transport statement - Crawley Borough Council
transport statement - Crawley Borough Council
Former BOC Factory Site, Manor Royal, Crawley Proposed Car Showroom and Workshops TRANSPORT STATEMENT Prepared by: Entran Ltd On behalf of: Harwoods Ltd DATE: June 2014 Entran is committed to reducing unnecessary waste in the environment. For this reason our paper reports are printed: Double sided; Using 10 point font; and On recycled paper. Additional copies of this report are available on CD-ROM. If you require this report in another format please ask. Former BOC Factory Site, Manor Royal, Crawley Proposed Car Showroom and Workshops TRANSPORT STATEMENT Revision Date Notes Author Checked Approved V1 April 2014 DRAFT RAF RLF RGW V2 June 2014 Issue RAF RLF RGW Entran Ltd 12 Greenway Farm Bath Road Wick Bristol BS30 5RL T: 0117 937 4077 Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 1 CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 4 5 6 8 10 17 20 INTRODUCTION EXISTING SITE LOCAL TRANSPORT NETWORK REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS WORKPLACE TRAVEL PLAN TRANSPORT IMPACT SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS FIGURES 2.1 Site Location 2.2 Former and current Site uses 3.1 Pedestrian isochrones 3.2 Cycle isochrone TABLES 3.1 Bus route summary 3.1 Pedestrian isochrones 3.2 Cycle isochrones 4.1 Schedule of accommodation 5.1 Combined target mode share 5.2 Measures to encourage walking 5.3 Measures to encourage cycling 5.4 Measures to encourage use of public transport 5.5 Measures to reduce single car occupancy 5.6 Schedule of surveys 6.1 TRICS vehicle trip rate per 100sqm (industrial unit) 6.2 TRICS vehicle trips for industrial unit 6.3 TRICS vehicle trip rates per 100sqm (Car showroom) 6.4 TRICS vehicle trips for car showroom 6.5 TRICS vehicle trip rates per 100sqm (Smart repair) 6.6 TRICS vehicle trips for car smart repair 6.7 Combined vehicle trips 6.8 Net change in vehicle trips Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 2 APPENDICES A Transport Statement scoping report B Bus timetables and route maps C Development site layout D Parking layout E Car transporter swept path analysis F iTrace staff travel questionnaire G B2 industrial TRICS data H Proposed uses TRICS data Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background 1.1.1 This Transport Statement (TS) has been produced by Entran Ltd in support of a planning application for the proposed development of the former BOC Factory site, Manor Royal, Crawley. The proposed development comprises a new car showroom with integral workshops and a separate smart repair automotive workshop building; full details are provided at Chapter 4. 1.1.2 Guidance published by the DfT and the DCLG in 2007 provides advice on the content and preparation of Transport Assessments and Transport Statements. It also assists stakeholders to determine whether an assessment may be required and, if so, what the level and scope of the assessment should be. 1.1.3 Previous guidance on the assessment of traffic implications associated with development proposals was contained in the “Guidelines for Traffic Impact Assessment” published by the Institute of Highways and Transportation (IHT) in 1994. Since the IHT guidelines were produced, there has been a significant change in Government policy and general guidance regarding improved sustainability in transport. The fundamental difference between TAs and the old TIAs is that TAs seek to influence modes of travel and assess person-trips rather than vehicle trips, whereas TIAs were based on the principles of “predict and provide” for the private car. 1.1.4 The 2007 document brought the guidance on transport assessment up to date with these changes in Government policy, and expanded it to address the assessment of the potential implications of development proposals on the entire transport system. 1.1.5 In 2014 DCLG published a suite of Planning Practice Guidance including advice entitled “Travel plans, transport assessments and statements in decision taking”. The 2007 guidance has not been formally cancelled but now sits beneath the PPG as current government guidance on the transport related effects of development. 1.1.6 A scoping meeting was held with the highway authority, West Sussex County Council (WSCC), on 12th March 2014. A Transport Statement scoping note was subsequently submitted to and approved by WSCC (Appendix A). This TS has been prepared in accordance with national guidance and the scope of work agreed in advance with the highway authority. 1.2 Structure of Report 1.2.1 Section 2 of this report describes the site, the existing and former uses. Chapter 3 describes the surrounding transport network. The details of the proposed development are then explained in Section 4. A Workplace Travel Plan is included as Section 5; and Section 6 then sets out the transport implications of redeveloping this former industrial site. Section 7 then summarises this report and draws conclusions from its findings. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 4 2.0 EXISTING SITE 2.1 Existing Site Use 2.1.1 The Site is located to the north of Crawley, immediately north-west of the junction of Manor Royal and Faraday Road. The site location is shown in Figure 2.1 below. Figure 2.1 – Site location 2.1.2 The site was formerly occupied by a large factory (use class B2) operated by BOC Edwards which took access directly from Manor Royal to a customer/VIP car park, but also had a number of accesses from Faraday Road for HGVs and a large rear staff car park. The factory had a gross floor area (GFA) of 15,913m2 and had a car park of 380 parking spaces. 2.1.3 The factory has been demolished and the site is currently used for airport parking. Importantly, it is not used by passengers as a conventional car park but as a storage area for passenger’s cars resulting in a very intensive occupancy level. The airport car parking extends beyond the application Site boundary; however, the application Site currently holds approximately 850 parked vehicles. Figure 2.2 – Former and current site uses 2.1.4 The local highway authority is West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and the local planning authority is Crawley Borough Council (CBC). Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 5 3.0 LOCAL TRANSPORT NETWORK 3.1 General 3.1.1 The site takes vehicular access from Manor Royal and Faraday Road. Manor Royal is a major commercial distributor road running from west to east from London Road (A23) to Gatwick Road. The junction with London Road is in the form of a signal controlled junction and the junction with Gatwick Road is a roundabout. Manor Royal has footways and cycleways on both sides segregated from the carriageway by wide verges. 3.1.2 To the east of Faraday Road the running lanes on Manor Royal are separated by a wide area of central hatching with numerous ‘ghost’ right-turn lanes. To the west of Faraday Road the central hatching is replaced by a bus lane on the southern side of the carriageway. Manor Royal is subject to a 30mph speed limit and benefits from a comprehensive system of street lighting. 3.1.3 Faraday Road is an industrial estate road, 7.3m wide with footways (>2m) on both sides. It runs from north to south between Fleming Way and Manor Royal. Faraday road serves a range of industrial and commercial premises; some have direct frontage access and some take access from minor side roads. Faraday Road is subject to a 30mph speed limit and benefits from a comprehensive system of street lighting. 3.1.4 Manor Royal and Faraday Road both have double yellow lines on both sides along their entire length denoting ‘no waiting at any time’. 3.1.5 The junction of Manor Royal and Faraday Road is a four-arm signal controlled junction with the fourth (southern) arm providing access to a development site known as Principal Park. That development will fund an upgrade to the signals to provide cycle crossing facilities on the northern and southern arms. 3.2 Pedestrian and cycle facilities 3.2.1 The route along the northern side of Manor Royal is a shared pedestrian/cycleway. On the southern side, opposite the Site, two routes run parallel to Manor Royal, one for pedestrians and one for cyclists, separated by a grass verge. 3.2.2 Opposite the site on the southern side of Manor Royal a segregated cycle route heads southwards, past Magpie Wood and under the A2011, providing direct and convenient access to the Northgate residential area and onwards to Crawley Town Centre. 3.2.3 At the western end of Manor Royal the signal controlled junction with London Road has a dedicated pedestrian crossing on the southern arm. To the north of that junction a further set of signals at the junction with Martyrs Avenue also has dedicated signal controlled pedestrian crossing facilities. These provide safe and convenient access to the Langley Green residential area to the west of London Road. 3.2.4 Figures 3.1 and 3.2 illustrate 5 and 10 minute pedestrian and cycle isochrones. There are no prohibitive gradients within these catchments and no undue severance. The pedestrian isochrone shows that most of the area within 5 minutes’ walk of the site is commercial; however, a large residential catchment can be reached from the Site within 10 minutes’ walking distance. The cycle isochrones illustrate that a much wider catchment can be reached by bike, including Crawley town centre, Crawley Station, Three Bridge Station and Gatwick Airport. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 6 3.3 Public transport 3.3.1 The nearest bus stops are located immediately adjacent to the Site on Faraday Road and Manor Royal. All stops have shelters, printed timetables, real time passenger information (RTPI), seating, lighting and raised kerbs for low-floor buses. 3.3.2 The available bus services are summarised in table 3.1 below with further bus related information available at: 3.3.3 Timetables and route maps are included as Appendix B. Table 3.1 –Bus route summary No Details Duration Frequency 10 Fastway: Bewbush – Crawley – Gatwick Airport 0031-1847 6 mins 100 Maidenbower – Manor Royal - Redhill 0341 - 2337 20 mins 200 Gatwick Airport – Manor Royal - Horsham 0341 - 2241 30 mins 300 Ifield West – Gatwick North Terminal 0522 - 1836 3 or 4 per day 3.3.4 Table 3.1 illustrates that the bus stops immediately adjacent to the site provide access to a range of bus services covering a wide area and at very good frequencies. 3.3.5 The nearest railway station as the crow flies is Three Bridges bus and coach station just 1.8km from the Site; however, the walking and cycling route would be 2.5km (8 minutes cycle ride). Trains from Three Bridges travel to Bedford via London Bridge, Brighton, Horsham, London Victoria and Southampton. 3.3.6 Crawley Station is slightly further but has direct pedestrian and cycle access representing a 2.4km (7 minutes) cycle ride. Trains from Crawley travel to Southampton, Bognor Regis, London Bridge, Horsham, London Victoria and Portsmouth Harbour. 3.4 Section summary 3.4.1 The Site is clearly well placed to promote travel by sustainable modes of transport and is not reliant on travel by car for staff journeys to work. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 7 4.0 REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 4.1 Development Composition 4.1.1 The development proposals comprise the construction of car showroom and workshop together with a separate smart repair automotive workshop. The schedule is as shown in Table 4.1 below: Table 4.1 – Schedule of accommodation GFA (m2) Building Showroom Workshop Smart repair Ground floor 1423 Mezzanine 620 Ground floor 1700 Mezzanine 308 Ground floor 1100 Mezzanine 170 4.1.2 The development proposals are shown in a set of HNW Architects’ plans included as Appendix C. 4.2 Parking 4.2.1 The development includes 579 parking spaces; however, the majority of these are for vehicle display and are therefore strictly speaking not parking spaces but display areas. Appendix D comprises a car park layout and distribution plan which illustrates the proposed differentiation between display areas, vehicle storage, customer parking and staff parking. 4.2.2 The parking plan illustrated that the showroom site will have 58 customer parking spaces, 45 customer service spaces, 40 employee spaces and 9 visitor spaces. All other spaces on that part of the site are for storage, preparation or display purposes. 4.2.3 The smart repair site will have 25 courtesy car pick-up spaces, 121 customer drop-off spaces and 20 employee spaces. 4.2.4 The Workplace Travel Plan (Chapter 5) includes a parking management plan and will be secured by an appropriate Grampian style condition. 4.2.5 Secure, well lit cycle parking will be provided close to the building entrances in well supervised locations. 4.3 Means of access 4.3.1 The Site benefits from an existing access onto Manor Royal and three accesses onto Faraday Road. These existing accesses have been temporarily closed while the site is used for airport parking. The proposed redevelopment includes the re-use of the Manor Royal access in its current form and the re-use but reduction in size of the Faraday Road accesses. 4.3.2 The existing Manor Royal access will be used as a customer entrance for cars only. Its use will be limited to the customer parking close to that access. 4.3.3 The southern access onto Faraday Road will be reduced in size and used mainly for staff but also as an alternative access for customers. Its use will be limited to the staff and customer parking close to that access. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 8 4.3.4 The two existing accesses towards the north of the Site will brought back into use but their geometry altered to suite the proposed use. The northernmost access will be reduced in size and used as an employee access for the smart repair workshop. The ‘middle’ access onto faraday road will be used for all car transporters or other large vehicles delivering or collecting from the Site. The southern radius will be increased to 10.5m to allow for the vehicle swept path but the pedestrian crossing point will only be 1.5m wider as a result. Overall, the net result will be a reduction in the length of vehicle cross-overs along the western side of Faraday Road. 4.4 Servicing 4.4.1 All deliveries by large vehicles to both sites, including car transporters, will take place from the middle access; it has been designed around the swept path of the largest vehicle likely to make deliveries to the proposed development. 4.4.2 During scoping discussions WSCC stated that their preference would be for neither the Manor Royal access of the southernmost Faraday Road access to be used by large vehicles. A detailed swept path analysis shows that the southern Faraday Road access could have been used by large vehicles without interrupting the free-flow of traffic on the public highway; however, the site has been designed such that the more northerly access is the sole access for large vehicles as this is located further from the Faraday Road/Manor Royal junction. 4.4.3 A swept path assessment of the service access is included as Appendix E. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 9 5.0 WORKPLACE TRAVEL PLAN 5.1.1 As stated in the introduction, this TS has been developed to seek to influence modes of travel to the proposed redevelopment rather than merely predicting travel patterns and providing mitigation. 5.1.2 The effects of travel choices on our environment, our health and our quality of life are well documented. Sources describe how increases in road traffic have produced unsustainable levels of congestion and pollution. The effects can be felt at a local level through poor air quality, noise and busier roads and at a global level through suggested linkages to climate change. Journeys by road are becoming slower and more unreliable causing problems for business and stress to drivers. 5.1.3 There has been a significant increase in the proportion of individuals travelling to work by car. Over 80% of car journeys to work are driver only. Even a small modal shift in home-work-home journeys away from the car would result in a considerable reduction in traffic congestion at peak times. 5.1.4 Travel planning must be realistic and should not expect to remove car usage altogether. Instead, effective travel planning will maximise the use of sustainable travel to achieve more sensible and appropriate use of the private car. If every car commuter used an alternative to the car on just one day a week, car usage levels for commuting would be reduced by as much as 20% immediately, with commuter parking requirements also reduced by up to 20%. 5.1.5 Due to the nature of the proposed development customer journeys will necessitate travel by car. For this reason the Workplace Travel Plan focuses on staff travel rather than customers. 5.2 Introduction to Travel Plans 5.2.1 A Travel Plan (TP) is a package of initiatives to tackle different aspects of transport, including commuter journeys, business travel and fleet management. The elements of a TP can vary depending on the nature of the development and local geography and circumstances. 5.2.2 A TP is typically a package of practical measures to encourage staff and residents to choose an alternative to single-occupancy car-use, and to reduce the need to travel in connection with their work. 5.2.3 The TP should be tailored to a particular site and include a range of measures which will make a positive impact at that site, e.g. making best use of public transport; setting up a car sharing scheme; providing cycle facilities; restricting car parking or possibly setting up video conferencing facilities to cut travel to other sites. The purpose is to make the more sustainable transport modes safe and practical and therefore attractive to staff. 5.3 Objectives 5.3.1 In line with Central Government and WSCC policies and guidance, the primary objectives of the WTP are to: Remove travel as a barrier to social inclusion; Reduce the need to travel; Discourage the use of unsustainable modes of transport and enable staff to make travel choices that benefit themselves and their community; Raise awareness of alternative modes of transport and thus encourage a modal shift towards more sustainable travel modes. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 10 5.4 Travel Plan Management 5.4.1 A Travel Plan Co-ordinator (TPC) will be appointed for the whole site. At this stage it is not possible to specify who this person will be; however, the applicant will appoint a senior manager as their TPC prior to the new facilities being brought into use. The TPC will be a named person whose contact details will be provided to all staff. The TPC will not be a full-time position but the named TPC will be available full-time. The TPC will have responsibility for provision of information to staff and for carrying out travel surveys and reporting their results to the planning authority. 5.5 Targets 5.5.1 Targets must be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). For this reason targets here are for a five year time frame following first occupation, with interim targets at three years. 5.5.2 At this stage the staff mode share is not known but will be established by the first survey within 6 months of occupation. However whereas the initial travel survey is required in order to set a baseline, it is possible to set provisional targets for modal shift, whatever that baseline may show. 5.5.3 Table 5.1 below shows provisional modal shift targets for each mode for three and five years after occupation. The baseline mode share will be derived from the first travel survey at which time these modal shift targets can be assessed and adjusted if necessary to ensure they remain SMART: Table 5.1 – combined target mode share Driver Car pass’ Walk Cycle Bus Rail Baseline TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC 3 years -5% -2% +2% +1% +2% +1% 5 years -10% -5% +5% +2% +4% +2% 5.5.4 The TPC will need to identify modal shifts for each of the units in order to measure the combined mode share of the Site. 5.6 Measures 5.6.1 The development will deliver a series of infrastructure and management measures to influence travel behaviour. The programme of surveys and monitoring therefore not only needs to identify travel behaviour but also attitudes to travel and key motivators for change. 5.6.2 The WTP measures are divided into sub-categories: 5.6.3 Hard measures – these are infrastructure provision or improvements; Soft measures – these are management measure, incentives, marketing initiatives etc; Secured measures – these are either existing measures or those to be delivered by the development; Potential measures – these are an ‘arsenal’ of measures available to the TPC to be chosen according to survey feedback so that resources can be targeted towards those measures found to be most effective. Travel planning must be realistic and should not expect to remove car usage altogether. Instead, an effective TP will maximise the use of sustainable travel to achieve more sensible and appropriate use of the private car. If every car commuter used an alternative to the car on just one day a week, car usage levels for commuting would be reduced by as much as 20% immediately, with commuter parking requirements also reduced by up to 20%. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 11 5.6.4 Tables 5.2 to 5.5 below summarise those measures secured as part of the development as well as potential future measures at the disposal of the TPC. Table 5.2 - Measures to encourage walking Hard measures Secured Potential Safe, segregated pedestrian access into the buildings; Additional pedestrian signage; Drying areas for clothes; Staff lockers, changing areas and showers. Soft measures Secured Potential Staff Travel Pack Financial incentives for walkers; Marketing – promotional material To publicise the benefits to health of walking. Free or subsidised wet weather/high vis clothing; Walking clubs; Events to encourage walking (walkers’ breakfast first Wednesday of the month etc) Personalised travel planning; Contd. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 12 Table 5.3 - Measures to encourage cycling Hard measures Secured Potential Secure, covered, lit cycle parking close to entrances; Additional cycle signage; Drying areas for clothes; Direct routes for cyclists within the site; Good on-site lighting; Lockers for staff; Showers and changing facilities; Soft measures Secured Potential Marketing – promoting cycling in all written and electronic material; Financial incentives for cyclists (e.g. mileage rate for work related journeys); Provision of WSCC cycle maps; Travel pack (including cycle route info, leaflets on the beneficial effects of cycling etc) and personalised travel planning; Free or subsidised wet weather/high vis clothing; Bicycle user group (BUG); Training for those who are not confident cyclists; Provision of, or payment for, bike maintenance (possibly on site as part of course); Negotiated discount with local bike shop – additional special rate for folding bikes; Salary sacrifice tax-free cycle purchase scheme for staff; Interest free bike loan for staff; Events to encourage cycling (cyclists’ breakfast first Wednesday of the month etc) contd Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 13 Table 5.4 - Measures to encourage public transport use Hard measures Secured Potential NA NA Soft measures Secured Potential Policy to state that all staff are expected to use public transport for work related journeys where this is a realistic option; Financial incentives for bus/train users (e.g. mileage rate for work related journeys); Marketing – promoting the use of public transport in all written and electronic material; Interest free season ticket loans for annual season tickets for staff Discount on bus/train season tickets; Bus routes identified on staff website; Travel pack (including bus routes and bus/train timetable info) Personalised travel planning; Table 5.5 - Measures to reduce use of vehicles to core activity (plus disabled) Hard measures Secured Potential Targeted on-site car parking provision; Electric vehicle charging points. On-site parking for disabled drivers; Motorcycle parking provision. Soft measures Secured Potential Promote car sharing; Permits issued on basis of need; Policy to state that all staff are expected to use public transport for work related journeys where this is a realistic option; Financial incentives for sustainable transport users (e.g. preferential mileage rate for work related journeys); Marketing – promoting the use of sustainable transport in all written and electronic material; Guaranteed taxi home (if required) for car sharers; Reduced rate at local car-hire company. Personalised travel planning; ‘Smarter Travel’ page on staff intranet site. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 14 5.7 Branding 5.7.1 The term ‘Travel Plan’ can turn people off the idea so it may be that the staff can produce a brand more relevant to themselves. The development can take advantage of a strong brand identity for its travel plan communications. The travel plan communications can be fully branded so that the staff can see that all the initiatives, information and messages are linked to the travel plan, which has its own style but is also recognisably part of the site’s sustainable image. The TPC can then use eshots to keep staff informed of news, timetable changes, or new items on the travel plan notice boards. 5.8 Monitoring and Review 5.8.1 The effectiveness of the WTP and the measures proposed will need to be monitored and reviewed in partnership with the local authorities. This review process will identify the most effective measures and key motivators influencing people’s travel choices. A sample questionnaire, obtained from iBase Systems Ltd and compatible with iTrace, is included as Appendix F to this report. 5.8.2 Identifying these ‘key motivators’ is very important as it will allow the TPC to focus funds and resources on those areas most likely to affect people’s travel choices. For example, there is no benefit in providing excessive cycle storage or discounted bus travel if the early surveys show that such very expensive measures would have little or no influence employees’ desire to cycle or take the bus. Instead, the measures should be tailored to the findings of the surveys and needs of staff. DfT guidance is clear that Travel Plans and their measures must not be based on a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Of course, if such measures score highly in future surveys then they will need to be included in the TPC’s regular reviews of targets and measures as set out below. Table 5.6 –Schedule of surveys and reviews Survey 1. 6 months occupation Review / report after first 2. Three years after survey 1. 