hellofashion catalogue portraits
hellofashion catalogue portraits
HELLO hellofashion catalogue this is the hellofashion catalogue, with portraits of people wearing moniquevanheist. 01 natasja pants 02 shirt no. 10 03 shirt no. 5 leather 03 shirt n0. 5 04 tarte à tout 05 1 to 0 06remy 07 skin overall 08 big don loden 09patrick 10 flirt M 11 broche du jour 12legging 13 jack 2 14 alphabet necklace 15PJ 16 don summer 17eddy 18dustcoat 19 nail-poop jewellery 20 UP 1 21joga 22faith-hope-love 23samantha 24bodywarmer 25 stella top 26 key jewellery 27 liberty patrick 28kik 29 tunic with pocket 30 tunicdress with pocket 31meatballs 32 hellofashion community tools 33 pencil skirt 34playsuit 35 broche du jour 02 36 white blouse 37fashionista 38 tool bracelet 39 silk bag XL 40 twister new 41 flirt L 42 don summer boiled 43overcoat 44 half ruffled skirt 45 twister new short 46 shirt no. 0 47 safety-pin 48 trenchcoat 49 triangle 50 smile 51(flirt s) 52 star 53 shirt no. 8 54 remy long 55 sweater XL 56questionmark 57 shirt no. 8 sleeveless 58 tunicoverall with pocket 59love 60 sweater M 61and 62comma 63 stella medium 64 jack 1 65 (motor XL) 66 (motor M) 67 (motor S) hellofashion is a continuous collection of ‘moniquevanheist-classics’, set up to challenge the fashion system. This over time expanding collection of garments, accessories and lifestyle products like furniture and recipes is available for unlimited time. Every six months, the collection is presented in a seasonal edition, exploring the classic shapes in new colors and materials. sales: jane-agents tel. +31 (0)6 4130 7972 [email protected] press: schoon den boer tel. +31 (0)20 737 1695 [email protected] graphic design: jacky-o stills photography: ingmar swalue portrait photography: daan brand portrait styling: caroline fuchs concept hellofashion: studio moniquevanheist www.moniquevanheist.com this project was made possible with the suppport of: 68 (new pants) 69 shirt no.3 70bagdress 71(bagtop) 72 (BS top) 73 (stella dress) number:01 natasja pants name: year:2008 description: classic unisex woollen pants with pleats. materials: dark grey heavy wool / 100% wool variations: dark blue wool cashmere / 95% wool, 5% cashmere black wool cashmere / 95% wool, 5% cashmere dark grey cotton / 100% cotton sizes: 36 - 42 for women 44 - 52 for men 01 model: ellen rooijakkers / ‘ginger L’ is a fashion designer from rotterdam, the netherlands. she loves white wine, PJ harvey, cheap hotels, italy and france, and prefers a typewriter over a computer. starsign:sagittarius born: november 29, 1980 02 number:02 shirt no. 10 name: year:2009 description: oversized shirt dress, number 10 in a series of 0 to 10. each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large. materials: grey green silk / 100% crêpe de chine variations: white eco cotton more colors in crepe de chine sizes: one size model: iris ruisch, consultant styling and design at HTNK fashion recruitment and consulting, lives in amsterdam with her son. she loves all food that includes fish, likes icecold white wine, and is a fan of devendra banhart. she is happy not to be a car-owner but a cat-owner. her holidaytips: brazil, hotel costes in paris, hotel delano in miami and, of course, camping bakkum in the netherlands. website:www.htnk.nl starsign:pisces born: march 19, 1975 number:03 shirt no. 5 leather name: year: 2008 description: white leather shirt-coat with 1/2 sleeves and cotton lining, number 5 in a series of 0 to 10. each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large. materials: white horsenappa / 100% horse leather variations: cheyenne dark brown washed lammnappa sizes: one size 03 model: aynouk tan is a fashion journalist from amsterdam, the netherlands. in 10 years she wants to have a dachshund to stroll around with. her dreamcar is a ferrari mondial 3.0. she loves roadtrips and hawaï, drinking wieckse witte and eating ikan pepesan. elvis and bas jan ader are her favourite artists. ‘fairytales’ website:www.dailygalaxy.com starsign:scorpio born: october 30, 1982 number: name: year: description: material: variations: sizes: 03 shirt no. 5 2008 unisex cotton striped slightly oversized shirt. sleeves can be buttoned up. number 5 in a series of 0 to 10: each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large. stripe cotton, 100% cotton. other types of cotton, silk, leather, wool, loden 34 - 44 for women 44 - 54 for men 03 model: ari versluis from rotterdam is a photographer. his pet died. his hobby is left, his favourite music is robyn. he likes eating french fries with mayonaise and he loves to drink champagne. his favourite artist is david williams. he spends his holidays in taiwan, preferrably in a hotel. website:www.google.com starsign:pisces born: on the same day as madonna number:04 tarte à tout name: year:unknown description: recipe invented by séverina lartigue, a french artificial flower maker. as she explains while laughing, she dives into the fridge and invents a pie with whatever is available. 