annual report
annual report
ANNUAL REPORT 1 FOREWORD Tangible solutions to meet important market needs What sectors can we help prepare for the future with focused digital research? And which opportunities can Flemish technology companies seize by teaming up with us? Those were the questions that guided iMinds in 2013. We launched major new collaborations in the media sector, the health and care sector and the manufacturing industry. Our Media Innovation Center, for example, got off to a flying start: more than 40 research and media partners got involved in various innovative projects with and for the media sector. In the health and care sector, we were able to inject innovation through the Care Living Labs, an initiative of the Flemish government to bring about innovative solutions for the many challenges in elderly care. And together with our partners from the manufacturing industry, iMinds contributed to building the ‘factory of the future’, where the advent of digital technology is leading to totally different business and organizational models. We saw our demand-driven research projects boom in 2013 precisely because we provide tangible solutions to meet real needs. WIM DE WAELE CEO IMINDS 2 Supporting start-ups all the way Taking our model international Our business incubation program for start-ups has gained increasing international recognition. We are providing technology start-ups with intensive coaching and access to our network and funding. We also support them in achieving their international breakthrough. We have the ambition to help build the future models of digital research and incubation in Europe. The Swedish UBI Index recently ranked the iMinds iStart program among the world’s 25 top university incubators following a screening of more than 300 incubation programs from 67 countries. iMinds is a much sought-after partner in European projects. Through our participation in the European Commission’s Connect Advisory Forum, we are also engaged in an active dialogue on identifying which innovation domains deserve priority and how we should re-invent the policy framework. iMinds is gaining recognition at European and international levels because of its groundbreaking model. We aim to contribute with our experience and know-how in order to establish better frameworks for the future European digital innovation policy. The start-up community is extremely important for the digital sector. Truly disruptive innovations are often the brainchild of starting entrepreneurs. Their out-of-the-box business ideas often lead to the transformation of entire sectors. Start-ups have the potential to become leading companies and in doing so, they truly contribute to economic growth. iMinds tries to be there at every stage of their growth. WIM DE WAELE CEO IMINDS A future for our audiovisual heritage 1st anniversary of Media Innovation Center Safeguard the future of our audiovisual heritage through digitizing and archiving, in order to later make this valuable material available to academia, science and the general public. Such was the mission of iMinds when it started VIAA, the Flemish Institute for Archiving, at the end of 2012. The iMinds Media Innovation Center (MiX) looked back on a strong first year of operations. iMinds - MiX, founded in 2012, strives to create a broad, strong Flemish media sector, and does this by giving shape to ideas with the potential to change the media landscape. In 2012-2013 MiX, in collaboration with media actors and scientists, explored and developed 13 innovative media ideas. It turned 8 of them into concrete projects. JANUARY 2013 JANUARY 2013 A knowledge center for ‘media literacy’ took shape under the impulse of iMinds. This new knowledge center for media literacy aims to get all Flemings to participate actively, critically and consciously in a society in which media play an ever more crucial role. With the new series of Opportunity Recognition Workshops, iMinds is helping (post) doctoral students develop business know-how, find opportunities in their research and valorize the business potential of their research. DECEMBER 2012 Launch of Opportunity Recognition Workshops MAY 2013 MARCH 2013 MAY 2013 SuperMinds: exchange between iMinds researchers ‘Smart Management in a Virtualized World’ symposium is a success Scientists from all our research groups attended SuperMinds 2013. The SuperMinds Talks – short presentations by the researchers themselves about their research, insights or methodologies – are the highlight of this annual event. Ilse Mariën (iMinds SMIT - VUB) won the very first SuperMinds Award for her plea for ‘open access publication’. iMinds was the co-organizer of the 13th ‘International Symposium on Integrated Network Management’, IM2013 in short. 350 experts from more than 40 countries made their way to Ghent for this biennial international conference on network and service management. The theme was: ‘Smart Management in a Virtualized World’. 