The Ohio Cichlid Association
The Ohio Cichlid Association
The Ohio Cichlid Association Next Meeting: October 2nd at 8pm Buckeye Bulletin October 2009 In this issue: Oscar 101 (Astronontus ocellatus) Extravaganza 2009 Registration form inside Membership Contribution Info 2009 OHIO CICHLID ASSOCIATION OFFICERS Emperor Emeritus Mike Neelon 216-351-2327 Cleveland President Don Danko 440-526-0755 Brecksville [email protected] Vice President Lew Carbone 419-681-1628 Norwalk [email protected] Treasurer Rhonda Sorensen 216-398-8966 Cleveland [email protected] Programs Dan Woodland 440-885-2033 Parma [email protected] Membership Kyle May 216-548-5165 Strongsville [email protected] Andrew Subotnik 330-730-3177 Barberton [email protected] B.A.P. Mark Chaloupka 330-468-1966 Northfield [email protected] Catfish B.A.P. Dave Ayres 330-758-2421 Boardman [email protected] Bowl Show Andrew Subotnik 330-730-3177 Barberton [email protected] Raffle Dawn Dewerth 440-212-0896 Columbia Station [email protected] Librarian Hilary Lacerda 216-752-7329 Shaker Heights [email protected] Photographer Frank Mueller 330-673-0446 Kent [email protected] Videographer Jonathan Strazinsky 440-437-7033 Orwell [email protected] Secretary Steve Heinbaugh 330-730-4418 Massillon [email protected] Refreshments Gayle and Joe Ring 330-483-0419 [email protected] BUCKEYE CICHLID LOVER’S BULLETIN STAFF Editor Kyle May 216-548-5165 Strongsville [email protected] Exchange Editor Eric Sorensen 216-398-8966 Cleveland [email protected] Web Editor Frank Mueller 330-673-0446 Kent [email protected] Greg Seith 330-687-9410 Ravenna [email protected] Article Researcher SUPPORT STAFF Extravaganza Marc Dewerth 440-212-0896 Columbia Station [email protected] F.A.A.S. Lew Carbone 419-681-1628 Norwalk [email protected] Area Reps. Lew Carbone 419-681-1628 Norwalk [email protected] Toledo [email protected] Dave Myers Don Grey 330-785-0261 Akron [email protected] Dave Ayres 330-758-2421 Boardman [email protected] Bill Sensor 724-845-7171 Pittsburgh Frederic Potvin 418-831-7121 Canada [email protected] Alan Rollings United Kingdom [email protected] Robert Fonner Kentucky [email protected] MONTHLY MEETING INFORMATION Social meetings are the first Friday of every month at The Old Oak Church Which is centrally located at 7575 Old Oak Blvd. in Middleburg Heights, Ohio 44130-3344 President’s Message -By Don Danko The 2009 Extravaganza is nearly here! Be sure to make your plans to attend. See our website for the details, or sign up at the October or November meetings. We have a great line-up of speakers and activities for you, so don’t miss one of the premiere Cichlid and Catfish events of the year! We continue to work on the Bulletin delivery approach: Starting with this issue, Kyle May is now leading the effort to put together the bulletin. Going forward, we will work to assemble a support cast to minimize burnout. Some have offered to help already! If you have offered your support, please be patient as we organize role and determine where help is most needed. Andrew Subotnik has done a great job developing a simplified template for use going forward. Thanks, Andrew! The club has purchased a laptop computer that will be used to support the preparation of the electronic Bulletin. It will also be used at the Extravaganza and other club events. We continue to work toward the permanent elimination of the paper version of the Bulletin by the beginning of 2010 and the new decade. We recognize that elimination of the paper based version causes problem for members that do not have access to a computer. We are considering having a limited number of printer bulletins available for pickup at the monthly meetings for those members only. More to follow on that subject. President’s Message (Continued) Effective at the last monthly meeting, Andrew Subotnik has taken on responsibility for the Bowl Show due to Charlie Suk’s work schedule. Thanks much to Charlie for all of his leadership and support to the club in this area. We really appreciate all of his contributions and understand that work must come first. Our meeting in September featured yours truly on how fish shows