military` standard sampling procedures and tables for inspection by
military` standard sampling procedures and tables for inspection by
NOT MEASUREMENT MVF MIL-STO-1D5E 10 MAY 1989 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-1D5D 29 APRIL 1963 MILITARY’ STANDARD SAMPLING PROCEDURES AND TABLES FOR INSPECTION BY AITRIBUTES I AMSC ~~. N/A AREA Approved for public releese; dlstrlbutlon is QCIC unlimited. MIL-STO-1O5E DEP~ OF DEFENSE Washington,EC 20301 SN-lPL13K PRKEDUWS AND TABLESFOR INSPECTIONBY ~ 1. ‘his militarystaxiardis approvedfor use by all Ceprwmts of * ~t of Mf==e. and Agencies 2. Ikneficial ~ts (recmmmdations,additions,deletims) and any prtinent data whiti may be of use in inprovingthis documnt shouldbe addressedto: Ccmmnder Us. Army Armment Researdn,Develop-rent and Enginerinq Center ATIN: SKAR-BAC-S/BldcJ .6 PicatinnyArsenal,NJ 07806-5000 by using &“ self-addressed Standardization ~t (ODForm 1426) am=ring at the md of this dommnt ii -r ovww.ntProposal or letter. MII-S’ID-105E ‘ItLis p.blitationprovidez.sampliqproceduresand referene tables for use in planningand conductinginspectionby attributes. ‘Thesamplingconceptis based on the prokbilistic reaxrente of eventshhen a seriesof lots or Mxhes are prtducedin a stableenvimrmmt. ‘Mis publicationshouldix used to guide the user in the rk?velqzwntof an ~ion strategythat prmides a cost effectiveq+math to attw amfidmm in prcchxtanpliance with con-~actualtechn.iral rquimmnts. Tne user is wrned of the asmmxl risks relativeco * rhozen sanplesize ad MKMili@ ~ifications should~t ~t~ requmrents .” for use of wfic ssIIQling plans, nor shouldthey provideAQL’s or Ll?D’sas a requimmnt. Sal@ing plans for continuous,ratherthan lot ~ion, are containedin MllAIV-1235, “’Single and Mlci-Level ContinuousSanplingPmcedxes and Tables for Inscectionby . Attrihxes”. iii MIL-STC-105E ——.. Paragraph 1. SCOPE............................................... 1.1 1.2 2. -se ....................................-.”.”-” A@ication ....................................... REmwKED 2.1 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 lxKuMmrs................................. 1 1 1 Non applicable .................................... 1 DEFIMTICMS ................... ...................... 1 _t*leCmlity-1 (ML) .................... [email protected] (~) .................... AverageGutgoingQualityLimit (=L) ............. Classification of Defects......................... CriticalDefect................................... CriticalDefective ...........:.................... Cefect............................................ Defective .......................................... DefectsPer [email protected] ......................... Inspection. ....................................... .......................... Inspectionby Attributes I_ctor Bat* ...................................... I.mor EatchSize................................. Major Defect...................................... Major Defective ................................... Minor Defect...................................... MinorEefective. .................................. PercentDefective .......................... ........ P-ss Average................................... Sanpl e.... ........................................ Sa@e SizeCede Letter........................... san@ing Plan..................................... Unit of Prcdmt................................... GmJ=m~s ------------------------------- WrittenProcedures ................................ Noncunformnm .................................... Formtirm and Identification of lots or Batches... ............................................... ML AQL Use........................................... Limitation ........................................ Chasing ins.................. ................... iv 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 .4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 ., mL?S’m-lo5s C@m2?l’s - CQntinued. q Pa.ragra@ 4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.6 4.7 4.7.1 4.7.2 4.7.3 4.7.4 4.8 4.9 4.9.1 4.9.2 4.9.3 4.9.4 4.10 4.10.1 4.10.2 4.11 4.12 4.12.1 4.12.2 5. sa71Qlhg ......................................... Representative Sanding.... ...................... Tim20f S.a@@ ................................. ~&irrP&tiple Saupling ...................... ............................ .SwitchiqP~ ............................. Mxm.lco Tightened............. ................. Ti@tened to Norml .............................. Noz-mlto Famed ................................ Reducedtot+xm.l.. .............. ................ DkxmtinuationofI nspection. ................... San@ing Plans................................... ~ion==l.. ................... ............ Clxk?l.ettera ..................................... Maining sanplin Golan......................... TYF=of*l%l Plens.......................... Determination ofkxeptabi.lity. ................... PercentDefectiveInspection.. ................... SingleSa@ingP lab........... .................. CoubleSamplingPlan............................. tiltipleSa@ingP lab.......... ................. Sp2CialProce&re for RdweclIr section. ....... . D!2fects Per HuI@redUnits In.sp3ction. ............. L.imiting Omlity Protectkn.. . ................... ........................................... -t%-=-i=ic ~ .................. AverageSa@e Size Curvea.:..................... 5 : 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 1 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 t! 9 ,9 9 9 9 TABLES............................................... 11 San@e SizeCede I.etters ......................... Shgle SenpMng Plans for Nonm.1 ~ion Mster table)....................:. SingleSaWMng Plans for Tight& InspectionMaster table)...................... SingleSanpM.ngPlans for Reduced Irqection (M3stertable)...................... CoubleSamplingPlans for Normal ~ion 043stertable)...................... CuubleSanplingPlans for Tightened ~ion (Mastertable)...................... CoubleSa@ing Plans for Reduced I~ion (Masterteble)...................... 13 Table I. II-A. II-B. 11<. III-A. III-B. III-C. v 14 15 16 17 18 19 MTL-S’IC-105E CcNIENrs - Cclnthuled . Table IV-A. M.dtipleSapling Plans for Nornksl ~im (~ert~le) ................... ... IV-B. MiltipleSamplingPlans for Tightened Inspection(Msstertable)...................... Iv-c. [email protected] for Reduced ~im (Msstertable)...................... V-A. AveragzDutgoingQualityLimit FacLorsfor Normal ~ion (Stiglesampling) ............ V-B. Average@tgoing @ality Limit Factorsfor TightenedIn-ion (SingleSan@ng) ......... \T-A. Limittig(Xality (inPercentDefective)for which a Pa = 10% (forNormal ~ion, Singlesanplti g)............................. LimitingQuality (inCefectsper Hundred VI-B. Units)for which the Pa = 10% (forNormal ~im, Stigle Sa@ing) ................... VII-A. limiting@it y (inPercentDefective)for which the Pa = 5% (forNormsl I.nsp?ction, Singlesanplin g)............................. Ltitk.g CMality (inDefectsper Hundred’ VII-B. Wits) for whiti the Pa = 5% (forNormsl ~ction, Si.ngle*ling) .................... Limit Nun&rsfor P&ducaiInspection. ............ VIII. AverageSa@e Size Cumes for Doubleand Ix. tWltipleSampling............................... Sa@ing Plans and ~rating Characteristic Curves (andData) for: X-A. Sa@e SizeCc& I.etter A........................ X-B. San@e SizeCode b?tterB........................ x-c. SanpleSizeCa5e LetterC...:.................... X-D. San’ple SizeCcxieLetterD........................ X-E . Sa@e SizeCede LetterE........................ X-F. San@e SizeCede LetterF........................ x-G. Sa@e SizeCo& LetterG........................ X-H. San@e SizeCode I.etter H........................ X-J. San@e SizeCock LetterJ........................ X-K. SanpleSizeCcrZeI.etter K........................ X-L. San@e SizeCo& LetterL........................ x-M. Sa@e SizeCcck LetterM........................ X-N. San@e SizeCode Lectern........................ x-P. SanpleSizeCode LetterP........................ x-Q. San@e S$zeCmie IetterQ........................ X-R. San@e SizeCock LetterR........................ vi 20 22 24 26 27 28 29 / 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 /’ MR-.5TD-1OSE ) CmnENrs - amnued. ~ x-s . Sa@e Size Cc@e Letters....... ................. 66 PanCJraph 6. 6.1 6.2 6.3 twnzs............................................ 61 IntendedUse................................... SubjectTezm (keywozd) Listing................ 67, _fmp=viousIs : sue.,. ............... ... aNmlDIrK tamRIAL .............................. vii 68 W*1OSE AND TAEES sJueLIK P~ FCR lNSP~ICM BY ATmmlm2S, 1. -DE 1.1 Purpose. ~s publicationestablisheslot or batch sanplingplans ad prcesiuresfor inspectionby attributes.