04 recette d’une ’tarte à tout’ en terrine: presque la recette la plus rapide du monde ! ingrédients des pommes de terre des pommes d’arbre des harengs à l’huile, de mer du thym et du laurier du jardin poivre et sel du Conté beaucoup de crème liquide de Normandie. préparation eplucher les pommes, et couper tout ce qui se coupe en morceaux. dans la terrine, mettre les harengs, poivrer, mettre les pommes d’arbre, le thym, les pommes de terre, le laurier, saler et couvrir au 2/3 de crème. couvrir de Conté râpé et du couvercle. oublier le tout, quelques heures au four thermostat 150°C. servir avec une salade du marché et un bon verre de vin rouge. bon appétit ! crème liquide de Normandie 05 number:05 1 to 0 name: year: 2008 description: necklace with number, from 1 to 0, a lucky number for everybody. material: sterling silver 925/000 font bodoni bold variations: future gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com number:06 remy name: year:2009 description: short cape with hood, to wear over all things that can’t bear a coat. materials: dark blue wool flanel / 100% wool variations: black wool flanel, grey wool flanel summerversion in various colors of cotton sizes: 36 - 42 for women 06 model: yke schotten, illustrator, is living and working in rotterdam, the netherlands. ‘hello imagination!’ her hobbies are books, theatre, and nailpolish. she’s a big big fan of david bowie and belgian comic artist kamagurka. the opel combo she drives for many years now looks old but is tough as a bodybuilder. she likes red & white wine, and never has a day without coffee. websitewww.ykeschotten.com starsignscorpio born october 28, 1972 07 number:07 skin overall name: year: 2008 description: roomy yet small-looking silk overall, with a waistband that can be worn as a tail on the back. materials: skin silk / 100% crêpe de chine variations: black silk / 100% crêpe de chine sizes: 36 - 42 for women model: linda is a make-up artist from rotterdam, the netherlands. ‘live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse..!’ she is a star in making soup and drinking martini. linda likes belgian fries with mayonaise, dolly parton and marlene dietrich. she is a fan of camping in holland. starsign:gemini born: june 12, 1982 number:08 big don loden name: year:2008 description: unisex oversized woollen blazer with cotton lining, worn with: PJ greygreen silk (no. 15). materials: black loden / 100% wool variations: dark blue wool cashmere / 95% wool, 5% cashmere black wool cashmere / 95% wool, 5% cashmere sizes: 36 - 42 for women 44 - 52 for men 08 model: milou van rossum is a dutch fashion journalist. her hobby is salsa-dancing. she loves all sorts of cheese, red wine, wodka with ice and coffee. her favourite artist is johnny cash, and she would like to own a car. she prefers motels, and holidays in greece or the USA. ‘perfume’ website:www.vk.nl/mode starsign:scorpio born: november 3, 1965 09 number:09 patrick name: year:2008 description: star-shaped skin silk suit-dress. patrick arose from a profound research for the perfect party-outfit material: skin silk / 100% crêpe de chine variations: black silk / 100% crêpe de chine bottle green silk / 100% crêpe de chine etc. future d.i.y.-patrick sizes: one size model: PJ roggebrand from amsterdam is numberman and word-smith. his favourite things are daf-cars, owls, playing football, eating chinese rice-table, drinking wodka and the artist augustus pablo. he prefers hotels, and spending holidays in vietnam. his specialism, besides making masks, is making words of 11 characters. website: www.elfletterig.nl starsign:aquarius number:10 flirt M name: year:2008 description: short t-shirt dress with adjustable collar. part of a series of 3: flirt S / flirt M / flirt L. material: white linen jersey / 100% linen variations: black eco cotton future eco-package in various colors sizes: 36 - 42 for women 10 model: eve-marie kuijstermans is a fashion consultant from rotterdam, the netherlands. her cat is called pipi and she’s addicted to shopping and going to concerts, especially of depeche mode. she drinks lots of coffee with milk and drives a peugeot 107. the USA is her favourite country for holidays. website:www.colab.nl starsign:sagittarius born: december 12, 1983 11 number:11 broche du jour 01 name: year:2008 description: one-day broche, a tree leaf made of paper. material: fabriano artistico grana fina mouldmade, 300 gsm / 100% cotton, acid free extra: broche du jour is developed in co-operation with séverina lartigue, a french artificial flower maker. severina.lartigue.free.fr size: 13 x 6 cm number:12 legging name: year:2007 description: unisex trackpant-like baggy legging with pockets. material: dark blue lycra variations: black / blue / red / grey lycra future prints sizes: 36 - 42 for women 44 - 52 for men 12 model: rachid naas is a photography/fashion producer and art-buyer from amsterdam, the netherlands. his dog vesper is half dachshund and half king charles spaniël. rachid himself likes soulwax, antony and the johnsons and a mixture of food and drinks like couscous, cosmopolitan, sushi and limburgse vlaai, a famous tart from the south of holland. el lissitzky and madonna are a few of his icons. he prefers all cars before 1970, citytrips and bed&breakfasts. website:www.rachidnaas.nl starsign:virgo born: september 4, 1974 13 number:13 jack 2 name: year: 2005 / 2008 description: leather jacket number 2. material: washed lammnappa marine artigiano / 100% lammskin variations: washed lammnappa cheyenne dark brown washed lammnappa black washed lammnappa bronzo lammnappa white sizes: 36 - 42 for women 44 - 52 for men model: mariëtte