are judged. We went over different approaches that are used to judge fish show entries, however, we focused on a pointing system that uses the factors of Coloration, Size, Condition, Fins and Deportment. This is the system that we will use at the Extravaganza, so I thought it important to explain it. We also split members into groups to judge fish brought in by Eric, Rhonda and Jonathan as a group and to have the kind of discussions that groups of judges go through at every show. Thanks to Eric, Rhonda, Jonathan and Lew for their help in bringing in fish and for helping with judging. Our September Swap Meet was successful, with over 80 buyers and sellers coming together to exchange fish and used hard goods. We plan to generate more club support for this time efficient forum for buying and selling through holding a swap meet at this year’s Extravaganza. The format has caught on like wild fire with other Cichlid clubs and we’re hoping more members will see the benefits and get involved in future meets. If you have suggestions on how to improve the event going forward, please contact a board member to give your inputs. Again, be sure to attend the Extravaganza from November 20-22 at the Strongsville Holiday Inn! Keep current on OCA activities by visiting our website, at, and by checking out our forum. There is a link to the forum from the website. Don kkkkk The View From Here… By Kyle May - Bulletin Editor As someone who’s been a reader of this bulletin for quite some time, I’ve always entertained thoughts about what I’d do differently if the Editors job ever fell into my hands. After just having completed the assembly process for my first attempt at this job, I must say that putting this together isn’t easy - nor did it go as smoothly as I would have liked. Buying and setting up a new computer takes time, as does getting organized in a job for your first go around. I figured my experience at writing commercials for radio ads would make this easy but I’ve got to say that the Editor position has surprised me. It’s for this reason that I ask you to treat this issue as my mulligan and to expect the next attempts to get better and far more interesting. You may find me hounding you for content and photographs to populate these pages. In my vision, this document is a direct reflection of our club and the fish that our members keep. In this issue you’ll find an article about Oscars by our own Jonathan Stazinsky. Oscars have been a popular choice among many hobbyists for years. Read this article and you may become an Oscar fan too. Extravaganza is just around the corner and we’ve included the Registration Form inside. I strongly suggest that you register early. This event is getting bigger and better every year and you’ll want to make sure that you are a part of it. Lastly, your yearly membership contribution is due in November. Why don’t you get it out of the way now? The OCA is such a deal at $15. We provide our members with many interesting benefits and our club is growing as a result. 2010 promises to be a landmark year for the OCA with many changes happening and you’ll find that your membership is worth much more than the $15 contribution. Talk to you next month, Vieja Bifasciatus -> Tonight: OCA Mini-Talk “How 2 Enter a Fish Show” October Social Meeting – October 2nd, 2009 Old Oak Church, 7575 Old Oak Blvd, Middleburg Heights, Ohio Meeting Starts at: 8pm Directions: From the North take I-71 South Take exit 235 (Bagley Rd.). Turn Right onto Bagley. Turn left onto Old Oak Blvd. Church is about ½ mile on left. From the South take I-71 North Take exit 234. Turn Right onto Pearl Rd. (42) Turn Left onto Fowles Rd. Turn Right onto Old Oak Blvd. Church is on the right 1/10 mile. Old Oak Church 7575 Old Oak Blvd. Middleburg Heights, Ohio I-71 Old Oak Blvd. Bagley Rd. Southwest General Hospital Old Oak Church Fowles Rd. B y Andrew Subotnik In September, we had excellent entries that showed both great quality and amazing deportment. Dustin Brummitt took 1st place in the Old World class, with an Astatotilapia Burtoni Burundi, which also won Best-of-Show. Dustin also took 1st place in the Corydoras class