go.biwako(P1-10) - Go! Central Japan


go.biwako(P1-10) - Go! Central Japan
(Lake Biwa)
Shiga Prefecture is located roughly in the center of the Japanese archipelago.
It is the site of Biwako, Japan’s most well-known lake.
The largest lake in the country,
Biwako covers 670 square kilometers and holds 27.5 billion tons of water.
It supports the lives and businesses of 14 million people in the region,
including Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe in addition to Shiga Prefecture.
Biwako is said to be the mother lake.
It is one of the few lakes in the world known to have a history dating back
four million years,
and it has helped nourish a broad spectrum of living creatures.
Finfish, shellfish, the flowers of the lakeshore, wildfowl,
and we human beings have shared our lives with this bountiful lake since
ancient times.
Shiga, the land of water,
has created a climate of abundance with this lake over the years.
Home of Biwako,
The Mother Lake
The reason
we love “Biwako”
The Environment
The Arts
Traditional Crafts
Shiga Travel Directory
Where do you want to go when you visit Japan? Of
course, Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka come to mind, but how
about Shiga Prefecture? Where do you think the largest
lake in Japan is? It is in Shiga, the Mother Lake, BIWAKO!
You can enjoy nature, culture, art, food, and many other
things in Shiga. But, that’s not all; the people who love
Biwako are the treasures of Shiga. Biwako is beautiful and
touches our hearts. Why don’t you come and experience
Biwako with us? It will be great!
Hundreds of expressions
of Biwako
The Mother Lake Biwako contains various treasures. The beauty
depends on where you are and what time it is. Biwako is always
changing and gives you a chance to see many different views of
her beauty. Everyone can enjoy the beauty that lasts only for a
refreshment, and calming feelings. Give a glance at “your”
Biwako. How does it look?
Have a cruise on the Michigan with the Lake Biwa-ko Cruise.
Another scene of Biwako is there, waiting for you. Enjoy Biwako
in your own style and you will be sure to find “your” charming
Lake Biwa-ko Cruise
ADDRESS: 5-1-1 Hamaotsu, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Otsu Sta., 15min on foot
PHONE: 077-522-4115
URL: http://www.biwakokisen.co.jp/english/
Shirahige Jinja Shrine
ADDRESS: 215 Ukawa, Takashima City
ACCESS: From JR Omi-Takashima Sta., 5min by taxi
PHONE: 0740-36-1555
URL: http://shirahigejinja.com/
Energy under the silence
The sun pushes up from the dark and lights up the world.
Many animals are awakened by the brightness and start their
day. The sun gives us energy and power to go through the day.
If you stand on the west side of Biwako, you can see the rising
sun across the lake.
Open your sleepy eyes and visit the Shirahige Jinja Shrine or
Ukimido Temple tomorrow morning. A breathtaking view will
open up in front of your eyes. The sunrise over Biwako will give
you enough energy to overcome anything.
Ukimido (Mangetsuji Temple)
ADDRESS: 1-16-18 Honkatata, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Katata Sta., 7min by bus
(get off at "Katata Demachi")
Hieizan Enryakuji Temple
ADDRESS: 4220 Sakamoto-Honmachi, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Hieizan-Sakamoto Sta.,
20min on foot until the Sakamoto Cable Car
PHONE: 077-578-0001
URL: http://www.hieizan.or.jp/pdf/english.pdf
Biwako Valley
ADDRESS: 1547-1 Kido, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Shiga Sta., 10min by bus
(get off at "Biwako Valley")
PHONE: 077-592-1155
URL: http://www.biwako-valley.com/
Refreshing air dance overhead
When the sun comes up, blue skies, white clouds, green
leaves and the life of Biwako can be seen. Climb up a mountain
and close your eyes. Feel the breeze; listen to the birds singing
and the leaves rustling in the wind. And then, command a view
of the Mother Lake, Biwako.
From Mt. Hiei you can see Biwako and its peoples’ living. You
can understand how they live together. Go to Biwako Valley to
look over Biwako. It will tell you how huge it is and it’s Mother
Lake. Enjoy the various colors around Biwako and feel the rich
Hieizan Enryakuji Temple
- A UNESCO World Heritage Site
Hieizan Enryakuji Temple has a history of more than 1200 years. It is on Mt. Hiei, which
is on the border of Shiga and Kyoto. The Temple has been registered as a UNESCO
World Heritage Site because of its rich history and tradition.
Enjoy the view of Biwako
while driving and cycling
To truly enjoy Shiga Prefecture it is necessary to rent a car.
You can have a pleasant drive along the roads alongside Biwako or enjoy a great view from
Mt. Hiei’s parkways. There are also many places to stop and visit like temples, noted cherry
blossom viewing spots and places to see the fall colors.
Come to Shiga Prefecture by train and travel around in a rented car, which you can rent in
front of most stations, such as Otsu Station or Hikone Station. If you have a car, you can visit
Cycling is another way to travel the shores of Biwako. There are rental cycle services near
some stations and hotels. Electric bicycles can be rented too, so you can enjoy cycling if
beautiful wind around Biwako.
Moreover, you can travel to the three islands on Biwako by ferry. There is a very different and
beautiful view of Biwako from these islands.
You can choose how to enjoy Biwako. Which way best suits you?
Kohokucho Waterfowl Park
ADDRESS: Imanishi, Kohoku-cho, Nagahama City
ACCESS: From JR Kawake Sta., 15min by bus
(get off at "Kohokucho Town Bus Yacho Center")
PHONE: 0749-79-1289
URL: http://www.biwa.ne.jp/~kohoku-s/chiiki/kank_kouen.htm
Just sit by
After a long journey, let your feet take you to the Kohoku
Waterfowl Park. Let time pass you by. The blue sky will turn
orange as the sun changes to gold. The golden sun even
makes the blue Biwako turn gold. In the gold and black world,
silhouettes of plants, islands, birds and all of nature leads your
heart to silence. Feel free and relaxed.
If you drive along Biwako, you can enjoy the sun while it sets.
Calm, quiet air completes your journey and will leave you with
a great memory of Biwako.
Your body awakes
to the charm of “Biwako”
Imagine: You're a bird flying high over Biwako. You can enjoy
a panoramic view of Biwako and feel the grandeur of its natural
surroundings. So why don't you try zip-lining at Biwako Valley?
You can zip-line about 3600 feet down Mount Horai.
Is it scary? No way! It is thrilling and exciting for everyone. Come
experience zip-lining for yourself. It is the only way to know how it feels.
Biwako Valley
ADDRESS: 1547-1 Kido, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Shiga Sta., 10min by bus
(get off at "Biwako Valley")
PHONE: 077-592-1155
URL: http://www.biwako-valley.com/
ADDRESS: 5-265-1 Ogoto, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Ogoto-onsen Sta.,
15min on foot
PHONE: 077-579-7111
URL: http://www.o-pal.com/
BSC Watersports Centre
are universal
Splash! Splash! Splash! Relax in Biwako. Many children
will gather at Biwako and enjoy water sports, camping and
international communication. Children can gain international
understanding through interacting with children from other
ADDRESS: 4-1 Minamifunaji, Otsu City
ACCESS: From JR Horai Sta., 6min on foot
PHONE: 077-592-0127
URL: http://www.bscjapan.info/
countries. Staff are available to help you in your own language.
You can have fun wakeboarding or doing other water sports.
There are no borders between countries. Our smiles say it all!
…Splish! Splash!