March 2014 - Explorers Club of Pittsburgh
March 2014 - Explorers Club of Pittsburgh
CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE MARCH GENERAL MEETING Thursday, March 13th – 7:30PM AT The Union Project 801 North Negley Avenue. Pittsburgh, PA 15206 PRELIMINARY AGENDA Officers' Reports Appointees & Committee Reports Old Business: Call for volunteers to work on identifying and assembling ECP Historic Items to be digitized …. New Business: Acceptance of New Membership Applicants Constitutional Amendment Regarding Reading of BOG Minutes at General Meetings. Multi-year Memberships Proposal Proposed change to Policy Statement regarding what is expected of Activity Coordinators Proposal For BOG decisions via on-line communications Meeting Schedule & Locations General Meeting Agenda CONTACT INFORMATION Officers & Appointees Activity Coordinators CLUB BUSINESS Feb 13th (Gen Mtg Minutes) Feb 27th (BOG Mtg Minutes) Membership Report Treasurer's Report – Feb. 28th Equipment Chairperson's Report Gear Inventory – March 014 Activities & Events Calendar Library News Rock School Announcement News Announcements Membership Form p1 p1 p2 p3 p 4-5 p 5-8 p8 p 9-11 p 12 p 13-21 p 22-23 p 24 p 25 p 26 p 27 No post-meeting program volunteered as of this publication. NEXT BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEETING Thursday, April, 17, 2014 – Gather at 7pm meeting starts promptly at 7:15 at the home of Equipment Chairperson: Derek Stuart 608 Dorseyville Rd Pittsburgh PA 15238 All ECP Members are welcome to attend and participate in the discussions. We do request that attendees notify the host/hostess or VP Ron Edwards of their intention to attend. Over the past several years it has become traditional for attendees to bring snacks, beverages, or covered ishes to shared pot-luck style Agenda will depend largely on issues raised at the March General Meetin and in the interim. 1 OFFICERS - 2014 President -- Jeff Maurin [email protected] Vice-President – Ron Edwards [email protected] Secretary – Dave Martin [email protected] APPOINTEES The ECP Appointees are persons appointed by the president to fill key positions in the club. – In addition there are appointed Activity Coordinators and Special Committees Advertising – Tara Powers – [email protected] Environmental – Ginette Vinski [email protected] 412-366-4925 Treasurer – Chris Ciesa [email protected] Historian – Phil Sidel [email protected] 412-521-9570 Activities Chair – Greg Buzulencia [email protected] Equipment Chair – Derek Stuart [email protected] 412-956-2123 Editor – Philip Sidel [email protected] 412-521-9570 Librarian – Phil Breidenbach [email protected] 412-486-1450 Assisted by Bill Baxter [email protected] 412-926-8261 Membership – Martha Gray [email protected], 412-228-9307 Webmaster – Tom George [email protected], 412-831-4711 SCHOOL CHAIRPERSONS Mtneering School – Felix Duvallet Rock School – Matt Janick 2014 BOG Meetings A very tentative list of dates and hosts An Agenda Item for Next BOG Meeting February: Jeff’s (alternate date: Feb 27) April: Derek June: Chris August: Greg October: Phil December: Ron Club Non-Profit designation and Tax status Our Tax ID#: 23-7345087 We are incorporated as a 501c7 non-profit. We cannot accept tax-deductible donations and are limited in applying for grants. However, we also do not have to pay taxes because our income is less than $10,000/year. Each year, the Form 990-N (e-postcard) must be filed by April 15th. The possibilities of improving our tax exemption status need to be investigated and updated periodicall 2 ECP Activity Coordinators Activity Caving Fly Fishing Ice Climbing In-Line Skating Mountaineering Paddling – White Water Rock Climbing Rowing Ultra and Trail Running* Sailing SCUBA Skiing – Downhill Skiing – Cross-Country Yoga Contact Doug Fulton Teralyn Iscrupe Bruce Cox Tom Prigg Robin Kamin Sam Taggart Barry Adams Ron Edwards Bob Dezort Brian Ottinger Bill Baxter Jeff Baxter Barry Adams Kevin Chartier* Kristin Pytlak* Allison Pochapin Elise Nolan Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] *NEW in 2014 We still have eleven Activities for which we are seeking coordinators: Adventure Racing Paddling – Flat Water Orienteering Backpacking Rafting Geocaching Biking – Mountain Sea Kayaking Skydiving Biking – Road Triathlon Training What does an Activity Coordinator do? