Wales` Tales - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Wales` Tales - Trinity Presbyterian Church
2015 4746 SW 21st St., Topeka KS 66604 Wales’ Tales Colored leaves go dancing Down the wind-blown street. Kids make preparations For yelling “Trick or Treat!” Smoke curls out of chimneys As the days grow cool, Time to take the screens down, Cover up the pool. Memories come flooding As the days go past Bringing back the moments of shadows that were cast by the words of loved ones, Laughter, joy and tears, All the things which happened In the passing years. Shadows by the window, Meals spread cross the board, All the hopes of living Wishing we could hoard All the cherished fun times Living does provide, Thinking of the loved ones Who once did sit beside. Cuddled ‘neath the blanket Spread upon the laps, Putting on warm mittens And soft woolen caps, Walking in the twilight, Watching the sun set, Filled with autumn color Times we can’t forget. Staring at the stars above, In the chilly night, Recognizing God’s sure love, Delighting in the sight of wonder and renewal, of joy that will not cease, sharing in the comfort of God’s unending… Peace, Alex Trinity Worship Attendance 09/27 10/04 10/11 145 130 135 10/18 10/25 143 144 WO RSHIP SCRIPTURE - NOVEMBER 2015 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29 th Ps alm 24; Revelati on 21 :1 -6a Ps alm 127; Mark 1 2:3 8 -44 1 Samuel 1:4 -20; Mark 1 3 :1 -8 Ps alm 13 2; Revelati on 1:4b -8 Jeremiah 33 :14 -16; 1 Thessaloni ans 3 :9 -13 MORE INSIDE… Birthdays/Anniversaries ............................................... 2 Sanctuary Flower Ministry ........................................... 2 Session Highlights........................................................... 2 Card Shower...................................................................... 2 Men’s Group ....................................................................... 3 Liturgist for November ................................................. 3 Thanks ................................................................................. 3 Pastor Nominating Committee ..................................... 3 VOLUNTEER NEEDED ................................................... 3 Endowment Committee................................................... 4 Topeka JUMP .................................................................... 4 Finance Matters ............................................................... 4 Fellowship Committee..................................................... 5 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED, Fellowship Friday Property Committee ....................................................... 5 November Calendar ......................................................... 6 Deacons - Poinsettia Plants Orders ........................... 7 Christian Education Classifieds ............................ 8-12 Trunk or Treat, Grand Day, El Salvador Visitor, Karen Brown Retires, Triniteen Youth News, Fire Alarm, PNK Resource Cmte, Christmas Pageants, SRG’s, Book Learnings Mission Committee .................................................. 12-14 Parish Nurse - Spotlight ............................................. 15 Peacemaking Committee .............................................. 16 See up-to-date information on Trinity’s website: Trinity Church office phone: 272-2620 Email: [email protected] Page 2 TALKING TRINITY If your birthday or anniversary does not appear on these lists, please contact the office. Date information may be needed. SANCTUARY FLOWER MINISTRY OCTOBER 2015 Flowers were provided to the glory of God on the: 4th by Mary Nestor in loving celebration of Shirley Burnett for her birthday. 11th by Bruce & Kelly Voigt in loving honor of their anniversary. 18th by Jim & Ruth Jenkins in loving honor of their 50th wedding anniversary. 25th by Randall Scott & Kay Graham Scott in loving honor of their wedding anniversary. