bidong pulau
bidong pulau
Nutrient Distribution of Islands in Terengganu Waters of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia Yong, J.C.a, Zainuddin, B.b aMarine Science Department, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Marine Science, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. bInstitute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS), Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. Keywords: nutrients, nitrites, orthophosphorous, ammoniacal nitrogen, dissolve organic carbon. • Expedition start on 15 May – 7 June 2012 • All together 66 stations visited. • Within 2 nautical miles waters from island shore line. • Nutrient - Nitrogen (NO2--N, NO3--N, NH3-N) - Phosphorous (PO4-3-P) - Dissolved Organic Carbon Methodology and Apparatus Sampling Location Perhentian Island Lang Tengah Island Redang Island Yu Besar & Yu Kecil Island Bidong Island Kapas Island Tengol Island c PULAU PERHENTIAN -15 – 17 May 2012 (2 days) -10 stations PULAU REDANG -18 – 20 May 2012 (3 days) -13stations PULAU LANG TENGAH -21 May 2012 (1 days) -4 stations PULAU BIDONG -25 – 26 May 2012 (2 days) -12 stations PULAU YU -23 – 24 May 2012 (2 days) -4 stations PULAU KAPAS -28 – 29 May 2012 (2 days) -11 stations PULAU TENGOL -5 – 6 May 2012 (2 days) -12 stations Instruments: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rossette Water Sampler CTD pH sensor ADCP UV-Spectrophotometer Research Vessel – Discovery II Method of Analysis • Nitrogen: NO2--N (APHA, 2005) NO3--N (APHA, 2005) NH3-N (APHA, 2005) • Phosphorous: (PO4-3-P) (APHA, 2005) • Dissolved Organic Carbon (TOC analyzer, Shimadzu) Results and Discussion Station Depth(m) PO4 (µg/L) NH3 (µg/L) NO2 (µg/L) NO3 (µg/L) 2 1.061 31.048 0.183 100.624 LT01 10 3.712 13.443 0.203 71.484 25 2.651 5.441 0.183 70.484 2 3.182 5.441 0.061 39.979 LT03 10 1.591 4.801 0.102 88.828 24 3.182 8.322 0.203 64.000 2 1.061 5.121 0.224 76.484 LT05 10 3.712 9.282 0.061 84.979 29 3.182 12.483 0.244 58.129 2 1.591 6.402 0.163 47.732 LT07 10 1.591 7.682 0.102 76.291 28 2.121 7.362 0.366 39.473 Lang Tengah Island • The nutrient level re relatively low. • Water depth were generally below 30 meters depth. Station PB01 PB04 PB07 PB08 PB10 PB13 PB14 PB16 PB19 PB20 PB22 PB23 Depth(m) PO4 (µg/L) NH3 (µg/L) NO2 (µg/L) 2 1.591 4.801 0.187 10 2.651 21.445 0.061 16 2.386 14.084 0.081 2 1.591 6.082 0.041 10 3.182 8.322 0.163 20 1.591 6.082 0.203 2 n.d. 7.042 0.102 10 2.121 5.761 0.061 30 3.182 4.801 0.509 2 1.591 5.121 0.122 10 n.d. 4.801 0.183 2 2.121 4.801 0.122 10 3.182 10.563 0.020 20 1.591 6.402 0.285 2 4.242 8.642 0.081 10 1.591 9.602 0.163 2 n.d. 6.402 0.061 10 n.d. 4.481 0.305 18 1.591 14.724 0.671 2 2.651 25.927 0.142 10 1.591 4.801 0.183 2 2.121 6.722 0.183 7 1.591 7.042 0.285 2 3.182 6.082 0.041 10 3.182 23.686 0.020 14 3.712 16.644 0.061 2 1.591 5.761 0.061 10 2.651 8.642 0.102 23 1.591 8.322 0.061 2 n.d. 8.962 0.061 10 1.591 6.082 0.061 14 1.591 8.002 0.081 NO3 (µg/L) TOC (µmol/L ) 104.484 82.63 85.979 103.2 69.140 42.37 97.635 68.69 102.140 80.02 113.807 76.4 104.108 75.88 109.484 64.43 113.129 40.93 102.807 47.91 92.624 n.a. 120.312 49.9 112.645 83.7 98.968 49 72.463 53.72 68.066 98.3 112.785 82.67 53.119 23.52 111.947 10.67 43.108 615.1 122.140 45.24 46.796 51.16 