Development of the cerebral cortex / David Van Essen


Development of the cerebral cortex / David Van Essen
Human Cortical Development:
Insights from Imaging
David C. Van Essen
Anatomy & Neurobiology Department
Washington University School of Medicine
OHBM Educational Course
June 7, 2015
Honolulu, Hawaii
NIH Neuroscience Blueprint
Cortical Development – Insights from Imaging
Prenatal cortical development
•  Morphogenesis of the cortical sheet
•  Cortical arealization
•  Cortical convolutions
Postnatal maturation:
•  Regional expansion & differentiation
•  Abnormal maturation in preterm infants
General features of adult cerebral cortex
Surface area (per hemisphere)
110 cm2
1,000 cm2
1-3 mm
2-4 mm
Highly variable
# of cortical areas
Size range
Inter-areal pathways
Van Essen et al. (2012a)
Van Essen et al. (2012b)
Markov et al. (2012)
Variability and heritability of cortical folding
W, X = twins
Y, Z = twins
These are two pairs of identical twins
Which are the twin pairs?!
•  Some regions are consistently folded (e.g., central sulcus)
•  Other regions are highly variable (e.g., posterior ITS)
•  Folding patterns are heritable, but only modestly so (Van Essen et al., OHBM 2014)
Botteron, Dierker, Todd et al., 2008
Key issues in Cortical Morphogenesis
•  Why is the cortex a sheet, with variable thickness?
•  What determines cortical surface area?
•  Why and how does the cortex fold?
•  Why is human cortical folding so variable?
•  How does the cortex become parcellated?
•  How are specific connections established?
Morphogenesis is driven by:
•  Cell proliferation, migration, differentiation
•  Physical forces: tension & pressure (D’Arcy Thompson, 1917)
Why is the cortex a sheet, whereas nuclei are blobs ?
•  Observation: Neuronal processes generate mechanical tension [1]
•  Hypothesis: radial anisotropies (dendrites, axons, glia) lead to sheets
Isotropic cellular architecture leads to blob-like nuclei [2]
[1] Bray (1984); Dennerll et al., (1988)
[2] Van Essen (Nature, 1997)
Cortical areal differentiation I.
Early stages in mouse:
•  A protomap in cortical progenitors (VZ) (O’Leary et al., Neuron, 2007)
•  Gradients of morphogens in cortical plate and ventricular zone
(TGF8, Emx2, Nr2f1, Pax6, Eomes, TBR1…)
Cortical areal differentiation I.
Early stages in mouse:
•  A protomap in cortical progenitors (VZ) (O’Leary et al., Neuron, 2007)
•  Gradients of morphogens in cortical plate and ventricular zone
(TGF8, Emx2, Nr2f1, Pax6, Eomes, TBR1…)
•  Many similarities between human and mouse (Miller et al., Nature, 2014)
Brainspan project:
Human 15 week, 21 week - near
peak of cortical neurogenesis
•  Broad fronto-temporal gradients
•  No sharp boundaries or ‘areaspecific patches’
Cortical areal differentiation II.
How does this….
lead to this?!!
Later stages: differentiation of the full areal mosaic
•  Additional morphogens and gradients??
•  Area-specific markers?? (mystery molecules - micro-RNA’s?)
•  Activity dependence??
Emergence of new areas in humans?
•  Areal duplication and divergence? (e.g., Grove et al. 2012)
How is specificity of long-distance connections established?
Human cortical folding mainly in third trimester
Hill et al. (J. Neuroscience, 2010)
Overlaps with formation of connections
Coogan & Van Essen (1996)
What causes convolutions?
•  Earliest V1-V2 connections ~E108
(Coogan & Van Essen, 1996)
•  Folding brings V1 and V2 retinotopic maps
closer together, roughly in register
•  How - by tension along axons??!!