‘mis @limtion shall not be “inter me Wrds pretedco ~ or am flictwith any contractualm@xwmtS. ‘Bae”’, “~”, “~tile”, etct refer ~y to ~ ~tr~o~s use of theqling plarscontainedin thisstandard ~donotitrplym agre9mntby the @vernmm to Saept any prcduct. Eeterndnationof acceptabilityby the GOVS17X~ Shallk as &scri&d in amtrectual doam-ems. me San@ing plans describsdin this standsd are S@iable to A(2L’sof .01~rcent or higherand are thereforenot suitablefor a@i~tions where qualitylemls in the &fective parts p millioprange can be realized. 1.2 lwl:~$. ML not lmt San@ing plans &signat.e3in this publi=tion are eppli~le, , to impection of Ule follcwing: a. Fml itens. c. *rations or services. d. Materialsin pmmss. e. Su@ies in storage. f. Maintenanceqerstions. 9. Data or remrds. h. Adniniszrative procecbres. lWse plans are intendsd primsrilyto M used for a continuingseries of 10CS or bat-. l?h2plans my also be used for the inspectionof isolatedlotsor bacchss,but, in this lattercase, the user is cautionedto consultthe qx3rSting characteristic cumes to finda plan wh.itiwill yield the &sired protection (Sse4.11). 2. PEm@Km IxnMNcs ‘ 2.1 Not ~licable. 3. DEFINITI@JS ,, 1 mL-s’Imlo5E 3.1 AcceptableCualityLevel (ML). m a continuousseriesof lots is considered,the AQL is the qualitylevelwhich, for the purpses of sanpling inspection,is the ltit of a satisfactory processaverage (See3.19). Nc7rE:A sanplingplan and an AQL are tisen in accordaro?with the risk assunsd. Use of a value of AQL for a ~ain defector group of defectsindicatesthat the s~ling Pl~ till athe -t ~joritY of @ lots or batP** processaveragelevel of percat &fective (ordefectspar hundredunits)in these lots or batchesbe no greaterthanthe designatedvalue of AQL. Tnus, the AQL is hurdredunits) for which a desiqaatedvalue of p2rcentdsfective(ordefects~ lotswill be acceptedITOStof the tfi by the sapling prcedure being used. The aanplingplans providedhereinare so arrangedthat the prdability of acceptance at the designatedAQL value deps!nds upon the sanplesize, ~ing 9enerallYhi~er for large s.snples than for smallones, for a givenAQL. The AQL done does not identifythe chancesof accqZing or rejectingindividuallots or batchesM nure directlyrelatesto what mightte exp+ctedfran a seriesof lots or batches, providedthe steps indicatedin this publicationare taken. It is necessarYto referto the ~ating &aracteristiccurve of the plan to deterndnethe relative risks. 3.2 Average GutgoingGuality (AD2) . For a particularprocessaverage,the 7@ is the averagequalityof o~tgoingprcductincludingall acceptedlots or batches, plus all reject+ lots or bat&es aftertinerejected’ lots or batcheshave keen effectively100 ~rcent irqxcted and all defective replacedby non-rkf ectives. 3.3 Average cXIt90ing C?JdityLimit (ACQL) . TheJKX)Lis the n-axhrnAD2 fora given a~ptance Sa@ing plan.Factorsfor -t ing AD2L VS1= ~ 9iven in TableV-A for each of the singlesapling plans for normal inspectionand in TableV-B for earh of the singlesanplingplans for tightenedinqection. 3.4 Classification of Defects. A classification of defectsis the emneration Of Pssible defecLsof the unit of prcductclassifiedaccordingto their seriousness. 3.5 Criti& Eefect. A criticaldefect is a defectthat jud-t and experience indicatewould result in hazardousor unsafeconditionsfor indivitialsusing, maintaining,or ciqendingupon the product,or a defectthat judgmt ard ~rien= indimte is likelyto prevent~rformsne of the tacticalfunctionof a major end item such as a ship, aircraft,tank, missile,or spacevehicle. 3.6 CriticalDefective. A critid defectiveis a unit of productwhich containsone or mre criticsldefectsand nay also concainIMjor and/or&or defects. 3.7 ,~fe. A defect is any nonconformance of the unit of productwith ef~d requirements. 2 MIL-mlosE 3.8 Cefectiw. A defectiveis a unit of procbctwhid containsone or nure defects. 3.9 Defectspr Hundr@5Units. Ibe nurberof defectsper hundredunits of any givenquantityof units of productis one hundrd tires .ttienu-&erof tkfects anltainedtherein (oneor nure defems bsing ~ssible in any unit of product) dividedby the total nunbsrof tics of product,i.e.: Defectsper lmldredunits . Nun&r of defects x 100 Nun&r of units impe@sd 3.10 -ion. Inspectionis the protessof mssuring, or ~se ~in9 the tit of prtckm with the requirsfmts. , , testing 3.11 ~on Whersby by Attributes . ~ion by atcri.butes is ~on “ eitherthe uruc of prcduct1s classifiedsinplyas defectiveor non-defective, or the rnm&r of defectsin the unit of prcductis wunted, with respct to a givz2n ~~t or set or rqi~ts. 3.12 LOK or Batd. The term lot or batch shallnean “inspectionlot”or “’-Lion batch-,i.e.,a collectionof units of productfrom which a sapie is to be drawn and irspsctedad ray differ fran a collection . . of unitsdesignatd . .. . . .. as a..La—..—. or oacm ror ouer pupses (e. g., prooucuon, snqnent, etc.). 3.13 E or Bst~ Size. The lot or batch size is the nunberof unitsof prcduct in a lot or batch. 3.14 Msjor Defect. A mjor defect is a &fect, otherthan critical,that is likelyto result in failure,or to A= mterially the usabilityof the unit of prcduct for its intendedprpose. 3.15 N!ajorCefective. A mjor defectiveis a unit of prtductwhich containsone or mre msjor *fects, and ray also containminor defectsbut containsno critical defect. 3.16 minor Defect. A minordefect is a defectthat is not likelyto reduce materiallythe usabilityof the unit of praiuct for its intendedpupose, or is a -= frm establiah05stmhrds littlebearingon the effectiveuse or qeration of the unit. 3.17 Minor Defective. A minor defectiveis a unit of productwhi& containsone or nxxe minor defectsbut mains no critid or m jor defect. 3 MIL-STD-105E 3.18 PercentDefective: The percent&fective of any given quantityof units of productis one hundredtk the nun-her of defectiveunits of prcductcontained thereindividsdby the totalrnnnker of unitsof product,i.e.: PercentDefective = Nwber of defective x 100 Nun&r of units inspected 3.19 Pnxess Average. The p-ss averageis the averageprcent defectiveor averagenu&er of defectsper hundredunits (whitiever is .s@icable) of produ~ subnittedby the sqplier for originalinspection.Original~ion is the first inspectionof a particularquantityof prcductas distinguishedfrcanthe -tiion of PrOdUCttiti has keen resuhn.itted afterprior rejection. 3.20 Sanple. A .sa@e consistsof one or !mre units of prduct drawn fra a lot or batti,the units of the sanplebeing selectedat rancbnwithoutregardto their quality. The ntnrberof units of productin the sa@e is the sa.nple size. 3.21 SanPle Size Cede Letter. The sanplesize code letter is a deviceused alongwith the AQL for locating’ a sanplingplan on a table of san’pling plans. 3.22 SanplingPlan. A sanplingplan indicatesthe nunber of units of prcduct fran each lot or batti whi& are to be inspscted(sanplesize or seriesof sa@e sizes) and the criteriafor *tennining the acceptabilityof the lot or batti (arreptanm and rejectionn-rs) . 3.23 Unit of Product. The unit of productis the thing inspsctedin orderto as defedive or non-defectiveor to count the nunber determineits classification of defects. It nBy be a stiglearticle,a pair, a set, a length,an ~, an opsratia, a volm, a ccsrponent of an end product,or the end prcductitself. The unit of prcductIMY or nBy not k the sam as the unit of pur&ase, aqply, production,or shipt. 4.1 WrittenProcedures. Writtenproceduresare o~ily develo@ and mde availablefor the ~t representative’s review,upon request. Wnen the writtenp~ indicateuse of this stadard, they Shall DYl@y with the ~S of this standardand referenceappropriateparts as necY2s.SaZy. 4.2 Nonconfonnanm. The extentof noncnnfonrance of product shallbe exprersed either in terms of percentdefective‘orin termsof defectsper hundredunits. 4 FKL+TW105S 4.3 Forrnatian ad Ick!ntif irationof &s or Batches. The prcductshallb fiablelots,sublets,batches,oriniuti other mrun2ras asssn’bled into icknt.i may b? prescribed. Each lot or Mtch shall,as far as is practicable,consist of units of productof a singlet~, grack,class,size, and crqosition, manufactureduncisressentially t.& sane ainditians,and at essentiallyt& saue tim . Tis310tsor bstchesshallbei&ntified bytheamtractor andshall be kept intactin i@quate and suitablestoragespace. 4.4 — AQL. 4.4.1.AQL use. ‘Me AQL, tqsther with the Sa@e ~ -1* Plm provi&d hareixl. Size Co& b?tter,is LEA for 4.4.2 Limitation. The sele&n or use of an AQL shallnot iK@y that the contractorhas t& rightto sqply any &fective.unit of produa. DifferentAQ1.sray be chosen for gruupsof &fects Ziis%%%%%iy, or for indivicha.1 &fects. An AQL for a group of &f_ my Ix chosen in ackiition to AQIa for individualdefects,or s@roups, within that gfoup. AQL valussof 10.0 or less way be eqxassed titherin prcent defectiveor in defectspsr llundrqdt5; those over lo.o shallbeeqress@k defectsper hundredunitsonly. 4.5 San@inq. 4.’5.1@xesentative C3tratif ied) SallQlinq . When ~ropriate, the nunterof units in the sanpleshallEe selectedin ~rtim to the size of subletsor Su&bStCkS, or parts of the lot or hat*, identifiedby m rationalcriterion. When reprasentatives.a@irq ia used,the units frm eati -lot, s&-batdl or part of the lot or batd shall& sel~”.edat randan. 