Eryn K. Moiler - Wrightsville Beach
Eryn K. Moiler - Wrightsville Beach
r E n Moller From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Frank Smith [[email protected]] Monday, April26, 2010 9:41AM 'Eryn Moiler' 'Tony Wilson' RE: Gazebo Eryn ... the application of the fire retardant paint looks good to me. Frank D. Smith, Fire Chief Town of Wrightsville Beach EMERGENCY: 911 Phone: (910) 256-7920 Fax: (910) 256-7924 Email: [email protected] "Fire Sprinklers Save Lives!'' ·~--------· . •---· From: Eryn Moiler [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, April 23, 2010 8:08 AM To: 'Frank Smith' Cc: 'Tony Wilson' Subject: Gazebo Good morning, The gazebo between Vito's and Cafe Del Mar is painted and ready for your sign off. If it is completed to your satisfaction could you please send me a quick email stating that it meets your requirements. Thank you and have a great day! Eryn K. Moiler Planner I Town of Wrightsville Beach 321 Causeway Dr Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (910) 509-5019 ext. 204 [email protected] 1 1111111 ~~~ 11111111111111111!11 !1111111111111111 IIIII II 2009033103 FOR REGISTRATION REGISTER OF DEEDS JENNIFER H. MACUElSH NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC 2009 SEP 22 11:16:33 AM BK:5439 PG:\53-157 FEE:$23.00 HISJ@MfNJI £~~~0JJIOJ GENERAL UTILITY EASEMENT Prepared by: John C. Wessell, I!I, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 1049, Wilmington, NC 28402. Return to: ~~~---~--l~r!r.k7t ...u....rn"".-to...:..,..,=-=~--------- vvessell & Ranev Parcel Nos.: R06308-016-001-000 & R06308-016-020-000 NORTII CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY Se~~~hefl- TillS DEED OF EASEMENT, executed this the ..J:l_ day of , 2009, by and between JAMES W. SKIBA and wife, DIANE MciNTYRE SKIBA (hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as "Grantor") and the TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, whose post office address is P.O. Box 626, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"); For and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and other valuable consideration paid by the Grantee to the Grantor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor has bargained, sold and conveyed and by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey into the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and perpetual right-of-way and easement over, through, under and upon the lands and premises hereinafter described for the purpose of constmcting, installing, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, removing, extending, improving, replacing, building and/or operating ceJtain public facilities and utilities, including but not limited to, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewers, drainage pipes, valves, catch basins, ditches, and other appurtenances, said premises being a cettain parcel or tract of land located in the Town of Wrightsville Beach, New Hanover County, North Carolina, and more pmticularly described as follows: hereunder or to otherwise permit encroachment upon the easement. It is expressly understood and agreed, however, that the Grantor, its heirs, successors and assigns shall retain the right to cultivate the ground lying within the boundaries of the right-of-way and use said easement for any other lawful purpose; provided, however, that such cultivation or use shall not be inconsistent with the rights herein granted to the Grantee, and Grantee shall not be liable for any damages or loss due to the exercise of its rights hereunder within its easement and right-of-way. For the purpose of constructing, inspecting, improving, replacing, removing, maintaining, extending, repairing or otherwise using the above-described facilities, the Grantee shall have the right of ingress to and egress from the easement and right-of-way over such private roads, alleys, ways, driveways or paths Q1ereinafter collectively referred to as "private roads") as may now or hereafter exist on the property of the Grantor. Any damages proximately resulting to such plivate roads from the negligent use by the Grantee shall be repaired by the Grantee at its expense. The right, however, is reserved to the Grantor or its heirs, successors and assigns to shift, relocate, close or abandon such private roads at any time. If there are no public or private roads reasonably convenient to the easement and right-of-way, the Grantee shall have such right of ingress and egress over the Grantor's property adjacent to the easement and right-of-way in such manner as shall occasion the least practicable damages and inconvenience to the Grantor. T11e Grantee shall be liable for any consequential damages proximately caused by its sole negligence in the exercise of the right of ingress and egress over adjoining property. By acceptance of this Deed of Easement, the Grantee agrees that it will restore the surface of the land to its approximate level prior to construction by fill or grading in the course of constmction or maintenance of the aforesaid facilities so long as the same are not inconsistent with and do not interfere with the rights herein granted to the Grantee. It is specifically agreed that any trees removed for construction or maintenance work will not be replaced. The construction m· maintenance area may be seeded by the Grantee, but the Grantee shall not be responsible for landscaping or othetwise improving the area. It is understood and agreed that the execution and delivery of this deed by the Grantor and its acceptance by the Grantee shall not obligate the Grantee to construct or maintain any main, line, pipe, lateral or other extension or pennit any com1ection to its water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, drainage or other public utilities system. Use of the masculine gender herein includes the feminine and neuter, and the singular number used herein shall equally include the plural. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. 3 JENNIFER H. MACNEISH REGISTER OF DEEDS, NEW HANOVER 216 NORTH SECOND STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401 Filed For Registration: Book: Document No.: 09/22/200911:16:33 AM RE 5439 Page: 153-157 2009033103 5 PGS Recorder: $23.00 CRESWELL, ANDREA State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover PLEASE RETAIN YELLOW TRAILER PAGE WITH ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. *2009033103* 2009033103 TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ORDER GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 8 NORTH LUMINA AVENUE, WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wrightsville Beach held a public hearing on June 25, 2009 to consider the request submitted by James Skiba for a Conditional Use Permit for the property located at 8 North Lumina Avenue, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Having heard all the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, the Board of Aldermen makes the following Findings of Fact and draws the following Conclusions: 1. use It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed does satisfy the first general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely, that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the conditional use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety or general welfare. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: A. This request is for an amendment to existing conditional use permits for the property located at 8 North Lumina Avenue in which a business known as Vito's Pizzeria is currently located. The property owner requests that a portion of the alley located between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue be converted into a common sitting area for patrons of the business located at 8 North Lumina Avenue and patrons of the business located at 6 North Lumina Avenue. B. Vito• s Pizzeria currently is permitted as a standard restaurant pursuant to a conditional use permit granted on or about April 23, 1987. C. The building in which Vito's Pizzeria is located is separated from the building to the south located at 4 and 6 North Lumina Avenue by an alley approximately 15 feet in width. The applicant and the owner of the property at 4 and 6 North Lumina Avenue wish to transform the alley dividing their properties into a common patio area. D. The proposed plans includes a gravel ground cover coupled with the use of brick pavers. The improved area will extend from the eastern right of way of North Lumina Avenue approximately 23 feet eastwardly in the alley separating the two properties. E. Vito's Pizzeria operates in the building located at 8 North Lumina Avenue. This use currently requires a minimum of 10 parking spaces. Use of the alley in the manner described in this application will result in the loss of 0 parking spaces for the use having an address of 8 North Lumina Avenue. F. Eliminating vehicular enhance public safety. traffic in this alley will 2. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the second general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely, that enjoyment already of the conditional other property permitted, nor use will in the diminish not be injurious immediate vicinity or impair property to for the use the purposes values within and the neighborhood. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: 3. use does namely, A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraph are incorporated herein by reference. B. Development of this area will permit patrons of the businesses at both 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue to more safely congregate in this area. C. No alcohol can be served in this alley area at this time. The applicant will be required to post signs prohibiting smoking and drinking in this area. D. The alleyway in question is currently subject to an easement permitting the public a right of passage through the alley. The proposed use will not restrict the public's ability to pass through this alley. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed satisfy the third general requirement that the conditional use will not listed in the ordinance; impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: 4. A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. B. The proposed use is consistent with the surrounding uses and is in compliance with the Town's CAMA Land Use Plan. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the fourth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of any proposed structure will architectural appeal not and be so at functional variance plan with either the exterior of the structures already constructed or in the course of construction in the immediate neighborhood or the character of the applicable district, as to cause a substantial depreciation in the property values within the neighborhood. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. 2 5. use does namely, B. The use anticipates an improvement to the surface of the alley and the addition of tables and chairs. Additionally, a pergola as described in photographs presented to the Board of Aldermen may be constructed in the alleyway. c. The proposed changes will not be at variance with the surrounding buildings. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed satisfy the fifth general that adequate utilities, requirement access roads, listed in the ordinance; drainage and/or necessary facilities have been or are being provided. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. 