hoitink is the owner of HTNK fashion recruitment & consultancy, ‘today is a good day’ and initiator/projectmanager of redlight fashion amsterdam. her hobby is DJing, and she prefers camping without her husband, but staying in a hotel with him, preferably in brasil. mariëtte likes drinking wodka-bitterlemon. she has 3 goldfishes and her favourite food is a foccacia fresh tuna. website:www.htnk.nl www.redlightfashionamsterdam.com starsign:pisces born: march 14, 1964 14 number:14 alphabet necklace name: year:2009 description: necklace with letter, from a to z, since everybody has a favourite. material: sterling silver 925/000 font:georgia variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 15 number15 PJ name: year:2008 description: pyjama-like pants with elastic waistband. material: leopard cotton / 100% cotton variations: acid cotton, greygreen silk, black silk, black chambray, green-blue-black check silk doupion, etc. sizes: 36-42 for women 44 - 52 for men model: jan schoon from amsterdam is a freelance communication- and PR agent. his car is a bike. his hobbies are film and perfume. he’s a big fan of new order, italy and eating at restaurant mimi in napels. he also likes american birthday pies, hop toads, beer and his favorite filmmaker is françois ozon. website:www.janschoon.nl starsign: leo born: july 26, 1980 number:16 don summer name: year:2008 description: cotton blouse-like blazer without lining. material: leopard cotton / 100% cotton variations: acid cotton, black silk, red silk, greygreen silk, black silk doupion, green-blue-black check silk doupion, etc. sizes: 36-42 for women 16 model: antoinette degens, originally from south africa, is a fashion editor for elle magazine in the netherlands. her hobby is flower arranging. she likes moloko and mozart, but also olives, smurf sweets and whisky. her favourite artist is jean-michel basquiat. in south africa she owns a red volkswagen golf. starsign:pisces born: february 02, 1981 17 number:17 eddy name: year: 2007 description: felt-tip-pen necklace, the first piece of moniquevanheist-jewellery. material: sterling silver 925/000 and edding-pen variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com number:18 dustcoat name: year:2008 description: cotton coat-dress, based on mens’ workcoat worn in workshops. material: sand, forest cotton / 100% cotton variations: dark blue cotton, red cotton sizes: 36-42 for women 18 model: hanneke van leeuwen (left) is part of the illustration-duo transister from rotterdam, the netherlands. her hobby is watching tv. she likes eating fries and ratatouille, and drinking wodka and/or chocolatemilk. her favourite artists are andy warhol and edie sedgwick. she spends her holidays in england. website:www.transister.nl starsign:leo born: august 20, 1977 model: nelleke boerkoel (right) is the other part of the illustration-duo transister from rotterdam. ‘kill your darlings!’ her hobby is drawing and watching movies. her pet is a rabbit. she likes eating pizza and drinking beer and cold chocolatemilk. her favourite artists are mark lanagan and kate bush. she spends her holidays in the USA. website:www.transister.nl starsign:aquarius born: januari 26, 1980 19 number:19 nail-poop jewellery name: year:2009 description: piece of jewellery based on the traditional dutch game ‘spijkerpoepen’. during the game the contestants tie a rope, with a nail tied on it, around their waist. the nail hangs like a tail from the back down. the contestant who lowers the nail into a bottle first is the winner. material: sterling silver 925/000 and hemp variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever, www.martineviergever.com 20 number:20 UP 1 name: year:2008 description: ultimate partydress 1 when you go shopping for a party dress, you tend to hold a dress in front of you while looking in the mirror, to see if it suits you. this dress offers the opportunity to wear your own comfortable clothes and looking festive at the same time, since it can be worn in front of you. material: gold habotai silk / 100% silk variations: magenta, lime, peach, peacock, palma, shell sizes: 36-42 for women model: esther coppoolse is the fashion director of elle magazine in the netherlands. ‘if you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain’ (dolly parton) her dachshund is called arie. her hobby is birdwatching. her favourite food is nasi goreng, her favourite artist joni mitchell. she drinks dirty martini’s, drives a cream mercedes stationcar and loves spending time in zeeland where she was born. she likes both hotels and campsites. website:www.rentyourrocks.com starsign:aquarius born: january 28, 1974 21 number:21 joga name: year:2008 description:overall material: acid cotton / 100% cotton variations: leopard cotton, flower cotton, black silk doupion, green-blue-black check silk doupion, etc. sizes: 36 - 42 for women 44 - 52 for men model: C.M.L. fuchs is a fashion stylist and entertainer from de baarsjes. she has a black cat. her speciality is budgetshopping and metioning the price payed. her favourite artists: nick, dan, antony, johnny, elvis, ray, thomas, bonnie and gummbah!!! she likes to drink piña colada and eat peanut millies. she loves to go camping in spain, and dreams of owning a citröen CX pallas. ‘humour, to laugh and family’ website:www.houseoforange.nl