4.5.2 Tine of SamJ1inq A .sanplemy be drati after all the units culprisiirq tk lot or batch have &en assmlsd, or aanpleunitsmay be drawn duringassenbly of the lot or batch, in whiticase the size of the 10C or batti will be determined &fore any ample units are drawn.If tl-e.5an@eunits are drawn during~ly of the lot or htti, and if ths rejectionnun&r is reachedbeforethe lot * Cnl@eta that pxtian of the lot alreadyclxlpleted shallbe rejected. m cause of the defectiveprcductal be determinedand wrrective actiontaken,after which anewlotorbatch~h begun. 4.5.3 Lhuble or FldtipleSaq3Ml-q hhen double or multiplesanplingis to be Ussd, Sach sarpleshallbe selecttiover the entire lot or batch. 5 MIL-S’ID-1O5E Inspection P~. Normal~ion will ke used at the start of Normal,tightenedor reducedimpction shall continueunchangedfor ~ion. each classof defectsor defective on succf2ssive lots or batchesexceptwherethe P~ s~l switdd.ngpmcedums given below require&ange. The tit-9 be a@ied to each class of defectsor defective independently. 4.6 4.7 switdimq Procedures . 4.7.1 Normalto Tightened. When normalinspction is in effect,tightened ~ion shallbe institutedwhen 2 out of 2, 3, 4, or 5 consecutivelots or bat&es have been rejettedon originalinspction (i.e., ignoringresutxnitted lots or batchesfor this procdure)4.7.2 Tigirtemdto Normal. When tightenedin-ion is .tieffeet,normal ~ion shallEe institutedwhen 5 consecutivelots or batcheshave been consideredaceptable on origti inqection. to Reduced. t?nennormalinspectionis in effect,reducedinspection shallke institutedprovidedthat all of the followingconditionsare satisfied: 4.7.3 Nod preceding10 lots or bazches“(ormore, as indicated by the note to a. T’FIS TableVIII) have been on norrnslinspectionand all have been acepted on origha.1 ~ion; and The total number of *f ectives (ordefects)in * samles frm the pm&” 10 lots or batde.s (orsuti onmber as used for conditim “a” amve) is qua.1 to or.less than the appliwble n-r gi- in Table~11. If doubleor mltiple san@ing is in use, all sanplesinspectedshouldte ticluded, not “first”sanplesonly; and c. Productionis at a stezdyrate; and d.’ Reducedinspectionis consickreddesirable. to Nor&l. men reducedinspectionis in effect,norml inspection shallbe institutedif any of the followingoccuron originalinspction: 4.7.4 RducA a. A lot or batch is rejected;or b. A lot or batch is cmsidered acceptableunder the proceduresOf 4.10:1.4,or c. Productionkecmes irregularor delayed;or d. Other conditionswarranttit normal in~~~ion 6 shallbe instituted. ~-S’ID-105E 4.8 Discontinuation of Inspect ion. If the cumnul.atimrnnrber of lots mt a~~ in a sequenceof mnsecutive lots on originaltightened~ion reachesfive,the acqxanoe pmcedums of this sllamlard shallbe dismntilnled . ~ion w e p~sions of this stmdard shallnot be resumeduntil correctiveactionhas teen taken. TigthenedinspecU“onshall thenteusdasif 4.7.1had keen invciked. ~. 4.9 mg Plans. . 4.9.1 Inspectionlevel: me inspection “ level&termines the relationship ketu=en the lot or t.atchsize and the ssnplesize. mehsp2ction levelto be used for . -Y Particuk Ze@mnent till be as prescribedby the mmractor’s written prceddres. l?ireeirqection levels:I, II, and III, are given in TableI for genemiluse (s&4.1). Normally,InspectionEvel II is used. However, Inspectionml I my & used when lessdiscrimination is needsd,or I.@_dIII my * used for greauerdiscrimination.Four additionalsfeciallevels: S-1, S-2, S-3, and S-4, are given in the dam table and my ~ used khre relativelysm.11 sanplesizesare ~sary and large sanplingrisks~ or rust be tolerated. In the selectionof inspectionlevelsS-1,co S-4, ~ rust be ex-~ised to avoidAQ1.sincnnsist4ntwith +ase impection levels. In”othsrwords,the purpsa of the special ~ion “ levelsis to keep sanplessmll wtiennem.ssary. For ~=, tb5 CO& letterSun&r S-1 go no furtherthan D, equivalentto a Si.@e sampleof size 8, but it is of no use to -Se S-1 if tha AQL is 0.10 peromr for wfi~ the mininnmsampleis 125. NYIE: ~ 4.9.2 ~ ~ters. Ssnplesizes are &signatej by-tzxb?letters. Table I shall be used to find the applicablecode letterfor the ~icu.lar lot or batdlsize ad the prescrikesl irqection level. 4.9.3 Cbta.Wq SanplingPlan. ‘lk AQLandthe cods lettershall be usedto obtainthe sartpling plan .&m Tables II, 111, or IV. Wnen no smpling plan iS am.ilablefor a given combinationof AQL and co& letter,the tablesciinxZthe user to a differentletter. Tne San@esize tokusd is given bythenewade letter,not by the originalletter. If this p~ leads to differentsanple sizes for differentclassesof defems, the cede letteraimespmdq to * _ ~le size -ie my ke used for all CI.SSSCS of ckfeci.s.k an alternativeto a singlesanplingplan with an a~ nurr&rofo, the plan nm&r of 1 with its cor~ ly largersanple size for a witi m ~ -igqated AQL (whereavailable),may be used. MIL-S’ID-1OSE 4.9.4 Typ2S of SalIpling Plans. Threet~s of sanpltigplans: Single,Eooble, and mltiple, are given in TablesII, III, and IV, respectively.When several typesof plans am2 availablefor a givenAQL and code letter,any one my ke used. A decisionas to type of plan, eithersingle,double,or nultiple,when amilable for a givenAQL and ccxieletter,willusyallyhe based upon the cmparison betthe administrative diffim.ltyand the averagesanple sizes of the availableplans. Tne averageaanplesize of mltiple plans is less than for double (exceptiri. the case correqmndingto singleacce@nce nmber 1) and both of these are always less thm a singlesanple size (seeTable IX). Usuallythe ~Stiatim difficultyfor single sanplingand the met per unit of the .san@eare less than for doubleor multiple. 4.10 Determinationof ~ ability. 4.10.1 PercentDefectiveInspection. To determineacceptabilityof a lot or batchunder perrsmtdef=hive inspection, the a@icable sanplingplan ehallbe used in accordancewith 4.1O.1.1,,,and SingleSaq3ltig Plan. The nunbarof sampleunits inspectedshallbe equalto the ~le size givenby the plan. If the number of defective found in the sanpleis equal to or lessthanthe acceptancenumber,the lot or bst@ Shall be considereda-ptable. If the nunkerof defective is equal to or greaterti the rejectionnunbr, the lot or batti shallbe rejected. DoubleSap 1’ q Plan. A n-r of sanpleunits equal to the first sanplesize given by the plan shallk ~ed. If the numberof defective foundin the first eanple is equalto or less than the first accqtanm number, the lot or bat~ shall be mnsidered acceptable. If the nuntxr of defective foundin the first .san@e is equalto or greaterthan the first rejectionrmbert the lot or batti shall be rejected. If the nmber of defective found h the ~irstsmple is ketweenthe firstaccqtane and rejectionnumbers;a second smple of the same size shallbe insp3cted. The nurber of defective found in the firstand second sanplesshallM acnnmlated. If the cumlative nmber of. defective is equal to or less thanthe secondaqane number,the lot or batd shall* mnsidered acceptable. If the emulative nunter of defective is W to or greaterthan the ae.mndrej-ion nunber,the lot or batch shall& rejetted. ~tiple Sanple Plan. Undermltiple sapling, the proedure shall m similarto that specifiedin,exceptthat the nmber of suassive sanplesrequiredto reach a ckcisionmy be as many as seven. ~al Procedurefor -cd Irqectim. Under tied insp52tion,the Swim P~ ~Y terminatewithouteitheracceptanceor rejectioncriteria hatig teen mt. In these circmstantes,the lot or batch will k considered a~able, but normal impsction will k reinstatedstartingwith the nx lot or batch (See4.7.4.b). 8 MIL+3IW1OSE “ ity of a 4.10.2 Oefectsp HundredUnits Inspect ion. To determinet+? a ~~fid lotorbatch un&r*fectspsr hundredunits inspection,the promdum for permnt defective inSpettiM aiwve shall& used, exceptthat the word “defects”shallk substitutesfor “Ck!fectives” . wity Protection.IIY2~hg plans W ~a~ P~ -s publimtion = &signed for use where the units of productare ~XG in a continuingseriesof lots or batchesover a period of tim2.‘Mouemr, if the lot or batcA is of an isolatedrbstum,it is cksirableto limitthe se.kcdon of sanplingplansto those,associatedwith a dsal~t~ _ ~~1 ~t prcmt& not less than a specifiedlimitingqualityprotection. Ssnplingplans for this PUZFOSScm * seksed by -sing a Limiting~ity (UD - a ~’s risk to te associatedwith it. TablesVI antiVII give values of LQ for the the Cxmnnly used comumr’s risks of 10 percentand 5 ~t respectively.If a differentvalue of comunT#s risk is rquired, tk O.C. curves ardtkirtilatedvalues my be use5. Tmmncept ofmmlyalsobe usem inspacify+lgthe AOL and I~im” Levelsfor a seriesof lots or bat-s, thus fixingndsumnn .sanple size where there is Sam reason for avoiding (~fi mm ~ a 9i= mnsmer’s risk)ITCIre than a limitingproportionof &fecti(orc@f~s) in -Y singlelot or batti. 