4 SALK Limburg: stimulate entrepreneurship ICT Cluster strengthens digital innovation iMinds makes a splash at ICT 2013 In order to stimulate entrepreneurship in Limburg, iMinds teamed up with the Limburg investment company LRM and other players such as Hasselt University, KHLim, C-Mine crib and Mobile Vikings. The resulting ‘Strategic Action Plan for Limburg Squared’ (SALK) offers tech start-ups promising opportunities to grow into successful companies. An ICT Cluster was added to the Technology Park in Zwijnaarde. A milestone for iMinds which, with the new research and development center, brings together academics and companies from different fields, taking digital innovation to the next level. A few thousand ICT professionals descended to Vilnius, Lithuania for the ICT 2013 Conference organized by the European Commission. The industry and academic research community discussed topics such as cloud computing, broadband technology, ICT infrastructure and cyber security. iMinds was strongly represented at this international event. iMinds’ keynote speakers included CEO Wim De Waele and Prof. Bart De Moor. Prof. Pieter Ballon and ICON Program Leader Piet Verhoeve also each led a networking session. We also scooped an award for the demos in the ‘Cognitive Radio Experimentation World’. SEPTEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 JULY 2013 SEPTEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013 DECEMBER 2013 Care Living Labs out of the starting blocks iMinds - Health gets the green light The challenges in elderly care are enormous, and Flanders intends to tackle them by setting up Care Living Labs. iMinds is coordinating this initiative with four regional platforms in Flanders to foster an experimental environment that allows all its organizations to develop new care concepts, services, processes and products and subsequently test them in living lab scenarios. In the first half of 2014, ‘Zorg Proeftuinen Vlaanderen’ was also expanded with the addition of two new platforms. The Flemish government gave a final ‘goahead’ for iMinds - Health, the digital innovation center on health and care with the mission to guide these sectors in the implementation of technological developments. 1,000 visitors on ‘Open Company Day’ More than 1,000 visitors immersed themselves in the world of iMinds and discovered its start-up support, research projects and Care Living Labs. Children made their own ‘trashbots’ − robots made from waste. 5 IMINDS’ EVENTS IN 2013 Boost for digital innovation in Flanders iMinds announced new strategic partnerships with industrial partners Barco, Mobile Vikings, Televic and UP-nxt to complement its existing partnership with Alcatel-Lucent. As a result of these cooperation agreements, the know-how of the industrial partners can be enriched permanently with the scientific knowledge of iMinds – and vice-versa. At iMinds, we do not limit ourselves to joint research; we also work together on a strategic and operational level. DECEMBER 2013 DECEMBER 2013 DECEMBER 2013 iMinds The Conference presents 40+ demos Digimeter: Know-how on media use and possession During iMinds The Conference, the annual event for all partners in our wide network, more than 40 demos of research projects and start-ups were showcased. The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility and applicability of our ideas. For the sixth consecutive year, the Digimeter report presented the findings of our poll in which over 1,000 Flemings were surveyed on their media possession and use. Digimeter offers insights we can use to help develop targeted technologies and meet the needs of specific target groups. 6 7 WHAT IS IMINDS? iMinds is the Flemish digital research center. Every day, companies, organizations and governments leverage the know-how and experience of our 850+ researchers at five Flemish universities. As such, we help them develop products and services that have the potential to profoundly impact the way in which we live and work – both in Flanders and beyond. As a business incubation center, iMinds coaches and supports starting entrepreneurs and researchers in successfully bringing their ideas to the market. iMinds is also involved at an international level. We are partners in many European research projects and we actively contribute in defining the frameworks of European innovation policy. 7 DIGITAL RESEARCH WITH IMPACT Our approach rests on three pillars. TECHNOLOGY AND DEMAND-DRIVEN RESEARCH, FOR AND WITH THE INDUSTRY 3 PILLARS AN AGILE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY THAT ALLOWS US A FAST RESPONSE TIME RESEARCH TEAMS THAT EXCEL IN WHAT THEY DO 8 PILLAR TECHNOLOGY AND DEMAND-DRIVEN RESEARCH Demand-driven research is at the core of the iMinds approach. Companies, organizations and researchers submit proposals while our research teams thoroughly explore the issues and bring in their knowhow. Time and again, the results flow back to the market, where partners effectively integrate the new technologies in their products and services. Ever since iMinds was established in 2004, we have already completed more than 550 local and European research projects, in collaboration with the industry. More than 1,250 research partners (commercial companies, organizations and governments) have been involved in our projects since we started. Two new innovation centers for specific sectors Demand for digital innovation is particularly high in the Flemish media sector and the Flemish health and care sector. By setting up innovation centers specifically for these markets, iMinds aims to work even more closely with these sectors to develop concrete research projects. 