Peru - MBA Student Exchange


Peru - MBA Student Exchange
 An invita(on to Peru For the MBA Immersion Trip Global Immersion 2015 •  President: Ollanta Humala (2011) •  Prime Minister: Ana Jara Velásquez (2014) •  Total area: 496,223 sq mi •  Coastline: 1, 500 miles •  Popula4on (2013 est.): 30.38 million (growth rate: 1.02%) •  Birth rate: 20/1000 •  Life expectancy: 74.52 (2012) •  Capital: Lima, 8.769 million •  Other large city: Arequipa •  Currency: Peruvian Nuevo Sol (1USD=2.85PEN) Source: h\p:// ECONOMY OVERVIEW •  GDP (PPP): (2013) –  $344.0 billion –  6.9% growth –  7.0% 5-­‐year compound annual growth –  $11,100 per capita –  GDP by sector: agriculture 6.2%, industry 37.5%, services 56.3% (2013 est.) •  Labor force: –  16.1 million –  By occupa(on: agriculture 25.8%, industry 17.4%, services 56.8% (2011) •  Unemployment: –  3.6% (2012) •  Infla4on (CPI): –  2.91% (2013) •  Popula4on below poverty line: –  25.8% (2013 est.) •  Industries: –  Industry: Mining of metals, petroleum, fishing, tex(les, clothing, food processing –  Agriculture: Coffee, co\on, sugarcane, rice; poultry; fish, fruit –  Exports: Fish and fish products, gold, copper, zinc, crude petroleum and byproducts Source: h\ps://­‐world-­‐factbook/graphics/flags/large/pe-­‐lgflag.gif h\p:// About Peru •  Peru, formerly known as the land of the Incas, is the home of an ancient civiliza(on which thrived from the 12th century to the 16th century •  Peru is the 5th largest country in La(n America. •  Summer in Peru begins in December and it con(nues all through April. •  More than 60% of its people live in coastal areas, where the average temperature in the winter is 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Peru Weather Peru Lima •  Established in 1535 •  Popula(on: 9.13 million (2012) – the largest, most populous city in Peru •  Area: 1,032 square miles (2,672 km²) •  Summer: December-­‐April, Winter: May-­‐November •  Mean temperature in February is 73° F •  Time difference is -­‐1 hour •  Industrial and financial center of Peru, and one of the most important financial centers in La(n America •  Colleges and Universi(es: Pon(fical Catholic University of Peru Lima 2014 Mee(ngs •  ADEX (Peru’s Exporters Associa(on) •  BBVA Con(nental (mul(na(onal banking group) •  Canadian Mining Company •  Pragma (brand group) •  Quicorp (pharmaceu(cal products) •  Sodimac (home improvement store chain) •  Wayra (entrepreneur presenta(on) Ques(ons? 

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