PAtriot - Lake Brantley High School


PAtriot - Lake Brantley High School
To download a pdf version of this newsletter, go to
Mary Williams
Deirdre Garnes
Curtis Nash
Joe Trybus
Jessica Webb
Nicole Wysong
Brian Shafer
Jesse Walker
Jerri Kelly
Lake Brantley
High School
991 Sand Lake Road
Altamonte Springs,
Florida 32714
Sandra Von Eschenbach
[email protected]
parents and students
The Student Conduct and Discipline Code is posted on-line at It may be
accessed by choosing Student Conduct Code, which is found immediately under the listing for
Dress Code in the selection box on the left of the School Board’s “home page.” You can also access the Code from the Lake Brantley homepage, under School
Info, School Policies. If you do not have computer access, please contact your
child’s guidance counselor for a paper copy of the Code.
Challenge Day 2012-2013
Our second annual Challenge Day will be held on October 29th, 30th, and 31st. This program was
extremely successful last year in showing students, staff, and volunteer community members
how important it is to show who we are as individuals on the inside. It taught participants
how to break down the barriers we put up and to stop judging others based only on what we
see, but rather on who we are. We are still seeking financial
support as this is a huge expense, but one that is very worth
Keep Up with Attendance
it. For information on how to donate, or for more information
and Grades with Skyward
on the program or becoming involved, please contact the
Family Access!
Challenge Day Coordinator, [email protected].
“Patriot Parade”
September 2012
Volume 3 • Issue 1
Published Five Times Per Year
Important Dates
Oct. 5............................ Pink-Out for Breast Cancer Awareness,
Dec. 19-21.........................Early Dismissal for Students (Exams)
LB v. Seminole football game
Dec. 21 ................................... End of 2nd quarter/1st semester
Oct. 8-11............... FCAT Math & FCAT 2.0 Reading fall retakes
Dec. 24-Jan. 4.................................... No School—Winter Break
(11th & 12th only)
Jan. 7-8 ........................................................ Teacher Workdays
Oct. 8-12......................................................Homecoming Week
Jan. 9..................................... Start of 3rd quarter/2nd semester
Oct. 9................................................ Chorus Fall Concert (7 pm)
Jan. 21........................................................................ No School
Oct. 10........................................... College Fair at SSC (7-9 pm)
Jan. 22.................................................. PTSA Meeting (6:00 pm)
Oct. 12................... Homecoming Parade, Pep Rally, and Game
Feb. 18....................................................................... No School
Oct. 13........................................................ Homecoming Dance
Feb. 19................................................. PTSA Meeting (6:00 pm)
Oct. 16.................................................. PTSA Meeting (6:00 pm)
Mar. 19................................................. PTSA Meeting (6:00 pm)
SCPS Art Students’ Exhibit at Orlando Museum of Art
Mar. 21........................................................... End of 3rd quarter
Oct. 17......... PSAT (10th graders, all others: $15, must sign-up)
Mar. 22............................................................ Teacher Workday
Oct. 18............................................................ End of 1st quarter
Mar. 25-29..........................................No School—Spring Break
Oct. 19............................................................. Teacher Workday
Apr. 1.............................................................Start of 4th quarter
Oct. 20................................... Seminole Marching Festival (TBA)
Apr. 16.................................................. PTSA Meeting (6:00 pm)
Oct. 22..........................................................Start of 2nd quarter
May 24, 28-29....Early Dismissal for 9th-11th Students (Exams)
Oct. 25................ Quarter 1 report cards distributed to students
May 29............................. End of 4th quarter/Last day of school
Oct. 26........................... Drama’s Spook-Ghetti Dinner (3-6 pm)
Tentative: Graduation (9 am)
Oct. 29-31.......................................................... Challenge Days
Nov. 8................... Veterans Day Program presented by JROTC
Nov. 8-10 ............................................... Drama Fall Show (TBA)
Nov. 13.................................................... Veterans’ Day Concert
Nov. 21-23 ................................................................. No School
Nov. 27................................................. PTSA Meeting (6:00 pm)
Nov. 29.................... 40th Anniversary Celebration Performance
by the LBHS Chorale (7 pm)
Nov. 30 ....................Arts Alive! at The Westin Hotel, Lake Mary
Dec. 3-4.................Biology End of Course Exam (EOC) Retakes
Dec. 5-7.............. Algebra I End of Course Exam (EOC) Retakes
Dec. 6-7........................................................... Patriot Showcase
Dec.12-13..........Geometry End of Course Exam (EOC) Retakes
Dec. 13-14....................................................Dance Show (7 pm)
Semester 1 Make Up Time
Students who wish to make-up only one class must serve
from 8:30 am-9:30 am. Students who wish to make- up two
classes must serve from 8:30 am-10:30 am. Students who
wish to make up three classes must serve from 8:30 am11:30 am.