9 iMinds - MiX inspires and connects the media sector iMinds - Health tackles major care issues The iMinds Media Innovation Center (MiX) was set up in January 2012. Its aim is to contribute to a broad and strong Flemish media sector. MiX helps to bring to life ideas with the potential to change the media landscape. Following the success of iMinds - MiX, the foundations for iMinds - Health, the digital innovation center focusing on health and care, were laid in 2013. Its official start was on February 6, 2014. “In a very short timeframe we managed to get 43 partners – both media companies and technology players – to rally around MiX,” says Martijn Bal (Director iMinds - MiX). “We back up these ideas with research and invest in the necessary resources. Companies and researchers work together to realize a concrete innovation.” Roger Lemmens (Director iMinds - Health): “It is difficult for technology to find its way into the care sector. Providing thorough guidance in the implementation of that technology is therefore one of our key objectives. Other issues include improved data sharing between the different players and the electronic patient record. Our country ranks poorly when it comes to the computerization of care processes.” “We want to offer a suitable instrument for each of the challenges in the media landscape,” explains Martijn Bal. “That’s why we wish to participate in the development of a knowledge center to complement our project activities. This will allow us to further inspire and connect the Flemish media.” Birgit Morlion (Director Health Innovation Programs): “We aim to bring all the stakeholders around the table within iMinds - Health, and come up with concrete solutions for all those cross-disciplinary issues. For instance, the HIPS research project examines how we can best match the management processes of available goods, staff and equipment in a hospital, and the associated information flows, with the patient’s care process. As for the b-SLIM project, it studies the development of a digital ‘super coach’ for obese people. The app identifies all relevant weight-determining factors and supplies tailored advice.” 10 iMinds signs strategic agreements with the industry iMinds believes working together with the industry is essential. That’s why we enter into strategic cooperation agreements with industrial partners. On top of our partnership with Alcatel-Lucent, in 2013 we signed agreements with Barco, Mobile Vikings, Televic and UP-nxt. Each of these strategic partners is active in at least one domain that is essential to the entire Flemish industry. “Establishing strategic partnerships is important in the long-run.” Together, in recent years, we invested about 30 million euro in research projects, which produced marketable results. Thanks to these partnerships, the scientific knowledge of iMinds researchers will be passed on to the Flemish industry even more smoothly. agendas and define targeted projects together that match our partners’ “Reducing the amount of ad hoc collaborative work in favor of establishing sustainable structures with our partner companies ensures that knowledge is shared actively among the researchers and industry partners in our network. In time, we want to impact each other’s research strategic direction.” Piet Verhoeve ICON Program Leader 11 PILLAR AGILE RESEARCH METHODS iMinds responds quickly to changing market conditions and takes into account the sensitivities of each sector. At iMinds, this flexible approach, coupled with a wide range of research and funding options, is what we call agile research. We work in an open and transparent way, with research teams that systematically share their findings. We have established our own, tried and tested research model in the form of ICON. Co-creation is an essential component of our living lab methodology. In cooperation with test panels, we develop, test and validate products, services and business models during short-term projects mainly. The fast-moving media sector requires shorter lead times. Our MiX-ICON project formula is designed to that effect, with research that produces concrete research findings after a maximum of 1 year. In our technical test center, we offer facilities and expertise to test, analyze and optimize the quality and performance of digital innovations. 12 ICON: taking on tangible challenges together MiX-ICON: brings media ideas to life Our ICON research model (Interdisciplinary Cooperative Research) brings to the table iMinds researchers, industry partners, organizations and governments to purposefully solve concrete problems. iMinds - MiX has been monitoring developments in the (international) media landscape since 2012. It quickly translates major trends into innovation projects for the Flemish media sector, thanks to the MiX-ICON project model. Their cooperative research results in a demonstrator, whose underlying technology can be used to shape the products and services of tomorrow, whether it involves distribution optimization, highway track control systems or an eHealth platform. Out of the 22 project proposals submitted in 20122013, 13 were approved. In the framework of the ICON research program, 121 research projects have been launched since 2005. In 2012-2013, 43 Flemish media and technology partners were involved in MiX-ICON. These include start-ups and SMEs as well as large enterprises in the audiovisual sector, media companies, and the printing and gaming industries. In 2013, 13 new ICON projects were approved and scheduled to start in 2014 (project volume: 26.8 million euro). 8 projects were launched in 2013. In the 13 new ICON projects, SMEs are represented by 36% and the public & social-profit sector by 25%. 