IRP Study Description and Assumptions
IRP Study Description and Assumptions
2015 SWEPCO Integrated Resource Plan Description of Studies and Study Assumptions January 30, 2014 1 Contents Introduction to SWEPCO SWEPCO Resource Planning IRP Process and Studies Identifying resource options Analyzing portfolios Key Inputs and Resource Assumptions Stakeholder Input Process Next Steps 2 About Southwestern Electric Power: Integrated Resource Planning Southwestern Electric Power Company (SWEPCO) is headquartered in Shreveport, LA More than 524,000 customers in Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. 228,000 customers - LA 182,000 customers - TX 114,000 customers - AR SWEPCO also serves wholesale customers which represent about 20% of its load SWEPCO participates in the Southwest Power Pool Regional Transmission Organization which establishes system reliability criteria SWEPCO is a unit of American Electric Power (NYSE: AEP), which is one of the largest electric utilities in the United States, delivering electricity to more than 5 million customers in 11 states. 3 SWEPCO IRP Options The IRP Process requires the selection of a mix of resources to meet SWEPCO’s future energy and capacity needs. Resources are generally categorized into traditional supply side, demand side and variable (or intermittent) energy resources. Supply Side Resources Baseload Intermediate Peaking Demand Side Resources Energy Efficiency Demand Response Customer-Owned Generation VVO/Smart Grid Variable (Intermittent) Energy Sources Solar Wind 4 About Southwestern Electric Power: Current Resources Solid-Fuel (Coal) Units: Flint Creek Unit 1 (264 MW*) Gentry, AR. In-service 1978 Pirkey Unit 1 (580 MW*) Hallsville, TX. In-service 1985 Turk Unit 1 (477 MW*) Fulton, AR. In-service 2012 Welsh Units 1-3 (1,584 MW**) Pittsburg, TX. In-service 1977-82 Dolet Hills Unit 1 (257 MW*) Mansfield, LA. In-service 1986 Gas-Steam Units: Renewable Resources (Wind Purchase Power Agreements) Canadian Hills (201 MW) Canadian County, OK 2013 High Majestic Wind II (159 MW) Carson & Potter Counties, TX 2009 & 2013 Flat Ridge Wind Energy (109 MW) Wichita, KS 2011 & 2013 SPP Capacity value assigned to Wind PPAs = 20 MW Demand Side Resources Demand Response (71 MW) Arsenal Hill Unit 5 (110 MW) Shreveport, LA. In-service 1960 Energy Efficiency (85MW) 2008-2013 Knox Lee Units 2-5 (469 MW) Longview, TX. In-service 1950-74 Lieberman Units 1-4 (242 MW) Mooringsport, LA. In-service 1947-59 Other Resources (Purchases net of Sales) 481 MW Lone Star Unit 1 (50 MW) Lone Star, TX. In-service 1954 (Includes 180 MW PPA from CLECO) Wilkes Units 1-3 (830 MW) Avinger, TX. In-service 1964-71 Gas-Combined Cycle Unit: J.L. Stall Unit 1 (511MW) Shreveport, LA. In-service 2010 Gas-Combustion Turbine Units: H.R. Mattison Units 1-4 (301 MW) Tontitown, AR. In-service 2007 2013 Total Owned Generating Plant Capability (CDR, Section 1) 5,675 MW * reflects SWEPCO’s ownership share ** Welsh Unit 2 to retire in 2016 Turk Plant Awards To-date • Edison Electric Institute Edison Award Winner • Power Magazine – 2013 Plant of the Year Award Winner • Engineering News Record Texas and Louisiana – Best Safety Award Winner (Submitted by and awarded to CB&I) • Engineering News Record Texas and Louisiana – Best Project Winner in the Energy/Industrial Category (Submitted by and awarded to CB&I) 5 SWEPCO Potential Resources - Overview Coal Baseload and intermediate resource Higher CO2 emissions than natural gas Abundant fuel source Option to place environmental controls on existing uncontrolled units to lower non-CO2 emissions, or retire Wind and Solar Intermittent. Not always aligned with peak demand No emissions No fuel costs but some technologies have high capital costs Currently heavily driven by incentives Nuclear Baseload with high capacity factor Very low fuel and energy cost No air emissions Large water use Spent fuel storage issues High initial construction cost/risks Demand-Side Management Used to reduce peak load/capacity requirements Costs vary, but need to balance cost and customer reliability preferences Costs escalate with increased use May include customer owned