with his Corydoras Green Aeneus. There were no entries in our third class which was Frontosa. The October Bowl Show will feature Malawi ‘Haps’, along with a class for Apistos. Also, we’ll be featuring a Fish Art class this month, so get out those paint brushes, craft kits, and cameras and let’s see what you’ve got! If you’re not sure that your fish qualifies for a particular class you can contact me with questions. Phone 330-730-3177 or email [email protected] So…Bring it out, show it off, and maybe go home with some cash in hand! Andrew Prizes: Best of Show: Quarter Champ: 2009 Champ: $20 Cash $35 Pet Shop certificate 55 gal. Tank w/ Hood & Lights Standings Sept 2009 3rd Qtr D. Brummitt 49 193 82 Lacerdas 0 65 40 A. Gorges 0 36 0 S. Myers 0 35 0 K. McGill 0 22 0 G. Anagnostopoulos 0 13 0 M. Lentini 0 12 0 J. Johnson 0 10 0 J. Strazinsky 0 7 0 K. Galaska 0 7 0 G. Mendez 0 7 0 September Results: A. Frontosa NO ENTRIES B. Open Old World, excluding Malawi, Tang.: 1st Astatotilapia Burtoni Burundi (BOS) Dustin Brummitt 2nd Pundamilia nyererei Dustin Brummitt 3rd Pseudocrenilabrus nicholsi Dustin Brummitt C. Corys and other Callichthyrids: 1st Corydoras Green Aeneus (2nd overall) Dustin Brummitt nd 2 Corydoras Paleatus Dustin Brummitt rd 3 Corydoras Sterbai Dustin Brummitt October Classes: A. B. C. Malawi “Haps” Apistos Fish Art, plus Children’s Division November Classes: A. B. C. Female Cichlids (limit 3) Julidochromis, Telmatochromis, and Chalinochromis Loaches and Botias Point System 1st place…..………………………..10 2nd place….…………………………7 3rd place…………………………….5 Non-placing entries………………...1 Best of Show*…………………… 5 *Only awarded if 2 or more entries. Don’t forget that your Membership is due in November. The Ohio Cichlid Association is the coolest Cichlid and Catfish Club on the planet and it’s also a great deal. Our membership contribution is only $15 - you just can’t beat it! Make sure that you stay current and send in your membership contribution today. Thanks to the generosity of our members, the OCA gets better every year! To renew your membership please contact: Andrew – 330-730-3177 [email protected] OR Kyle May – 216-548-5165 [email protected] OR by mail: Ohio Cichlid Association 15730 Whitney Rd. Strongsville, Ohio 44136 OR Pay online: [email protected] OSCARS 101 (Astronotus ocellatus) By Jonathan Strazinsky TANK SIZE (SIZE DOES MATTER.) If you've always wanted an Oscar, (and why wouldn't you?), you're first going to need a large tank. I always say “Buy the tank, then the fish.” The most common size tank suggested for an Oscar is a 75 Gallon (48"x18"x18"). 75's are ideal, as they really DON'T take up much more room than a 55 gallon tank and a bare (no decor) 55 would work as a minimum -but why not get what's ideal for the fish? WATER CONDITIONS Clean, that about sums it up. Oscars are very adaptive and can live in a wide range of ph and hardness. Just be sure your tank is properly cycled for fish and keep your water clean and at about 80 degrees. GROWTH RATE I know what you're thinking... “Geez, this fish is 2" long, why do I need such a large tank?” Because with proper care and feeding, a healthy Oscar will grow at least an inch per month, maybe even faster! So you're going to need that tank because in 8 months your 2 inch Oscar will be 10 inches! An Oscars growth will slow down a bit after they mature at the 8-10 inch mark. My theory is that growth slows after maturing because they're so concerned about sewing wild oats that they forget that eating was once their biggest priority. Hey, it's just a theory... FEEDING Please do NOT feed your Oscar live prey unless you breed your own feeders or know the breeder who is supplying the feeder fish. Goldfish are a great way to give your Oscar parasites. Feed your Oscar a good brand of large cichlid food. Don't be concerned with the fact that they chew up and spit out their food. It seems to be fun for them and they do eat some of it so don't be concerned. Once you've chosen the food you're going to feed your Oscar, it's important to not over feed the little guy. Cichlids can eat and eat and eat. That doesn't mean you should feed them every time