39% of the partners are large companies. In 2013, the total project budget for MiX-ICON amounted to 7.6 million euro. With the 13 ICON projects approved in 2013, iMinds welcomed 38 new external partners to its network. Most of the 62 external partners in total are established in Flanders. 13 Co-creation in living lab research Measuring in the technical lab iMinds - Living Labs is the expertise center for living lab research in Flanders (and beyond). In 2013, living lab research was set up for 19 individual SMEs. The iMinds iLab.t technical test center is ideal for anyone looking to develop a digital innovation and test its quality and performance in a controlled environment. “Not only do we have all the necessary hardware, measuring instruments and software tools in house, we also offer our expertise,” explains Stefan Bouckaert (Business Developer iMinds - iLab.t). “We define a customized approach for each case. We welcome experts, but also partners who lack in-depth technical knowledge.” Pieter Ballon (Director iMinds - Living Labs): “In a living lab, companies generate ideas on new products, work on the implementation of a new concept or validate their innovation.” Some of our (international) research projects use our technical lab to analyze and optimize innovations, or to develop ‘proof-of-concept demonstrators’. In 2013, 50 partners took direct advantage of our test center’s services. “With our infrastructure and scientific competences, we can offer considerable added value to SMEs in particular,” explains Stefan Bouckaert. (Potential) end-users get a lead role in our living lab research as co-designers. The innovation goes through a number of rework and improvement stages based on their user experiences in a realistic setting and on feedback workshops. “During these brief processes – 2 to 6 months on average – we create interaction between provider, target group and other stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem,” says Pieter Ballon. “The living lab projects deliver innovations that are not driven by research and technology, but by the needs of the market.” 14 PILLAR WORLD-CLASS RESEARCH TEAMS iMinds continues to grow as a hub for digital research and entrepreneurship in Flanders, and we owe this to our research community. Totaling over 850, our researchers can compete with the world’s top experts in their field. 850+ researchers, 5 universities, 1,200+ publications on an annual basis The iMinds expertise in (for example) digital security, cryptography, medical imaging and broadband and network technologies is recognized throughout Europe. Our living lab methodology has also received international acclaim. iMinds is the Secretary of the European Network or Living Labs: these are testing and experimentation environments in which users and producers work together to fine-tune innovations. Our living lab expertise also convinced Flanders, which has nominated iMinds as the Program Office of the Care Living Labs initiative. 15 Two new prestigious ERC Grants The fact that our researchers can compete with the best has not escaped the European Research Council either. The ERC grants fund top scientists in strategic research. In 2013, Prof. Dr. Sabine Van Huffel (iMinds - STADIUS - KU Leuven) and Prof. Dr. Peter Schelkens (iMinds - ETRO - VUB) both achieved recognition for their expertise. Sabine Van Huffel Peter Schelkens The ERC Advanced Grant of Sabine Van Huffel is worth 2.5 million euro. Her ‘Biotensors’ project develops a general framework for solving functional tensor problems in biomedical data analysis. Peter Schelkens received an ERC Consolidator Grant of 2 million euro for his ‘Interfere’ project in the field of digital holography. In previous years, Luc Van Gool (iMinds - PSI-MIC - KU Leuven), Tinne Tuytelaars (iMinds - PSI-MIC - KU Leuven) and Johan Suykens (iMinds - STADIUS - KU Leuven) were awarded an ERC Grant. 16 ISTART: KICK START FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS Skills, resources and the right technology: these are the key ingredients to get a digital start-up off the ground. iStart, iMinds’ incubation program, helps entrepreneurs turn their business into a lasting success. 80% of the start-ups can present growth figures after completing the iStart Incubation program. iMinds extends its research expertise to entrepreneurs, so they can bridge the gaps and overcome technological obstacles in the development of their businesses. We also help start-ups by giving them access to our network of experts, financiers and partners. 3 iStart project calls per year, with an additional iStart. light application round for students. In 2013, 4 iStart project applications originated from Limburg, 17 from Antwerp, 10 from Flemish Brabant, 6 from Brussels, 28 from East Flanders and 4 from West Flanders. 1 project application came from abroad. Out of the 70 iStart projects submitted in 2013, 16 were approved. Just as many new companies were set up out of these projects. 17 Start-up Garage: bringing together local starters We are using our Start-up Garage to develop a local ecosystem in Ghent and physically bring start-ups together. iMinds is offering shared space in other Flemish cities (including Antwerp, Leuven, Hasselt, Geel, etc.) as well. The Start-up Garage is home to 18 projects, and 38 co-workers in total. iStart.light for students with entrepreneurship in their DNA SOFI funding for spin-offs In 2013, this learning process had reached its third edition. 