4.11 Limiting 4.12 Curves. for 4.12.1 @crating maramsristic cumes. ‘me oparating~eristic ~ norml irqection, shown in Table X, mte the percentageof lots or batdes whichmay be enp2rtedto be arceptedunder the variousSS@ing plans for a given proa?ssquality. T& mrves ahcnm are for singleSa@ing; cumes for dmble and mlciple ssa@ing are retchedas closelyas practicable. The O.C. ~ for AOLs greaterthan 10.0am based on the Poissondistributionad are a#icable for defectsper hundredunits inspe&cion;those for AQLs of 10.0 or less and ~le SiZeS of 80 or 1=s are based on the binonialdistrilmtim ad are qlirable for permnt defectiveinspection;those for ~ of 10.0 or less @ sample sizes largerthan 80 are based the Poissondistributionand are S@icable eitherfor defectsp3r hurdredunits ~ion, or for parent defective -on (* poissm -him being an adequateapproximation to the to binmual distributionunderthese mnd.itiona) . Tabulatedvalues,~ 4-4 VS-hIasor pmbabiliciesof ~anm (pa,in percent)are given for eati Ofthealrvee shown,m in addition,for tighten@ inspection,h for ~f~ p2r lnmiredunits for AQIs of 10.0 or less and San@e sizes of 80 or 1-. 4.12.2 Awsraqe~le SizeCumes. AverageSan@e Size C@FSS for =le and multipleaa!plingare in Table IX. These show the averagesamplesizesuhirhmy be ~ed to ocmr underthe variousaanplingplans for given levelsof prcKJ2SS quality. lhe curvesassureno curtailrmntof insertion arslare ~roximte to the extent that they are baseclupon tttePoissondistribution,and that the Sa@e sizes for doubleand mltiple aanplingare assuredto be O.631n and O.25n ~itiY, tie n is the qle size. 9, MIL-STD-105E =ICN 5 TABI&SANDmInlES 11 c c s so 1200 3203 . to to to to 10 10 to to to 10 10 md 26 51 91 1s1 281 sol iml 3?0) lmol 3s001 Isoool S00301 over Woooo IW303 mooo Imoo S30 280 1s0 93 A D D II c c B B D B A A A to 15 16 0 s. I la , aim to bmb 2 cu 9 lxx “fABLE t E E 0 IJ II G G F F E D D c E .0 “c o u A A s-3 c c c B D D A A A s-2 level, !ipecid i.qwcdon Jizecode /eflers 1’— .$amph K. J 1 N N N u n o P N P N N“ K L 1! L L K J K N G G J J II G F E II F E E G G F o. D F E c c E 1) c 0 c u 111 c .C B A II hwda 0 A A I Inspection D A A S-4 Gencr81 (see4.9.1ad 4.9.2) 191*1~ 1:1, i~-lvv NORMAL 14 -I AA” I -1. - - I I . 15 SINGLE TIGHTENED 00 : 1!-d. J“ q.,!. , 1 m m 0 — n — m 11s !,. . t k - .--1.. 11,k =..,8.%. u., -, .... 1- “.— — . ... . ..+.. b.. k.. h ii., .. W11”4pi.” WI.. m.. u., n“, . ..+1.. ,C,vvti=, ~*,,ph. b.. .“.. ,.<6, b. *b 18 — u — N w L P 50 M ..-b.. h. w k.. “Ad, .,9, hp.< 8!”.. I 10 11 — ,A. 1.,, M .$.,,,,. - ?.CK+S!+ “ .:2., ti lw w-.., ; II 10 13 7 1010 981 165 J — 5 2,3 m II H 1 1,1 1> c -d” a F — v — s — 1 — Ill 5 E 01 3 1 I 02, 3 [) — 1 0 — 1 c — , 1 2 1 — 1 ~ z — — P.. 4,tal,4, (Mater t & - ~ inspection 2 plans /or reduced 1 A, R, — 0.01s — — sampling 4 — s..+!. dw II-C— Single B ..! 5,. d, .- — TABLE . 6 table) (see 4.’3.3 ad 4.9.4) I 83 2 ; . ltldl:: -1,1-1. . . -.”.”.-.. _==a T 1::1::1::1: il::l::l::l~l lf=l’+lO- i--l--1--1--1 -,1-= l,slk-””-—l DOUBLE 17 NORMAL s ,, ,.. “, ,, eo- “ w “m aw t’,!,! +. .A ton ,.w Z5m -w Ima ! nm. Ku cm Ym *m ,,, .x4 m m ,,, ,: 1: : 40 w.. .1 l’,,. %. d ml ml, W, . 4 $- 0 m v,,. s 1, ,, , ,; , ,5 K, ., & .. . \ m m ,H 12s v,,., %. . . r,,,, 1,.,, ‘.. “4 : : rl “8 s . ..d * 12 ,/ .x! 4 n “, s., :,”’ ; I .-J : ,, 1, , ,,., ,: 0 m ..,..4 ,9 ; , , i , ..4. ,1,. , ,,., . . . , , -“., +;,., ., ? , ! ,,., F“., * -I ,,,. “! * . [“. ~d. ,,.+, 1.,.. w ,, , 1 ,, ,; v , ,8 ,. ,, , ,.. .,,,, ,,,, .+? ..*- U,. C.”W...% - .,dm $,.,.4” =, ,.”. ,“”. .4.,,, .q.,,v ,,,. .I-.. ,!., n,,, ,.q,k, .,,... ,1.. hi.. 1!.. n?.!..+,., — ,,,,, — ,. , !)..,., 7 1 ,, .,,. -#. .“ ,+”!., ..+..+ 1.1.., .!-. - ,W...l. 1.. ,. 1..,, ,,,,, A. ,m ,, 1’ I* 1, 12 12 : s I ,“.WA.. . ,.”,., 1: — ,5 — T 11 T 6 @ o , 1 7- -7 ] , 7- T , — i -J ,,. ,, ,. ,! I T ●1 ..”..,,m, u ,. ,, ,. 4. , ..,.,. ,,,,, !...., inspection /“ ! 1 _ r— — ,,,,, — ,, — ,.,.”... plans /or tightened 1 II ,“ — ,,.-, — ,. ,, — k. .h.-m,..,,, — ., — sumpfing II ..+ ,8” III-B — Double = - TABLE 0 — (Mater lulde) (see 4.9.3 and I 4-9.41 lm#_Sm-lo5E 1 !1 tl~l. . . 1 Ibldl::l::’1 1 1 1 ! 1 I 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 DOUBLE REDUCED 19 ,,, ,,,9 w“~.1. NORMAL 20 h ,. r . . ,. .: a, s . “ .-4 .W .- :: :: ,., :: 01 ,,; ,,, ,,$ I -. . ..4 ,b.1 ,-1 ,ti t -..1 , *. *.. *-. . ,,. . ... .-., .W w ma *, . . E m ,,, ,,, .9J .-., .9! .W .- lb, s , ,= %.-8 ,.. --- .4 ,- ,.. . ,*8 * -s : . ..4 :: ,* . .. ..- . . . . *.. , a. :. * . : ,: ,! c L! u.,. , -b ,.. ..d .-. .“, , :2 .4 z ,.. ,: -+4 . .1 . TABLE . . ,.1 ,8,11 ,11*Y ,> ,11s9 ,,4s6 ,2, .* -.. ,----- - -d 1,3 .,* t .1 v ..!. t!.. ,. ● ,O 1,8 ,,, 2., n?. .10 .1, U-”..+.a#-. Lb. !.. ..+.” ,,,.!. n “lb - ..+” . 1.! b. -. - 4 *. .1--1 . . . IA. 1. .l.”..d+, . ..+. b.1.o .-. -, .-. - -..6”. Ii [ 1, *M! n ..”... & .--e . - - m ,M ”..4. . @ -1.., . . ..”!1 --.-$ *I., ,-.-, *. . ..44.. “-.-@-,-lo-o- ,,..,. . . ...+. ,, ,, “ idam /or normal in$Peclio~~ (~laJl~ 4;,.!.4 samblin~ 1 .{n*,,,, u — ,, ICI — . [V-A — Muhible — ,19 — table) (SCwl.9.3 and 4.9.4) ,7 / 11,,111 $@. t! I l""'" "'""l-"-" --"l-------l-------l= MULTIPLE TIGHTENED 22 :2=== =leeeRaeel 1- M3A3ID-105E MULTIPLE TIGHTENED 23 m #,”mn#ln c)@., MULTIPLE “REDUCED 24 .l. * 1 1 1 ( :::2::: ~ ..-.==C= ..===~fj ,-- -------- . -.-s=:: .- ”----- ..-.== ~ -..-.=2C: ..:==~~ s= ---s:=: .“. ----- -.” . . . ..~ .. -”--- ------- .- ”---- -.. ..s --. --ce= aa -----3s .- .- .=:== .--. -------- -------- -------- -.. . 6---” . . . . -------- ...e.-. . . . ..eeoe - . . . . - . .e e---” . . . . ..- . . . ------ .. ::::::: ::::::: . - .- ~ . . * .0 e.”-. . . . . -..”.. . .. 0---- . . . . . ~ . . . ..- --..”- “..---..- .--*--- .“.. ~ . ::::::: . ------- ””,,.-. -----. -------- .. --=: ---=-r.--- ---.= .e -””-- e-””- .- . ..==: -.-~:g: . ..-””.. 1 ---=2== ------- . ( .=:: ”.”. ------- MULTIPLE REDUCED 25 MLL-STD-ICISE 1 j{ I -mu I Owk 26 I ur - I I Xaa! Zn. o a I MIA3IW105E I I :.. is : 1 :: :--” -. . -. I I . . I I 14° I ---1-’” 1=44 . t] I I I I I Usg1ilg I + I --VI”-- Ie=-ltia=l=-ol ‘- I AOQL TIGHTENED !s Zz ~~ >M m .. 5 8 13 20 c D E F 125 21m 315 500 m I250 2000 K L w x 1’ 1) II J 32 50 80 G II D 2 3 Sample .i.~ A code 1=,,,, =! < R -n - — — 0.18 — 0,29 D.27 — — 0.31 . .20 ).46 0.73 — — — — — ).46 D,53 — 1.43 0.78 1,8 0,67 .33 — — — ),59 ).74 — 3.84 1.1 1.2 — 2.0 — — 2.77 0.94 — 1.2 I .3 1.7 — 2.0 4,5 l.. . . 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.1 2,7 3.1 6.9 0,40 0.65 1.4 1.6 1.9 2,4 2,9 3.3 4.3 4.8 11 Level sampling) 2.3 2,5 3,1 3.7 4.6 5.4 6.5 7.6 16 1.0 /or which Pa Acceptable Qu.lity Single 0,1( 0.15 0.2 — — — — 1.49 I .2 0.06 — 0.04 — Inspection, Quality (in@rcent dejectiue) (jor Normal VI-A — Limiting 0.0100.01 0,02 — — TABLE = . 3.5 4,0 4.9 5.9 7.4 0.2 10 12 25 ].: 10 Percent 30 36 41 68 6.: — 14 19 — 16 22 27 — — — (see 54 44 42 58 10 — — 34 29 24 — 23 — — r 4.11) vi 32 50 20 In mil 315 503 c II J K L u !i m 20 F II 13 E u 0 0 203 5 c 1250 3 II 1, 2 al,, 1,,,” A ~+ CA 0 .18 0.01 m ,A6 ,02 ,1 ,3 ,,7 m 1.( — I ,5 1,2 — ,2 ,94 — ,11 1.0 — b 1! s! 49 43 — 23 1,1 — I ,9 ,3 J 2,3 — 2,5 S,6 6,0 3.s 3,1 6,4 4.9 I.! 7.1 9,4 5.9 7,4 12 13 8,4 11 II m 46 2,5 12 2., 2) I 4,6 3.: 3,1 — 54 4,: 2,I 6,1 — 1,0 18 2? I .5 4mpIAJ. 1.0’ — 4., — 12 — D,6 .7 — 1,1 1.2 04 ,2 6 m 2,7 ,9 1: — 9,0 10 12 Is N 2i 21 m 71 4,0 wI;I, n 16 14 25 19 68 31 31 ‘2? 24 — 35 — 40 59 — 91 St h! 71 71 46 51 11 12( 13( — la E 25 — 84 ’10 — 120 — 15 — 33 67 78 10 49 Im 6,5 Led Qmdity (in de/ec:$ per hudred units) /or which (Ior Nom,al inspection, Single farupling) ,0 2 ,W TAL?LE VI-B — Limitiog 1( 1( 1, ? 1 i 6 Pa = 22( 2s 311 3% i la w m lol — m ~ ,60 tic 61 v w la 94 i u I@ — 30 ii Et — Ikax z m (=X 4.11) 61( ii w 10 Percen: m 10 In 1 . 0 $; gs 8 13 20 D E F 125 200 315 500 800 1250 2000 K L N P R v M J 32 50 80 G H A B c qi ze 2 3 5 letter cede S.mple — ).24 — — .38 — ,24 ,60 — — — ).66 .53 ).84 .62 — .39 ).97 .79 1.32 1.3 1.s 3.7 — — 0.15 Quality .% .50 — .59 .5 — — !. 4 0.10 — 0.06 — ).38 — ).% — — — — — — 0.04( — 0.02 — Acceptable — 2.1 1.0 1.6 1.4 — .1 — 1.05 — 1.5 2.6 3.3 2.1 2.5 — 3.9 5.0 5.8 14 , 2.4 2.7 3.4 4.2 5.3 6.2 7.7 9.1 21 0.65 1.0 2.0 — 1.6 1.3 [.1 — 1.2 1.8 2.4 5.8 &9 0.25 0.4( — — — Level — 3.8 4.4 — 5.4 6.6 8.4 — 9,4 12 14 31 — I .5 — . — 11 8.5 7.0 — 6.1 — 9.6 14 16 13 — 11 2G 23 28 32 63 4.0 — 15 18 22 — 45 — — 2,5 — Quality (in percent defecii.e) for which Pa =. s Percetat Normal Inspection, Single s~mpling) 0.01 — (for VII-A — Limiiing 0.01( — TABLE 10 15 18 20 2s — 24 26 — 32 37 46 — 34 30 50 60 66 — — — 4.11) 41 41 7B 6.5 (see ~ s~ ml- n -n g 32 w m In 200 31s m G n I Ii L u N m m F t, 13 E 6m 8 o I= s c Q 3 B P 2 ,!tl 1,11,1 A so.+ Gdo TABLE ,24 ,01 — ,J6 01! ,.2( ‘.C4 m — .39 SO — 39 ,s — 26 — VII-B — Limiting s ,6 ,7 ,.v ,4 ,11 (/or — ,63 .64 .91 .3 .2 1,0 ).1! — SE 1.1 — 1.3 1.6 Lo 1.4 5.0 ).2 Norn,til 4,: 3.4 2.1 1.3 — L6 !.1 1.0 1.5 2.s — !.1 1.6 1.4 — 1.1 — s: 1.2 — Z4 h !,9 7.! 9: 22 1.1 i.9 Is ).6 Accqltabh i.O 3.0 9.1 0.41 — — 3.8 6.4 5,4 &6 61 7.0 8.s 11 13 9.1 6A 16 20 24 a 2.s IA*,I 13 U 24 15 IJdil, 4.0 9.6 II It 16 21 24 32 31 Im Single Per hundred Inspection, Quality (in da/cc/s 15 la 21 26 23 29 42 E9 MO 63 /or which — — 24 — 27 36 41 — ,s0 — E2 — 220 2J0270 340 IIc m 64( — w 441 w — 61( n 05 ‘5 m — m w m — — 1s = .5 Percent 10 %0 WI — 6s — 170 - Pa m ?3 $5 10 smttpling) unifs) 1 110 — Im Ku — E w i 7 rlo 010 tm m ml 140 Im 4.11) worn (SC!? I I I al... ... ... .