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. General advocacy and point of contact for the activity by helping current, new, or prospective members get connected with others in the club also interested in the activity and any events planned for it. Seek out new members at general meetings (during the break or at the after-meeting) that indicate the activity as one of their interests and introduce yourself as that activities “coordinator” that can help them connect with and explore the activity. Answer incoming emails to the club (sometimes redirected from officers or others who receive the inquiry) related to the activity. This is rare. Spread the word if you see any local events or news related to the activity that you think members would like to know by posting (or reposting) on the Listserv and mentioning at any General Meeting that you attend. In some cases, create an Event (takes 2 minutes) on the ECP calendar to give that event extra visibility. Encourage any members that are planning an event on their own or as a small/closed group to consider opening it up to the general membership in the form of an official Event (and have them create the Event) If possible, directly or indirectly ensure that at least one Event for your activity occurs every year. 3 MINUTES: ECP General Meeting February 13, 2014 At The Union Project, 801 North Negley; Forty-seven members and guests were in attendance. OFFICER REPORTS President – Jeff Maurin Announced that the location of the BOG meeting on February 27th has changed from Derek Stuart's residence to Jeff Mauri's residence, 28 Oakland Square in Oakland, Pittsburgh 15213. BOG Agenda – Decision making process during the off month. An operation/procedure will be set in place to resolve Club issues that arise during the off months (i.e. every other month that the BOG does not meet). Vice President – Ron Edwards - no report Secretary - Dave Martin – January General meeting minutes were approved by the membership. Treasurer – Chris Ciesa – No report Equipment Chairperson – Derek Stuart - No report Editor – Phil Sidel – Reminded the members that he needs to have any trip reports or officer reports 1 week prior to the next general meeting, It will be published 2 days prior to the general meeting. Activities Chairperson – Greg Buzulencia – Absent- No Report APPOINTEE REPORTS Mountaineering School - Brian Ottinger (representing the Mountaineering School) – Described the recent outing at Kinzua where the students ice climbed during the morning then hiked backcountry & set up camp. The following day proceeded to practice glacier travel and crevasse rescue on the frozen Kinzua lake followed by a brisk 7 mile hike out. Historian – Phil Sidel - Backpacking School Final report that was summarized in the February newsletter will be included within the club's historic archives Membership Coordinator - Martha Gray –One new member was voted in for the month of February: Casey Way Rock School Coordinator – Matt Janick –Introduced the Rock Climbing School Directors – Erica Karapandi, Tom Brooks and Valerie Kramer. Tom Brooks gave a description of the rock climbing school and summarized the schedule and requirements (must be an ECP member). The rock climbing school application deadline is the next General meeting on March 13, 2014. Paul Guarino (Rock School Committee) – asked the membership to help the 2014 school find a location of classes. Environmental Chair - Ginette Vinski – Announced that the 22nd Mt. Washington Cleanup will be Sunday, March 30, 2012 8:30am – Noon. NEW BUSINESS Ginette Vinski made a motion for the Club to donate $100 to the Mt. Washington Cleanup. Phil Sidel motioned that a separate line item be added to the Budget in support of clean up/trail work projects. These motions were approved by the Membership. 4 ACTIVITIES Rush Howe – invited the membership to join him for cross-country skiing at Laurel Ridge on Sunday February 16, 2014. Barry Smyda – Scuba Diving Activity Coordinator – informed the membership that he is planning on providing a scuba diving clinic in the future. Regina E. Schulte-Ladbeck - Informed the female members of the upcoming Seneca Summit. The Summit will be in July 2014. The exact dates will be forthcoming. The Seneca Summits run from a Friday evening to a Sunday evening. The event is mostly attended by climbers who are in the ECP and in PATC, plus a few climbers from the Richmond/VA area. The budget for the Seneca Summits has recently been comprised of a $100 contribution by the ECP, a $100 contribution by PATC, plus $20 per participant "at the door." The funds have been used to pay for a group campsite at Seneca Shadows for the event, and to reimburse one invited speaker (travel and their fees for clinics). Brian Cowan and Michelle Najera provided the Membership with a slideshow of their cross-country trip this past summer of their climbing and backpacking exploits while relocating to Seattle. Highlights include rock climbing in Colorado, Yosemite, Grand Tetons, and hiking a portion of the Pacific Crest Trail. Meeting adjourned at 930 PM -- Dave Martin, Secretary MINUTES Board of Governors - Thursday, February 27, 2014 Location – Jeff Maurin's Residence 28 Oakland Square, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Attendees: President - Jeff Maurin Editor - Phil Sidel Vice President – Ron Edwards Secretary – Dave Martin Treasurer – Chris Ciesa Equipment Coordinator – Derek Stuart - Absent Activity Coordinator - Greg Bruzelencia Guest Member - Regina Schulte-Ladbeck Officers Reports: Treasurer – Still gathering information from the previous year’s financials; December’s financials are needed to complete the transformation from 2013 to 2014. It was agreed upon that Excel is sufficient for the Clubs financials. Previous years' treasurers used quicken, excel, & other methods to maintain the records; therefore the BOG is setting a standard for the transferring of financial data between old & new treasurers. 