12 student teams submitted a project proposal and iMinds selected 3 – Instadeal, RedBeaver and Libaro. Out of the 4 student start-ups that we supported in the previous academic years, 3 are still active today. Since 2012, iMinds has been relying on the new Flemish SOFI-fund (SpinOff Financing Instrument) for the launch of spin-off companies. In the digital sector those investments often make all the difference. In 2013, eXia and TagTagCity, among others, received an incubation loan from the SOFI-fund. In addition, several spin-off projects such as POSIOS and Graphine were awarded a more substantial follow-up investment by SOFI. 18 A ROLE IN EUROPE iMinds aims to make of Flanders a better place to work and live in. We are aware, however, that the only way for us to achieve this goal is to have international presence and influence, as well. We therefore actively get involved in research projects with European partners and we take administrative positions within international organizations for which innovation is a top priority. European projects in 2013 In 2013, the various iMinds research groups participated in 56 newly launched European projects, totaling a budget (over the total project duration) of 11.5 million euro. 47 Flemish, 51 Brussels-based and 7 Walloon partners worked together with iMinds on European projects in 2013. Helping set frameworks iMinds has a voice on matters of European (innovation) policy. iMinds advisor to Europe In 2012, CEO Wim De Waele was elected as a member of the European CONNECT Advisory Forum (CAF). Since then, iMinds is one of twenty international experts who advise the Vice-President of the European Commission Neelie Kroes on digital research and innovation. “Through our active participation in the CONNECT Advisory Forum, iMinds is able to contribute to European policy and help decide on a strategy for important issues such as 5G, Big Data, Privacy and the Internet of Things.” Wim De Waele CEO iMinds iMinds member of EIP-AHA The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) aims to tackle key societal challenges in the 2020 research objectives. In 2013 iMinds and Flanders’ Care joined forces to take part in the EIP. Together, we submitted an application to collaborate on concrete solutions to improve elderly care in Europe, using primarily the Care Living Labs in Flanders. 20 FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGIES OF THE FUTURE Our researchers tackle digital technologies and fields that are crucial for the further development of Flanders, Europe and the world. The ‘Internet of Things’, high-tech visualization, Big Data analysis and digital security will have a huge impact on all aspects of our lives. iMinds is therefore working to resolve their underlying challenges, contributing to the further development of these technologies, and subsequently turning them into marketable solutions. “These four technologies will have a strong impact on the Flemish economy, industry and society. They will, in the coming years, lead to drastic shifts, perhaps even setting in motion, complete revolutions. Not only in terms of technology, but also in the way we live and do business. iMinds has the knowledge and skills in-house to conduct digital research in these fields, which will be of maximum benefit for our region.” Thomas Kallstenius Director Research & Innovation Strategy 21 INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) & FUTURE NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES: SMART NETWORKS, COMMUNICATING OBJECTS Cars, bicycles, optical devices, refrigerators... Communicating objects are Future Internet Research & Experimentation, known as FIRE, is a realistic, large-scale research environment. A wide range of European partners use these test facilities for the validation of concepts. no longer uncommon, and this trend is bound to gather momentum in the next decade. Unlike traditional networks, the challenges of research into the ‘Internet of Things’ lie in the many differences between devices, In 2013, the iMinds Internet Technologies Department launched 5 new FIRE projects, and was also entrusted with the coordination of 2 major FIRE projects. in the language they use to communicate with each other, and in finding cost and energy efficient solutions. Safety, for individuals and society, is another big concern. The iMinds Internet Technologies Department proactively develops innovative network technologies. Ingrid Moerman: “CREW specializes in test facilities for smart radio networks that independently adapt to the environment. FORGE tries to integrate FIRE test facilities Jeroen Hoebeke (senior researcher iMinds - IBCN - Ghent into learning environments. And with FLEX, we are University): “With MoCo and COMACOD, two ICON working on ‘test beds’ for open long-term experiments. projects, we produced a very low-cost and energy- For example, an LTE infrastructure is offered allowing the efficient solution for the continuous tracking and tracing partners to study the influence of these 4G networks on of containers. A start-up was also created as a result: mobile applications.” Track4C.” Ingrid Moerman (research leader iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University): “To improve the quality of life in cities, we developed − under the ‘GreenWeCan’ project title − a smart outdoor Wi-Fi network which guarantees continuous connection, and a wireless sensor network that detects full trash cans and free parking spaces for disabled people.” 