October 6
October 13
October 27
November 3
November 10
November 17
December 1
Questions regarding make-up time may be directed to the
attendance office or the student’s building office.
The Patriot Freshmen Connection
link crew
Residency Guidelines
A warm welcome to the Class
of 2016! Your attendance and
participation at the 2012 Link Crew Orientation on
August 3rd was phenomenal! A BIG thanks to our Link
Leaders who went “all out” to show you a great time
and help you get acclimated to campus life. Those
who were not able to attend either the Orientation or
Pre-School Processing should stop by the Principal’s
office and get a complimentary t-shirt and planner.
Freshmen, if you haven’t heard from your Link Leader
yet; they are looking for you! Please stop by the
Principal’s office and Mrs. Comerer will have you fill
out an information sheet to assist your Link Leader.
We want all our 9th graders to feel comfortable going
to your Link Leader with your very important questions;
they are your essential “link” to what being a Patriot is
all about.
Our Link Leaders are forming a committee to plan various
social activities in the coming months for our freshmen.
Please check the Lake Brantley website for upcoming
events and information at
We hope all of our freshmen have an outstanding first
year in high school!
Within 30 days of moving, the FTE office will need
the following information:
If you rent/lease, we will need the complete lease,
current electric bill and a copy of the parent/guardian
driver’s license with the new address.
If you have purchased the residence, we will need the warranty
deed (you receive this in your papers at closing) or declaration
of homestead exemption along with a current electric bill and
a copy of the parent/guardian driver’s license with the new
If you are a family living with another family, you need to fill out
and submit a special form at Lake Brantley High School along
with necessary documents.
If your lease has expired, we will need the renewed lease along
with a copy of a current electric bill.
All seniors are still required to reside in our district and under
no circumstances can you be a resident of another county and
go to or graduate from Lake Brantley High School. Also, if you
change phone number(s), please notify us of the correct phone
number(s). Failure to provide required residency verification and/
or falsification of residency information could result in a student
being withdrawn from Lake Brantley. Any questions regarding
residency, to report a student not living in our district, or to report
new phone numbers, please call 407-746-3450.
Come to Cultura Hispana
Spanish Club Study Hall
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:30 – 3:30, Portable 13
Bring your work and a positive attitude!
Speak Out Hotline
Mu Alpha Theta, the math club, will offer free peer
math tutoring in the media center. Tutoring will be
available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from
2:30 until 3pm.
Text SPEAKOUT and your tip to 274637
concerns about school and student safety
to the Speak Out Hotline. There are three
ways to make a report:
Counselor Corner
Annual College Fair
The only College Fair for Seminole County will be held Wednesday, October 10
from 7-9 PM, at Seminole State College. There will be over one hundred college
representatives in attendance. Dr. Ann McGee, president of SSC, is opening the SSC
campus that night to accommodate Seminole County students. Students from all
grades are invited to attend!
The PSAT will be given at Lake Brantley Wednesday, October 17. Current 10th graders
will be given the opportunity to take the PSAT for free. LBHS guidance recommends
all juniors sign-up, and pay $15 to take the test. For juniors, the PSAT is the only
avenue to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship Qualifier (NMSQ), which could
mean thousands in college scholarships.
Scholarship Room Open for Seniors!