5 Editor – Inquired if the timeframe for submission of minutes, trip reports, etc. of one week prior to the General meeting to be included within the current months newsletter was adequate…stressing that timely submission of the meeting minutes (General & BOG MTGs) by the secretary and reviewed by the BOG would be needed. The BOG acknowledged and concurred with the Editor. Activity Coordinator – The following Activity Specific Coordinators were solicited: Downhill Skiing – Kevin Chartier - Accepted Ultra/Trail Running – Brian Ottinger - Accepted Mountain Biking – Greg Bruzelencia….Accepted Backpacking – Kristen Vitale-Pytlak – to be solicited Flat Water Paddling – Vacant X-country Skiing – Vacant Future Activities: Going to contact Maggie Schneider regarding “Maggie’s Marauders” MS Ride in getting folks out riding & possibly join the charity run. Equipment Chairperson – Written Report from Derek Stuart – Posted elsewhere in this newsletter Scheduled Annual Business Backpacking Schools Final Report was approved as amended by Chris Ciesa. Name the 2014 Roast Chairperson – Jeff Maurin will select a coordinator. Decide locations for the ECP General meetings for the summer. Ron Edwards will have the locations by the April BOG Meeting. Equipment Rental Rates for 2014 – Derek is reviewing the current rates and will publish them in the March Newsletter. OLD BUSINESS Historian - Digitization of club documents We have some contractors identified to perform the work. We need to identify and assemble what documents should be digitized. Need a chairman and a subcommittee to perform this task. An advertisement will be placed within the newsletter, the Listserve, and Facebook. Jeff Maurin volunteered to place the ads for this request. ECP received a letter from Craig Stihler of WV Division of Natural Resources about that agency's purchase of Schoolhouse Cave (to protect the bat population). Included with the letter was a DVD Video of an old "spoof" film made by Ivan Jirak of exploration of Schoolhouse Cave. Historian Phil Sidel showed to the BOG a draft of a Thank You Letter to Mr., Stihler. The draft was approved and the letter has now been sent. ECP Membership: The option to purchase multiple year memberships was discussed and it was unanimously accepted that the ECP will offer multi-year memberships.. The following options will be offered: 5 year membership at x4 the current annual cost 10 year membership at x7 the current annual cost “Lifetime” (or "Forever") membership at x25 the current annual cost Various names for this membership were offered – to avoid confusion with our current honorary "Life Membership" 6 These options will be presented to the members at the March General meeting There was no discussion of when these options, if approved, would be made available,. Off Month BOG Business Decisions: This is especially relevant since BOG no longer meets every month. Proposed Policy: The BOG may make decisions outside of a formal meeting where action is needed. Such decisions are subject to the following conditions: a. A formal motion must be posted on the BOG listserve for at least 72 hours before the action is taken, unless the motion received approval by all BOG members. b. The words 'Motion Proposed' must appear in the message subject line on the listserve. c. The motion must have the explicit approval of the majority of the BOG members, as indicated by emails posted on the listserve. d. Any BOG member may require the action be held off by requesting it be discussed at the next formal BOG meeting. e. The decision must be recorded at the next BOG meeting and shown in the “published minutes" NEW BUSINESS Activity Coordinator Policy Statement revision from Phil Sidel (and based on Greg Buzulencia's suggestions) was approved by the BOG The current text: "...The Activity Coordinators shall assist and meet with the Activity Chair to schedule outdoor activities. New members shall be encouraged and assisted in participating in Club activities. " The proposed text: "The Activity Coordinator shall advocate and be the point of contact for the activity by helping current, new, or prospective members get connected with others in the club also interested in the activity and any events planned for it. This should involve the following as able: 1 Seek out new members at general meetings that indicate the activity as one of their interests and help them connect with and explore the activity. 2 Answer incoming emails to the club related to the activity. 3 Inform club members if you see any local events or news related to the activity. 