6. use does B. Any lighting and electrical wiring will need to comply with the provisions of the North Carolina State Building Code. C. There is an existing Town water line that runs through this alley. As a condition of the granting of this permit, the applicant must convey an easement to the Town for the maintenance and replacement of this water line. D. The pergola, if constructed, shall be constructed of noncombustible materials to satisfy the requirements of the fire district in which this property is located. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed satisfy the sixth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. B. 7. PUblic access will not be prohibited and the public's right of passage will continue notwithstanding the granting of this permit. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the seventh general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the conditional use shall in all other respects conform to all the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. 3 B. 8. The use of the property in the manner described herein must comply with all other applicable local, state and federal ordinances, statutes and rules and regulations. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the eighth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that public access shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Town Land Use Plan and Access Plan and/or the present amount of public access and public parking as exists within the Town now. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: 9. use does namely, A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. B. The public access through this area, while limited by the tables and chairs, will not be prohibited. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed satisfy the ninth general requirement listed in the ordinance; that the proposed use shall be consistent with recommendation and policy statements as described in the adopted land use plan. Findings of Fact to support this Conclusion: A. The Findings of Fact set forth in the preceding paragraphs are incorporated herein by reference. B. The proposed use is consistent with the Town's CAMA Land use Plan. Therefore, because the Board of Aldermen concludes that all general and specific conditions precedent to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit have been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit be granted, conditions: a. subject to the following That applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the ordinance for the proposed use, additional conditions stated below. b. That if any section, subsection, as well as any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Permit is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. c. That the project shall be developed in accordance with the plan as submitted and approved. d. That this Conditional use Permit shall comply with all other supplemental regulations and requirements imposed by the Zoning Ordinance or 4 any other applicable federal, In the event of a state or local law, ordinance or regulations. conflict, the more stringent requirement or higher standard shall apply. e. Other conditions: i. The applicant will be responsible for sufficient trash receptacles in the area emptying such receptacles. placing and for ii. At least two bollards will be permanently erected at both ends of the area in question to prevent vehicular access. iii. The applicant shall be required to grant an easement ten 10 feet in width (5 feet on either side of the centerline of the existing water line) to the Town for maintenance, repair and replacement of the existing line. iv. The area to be improved shall extend from the eastern boundary of North Lumina Avenue eastwardly for a distance of 23 feet. v. The applicant shall post signs prohibiting smoking and drinking within the area. vi. A pergola similar to that as described in photographs presented to the Board of Aldermen on the date of this hearing shall be allowed within the area on the condition that the materials of which this pergola is constructed meet all requirements of the Town. vii. The applicant proposes a common use of the alleyway with the adjacent property owner. If the adjacent property owner elects to discontinue its use of its portion of the alleyway, then the applicant may continue its use in the manner described herein and subject to all the conditions set forth herein. viii. The applicant shall be responsible at all times for maintaining the area subject to this permit in a clean and orderly condition. The public's right of passage through the alley shall continue in existence notwithstanding the issuance of this permit. s ~~ day of 9. 5 The signatures of the applicant and property owner below indicate that the applicant and property owner have received this Conditional Use Permit together with all attachments. Any violations conditions will render this Permit null and void. of the stated To be valid, this permit must be signed below by the applicant and owner and returned to the Town Clerk's Office within thirty {30) days of the date of approval as indicated below. This Permit will expire six {6) months from the date expiration begins as indicated below if within that six-month period a building permit has not been granted. not commenced within The building permit will expire if construction is six {6) months from the date of issuance of the building permit. ~ :3,11007 I <6 APPLICANT rJ LvvrV1:'{1~ \JJ-r,'~ht,'ll:t\~ ~~aJ" 'l"G~ ~~ Address Date signed by Applicant and Owner JCW\Wrbch\Order-123 6 Eryn Moller From: Sent: To: Subject: Tony Wilson [[email protected]] Tuesday, August 04, 2009 4:02 PM [email protected]; [email protected] FW: Vito's/Cafe Del Mar Alley From: Frank Smith [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 3:52 PM To: Wilson, Tony Subject: RE: Vito's/Cafe Del Mar Alley Tony, The design for the pergola submitted by Mr. Norris is acceptable provided that: 1) As shown in the applicant's sketch, no lumber with a cross section less than 2" x 6" is used to construct the pergola. No lightweight lattice, sheeting, trim, etc. shall be used. 2) The pergola is painted using FR-1 Fire Retardant Paint Additive (sample supplied by applicant). This product must be mixed with paint and applied as directed by the manufacturer. The pergola must be repainted as necessary to maintain a uniform, intact coating. Frank D. Smith, Fire Chief Town of Wrightsville Beach EMERGENCY: 911 Phone: (910) 256-7920 Fax: (910) 256-7924 Email: [email protected] "Fire Sprinklers Save Lives!" From: Eryn Moiler [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:38 PM To: [email protected] Subject: Vito's/Cafe Del Mar Alley Chief Smith, Kieth Norris from Vito's dropped by the gazebo design and fire retardant paint. Will you have time in the next couple of days to swing by my office to look at it? Thanks, 1 MINUTES- BOARD OF ALDERMEN JUNE 25, 2009- PAGE 2 i. Set public hearing for Thursday, July 16, 2009, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible, for consideration of a conditional use permit application for 222 Old Causeway Drive to open a take-out only delicatessen. j. Approved revised 2009 Historic Landmark Commission meeting schedule to cancel the July 13th meeting. k. Approved revised 2009 Board of Adjustment meeting schedule to cancel the July 161h meeting. I. Approved Budget Ordinance No. (2009) 294-B to transfer $6,250 from the General Fund-CIP beach repairs/re-nourishment account into the General Fund Governing Body account to pay for work done to date on the static line exception project. m. Approved Authorized Permanent Positions by Pay Range as of July 1, 2009. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT \' APPLICATION FOR CAFE DEL MAR FOR USE OF A COMMON ALLEY. ' ? <;) P<., Mayor Whalen opened the public hearing at 6:05p.m. ~ <1,0· ,\,t> Planning and Parks Director Tony Wilson submitted the following information: Background: On May 6, 2009, Joshua Vach on behalf of Cafe Del Mar, submitted a conditional use permit application to convert the alley between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area for patrons. This area is zoned C-1 Commercial District and is a Primary Fire District. The structure located at 6 North Lumina Avenue is two stories with a masonry fagade. Current Use: Cafe Del Mar is permitted as a standard restaurant through a conditional use permit. At the August 7, 2008 Board of Aldermen meeting, the Board granted a conditional use permit allowing Tower 7 to expand its use to Cafe Del Mar. The cafe is operating as a coffee shop in the morning and as overflow for Tower 7 in the afternoon and evening. Proposed Use: The alley is 15 feet wide and the common area will be 23 feet deep from the Lumina Avenue entrance. The applicant is proposing to transform the alley into a common patio area. Ground cover will remain gravel with the addition of brick pavers. Parking: Cafe Del Mar and Tower 7 Baja Mexican Grill are required to provide the minimum of 13 parking spaces according to Section 155.060 Off-Street Parking requirements. According to an amendment to Tower 7's conditional use permit granted on August 28, 2008, restaurant owners need to provide eight (8) parking spaces for the uses at 2, 4, & 6 North Lumina Avenue. They are currently able to provide a total of eight (8) spaces in the lot directly behind the building. Ingress to the parking area behind Cafe Del Mar is located off of Stone Street and egress is onto Oceanic Avenue. Departmental Review: Police: No comment. Fire: Must comply with the following comments: 1) Since the seating area would be considered an Assembly Occupancy and it is located in a Primary Fire District, the proposed walls/lattice work/trellis would have to be of non-combustible construction; 2) Eliminating vehicle traffic in this alley would enhance public safety; however, the walls shown are not sufficient to protect patrons in the seating area from vehicle traffic. Traffic bollards (or posts) would be required at each end of the alley; and 3) All lighting and electrical wiring would need to comply with the applicable provisions of the electrical code. Planning: Planning staff has no issues with the common sitting area as long as improvements meet Building, Electrical and Fire Codes. Public Works: No comment. Parking: Suggests considering some sort of drainage mechanism for the condensation from Vito's air conditioning unit. MINUTES- BOARD OF ALDERMEN JUNE 25, 2009- PAGE 3 Staff Summary: This request is consistent with the 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan and the Town Zoning Code. Provided that the applicant meets all local, state and federal requirements, staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen consider granting Cafe Del Mar a conditional use permit for the proposed common sitting area. Planning Board Recommendation: At the June 2, 2009 Planning Board meeting, members voted 7-0 to forward a favorable recommendation to the Board of Aldermen. The Planning Board also made the following suggestions for the conditional use permit: 1) On-site trash containers must be provided by applicant; 2) Applicant must maintain the cleanliness of the common area; 3) Any improvements to the common area must comply with the Fire Department's recommendations; and 4) The property owner must grant an easement for the waterline in that area. Mr. Wessell stated that there is an easement on record for public access for this area. Mayor Whalen asked if it would be possible to tie this