starsign:gemini born: may 22, 1964 22 number:22 faith-hope-love name: year:2009 description: long gold necklace with faith, hope and love symbols. material: gold 14k 585/000 variations: sterling silver 925/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 23 number: 23 samantha name: year: 2009 description: jumpsuit with low back material: black jersey light / 93% viscose, 7% EA variations: dark blue, dark grey, flower sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: charlotte kan is a fashion designer from rotterdam, the netherlands. website: starsign: born: www.charlottekan.com aquarius january 21, 1980 she loves cooking, eating dim sum and drinking coffee. her favourite music is one trick pony, by her sister anne fleur kan. she likes to spend her holidays in china, but when closer to home, she goes camping. 24 number: 24 bodywarmer name: year: 2006 description: leather bodywarmer material: cheyenne darkbrown, washed lammnappa variations: white lammnappa, black washed lammnappa sizes: 34 - 44 for women 46 - 52 for men model: sammy boonstra is in school and lives in amsterdam. she has a black cat and likes reading books. she likes to eat sushi and drink cola. her favourite artist is robert pattinson. in summer she goes camping in spain with the volvo and the skamper. ‘twilight’ website: starsign: born: www.youtube.com taurus may 6, 1997 number: 25 stella top name: year: 2008 description: silk top with round edges and short sleeves material: skin silk / 100% crepe de chine variations: black, bright blue, light grey, oil, bottle green, thai dye grey silk, chestnut, blue ray sizes: 34 - 44 for women 25 model: margot holtman is an illustrator and waitress from amsterdam. ‘I need a new house!’ she has a cat called luigi. her hobbies are drawing, eating and cuddling, and she listens to I-tunes day&night. her favourite drink is beer. chris ware is her favourite artist. one day she wants to own a big old car, to go camping anywhere except in brabant, a province in the south of holland. website:www.margotholtman.com starsign:aquarius born: february 14, 1984 26 number: 26 key jewellery name: year: 2009 description: necklace with outline keys in copper and leather, and a sterling silver hello-identity tag imaginary keys to open all doors material: copper Cu, sterling silver 925/000, vegetable cow butt, hemp rope, stainless steel variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com number: 27 liberty patrick name: year: 2009 description: star shaped liberty suit-dress liberty patrick is a sister of no. 09, patrick material: liberty flowers / 100% cotton variations: more liberty flowers sizes: one size 27 model: eylem aladogan is an artist from amsterdam south-east, the netherlands. ‘freedom to stay true to yourself, and independence’ her pets are actually the neighbours’ cats, that visit her daily. her hobbies are film and music, and she likes to listen to PJ harvey, tomahawk, mr. bungle, gang gang dance, massive attack and nico. she loves indonesian food and coca cola, her favourite artist is mike patton. she drives an opel astra station car. holidays in the californian desert are her favourite. website: working on it starsign:scorpio born: october 24, 1975 28 number:28 kik name: year: 2005 description: short jumpsuit with v-shaped neckline kik was designed for tina, moniquevanheist’s first collection material: black jersey light / 93% viscose, 7% EA variations: dark blue, white, print sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: marleen pennings from rotterdam, the netherlands, is a painter and works at the ro-theatre in rotterdam. she likes to eat pizza and has no pets. music she listens to: van morrison, them and the stones. her favourite artists are nick cave and roisin murphy. a big and old car is on her wishlist. starsign:virgo born: august 26, 1978 number:29 tunic with pocket name: year: 2009 description: square tunic with big pocket, to carry things material: bright blue crêpe de chine / 100% silk variations: black, skin, light grey, bottle green, thai dye grey, chestnut, blue ray, oil sizes: 34 - 44 for women 29 model: jacky is a graphic designer from rotterdam, the netherlands. ‘I have to change to stay the same’ ‘be good to the people close to you’ she is the stepmother of moniquevanheist’s dog simon, and she drives her mother’s citroën saxo. her hobbies are film and running. at home she listens to singing old men, at a party she loves house music. besides fish she is addicted to bread with nutella, if there is no bread, she eats it with a teaspoon straight from the jar. she loves wine and a fresh juice in the morning. since 2009 she is a fan of going camping in france, but in cities she prefers hotels. website:www.jacky-o.nl starsign:taurus born: may 11, 1972 30 number: 30 tunicdress with pocket name: year: 2009 description: square tunic dress with big pocket, to carry things material: bright blue crêpe de chine / 100% silk variations: black, skin, light grey, bottle green, thai dye grey chestnut, blue ray, oil sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: marije hellwich from utrecht, the netherlands, is a fashion student at the rietveld academy in amsterdam. her hobbies are going to the museum, reading, going out and dancing. she likes all sorts of music, except for traditional dutch songs. her