Tension-based cortical folding:
•  Strongly interconnected regions win (gyrus in between)
•  Weakly interconnected regions lose (sulcus in between)
•  Variable folding may reflect variabililty in areal sizes and/or connectivity
Van Essen (Nature, 1997)
Alternative mechanisms proposed (cf. Welker, 1990)
Richman, 1975
Buckling (differential laminar growth)
(Richman, 1975; Toro & Burnod, 2005;
Ronan et al., Cerebral Cortex, 2013)
Constraints imposed by skull
(LeGros Clark, 1945; but see Barron, 1950)
Differential proliferation in SVZ
(Kriegstein et al., 2006; Reillo et al., 2011)
Toro & Burnod, 2005
Differential proliferation in Outer SubVentricular Zone
•  Thick OSVZ in gyrencephalic species
•  Intermediate Radial Glial (IRG) cells
produce neurons + glia
Reillo et al. (Cerebral Cortex, 2011)
More IRG cells, thicker OSVZ below gyri
Plausibility of cortical folding mechanisms
Differential proliferation:
•  Plausible for primary folds (before proliferation ceases)
•  Implausible for tertiary (irregular) human folds
Tension-based folding:
•  Neurites generate tension (Bray, 1984; Dennerll et al.,1988; but see Xu et al, 2010)
•  Broad explanatory power (sheets and folds)
•  Wiring length minimization comes for free!
Multiple mechanisms? (as often in biology)
Cortical Development – Insights from Imaging
Prenatal cortical development
•  Morphogenesis of the cortical sheet
•  Cortical arealization
•  Cortical convolutions
Postnatal maturation:
•  Regional expansion & differentiation
•  Abnormal maturation in preterm infants
MR contrast changes during early development
Serag et al. (Neuroimage, 2012)
Leroy et al. (PLoS, 2011)
•  Prenatal & early postnatal: low tissue contrast, nonuniform
•  White matter myelination: mainly postnatal
•  Regional differences in myelination onset
Postnatal cortical expansion: adults vs healthy term infants
Hill et al. (J. Neurosci, 2010)
Hemispheric asymmetries evident at birth
Postnatal cortical expansion: large regional differences
Adult/neonatal surface area ratio
3-fold overall
frontal, parietal, lateral temporal
occipital, medial temporal, parietal
Hill et al. (PNAS, 2010)
Postnatal differences are
discernible in individuals
Postnatal cortical expansion occurs mainly in the first 2 years
Li et al. (Cerebral Cortex, 2012)
Hill et al. (PNAS, 2010)
Adult vs neonate
•  Similarities exceed differences
•  Differences might be methodological or neurobiological
Postnatal dendritic arbor maturation
Human prefrontal cortex
Layer 3C
Petanjek et al.
(Cerebral Cortex, 2008)
Layer 5
•  Dendritic arbors expand in early postnatal development
•  Major regional differences, pruning in some regions (Elston et al., 2009)
Myelin maps in cerebral cortex
Divide and conquer:
T1w/T2w ratio
Myelin content
Glasser & Van Essen (2011); Van Essen & Glasser (2013)
Early myelination:
Heavy adult myelination
Many features correlate with postnatal expansion pattern
Myelin map
Regions of high postnatal expansion:
•  expanded recently in human evolution
•  tend to have:
lighter myelination
delayed myelination
thicker cortex
larger, late-developing dendritic arbors
lower neuronal density
Onset of
Abnormal cortical maturation in premature infants
Immature folding in some
term-equivalent infants
Selective vulnerability of lateral
temporal cortex?
Cortical morphometry in very preterm (VPT) children
studied at age 7 years (Zhang et al., 2015)
•  Cortical surface area: 9% smaller in VPT vs TC
•  Shallower Superior Temporal Sulcus in VPT
•  Regional differences in relative surface area
VPT reduced in parietal operculum
VPT expanded, more convoluted in cingulate cortex
Anatomy of Cortical Development & Maturation
•  Rapid prenatal development (3rd trimester)
•  Postnatal maturation over many years
•  Regional sensitivity to perturbation and injury
•  Insights into individual variability, role of experience
•  Brain connectivity and function during development:
•  Human Connectome Project (HCP,
Major advances in data acquisition and analysis
A baseline for studies of development, aging, and disease
Lifespan pilot project (children, older adults)
•  Three NIH Lifespan RFAs: Baby; Development; Aging
•  Developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP)
Prenatal brain development (D. Edwards et al., Kings/Imperial/Oxford)
Donna Dierker
Matt Glasser
John Harwell
Erin Reid
Terrie Inder
Jeff Neil
Jim Alexopoulos
Jason Hill
Erin Engelhardt
Yuning Zhang
Washington University
University of Minnesota
Oxford University
Kamil Ugurbil (co-PI); 101 HCP consortium members
HCP funding from the NIH Blueprint!
Saint Louis University
University d’Annunzio
Indiana University
Warwick University
Ernst Strungmann Institute
Radboud University
Duke University

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