3. Five years after survey 1. Include questions about current travel patterns. Review survey findings and report to local authority within 1 month of survey. Feedback findings to staff within 1 month of local authority review. TPC to implement review outcomes prior to Survey 2. Identify actions from Review 1 Review survey 2 findings, and report to local authority within 1 month of survey. Feedback findings to staff within 1 month of local authority review. TPC to implement review outcomes prior to Survey 3 Identify actions from Review 2 Review survey 3 findings, and report to local authority within 1 month of survey. Feedback findings to staff within 1 month of local authority review. TPC to implement review outcomes Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 15 5.8.3 The schedule of monitoring and review could be augmented by interim spot counts to review progress throughout the year. 5.9 Car park management 5.9.1 The parking layout and distribution plan differentiates between operational storage and display areas, and customer and staff parking areas. The TPC will be responsible for preparing a management plan to enforce the use of these areas as intended. The WTP is a live document as is intended to be updated during the lifetime of the development. For this reason, the parking management plan will be reviewed alongside the WTP on a regular basis and any changes reported to the local authorities as part of the approved schedule of monitoring and review. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 16 6.0 TRANSPORT IMPACT 6.1.1 The Site is currently in use as airport parking and was formerly occupied by a large BOC Edwards factory. Accordingly the DfT Guidance on Transport Assessment (March 2007) advises at paragraph 4.7 that baseline traffic data should be derived as follows: Baseline transport data The quantification of person trips generated from the existing site and their modal distribution, or, where the site is vacant or partially vacant, the person trips which might realistically be generated by any extant planning permission or permitted uses;” 6.1.2 The transport impact of the proposed development is therefore determined by comparing the potential journeys associated with the previous use of the site and those predicted for the proposed development. As part of the scoping exercise WSCC agreed that the baseline for this Site should be based on the traffic generation associated with the former B2 use. 6.2 Existing trips 6.2.1 As the factory is no longer in use a survey cannot be undertaken. For this reason the potential traffic from the former use has been determined by reference to the TRICS database. Only sites in England (outside London) have been used for buildings of a similar floor area (+/-50%). Only weekday surveys were selected and no town centre sites were used. Full TRICS data is included as Appendix G. The vehicle trip rates and resultant vehicle trips are as shown in tables 6.1 and 6.2 below. Table 6.1 – TRICS vehicle trip rates per 100sqm (industrial unit) Trip rates Arrive Depart Total AM peak 0.286 0.054 0.340 PM peak 0.046 0.254 0.300 Daily 1.620 1.782 3.402 Table 6.2 – TRICS vehicle trips for an industrial unit of 15,913m2 15,913m2 Arrive Depart Total AM peak 46 9 54 PM peak 7 40 48 Daily 258 284 541 Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 17 6.3 Proposed trips 6.3.1 A similar TRICS exercise has been undertaken for the proposed development. The TRICS database differentiates between car showrooms with workshops and stand-alone workshops. For this reason TRICS data has been used first for the southern part of the site (showroom and workshop) and then for the northern part of the site (smart repair workshop). Full TRICS data is included as Appendix H. The vehicle trip rates and resultant vehicle trips are as shown in tables 6.3 to 6.7 below. Table 6.3 – TRICS vehicle trip rates per 100sqm – Car showroom Trip rates Arrive Depart Total AM peak 0.62 0.239 0.859 PM peak 0.276 0.51 0.786 Daily 5.146 5.009 10.155 Table 6.4 – TRICS vehicle trips for a Car Showroom unit of 4,051m2 4,051m2 Arrive Depart Total AM peak 25 10 35 PM peak 11 21 32 Daily 208 203 411 Table 6.5 – TRICS vehicle trip rates per 100sqm – Smart repair Trip rates Arrive Depart Total AM peak 1.155 0.61 1.765 PM peak 0.501 0.894 1.395 Daily 3.122 4.321 7.443 Table 6.6 – TRICS vehicle trips for a Smart Repair unit of 1,270m2 6.3.2 1,270m2 Arrive Depart Total AM peak 15 8 22 PM peak 6 11 18 Daily 40 55 95 The combined predicted vehicle trips from the proposed development are therefore as shown in Table 6.7 below: Table 6.7 – Combined predicted vehicle trips. Arrive Depart Total AM peak 40 17 57 PM peak 18 32 50 Daily 248 258 506 Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 18 6.3.3 The transport impact of the proposed development is therefore determined by comparing the potential journeys associated with the former use of the site and those predicted for the proposed development. This is established by comparing tables 6.2 and 6.7. The net change in vehicle movements as a result of the proposed redevelopment is illustrated in Table 6.8 below. Table 6.8 – Net change in vehicle trips Arrive Depart Total AM peak -6 9 3 PM peak 10 -8 2 Daily -10 -26 -35 6.3.4 Table 6.8 shows that the result of redeveloping this former industrial site for automotive uses would be negligible during the highway peak periods and would result in an overall reduction in traffic across the whole day. When distributed onto the highway network this change would be less than daily variation and imperceptible to other highway users. 6.3.5 When compared to the former factory use the proposed development would result in a reduction in HGV movements to and from the site. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 19 7.0 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 7.1.1 This TS has been prepared to include a Workplace Travel Plan which seeks to influence travel to and from the site rather than merely assessing its impact. 7.1.2 The redevelopment proposals consist of the construction of a car showroom and workshop together with a separate smart repair workshop, on a site formerly occupied by a large BOC Edwards factory and currently used for airport parking. 7.1.3 The development site, located north of Crawley at the junction of Manor Royal and Faraday Road, has a good level of accessibility by sustainable modes of travel. The site has good access to bus and rail facilities and has a wide residential catchment within walking and cycling distance. 7.1.4 The development includes a parking layout and parking management plan which differentiates between those spaces intended to be used for display, preparation and storage, and those spaces to be used for staff and customer parking. 7.1.5 The potential for increased traffic generation as a result of the development proposals has been assessed. Even making robust assessments about the predicted traffic generation, the proposed development is likely to result in no material change in peak hour traffic generation, an overall reduction in daily traffic generation and a particular reduction in HGV movements to and from the site. The small change would be less than daily variation on any part of the highway network and therefore imperceptible to other highway users. 7.1.6 For the reasons set out in this Transport Statement there is no reason why the proposed development should be refused on grounds of highway capacity, impact on the transport network or sustainability. Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 20 FIGURES Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 21 KEY Harwoods, Manor Royal, Crawley 5 Minute Walk Radius (450m) 10 Minute Walk Radius (900m) 5 and 10 Minute Walk Radii 02.04.14 1:10000 AT A4 12 Greenway Farm | Bath Road | Wick | Bristol | BS30 5RL TELEPHONE : 0117 937 4077 GCR A4 RF RF Figure 3.1 - DEVELOPMENT SITE KEY Harwoods, Manor Royal, Crawley 5 Minute Cycle Radius (1800m) 10 Minute Cycle Radius (3600m) 5 and 10 Minute Cycle Radii 02.04.14 1:25000 AT A4 12 Greenway Farm | Bath Road | Wick | Bristol | BS30 5RL TELEPHONE : 0117 937 4077 GCR A4 RF RF Figure 3.2 - APPENDIX A Scoping report Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 22 Harwoods, Manor Royal, Crawley MEETING NOTE 1 Transport Statement scope of work Date: 12th March 2013 Location: County Hall, Chichester Attendees: Paul Addison, Principal Transport Planner,WSCC (PA) Ken Watson, HNW Architects (KW) Steve Duffy, HNW Architects (SD) Richard Fitter, Entran (RF) 1. Introduction 1.1. The meeting was to discuss the transport implications of the proposed redevelopment of the former BOC Factory site at the junction of Faraday Road and Manor Royal, Crawley for a car showroom and workshops. The site is currently in use as airport parking. 1.2. KW explained that the proposed development is similar to a scheme that was discussed with PA previously on the Principal Park site opposite. That scheme of circa 4200m2 replaced an extant consent for a car showroom of some 1200m2 and therefore attracted a TAD contribution commensurate with the predicted increase in traffic resulting from the larger building. 1.3. KW explained that the current proposal is for a Jaguar / Land Rover car showroom of circa 4500m2 plus an additional smart repair automotive workshop of some 1300m2 on land to the rear. 1.4. PA stated that a planning application had been registered on the site immediately to the north of the airport parking for an ambulance depot, but that application had not yet been determined. 2. Traffic generation 2.1. PA stated that the current proposal would not generate a requirement for a TAD contribution as it is likely to generate similar or fewer vehicle movements than the BOC factory. PA agreed that the planning application should be supported by a Transport Statement (TS) and that the TS should quantify the vehicle trips from the former BOC factory and the predicted vehicle trips for the proposed automotive uses.PA did comment however that he would wish to reserve judgement on any TAD contribution attributable to the three acre site to the north, not forming part of the forthcoming application, subject to its intended use. 2.2. The TS will be prepared in accordance with the DfT Guidance on Transport Assessment (2007). RF stated that the TS would include an assessment of vehicle trips by reference to the TRICS database. [NB. Since the meeting it has been established that the former factory had a GFA of 15,913sqm and had a car park of 380 parking spaces. An initial assessment of TRICS would suggest that the factory and the automotive uses would generate almost exactly the same number of peak hour and daily vehicle movements, but that the proposed uses would generate fewer HGV movements. In practice, the proposed uses would have significantly fewer parking spaces so it is more likely that they would generate fewer vehicle trips than the factory. The TS will include a detailed assessment, with particular reference to peak hour traffic generation]. 2.3. RF agreed that reference should also be made to the vehicle trips associated with the current airport parking but that the impact of the redevelopment should be primarily assessed as the net change in traffic when compared to the former factory use. th DATE: 12 March 2014 3. Means of access 3.1. KW and SD explained that the proposed development would re-use existing accesses. The showroom would re-use the existing access onto Manor Royal as a customer entrance and a modified version of the existing access onto Faraday Road. The repair workshop would use modified versions of the two existing accesses onto Faraday Road. 3.2. PA confirmed that he is happy for the re-use of the existing access onto Manor Royal. He commented about the proximity of the existing/proposed Faraday Road access to the traffic signal stop line. RF confirmed that all accesses would be tested using AutoTrack and the vehicle swept paths included within the TS. 3.3. KW pointed out that Faraday Road rises and then falls, whereas the site is relatively flat. As a consequence the site has a retaining wall along its eastern boundary so the implications of moving the access could result in a net loss in developable land. This will be examined in detail and set out in full in the TS. 3.4. PA stated that he would not want to see sales vehicles being delivered within the public highway in this location. RF agreed that the swept paths would have to show that a transporter could enter and leave the site in a forward gear. 3.5. PA stated that any alterations to the public highway would require a S278 agreement but that the developer could carry out the work (subject to appointing an approved contractor) as agent for the highway authority. This would not affect the planning application but is useful information to inform the future development process. 4. Parking 4.1. PA welcomed the plan, prepared by SD and tabled at the meeting, which differentiated between parking areas and vehicle display areas, also identifying staff parking and visitor parking. SD confirmed that such a plan would accompany the planning application. PA indicated that a planning condition may be appropriate to ensure the site is operated in accordance with the proposed layout. 4.2. RF suggested that parking management could form part of the Travel Plan (TP) and that the TP would be secured by condition. That way, if there was a need to alter the parking layout in the future then it could be agreed by exchange of correspondence with the planning and highway authorities under the provisions of the TP rather than having to vary a planning condition. 5. Sustainable travel 5.1. PA stated that the TS will need to include an audit of sustainable travel infrastructure and services including public transport, walking and cycling. RF agreed that such an audit would form part of the TS. PA stated that the proposed improvements to the Faraday Road/Manor Royal signals as part of the Principal Park development would include a new cycle crossing on the Faraday Road side of the junction to provide for those using the existing cycleway/footway which passes the site. 6. Workplace Travel Plan 6.1. PA stated that a Travel Plan (TP) should be submitted with the application. RF and PA agreed that the TP would be a Workplace TP, focused primarily on staff rather than customers due to the nature of the proposed business, and that the TP should form a chapter within the TS, setting out the objectives, measures, incentives, obligations and monitoring that would form the Workplace TP. 7. Further discussions 7.1. PA requested that notes of the meeting be submitted and agreed. This note has been prepared for that purpose and acts as a scoping note for the TS. If practicable, and if timescales permit, RF will submit a draft TS to PA prior to any planning application being submitted. 2 APPENDIX B Bus routes and timetables Harwoods, Manor Royal – Transport Statement 23 300 Ifield West - Gatwick North Terminal Metrobus The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Ifield West, adj Yewlands Walk Ifield West, opp Dobbins Place Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0522 0525 0530 0534 0541 0545 0548 0818 0822 0829 0834 0842 0847 1736 1834 1739 1836 1744 1748 1756 1800 1803 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Good Friday no service Easter Monday no service May Day Holiday no service Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 300 Gatwick North Terminal - Ifield West Metrobus The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Ifield West, adj Yewlands Walk 1704 1709 1713 1724 1729 1735 1808 1813 1817 1825 1829 1834 Saturdays no service Sundays no service Good Friday no service Easter Monday no service May Day Holiday no service Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 300 Ifield West - Gatwick North Terminal Metrobus For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code wsxajmap wsxajmat wsxajtma wsxajmaw wsxajmaj wsxajmag wsxajpad wsxajpat wsxajpda wsxajtmd wsxajtag wsxamdjm wsxgdwmd wsxamgat wsxamgdg wsxamgdj wsxajtga wsxajtgm wsxajtja wsxamjtp wsxamjtm wsxamjpw wsxdpwgm wsxamgpg wsxamjmj Ifield West, adj Yewlands Walk Ifield West, adj Stoneycroft Walk Ifield West, opp Tern Road Ifield West, opp Dobbins Place Ifield West, adj Capsey Road Ifield West, adj Rusper Road Ifield, opp Ifield Station Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Ifield, o/s 92 Ifield Green Ifield, adj Graffham Close Ifield, opp Climping Road Langley Green, adj Stagelands Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Langley Green, opp Medlar Close Langley Green, opp Becketts Lane Langley Green, adj Langley Green Hospital Manor Royal, opp Manor Royal West Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (E-bound) Manor Royal, Manor Royal East (E-bound) Manor Royal, opp Gatwick Road South Manor Royal, opp Gatwick Road Central Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Manor Royal, o/s City Place Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Fairway Fairway Fairway Dobbins Place Hyde Drive Hyde Drive Ifield Drive Ifield Drive Warren Drive Warren Drive Ifield Avenue Stagelands Martyrs Avenue Martyrs Avenue Martyrs Avenue Martyrs Avenue Manor Royal Manor Royal Manor Royal Gatwick Road Gatwick Road Gatwick Road City Place London Road Furlong Way 4400CY0010 4400CY0011 4400CY0144 4400CY0012 4400CY0008 4400CY0007 4400CY0058 4400CY0063 4400CY0065 4400CY0145 4400CY0115 4400CY0280 4400CY0565 4400CY0317 4400CY0320 4400CY0321 4400CY0130 4400CY0133 4400CY0137 4400CY0402 4400CY0400 4400CY0395 4400CY0434 4400CY0342 4400CY0385 300 Gatwick North Terminal - Ifield West Metrobus For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code wsxamjmj wsxgdtwd wsxamgpj wsxdpwgj wsxamjtg wsxamjtj wsxajtjd wsxajtgj wsxajtgd wsxamgdm wsxamgda wsxamgaw wsxamdjt wsxamdjg wsxajtaj wsxajtad wsxajpaw wsxajpap wsxajpam wsxajpag wsxajpaj wsxajmdg wsxajmda wsxajmam wsxajmap Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, opp Atlantic House Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, City Place (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Gatwick Road Central Manor Royal, Manor Royal East (W-bound) Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (W-bound) Manor Royal, adj Manor Royal West Langley Green, opp Langley Green Hospital Langley Green, adj Becketts Lane Langley Green, adj Medlar Close Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Langley Green, Stagelands (S-bound) Ifield, adj Climping Road Ifield, opp Graffham Close Ifield, opp 92 Ifield Green Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Ifield, opp Shipley Road Ifield, adj Ifield Station Ifield, adj Tangmere Road Ifield West, opp Rusper Road Ifield West, opp Capsey Road Ifield West, adj Hanbury Road Ifield West, adj Yewlands Walk Furlong Way Perimeter Road North London Road City Place Gatwick Road Gatwick Road Manor Royal Manor Royal Manor Royal Martyrs Avenue Martyrs Avenue Martyrs avenue Langley Parade Stagelands Ifield Avenue Warren Drive Warren Drive Ifield Drive Ifield Drive Ifield Drive Tangmere Road Hyde Drive Hyde Drive Hyde Drive Fairway 4400CY0385 4400CY0569 4400CY0343 4400CY0433 4400CY0398 4400CY0399 4400CY0138 4400CY0132 4400CY0131 4400CY0322 4400CY0319 4400CY0318 4400CY0282 4400CY0279 4400CY0116 4400CY0114 4400CY0064 4400CY0062 4400CY0061 4400CY0059 4400CY0060 4400CY0014 4400CY0013 4400CY0009 4400CY0010 Route map for Metrobus service 300 (outbound) LL RING K N HTO IG BR E OS CL K OL FF AIRPO RO AD RO AD TON GH BRI A23 LO H S GAT ON LOND QUEEN AD WAY RO JENKINS LEIGH SID AD FORECO CARGO SE E N NE CT OR Y LA RE LR OAD HO ER RLEY G R WIL London Gatwick Airport STRE ET RU SS CLOSE L CONTRO TOWER AD RO RIN Coach Park T R F ORECOUR PERIMETER ROAD EAST HIL CO Y WESTWA LOW PE Y EASTWA DS STATION COACH URT UP AN D SO LONDON ROAD LF NT C R E SCE South Terminal FORECO PE RR YL ROAD 300 S OA D M IL CHALMERS WILL CLO E GAT HAM KING BUC UTH RR ATE ROA PRIV DS OAD LR Charlwood THE IE L E AP H PIE UT SO CH SE LOWER 300 SWAN LANE THE STREET GLOVERS ROAD NE LA RY MA RO A23 South Terminal E D URT ROA LE WAY NORTH RO MO ER E EW AYS WAY ERHAM RS CL. CARGO RIV DRIV M23 AIRPORT ROAD FOUR PIER RLIE RT WA Y NORTH ROAD FT CLOSE NT ER ROA RA D NORTH CE CO UR SE WAY MEADOWCRO 300 PERIMET AC RO AL APP TERMIN ES ROAD THE CRESCE TWICK W AY NORTHRTUR DEPA G FURLON AD BE RO THE AY SW AY NORTHW STOKE TIMB TH D NOR ER ROA FOUR PIER OS CR ET RIM ROAD GA LANE VILLE WAY WARLTERS SPIERS WAY ROAD PE North Terminal Bus Station W AY OM BALC S NEL GE ROAD ARRIVALS ROAD CORONET BAYHORNE THE DRIVE Riverside Park ID AVE Horley DEN GATE NORTH TUN BR DRIVE LE CAST NUE LIMES APPE CH LANE UR KE CH NORFO W ALK NE L LA NN E SU M L CR AE E ROAD H IC THE DRIVE GAR WAY PRIMROSE AVENUE OYD ODR CE NT NG TURES DEPAR FARM FAIRFIELD AVENUE UPFIELD WO AC NORWOODH ILL E L ES ES LO North Terminal ROAD ON CLOS BURT DE CR CH C LOSE HAROLDSLEA DRIVE THE RIDGEWAY BEGGARSHOUSE LANE BE UPFIELD S E PL RG L N HIL STA D M ROA D DEN CL. NOR SVE GRO NT CE TH D NOR ER ROA PERIMET FAR FUEL S ROA T A DRIVE IDE VE PO AM TIMBERH AD RO LK WA RS AR LARKIN FORD LECH SE N CLO PLAC E KS RTO NE RDEN STOC WO RIVE AD D RO WAL CH AD RO CH Parking Lot AR TON G D D ROA OLDFIEL FO REIGATE ROAD OSS Y CR OO LW STAF FOR DS K NE EY EY NS RDE A MG MALCOL S E GA COMB BAL LINCOLN CL. BRIDGE WALK NG S EN GARD NUE AVE VICTORIA ROAD LVE WITHEY MEADOWS RDEN A GA RLE SILVE OV E CLO LD CLOSE DRIVE OLDFIE FARMFIELD E VE AD E RO DRI BRIDG ELD LONG MFI VENU DA OY Hookwood FAR LK ER LV DR . GD SPENCER CRES LS EL RUSS SE WO OO W Y TLE MIS S LANE ATE A217 S E M CLOS AURU CENT HATCHG E UE OM E AD E RO IGAT A217 PAR BRO EN GR THE APPROACH STATION OS CL RE BLANK S LAN OOD OKW Y AV MASSETTS ROAD BALC W AD RO CH NS LAW FAIR VIE CH UR NUE NO RW OO CH RS THE AVE UR RO AD CH D HI LE NE Y LA ER NU ROAD IFIELD ROAD RUSS HILL MAINTENANCE AREA ROAD HTON ON ND PLA CE OLD BRIG AD RO ICK LO City Place TW GA LOND ES HTON ROAD W. ROAD D OOD ROA CHARLW PLA CE RD AB . K RD. D ON ROA AG TT Y CO LOWFIELD WIC CHU ROAD GAT ROA RCH WLE RO LOWFIELD HEATH OLD BRIG CIT Y D EAST WFIELD HEATH INDUSTRIAL ES D/LO CHURCH ROA PERIMETER SOUTH SOUTH PERIMETER ROAD AD RO IVE AD G RO RIN EH CI TY M HOUSE SPECTRU BE WIC GAT K ROA STEERS LANE D RADFORD ROAD JAME S WATT LONDON JAMES WATT WAY WHITTLE WAY ROAD POLES LANE DF RA WAY SLEY TIN H Y LE TINS GATWICK ROAD R LONDON ROAD E PRIESTLEY BONNETTS LANE WAY H FORG EWOO D ROAD TW ORT ROAD HI NO NE LA Gatwick Road North UTHERFORD W. Industries Estate ROYCE JENNER W Gatwick Road Central Gatwick Road South Manor Medlar Becketts Royal West Manor Royal East Close Lane Industries Estate Langley Green Hospital Manor Royal Langley Parade Central Stagelands CO D ROAD CHARLWOO ROAD UN TY OAK LA BETTS UN WAY FLEMING NE CO FLEMING WAY W. RDAB. TY OA KW AY SATELLITE CA LF BUSINESS VILLAGE Manor Royal Industrial Estate FARADAY COURT WAY CRAWLEY BUSINESS QUARTER KELVIN LANE ROAD K WAY Y LE NEWTON OA ROAD FARADAY COUNT Y LONDON ROAD MET AD D RO RT NS LAN OR EEN COBHAM WAY MA PRES TWOO D GR KELVIN WAY NG IC GA TW CL N Y LANE TI N SLE CROMPTON WAY DEN D S SW AY CR OS AY O SE R GA RO AD SAUNDE MAUNSELL PARK ETT HASL N WAY RK PA OS E EPP CL KN HODGKIN CLO SE SEV OR CL . D OA AN RM NO LE ND WA NEY RD. ROA D GRAVE LL PBE O T CLOSE LI EL LA UR CLOSE E CLOS WEA CAM NRO AD CRAVE LD CL PHAM RO AD LU LOSE DC HOLD STO TROTTON CLOSE TANYARD CLOSE HOUGHTON R DD GO OAD OA GREATHAM R D PALLINGHAM DRIVE ER RD. SE MERCER CLOSE CA Tilgate Forest Tilget Forest Golf Golf Course Centre AR LS ROAD D DR OSE IVE GRAVETYE CLOSE CHELWOOD SYLVAN ROAD MARION ROAD CLOSE ERN R TH ROAD DE GREENACRES VENUE TH A HAW AS E E CH TH DE LA TH EG RINGWOO ANGELL CL. COMMON LIVINGSTONE ROAD H NSO PHE STE DRIVE LN CO LIN AV EN UE CRABBET BELLOC CLOSE CROS SWAYS MILL EAST UE AVEN MONKSFIEL D ROAD MITCHEL LS WEALTH SOUTHGATE AVENUE RO AD NS HA WKI LK WA ICK RR GA K W AL IR VI NG WO RT L RO AD PS E CH CO PUN MEA Y RO AD ILE RA KERY O FR ROAD RO AD STER RE FO SE FLETCHER CLO E C LOS CA RST LAN WOO NORTH ROAD GRANGE CLOSE DS RO AD SE CLO NOR TH SE CLO AW S RO AD TH D RO AD SH SOU W RO AD IDE RO AD RK IELD BU WOO SH DF RO AD WO O WILLOW CLOSE SE CLO ERT ROAD DARY BOUN EHU DABO UT UN MAG PIE BRAC RC L OSE BE COV SE CLO EAD KILNM COLLEGE CLITHEROW GD. ROAD MALTHOUSE SE TH CLO HAW TD O K WAL OSE KEN CL FIRLE CLOSE IELD HIGH THE SQUARE D ROA STA TION BRIGHTON ROAD OAKHAVEN SUL LI SE CLO AM HILL I NG CH L DIT WENSLEYDALE RIL BRADBURY D RO AD EF S TREET WA Y LER PEG HIGH ST. RO AD HLI N RAT RD . R WANTAG E OSE S CL LO SE YM OU OR OU GH WOO LB AP PL K BAR N E LIN TH D EA YM NN SU O SE N RO AD O WOL ST HOLMBURY DA LE EY RL DA CL OS E REDWOOD CLOSE E PLAC RO AD ND ON LO LONDON ROAD HIGH RO AD CLOSE STR EET RT E COU BTRE CRA TOWN TS HEIGH LV ER MA CLAYTON HILL CLOSE E OS CL RD ALE TE PAT OSE AR CL IS RR HA NT CE CR LONDON ROA E OS NT SCE DAN S CRE JOR SWALL OW KDA W CLO SE JAC PRINCESS ROAD GOFFS ON EC RO AD AM RSH HO SE CLO N RA NA H LULW ORT IO SE CLO HORSHAMROA D BU RB HE RS PLAT DEN CHE ROAD N LA DS LAN LODGE CLOSE LEOPOLD ROAD ST P E OAK ROAD SE LO LD BR DOWER WALK CL. NEVILE PATRINGTON CLOSE Y C LOSE OR SC EP ST UE EN AV RS PLA CE RTY MA NE SE CLO ALE NG RA VE HTI NIG CL OS E ER OV PL E RIS OL DS YN LO EW SE HU RS YF POLLARDS CAPEL LANE COURT CT. C FLINT TA IN SE Y CLO FILE EC AM B RE GL DIN LE NG E DI TH AV ON SE AM ANS PALMER ROAD ES E CL OSE IN FILBERT CRESCENT THE CL. NE SOA O SE SE RK SE CLO CO NEY ROAD SE G CLO RIN SE CLO HAM SEL RUSPER ROAD SE LO HYDE M I LLBANK CAPSEY D ROA . X CL OS FIR TREE CLOSE E D CL OS I EL FRA L FIE L WA FER LA SE LK CLO OD N WO LOX GTO LA VIN OS E CH ME R CL LIN NG HI PA TC NG E PLOU GH CLOS E CL. BOURN ALDING STAG ELAN DS TWEED LANE RECTORY LANE IFIELD DRIVE E WHITEHAL L DRIV ROAD C LOSE N PEVEREL LLI NS CO LA DS IFIELD WOOD CLO RO AD NYM RUSTON CLOSE E ID MATTHEWS DRIVE DORSTEN PLACE SE WATSON ROAD E MUND AG INSON AD IELD CLOS E ATK ROSA EN WAR N HAM R O ST LEO N ARDS DRIVE FOREST F ROOK EV WER DRIVE NBOW MAIDE EW VI OD ST MAIDENBO LANE TUXFORD CLOSE RDEN S SE D GA CLO AD RO LING PA FOWL CL. STEP CH AVE ER WAY LOSE ER C UR IR CL. CH SINCLA FEN NEY DY OSE CL WAT ER FIEL YE MA CAVELL R ROAD E CLOSE DGAT STRU ROAD GA S KE NEWMAN CLOSE WHEEL RTH CL. WO RA ACE FARM C WO NG LO D S CL G CLO LIN ELWAL T W. ON AR LO E OS SE IR ST HURS SH DEN AD RO ROA CLOSE E OSE AD HAWK OAD WESTMINSTER ROAD IV CLOSE D LIN LD SE DOLLIS CL CH RO CLOSE ROA FURN RT CLO DR R NI E STA EA SHEFFIELD CLOSE ARADE A NG D WALESBEECH N RL WATE EP W SE FIE LDI ROA TO AC RN FO AD RO SE D CL. HFIEL FRES FU VIE ER E GO BLACKET T N CLO ER R CE E PLA LD NT WI UR SE SE CLO DRIVE ST RE AD N RO LBEI HO AD H RO OAD TH R GAR E SE OS UG R IVE CL C LO HO RO T LE SBO S DR RO AD GA I N MU EY ROAD BARRY CLOSE CHANTR M WALK HA NAS H WHIS TIT ES I N GTON R OAD RO WEIRB D GR ROAD E OS CL XTO N ET LL TWE L ROA TILG LK WA IVE N DR OW HD SE HTON RO BRIG IM PR WHI TT CLOS FO AD RO LACE EP AT TILG PARADE DRIVE E ASHDOWN AT ON NS OH AS E COL E ROSS ST CLO EY HA W S FERONER NHAM D SHERWd. W. SCOT WEDDEL ELL Y WA SW BO TE GA E TIL OS CL AD R RO D ET ROA SE ROAD RD LE TY J CLO ROA FON AD RO AD T RO AD E RO AK DR NEWMAR K CLO ON KLET ETS WAY CL GOODWOOD LOPP ES HE DICK E OS DR . R VE NO EP SH CL AD S RO FU EPSOM ROAD EPPING W. PA BANKS M WEALD E AD RO SHAC ITH SM ST E AINTRE LK WA HA W RO S A2219 MA E ENS SE S CLO HAR DS TH PEV BIL LIN AC RN E ASHBUR FURNAC E EN OS SW VE CL OD ER COOP UR CL ICK UN BR E DRI BL OK RO AD WAY CLO I HYLAND ORC OSE L CL DED ROAD THE DE ARUN WILLIAMS WAY E GS SE YARMOUTH THEYDO NE UR C OU OS TIN STROUDLEY CL. TRIDG CO PEARSON ROAD CL ALICIA AVENUE STATION HILL ND SA HAS GOS ROAD COLTASH N ORWI CLOSE RO AD Y NGL CHIDDI HA AD RO SH D D ROA WA S S BURWA BRAN CLOS RTH CLIVE WAY W BEVERLEY MEWS BO UE AV OS LEY CRAWLEY LANE WO RS CLOSE GAR GD. A ILLI LETYE BRAMB ROA HARDY CLOSE SON NUE AVE HEN ICK AD H RO HAWTH AVENUE FAIRWAY ELW HAZ RT E RG