favourite food is kroketten and shrimps, and she likes beer a lot. her favourite artist is mr. martin margiela. her car is a student train card. she would really love to go to moscow, but also really likes camping and sitting in front of your tent at night with a good glass of wine. website:www.marijehellwich.com starsign:scorpio born: november 11, 1984 number:31 meat-balls name: year:unknown 31 my mother’s Meatballs for 4 large balls you need: 500 gram good quality (biological) minced meat (half beef, half pig) pepper, salt and nutmeg 1 egg bread-crumbs scatter salt, pepper and nutmeg on the minced meat. mix with the egg and bread-crumbs and make 4 balls. bake your meatballs nice and brown on both sides on a high fire, then let them stew on low fire for about 20 minutes. after that, you have a good and tasty meatball! serve them with mustard, mayonaise or ketchup, and whatever you like to eat them with (bread, potatoes, vegetables, pasta). If you have left-over meatballs, put them in your fridge and eat them the next day sliced on your bread. Delicious! hallo schat, hier het recept voor de gehaktbal: voor 4 grote gehaktballen heb je nodig: 500 gram gehakt (half runder-, half varkensgehakt) peper, zout, nootmuskaat 1 ei en paneermeel. het gehakt bestrooien met zout, peper en nootmuskaat, daarna het gehakt mengen met het ei en paneermeel en er vervolgens 4 ballen van draaien. De ballen aan beide kanten lekker bruin bakken en daarna op een laag pitje gaar stoven. En dan heb je een lekkere bal!!! Een dikke kus, Ria 32 number: 32 hellofashion community tools name: year: 2009 description: do-it-yourself hellofashion by thomas voorn: be part of the hellofashion community every single day of the week make yourself visible with the hellohairdo, hellonails, hellocar etc. material: various extra: art director and designer thomas voorn developed the hellofashion community tools as guest appearance in hellofashion. thomas voorn is styling and design: a contemporary vision on colour, clothes and communication. www.thomasvoorn.com 01 02 03 04 05 06 01 hellohairdo: 02 helloshoe: 03 hellocar: 04 hellocardigan: 05 hellohand: 06 hellonails: 07 hellopaper: use hairspray and hairpins: in 5 minutes ready bored in a bar; start writing with your shoestring spray or paint; download templates from moniquevanheist.com pull out some yarn or thread from a garment and write hello use pen or waterproof marker use transfer lettering or waterproof marker for all your (love)letters; make writing letters popular again make your own black&white copies from the sample in the catalogue hello …………..………………………………. 33 number: 33 pencil skirt name: year: 2008 description: pencil skirt with elastic waistband material: dark blue wool cashmere / 95% wool, 5% cashmere variations: various colours silk crêpe de chine, black/bordeaux/grey wool cashmere sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: alexandra is a musician, performer and image & language student at the rietveld academy in amsterdam, the netherlands. ‘I like poetry on toilet doors’ frida is her pet. her hobbies are clowns, buttons and trees. her favourite artist is hendrik vincent boschma. she likes eating paté chinois and drinking cider. her car is a carrier cycle and she loves to go to belgium for holidays. website: www.saelors.com , www.myspace.com/lospoettes starsign:virgo born: august 22, 1984 number: 34 name: playsuit year: 2007 description: longsleeve shirt that can turn into a playsuit by closing the buttons between your legs material: white linen stretch jersey / 98% linen, 2%EA variations: various stripes sizes: 34 - 44 for women 46 - 54 for men 34 model: tim de jong (left) from rotterdam, the netherlands, is a freelance fashion assistant and shop employee at a luxurious menswear boutique. his hobbies are cigarettes, coffee and cleaning. he likes all kinds of music, salads and beer. his favourite artist is kate moss. he prefers having a driver over driving himself. ‘I have no bad habits’ website:www.thesun.co.uk starsign:taurus born: april 21, 1982 model: nada van dalen (right) is a fashion designer from dordt, the netherlands. her pet is coco, a french bulldog. her hobbies are drinking beer and screaming. her favourite artists are zappa, wu-tang, billy holiday, nico and d.a.f. she likes eating pasta with her beer and if she could have a car it would be an old volvo. berlin is her favourite city. website: starsign: born: www.nadavandalen.com leo august 2, 1983 35 number: 35 broche du jour 02 name: year: 2009 description: one day broche, a tree leaf made of paper material: ‘Zaans bord’ rags paper of 100% unbleached cotton paper mill extra: broche du jour is developed in co-operation with séverina lartigue, french artificial - flower maker. severina.lartigue.free.fr size: 13,5 x 12 cm 36 number: 36 white blouse name: year: 2009 description: white blouse with ruffles and 3/4 sleeves material: 100% cotton variations: peach silk, cotton with embroidery in various pastels, checked cotton sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: urok from amsterdam is a fashion student at the rietveld academy in amsterdam, the netherlands. ‘love, love, love’ website: starsign: born: too many bookmarks... leo august 7, 1984 she wants a cat. her hobby is youtube. all music that makes her laugh and cry is good for her, like erlend øye and tv on the radio. she likes eating spicy spices and drinking mojito. her favourite artist is sol lewitt. she loves going to new york and staying at her friend’s loft in brooklyn. 