The Scholarship Room is a service offered to seniors every Wednesday from 10:30
AM-12 PM. We encourage seniors to bring in their lunch while they investigate different
scholarships available to 2013 graduates. There is a broad range of scholarships for
the students to review; furthermore, scholarships will be posted on the LBHS website.
We receive new information each week, so the students should visit often to keep
up-to-date on scholarship offerings. Available scholarships can range from nationally
recognized scholarships (Best Buy and Coco-Cola) to state-related business
sponsorships (Florida Association of Secondary Schools and Florida Engineering
Society) to scholarships offered by generous individuals (Brett Lane Scholarship of
the Promising Patriot Scholarship). Students should make the effort to join us on
Wednesdays – it could help make a difference in many ways.
Hugh O’Brien Award
Each year Lake Brantley selects a sophomore to
represent our school at the Hugh O’Brien Youth
Leadership Seminar. Congratulations to Hannah Smith
and Danielle Soltren for being selected this past summer
to represent our school. Please congratulate them for
being outstanding Patriots!
Graduation Requirements
All seniors must successfully complete the required
number of credits (26) to participate in graduation
ceremonies. Graduation requirements are on the
LBHS website.
Class of 2015 and thereafter are required to complete an
online course before graduating.
Test dates:
SAT & ACT Test Dates
SAT Dates: 10/6, 11/3, 12/1, 1/26, 3/9, 5/4, 6/1
ACT Dates: 9/8, 10/27, 12/8, 2/9, 4/13, 6/8
Please check
or for registration deadlines.
Notice to Seminole County Virtual School (SCVS) AND Florida
Virtual School (FLVS) students! A dropped virtual course will
be reflected as ‘withdrawn failing’ on your transcript if dropped
beyond the 28 day grace period.
Sunshine Club -
Motorcycle Awareness
The Sunshine Club promoted our first annual Motorcycle
Awareness across the Lake Brantley campus and the greater
community during the month of September. Our goal was
to make people more aware that they share a road with
motorcyclist and to keep them safe.
On-line donations can be made to the Sunshine Club at the
Sunshine Club balloon
Yearbooks will be on sale throughout the semester. The starting
price is $70 and the price will gradually go up throughout the
year. Be sure to buy yours early, as last year they sold out in
3 days. They can be purchased during both lunches in room
8-224. Any questions? call 407-746-3443.
Senior Salutations
Senior Salutation information will be mailed out after Labor
Day. They are due back December 15th. If you did not receive
yours in the mail in September, they can be picked up in Building
7 and 8 Offices.
Discipline Policies for Common Infractions
Student Attendance Policy
• A student under the
age of 16 is required by
state law to attend school. Additionally, a student
may have his/her driver’s license revoked due to
excessive absences. All doctor notes and/or other
official documentation must be turned in within 5
days of the absence. PARENT NOTES DO NOT
• A student with more than 9 unexcused absences in a
one-half (1/2) credit class will receive a grade of F for
the term regardless of the calculated grade. Make-up
time is available but must be completed before the
end of the semester or the student will lose credit for
the course.
• A student will be considered absent from class if the
student arrives late or leaves class for greater than or
equal to 5 minutes.
• A student participating in school activities or
attending to school business during the school day
is considered in attendance. The activity is usually
considered a field trip.
• Out of school suspensions are considered unexcused
• All attendance information is available on Skyward
Family Access and is updated daily. Please login to
Skyward on a regular basis to track your student’s
• Changes to sign-out procedures: There will be
no sign-outs after 2pm on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays, and Fridays. There will be no sign-outs
during Pep Rallies, during testing, and after 1pm
on Wednesdays.