4 Encourage any members that are planning an event on their own or as a small/closed group to consider opening it up to the general membership in the form of an official Event. 5 Ensure that at least one Event for your activity occurs every year. " Constitution Section 2 Proposed Changes - The BOG proposed to change the reading of minutes at the general meeting. Section 2 was amended as shown below and the amendments were approved: §2: The President shall be the presiding officer at club meetings. The President shall appoint, from active members, a Librarian, Historian, Environmental Affairs Chairperson, and such other appointees as directed by the Board of Governors and Membership. He shall in all matters seek to fulfill the wishes of the majority of the members and to advance the aims and objectives of the club. The President shall vote only in the case of a tie. The President shall not enter into any debate unless the President shall have yielded the chair to the next office in line of succession. 7 The President may suggest policy changes to the BOG and shall, at each General club meeting, present any policy changes from the BOG meetings. If any portion of the club policy suggested by the BOG seems to find disfavor with the membership, the President shall seek to address the club's wishes . Seneca Summit Regina Shultte-Ladbeck approached the BOG to renew a request for a $100 sponsorship of the Seneca Summit 2014 by the ECP. The request was originally made in 2011, published in the Explorer, discussed and voted on by the membership, and had become a line item in the budget. EXPLANATION: The Seneca Summits run from a Friday evening to a Sunday evening. The event is mostly attended by climbers who are in the ECP and in PATC, plus a few climbers from the Richmond/VA area. The budget for the Seneca Summits has recently been comprised of a $100 contribution by the ECP, a $100 contribution by PATC, plus $20 per participant "at the door." The funds have been used to pay for a group campsite at Seneca Shadows for the event, and to reimburse one invited speaker (travel and their fees for clinics). The request was approved with a recommendation for the budget committee to insert a line item in next year’s budget for monetarily support of the Summit and any similar activity. New Membership Applicants Membership Coordinator Martha Gray Reports that we have the following new membership applicants to be voted into membership at the March 13th Meeting: Adam Bolton, Bowen Lee, Erin Markosky, Ronald Hatt, Richard Soltesz, Devon DeJesus, Kurt Stahlfeld, Jerry Goodrick, Lisa Goodrick, and John Goodrick If all eleven applicants are voted into membership at the March 13th meeting, ECP will have 145 active members for 2014. We again urge all the past members who have not yet renewed for 2014 to do so. To facilitate renewals we have established on-line renewal using PayPal, and you can still renew by sending or delivering your dues ($20 for individuals; $25 for "families.") and Renewal Request or Form to Membership Coordinator Martha Gray. A copy of the Renewal Request/MembershipApplication Form is included as the last page in this newsletter. It can also be found on our website (click on the new membership application button) If you don't have Membership Coordinator Martha Gray's mailing address, your Renewal Request and dues can be mailed to Explorers Club of Pittsburgh, Attention Membership Coordinator, PO Box 71126, Pittsburgh PA 15213,. 8 ECP Treasurer’s Report - February 2014 Total ECP Account Balance as of February 28, 2014: $23,919.43 Balances in the various Club funds, as of February 28, 2014, are as follows: Bogel Fund: $9,345.24 Mike Brown Fund: $5,124.71 Equipment Fund: $893.89 General Fund: $8,555.59 A more detailed breakdown of budget and finances is listed below. 2014 Budget 2014 YTD Difference Bogel Memorial Fund ECP Bogel Fund Revenue Membership Family Membership Indiv. Membership Interest Other Bogel Fund Income TOTAL ECP Bogel Fund Revenue $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $25.00 $100.00 $125.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.67 $0.00 $0.67 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($24.33) ($100.00) ($124.33) ECP Bogel Fund Expenses Organizational Memberships Mt. Washington Cleanup Archiving TOTAL ECP Bogel Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over TOTAL Bogel $1,000.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $2,100.00 $9,344.57 $7,369.57 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($1,000.00) ($100.00) ($1,000.00) ($2,100.00) $9,345.24 $1,975.67 9 Mike Brown Memorial Expedition Grants Fund 2014 Budget 2014 YTD Difference Mike Brown Memorial Fund Revenue Membership Family Membership Indiv. Membership Donations & Fundraisers Rock School Mountaineering School Backpacking School Total Mike Brown Fund Revenue $300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500.00 $250.00 $250.00 $100.00 $1,400.00 $38.00 $8.00 $30.