request in to the conditional use permit request for Vito's Pizza (if approved) in case they have a falling out in the future or a change of ownership and one side is not happy with the arrangement. Mr. Wessell suggested putting in a condition that both properties would have to continue the common area and one can operate as long as the other is in operation. He said he thought the Board would have to waive the parking requirement. When Alderman Miastkowski asked if we would allow them to drink alcohol outside, Mr. Wessell said State law prevents open containers outside. Police Chief John Carey stated that it would depend on their ABC permit. Alderman Weeks noted that people would be in violation getting from the restaurant to that area. Alderman Cignotti stated that this could be a neat patio area for both businesses but they would need a door coming out the side. He said it would be a good overflow area for people to eat. Mayor Whalen expressed the need to put up two bollards in the front and maybe two in the back so there is no confusion. Alderman Weeks referenced the Fire Department's concern about the gazebo being flammable and said there is a retardant that can be used. Mr. Wilson explained that the retardant works well at first but the weather wears it down. When Alderman Miastkowski expressed concern with Vito's selling pizza until two o'clock in the morning, Chief Carey stated that this would not add to the overall problem that we have there; it would give the Police Department a safe place to put people and they would be protected by the bollards to prevent a drunk driver from crashing into the crowd. Mr. Josh Vach, speaking for Cafe Del Mar, stated that he came to the initial meeting with the Planning Board to move this forward. He said he would like to address a couple of the concerns by saying that they voluntarily said no alcohol consumption in this area and in addition, it will be a non smoking area. He stated that the key word was "common" area because it is intended for anybody in the downtown area. Mr. Vach stated that the trash, landscaping and maintenance is already being done under his supervision and that would continue. MINUTES- BOARD OF ALDERMEN JUNE 25, 2009- PAGE 4 Mayor ProTem Blair asked if no smoking or drinking could be enforced in that area and Mr. Vach replied, "Definitely. Businesses will probably utilize the benefits throughout the day. We are not open as late as Vito's and that will be on Keith and his crew. If you went there now, you would find no cigarette butts or weeds. I will take responsibility until10:00 p.m. It will be good for the entire Town." Following a brief discussion regarding pavers, Mayor Whalen asked what would happen with this joint venture if one side gets disenchanted or sells and the new owner does not want it. Mr. Vach said they would be okay with that. He stated that this was a big opportunity for them as well as the Town and they would be receptive to any language needed for that. Mr. Wessell referenced the waterline in that area and urged the Board to make it a condition that the Town be given at least a 10-foot easement so we can repair that line when necessary. He noted that the easement has to be with the property owners. When asked if the Board should approve Cafe Del Mar's request first and then listen to Vito's request, Mr. Wessell recommended that they let both sides speak and then vote separately. PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR VITO'S FOR USE OF A COMMON ALLEY. Mr. Keith Norris stated that he bought Vito's in January of 2006 and has made progress in making the area look better. He said this request was a result of seeing safety concerns in the area like too much alcohol or too many people standing on the sidewalk. He noted that they do use that space for parking just because it is there. Mr. Norris said they are used to coming out of that space but he watches other people who park there and they do not realize the danger to people walking by. He distributed copies of a proposed pergola that would extend from his side of the building to Cafe Del Mar's side. Mr. Norris stated that he was trying to be altruistic because the downtown area needs a place for people to get off the sidewalk and he would be completely responsible for the upkeep. He said the current alleyway with the parking does not allow any access but he was told he could not close it. Mr. Norris noted that he has an off-premise ABC permit and people can buy it in his store and go anywhere they are legally allowed to drink; but they would not be legally allowed to drink in the common area because the patio is not enclosed. He said, "I do not want to have a bar. I'm trying to bring more families and more places to sit." He referenced the loss of parking spaces and said two years ago, where the fence is, was open and people would go back to park at the homes. He noted that they were up on parking even if this is taken away. Mayor Pro Tem Blair asked Mr. Norris if he thought the no smoking or drinking was something he could enforce. He expressed concern with having a great idea that turns into a nuisance. Mr. Norris replied, "It is against the law and I do not want to be fined as a business that is propagating it. People sit on the fence now and drink. I don't know where they get it. Public consumption does exist there now but it is not a huge problem. If a family comes with a cooler and they start to drink, it is incumbent upon me to tell them to put it up but I do not know what I can do beyond that. This common area is to be Wrightsville Beach's and we are the custodians. We even thought about giving the land to the Town." It was suggested that signage could be put up inside that says no smoking and no alcohol. MINUTES- BOARD OF ALDERMEN JUNE 25, 2009- PAGE 5 Alderman Miastkowski stated that after January 1, 2010, it will be illegal to smoke inside a restaurant. He asked if that would apply to the outside. Mr. Norris stated that he was not sure. He said, "I have seating there already, on my seven and a half feet, and I was going to take that out and put picnic tables in if we can craft the language to allow that; if not, I would like the existing seating back." Mr. Jim Smith, 8 Channel Avenue, stated that he thought all of the merchants that were present were very responsible. He suggested that the Board could review this in a year or two, continue to monitor, and place a condition to renew if it has not become a problem because smoking, drinking and noise could become problems. He said it was a wonderful idea if it works. Mr. Wessell said he was not sure the enabling legislation gives the Town the authority to allow a conditional use permit for "x" amount of time but the Board can put conditions and revoke if violated. He noted that if they have an ABC permit that allows alcohol in that space, the Town's authority to regulate alcohol is null. Chief Carey stated that the parking lot behind Lagerheads is part of their on-premise permit and people can stand out there and drink. He said he has not seen Vito's permit but if they have included that 7.5 feet to the property line, then they can do it. When Mr. Norris suggested inclusion of language that says it would be breaking the conditional use permit if drinking occurs, Mr. Wessell said the ABC laws overrule Town authority for that. Mr. Norris stated that it was his understanding regarding outdoor seating that once you add the caveat of seating, you have to have a fence for alcohol unless it is grandfathered in like Lagerheads. He said ALE requires you to enter through the building and come out on the patio and it has to be fully enclosed. He noted that they were putting in that it has to be open because of the waterline. Mayor Whalen said, "You both have stated that it is not your intent that alcohol will be served. I hope we can trust that that won't happen. It would not reflect well on the Merchants Association. We have some reliance that you guys will watch that and manage it." He then asked Fire Chief Frank Smith if he could work with them on this and Chief Smith said, "Yes, there are noncombustible materials available so they can do what they want to do. Just applying fire retardants does not work because it goes away in the weather. This is an extension of occupancy so it has to meet occupancy rating. You cannot take lattice work from the lumber yard but it can be done." Mayor Whalen asked Chief Smith and Mr. Wilson to work with both applicants for a compromise that would satisfy them and the Town. Mr. Norman Akel, 22 North Lumina Avenue, referenced the proposed bollards and asked if they could use a type of bollard that can be disabled to get vehicles in if necessary. Chief Smith stated that bollards can be permanent or fastened to the ground with a pin so it can be removed. Mr. Wessell asked if the Board wanted bollards at both ends and Mayor Whalen replied, "Yes, four of them." Mayor Pro Tem Blair requested a condition for a 10-foot waterline access easement. Alderman Cignotti requested language in case either party backs out. MINUTES -BOARD OF ALDERMEN JUNE 25, 2009- PAGE 6 Mr. Wessell said, "To the extent there is required parking for either of the uses, you are waiving that parking." Following a brief discussion regarding lighting and signage, Mr. Wessell asked if the Board was going to allow the pergola to be in there consistent with the photo that was presented. Mayor Whalen suggested language like, "on approval of the Planning and Fire Departments." Chief Smith said he would come up with some language. He said this is a Primary Fire District and cannot have combustible materials by ordinance. When asked about the number of tables and chairs, Mr. Norris said the space is limited and he plans to custom build 5-foot picnic tables and leave a 5-foot walkway. With no further input from the public, the hearing was closed at 6:55p.m. Mr. Wessell asked about the concerns expressed earlier about what happens if one owner backs out. He noted that Mr. Norris said if the other side backs out, he wants to continue to use what he has and he wants to continue to have tables. He suggested that they could be allowed to continue on their property and continue to put three tables on their side. Mr. Wessell stated that before a permit is issued, the owners will have to sign a waterline easement and it will be on record. He said the Board could have that as a condition. Mayor Whalen made the motion to grant the conditional use permit to Cafe Del Mar for use of the common alley with the following conditions: 1) that they have trash containers; 2) that they maintain four bollards - two on the west end of the 15x23' designated area and two on the east end; 3) that there shall be an easement of at least ten feet for the Town for the waterline; 4) that a pergola will be allowed in the area that meets the Fire Code of the Town of Wrightsville Beach; 5) that we waive the parking requirement to the extent it is in the 23-foot area in question; 6) that there is signage indicating that this is a no alcohol and no smoking area; 7) that the property owner is responsible for maintaining the area in a clean and orderly fashion; and 8) that if one side discontinues use, the other side can continue to use their side. The motion was seconded by Alderman Weeks and unanimously approved. Mayor Whalen then made the motion to grant the conditional use permit to Vito's for use of the common alley with the following conditions: 1) that they have trash containers; 2) that they maintain four bollards - two on the west end of the 15x23' designated area and two on the east end; 3) that there shall be an easement of at least ten feet for the Town for the waterline; 4) that a pergola will be allowed in the area that meets the Fire Code of the Town of Wrightsville Beach; 5) that we waive the parking requirement to the extent it is in the 23-foot area in question; 6) that there is signage indicating that this is a no alcohol and no smoking area; 7) that the property owner is responsible for maintaining the area in a clean and orderly fashion; and 8) that if one side discontinues use, the other side can continue to use their side. The motion was seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Blair and unanimously approved. Mr. Wessell stated that there is an existing easement for use by the public for passage through there and everyone needs to understand that the public has the right to do that. When asked about the fences, he said perhaps the easement behind the fence may be lost but this one is open and the easement still exists. ' ' TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH PLANNING AND PARKS • 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE • P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480 • 910-509-5019 PLumlng and Puks MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Whalen and Members of the Board From: Tony Wilson, Planning and Parks Director ltV Date: June 18, 2006 Re: Vito's Pizzeria -Conditional Use Permit to Convert the Alley between 6 and 8 Lumina Avenue into a Common Sitting Area. cc: Robert Simpson, Town Manager File Background: On May 6, 2009 Keith Norris, on behalf of Vito's Pizzeria, submitted a Conditional Use Permit Application to convert the alley between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area for patrons. This area is zoned C-1, Commercial District and is a Primary Fire District. The structure located at 8 North Lumina Avenue is two-stories with a masonry facade. Current Use: Vito's Pizzeria at 8 North Lumina Avenue is permitted as a standard restaurant through a Conditional Use Permit dated Apri123, 1987. Proposed Use: The alley is 15 feet wide and the common area will be 23 feet deep from the Lumina Avenue entrance. According to the map provided trellises will be placed at the corner of each building acting as a partial barrier between the sitting area and sidewalk. Once the four trellises are installed, the entrance to the sitting area will be 9 feet wide. The area will include picnic tables with umbrellas and greenery to enhance the appearance of the area. Ground cover will remain gravel. In the Conditional Use Permit Application submitted on behalf of Vito's Pizzeria the description of the common area (located on page 5 of the CUP Application) differs from the drawing in that the opening between the trellises will only be 6 feet wide instead of 9 feet. Parking: Vito's Pizzeria is required to provide at the minimum of 10 parking spaces. They are currently able to provide 9 spaces in the lot directly behind the building. Ingress to the parking area behind Vito's is located off of Stone Street and egress is onto Oceanic Avenue. Vehicles may also use the alley to gain access to the parking. In a Conditional Use Permit dated January 9, 2002 for Vito's and Sweetwater Retail Shop it is stated in section 9 (e): (4) The private alley bordering the south property line shall be kept unobstructed to provide access to parking. Departmental Review: Police: No Comment Fire: Must comply with the following comments: 1. Since the seating area would be considered an Assembly Occupancy and it is located in a Primary Fire District, the proposed walls/lattice work/trellis would have to be of non-combustible construction. 2. Eliminating vehicle traffic in this alley would enhance public safety; however, the walls shown are not sufficient to protect patrons in the seating area from vehicle traffic. Traffic bollards (or "posts") would be required at each end of the alley. 3. All lighting and electrical wiring would need to comply with the applicable provisions of the electrical code. Planning: Planning staff has no issues with the common sitting area as long as improvements meet Building and Fire Codes. Public Works: No Comment Parking: Suggests considering some sort of drainage mechanism for the condensation from Vito's air conditioning unit. 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan: The request to convert the alley between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area for patrons is consistent with the following 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan policies: Policy 5.1.A.1 Central Beach Area: The central beach area extends from Stone Street on the south to Mallard Street on the north. This centrally located area is one of the most self-contained sub-areas of Wrightsville Beach, having a good range of services close at hand. While the area is characterized by a predominance of traditional single family and duplex cottages, it also contains the Town's traditional central business district, a church and Johnnie Mercer's Fishing Pier. The central beach area is one of the most pedestrian friendly sections of the beach with heavy foot traffic on sidewalks and considerable on-street bicycling. Off-street parking is limited while on street parking is heavily used. Policy 9.1.A.4: Downtown Area: The Town supports the continuation of a commercial downtown area to encourage a "village type" atmosphere with the appropriate local businesses. Applicable Sections of the Zoning Code: § 155.060 OFF-STREET PARKING; REQUIREMENTS. There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any building, or at the time any principal building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guest rooms, seats, or floor area, permanent off-street parking space in the amount specified by this section. Such parking space may be provided in a parking garage or properly graded open space that complies with the standards for parking established in this subchapter. (A) Certification of minimum parking requirements. Each application for a building permit or certificate of zoning compliance submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Official 2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. That the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan or any proposed structure will not be so at variance with either the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of the structures already constructed or in the course of construction In the immediate neighborhood or the character of the applicable district, as to cause a substantial depreciation in the properly values within the neighborhood. That adequate utilities, access roads, parking, drainage and necessary facilities have been or are being provided. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. That the conditional use shall, in all other respects, conform to all the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Public access shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Town's Land Use Plan and Access Plan and/or the present amount of public access and public parking as exists within the Town now. If any recommendations are found in conflict, the system requiring the greatest quantity and quality of public access, including parking, shall govern. That the proposed use be consistent with the recommendations and policy statements as described in the adopted Land Use Plan. Advertisements: The legal advertisement announcing the June 2, 2009 Planning Board Public Hearing concerning a Conditional Use Permit Application to convert the alley adjacent to 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area ran in the Star News on May 22, 2009. The announcement for the June 25, 2009 Board of Aldermen Public Hearing ran for two consecutive weeks on June 15, 2009 and June 22, 2009 in the Star News. Staff Summary: This request is consistent with the 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan and the Town Zoning Code. Provided that the applicant meets all Local, State and Federal requirements, staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen consider granting Vito's Pizzeria a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed common sitting area. Planning Board Recommendation: At the June 2, 2009 Planning Board meeting members discussed the proposal to convert the alley between 6 & 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area. The Planning Board made a favorable recommendation to the Board of Aldermen for a Conditional Use Permit Application request to convert the alley adjacent to 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common seating area. The Planning Board also made the following suggestions for the Conditional Use Permit: 1. On-site trash containers must be provided by applicant 2. Applicant must maintain the cleanliness of the common area 3. Any improvements to the common area must comply with the Fire Department's recommendations. Planning Staff Recommendation: Planning staff recommends that the Board of Aldermen grant Vito's Pizzeria a Conditional Use Permit for the proposed common sitting area. 4 TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Planning and Parks PLANNING AND PARKS • 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE • P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480 • 910-509-5019 June 15, 2009 Dear Propetiy Owner, Board of Aldermen Public Hearing June 25, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers of Town Hall 321 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC You are hereby notified that the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen will hold a public hearing on June 25, 2009 to consider a Conditional Use Permit to allow Cafe Del Mar and Vito's Pizzeria to convert the alley into a common sitting area. The property is located between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue. The Board of Aldermen may consider substantial changes to the proposals as a result of objections, debate and discussions during the public hearings. For additional information, contact Eryn Moller at 509-5019 ext. 204, Monday- Friday, 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Thank You. Irv Freedland 7231 Airlie Place Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Charlie Maulsby · 5 N. Lumina Ave Wrightsville Bch, NC 28480 Bernard Carroll 11 N. Lumina Ave Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Josh Vach 5410 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 ghtsville Beach •ar Drive ~f.SPO$): Beach, NC 26460 1t * * z1!rl«Z4c-~ r~.,; :o--i ..;;;;.____,:....._n ~~ ~r-7 ~ 107 !:) ~P8970181 ·1365$QQ .. 42UNAY 08 0 7 E\ 3 3 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 2 8 I; 0 Sweet Water Surf Shop Attn: Jim Skiba 10 N. Lumina Ave Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 t King Neptune's Attn: Reggie Barnes 11 N. Lumina Avenue Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 1 Lauseway vnve ;ville Beach, NC 28480 Attn: Erin Keith Norris 105 Trail in the Pines Wilmington, NC 28409 0 J .J MAILCU rnVIYI Llt' VVVC t:.. 0 ""!' U .J Public Notice The public will take notice that the Wrightsville Beach Board of Adjustment will meet at 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2009 or as soon thereafter, in Town Hall Council Chambers, 321 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, N.C., to consider the following: • A Variance request to §151.065-§151.088 of the Town of Wrightsville Beach Flood Ordinance for 725 Schloss Street The public will take notice that the Wrightsville Beach Board of Aldermen will meet at.