment of the residents. If you have never helped raise a
sukkah before, this is a great opportunity to learn! No experience or tools needed. Please RSVP to Beth Null
([email protected]) by Friday 10/14 if you are able to help out. We will reschedule in case of rain.
Mom’s Night Out: Sweets in the Sukkah
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 @ 7pm
50 Pamela Road, Framingham
Moms deserve a fun night out! Join us in the Sukkah for a delicious dessert reception. We will provide a wide selection
of chocolate and fruit desserts, coffee and tea for your eating pleasure. So join us for dessert and schmoozing, and leave
the kids at home with dad. This event is open to the community so bring your girlfriends. Dietary laws will be observed.
Cost: $5 per person. RSVP required. Email Beth Null ([email protected]) to RSVP and with any questions.
Boston Jewish Film Festival Movie & MWJDS Dessert reception
Wednesday, November 16, 2016 @ 7pm
AMC Theaters, Flutie Pass, Framingham (behind Natick Mall)
Tickets available soon at and Contact Solomon Rosenberg (508-620-5554) with any questions.
Film Title: Moos
Moos’ life consists of cooking, cleaning, and helping out in her dad’s textile shop. But when her childhood friend, Sam,
returns from Israel for a surprise visit, he inspires her to revisit her dreams and to apply to the local academy for
performing arts. Moos’ fails the audition, but she tries to save face by telling everyone she got in, and begins taking
private singing lessons to prepare to re-apply. As Moos begins a secret affair with her handsome singing teacher, Sam
realizes that his feelings for Moos may not be purely platonic, and Moos finds herself trying to stay grounded within her
web of lies.
MWJDS Winter Lights Gala Celebration
Sunday, December 4th, 2016 at 5pm
Temple Israel of Natick
The date has been set for the gala event of the season. MWJDS will hold its annual Winter Lights Gala on Sunday,
December 4th at Temple Israel of Natick, where we will honor Robin Kaye & Charlie Sisitsky for their contributions
to MetroWest Jewish Day School and the Jewish community of Greater Boston. We will also present Combined Jewish
Philanthropies (CJP) President Barry Shrage with the Elovitz Keter Shem Tov (Crown of a Good Name) Award in
recognition of his tireless efforts to build the Greater Boston Jewish community. Join us for a wonderful evening of
celebration, dinner and music. For tickets or sponsorship information, please contact Solomon Rosenberg,
[email protected] or 508-620-5554.
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Community Information
Solomon Shechter Day School…
Thursday, November 3 • 9:30 a.m. • Open House
Learn how Schechter's rigorous academic program ignites a spark in Judaism and love for
Israel, nurtures self-discovery through an innovative curriculum and fosters a collaborative and joyful
culture and community. Families will meet members of the school community, visit classrooms and hear
about financial assistance programs. 60 Stein Circle, Newton. Babysitting provided. For more
information about Schechter's Early Childhood Program and kindergarten or to RSVP, please contact
Jacqueline Shahrabani at [email protected] or 617.630.4608. For more
information on grades 1-8, please contact Stephanie Maroun at [email protected] or
617.630.4625. Visit our website at
SCHECHTER PALS (Preschoolers and Little Siblings) PROGRAMS
PALS is a free, family-friendly series of programs of the Solomon Schechter Day School. At every PALS
event, preschoolers enjoy entertainment and projects that are designed to be engaging, educational and
interactive. Hands-on activities that teach Jewish values are woven into every PALS. Please join us for
the fun! All PALS programs are held at 60 Stein Circle, Newton. For more information, contact
Stephanie Maroun at 617-630-4625 or at [email protected]
Sunday, November 20, 2016 • 4:00-5:30pm • Light Your Campfire! A Josh & the Jamtones
Concert & Dinner
Come camping indoors! Songs, spirit and s’mores… enjoy all the fun of camp with no mosquitoes or
bears! In the tradition of campfire sing-alongs, put your arms around your neighbor and camp out until
it’s time to line up for kosher franks and beans, tofu hot dogs and corn bread...and s’mores for dessert, of
Jewish Family Services of Metrowest…
Patient Navigator is looking for volunteers!
If you have an interest in helping frail older adults maintain their independence, contact JFS ( at 508-875-3100 x110
to learn more about this flexible, rewarding opportunity.