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $90.00 $128.00 ($262.00) $8.00 $30.00 ($500.00) ($250.00) ($250.00) ($10.00) ($1,272.00) Mike Brown Memorial Fund Expenses Mike Brown Memorial Grants Total Mike Brown Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over TOTAL Mike Brown $0.00 $0.00 $4,996.71 $6,396.71 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,124.71 ($1,272.00) Equipment Fund 2014 Budget Equipment Fund ECP Equip Fund Revenue Membership Family Membership Indiv. Membership Mountaineering School Backpacking School Rock School Other Equip Fund Income (rentals, etc.) TOTAL ECP Equip Fund Revenue ECP Equip Fund Expenses Mountaineering School Backpacking School Rock School Ropes Other Equip Fund Expenses TOTAL ECP Equip Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over TOTAL Equipment 2014 YTD Difference $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 1450.00 $61.00 $16.00 $45.00 $0.00 $630.00 $0.00 $30.00 $721.00 ($539.00) $16.00 $45.00 ($250.00) $530.00 ($200.00) ($270.00) ($729.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $450.00 $1,000.00 $1,450.00 $172.89 $172.89 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($450.00) ($1,000.00) ($1,450.00) $893.89 $721.00 10 ECP General Fund 2014 Budget 2014 YTD Difference General Fund ECP General Fund Revenue Membership Family Membership Indiv. Membership Donations and Raffles Events Sales Rock School Mountaineering School Backpacking School Other General Fund Income TOTAL ECP General Fund Revenue $2,450.00 $950.00 $1,500.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100.00 $2,650.00 $301.00 $76.00 $225.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $55.00 $360.00 ($2,149.00) ($874.00) ($1,275.00) ($100.00) $0.00 $4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($45.00) ($2,290.00) ECP General Fund Expenses Advertising BOG Supplies Library Meeting Location Roast, August Party Rock School Mountaineering School Sailing School Web Hosting Membership Events REEL Rock Tour Sponsorship Women's Trad Climbing Sponsorship Other General Fund Expenses Adjustments TOTAL ECP General Fund Expenses Fiscal Year Carry Over TOTAL General $50.00 $200.00 $200.00 $600.00 $700.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $175.00 $200.00 $325.00 $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 $2,650.00 $8,195.59 $8,195.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($50.00) ($200.00) ($200.00) ($600.00) ($700.00) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($175.00) ($200.00) ($325.00) ($100.00) ($100.00) $0.00 ($2,650.00) $8,555.59 $360.00 ECP ACCOUNT TOTALS Total Monthly Revenue Total Monthly Expenses Monthly Total OVERALL TOTAL N/A N/A $22,709.76 11 $1,209.67 $0.00 $1,209.67 $23,919.43 $1,784.67 Gear Guy (written report) This written report was sent to the BOG Group, but was not noted until after the meeting and was not included In the agenda. However, there was considerable discussion via e-mail after the meeting and some of this discussion is summarized in italicized notes below - Editor [The first section of this report is based on a misunderstanding of ECP's Financial Funds Structure, so that section is minimized here - ECP financial Accounts do include an "Equipment Fund" and balances in that fund are carried over from year to year – The carry-over to 2014 was $172.89.] ECP policy states that “A fund shall be established and maintained for the purchase, storage, and maintenance of equipment for club activities…” At present, we have an equipment budget, but not a fund. This has a number of undesirable consequences Funds cannot be carried over from one year to the next Donations, school surplus and rental income do not accumulate in the gear fund For these reasons, I recommend establishing a separate gear fund, with a starting amount equal to the 2014 gear budget. Alternatively, we should reverse the policy decision and purchase gear from the general fund. ----------------------------------------------------------The Alpine Bod harnesses used for Rock School are still in decent condition, but they are oldfashioned and it would be desirable to replace them with a more modern design over the next few years using a combination of Club funds and Rock School revenues. It would be useful to make a decision in-principle to spend $450 of Club funds this year. The actual purchase can then be agreed with the School Directors. I don’t have a recommendation and better deals may be available, but for budgetary purposes we could consider with the BD Momentum which costs $55 from REI. The budgeted amount would buy 8 harnesses. [There has been general agreement with the proposal to purchase new, modern design harnesses, but some members recommend keeping the old ones as well so we can provide a more flexible array of sizes} The Club owns a box of rock climbing shoes which are never used. I recommend we sell these to Rock School students at $10 per pair, with revenue going to the gear Fund. [All