-- I’--- I== I I :1 . . . ‘... ... . . . “.. -1--1 . . . . . . -A=lIMIT NUMBERS 32 . . . m . ..-- MXIAID-105E . :+ 33 AVERAGE SAMPLE SIZE 3=- ;; 40 210 ~ 116 W,o 5.0 1 II *-. 112 150 ,-., !Q1 2.17 115 ma Ill 0 “.” Ili 69.2 S&o 250 1“ 019 31.1 291 -1oo x WI 184 cm” 409 a A 65 31s 196 134 ML SAMPLiNC . . prwtiir.blp) FOR SINGLE . . .l..d, 288 22: 188 121 U“.liq 120 .1...1 .-.-, A.r?,,.bk Iw 6$s x l....!. m “~ B70 ?. *+ im.I”clknl 1..1.”. I I 305 18 I I I ! > 10) .I-. 517 1141 972 1272 !w1 -+22 870 1S29 133; ID27 131 161 w 631 I 1 I 7% I I 174 462 61’2 521 ~14mlX]6ml~l’W]~l 848 [OX 6’,1 722 hi,!+..<d r.!..- 657 184 I I k. W;. PLANS A I 1 I I FOR SINGLE SAMPLING MI14121S151W] 512 Km 540 .J83 526 23! 202 431 I I CURWS 342 31I ?9U 175 2.s 284 ?1I I 121112121 I I 16 199 CNARACTIRISTIC 091 I 111 I1M 41.2 ,I a.] 502 b - I 21n ,I I , 1.4, FOR WERATING 17,0 12L61551107., , 1).1 2.% 0.!431 15.2, I1 7s 0 “;.;. w, -, TABULATIO VALU[S .511 . I I TABL[ X-A-1 ..trhed CURV[S S..plinK .- CNARACTIRISTIC ICn”e. 1., &&.le -d ..ltipl, - CPERATINC X-A — Tables jot- samp!e size code letter: ul’hl.l I ) 111:S11!,11WF.11 LIITS b h I-I-.1;v. f,. W.’,< 10: i. d?frm V, h..,rw,l ,.., I, F.. -...,. “, 4,”.,,!. 0..!,!, ! . ..!. !La; ., 1. .-1 ,.. P-,.., CNART A .- - I au” . !!! .. . ,.. 10 . ., :“ . . om 1.07s , ,,, (,,,,” m ,,, ,K,:,-rr.n 1,., W *t,,101 TABLE 1710 1512 1218 1081 914 I , I 859 995 m 1.!42 Iwu I.ti] 1?14 812t1071ilZdl 715 629 I PLANS I I I I 977 ?270 ‘2015 1128 15-13 1154 1121 I i I L.J Ln v= osb*T.mI ,9.+, ,, d- cd, I.ucf 10 u“ +1. M@.” (0( .IWM.11..I, .,, 4 B l.twf .1* 0). KS&I* la .hicb UCCW*C* Is n c D U. 40 . . t.) I,isbt.ud x , {0) 6 7B ●mbwIm 9.JUM.. bet. 1ss s x Imvelml SIZE “ x ~ . (.1 10 II 6m . (.) 12 “ A x . l,) 13 11 Is R, SCR4 COOE I.MW Ac R. A, I.tpraim) m . l.) 09 R. AC It, ,50 (-l SAMPLE II. k ,00 b“ls F@ R. A. lj,.th, ,00 . I,) 34 6s l)dil, PIANS lb k At,q!.bl. As . I.) 23 k 40 ●E4 -i-t:.. 2 ) ,.) % ~ ,&itCi u- % - SAMPLING R. k * lam lb ,5 ‘i’ I.W” u.. u., .i””le ,*wlil” PI*. &a.* (-91trm*11. cl, Neirct.m . ..t. t U.. .*.I kc+.,., —. ‘:;b- ~ . V ‘ 01 v x kc R, 4, W A. R. A. ,,s v c n. ,4,. 6,S .,, TABLE X-A-2 A. ~ . n R, 1.1 19 21 II. 6s0 . P) In A. lox . W 21 k x - x AC R ~ . (.1 Ss YJl Il. — 2 1020 c.”. l.ti.. ..+. it* 4,0 I 133 9.6 al 18.5 10.0 so 1,0 6,s % nl I ,30 76.3 W.* 310 ’350 151 09,0 43,2 6,5 5?9 ‘m 1 m.6 750 %0 12.0 9.59 9.14 $00 4U 192 ,“., ,,-,. x 1= 3.30 dnl 209. 223 x 611 %3 511 W 3% ml 231 m 159 x 64 161 = 130 67I A ,. p... . . .. . ... . .-.I...4 ,.- b tik” 1.. .--.4 4W 1019 m an 124 622 W ma m ..!!.. ~ Ills 1~ 939 ml ~ 1s13 I 356 1392 1211 1241 1152 Ion W3 116S m 1M5 ml 832 ~ 116 541 ~ la m W W 64 41s 65 I .419 51? 16YJ]XIICOI SAMPLING PL4NS B 14s 4m 3U m 24? fOR SINCII w 593 W 422 347 m m 203 -Il.)$y 1..?.1. I!irh!..rd i.,?= li=ml ,,...!,.!.. 100 115 10 6S $33 437 356 m 4s3 3$4 221 171 210 m Ml m 123 !89 170 247 In w 1 19? 141 181 1s7 8&5 131 s1.6 133 13s 87.! Im 117 45,3 17.1 l.?! 1.51 1.70 1.6 %,0 %,9 I. OFIIO.) CURWS p (1. &lPC,, pa b.”ti ,m]~],w.]~]solxlalx 9,2 27.3 X.7 11.B G S9.5 7340 ‘37,4 I 14.s 15 a,vl 4.0 0,135 *fccll.d I (.-.1 CNARACTIRISTIC fox jutnple size code [et$er: 4CCWUW Ondit, L-d. VALUES FOR CHRATING 0,134 p(1. pmw.t I - lABULA1[D X-B — Tobles 9?.0 r. TABLI X-E-I TABLE ~ In% ‘3069 19$1 IKO Ilw 1113 1644 Mm Im 13.W 1344 1222 I 1s2 1027 1!49 1249 1131 Iw 941 I Twe d . . = . . Wtiole WI, m,!, d,. *.mpli.~ .i.ql. 1;9. drd,l. t:,, 6.S ,,, lb ..n.+4i.n pi,. ,,l.. .I.w. ,1”,, ,,5 . v . c 1{ — — n ,h, — v v ,. — 40 ,<., ,.”,di.” ..rd~t p,.mc. ..”!-, 11.i.., i.. kc. L- 3 *i tt ,Ssipt, I.*i.* Cm.m. to ,** Is — — c d, ,,,, u.! , 10 C& W X- 6-2 W*1V .,. 1) cd .?!1, c1 ,It,,”,l,,ly {W .It.rwt (“ < A cd .,,, u,, cm — 6s TAEL[ — — > 0) [) 40 — — ++ — 65 — — ++ — t; I 3 2 o k 40 Ac I — 2s — 1,11,, !.ttw 25 * c1 Is - SAMPLING r Im — — +6 — 51 1: — 5f K I — 6s — — PIANS — 1 FOR 1s4 — — 4+- II 3 B Il. 2s0 — +!- Is 61 1? I \ SIZE z— .++ 21 s — 10 I kc 1$4 — — SAMPL[ z — * — 4m — — ++ — 2 ++ — 52 9 1’ 11 I 8 19 !3 ‘2 7 II — : H 14 1! 18 19 — k I — 2 — ml — ,. n (c II( — — — — COO[ LESTER: bso — + — ,4 1 52 B : +!- — 113 11 2 loco — * — 52! 23: — * — — L. lax n 4 2 1 d,, s.d, I.ti.e r.m.. w al I I In ,,, ~ 144 I1, 92.I 60.2 1,0 77.0 1% 94,9 S9.9 65.7 w I S.o ,,0 ,$ a 40 201 1s5 ~ 262 210 IW w ]m x 26$ 263 216 171 263 235 183 IJ6 70.4 n,a 16, I 5L.4 26.9 106 51.9 21.7 456 24.2 1V4 148 1s1 111 73.4 !02 51.3 10.0 ’- 33,6 610 X.9 ICV 93,1 I a SAMPLING 110 m 165 ) ZN 27J 249 x 1~ x ISI C 601 KS 244 W W 15 m I 619 639 w Ixlwa W B!4 7.56 691 6!1 I I 1261 1131 1076 $~ aw 111 671 618 ~ x“ 1171 1064 1010 97.2 &33 15(2174916061 482 449 391 PLANS aa,nnl,mlza ~ x 63s 745 649 621 553 !39 ]V6 343 SAMPLING (c. AOL’. >101 PLANS mx 612 4% i33 373 103 4s, m 401 348 293 $34 38V 3% 304 m ~S1245111E[3141M5 17J 1$4 12211301 m J- 309 ml 213 I WIM!MDC4 ., prmlddd CURVES FC$I SINGLE Fr kdfd 95.4 In [1721 70,1 I 9J.V S2,3 21.3 T%6 I p (i. Mt.,. ]~11.lx]lsolx]zwl~]wo 50,I +.5 d.4.c... I i.m.. !iwl 31.5 I 40 l.., cl.=!, t- AfJL’. < IO; 1. d+.!, w. b-d L...!. ,.(XW l., ..-., .. . . . ... . . CNARACSERISTIC I .21.5 I W.7 I B,., I 119 I IJ1 22.0 164 I 0.72I 16.5I 8.0 IJ.9 I .. 10, 10.6 1.11 I .?.91 3t.4 ?,11 I ---,.,, I I.OJ 0.301 5 Aec.po.b!e nmitbed.. ,mIcOtm. i. WW<.I d.ktl.c . . . A...,! *,.,*,,,, VALUES FCfl CPERATING 15 12,9 11.2 , 10 50.0 I 1.71 ---1,64 2.5 I ,0, ..- 2.W !.02 “. all .. P (i” P?me.1 dri..,~wl 2,3 - IABULATEO .. ... .. I I TABLE X-C-1 UUALITY OF Slillulnm LoTS (p, “..., ,,I-.. “ . . x. ,,.. W,o 93.0 -“ . ... p. 0C8, wlm?slm m ,. . m m m ,. . . 0 . . . m 00 w ?Caccllr 0, L(7TS Cxrt:clm m at AcCWTCO(P.! m . ..plln~. = CURVES FOR SINGLE for sample ~ize code letter: CMRACTERISTIC (Cur.c. f.r .bsblc ..d .dt!ple - CFERATING X-C— Tables “ . . la . E;C$W%-W &cctnl.n (?., lm CHART C TABLE 1 U.dtid. D4J. SJ* d- ●#u Tp d kc, PIO. It-. a.. d.. 0..t6lt6 .. .U@t. VW 4044. ... m. .&..*ti — AR_ ●npll* .** 4.0 — . — . tbs. K v — v d“ (w *ltwmt (or ,It,?m, ,049 t,.., 6,3 — — E “m .* .“ WCeptar. <d ,,,,” {} ,,+ “j..,lm — 60 — ++ — I 1 Iv*IY LIM c8dI Iattw 0] ho,y k4 -k, 10 — — 0 ma at. e,, 65 — — * — il ‘5 — — — LB 60 — !6 1“ PLANS — I $-l 25 — — - SAMPLING I b d d id 6,S — X-C-2 M — Uu aid, N-i.. “u @ u“ — — 6 3 — z— TARlf 11 u, . ..lld.. — Im — +’+ — I 11 — 8! LE SIZE 6 — z — + — — E4 — * — 1( 1( 12 12 k-l! 2 13 Is 59 — o II U-@l mm % — — — SAMP1.f G — FOR COD[ — 50 — 4+ — la I 1{ — 1 1, S-E x — — G — +$. — $2 I 1( — 12 &t — ma — lfTTIR: C — w — + — 2SI 313 — 42 — — n Al u“ s-e in! I — z — — — — . d“ ‘0 10 2,5 x 70:1 2.5 ,0 610 13,8 I ,0 57.6 59.0 31.2 5,0 486 59.3 =,6 31,4 51.8 54.0 4116 41,1 25,0 12.0 665 ~~~ 1,2.5 65 U,7 100 1 I ,641,,.0 --- ].m ,“,> ---- 0,541 O.l,d 1,5 - TABUMTEO 11.1 43.3 2m3 ,I ---- 22, I ,, . 7 11.1 6,06 I 5.9 =.0 ,I I 1,,,---- ””1 m.. ..A. 12.1 6.22 -~ 1,91 . ..,.m, . 1.31 3,s 50.0 0.639 95,0 1s,0 0.126 I 6’5 p (1. perm.t dcfec, i.d ‘“5 9?.0 2’, TABLE X-O-1 21.6 r 15 105 10,7 w., 49,0 I “ — . . A-F. M. a..!!!, 1.”!. Imt’.l 25 126 x . 4CWI.2.IC (MM m Iu ! 1-!... pm h.nA’ed .-it.,ma 71.1 108 07.8 6 ID3 [iig+m=d I.v.xlim x 263 2s2 ?18 m 193 Ml !93 1s 1154 212 162 96.1 I KM I 16,2 184 163 1 [13 I , 59.6 135 8s.s 67.9 sa.7 U.o ] IS In 116 91,2 x llB 2N 252 ?11 1122 I k I I ,30 m 114 339 272 233 193 171 Is 123 I i I ,mlx],.l~lis0]x]6m CURVES FCX7 SINGLE 1. .-1 In dekt. 0, LOTS.X PKTUI “Ccl,”l. ,,., p lia dtlccts P, 6.u.d~d onhd, 147 164 116 111 n5.5 W,9 121 I %9 74.5 3.2 49,8 x.] (-l ]~1651x] d3.9 i I 40 $5.911m 52.1 39.6 32,7 22,3 I 70.91 I I I 35 hm-plk @.litvIx.rl. (s.91 31,1 21,0 11.1 ,1,8 102 15 10,2 I I 665 10 12J6 I i n- VALUES FOR C+’ERATINC CNARACCERISTIC “.., dclcc!iw la AQL’. <10 . ,, ❑ . . I@ . m . . P.”CC”T m w m D x 6i9 378 W 312 171 234 201 186 151 I I I 7s2 522 us 631 391 366 303 166 249 21s SAMPLING AOL’. > IO) 5AMFILING’ PLANS u pmctlmbld FGR slNcLE .“ ~dc6cd . . .l.selr cuRws for sample size code letter: - OPERATINC CNARACIERISTIC ICsme.l., d-Lie .sd _.ltipl. .qli.c X-D — Tables 1JWLIT% OF SUBW7TED LOTS (P, i. win,., CNART D TABLE I I x M m 419 U2 1!1] 339 X )1 221 W PUNS imtco,ca x 776 712 033 707 612 611 554 206 a 432 w 655 ml 577 521 w 4?4 399 353 1 M.lllpl. . ..! ti.’lt U.. 2s tin. *in*. I**V 1.!1.. 1- +k~ (w altmmt .0 tbi* ..+. *ta.c .0.91 ..1.. Cdc m Fndtt*d ..wllq Fk@iOn ..mke *, 2,s ,,, U*. cti .-t -4 letter P -.* n M .“ . (-l I.r.. h Iliabl-rd La..l. FOR SMW.E @.lity 0-1;,, 9 10 19 58 J1 ?6 Is .4 61 2s 56 A. R., n 61 46 36 2s 14 03 -3 45 14 14 A. fl. Is PLANS “1.c!;m ““b.- C) Is 15 11 14 to J5 13 12 b,5 14 13 10 — 14 01 0 v 01 34 03 02 12 02 6 1,0 e “t” & 23 h 10 03 ti f ,,,( ,m h 12 A, R. 4. 6.s .2 lb c M ,,,( JO* , n. 8.0. 4 . — . — !14 < ,2 1 :0 :n 1.. — — — !,5 — 1.5 — - SMPLING .2 — — v s 10 v Accvl.mce U. mJb5. ,*, M — ,“ — .8 .i” M.. ..+ c-. — TA811 X-O-2 i.w-cdd i..