RUSSELL WAY ROU N D ABOUT AD RO ON MILT E AVENU TH PARK WOR STRE ET ASTE R A LS SE STAN ROAD E WALK PARK WAY COPPIC NO ROAD GALES DRIVE DRIVE AD E RO IGH BURNS ST MARY'S DRIVE AD ASH ROAD HOLLY CLOSE KIMBERLEY ROAD HAZELWICK N CLO EN WTH HA IGH MARVELL CLOSE UE DONNE CLOSE EN OAD PAYM AD RO RH BARRINGTON ROAD ER RIN LO IV DR ELD DFI T OA EN BR SC E CR EL IEL HERRICK CLOSE AV FORGE LANE ES WEALD DRIVE LAM OS SHELLEY CLOSE BYRON CLOSE OFT EL C R CL. PETERHOUSE ICK LW AD RO OD E R EH WAK NN FE Y D WA E RYE ASH TRAFAL OSE LE RA SE LUNDY CLOS CK MEWS WI ZE ITS WO ROAD KITTIWAKE GRATTONS DRIVE PARADE HA RM HE EAST H OSE CL CAROLINE CT. R CL DR U TH MASON ROAD EN WINF R COURT D CL HUDSON ROAD COLLIER ROW IVE Y AV CLOSE LAND C Stephenson Industrial Estate Three Bridges FC Ground Three Bridges CC Ground Industrial Estate The Hawth HE KIPLING CLOSE WORDSWORTH CLOSE MS N BREWER ROAD ROAD SO LE SHEPPEY CLOSE S ASH KEYS CLOSE ROAD ER T OF CR BY WEST WAY NE BEECHES CRESCENT E TCH THA EN SCALLOWS ROAD WAY CT. IDE CHS BEE JAMES PLACE TENNYSON CLOSE K AV EAST HASLETT AVENUE EAST TE FARMLEIGH CL. ART SPINDLE HOLMCR OFT AVENUE SOUTHGATE TEAD ARGYLL COURT AW CANVEY ROAD LANCA RICHM TE GA EAN CLOSE WAINWRIGHTS EL WIC UE CLOS GALES OS BRUNEL PLACE WALS LOSE SOUTHGATE SA L CR SE ES IDG E BR ATE AVENUE SOUTHG WAY FRIARY ROAD NT CL. A2219 SPR I N DENNE WINTER GD. IVE O FOLD ROAD BAKER CLOSE HUNTER HAZ NEW E N CL WA RO E CE SE N CLO FRO SE SAF E CLO HIR CLO SE EBE I N COURT WAY OFT CHAUCER ROAD DW OO DR THE BIRCH BLACK L CHANDLER JUR HAL CLOSE PARK OND CT. CR GALES PLACE M CL. THRE WAY STATION STATION WAY EAST Y E B DE AR KH E A CLO D ES CR AS IARS R O TELFORD PLACE 0 HAZELWICK MILL L AN ICK MIL L LANE EL W BROWNING CLOSE CLO SE RI D G ESID NU VE HIL UE TE IDE PARKSIDE THE MARTLETS SKE OS MEWS ORIA PLAC RE BILB ERR Y CL. BROOKS A222 GODOLP S AC LE YR OA NE THE BROADWAY ST JOHN'S RD. PECT PROS NS A CRO SSW AYS CLOSE LK S WA YS HAZ CLOSE FORGE ROAD LOWS TERS QUEENSWAY COURT IGHT PL D DR VENUE RDENS HAZEL SCAL COM MON FARM CRAW BROOMDASHERS ROAD OR AD RO ALPHA T REE NGTON CHANCTONBURY WAY AN E EXCHANGE ROAD IVE RO AD ES DA LO EN R E FIS DO WNL PLAC EARLY IA PARK TE ATE DE SEQUO LE HG RA PATH LINK QUEENS SQUARE PERRYFIELD ROAD HE ND LA O DR DA E LA E PA PRIOR URY CLOSE NB UE CO GH RATORY GY N OS VE DO E EL BLU LL OU E REE TG CL LE DO WN LD D F IE CLO HAVERSHA BARLEY CLOSE SUNNINGDALE SE E CLO DAL DA RN T EN E GAT RTH RT TH CRESCE NT EAD S T ONEFIELD KEYMER FALMER CL EN MO MP SA N PLA SE SE WES OW RR ER LD AW RO AD SE KILNM LYNDHURST C ST RO AD CR LIS AM CT. CLOSE ON ROAD INGT OAD AD AM RO HORSH CLO LO E ROAD OSE CL BO LE DA CA S EAL TELH CHA S AN SWIFT LANE NC OV GR EET CA BU CR ES C UE AV NO S CR L W I CK PON EN TA WES E THE BOULEVARD HASL E T T A STR WEST CLO Y AV A CLOS OR WOOLB E IV DR ELD ROAD ND S OS T SPRINGFI RLA CL EW WAY HILL BE CH LE CLO ERS IVE DA GR FF IN S ES ER ERCO PARK D NO AVENUE HASLETT AC ISE E OS CL UR Y LE CISSBURY GH VANN GATE ZE CLO VE G CLOSE C LOSE ALE RD OSE RON UNDABOUT RO ADMIRAL ROAD BROADFIE LD HA HO SALV IDIAN MER ILEY CH CLOSE AD M RO RS KING VE NG L LE NE UE Y AV LA CLOSE CLO SE HA EN ARGUS WALK Y ROAD SLE GUNNING CLOSE CT. SE CLO R DRI E AM A CL EA UVE AC PL BLACKCAP CKH AILS MONARCH CLOSE CO Y HIL DRIVE D DRIVE JEWEL WALK VAN LE ROAD NE LA T HE TT NG E LA OS E TH TEN TE CO N BEWB USH WADDINGTON CLOSE COURT OCKS DRIVE HASS ROAD URST ZEH BREE NG HARTI CT. INGTO WASH NR OSE C HENTY L OSE MBE AD RO PYECO TALLIS CLOSE E IV D CL CUC K FIEL PURCELL DR DOUSTER WE S AD RO AN IV LL SU TWIT GS CLOSE CT. RT COU SE L E Y CLOS E THE KIN LE DA SE RO ON WIST NEY N C LO O WO ER TH NE SLAU G H BOL BUNYA C L OSE RDAB . SE ORTH PETW ST COURT CT . W RLO BA IT COT OCK TUSS DONNINGTON CT. ARNE CLOSE C LOSE MADEHUR N OT BO NE SB RS CLO OSE CL COURT AD H RO ALL E EY G O FFS CRO AD M RO CHESTER DRIV SIL E CLOSE IFIELD ROAD LAN CLOSE E SP KS OA HO IV COWFOLD CLOSE D W BRITT E CLOSE IVORY WALK MILNE CL. MERCURY GOO H HIG AD DR P LAC PERS COBBLE S BANK LANE VIEW E L D HILLSID WOBU R E CLOSE AD RUGH VANB BUCKS BR AY BYRD ROAD COLWYN GHA M WAY E CLOSE SOM RAN WE RO TWYNE CL O S ROA INNE Y E OS E CL OC NL LOS HURST CLOSE Y CL O OTWA G PE R S RO TTIN OBE RON TH SC WOOD LOSE JUXON C ST ROA W A YCA C H ARD STREET CLOSE HOR BIGGIN LOSE KC E FOUNT AI N W ELL CLOSE BRE LOSE TO C CALLIS R . SE OLD S BUCKSWOOD DRIVE WOLD CLOSE PADSTOW WALK LUTYENS C L C LOSE CL AD RO VIC T OSN HIL SHAM E LL CL. SE Crawley ES S AN R'S TE PERRYFIELD ROU E CLO SE U RT CLAP BEECH TREE HGAT BU ROAD LD E ROAD VICTORIA ROAD NEWLANDS O AD CLOS ST AIDAN W IUS COURT IC O CAPR TURU RC ION CT. N ROAD ST ST AUGU I MO MO P T U E CLOSE N HYPER A S US A CH PARK HO FIE LBO NORT CKM D CH UR ROAD NE WALK RN WOO GLEB AD KIT MEA IFIELD ROAD Goffs Park E ELL M AN LS LAN E DGL EY BA C ME GL DORMANS ROAD AD RO SO NE ED A CL. W. AQUAR AN DA PEG ES M O O R ROA D AN DR OM MIR HAWK AD RO MI W OO MARLOW PE LOVELETTS AD RO CLOS ROAD OOD NW TO WN SPENCERS ROAD TINTERN CR E RSIDE WATE MO ENUE AL OLD CLOSE ER EDEN C KIDBOROUGH ROAD T MS ROAD TH EN O SM ALBANY CHATFIELD RO CL EN GINHA E OS T TR RE ME IRL TH LD R NE AD SANDPIPER CL. LANGDALE E ME E CONISTON CLOSE OS T CL NN OS E E SC D CLOSE COTSWOL CLOSE WALK GREEN Leisure Park LD AV GREEN OAK WAY D RS HU DUNSF CL COBNOR CLOSE CH AT PA LAVANT CLOSE SE KFI W ST ROAD DE RA TU CLO IELDS DAI R SSI ON OATLANDS OPS MPA NA ESCENT AVENUE . CL PLACE GOSS LEA CLOSE CO BEH EN D ROA CHILTERN RIC PADDOCKHUR DRIVE STACK F I E L D L ANE VE S DRI MEDWAY ROAD ND AL RYELANDS D NS HYDE G REEN GOSSOP DERWENT CLOSE BBI DO D PS DO MEA MEAD STEYNING CLOSE RE ROA IFIE HA DALEWOOD GARDENS W CLOSE AM BR LONGME West Green Park Crawley GE GOFFS LANE S FIVE ACRE H E ROA R E C NORTH OR BUS CRABTRE PS NV I E LLY . RDAB CRAWLEY AVENUE GLE HO D CRAWLEY K CRESCENT AN OO CUCKMERE ICK L D ELW HAZ RO BUR Y ROA . CL WA COB WALK DS EN AV LEY AW CO TUSHM CRAWLEY AVENUE WINDMILL COURT UE CLOSE UE OL WE E ND HAN DE CL. STR YL AN . CL TO Snell Hatch Cemetery HAREWOOD C L O SE LE E BLAC CR STFIE R YRIDG WIND MMO DRU CLOSE R ER WAL CL. IEL NF AR GRI GOS SO HILL HIGHAMS THE HOLLOW D AD D SE T CL. WCROF MEADO GAR T O G A GS R O CK NU R CLOSE CL. AN QU VE NE DRI PARKFIELD ANS Capsey Road Stoneycroft Dobbins Place Walk Tern 300 Yewlands Road Walk D CRAIG HILLMEA MIDDL E TON WAY CLOSE AHAD ROAD GAL CLOSE THE CROF TH LH TR T VER RE YN Y DR. TUSHMO RE LAN K DOG SPUR EL C OVERDE INE E SC BUTT AVENUE RD GORLIN IN YN PO Ifield Station RO AD FO EY CROFT SE GU OS SN RE PENNINE CRAWLEY ME PRIEST T CLO CL PIKE TURN LAN GLE EW D WALK SLINFOL RD. LANCELO STANB RIDGE IFIELD DRIVE HUR ART 300 AD E RO D WOO ROAD RS D LE LOT COURT ME CA MERLIN CLOSE CL DEE ER SW OO LOSE EC CLOS E MARTIN CLOSE MAIDEN LANE LITTLE CRABTREE NG ROAD ROAD AR S WAY Y CLOSE Y GD . D EN FURZ DEN ROAD JOR Y AV D EFIEL MAR AVENUE TUSCAN LE . CT E DI NG RUSPER Rusper Road TA Ifield Golf and Golf Country Club Course PL SHIPLEY E AW TH E TUSHMORE TH PER CLOS ROBIN CLOSE HERON CR L DE ROAD RUDGWICK PO D L E C CR Ewhurst Wood LD AR PI IE RG MI AN TINSLE IF A DY M Ifield Parade M CLI SE LA D ROA WA LK ISB ON CLO ET RUSPER ROAD ISTO N M CLOSE WADHA AW INGLY ARD IVE D DR IFIEL RUSPERS KEEP OSE AR W ACE PL SE E CLO MF D LE N OS CL BR L. KLE PARADE LANGLEY FALC Graffham Close NR D OA RE CLO NG SSE ING CLOSE NC CL MO SE LO E RIV ME UE D ET ROAD NE EN KIR E AT LG CO FIN DO FR PAR LA E AV OS LD CL IE IF AM ER E F O RD C SE WAY FH AD RO IST TR AF RN BA LY HIL Ifield Green T RE N CL. PEN SUC NEY HO CROMPTON FIELDS LA VE LE RE GR E M CL HA RD HA MAXWELL S ETT NE EL Y LA AD RO SH RU HA GREEN LE NG LA K OC BR RR IFIELD NE OS IFIELD STRE HAM RUSH CLARE CLOSE ILL CO CHURC H CKE CL AVEN T SE AD RO C d. E TW PL UE UI SQ O VA L R OG LEY UT W ALK E SE CLO UE AW CR ES TN L O SE OS K N E CL L IN DE PI LIM KE RO AD CH MA ES PR Climping Road I VE DR PIN OD WO PIP R RE O D Y AN WA SPART ROA BRAEBURN ATHMO AD RO JUNIP LA T NU WAL ETTS ROAD . STR ER NE LW AR CH MANOR ROYAL CLO W. E AD Y RO RR AD d. PIN D RO OR FF K Y WAL LANGLE RIVER MEAD THE TITHE LBE MU STA DR UI BE EN UE RO AD AV E BURLANDS DS PL AC E T RO AD IFIE LD KENMARA CLOSE K THE RO AD BROO K LA © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:35.32 - set-06300E(1).y08 (outbound) -1- Route map for Metrobus service 300 (inbound) E OS CL K OL SU FF W ALK NORFO CH UR RLIE LO S Horley S ER E ID E LO NG NEL BR ID GE ROAD ROAD Riverside Park W AY RIM ER ET ROAD DEP PIER ER ROA RA D NORTH CE CO UR SE D S ROA G WAY AIRPO ROA FOUR TH D NOR OLE RM RIVE HIL E SE N LA NE CT ORY RE LR OA D F PERIMETER ROAD EAST RU SS CLOSE Y WESTWA S. PIER RD. London Gatwick Airport LONDON ROAD LL NT C R E SCE South Terminal ROAD R H UT SO AD RO NG RI Coach Park 300 RLEY HO ER Y EASTWA L. CHALMERS CO LOW COURT INS WAY H JENK ARY MI D DS O S AD RO A23 South Terminal WIL STREET D NO RT H R FORE UPPE ON ROSEM THE STREET ATE ROA PRIV IE L ILL CL W PER RYL AN DS LOND ROAD SWAN LANE 300 PE THE RING ROA URT ECO ER FOR LOW LEIG A CH Charlwood GLOVERS ROAD AIRPORT WAY E S GAT QUEEN AD RO L Atlantic House RT WA Y RO AD FURLON NORTH ROAD FOUR Cargo Terminal FORECO ALS ROAD URE ARRIV ART ONE LANE PERIMET NOR THW . RD. PIER AM WAY BERH TIM RS CL. TIMBER CARGO ROAD D URT ROA CARGO HAM ROAD FARM STOKE NORTH S LARKIN North Terminal PE Parking Lot LS ARRIVA North Terminal Bus Station LANE ARSH BEGG BAYHORNE THE CRESCENT TUN ROAD SPIERS WAY NORWOOD HILL RIV GAT NORTH L N HIL STA TH D NOR TER ROA PERIME FARM APPE CH A23 DEN TW AY FUEL DRIV E M NE LA LANE EL NN WA YS KE SIDE GAR E EN OAD DR D HAE ENUE AV LIMES THE DRIVE ES C RO OO LW AR CH E ROA OYD ODR IC ES UPFIELD WO CR AD RO SS COMB BAL NT CE L CR YC VE PO FAIRFIELD AVENUE LK WA EY C LOSE PRIMROSE AVENUE L DE NE CH AC NS THE DRIVE D R CL. ENO OSV GR RTO E PL RDE KS T A DRIVE SE N CLO S DEN PLA CE STOC LVE RG A MG WAL WO BRIDGE WALK NG FO REIGATE ROAD MALCO L D ER ROA L TOW CONTRO IFIELD ROAD RUSS HILL MAINTENANCE AREA HTON OLD BRIG ICK LONDON RD. ROAD City Place ICK ON PLA CE OLD BRIG AD RO D PLA CE TW GA ROAD HTON ROAD W. ES AG TT Y CO LOWFIELD CHU D EAST TW GA WLE RO LOWFIELD HEATH OOD ROA CHARLW CIT Y WFIELD HEATH INDUSTRIAL ES D/LO ROA ROA PERIMETER ROAD SOUTH SOUTH RCH CHU D RCH ROA RD AB . PERIMETER ROAD AD RO TY AD G RO RIN ND LO IVE CI HOUSE SPECTRUM EH BE D K ROA WIC GAT JAME S WATT LONDON ROA WHITTLE WAY JAMES WATT WAY S MAN ROAD LONDON S YR MA RT D LONDON ROAD OL OS E CL N HE WAY PRIEST ROAD ICK CLO SE NE Y LA H K WAL MAG S WAY CR OSS R CRABBET RO AD MILL MAUNSELL PARK MONKSFIEL D D LLS ROA WA Y ON NS HE ST EP H DRIVE HAWTH AVENUE E AS SE HODGKIN CLO CRAVE NRO AD E CH TH DE LA EG TH ROAD DE GREENACRES VENUE HA HAWT GRAVETYE CLOSE IVE OSE DR AD LD WEA EL SYLVAN ROAD D OA AN RM NO MATTHEW S DRIVE CLOSE CHELWOOD CL RINGWOO RO AD NS HA WKI W. ICK RR GA LA UR LIVINGSTONE ROAD RO AD STER RE FO SE FLETCHER CLO ANGELL CL. NWEALT COMMO TH O T CLOSE ROAD HAW TH CLO SE SOUTHGATE AVENUE OAKHAVEN TD OR MITCHE SAUNDE PUN Y RO AD ILE RA KERY O FR BELLOC CLOSE RO AD CROS SWAY S SH CH CO AW CLO UTH BOUN MEA DARY D RO AD SO ROAD PS E S RO AD SE CLO ERT COV E CLOS EAD KILNM CLITHEROW GD. ROAD AY WOODE ND SE CLO NO RTH O SE LI O SE SUL LI SE CLO AM HILL I NG DIT CH L WENSLEYDALE W RO AD NORTH ROAD IDE DS WO O RO AD RK IELD RO AD DF WO O SH GRANGE CLOSE RO AD BRAC RC L OSE BE IELD PL EF AP COLLEGE THE SQUARE D N ROA STA TIO MALTHOUSE HTS HEIG RO AD RN MAL VE O WOL ST CLOSE HOLMBURY PIE CLOS E KEN FIRLE CLOSE WILLOW CLOSE RO AD GH OR OU LB WOO T REET HS HIG HIGH ST RE ET RW AY GLE PE HIGH ST. OAK ROAD BRIGHTON ROAD GOFFS ON LE DA EY RL OSE CL NA IO BU PLA CE RO AD ON ND LO LONDON ROAD CLOSE TH TOWN E LIN K BAR N ST P E PRINCESS ROAD EC E OS E CL RD AL TE PAT DA SE CLO RAN AR TINS LE REDWOOD CLOSE S CRE DAN RT COU BTR EE CRA RO AD RE LEOPOLD ROAD HILL CLAYTON M RS HA CE NT ES LISMORE CR SE SCE NT JAC DS LAN LODGE CLOSE RO AD RB BU SE CLO ROAD LUL WOR TH VIEW D HORS HAM PATRINGTON CLOSE CROMPTON WAY VIV I ON ROAD DOBS . CL DS IEN FR JOR ROAD RISE SWALL OW KDA W CLO LA S RO AD OLD YN DS PL AC E T RO AD LO EW SE HU RS DIN GL LE NG E DI TH SE LO FILBERT CRESCENT LD BR DOWER WALK CL. NEVILE BAIRD CE S ND E LAN EN RAV RK SE CL Y NE CO E ROAD ING CLIMP L L FIE CL YF POLLARDS AV ON SE HO OSE SE E CL CLO FIL EY EC AM B LA E OS EL ROAD DON FIN SE FER HI PA TC RUSPER ROAD SE LO CAPEL LANE COUR T E CLOS ROAD AM ST LEO N ARDS DRIVE MUND IN EP FIR TREE CLOSE W ALK Y LE NG LA CL OS BIR DH AM OS E D CL I EL FRA G CLO LA SE WA LK CLO D N LO XW OO LA VIN GTO OSE NG CL RIN GH CLOS E PLOU E CL. BOURN ALDING CLOSE ROTHER CRESCENT MEDWAY ROAD CL. ER LANE MAIDE IELD ROOK DORSTEN PLACE STA GE TWEED LANE RECTORY LANE LD IE IF DRIVE HYDE ROAD C LOSE N PEVEREL ST BROO K THE DS DR UI T HE IFIELD WOOD NE CH UR CH IR CL. NBOW STEP AD RO SINCLA SOA CL. CL. AD ROSA WEIRB EW D VI O WO E ID LS RIL ROAD FOWLER NEY DY OSE CL T W. HURS WAR N HAM R O FOREST F C E N DRIV ASHDOW CAVELL WAY KER E CLOSE DGAT STRU ROAD NG E FEN N LO LO R R CLOSE E FARM O SE WHEEL CLOSE SHEFFIELD CLOSE FURNAC ARADE SE E RTH CL. WO RA CE E PLA CLO E G CLOS LIN IR ST HAWK ON AR DE AD RO DOUSTER IV OSE ELWAL ROAD SH LIN CLOS EST ROSS FOR E PLAC L ROA AD RO GATE TIL RO LL WE SE D ET FONT CLO SCOT WEDDEL Y WA RS AD R RO LE E OS CL ELL SW BO ITH TE GA E EN DICK NEWMAR K SHERWd. W. AD T RO AD E RO RAK GOODWOOD AD RO ROAD ETS WAY ON KLET LOPP ES . TIL OS SM DR CL SHAC D CL W RO IVE ST UR EH WAK R VE NO DR R NI E STA RO AD LIN TO N CL AD H RO RWIC EP EPPING W. CO LK HA AD S RO AC RN OK AD RO D WALESBEECH INS SE D CL. HFIEL FRES SE CLO COLL M CLO S RLEA WATE RS FERONE NHAM AD E RO AINTRE E HER EAN CLOSE FURNAC EPSOM ROAD CLOS WA IGH LE RA SA L WAINWRIGHTS LEY EP IVE CL E STAN R OA HAW E ASHBUR VE E DRI BL IGH OS MASON ROAD FU IVE FU TRIDG OD ROAD DR E OS CL ICK DIN G CL. N CLO BIL AC RN SW UN BR CLOSE RH HUNTER TE GA COLLIER ROW CHANDLER CLOSE S AC E TH AV GOL BLACKET T SE YARMOUTH THEYDO BRAN SH ROAD DEDI DRIVE E SO U ER COOP BARLOW AY SW ILLI SE OS L UE E R CL BAKER CLOSE HIL KH RO AD NGLY CHIDDI HA NO RN RT S STROUDLEY CL. SE HUDSON ROAD STI NG GOS ROAD COLTASH WEALD AD RO OU LAMB C OU HA S CLO DS W. WEALD DRIVE HYLAND AR EE BIL JU AM W AD E RO HE CLIVE WAY ALICIA AVENUE E OS CL RUSSELL WAY ROU N D ABOUT BEVERLEY MEWS N CLO EN TH RO AD PEARSON ROAD ND WILLIAMS WAY SA R A LS OSE D CL WTH HA W STATION HILL WA S NE OAD CH D ROA GD. N PL. R LETYE E OR SON NUE AVE HEN ICK LGAR NSO AD RO SH TH ELW HAZ TRAFA PHE R COURT N DE BREWER ROAD OR RS CLOSE STE BRAMB BO E WALK AD H RO RT AB ST MARY'S DRIVE COPPIC NO IVE DONNE CLOSE AD ASH ROAD HOLLY CLOSE GALES DRIVE DRIVE E RG ASH KEYS E ROAD HERRICK CLOSE UE NUE AVE PARK WORTH UE EAST ASTE DR AVEN CK MEWS WI ICK ROAD PAYM CL. LW FORGE LANE N ROAD PARK WAY OFT EL C R S KITTIWAKE ZE HA AD RO OAD T AVEN LET WAY RO AD NE OD SPINDLE MOOR P OUT H LA MILTO WEST WAY EAST HASLETT AVENUE E AVENUE BLE SI AB ND UG BROOMDASHERS ROAD AM CL. The Hawth SOUTHGATE AM ROAD O RO ITS RM BYRON CLOSE ART OS BRUNEL PLACE TE SHELLEY CL. BROWNING CL. THE BIRCHES KIMBERLEY ROAD K HAZELWIC SCALLOWS ROAD CLOSE GALES KIPLING CLOSE WORDSWORTH CLOSE HAS E N CL ATE AVENUE SOUTHG WAY FRIARY ROAD RK PA S PL. ASU DE PEG I CK GATW IL T OF CR BY Stephenson Industrial Estate Three Bridges FC Ground Three Bridges CC Ground Industrial Estate WO EAST WA RO THE MARTLETS NGTON CHANCTONBURY WAY LE UE NEW STRE ET BEECHES CRESCENT SOUTHGAT TY AD EN RYE ASH BURWA FIS A2219 RO HOLMC ROFT IDE CHS COURT TENNYSON CLOSE K AV GALES PLACE OSE CL SUNNINGDALE RINE AY I N COUR T LO NS CLOSE EAST LANCA OIA PARK DA ROAD ES SEQU TE ES IDE LK IDG E BR THRE BEE JAMES PLACE BARRINGTON ROAD UE EN LO CT. GODOLP EL WIC AR R AV UE IARS R O TELFORD PLACE URY CLOSE NB EN TERS WAY STATION RICHM OND CT. CHAUCER ROAD HAZ O FOLD ROAD TEAD RO AD D DR CLO BLACK WALS FALMER C L AN CLOS E SSW AYS PARK ROAD Y O EAST DW OO DR CRO MON FARM NU STATION WAY H KEYMER IGHT D PL PARKSIDE T WAY OF HAZELWICK MILL L AN BYCR E ICK MIL L LANE EL W FORGE ROAD LOWS COM RI D G ESID VE BARLEY CLOSE HE AN UE EN Y AV LE HAZEL L LAND C HAL SCAL EARLY CRAW PRIOR PERRYFIELD ROAD CAROLINE CT. RN DO WNL E BROOKS 20 LYNDHURST C ARGYLL COURT E OS LE AW UNDABOUT RO A CL. C ADMIRAL ROAD RON D A22 LOSE T RO AD DO WNL LE Y AV BROADFIE LD T PLAC QUEENSWAY SKE OS ROAD CL CR EN AW CH CLOSE KILNM EA QUEENS SQUARE YS A2219 SPR I N DENNE WINTER GD. BU CR ES C ATE S WA THE BROADWAY MEWS ORIA E LE DA VE DO MONARCH CLOSE LE HG DE OR ST JOHN'S RD. PLAC DA JEWEL WALK CR HASL E T T A STREET CA CR SE EA RA HAVERSH AD RO T PECT PROS ALPHA REE ER LD SE CLO G NE EN LD D F IE CLO EXCHANGE ROAD IVE DR E LE LO OS E HE O EN OV GR DA AC CH RATORY GY SE LO RE E ROAD AC EDA RIS E CL SE S T ONEFIELD PARK S CL. E AV VENUE TA WES T D WEST C L OSE OS E CL AL RD AW CR SE PON E NU E GAT H RT NO ES ELD ROA CLO VE RLA ND S G CLOSE OSE CL AILS DRIVE WOOLB E NC G ST TH LE LS CA EA LE RCOS D EW RW AY SPRINGFI HILL CLO SE DA BE OW RR SLAU G H WE E AM RS E PA AVENUE HASLETT CLO G O FFS CISSBURY CKH BO RDAB . CLOSE CRO K OA CH NET BEWB USH BLACKCAP Y HA N OCK TUSS SE LD OS HILL DRIVE CLOSE E NS CLO DA IE T CL TEN R TE CO H HO O WO HER SE ST COURT MADEHUR C LOSE . IF RS TWIT NE INNE AD M RO CHESTER DRIV SIL E ORTH PETW VICTORIA ROAD LANE CLOSE E SP SE AD CLO TWYNE CL O S DONNINGTON CT. COURT AD H RO OT D W N ARNE CLOSE COWFOLD CLOSE BO GOO BRITT E E CLOSE SOM RAN RUG CLO S D E CLOSE H CLOSE VANB RSHA HIG WOBU R DR IV BYRD ROAD IVORY WALK CLOSE MILNE CL. MERCURY WAY OSE CL DE HILLSI BR COLWYN AD RON AY Y CL O OTWA G PE R S RO GHA M LOSE OBE LOSE JUXON C W ELL CLOSE TTIN CLOS GS LE DA SE RO BUCKS W T IUS COUR LUTYENS C L C LOSE ROAD CH AT LO WEN RO AN THE LH CK OS MO AQUAR N BRE TO C CALLIS AMS EL CL KIN S FOUNT AI N P LAC YR OA THE BOULEVARD IFIELD ROAD VIC T PERRYFIELD SH FF IN S BANK LANE VIEW E LL BIGGIN WOOD AD RO AD RO TURU RC ION CT. IC O CAPR HYPER PEG ASUS A HI TH ROAD PADSTOW WALK ST DG LE W A YCA C H ARD STREET CLOSE AD M RO HO OLD OSE CL ELL M R R'S TE SE S . MO S AN M CK BU ME NEWLANDS ROAD O AD CHATFIELD CL U N E CLOSE PARK Goffs Park ST AIDAN LL HO PATH LINK HG ATE RO AD GLE E ERS SCENT PE AVENUE AN RIT MA PT . CH EY HURST CLOSE NE DR OM ED A CL W. UR OSN AD RO NS WOLD CLOSE SA AN DA EA D AD RO SPENCERS ROAD EY CRAWL EN CLOSE RSIDE HAWK ESM O O R ROAD WATE GASSON WO OD AN MIR ROAD ROAD ST ST AUGU I E Yewlands Walk CH OLD CLOSE TR EDEN YM CL . AD AD RO AVENUE BUCKSWOOD DRIVE OS S C DORMANS VANN Crawley NN TE RT TH SE S CRE SU S CLOSE CRAWLEY DUNSF CLO COBBLE Park EA D MO LOVELETTS GATE ENUE ALL ALBANY TINTERN DE CL O SM WE E KFI RYELANDS E T ND PERS D AV TO WN M KI IFIELD ROAD D CLOSE LD KIDBOROUGH ROAD COBNOR CLOSE W ST ROAD D ROA SE PADDOCKHUR PA COTSWOL UGH SE CLAP RT DO MEA LE HAREWOOD C L O SE HAZ NO RO AD NO STFIE RIC IELDS DAI R ESCENT AL S OATLAND E AR CLO OO OS DG PAX DINGS REE COB WALK L ANE VE LAVANT CLOSE Ifield Pond S G REEN R E C GE GOFFS LANE CHILTER N S DRI NA CL EL FT DCRO WOO IR TH ER ERFI AT ND Snell Hatch Cemetery ELW HAZ E SANDPIPER CL. LANGDALE RO AD D GINH CL FIE LD ORO BE CLO HU . GOSSOP KENNET OPS EE ROA PS SPUR TH CL. CK TO OVERDENE DRIVE AD D ROA WAL CRESCENT GOSS CRABTR CO OL SC BUTT AN QU R ME NN TU BITTERN CL. STACK F I E L D UE YN DALEWOOD GARDENS W CLOSE E SE RN WO OLB GLE IFIEL EW PENNINE D PS DE RA Hanbury Road . BEH EN SE HAN BURY R D DRIVE CUCKMERE BBI HYDE W E LM WALK TERN ROAD CONISTON CLOSE CL ME RE GLE E RO DO AR CL. FULM TSFIELD LL WE CHER . AD BIT DERWENT CL. AD RO FIN FAIRWAY E YRIDG WIND ND MMO DRU PUF E AL KD BIR OS CL IEL NF YL A ANS AD Y RO CAPSE CLOSE D GOS SO HILL HIGHAMS K AR D PLACE NS SCENT RE KC AR DE CL A GS R O CL OS E IN ED OSE NU R CLOSE T CL. WCROF MEADO THE HOLLOW AD IN YN D ROAD CRAIG PARKFIELD MILL K PO SW OO SN RU S AD ME HILL BAN 300 OOD ROAD SW DE ER O BA C BEECH TREE DE Ifield Station C W O MARLOW RDAB. LITTLE CRABTREE LOSE EC MI NE WALK LLY BU EF FURZ NS UE EN Y AV AW CR CLO OAK WAY GREEN SE WALK D K D IELD MA R WAL RE ROA U RT NG RO AD FOR EY KENMARA CLOSE TINSLE Y CLOSE IC ELW K RO U AZ LAN AM BLAC K DOG GREE N BR LONGME . CT DE SLINFOLD TA IFIELD DRIVE SHIPLEY S FIVE ACRE MEAD STEYNING CLOSE WINDMILL COURT UE EN AV LEY E L E THW AT E R TR MAIDEN LANE TH D ROA NV I E AVENUE NORTH HO CLO AR CRAWLEY AVENUE GLE Y CRAWLE EN D OURT E AV RG SOU CAMELOT CT. NUE Y AVE CRAWLE CR ER P ER ROAD MARTIN CLOSE AW E TUSHMO RE LAN OR LD AD RO A DY M Shipley Road ROAD RUDGWICK . SE E ST D CLO SE OS TUSHM ROBIN CLOSE IFIE WAL K PIKE TURN LAN VE GLY N CLOS Y DRI DIN UR ST CL GD. GLE N CLOS NH ON E HERO FER ISTO LC JOR LANE CLO MI ET LA THE AT RE AR AM IVE D DR IFIEL RUSPER ROAD GAR T O PL K PA RH RUSPERS KEEP MIDDLE T ON WAY RS AL YW ET E RE PLAC HME LINC S CL SE MP GE ING CLOSE NC DRIVE SE CLO HA ROYAL MANOR CROMPTON FIELDS TUSCANY HAM AFF DE MF SE R EN SS ME FR Capsey Rusper Road Road YS NE HO GR OS CL CL. WAY HER CLOSE KINGFIS PARADE LANGLEY FALC E E AT LG CO TON RE TS LA LANGLEY DR NC GORLIN G HE EN M CLO HA ND GRE IFIELD NE Y LA LE RD DMU ET SH NE DU IST SE T ON CLO O CL SE KL RU T RE VE HA NE T LA ET ROYAL NE LE E ME NC AD RO IV TR K LO UE R MANO PE E L R OG SE UC A PL SE IFIELD STRE PAR RO YS Manor Royal East E LA CLO O VA CLO CK AD RO K OC BR NG LA LANE NE C L O SE EN BE NN AD RO CLOS K N ST E C AR E AD RO L IN DE SE PI DA R DL OS TS ET SH RU FOX PIN AD N RE Golf Ifield Golf and Course Country Club NE AD Y RO RR OR D PIP R RE RO O FF AR W Tangmere Road CE ME CL CL STA D Y AN WA SPART ROA d. TW ES PR IVE DR OD WO KE DE LA LBE NE T LA NU WAL . MILL ST JO AN CHUR RY SE ER CLO MU d. CH BRAEBURN ATHMO THE TITHE TY MAR PARK OAK WO OD Medlar Industries Manor Royal West Manor Royal Estate Close Central Langley Parade Graffham Close Stagelands Ifield Climping Green Road Ewhurst Wd. West Ifield Green Parade Park Crawley Leisure LW AR W. RIVER MEAD STR EN AV KELVIN WAY STERLING Gatwick Road Central TRA UE RS OT RO AD NOR THW OOD ROAD AD RO NIP CH E OR ER JU KELVIN LANE ORD WAY THE DRIVE NEWTON UE VILLAGE FARADAY COURT FARADAY ROAD EN DEP SE CAM SY BURLANDS AV A K WAY O LD BUSINESS Langley Green Hospital COUNT Y Becketts Lane SATELLITE GATW LONDON ROAD WAY WAY LATIMER CLO IFIE CRAWLEY BUSINESS QUARTER WAY W. RDAB. OAK LEY LANE BONNETTS UN TY Y TIN E BETTS CO FLEMING NE LF SLE N LA Industries Estate Manor Royal Industrial Estate LA CA WAY ING FLEM GR TH OR ONE CLOS WHEATST ROAD MET Y ROAD ROYCE CHARLWO ROAD H OA K D ROAD EEN NE RUTHERF HIT W ORT OR COBHAM WAY Gatwick Road North JENNER W CO UN TY OD ROAD LE DF SLEY TIN GATWICK ROAD E NG RA D POLES LANE PRES TWOO D LAN LA RADFORD ROAD WAY MARION ROAD OUSE K NE E GAR OMB CH AD RO GAR BALC RDS EY RD DEN NUE AVE E STA FFO FO LECH NS DRIVE ROAD LD CLOSE IVE OLDFIE D DR FARMFIELD AD E RO BRIDG LONG MF IEL E TLE MIS Hookwood FAR D OLDFIEL S E GR OV CLO FIEL UP S EN RD Y GA LK LINCOLN CL. DE VENU DA OY DR B E RS LAN TH VICTORIA ROAD SE WO AR TON G ER LV AD RO OO W N HTO RIG E AD RO SPENCE ATE TE A217 ON CLOS BURT HATCHG IG A RE A217 SE ANS NYM CT. Tilget Forest Golf Course RUSTON CLOSE LU CA S CLOSE © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 750 m 1.5 km 2.3 km 3 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:35.34 - set-06300E(1).y08 (inbound) -2- 200 Gatwick Airport - Horsham Metrobus The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 2 1 0322 0326 0330 0334 0341 0345 0348 0356 0359 0400 0402 0407 0411 0417 0421 0425 0429 0436 0440 0443 Mo 0356 0359 0400 0402 0407 0411 0417 0421 0425 0429 0436 0440 0443 0447 0451 0455 0459 0506 0510 0513 0510 0514 0518 0522 0529 0534 0537 0449 0453 0454 0457 0458 0501 0506 0510 0517 0521 0525 0529 0536 0541 0544 0645 0650 0654 0658 0705 0710 0713 0705 0710 0714 0718 0726 0731 0734 0645 0649 0651 0654 0655 0658 0705 0710 0717 0722 0727 0731 0740 0745 0748 1826 1830 1832 1836 1838 1841 1848 1852 1857 1901 1904 1908 1914 1918 1846 1850 1851 1855 1856 1859 1905 1909 1914 1918 1921 1925 1931 1935 1918 1922 1923 1926 1927 1929 1935 1939 1944 1948 1951 1955 2001 2005 0830 0835 0837 0841 0843 0846 0852 0856 0902 0906 0910 0914 0921 0926 0545 0549 0553 0557 0604 0609 0612 0610 0615 0619 0623 0630 0635 0638 0554 0557 0558 0601 0606 0610 0617 0622 0626 0630 0637 0642 0645 1645 1650 1652 1657 1659 1702 1710 1714 1720 1724 1728 1733 1743 1748 1712 1717 1719 1724 1726 1729 1737 1741 1747 1751 1755 1759 1807 1812 1746 1751 1753 1757 1759 1802 1809 1813 1818 1822 1826 1830 1836 1840 0657 0701 0705 0709 0716 0721 0724 0649 0653 0654 0657 0658 0701 0707 0711 0718 0722 0726 0730 0737 0742 0745 0757 0801 0805 0809 0816 0821 0824 0756 0800 0801 0804 0805 0808 0814 0818 0825 0829 0833 0837 0844 0849 0852 2004 2008 2011 2015 2021 2025 2028 2034 2038 2041 2045 2051 2055 2058 2142 2145 2148 2152 2158 2202 2205 2242 2245 2248 2252 2258 2302 2305 0746 0751 0756 0802 0812 0817 0745 0749 0751 0755 0757 0800 0809 0815 0823 0828 0835 0840 0848 0853 0856 0825 0830 0832 0836 0838 0841 0847 0852 0858 0902 0908 0912 0920 0925 0900 0905 0907 0911 then 0913 at 0916 these 0922 mins 0926 past 0932 each 0936 hour 0940 0944 0951 0956 2037 2041 2044 2048 2054 2058 2101 2142 2145 2148 2152 2158 2202 2205 2242 2245 2248 2252 2258 2302 2305 00 05 07 11 13 16 22 26 32 36 40 44 51 56 30 35 37 41 43 46 52 56 02 06 10 14 21 26 00 05 07 11 13 16 22 26 32 36 40 44 51 56 Mondays to Fridays Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 30 35 37 41 43 46 52 56 02 06 10 14 21 26 until 1430 1435 1437 1441 1443 1446 1452 1456 1502 1506 1510 1514 1521 1526 1503 1508 1510 1514 1516 1519 1526 1530 1536 1540 1544 1548 1555 1600 1535 1540 1542 1546 1548 1551 1558 1602 1608 1612 1616 1620 1627 1632 0510 0514 0518 0522 0529 0534 0537 0449 0453 0454 0457 0458 0501 0506 0510 0517 0521 0525 0529 0536 0541 0544 1617 1622 1624 1629 1631 1634 1642 1646 1652 1656 1700 1705 1715 1720 2007 2011 2014 2018 2024 2028 2031 Saturdays Service Restrictions Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 3 3 0322 0326 0330 0334 0341 0345 0348 0356 0359 0400 0402 0407 0411 0417 0421 0425 0429 0436 0440 0443 0447 0451 0455 0459 0506 0510 0513 0557 0601 0605 0609 0616 0621 0624 0554 0557 0558 0601 0606 0610 0617 0621 0625 0629 0636 0641 0644 1904 1908 1911 1915 1922 1927 1905 1909 1911 1914 1915 1918 1924 1928 1934 1938 1941 1945 1952 1957 0900 0905 0907 0911 then 0913 at 0916 these 0922 mins 0926 past 0932 each 0936 hour 0940 0944 0951 0956 until 1530 1535 1537 1541 1543 1546 1552 1556 1602 1606 1610 1614 1621 1626 Saturdays Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1600 1605 1607 1611 1613 1616 1622 1626 1632 1636 1640 1644 1651 1656 1630 1635 1637 1641 1643 1646 1652 1656 1702 1706 1710 1714 1721 1726 1729 1700 1705 1707 1710 1711 1714 1720 1724 1730 1734 1738 1742 1749 1754 1757 1730 1735 1737 1740 1741 1744 1750 1754 1800 1804 1807 1811 1818 1823 1827 1805 1809 1811 1814 1815 1818 1824 1829 1834 1838 1841 1845 1852 1857 Sundays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0322 0326 0330 0334 0341 0345 0348 Service Restrictions: 1 2 3 Mo Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 - not 22.4.14, 6.5., 27.5., 26.8. Not Mondays, not 22.4.14, 6.5., 27.5. not 19.4.14 Operates only on Mondays more trips below 200 Gatwick Airport - Horsham Metrobus The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0356 0359 0400 0402 0407 0411 0417 0421 0425 0429 0436 0440 0443 0447 0451 0455 0459 0506 0510 0513 0510 0514 0518 0522 0529 0534 0537 0449 0453 0454 0457 0458 0501 0506 0510 0517 0521 0525 0529 0536 0541 0544 0557 0601 0605 0609 0616 0621 0624 0554 0557 0558 0601 0606 0610 0617 0621 0625 0629 0636 0641 0644 0657 0701 0705 0709 0716 0721 0724 0649 0653 0654 