generation Natural Gas Moderate construction costs Lower CO2 emissions than coal Slightly higher variable cost than coal Firm gas delivery service may increase costs Energy Efficiency Low capital and operating costs Dependent on customer adoption Program costs vary 6 Objectives for the SWEPCO IRP Stakeholder Process Stakeholder input is an important part of the IRP process. SWEPCO identified three main objectives for stakeholder engagement: Inform: Increase stakeholders’ understanding of the IRP process, key assumptions used in the IRP, and challenges that SWEPCO faces. Listen: Understand our stakeholders’ resource planning concerns and objectives. Consider: Provide a forum for productive stakeholder feedback on specific topics at key points in the IRP process to inform SWEPCO’s decision-making. Two stakeholder workshops will be held during the planning process. The tentative timeline is shown below. Workshop #1 March 20, 2014 Stakeholder Feedback May 20, 2014 Draft IRP Report January 2015 Stakeholder Feedback April 2015 Workshop #2 February 2015 Final IRP Report August 2015 7 The Integrated Resource Planning Process Resource planning is a complex effort that must balance the needs of a variety of constituents: Customers Regulators, Shareholders, and Other Stakeholders… There are many priorities that compete for resources as SWEPCO works toward its objective to provide safe, reliable, clean power at rates that are reasonable. …while ensuring that electricity is provided in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner at reasonable rates. The process involves looking at “big-picture” trends that affect energy markets, developing and using forecasting and analysis models, and selecting approaches that will meet customer needs in the safest, most reliable and economical way given the uncertainties about the future. 8 The Integrated Resource Plan Development - Study Description Creating an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) involves four basic and interconnected steps: Step 1: Gathering data, developing input assumptions and creating scenarios Step 2: Portfolio Development Step 3: Analyzing portfolios Step 4: IRP Report Development Develop a forecast of customer demand Evaluate on-going capabilities of existing resources to meet that demand Determine the need to be filled – amount, timing and type Identify (supply and demand side) resources that may be available to meet the need Use sophisticated modeling techniques to provide insight to the best solution Produce the integrated resource plan 9 Step 1: Gathering data, developing input assumptions and creating scenarios This phase of the IRP development involves: SWEPCO works with its internal experts to develop forecasts for commodities and fuel prices. These are the core drivers in the integrated resource plan. SWEPCO meets with interested stakeholders to solicit feedback on IRP input assumptions. Load forecasts are developed for the next twenty years and beyond. These forecasts take into consideration elements such as projected economic growth and energy efficiency effectiveness. They help the resource planners to anticipate the level of energy and capacity needed during the 20-year timeframe (2015-2034) of the IRP. Cost projections are developed for new construction, environmental compliance, and other key input assumptions. Potential resource options are screened to eliminate those that have technical and commercial availability limitations or are not feasible in SWEPCO’s service territory. Assumptions on operational characteristics of existing resources are revisited, including their anticipated remaining useful life. Scenarios are developed to reflect possible futures. These scenarios will be used to guide analysis of different resource portfolios. 