BYOD: Bring Your Own Device ***NEW***
Lake Brantley High School is committed to developing a 21st century
learning environment that encourages technology use among students
and staff members for educational purposes on our campus. We are
piloting a new policy which will aid in this process. Students and staff
will now be able to access our wireless network with their personal
devices (laptops, netbooks, tablets, smart phones, etc) during the
school day. With classroom teacher approval, students may use
their own devices to access the internet and collaborate with other
students. Without teacher approval, the previously established
electronic device and cell phone policy is still in effect. Many schools
across the nation are implementing Bring Your Own Device policies
for their students and staff. By allowing students to use their own
technology on campus, we are hoping to increase the access all
students have to the technology they need to succeed. Additionally,
the school bears no responsibility for devices that ar lost or stolen, so
be sure to keep your device secure at all times.
1st offense = Warning
2nd offense = Teacher detention
3rd offense = Saturday School
Cell Phone Misuse
(not for cheating, which would be an automatic referral)
*See BYOD policy
1st offense = Warning
2nd offense = Teacher detention
3rd offense = Saturday School
Dress Code Violation
Students were given warnings the first week of school. Dress code is
now being enforced. Specific information is available in the Student
Code of Conduct.
1st offense = Detention
2nd offense = Saturday School
3rd offense = In-School Suspension
4th offense = Out-of-School Suspension
What is PBS?
Positive Behavior Support (PBS) gives people a different way to think
about behavior. PBS is based on understanding why problem behaviors
occur - the behavior’s function, uses evidence-based strategies and
systems to assist schools to increase academic performance, increase
safety, decrease problem behavior, and establish positive school cultures.
PBS provides a positive and effective alternative to the traditional methods
of discipline. PBS methods are research-based and proven to significantly
reduce the occurrence of problem behaviors in the school, resulting in a
more positive school climate and increased academic performance.
LBHS is dedicated to the success of its students. We want to use positive
reinforcement to create a school climate that fosters growth and learning.
Our mission and vision are driven by our school-wide expectations:
SCPS Honor Code
In conjunction with the Ready to Learn and
Responsible schoolwide expectations, all
students are required to uphold the principle
of academic honesty in all classes. The
SCPS Honor Code is in effect at all times.
A student who violates the Honor Code will
receive a grade of zero on the assignment/
test and a disciplinary consequence. For
all Honor Code violations, parents will be
contacted by both the classroom teacher
and an administrator. Honor Code violations
jeopardize participation in extracurricular/
athletic activities and membership in
honorary societies. At Lake Brantley, the
display or use of an electronic device during
an assessment is an automatic Honor Code
violation regardless of the student’s intent.
Electronic devices should be switched off
and put away during all assessments.
Ready to Learn
Because we have many students to reward and limited
funds for this program, we are seeking support from
the community. We would be grateful for donations of money, merchandise, or
services at your business for use as student and staff incentives and supplies.
Game tickets, gift cards, and other donations are appreciated!
More information on discipline procedures
and infractions is available in the SCPS
Student Code of Conduct.
For information or to make a donation, please contact: Trish Elkharchafi: 407746-3660, [email protected]. Monetary donations can be
made payable to LBHS, with a note indicating PBS.
LBHS Dance - The winter Dance Show
is December 13 &14 at 7 pm in the Lake
Brantley Auditorium.
Drama Dept. - Upcoming Events
October 26: 2nd annual Spook-Ghetti Dinner 3- 6 pm
November 8, 9, 10:
Drama Fall Show (TBA)
November 15, 16, 17:
Thespian District Competition
Maitland Festival of the Arts
Lake Mary-Heathrow Festival of the Arts
Seminole County Art Students’ Exhibit
Arts Alive!
Altamonte Chapel Fall Festival
High School Art Show
Be sure to stop by the LBHS front office
and see the latest art and photo display!
October 5-7, 2012
Lake Lily/Maitland Civic Center
October 16, 2012 - December 28, 2012
Orlando Museum of Art
October 27, 2012
November 3-4, 2012
Lake Mary-Heathrow
November 30, 2012
The Westin Hotel, Lake Mary
Letter from the PTSA President
As you read this issue of Patriot Parade, do you realize that this is a project of our
LBHS Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)? If not, let me take this opportunity
to share with you the programs of our PTSA. Along with the Patriot Parade, PTSA
sponsors a Financial Aid Workshop, parent education sessions, a scholarship
resource room, and Teacher/ Staff Appreciation events. But the biggest project of
PTSA is student scholarships and student financial assistance. Each year, PTSA presents Proud Patriot Scholarships to deserving seniors. This past
year, through the generosity of the many supporters of PTSA, we were able to present
six $500 awards to seniors who were nominated by faculty, staff and students.