0657 0658 0701 0707 0711 0718 0722 0726 0730 0737 0742 0745 2004 2008 2011 2015 2021 2025 2028 2034 2038 2041 2045 2051 2055 2058 2142 2145 2148 2152 2158 2202 2205 2242 2245 2248 2252 2258 2302 2305 Sundays Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1804 1808 1811 1815 1822 1827 1805 1809 1811 1814 1815 1818 1824 1828 1834 1838 1841 1845 1852 1857 1904 1908 1911 1915 1922 1927 1905 1909 1911 1914 1915 1918 1924 1928 1934 1938 1941 1945 1952 1957 Good Friday same as Sundays Easter Monday same as Sundays May Day Holiday same as Sundays Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 0757 0801 0805 0809 0816 0821 0824 0756 0800 0801 0804 0805 0808 0814 0818 0825 0829 0833 0837 0844 0849 0852 then at these mins past 0900 each 0904 hour 0908 0912 0919 0924 00 04 08 12 19 24 00 05 07 10 11 14 20 24 30 34 38 42 49 54 until 1600 1605 1607 1610 1611 1614 1620 1624 1630 1634 1638 1642 1649 1654 1700 1704 1708 1712 1719 1724 1727 1700 1705 1707 1710 1711 1714 1720 1724 1730 1734 1738 1742 1749 1754 1757 200 Horsham - Gatwick Airport Metrobus The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Roffey, o/s 5 Corner North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, o/s Post Office Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) 1 0355 0359 0402 0408 0411 0414 0417 0421 0424 0429 0431 0433 0436 0437 0441 0518 0522 0526 0532 0535 0538 0541 0540 0544 0548 0554 0558 0602 0605 0549 0553 0557 0603 0607 0611 0615 0619 0623 0628 0630 0632 0635 0636 0640 0616 0620 0624 0630 0634 0638 0641 0641 0645 0649 0656 0700 0704 0708 0713 0718 0726 0728 0731 0734 0735 0740 0718 0723 0727 0735 0739 0743 0748 0752 0757 0803 0806 0809 0812 0814 0819 0738 0744 0749 0758 0803 0808 0813 0817 0823 0831 0834 0837 0841 0843 0848 0824 0830 0838 0843 0848 0853 0857 0902 0910 0913 0915 0918 0920 0925 0855 0900 0908 0913 0917 0922 0926 0931 0940 0943 0945 0948 0950 0955 0930 0934 0941 0945 0949 0953 0957 1002 1010 1013 1015 1018 1020 1025 1002 1006 1013 1017 1021 1025 1029 1034 1040 1043 1045 1048 1050 1055 1032 1036 1043 1047 1051 1055 1059 1104 1110 1113 1115 1118 1120 1125 1102 1106 1113 1117 1121 1125 1129 1134 1140 1143 1145 1148 1150 1155 1132 1136 1143 1147 1151 1155 1159 1204 1210 1213 1215 1218 1220 1225 1202 1206 1213 1217 1221 1225 1229 1234 1240 1243 1245 1248 1250 1255 1232 1236 1243 1247 1251 1255 1259 1304 1310 1313 1315 1318 1320 1325 1302 1306 1313 1317 1321 1325 1329 1334 1340 1343 1345 1348 1350 1355 1922 1926 1934 1938 1942 1946 1942 1946 1953 1957 2001 2005 2012 2016 2023 2027 2031 2035 2037 2042 2046 2053 2057 2100 2104 2112 2117 2121 2128 2132 2135 2139 2212 2217 2221 2228 2232 2235 2239 2312 2317 2321 2328 2332 2335 2339 02 06 13 17 21 25 29 34 40 43 45 48 50 55 32 36 43 47 51 55 59 04 10 13 15 18 20 25 until 1632 1636 1643 1647 1651 1655 1659 1704 1710 1713 1715 1718 1720 1725 1702 1706 1713 1717 1721 1725 1729 1734 1740 1743 1745 1748 1750 1755 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Roffey, o/s 5 Corner North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, o/s Post Office Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) 1332 1336 1343 1347 1351 1355 1359 1404 1410 1413 1415 1418 1420 1425 1402 1406 1413 1417 1421 1425 1429 1434 1440 1443 1445 1448 1450 1455 1432 1436 1444 1448 1452 1457 1501 1506 1512 1515 1517 1520 1522 1527 1506 1510 1519 1525 1530 1535 1540 1545 1553 1555 1557 1600 1602 1607 1536 1540 1549 1555 1600 1605 1610 1615 1623 1625 1627 1630 1632 1637 1608 1612 1620 1625 1630 1635 1640 1645 1653 1655 1657 1700 1702 1707 1640 1645 1654 1659 1704 1709 1714 1719 1726 1728 1730 1733 1735 1740 1716 1721 1732 1736 1740 1745 1750 1755 1802 1804 1806 1809 1811 1815 1743 1747 1757 1801 1805 1809 1813 1818 1825 1827 1829 1832 1834 1838 1820 1824 1832 1836 1840 1844 1848 1853 1859 1901 1903 1906 1908 1912 1845 1849 1859 1903 1907 1911 0628 0632 0636 0642 0645 0648 0651 0652 0657 0701 0707 0711 0715 0718 0722 0726 0731 0734 0735 0738 0739 0744 0728 0733 0737 0743 0747 0751 0754 0758 0802 0807 0810 0811 0814 0815 0820 0751 0756 0800 0806 0810 0814 0817 0821 0826 0832 0835 0837 0840 0842 0847 0827 0832 0836 0843 0847 0851 0855 0859 0904 0910 0913 0915 0918 0920 0925 0857 0902 0906 0913 0917 0921 0925 0929 0934 0940 0943 0945 0948 0950 0955 0932 0936 0943 0947 0951 0955 0959 1004 1010 1013 1015 1018 1020 1025 1002 1006 1013 1017 then 1021 at 1025 these 1029 mins 1034 past 1040 each 1043 hour 1045 1048 1050 1055 2007 2011 2018 2022 2026 2030 2032 2037 2041 2048 2052 2055 2059 2112 2117 2121 2128 2132 2135 2139 2212 2217 2221 2228 2232 2235 2239 2312 2317 2321 2328 2332 2335 2339 Saturdays Service Restrictions Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Roffey, o/s 5 Corner North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, o/s Post Office Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) 3 0355 0359 0402 0408 0411 0414 0417 0421 0424 0429 0431 0433 0436 0437 0441 0528 0532 0536 0542 0545 0548 0551 0549 0553 0557 0603 0607 0611 0615 0619 0623 0628 0630 0632 0635 0636 0640 Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Roffey, o/s 5 Corner North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, o/s Post Office Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) 1802 1807 1811 1818 1822 1826 1830 1834 1839 1845 1847 1849 1852 1854 1859 1832 1837 1841 1848 1852 1856 1900 1907 1911 1918 1922 1926 1930 1937 1941 1948 1952 1956 2000 Service Restrictions: 1 - not 22.4.14, 6.5., 27.5., 26.8. 3 - not 19.4.14 Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 1732 1737 1741 1748 1752 1756 1800 200 Horsham - Gatwick Airport Metrobus The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Roffey, o/s 5 Corner North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, o/s Post Office Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) 0355 0359 0402 0408 0411 0414 0417 0421 0424 0429 0431 0433 0436 0437 0441 0528 0532 0536 0542 0545 0548 0551 0549 0553 0557 0603 0607 0611 0615 0619 0623 0628 0630 0632 0635 0636 0640 0628 0632 0636 0642 0645 0648 0651 0652 0657 0701 0707 0711 0715 0718 0722 0726 0731 0734 0735 0738 0739 0744 0728 0733 0737 0743 0747 0751 0754 0751 0756 0800 0806 0810 0814 0817 0821 0826 0832 0834 0836 0839 0841 0845 0827 0832 0836 0842 0846 0850 0853 2112 2117 2121 2128 2132 2135 2139 2212 2217 2221 2228 2232 2235 2239 0857 0902 0906 0913 0917 0921 0925 0929 0933 0939 0941 0943 0946 0948 0952 Sundays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Roffey, o/s 5 Corner North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, o/s Post Office Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) 1802 1807 1811 1818 1822 1826 1830 1834 1838 1844 1846 1848 1851 1853 1857 1837 1841 1848 1852 1856 1900 1907 1911 1918 1922 1926 1930 1937 1941 1948 1952 1956 2000 2007 2011 2018 2022 2026 2030 Good Friday same as Sundays Easter Monday same as Sundays May Day Holiday same as Sundays Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 2032 2037 2041 2048 2052 2055 2059 2312 2317 2321 2328 2332 2335 2339 0932 0936 0943 0947 0951 0955 1002 1006 1013 1017 then 1021 at 1025 these 1029 mins 1033 past 1039 each 1041 hour 1043 1046 1048 1052 02 06 13 17 21 25 29 33 39 41 43 46 48 52 32 36 43 47 51 55 1632 1636 1643 1647 1651 1655 until 1702 1706 1713 1717 1721 1725 1729 1733 1739 1741 1743 1746 1748 1752 1732 1737 1741 1748 1752 1756 1800 200 Gatwick Airport - Horsham Metrobus For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street wsxgdtmj wsxatatp wsxatapj wsxapwpd wsxapwpa wsxapwmj wsxapwag wsxapwam wsxapwap wsxapwaw wsxgptmp wsxgmjdp wsxgmjdt wsxapwad wsxgmjdw wsxgmjga wsxgmjgd wsxgmjgj wsxgmjta wsxgmjgm wsxgmjap wsxapwja wsxatadt wsxataga wsxatagd wsxatagm wsxapwpm wsxgmpdw wsxatgpg wsxawgwp wsxawgwt wsxajtmw wsxajtmt wsxajmtd wsxajpdt wsxajmgm wsxajmgt wsxajmtj wsxajmtw wsxajmwg wsxajmwp wsxajpad wsxajpat wsxajpda wsxajtmd wsxajtag wsxamdjm wsxgdwmd wsxamgat wsxamgdg wsxamgdj wsxajtga wsxajtgm wsxajtja wsxamjtp wsxamjtm wsxamjpw wsxdpwgm wsxamgpg wsxamjmj Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Horsham, Carfax (Stop J) Horsham, Railway Station (Stop K) Horsham, o/s Horsham Court Horsham, o/s Horsham Hospital Horsham, adj Gordon Road North Heath, Ashleigh Road (NE-bound) North Heath, adj Blenheim Road North Heath, o/s 18 Heath Way North Heath, adj Post Office North Heath, adj Amundsen Road North Heath, St Marks Lane (N-bound) North Heath, Holbrook Corner (E-bound) North Heath, opp Giblets Way East North Heath, opp Petworth Drive North Heath, adj Hatchlands North Heath, opp Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, Uppark Gardens (W-bound) Littlehaven, opp Brook Road Littlehaven, adj Littlehaven Station Littlehaven, adj Little Haven Lane Littlehaven, opp Naldrett Close Roffey, o/s 49 Forest Hospital Roffey, opp The Star Roffey, adj Leith View Road Roffey, o/s 246 Corner Roffey, adj The Norfolk Arms Faygate, adj The Cherry Tree Faygate, Faygate Roundabout (NE-bound) Faygate, Park Road (E-bound) Faygate, opp Holmbush Farm Bewbush, adj Francis Edward Way Bewbush, adj Barlow Road Bewbush, opp Bewbush Roundabout Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Bewbush, adj Colwyn Close Bewbush, adj Ellman Road Bewbush, adj Henshaw Close Gossops Green, opp Gossops Green Shops Gossops Green, adj Craigans Gossops Green, adj Nurserylands Ifield, opp Ifield Station Ifield, adj Ifield Parade Ifield, o/s 92 Ifield Green Ifield, adj Graffham Close Ifield, opp Climping Road Langley Green, adj Stagelands Langley Green, Langley Parade (N-bound) Langley Green, opp Medlar Close Langley Green, opp Becketts Lane Langley Green, adj Langley Green Hospital Manor Royal, opp Manor Royal West Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (E-bound) Manor Royal, Manor Royal East (E-bound) Manor Royal, opp Gatwick Road South Manor Royal, opp Gatwick Road Central Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Manor Royal, o/s City Place Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Bus Terminus 4400HO1132 East Street 4400HO0190 North Street 4400HO0180 Hurst Road 4400HO0135 Hurst Road 4400HO0134 Richmond Road 4400HO0130 Wimblehurst Road 4400HO0099 North Heath Lane/Wimblehurst Roa 4400HO0101 North Heath Lane 4400HO0103 North Heath Lane 4400HO0105 North Heath Lane 4400HO1152 North Heath Lane 4400HO0320 Giblets Way 4400HO0321 Giblets Way 4400HO0098 Lemmington Way 4400HO0322 Lemmington Way 4400HO0323 Bartholomew Way 4400HO0324 Tylden Way 4400HO0325 Rusper Road 4400HO1129 Rusper Road 4400HO0326 Rusper Road 4400HO0311 Rusper Road 4400HO0120 Crawley Road 4400HO0153 Crawley Road 4400HO0155 Crawley Road 4400HO0156 Crawley Road 4400HO0158 Crawley Road 4400HO0138 Crawley Road 4400HR1148 A264 4400HR0049 Crawley Road 4400HR0415 Crawley Road 4400HR0416 Sullivan Drive 4400CY0150 Sullivan Drive 4400CY0149 Sullivan Drive 4400CY0042 Bewbush Drive 4400CY0073 Bewbush Drive 4400CY0023 Bewbush Drive 4400CY0025 Mowbray Drive 4400CY0047 Gossop’s Drive 4400CY0050 Gossops Drive 4400CY0053 Overdene Drive 4400CY0056 Ifield Drive 4400CY0058 Ifield Drive 4400CY0063 Warren Drive 4400CY0065 Warren Drive 4400CY0145 Ifield Avenue 4400CY0115 Stagelands 4400CY0280 Martyrs Avenue 4400CY0565 Martyrs Avenue 4400CY0317 Martyrs Avenue 4400CY0320 Martyrs Avenue 4400CY0321 Manor Royal 4400CY0130 Manor Royal 4400CY0133 Manor Royal 4400CY0137 Gatwick Road 4400CY0402 Gatwick Road 4400CY0400 Gatwick Road 4400CY0395 City Place 4400CY0434 London Road 4400CY0342 Furlong Way 4400CY0385 ATCO Code 200 Horsham - Gatwick Airport Metrobus For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street wsxamjmj wsxgdtwd wsxamgpj wsxdpwgj wsxamjtg wsxamjtj wsxajtjd wsxajtgj wsxajtgd wsxamgdm wsxamgda wsxamgaw wsxamdjt wsxamdjg wsxajtaj wsxajtad wsxajpaw wsxajpap wsxajpam wsxajpag wsxajmwt wsxajmwd wsxajmwa wsxajmtm wsxajmtg wsxajmgp wsxajmgj wsxajpdt wsxgdtam wsxajmta wsxajpdp wsxawjap wsxawjat wsxawjaw wsxapwpj wsxatagp wsxatagj wsxatadw wsxgmjag wsxapwgw wsxgmjam wsxgmjgp wsxgmjpw wsxapwdt wsxapwdw wsxapwga wsxapwgd wsxapwgj wsxapwgm wsxapwgp wsxaptwt wsxapwdp wsxapwdm wsxapwdj wsxapwat wsxatajp wsxapwaj wsxapwmg wsxapwmw wsxapwpg wsxatdam wsxatapw wsxgdtmj Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, opp Atlantic House Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, City Place (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Gatwick Road Central Manor Royal, Manor Royal East (W-bound) Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (W-bound) Manor Royal, adj Manor Royal West Langley Green, opp Langley Green Hospital Langley Green, adj Becketts Lane Langley Green, adj Medlar Close Langley Green, Langley Parade (W-bound) Langley Green, Stagelands (S-bound) Ifield, adj Climping Road Ifield, opp Graffham Close Ifield, opp 92 Ifield Green Ifield, opp Ifield Parade Ifield, opp Shipley Road Ifield, adj Ifield Station Gossops Green, opp Hazelwood Gossops Green, opp Craigans Gossops Green, adj Gossops Green Shops Gossops Green, adj Buckswood Drive Bewbush, opp Henshaw Close Bewbush, opp Ellman Road Bewbush, opp Colwyn Close Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Bewbush, opp Wesley Close Bewbush, adj Warrington Close Bewbush, adj Redditch Close Faygate, in Holmbush Farm lay-by Faygate, adj Faygate Roundabout Faygate, opp The Cherry Tree Roffey, opp 6 The Norfolk Arms Roffey, o/s 5 Corner Roffey, opp Leith View Road Roffey, adj The Star Roffey, opp Millthorpe Road Littlehaven, adj Naldrett Close Littlehaven, opp Little Haven Lane Littlehaven, opp Littlehaven Station Littlehaven, adj Brook Road North Heath, adj Uppark Gardens North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way North Heath, adj Bartholomew Way Shops North Heath, adj Standen Place North Heath, opp Hatchlands North Heath, adj Petworth Drive North Heath, adj Rusper Road North Heath, adj Giblets Way East North Heath, opp Holbrook Corner North Heath, adj St Marks Lane North Heath, opp Amundsen Road North Heath, o/s Post Office North Heath, opp Heath Way North Heath, opp Blenheim Road Horsham, opp Angus Close Horsham, opp Horsham Hospital Horsham, opp Horsham Court Horsham, adj Railway Station Horsham, Albion Way (Stop Q) Horsham, Bus Station (Bay C) Furlong Way 4400CY0385 Perimeter Road North 4400CY0569 London Road 4400CY0343 City Place 4400CY0433 Gatwick Road 4400CY0398 Gatwick Road 4400CY0399 Manor Royal 4400CY0138 Manor Royal 4400CY0132 Manor Royal 4400CY0131 Martyrs Avenue 4400CY0322 Martyrs Avenue 4400CY0319 Martyrs avenue 4400CY0318 Langley Parade 4400CY0282 Stagelands 4400CY0279 Ifield Avenue 4400CY0116 Warren Drive 4400CY0114 Warren Drive 4400CY0064 Ifield Drive 4400CY0062 Ifield Drive 4400CY0061 Ifield Drive 4400CY0059 Overdene Drive 4400CY0057 Gossops Drive 4400CY0052 Gossop’s Drive 4400CY0051 Gossops Drive 4400CY0048 Mowbray Drive 4400CY0046 Bewbush Drive 4400CY0024 Bewbush Drive 4400CY0022 Bewbush Drive 4400CY0073 Sullivan Drive 4400CY0535 Sullivan Drive 4400CY0041 Sullivan Drive 4400CY0069 Crawley Road A264 4400HR0421 A264 4400HR0422 Crawley Road 4400HR0423 Crawley Road 4400HO0137 Crawley Road 4400HO0159 Crawley Road 4400HO0157 Crawley Road 4400HO0154 Crawley Road 4400HO0308 Rusper Road 4400HO0119 Rusper Road 4400HO0310 Rusper Road 4400HO0327 Rusper Road 4400HO1128 Tylden Way 4400HO0111 Tylden Way 4400HO0112 Bartholomew Way 4400HO0113 Bartholomew Way 4400HO0114 Lemmington Way 4400HO0115 Lemmington Way 4400HO0116 Lemmington Way 4400HO0117 Giblets Way 4400HO0097 North Heath Lane 4400HO0110 North Heath Lane 4400HO0109 North Heath Lane 4400HO0108 North Heath Lane 4400HO0104 North Heath Lane 4400HO0166 North Heath Lane/Wimblehurst Roa 4400HO0100 Richmond Road 4400HO0129 Hurst Road 4400HO0133 Hurst Road 4400HO0136 North Street 4400HO0229 Albion Way 4400HO0183 Bus Terminus 4400HO1132 ATCO Code Route map for Metrobus service 200 (outbound) BRI D GHT ON ROAD ROA ATE REIG A217 A21 7 Hookwood North Terminal Bus Station London 200 Gatwick RIVER MOLE LONDON ROAD 200 EN HORSHAM ROAD D ABOUT GR E R Rusper Golf Course ROAD LONDON M ROAD HORSHA Estate Becketts Industrial Gill Manor Wood Lane Climping Royal West Ifield Road Langley Green Hospital Green Graffham Close Ifield Ifield Parade Station Golf Course Ifield Railway Gossops Station Crawley Green Shops Nurserylands Colwyn Ellman Road Close Dorsten Square Francis Tilgate Forest Golf Centre Bewbush Roundabout Edward Way Tilget Forest Park 200 Barlow Road Golf Holmbush Farm Road Course 200 Faygate Cottesmore Golf and Country Club Roundabout COPTHORNE COPTHORNE COMMON ROAD COMMON ROAD COPTHORNE WAY WAY COPTHORNE E LEY AVENU CRAW THE BROO K LONDON ROAD STANDON Copthorne Manor Royal MANS L T STREE STANE CLARKS OUN Gatton Manor Hotel Golf Course City Place ROAD ROAD HIL LONDON LONDON Gatwick Road North SNO W Airport M23 WAY ROAD A24 M23 A23 South Terminal S. Terminal AIRPORT ON Charlwood WAY LOND M R BEA RIVE AIRPORT S HEAD ROAD DUKE' GREEN A24 BEARE Smallfield Horley R OAD Newdigate OR NE ROAD COPTH OR BOGN UE LEY AVEN CRAW D ROA AVENUE CRAWLEY HA ZE T O CRAWLEY AVENUE UN DABOU LONDON ROAD RNE THO COP L W I CK R AVENUE CRAWLEY NUE AVE UE LEY ATE AVEN THG NOR LONDON ROAD CRAW PAR M23 Rusper E VENU KA TH WOR UE AVEN LEY CRAW E AVENU PARK T TT HASLE AVE NUE EAS HIGH STREET M23 WORTH IFIELD QUEENSWAY EAST QUEENS SQUARE COLLEGE ROAD R ROAD BOGNE NORTH RIVER NU E T AVE THE MARTLETS HA CRAWLEY STATION STATION WAY HORS H AM A2219 AVENUE ROAD ROAD SLET A2220 SOUTHGATE D ROA RCH CHU N ROAD BRIGHTO CRA WLE HORSHAM RD. R YA VEN D UE ER DOUST HILL UNDABOUT RO CUFFS HORSH BE ROAD AM ROAD U EEZEH RST BR BALCOM KING ROAD OA BR DFIELD MBE BALCO ROA RDAB. CHEALS B. DA DOR SOUTHGATE AVENUE AVENUE Broadlands Business Campus AM ROAD HORSH BRIGHTON ROAD M ROAD HORSHA MBE BALCO T EPOIN ROAD ROAD THRE HORSHAM CRAWLEY ROAD ROAD B2110 D The Cherry Tree Warnham Amundsen St Marks Hatchlands Lane Road Warnham Heath Post Office Nature Reserve W. Blenheim Bartholomew Way Shops Gordon Road The Star Forest Hosp. Naldrett Close The Road Broadbridge Common Horsham Hospital Ashleigh Road Leith View Road LEY ROAD CRAW ROAD BRIGHTON A23 TOLLGATE A264 ROAD A24 CRAWLEY ROAD THREEPOINT A24 ROAD GUILDFORD A264 LONDON A264 36 ROAD GUILDFORD B20 A264 EY ROAD CRAWL A264 RD. 4 A26 A264 LS CHANNEL A264 ROBIN HOOD GLY ARDIN RDAB. GUILDFO 10 RD B21 A23 HARWOOD ROAD A24 NGE CHA GS STR PARK ION ALBI ON WAY TEAD NEWS St Leonards Park LANE HES BEEC HIGH STR EET STREET ARUN Horsham HTON D ROA ROAD HO RS HAM Ardingly Reservoir RIVE R OUSE Mannings Heath Golf Course HIGH RIVER Balcombe EAST STREET ALB ROAD OAKS STR WAY ALBION WAY HOPRIC BRIG Bus Station 200 200 BIS EET TH NOR ROAD FIVE A23 HARWOO T STREE NORTH Horsham Court Carfax EET GUILDFORD HIGH CHAN INTER S HILL D ARUN Horsham Park ROA HING D ROAD RD A24 4 A26 DFO A264 GUIL RIVER A264 GE A281 FAR THIN HILL IN TER ROAD Heath FART RD GUILDFO A264 H. RDAB. BOG NOR ROA CRAWLEY © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 2.5 km 5 km 7.5 km 10 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:34.30 - set-06200C(1).y08 (outbound) -1- Route map for Metrobus service 200 (inbound) BOGNOR ROAD D Horley GHT ON BRI Hookwood ROAD ROA HORS H A M ROAD OR BOGN 7 A21 Newdigate North Terminal Bus Station A23 South Terminal 200 London Atlantic 200 House Gatwick Airport City Place Smallfield LON DON ROAD ROA BEA M D AIRPOR T WAY R ROAD A24 ROAD ROAD LONDON M ROAD STANDON HORSHA HILL COMMON ROAD S HEAD ROAD LONDON COPTHORNE SNOW COPTHORNE DUKE' R Copthorne MANS COMMON ROAD COPTHORNE WAY ROAD EN Rusper Golf Course Gatton Manor Hotel Golf Course ORNE GR E Gatwick Road North Gatwick Road Becketts Central Gill Wood Lane Manor Royal West Climping Ifield Road Langley Green Hospital Green Graffham Close Shipley Ifield Parade Road Rusper Ifield Golf Course Gossops Station Crawley Green Shops Ifield Railway Station Colwyn Buckswood Drive Wesley Close Dorsten Square Close Tilgate Forest Ellman Road Golf Centre Holmbush Warrington Close Tilget Forest Golf Faygate Farm lay-by Redditch Buchan 200 Park Course Close Roundabout 200 HORSHAM ROAD D ABOUT STREE T CLARKS STANE M23 Manor Royal Industrial Estate LONDON ON LOND OUN M23 WAY LONDON ROAD Charlwood R MOL E RIVE A24 AIRPORT COPTH GREEN RIVE BEARE CRAWLEY AVENUE AVENUE WAY CRAWLEY D ROA LONDON ROAD Wallis Wood COPTHORNE RNE ROAD THO COP CRAWLEY AVENUE AVENUE CRAWLEY OUT ROUNDAB LONDON THE BROOK CK LONDON ROAD IFIELD HAZELWI AVEN NUE AVE M23 WOR TH PAR K AVE ATE THG NOR NUE UE LEY CRAW UE AVEN LEY CRAW R ROAD BOGNE ST EA IFIEL LE PEG R WAY HA T AVE NUE SLET STREET 200 HIGH E AVENU PARK M23 WORTH NORTH RIVER D ROAD HASLETT AVENUE E AST PAYMASTER GE N ER AVENUE ROAD HAM BRIGHTO HORS RDAB. CHEALS N ROAD SOUTHGATE AVENUE E AVENU DOUSTER BALCOM BE ROAD Broadlands Business Campus A2219 DOR KING D R OUND ABOUT SOUTHGATE LEY CRAW ROA A LS WL EY AVE OAD BE ROAD BALCOM R ON NUE BR IG HT CRA CUFFS HILL BRIGHTON ROAD AM ROAD HORSH M ROAD MBE D ROA NOR T ROAD BOG EPOIN BALCO ROAD THRE HORSHA CRAWLEY ROAD B2110 CRAWLEY A264 36 EY ROAD CRAWL A264 A23 H. RDAB. TOLLGATE A264 ROAD GUILDFORD ROAD STANE STREE T A24 A24 Cottesmore Golf and Country Club The Cherry Tree LONDON A264 A264 THREEPOINT GREAT RDAB. ROAD GUILDFORD A264 LS CHANNEL A264 DAUX GUILDFORD ROAD B20 RD. BRIGHTON ROAD 4 A26 Giblets Amundsen Way East Rusper Road Road Warnham Heath Holbrook Corner Nature Reserve Way St Marks Lane Post Office Corner Angus Naldrett Close The Close Blenheim Road Broadbridge Common Horsham Park Heath Horsham Hospital Horsham St Court Leonards Bus 200 Station Albion Horsham Park Way Railway Station Horsham Warnham RD GUILDFO ROBIN HOOD EY ROAD CRAWL RDAB. 10 B21 ORD LDF GUI ROA E NGLY ARDI E ANG RCH GS FAR THIN ANG A24 A281 Slinfold A23 FAR THIN GS HILL INTE ARUN RCH HILL INTE D RIVER D ROAD INTERCHAN HARWOO G E ILL SH RTHING FA NEW HANG HILL IN TERC FARTHINGS AD A23 STE A264 E A264 GUILDFORD ROAD A24 ET TH NOR WAY ET STRE PARK WAY RIVER Balcombe HIGH T STREE D ROA RIVER D SHAM HOR OUSE ROA HORNBRO OK HILL Ardingly Reservoir HIGH ON GHT BRI ROAD STREET ARUN BRIGHT ON Mannings Heath Golf Course B2110 ROAD OAKS LANE HES BEEC HIGH ION ALBI ON FIVE STRE ALBION WAY HOPRIC ALB BIS © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 2.5 km 5 km 7.5 km 10 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:34.31 - set-06200C(1).y08 (inbound) -2- 100 Maidenbower - Redhill Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop D) Redhill, nr Park 25 0009 0016 0021 0023 arr 0026 dep 0312 0320 0325 0327 0330 0332 0336 0341 0347 0350 0412 0420 0425 0427 0430 0432 0436 0441 0447 0450 0457 0503 0511 0517 0520 0530 0533 0540 0546 0554 0600 0603 0512 0520 0525 0527 0530 0532 0536 0541 0548 0552 0559 0605 0614 0620 0623 0543 0551 0557 0559 0602 0604 0608 0613 0620 0624 0631 0637 0646 0653 0656 0558 0606 0612 0614 0617 0619 0623 0628 0635 0639 0646 0653 0702 0710 0713 0613 0622 0628 0630 0633 0635 0639 0644 0651 0655 0702 0709 0719 0727 0730 0628 0637 0643 0645 0648 0650 0654 0659 0706 0710 0718 0725 0739 0748 0751 0645 0654 0700 0703 0706 0708 0712 0717 0725 0729 0737 0745 0800 0811 0814 0700 0710 0716 0718 0722 0725 0730 0736 0744 0748 0756 0804 0821 0832 0835 0715 0727 0735 0738 0742 0744 0749 0755 0804 0808 0818 0826 0842 0854 0857 0737 0749 0758 0801 0805 0809 0814 0820 0829 0833 0843 0851 0906 0915 0918 0757 0809 0820 0823 0828 0832 0838 0845 0854 0858 0906 0914 0926 0934 0937 0819 0830 0840 0843 0848 0852 0857 0902 0911 0915 0923 0930 0942 0950 0953 0843 0853 0902 0905 0909 0913 0918 0923 0931 0935 0944 0951 1003 1011 1014 0906 0916 0922 0925 0929 0933 0938 0943 0950 0954 1003 1010 1021 1028 1031 0926 0936 0942 0945 0949 0953 0958 1003 1010 1014 1023 1030 1041 1048 1051 1146 1156 1202 1205 1209 1213 1218 1223 1230 1234 1243 1250 1301 1308 1311 1206 1216 1222 1225 1229 1233 1238 1243 1250 1254 1303 1310 1321 1328 1331 1226 1236 1242 1245 1249 1253 1258 1303 1310 1314 1323 1330 1341 1348 1351 1246 1256 1302 1305 1309 1313 1318 1323 1330 1334 1343 1350 1401 1408 1411 1306 1316 1322 1325 1329 1333 1338 1343 1350 1354 1403 1410 1421 1428 1431 1326 1336 1342 1345 1349 1353 1358 1403 1410 1414 1423 1430 1441 1448 1451 1346 1356 1402 1405 1409 1413 1418 1423 1430 1434 1443 1450 1501 1508 1511 1406 1416 1422 1425 1429 1433 1438 1443 1450 1454 1503 1510 1521 1528 1531 1426 1436 1442 1445 1449 1453 1458 1503 1510 1514 1523 1530 1542 1551 1554 1446 1456 1503 1506 1510 1514 1519 1525 1533 1537 1546 1553 1605 1614 1617 1506 1516 1523 1526 1530 1534 1539 1545 1553 1557 1606 1613 1625 1634 1637 1526 1536 1543 1546 1550 1554 1559 1605 1613 1617 1626 1633 1645 1654 1657 2031 2039 2044 2046 2050 2101 2109 2114 2116 2120 2123 2126 2130 2137 2141 2148 2154 2202 2208 2201 2209 2214 2216 2220 2223 2226 2230 2237 2241 2248 2254 2302 2308 * 2301 2309 2314 2316 2320 2323 2326 2330 2337 2341 2348 2354 0002 0008 06 16 22 25 29 33 38 43 50 54 03 10 21 28 31 26 36 42 45 49 53 58 03 10 14 23 30 41 48 51 46 56 02 05 09 13 18 23 30 34 43 50 01 08 11 2101 2109 2114 2116 2120 2123 2126 2130 2137 2141 2148 2154 2202 2208 2201 2209 2214 2216 2220 2223 2226 2230 2237 2241 2248 2254 2302 2308 * 2301 2309 2314 2316 2320 2323 2326 2330 2337 2341 2348 2354 0002 0008 Mondays to Fridays Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop D) Redhill, nr Park 25 0946 0956 1002 1005 arr 1009 dep 1013 1018 1023 1030 1034 1043 1050 1101 1108 1111 1006 1016 1022 1025 1029 1033 1038 1043 1050 1054 1103 1110 1121 1128 1131 1026 1036 1042 1045 1049 1053 1058 1103 1110 1114 1123 1130 1141 1148 1151 1046 1056 1102 1105 1109 1113 1118 1123 1130 1134 1143 1150 1201 1208 1211 1106 1116 1122 1125 1129 1133 1138 1143 1150 1154 1203 1210 1221 1228 1231 1126 1136 1142 1145 1149 1153 1158 1203 1210 1214 1223 1230 1241 1248 1251 Mondays to Fridays Notes Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop D) Redhill, nr Park 25 1546 1556 1603 1606 arr 1610 dep 1614 1619 1625 1633 1637 1647 1654 1706 1718 1721 1606 1617 1624 1627 1631 1635 1640 1646 1654 1658 1709 1716 1727 1737 1740 1626 1637 1643 1646 1650 1654 1659 1704 1717 1721 1731 1738 1749 1758 1801 1646 1656 1702 1705 1709 1713 1718 1724 1734 1738 1747 1754 1805 1814 1817 1709 1719 1725 1728 1732 1736 1741 1747 1755 1759 1808 1815 1825 1834 1837 1734 1744 1750 1752 1756 1759 1804 1809 1817 1821 1829 1836 1846 1854 1857 1759 1809 1815 1817 1821 1824 1829 1834 1841 1845 1853 1900 1910 1918 1921 1816 1826 1832 1834 1838 1841 1846 1851 1858 1902 1910 1917 1925 1932 1935 1836 1846 1852 1854 1858 1900 1904 1908 1915 1919 1927 1933 1941 1948 1850 1859 1904 1906 1910 1905 1914 1919 1921 1925 1927 1930 1934 1941 1945 1953 1959 2007 2013 1918 1927 1932 1934 1938 1934 1943 1948 1950 1954 2001 2009 2014 2016 2020 2023 2026 2030 2037 2041 2048 2054 2102 2108 0530 0533 0540 0546 0554 0600 0603 0512 0520 0525 0527 0530 0532 0536 0541 0548 0552 0559 0605 0614 0620 0623 0543 0551 0557 0559 0602 0604 0608 0613 0620 0624 0631 0637 0646 0653 0656 0613 0621 0627 0629 0632 0634 0638 0643 0650 0654 0701 0707 0716 0723 0726 0643 0651 0657 0659 0702 0704 0708 0713 0720 0724 0731 0737 0746 0753 0756 0708 0716 0722 0724 0727 0728 0732 0737 0744 0748 0756 0803 0812 0819 0822 0727 0736 0742 0744 0747 0750 0754 0759 0806 0810 0818 0825 0835 0842 0845 0757 0806 0812 0814 0817 0820 0824 0829 0836 0840 0848 0855 0905 0912 0915 0827 0836 0842 0845 0849 0853 0857 0902 0909 0913 0921 0928 0938 0945 0948 0847 0856 0902 0905 0909 0913 0917 0922 0929 0933 0941 0948 0958 1005 1008 0906 0916 0922 0925 0929 then at 0933 0938 these 0943 mins 0950 past 0954 each 1003 hour 1010 1021 1028 1031 1626 1635 1641 1644 1648 1652 1657 1702 1709 1713 1721 1728 1738 1745 1748 1646 1655 