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 01-Nov Blair Armstrong 01-Nov Taelyn Young 03-Nov Ainsley Wallace 03-Nov Annie Leahew 06-Nov Gene Stauffer SESSION HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE OCTOBER 21 MEETING 06-Nov Carmen Raines 08-Nov Kristin Chooncharoen 10-Nov Karen Leon 10-Nov Lynn Weaver 10-Nov Brandon Corneliusen 12-Nov Gerald Adcock 12-Nov Dan Hughes 12-Nov Sergio Cisneros 14-Nov Chuck Linn 15-Nov Toni Farrell-Higgins 16-Nov Bruce Livingstone 17-Nov Craig Stafford 18-Nov Becky Jones 20-Nov Kelli Alcantar 20-Nov Alex Lathrop 20-Nov Benjamin Lathrop 22-Nov Vicky Walters 24-Nov Ed Raines 25-Nov Judi Botros NOVEMBER 2015 Property Committee gave an update of the response to the flood issues in the basement. Several issues have been resolved and several more will be addressed in the near future. The high demand of construction work in Topeka requires some basement issues to be on hold for three to four months. Approval was given to Becky Schooler and Ann Fincham to serve as Trinity’s Depositors. Session thanked Scott Anderson and Karen Leon for their service as outgoing Depositors. Approval was given to the Mission Committee’s request to distribute the following Mission funds from money received from the Carl Dell Estate: Doorstep $2,000.00 Marian Clinic 2,000.00 Topeka Rescue Mission 2,000.00 Let's Help 2,000.00 Harvesters 2,000.00 Presbyterian General Mission 5,000.00 Presbyterian Disaster Fund 10,000.00 Los Talpetates Scholarships 4,000.00 Trini Teens for Mission Trips 2,000.00 TOTAL $31,000.00 26-Nov Enid Hickman 26-Nov Madison Hughes 27-Nov Dora Starkey 28-Nov Debra Stufflebean 28-Nov Breton Sloop 30-Nov William Ashley 02-Nov Gene & Jessie Zimmerman 08-Nov Carl & Barb Lundquist 18-Nov Susan & Anton Stickley 20-Nov Carol & Bruce Inloes Card Shower and Reception for Karen Brown Karen Brown has been Trinity’s dedicated nursery attendant for 30 years and has decided to retire on November 22nd. Let’s shower her with cards of thanks as we wish her well in her retirement. Please join us that day for a reception immediately after worship to honor and recognize Karen for her leadership and work for our church. A card basket will be available. NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY MEN’S GROUP Trinity men are invited to weekly meetings of the Men’s Group to watch the MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL GAME. The meetings start at 7:30, and you can come late, leave early, or enjoy the whole game. You can bring a friend too. Check the church online calendar for the weekly locations or contact Dennis Williams at 228-2771 or [email protected]. Announcements of the meeting locations also will be included in the The Candle. The host provides drinks and a friendly atmosphere. The host may also provide a food dish, although this is not required, because the other participants bring their favor snacks, munchies, or sweets. LITURGISTS FOR NOVEMBER 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th Cami Raines Kaden Stevenson Jon Farrell-Higgins Ben Latrhop Deacon Oroke If you would like to be a liturgist, please contact Alice Langley at [email protected] or Marvin Burris at [email protected]. Kathy, Alex, Becky, and Deacons, Ralph and I would like to thank you for the prayers, calls, visits, flowers and cards. One doesn't realize how important those things are until they are on the receiving end. We would also like to tell everyone how much we have appreciated all the cards, calls and visits. Trinity members have been very attentive to both of us and that has meant a lot. Ralph is continuing to improve and is looking forward to getting back on his feet in a few weeks. Thank you, Kay and Ralph Page 3 Pastor Nominating Cmte Another month has passed and it is again time for the PNC report detailing the committee’s work as we “walk with God” to find Trinity’s next pastor. I’m sure you have been as hopeful as I that this process would be fast and that God would present us with the perfect candidate. God has answered our prayers. I am pleased to announce that we have found a candidate and she is very excited about the possibility of coming to Trinity. We have had several phone and Skype interviews with Rev. Karen (Kate) Huddelson of Gaylord, Michigan, and we were impressed with her faith story, her past work experiences, her friendliness, and her knowledge of Trinity. We offered “a call” to Rev. Kate a few weeks ago after hearing her preach at another church in the Presbytery. She accepted that call and has been approved by the Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry. Now, we want to give you the chance to meet her and hear her preach for the Session