who commented on this supported the proposal] Purchase recommendation: Lim’Ice for sharpening ice screws. Price $55.96 plus shipping and tax from EMS. We could charge $5 per use and would probably make a profit on it quite quickly. If anyone wants to take it on a trip, we would charge double. [All comments on this were positive. It should be noted that we might save paying taxes on club purchases by indicating our tax status and ID number.] Jamie Billings has requested a free rental of a 4-season tent for the Mountaineering School graduation trip. This would require an exception to the established policy that all equipment used by Mountaineering School students and instructors should be rented at standard rates. I would prefer Mountaineering School to transfer funds to the Gear Fund to pay for the rental. [This is an issue of some controversy—It should be on the agenda for discussion and possible action at upcoming meetings.] 12 ECP GEAR INVENTORY – MARCH 2014 The complete listing of ECP's "Gear" may be found on our website: For archival purposes and quick reference the Listing is printed here: (Note: Rental Rates format is $fee for first 2 days of use, $fee for each additional day) ACCESSORIES AND SPECIALTY ITEMS Manufacturer Description Size Condition Notes Bin w/picnic supplies Rent & Restrictions free none Bin with garbage bags, garden/work gloves, red safety vests, cargo nets old free none Backcountry First Aid Kit "Adventure Medical Kits" 2 liter bag Good may need to check on supplies free none Garcia MFG Bear Cannister 6" Like new diameter Snow Peak GigaPower Stove, butane Gibbon Slack line MSR WhisperLite Stove Requires fuel 3,2 none bottle and fuel Contour HD 1080p Camera 15,2none Reliance Collapsable Water Jug Fold-a-Carrier MSR- Water Works Water Works Water Filter 2,1 none Requires butane fuel cannister 3,2 none 5,2 none 5 GAL 2-3 lbs Never been used used, but good 3,1 none should be checked and 5,1 none cleaned before using Assorted Allen Wrenches $5 deposit required free none Rope Washer $5 deposit required free none Mirazyme Odor Eliminator free none Seam Grip free none 13 AVALANCHE BEACONS (batteries required for all) Manufacturer Description Size Condition Notes Pieps Pieps Pieps Orthovox Orthovox Orthovox Rent & Restrictions 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 none none none none none none BACKPACKS Gregory Marmot Osprey Osprey REI Kelty Shasta, internal L,5000 cu in Shooting Star, internal L, 3500 cu in Exposure 50 Exposure 50 Traverse New Star L, 70+ good condition, older (5-10 years old) Kuvi (5-10 years old) L good condition, older 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 5-10 years old 5-10 years old 10,3none 10,3none BIVIES OR Bibler Bibler Bibler Advanced Bivy n/a Bivy n/a Bivy with internal frame n/a Bivy with internal frame n/a Bibler Bivy with internal frame n/a Black Diamond Tripod Bivy Black Diamond Spotlight 12,3none 12,3none 12,3none 12,3none missing storage sack, previously moldy (repaired) n/a n/a 12,3none 12,3none 12,3none CARABINERS (STEEL)(34) various locking and nonlocking, n/a D and oval (Qty 25) n/a School only CLIMBING SHOES Boreal Boreal Five Ten Five Ten Five Ten Kamet Kamet Kamet Scarpa Sportiva Reebok Zephyr Fusion Brown Vertical Ascent (High Tops) Moccasyn? Kamet Mens Kamet Kamet Mythos Alp 13 11 9 1 pair missing lace, repair 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none ~10.5 okay 10,3none donated in 2012 7.5 6.5 EU40.5 EU41 9ish 4.5 6.5 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 10,3none 14 Scarpa ? 7.5 ish 10,3none CRAMPONS Manufacturer Description Size Condition Black Diamond Sabertooth, Strap-on 8" bar Black Diamond Sabertooth, Strap-on Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Notes 5,2 none missing pouch 8" bar Sabertooth, Step-in 6.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in w/antibot 6.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in w/antibot 6.5" bar strap minor wear Sabertooth, Step-in w/antibot 6.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in w/antibot 6.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in w/antibot 6.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in w/antibot 6.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in, old 5.