§ p.m. on Thursday, June 25, 2009 or as soon thereafter, in Town Hall Council Chambers, 321 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, N.C., to consider the following: • • • A Conditional-Use Permit Application request for 22 N. Lumina Avenue, to allow business owners in the C-1 District to rent parking spaces to the public. A Conditional-Use Permit Application request to convert the alley next to 6 N. Lumina Avenue into a common seating area. A Conditional-Use Permit Application request to convert the alley next to 8 N. Lumina Avenue into a common seating area. TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Planning and Parks PLANNING AND PARKS • 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE • P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480 • 910-509-5019 MEMORANDUM To: Madam Chairman Rosbrugh and Members of the Planning Board From: Tony Wilson, Planning and Parks Director Date: May 26, 2006 Re: Vito's Pizzeria - Conditional Use Permit to Convert the Alley between 6 and 8 Lumina Avenue into a Common Sitting Area. CC: Robert Simpson, Town Manager File 7ft/ Background: On May 6, 2009 Keith Norris, on behalf of Vito's Pizzeria, submitted a Conditional Use Permit Application to convert the alley between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area for patrons. This area is zoned C-1, Commercial District and is a Primary Fire District. The structure located at 8 North Lumina Avenue is two-stories with a masonry facade. Current Use: Vito's Pizzeria at 8 North Lumina Avenue has been permitted as a standard restaurant through a Conditional Use Permit dated April23, 1987. Proposed Use: The alley is 15 feet wide and the common area will be 23 feet deep from the Lumina Avenue entrance. According to the map provided trellises will be placed at the corner of each building acting as a partial barrier between the sitting area and sidewalk. Once the four trellises are installed, the entrance to the sitting area will be 9 feet wide. The area will include picnic tables with umbrellas and greenery to enhance the appearance of the area. Ground cover will remain gravel. In the Conditional Use Permit Application submitted on behalf of Vito's Pizzeria the description of the common area (located on page 5 of the CUP Application) differs from the drawing in that the opening between the trellises will only be 6 feet wide instead of 9 feet. Parking: Vito's Pizzeria is required to provide at the minimum of 10 parking spaces. They are currently able to provide 9 spaces in the lot directly behind the building. Ingress to the parking area behind Vito's is located off of Stone Street and egress is onto Oceanic Avenue. Vehicles may also use the alley to gain access to the parking. In a Conditional Use Permit dated January 9, 2002 for Vito's and Sweetwater Retail Shop it is stated in section 9 (e): (4) The private alley bordering the south property line shall be kept unobstructed to provide access to parking. Applicable Sections of the Zoning Code: § 155.060 OFF-STREET PARKING; REQUIREMENTS. There shall be provided at the time of the erection of any building, or at the time any principal building is enlarged or increased in capacity by adding dwelling units, guest rooms, seats, or floor area, permanent off-street parking space in the amount specified by this section. Such parking space may be provided in a parking garage or properly graded open space that complies with the standards for parking established in this subchapter. (A) Certification of minimum parking requirements. Each application for a building permit or certificate of zoning compliance submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Official or provided for in this subchapter shall include information as to the location and dimensions of off-street parking and the means of entrance and exit to the space. This information shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Zoning Enforcement Official to determine whether or not the requirements of this section are met. (B) Combination of required parking space. The required parking space for any number of separate uses may be combined in one lot but the required space assigned to one use may not be assigned to another use. However, one-half of the parking space required for churches, theaters, or assembly halls whose peak attendance will be at night or on Sundays may be assigned to a use which will be closed at night or on Sunday mornings until12:00 Noon. (C) Parking Standards. (4) Parking required for uses in districts zoned commercial may be provided within 400 feet of the main entrance to the principal use and located in any commercial zone if the required off-street parking cannot be reasonably provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located. (D) Off-street parking requirements per land use. The following off-street parking space shall be required and shall conform to the standards contained in Figure 1 of this section. Uses - Required Off-Street Parking Restaurants and places of entertainment - One parking space for each four persons as stated on the maximum-posted occupancy placard plus one additional parking space for each two employees on the largest shift. (E) Exception in parking requirements. The Board of Aldermen may grant an exception in off-street parking requirements for the alteration or conversion of an existing building in commercial districts after a finding by the Board of Aldermen that: (1) The proposed use is directed primarily toward pedestrian trade existing in the area. (2) The character of existing development or properties within 400 feet prohibits the acquisition of land for parking. (3) That one parking space for each two employees shall be provided. An exception to this standard may be granted for mixed use development as provided in this section. 2 Departmental Review: Police: No Comment Fire: Must comply with the following comments: 1. Since the seating area would be considered an Assembly Occupancy and it is located in a Primary Fire District, the proposed walls/lattice work/trellis. Would have to be of non-combustible construction. 2. Eliminating vehicle traffic in this alley would enhance public safety; however the walls shown are not sufficient to protect patrons in the seating area from vehicle traffic. Traffic bollards (or "posts") would be required at each end of the alley. 3. All lighting and electrical wiring would need to comply with the applicable provisions of the electrical code. Planning: Planning staff has no issues with the common sitting are as long as improvements meet Building and Fire Codes. Public Works: No Comment Parking: Suggests considering some sort of drainage mechanism for the condensation from Vito's air conditioning unit. 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan: The request to convert the alley between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue into a common sitting area for patrons is consistent with the following 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan policies: Policy 5.1.A.1 Central Beach Area: The central beach area extends from Stone Street on the south to Mallard Street on the north. This centrally located area is one of the most self-contained sub-areas of Wrightsville Beach, having a good range of services close at hand. While the area is characterized by a predominance of traditional single family and duplex cottages, it also contains the Town's traditional central business district, a church and Johnnie Mercer's Fishing Pier. The central beach area is one of the most pedestrian friendly sections of the beach with heavy foot traffic on sidewalks and considerable on-street bicycling. Off-street parking is limited while on street parking is heavily used. Policy 9.1.A.4: Downtown Area: The Town supports the continuation of a commercial downtown area to encourage a "village type" atmosphere with the appropriate local businesses. Findings: The Planning Board recommendation for this project is based on findings in consideration of the general requirements. The requirements and findings are stipulated below.(§ 155.025(E)) 1. 2. 3. That the establishment, maintenance, or operation of the conditional use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, or general welfare. That the conditional use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. That the establishment of the conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. 3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. That the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan or any proposed structure will not be so at variance with either the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of the structures already constructed or in the course of construction in the immediate neighborhood or the character of the applicable district, as to cause a substantial depreciation in the property values within the neighborhood. That adequate utilities, access roads, parking, drainage and necessary facilities have been or are being provided. That adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. That the conditional use shall, in all other respects, conform to all the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Public access shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Town's Land Use Plan and Access Plan and/or the present amount of public access and public parking as exists within the Town now. If any recommendations are found in conflict, the system requiring the greatest quantity and quality of public access, including parking, shall govern. That the proposed use be consistent with the recommendations and policy statements as described in the adopted Land Use Plan. Staff Summary: This request is consistent with the 2005 CAMA Land Use Plan and the Town Zoning Code. Provided that the applicant meets all Local, State and Federal requirements, staff requests a favorable recommendation from the Planning Board to the Board of Aldermen Requested Action: Planning staff recommends that the Planning Board make a favorable recommendation to the Board of Aldermen if the proposed common sitting area complies with the Departmental Reviews. Attachments: 1. Conditional Use Permit Application and supporting documents 2. Conditional Use Permit dated April 23, 1987 3. Conditional Use Permit dated January 9, 2002 4 MAY 7 ' 1987 .· .. .~: ·• .' I . e"''· '''i';','l'OWN ,,9J\ '.'IRIGHTSVILLE ORDER·~~'l'ING I. • ; . -.~ .. :.:.:.;.:~·:.:·'. • :~,;· . • •· ' BEACH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT '1_:. :,\ . • Board; ~.?,~:tlde~~en of the Town of Wrightsville Beach a'. public\ h~·a;'irig\ on April 23, 1987 to consider the <' ·t; ._::~~~:~1~~-. -~~ ' ubmitted ,by.j!,i·Edward' Lee Ancherico, a request for a 1 use p~i~i1'1J'~~8i-'~~e the property located at 8 North Lumina ightsville 'B~'ach, N, C. and having heard all the evidence presented at the hearing, makes the following Findings the following Conclusions: ' ' '·. '1 ' .. · It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the first general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely, that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the conditional use will not be detrimental to or endanger the ,• . public health, safety or general welfare, -~-!