22 HIGH-TECH VISUALIZATION The field of image processing is evolving at lightning speed. And every day, huge volumes of data are generated. Powerful algorithms are Holographic TV soon a reality indispensable in order to process and interpret this data. The iMinds Multimedia Technologies Department is a major player on the world “Due to recent developments in optics and photonics, on the one stage in the development of high-quality visualization technologies. hand, and increasingly sophisticated digital cameras on the other hand, high-quality holography will be a reality, perhaps in the next 10 to 15 years,” predicts Peter Schelkens (iMinds - ETRO - VUB). “The difficulty lies in the phenomenal computing power necessary to go from a digital image to a hologram. Even the most powerful supercomputer cannot do that today.” That is why Peter Schelkens’ team is looking for more efficient data representations that will boost the further development of holographic television. “In medical imaging, holography will provide considerable added value. The engineering, gaming and entertainment sectors too will receive this technology with open arms.” 23 BIG DATA ANALYSIS: TURNING FIGURES INTO KNOWLEDGE The ‘big’ in Big Data refers not only to the size of data flows, but also to the speed, volume and capacity required to manage that data and ‘Everything is connected’ draw conclusions out of it. How do you interpret Big Data in real time? And how do you deal with privacy and security? The iMinds Internet Technologies, Medical Information Technologies and Multimedia Erik Mannens: “This application uses existing links to DBPedia, Technologies Departments are working on these complex questions. the semantic version of Wikipedia, to automatically generate a story between two concepts. Using two search terms, we build a story within seconds. A link with Facebook provides a personal touch, Erik Mannens (iMinds - MMLab - Ghent University): “Big Data will change while Google Images or YouTube enrich it even further.” our lives, in a subtle and noticeable way. By combining their own data with the traces that consumers leave behind through their devices and other real-time sensor information, companies and governments can recognize trends, increase their productivity and achieve a strategic edge.” ‘eXtasy’: faster diagnosis for genetic disorders Bart De Moor (iMinds - STADIUS - KU Leuven and Head of Research of iMinds Medical Information Technologies Department) sees in Big Data a valuable additional asset for Flemish molecular biotechnology. Bart De Moor: “Searching for disease-causing mutations in a genome “Biologists are often inadequately trained to handle large volumes of data. is like looking for a needle in a haystack. With the ‘eXtasy’ software, Mathematicians and engineers at iMinds play a key role in unraveling this we are able to trace those mutations up to 20 times more accurately. data.” The automated analysis of a series of clinical and research data gives physicians a valuable tool in making diagnostic decisions.” 24 SECURITY & PRIVACY: NEW PLATFORMS, NEW GAME RULES E-health, e-media, e-banking, e-logistics, e-voting … New applications bring specific challenges in the areas of security and privacy. These are all priorities on the research agenda of the iMinds Security Department (COSIC, ICRI and DistriNet), who is also collaborating with the SMIT research group. Caroline Pauwels (iMinds - SMIT - VUB and Head of Research of the iMinds Digital Society Department): “Our personal data and digital footprint are increasingly being used – and misused – by governments, advertisers and criminals. Yet, many people do not realize this or they are not sufficiently protected.” SPION: an in-house spy SPION brings together researchers from various disciplines in a collaboration focused on the understanding of various privacy issues within the context of online social networks. “Our ambition with the SPION project is to support and empower the users of social media,” explains Bart Preneel (iMinds - COSIC - KU Leuven). “SPION has already led to several privacy enhancing tools. It also helped tighten the policy of information flows via Web scripts in Web browsers.” 25 Unsuspecting users are ‘tracked’ Out of the 1,000 top websites that iMinds and KU Leuven investigated in 2013, 145 seemed to be using ‘device fingerprinting’. The tested websites were tracking the surfing activities with the help of cookies and scripts, without the user’s knowledge or consent. Device fingerprinting dodges the ‘do not track’ option and legal restrictions around the use of cookies. Bart Preneel: “Our study was the first to examine how often this happens. Our researchers developed the FPDetective program for that purpose and other researchers can use this tool freely to develop it further.” 