you walk past the tank. I feed my young Oscars twice a day as much as they can eat in about 30 seconds to a minute. After they mature I'll only feed them once a day, usually in the morning. It doesn't matter though, morning or evening. After five minutes if there's any left over food it can be removed with a small net. Once you figure out how much your little guy can eat then it'll be easy to decide how much to feed. Just do your best to not leave un-eaten food in the tank as it will decay causing less than desirable water conditions, which leads me filtration. FILTRATION/WATER CHANGES Here's the best advice I can give on filtration for Oscars. If the filters package says it's good enough to filter your 75, get TWO of those filters. That's right, double your filtration with Oscars. I make it common practice. You simply can't over filter when it comes to these larger cichlids. The most important thing for Oscars is to have a strict water change schedule. For one Oscar in a 75 gallon, 30% weekly is perfect. You can even increase the percentage of water changed during cleaning without hurting the fish. While performing your 30% water change you should slowly vacuum the substrate starting at one end of the tank working your way from front to back, slowly moving towards the opposite end. In a 75, you should get about half of the tank vacuumed while removing at least 30% of the water. A week later start the vacuuming on the other side. Repeat this process weekly and your tank will remain acceptably clean. If you already have a 55 and are planning on keeping an Oscar, you’ll find that you’ll have to water change more often - maybe 30% every 4 days. Remember, it's better to do more frequent and smaller water changes, than one big one. Keeping the water clean and fresh is a must for Oscars. Even though the Oscar you have has been breed in captivity for generations, these fish at one time lived in rivers and streams and are used to continuous fresh water changes. DISEASES Hole in the Head (HITH) is the most common disease that affects Oscars. To treat it simply re-creates in your tank what the Oscar would do in the wild. In the wild an Oscar (or any fish for that matter) will move to shallow water when feeling ill. They don't swim to the nearest pharmacy and get an over the counter drug to cure their ailment. The reason they move to the shallows is because the water is warmer, highly oxygenated and is replenished with new water at a fast rate. Do the same in your tank. Turn the temps up to about 83-85, add a bubble wall or two and change 10% to 15% of the water daily until you see improvements in the fish. The only difference between your aquarium and the natural environment is that there isn't some big ol' predator waiting to snatch the fish from the water! If you've followed all my advice in Oscar 101, it’s doubtful that you’ll ever have to worry about treating sick fish. SEXING and BREEDING Here’s how to breed Oscars. Get a 125 gallon tank and buy six baby Oscars of your choice. Then proudly watch them grow and pair off. After you have a pair, (trust me you WILL know), remove the other four fish by either returning them to the store for store credit or bringing them to my house to put them in my 800 gallon aquarium. Keep the temps around 83 and do 30% water changes every four days. Feed them well and give them a flat rock to lay their eggs on. After that, watch as instinct takes over. Don't forget they're new to this and may need a few practice rounds. Remember to keep the water clean! There are lots of theories about sexing Oscars. But nothing beats simply watching them spawn to figure out who's the boy and who's the girl! Some say males have more "eye" spots and longer fins. Others say males get bigger and are more aggressive. Except for vent sexing it's all theory and nothing is concrete. KEEPING MULTIPLE OSCARS Here's my take on multiple Oscars and tank size issues. It's been my experience that no matter the size of the tank, (even an 800 gallon), males will simply not get along. The problem is if you have a tank smaller than 800 gallons, one male WILL kill the other - especially if a