has called for a congregational meeting following worship on Sunday, November 15th. Rev. Kate will be arriving in Topeka on Friday, November 13th, and will be attending Fellowship Friday that evening. Keep alert for more news about Rev. Kate and her visit. Praise be to a God who provides all that we need and more. VOLUNTEER NEEDED for Trinity Web Administrator Scott Anderson will be vacating his position as Trinity’s Web Administrator at the end of this year. If anyone would like to assume this position, please contact Dennis Williams. The main responsibilities of the position are to maintain and manage Trinity’s website and e-mail accounts, serve as the liaison to Trinity’s webmaster, and perform miscellaneous information technology duties. Page 4 TALKING TRINITY NOVEMBER 2015 ENDOWMENT COMMITTEE GIVE GENEROUSLY “Give generously to God and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to.” In our busy world, there are so many places that tempt us to put our money where our wants are. And sometimes it is so hard to resist. They all look and sound good. They fit our needs. They fulfill our wishes. But when we stand in God’s presence, we re-examine where we would put our wealth. If Trinity Presbyterian Church has played a vital role in your life—in times of joy and difficulty—you can help to continue its vital ministry and mission. Your generosity—gifts made during your lifetime and bequests from your estate to the Trinity Endowment Fund—enables Trinity to meet those goals. The Endowment Committee honors the generous gifts of Bud and Becky Spencer, Carl and Pat Dell, and anonymous donors toward Trinity's future. The Endowment Committee invites you to learn more at its website: HOUSE MEETING RESULTS: Thank you to all who attended Trinity’s JUMP house meetings. A total of 52 Trinity members attended and shared their community concerns which included lack of adequate affordable housing, pay day loans, poor roads, homeless families, and crime. The concerns of all 18 churches were categorized and on October 15th JUMP Teams narrowed the concerns to three areas: Housing and Neighborhoods, Economic Exploitation and Crime and Drugs. On Nov. 3, JUMP Network Members will vote on which of these three areas to research. Update on Last Year’s Campaign: Mental Health Last year’s campaign was in the area of Mental Health. The goal was to increase employment opportunities in Shawnee County for those with mental illnesses. JUMP challenged the Shawnee County Commission to adopt the expansion of the Supported Employment program administered by Valeo Behavioral Health Care. The commission agreed that the program was important and increased Valeo’s budget $100,000. In September 2015, Valeo expanded the program by an additional 25 people. Follow up on this campaign continues and Topeka JUMP is challenging Valeo to develop a plan to expand the program by an additional 75 people in 2016. Topeka JUMP Receives Award: On Saturday, Oct. 17th, Topeka JUMP was awarded the "Service to Consumers" award by NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) at their Annual Conference. It is gratifying to be recognized by such an esteemed organization for our work with mental health. FINANCE MATTERS 2015. We are not quite at the end of the year, but please begin thinking about completing your 2015 pledges and gifts to Trinity before Sunday, December 27, 2015. The timeliness of your gifts is appreciated in order for the Financial Secretary to correctly process and record them. 2016. If you are considering pre-paying any or all of your 2016 pledge, please be sure to clearly mark your gift as ‘2016 Pledge’ to ensure it is correctly recorded. If you are considering a gift of mutual funds or appreciated securities, please contact me when you make the transaction. Our broker will notify me of the amount of the sale and the name of the stock, but I have no way of knowing the owner or purpose of the fund or stock gift. Knowing ahead of time about your gift helps me track the transaction. Trinity suggests you begin to initiate your transfers by Friday, December 4, 2015, to allow sufficient time to process your gift. Contact the F INANCIAL S ECRETARY , S USAN B OZEMAN , by phone 272-3568 or by email to [email protected] if you have any questions. NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY Page 5 FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE Come and enjoy Fellowship Friday, November 13th! Movie Night and Chili Cook Off at Trinity! We will be watching the movie "THE LEGO". Also we will have a Chili Cook Off for the best Chili Recipe. A $10.00 gift card for the winner! Critics say: " The Lego" movie is a fun adventure with heart and originality that everyone regardless of age should experience" The time is 6:00 PM. Sign up sheet will be in the Lobby. Mark your calendar, make the best crockpot of Chili, along with sides and enjoy a fun evening together! Come meet Rev. Kate and enjoy talking and meeting with her over a bowl of Chili!!! PROPERTY COMMITTEE Come One, Come All to the Trinity Workday! You can perform All Saintly duties on Sunday, November 1, with an afternoon of cleaning and light maintenance work for Trinity. Cleaning supplies will be available, but feel free to bring your favorite cleaners and tools. Lunch will be provided following the service, so please plan to join us at on November 1 from 11:30 for the Trinity all Church Workday. We hope you’ll stay until the work is through, or as long as your are able! Page 6 TALKING TRINITY NOVEMBER 2015 NOVEMBER Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Pastor Alex (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:30 PM Men's Group MIchael Langfitt 3 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:00 PM Mission Committee (Alex's ofc) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 5:45 PM Deacons Mtg (P) 6:00 PM Peacemaking Cmte (Alex ofc) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 7:00 PM PNC Mtg (rm 12) 4 9:15 AM Rebekah Circle (Lexington PK Ind.lvg) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 1:30 PM Mary Ruth Circle (P) 6:00 PM Property (Rm. 12) 6:45 PM Esther Circle (rm 14) starts at 7 7:00 PM Evangelism (P) 5 NO Square Dance Lessons 11:30 AM Bible Connections (P) 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 6 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 1:00 PM TDC Pie Delivery (Lobby) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 7 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 9:00 AM Terminex 8 No Endowment Cmte mtg 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP GRAND-DAY SUNDAY 11:30 AM Grand Day Lunch (F,K) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 9 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Pastor Alex (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:30 PM Men's Group - Craig Stafford 10 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 4:45 PM Serve at Rescue Mission 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 6:00 PM Worship Cmte (Alex ofc) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 11 Veterans Day 12:00 PM Lunch Bunch (P) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 4:00 PM Visioning Cmte (Alex ofc) 7:00 PM Finance Cmte (P) 12 11:30 AM Bible Connections (P) 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:15 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 13 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 6:00 PM FELLOWSHIP FRIDAY-CHILI COOKOFF/ LEGO MOVIE (FH, K) 14 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 6:00 PM (set up) 7-9:30pm Friendship Squares-Dance (FH) 15 9:00 AM Ask the Nurse/BP Checks (Nrs Ofc) 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP-RAKE SUNDAY 11:30 AM CALLED CONGREGATIONAL MEETING (S) 11:30 AM Fellowship Committee (P) 11:30 AM RAKE lunch and raking (F,K) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 16 TALKING TRINITY ARTICLE DEADLINE 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Pastor Alex (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:30 PM Men's Group - Greg Lee 17 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM TDC Board Meeting (Rm 12) 5:30 PM TDC Board Mtg (Rm 12) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 18 12:00 PM ROMEOs 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 7:00 PM Session (FH) 19 11:30 AM Bible Connections (P) 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:15 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 20 9:00 AM Serve at Let's Help 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 1:00 PM FOLD/MAIL TALKING TRINITY (P) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 21 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 22 Christ the King Sunday HANGING OF THE GREENS 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP 11:30 AM Karen Brown Retirement Reception (FH, P, K) 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 23 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Pastor Alex (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:30 PM Men's Group - Bob Fincham 7:30 PM Personnel Cmte (Alex's ofc) 24 25 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM THE HEAT 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (Kickboxing) (FH) (FH) 1:00 PM Harvester's (215 SE Quincy) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 7:00 PM Alex at VIDA 26 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED LELC/TDC CLOSED NO Choirs NO MEETINGS OR EXERCISE CLASSES NO Square Dance Lessons Thanksgiving Day 27 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED LELC/TDC CLOSED NO Aerobics 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 28 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 1:00 PM TDC Dir. mtg (Rm 12) 29 1st Day of Advent 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIP 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 30 12:00 PM THE HEAT (ZUMBA) (FH) 12:05 PM Brown Bag Bible Study with Pastor Alex (P) 1:00 PM Sticks 'n String (P) 5:30 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 6:15 PM Men's Bible Study (P) 6:15 PM The HEAT-Pilates Fusion (FH) 7:30 PM Men's Group Dennis Williams 1 SEND ANNUAL REPORT & EARLY TT DUE DATE REMINDERS 10:00 AM Staff Meeting (p) 12:00 PM The HEAT Yoga (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm 13/14) 5:00 PM Mission Committee (Alex's ofc) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-ZUMBA (FH) 5:45 PM Deacons Mtg (P) 6:00 PM Peacemaking Cmte (Alex ofc) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 7:00 PM PNC Mtg (rm 12) 3 11:30 AM Bible Connections (P) 12:00 PM The HEAT-Pilates (FH) 5:00 PM Yoga (Rm 13/14) 5:30 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval Low(FH) 6:10 PM Nursery Open 6:15 PM THE HEAT-Cardio Interval High (FH) 6:30 PM Bell Choir (Rm 9) 7:15 PM Square Dance Lessons (FH) 7:30 PM Choir (Ch Rm) 4 12:00 PM The HEAT Kickboxing (FH) 4:00 PM Aerobics (Rm13/14) 5 8:00 AM The HEATKickboxing (FH) 9:00 AM Terminex 6:00 PM (set up) 7-9:30pm Friendship Squares-Dance (FH) 1 All Saints Day Daylight-Saving Time Ends Triniteens in Junction City: PNK Youth Clusters TRINITY WORKDAY (Cleaning) 9:15 AM Nursery Open 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM WORSHIPCOMMUNION 3:30 PM Vespers at Presby Manor 4:00 PM THE HEAT (YOGA) (FH) 2 9:15 AM Rebekah Circle (Lexington PK Ind.lvg) 12:00 PM THE HEAT (Kickboxing) (FH) 1:30 PM Mary Ruth Circle (P) 6:00 PM Property (Rm. 12) 6:45 PM Esther Circle (rm 14) starts at 7 7:00 PM Evangelism (P) NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY Page 7 D E A C O N S Poinset tia Plants Christmas is a special time of celebration in the life of the church and you may wish to dedicate a Poinsettia plant in memory or appreciation of a loved one. The Trinity Deacons are taking Poinsettia orders beginning November 1 through November 29. Plants are $8.00 each. Order forms are available at the Welcome Center, the church office, or Sunday ushers. The dedications will be listed in worship service flyers. If you have questions, please call Muriel McClenny at 785 -286-1308. Page 8 TALKING TRINITY NOVEMBER 2015 C h r i s t i a n E d u c a t io n C la s s if i e d s TRUNK OR TREAT Thanks to the many people who helped make Trunk or Treat a huge success. Approximately 470 people attended this event! SUNDAY, OCT. 25 It was BOO-tiful day!!! Trinity’s “Grand” Day --- Prize for best trunk - THE Heat (3748) Prize for most original 3658 (Smelser's) The Grill Crew - (3421) Sunday, November 8 Children bring your GRANDparent or GRAND friend GRANDparents bring your GRANDkids to: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. - Worship at 10:30 a.m. - Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Grandparents now is the time to invite your grandchildren to spend the weekend with you. If you would like to adopt a GRANDparent or GRANDchild for the day, please contact Karen Meenen at 272-2620. Have a GRAND time at