·:O'~··h ' F.ihdings of Fact to· support this conclusion: :: ....i. ~ A•. supply parking with egress and ingress improved. B. Very similar cooking operation to previous occupant. c. Have met all building and health codes, . · ·' · 1. ·~· 1' ,', • • '' • D,. E. ;;:,:• It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use ...does satisfy the second general requirement listed in . ' :' '. ' ;: ·: :·-~- )-,;;~-(~> '! the ;,orqin~ncer 'namely, that the conditional use will not be injurious -· ,_,., •..._-.: ·' '· ' to .. ,~~~~~~~;e .and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for 'th6.;::~purposes already permitted, nor diminish or impair property ·'values :Within the neighborhood. ~~ Findings of Fact to support this conclusion: A. Increased overall appearances of premises. B. Improved parking facilities to avoid traffic congestion, '2. l, •.•.•. : ._ ' ::~'<'-lk.{:c.!;i;:-i·· c. 1. -~ • ·- ;, -- , . ' . • • '" . . 3. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use ,does satisfy the third general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the conditional use will not impede the normal. and orderly development and imp~oyement of the surrounding proper~y,,for ~sea permitted ·in the distric't • . ' -·t.' -: ' ;' Findings .,of Fact to support this conclusion: .-. A. B. ' By improving parking, congestion has been minimized. c. D. E. 4. It is the Board of Alde.rmen' s conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the fourth ..general requirement listed in the .ordinance; namely, that the exterior architectural appeal and ~~N;ptional plan of any proposed strllcture will not be s.o at variance with either the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of t . the structures already constructed or in the course of construction in the ·immediate neighborhood or the character of the applicable dist~ict, as to cause a substantial depreciation in the property values.within the neighborhood. Findi~gs''i:6f::Fact in support of this conclusion: ! • ,;,_.,(~~:,j_,;,~·A. MaJorimprovement has been made to the exterior and interior of the buildin·g. · . B.. '. Building.~ll~'s~~'been. brought forward to meet all codes. . ..... ' . . ....,:::·:. .: ~:~:-.:.~.-:~_ -_-_c. -~-:~-.-;i.-t·~-i~~~?'~~~f~~~~.~~~~~.~~~~: ·?0I:~;-..;··- ..··: .;- -~ . .. . ''1 . • . . ~. ·-: ·'····:-.,.,:.: ~ D . .,->: ... 1;\~lWfo!,lM\~, ..... , .. , :~~s~li·ffL4.'&~W~..,:tJ . :· ,._... -.. ~ ;J;/~-~~l'~·,:·>;! . .·. t<"Wi· . •• · .;.:.·.Jr · , E :/}/'.'_:_·;~_: :; !. .,·_,:~- ~ ._.-:_·_. : _·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ : . - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the fifth general,requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and/or necessary facilities have been or are being provided. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: A. '· . 2 B. C. D. E. Redesign of parking lot to eliminate congestion. Electrical, mechanical, building and health codes have been met. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the sixth 9eneral requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congesti~n in the public streets. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: A. See iS, 6. B. c. D. E, 7. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the seventh general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the conditional use shall in all other respects, conform to all the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: A. Have met with planning board and Public Works and are in compliance with the regulations of the district, B. c. D. E. .·.·.,· It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the eighth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that public access shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Town's Land Use Plan and Access Plan and/or the present amount of public access and public parking as exists within the Town now. B. 3 Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: A. The parking spaces in lot behind building. B. To improve egress and ingress. c. D. E. r·• 9. Therefore, because the Board of Aldermen concludes that all general and specific conditions precedent to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit have been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit be granted, subject to the following conditions: (a) That applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional conditions stated below. (b) That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Permit is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. (c) That the project shall be developed in accordance with the plan as submitted and approved • (d) That this Conditional Use Permit shall comply with all other supplemental regulations and requirements imposed by the Zoning Ordinance or any other applicable federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulations. In the event of a conflict, the more stringent requirement or higher standard shall apply. .. 4 ;.. ' I ~ He) Other Conditions: This permit is issued on the condition that the applicant continuously maintain parking as required by applicable Wrightsville Beach ordinances, In the event the applicant should lose or not have available the required parking, this permit shall be null and void, Ordered this 23rd day of Town flanager The signatures of the applicant and property owner below indicate that the applicant and property owner have received this Conditional Use Permit together with all attachments. Any violations of the stated conditions will render this Permit null and void. To be valid this permit must be signed below by the applicant and owner and returned to the Town Clerk's office within thirty (30) days of the date of approval as indicated below. This Permit will expire six (6) months from the date expiration begins as indicated below if within that six-months period a building permit has not been granted. The building permit will expire if construction is not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the building permit. ____ . : .;A:. :.P=.;r~=- 1·=- -=2. : .3.~. ., ...;;1:..::9..::.a..:....7_ _ _ _ ~ a£J;i flu~ APPLICANT Date of Approval April 23, 1987 Date of Expiration Begins Address 5 ~·· .. ).'<I OWNER 2!JJ If Address ··.. ·· ,· I>' "'··~ - ~- /"li .,, . : 6 /1/. c/cn,,cfM,,_;_) (,Fd/f/fv./' tM<c{ t~'' . . '' ~'ll?, ' I USE PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW DITiONAL .! ·:· GHTSVILLE BEACH - DEPARTMENT HEADS I '• April 2, 1987 COMMENTS 1. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS Technical information on application is correct. 2. it is our information that the parking area shown is not owned by the people who own the building. The lot will be leased by the restaurant. we recommend that the parking lot be dedicated to the use of the restaurant and if the restaurant loses the use of the parking lot the conditional use permit will become null and void. Proof of adequate parking should be submitted to the Building Inspector on the anniversary date of the conditional use permit on a yearly basis. It should be clear that this condition means th~he maximum number of seats allowed in the restaurant will be~nd the maximuf number of people allowed on the occupancy placard will be 36. 3. No dumpster ,site is shown on the plan. They will have to provide a location and pad, approved by Public Works, to provide for their solid waste. Perhaps this business could arrange to share a container and site with Wolber's Deli. 4. We need to know if they propose to pave the parking lot but in any case we recommend that the parking spaces be clearly marked as per ordinance requirements. TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH ORDER GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wrightsville Beach having held a public hearing on January 9, 1992 to consider the request submitted by James Skiba for a conditional use permit for property located at 8 and 10 North lumina Avenue (Vito's Restaurant and Sweetwater Retail Shop) ,to develop or amend an existing development described as the redesign of the parking area for Vito's Restaurant to allow the expansion of Sweetwater Retail Shop, and having heard all the evidence and arguments presented at the hearing, makes the following Findings of Fact and draws the following Conclusions: 1. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the first general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely, that the establishment, maintenance or operation of the conditional use will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety or general welfare. Findings of Fact to support this conclusion: (A) The existing structure owned by James Skiba has been maintained to all health and safety codes. (B) The expansion to the existing structure will be constructed in accordance with State and local building codes. (C) An independent dumpster pad and trash container will be provided to eliminate the shared trash container with the businesses located to the south. -2- 2. It is the Board of Aldermen's Conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the second general requirement listed in the Ordinance; namely, that the conditional use will not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for the purposes already permitted, nor diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Findings of Fact to support this conclusion: (A) The expansion of the retail shop directly supports the viability and continuation of the Down Town area. (B) The redesign of the parking area will diminish the number of parking spaces adjacent to the residential area. (C) A small landscaped area will be added to the rear of the building to provide visual improvement to the area. 3. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the third general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. Findings of Fact to support this conclusion: (A) The use of the property will not change to create an impact to the growth of the surrounding area. (B) The surrounding properties have improved and developed within the past five years as a result of the improvement of the existing businesses in the Down Town area. Example: Remodeling of the King Neptune Restaurant, the old Barney's Beanery, and the establishment of Seal's Photo Shop. -3- 4. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the fourth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of any proposed structure will not be so at variance with either the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of the structures already constructed or in the course of construction in the immediate neighborhood or the character of the applicable district, as to cause a substantial depreciation in the property values within the neighborhood. Findings of Fact to support this conclusion: (A) The expansion of the structure will coincide with the existing exterior which has not caused substantial depreciation in the property values within the neighborhood. 5. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the fifth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that adequate utilities, access roads, drainage and/or necessary facilities have been or are being provided. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: (A) The parking spaces will remain constructed of a marl material to reduce stormwater runoff. (B) The existing utilities and access roads will remain unchanged as a result of the expansion. -4- 6. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the sixth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that adequate measures have been or will be taken to provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion in the public streets. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: (A) Access to the parking spaces is similar to the same access that is provided by other adjoining properties within the area and the Town as well. 7. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the seventh general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that the conditional use shall in all other respects, conform to all the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: (A) The expansion to the structure will comply with all state and local building codes. -5- 8. It is the Board of Aldermen's conclusion that the proposed use does satisfy the eighth general requirement listed in the ordinance; namely, that public access shall be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Town's Land Use Plan and Access Plan and/or the present amount of public access and public parking as exists within the Town now. Findings of Fact in support of this conclusion: N/A 9. Therefore, because the Board of Aldermen concludes that all general and specific conditions precedent to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit have been satisfied, IT IS ORDERED that the application for the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit be granted, subject to the following conditions: (a) That the applicant shall fully comply with all of the specific requirements stated in the ordinance for the proposed use, as well as any additional conditions stated below. (b) That if any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Permit is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. -6- (c) That the project shall be developed in accordance with the plan as submitted and approved. (d) That this Conditional Use Permit shall comply with all other supplemental regulations and requirements imposed by the Zoning Ordinance or any other applicable federal, state or local law, ordinance or regulations. In the event of a conflict, the more stringent requirement or higher standard shall apply. (e) Other Conditions: (1) The site plan described as "Sweetwater Surf Shop" prepared by John Stirewalt, AlA, shall be revised to include the following: Four feet shall be deleted from the south end of the proposed expansion to the structure and parking spaces numbered four through eight shall shall be expanded to a depth of 22 feet. (2) The property owner shall provide a revised site plan to the Building Inspections office showing the changes as described in (e)(l) above before any building permits are issued. (3) Two parking spaces shall be reserved and marked for the apartment above Sweetwater Retail Shop. ( 4) The private a11 ey bordering the south property 1i ne shall be kept unobstructed to provide access to -7- 0rde red t hi s _9_,_V--t_'a ay 0f _n_,_-,f-=-{Uyv"----'-'-t"'L"'CL"'-/-'-'1G"-',----2-' 19 7 ~ f :.f.-. Frances L. Russ, Mayor Linda Askew, Town Clerk The signatures of the applicant and property owner below indicate that the applicant and property owner have received this Conditional Use Permit together with all attachments. Any violations of the stated conditions will render this Permit null and void. To be valid this permit must be signed below by the applicant and owner and returned to the Town Clerk, P. 0. Box 626, 321 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480. This Permit will expire six (6) months from the date of approval as indicated below if within that six-months period a building permit has not been obtained or an extension of the Conditional Use Permit has not been granted. The building permit will expire if construction is not commenced within six (6) months from the date of issuance of the building permit. -8- JANUARY 9, 1992 JOHN STIREWALT Date of Approval A 2030 EASTWOOD ROAD SUITE 7 JULY 9, 1992 WILMINGTON, NC 28405 Date of Expiration Address JAMES SKIBA < 311 FRIDAY DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28405 Address ~w D {u. 2LL,_ 1b/r2 S1gned by Owner and Applicant l I, I lI G r I J, i ) <) - I < l. t 0 APPLICANT INFORMATION Property 01'"- -Jim Skiba Owner Mail 311 Friday Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 Telephone Nwnber Z_~_:__'3_ZV........J(F[E~t:LX)KJ-_ __ +(W)YJLJ---------f.(l:J,H)I--_ _ Representative/Agent for Owner (ATfACIIA!lTifORITY FORAPI'OiNilllENTOF AGENT) Agent Address TelephoneNwnber (W): tl/Q .{j,() (d7{(FQ ~ PROJECT INFORMATION Address: Al ;r;V {Aft; 'ijt1---l1~'6 b_,._..,,, ~1 ~ r..Jt:/1 vvfB.l':! 'Ij;:V b-t AR Legat Address . . . Prl-Zt-.J?lA 1 I uU IJ, 14;= Vrm~ tee-hi fJ ::ftt·ff'SO .. \ (L6 NLUYVll JJAJ (FAX) =::-:--:-::"1--'----'---?_}-\-'-'-'---'.!'""'ci-"--"JJU""-'-'U""-' 1 A:_,___ _ _ __ (Book and P~tge as reoordcd nt tho New Hanover County Registrar of Deeds Office) PROPOSED PROTECT / Y.I?-Wi Describe project and use. fA?~ Cf PrtA.--C.. V Proposed Construction Dat(clli Estimated Completion Date State Primary Street Frontage "ID T-ixr A Tt\Dt FoiZ--- A. Il-l . COI~Ifi:.F'. f::;f;-, f uJ PI\..( A~1f:rrefi W.kNt-;;f.£7?01Jt,E or ltz.--DEE'nlt:Ji 1 _ . 1 VVBa.-0 c (name)_-----'t-"B"----'fi--"/k~/1:~?/..L.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Conditional Use Pcnnh Aoolicntion 09/04/01 Pnec 2 of9 APPLICANT lNFORMA TION Property Owner . 0, ;::-o,££o ore\ 8J . ~--af\b \--\1 I IS't'o\2.0 \ . .-1::\1\m\CljbO, cc, 7?A05 (>il 4 Owner Mailing Address Telephone Number JW'A\D·2FlO -~ CHJ91Q-7lQA- WZ.l (FAX) Representative/Agent for Owner , \cxs~ '£22 "\,t(:b (ATTACH AUTHORITY FOR API'OlNTMENT OF AGENT) Agent Address Telephone Number fi\\0 0\f'Ocd? e.. ()2..\I.JE (W)9 lo-a:::\''5:1 ffi5 (F AXB 10- 39'5-CI.. OZL.o CH) PROJECT INFORMATION Legal Address : . , - . , . - - · - - - , - - - - c - - - - - - , - - - - - (Book and Page os recorded at the New Hanover County Registrar of Deeds Otlicc) Proposed Constmction Date Estimated Completion Date {Jf; fvon 0.0 ~J {j WJ p1(, ct d~~ Cl-8-lf State Primary Street Frontage (name) ConLiitiona! Usc Pcnnit Application 09/04/01 \Quhrv-tffi_\L df20 . . 6\zvvh ~ cJ . *w t Wf.et_ Shep Pnge 2 of9 ' ' . j: i• Zoning District of Site Proposed Use ZONING INFORMATION _ . 1 _ __ _ _ 1 I I .I :.._tJ_,D"-----''-- Does this project require rezoning?_ _ D I \J \ ~ IS) [ ' Total Lot Square Footage (Eg) I :~ Dimensions of Principal an~ Acce$sory Buildings I .I I ElevationofALLStruc~' !. C:ltJoMJJP /.A3\1?L t I \l 0eN ~ llz-0 I UUBt28UJ10 ofPr~~ipal ·Structure 1 Total Square Footage [ II :. • / .. I Total Square Footage of A~~ Structures Parldng Space 'l__t; & l ~ I NO ''011?--V011U26 " r;:::..;"l 11 ----'=-J-'_1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ : ' Patking Spaces On Site 1 47'1 PIUS~ Tlt-'f)/J3 (JJ/ : • (T~TAL) $- 0~1').r MW ~ (J)Y20~ TlitJr2t (Hanilica1ped) MJ (Standard) AD~ Dimension~~ Isl1 Separation Describe Provisions for If:;. i ruJ.I:d Egress of Site I CVb-N !I! 0172{;;e( ~ UJ I !IJ ,, I r , STGNAGE Describe (fully) All Prop~.··. SiJs ~ for this Project (Dimensions, Heights, Construction Materials and Location b~ Provided): Mljisi 1'. 'p ' " . Conditional U~ Penult Aunlication 09/0-4/01 Pm~eJ of9 ltW3Y Ip.! ,' ' I I r :H1'/F01lMATION FOR DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW 1' Iil EIRE PROTECT!ON ' J I Fire Protection - Constructigrt CiaJsification I· : Describe (fully) Fire Protec~on P1~visions Provided in the Project: :i. ~ Fire Flow Requirements CttlJ]J)}'2: I J\1M/\/ ., !: ' POIJCEREQIJTREM~I '. , l7ktBNBUV21-h/12S JOb {)f§N 1Jf VV /ftpfter~11~ W\ W WbYIJ hll 1£ .&. 1 fY {J jJ) Desciibe Any Special or Uffusual ~olice Protection Requirements: Alli?'J~Bq~ tw U6t:~ 1th6 WM:IV6·HDULD !ho IN 1tl vrn \JbJ lrPen::t&NA!tN5 l N-rD /A:LiJ2f 1 rut CF ~ STQRMWATRR j I! i j: ' /i . I Describe any connections tq ro~ drainage systems !' 1: WATER REQIIIREMENTS . Maximum Estimated WatJ bemloo GPD I, . : I' , . Calculations ----:,:;'-+:-+,- - - - - ¥ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Water Main Size Availabljjat Si~ 11' SEWER REQIIIREMENJJS! Maximum Estimated Calculations SOTJD WASTE ' I Sew~~~ Dis~osal GPD --"'fL------1' ' i· ' 1 REQITTR~ Maximum Solid Waste D~~~sal ~cubic yards) Per Day_Fr------'; Calculations¢--- Size and Location ofDum~ster PJd Conditional Use Petmi: Aorlhcalion 09/04/01 !.ANDSCAPING I I. RATTACHMENTS REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION I (b) (c) . E::J.J/ (d) Lb;IJ~~s That the exterior ar hitectural appeal and functional plan or any proposed structure will not be so at variance with e her the exterior architectural appeal and functional plan of the stmctures already constructe 1 Ol' in the course of construction in the immediate neighborhood or the character of the ap licable disttic~ _a to cause a substantial d predation in the ro erty values within t e nei hbo · ood. :.:::> __ L \1\tCYL-~ - -!2_ _: I ' Condilionnt Uso Pennil Aoo$cation o9/04101 AND ~~ !Vr->1--.-------r\___, , Pl.:f;:;t':::>/ N t-==? 1\VD TO /J1& r2-B -~ .am, r! n 1. i/\11--ll{ft · .., ,/,v- .~ -r-._~-r--- Pa2c. . 1 (e) (f) i That adequate meas. minimize traffic corl (g) shall, in all other respects, conform to all the applicable regulations of the ted. L(h) J Public access shall provided in accordance with the recommendations of the Town's Land Use Plan and Access P and/or the present atnoUIIt of public access and pubiic parking as exists within the Town n 1 • If any recommendations are found in conflict, the system requiring the greatest (j!lantity uality of public access, including ' . '12-= II (i) I be consistent with the recommendations and policy statements as described I That the proposed in the adopted Lan ~p n.,_~~rmr.r-,r..n~~~~~~--~~~-. CO~ L/11l3N fTB/2-S oYTt:JF Tr~ ~ f'trrerz 1~/L~ A site plan of the /r. posed project prepared by a professional engineer, registered land surveyor or architect drawn · a scale of not less than one inch equals thirty feet (I "=30'). The site plan ~£~E~;::~£~:~ eJ1fJJ~i!!fiJln:;?E~:~~~~zf!;%~~~~~ !~~~~~;~~~ I I ' Conditionftl Use Pennit APJh<htion 09/0-'i/OJ Paee 6 of9 I. ~ap of the site with reference to sun·ounding areas and existing street (I) A ke i (2) lpcations. : i! The ; ~e and address of the owner and site plan applicant, together with the name :<if the owners of all contiguous land and of property directly across the street a~ishown by the most recent tax records. (3) Lot li ~dimensions. (4) Loca • 1~ of all structures, streets, entrances and exits on the site and on contiguous pmp · ·and property directly across the street. I Loca' of all existing and proposed structures, including their outside •' :dimensions and elevations. I 1 • I (5) I !, '1n .. ; (6) (7) (8) I; Buil :i ~ setback, side line, and rear yard distances. i . All ~ Jting physical features including streams, water courses, dunes, existing trees/ ~ter than one (1) inch in diameter measm'Cd six (6) feet above !,'I"'und level~ #d significant soil conditions. · TopJ . ;phy showing existing and proposed contours at two (2) foot intervals. All refe ; <;e bench marks shall be clearly designated. I (9) P '. [loading, and unloading areas shall be indicated with dimensions, traffic patt :' , access aisles and curb radii. (I 0) hnp f .fbments such as roads, curbs, bumpers, and sidewalks shall be indicated (11) storm water systems (note: Wri' lfville Beach Zoning Ordinance § 155.005) , sanitary waste disposal 1 syste water mains and appurtenances and methods of refuse disposal and stoni bi :J.[ss:ti:::esi::t::g :::~~: 811 I, 1 (12) Lan · ·ping and buffering plan showing what will remain and what will be plan, f indicating names of plants, trees and dimensions, approximate time of p~ • g, and maintenance plans. ' I,I I (13) I ' Ligll · ' details indicating type of standards, location, radius of light, and intensity in f~bf bandies. 