Throughout the school year, as funds are available, PTSA also provides financial
assistance for students who are unable to afford items required for class, such as
workbooks, dance shoes, or even graduation fees. We are also sponsoring “Challenge
Day” this year. PTSA provides a means by which our school is transformed into a
community. As a community, we can accomplish great things because we have the
input and support of a diverse group of people working together towards a common
goal: the education and character development of our teens. I hope you will find
something that inspires you to become involved at Lake Brantley. Your support and membership in PTSA is needed and appreciated. In addition,
parents can become involved with the Lake Brantley Booster Club, Band, Chorus,
Dance, and Drama Boosters, and the School Advisory Council (SAC). Please take a
moment and register to be a school Dividend. It’s easy to sign up via the Seminole
County Public School system website: Parent and community
involvement keeps Lake Brantley the highly regarded school that it is. The PTSA Board meetings are open to all interested parents and students. Our meetings
are on the third Tuesday of every month at 6 PM. If you haven’t had a chance to
become a PTSA member, please fill out the membership form and mail it to our school.
We are looking forward to a fabulous year with so many wonderful programs to offer
you and your family. We hope you can come to our meetings. For more information,
please email me at [email protected] or call 407-497-0226. Thank you! Abby Sanchez, Lake Brantley PTSA President
PTSA Membership 2012-2013
Cost: $7.00 per adult $5.00 per student
____ # of adults ____ # of students
Total Amount Enclosed: $_______________
Make checks payable to: LBHS PTSA
Parent/LBHS Staff Name(s)______________
Phone ________________________________
Email address _________________________
Student Name(s) & Grade(s) _____________
Street Address _________________________
City, ZIP ______________________________
Check here if you are on LBHS staff ______
[ ] I would like to volunteer, please call me
I would like to make a separate donation to:
____ PTSA General Fund
____ PTSA Scholarship Fund
Amount of donation $___________________
Return form and checks to:
PTSA Membership
Lake Brantley H.S., 991 Sand Lake Road
Altamonte Springs, FL 32714
PTSA on Facebook
PTSA Meetings
Please join us for the PTSA
Meetings to learn how the
PTSA supports the students
and parents at Lake Brantley. We encourage all students
to attend and represent their
club or sport of interest. PTSA 2012 – 2013
Meeting Dates
October 16, 2012
November 27, 2012
January 22, 2013
February 19, 2013
March 19, 2013
April 16, 2013
At each meeting, we will raffle
off a prize for the students who
attend. During the August
meeting, Matt Graber won a
$20 iTunes gift certificate just
for attending!! Congrats Matt,
and thanks for your support of
the PTSA!
Millions of people use Facebook every day
to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited
number of photos, share links and videos, and learn more about the people they
meet. Lake Brantley High School PTSA has also joined Facebook in order to make
it easier for you to stay updated. All you need to do is “Like” this page! If you
have any questions or suggestions, please send an email to [email protected]
The Leadership class is well underway
with their many projects of the year.
Their anti-bullying campaign, TBK (To
Be Kind), was recently highlighted
at a back-to-school bash at Amway
Arena which brought great exposure
to the program. They were even able
to present the program to Governor
Rick Scott who made an appearance
at the event.
The planning of this year’s Homecoming
Week(October 8-12) is well underway
and headed in the direction to be the
best one Lake Brantley has seen yet.
With the 40th Anniversary of the school
this year, Leadership is redefining
Homecoming. Some of the wonderful
additions to this year’s festivities is a
potential food truck bazaar the day
of the game, the Homecoming dance
to be held in the beautiful courtyard,
fireworks, and much more! This is one
event no one will want to miss. But
we can use your help. We are seeking
chaperones for the dance on Saturday
night, convertibles and drivers for the
Homecoming Court during the parade,
and we are looking for white Christmas
lights that you might be willing to lend
for use at the dance. If you can help in
any of these areas, please contact the
Leadership advisor, Adam_Sherman@
In addition to Homecoming, there
are many other great events and
opportunities. Leadership is selling
40th Anniversary calendars for
$10. They feature images from the
very first Yearbook of Lake Brantley
with images of the current campus.