1701 1704 1708 1712 1717 1722 1729 1733 1741 1747 1756 1803 1806 1706 1715 1721 1723 1727 1730 1735 1740 1747 1751 1758 1804 1813 1819 1822 1726 1735 1741 1743 1747 1750 1755 1800 1807 1811 1818 1824 1833 1839 1842 1746 1755 1801 1803 1807 1810 1815 1820 1827 1831 1838 1844 1853 1859 1902 1804 1813 1818 1820 1824 1820 1829 1834 1836 1840 1842 1846 1850 1857 1901 1908 1914 1923 1929 1932 1837 1846 1851 1853 1857 1902 1910 1915 1917 1921 1923 1926 1930 1937 1941 1948 1954 2002 2008 1932 1940 1945 1947 1951 2001 2009 2014 2016 2020 2023 2026 2030 2037 2041 2048 2054 2102 2108 Saturdays Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop D) Redhill, nr Park 25 0009 0016 0021 0023 arr 0026 dep 0312 0320 0325 0327 0330 0332 0336 0341 0347 0350 0412 0420 0425 0427 0430 0432 0436 0441 0447 0450 0457 0503 0511 0517 0520 Saturdays Notes Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop D) Redhill, nr Park 25 arr dep until 1546 1556 1602 1605 1609 1613 1618 1623 1630 1634 1643 1650 1701 1708 1711 1606 1615 1621 1624 1628 1632 1637 1642 1649 1653 1701 1708 1718 1725 1728 Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 2031 2039 2044 2046 2050 100 Maidenbower - Redhill Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) 0009 0016 0021 0023 arr 0026 dep 0312 0320 0325 0327 0330 0332 0336 0341 0347 0350 0408 0416 0421 0423 0426 0427 0431 0436 0442 0445 0451 0457 0504 0510 0514 0522 0527 0529 0533 0535 0538 0542 0548 0551 0557 0603 0610 0616 0614 0622 0627 0629 0633 0635 0638 0642 0648 0651 0658 0704 0712 0718 2201 2209 2214 2216 2220 2223 2226 2230 2237 2241 2248 2254 2302 2308 * 2301 2309 2314 2316 2320 2323 2326 2330 2337 2341 2348 2354 0002 0008 0722 0730 0735 0737 0741 0744 0748 0752 0758 0801 0808 0814 0822 0828 0822 0830 0835 0837 0841 0844 0848 0852 0858 0901 0908 0914 0922 0929 0919 0927 0932 0934 0938 0941 0945 0949 0956 1000 1007 1014 1022 1029 0952 1001 1007 1010 1014 1017 1021 1026 1033 1037 1045 1052 1101 1108 1022 1031 1037 1040 then 1044 at 1047 these 1051 mins 1056 past 1103 each 1107 hour 1115 1122 1131 1138 Sundays Notes Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Benhams Drive Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) 1901 1909 1914 1916 arr 1920 dep 1923 1926 1930 1937 1941 1948 1954 2002 2008 2001 2009 2014 2016 2020 2023 2026 2030 2037 2041 2048 2054 2102 2108 2101 2109 2114 2116 2120 2123 2126 2130 2137 2141 2148 2154 2202 2208 Good Friday same as Sundays Easter Monday same as Sundays May Day Holiday same as Sundays Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 22 31 37 40 44 47 51 56 03 07 15 22 31 38 52 01 07 10 14 17 21 26 33 37 45 52 01 08 until 1652 1701 1707 1710 1714 1717 1721 1726 1733 1737 1745 1752 1801 1808 1722 1731 1737 1740 1744 1747 1751 1756 1803 1807 1815 1822 1831 1838 1752 1801 1806 1808 1811 1820 1828 1833 1835 1839 1842 1846 1850 1857 1901 1909 1915 1923 1929 100 Redhill - Maidenbower Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Redhill, nr Park 25 Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School arr dep 0415 0421 0424 0428 0436 0443 0447 0453 0457 arr 0501 dep 0502 0505 0508 0512 0536 0539 0542 0515 0521 0549 0524 0552 0528 0458 0557 0536 0506 0605 0543 0513 0613 0547 0517 0617 0553 0523 0624 0557 0527 0629 0601 0531 0633 0603 0533 0635 0606 0536 0638 0539 0554 0609 0624 0641 0543 0558 0613 0628 0645 0612 0620 0628 0632 0639 0644 0648 0650 0653 0656 0700 0606 0609 0610 0617 0621 0626 0634 0642 0646 0653 0658 0702 0704 0707 0710 0715 0626 0629 0630 0637 0641 0646 0654 0702 0706 0713 0718 0722 0725 0728 0732 0737 0642 0645 0646 0653 0657 0702 0710 0718 0723 0731 0737 0742 0745 0748 0752 0757 0702 0705 0706 0713 0717 0722 0731 0740 0745 0753 0759 0804 0806 0810 0814 0819 0718 0721 0723 0730 0735 0740 0750 0801 0807 0815 0821 0826 0829 0834 0838 0843 0736 0739 0741 0749 0755 0800 0811 0822 0828 0836 0842 0847 0851 0856 0900 0906 0756 0759 0801 0809 0817 0822 0832 0842 0848 0856 0902 0907 0911 0916 0920 0926 0819 0822 0825 0834 0841 0846 0855 0905 0910 0918 0923 0928 0932 0936 0940 0946 0844 0847 0850 0858 0902 0907 0916 0926 0931 0938 0943 0948 0952 0956 1000 1006 0904 0907 0910 0918 0922 then 0927 at 0936 these 0946 mins 0951 past 0958 each 1003 hour 1008 1012 1016 1020 1026 1521 1524 1527 1535 1539 1544 1553 1603 1608 1615 1621 1627 1631 1635 1640 1646 1541 1544 1547 1555 1600 1606 1615 1625 1630 1637 1643 1650 1654 1658 1703 1709 1601 1604 1607 1616 1622 1628 1637 1647 1652 1659 1708 1715 1719 1723 1728 1734 1624 1627 1630 1639 1645 1651 1700 1710 1715 1722 1732 1741 1744 1748 1753 1759 1644 1647 1650 1659 1705 1711 1720 1730 1735 1743 1752 1759 1802 1806 1811 1816 1704 1707 1710 1720 1727 1735 1744 1754 1759 1806 1815 1820 1823 1826 1831 1836 1727 1730 1732 1741 1747 1754 1803 1813 1818 1824 1829 1834 1837 1840 1845 1850 1747 1750 1752 1801 1806 1811 1819 1829 1834 1840 1845 1850 1853 1856 1900 1905 1805 1808 1810 1818 1822 1827 1835 1844 1848 1854 1858 1903 1906 1909 1913 1918 1825 1828 1830 1837 1840 1844 1852 1901 1905 1911 1915 1919 1922 1925 1929 1934 1855 1858 1900 1907 1910 1914 1921 1930 1934 1940 1944 1948 1950 1953 1956 2001 1925 1928 1930 1937 1940 1944 1951 2000 2004 2010 2014 2018 2020 2023 2026 2031 0648 0651 0652 0659 0703 0707 0715 0723 0727 0734 0738 0742 0745 0748 0752 0757 0745 0718 0748 0721 0750 0722 0757 0729 0801 0733 0806 0737 0815 0745 0824 0753 0828 0757 0835 0804 0840 0808 0845 0812 0852 0815 0856 0818 0822 0842 0900 0827 0847 0906 0808 0811 0813 0820 0824 0829 0838 0847 0851 0858 0903 0908 0912 0916 0920 0926 0828 0831 0833 0840 0844 0849 0858 0907 0911 0918 0923 0928 0932 0936 0940 0946 0847 0851 0853 0900 0904 0909 0918 0927 0931 0938 0943 0948 0952 0956 1000 1006 0904 0907 0910 0918 0922 then 0927 at 0936 these 0946 mins 0951 past 0958 each 1003 hour 1008 1012 1016 1020 1026 04 07 10 18 22 27 36 46 51 58 03 08 12 16 20 26 24 27 30 38 42 47 56 06 11 18 23 28 32 36 40 46 44 47 50 58 02 07 16 26 31 38 43 48 52 56 00 06 Mondays to Fridays Redhill, nr Park 25 Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School arr dep arr dep 04 07 10 18 22 27 36 46 51 58 03 08 12 16 20 26 24 27 30 38 42 47 56 06 11 18 23 28 32 36 40 46 44 47 50 58 02 07 16 26 31 38 43 48 52 56 00 06 until 1444 1447 1450 1458 1502 1507 1516 1526 1531 1538 1543 1548 1552 1556 1600 1606 1504 1507 1510 1518 1522 1527 1536 1546 1551 1558 1603 1608 1612 1616 1620 1626 Mondays to Fridays Notes Redhill, nr Park 25 Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School arr dep arr dep * 1955 1958 2000 2007 2010 2014 2021 2030 2034 2040 2044 2048 2050 2053 2056 2101 2100 2107 2110 2114 2121 2130 2134 2140 2144 2148 2150 2153 2156 2201 2200 2207 2210 2214 2221 2230 2234 2240 2244 2248 2250 2253 2256 2301 2313 2319 2322 2326 2333 2340 2344 2350 2354 2358 2359 0002 0005 0009 Saturdays Redhill, nr Park 25 Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School arr dep 0415 0421 0424 0428 0436 0443 0447 0453 0457 arr 0501 dep 0502 0505 0508 0512 0458 0506 0513 0517 0523 0527 0531 0533 0536 0539 0543 0515 0521 0524 0528 0536 0543 0547 0553 0557 0601 0603 0606 0609 0613 0538 0618 0541 0621 0544 0622 0551 0629 0554 0633 0558 0637 0606 0645 0613 0653 0617 0657 0623 0704 0627 0708 0631 0712 0633 0715 0636 0718 0639 0704 0721 0643 0708 0727 Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 100 Redhill - Maidenbower Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Notes Redhill, nr Park 25 Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School * arr dep until arr dep 1544 1547 1550 1558 1602 1607 1616 1626 1631 1638 1643 1648 1652 1656 1700 1706 1604 1607 1610 1618 1622 1627 1636 1646 1651 1658 1703 1708 1712 1716 1720 1726 1624 1627 1630 1638 1642 1647 1656 1706 1711 1718 1723 1728 1732 1736 1740 1746 1644 1647 1650 1657 1701 1706 1715 1725 1730 1737 1742 1747 1751 1755 1759 1804 1704 1707 1710 1717 1721 1726 1734 1743 1747 1754 1759 1804 1808 1811 1815 1820 1725 1728 1730 1737 1741 1745 1753 1802 1806 1813 1817 1822 1825 1828 1832 1837 1755 1758 1800 1807 1810 1814 1821 1830 1834 1840 1844 1848 1851 1854 1857 1902 1825 1828 1830 1837 1840 1844 1851 1900 1904 1910 1914 1918 1921 1924 1927 1932 0722 0729 0732 0736 0744 0751 0755 0801 0805 0809 0811 0814 0817 0822 0817 0824 0827 0831 0839 0846 0850 0856 0900 0904 0907 0910 0914 0919 0851 0858 0901 0905 0913 0920 0924 0930 0934 0938 0940 0943 0947 0952 0917 0924 0927 0932 0940 0949 0953 1000 1004 1008 1010 1013 1017 1022 0945 0952 0956 1001 1009 1018 1022 1029 1033 1037 1040 1043 1047 1052 1015 1022 1026 1031 then 1039 at 1048 these 1052 mins 1059 past 1103 each 1107 hour 1110 1113 1117 1122 1855 1858 1900 1907 1910 1914 1921 1930 1934 1940 1944 1948 1950 1953 1956 2001 1925 1928 1930 1937 1940 1944 1951 2000 2004 2010 2014 2018 2020 2023 2026 2031 1955 1958 2000 2007 2010 2014 2021 2030 2034 2040 2044 2048 2050 2053 2056 2101 15 22 26 31 39 48 52 59 03 07 10 13 17 22 45 52 56 01 09 18 22 29 33 37 40 43 47 52 2100 2107 2110 2114 2121 2130 2134 2140 2144 2148 2150 2153 2156 2201 2200 2207 2210 2214 2221 2230 2234 2240 2244 2248 2250 2253 2256 2301 2313 2319 2322 2326 2333 2340 2344 2350 2354 2358 2359 0002 0005 0009 until 1645 1652 1656 1701 1709 1718 1722 1729 1733 1737 1740 1743 1747 1752 1715 1722 1726 1731 1739 1748 1752 1759 1803 1807 1809 1812 1815 1820 Sundays Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School dep 0415 0421 0424 0428 0436 0443 0447 0453 0457 arr 0501 dep 0503 0506 0509 0514 Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Salfords, o/s Church Horley, opp Benhams Drive Horley, adj Library Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Notes dep 2100 2107 2110 2114 2121 2130 2134 2140 2144 arr 2148 dep 2150 2153 2156 2201 0515 0521 0524 0528 0536 0543 0547 0553 0557 0601 0603 0606 0609 0614 0622 0629 0632 0636 0644 0651 0655 0701 0705 0709 0711 0714 0717 0722 Sundays 2200 2207 2210 2214 2221 2230 2234 2240 2244 2248 2250 2253 2256 2301 * 2313 2319 2322 2326 2333 2340 2344 2350 2354 2358 2359 0002 0005 0009 Good Friday same as Sundays Easter Monday same as Sundays May Day Holiday same as Sundays Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 1800 1807 1810 1814 1821 1830 1834 1840 1844 1848 1850 1853 1856 1901 1900 1907 1910 1914 1921 1930 1934 1940 1944 1948 1950 1953 1956 2001 2000 2007 2010 2014 2021 2030 2034 2040 2044 2048 2050 2053 2056 2101 100 Maidenbower - Redhill Fastway (operated by Metrobus) For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code wsxajtpw wsxajtpt wsxdtdjg wsxdtdjm wsxdtdjp wsxajtpj wsxajtpg wsxajtpd wsxajtpa wsxgdtag wsxajtwm wsxajtwj wsxajtwg wsxajtwd wsxajtwa wsxajwad wsxajwaj wsxgdtda wsxajwpj wsxamadm wsxamagj wsxamagd wsxamajd wsxamagw wsxamdtm wsxgdptp wsxamamg wsxamajw wsxamajp wsxamajm wsxgdtdg wsxajtjd wsxajtgp wsxajtmj wsxdpwdw wsxamgad wsxamgag wsxamgaj wsxamgpg wsxamjmj surgjagp surgpadp surdgmam surdgmat surdgmda surdgmdj surgjatw surgjatm surgjawd surgjatd surdgmgp surgjamd surdmdwg surdjdtp surdjdwa surdjdwj surdjdwp surdjgam surdjgda surdjgdp surdjgja surdjgjg surdjgjp surdjgmd surdjgjt surdjgmj surdjgjw surgmwta surgmwpt surdjgwd surdjpwp surdjpwt surgtada Maidenbower, adj Oriel School Maidenbower, opp Palmer Road Maidenbower, adj Tullett Road Maidenbower, Lyon Close (NE-bound) Maidenbower, adj Gabriel Road Maidenbower, adj Moorland Road Maidenbower, opp Carter Road Maidenbower, Brandon Close (NE-bound) Maidenbower, adj Europa Hotel Maidenbower, Allyington Way (NW-bound) Maidenbower, opp Laud Drive Maidenbower, adj Evans Close Maidenbower, adj Delfont Close Maidenbower, o/s Village Centre Maidenbower, opp Maidenbower Place Maidenbower, adj Fenchurch Road Maidenbower, opp Haworth Road Three Bridges, opp Station Hill Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop A) Three Bridges, adj Jubilee Walk Three Bridges, adj North Road Three Bridges, opp Crossways Crawley, Mitchells Road (S-bound) Crawley, adj Rowan Close Crawley, Bus Station (Stand I) Crawley, Broadway (Stand Q) Crawley, adj Magistrates Court Northgate, adj Northgate Parade Northgate, nr Midgely Road Northgate, opp Woodside Road Northgate, adj Woolborough Lane Manor Royal, adj Napier Way Manor Royal, Manor Royal East (W-bound) Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (N-bound) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, o/s Business Quarter County Oak, adj Betts Way Manor Royal, opp Gatwick Manor Hotel Lowfield Heath, Lowfield Heath Roundabout (E-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Povey Cross, Povey Cross Road West (NE-bound) Horley, Povey Cross Road East (NE-bound) Horley, Brighton Road (NE-bound) Horley, Massetts Road (E-bound) Horley, opp Library Horley, adj Air Balloon Horley, opp Court Lodge Shops Meath Green, adj Rutherwick Close Meath Green, adj Gower Road Meath Green, opp Emlyn Road Meath Green, opp Vicarage Lane Meath Green, opp Southlands Avenue Horley, adj Benhams Drive Horley, opp Chestnut Road Horley, opp Skylane Hotel Salfords, opp Crossoak Lane Salfords, adj Pear Tree Hill Salfords, adj Wood Close Salfords, opp Salbrook Road Salfords, opp Church Salfords, opp Copsleigh Avenue Petridgewood Common, opp West Avenue Petridgewood Common, adj Tollgate Avenue Earlswood, opp Wimborne Avenue Earlswood, Three Arch Road (E-bound) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Earlswood, Three Arch Road (W-bound) Redhill, adj Church Road Redhill, The Cutting (N-bound) Redhill, opp Brook Road Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop D) Redhill, nr Park 25 Matthews Drive Matthews Drive Matthews Drive Harper Drive Harper Drive Pallingham Drive Lucerne Drive Lucerne Drive Lucerne Drive Balcombe Road Maidenbower Drive Maidenbower Drive Maidenbower Drive Harvest Road Maidenbower Drive Billinton Drive Billinton Drive Station Hill Haslett Avenue East Three Bridges Road Gales Drive Gales Drive Mitchells Road Three Bridges Road Friary Way Broadway Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Gatwick Road Manor Royal Faraday Road Faraday Road Fleming Way London Road London Road London Road London Road Furlong Way Povey Cross Road Povey C ross Road Brighton Road Massetts Road Victoria Road Victoria Road Court Lodge Road Court Lodge Road Court Lodge Road Court Lodge Road Lee Street Horley Row Horley Row Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Horley Road Horley Road Horley Road Horley Road Horley Road Three Arch Road Canada Avenue Three Arch Road The Cutting The Cutting Brighton Road Redhill Bus Station Redhill Bus Station St Anne’s Drive 4400CY0157 4400CY0156 4400CY0441 4400CY0442 4400CY0443 4400CY0154 4400CY0153 4400CY0152 4400CY0151 4400CY0532 4400CY0162 4400CY0161 4400CY0160 4400CY0159 4400CY0158 4400CY0165 4400CY0167 4400CY0541 4400CY0203 4400CY0217 4400CY0223 4400CY0222 4400CY0229 4400CY0227 4400CY0299 4400CY0302 4400CY0508 4400CY0237 4400CY0234 4400CY0232 4400CY0231 4400CY0542 4400CY0138 4400CY0134 4400CY0147 4400CY0428 4400CY0312 4400CY0313 4400CY0314 4400CY0342 4400CY0385 40004408260B 40004408008A 40004409008A 40004409009A 40004409010A 40004409011A 40004409349B 40004409348B 40004409351A 40004409347A 40004409013B 40004409333B 40004409939A 40004409141A 40004409142A 40004409143B 40004409144B 40004409145B 40004409146B 40004409147B 40004409148B 40004409149B 40004409150B 40004409151D 40004409151A 40004409152B 40004409151B 40004409359A 40004409358A 40004409164A 40004409222C 40004409222D 40004409271A 100 Redhill - Maidenbower Fastway (operated by Metrobus) For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code surgtada surgtadg surdjpwp surdjgwg surdmdjp surgmwpw surdjgjt surdjgmj surdjgjw surdjgjm surdjgjd surdjgdw surdjgdg surdjgap surdjgaj surdjdwm surdjdwg surdjdwd surdjdtw surdmdwj surgjama surgjagt surdgmgt surgjatg surgjatj surgjatp surdgmdm surdgmdg surdgmaw surdgmap surawmgm surgjagm wsxamjmj wsxgdtwd wsxamgpj wsxamdwm wsxamdwp wsxamdwt wsxdpwga wsxajtmp wsxajtgm wsxajtja wsxgdptm wsxamajg wsxamajt wsxamama wsxamamd wsxamamj wsxamdwd wsxamaja wsxamagt wsxamagp wsxamagm wsxamadj wsxajwpt wsxgdtaw wsxajwag wsxajtwt wsxajtpw Redhill, nr Park 25 Redhill, opp St Anne’s Mount Redhill, Redhill Bus Station (Stop C) Redhill, adj Brook Road Redhill, opp Wilton Road Redhill, The Cutting (S-bound) Earlswood, Three Arch Road (E-bound) Earlswood, East Surrey Hospital (Stop H1) Earlswood, Three Arch Road (W-bound) Petridgewood Common, opp Tollgate Avenue Petridgewood Common, adj West Avenue Salfords, adj Copsleigh Avenue Salfords, o/s Church Salfords, adj Salbrook Road Salfords, opp Wood Close Salfords, opp Pear Tree Hill Salfords, adj Crossoak Lane Horley, adj Skylane Hotel Horley, adj Chestnut Road Horley, opp Benhams Drive Meath Green, adj Southlands Avenue Meath Green, adj Vicarage Lane Meath Green, adj Court Lodge Road Meath Green, adj Emlyn Road Meath Green, opp Rutherwick Close Horley, o/s Court Lodge Shops Horley, opp Air Balloon Horley, adj Library Horley, Massetts Road (W-bound) Horley, Brighton Road (SW-bound) Horley, Povey Cross Road East (SW-bound) Povey Cross, Povey Cross Road West (SW-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, opp Atlantic House Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Lowfield Heath, Lowfield Heath Roundabout (SW-bound) Manor Royal, adj Gatwick Manor Hotel County Oak, opp Betts Way Manor Royal, opp Business Quarter Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (E-bound) Manor Royal, Manor Royal East (E-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road South (S-bound) Northgate, opp Woolborough Lane Northgate, adj Woodside Road Northgate, opp Midgely Road Northgate, opp Northgate Parade Crawley, o/s Exchange Road Crawley, Broadway (Stand U) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand C) Crawley, opp Rowan Close Crawley, adj Mitchells Road Three Bridges, adj Crossways Three Bridges, opp North Road Three Bridges, opp Jubilee Walk Three Bridges, Three Bridges Station (Stop B) Three Bridges, adj Station Hill Maidenbower, opp Stirling Close Maidenbower, opp Fenchurch Road Maidenbower, adj Oriel School St Anne’s Drive St Anne’s Drive Redhill Bus Station Brighton Road Brighton Road The Cutting Three Arch Road Canada Avenue Three Arch Road Horley Road Horley Road Brighton Road Brighton Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Bonehurst Road Horley Row Horley Row Lee Street Lee Street Court Lodge Road Court Lodge Road Court Lodge Road Victoria Road Victoria Road Massetts Road Brighton Road Povey Cross Road East Povey Cross Road Furlong Way Perimeter Road North London Road London Road London Road London Road Fleming Way Faraday Road Manor Royal Manor Royal Gatwick Road Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Woodfield Road Exchange Road Broadway Friary Way Three Bridges Road Gales Drive Gales Drive Gales Drive Three Bridges Road Haslett Avenue East Station Hill Billinton Drive Billinton Drive Matthews Drive 40004409271A 40004409270B 40004409222C 40004409164B 40004409916A 40004409358B 40004409151A 40004409152B 40004409151B 40004409150A 40004409149A 40004409148A 40004409147A 40004409146A 40004409145A 40004409144A 40004409143A 40004409142B 40004409141B 40004409939B 40004409333A 40004409013C 40004409014A 40004409347B 40004409348A 40004409349A 40004409011B 40004409010B 40004409009B 40004409008B 40004408008B 40004408260A 4400CY0385 4400CY0569 4400CY0343 4400CY0309 4400CY0310 4400CY0311 4400CY0429 4400CY0148 4400CY0133 4400CY0137 4400CY0427 4400CY0230 4400CY0233 4400CY0235 4400CY0236 4400CY0238 4400CY0306 4400CY0293 4400CY0228 4400CY0226 4400CY0225 4400CY0224 4400CY0216 4400CY0205 4400CY0540 4400CY0166 4400CY0164 4400CY0157 HIGH ST. Route map for Fastway (operated by Metrobus) service 100 (outbound) OXTED ROAD OXTED ROAD ROAD ON GATT PARK ROAD LONDON HILL REIGATE Redhill ROAD ROAD LONDON ROAD HATC LONDON WAY FIELD ET NGLEY ROA HIGH STREET CASTLE STREET T HIGH STREE DS LD ROAD NUTFIE Brook Road REIGATE ROAD ROAD TON ET STRE BRIGH BELL The Cutting T HILL COCKSHO Earlswood Redhill and Church Reigate Golf Road Course Three Arch Road South Nutfield East Surrey Hospital WOODHAT CH ROAD BLETCHI D NE STO GOD E HILL STON Reigate STREET E ET ROAD HIGH H STR STATION RED D IELD R OA HI G Reigate Heath Golf Course PRI NC QUEENSWAY MARK L EF ST CA WEST STREET HLAN ROAD LONDON ROAD AY SW D N ROA YDO CRO BUCKLAND Godstone Bletchingley Golf Course Park 25 100 ES Redhill Bus Station TE ROAD REIGA HIGH STREET 100 Holmethorpe Industrial Estate ROAD 100 HORLEY ROAD WOODHATCH ROAD Wimbourne Avenue ROAD N ROAD GREE HORLEY RS DOVE West Avenue Leigh Redhill Tollgate Aerodrome Avenue Copsleigh Avenue BRIGHTON ROAD N ROAD BRIGHTO Church Wood Close Salbrook Pear Tree Road Hill Crossoak Skylane Hotel Lane Horley Chestnut Road Vicarage Southlands Avenue Lane 100 Rutherwick Close Emlyn Road Court Lodge School Gower Air Balloon Road Brighton Road Hookwood Povey Cross 100 Povey Cross Road East Road West A23 South North Terminal Terminal South Terminal Bus Station URST BONEH RIVER BEAM 100 ROAD RIVER Outwood MOLE BONEHURST ROAD HT BRIG ON RO AD REIGATE ROAD Smallfield ATE REIG D ROA A217 A217 D ROA BRI ON GHT AIRPORT WAY M23 M23 AIRPORT WAY ON LOND ROAD Shipley Bridge M23 LONDON ROAD Charlwood Lowfield Heath Roundabout 100 Gatwick Copthorne Manor Hotel Business Quarter Betts Manor Royal Way Industrial Estate Faraday Road Manor Royal Central Woodside Road Northgate Midgely Three Bridges Parade Road Railway Station Magistrates Court North Road Crossways Laud Broadway Mitchells Road Drive Goffs Rowan Park Haworth Road Crawley Close Evans Cl. Delfont Close Bus Station Maidenbower Place Crawley Fenchurch Road Oriel School Palmer Road Carter Road Gabriel Road 100 Tullett Road Lyon Tilget Forest Close Golf Course London Gatwick Airport LONDON Domewood ROAD ROAD W SNO COPTHORNE ROAD HILL E ROAD HORN COPT Gill Wood COPTHORNE L HIL SNO W COMMON ROAD 'S HEAD COPTHORNE DUKE MAN S LONDON ROAD LONDON ROAD M23 LONDON COMMON ROAD OR NE COPTH R OAD COPTHORNE WAY E WAY K LONDON ROAD AVEN RNE THO COP ROA D LONDON ROAD THE BROO COPTHORN EY AVENUE CRAWL UE LEY CRAW Crawley Down CRAWLEY AVENUE Y AVENUE EY AVENUE CRAWL D IFIEL LONDON ROAD LD IFIE CRAWLE RDAB. NUE GAT E AVE UE AVEN NO RTH HIGH CRAWLEY QUEENS SQUARE QUEENSWAY THE MARTLETS AVENUE ROAD AY W COLLEGE CRAWLEY PEGLE R AVENUE STREET TH PARK WOR Ifield Golf Golf and Course Country Club HASLETT EAST AVENUE HASLETT AVENU E EAST PEG LER WAY STATION STATION A2219 ATE AVENUE SOUTHG ROAD WAY A2220 STATION WAY ROA HO RSH D AM Turners Hill ET STRE EAST HAM HORS ROAD BALCOMBE ROAD Y AVE BR OADFI EL D H ROAD CHURC BRIGHTON ROAD CRA WLE NUE R NDABOUT OU A2219 CRA WLE Y AVEN UE UE ATE SHA SOU AVEN THG N RD. BRIGHTO D M ROA HOR AM ROAD HORSH NT ROAD ROAD THRE OMBE BALC EPOI AM ROAD HORSH HORSHAM 100 ER AM ROAD HORSH BRIGHTON DOUST UNDABOUT RO U EEZEH RST BR ROAD CRAWLEY ROAD B2110 4 A26 4 A26 Tilgate Forest Golf Centre BRIGHTO Cottesmore Golf and Country Club B20 36 A23 A264 THREEPOINT N ROAD Y ROAD CRAWLE © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 1.5 km 3 km 4.5 km 6 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:33.27 - set-06100G(1).y08 (outbound) -1- Route map for Fastway (operated by Metrobus) service 100 (inbound) LONDON ROAD Holmethorpe Industrial Estate D K ROA PAR TON GAT REIGATE HILL Redhill BLETCHINGLEY Park 25 St Anne's Mount Wilton Road Brook 100 Road The 100 Cutting Earlswood D E ROAD ROA ON DST GO PRI NC LONDON Y WA D N ROA YDO CRO S ES TE ROAD REIGA LONDON ROAD Redhill Bus Station ROAD Bletchingley Golf Course INGLEY ROAD BLETCH HIGH STREET CASTLE STREET SWAY QUEEN STATION CO RN ER THEW' ST M AT STATION ROAD D OAD HIGH T STREE NE STO MAR RED KE HIGH STREET CROMWELL R OAD HILL LD ROAD NUTFIE REIGATE ROAD BELL Reigate Heath Golf Course D RD. STREET OA D FIELD R OA LONDON Reigate HIGH SR EL KFI LIN LE ST NR CA LONDO WEST STREET WAY ROAD T FIELD BUCKLAND ROAD BRIGH TON ROAD ET STRE T HILL COCKSHO Redhill and Reigate Golf Course HATCH ROAD ROAD Redhill White Bushes Aerodrome D ROA ROAD EN GRE HORLEY RS DOVE Tollgate Avenue S. Nutfield East Surrey Hospital HORLEY WOODHATCH ROAD Three Arch Road West Avenue BRIGHTON ROAD BRIGHTO N ROAD Copsleigh Church Wood Avenue Salbrook Close Road Pear Tree Hill Salfords Skylane Crossoak Lane Hotel 100 TE ROAD REIGA Leigh Redhill Golf Centre 100 Redhill and Reigate Golf Course WOOD URST BONEH RIVER BEAM ROAD RIVER MOLE Outwood 100 BONEHURST ROAD BRIG HTON ROAD Vicarage Chestnut Road Lane Horley Benhams Drive Court Southlands Avenue Lodge Road Emlyn Road Rutherwick Court Lodge School Close Brighton Hookwood 100 100 Road Povey Cross Povey Cross Road East Road West 10 0 Atlantic House Smallfield ATE REIG BRI GH TON D RO AD ROA A217 7 A21 AIRP ORT WAY M23 M23 LON DO AIRPOR T WAY N RO M23 AD ON LOND North Terminal A23 South Bus Station South London Terminal Terminal Gatwick M23 ROAD Shipley Bridge Airport Domewood 100 LONDON Gatwick Manor Hotel LONDON ROAD H Y AVEN L HIL OW SN HEAD DUKE ROAD E WAY AVENUE COPTHORN ROA D COP LONDON ROAD ORNE COPTH CRAWLEY CRAWL Crawley Down IC ELW K RO AZ U EY AVENUE LONDON ROAD UE COMMON ROAD COPTHORNE WAY E EY AVENU Midgely Road Northgate Three Bridges Parade Exchange Railway Station Road Crossways North Road 100 Broadway Mitchells RoadJubilee Walk Goffs Rowan Park Crawley Close Fenchurch Road Bus Station Stirling Close 100 Crawley Tilgate Forest Oriel Golf Centre School Tilget Forest WLE CRA COMMON ROAD ABOUT ND LD COPTHORNE COPTHORNE CRAWL Manor Royal Central CRAWLEY AVENUE IFIE Copthorne Gatwick Road South Industrial Estate THE BROOK Ifield Golf and Country Golf Course Club E ROAD HORN COPT THO RNE ROAD LONDON ROAD LONDON MAN S Betts Way Gill Wood ROAD Lowfield Heath Roundabout Business Industries Quarter Estate Manor Royal Faraday Road D ROA DON LON 'S Charlwood NUE AVE EAST WORTH AVENUE PARK E AVE NU E NO GAT RTH HIGH AVENUE THE MARTLETS COLLEGE CRAWLEY RD. PE GL CRAWLEY ER W AY AVENUE STREET SLETT HA AVE HASLETT NUE EAST VENUE EAST HASLETT A PEG LER WAY STATION A2220 D SOUTHG ET STRE EAST S CHEAL Turners Hill BALCOMBE ROA SHAM HOR ATE AVE NUE STATION WAY ROAD STATION A2219 ATE AVENUE SOUTHG ROAD WAY BROADFIE LD HORSHAMROAD BRIGH TON ROAD M SHA HOR ROA D RDAB. CRA WLE Y AVE NUE CH ROAD CHUR RO UNDABOUT A2219 CRA WLE Y AVE NUE NUE D ATE AVE THG SOU MBE M ROA BALCO SHA HOR ROAD NT ROAD THRE BRIGHTON ROAD OMBE EPOI DOUS HORSH BALC Golf Course AM ROAD HORSHAM 0 ROAD TER TON AM ROAD HORSH B211 HILL BRIGH NDABOUT OU CUFFS AM ROAD HORSH EHURST EE Z R BR ROAD © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 1.5 km 3 km 4.5 km 6 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:33.28 - set-06100G(1).y08 (inbound) -2- 10 Fastway : Bewbush - Crawley - Gatwick Airport Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) arr Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) dep Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1 0020 0024 0028 0031 0037 0038 0042 0045 0049 1 0050 0054 0058 0101 0107 0108 0112 0115 0119 1 0120 0124 0128 0131 0137 0138 0142 0145 0149 1 0150 0154 0158 0201 0207 0208 0212 0215 0219 1 0220 0224 0228 0231 0237 0238 0242 0245 0249 1 0250 0254 0258 0301 0307 0308 0312 0315 0319 1 0320 0324 0328 0331 0337 0338 0342 0345 0349 1 0350 0354 0358 0401 0407 0408 0412 0415 0419 0420 0424 0428 0431 0437 0438 0442 0445 0449 0450 0454 0458 0501 0507 0508 0512 0515 0519 0505 0509 0513 0516 0522 0524 0528 0531 0535 0520 0524 0528 0531 0537 0539 0543 0546 0550 0535 0539 0543 0546 0553 0555 0559 0602 0606 0545 0549 0553 0556 0603 0605 0609 0612 0616 0555 0559 0603 0606 0613 0615 0619 0622 0626 0605 0610 0614 0617 0624 0626 0631 0634 0638 0615 0620 