Adoption Choices:
Are you interested in growing your family through adoption? Do you have questions about adoption? We can help! Since 1982,
Adoption Choices, a non-profit, licensed adoption program, has been providing Massachusetts families with comprehensive adoption
services. Our program is designed to meet the needs of the adoptive parents, birth parents, and adopted persons by providing a wide
range of educational and counseling services in a progressive program. Contact us today to speak with an expert. (800) 872-5232
Workshop: November 15th Daily Challenges Facing White Parents Raising Children of Color Whitney Place, 3 Vision Drive,
Natick, MA 01760 Contact Dale Eldridge at: 508-875-3100 x150 OR [email protected] with any questions.
Family Assistance:
The JFS Family Assistance Network provides confidential and respectful assistance to individuals and families in Metrowest to help
them meet the short-term challenges resulting from urgent financial difficulties. Our goal is to help households remain independent
and financially self-sufficient. Diana O’Brien [email protected]
Geriatric Care Management
The experts at JFS Elder Care Solutions understand the challenges that come with aging. Whether you or someone you love needs
help after a stay in the hospital or assessing housing options, coordinating services, understanding benefits, or adapting to healthrelated barriers, our care managers can give you expert advice that meets your needs and preferences. Call JFS and speak with an
expert today. 800-655-9553, [email protected]
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
Yahrzeits for October
October 3
Lillian Beck, mother-in-law of Sylvia Beck
Jack Fisher, father of Rona Kahn
October 4
Joan Kovar, mother of Geoffrey W. Kovar
Hannah Kahn, mother of John Kahn
Isaac Strachman, uncle of Herbert Strachman
October 5
Aaron Daniel Franzblau, father of Renee Finn
October 6
Julia Fay Regan, granddaughter of Ronnie and Roy Pologe
October 7
Sidney Goldman, father of Janice Marmer
Pearl Gordon, grandmother of Nancy Bayer
October 8
Leon Kovar, father of Geoffrey W. Kovar
Charles Wilkes, father of Sherryl Cohen
October 9
William L Hirsch, father-in-law of Vita Hirsch
Joseph Rosenbloom, father of Beth Rosenbloom
October 10
Julius Feierstein, father of Hinda Drotch
Sidney Robinow, father of Douglas Robinow
October 11
Paul Paper, father of Dena Hochman
Carolyn Gordon, mother of Nancy Bayer
Mitchell Levin, brother of Rita Hettinger
October 13
Jules Seletz, father of Jay Seletz
Ira Coleman, father of Milton Coleman
William Cooper, father of Howard Cooper
Genia Zwicker, mother of Aaron Zwicker
October 15
Eve Luft, mother of Helene Sotsky
James Flink, brother of Joanne Silver
October 18
Gerald Cohen, husband of Rosalyn Cohen
Alec Cohen, father of Irene Hill
October 20
Martin Brown, father of Selma Durschlag
October 22
Herman Plotnik, father of Irv Plotnik
Esther Mason, mother of Arthur Mason
October 23
Steven Rubin, brother of Elaine Seigal
Fanny Peller, grandmother of Helene Sotsky
October 25
Evelyn Gruber, mother of Andrea Gruber
Steven Sotsky, husband of Helene Sotsky
Oscar Machlis, father of Sharon Gartenberg
Steven Sotsky, father of Tara Sotsky Kent
Mollie Finkelstein, mother of Norman Finkelstein
October 26
Shirley Mason, wife of Arthur Mason
October 27
Sidney Gorden, brother of Paul Gorden
Anne Kline, mother of Judy Rhein
October 28
Ralph Rhein, father of Stuart Rhein
Herbert Steier, father of David Steier
October 29
Sarah Petkun, mother of Thelma Brody
Henry Krendel, father of David Krendel
Harry Reichel, father-in-law of Charna Reichel
October 30
Herman Gorden, brother of Paul Gorden
Lawrence Wallenstein, father of Karen Kane
Alice Finn, mother of Steven Finn
Arthur Kurlansky, father of Debra Kurlansky Winer