Trinity’s “GRAND” day! Last year’s fun!!! NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY Page 9 C h r i s t i a n E d u ca t io n C la s s if i e d s - C o n t in u e d INTRODUCING KAREN BROWN, RETIRING NURSERY ATTENDANT Matthew 18:5New International Version (NIV) And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. Many of you already know me, some even before I came to serve God in Trinity’s nursery, but because I’m in the nursery during Sunday School and Worship, some have never met me. Now’s your chance! Welcoming all God’s children to Trinity’s nursery has been a joyous mission for me. God seemed to have prepared me well. I grew up in the Presbyterian Church, with fond memories of children’s choir and confirmation class in Joplin and Bible School in Denver. During high school, I visited many different churches in Kansas City with my family and we joined the Village Congregational Church. After high school, I returned to the Presbyterian Church in Denver. During college, I met and married a Methodist, and I joined the University United Methodist Church when we returned to Topeka. There I taught Junior High Sunday School and co-directed the Bible School. I also served as Doorstep Coordinator and as the liaison between the church and the new University Child Development Center, where I was an assistant teacher. I attended Washburn University my freshman year where I became involved in Wesley Foundation, Interfaith Council, and the Methodist Student Movement as editor of the state newsletter. I graduated from KSU in American Literature and took courses in Psychology, where I translated articles by Jean Piaget as they came out in the French Journal of Psychology, and in Urban Sociology. I spent a summer working with children at a Methodist settlement house in St. Louis, then a summer teaching Head Start at a daycare center in Kansas City, Kansas. I later took courses in teaching at Washburn. I have worked at the Washburn business office, Children’s Department of the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, Boys and Girls Club Library/Learning Center, Latch-Keyboard Project, and more. I have edited several books for Kansas authors and joined Kansas Authors Club. As president of District 1, I organized the state Centennial Convention in 2004. I enjoy writing poetry and plan to write more. When I came to Trinity 30 years ago, I was newly divorced with three young boys, Andrew (age 9), Toby (6), and Galen (4). My adopted son Joey (19) was living with AIDS away from home and died in 1992, so most of you never knew him. Trinity welcomed my younger boys with open arms to Sunday School classes, worship, and youth activities, so they grew up at Trinity. Many thanks for the support you have given them and me through the years. We especially appreciate the prayers Trinity people have offered for my grandson Kavan. Andy and Larissa now live in Lawrence with their children Donovan (7), Brogan (6), Brendan (4), and Lillian (1). Andy graduated from Washburn and earned his master’s in social work from KU. He serves as director of Lawrence’s suicide hotline. Toby graduated from Cornell College in Iowa and has been a stay-at-home dad for Kavan (13) and Anabelle (11). Toby now works for his church handling with finances and leading small groups. Angela teaches high school French. Galen has recently moved from Phoenix to Lawrence and works at a plastics molding company in Olathe. He and Sarah have two boys, Levi (5) and Evan (3). I look forward now to spending more time with my grandchildren, especially Christmas Eve. Trinity’s nursery has grown and changed through the years, and I wish you grace in the years to come. I especially appreciate all the wonderful volunteers who helped to welcome children to Trinity. I’ll miss telling Bible stories, planning activities, sharing books, and caring for our precious children. I have so many wonderful memories I can’t begin to share them all here. God bless you all! R E M I N DE R : P le a s e j o i n u s N o v. 2 2 n d f o r a r e c e pt i o n i m m e d i at e l y af t e r wo r s h i p t o h o n o r a n d r e c o g n i z e K a r e n f o r h e r le a d e r s h i p a n d wo r k fo r o u r c h u r c h . A c a rd b a s k e t w i l l b e ava i l a b le . Page 10 TALKING TRINITY NOVEMBER 2015 C h r i s