female is present. I currently have EIGHT Oscars in an 800 gallon tank; five are mature and three are juveniles who have yet to reveal their sex Of the three that are mature, only one is female. The two males still hate each other, but there's room to run in a 14' tank unlike smaller tanks. Here are some examples on how you should keep these fish: Female + Female = OK Female + Male = OK (sometimes) Male + Male = Never This is why only one Oscar is recommended for a 75, not because there's not room for two Oscars because of aggression issues. Two females will work in a 75 with a 90% success rate. I say 90% because there's still a 10% chance they won't get along. I'd still do it though. I'd give a pair about a 75% success rate in a 75 simply because a female will test a males strength before spawning with him, if he's too strong and she's got no place to run then she's dead. If he's not strong enough then she might kill him. And two males I'd give about a 10% shot... best not to try it. Now here lies the problem, there's no proven method of sexing juvenile Oscars. Using dithers to spread aggression around doesn't work with Oscars. (Dithers are expendable fish that are used to distract your main fish so they focus their aggression on the dithers instead of each other. Oscars may simply eat the dithers, or ignore them entirely. My opinions concerning the propagation and breeding or Oscars are backed up by a couple of decades of working with these fish. Good luck with your Oscars. I hope you have your wet pet - or even a pair - for a long time! BREEDER AWARD PROGRAM By Mark Chaloupka Fish Submitted for September 4, 2009 David Ayres Neolamprologus brevis “sun spot” Dustin Brummitt Copadichromis borleyi “yellow fin” Labidochromis sp. “Mbamba” Placidochromis ps. “phenochilus Tanzania” Pseudotropheus acei “Ngara white tail” Don Danko Haplochromis burtoni “albino” Thorichthys sp. “gold Mixteco” Alex Gorges Tramitichromis intermedius John Kaminski Steatocranus casuarius Kyle May Pixichromis orthostoma Gary Mendez Cyrtocara moorii Jonathan Strazinsky Cryptoheros cutteri Tyler Toncler Labidochromis caeruleus “blue/white” Neolamprologus leleupi “Karilani red” ‐ 15 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 15 10 10 10 ‐ ‐ 10 15 ‐ 10 ‐ 15 ‐ 10 ‐ 10 ‐ 10 ‐ ‐ 10 15 Welcome to the Program: John Kaminski CURRENT B.A.P. STANDINGS (9/4/09) BREEDER 2009 TOTAL MASTER BREEDER 1000 POINT LEVEL Don Danko 50 2255 Lew Carbone 65 2210 Dan Woodland 55 2010 Linda Wallrath ‐ 1130 Rich & Maggie Schoeffel ‐ 1065 900 POINT LEVEL 800 POINT LEVEL Mark Chaloupka ‐ Tom Swiderski 10 880 875 Dennis Tomazin 870 35 700 POINT LEVEL Gary & Ramona Omerzo ‐ 740 600 POINT LEVEL Jeff Natterer ‐ John Tesar 10 Dustin Brummitt 295 690 650 600 500 POINT LEVEL Bill Schwartz ‐ Charlie & Cathy Suk 100 Ron Georgeone ‐ Hilary & Antonio Lacerda 25 595 560 510 510 400 POINT LEVEL 300 POINT LEVEL Richard & Crystal Pittenger ‐ Ken Galaska 110 Christopher Blondin ‐ Bob Bina 10 Gary Zalewski ‐ 395 375 355 345 310 200 POINT LEVEL David Hale ‐ Tyler Toncler 45 Dave Skok ‐ Rick Hallis 150 Jerry Freeman ‐ 275 265 240 230 220 BREEDER 2009 100 POINT LEVEL Marc & Dawn DeWerth ‐ Ozeal Hunter ‐ Chuck Carroll ‐ Kyle May 105 Eric & Rhonda Sorensen ‐ Ken & Karen Grimmett ‐ Gary Mendez 110 Andrew Subotnik 10 Greg Seith 90 Bill & Janice Bilski ‐ Ken Rawlinson ‐ BREEDER LEVEL Joe Ring 25 Jonathan Strazinsky 90 Phil Hypes 85 Bob Blazek 20 David Ayers 15 Michael Danko ‐ Marco Lentini 35 Mark Huntington 60 Josh Johnson 40 Frank Mueller 15 Bob Tillman ‐ Dan Ogrizek ‐ Daniel Scheeff 15 Dennis Hitch ‐ Christopher Sooy ‐ George Anagnostopoulos 30 Alex Drungil 25 Tom & Carolyn Evers 25 Steve Heinbaugh 10 Alex Gorges 20 Bill Sensor ‐ Fred Roberts 15 John Kaminski 15 Ron Drungil 10 Dave Enser 10 TOTAL 195 190 185 185 170 160 160 155 130 100 100 95 90 85 80 80 65 65 60 60 60 60 50 45 40 35 30 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 10 10 The points list for the Breeders Award Program has been updated to include only current members. If you are a current member and your name has been omitted, please see the B.A.P. Chairman at the social meeting so we can