26 RESULTS THAT CAN IMPROVE THE ECONOMY AND SOCIETY Providing useful demand-driven solutions is at the heart of what we do at iMinds. Our research projects produce results that are translated into tangible products and services. Some of our research pathways even lead to start-ups. 27 RESEARCH RESEARCH Sending large (multimedia) files from and to trains The operating room of the future TRACK developed a way to create a stable connection between trains and the outside world, using a combination of wireless network technologies (Wi-Fi, 3G, LTE and WiMAX). Telesurgery developed a digital platform for real-time interaction between medical staff in the operation room and remotely located experts. The technology is based on surgical images and video feeds. RAILS, the follow-up project, decentralized that network to further improve its scalability and reliability, and used femtocell technology which limits the exposure of travelers to electromagnetic radiation generated onboard for the network connection. “Barco has been able to apply the new concepts and insights in the further development and marketing of its Barco-Nexxis products.” Johan Stockman Barco “Innovation is of paramount importance for Televic Rail. Only through innovation can we offer products and services with clear added value to our customers. It is therefore the key to sustainable growth.” Dirk Van Den Wouwer Duration: July 2010 – December 2012 Televic Rail Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Partners: Barco | iMinds - ETRO - VUB | iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University | iMinds ICRI - KU Leuven | iMinds - IPI - Ghent University | iMinds - MICT - Ghent University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum | SDNsquare | Unilabs | Teleradiology Duration TRACK: October 2009 – September 2012 Duration RAILS: January 2012 – December 2013 Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Partners: Bombardier Transportations Brugge | iMinds - iLab.t | iMinds - ETRO - VUB | iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University | iMinds - MMLab - Ghent University | iMinds MOSAIC - Antwerp University | iMinds - WiCa - Ghent University | Newtec Cy (only TRACK) | Nokia Solutions and Networks (Belgium) | Televic Group | NMBS/SNCB (only RAILS) | Option (only RAILS) | UiFY – B-Tac (only RAILS) 28 RESEARCH RESEARCH A ‘green’ wireless urban network for the development of advanced communication services A single personal login giving you safe and easy access to media websites, applications and services GreenWeCan developed a reliable and wireless sensor and Wi- Media ID developed concepts and technologies that pave the way for Fi urban network, wherein the mobile spectrum was optimized to a single central login and payment system for the online applications reduce public exposure to radiation. Sensors offer a wide range of of the various Belgian media players. capabilities in an urban context: identification of free parking spaces, traffic monitoring and control, signaling which trash cans are full for “Media ID will allow media companies to get to know their customers the purpose of waste collection, etc. better and as a result, provide them with customized, personalized information offerings. It will also enable media companies to roll out new business models.” Hans Deridder De Persgroep Duration: February 2011 – July 2013 Duration: February 2013 – May 2014 Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Project type: MiX-ICON, funded by IWT Partners: Androme | Bausch Datacom | Be-Mobile | iMinds - DistriNet - KU Leuven | iMinds - EDM - Hasselt University | iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University | iMinds - MICT Ghent University | iMinds - MOSAIC - Antwerp University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | iMinds - WiCa - Ghent University | Intergemeentelijke Vereniging voor Afvalbeheer in Gent en Omstreken | OneAccess Belgium | Stad Gent Partners: Corelio Publishing | De Persgroep | iMinds - Living Labs | iMinds - COSIC - KU Leuven | iMinds - CUO - KU Leuven | iMinds - DistriNet - KU Leuven | iMinds - ICRI - KU Leuven | iMinds - MICT - Ghent University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | Mediafin | Mediahuis | Media ID | iMinds Media Innovation Center | Mediargus | Roularta Media Group | Sanoma Media Belgium | Vlaamse Media Maatschappij | VRT 29 RESEARCH Making track & trace applications for containers even more flexible and manageable MoCo developed an energy efficient system for the monitoring of containers. COMACOD, the follow-up project, is working on systems that enable two-way communication between the tracking device and the back-end system, the management of large numbers of devices and the secure integration with the Internet. Duration MoCo: April 2010 – March 2012 Duration COMACOD: January 2013 – December 2014 Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Partners: iMinds - DistriNet - KU Leuven | iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University | iMinds - WiCa - Ghent University | Invenso | Multicap | OneAccess Belgium | Track4C | Trimble 30 RESEARCH RESEARCH Automatically enrich e-texts with different types of background information (photos, additional articles, etc.) Preparing the future of e-commerce in Flanders The iRead+ consortium developed a tool that automates text enrichment as much as possible. It subsequently created a framework that can serve various target groups, from new language learners to dyslexics. The underlying enrichment technology opens the door to many new applications. CoMobile played a major role in the development of a ‘mobile wallet’ application in Flanders, using state-of-the-art technology such as geofencing and geomarketing. Different services – loyalty cards, coupons, prepaid cards and virtual currencies – were examined and presented to a large-scale test panel. “For me, iMinds is the organization that gives small and large companies the opportunity to work together. In Flanders, we need projects in which we innovate together.” Frank Bekkers Mobile Vikings Duration: January 2012 – December 2013 Duration: August 2011 – December 2013 Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Partners: Basisschool Spermalie | Business Language and Communication Centre Leuven | Cartamundi Digital | dINK | iMinds - CUO - KU Leuven | iMinds - ITEC - KU Leuven | iMinds - MMLab - Ghent University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | Regionale Media Maatschappij | Roularta Media Group | Sensotec | Televic Education Partners: Alcatel-Lucent Bell | Belgian Direct Marketing Association | Cardwise | Clear2Pay | iMinds - Living Labs | iMinds - COSIC - KU Leuven | iMinds - CUO - KU Leuven | iMinds - ICRI - KU Leuven | iMinds - MICT - Ghent University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | Massive Media Match | VikingCo 31 RESEARCH RESEARCH Preparing Internet technology for the streaming of high quality video images Assist caregivers and make sure there is better coordination between the different care providers Care4Balance is working on an easy-to-use interactive device with an intelligent dashboard that continuously captures status information on the care-dependent and communicates with the care providers. MISTRAL experimented with a new streaming technology that, in addition to enhancing image quality, also reduced the time lag of forwarded pictures. Consequently, the consortium also immediately laid the foundations for new videoconference platforms. Duration: March 2013 – August 2015 Duration: January 2012 – December 2013 Project type: European project, Living Lab research, funded by the EC Project type: ICON, co-funded by iMinds, with IWT project funding Partners: Alcatel-Lucent Bell | Amsta | ConnectedCare | Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Almere) | iMinds - Living Labs | iMinds - IBCN - Ghent University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | Pervaya | Televic Healthcare | Van Dorp zorg en welzijn bv | Vigisense | Zentral- und hochchulbibliothek Luzern Partners: Alcatel-Lucent Bell | Barco | Belgacom | iMinds - ETRO - VUB | iMinds - IBCN Ghent University | iMinds - MICT - Ghent University | iMinds - MMLab - Ghent University | iMinds - SMIT - VUB | VRT 32 START-UP START-UP Graphine takes 3D rendering to new heights Music scores enter the digital age with neoScores In early 2013 three researchers from iMinds - MMLab - Ghent University traded in their research functions in order to set up Graphine, a start-up specialized in real-time 3D rendering. Graphine is developing a technology that significantly raises the graphic quality of the final images and the quantity of unique details in virtual environments, without loss of memory capacity. With this technology, Graphine is targeting the international visualization and gaming industry. neoScores digitizes music scores for musicians and producers. Uncharted territory, such was the conclusion of the living lab project in which Bart Van der Roost and his two fellow partners thoroughly went into their idea. “The living lab research with iMinds showed that the digitization of scores is a revolutionary concept, so we began an iStart project with neoScores. We have to thank iMinds for enabling us to evolve in one year from a bright idea in an Antwerp café to a start-up with three people. “I had plenty of technical knowledge, but I lacked business experience. iStart offered us inspiration, a business network and capital to take the iStart guided me from A to Z, with regard to content as well as on a plunge.” practical level. The funding allowed us to explore our market, take part in fairs and set up our website. Graphine meanwhile has forged good Bart Van der Roost ties with the major European and American players, and is now eying the Asian market. Our ambition is to get up to 30 percent of all ‘high-end games’ to run on our product – like what Divinity Dragon Commander by Larian Studios is already doing.” Aljosha Demeulemeester Co-founder of Graphine 33 Co-founder of neoScores START-UP START-UP Catering gets to enjoy innovative POS system by POSIOS Twikit brings 3D customization with 3D printing to the consumer Zhong Xu has struck gold with POSIOS. The software company developed an integrated POS system for hospitality businesses that runs on tablets and smartphones. Gijs Hoppenbrouwers and his two associates developed a solution for 3D customization. Twikit enables 3D visualization of products in the context of websites or mobile applications, next to personalization, integration with e-commerce and digital production – such as 3D printing. “POSIOS got a strong boost when a large US Apple supplier discovered our app. Today, almost 1,000 hospitality businesses in 38 countries “With the expert coaching of the iStart team we were able to very quickly are already using our application. The accommodation provided by concretize our idea further into a workable business model. As a result, iMinds allowed us to receive large companies in a professional manner, after a few months we already cashed in the first contracts, which is the right from the beginning. The iStart team also offered us business advice best way to secure even more customers. Now is the time to achieve and legal support. This made sure we could focus fully on the launch of rapid growth and to maintain our edge over the big players by launching our product.” applications at retailers and brands in Europe and beyond.” Zhong Xu Co-founder of POSIOS Gijs Hoppenbrouwers 34 Co-founder of Twikit 35