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in, old 5.5" bar Sabertooth, Step-in, old 7" bar Black Diamond Sabertooth, Step-in, old 5,2 none 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 5,2 none none none none none none none none none none Voile-USA 5,2 none Straps Flexible 5,2 none Flexible 5,2 none 7" bar Black Diamond Contact, strap-on 7" bar Black Diamond Contact, strap-on 7" bar M-10s, step-in (bails), Charlet Moser 6" bar flexible, vert front points Step-in (bails), Grivel L flexible, horiz front points Step-in (bails), Grivel L flexible, horiz front points Rambo (gen 1), step-in Grivel (bails), rigid, vert front points Rent& Restrictions very good 5,2 none good 5,2 none good 5,2 none good donated used 5,2 none DISC (FRISBEE) GOLF SET Disc Nation 8 discs, bag, accessories new 3,1 none DRY SACKS Seattle Sports Seattle Sports Seattle Sports HydroBlock HydroBlock HydroBlock ~ 15L like new ~ 25L like new ~ 30L like new DUFFEL BAGS The North Face XL 155 L Duffel Bag Pine Creek 70 L Duffel Bag Pine Creek 70 L Duffel Bag 9460 IN3 new 4500 IN3 new 4500 IN3 new 15 32"x19"x19"10,3none 5,1 none 5,1 none GLACIER AXES Manufacturer Description Size Condition Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond 60cm 65cm 70cm 70cm 70cm 70cm 70cm Minor wear Like New, needs leash Like New New Like New Minor wear Like New 70cm Major wear 70cm Moderate wear;replace 70cm 75cm 75m Minor wear Minor wear Moderate wear Like New; small split upper shaft Minor wear Grip breaking apart Raven Raven Raven Raven Raven Raven Raven Black Diamond Zero Point Forest Mountaineering, Ltd Wild Country Wild Country Camp w/ leash, pick&spike protectors Leash,PickProtector Leash,PickProtector Leash,PickProtector Camp Leash,PickProtector 85cm Grivel Leash,PickProtector 65cm Notes Rent& Restrictions 20oz 5,2 18oz 5,2 20oz 5,2 20oz 5,2 20oz 5,2 20oz 5,2 20oz 5,2 28oz, 5,2 Bought used 36oz heavey 5,2 (outdated) 26oz 52 30oz 5,2 32oz 5,2 none none none none none none none none None None None None 35oz 5,2 None 22oz 5,2 None HARNESSES (number of each in description column – total 25) Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Singing Rock Singing Rock Singing Rock Singing Rock Singing Rock Singing Rock Camp Primrose SA Harness (1) Alpine Bod (2) Alpine Bod (4) Alpine Bod (5) Alpine Bod (2) Zenith (2) Zenith (2) Zenith (1) Attack (1) Attack (2) Attack (2) Bambino (1) XS XS S M L M L XL S M L Child n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3,2 SchlOnly SchlOnly SchlOnly SchlOnly Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only none HAUL BAG Black Diamond Touchstone 70 l New 10,3none HELMET (for Child) Camp Junior Child 3,2 none 16 HELMETS Manufacturer Description Size Condition Blue Water Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Black Diamond Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Edelrid Edelrid Edelrid Edelrid Edelrid Edelrid Edelrid 51-62cm 53-61cm 53-61cm 53-61cm 53-61cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 51-62cm 61-32cm 51-62cm Half Dome Half Dome Half Dome Half Dome Ultra Light Ultra Light Ultra Light Jr Ultra Light Ultra Light Ultra Light Ultra Light Notes Rent& Restrictions 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 3,2 54-60cm 54-60cm 54-60cm 54-60cm none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none none HIKING BOOTS Scarpa Scarpa Durable/Leather/Vibram Sole 40 EU Durable/Leather/Vibram Sole 46 EU Used, but good can attach crampons 5,1 none Used, but good can attach crampons 5,1 none ICE TOOLS/ICE AXES Charlet Moser Charlet Moser Black Diamond Axar, pair, bent shaft Axar, pair, bent shaft Shrike, pair, bent shaft minor wear, dull minor wear, dull moderate wear Black Diamond Shrike, pair, bent shaft moderate wear, dull Black Diamond Cobra, pair, bent shaft Hyper Couloir, pair, bent shaft Aztars, pair, bent shaft Alp Wings, pair, bent shaft Quarks, pair, bent shaft minor wear, dull leashes are 8,3 none old Bought used 8,3 none good Bought used 8,3 none minor wear Bought used 8,3 none minor wear Bought used 8,3 none minor wear Bought used 8,3 none Camp Petzl Grivel Petzl LIFE JACKETS (PFD's) – All Significantly Outdated All have been disposed of 17 8,3 none 8,3 none 8,3 none MOUNTAINEERING BOOTS Note: US Sizes on all Koflach boots are "according to Koflach" Manufacturer Description Size Condition Notes Koflach Scarpa Koflach Scarpa Koflach Koflach Koflach La Sportiva Scarpa Koflach La Sportiva Koflach Koflach Koflach Koflach Koflach Koflach Scarpa Koflach Koflach Scarpa Degre, plastic double Inverno, plastic double Degre, plastic double Inverno, plastic double Degre, plastic double Soft Light, plastic double Degre, plastic double Rent& Restrictions UK5 moderate wear, rands glued, US Size: footbed cover separation Mens 6 12,3none 4.5 moderate wear 12,3none UK5.5 minor wear US Size: Mens 6.5 5.5 minor wear US Size: 6 12,3none UK6 new replacement liners US Size: Mens 7 6.5 minor wear 12,3none 12,3none 12,3none right rand minor wear, glued. US Size: 12,3none Need repair? Mens 8 US Size: Lhotse GTX, EU41D like new, Tina C has liners Mens 8.5, 12,3none leather single 82oz (pair) Mont Blanc GTX, EU41.5, 8.5D Mens like new 12,3none leather single 48oz (pair) Degre, plastic US Size: UK8 like new 12,3none double Mens 9 US Size: Nepal EVO GTX, EU42D minor wear Mens 9, 12,3none leather single 72oz (pair) minor wear rands (need Degre, plastic US Size: UK9 repair?), new replacement 12,3none double Mens 10 liners Degre, plastic US Size: UK9 minor wear 12,3none double Mens 10 Arctis Expe, liner uppers moderate wear 9.5 Mens Bought used 12,3none plastic double (duct taped) Degre, plastic US Size: UK9.5 minor wear 12,3none double Mens 