correct any errors. Please remember: You may only turn in a species or strain of fish for B.A.P. points one time. If you need a list of what you have been credited with, see the BAP chairman at the social meeting. CATFISH BREEDER AWARD PROGRAM By Dave Ayres Fish Submitted for September 4, 2009 CURRENT B.A.P. STANDINGS (9/4/09) BREEDER 2009 TOTAL 70 20 40 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25 ‐ 10 20 20 ‐ ‐ 20 ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 130 105 100 75 60 55 55 45 40 30 30 30 25 20 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Dan Ogrizek Don & Marilyn Danko Dan Woodland Linda Wallrath Bob Bina Eric & Rhonda Sorensen Charlie Suk Tyler Toncler Hilary Lacerda Dave Ayres John Kaminski Marco Lentini Jeff Natterer Dustin Brummitt Rick Hallis Kyle May Gary & Ramona Omerzo Dennis Tomazin Bob Blazek Chuck Caroll Mark Chaloupka Karen Grimmett David Hale Rosemary Hitch Phil Hypes Richard Pittenger Kris Sooy John Tesar Bob Tillman Corydoras Sp. C‐097 Courtesy of Scleromystax Sp. CW‐038 Courtesy of The points list for the Breeders Award Program has been updated to include only current members. If you are a current member and your name has been omitted, please see the B.A.P. Chairman at the social meeting so we can correct any errors. Please remember: You may only turn in a species or strain of fish for B.A.P. points one time. If you need a list of what you have been credited with, see the BAP chairman at the social meeting. The Emperor is wearing no clothes! Emperor Cichlid, Boulengerochromis microlepis at the OCA Extravaganza 2009 • World Class Speakers (Ad Konings, Jay Stauffer, Don Conkel, Rusty Wessel, Wilhelm Heijns, Eric Bodrock). • Huge Fish Show (pictured above is an entry from 2008). • Giant Auction of Cichlids and Catfish • Swap Meet first ever at Extravaganza! • Enormous Auction of Manufacturer Donated Dry-Goods. • Meet fellow hobbyists from around the globe and socialize in a relaxed atmosphere. • Buy fish from other hobbyists - each year the Extravaganza turns the hotel into a Cichlid Mega-Store! When 20-22 November 2009 Where Cleveland, Ohio Holiday Inn Select 15471 Royalton Road Strongsville, OH 44136 440-238-8800 Directly on I71, and only a few minutes drive away from Cleveland Hopkins International Airport Roomrate $65 (up to 4 people per room). For more info contact: Dan Woodland Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-885-2033 or simply visit: The World’s Largest Cichlid and Catfish Convention! Ohio Cichlid Association Extravaganza Registration Form Name:_______________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________ City:____________ State:_______ Zip:_______ Phone:______________________________________________________________ Email:_______________________________________________________________ Convention Special Package: $35.00 X Number = $__________ _____ Extravaganza registration and T-shirt (must be received by no later than 1 Nov ) “Extravaganza” T-shirts: $17.00 X Number = $__________ _____ All T-shirt must be PRE ORDERED by 1 November due to limited supply!!! Indicate size ( ) Sizes available, L, XL, XXL, XXXL Registration “only” Fee: $28.00 X Number = $__________ _____ Early registration SPECIAL $25.00 if registered before November 15 OCA Email Membership: (You will receive the fancy color OCA Bulletin in PDF format by email) 'Convention Special' 2 years We offer the same low email fee internationally. $15.00 Show Entries $2.50 X Number _____ $10.00 X Number _____ $11.00 X Number _____ Bulletin Board Ads: You must be a paid registrant Ten Gallon Tanks: Note Tanks may be purchased in advance or you can provide your own. = $__________ $25.00 = $__________ = $__________ = $__________ Hydro Sponge-1 Filters $4.50 X Number = $__________ _____ Filters to be picked up after 2 PM Sunday. Filter purchase not required for show entry. You must be a registrant of the convention to purchase Hydro Sponge Filters Will you be attending the OCA Pizza Party/Award presentation? Please circle: Yes | No All food and drinks are free with Extravaganza registration!!! If you are bringing children, please let us know