37 number: 37 fashionista name: year: 2009 description: fancy overall with separate ruffled half - skirt to make the look even more eclectic material: thai dye silk / 100% silk with hand dyed thai dye variations: miscellaneous sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: isis vaandrager from rotterdam, the netherlands, is a fashion stylist and a dj (isis valentine). a pet is on her wishlist. her hobby is collecting: hiphop and disco records, fashion magazines, vintage clothing, barbies, pillows, embroidered paintings, handbags, 70’s fabrics, sneakers, ceramics and trinkets . her favourite music includes madonna, jay-z and duvelduvel. her favourite artist is peter jeroense. she loves eating steak with rice, tiramisu and salted popcorn, and drinking apple juice and limoncello. she drives a metallic black ford fusion. on holidays she wants something that includes a hotel, sun, beach and shopping. ‘life is too short to dance with ugly men’ website: www.isisvaandrager.com starsign:aquarius born: february 14, 1972 number: 38 tool bracelet name: year: 2009 description: bracelet made of silver and elastic band with loops, to carry your tools and stuff material: sterling silver 925/000, black elastic band variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 38 39 number: 39 silk bag XL name: year: 2008 description: large rectangular bag with different options for carrying. The bag looks fragile but can carry a lot. material: champagne silk, black silk, 100% crêpe de chine variations: various silk colors sizes: one size model: taco stuiver is a hairdresser from amsterdam. ‘no life without love’ his dog is called woest, and his hobby is music. he is a fan of violet nights and mink de ville. taco loves all food prepared with love, and loves to drink jack daniels. he drives a pontiac firebird and loves holidays anywhere. website:www.cheztaco.nl starsign:aries born: april 3, 1965 40 number: 40 twister new name: year: 2007 / 2010 description: dress that can be worn on both sides: front is back is front choose low or high / back or front material: vionnet jacquard black, 100% wool variations: various colors silk 100% crêpe de chine, printed cotton sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: siriane is a photographer and stylist from amsterdam. ‘salmiak en berenklauwen’ her wish is to own a cat. her car is a horse. her hobbies are cooking, horses and growing plants. she loves to eat couscous. her favourite drink is rivella. her favourite artists are dan auerbach, cat power, antony&the johnsons, lina scheynius and patrick watson. she likes both hotels and camping, and loves holidays in arizona. website:www.siriane.nl starsign:aquarius born: februari 16, 1981 41 number: 41 flirt L name: year: 2008 description: t-shirt dress with adjustable collar part of a series of 3: flirt s / flirt m / flirt L material: blue-black striped jersey, 100% viscose variations: black cotton eco, white linen jersey sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: nadie borggreve from amsterdam is a student. her hobbies are making clothing and painting. her favourite food is shoarma. her favourite drink is vodka. she is a fan of santigold / big, and loves to spend het holidays in LA. website:www.eefashion.blogspot.com starsign:leo born: july 23, 1991 number: 42 don summer boiled name: year: 2008/2010 description: a cooked version of don summer material: darkblue wool-cashmere, 95% wool, 5% cashmere variations: black wool, darkbrown wool, grey wool sizes: 34 - 44 for women 42 model: mylou oord from amstelveen is a photographer. ‘want more tattoos’ her cat nausica recently died. she wishes she had a hobby and loves to eat thai food. her favourite artist is dennis duijnhouwer. she does not have a driving license yet. she loves to go on holiday to beautiful destinations far away. she prefers hotels over camping. website:www.mylouoord.com starsign:aries born: march 25, 1987 43 number: 43 overcoat name: year: 2008/2010 description: unisex overcoat, without lining, with separate leather lace as belt material: volpe loden twill variations: black loden twill sizes: 34 - 44 for women, 46 - 52 for men model: robert risteski from amsterdam is the owner of destination shop. his hobbies are film, music, fashion and art. he has no pets because of allergies. he loves to eat pasta and drink white wine. his favourite artist is francis bacon. he has no car, and loves to spend his holidays in macedonia. ‘money’ website:www.destinationshop.nl starsign:libra born: october 12, 1968 44 number: 44 half ruffled skirt name: year: 2009 description: half skirt with ruffled layers and elastic waistband, to be worn over your outfit to give it an exuberant look materials: mint habotai silk, 100 % silk variations: various colors habotai silk, coarsely woven silk jute , thai dye silk sizes: 34 - 44 for women model: sabrina bongiovanni is a photographer from amsterdam. ‘dior 999’ her pet is barrie. her hobby is collecting white porcelain. she listens to all kinds of music, except nick&simon. her favourite food is pasta, her favourite drink gin-tonic. she drives a BMW 320 and spends