1 (14) i ~~n, dimensions, and details of signs. : J ! I~ (15) ' i (16) , No , llljrrow. I I Pub~q :access shall be provided in accordance \Vith the recommendations of the To\iriS Land Use Plan and Access Plan and public parking as er.ists within the Tovfi.*~ow. Conditional Use Pennit An~ i4;ion 09/04/01 '~ :' Pngc 7 of9 (17) A re9d ring or drawing of the proposed building shall be provided showing all sides p the proposed structure. · The Town of Wrightsville ~~h will notifY adjoining property owners of presentation of this application to the Planning Board and Board dfiA dennen. Adjoining property is all property contiguous and across the street from the subject property. Please s bmit with your application two sets of plain letter sized envelopes, stamped (not metered), unsealed and add to the adjacent property owners as shown on the New Hanover County tax listing and bearing the • of the Town of Wrightsville Beach. Attach a list of the adjoining property owners to this· application. : bse also include two stamped, self-addressed cnve!o(les bearing the retum address ofthe Town. ' EEE ' ' The processing fee~ r a Conditional Use Permit application ls $400. A check payable to the Town of Wrightsville Beach~ kt aecompany this application. · I I I SIDNATITRE accorh Tilis signature. i nies the application, fee, statement of standards and site plan which comprise the Conditional Use Perl it Application to the Town of Wrightsville Beach. **I understand thn~ he fee. for this application is non-refundable.** (Initial) UJ furthermore certi~· tha.t I am authorized to gnmt and do in fact grant permission to Plnuniug Staff and his/her! a entli to enter on the aforementioned lands in connedion with evaluating ioformati l-elated to this permit"application.*• (Initial) 0/lfo&l Owner's Signature Date II. ' . I origi~. Amendments to the •aL.i aapplication have been initialed and dated where they appear. This application supercedes the original app~iftiort as signed and dated above. : I i i ! I': Condilionn1 Usc Pcmtit ADv1ichtion 09/M/01 PageS of9 Date Ov.'ller's Signature Representative/Agent ,I I ! I Date Date ofRe-Submission to Town II I I I I I I I I ,,'I il Conditional Use Permit Aoo~ a, ion 09/04/01 j Paec 9 of9 -r I ,I ~-~~I ' : ! ' Town of Vi'l'ightsville Bench ' !I 'I I 1&'1. (/ -1.~ ~ owner; 1--+-----'~C.L._L_"'''---""f"'{ ~r'l-"""------' I I j' I The undersh:med ·c!:;·'_U.=: .~"- f i!LI·!. .l.:-J'l,~ :. J .!. . ...!<'.:::.:.___ _ _ _ _ ____y,Wu' does hereby appoint as his, her, or its exclusive agent for the purpose ~ i ~} rightsville Beach for approval of a Conditional Use Pennit, as applicable I ' to the property havidg the;~ dress of1J . f4" UJI'-~11~ k and described in the attached petition. of petitioning the T4wn I , I I ·_\ ! ' ' The owner does he~by 'l cd,v nant and agree with the Town of Wrightsville Beach that said agent has the I i authority to do the f71Iowl~ acts for and on behalf of the owner: (1) T~~s bmi~ a proper petition and the 1-equired supplemental materials; and (2) T~!a I peat at public meetings to give representation lllld commitments on behalf of}l owj1er; and i TQ!' ccept conditions or recommendations made for the issuance of the Coh iti01\al Use Permit on the owner's property; and (3) (4) ! Tol.,ct Oil the owner's behalf without limitations with mgard to any and all things di(e tly or indirectly cotmected with or mising out of My petition. I•' I I~ Tllis agency agreetjlent ~~II continue in effect until final disposition of the petition submitted in ?lt:' •I conjunction with this app~i tment I ~ Date: 1! olYitM· .'!I11 rj f ~ . v[Vfl'' R}~~~~ {\~· i / vw~~\Y· ~~--;:-:--*::~-~~ • ;)~~· vr\0· Agent'sName,Address&Telephone: w, w-itl .0'0\fYls 1c0 f(OvJ ur1 tM VIrns w~Mn~ qro.~r-r. 04tb4~ I '' If vner is ~n indh ·dual, the O\\~ler (or all owners if there is more than one) must sign the authorization.. If a ;corpo~ tion, print the name of the corporation and have signed by an authorized officer. If a partnership, the name of the partnership and have signed by an authorized partner. ! ill Mut 1 ,I J : 'I Condi:lonal Use Permit j\oalieation Q9 p4!01 . I I~ ' :! i : Pa.e 10of9 . Towu of\Vdglttsvillc Beach AUTHORITY FOR APPOINTMENT OF AGENT The undersigned owner, _ ___,b=-o..6...0.L.£'f..,.C..,£,_·~-.._A-'-'-._._.~'=-"-"L.8.._6_..Vz____, does hereby appoint --':J"'""'-6"~"";.,_h_,l..,.,_l<<-l..__,6.__w·~-'\v.J-<<.AA...Jc,__...~kL"\+---- as his, her, or its exclusive agent for the purpose of petitioning the Town of Wrightsville Beach for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, as applicable to the property having the address of~ , LJ WV\ \ 1\o..~md described in the attached petition. The owner does hereby covenant and agree with the Towi1 of Wrightsville Beach that said agent has the authority to do the following acts for and on behalf of the owner: ( 1) To submit a proper petition and the required supplemental materials; and (2) To appear at public meetings to give representation and commitments on behalf of the owner; and (3) To accept conditions or recommendations made for the issuance of the Conditional Use Pennit on the owner's property; and (4) To act on the owner's behalf without limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of any petition. This agency agreement shall continue in effect until final disposition of the petition submitted in conjunction with this appointment. Date: 3 ~1)BI/oY.- ' - - - - - - Agent's Name, Address & Telephone: Df.. Wi.\Mrogbm, ~c.. JM03 'Yil D 0\w ode l\ 9\o -39~-tsqs * If the owner is an individual, the owner (or all owners if there is more than one) must si1,>n the authorization. If a corporation, print the name of the corporation and have signed by an authorized officer. If a pmtncrship, print the name of the partnership and have signed by an anthodzed pmtner. Conditional Use Pctmit Application 09/04/0 I Page lO of9 TOWN OF WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH Planning and Parks PLANNING AND PARKS • 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE • P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480 • 910-509-5019 May21, 2009 Dear Property Owner, Planning Board Public Hearing June 2, 2009 at 6:00p.m. Council Chambers of Town Hall 321 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, NC You are hereby notified that the Wrightsville Beach Planning Board will hold a public hearing on June 2, 2009 to consider a Conditional Use Permit to allow Cafe Del Mar and Vito's Pizzeria to convert the alley into a common sitting area. The property is located between 6 and 8 North Lumina Avenue. The Planning Board may consider substantial changes to the proposals as a result of objections, debate and discussions during the public hearings. For additional information, contact Eryn Moller at 509-5019 ext. 204, Monday- Friday, 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. Thank You. Irv Freedland 7231 Airlie Place Road Wilmington, NC 28403 Charlie Maulsby 5 N. Lumina Ave Wrightsville Bch, NC 28480 Bernard Carroll 11 N. Lumina Ave Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Keith Norris 105 Trail in the Pines Wilmington, NC 28409 ightsville Beach seway Drive Beach, NC 28480 n:Erin Josh Vach 5410 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403 K "J'; )If ¥({!'I :::.~ 4•¥4''~FFP' ·163 ::)~ ~PB9701ti"l' ~ ' 0 0 ' 13 0 5 $ 0 _ U .. ~2 Fi .h. Y 0 g 0 9 7 8 3 4 MAILED FROM ZIP CODE 2 1J 4 0 3 Sweet Water Surf Shop Attn: Jim Skiba 10 N. Lumina Ave Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 '>AI ............. 3each, NC 28480 King Neptune's Attn: Reggie Barnes 11 N. Lumina Avenue Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Eryn Moller From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Frank Smith [[email protected]] Wednesday, May 20, 2009 2:59 PM 'Eryn Moiler' [email protected]; [email protected]; Heath, David (Heath, David) RE: CUP Review - Common Area Between Vito's and Cafe Del Mar Eryn, I have reviewed the CUP application for the seating area between 6 & 8 N. Lumina Ave. with Deputy Fire Marshal David Heath. We have the following comments. -Since this seating area would be considered an Assembly Occupancy and it is located in a Primary Fire District, the proposed walls I lattice work I trellis/ etc. would have to be of non-combustible construction. -We concur that eliminating vehicle traffic in this alley would enhance public safety, however the walls shown are not sufficient to protect patrons in the seating area from vehicle traffic. Traffic bollards (or "posts") would be required at each end of the alley. -All lighting and electrical wiring would need to comply with the applicable provisions of the electrical code. Frank D. Smith, Fire Chief Town of Wrightsville Beach EMERGENCY: 911 Phone: (910) 256-7920 Fax: (910) 256-7924 Email: [email protected] "Fire Sprinklers Save Lives!" From: Eryn Moiler [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:15 AM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: CUP Review - Common Area Between Vito's and Cafe Del Mar Cafe Del Mar (6 Lumina Ave) and Vito's Pizzeria (8 Lumina Ave) have submitted a Conditional Use Permit Application to convert the alley between these businesses into a common sitting area. This area would be similar to that found between the Trolley Stop, Kohl's and South Beach Grill. Please review and provide comment by Friday 15, 2009 1 II: Cash keceipts Detail Report Date: 05-14-2009 Current Operator: Page: 1 7 Transaction Date: Customer Name: Account Number: Transaction Type: Receipt Number: Payment Operator: Description: Transaction Amount: 05/14/2009 UITO' S PIZZERIA 99999 tliscellaneous 60089 7 cup 8 n lumina 400.00 -------------------Payment Amounts-------------------Cash: .00 Check: 400.00 .00 Charge: 400.00 Amt Paid: Amt Owed: 400.00 .00 Change: ----------------tliscellaneous Code DrkDwn---------------CAI1AUAR UARIANCE/CAtiA/REZONE FEES 400.00 I ESC Exit r:s Aliqn II F7 Print Screen I_F_S_Er_i_nt___, F10 Save II: Cash Date: 05-14-2009 Current Operator: ~eceipts Detail Report Page: 1 7 Transaction Date: Customer Name: Account Numbet·: Transaction Type: Receipt Number: Payment Opet·ator: Description: Transaction Amount: 05/14/2009 UITO'S PIZZERIA 99999 11iscellaneous 60089 7 cup 8 n lumina 4011.110 -------------------Payment Amounts-------------------Cash: .110 Check: 4011.011 Charge: . 011 Amt Paid: 4110.1111 Amt owed: 400.1111 Change: .110 ----------------11iscellaneous Code BrkDwn---------------CAI1AIJAR IJARIANCE/CAI1A/REZONE FEES 41111.00 I ESC Exit r~s L\liCJtl II F7 Print Screen I_F_S_Er_;_i_nt___J F10 .S.ave Public Notice The public will take notice that the Wrightsville Beach Planning Board will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 2, 2009 or as soon thereafter, in Town Hall Council Chambers, 321 Causeway Drive, Wrightsville Beach, N.C., to consider the following: • • • • A Conditional-Use Permit Application request for 32 N. Lumina Ave., to allow business owners in the C-1 District to rent parking spaces to the public. A Conditional-Use Permit Application request for 22 N. Lumina Ave., to allow business owners in the C-1 District to rent parking spaces to the public. A Conditional-Use Permit Application request for 35 N. Lumina Ave., to allow business owners in the C-1 District to rent parking spaces to the public. A Conditional-Use Permit Application request to convert the alley between 6 and 8 N. Lumina Ave. into a common seating area.