On September 21st, the LB vs.
Lyman football game was a RedOut, supporting the American Heart
Association. On October 5th, the
LB vs. Seminole football game will
be the annual Pink-Out for breast
cancer awareness, so get that pink
gear ready! Again, please contact
Mr. Sherman with any questions or
for more information.
Band News
Apple Fundraiser
The Lake Brantley High School Band students will be selling Red and Golden
Delicious and Granny Smith apples ($14.00 per bag). If we miss your house during
our canvassing on September 15 & 29, you can print an order form from our website,, and mail your order with payment to: Lake Brantley Band
Boosters, 991 Sand Lake Road, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714. The apple orders are
due by October 20th. Thank you for supporting the Lake Brantley Band program!
Additional Marching Band Performances
Catch Lake Brantley’s marching band perform, not just at each football game, but at
two marching festivals this fall:
On October 20, each Seminole County high school band will perform at Seminole
Marching Festival, location TBA.
On November 3, Lake Brantley takes the field at 7:30pm at DeLand’s Spec Martin
Stadium at the FBA Marching Festival in front of fans and judges. The event starts
at 3 pm, but LBHS is scheduled to perform about 7:30pm.
See for prices and updates. Veterans Day Concert
For Veterans day the band once again honors both local veterans and those affiliated
with LBHS with a special concert on Tuesday, November 13. To show our gratitude
and appreciation for those who have served our country, we request photos of family
member, alumnus, and staff veterans. They will be part of a feature slideshow during
the concert. Drop off your pictures, including the name of the veteran and your name
and address (for safe return to you), at the band room. Call 407-746-3460 or visit the
Band website,, for more information. For a complete list of fine
arts performances, visit the school website,, and look under
Calendar. The Patriot Showcase is scheduled for December 6 and 7.
Booster Club
Not Using Your Seats on a Friday Night? - If you know you are
not attending a football game, please call Sandra von Eschenbach
(Booster Membership Chair) at 407-617-0260 or email at sanjj@ We will sell your seats for that night so we will have a full
Booster section. These extra reserved seats are sold at the ticket
booth to the right of the main gate on game night.
Varsity Football Reserved Seating – Please have your pass out
to show at the Pass Gate for Home Games and to gain entrance
into the reserved seating. Only passes with a seat number will be
allowed into reserved seating. Any remaining reserved seats will
be sold for $12 the night of the game at the ticket booth to the
right of the main gate on game nights.
Volunteer Work – During your child’s season, please contact
the team parent to volunteer to work in the concession stand.
The Booster Board will be calling on parents to help us with the
fundraisers during the year. The money raised will benefit all
sports and help support their budgets, too.
Christmas Tree Sales - Remember to purchase your Christmas
Tree from the LBHS Booster Club this year!! Trees will arrive in
late November.
Receiving E-mails - We are currently sending out e-mails; if you
haven’t received any, we may not have your correct address.
Please contact Lauren Gibbs, [email protected].
Merchandise - LBHS has many new styles of clothing and
merchandise for purchase. You may purchase merchandise on
Fridays of home football games in the main office, from 11am12:30pm and at home football games.
Booster Meetings – Please join us at our Booster meetings at 6
pm in the Building 1 Conference Room. (Oct. 1, Nov.5, Dec. 3,
Jan 14, Feb 4, March 4, April 1, May 6, June 3).
All Season Athletic Pass - The All Season Athletic Pass enables
students to attend ALL regular season home games for ANY
SPORT for the entire school year. The only exception is FHSAA
tournament and play-off games at the end of the season--no
passes of any kind are accepted to these events. The cost is $50
per student. Students should bring their LB ID and $50 to the
Athletic Office. The Booster Club sells an adult all-sport pass
as well. The Silver Pass is $150 for a single pass or $200 for two
family adult passes. Email Sandra von Eschenbach at sanjj@aol.
com for more information.