10 Step 1 (cont’d) - Scenario Development, Cost and Performance Assumptions IRP development involves the creation of a comprehensive set of economic . scenarios to fully evaluate potential resource portfolios. SWEPCO has developed five economic scenarios which cover a wide range of possible future states. Base Commodity Pricing (with CO2 emissions at $15/metric-ton beginning in 2022) Lower Band Commodity Pricing Higher Band Commodity Pricing No Carbon (assumes cost of CO2 emissions is $0/metric-ton) High Carbon (assumes cost of CO2 emissions is $25/metric-ton) Economic Scenarios are fully integrated Cost and Performance Assumptions are derived from publicly available data where feasible Supply-side asset costs are derived from government sources Performance factors will reflect costs and geography of SWEPCO service territory Develop assumptions regarding cost effective demand side programs such as program cost and program life. Develop assumptions regarding the adoption of customer owned generation and amount and timing of its deployment. 11 Step 2: Portfolio Development This phase of the IRP development involves: For each of the economic scenarios, SWEPCO will create a cost-optimized portfolio using the Plexos modeling software Portfolios will be subject to robust analyses (see next slide) The results of these analyses will guide SWEPCO in the selection or creation of a preferred portfolio 12 Step 3: Analyzing Portfolios This phase of the IRP development involves: Each model-optimized portfolio is evaluated in more detail. Each of the five portfolios is evaluated under all pricing scenarios. In addition to the discrete modeling in the previous step, an evaluation which measures the “revenue requirement at risk” of each portfolio is also performed. The preferred resource portfolio is selected by determining which portfolio best meets a number of quantitative and qualitative criteria. Portfolio costs under each scenario, results of sensitivities, risk analysis and other key considerations including system diversity and environmental footprint are used in this selection process. The preferred resource portfolio may be a hybrid portfolio which includes options from each of the optimized portfolios. 13 Step 4: IRP Report Development This phase of the IRP development involves: Results of the preferred resource portfolio and other key components of the draft IRP will be shared with stakeholders prior to finalizing the IRP. After receiving stakeholder feedback, the final document is prepared and reviewed to assure all regulatory requirements are met. The report is then presented to SWEPCO senior management prior to final submittal to the Louisiana Public Service Commission in August 2015. 14 Planning Assumptions Commodity Prices Load Forecast – Energy and Demand Going In Capabilities, Load and Reserves Planning assumptions may change throughout the IRP development period as new information becomes available – stakeholders will be notified of any material revisions 15 Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development Commodity Prices (2013 Forecast – Nominal $) (Prices are not location specific but reflect trading hubs) Power On‐Peak SPP Price ($/MWh) Power Off‐Peak SPP Price ($/MWh) 120.0 90.0 80.0 100.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 2013 2015 2017 2019 Base High Carbon 2021 2023 2025 Lower band No Carbon 2027 2029 2013 Higher Band 2015 2017 Base High Carbon 2019 2021 2023 Lower band No Carbon 2025 2027 2029 Higher Band Coal (PRB 8800 0.8#) Price $/ton) Henry Hub Gas Price ($/mmBtu) 12.0 25.0 10.0 20.0 8.0 15.0 6.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2013 2013 2015 2017 Base High Carbon 2019 2021 2023 Lower band No Carbon 2025 2027 2029 Higher Band 2015 2017 Base High Carbon 2019 2021 2023 Lower band No Carbon 2025 2027 2029 16 Higher Band Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development Commodity Prices (2013 Forecast) CO2 Price ($/tonne) 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2013 2015 2017 Base High Carbon 2019 2021 2023 Lower band No Carbon 2025 2027 2029 Higher Band 17 30,000 6,000 25,000 5,000 20,000 4,000 15,000 3,000 10,000 2,000 5,000 1,000 0 Peak Demand (MW) Net Energy Requirement (GWh) Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development – Load Forecast 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ENERGY Peak Demand Note: Effective 2015, SWEPCO wholesale customer NTEC to migrate from a "gross" 'full-requirements' (~720 MW) wholesale load to a simple, 'fixed' 200 MW requirement load. Simultaneously, the contract will also lead to the removal from SWEPCO's resource portfolio of approx. 