October 31
Barney Eli Petkin, father of Thelma Brody
Leon Stone, father of Carole Pozmanter
October 16
Fannie Hirsch, mother-in-law of Vita Hirsch
Nancy Kramer, daughter of Miriam Kramer
October 17
Aaron Glovinsky, father of Irma Andrus
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Yahrzeits for November
November 1
Louis Seigal, father of Morris Seigal
Myer Zwicker, father of Aaron Zwicker
Harry Efros, grandfather of Paul Kaufman
Miriam Kane, mother of Edward Kane
November 2
Hyman Kates, father of Marlene Kriegsman
Ida Rabitz, mother of Ronald Rabitz
Ethel Kates, grandmother of Louis Kates
November 3
Jacob Komissar, father of Jan Komissar
William Spivak, father of Herbert Spivak
Lillian Futerman, mother of Carol Chudnofsky
November 4
Doris Glovinsky, mother of Irma Andrus
November 5
Martha Brody, relative of Thelma Brody
November 6
Lillian Sher, mother of Melvin Sher
Louis Katz, father of Sidney Katz
Sadie Kramer, grandmother of David Kramer
November 7
Sarah Smoller, mother of Stephen Smoller
Ellen Finkel Lurie, mother of Amy Lurie Schulman
George Marcus, husband of Norma Marcus
Israel Geller, father of Philip Geller
November 8
Samuel Lastnik, father-in-law of Charlotte Lastnik
Beatrice Ambuter, mother of Norma Kramer
Sylvia Beatus, aunt of Norma Kramer
November 9
Robert Wazbinski, father of Penny Cooper
Sylvia Rosenstein, mother of Joan Sandman
November 11
Erwin Weinberg, father of Jody Troderman
Arlene Rothenberg, sister of Ronnie Pologe
Abraham Ruthfield, father-in-law of Ruthann Ruthfield
November 12
Larry Sugarman, husband of Arlene Sugarman
Isabel Bernstein, mother of Lee Bauer
November 13
Naum Bolkhovsky, father of Vladimir Bolkhovsky
Ina Seidman, mother of Robin Seidman
Ina Seidman, mother of Gayle Seletz
November 15
Hannah Green Corwin, mother of Ellen Bloch
November 16
Eunice Rapoport, mother of Joyce Habalow
Gloria Stein, mother of Rhoda Stought
Irwin Brown, brother of Selma Durschlag
November 18
Joseph Segal, uncle of Marvin Segal
November 19
Sam Kay, father of Carol Sokol
November 20
Iosif Mirsky, husband of Dora Mirsky
Sidney Wainer, father of Deborah Abrahams
Paul Morson, father of Ronnie Pologe
Berta Minkovich, mother of Alla Bolkhovsky
November 21
Clara Esther Golan, mother of Edna Supnik
Betty Nathanson, mother of Diane Modest
November 22
Jacob Rebisch, relative of Helene Sotsky
Howard Hill, father of Marjorie Menachem
Howard Hill, husband of Irene Hill
Mary Greene, grandmother of Nancy Bushinsky
November 24
Harold Grossman, father of Robert Grossman
Bessie Lovitz Beltzer, mother of Leonard Lovitz
November 25
Ronda Kramer, sister-in-law of Miriam Kramer
November 26
Gloria Levitt, mother of Linda D. Levitt
Adam Brody, friend of Matthew Barach
November 27
Jeannette Malkin, step-mother of Lesley Bielawski
Harold Share, husband of Barbara Share
Harry Bloom, father of Sidney Bloom
November 28
Celia Pologe, mother of Roy Pologe
Arnold Kramer, brother-in-law of Miriam Kramer
Stuart Hettinger, husband of Rita Hettinger
Dora Sandman, mother of Louis Sandman
November 29
Israel Chudnofsky, father of Carl Chudnofsky
Rose Katz, grandmother of Marlene Kriegsman
Bernard Weiner, father of Roni Davidi
November 30
Leo Kramer, father of Susan Berkowitz
Fanny Spivak, mother of Herbert Spivak
Judith Nan Schulz, sister of Leonard Lovitz
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
Marsha & David Dresner
Thank you to Rabbi Bazer and everyone at Beth Sholom
for all their help and support when it was most needed
Norma Marcus
In memory of Ronald Shapiro, brother of Marc Shapiro
Vita Hirsch
Yahrzeit of mother, Dora Harris
Shifra Rosoff
Yahrzeit of father, Louis Goldman
The Tursky Family
In loving memory of Karl Tursky
In memory of Debbi Brady
Rona & John Kahn