Attention Athletes - If you are a multi-sport athlete it is suggested
that you have a white card for each sport. Please plan ahead and
get all paperwork in advance of when your season or conditioning
begins. Allow 2 days for processing.
GAPP 2012
We left Orlando June 3rd and arrived in Germany on June
4th, to begin a tour of Frankfurt, where we overnighted. We
spent a few days in the State of Hesse, seeing cities like
Limburg, Braunfels, Weilburg, Runkel, Wetzlar, and Diez. We
saw some great historical sites, including some great castles,
and attended a huge state festival called “Hessentag” in the
city of Wetzlar. Our last two nights were spent in an old castle
that had been converted into a youth hostel--a really cool
experience for everyone.
We then moved on to the State of Thuringia to our partner
school in the city of Rudolstadt, where we were met by
our host families. LB students did presentations in many
of the classrooms, sharing information about Florida, such
as history, economy, and attractions. Our hosts took us on
field trips to various local cities like Weimar and Eisenach,
and hikes through the beautiful Thuringian Forest. After two
weeks, it was time to say goodbye to our German partners,
who threw us an awesome grill party, with the amazing
Thüringer Bratwurst and other treats.
We then moved on to Bavaria, where we toured through
some of the most scenic areas of the Alps, including several
famous palaces and castles, picturesque mountain villages,
and a breathtaking cable car ride to the top of one of the
area’s tallest mountains, the Karwendel, where the students
got to enjoy the amazing view, play in snow, and eat a nice
lunch. Lastly, we drove on to Munich, where we ate a big,
traditional German dinner, a fitting end to a great trip! This
year’s chaperones were Mr. Brad Willis and Ms. Giselle Levy,
who accompanied 12 LBHS students.
This was an awesome experience for our students. There is
nothing like being in the country of the language you are learning
to make all those hours of grammar, vocabulary, and cultural
studies to come to life, becoming relevant and more meaningful.
We are proud of our LBHS German students and their willingness
to expand their horizons, face the unknown, and, in return, receive
a truly positive, enriching, and life-changing experience!
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Chorus News
LBHS Chorus Fall Concert- October 9th, 2012 at 7pm
The LBHS Chorus will begin the 2012-2013 concert season with a concert
entitled “Words & Music: Great Texts and Nonsense Songs.” The 250 members
of the chorus will perform selections from Randall Thompson’s “Frostiana”, which
features the poetry of Robert Frost. Other featured poets will include Shakespeare,
Yeats, Dickinson, and many more. The concert begins at 7pm in the Lake Brantley
Auditorium and is FREE and open to the public!
40th Anniversary Celebration- Thursday, November 29th at 7pm
Join the LBHS Chorus, the Lake Brantley Chorale- a new ensemble that blends
the talents of students and community members, and members of the Lake
Brantley Band to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Lake Brantley High School. The
performance will include music by American composers and will feature Howard
Hanson’s “Song of Democracy” with guest conductor, Ms. Cynthia Berry. This
concert is FREE and open to the public.
LBHS Chorus Boosters
If you are interested in finding out more about the LBHS Chorus Boosters
and the Booster Board, please contact Co-President Sally Forgue at
[email protected]. We are currently seeking representatives for the
Board from the 9th and 10th grade parents.
Check out the LBHS Chorus online at: AND on
Facebook (search:”Lake Brantley High School Chorus”).
Balloons –
Balloons – Balloons
Sunshine Club is spreading sunshine
through balloon delivery. Celebrate
your child’s birthday or brighten
their day by sending them a special
balloon. Balloons are $2.50 and can
be ordered at www.brantleyballoons.
com. Balloons will be delivered to
your child’s first period class. Please
place large orders in advance and
remember all on-line orders for
same day delivery must be placed
before 6:30 am. All proceeds benefit
our students and families in the Lake
Brantley community.