500 MW of self supplied capability for which SWEPCO had been obligated to dispatch in SPP and utilize within its long-term planning 18 SWEPCO Resource Needs Assessment “Going-In” Capability, Demand And Reserve Forecast Southwestern Electric Power Company A Capability 12 ACT Existing Plants and new additions Adjustments Wind Purchases CAPABILITY, DEMAND AND RESERVES FORECAST 2012 - 2025 (MW) June 2013 Load Forecast 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Sales without Reserves Unknown Wholesale Purchase Total Capability 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 5240 5675 5675 5675 5147 5147 5147 5147 5147 5147 5147 5147 4945 4945 3 ‐4 20 ‐9 20 ‐9 20 ‐43 20 ‐48 20 8 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 ‐48 20 421 ‐18 0 5646 503 ‐18 0 6176 503 ‐18 0 6171 140 ‐18 0 5808 266 ‐18 0 5372 266 ‐18 53 5428 158 ‐18 0 5259 ‐14 158 ‐18 0 5245 158 ‐18 7 5266 32 ‐18 173 5306 32 ‐18 196 5329 32 ‐18 241 5374 32 ‐18 466 5397 32 ‐18 519 5450 5051 48 ‐347 4752 5094 51 ‐357 4788 5111 59 ‐360 4810 4528 249 ‐73 4704 4553 247 ‐73 4727 4602 247 ‐73 4776 4456 200 ‐72 4584 4488 200 ‐72 4616 4506 200 ‐72 4634 4541 200 ‐72 4669 4562 200 ‐72 4690 4601 200 ‐72 4729 4621 200 ‐72 4749 4668 200 ‐72 4796 894 15.8% 1388 22.5% 1361 22.1% 1104 19.0% 645 12.0% 652 12.0% 675 12.8% 629 12.0% 632 12.0% 637 12.0% 639 12.0% 645 12.0% 648 12.0% 654 12.0% 894 1388 1361 1104 645 652 675 629 632 637 639 645 648 654 Transfer from PSO Transfer to PSO Other known Purchases w/o Reserves 2020 Demand Native Load Responsibility* Sales With Reserves Other Purchases With Reserves Net Demand Responsibility Reserves Reserve Capacity, MW Capacity Margin check *Adjusted for Active and Passive DSM and Diversity 19 Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development Cost of New Resources Generation Resources Renewable Resources Wind Solar (Utility-Owned) Solar (Customer-Owned) Demand Side Resources Energy Efficiency To be determined during IRP process Demand Response Smart Grid Technologies 20 Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development Publicly available data from the US Energy Information Administration will be the starting point for SWEPCO’s resource cost assumptions 21 Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development Intermittent resource costs are expected to decline. For wind projects, the Production Tax Credit (PTC) is assumed not to be in effect (it expired at the end of 2013). Solar Investment Tax Credit of 30% applies until 2016 and is reduced to 10% in 2017 and beyond. 22 Planning assumptions for SWEPCO’s IRP development Efficiency Resource costs are expected to continue to increase. Residential and Commercial consumption is flat-to-declining and EISA lighting standards are fully phased-in. 23 Stakeholder Feedback Process for SWEPCO’s IRP development Initial Stakeholder meeting on March 20, 2014 to discuss study assumptions and sensitivity analyses. Stakeholders have until May 20, 2014, to provide written comments. All Stakeholder comments should be addressed to [email protected] and [email protected] Comments are welcome on any aspect of the IRP process: Fundamental Pricing Assumptions Load Forecast Cost of technology options DSM/Energy Efficiency assumptions Sensitivity cases Portfolio selection Other SWEPCO will consider each stakeholder request. SWEPCO may need to contact stakeholders to clarify comments, therefore stakeholders should designate a contact person to address SWEPCO’s questions. 24 SWEPCO’s IRP Development- Next Steps Stakeholders’ written comments are to be forwarded to SWEPCO by May 20, 2014. Upon receipt of comments, SWEPCO will: evaluate stakeholder comments. begin modeling effort after written comments are resolved. issue its Draft IRP in January 2015. host a follow-up stakeholder meeting in February 2015 to discuss the draft IRP. Stakeholders may file written comments on draft IRP in April 2015 SWEPCO files final IRP in August 2015 25
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