~clirnl SIZE CODE I.EIW.R: D e .iti .H,l. cm,. — I ,P w ,., 31,6 41,3 6,2 )6,2 m,6 29,8 1.5 10.0 so I ,0 19.4 16,B 10.1 2s.0 10 %,6 41.0 %,0 2%0 Z9.o $19 30.0 13,6 1.{1 12.6 2,19 75.0 14,2 0,130 4.11 0,8U2 Wo x 5s.1 49,5 Is 2s.4 22.0 17,1 10.7 26,1 48.4 $22 n 1.S ] 0,810 0.395 0.0111 1,0 I 9,9 11,1 6,64 6.13 2..91. 0.294 ! 10 1,s0 930 k , .nd wlti,,lr mqll.” CNARACTER ISTIC I 6.$ $1.1 16.S 29.9 20.1 12,9 7.19 4,09 2.73 1 [ 1.1s I 4,0 I ,01 64.1 4s1 40,9 , 1 I ! YJ.1 I 20.6 13,3 0,40 6,29 3.2s 6,5 Ammt,bl, ..,cbed CURVES .- 1 . I Im r12.1 667 52,6 4!,8 26, I 27.0 Ill io I.,w,Io.) 1=]6$ . 1 I . 116 ! 55 I I Isa 137 1Ill w,, 80,2 64,2 5V,2 46.9 110 119 lm E2.1 I 66.3 54.0 (7.s 36.1 . t~]120/~1 1. I 196 I Isa I 1ss I 111 , )34 94. } 19.2 71.1 51.s h.”drwl unit.1 1~1 (,;,hl.mrd I“,r.rr, k.) 40 I I I I o (i, dcfec!. F, 113s 1 I 1~1 1 Ou.m, 1,.,1, 1~1 1. 1 1123 1101 1 SQ.5 ?4.s S9,0 45,0 15,s 10,6 ‘2’2,4 1. I I 101 71.3 57.1 4].6 32.5 24.2 20. I 13.7 a Le.,1, (-.1 I I I 2SS m I’m 167 144 122 116 92.7 192 232 217 I 264 I I I ,4, I I I 2ss 1 lsO/~]2W]~ 349 313 I 1 2s6 m13Rs 121 m 261 246 219 379 344 110 2a2 1s6 Z2s 250 471 43s 1414 I , LSO ] 1 40? 3ss ‘L16 I .121 I I 2* I I I 2X 16 I 73 1S’2 ,wl~l PIANS 2691 213 16s 887 I 51 lJ1 123 I I 144 11s 96,7 lx] SAMPLING A13L’, >101 1%6 l~[,m E PIANS CURVES, FOR SINGLE I- SAMPLING ., p,.., ic,bl.) FOR SINGL[ ,, .16,+ CHARACTERISTIC M19 1 I, ,51,, 71.3 so. 51.4 39,3 20.2 19.5 11,4 I 0.5 6.33 10 IS &,Ii,, VALUES FWl CfERATINC 1! 11111 d. fcctl..l 6.5 1,11 , G. F.r,.s 4.0 0.U77 I 1.0 IC.,.,, - CPIRATINC X-E — T~bles for sample ~ize code [etter: ,A’J LtTV W StWITTEli LOTS (P, i. r.~,m ,4?1? <1!.. h AW.S.< ID: h d. f..,. r.r km.++ -1,. “.., ,Ia... “ ,-... -, ,-.,4,. Lb.!,,, ,,...,. ,,lJ_,., b —, ,.q..,l,.. CHART [ TAB1[ X-[-l- TABULAIID *,O r, 111( twbro,, ,mwo ,!,, !’,,,,,,., ,?#rr\l !!!’,”,, TABLE I I I I vA. lla - ci - U“ .ti n . p — ‘3,s — — 1.s — 15 13 10 G ,bta u- 14 13 1$ 6,5 10 Is 14 01 12 11 ? 03 > 0 ● lb 01 1 23 M 9 )1 01 I Rl Acfh 4.0 * ,* “t- b , Z 1$ 67 46 3 2 1 0 ● 1 I 14 R. AS5k 10 26 37 4 5 = 9 19 S8 1s 3 6 .4 1 5 61 4 15 S6 k x k“!, FM 8 x @ x 14 14 15 la 9 12 II 6 II 6 36 05 11 It S9 10 10 11 II 10 49 21 04 II 31 09 11 11 14 N J s Jo 16 04 89 31 78 a x kink.) SIZE 65 x 10 T ~ 19 n13 l? m Is 11 II 10 J* 06 13 15 6 1! 11 I 17 1$ 13 II ~ am a 21 25 4 17 al (1 u 7736 17 Im x 53 37s 1= ~ 6a 19 5354 m nn n s 11n 496165 47 61 12 6 37 16 2?59 3s 11 IS s? 11 66 60 49 ?f 7636 19 lb 12 6 36 S353 % a 6663 x 7773 bb td64 3331 Id 40 (9 55 $3s 24 II 19 11 14 19 m ~ W f30 a .& b n, Ac * AC R. tin ~ 11 a 27s 10 A. 130 14 10 11 11 3 10 37 343s 32 19 s 11 13 12 1 8 1* 14 a 16 s~ ‘u 373A 1111 m i5 a 827 M II 11 1 4 10 6 11 1 !8 19 n la II 13 14 Is 10 l! 21 10 7 11 9 ~ E fft AC fk ACk lm CODC LEfTfR: w AC 5196C n, A, (UmI SAMPLE n, AC n$ AC n. At = C9dll, PUNS 10 Is 4m.#1. SAMPLING 6.6 1 03 (i + “m u“ ,P — 4.0 . 2 — D a R M 6 . — . J“ — x — — ! v — v — — — — f M — I ,0 — , — 16 1 13 — ●1” I*I” :-. TABLEX-E-2- !. 1 3 — 3J 18 15 11 9 6 — 16 — 13 — w .lrl M. c- — I Q + 1.0 5,0 !0.0 23.0 I 4,0 1.0 6,2 3s,8 ZJ9 ~,6 8,70 481 2?,2 In 5,44 1,81 2,69 21,6 1.41 75.0 +1.cli.el 2,21 v=.., 10 v!$,,.,Tv ,,!: 901 10 42.1 w.! ,,..”, ~,rm, &f,c,l.. 2.20 63.2 1.0 )s,0 6.93 11.5 Qb.liq !,.,4. 10 6,3 4,0, 52.2 1 x mo 65.5 hi”hmmd i.,pmird 15 65.2 1 40.4 52.9 52,6 41,4 2?.8 19.9 ’273 83.1 !4.5 15,.9 11.1 ma (i” *I,.,. ,5 s P 8.91 25,5 31,3 42,0 11.5 26.6 19.6 E o.M 1 10 21.1 8,12 6,23 4.12 65 ,..P,,,”, pm be.d,r,l ..,,, k p, 5.2.3 5.3.3 43.1 101 ‘ @ 114 B4,6 12,2 x 97,2 71.o B7.O 76.1 22.9 6$1 65,0 24,0 52.1 M.4 30,s 43,1 B 34.2 WE 23.9 ) 43,2 .nh, SAMPLING > IO) 3s, 1 21.2 23,5 17.5 hd,d 1~123 F PLANS A@’, CURVES FOR SINGLE ,- —, (.,m”.l In, m,;.n) 12,7 E 5,51 (W 2,1.9 4,0 ()”,l ;,, L,,.1, CtLARACTIRISTIC C..,,,r ,.. ”,. ,Aw., SAMPLING s. prm,ic.b!~) FLWI SINGL[ . . CI.=lt k+ $uI: , < 10; 1. &l,,,, .,,hed CURVES .* 32.2 23.7 19.4 13,5 481 1.41 41,5 + % 1,70 0,141 2,5 A.c.,r,hl. 2M !S 6 x h “ . . . . . . .. AC,w.,, 0,327 O.z% O.Owl 0,65 34,R 21.6 14,0 16,6 1,14 lU 9.7s 128 “.,, CHARACTERISTIC 3Mdad? .nd m.hiple .mpll,” VALUES FOR &’[RATING 4.33 6.S [(k... - OPERATING X-F— Tabies jor s~mple size code letter: WU\WrTF.t, !,,, rz l,, CHART F - lABULATID 0. 1s9 pli. 2s TABLE X-F-1 13,9 0.2% OS5 9s.0 0,052? w. 0 5.10 065 v. E I II I lT,cchl m mm mrmto TOOOK ,Cclr, ,..,,.0, TABLE I x 127 Iw 108 81,0 73.3 6! .1 51,3 4&2 37,6 40 PLANS Ixjfi ~ 1s3 Ill 124 Im 91.1 79,5 M.4 b2,2 S!,l ~ I 72 151 141 122 Im 93,1 01.2 14,5 62.9 I I u. Eullallm aD: :-- F 45 ,. 19.0 23,7 10.2 )3:4 11,5 5,56 7.9t 11,4 3.49 5,42 1.67 9.13 43.t x 30.1 33,0 10 22.s 28.1 15.8 18,4 23.6 11,6 14,0 19,0 2.5 6,94 8.94 11,4 0.6! 5,0 1.0 4.0 6.5 19.7 21,I 37.1 34.1 29.0 )0.0 11.9 22.3 8.1! 4.24 a.o 15.$ 5,19 2.14 50.0 8,27 3.0) 0.2?7 0S95 15,0 15,1 13.1 mu 8,S0 9.s6 1.61 4,38 1.60 l,a 10 1.12 O,lf.a %,0 6.5 0.471 0,0114 -,0 4.0 12,2 14.8 1,20 9.36 0,65 2,5 73,7 0,41 5,2{ 2.11 4.33 3,20 I .M 1.1! 0, 4s4 I .s O,!w 0,129 0.16.2 CuRv[5 1.16 6.5 ,,0 ,\ 31.4 14,2 m.9 16,0 26,3 19.1 )6,6 12.3 1Is 7.92 a.% 5.45 50.0 x, 41.0 ,0 41.1 36,8 2%0 YZ9 2s,3 24.0 10,6 14,6 12,4 9,26 10 22.2 17.7 13.2 9,05 8.11 4.21 S40 !.68 1,57 3.44 z.% I o (i. Akl. 6,5 I.,mn;..) I 2s 4.0I (nm.1 CURV[S ..i#. x S3.O ,$ .S0 4s.1 54.4 [xl . 71.3 @2.B 3.S6 47,6 19.6 12.6 17,0 ?4,0 19.1 SAMPLING 48.1 . 40,7 PLANS x 7V.5 fa6 62,9 54,6 45,8 18,2 1;.2 28,9 U.( 25 22.I 77.4 95.6 ~ I 07 94.5 no 22.4 67,7 61.9 S8,4 50.6 46,5 39,3 ,0 58,1 49,1 42,7 30.9 31.1 ,, 1~1 PLANS k. AOLb > 10) 40,6 13,3 13,8 26,9 21.9 19.3 14.9 .“;1.1 27,1 21.4 17,0 14,7 11.0 PI h“.kd ,5 FOR SINGLE lx] G SAMPLING Pmc,l..2W Foff SINIW &ire m,,$.d ,..1.,,1,,, : C~RAc~RISTIC Acr.p#.hl., y L...l. 0,0314 14,4 .qi;~ in mm.., (“r .l!)l .,. t In 1. W, b..,kd ..,-,.... .,!. *.W !+.,., L,.,,. ,, U..., b, . . . ,e,,”. ..d .Ultipl, CNARACT[R15TIC ~ERATING ,’,.,. 0.40 VALUES foR 25 - TABULAT[D ..,., 1.r A.M. 1075 (,, (c.-.. - oPIRATING X-G — Toh[es /or sample size code letter: UUALITY OF s1WWn611 CNART c p (i” I.m..l ,5 0.40 P. I I TABL[ X-C-1 wacmr or ton CIPICTI.. m w ,Cclrl, o,,., TABLE 1 : 0,J15 1.92 3.33 0,103 0210 0.574 %.0 500 75,0 100 Lo so I 12.6 1,3 8,00 0,40 9.14 1.56 4,50 so 5,82 5, m I.M 2,73 $20 107 O,ml 1 O.oml 1 99.0 P. I10.25110 E 1- II 2,3 15.8 12.1 10.J 4,0 18.7 14,6 I 2,9 1,29 10.0 1.69 5.10 3,5J 2,)8 I .66 5.31 1,46 2,22 140 1 “.., 6,5 24.2 19,9 17,2 1,.5 81.3 0,51 6,41 5.36 1,69 ,,-., ~ ”,”...” . I 10 31.7 . 2?,0 24.1 21.0 17,2 138 112 9.1? 1,3& 1X1 1. ,W,lt.,h m. 2 24,7 22,4 10.8 1$.2 12,0 9.54 5 2t 6,01 16.5 1 ,,”,. ,m.p.,,. 1 13.2 1,5 9.21 0.40 ,,,..,,,. ,-. w.l;tr 12,6 9,49 5.W 1 26.2 63 40 21.0 18.5 ml 155 13,4 I I..., ,.I.._ ,. ,,,., !. p ,..6.4 ~ 12.0 %,2 215 ..”.. I 10 ?40 m,9 26.0 I ,., CURVES FOR SINCII ,..@,,,.., i.$vctiwl b.-, h.mirtd, H ~ 40,3 33,$ 20.8 ,- IS 4$6 ~ 50.9 an 40.3 PUNS 35.6 2a9 .,-- SAMPLING (., 4UL’, > 10) 5AAIP11NLI PUN5 code letter: . . w.ctlc. bl.) l,..c Is (, IR+I..-I In, 2,5 16,8 10.3 I 4)w.1197[.e.,1, (.urn.l 1 size in W.ct,wf . . .l.ulr CHARACTfRISTIC 1.78 4,61, ..4..-,., ~ 361 31.6 29.1 25.2 21.2 11.s 14,5 12,9 10,1 10 Ac..ptahl, (w AOL(. tlti m.l,,, t,” b,,a.,, LOT2 (p, i. r.rrcr.t d$f. ctlwe VALUES FOR OPfRATING “.,, Ml~Ell Sample 131RVE5 FOR SINGLE /or . ..+z.U .= ..t.b,d CtMRACTER15TIC X-H —Ta&les {Cw.ts b double .d ❑),ipl. - CHRATING - lABUIATEO 125 1 H I)tlA1.l TYoFsln CHARI P (i. IWC..J d.1.r,ivrl O.JM 11.5 1 TABLE X%l AC.CP,,, ”! F.! ,C,r.,., o, I.rns ,.,,.,C*,I! ,I>,w TABLE ,/ 25 6).1 53! 9.5 49.. 1 ~ 6A,1 60.5 s.t I I I B *ltivl* rba!c zi.~. T,F= d .mtAiq #- . 065 ,,,0 0,6s 1.0 FCR SWLE 61 ti.lior do 46 16 2s 14 01 .1 45 14 34 6 9 1 s. 1 2 I . 6 10 14 I* 10 t] x 12 12 ‘A 10 v 6 8 6 10 Is ~ la 14 14 12 11 II Q 38 0s 12 12 59 10 L..el - ltimh,c.rd io.rminl 65 s 7 4 21 o~ II 17 09 6 12 1 13 19 n !1 15 II 13 10 10 Is 39 06 H At 7 n 6 ?2 to x 2s.% 11 11 11 15 12 12 9 6 1? 16 13 II 10 18 19 n It M J2 23 27- a 21 7 1) ~ 17 31 SJ9 22 I* 17 13 12 29 2! 26n 11 II 19 38 11 25 IQ 14 16 22 AC m He Ac lb Is 2s x 20 JJ23 1, 11 !6 18 10 13 14 AC n, x 13 15 It n, ,0 CODE LEflER: m AC R, 4. x I.opctb.) SIZE 1 II 18 b n 16 06 09 37 18 he 6,5 5 4 7 1 s 5 k 4,0 II* kc n? he 1,5 0..!11, 1#.d. (-$1 25 *S 2 91 040 1$ IJ 23 ... s lb” 24 II 65 J It 32 83 03 2 34 01 Is 12 01 02 J 02 J9 x * IOlla 23 n. k 1.$ 01 K L?. u.* u.. 12 k 1,0 . G 1% u.. Ac II? AC nl AC n, x 26 . . m O,M Am.@l. - SAMPLING PLANS .2 01 At on X-H-2 .2 v v x 6A v Ach ‘s 0.23““ Jo 1“1.. , C.qJa d 1. r-. II TABLf A “$’ A A Ac !~ n, I 1 91 78 65 $2 29 16 u M J2 w :;? c.”. 0 w I 1.3Q1 2.W 0,0341 0.132 0,359 0.233 1.7? 2,84 3,b2 W.o 15,0 S2.0 23.0 10,0 5.6 I ,0 I ,0 0,25 1.5 10.1 8.01 5,59 25 120 9.48 816 4,51 6.39 4,s1 40 15.6 12.7 x 10,9 1S,8 14,1 11,1 “ c-.. . x 2.16 18,3 0.!32 7.W 8,33 9,69 6.&5 1,27 -, ,.-. ,.*,,., on .-,.!..., Lo ,.b... ,.,..,,. iwul!..l am 5,93 ~! , 4.0 16.4 13.1 11,6 9,28 4,39 6.39 3.34 493 3,94 2.10 Accembl. Ou.llw Lt. ds(,k$,t. d x 2.23 3,21 3,31 4,05 I ,,, 9.s9 1.!5 5,82 4,93 ~ “,,. m,o 16.4 14.7 !2. ! 1~] 4.38 6,, 21.8 18.0 16.2 I 3.5 10,8 8,55 6,79 537 ~ 2S2 ‘31,2 19.3 16.3 13.3 10,6 0.18 7.71 5,% En;,,) ,,, S~PLINC r=. hm.kd 3,63 P II” 6.