het holidays in italy. website:www.sabrinabongiovanni.com starsign:gemini born: june 21, 1978 number: 45 twister new short name: year: 2010 description: short dress that can be worn on both sides: front is back is front choose low or high / back or front material: champagne washed crêpe de chine, 100% silk variations: various colors silk 100% crêpe de chine, printed cotton, wool sizes: 34 - 44 for women 45 model: noortje zijlstra from the hague is a designer. ‘no other important things to mention’ website: starsign: born: www.noortjezijlstra.com cancer july 5, 1986 her hobby is her work, and she loves to eat sushi and drink champagne. she likes all kinds of music, but her favourite artist is wende snijders. since she has no car her transport is by foot. she loves camping in france but is not sure about that. number: name: year: description: materials: variations: sizes: 46 shirt no. 0 2010 shirt number 0 in a series of 0 to 10. each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large. white cotton, 100% cotton white eco cotton, silk, liberty prints 34 - 44 for women 44 - 52 for men 46 model: niels van hout from rotterdam is interiorarchitect. ‘I am crazy about ratings en love tiny houses’ website: starsign: born: www.nielsvanhout.blogspot.com, www.vervolmaken.com taurus may 1, 1976 his hobby is gardening and he drives a sexy citroën saxo. niels likes listening to electronic music of his teenage-years. his favourite artist is vitalic. he loves drinking coffee and eating everything his partner cooks. his favourite place for holidays is italy. 47 number: name: year: description: material: variations: sizes: extra: 47 safety-pin 2010 safety-pin with hello-cap a practical piece of jewellery cap sterling silver 925/000, pin stainless steel future gold 14k 585/000 one size developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 48 number: 48 trenchcoat name: year: 2010 description: unisex trenchcoat with loose collar and leather buttons material: heavy waxed cotton / 100% cotton variations: different types of wax-cotton, from very wet to very dry wax sizes: 34 - 44 for women 44 - 54 for men model: menno bouma from rotterdam is a photographer. he has no pet. his hobby is music, and he is the bass-player of elle bandita. his favourite artist is led zeppelin. menno loves thai food and drinking sake, and drives a renault laguna. he likes spending his holidays in sweden, and likes staying in hotels. website: www.mennobouma.nl starsign:sagittarius born: december 17, 1981 49 number: 49 triangle name: year: 2010 description: triangle shaped hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: future gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 50 number: 50 smile name: year: 2010 description: smile hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 52 number: 52 star name: year: 2010 description: star hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com number: name: year: description: material: variations: sizes: 53 shirt no. 8 2009 unisex oversized shirt / coat, number 8 in a series of 0 to 10. each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large darkblue loden, 100% wool white eco cotton, stripe cotton, other types of wool, silk one size 53 model: bauke knottnerus is a designer and a cook from rotterdam. website: starsign: born: www.baukeknottnerus.nl cancer july 19, 1983 he prefers to have no pets. his hobby is his juicer. his favourite artist is redzepi. bauke likes music from händel to beyonce, and his favorite food is french fries with mayonaise. he loves drinking white wine. his porsche 924 broke down. he likes going to paris and loves staying in hotels. number: 54 remy long name: year: 2010 description: long cape with hood, to wear over all things that can’t bear a coat. materials: darkblue loden, 100% wool variations: black loden summerversion in various types of cotton and wax cotton sizes: 34 - 44 for women 44 - 54 for men 54 model: corry okkinga from amsterdam is a retired gymnastics teacher. starsign: born: aries april 16, 1929 she used to have cats for pets. she loves reading books of writers like albert camus and w.f. hermans and listening to mozart. her favourite food is soup, her favourite artist is wim kan. corry likes to drink red wine and going to france. number: 55 sweater XL name: year: 2010 description: long dress with 3/4 length sleeves materials: jersey wool, 100% wool variations: various types of jersey sizes: 34 - 44 for women 44 - 54 for men 55 model: piet paris from amsterdam is a fashion-illustrator. he has no pets and no hobbies. he loves disco. he likes eating lunch and to drink wine. piet’s favourite artist is david hockney. although he has no drivers’ licence, he would love to own a sportscar. he spends holidays in new york and prefers to stay in a hotel. website:www.pietparis.com starsign: aquarius born: february 7, 1962 56 number: 56 questionmark name: year: 2010 description: questionmark hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com number: name: year: description: material: variations: sizes: 57 shirt no. 8 sleeveless 2010 unisex sleeveless oversized shirt, number 8 in a series of 0 to 10. each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large liver silk, 100% crêpe de chine white eco cotton, stripe cotton, types of wool, silk 34 - 44 for women 44 - 54 