108.807 48.81 96.463 52.65 102.291 72.92 99.291 50.67 64.635 175.4 75.624 57.02 100.441 49.18 68.161 20.75 87.989 n.a. 80.473 41.8 Bidong Island Station Depth(m) 2 10 PR01 16 23 2 PR03 10 42 2 PR04 10 26 2 PR07 10 32 2 PR08 10 2 PR11 10 2 PR13 10 23 2 PR14 10 2 PR16 10 25 2 PR18 8 2 PR20 10 30 2 PR21 10 27 2 PR23 10 32 PO4 (µg/L) n.d. n.d. n.d. 2.651 1.591 n.d. 1.591 0.530 3.182 1.591 1.061 n.d. 1.591 1.061 1.591 1.591 n.d. 1.591 n.d. 1.591 1.591 0.530 1.061 2.121 5.303 n.d. 1.591 4.773 4.242 2.121 n.d. 1.591 4.242 2.121 4.773 1.591 NH3 (µg/L) 28.807 28.487 n.d. 23.686 24.326 21.445 22.726 22.406 21.766 23.686 47.372 25.927 29.127 25.607 24.966 23.366 24.646 20.165 21.125 23.046 6.722 33.289 7.042 7.042 12.163 16.964 20.485 8.962 28.167 11.523 29.127 31.048 34.569 24.966 24.006 28.167 NO2 (µg/L) 0.895 0.610 0.305 3.215 0.549 0.529 3.642 0.529 1.221 3.744 0.631 0.488 4.436 0.712 0.814 0.773 2.116 0.936 0.814 0.977 0.570 0.468 0.549 0.509 2.136 0.488 0.509 0.346 0.326 0.346 0.733 0.468 2.482 0.570 0.427 3.663 NO3 (µg/L) 33.828 n.a. 58.473 87.645 60.817 58.140 67.463 50.441 70.592 80.785 44.667 77.129 70.979 78.119 70.968 74.280 21.904 69.645 77.301 39.129 86.119 38.915 67.936 82.947 114.151 79.796 53.441 87.645 73.076 42.656 74.785 69.624 80.775 32.796 80.452 48.431 TOC (µmol C/l ) 29.830 n.a. 33.130 76.340 24.770 28.240 24.630 50.150 57.610 57.120 52.460 61.980 23.590 37.600 39.240 119.000 262.200 0.000 64.030 49.360 134.000 58.690 75.430 n.d. n.a 43.860 66.410 71.950 n.a. 55.400 65.030 60.700 94.650 35.870 64.730 54.660 Redang Island There is no significantly changes with the study conducted by Law (2001) from year 1995 – 2000. Yu Island • Nutrient distribution show no significant changes within layer and station. • However, the Nitrite generally show higher level at the bottom layer. Station Depth(m) PO4 (µg/L) NH3 (µg/L) NO2 (µg/L) 2 5.303 8.322 0.081 10 1.061 5.761 0.000 PY01 40 4.773 6.082 5.514 2 4.773 11.843 0.102 10 n.d. 4.161 0.102 PY02 34 4.242 4.801 5.880 2 0.000 6.402 0.000 10 2.121 7.682 0.142 PY03 38 2.651 6.082 2.910 2 0.530 8.002 0.183 4 3.712 6.722 4.700 PY04 10 n.d. 7.362 0.203 NO3 (µg/L) 84.979 77.035 96.968 65.452 108.968 114.989 92.473 104.291 62.495 106.129 76.473 81.140 Station PK01 PK02 PK03 PK04 PK05 PK06 PK07 PK08 PK09 PK10 PK14 PK16 Depth(m) PO4 (µg/L) NH3 (µg/L) NO2 (µg/L) NO3 (µg/L) 2 2.651 4.801 0.387 88.603 2 1.061 3.841 0.041 75.732 10 2.651 3.521 0.203 80.915 2 2.651 4.481 0.102 85.753 7 3.182 4.481 0.163 106.108 2 1.591 7.042 0.203 90.613 6 3.182 7.362 0.081 100.957 2 n.d. 5.441 0.041 106.463 10 4.773 7.682 1.933 95.753 16 6.363 8.642 4.761 111.635 2 3.182 4.481 0.061 84.269 10 3.712 8.322 0.610 97.764 18 4.242 6.082 5.697 94.775 2 2.651 5.761 0.122 56.624 8 3.182 6.082 0.122 97.280 2 4.242 7.042 0.305 91.463 10 5.303 5.121 3.072 97.613 21 3.712 3.841 5.250 87.087 2 3.712 7.682 0.305 89.796 10 5.303 5.761 2.686 114.807 16 4.773 5.441 3.561 86.613 2 2.121 5.441 0.102 104.269 9 3.182 4.481 1.994 96.151 2 1.591 5.441 0.488 93.119 10 3.182 6.082 0.102 93.269 23 7.424 6.402 14.691 108.463 2 1.591 4.161 0.163 85.603 11 4.773 8.002 0.122 103.119 Kapas Island • Receive influence from land. • Slightly higher compare to the others. Station PT01 PT02 PT03 PT04 PT05 PT06 PT07 PT08 PT11 PT13 