(..1. ,,2 5.27 2,10 j 3,11 I.% 1.71 I ,03 ,., 2.16 1,20 O,E&s Im 0.%5 I 2.5 5.16 3.74 2.82 1.73 0,.%5 0,260 0.186 0.444 ,,0 I..nm, i.m) CURVES FOR SINGLE 1s ‘N.5 26,0 24,2 21,3 0,01?6 ~,m, j I,m.1 ] Vr h..dwd .. It. 10I 40 L’. >10) q.t,k, 12,6 10 ,!.,,,,.,,” 13,2 1s,5 1,,.el. 0,,510,85 w.litr “CHARACTERISTIC SAMPLING’ PIANS . . p“.tlc. U.) FOR SINGLE .S .l.tcly 10,5 ?6.6 ‘r,2 21,4 18,6 20.3 18,6 15,8 13,2 11,0 9,,6 11,9 722 ,0 9.8’? 1>1 CURVfS m ..t.hed dtlrc!l.c f., AUL’. ( 10: i. d. fici. 4...,*. 0..,,,, L“.,. ,MJL’., 1. .-.,,. k.,w.l,i. 16,0 13,3 109 0.93 1.93 6.17 65 “..,,,.-,,, 6,5 m,5 11.3 15,7 10,8 13,3 9.X 11,9 7.26 9,14 6.26 8.6] S,VI 1.W S,m 6,M 1,99. 2,22 1. ?1 5.01 ?.28 &kti.. ) 4,0 ]~1 3,22 4.04 7.66 2.5 I ,.0.! nr. . ..pliq CNARACTER1511C 1., dmM. -d ..lliple VALIJES FOR CPIRATING 1.13 1.04 3,21 5.79 I p (i. ptrc., 1.s - TABUIATEO 3.10 I (C.!... - OPERATING X-] — Tab/es )or sample size code le!ter: UU4LtTY OF SUBW’TF.D L07S 1P, 1. F.=..t CNART J 2.16 1.32 1.03 0,530 1,0 6,52 I 4.78 3,33 0.U6 0. la7 0.0116 99.0 9s.0 0,65 0,15 I TAB1.f X-J-1 h I Accwll.n,,., pg;:~rmm TABLE 10 m,s 24,3 22,2 19.0 15,6 13,0 10,8 9.61 1.62 1~1 PIANS 27.2 23,3 19.9 17.1 15.6 12.9 3.2 15 ~ 3.4 30.9 lx] 31.B 27.4 2..2 11.1 10,3 15,3 12.9 11.6 9.33 ,, ~ 42.9 37.8 35.7 31,2 27,1 73,4 2L,3 18,6 1s.7 ,, I 51 I I I s. dltun 1,5 1,0 0,65 0,1s I 0.06 6.12 I .0 S,m 16.2 !0.3 x 2,5 Cu.lhr L-,1. 12,6 10.s Wbw.d l..patiad x 11,6 11,s 10.s 4.0 12,3 $94 2.40 3,6s S.o 106 6,20 !2,1s S.11 8,66 ~.34. 4.3s I .U 10.0 10.4 1.7s 9.62 S.91 7,42 ~,,, 4,W 3.!6 III 5,0 0,53 6,14 6,94 4,5s 6,w S,62 6,5 1.s.3 1s.6 14.2 12,2 10.1 8.36 6,92 4,8a 6,1S 3,82 LS5 2,94 ,“1,, (m Arjr, 4,94 S41 3,76 2,81 X1’”jx,lm) e.rk 2,14 1,36 0.220 0,5s5 7s.0 20.0 3..32 I h.+ 3.11 1ss2 0,7W W,o 2.s2 I .10 2.02 0,s52 0.423 0.w63 92.0 1.32 3.16 1.As 2.5 2,09 I Im I .5 0,6S9 I 0.626 1.0 0,65 0.3W I (-.1 +,.. *, ACCC~Ml Im (h, . . ,. w w . . . !, e s rc”crm or tars Uruxrn m “c > 10) ,0,, K I x 29.4 17.s 16.1 11,9 !1,7 9.79 8,24 7.60 5.!6 6,S I 10 14,s 21.4 19,1 I 1.4 14,9 12.7 10.9 9.95 XJ’” CURVES FOR 51NGtf MAIpLINC PLANS ,“QLW b —, < 10; In dtk,, CIWRACTERISTIC A,ce.,.bl,Odor b.,ls FOR WIRATING “ e...., ., Ac,.p.b, V.,,”, b“,, lW w.’, 0,266 0,40 ... 0.119 I ,.. [,. 1. PnW,t *l?cti.e 0,0610 0.10 ,Im. VALU[5 k., LtllS *.9 ,,, *1FWllw rrm O,ma t I t. TABLE x- K-I - TABWAFID ,.. Tables for sample size code letter: - OPERATING CHARACISRISTIC CURIIIS FOR SINGII SAMPLING PIANS {time, Im dmbl. ud dupl, .npllq - ■uch6 ., clod, . . PMIC064.) X-K— W.o v. la m . m . .* m ,W m Ill o ~8;c~;;rm~; ACCIPTCD 1,., Ct14RT K TABLE mm x 21.s 24.3 32.s 23,0 11.3 14.9 13.0 11.9 10,1 1 I I 0 1% 53 .,, ,,* do: +.. \ I O,* 0,3M 0,461 In i.w 1.37 J,?l 0,60 0 .Oig 0.144 0.347 Osw 1.15 l.% 1.30 0.10 22.0 Jao 5,0 10.0 S.o 1,0 - u ,“, I I 1 0.62 3.66 3.1s 0.65 I ,0 so’s 3.34 4,m t.s x $32 I.w 1.43 1,s I.JS,I II, LA, 8s,1 11,2 13,3 1s.3 10,9 1,s 2,s 4,0 11,4 11,7 10.1 ~ 9,72 mm km 1.22 6.42 6W #.u S,a 10.1 D.w 7,70 10,8 “x 6.5 12.4 x 14,1 12,5 6.20 9,32 10,9 $W 0,70 4.64 732 9.34 m,12 7,4s 6.29 7.61 I 6S1 6.33 7,9S 4.44 6,Jl 5,17 4,22 I $.40 5.22 [M 1X1” PUNS ,..D 4.63 $.1$ 6,11 4.6J 3.76 4.Q I 8.0 5,21 J.u 3,s xl 4.31 I 1 3.s1 3.W 8.29 25 ;.n I I SWLINC 1,63 1.33 I ,1s x IS.FtiI ,,, k+ AOL,, > 10) ,,,, 3.66 I J (-i ,,> FOR SINGLE F? h6A CURVIS ,., PIANS 3,71 2,64 1.I!4 1,36 1,$6 *,* Ct14RAClER ISTIC 3.!8 1ss Ill I I m,, -IU SAWLING M ●olch6 ■, d,odr ., ,14A4,) FCM SINGLE 4rfml.. k AOL’* ~ I@ h &l-u O_m,,l...b (firm%)1. d - u=Plhs 6.11 o.nt 0.666 Omz 0.331 I l,li 0.412 1.0 A=NdI. 0,683 I 1 1. ~n’r.: CWRATINC ---- S.4W 0,118 pm bBD4d .1,.) 0,40 FIX n,..,. ,. -d -A@, CURWS for sampIe size code htter: L CK4RACT’ERISTIC ,., IGw=c (m &U. GW.UATING X-L —Tables WMLI1? G? 61FM21ED W72 b. ,.* L - TABUT.AIID VAIIIS 0,075 50.0 Clwu *.* .&f-, 0.173 I 401Ru” 0.s 0.024 pmNl I ?50 ,(l. “ TAELE X-L-1 1* W.o 1,.1 Q.*]. P. , n . m . w cc m . “ #m =Ulcn ~m~o~q TABLE ~ m ~ $ u-l. 5)! w.! .+, ..+. 0,10 k,p,m, w 0,15 — pttimd 0.8 O,ul — ●I tbl. to+ .1[.. .96 ml-ii- $,0Ir 019cdl 1,110?9) 01.. call let,,, 1s4-MA .Ccwl.b- 1,0 ..fabt* ,., ~ 10 II m OW.11.t.le. l“*pcclld ,,5 16 14 Is 1#.clo M66w,d 9 ~ 16 14 (9 17 9 1 10 12 12 It 15 1 II 9 12 II 8 II 10 13 II 5 b 6 16 0s 12 12 S* 10 13 10 49 27 04 II 31 89 o 38 16 04 99 31 18 n- AC R, 2,5 x AC R, 4,0 7 11 6 17 12 24 la 4,0 x 6s n 7226 32 U [1 x 1? J9 “$ MO m ml 23 21 29 II u 22 m 19 !50 50 — 250 — Zw 13 19 A A U .. lW 16 A A< II* I.,; Cnn. r N 29 lzizl II ‘?2 n, 6.5 I:hb# — Es m 22s k 6,2 19 11 RI 17 16 22 II to 18 19 n 11 9 18 4, x a 11 17 II 15 12 8 6 v 12 17 6 16 w 10 13 14 Is Il. L 10 14 10 1 J 0 IS 6 12 k ~R: s 6 s 4 7 s 6 x lb A. ,.$ COO[ ,1 3 2 t . 6 2 s U? . ..ikbl. 1CCC$4M Odl, 062 d.. cd. l.,!.. lo. .c.rwac. .4 +ctkm ..+.. 0,10 u., ok”+. 0.!+,.” d., ohm, (w *R*-: Il+c,k ,,, (b., 61 6 23 350 s 46 IS 11 Iol 3b 26 II 2s ‘2s2 4 14 I D) OJ .3 45 14 34 R, A. 1.0 SIZE Im.wctbd FOR SAMPLE A. m AC 01 -b..-! -, ..+. )4 B] 23 IC R. 065 WI 1- AU+4.-* u.? x ‘1 lb 02 M 12 02 11 — k 040 150 N d .4ttc* 0- c R! — — 0,22 D) K #tlel me u.. — , n, ,. 11, — 0,15 — , — . n — x — 0,10 — Im v — v — 01 — k — 0,052 — PLANS Accqll,blc 000111, Le.el, (m-l - SAMPLING 02 w It v — c — . — t,. ,*., X- L-2 02 — m Is — m u.. . . .. P..6i..I S@k — oitt ., Ml, I.#i.. c.”. — IABL[ m UI 2.11 0.75 1.46 0.063 0,40 Z 61 ““, 0,6 3,!9 Au +... 2.46 I .0 I ,51 lm 0.951 I . . . . A. 1,?6 @.lltr x - P.,- S.08 4.17 3.76 3,07 2,43 1.E9 1,40 L..cI. 1.0 I (.-,1 x 6.40 S,32 4.89 4.11 3,39 2,74 2.23 1,96 . ..i”h. 1.51 1,5 CURVES . . . .n”.titi (,i~ht,md Imp.c,im) 1,5 5,52 4.s 4.13 3,43 2.75 2,17 1.72 1.49 1,11 x I.,pr,im) CjlARACTERSTIC 0,921 .-1. w Ac..pI.blc I ,0 4,16 3.34 2,94 2,36 2.12 5.0 1.27 1,69 0.731 I .62 10.0 0.835 1,26 0.440 1ml 1.17 2s.0 0.531 0.349 0.220 30,0 I ,34 0.D213 7S.0 I ,m 0.8,0 0,414 0,534 0,%1 026! 0.% SAMPLING . * -. 2,3 1,14 6.17 ,3.64 4,63 4.02 3,31 2.74 2,44 I .94 x FOR SINGLE I M I x 8.08 6,?s 6.39 5.s2 4,ti 1.69 3.21 ‘3.94 2.31 2.3 SAMPLING PLANS code letter: SINGLE size -c ma!chtd *8 c1o.cI, II pmcdc.hld CURVES FIX /or sample Acc.phbl, Omll,, L...l, 0,1$4 0.169 0,0115 50.0 O.MO 0.260 0,111 0.325 0.40 w. b.r.imi,l 0,25 0.0161 %.0 m i. W-1, I 0,13s defrctl.t 0.15 CHARACTERISTIC (Cwre. lot LW4* mad.. IIIPIC c.apllw - CPERATINC X-M — Tables - TABULATED VALUES FOR WERATING 0.C412!9 p (i. m-m 0.040 TABLE X-M-1 9,0 P. I I o r Wn 70 *C CNART M ACcc,,l n (,., rrmccnl Urulco TABLE 1,0 9.7 I n.41 1.26 6.90 5,93 5,G5 4,34 3,% 3,38 x PLANS x 10.9 9,m B.% 1.92 6,m 5,91 5.16 4.73 3.W 4,0 LJJ =:: Acc,pl,8c* - Ac It. .*dcl. ..btc~.l 01.,1. ,-puq PI., Amq., mc, m ~d,,,d u.. ..wI. $.+. .W — .,”. (0, ,It.rml ,, ,Ai, ..@ — 0.10 0.1$ 1., 1“ “,, la -Mt6 C,- O,*O 45 2 .d mire! i.. -+.. .-,. Acctpb!e .d I. Iwd- 0,?5 1*11,. 0) 1.1!” lx -Mcb 2 — min. C06. .1...4 ●ta., MA lb.. — 23 WI — 3s 3 1 430 — 24 3 I Ua -G7 14 01 X0 01 03 ● 02 20 M,lQc,les ..ACI. - 6- 03 240 N r I 2 34 0 ’33 2 P ..,,.! u“ ti 1 . L COa .,*, ma L-* S~U 0,40 - . .. II.M.. Ix.ds (Iitkcnd ~ 10 13 * ,,0 12 12 9 10 7 6 8 6 11 1 39 06 1? iwcd.d 2.5 19 21 n ~ 11 12 8 a 1? ~ 2s ‘m :1 11 Is la la 17 !0 Is 1 16 10 10 13 14 x 6 10 14 4,0 75 32 21 x 31 M ‘;; YA2 au II 3m 210 #m m 4m am 315 23 n A A A .iu am 13 19 ?5 II 7 27 16 2’3 n .Q#< c-. hi.. =27 29 22 11 12 29 26 14 11 Iv 21 ‘t: 4,0 Ik Ac 4,0 22 ?2Z5 17 !6 $3 11 10 18 19 3334 * Is 18 R. Ac lb A. It 2.5 n, AC 13 10 Is 10 0 s 83 IS 9 II W k x M 14 16 12 II II 9 3 0 12 12 s 10 n. Ac IS COOE lfIIER: 1.s 14 14 11 9 10 6 4 21 04 9 11 J) 09 R* A. x 1 S8 . . . ..ll.ble. Odty 0,6$. 67 46 16 s 1 25 7 38 26 14 04 8 37 10 lb tt 61 2s 4, S6 ‘“ Is 03 .3 {,5 14 3 slZE lnumd I.spxdd 15ck D:65 n. AC n, Ac 11, At 0,% Ito — Um u“ I k 0.1s Fm AcctPstdc lJudity L-d, f’lANs z — v v — I — :n — :n — Iii 0,10 O,w — D,ou — z— : — — - SAMPLING — x-M-2 * Ua 230 m u.. . . . . Fx.d., U.e w., A- Mdlbb Limb!? Zh#l, ,1,, .+. k.. ., I.. TABLf I 0,10 ,., I 0.15 - TABUIATID rip. 0 0.2.5 VALU[S F.., , 0,349 0.507 o.2m 0.345 0,105 0.192 0,0211 0,0513 9.30 1s.0 0,165 ,., , , . ..4 .m!,lpl. .qll., k,.p.,1, , . . . cb,.1, 0.15 0040 x 1.33 0,9’2! 1,0 “.. ! m ..,-. 0.40 2,0! b *“ 0,65 %.!h, ],m ,.b,, h.-, -,.-,,.,,,.,.. k<w.ble 2,62 2.35 2.33 2,10 0,949 D 599 30 1.35 1.85 I .34 1,26 0.778 0461 I 0,0 1.53 1.96 I .02 I.IJ 1.48 0,134 0.55s 1.19 0.93I 0,7% 0,59I 0,65 0784 I 0,234 0,06( 0620 0523 0537 0,40 0,S29 ““, I L..d. x i.,m,lod “ --..,-,,.. (tl”h!,..d 10 ,. ,& ,,4. 4,03 3,48 3.09 Z.m 2.13 1,72 1,40 1.27 0.934 3,57 I I.0 CURVES FM +..,-. 2.09 2,63 2,16 1.1.7 I 37 Im 0,939 ,,, 1,s +,% 3.3P 3.s4 3,M 2.35 Z.m 1,73 1,54 1.22 SINGLE x N ,,, I .W x .5.0? 4.28 4,03 3.43 2.93 2.6 Z,w 1.95 ,,, ’35 6,12 5,34 8.95 4.55 3.13 1.10 2.73 2.49 2,01 X125 PLANS I 1.5 I SAMPLING >101 ,,, PLANS w hwndmdml,, (w NV. ,,0 SAMPLING code her: . . l..~c!io.) 0.701 1, x (-d CHARACTERISTIC O,ln 02s $ize FCR SINGLE O.d,!, L“.1. (, W., ,. .-, 0,277 I .W ,,, A.ce~.b!e QtI.litT L...!, FC# WERAIING “ .