0624 0627 0634 0636 0641 0644 0648 0625 0630 0634 0637 0644 0646 0651 0654 0658 0735 0740 0744 0747 0755 0757 0803 0806 0810 0742 0747 0751 0754 0802 0804 0810 0813 0817 0748 0754 0758 0801 0809 0811 0817 0820 0824 0755 0802 0806 0809 0817 0818 0824 0827 0831 0801 0808 0813 0816 0825 0826 0832 0835 0839 0808 0815 0820 0823 0832 0833 0839 0842 0846 0815 0822 0827 0830 0839 0840 0846 0849 0853 0821 0828 0833 0836 0845 0846 0852 0855 0900 0826 0833 0838 0841 0850 0852 0858 0901 0906 0832 0839 0844 0847 0856 0858 0904 0907 0912 0838 0845 0850 0853 0902 0904 0910 0913 0918 0844 0851 0856 0859 0908 0910 0916 0919 0924 0930 0935 0939 0942 0951 0953 0959 1003 1008 0936 0941 0945 0948 0957 0959 1005 1009 1014 0942 0947 0951 0954 1003 1005 1011 1015 1020 0948 0953 0957 1000 1009 1011 1017 1021 1026 0954 0959 1003 1006 1015 1017 1023 1027 1032 1001 1006 1010 1013 1022 1024 1030 1034 1039 1007 1012 1016 1019 1028 1030 1036 1040 1045 1013 1018 1022 1025 1034 1036 1042 1046 1051 1019 1024 1028 1031 1040 1042 1048 1052 1057 1025 1030 1034 1037 1046 1048 1054 1058 1103 1032 1037 1041 1044 1053 1055 1101 1105 1110 1038 1043 1047 1050 1059 1101 1107 1111 1116 1121 1126 1130 1133 1142 1144 1150 1154 1159 1128 1133 1137 1140 1149 1151 1157 1201 1206 1134 1139 1143 1146 1155 1157 1203 1207 1212 1140 1145 1149 1152 1201 1203 1209 1213 1218 1146 1151 1155 1158 1207 1209 1215 1219 1224 1152 1157 1201 1204 1213 1215 1221 1225 1230 1159 1204 1208 1211 1220 1222 1228 1232 1237 1205 1210 1214 1217 1226 1228 1234 1238 1243 1211 1216 1220 1223 1232 1234 1240 1244 1249 1217 1222 1226 1229 1238 1240 1246 1250 1255 1224 1229 1233 1236 1245 1247 1253 1257 1302 1230 1235 1239 1242 1251 1253 1259 1303 1308 1313 1318 1322 1325 1334 1336 1342 1346 1351 1319 1324 1328 1331 1340 1342 1348 1352 1357 1326 1331 1335 1338 1347 1349 1355 1359 1404 1332 1337 1341 1344 1353 1355 1401 1405 1410 1338 1343 1347 1350 1359 1401 1407 1411 1416 1344 1349 1353 1356 1405 1407 1413 1417 1422 1351 1356 1400 1403 1412 1414 1420 1424 1429 1357 1402 1406 1409 1418 1420 1426 1430 1435 1403 1408 1412 1415 1424 1426 1432 1436 1441 1409 1414 1418 1421 1430 1432 1438 1442 1447 1415 1420 1424 1427 1436 1438 1444 1448 1453 1422 1427 1431 1434 1443 1445 1451 1455 1500 1505 1510 1514 1517 1526 1528 1534 1538 1543 1511 1516 1520 1523 1532 1534 1540 1544 1549 1518 1523 1527 1530 1539 1541 1547 1551 1556 1524 1529 1533 1536 1545 1547 1553 1557 1602 1530 1535 1539 1542 1551 1553 1559 1603 1608 1536 1541 1545 1548 1557 1559 1605 1609 1614 1543 1548 1552 1555 1604 1606 1612 1616 1621 1549 1554 1558 1602 1611 1613 1620 1624 1629 1555 1600 1604 1608 1617 1619 1626 1630 1635 1601 1606 1610 1614 1623 1625 1632 1636 1641 1608 1613 1617 1621 1630 1632 1639 1643 1648 1614 1619 1623 1627 1636 1638 1645 1649 1654 1658 1703 1707 1712 1722 1724 1731 1735 1740 1705 1710 1714 1719 1729 1731 1738 1742 1747 1712 1717 1721 1726 1736 1738 1745 1749 1754 1719 1724 1728 1733 1743 1745 1752 1756 1801 1726 1731 1735 1739 1749 1751 1758 1802 1807 1733 1738 1742 1746 1755 1757 1804 1808 1813 1739 1744 1748 1752 1801 1803 1810 1814 1819 1745 1750 1754 1758 1807 1809 1816 1820 1825 1751 1756 1800 1804 1813 1815 1821 1825 1830 1757 1802 1806 1810 1819 1821 1827 1831 1836 1803 1808 1812 1816 1825 1827 1833 1837 1842 1809 1814 1818 1822 1830 1832 1838 1842 1847 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 0635 0640 0644 0647 arr 0654 dep 0656 0701 0704 0708 0645 0650 0654 0657 0704 0706 0711 0714 0718 0655 0700 0704 0707 0714 0716 0721 0724 0728 0705 0710 0714 0717 0724 0726 0731 0734 0738 0715 0720 0724 0727 0735 0737 0743 0746 0750 0725 0730 0734 0737 0745 0747 0753 0756 0800 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 0852 0858 0902 0905 arr 0914 dep 0916 0922 0926 0931 0857 0903 0907 0910 0919 0921 0927 0931 0936 0905 0910 0914 0917 0926 0928 0934 0938 0943 0911 0916 0920 0923 0932 0934 0940 0944 0949 0917 0922 0926 0929 0938 0940 0946 0950 0955 0923 0928 0932 0935 0944 0946 0952 0956 1001 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1044 1049 1053 1056 arr 1105 dep 1107 1113 1117 1122 1050 1055 1059 1102 1111 1113 1119 1123 1128 1057 1102 1106 1109 1118 1120 1126 1130 1135 1103 1108 1112 1115 1124 1126 1132 1136 1141 1109 1114 1118 1121 1130 1132 1138 1142 1147 1115 1120 1124 1127 1136 1138 1144 1148 1153 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1236 1241 1245 1248 arr 1257 dep 1259 1305 1309 1314 1242 1247 1251 1254 1303 1305 1311 1315 1320 1248 1253 1257 1300 1309 1311 1317 1321 1326 1255 1300 1304 1307 1316 1318 1324 1328 1333 1301 1306 1310 1313 1322 1324 1330 1334 1339 1307 1312 1316 1319 1328 1330 1336 1340 1345 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1428 1433 1437 1440 arr 1449 dep 1451 1457 1501 1506 1434 1439 1443 1446 1455 1457 1503 1507 1512 1440 1445 1449 1452 1501 1503 1509 1513 1518 1446 1451 1455 1458 1507 1509 1515 1519 1524 1453 1458 1502 1505 1514 1516 1522 1526 1531 1459 1504 1508 1511 1520 1522 1528 1532 1537 Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1620 1625 1629 1633 arr 1642 dep 1644 1651 1655 1700 1626 1631 1635 1639 1648 1650 1657 1701 1706 1633 1638 1642 1646 1655 1657 1704 1708 1713 1639 1644 1648 1652 1701 1703 1710 1714 1719 1645 1650 1654 1658 1708 1710 1717 1721 1726 Service Restrictions: 1 - not 22.4.14, 6.5., 27.5., 26.8. Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 1651 1656 1700 1705 1715 1717 1724 1728 1733 10 Fastway : Bewbush - Crawley - Gatwick Airport Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1815 1820 1824 1827 arr 1835 dep 1837 1843 1847 1852 1821 1826 1830 1833 1841 1843 1849 1853 1858 1827 1832 1836 1839 1847 1849 1855 1859 1904 1833 1838 1842 1845 1853 1855 1901 1905 1910 1840 1845 1849 1852 1900 1902 1908 1912 1917 1847 1852 1856 1859 1907 1909 1915 1919 1924 1855 1900 1904 1907 1915 1917 1923 1927 1932 1905 1910 1914 1917 1924 1926 1932 1936 1941 1917 1922 1926 1929 1936 1938 1944 1947 1952 1930 1935 1939 1942 1949 1951 1956 1959 2004 1942 1947 1951 1954 2001 2003 2008 2011 2016 1955 2000 2004 2007 2014 2016 2021 2024 2029 2007 2012 2016 2019 2026 2028 2033 2036 2041 2020 2025 2029 2032 2039 2041 2046 2049 2054 2032 2037 2041 2044 2051 2053 2058 2101 2106 2045 2050 2054 2057 2104 2106 2111 2114 2119 2057 2102 2106 2109 2116 2118 2123 2126 2131 2110 2115 2119 2122 2129 2131 2136 2139 2144 Mondays to Fridays Notes Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 2125 2130 2134 2137 arr 2144 dep 2146 2151 2154 2159 2140 2145 2149 2152 2159 2201 2206 2209 2214 2155 2200 2204 2207 2214 2216 2221 2224 2229 2210 2215 2219 2222 2229 2231 2236 2239 2244 2225 2230 2234 2237 2244 2246 2251 2254 2259 2240 2245 2249 2252 2259 2301 2306 2309 2314 2300 2305 2309 2312 2319 2321 2326 2329 2334 2320 2325 2329 2332 2339 2341 2346 2349 2354 * 2350 2355 2359 0002 0009 0011 0016 0019 0024 2 0150 0154 0158 0201 0207 0208 0212 0215 0219 2 0220 0224 0228 0231 0237 0238 0242 0245 0249 2 0250 0254 0258 0301 0307 0308 0312 0315 0319 2 0320 0324 0328 0331 0337 0338 0342 0345 0349 2 0350 0354 0358 0401 0407 0408 0412 0415 0419 0420 0424 0428 0431 0437 0438 0442 0445 0449 0450 0454 0458 0501 0507 0508 0512 0515 0519 0505 0509 0513 0516 0522 0524 0528 0531 0535 0520 0524 0528 0531 0537 0539 0543 0546 0550 0532 0536 0540 0543 0550 0552 0556 0559 0603 0547 0551 0555 0558 0605 0607 0611 0614 0618 0602 0606 0610 0613 0620 0622 0627 0630 0634 0617 0621 0625 0628 0635 0637 0642 0645 0649 0632 0636 0640 0643 0650 0652 0657 0700 0704 0647 0651 0655 0658 0705 0707 0712 0715 0719 0747 0751 0755 0758 0805 0807 0812 0815 0819 0802 0806 0810 0813 0820 0822 0827 0830 0834 0817 0822 0826 0829 0837 0839 0844 0847 0852 0832 0837 0841 0844 0852 0854 0859 0902 0907 0847 0852 0856 0859 0907 0909 0914 0917 0922 0902 0907 0911 0914 0922 0924 0929 0932 0937 0912 0917 0921 0924 0933 0935 0941 0945 0950 0922 0927 0931 0934 0943 0945 0951 0955 1000 0931 0936 0940 0943 0952 0954 1000 1004 1009 0940 0945 0949 0952 1001 1003 1009 1013 1018 0947 0952 0956 0959 1008 1010 1016 1020 1025 0954 0959 1003 1006 1015 1017 1023 1027 1032 1001 1006 1010 1013 1022 1024 1030 1034 1039 1007 1012 1016 1019 1028 1030 1036 1040 1045 1013 1018 1022 1025 1034 1036 1042 1046 1051 1038 1043 1047 1050 1059 1101 1107 1111 1116 1044 1049 1053 1056 1105 1107 1113 1117 1122 1050 1055 1059 1102 1111 1113 1119 1123 1128 1057 1102 1106 1109 1118 1120 1126 1130 1135 1103 1108 1112 1115 1124 1126 1132 1136 1141 1109 1114 1118 1121 1130 1132 1138 1142 1147 1115 1120 1124 1127 1136 1138 1144 1148 1153 1121 1126 1130 1133 1142 1144 1150 1154 1159 1128 1133 1137 1140 1149 1151 1157 1201 1206 1134 1139 1143 1146 1155 1157 1203 1207 1212 1140 1145 1149 1152 1201 1203 1209 1213 1218 1146 1151 1155 1158 1207 1209 1215 1219 1224 1152 1157 1201 1204 1213 1215 1221 1225 1230 1159 1204 1208 1211 1220 1222 1228 1232 1237 1205 1210 1214 1217 1226 1228 1234 1238 1243 1230 1235 1239 1242 1251 1253 1259 1303 1308 1236 1241 1245 1248 1257 1259 1305 1309 1314 1242 1247 1251 1254 1303 1305 1311 1315 1320 1248 1253 1257 1300 1309 1311 1317 1321 1326 1255 1300 1304 1307 1316 1318 1324 1328 1333 1301 1306 1310 1313 1322 1324 1330 1334 1339 1307 1312 1316 1319 1328 1330 1336 1340 1345 1313 1318 1322 1325 1334 1336 1342 1346 1351 1319 1324 1328 1331 1340 1342 1348 1352 1357 1326 1331 1335 1338 1347 1349 1355 1359 1404 1332 1337 1341 1344 1353 1355 1401 1405 1410 1338 1343 1347 1350 1359 1401 1407 1411 1416 1344 1349 1353 1356 1405 1407 1413 1417 1422 1351 1356 1400 1403 1412 1414 1420 1424 1429 1357 1402 1406 1409 1418 1420 1426 1430 1435 1422 1427 1431 1434 1443 1445 1451 1455 1500 1428 1433 1437 1440 1449 1451 1457 1501 1506 1434 1439 1443 1446 1455 1457 1503 1507 1512 1440 1445 1449 1452 1501 1503 1509 1513 1518 1446 1451 1455 1458 1507 1509 1515 1519 1524 1453 1458 1502 1505 1514 1516 1522 1526 1531 1459 1504 1508 1511 1520 1522 1528 1532 1537 1505 1510 1514 1517 1526 1528 1534 1538 1543 1511 1516 1520 1523 1532 1534 1540 1544 1549 1518 1523 1527 1530 1539 1541 1547 1551 1556 1524 1529 1533 1536 1545 1547 1553 1557 1602 1530 1535 1539 1542 1551 1553 1559 1603 1608 1536 1541 1545 1548 1557 1559 1605 1609 1614 1542 1547 1551 1554 1603 1605 1611 1615 1620 1549 1554 1558 1601 1610 1612 1618 1622 1627 Saturdays Service Restrictions Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) arr Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) dep Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 2 0020 0024 0028 0031 0037 0038 0042 0045 0049 2 0050 0054 0058 0101 0107 0108 0112 0115 0119 2 0120 0124 0128 0131 0137 0138 0142 0145 0149 Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 0702 0706 0710 0713 arr 0720 dep 0722 0727 0730 0734 0717 0721 0725 0728 0735 0737 0742 0745 0749 0732 0736 0740 0743 0750 0752 0757 0800 0804 Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1019 1024 1028 1031 arr 1040 dep 1042 1048 1052 1057 1025 1030 1034 1037 1046 1048 1054 1058 1103 1032 1037 1041 1044 1053 1055 1101 1105 1110 Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1211 1216 1220 1223 arr 1232 dep 1234 1240 1244 1249 1217 1222 1226 1229 1238 1240 1246 1250 1255 1224 1229 1233 1236 1245 1247 1253 1257 1302 Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1403 1408 1412 1415 arr 1424 dep 1426 1432 1436 1441 1409 1414 1418 1421 1430 1432 1438 1442 1447 1415 1420 1424 1427 1436 1438 1444 1448 1453 Service Restrictions: 2 - not 19.4.14 Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 10 Fastway : Bewbush - Crawley - Gatwick Airport Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1555 1600 1604 1607 arr 1616 dep 1618 1624 1628 1633 1601 1606 1610 1613 1622 1624 1630 1634 1639 1607 1612 1616 1619 1628 1630 1636 1640 1645 1613 1618 1622 1625 1634 1636 1642 1646 1651 1620 1625 1629 1632 1641 1643 1649 1653 1658 1626 1631 1635 1638 1647 1649 1655 1659 1704 1632 1637 1641 1644 1653 1655 1701 1705 1710 1638 1643 1647 1650 1659 1701 1707 1711 1716 1644 1649 1653 1656 1705 1707 1713 1717 1722 1650 1655 1659 1702 1711 1713 1719 1723 1728 1656 1701 1705 1708 1717 1719 1725 1729 1734 1702 1707 1711 1714 1723 1725 1731 1735 1740 1709 1714 1718 1721 1730 1732 1738 1742 1747 1717 1722 1726 1729 1737 1739 1745 1749 1754 1725 1730 1734 1737 1745 1747 1753 1757 1802 1733 1738 1742 1745 1753 1755 1801 1805 1810 1741 1746 1750 1753 1801 1803 1809 1813 1818 1749 1754 1758 1801 1808 1810 1816 1820 1825 1827 1832 1836 1839 1846 1848 1853 1856 1901 1840 1845 1849 1852 1859 1901 1906 1909 1914 1852 1857 1901 1904 1911 1913 1918 1921 1926 1905 1910 1914 1917 1924 1926 1931 1934 1939 1917 1922 1926 1929 1936 1938 1943 1946 1951 1930 1935 1939 1942 1949 1951 1956 1959 2004 1942 1947 1951 1954 2001 2003 2008 2011 2016 1955 2000 2004 2007 2014 2016 2021 2024 2029 2007 2012 2016 2019 2026 2028 2033 2036 2041 2020 2025 2029 2032 2039 2041 2046 2049 2054 2032 2037 2041 2044 2051 2053 2058 2101 2106 2045 2050 2054 2057 2104 2106 2111 2114 2119 2057 2102 2106 2109 2116 2118 2123 2126 2131 2110 2115 2119 2122 2129 2131 2136 2139 2144 2125 2130 2134 2137 2144 2146 2151 2154 2159 2225 2230 2234 2237 2244 2246 2251 2254 2259 2240 2245 2249 2252 2259 2301 2306 2309 2314 2300 2305 2309 2312 2319 2321 2326 2329 2334 2320 2325 2329 2332 2339 2341 2346 2349 2354 * 2350 2355 2359 0002 0009 0011 0016 0019 0024 0150 0154 0158 0201 0207 0208 0212 0215 0219 0220 0224 0228 0231 0237 0238 0242 0245 0249 0250 0254 0258 0301 0307 0308 0312 0315 0319 0320 0324 0328 0331 0337 0338 0342 0345 0349 0350 0354 0358 0401 0407 0408 0412 0415 0419 0420 0424 0428 0431 0437 0438 0442 0445 0449 0450 0454 0458 0501 0507 0508 0512 0515 0519 0510 0514 0518 0521 0527 0528 0532 0535 0539 0530 0534 0538 0541 0547 0549 0553 0556 0600 0550 0554 0558 0601 0607 0609 0613 0616 0620 0610 0614 0618 0621 0627 0629 0633 0636 0640 0630 0634 0638 0641 0647 0649 0653 0656 0700 0650 0654 0658 0701 0707 0709 0713 0716 0720 0710 0714 0718 0721 0727 0729 0733 0736 0740 0730 0734 0738 0741 0747 0749 0753 0756 0800 0845 0850 0854 0857 0905 0907 0912 0915 0920 0905 0910 0914 0917 0925 0927 0932 0935 0940 0925 0930 0934 0937 0945 0947 0952 0955 1000 0945 0950 0954 0957 1005 1007 1012 1015 1020 1005 1010 1014 1017 1025 1027 1032 1035 1040 1025 1030 1034 1037 1045 1047 1052 1055 1100 1045 1050 1054 1057 1106 1108 1114 1118 1123 1059 1104 1108 1111 1120 1122 1128 1132 1137 1111 1116 1120 1123 1132 1134 1140 1144 1149 1123 1128 1132 1135 1144 1146 1152 1156 1201 1135 1140 1144 1147 1156 1158 1204 1208 1213 1147 1152 1156 1159 1208 1210 1216 1220 1225 1159 1204 1208 1211 1220 1222 1228 1232 1237 1211 1216 1220 1223 1232 1234 1240 1244 1249 1223 1228 1232 1235 1244 1246 1252 1256 1301 1311 1316 1320 1323 1332 1334 1340 1344 1349 1323 1328 1332 1335 1344 1346 1352 1356 1401 1335 1340 1344 1347 1356 1358 1404 1408 1413 1347 1352 1356 1359 1408 1410 1416 1420 1425 1359 1404 1408 1411 1420 1422 1428 1432 1437 1411 1416 1420 1423 1432 1434 1440 1444 1449 1423 1428 1432 1435 1444 1446 1452 1456 1501 1435 1440 1444 1447 1456 1458 1504 1508 1513 1447 1452 1456 1459 1508 1510 1516 1520 1525 1459 1504 1508 1511 1520 1522 1528 1532 1537 1511 1516 1520 1523 1532 1534 1540 1544 1549 1523 1528 1532 1535 1544 1546 1552 1556 1601 1535 1540 1544 1547 1556 1558 1604 1608 1613 1547 1552 1556 1559 1608 1610 1616 1620 1625 1559 1604 1608 1611 1620 1622 1628 1632 1637 1650 1655 1659 1702 1710 1712 1717 1720 1724 1702 1707 1711 1714 1722 1724 1729 1732 1736 1714 1719 1723 1726 1734 1736 1741 1744 1748 1727 1732 1736 1739 1747 1749 1754 1757 1801 1740 1745 1749 1752 1759 1801 1806 1809 1814 1755 1800 1804 1807 1814 1816 1821 1824 1829 1810 1815 1819 1822 1829 1831 1836 1839 1844 1825 1830 1834 1837 1844 1846 1851 1854 1859 1840 1845 1849 1852 1859 1901 1906 1909 1914 1855 1900 1904 1907 1914 1916 1921 1924 1929 1910 1915 1919 1922 1929 1931 1936 1939 1944 1925 1930 1934 1937 1944 1946 1951 1954 1959 1940 1945 1949 1952 1959 2001 2006 2009 2014 1955 2000 2004 2007 2014 2016 2021 2024 2029 2010 2015 2019 2022 2029 2031 2036 2039 2044 Saturdays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1757 1802 1806 1809 arr 1816 dep 1818 1824 1828 1833 1805 1810 1814 1817 1824 1826 1831 1834 1839 1815 1820 1824 1827 1834 1836 1841 1844 1849 Saturdays Notes Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 2140 2145 2149 2152 arr 2159 dep 2201 2206 2209 2214 2155 2200 2204 2207 2214 2216 2221 2224 2229 2210 2215 2219 2222 2229 2231 2236 2239 2244 Sundays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 0020 0024 0028 0031 arr 0037 dep 0038 0042 0045 0049 0050 0054 0058 0101 0107 0108 0112 0115 0119 0120 0124 0128 0131 0137 0138 0142 0145 0149 Sundays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 0745 0750 0754 0757 arr 0804 dep 0806 0811 0814 0818 0805 0810 0814 0817 0824 0826 0831 0834 0838 0825 0830 0834 0837 0844 0846 0851 0854 0858 Sundays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1235 1240 1244 1247 arr 1256 dep 1258 1304 1308 1313 1247 1252 1256 1259 1308 1310 1316 1320 1325 1259 1304 1308 1311 1320 1322 1328 1332 1337 Sundays Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 1611 1616 1620 1623 arr 1632 dep 1634 1640 1644 1649 1625 1630 1634 1637 1645 1647 1653 1656 1701 1637 1642 1646 1649 1657 1659 1705 1708 1713 Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 10 Fastway : Bewbush - Crawley - Gatwick Airport Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Sundays Notes Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square 2025 2030 2034 2037 arr 2044 dep 2046 2051 2054 2059 2040 2045 2049 2052 2059 2101 2106 2109 2114 2055 2100 2104 2107 2114 2116 2121 2124 2129 2110 2115 2119 2122 2129 2131 2136 2139 2144 2125 2130 2134 2137 2144 2146 2151 2154 2159 2140 2145 2149 2152 2159 2201 2206 2209 2214 2155 2200 2204 2207 2214 2216 2221 2224 2229 2210 2215 2219 2222 2229 2231 2236 2239 2244 2225 2230 2234 2237 2244 2246 2251 2254 2259 2240 2245 2249 2252 2259 2301 2306 2309 2314 Good Friday same as Sundays Easter Monday same as Sundays May Day Holiday same as Sundays Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 2300 2305 2309 2312 2319 2321 2326 2329 2334 2320 2325 2329 2332 2339 2341 2346 2349 2354 * 2350 2355 2359 0002 0009 0011 0016 0019 0024 10 Fastway : Gatwick Airport - Crawley - Bewbush Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1 0026 0029 0031 arr 0036 dep 0037 0043 0046 0050 0053 1 0051 0054 0056 0101 0102 0108 0111 0115 0118 1 0121 0124 0126 0131 0132 0138 0141 0145 0148 1 0151 0154 0156 0201 0202 0208 0211 0215 0218 1 0221 0224 0226 0231 0232 0238 0241 0245 0248 1 0251 0254 0256 0301 0302 0308 0311 0315 0318 1 0321 0324 0326 0331 0332 0338 0341 0345 0348 1 0351 0354 0356 0401 0402 0408 0411 0415 0418 0410 0415 0418 0423 0424 0432 0435 0439 0442 0425 0430 0433 0438 0439 0447 0450 0454 0457 0440 0445 0448 0453 0454 0502 0505 0509 0512 0455 0500 0503 0508 0509 0517 0520 0524 0527 0505 0510 0513 0518 0520 0528 0531 0536 0539 0515 0520 0523 0528 0530 0538 0541 0546 0549 0525 0530 0533 0538 0540 0548 0551 0556 0559 0535 0540 0543 0548 0550 0558 0601 0606 0609 0545 0550 0553 0558 0600 0608 0611 0616 0619 0555 0600 0603 0608 0610 0618 0621 0626 0629 0701 0706 0710 0715 0717 0726 0729 0734 0737 0708 0714 0718 0723 0725 0734 0738 0743 0746 0715 0721 0725 0730 0732 0742 0746 0751 0754 0722 0728 0732 0737 0739 0749 0753 0758 0801 0728 0734 0738 0743 0745 0755 0759 0804 0807 0734 0740 0744 0751 0753 0803 0807 0812 0815 0740 0746 0750 0757 0759 0809 0813 0818 0821 0746 0752 0756 0803 0805 0815 0819 0824 0827 0752 0758 0802 0809 0811 0821 0825 0830 0833 0759 0805 0809 0816 0818 0828 0832 0837 0840 0805 0811 0815 0822 0824 0834 0838 0843 0846 0811 0817 0821 0828 0830 0840 0844 0849 0852 0858 0903 0907 0914 0916 0925 0928 0933 0936 0905 0910 0914 0921 0923 0932 0935 0940 0943 0911 0916 0920 0927 0929 0938 0941 0946 0949 0918 0921 0924 0931 0933 0942 0945 0950 0953 0924 0929 0932 0939 0941 0950 0953 0958 1001 0930 0935 0938 0945 0947 0956 0959 1004 1007 0936 0941 0944 0951 0953 1002 1005 1010 1013 0942 0947 0950 0957 0959 1008 1011 1016 1019 0949 0954 0957 1004 1006 1015 1018 1023 1026 0955 1000 1003 1010 1012 1021 1024 1029 1032 1001 1006 1009 1016 1018 1027 1030 1035 1038 1007 1012 1015 1022 1024 1033 1036 1041 1044 1051 1056 1059 1106 1108 1117 1120 1125 1128 1057 1102 1105 1112 1114 1123 1126 1131 1134 1103 1108 1111 1118 1120 1129 1132 1137 1140 1109 1114 1117 1124 1126 1135 1138 1143 1146 1116 1121 1124 1131 1133 1142 1145 1150 1153 1122 1127 1130 1137 1139 1148 1151 1156 1159 1128 1133 1136 1143 1145 1154 1157 1202 1205 1134 1139 1142 1149 1151 1200 1203 1208 1211 1141 1146 1149 1156 1158 1207 1210 1215 1218 1147 1152 1155 1202 1204 1213 1216 1221 1224 1153 1158 1201 1208 1210 1219 1222 1227 1230 1159 1204 1207 1214 1216 1225 1228 1233 1236 1243 1248 1251 1258 1300 1309 1312 1317 1320 1249 1254 1257 1304 1306 1315 1318 1323 1326 1255 1300 1303 1310 1312 1321 1324 1329 1332 1301 1306 1309 1316 1318 1327 1330 1335 1338 1308 1313 1316 1323 1325 1334 1337 1342 1345 1314 1319 1322 1329 1331 1340 1343 1348 1351 1320 1325 1328 1335 1337 1346 1349 1354 1357 1326 1331 1334 1341 1343 1352 1355 1400 1403 1332 1337 1340 1347 1349 1358 1401 1406 1409 1339 1344 1347 1354 1356 1405 1408 1413 1416 1345 1350 1353 1400 1402 1411 1414 1419 1422 1351 1356 1359 1406 1408 1417 1420 1425 1428 1435 1440 1443 1450 1452 1501 1504 1509 1512 1441 1446 1449 1456 1458 1507 1510 1515 1518 1447 1452 1455 1502 1504 1513 1516 1521 1524 1453 1458 1501 1508 1510 1519 1522 1527 1530 1459 1504 1507 1514 1516 1525 1528 1533 1536 1506 1511 1514 1521 1523 1532 1535 1540 1543 1512 1517 1520 1527 1529 1538 1541 1546 1549 1518 1523 1526 1533 1535 1544 1547 1552 1555 1524 1529 1532 1539 1541 1550 1553 1558 1601 1530 1535 1538 1545 1547 1556 1559 1604 1607 1537 1542 1545 1552 1554 1603 1606 1611 1614 1543 1548 1551 1558 1600 1609 1612 1617 1620 1628 1633 1636 1641 1643 1654 1658 1703 1706 1634 1639 1642 1647 1649 1701 1705 1710 1713 1641 1646 1649 1654 1656 1708 1712 1717 1720 1647 1652 1655 1700 1702 1714 1718 1723 1726 1653 1658 1701 1706 1708 1720 1725 1730 1733 1659 1704 1707 1712 1714 1726 1731 1736 1739 1706 1711 1714 1719 1721 1732 1737 1742 1745 1712 1717 1720 1725 1727 1737 1742 1747 1750 1719 1724 1727 1732 1734 1744 1749 1754 1757 1726 1730 1733 1738 1740 1750 1754 1759 1802 1733 1737 1740 1745 1747 1756 1800 1805 1808 1739 1743 1746 1751 1753 1802 1806 1811 1814 Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0605 0610 0613 arr 0618 dep 0620 0628 0631 0636 0639 0615 0620 0623 0628 0630 0638 0641 0646 0649 0625 0630 0633 0638 0640 0648 0651 0656 0659 0635 0640 0643 0648 0650 0658 0701 0706 0709 0645 0650 0653 0658 0700 0708 0711 0716 0719 0653 0658 0702 0707 0709 0718 0721 0726 0729 Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0817 0823 0827 arr 0834 dep 0836 0846 0849 0854 0857 0823 0829 0833 0840 0842 0852 0855 0900 0903 0830 0836 0840 0847 0849 0859 0902 0907 0910 0837 0843 0847 0854 0856 0906 0909 0914 0917 0844 0850 0854 0901 0903 0912 0915 0920 0923 0851 0856 0900 0907 0909 0918 0921 0926 0929 Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1014 1019 1022 arr 1029 dep 1031 1040 1043 1048 1051 1020 1025 1028 1035 1037 1046 1049 1054 1057 1026 1031 1034 1041 1043 1052 1055 1100 1103 1032 1037 1040 1047 1049 1058 1101 1106 1109 1038 1043 1046 1053 1055 1104 1107 1112 1115 1045 1050 1053 1100 1102 1111 1114 1119 1122 Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1205 1210 1213 arr 1220 dep 1222 1231 1234 1239 1242 1212 1217 1220 1227 1229 1238 1241 1246 1249 1218 1223 1226 1233 1235 1244 1247 1252 1255 1224 1229 1232 1239 1241 1250 1253 1258 1301 1230 1235 1238 1245 1247 1256 1259 1304 1307 1236 1241 1244 1251 1253 1302 1305 1310 1313 Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1357 1402 1405 arr 1412 dep 1414 1423 1426 1431 1434 1403 1408 1411 1418 1420 1429 1432 1437 1440 1410 1415 1418 1425 1427 1436 1439 1444 1447 1416 1421 1424 1431 1433 1442 1445 1450 1453 1422 1427 1430 1437 1439 1448 1451 1456 1459 1428 1433 1436 1443 1445 1454 1457 1502 1505 Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1549 1554 1557 arr 1604 dep 1606 1615 1618 1623 1626 1556 1601 1604 1610 1612 1622 1625 1630 1633 1602 1607 1610 1616 1618 1628 1631 1636 1639 1608 1613 1616 1622 1624 1634 1637 1642 1645 1614 1619 1622 1628 1630 1640 1643 1648 1651 Service Restrictions: 1 - not 22.4.14, 6.5., 27.5., 26.8. Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 1621 1626 1629 1635 1637 1647 1650 1655 1658 10 Fastway : Gatwick Airport - Crawley - Bewbush Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1746 1750 1753 arr 1758 dep 1800 1809 1813 1818 1821 1753 1757 1800 1805 1807 1816 1819 1824 1827 1800 1804 1807 1812 1814 1823 1826 1831 1834 1807 1811 1814 1819 1821 1830 1833 1838 1841 1813 1817 1820 1825 1827 1836 1839 1844 1847 1820 1824 1827 1832 1834 1843 1846 1851 1854 1828 1832 1835 1840 1842 1851 1854 1859 1902 1836 1840 1843 1848 1850 1859 1902 1907 1910 1844 1848 1851 1856 1858 1906 1909 1913 1916 1854 1858 1901 1906 1908 1915 1918 1922 1925 1906 1910 1913 1918 1920 1927 1930 1934 1937 1919 1923 1926 1931 1933 1940 1943 1947 1950 1931 1935 1938 1943 1945 1952 1955 1959 2002 1944 1948 1951 1956 1958 2005 2008 2012 2015 1956 2000 2003 2008 2010 2017 2020 2024 2027 2009 2013 2016 2021 2023 2030 2033 2037 2040 2021 2025 2028 2033 2035 2042 2045 2049 2052 2034 2038 2041 2046 2048 2055 2058 2102 2105 Mondays to Fridays Notes Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 2048 2052 2055 arr 2100 dep 2102 2109 2112 2116 2119 2103 2107 2110 2115 2117 2124 2127 2131 2134 2118 2122 2125 2130 2132 2139 2142 2146 2149 2133 2137 2140 2145 2147 2154 2157 2201 2204 2148 2152 2155 2200 2202 2209 2212 2216 2219 2203 2207 2210 2215 2217 2224 2227 2231 2234 2223 2226 2228 2233 2234 2240 2243 2247 2250 2248 2251 2253 2258 2259 2305 2308 2312 2315 2318 2321 2323 2328 2329 2335 2338 2342 2345 * 2356 2359 0001 0006 0007 0013 0016 0020 0023 2 0151 0154 0156 0201 0202 0208 0211 0215 0218 2 0221 0224 0226 0231 0232 0238 0241 0245 0248 2 0251 0254 0256 0301 0302 0308 0311 0315 0318 2 0321 0324 0326 0331 0332 0338 0341 0345 0348 2 0351 0354 0356 0401 0402 0408 0411 0415 0418 0410 0415 0418 0423 0424 0432 0435 0439 0442 0425 0430 0433 0438 0439 0447 0450 0454 0457 0440 0445 0448 0453 0454 0502 0505 0509 0512 0455 0500 0503 0508 0509 0517 0520 0524 0527 0510 0515 0518 0523 0524 0532 0535 0539 0542 0525 0530 0533 0538 0539 0547 0550 0554 0557 0540 0545 0548 0553 0554 0602 0605 0609 0612 0555 0600 0603 0608 0609 0617 0620 0624 0627 0610 0615 0618 0623 0624 0632 0635 0639 0642 0625 0630 0633 0638 0639 0647 0650 0654 0657 0725 0730 0733 0738 0739 0747 0750 0754 0757 0740 0745 0748 0753 0754 0802 0805 0809 0812 0755 0800 0803 0808 0809 0817 0820 0824 0827 0808 0813 0816 0821 0823 0831 0834 0839 0842 0820 0825 0828 0834 0836 0845 0848 0853 0856 0830 0835 0838 0844 0846 0855 0858 0903 0906 0840 0845 0848 0854 0856 0905 0908 0913 0916 0850 0855 0858 0904 0906 0915 0918 0923 0926 0858 0903 0906 0912 0914 0923 0926 0931 0934 0906 0911 0914 0920 0922 0931 0934 0939 0942 0914 0919 0922 0928 0930 0939 0942 0947 0950 0922 0927 0930 0936 0938 0947 0950 0955 0958 0929 0934 0937 0944 0946 0955 0958 1003 1006 0936 0941 0944 0951 0953 1002 1005 1010 1013 0942 0947 0950 0957 0959 1008 1011 1016 1019 1007 1012 1015 1022 1024 1033 1036 1041 1044 1014 1019 1022 1029 1031 1040 1043 1048 1051 1020 1025 1028 1035 1037 1046 1049 1054 1057 1026 1031 1034 1041 1043 1052 1055 1100 1103 1032 1037 1040 1047 1049 1058 1101 1106 1109 1038 1043 1046 1053 1055 1104 1107 1112 1115 1045 1050 1053 1100 1102 1111 1114 1119 1122 1051 1056 1059 1106 1108 1117 1120 1125 1128 1057 1102 1105 1112 1114 1123 1126 1131 1134 1103 1108 1111 1118 1120 1129 1132 1137 1140 1109 1114 1117 1124 1126 1135 1138 1143 1146 1116 1121 1124 1131 1133 1142 1145 1150 1153 1122 1127 1130 1137 1139 1148 1151 1156 1159 1128 1133 1136 1143 1145 1154 1157 1202 1205 1134 1139 1142 1149 1151 1200 1203 1208 1211 1159 1204 1207 1214 1216 1225 1228 1233 1236 1205 1210 1213 1220 1222 1231 1234 1239 1242 1212 1217 1220 1227 1229 1238 1241 1246 1249 1218 1223 1226 1233 1235 1244 1247 1252 1255 1224 1229 1232 1239 1241 1250 1253 1258 1301 1230 1235 1238 1245 1247 1256 1259 1304 1307 1236 1241 1244 1251 1253 1302 1305 1310 1313 1243 1248 1251 1258 1300 1309 1312 1317 1320 1249 1254 1257 1304 1306 1315 1318 1323 1326 1255 1300 1303 1310 1312 1321 1324 1329 1332 1301 1306 1309 1316 1318 1327 1330 1335 1338 1308 1313 1316 1323 1325 1334 1337 1342 1345 1314 1319 1322 1329 1331 1340 1343 1348 1351 1320 1325 1328 1335 1337 1346 1349 1354 1357 1326 1331 1334 1341 1343 1352 1355 1400 1403 1351 1356 1359 1406 1408 1417 1420 1425 1428 1357 1402 1405 1412 1414 1423 1426 1431 1434 1403 1408 1411 1418 1420 1429 1432 1437 1440 1410 1415 1418 1425 1427 1436 1439 1444 1447 1416 1421 1424 1431 1433 1442 1445 1450 1453 1422 1427 1430 1437 1439 1448 1451 1456 1459 1428 1433 1436 1443 1445 1454 1457 1502 1505 1435 1440 1443 1450 1452 1501 1504 1509 1512 1441 1446 1449 1456 1458 1507 1510 1515 1518 1447 1452 1455 1502 1504 1513 1516 1521 1524 1453 1458 1501 1508 1510 1519 1522 1527 1530 1459 1504 1507 1514 1516 1525 1528 1533 1536 1506 1511 1514 1521 1523 1532 1535 1540 1543 1512 1517 1520 1527 1529 1538 1541 1546 1549 1518 1523 1526 1533 1535 1544 1547 1552 1555 Saturdays Service Restrictions Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 2 0026 0029 0031 arr 0036 dep 0037 0043 0046 0050 0053 2 0051 0054 0056 0101 0102 0108 0111 0115 0118 2 0121 0124 0126 0131 0132 0138 0141 0145 0148 Saturdays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0640 0645 0648 arr 0653 dep 0654 0702 0705 0709 0712 0655 0700 0703 0708 0709 0717 0720 0724 0727 0710 0715 0718 0723 0724 0732 0735 0739 0742 Saturdays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0949 0954 0957 arr 1004 dep 1006 1015 1018 1023 1026 0955 1000 1003 1010 1012 1021 1024 1029 1032 1001 1006 1009 1016 1018 1027 1030 1035 1038 Saturdays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1141 1146 1149 arr 1156 dep 1158 1207 1210 1215 1218 1147 1152 1155 1202 1204 1213 1216 1221 1224 1153 1158 1201 1208 1210 1219 1222 1227 1230 Saturdays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1332 1337 1340 arr 1347 dep 1349 1358 1401 1406 1409 1339 1344 1347 1354 1356 1405 1408 1413 1416 1345 1350 1353 1400 1402 1411 1414 1419 1422 Service Restrictions: 2 - not 19.4.14 Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 10 Fastway : Gatwick Airport - Crawley - Bewbush Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Saturdays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1524 1529 1532 arr 1539 dep 1541 1550 1553 1558 1601 1530 1535 1538 1545 1547 1556 1559 1604 1607 1537 1542 1545 1552 1554 1603 1606 1611 1614 1543 1548 1551 1558 1600 1609 1612 1617 1620 1549 1554 1557 1604 1606 1615 1618 1623 1626 1555 1600 1603 1610 1612 1621 1624 1629 1632 1602 1607 1610 1616 1618 1627 1630 1635 1638 1608 1613 1616 1622 1624 1633 1636 1641 1644 1614 1619 1622 1628 1630 1639 1642 1647 1650 1620 1625 1628 1634 1636 1645 1648 1653 1656 1626 1631 1634 1640 1642 1651 1654 1659 1702 1633 1638 1641 1647 1649 1658 1701 1706 1709 1639 1644 1647 1652 1654 1703 1706 1711 1714 1645 1650 1653 1658 1700 1709 1712 1717 1720 1652 1657 1700 1705 1707 1716 1719 1724 1727 1659 1704 1707 1712 1714 1723 1726 1731 1734 1706 1711 1714 1719 1721 1730 1733 1738 1741 1714 1718 1721 1726 1728 1737 1740 1745 1748 1746 1750 1753 1758 1800 1809 1812 1817 1820 1754 1758 1801 1806 1808 1817 1820 1825 1828 1802 1806 1809 1814 1816 1825 1828 1833 1836 1810 1814 1817 1822 1824 1833 1836 1841 1844 1818 1822 1825 1830 1832 1841 1844 1849 1852 1829 1833 1836 1841 1843 1852 1855 1859 1902 1841 1845 1848 1853 1855 1903 1906 1910 1913 1854 1858 1901 1906 1908 1915 1918 1922 1925 1906 1910 1913 1918 1920 1927 1930 1934 1937 1919 1923 1926 1931 1933 1940 1943 1947 1950 1931 1935 1938 1943 1945 1952 1955 1959 2002 1944 1948 1951 1956 1958 2005 2008 2012 2015 1956 2000 2003 2008 2010 2017 2020 2024 2027 2009 2013 2016 2021 2023 2030 2033 2037 2040 2021 2025 2028 2033 2035 2042 2045 2049 2052 2118 2122 2125 2130 2132 2139 2142 2146 2149 2133 2137 2140 2145 2147 2154 2157 2201 2204 2148 2152 2155 2200 2202 2209 2212 2216 2219 2203 2207 2210 2215 2217 2224 2227 2231 2234 2223 2226 2228 2233 2234 2240 2243 2247 2250 2248 2251 2253 2258 2259 2305 2308 2312 2315 2318 2321 2323 2328 2329 2335 2338 2342 2345 * 2356 2359 0001 0006 0007 0013 0016 0020 0023 0151 0154 0156 0201 0202 0208 0211 0215 0218 0221 0224 0226 0231 0232 0238 0241 0245 0248 0251 0254 0256 0301 0302 0308 0311 0315 0318 0321 0324 0326 0331 0332 0338 0341 0345 0348 0351 0354 0356 0401 0402 0408 0411 0415 0418 0410 0415 0418 0423 0424 0432 0435 0439 0442 0425 0430 0433 0438 0439 0447 0450 0454 0457 0445 0450 0453 0458 0459 0507 0510 0514 0517 0505 0510 0513 0518 0519 0527 0530 0534 0537 0525 0530 0533 0538 0539 0547 0550 0554 0557 0545 0550 0553 0558 0559 0607 0610 0614 0617 0605 0610 0613 0618 0619 0627 0630 0634 0637 0625 0630 0633 0638 0639 0647 0650 0654 0657 0645 0650 0653 0658 0659 0707 0710 0714 0717 0705 0710 0713 0718 0719 0727 0730 0734 0737 0825 0830 0833 0838 0840 0848 0851 0855 0858 0845 0850 0853 0858 0900 0908 0911 0916 0919 0905 0910 0913 0918 0920 0928 0931 0936 0939 0925 0930 0933 0939 0941 0950 0953 0958 1001 0945 0950 0953 0959 1001 1010 1013 1018 1021 1005 1010 then at 1013 1019 these 1021 mins 1030 past 1033 each 1038 hour 1041 05 10 13 19 21 30 33 38 41 17 22 25 31 33 42 45 50 53 29 34 37 43 45 54 57 02 05 41 46 49 55 57 06 09 14 17 53 58 01 07 09 18 21 26 29 until 1553 1558 1601 1607 1609 1618 1621 1626 1629 1605 1609 1612 1618 1620 1628 1631 1636 1639 1703 1707 1710 1715 1717 1724 1727 1731 1734 1718 1722 1725 1730 1732 1739 1742 1746 1749 1733 1737 1740 1745 1747 1754 1757 1801 1804 1748 1752 1755 1800 1802 1809 1812 1816 1819 1803 1807 1810 1815 1817 1824 1827 1831 1834 1818 1822 1825 1830 1832 1839 1842 1846 1849 1833 1837 1840 1845 1847 1854 1857 1901 1904 1848 1852 1855 1900 1902 1909 1912 1916 1919 1903 1907 1910 1915 1917 1924 1927 1931 1934 1918 1922 1925 1930 1932 1939 1942 1946 1949 1933 1937 1940 1945 1947 1954 1957 2001 2004 1948 1952 1955 2000 2002 2009 2012 2016 2019 2003 2007 2010 2015 2017 2024 2027 2031 2034 2018 2022 2025 2030 2032 2039 2042 2046 2049 2033 2037 2040 2045 2047 2054 2057 2101 2104 2133 2137 2140 2145 2147 2154 2157 2201 2204 2148 2152 2155 2200 2202 2209 2212 2216 2219 2203 2207 2210 2215 2217 2224 2227 2231 2234 2223 2226 2228 2233 2234 2240 2243 2247 2250 2248 2251 2253 2258 2259 2305 2308 2312 2315 2318 2321 2323 2328 2329 2335 2338 2342 2345 * 2356 2359 0001 0006 0007 0013 0016 0020 0023 Saturdays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1722 1726 1729 arr 1734 dep 1736 1745 1748 1753 1756 1730 1734 1737 1742 1744 1753 1756 1801 1804 1738 1742 1745 1750 1752 1801 1804 1809 1812 Saturdays Notes Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 2034 2038 2041 arr 2046 dep 2048 2055 2058 2102 2105 2048 2052 2055 2100 2102 2109 2112 2116 2119 2103 2107 2110 2115 2117 2124 2127 2131 2134 Sundays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0026 0029 0031 arr 0036 dep 0037 0043 0046 0050 0053 0051 0054 0056 0101 0102 0108 0111 0115 0118 0121 0124 0126 0131 0132 0138 0141 0145 0148 Sundays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 0725 0730 0733 arr 0738 dep 0739 0747 0750 0754 0757 0745 0750 0753 0758 0759 0807 0810 0814 0817 0805 0810 0813 0818 0819 0827 0830 0834 0837 Sundays Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 1617 1621 1624 arr 1630 dep 1632 1640 1643 1648 1651 1631 1635 1638 1644 1646 1654 1657 1702 1705 1646 1650 1653 1659 1701 1709 1712 1717 1720 Sundays Notes Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Stadium Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) 2048 2052 2055 arr 2100 dep 2102 2109 2112 2116 2119 2103 2107 2110 2115 2117 2124 2127 2131 2134 2118 2122 2125 2130 2132 2139 2142 2146 2149 Good Friday same as Sundays Easter Monday same as Sundays Notes: * - Part or all of this journey operates in the morning of the following day Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 10 Fastway : Gatwick Airport - Crawley - Bewbush Fastway (operated by Metrobus) The information on this timetable is expected to be valid until at least 30th April 2014. Where we know of variations, before or after this date, then we show these at the top of each affected column in the table. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops May Day Holiday same as Sundays Kent Publicity Database31/03/2014 0950 10 Fastway : Bewbush - Crawley - Gatwick Airport Fastway (operated by Metrobus) For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code wsxamjmj wsxgdtwd wsxamgpj wsxdpwgj wsxamjtg wsxajpjw wsxajtmg wsxgdptj wsxajtmp wsxajtgj wsxajtgd wsxamgdt wsxamdmp wsxamdmw wsxamdtw wsxgdptw wsxamdat wsxamdag wsxdpwam wsxdpwaj wsxajpwa wsxdptwt wsxajpmt wsxajpmg wsxajmdm wsxajmdt wsxajmga wsxajpdt Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Gatwick Airport, opp Atlantic House Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (S-bound) Manor Royal, City Place (S-bound) Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (S-bound) Manor Royal, opp Fleming Way East Manor Royal, opp Fleming Way Central Manor Royal, adj Fleming Way West Manor Royal, adj Faraday Road Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (W-bound) Manor Royal, adj Manor Royal West Langley Green, adj London Road Central Northgate, adj London Road South Crawley, opp Multiplex Crawley, Broadway (Stand S) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand A) Southgate, opp Arora Hotel Southgate, opp Southgate Avenue North Tilgate, adj Southgate Avenue Central Tilgate, adj Southgate Avenue South Broadfield, adj Stadium Broadfield, opp Coachmans Drive North Broadfield, adj Broadfield Barton North Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, Pelham Drive (W-bound) Bewbush, opp Breezehurst Drive East Bewbush, opp Breezehurst Drive Central Bewbush, adj Breezehurst Drive West Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Furlong Way Perimeter Road North London Road City Place Gatwick Road Fleming Way Fleming Way Fleming Way Faraday Road Manor Royal Manor Royal London Road A2219 A2219 Broadway Friary Way Southgate Avenue Southgate Avenue Southgate Avenue Southgate Avenue Coachmans Drive Coachmans Drive Pelham Place Broadfield Barton Pelham Drive Breezehurst Drive Breezehurst Drive Breezehurst Drive Bewbush Drive 4400CY0385 4400CY0569 4400CY0343 4400CY0433 4400CY0398 4400CY0088 4400CY0146 4400CY0424 4400CY0148 4400CY0132 4400CY0131 4400CY0324 4400CY0288 4400CY0290 4400CY0304 4400CY0291 4400CY0514 4400CY0268 4400CY0264 4400CY0415 4400CY0414 4400CY0107 4400CY0411 4400CY0097 4400CY0091 4400CY0016 4400CY0018 4400CY0020 4400CY0073 10 Fastway : Gatwick Airport - Crawley - Bewbush Fastway (operated by Metrobus) For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. However it is free for all stops in Lincolnshire & in the SW region. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code wsxajpdt wsxajmdw wsxajmdj wsxajpmd wsxajpmt wsxdptwp wsxdpwad wsxdpwag wsxdpwap wsxamdad wsxamdap wsxgdptg wsxamdtp wsxtaga wsxamgjd wsxamdmt wsxamgdw wsxajtga wsxajtgp wsxajtmj wsxajpjp wsxajpma wsxajpjt wsxamjpw wsxdpwgm wsxamgpg wsxamjmj Bewbush, o/s Dorsten Square Bewbush, adj Breezehurst Drive Central Bewbush, Breezehurst Drive East (SE-bound) Broadfield, opp Pelham Drive Broadfield, Barton (S-bound) Broadfield, opp Broadfield Barton North Broadfield, opp Coachmans Drive North Broadfield, opp Stadium Tilgate, opp Southgate Avenue South Tilgate, opp Southgate Avenue Central Southgate, adj Southgate Avenue North Crawley, Town Centre South (N-bound) Crawley, Bus Station (Stand J) Crawley, Broadway (Stand R) Crawley, o/s Morrisons Crawley, nr Multiplex Northgate, opp London Road South Langley Green, opp London Road Central Manor Royal, opp Manor Royal West Manor Royal, Manor Royal Central (N-bound) Manor Royal, opp Faraday Road Manor Royal, opp Fleming Way West Manor Royal, adj Fleming Way Central Manor Royal, adj Fleming Way East Manor Royal, Gatwick Road North (N-bound) Manor Royal, o/s City Place Gatwick Airport, Gatwick South Terminal (N-bound) Gatwick Airport, North Terminal Bus Station (Stop 11) Bewbush Drive Breezehurst Drive Breezehurst Drive Pelham Drive Broadfield Barton Pelham Place Coachman’s Drive Coachmans Drive Southgate Avenue Southgate Avenue Southgate Avenue Southgate Avenue Friary Way Broadway High Street High Street A2219 London Road Manor Royal Faraday Road Faraday Road Fleming Way Fleming Way Fleming Way Gatwick Road City Place London Road Furlong Way 4400CY0073 4400CY0019 4400CY0015 4400CY0090 4400CY0097 4400CY0410 4400CY0412 4400CY0413 4400CY0416 4400CY0263 4400CY0267 4400CY0420 4400CY0300 4400CY0303 4400CY0593 4400CY0327 4400CY0289 4400CY0325 4400CY0130 4400CY0134 4400CY0147 4400CY0086 4400CY0089 4400CY0087 4400CY0395 4400CY0434 4400CY0342 4400CY0385 UE AVEN RLIE BR ID GE APPE GAT E LOND CH NE SE RIVER MOLE S LL N CT OR Y LA RE RO AD F NT RU C R E SCE LAN E RI UT NG FERNHILL ROAD Coach Park South Terminal London Gatwick Airport SS HI WILL ST REET CLOSE Y WESTWA D LL DS ROAD RLEY HO ER R TE M GA HA ING CK SO LONDON ROAD TE ROA PRIVA MI IE L OW CO AY Y EASTWA THE CHALMERS O S LINKW H AD RO 10 Charlwood EWILL CL T COUR NS WAY AD RO EL CH PE RR YLA ND R FORE H JENKI AP AD RO RY LOWE ON ROAD MA SE RO O R TH BU A23 South Terminal 10 SWAN LANE NE LA STREET RING ROA DN URT ECO ER FOR UPP LEIG EY RS CL. ENS QUE OUSE GER H NORT ROAD MBER STOKE CARGO AM WAY BERH TIM NORTH FOUR M23 AIRPORT WAY SCHLU ROAD H PIER ROAD O FORE CARG M23 D T ER Atlantic House AIRPOR T WAY NORTH E ROA ROAD NOR RA CE TH CO UR SE RO AD G WAY ROAD FOUR FT CLOSE THE CRESCENT Park PERIMET ER A FURLON ROAD PIER AL APPRO CLO SE MEADOWCRO COMB ROAD ARRIVALS ONE TERMIN THE THE CLOSE WAY VILLE WARLTERS BAL LS ARRIVA RES DEPARTU RIME PE ROAD RD. North Terminal NORTH LANE BAYHORNE SPIERS W. W AY North Terminal Bus Station THE LIM DRIVE LO EL LANE CORONET THE DRIVE Horley Riverside NG DONK LK WA CH CH UR NE SID KE NN EW AYS EL LA NOR WOO LANE A23 ES M THE ROAD S ROAD SHO GAR BEG GLOVERS ROAD E OS DEN GATE NORTH NORWOODH ILL NT CE L CR CL AE A SLE H IC OLD HAR GAR WAY UPFIELD NT YD DRO WOO CE LO ROAD FARM IV DR EA SL OLD HAR THE RIDGEWAY NN E CASTLE DRIVE UPFIELD CLOSE FUEL AM FARM RD. ES ES TH D NOR ER ROA PERIMET TIMBERH OMBE CR IDE AD D RO COURT S DEN BE GAR COM BAL CLOSE FAIRFIELD AVENUE LK WA NE CH RS TU ROAD KS RIVE AR LARKINS PRIMROSE AVENUE CL. SVE EY CH Parking Lot RO AD E GRO AD S RO STAN HILL USE THE DRIVE S L EN DE RD VE PO OO LW OS Y CR T A DRIVE N CLO E AC E PL NS S PLAC NOR RTO LVE RG RDE FORD STOC WO BRIDGE WALK NG FO A MG MALCOL VIC TORIA STAF LD GA D CLOSE DRIVE K WAL NE EY AD RO FORD LECH SE AD E RO VE FARMFIELD BRIDG Hookwood DRI OLDFIEL LONG LAN LD KFIE BRIC ELD D D ROA OLDFIEL CH FIE VENUE DA OY AD RO E LINCOLN CL. ON LVERT WO DR E IGAT RE OO W AD RO ON HT IG BR DEN BALC 17 S Y GAR TLE MIS UP A2 LANE FAR MFI HATCHGATE A217 SPENCERS SUFFOLK CL. D HILL Route map for Fastway (operated by Metrobus) service 10 (outbound) D ER ROA L TOW PERIMETER ROAD EAST CONTRO IFIELD ROAD RUSS HILL MAINTENANCE AREA SOUT ROAD K WIC W. AG TT Y CO LOWFIELD RD. AC E City Place ROAD TW GA LONDON ICK ES AD RO D ROAD CHARLWOO ND ON PLA CE OLD BRIG ROAD HTON ROAD PL RD AB . HTON Y EAST GAT WLE RO LOWFIELD HEATH OLD BRIG CIT INDUSTRIAL ES /LOWFIELD HEATH CH ROAD CHUR ROAD ROAD PERIMETER SOUTH H PERIMETER ROAD CHURCH AD RO TY LO IVE AD G RO RIN EH D LOND NS PRIESTLE Y WAY ROAD LONDON Industries Estate R ROAD ROAD OAK LA NE OA WAY KW AY FARADAY CT. ROAD FARADAY OSE ELD HEATHFI CL E ORD E IV DR Y LL E MER VI LW SO SE RUSKIN CLOSE GA EHU RST ODLAN DS WO EN UE T AV THE RIDINGS UN EN UE AV MOUNT CLOSE WALK MOAT E PLAC HILL POU ND LEIC OS E EPP CL KN STONE COURT SE HODGKIN CLO S RO AD BU RLEY CLOSE AN AD RO CAM E CL O SE PLE CLO EM PARKER CLOSE D PBE LL ROA EY RD. D YK TYNE CLOSE IN ROAD KL CL . LE ND WA BURDETT JAC CLOSE OB E CL. D DR IVE LYRIC CLOSE ER LL ROA SHA FESTIVAL MAR BOW PL. WER RAWLINSO N ROAD GR AYR IGG PAR NEL BO IDEN MA PROCTOR CLOSE L CL. ROAD R TH O ANGELL CL. O T CLOSE LI MA N NOR GRAVEN D D OA ALDWYCH SAUNDE MAUNSELL PARK CRAVE NROA CA R CER CLOSE BR ME IVE E BISHA M CLOS OD SE BRA Y CLO E E DRIV CL. SO RO AD CL. LUCERN H CL. RT EMS WO WIL BAL DW I CA CLOSE R TER ROAD E CL CH Wd . CL. AD L RO E DA KIN ER CLOSE DR CLOS HIE WS RITC CL OS E WARN HE MA TT N ROAD S A LTERNS HOUGHTON AR OS PAGEWO E OS Y CL LID SE CLOSE MARION ROAD LA UR EL RK UE EN AV WOR TH PA RK BELLOC CLOSE RO AD N WAY NSO PHE GRAVETYE CLOSE IVE OSE D DR D MO MILT ON W CRABBET R STE DE GREENACRES A VENUE TH HAW E AS E CH TH EG LA DE TH E DR IV E AT LG PENFOLD ROAD LYO N SE CL OS E CL OS DR IVE R BE C KF HA RP ER BARB E IPS Y D WA OR CL. PHILL ON LT BO RO A IV E LN LIN CO CLOSE CROS SWAYS DRIVE WEALTH COMMON CLOSE ROAD S CHELWOOD LOPPET RD . DR N OW HD AS E OS FE R S ROAD SIENA DRIVE KENMARA CL. O SE L MONKSFIEL D D S ROA MITCHELL LIVINGSTONE ROAD RINGWOO RO AD NS HA WKI N LK TO WA ICK AC KLE SH GA RR K W AL CL AM RH DU WE SOUTHGATE AVENUE RO AD STER RE FO AY NORTH ROAD GRANGE CLOSE S SW AY RO AD PS E CH CO PUN ME Y RO AD ILE RA KERY O FR TINSLEY LANE SE CLO RD BAI D DEN WOO RO AD IDE DS WOO IELD S RO AD SE CLO AW SH SOU TH RO AD AD DAR Y RO AD BOUN ROAD S CRES. ASH KEYS FLETCHER CLOS E LOSE XT LAN H K WAL PIE MAG RO AD RO AD RO AD K LL YBU SH WAR HO NE . CL N. CLITHEROW GD. ROAD MALTHOUSE MILL SE EN CLO BRACK RC L OSE BE WILLOW CLOSE CL. ERT COV SE D CLO COLLEGE HIGH ST. THE SQUARE BRIGHTON ROAD CA CL O R D 3 M2 AD RO 3 M2 CL OS E TI ES CL. D AMY R OAD CLO B BRIGHT ON ROA OS D E FORB WOODMANS HILL WOO DF REDWOOD CLOSE WAY ER GL PE SUL LI HILL G HLIN DITC CLOSE ENT S REG OA RL EY CHAP MA NR MIL E WA Y D OA CL OS CL C OURT FIRLE CLOSE K WA Y OA UG H RO AD RO BO OL WO KILN STREET HIGH O SE NG RO AD N IR VI E HLI RAT MEA E LIN TH TOW TS HEIGH ON EC N RO AD ER LV MA WOL ST CLOSE HOLMBURY CLO AM PRINCESS ROAD BR RO AD M HA RS HO SE CLO RAN OS AR CL NA IO E OS CL RR IS HA CR OS VIV I ON ROAD RO AD ON K N BA RN DS LAN LODGE CLOSE LEOPOLD ROAD ST P E OAK ROAD LD CROMPTON WAY LONDON ROAD DOBS IVA ROAD LONDON CRES CENT JORD ANS E PLAC ND LO LONDON ROAD TREE CRAB RO AD RE COUR T RO AD DS OL YN DS PL AC E T RO AD HU RS EW SE LO GOFFS LO SE FILBERT CRESCENT NT E SE RY G A BR I E CL. CLO CE BLE E L GO STA ES DAL AD T RO CR DESK WAY ROA SE T BAS N TA IN N DA T ET LL GRE AD B EL L ROAD KEN E DR INGH PA BIR ER OS RO LL YME LAD WAT BO ADBU R Y CL TU AD CLO D ROA GREATHA M LO Tilgate Forest Golf Centre Tilget Forest Golf Course ROAD AM TANYARD CLOSE RD. TC BEACHY ROAD LEY IVE AM SE ER CASH ROAD PU BO OPH ST LOSE DC DD FLIN JERSEY ROAD OR SH CL. TROTTON CLOSE LU PALMER ROAD BROADWOOD RISE CLOS MALHAM CLOSE OAD O SE TUDOR E OS CL N HE D ROA SWALL OW SE KDA W CLO JAC RK LA CLIMP ING GL DIN YF DOWER WALK COURT M EHA E N LANGSTONE RUSTON CLOSE SE S CLO PE PP R NYMA E LS RIL HEN LEY RO AD AM SE ND R OR Y CL E E CLO KES STO D AR WATSON WANTAGE CLOSE CT. ORLA MO SC G RE SE CLAYTON HILL AV ON POLLARDS CAPEL LANE CLOS AMBE EC OR M RIG N CL. . RD DORSTEN PLACE TLE LA W EW E CAS ROAD BRANDO AM NS D VI AG IN D R IVE SH BO SE ROAD WOO VEN MAI RO AD UND C STE BEECHE L L FIE LE NG TH E DI ROAD SHIPLEY CL SE LO LB CLOSE MEDWAY ROAD ROTHER CRESCENT E E CL. D SOAN ROAD Y CLOS E OA OW ER BURY R TR TUXFORD CLOSE SYLVAN ROAD PLA CE DS AN EL ST AG CL. REL KEST E E OS ER CL CLOS OV PL ALE ING HT E RIS LA VI OS E CH ME R CL LIN NG HI PA TC CLO SE SEL HAM RUSPER ROAD A NK CAPSEY W S CL OSE S RO AD COLL IN D TES DRU ES E ENB S H AF NBE DE NJAM OS IELD ROSAM NG N LO DE ROAD ROA CLOSE NC FOREST F LIN BARLOW ST EP FIR TREE CLOSE OSE CL E NE Y OS CO CL DH AM E OS BIR BIN ROAD ROAD DON FIN SE FER WA D CL EA ST E OS EL D CL I EL FRA CLO LA SE LK CLO OD N NG WO TO LOX RING E GH CLOS PLOU CL. ALDINGB OURNE NIG TWEED LANE RECTORY LANE LD IE IF D A E WHITEHAL L DRIV HA TR E RV EY DALTON CLOSE E WA Y E CENT LOSE NC GTO MI N WIL GAT E SE CLO SE SE E CLO AD RO N ROA D ING BOX C O L BRIGHTO NG R OAD EN CRES DETLI GRO VE G C LOSE CH EV URNE ON E TH S RS ARD ODW LE S GOR MB K HOLL INGBO NS ACOR RA DS CL. SE PPLE TE LO AN WO A AK FRY C BR O O K ROO THB SOU RL MBE TI FOREST E AL GD IN LL OD O AD RO RRY HI IN WO EDDINGTON HILL L AN OU RN CK E OS E IV R I W D AD S C H EASY CR D AH AM S HALLEY CLOSE ROA AD RO AD RO AB R K DA VIS CL AR ROAD DS E C L OSE S ID HEPPLEWHITE CLOSE CHIPPEN DA L E D LONGHURST ROA CL Cottesmore Golf and Country Club V IEW LEYB 64 HED G E A2 TOLLGA TE HILL ROAD C LOSE N PEVEREL DS OLIVIER ADELPHI CLOSE RV CL ROAD AL THE BROO K DS DR UI T HE IFIELD WOOD AR CL. CH EN OR W. AD RO NIV THE ON BE HA T SE ET ACE FARM RT GT OM EVANS COURT RR G CLO FURN C OU LC SE N R O AD AD VIEW NO YI N L E DRIVE THO R T CLOS GA ARADE IR CL. EP LAN INSON ST RO AD ALBI O N C LOSE CLO AL REDGRAV C T E ATK RE OD MAYFLO WE R SE BAN F ON MAID FO WO LAUD DRIVE C LIF TO N FRA N NELS LIN AVE SINCLA AC SHEFFIELD CLOSE RN LOSE ER C CL. OSE CL FU ROOK WEIRB ET GIA BA AD RO ROAD NEWMAN CLOSE WHEEL RTH CL. WO RA E E PLAC AD RO E CLOS LL TWE FON GOODWOOD CH CLOSE ROAD TROON CL. E BALCOMB N CLO OR GE CL. CL. IER SE BO T S E OS E LAN STUART CLOSE SE CLO TILLOTSON DOLLIS STAN NDS CLO AB AN CL ON AD RO CL. NM DE CLOSE C HOYLAKE URST PENSH E OS TH CL ST K PLAT SPRING SE E DG CLOSE THE PADDOC SE WALESBEECH DR IVE SLIP EST CR HILL CLO D CL. MUIRFIELD OUND TYE NDEL ARU SE FIELD FRESH SE CLO DAL E GRE S DENE ALICIA AVENUE WAY CLO M HYLA RK E CH RD W. BASHFO IELDS DRIVE PEARSON ROAD STATION HILL WILLIAMS E OS AD RO SH MOOR PA CLOSE WALTON HEATH H ET D O WO RN D ROA D CL I CL. PAYNE REIGATE CLOSE WORT BL BA HARDY CLOSE SON NUE AVE HEN ICK SAN DED KITTIWAKE ER CLOSE MANNINGS CLOSE MERE E UM ELW WA S EPSOM ROAD SE Tilgate Lake ST HAZ AD H RO RT NE UR T CLO BU LIS SA OS ROAD E WALK PARK WAY COPPIC NO BO GEN SAR AD RO CL DRIVE BURNS GRATTONS ASH ROAD ST MARY'S DRIVE AD HOLLY CLOSE RO AD LANCAST SE MARVELL CLOSE DONNE CLOSE HERRICK CLOSE UE VE E CL. L CLO LIO AVEN CK MEWS WI ICK LD DRI AM BLE SI ORE LOSE BAL OAD LW WEA ROAD ROSSM CLOSE CLOSE A ST C ST HUGH'S OSE PETERHOUSE PARADE ZE HA ROAD LAM CH ER AD E RO AD RO AD RO RO INST FOWL NEY STEP NBOW BENNE TT RY BLENHEIM CL. CLOSE OSE UT ABO ND LETYE KER WAY E W. TABL E SE CLO BU SALIS CLOSE ORIEL S PL. ST HILDA'S K PAR BRAMB CAVELL AD RO UR NS KE US DRIV BLA E KNIGHTON CAPUA CT. OU DE FORGE LANE ELWAL DY SE CLOSE C LOSE E L IZABETHAN WAY ER WE S T M SE S CLO YE MA IR ST FEN TOFTWOOD RA Y R CL. TAMA DR CH WD SEVERN CO TITM . CT. CL O SE N O ER W BO SE SE D OA OS AD Wd BB E CLO R RD. TE RY E GREEN BANK TH NG E CLOSE DGAT STRU CLOS CLOSE BLACKWATER LANE AD S RO LDI ROA SE CLOSE ST LEO N ARDS DRIVE BARN CLO ES LE E HOLDE SB CL ELY AD RO RK W GO AD UTH CLOSE ON D GEWICK CL. SE E IV AD RO ES LLS IVEAGH WE C OLE C EDRICH ROAD LANSBURY ROAD L OSE ROAD E FORD CLOSE GLOUCESTER ROAD PA AR LONG CL. UR MAIDE SH LO ROAD E G CLO LIN GO IN GA NCH WI RD FO OX TO CT. ESTER COURT S HILL MA Y F IELD MB CA I ST HA W IN WAR N HAM R O SANDOWN TURNER CLOS ER ER PA SE AD RO GH OU OR WE HIGHWO OD WORCESTER RO EXETER CLOSE FINSBURY CL. HENDERSON ROAD SEAFORD RD. RR AD RO PLACE HOLYROOD PLACE LBEIN ROA UGH ANDERSON ROAD HE R 4 WAY HOBBS ROA ORO PETERB A E Y CLO OSE E WINCANT TH E RIS CLOSE NSE CL URST HAWKH E RIV G H URST CLOS E BO LL ROA ND LYTTO SISSIN PEVE HO D IVE SE A26 WELLINGHAM D OS E RK CLO P E L HAM HAWTH AVENUE ARTH CL YO CLO ENW PELHAM CT. PELHAM DRIVE N TIL GRE S DR AN HM GE W AY RO ID LD FO HO G RO AD ET AY STIRRUP WAY TS OS RO AD AM ER NT SE SH NEWMAR K DRIVE WENTWORTH LAN M CL WI R NA ROAD ICH BARRY CLOSECANTERBURY CL. FULHAM CLOSE BUCHANS LAWN TH LAMBE SE M CL. ISHA LEW ON C TREY ROAD ARK THW SOU IVE S DR AN HM AC CO AC CO STER TE GA T LE I N GTON R OAD CHAN IEL WINF SE PAYMA CE PLA TE GA E TIL PARAD AT E M WALK HA E L E S EY CLO OFT EL C R LG ES OS BROADFIELD DRIVE AD FIELD RO EN R CL VE NO HA TI GR CL MR O AD AD RO D LK WA E HA EPPING W. LANE AMBERLEY E ER R NHAM D E ROA AINTRE THE CACKSTONES E PLAT BRI DLE W ST BI FERONERS DE E BLACKET T D ASHBUR VE C LO D ET ROA WHI TT AD E RO WHIS ON NS OH ROA HA N CLO CH RO FU E Y TRE E C LOS YH SHAW TREVANN LL K OA H RO AD SE AC RN SE CLO PA TH OR W RR WO RT N ORWI K WIC NS BRU OOD RSW BRIA DIA LEA YARMO DON CLO IDG E DRI FURNAC AD RO CLIVE WAY STROUDLEY CL. THEY CLOSE F OAK CRAW LEY GAR GD. WATER TR BRAN OS CO ROAD COLTASH SE E ELL ROAD AD R RO CLO AD RO IV CLOSE NG Y D WA AD RO CRAWLEY Y NGL CHIDDI RN HO PT CO OS E UE GOS AD RO WEDD LE ON DR AD RO VE DRI AM LH SARK ST CLEMENT ROAD TREFOIL CRESCENT GUERNSEY CL. CLOSE PE ST AUBIN RI BEVERLEY MEWS HA EA TH AD E RO T CL O A KHILL CHASE FELBRIDGE AVENUE AY SW S KH ET PINE RS CLOSE GS ILLI W BURWA AC CO BB IN RUSSELL WAY A LS ROUN D A BOUT WEALD DRIVE ROSS CLOSE TY E OS BR I GHT D SE ANG SA ND S MIT CL S ER SE ER TCH THA OK AD RO ITH RIN EL UE EN SWEL L BO STANL E AK E OS CL SM AD S RO DICK J EY CLOSE DR RD W RO HE EP SH PER IVE T DR RS HU KE WA E OS CL IGH E AST BL OWLET AVEN TH PARK WOR DEN AR UE EN Southgate Avenue Central COO LO D RO ES CE NT HER AVENUE BARRINGTON ROAD MASON ROAD COL IM CLOSE CR ER OLD ROAD BLACKF AV WTH HA BL COLLIER ROW E CL HASLETT AVENUE SOUTHGATE CT. OS OAD Industrial Estate NORMANHURST CL. D EASTWOO D CL HUDSON ROAD R CL CLOSE ROAD LUNDY CLOS PR CL. IDIAN EL RA W. BROOMDASHERS ROAD EXCHANGE ROAD TEAD R CHANDLER CLOSE SHEPPEY CLOSE CL. OSE HE E HUNTER AV EN CANVEY IDE SOUTHGATE DRIVE WENSLEYDALE SE HOLMCR OFT CHS BAKER CLOSE HIL L KH Southgate Avenue South Y CLO ND CT. SHELLEY CLOSE N TO MIL STR ROAD ES WORDSWORTH CLOSE KIMBERLEY ROAD ROAD HAZELWICK IDG BEE OF CR BY S GALES DRIVE DRIVE ART E BR FARMLEIGH CLOSE KIPLING CLOSE TRAFAL E RICHMO JAMES PLACE EN UE Stephenson Industrial Estate Three Bridges FC Ground GALES PLACE GALES THRE PL. HEATHFIELD LE TENNYSON CLOSE EET PARK BARLEY CLOSE IC K AV WEST WAY STATION WAY EAST WALS ARGYLL COURT E FI EL 0 A222 LW NEW RI D G ESID PARKSIDE S CT. S IG ZE RYE ASH SCALLOWS ROAD SE HAVERSHAM HEY MATT EY ROAD HLA WAY OFT HA O FORGE ROAD QUEENS SQUARE YS LAND C CLOS CLO SE IARS R O CR CHAUCER ROAD DW OO DR THE BIRCHE FARM CLO ERS CLOSE RIDLEY BROWNING CLOSE HAL E CRAWT BLINDL RDENS BYRON CLOSE OWS SSW AYS S SE CLO LEY AD HE R ND E BY CRO MON E OS E CL BL KE HOME CLOSE HAZELWICK MILL L AN ICK MIL L LANE EL W T SCALL EARL Y COM BANK LANE CR LOSE AC VENUE WAY FRIARY ROAD DA E S PL EN AV N PRIOR PERRYFIELD ROAD IGHT ND PON UE E AT HG S WALK A2219 SPR I N DENNE HE LA IVE RO AD FIS AW LE AS ATE RO AD THE MARTLETS WAY DO OS CL DO WN D DR UE EN AV W T NL AN EN S ORT BROOKS IDE HG SKE OS LER PEG ET NGTON AC BU RN CR ES C ND KEYMER ROAD HAMBLETON H. LE VE DO LEY LE DE LD RO AD CHANCTONBURY WAY OSE CL CA AD RT THE BROADWAY ST JOHN'S ROAD WINTER GD. LE DA ISE RA FIE OR AD RO PLACE PARK ROAD RATORY GY IVE PECT PROS ALPHA T REE D ROAD GATWICK E DR CLOS E SE E CLO AW YR OA UGH LANE SE EN G O FFS DA CR GR ALE RD NE EN WOOLBORO S CLO RE EN ROAD URY CLOSE NB OAD BR TE CL. A PL