for men 57 model: femke from amsterdam is a contemporary culture curator / DJ. she has a cat called che. her hobbies are making music and baking vegan cupcakes. her favourite music is the walrus by the beatles. she loves eating a vegan vietnamese summerroll and drinking wodka straight. femke has no car. she likes spending her holidays in the u.s., at the hollywood pensione a.k.a. the wilton hilton. ‘fur free activist with a love for the psychedelic, the stange and plain weird’ website: starsign: born: www.mylittleunderground.com virgo september 17, 1973 number: name: year: description: material: variations: sizes: 58 tunicoverall with pocket 2009 square tunic overall with big pocket, to carry things terra crêpe de chine / 100% silk other colors of silk, cotton 34 - 44 for women 58 model: anouk is an actor and stage maker at ‘t barreland. ‘simple & do not simplify’ website: starsign: born: www.barreland.nl scorpio november 6, 1969 she lives in amsterdam with her 2 kids. her pets are the snails from the garden. her hobby is eating: oysters, chinese steamed fish, hot aubergine, licorice... she likes drinking grapefruit juice. she loves a lot of music, like munir bashir, joni mitchell and louder stuff. her favourite artists are amongst others michael haneke, louise bourgeois and william faulkner. she drives a black mazda. her holidays she likes to spend in spain and china, and she likes staying at the giggling tree in yangshud. 59 number: 59 love name: year: 2010 description: love hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com number: name: year: description: material: variations: sizes: 60 sweater M 2010 sweatshirt-like shirt with 3/4 length sleeves grey melee sweat, 100% cotton other types of sweat, jerseys 34 - 44 for women 44 - 54 for men 60 model: barbara swaak from amsterdam is design&merchandise manager at gsus. her pets are cats. her hobbies are cooking, her beachhouse at wijk aan zee, the camplet and her kids. she loves many types of music. she likes to eat sushi and drink strawberry margherita. her favourite artists are huub van der lubbe and yoshitomo nara. she drives a golf. on holidays she goes camping in france. ‘easy hairdo’ website: starsign: born: www.gsus.com, www.eveloarchitekten.com cancer july 8, 1966 61 number: 61 and name: year: 2010 description: and hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 62 number: 62 comma name: year: 2010 description: comma hanger, one in a series of icons, to reflect your mood material: sterling silver 925/000 variations: gold 14k 585/000 sizes: one size extra: developed in co-operation with jewellerymaker martine viergever www.martineviergever.com 63 number: 63 stella medium name: year: 2010 description: tunic with round edges and short sleeves material: check silk print / 100% silk model: brigitte hendrix is a fashiondesigner from amsterdam. website: starsign: born: www.andbeyond.nl taurus april 24, 1978 she has no pets, but loves gardening. her favourite music is the beatles. she likes eating pho (vietnamese soup) and loves drinking honey-lemon-ginger tea. she drives a white opel asta stationcar. brigitte still dreams of going to north america, japan, tibet, iceland, mongolia and vlieland, and prefers a hut over camping or staying in a hotel. number: name: year: description: material: 64 64 jack 1 2005 leather bomber-like jacket with 3/4 sleeves black lammnappa / 100% lammskin model: kim seymonsbergen is a graphic / typographic designer. website: starsign: born: www.fyidesign.nl taurus may 18, 1976 she lives and works in amsterdam and has no pet. her hobby is strolling on 2nd hand markets, her favourite artist is PJ harvey. music she loves to listen to is amongst others rock, electro and minimal, like matthew dear, the knife and fever ray. Her current favourite is when saints go machine. kim loves drinking caipiriña and jupiler beer, and dreams of driving an old peugeot 206. she spends her holidays wherever nice friends live, and prefers to go camping. 69 number: 69 shirt no. 3 name: year: 2010 description: slightly oversized unisex shirt, that can also be worn as a fall-coat. number 0 in a series of 0 to 10. each shirt is enlarged by using a fixed grid, ignoring the rules of patternmaking. 0 is fitted, 10 is extremely large. material: black & white check wool / 100% wool model: erik van dillen is manager at house of orange in amsterdam. he does not want a pet. his hobby is sporting, his favourite music is loud. his favourite artist is his husband. erik loves eating pizza and drinking ginger ale. he has no car, and likes spending his holidays in a hotel in spain. starsign: born: aries april 11, 1961 70 number: name: year: description: 70 2007 rectangular-shaped dress, like a very long bag part of a series: bagtop, bagdress, silk bag XL material: grey green silk, 100% crêpe de chine bagdress model: lidewij merckx is a stylist from amsterdam. her pets are snails. she has no hobbies. her favourite music is eclectic, but especially old ‘mess’ and french chansons. she loves eating steak with bearnaise sauce and drinking champagne (besides wine and beer). her favourite artist is david hockney. her car is a dodge. lidewij spends her holidays at the ‘drielandenpunt’, and likes to go to hotel ‘de goudfazant’. website:www.lidewijmerckx.com starsign: virgo born: september 8, 1977