PT14 PT16 Depth(m) PO4 (µg/L) NH3 (µg/L) NO2 (µg/L) NO3 (µg/L) 2 9.545 16.324 0.061 73.269 10 2.121 2.881 0.427 80.785 38 4.773 8.002 6.633 95.301 2 3.182 26.887 1.078 83.957 10 3.712 21.125 0.875 96.301 48 5.833 23.686 12.331 67.097 2 2.651 22.726 0.163 70.764 10 15.378 61.136 0.285 60.076 41 2.121 16.324 0.163 80.979 2 1.591 6.082 0.285 102.312 10 1.591 4.481 0.183 72.925 48 7.954 34.889 7.061 49.216 2 1.591 26.247 0.265 78.452 10 1.591 19.845 0.122 75.957 45 3.182 5.121 2.238 84.441 2 7.954 22.406 0.122 75.775 10 3.182 22.086 0.427 87.119 50 5.303 24.006 6.816 87.119 2 3.182 16.324 0.346 77.452 10 10.606 23.686 0.020 91.119 30 11.666 29.127 6.409 65.238 2 3.182 38.090 0.041 81.947 10 1.591 19.845 0.020 89.624 45 16.969 23.686 6.816 88.807 2 9.545 20.485 0.203 80.968 10 9.015 21.125 0.081 66.431 36 10.606 27.527 0.081 60.743 2 1.591 4.801 0.203 87.291 10 8.484 24.326 0.102 94.129 51 7.954 18.885 6.959 45.539 2 0.530 22.406 0.224 67.463 10 2.651 27.847 0.387 66.968 58 3.182 20.485 5.128 92.613 2 4.242 17.605 0.122 79.613 10 2.651 22.726 0.142 58.624 50 6.363 22.086 6.918 55.925 Tenggol Island • Most of the bottom layer have higher nutrient level. It could due: - current movement - Bottom mineralization • Current measurement would attribute to understand the variation and carrying capacity for nutrient in these station. Station PP01 PP04 PP08 PP10 PP11 PP13 PP16 PP19 PP22 PP23 Depth(m) PO4 (µg/L) NH3 (µg/L) NO2 (µg/L) NO3 (µg/L) 2 3.712 8.962 0.041 89.323 10 1.591 4.801 0.570 93.947 23 1.591 23.046 0.224 51.248 2 1.591 8.002 0.041 99.656 10 1.591 6.082 0.061 93.291 17 1.591 7.682 0.061 91.291 2 3.182 14.724 0.061 58.645 10 1.591 7.682 0.102 39.592 2 1.061 6.082 0.631 45.280 4 1.591 5.121 0.651 74.968 2 2.651 14.084 1.607 87.108 10 1.591 12.163 0.610 57.979 19 2.651 9.923 0.041 74.473 2 4.242 7.362 0.203 58.108 10 2.121 12.483 0.814 135.129 17 2.121 9.282 0.102 91.817 2 7.424 10.243 2.411 58.645 10 7.424 39.050 0.580 66.441 17 10.606 25.607 0.641 106.108 2 13.257 10.243 2.655 59.495 10 5.303 9.282 0.305 33.473 16 10.075 8.962 0.519 29.635 2 7.954 6.402 0.671 36.796 10 12.196 15.684 1.007 43.968 12 8.484 6.402 0.855 48.301 2 9.015 4.161 0.671 55.129 10 10.606 22.406 0.610 73.484 24 9.015 36.169 0.305 n.a. Perhentian Island • For station near to urbanized coast, the nutrient tend to be higher. (22,23). • In general, water quality for the parameters determine are dominantly lay within good condition. • The study can extend to study the limitation to assess the nutrient utilization/input by the local community. • Water is dynamic, frequent and more sample collection could provide better understanding on the marine environment. • The information could use to monitor the environment changes to as precaution / predict the threats and response accordingly. Acknowledgement • The authors would like to thanks Department of Marine Parks, Malaysia for funding most the research activity, support and grant permission to carry out the survey in marine parks (East Zone) • Special thanks to Institute of Oceanography and Environment (INOS) and Marine Science Department for giving support and providing the laboratory instrument and sampling gear throughout sampling period. Thank You
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