t i a n E d u ca t io n C la s s if i e d s - C o n t in u e d NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY Page 11 C h r i s t i a n E d u ca t io n C la s s if i e d s - C o n t in u e d HALLOWEEN - ALL HALLOW’S EVE - ALL SAINT’S DAY Just before Trunk or Treat, the Youth talked about Halloween with Pastor Alex, and did you know... All Hallow's Eve was the Christian preparation for All Saint's Day (Nov. 1) Halloween was the night when all the dead would rise to meet the return of Jesus for Judgement and then join the Saints for the celebration! Children began going out as beggars to collect the harvest overflow for the needy, hence the development of "trick or treat", although the question was originally "Anything for Halloween?" (Hallow Eve). It's one of two Christian celebrations that often had celebrants in costume. The other one is ... yes, Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) when sweets were eaten before beginning a fast and probably why candy became a treat for both holidays. We connect the ghosts and goblins to the resurrection of the dead, when sheets were worn to replicate Ghosts. We had a great discussion and thought you'd like to know some of the history. Day Care Fire Alarm Practice Evacuation It is amazing how quickly 55 children can evacuate a building! The PNK Resource Center Committee Tr i n i t y ' s C h r i s t m a s Pa g e a n t i s S u n d ay , De c e m b e r 6 a t 4 : 0 0 p . m . J o i n u s fo r t h e y o u t h A d v e n t Pa g e a n t “ Do u b l e Ta ke ” fo l l o w e d b y t h e c h i l d re n ' s A d v e n t Pa g e a n t “ O r n a me n t s A l i v e . ” A t 4 : 4 5 p m e n j o y a g re a t d i n n e r a t Tr i n i t y ' s a n n u a l c h i l i s u p p e r , w h e re t h e mo n ey ra i s e d s u p po r t s o u r y o u t h m i s s i o n t r i p s . S R G’s Significant Relational Groups We have a blast at square dance/line dance lessons. Oct 22 was an optional dress in costumes. Melissa Blysma (3241) won the best halloween costume as Thor! Our current group meets Thursdays at 7:15 p. We will start beginning square dance/line dance lessons again in the near future (are looking at a Monday or Tuesday night). Questions contact Karen Meenen. Page 12 TALKING TRINITY NOVEMBER 2015 C h r i s t i a n E d u ca t io n C la s s if i e d s - C o n t in u e d F OR YOU R CA LENDAR! On November 8, we will have a visitor from El Salvador visiting with us. Carmen will bring us up-to-date information about the effects of the drought, the latest on what's going on in El Tapetates, and how our support is helping keep things going in the area. We don't get many opportunities to have a face to face meeting and Carmen is delighted to be with us on that Sunday Morning. She will be speaking to a combined class in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. and everyone is invited to attend. She will also have a brief time during worship to bring greetings from our friends an co-workers in El Salvador, but the 9:30 time will allow you to interact with her. Plan to be a part of that day! The 2nd 6 Chapters (7-12) of this book continue to take excerpts from Joseph’s life, review them, and apply them to the reader. Chapter 7 finds Max Lucado relating difficulties: “Some people once knocked down never get up. They stay on the mat – beaten, bitter, and broken. Others, however, are like the inflatable Bozo the Clown – and keep on bouncing back. . . . Jospeh was like the inflatable Bozo and “he lived with the awareness that God was active, able, and up to something significant.” In later chapters 2 Cor 4:17 is referenced: “Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” Max goes on to relate that “Gratitude gets us through the hard stuff. To reflect on our blessings is to rehearse God’s accomplishments. To rehearse God’s accomplishments is to discover God’s heart. To discover God’s heart is to discover not just good gifts but the Good Giver. Gratitude always leaves us looking at God and away from dread. It does to anxiety what the morning sun does to valley mist. It burns it up. Join the ranks of the 10% who give God a standing ovation. Eph 5:20 Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” May you be refreshed in your spirit by reading this excerpt as I was in reading the chapters. Your Sister in