how many: ________ Total: = $_________ Please make checks payable to the Ohio Cichlid Association. As a special service, payment from international attendees will gladly be accepted at check in. Please Mail Extravaganza Registration to: Ohio Cichlid Association, c/o Rhonda Sorensen 4179 W/ 59th Cleveland, Ohio 44144 Or email to: [email protected] Pay via: [email protected] Katfish Kommentary Dave Ayres ANCISTRUS DOLICHOPTERUS - L-183 There is much confusion surrounding the identity of the L-183 Pleco, and the misinformation goes back decades. At a recent auction a friend and I were looking at a bag of fish labeled as A. Dolichopterus - they were not! Like in our Catfish BAP 65% of participants have turned in fry labeled A. Dolichopterus - they are not! Now I don't want anyone to stop turning in this fish, they are still eligible for points, but they will be entered into the records with a question mark. The next time that Ingo visits the OCA I hope to have him look at the fish and see if we can get a positive ID. Here is why, with help from the Back to Nature Guide to L-Catfishes book by Ingo Seidel, we should be questioning the validity of the "OCA Dolichopterus"; There are several catfish that look like Dolichopterus when young, notably L088, L071, L181, and L249 none of which retain the white edging to the dorsal and caudal fins thru adulthood; 1.) Size, the true A. Dolichopterus reaches a length of 25 - 30cm, that’s 10 -12 inches although they become sexually mature at 4 inches; 2.) Location - Found in the Rio Negro in N. Brazil, a black-water river; 3.) Positive key - A reliable identifier is found in the number of soft rays in the dorsal, Dolichopterus has 8 - 10 other species only have 7 , rarely 8; 4.) Breeding - Very difficult to induce to spawn. Requires soft acid water, pH range from 4 to 6. Said to be very particular in its choice of a breeding cave; and 5.) Price - I checked on Aquabid, there was only one listing for A. Dolichopterus, 3 wild plus one F1 female for $450.00. At our last monthly meeting a bag of six fry went for $6.00 dollars. Still not convinced? L-183 Courtesy of watch your bulletin and on-line for a special announcement regarding next months meeting format! Watch the bulletin, website and the discussion board for something new coming to the November meeting! .::CONTACTING THE OCA::. Send submissions to: Ohio Cichlid Association c/o Dan Woodland 7330 Ames Road • Parma, OH 44129 • E-mail: [email protected] No ads will be taken over the phone. Ads: All ads are due by the second Saturday of the month for the following month’s bulletin. Please limit ads to 35 lines. Want and sell ads are free to current members and dignitaries ($.50 per line for non-members - payment must accompany ad.) You may submit ads and articles on floppy disk or via e-mail. Create a standard text file and mail it to address above. The editor will format your submission to suit the amount of space available. Be assured that your submission will not be intentionally altered and will be printed in its entirety. Additionally, if arrangements are not made with the editor, floppy disks will not be returned. If space is limited, hobby related items will be printed first. Please, no personal items. Articles: Original BCLB articles, unless noted otherwise, may be reprinted if credited to the original author. Other submissions: Articles, photos, artwork, club news, events or input of any kind is always welcome! .::MEMBERSHIP::. Join the Ohio Cichlid Association and receive the Buckeye Cichlid Lovers Bulletin monthly as well as free want and sell ads. Complete the registration form below and mail to: Ohio Cichlid Association c/o Kyle May 15730 Whitney Rd. Strongsville, OH 44136 One year (12 issues) - $25.00, two years (24 issues) - $45.00 in U.S; Canadian memberships - add $3.00 per year. E-Mail Subscriptions: One year (12 issues) - $15.00, two years (24 issues) - $25.00 Make checks payable to: Ohio Cichlid Association .::MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION::. Name: Address: City: State: Phone: E-mail: Special Interests: Zip:
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