In honor of Lucy Press’s granddaughter
being accepted to Harvard
Fran Nigberg
In honor of Irene Hill’s special birthday
Dinah & Martin Moeller
Harry Kushnir
Yahrzeit of father, Samuel Kushnir
Lisa Trompeter
Yahrzeit of mother, Helen Neumann
Arnold Beberman & Family
Yahrzeit of Selma Beberman
Miriam Schuldman
Yahrzeit of sister, Beatrice Katcher
Marvin Segal
Yahrzeit of mother, Gertrude Segal
Ruth & Alvin Nathanson
In memory of Dr. Herbert Kreevoy
Susan Robinson
Yahrzeit of mother, Phyllis Robinson
Sylvia Beck
Mazel Tov to Dinah & Martin Moeller
on their wedding
Yahrzeit of sister-in-law, Ruth Balkin
Steve Goldstein & Sheila Lynch
In memory of Herm Libman
Susan Berkowitz
Yahrzeit of mother-in-law, Natalie Berkowitz
Andy Gruber
Yahrzeit of mother, Evelyn Gruber
Paula & Harold Homonoff
In memory of Jerry Meister
Edna & Ross Supnik
Mazel Tov to Norma Marcus on the marriage of her
granddaughter, Alyssa Freedman to Jason Safer
Cheryl & Dennis Hunt
In memory of Herm Libman
Judith Itzkowitz
Yahrzeit of grandmother, Molly Rechtman
Sonia Keats
In memory of Bessie & Joseph Hurwitz
Lisa Trompeter
Yahrzeit of mother, Helen Neumann
Jan & Ed Marmer
In memory of Barbara Brustin
Doris Oser & Family
In honor of Irene Hill’s special birthday
Linda Miller
Yahrzeit of father, Herbert Corman
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Sylvia Beck
Yahrzeit of sister, Charlotte Resnick
Yahrzeit of mother, Dorothy Neiterman
Joseph Cooper
Yahrzeit of father, Irving Cooper
Elaine Darman
Yahrzeit of husband, Michael Darman
Rena Finder & Family
In memory of beloved husband & father, Mark Finder
Miriam Kramer
Yahrzeit of mother-in-law, Anna Kramer
Shirley & Sumner Sachs
Speedy recovery to Rona Kahn
In memory of Ronald Shapiro, brother of Marc Shapiro
With gratitude for good health
Additional ways to honor your loved ones,
special occasions, and/or special memories
and support Temple Beth Sholom:
Saturday Kiddush for 50 people—$150
Friday night Oneg for 30-40 people—$100
Inscribed Siddur—$36 each
Inscribed Bible—$85
Yahrzeit plaques—$360 each
Name inscribed on Bar/Bat Mitzvah Plaque—$180
Tree of Life — Small leaf—$250
Mid size leaf—$650
Large leaf—$1000
Donations to other Temple Beth Sholom funds start
at $8. Please check with the Temple Office for a
listing of funds
Eileen Avers
In honor of Melvin Kravitz’s special birthday
In honor of Gladys Safer’s special birthday
Edna & Ross Supnik
Mazel Tov to Eileen Avers on the marriage of her
grandson, Jason Safer to Alyssa Freedman
Please remember to leave your cell phones
in your cars during Services!!!!
This pertains to Friday night, Shabbat
morning services, and holidays.
Thank you in advance for your
October/November 2016
“Our Spirit’
● Ads for Ruchenu
● Business card
● $30/issue
● $120/5 issues
● $200/9 issues
● 1/4 page
● $45/issue
● $180/5 issues
 $300/9 issues
Camera ready ads due by 2nd Friday of each month
October/November 2016
The Place To Be
Temple Beth Sholom
The Place To Be
50 Pamela Road
Framingham, MA 01701-3998
Phone: 508-877-2540
Fax: 508-877-8278
Change Service Requested
Have you made your reservation for:
October 16 — Brotherhood Brisket & Bourbon
October 19 — Mom’s Night Out
October 23 — Young Families Sukkah Decorating Party
November 1 — Sisterhood Ladies Night Out
November 6 — Sisterhood Bollywood Dancing
Flyers inside this issue
Build the Sukkah
2nd Soul Shabbat
Lunch & Learn
Young Families Sukkah
Decorating Party
Brotherhood Brisket &
Mom’s Night Out
Installation of Officers
Simchat Torah
Sisterhood Ladies Night Out
Shakin’ Shabbat
Sisterhood Bollywood Dancing
Friday Night Speaker
Veterans Service and 2nd Soul
Brotherhood Breakfast and
Learning with the Cantor
Interfaith Service
Kiddush Klub
Bima Baskets
Samba Cards
October/November 2016