-., m o 1,?6 cuRvES ~amp!e .m ..tcLd /or W.o 0.211 0.111 0.l?d72 o.ozw O,CWO1 0 Illo> 0.164 Tables CNARACTFRISTIC — Lrl12 (,, h. pace., .!, If., iv< (.” 412V, c 10, In hk,. P(in wrctM ~fcr,iw m i. dtfcci. c.r bm.dmdnniid 0,025 , . IC.rm k bad. - CWRATINC ,)1° !Ll r> (W Sllli$tl Irl:ll N 90.0 [ . .. TABLE X- N-1 . ,. m m . . . m m m ma CWR1 X-N 930 l’. m AccCrl 20 #P., 0, IT”cc”, CBrtmto IV 01 T.4BLE 2.31 x 6,01 6,c5 5,44 4.99 4.23 3.14 1.2s 2.90 I I I I I N 59 0 m O,lm o,48b 0.593 0,230 0.10 O,o.wl O,w 0.113 O,m 0,3J4 0.576 $00 7S0 50,0 %,0 10.0 5,0 I .0 0,331 0,210 0.0444 0,066 O,ciwl 0.0132 95,0 0.15 I .03 0.365 0.493 0.334 0,216 0.138 0.102 0.0s45 “ . ----- k.qdi. O.z 1,26 0,969 0.035 0.639 0,4s9 0,317 0.218 0.!11 0.1212 0.15 O.ul 1,64 1.31 1.16 0.922 0.lQ owl 0,.?ld 0.3n 0.223 0.25 A=ep, cHARACIERISTIC 0,40 Z.m I ,M 1.47 1.21 0.939 0.745 0,542 0.498 0,363 x P O.&s 2.18 I ,W I ,62 1.x 1,m 0.252 0.679 O.W MM x I x 2.52 2.12 I .93 1,0 2.83 243 2.22 1,$0 t .W 1.33 la I .30 I .0s 0,%1 tl$z XI I ,m I FOR SINGLE 0,.378 0.771 0.596 0.6 CuRV[s x 3.18 2,74 2.52 2.1? I ,m I .53 I.m 1,16 0.93s IQIX SAMPLING dc(me, w. bmdmd❑-II, f= AOV. > 10) 0..1!,, L.-Io ,Aw.1 b. —1 I.w!!... *le (J””Ii,, 1,..,1, (“m,,l”) VALUES FOR CPERATING sm., %-.. w, hndwd nit.) 0,10 - TABULAIED m drkt. 0,0186 ,J.kli.. OW.5 0,00126 Pli. mm.: 0015 9?0 P. TABLE X-P-1 X-P — Tables jor s~mple size code letler: k,AQL’, <I&1“ uIM LITV OF SU1lMITTW LUI’S (v inw~,,&l,dl” TABLE 4.29 ].m? 15 3.78 3s2 3.34 1.0? x 2,11 3.12 2.34 1.39 2.33 2.72 1.06 2.03 1.s1 1.5 1,71 I I .S4 129 PLANS ., 61 m w ,.—.. “ k.?!.). ,., 0.314 0.m 0,124 0,215 0.111 0,221 0065 0,0224 0.255s 0.111 0,5s4 0,2!0 0.?44 0.01 s 1s,0 so ‘2s0 10.0 5,0 1.0 ht., ,,, ,.l... @... I.&. 0,!5 0,024 0,672 0.10 0,6?3 0,% 0.s54 .* 0,2s I .s l..,,.%- Amdle 0,641 0.742” 0.s% 0,(54 0.294 0.214 0.409 0.23s 0.m3 0,1?4 0,2W 0.10 0,2s O,al I I Aec.p.bk 0.140 0s822 0.M2S 0.0+29 0,10s 0.10 0,0249 0,2W41 0.076V I o.aW w, 0 0,0119 0,290 m.., -. pm hddwnll. 0.0204 Cctdtc,, 0.(%5 0,20410 *I-I., O,MO O.atwn rrc,.t I ,,0 ,., 1., M ,m m,tckb ., do,+ ,,, ,,, l..!. ,W.1 tl..*, OdlI, x . . ..t...l..t. lllnhe..d o~ 1.29 ”.h k~, i..) ~ 1.61 s!-, I .s5 1.)s 1,02 1.20 1.?7 1,M 0,864 0,6W 0.262 0494 0342 0.40 0,022 I 0,694 0.241 0,43s 0.316 0,281 x 1.M Le..l. I 0.942 0.77S 0.614 0.176 o.3n 0,318 0,232 0,25 Ch.lity Lvv.lm(s-.1 ❑l,. ,., ,, ,,, PIANS Q 0,65 lm 1.56 1.42 1,22 1.01 0.634 0.692 0.61S 0.489 x I ,,, x 2.04 1,7s 1.61 1.39 1.17 0.979 0s24 o.7&2 0.5W 0,62 SAMPLING k AOU. > 10) CURVES FOR SINGLE .-!4 i.ovlim) k .--1 CHARACTERISTIC 0“1,, ,,, ,,, SAMPLING ,. pmc,ldl.) CURVES FDR SINGLE ,,s 1,1 IW&W, ,~ ml(lpl. ,-pll,, CtMRAC&TIC - TABULATED VALUES FIXE WRATING W.o F.(i” 0,010 (G-, - OPERATING WJALITYOF SU12WTHl L(T7S {p, 1. ~mrm! belccilm 1- AWL’. <10: i. ‘60recmperh+ 95,0 p. CNART Q X-Q — T~bIe~ for stimpie jize code letter: 0,,,,, .,, ,,. ,., ,., ,., ., ., TABLE X-O-1 , ,. m ❑ . m m m . . :m ?19CUI 0, m txmcrw mot Ucr?rrn,,., TABLE I 2.14 I.% 1.14 !,49 1.27 I,w 0.99s own x 1,0 2.U PIANS ,., I x 1,75 2.42 2,25 2.02 1,13 1.49 1.30 1.19 I .01 1,0 ) 0! u m: Acm$4nu - = = d,. pmlud u“ Olwl, ,0+*, = - R.\tctlm -t = 1.013 — u IU, *+* .bc. aim. 21 Sms 1,060 0,06s 3 1 Ism z 3 1 Ins — 14 03 l 1 * 6 1 s 9 1 s 3 4, 2 s 0,1s 61 46 36 1s 1 0s ● 6s 16 14 R. k 0,10 R* A. 0,10 4s 3s 24 03 ma ● 34 0s 23 01 1 t 02 It o I AC R, k. 963 II ~ lmll- lb. CR# 0.0% 1 P L% u“ P. R* Oo1o , . — . I R, B.033 z— 6s0 0.010 R (an. — — , I,O1O — (m-d 0,a x IqlmkOl o.n x 0,60 x 06s 10 13 11 16 Is 18 19 21 n 11 1? 16 x ‘nZo 1.0 333s 3939 x 393s 31 33 3s39 29 19=’ 330s 1s90 tsn nm 96s Ala 1 16 — Isa Em — 31$ ,4 Id.. c-v — 1$ 11 13 19 It 10 6 13 II I 28 3639 14 11 16 1 19 29 lb 1,0 19 31 a R, k 11 n 3395 10 11 12 la 11 11 In 30 nn 6 1s 12 11 4 11 16 18 9 1 M 16 R, h ~ 1 II * 15 14 6 10 39 06 Is 10 13 14 1 11 9 12 II Ioi 6 69 u 6 11 12 9 s 1 S6 11 9s 12 11 5- 10 A. 0,63 13 10 36 6 6! 04 II 31 c~ AC n. ~ Q 11 8 I 04 9P 37 70 s 4 7 s 6 no kafh 0,s0 SIZE COLM IfllIR, Il. AC R? h 0,1s b-lo PIANS FOR SAWLf Acc9pt66* 09dll, ! n. Aarpl-c. n U90 — s - x — - SAMPLING * m — Ma SW Ino — 1%9. 14” k udll#* ckJ&4* #** Tp d Mqsiq — TABL2 X-O-2 0.1 0.4 O,LUO 0,124 0,196 0,264 0.315 0,4m 0,2+.5 0,mm 0,11s O.lW 0.231 0.132 O.o1o 50.0 25,0 !0.0 so 1.0 0,(651 0.mM O,mm 0,040! 0.04w no 0,0170 P5.o 0,0218 0.s 0.26 n,.,, 1 VALU[S w.., n., O,dc,s O.W Owl N1.kd... 0,1$ 0.S26 0.334 0.10 0,311 0,W O,ms 0.2E4 0,211 0,127 0.181 0,)31 0,150 O.c+.m 0.C%?2 0,0412 0,10 ba”, Am,P,bl, x 0,, 0 I ti.,ls tltu. u 0.5 I .32 O,W 0.770 0,651 0s22 0.411 0,35I 0.3W I CURVES 0.279 x ,,, ,,, .**. 0,40 1.14 0.972 0.761 0,62.7 0.s21 0.132 O.lw 0.W5 x ,,, ,,, w I .27 1.W t .01 0,070 0.65 Is] 1.21 1,24 1.W O,w 0.933 0,644 0+.Z2 0,511 x 0,612 I ,,, PLANS 0.7U 0,51s 0,4d2 0,311 0,40 SAMPLING AOL’. > 10) FOR SINGLE ~, h“ndmd.“1,. I- Oi,h!e,ed i“,pcc, im) I .hl....41u!l .”l..m..-. l.m. Lm,l, 0,2$ 0,8m 0.172 0,650 0,540 0,133 0.342 0.?72 o.a5 0.175 x (m,m,l 1,. F.c, I.”) CNARACTER ISTIC Q.I.llt, 0..9m 0,627 0s09 0,004 O,m 0,290 0.731 O,lw 0,145 0,15 A...pblnln G.11,, FOR ‘OPERATING “ ,..., *,, R SAMPLING” PIANS ., pm<,i,,hld SINGLE 1“ r.rrcnl d,(<,,l.F I., AI)U. ~ 10, 1“ dek,. ,“ k.p,h,, I+, m,L“.,. I Am., l., “ml ,..pd-, 0.6 CURVES FIX m,l,lpl, ,,mpliq .* n.ctrhed,, .!..,1, CMRACmRISTIC lCUr.eS1., dnublcd - W’ERATING X.R — Tables /or sample, size code letter: Cl’ $1IIVIT7K11 L073 IV. - lABUIATED (Q1’11.ICY W,o o,m74] L X- R-1 0.1 CNART R p (1. Fmrrd dtfec,l.e or defect. pr h..dmd ❑i,.] 0.025 lABII 0,1 W.o P. ,, . . . !0 w a 00 . 1“0 19.9CIM1 or Wn Ltwcw. m 9L ,.,,,,7,,,! ( ,-, TABLE I x 1.?2 1.51 1.41 t.n I ,m 0,934 0,.912 0.145 O.dw 0,ti ,,, I ?j 1X1 . .* 65 ..* = = = Ac Re a Accept.mcemnber Rejection IIwnber AcceptMC pitted m IM* ●9+* dm. TABL.E X-S—Tables 3 3 3 0 1 1 2 3KI0 40CQ 4S03 m Multiple I 3 2 0 2400 2 2 2 m 2 0.025 x # w 1 0 ‘znCa Uca 1 A. 3130 cmu- S bnl 16UI Ml. Shgla TTPO of m+ir# p! u Aceqmblo @llw (Mrmd inspalkd /or sample size code letter: , Mlvsm-loss 6. 6 6.1 Inten&d Use. [email protected] p~ end tables for insperzionby attrti~tended to ke used in the aquj.sicim of Eefensennteria.1. Word)Listi.nq. 6.2 subjectTerm (I@?y Aceptable CuaMty Level (A(Z) merage ~goirq Qdality (~) Defect Dsfective Lat or Batch ProcessAversge Salrplilq Plan unit of Prcduct fran P-ous Issue. Vertkal changes 6.3 this revisionto icientify &mqes with the extm.siveneasof the rhanges. lines eesperx 67 O= to the asterisks pwlous ars not ussd issuedue to in r mL-SID-105S c#aJJDINc FmTzNAL PreparingActivity: Army-AR Custodians: Army-m Navy - OS Air For@ Review 23 Activities: (ProjectC?3C-0085) A=&’ -m, E& T’LAV, ER Navy - As, m, NC, m, s, SH, ‘ID,YD DLA - S.S,GS, SS OSD-IP, SO User Activities: Army-m D?&l - ES, SS 68 h ● wnLiauiIU cnmeau and ~tioca lft$~Ucm~s: -.rnttial -tietu Jkd. m rixid. l%is In bkak ==idv*. ~bk=. form may ●ffo!t to d OU? cIarIdmfiAiOa for im~m-nta. km doti.d. fotdm! dmu rho limo 6. be u #pacirIc u pmibko ●bout pu’ticub Ian. Ehwinbtak UUMIIOUI. or -u 6uIyrmMrkJn0t UkmOdwdgeamcltdfbumitodto i=omcukihlc. 0! miliwy imd-ti, uus on PIvpoad mtitnaapmirm~xofti you-wlixllodva kobtyoakmo. dON done DoD tioa b. +* -hick wordim ctunc_ docunma:. IWT fo? UIC in to wuride STWV.@. in~wion. woutd tidkc 7nfEttedout. ~ m the an bckn6 b) OF THE ARMY ●IJSNES ●n,v Fom (m COUUnmIbm”wcckuduldm . .. -uAt.Tv LbEI form am iariiad required dtkb lfbtock 111111 OWkCtAL Qr.xide9 docunxnfJ Imm such S8 wrdiw kblyau ah III. better, aadudu8 tvmd prc.blern A (P* OEPAFITLIENl daummb AU W- ATs IJSE UOa BUSINESS .PIR67 PO-AGE REPLY CLASS PERMIT NO. mom WILL BE P41O BV THE DEPARTMENT O C, OF THE ARMY Us. AmrYNu.swmr PISEMcH, D5ElJ3~ FmmxREFmKa??rER m: SKAR-arlc-s PICATIWNY~, NJ ‘“ I.iEd MAIL wASHINGTON 07806-5000 m HANDARDIZATION DOCUMENT ❑ NUMaE 2. 00 CUUENT MEL-~105E MAME OF DOCUMENT IMPROVEMENT (seeIiutnulimu . R+ side) TITLE SAMPUNG~ANDTABLES c.umutnttm PROPOSAL FCIRINSP~ICNBY~ OnuNIuTIOw 4. TYPE •1 OP 0RCANIZ4TION Clw, am-. ZIP C*) ❑ m,. u4N”E=Arr””E” ❑ ●ROeLllU . H) VENDOR l’-J aoonz”waamg’ (M+ OTHER (Stirj,, AREM r—, d Wmdlv k—wc9aikW . -/nmlOndo t. ~., ,? EMAFIES NAME h8A1L1NG fift OF SUBMITTER AODnE= FORM 4 fihf! it.-w lSfm.1, Hal. City, Ml) SUti, - ZIP Oc.,,mlti Cdl 8. - OothmU .“ ..,,----- s. .- .-. .- ——.—. ——- WOBK TELEPHONE Co&) - OATE 06 NUMBER O,ptl.w..l SUBMISSION fYYMMDD) (l”elud# .4- NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-STD-105E NOTICE 2 26 March 2001 SUPERSEDING NOTICE 1 27 February 1995 MILITARY STANDARD SAMPLING PROCEDURES AND TABLES FOR INSPECTION BY ATTRIBUTES MIL-STD-105E, dated 10 May 1989, is hereby canceled without replacement. Current DOD PREFERRED METHODS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF PRODUCTS are described in MIL-STD1916, dated 1 April 1996, and should be considered for future acquisitions. Custodians: Army – AR Navy – OS Air Force – 10 Preparing Activity: Army – AR (Project QCIC-0164) ASMC N/A AREA QCIC DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
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