SEYMOUR ROAD CL. TRA ROAD DAN JOR SE LO TG E TWITT OV GR OST ASU TON E NC WES E TH ERC E PA RN Multiplex NO LYNDHURST C A CLO PEG NEW LOS LATIME R C S CL. ND CL. E OS LAN CISSBURY HILL SELSEY ROAD BURNS WAY P LACE BE RD T EN ESC RE PHI SAM MER N ROAD OSE DRIVE M ROA LDE ALS CR BILBE RRY SPRINGFIEL STRE WEST ROAD CLOS NT BURGH C T H ERINES R OAD TRINITY CLOSE SE LA A ST THE BOULEVARD IFIELDROAD ER G CLOSE CR NN SON MILLAIS SHA CA CHE LO NS A FE ST SAMP ROAD PERRYFIELD CLOSE CLOSE D AD RO C L OSE BROADFIELD PLACE CRAWLEY DAL CO RE MO LIS AD M RO RS ROW CL. D ROAD BOR RONA GU HO L YM EA . ROA D PEMBROKE HAZEL HAZ OV WE TH BA ESCE KILN T CL L N OS E AR HA GS KIN A CL AM ROA D ROAD VANN ERS E COBBL ES CR AD RS R HIL DRIVE CLOSE D NGTO AM CT. TELH SALVI ROA CLO CHA AILS S W. WADDINGTON CLOSE CT. ROAD LEY SE ILEY GUNNING CLOSE MBE CT. PYECO CKS PURCELL HASSO RT COURT COU CT. EY DRIVE HORSH SULLIVAN ROAD ON WIST BOLN ROAD WAY CL HOR HORSHAM CRAWLEY R LDON RUNC . H ITC DD ERSKINE CL RTING LE SE . RE R D RD. TH NE CA LOSE ORN C MA WA SE HA D CLO HURST EZE BRE RS GAT Breezehurst Stadium 10 Drive Central Coachmans Drive North Buchan Pelham Broadfield Barton North Park Drive Barton TE CLOSE CORBY C L O SE US CL. BASI N LWY NGTON WARRI RFIELDS DO WE SU D D Breezehurst Drive East SLAU G H CUC K FIEL AM AD M RO CHESTER DRIV SIL E BYRD ROAD ROA OCK TUSS DONNINGTON CT. RTH TALLIS CLOSE ON SHINGT WA E DRIV H RDAB . BEWBUSH DRIVE PETWO ROAD EY Broadway Crawley Crawley Bus Station Arora Hotel Southgate The Hawth Avenue North R'S TE CLOSE CRO CKH HA WOO ER BLACKCAP S RS ELL CLOSE COURT AD RO Breezehurst Drive West N LLIVA BRITTEN CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE TWYNE CL O Y CL O OTWA PEGW ARNE CLOSE OAK HO DR SE E SP INNE Y SE AD IV T COURT MADEHURS MILNE CL. MERCURY TH BOO AY PADSTOW W. COWFOLD CLOSE AD Dorsten Square RUGH VANB CLOSE OME HIG SE O CL. OBER ON WAY RANS LOSE JUXON C CLO RI C RN LOSE CALLIS CL O WOBU R RO AN E CAP S RO TURU RC ON CT. TO C IUS CT. HYPERI PEG ASUS A HO BIGGIN BR U N E CLOS CL. SHAM HOR OLD SIDE HILL TE CO LE DA SE RO OOD BUCKSW ELL M ME DGL N CL HAREWOOD C L O SE CLOSE CLO CL WAY TINSLEY LAN E MI HAY W ARDS GRATTONS DR. DALEWOOD GARDENS V I E W CLO SE GREEN C H ARD STREET ST VIEW ROAD CLOSE ST AIDAN W W. HIL LOSE OC SU NN CL E GS NL WE MO DA AQUAR AN ESM O O R ROAD PPE UE ME ES S VICTO R IA ROAD NEWLANDS NE KC OSE KIN CL ROAD AD RO ME DA MIR HAWK E THE CH AT S FOUNT AI N HURST CLOSE S CLO E N WOOD R SSO OA GA D PT CH UR CH ROAD ROAD PARK TH AD RO NS RM HA E OS RO AD RO ST ST AUGU I CL IDE RS WATE NE AND CLA AV TO WN KIT IFIELD ROAD CLOSE LD STFIE O AD BUCKSWOOD DRIVE EDEN MS ROAD LH LOVELETTS DORMANS EN CL COTSWOLD CLOSE MEAD STEYNING CLOSE London Road South D EN BU WALK CLOSE WADHAM N OW ND NE CLOSE SELBOUR CLARE CLOSE IC ELW K RO U AZ CRAWLEY AVENUE AM BR BLAC MAN CK D MEA LS AL SM OLD CLOSE TR AN RIT MA SA ROAD NY W OSN EY WOLD CLOSE OS O GINHA EL E CL DO Goffs Park E KIDBOROUGH ROAD COBNOR CLOSE OS T CHILTERN CHATFIELDS DE SE KFI O SPENCERS TINTERN AR T CROF CLO SN NA E DG WOOD PAX E ESCENT GE MEA AVENUE CRAWLEY DUNSF OS ERFI AT EL W S DING REE IELDS DAI R CL SFIELD RO AD ROAD SPUR PADDOCKHUR ST ROAD LAVANT CLOSE SE R E C NORTH S FIVE ACRE MARLO W COURT PS GLEN K DOG OL GOFFS LANE AVENUE PA CO CRAWLEY AVENUE MORE LANE OR LONGME RE ROA AW TREE TUSH WINDMILL COURT UE EN AV LEY . RDAB ALBANY RIC RYELANDS GOSS OPS TOC CRAWLEY S DRIV GOSSOP CRESCENT DC ON ALM L ANE E WAL KENNET CLO G REEN OATLANDS E BEH EN D ROA PS E AD STACK F I E L D OO YRIDG WIND SIO N COB WALK DS D DE RA PAS ELW HAZ ANS SE CLO LEA CLOSE COM ME M ER CUCKMERE SE CLO R AVE AD RO TALMAN CL. NN THI R L WALK DERWENT CLOSE LA HANBUR Y DRIVE TU BITTERN CL. SANDPIPER CL. LANGDALE WA ICK LA N D BBI HYDE WE TERN ROAD E CONISTON CLOSE CL YL AN R RO DO AR CL. FULM CRAIG ND DE R CLOS AD RO FIN FAIRWAY SE MMO DRU GRIE PUF PLACE NS ESCENT OS K WE CHER CL. . R E STR BI CLOSE HILL HIGHAMS MEADOW LL AD ME BIT MAIDEN LANE CRAB WE GOS SO CL. CL. RE TH Snell Hatch Cemetery NU R CROFT IVE DR CLOSE THE HOLLOW LD FIE ARN D E YN K CL. AN QU THE CROF PRIEST E DE PARKFIELD HY CLOSE R K CR DE CL A GS R O TUSHM UE HU D WALK SE CLOS GAR T O AD IN YN PO CL OS CL. O SE OVERDENE DRIVE GORLING ANDR E W S RO AD D SC BUTT LE THW AT E R RD. D CROFT SW OO R WAY NAPIE AVENUE Y GD . PIKE Y DR. LD ER LOSE EC MAXWELL TUSCAN TURN LAN AVEN Y CRAWLE CLOSE UE AVEN LEY AW CR SUMMERSVERE CL GLE HERON ER CL. KINGFISH MANOR ROYAL AL ROY CROMPTON FIELDS IFIE OOD ROAD SW DE NG SOU HUR LIBUR MI DMU DOVE EFIEL FURZ NS E DI C ART EXCA THE AT PL D MAR DE RO AD FOR EY HILLMEA MIDDL E TON WAY RS E T L HE TH SE PENNINE AD E RO GALAHAD ROAD SE EW SLINFOL IFIELD DRIVE RU TR CLOSE NC D CT. L ST CLO LOT COURT ME CA IDGE NE MI HUR MERLIN CLOSE STANBR CLO MARTIN CLOSE ROBIN CLOSE CR D NUT RET ROAD NG RE D ER CON SWIFT LANE N LA NE EL ROAD TA ME EV DRIVE IFI D DR OR MAN OE CLOSE LITTLE CRABTREE RUDGWICK IN GU DE K ER T CLO LA AD RO NW AL IFIEL NH Ewhurst Wood West Green Park Crawley Leisure Park ISTO DE LANCELO N TS SE FR RGA MA DY LA SPER RO ST ET RS T CLO OSE FAL RA VE CL. ING CLOSE NC SE NE EN C L O CL HOLLIN LY ING ARD LK Y WA UE RUSPER ROAD ROAD CHE SH E OS NE SE ET FER NHU IVE RUSPERS KEEP Ifield Golf and Golf Country Club Course SE CLO E CL LA SE CLO RE MP SEN JO AN NE T LA ET CK BE OS E LANGLEY E SE LO DE AV EN E ST D CLO SE MES ACE PL E RY NE PI OS E CL C EL RR NE IF IE LD ST ST E CL VANCOU CLO GER TR DA R VER DR. OS OS N CL. RT MA CE K CL D CL LG CO CTO MF PAR LA VER AM KIR E E AT AR W DUN SE WAY IST LE FH AF E IV DR REN F O RD C E OS R CL NO OL IFIELD STRE ET LE HA GR HA NE Y LA LE D MA ROAD MO GREEN E OS RD W AL TUSHMORE TS ET SH RU UI SQ IFIELD T CL HE FITC M CL HA NG LA HAM OSE OSE LANE MILL RU AD RO CL UE FOX AD RO L R OG CLO UT L O SE AD RO OCK BR RD K O VA E LIM FO L IN SE N PL ST AF PIN DE PI YR ER E OS MA PR I VE DR PIP Y N WA OD WO KE RO AD EN S AV CH CL AD RO ES D SPARTA R RE O CL TW ROA ATHMO UE E RRY . d. AD RO ER JUNIP NE T LA NU WAL NUE Y AVE WLE CRA RT OAKW OOD MOR CA LBE W. BRAEBURN STR KENMAR KELVIN WAY SY LANGLEY WALK MU d. LW AR CH RIVER MEAD THE TITHE KELVIN LANE AC Y LE NG LA ST ANNE AL F WA Y GATW TC BURLANDS OD ICK TY ME EN UE GE WO ROAD BETTS UN D AV FOR FLEMING WAY CO IFI NE STER L I NG PARK JENNE TW OR TH TY LA PRIE STL EY WAY HI UN EE RS NE BONNETTS LANE Fleming Way Central ST Gatwick Road North Fleming Fleming Way East Way West Faraday Road Manor Industries Royal West Manor Royal Estate Central Manor Royal London Road Industrial Central Estate W CO D ROAD CHARLWOO EL R D WAY RUTHERF O MA E GR ONE CLOSE WHEATST LAN OR DF RA EEN SLEY TIN COBHAM WAY GATWICK ROAD JAMES WATT WAY STW OOD AD D RO RADFORD ROAD WAY WHITTLE WAY ON ROAD POLES LANE PRE BA STEERS LANE ROA WATT LCOM BE ICK GATW JAMES RO AD M HOUSE SPECTRU BE CI CHA L D © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:32.06 - set-06010I(1).y08 (outbound) -1- Route map for Fastway (operated by Metrobus) service 10 (inbound) AIRPORT ROAD NORWOODH ILL S SE N DRIVE LO NE CT OR Y LA RE L RO AD HIL Y WESTWA Y EASTWA STATION COACH UP ECOURT London Gatwick Airport ST REET LE MO SS CLOSE RU L CONTRO TOWER SO FERNHILL ROAD PERIMETER ROAD EAST R AD RO Coach Park 10 D LF C R E SCE CHALMERS AM GATE UTH G D HO ER BUCKINGH RIN T R F ORECOUR OA ROAD RLEY PE RR CO RIV TE ROA PRIVA M IL DS NT FOR LOWER H PIE UT WIL LOW ER IE L Terminal SO DS HOUSE RGER GAT AD WAY RO JENKINS LEIGH AD O AN UMBE E ENS QUE ON S CLOSE RO THE EWILL CL RLIE M A23 H SCHL STOKER CARGO A23 South Terminal South NORTH 10 RR YL M23 M23 WAY ROA FOUR AD RO EL PE APPE THE CRESCENT AIR LO PORT WA ND Y ON RO AD RO AD TH D NOR CH Charlwood GLOVERS ROAD DRIVE SE D E ROA D NOR TH RA CE CO UR G WAY LOND M WAY ERHA TIMB NORTH AP CASTLE COMB BAL ONE ROAD LA RY MA SE RO E TWICK W AY AC FURLON PIER CLO SE WAY FT CLOSE ER ROA RO TERMIN D SWAN LANE NE T STREE OS WAY SS CRO S ROAD AY NORTHW GA MEADOWCRO PERIMET AL APP NORTH URT ROA THE THE AD ROAD URES RO TUNNEL DEPART ALS ROAD ARRIV W AY VILLE WARLTERS SPIERS WAY GE ROAD CL S Riverside Park ID ARRIVAL T ER RIME FOUR PIER LE A LDS HARO DEN GAR GATE NORTH PE ROAD FARM LANE THE BR North Terminal Bus Station RHAM CORONET BAYHORNE THE CLOSE NG FORECO CARGO DRIVE LE CAST NUE AVE LIMES THE DRIVE LO FAR SHO CLOSE Horley E L N HIL D M ROA KS HAROLDSLEA DRIVE THE RIDGEWAY North Terminal TIMBE L CR UPFIELD CLOSE LANE ROAD HAE IC TH D NOR ER ROA PERIMET OO LW CH LARKINS WAY STOC STAFFORDS PLACE YD DRO CE NT RS IDE VE PO Parking Lot NT ES ES PRIMROSE AVENUE CE CR UPFIELD WOO AC STA USE WA RIVE AD D RO AR FAIRFIELD AVENUE L NE EY CH AD S RO OS Y CR THE DRIVE DE LK E PL NS RDE FUEL GAR BEG SVE GRO S TON VER WOL RIDGE WALK RG A MG CL. NOR EN B NG K WAL EY T A DRIVE SE CLO FO MALCO L NE CH AD RO FORD LECH RD D CL. DRIVE OLDFIEL VE D D ROA OLDFIEL LD DEW AY SL AD RO FIE ON UP DEN AD E RO BRIDG LONG ELD FARMFIELD HT S Y GAR TLE MIS Hookwood MFI N GA TO ER WO L V AD RO BRI G UE VEN DA OY DR E AN SI FAR DRI 17 E IGAT LANE OO W A2 RE SPENCERS ROAD IFIELD ROAD RUSS HILL MAINTENANCE AREA SOUT ROAD K WIC RD. PL AC City Place E ROAD TW GA ICK ES AD RO D ROAD CHARLWOO ND PLA CE OLD BRIG ROAD HTON ROAD W. AG TT Y CO LOWFIELD LONDON RD AB . HTON Y GAT WLE RO LOWFIELD HEATH OLD BRIG CIT D EAST HEATH INDUSTRIAL ES /LOWFIELD CH ROAD CHUR ROAD ROA PERIMETER SOUTH H PERIMETER ROAD CHURCH AD RO ON TY LO IVE CI AD G RO RIN SPECTRU EH BE M HOUSE ICK GATW STEERS LANE D ROA JAMES ON ROAD NS WHITTLE WAY WAY LA E S ROAD SIENA DRIVE SE CLO E IV DR E MER VI LL LW Y SO SE G RUSKIN CLOSE ODLAN DS WO EPP CL OS E UE EN T AV KN MOUNT CLOSE S RO AD RLEY BU CLOSE AD RO SE PARKER CLOSE IVE DR LYRIC CL. ER SHA LL ROA D FESTIVAL MAR BOW NEL L CL. PL. ER BOW PAR MA IDEN N ROAD RAWLINSO PROCTOR CLOSE E CL O PLE CLO EM KL LL ROA D CAM D YK JAC TYNE CLOSE IN ROAD . CL LE ND WA NEY RD. PBE GRAVE TUDOR EA N OB TH ROAD OR O T CLOSE LI OA D MA N NOR E OS CA BALD WI RO AD SE LOS E E E DRIV LUCERN CL. N SO WIL S A LTERNS R CER CLOSE ME BR CL. LID ROAD CLOSE HOUGHTON AR CH Wd . CL. AD L RO E IVE CLOS RITC HIE AMY R OAD WARN ER CLOSE DR WS HE MA TT BRA Y CLO Y CL CLOSE SE H CL. RT EMS WO LA UR E L UN WALK MOAT E PLAC HILL ND POU SAUNDE MAUNSELL PARK SE HODGKIN CLO ANGELL CL. NRO AD CL AL WE MARION ROAD GRAVETYE CLOSE OSE IVE D DR D MO MILT ON UE EN AV RK UE EN AV PA RK BELLOC CLOSE MILL CRAVE E DA SE CL OS E LYO N CLO KIN CL OS E DR IVE CL OS KF HA RO A Y D WA OR RP ER R BARB E BE C D NE CLOSE CHELWOOD E DR IV BIR O R TI LG AT E PENFOLD ROAD CO LN LIN PE TE WOR TH R CRABBET WA Y NS ON HE EP ST DE GREENACRES A VENUE TH AS E CH TH E IV DR N OW HD AS E CL OS RST EHU LAN AY W O SE L DR. WEALTH COMMON HAW HA WK IN KL E LK WA SH K W AL NG AM RH DU LOSE XT CA R TER ROAD AN R B WOODMANS HILL AC ICK RR GA S LEYDALE N CLOSE S NT GE RE IR VI RO AD N DE LEY LAN TINS GRANGE CLOSE S SW AY CR OS RO AD PS E CROS SWAYS H CO PUNC MONKSFIE D LS ROA MITCHEL E LIVINGSTONE ROAD S RO AD STER RE FO FLETCHER CLOS E HLI RAT CA E CL E ES CL. FORB PHILL IPS CL. ROA D CL OS E ON OLT AD RO TON B . CT. 3 BRIGH LANSBURY ROAD D C LOSE DEN D WOO NORTH ROAD DS WOO IELD SE S RO AD LD ROAD COLLEGE SE TH CLO E CLO N NT CE RA ES OS AR CL NA IO LISMORE CR E OS CL IS RR HA RO AD R OU YM SE FENNEL RDAB . T SE R CLO LIE HE OS SE G A BR I E CL. CLO ST BLE RY CHAP M MIL BROADWOOD RISE CL D OA RO AD BAIR K WAL PIE IDE RO AD KEN RO AD RK DF RO AD SH WOO BU CLO NOR TH SH AW RO AD AD ME Y RO AD ILE RA KERY O FR 10 ROAD RO AD AC LANE GREEN WILLOW CLOSE BOU NDA D IEL EF PL AP HIGH HAW SUL LI SE CLO AM TON H. BRIGH DITCHLING RIN O SE OAKHAVEN SOUTHGATE AVENUE ST O WOL CLOSE HOLMBURY MAG SE CLO SE RC LO K WA Y RY RO AD LONDON ROAD CLOSE AD H RO UG BO RO STREET WAY ER TS HEIGH ON EC N RO AD ER LV MA CLAYTON HILL SE RB BU CL. AM RD. LULW ORTH HORSH PATRINGTON CLOSE Y C LOSE E AD RO T ET GO AD STA E L LL GRE RO PA OAD OS D TT DA TU B EL L DR L EY SE R ADBU R Y KEN E AM LL YME LAD D ROA ER LO BENNE TT CL OS INGH CLO WAT BO GREATHA M AD OA BAS TANYARD CLOSE RD. SE Tilgate Forest Golf Centre Tilget Forest Golf Course ROAD AM LOSE R RD. HOLDE TC S N CL. LEY IVE SE ER CASH ROAD PUR BO LANGSTONE OAD DC DD GO FLIN BB SH MALHAM CLOSE TROTTON CLOSE PALMER ROAD AD HO OR CRAWLEY BUSINESS QUARTER CROMPTON WAY K E LIN TH PEGL PARKSIDE RO AD BAR N TOWN OL RT COU TREE CRAB ST P E ALPHA ROAD PRINCESS ROAD BR RO AD M HA RS HO BE E PLAC RO AD ON ND LO OA JAC DS LAN LODGE CLOSE LEOPOLD ROAD GOFFS LD OAK ROAD LO SE FILBERT CRESCENT FIRLE CLOSE ROAD LONDON RTY ROAD SWALL OW SE KDA W CLO RE LO EW SE HU RS DOWER WALK CL. NEVILE COURT CLOS ND R OR HA ORE E N ORLA MO SE S CLO RO AD M LU NT WI OPH ST SC LEY CLOSE NYMA E LS RIL HEN . RD WANTAGE EW AM ST ANNE LONDON ROAD . CL DS IEN UE EN AV RS PLA CE E RO AD DS OL YN DS PL AC E T RO AD GL DIN YF POLLARDS AV ON WO L FIE L E DI NG LE TH ROAD SHIPLEY CL SE LO CAPEL LANE CL. MBE MORECA SE Y CLO FILE SE O SE MA DS AN EL ST AG CL. REL KEST E OS ER CL CLOS OV PL ALE ING HT E RIS RK LA ING CLIMP FER CLO SE SEL HAM RUSPER ROAD NK LB A IL CLOSE ROTHER CRESCENT MEDWAY ROAD RO AD INS SE W E SE CLO KES STO AM CT. PE PP R CLO ON CL. LA SH IN BRAND RO AD BO SE NS D VI DORSTEN PLACE ROAD RE WATSON ROAD WOO E IN D R IVE UND C AG Y C LOSE AM D AR IELD ROSAM NG VEN ROAD NBENJ NC N LO DE STE D CL. OA NE TR E SOA ES OS DE MAI AD FOREST F LIN Y SH A F TE S BURY R RV CL INSON SE N CLOSE DRU HA T ATK ER E DRIVE R O AD COURT ET ROAD E CLOSE DGAT STRU NBOW RT ALBIO N C LOSE ADELPHI CLOSE COLL FR FIR TREE CLOSE OSE CL Y E NE OS CO CL AM DH E OS BIR ROAD ROAD FIN SE CLO RING LA SE WA LK CLO OD N PA TC HI NG LIN CL CH OS E ME R LA VI NG WO TO LOX D CL EA BIN ST OS E EL D CL I EL FRA DON E GH CLOS PLOU CL. BOURNE ALDING NIG TWEED LANE RECTORY LANE LD IF IE AD E L DRIV CAPSEY WHITEHAL D C LOSE N PEVEREL ROA S CLOS E DS AR OS E M2 CL A2 RV EY E WA Y E FOREST GAT E URNE CRES CENT WIL ON MINGT CLOSE SE SE E CLO AD RO D CLO SE ING BOX C L O N ROA EV EN INGBO BRIGHTO CH HOLL DETLI NG R OAD E C LOSE M2 ON E TH K TOLLGA TE HILL AM S RDS MB LER DS NS ACOR RA S GOR RRY AN MBE CL. SE PPLE TE LO TI WA OD A AK FRY C K ROO THB SOU RL O AD RO WO EDDINGTON HILL L AN E AL GD IN LL HI OD WO D AH ROA ABR BR O O R I W SD AD Y C H EAS CR GROV HALLEY CLOSE S AD RO AD RO G DA VIS K E IV CK E OS CL AR 3 ROAD DS E C L OSE S ID HEPPLEWHITE CLOSE CHIPPEN DA L E LONGHURST R OAD CL Cottesmore Golf and Country Club V I EW LEYB OU RN HA TR E DALTON CLOSE HED G E 64 IN CH OR RO AD BROO K THE DS DR UI T HE IFIELD WOOD THE REDGRAV THO R T EVANS RR LAN NBOW MAIDE TUXFORD CLOSE ACE FARM COU RT BAN C T GA SE FURN NO CLIF TO N CLO SE MA IDE MAYFLO WE R CLO SE FRA N ON G CLO ARADE RO AD LAUD DRIVE NELS LIN IR CL. EP OD AD AD RO RO INST AVE SINCLA AC SHEFFIELD CLOSE E RN CLOSE CL. OSE CL FU SE ET WO ST BE E L IZABETHAN WAY F BO GE STUART CLOSE SE CLO RO WAY ER WHEEL E PLAC W VIE T CLO CH GIA OR C LOSE BALCOM E CL. SE U ONE CO HOYLAK E ROAD TROON CL. BALCOMB CLOSE N CLO CL. AB K EST N LANE CLOSE TILLOTSON ST THE PADDOC CR PLAT AD RO CLOSE SLIP HILL SE C R ROAD NEWMAN CLOSE KE E S CL FOWL NEY STEP AD RO CH ER SPRING E DR IVE OUND TYE OS MUIRFIELD GRE S ET DENE BL CL DAL E E CH DRIVE D O WO RK IELDS H RN CL. CL. CL. TE E WORT BA DOLLIS OS YE MA CAVELL RTH CL. WO KITTIWAKE IGA RE OS MERE UM ST D ER E W. WD RA Y R CL. TAMA WE S T M ELWAL WAR N HAM R O W BO TOFTWOOD SEVERN SE FEN CLOSE BLACKWATER LANE ROAD CLO E UR URST O IV DY BARN GREE S BANK E IR CH LONG CL. SE SE G CLO LIN CLOSE ROAD W CL. ROA DR OSE ERS HILL TH NG RA RO AD MANNINGS CLOSE CL DRIVE TH N IER STAN E SE GRATTONS E DG WALESBEECH MOOR PA IELD L CLO LIO OAD SE CL. IN ST HAWKH IVE CLO E S CLO ES LE LDI AD UTH CLOSE DR ON GO VE LD DRI BLE SI SE HEATHF BAL OSE CLO SE FIELD FRESH SE CLO SE NDS CLO AM CLOSE CLOSE A ST C ST HUGH'S NDEL ARU M HYLA ROAD KNIGHTON CL. CLOSE PEARSON ROAD WILLIAMS WAY ALICIA AVENUE STATION HILL CLOS MB E RUSTON CLOSE OK GEN SAR BU LIS SA UR ER CL H RO RWIC LYTT SISSINGHURS T E RI D GEWICK CL. ST EY CLO I OAD RO WEIRB SE AD RO AY TURN OS ER CA I PA ENS PEV AD E RO TABL AD RO Wd LO SE ST HILDA'S HARDY CLOSE D ROA NUE E OS AY SW NS VE CLO RY TH M CL ER CO KE BLA BU SALIS AD RO ROAD PARK WAY SON AVE HEN ICK D CL SAN AD RO SH AD RO FO D RIVE STIRRUP WAY TS E RO AD E AD RO AD RO RY BURNS ST MARY'S DRIVE ELW HAZ WA S DED LL TWE LD ER WENTW ORTH E GS ID ST RE S ROAD FO LOPPET US DRI TITM E FORD CLOSE MARVELL CLOSE DONNE CLOSE E WALK AD H RO RT FON E CLOS LO E PLAT LAN BO TO E TREVANN CLOSE ST LEA WATER CLOS YH SHAW SE BLACKET T ROA ON AR SH F OAK TRE E C LOSE E IN SE H ROAD E OS RD LLS IVEAGH B C L OSE SB GH OU OR IN GA OX WE WE B C O LE C EDRICH ROAD WAY ROAD WELLINGHAM KENSINGTON RK D GH ROA ROU FO GLOUCESTER ROAD PA R RY BRI DLE W DIA AD RO ROAD WORCESTER RO A264 FINSBURY CL. O RB CL ELY WINCHESTER EXETER CLOSE HIGHWOOD BROADFIELD PLACE LBEIN HO AD RO PLACE HOLYROOD PLACE PELHAM DRIVE E RK P E L HAM CRES. OS CLOSE HE R IL SELSEY ROAD CL YO N OSE DRIVE FO SEAFORD ROAD TIL ART HOG O ANDERS O CHICHESTER R OAD TRE SHA ET DE WO AMBERLEY HAW ST LEO N ARDS DRIVE LL K OA CLIVE WAY HA R T LE HR ROAD SE CLO E D IVE S DR AN HM E CLOS ROSS TE GA W AY NAS TH FULHAM CLOSE BARRY CLOSE CANTERBURY AD FIELD RO EN AC CO NEWMAR K OA R RT H RO AD C LO AD EY ROAD CHANTR MR O AD PELHAM CT. HOR ROAD M WALK HA HA BUCHANS LAWN IV RO A DR SULLIVAN CLOS I N GTON R OAD ON C LAMBE AM M CLO E D M ROA ES NG CL. RI ARK THW ND WH IT T BROADFIELD DR. SOU SA LH SE HER SARK GR E IV NT GUERNSEY CLOSE ST CLEMENT ROAD COL CLOSE Y C LOSE E PARAD WHI S CLO E LK DR CL. ES CE PE WAY CL PE LACE P TE GA TIL AT WA LD DEW IN CR EP AD RO LG D ET ROA CANVEY SH N TO TI ROAD J SE WEDDELL DICK CL. AD RO IE SUN NTA PLA CR ELL ITH SM ON NS OH DF CLOSE S T SW AD R RO LE OA BR AM CT. IDIAN MER D ON ROAD INGT TELH SALV UR RD. B R E E Z EH JERS EY RUNC AD S RO TY CT. LDON HORSHAM CEN ES COPPIC NO E ROA AINTRE EPPING W. BO AD RO ON GT RRIN D ER CHA CLOSE O RN DR HUR ASH ROAD SE R CLO OVE HAN EP BA IVE ST WAKE WE D OA AD RO GOODWOOD ER ROW UE HOLLY CLOSE OK COOP EN A2219 Y AV HERRICK CLOSE UE AVEN E LE SE A CLO JUR CK MEWS WI ICK OS EPSOM ROAD CO SH EN CR AW YR OA PETERHOUSE PARADE LW CL E AD E RO OS IVE E CL NS A GAR GD. ER R NHAM ASHBUR PA TH OR W LANE Y NGL D D E EY CLOS STANL WEA IGH SYLVAN ROAD BL DRIVE OOD RSW BRIA LEY N CLO NO PT CO CRAW LL FERONERS E OWLET CRAWLEY BI YARMO FUR CLO RN HO OS UE SE C NA SE K WIC NS BRU EA TH AD E RO T CL O A KHILL CHASEFELBRIDGE AVENUE STROUDLEY CL. TRIDG SE RD C LO HE TCH THA Y RD. KING CLOS R LETYE BRAMB E AD E GL TH BRAN E FURNAC CHIDDI HA KH ET PINE RS CLOSE GOS ROAD COLTASH AD E RO AD N RO DE AR S BURWA AC BB AVEN TH PARK WOR EET AM ILLI OLD ROAD BL CO AD RO N W BLACKF MASON ROAD UE LO SLE E ILEY ZE HA N NUE AVE HAWT H AD RO AK R R DD BU COLLIER ROW CLOSE STR Industrial Estate E AST RUSSELL WAY R OUND A BOUT WEALD DRIVE EN CO ROAD BEVERLEY MEWS AV A CL. ORIEL OSE UT GE R CA S DR DO WNLAN SOUTHGATE DRIVE A LS Y RON HAZELWICK STER PAYMA H ROAD R CL OS ER LE BROADFIE LD OAD KIMBERLEY ROAD GALES DRIVE DRIVE OFT EL C R OSE CL CAROLINE CT. GWOOD CLO HUDSON ROAD FIS HE SHELLEY CLOSE TO MIL Stephenson Industrial Estate Three Bridges FC Ground Southgate Avenue North BEECHES CRESCENT BREWER ROAD AW MONARCH CLOSE FIELD JOLES . H ERSKINE CL JEWEL WALK UNDABOUT RO COURT MBE CT. PYECO OCKS PURCELL ROA HASS RT COU ER UST DO DRIVE RTING BASI N LWY CORBY C L O SE HURST EZE BRE CT. EY ON WIST BOLN D E IV G WASHIN ROAD TON OSE CL. CLOS E ROA DR CLOSE SE HA D CLO ADMIRAL ROAD ST COURT SLA U G H CUC K FIEL S HASLETT AVENUE Town Centre South The ROFT E E RYE ASH NORMANHURST CL. SPINDLE WAY HOLMC KIPLING CLOSE WORDSWORTH CLOSE TRAFAL GALES Hawth AVENUE ARGYLL COURT ROAD SOUTHGATE LOSE SOUTHGATE ASH KEYS BAKER CLOSE OS T OF CR BY WEST WAY E PARK HIL L CH CLOSE K AV UE SCALLOWS ROAD OS BRUNEL PLACE WAY STATION FARMLEIGH CLOSE BROWNING CLOSE GALES PLACE OD ATE AVENUE SOUTHG WAY FRIARY TELFORD PLACE JAMES PLACE I N COURT A CL EA IC THE BIRCHE CLOSE M CL. ROAD E BR LE TENNYSON CLOSE EN LAND C E SE HAVERSHA N CL WA RO ES IDG THRE Crawley AILS DRIVE LW DS IG ZE FORGE ROAD CLOS ROAD S CT. HLA WAY OFT BYRON CLOSE HAL ART S WALK PRIOR EAST AVENUE HASLETT COURT CHANDLER HA NEW WO THE MARTLETS ROAD OS E CL KH CLO FARM IARS R O CR CHAUCER ROAD EAST YS SPR I N DENNE LE CR HE IGHT S SSW AYS ERS CLOSE IDE Broadway IA PARK AC N MON CRAWT BROOKS E RI D G ESID SEQUO NGTON E BY DW OO DR CRO S MALTHOUSE ROAD CHANCTONBURY WAY AVENUE SCALL OWS EARL Y COM D THE BROADWAY ORC ST JOHN'S RD. EAST SUNNINGDALE RTH T EXCHANGE R O A EAD NYM AD RO WINTER GD. RO AD AV WES THE BOULEVARD STATION WAY D ROAD FALMER CL PARK NO Y PATH LINK Multiplex QUEENS SQUARE SPRINGFIEL URY CLOSE NB EN E GAT FORGE LANE D ET GODOLP PON UE AD RO S CRE SCENT N HAZELWICK MILL L AN ICK MIL L LANE EL W SE AN S MIT ROA CROSS KE PERRYFIELD ROAD HAZ RL HER SUN SE 10 LYNDHURST C W A HOME CLOSE HAZEL CLO D BLINDLEY RIDLEY GRATTONS DR. OVE BROOMDASHERS ROAD LO EN SE E CLO DAL A GR COBBLE G CLOSE KEYMER LL ROA PEMBROKE R DENS AR UE CL DS HC BURG LO E OS E CL BL KE TRINITY CLOSE ABO ND RATORY GY ATE ST ONEFIELD G O FFS DA RD LDE DAL ISE SE CLO EAD NOR THG CRESCENT ALE DOVED C L OSE ALE RD NM AD ERCO ST RO AD NE N CL HAREWOOD C L O SE AVEN Y CRAWLE HAYWARDS T H ERINE S R OAD CL W ELL WAY TINSLEY DALEWOOD GARDENS DGL London Road South KIL RO AD CLOS ROAD E BEECH TREE ME S ROAD GATWICK SE NC E TWITT OV GR LAN M CLOSE WADHA WICK R ZEL OU HA CRAWLEY AVENUE N E CLOSE SELBOUR CLARE CLOSE CLOSE UGH LANE CLO CLOSE TO WN MAN STRE WAY WOOLBORO NS DOVE CK CISSBURY HILL BE ALS CA CHE LE NE EN LINK 10 SE BU WEST NAPIER CAPUA CT. ROAD EL CLO E OR KTH BE BLAC OS HAZ CL OM CO SE CLO IAR BR THE E TH ROAD PERRYFIELD CLOSE CLOSE CLOS E ROW RDAB . P LACE T COUR TON RS E AC HE PL RN THO HAW Y NC DE LE NG E AM BOR C LOSE D W BEWB USH ITC BURNS WAY VIEW CKH AD M RO N WOO ER TH DD HORSHAM COURT MI EY WALK CLOSE CRO AD NE RE ROAD BLACKCAP Y L CLOSE RTH PETWO MADEHUR W ROAD BARLO WE SL E LIVA N SU L WE NGTON CRAWLEY INNE HA SE N COURT BRITT E OSE CL DONNINGTON CT. ARNE CLOSE COWFOLD CLOSE AD CLOSE M WARRI ROAD H HIL DRIVE LE DA SE OCK TUSS E SP OAK HIG D E E S CHESTER DRIV SIL E BYRD ROAD COLWYN S RO GHA OSE RFIELDS CRAWLEY E OS OS T CL BIGGIN OS RS CLO R EG CO TURU RC ON CT. TTIN O CL CALLIST ALLCOT CL. R D RD. BARNFIEL D ROAD MARLOW Crawley Bus Station NEWLANDS HO IV E IUS COURT CAPRI HYPERI BRE C HENTY L WA PARK WALK BR HO BANK LANE ST RE ET STEYNING CLOSE AM BR GREEN H ARD STREET R'S TE S D MEA CH UR CH ROAD ROAD SHAM HOR OLD WOBU R W ELL CLOSE C LOSE TALLIS CLOSE MA IFIELD ROAD NUE Y AVE WLE CRA UE AVEN LEY AW CR LEA SUMMERSVERE Southgate Southgate Dorsten Avenue South 10 Avenue Central Square Breezehurst Stadium Drive East Coachmans Breezehurst Pelham Drive North Drive Central Drive Buchan 10 Broadfield Barton North Park Tilgate Barton Lake N GOO HO LS L CL SIDE BR AQUAR DR AD RO SE BIRCH MAX RE ROA AL HILL W AY TWYNE CL O S Y CL O OTWA O GE SM HIL TE CO RO LOSE JUXON C CLOSE LD FIVE ACRE LONGME E ST AIDAN OOD BUCKSW RO AN AV LEY D O AD LOSE OC WE ELL M P STFIE CLOSE GS NL KIN KC LOS HURST CLOSE PADSTOW WALK LUTYENS C L COTSWOLD CLOSE TH SC MO U N E CLOSE CL. EN Morrisons W NE CHATFIELDS FOUNT AI N ROAD AD RO AD RO DA SPUR EY AD RO NS E RM HA OS W. ASUS ROAD ESCENT T GR STI R CL ME DA PEG CHILTERN ST AUGU TINTERN DE AN RIT PT RO AN A UE WINDMILL COURT UE CLOSE OSN BUCKSWOOD DRIVE MA 10 HAWK ESM O O R ROAD WATE GASSON WO OD NE AND MIR PIKE TURN AVEN BLAC IVE MEA Goffs Park E LOVELETTS DORMANS E CLOSE IV E Y CRAWLE RS C KIDBOROUGH ROAD COBNOR CLOSE E OS CL WOLD CLOSE RSIDE R E C OLD CLOSE EN T ON CLO KENMARA CLOSE London Road Central K DOG N DR DO CH AT DUNSF TR CL TREE PS HU EW LH KFI RYELANDS PA SA ROAD O NY DR AV ST ROAD LAVANT CLOSE EDEN MS ROAD EL L ANE OATLANDS CRESCENT GOSS OPS D ON ALM RIC NA T LE Y CON CLOS E TUSHMO R E L ANE TUSHMO R CRAB CO WES ALBANY E AR CLO SE LA NG . RDAB E O G REEN IELDS DAI R OS DG T CROF PAX E OS CLOSE MARTIN CLOSE EE SN ELW O PS KENMARA E SHORT MAIDEN LANE OL AVENU CRAWLEY HA Z COB WALK S DRIV CL ERFI AT EL WOOD S RE GOFFS LANE AVENUE R DS D DE RA E RO AD DING REE E TH CL. WE SE GOSSOP KENNET SE OS K CL. E WAL PADDOCKHUR CLO CL YN OC ANT QU E SE SIO N BEH EN D ROA D GINHA OSE NU R YRIDG WIND CLO PAS AD STACK F I E L D W M ER LEA CLOSE COM ME TSFIELD SW OO SC BUTT Snell Hatch Cemetery ANS R AVE WE AD RO TALMAN CL. NN DPIPER CL. THI R L CUCKMERE E LA W HANBUR Y DRIVE TU BITTERN CL. HYDE OS BBI FULM CL DO AR CL. TERN ROAD SAN WALK DERWENT CL. D AD RO FIN CRAIG RO PUF FAIRWAY CLOSE ND LA N ER LOSE EC LE CROFT OSE E MMO DRU ICK BI LANGDALE CL ESTR E CONISTON CLOSE K LL WE CHER CL. . R OOD ROAD SW NG GOS SO HILL HIGHAMS THE HOLLOW AD ME BIT WA DE R CLOS ER DE E DI YL AN PARK RO YS CR OMPTON FIELDS DRIVE CLOS NT UE EFIEL FURZ NS CRAWLEY RD. CLOS DE CLOSE CL. CL. ELD GRIE ERRA CE EN D MAR DE THE CROF PRIEST HUR LIBUR PARKFIELD MEADOW NFI AR D PLACE NS ESCENT OS A GS R O OUVER CANB ES ROBIN CLOSE HERON LD E OVERDENE DRIVE HY CLOSE R K CR DE CL IN YN CR IFIE TH C ART EXCA D DR GAR T O AD PO NS DA JOR Ewhurst Wood W. Gr. Park Crawley Leisure Park CT. SE RO AD GORLING ANDR E W S RO AD AT AW D D L ST CLO PENNINE FOR EY HILLMEA CROFT VANC PL CLOSE CR EL HUR T IVE NE IFI D WALK SLINFOL IFIELD DRIVE RU MIDDL E TON WAY CL CL. MI NUT RET ROAD THW AT E R AD E RO EM LA S U CK SWIFT LANE N LA LY ING SE K SOU ER TH LE HONEY FAL RA VE NE ISTO NW AL IVE D DR NG TA RE TR CLOSE SE SE AR EN UE ARD LK Y WA CLO IFIEL LOT COURT ME CA IDGE LO PL PO AV FR ACE PL MERLIN CLOSE STANBR SE SE MP ET NHU RS T SPER RO EV CLO JOR DA CLO NG ROAD D IN GU CLO IE LD DE ME HWd. HER CL. LITTLE CRABTREE RUDGWICK T LANCEL O CL LA IF E ST D CLO SE SSE ING CLOSE NC RGA MA DY LA GALAHAD ROAD E EY PARAD LANGL RUSPER ROAD ROAD NE E E E OS N CL. ME RUSPERS KEEP Golf Course Ifield Golf and Country Club LA PIN C CL OS CTO FER E RY E OS E EL NE E LA SE LO DE ER OS CL LG CO DUN MF WAY CL RE E E AT R N C L OSE E E REN AR W OL SE NE OS D F O RD C E OS R CL NO D MA DLA K ET C ME W AL VE LE LE HA CL IV DR KIR LE NG UT MO AM HA RD HA NE LA RET FH AF LANE RR UI SQ OSE GR M CL LA ROAD OSE HE EN E IST SH RU CL GRE IFIELD T CL TN TS FOX K IN RU AD RO FITC TR OS E CL LIM PIN UE OS IFIELD STRE NORT KELVIN LANE KINGFIS PO T RO AD MANOR ROYAL CED AR ES L O SE AD RO OCK BR ET SH L L R OG CLO O VA CH PL MA TS PIP R RE SE N Y LA PAR HAM AD RO D Y WA TAN SPAR ROA TW PR I VE DR DE PI AD RO ER JUNIP NE . ES OD WO KE RO AD ER CL AD RO AD T LA NU WAL CL d. CH E RRY D RO W. BRAEBURN MILL LANGLEY WALK LBE MU FOR AF ST d. LW AR CH RIVER MEAD O K WAY NEW MOR CA UE ATHMO VILLAGE ROAD FARADAY COUNTY AV EN STR BUSINESS FARADAY COURT KELVIN WAY SY BURLANDS THE TITHE SATELLITE DE LATIMER CL. LD ROAD KW AY ICK OA FW AY OA Y LA OD GATW TY CRAWLEY BUSINESS QUARTER CO UN TC AL GE WO FLEMING WAY NE ME FOR BALCOMBE ROAD ROAD OAK STE R L ING PARK RUTHERFORD LANE BONNETTS TW OR TH IFIE NE ROAD HI UN TY WAY LA Gatwick Road North ROYCE ROAD JENNER W CO D ROAD CHARLWOO LE RS NO LA Fleming Fleming Way West Manor Royal Way East Industrial Fleming Estate Faraday Way Central Industries Estate Road Manor Royal Manor Central Royal West PRIESTLEY NG GATWIC LONDON K ROAD ROAD MA E ST EE H NE EY SL TIN RUTHERFORD WAY LAN GR RT AY AM W STW OOD OR DF RA EEN SLEY TIN COBH JAMES WATT WAY PRE AD D RO RADFORD ROAD WAY BISHA MC POLES LANE LOND WATT Industries Estate CHA L D © 2008 NAVTEQ/PTV AG/Map&Guide 1 km 2 km 3 km 4 km DS10045 - \\DS10045\trswad12 - MapServer ( - 03.04.14 12:32.10 - set-06010I(1).y08 (inbound) -2-
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