Jesus the Christ, Bev Lutz MISSION COMMITTEE Trinity serves on: Tuesday, Nov. 10 a t 4 : 4 5 p.m. November 24 Trinity serves on: Friday Nov. 20 at 9 a.m. Sign up on the lobby bulletin board NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY Page 13 JOIN US!!! - NOVEMBER 15 - For R.A.K.E. Random Act of Kindness Event Sunday, November 15 11:30 - Lunch in Fellowship Hall 12:15 - Teams of Rakers head to Trinity Yards Please plan to join the team of RAKERS for our annual leaf clearing of a few Trinity members' yards on November 15. After a light lunch, our rake teams will head to yards to collect and bag leaves from until about 2pm. We will again be mulching leaves so need pick-up trucks for collecting and transporting the bags. Needed that Sunday: Leaf Rakers and leaf picker-uppers!! Several persons to set up the lunch buffet and clean-up afterward Cookies baked and brought to the kitchen by Nov 15 Drivers and trucks for hauling Bag holders for those whose backs cannot let them rake For more information, call or email Vicky Walters, 213-2342, [email protected]. And don't forget to wear your jeans to church that Sunday!!! DOORSTEP The holiday season is here! The first week of November our neighbors in need who cannot afford to provide a Christmas for their families will be signing up at the Christmas Bureau. Doorstep will adopt 250 households for our Christmas Store from this sign up process. These are families and individuals who meet the federal poverty guidelines. They are working, but not making a living wage; they are disabled, they are struggling to provide the basic needs of life for their families. Within these 250 households we will provide Christmas for an average of 700 individuals and we will need your help! We need help with gifts and clothing for all ages; we need help with the purchase of the food we provide for each household; we need help with volunteers December 13th – 17th. Our Christmas Store is a unique experience and different from anything else we do at Doorstep! It is such an uplifting experience and you can’t help but feel good about your time spent volunteering there! Please mark your calendars and watch for our flyers on specific days and times for volunteering. Doorstep’s Christmas Store is possible largely due to the generosity of our member congregations and their members. Neighbors helping neighbors is what Doorstep was founded on and what we continue to do today! Page 14 TALKING TRINITY NOVEMBER 2015 serves daily hot lunches through their community outreach meal program, providing on average 350 meals per day. Last year with the help of community volunteers working 14,392 hours, they served 84,697 meals to those in need totaling 296,439 pounds of food. In addition, they hand out over 100,000 pounds of food through their food pantry every year, serving nearly 7,000 individuals. TRINITY VOLUNTEERS ARE A LARGE PART OF THIS COMMUNITY PROGRAM. Every month our dedicated folks serve lunch on the 3rd Friday. Be sure to tell them THANKS for all they do. NOVEMBER 2015 TALKING TRINITY Page 15 Trinity Presbyterian Church 4746 SW 21st Street Topeka, Kansas 66604-3592 Phone: 785 272-2620 [email protected] Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Topeka, Kansas Permit No. 819 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PEACEMAKING COMMITTEE VISITOR FROM LOS TALPETATES Carmen Argueta from Los Talpetates will be visiting Topeka November 4th through November 8th. On Saturday, November 7th, Ken Cott will be hosting a reception for Carmen, and all Trinity members are invited. Everyone attending should bring an appetizer. The reception will start at 7:00 p.m. Ken’s address is 2014 SW Lincoln Street. On Sunday, September 8th, Carmen will worship at Trinity and participate in the adult Sunday school classes. SILENT AUCTION The Peacemaking Committee will be sponsoring a silent auction on November 1st and November 8th to sell items from El Salvador. These items were given to Trinity to be sold in order to raise funds for scholarships. The auction will be held in the Parlor. You can purchase a beautiful handmade gift while at the same time helping young adults receive an G LORIFY G OD . S HARE C HRIST ’ S L OVE . M AKE N EW D ISCIPLES . REGULAR SUNDAY SCHEDULE 9:30 A . M . Sunday School for all ages 10:30 A . M . W orship