11 Degre, plastic US Size: UK10 moderate wear 12,3none double Mens 11 Degre, plastic both rands separating, need US Size: UK10.5 12,3none double repair Mens 12 old, fell plastic double 11.5 moderate/major wear, replace 12,3none apart 2013 Degre, plastic both rands separating, new US Size: UK11.5 12,3none double laces Mens 12.5 Degre, plastic US Size: UK12 minor wear 12,3none double Mens 13 Inverno, plastic dbl 12 minor wear 12,3none UK7 18 ORIENTEERING KITS Manufacturer Description Suunto Size Condition Notes Markers, stamps, cones Rent& Restrictions 20,3 none PADDLES (OARS) Qty 7 retire outdated, 2,1 unused none PERSONAL LOCATOR BEACONS (must be registered) ReQLink ReQLink 406 MHz GPS PLB 406 MHz GPS PLB new 3,1 none new 3,1 none 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,1 none none none none none none 3,1 3,1 none none 4,2 4,2 none none n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only PICKETS MSR MSR MSR MSR MSR 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 2 1/2' 2 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 1 1/2' 2 1/2' 2 1/2' 1 1/2' PROBES (AVALANCHE PROBES) ABC Komperdell RADIOS – FRS 2-WAY PAIRS Motorola Motorola MS350R MS350R ROPES – STATIC CLIMBING ROPES Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Blue Water Sterling Sterling Sterling Sterling 150' Static 11mm 140' Static 11mm 100' Static 11mm 145' Static 11mm 156' Static 11mm 150' Static 11mm 150' Static 11mm 120' Static 120' Static 97' Static 120' Static 120' Static 97' Static 100' Static 100' Static 120' Static 120' Static 150' 140' 100' 145' 156' 150' 150' 120' 120' 97' 120' 120' 97' 100' 100' 120' 120' 19 ROPES – DYNAMIC CLIMBING ROPES Manufacturer Description Size Condition 190' Dynamic 200' Dynamic 200' Dynamic Beal 200' Dynamic Blue Water Eliminator 200' Dynamic Blue Water Eliminator 200' Dynamic Sterling Evolution 200' Dynamic Trango Lotus 200' Dynamic Edelweiss Axis 200' Dynamic 190' 200' 200' 200' 200' 200' 200' 200' 200 Replace - priority 1 Replace - priority 2 Replace - priority 3 Replace - priority 4 Replace - priority 5 Replace - priority 6 Replace - priority 7 Notes Rent& Restrictions n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a dry treated n/a Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only ROPES – STATIC RIGGING ROPES 26' Static rigging rope Blue Water 60' Static rigging rope 50' Static rigging rope Blue Water 50' Static rigging rope 50' Static rigging rope 40' Static rigging rope 36' Static rigging rope 26' static rigging rope 80' static rigging rope Sterling 135' Static Rigging Rope Blue Water 100' Static 10mm 26' 60' 50' 50' 50' 40' 36' 26' 80' 135' 100' duct tape ROPES – DYNAMIC LIMITED USE ROPES Edelrid Dynamic 150' 150' Dynamic duct taped ends, core pulled at ends, retired Dynamic duct taped ends, retired for leader fall practice n/a Schl only only for leader fall practice n/a Schl only only for leader fall practice n/a Schl only only SLEEPING BAGS Big Agnes Fria 15+ degree North Face Cats Meow 20F (Left) Cats Meow 20F (Right) North Face Women women's regular Long new 15,3none 15,3none Long 15,3none SLEEPING PADS Thermestar Thermestar Thermestar Thermestar Rolled colsed cell foam Z-lite Z-lite Z-lite Z-lite Good New New New New 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 3,1 20 none none none none none SNOWSHOES Manufacturer Description MSR MSR MSR Powder Ridge Powder Ridge Sherpa Size Condition Denali Ascent Denali Ascent Denali Ascent Snowshoe 25 Snowshoe 30 Snow-Claw Notes Rent& Restrictions 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 6,2 3,2 older style none none none none none none TENTS Alps MSR Kelty Mt. Hardwear North Face North Face North Face REI REI Mystique 2 person, 2 season Wind 2, 4 season Trail Ridge 3 (3 person, 3 season) 2 person 2 person 4lbs 11 oz 10lbs 2oz 14,2none 18,3none 2-3 person new 5lbs 12 oz 14,2none Hammerhead 3, 3 season 3 person 9.26lbs 14,2none Rock 22, 3 season Mountain 25, 4 season Mountain 25, 4 season Passage 2 person, 3 season Passage 2 person, 3 season 2 person 2 person 2 person 2 person 2 person 5lbs 4oz 7lbs 12oz 7lbs 12oz 4lbs 11 oz 4lbs 11 oz 14,2none 20,3none 20,3none 14,2none 14,2none case repaired new TREKKING POLES Black Diamond Black Diamond Powder Ridge Powder Ridge 8,2 8,2 8,2 8,2 none none none none WEBBING (Number of runners of each length shown in Description) 3' runner (loop) (1) 4' runner (loop) (6) 5' runner (loop) (1) 5.7' runner (loop) (1) 8' runner (loop) (1) 9' runner (loop) (1) 9.5' runner (loop) (1) 10' runner (loop) (6) 12' runner (loop) (6) 15' runner (loop) (5) 20' runner (loop) (7) 3' 4' 5' 5.7 ' 8' 9' 9.5 ' 10' 12' 15' 20' n/a Schl only n/a Schl only n/a Schl only n/a Schl only n/a Schl only n/a Schl only n/a Schl only n/a n/a n/a n/a 21 Schl only Schl only Schl only Schl only ECP CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES & EVENTS Note: The Activities descriptions presented below have been radically abbreviated. More complete descriptions are posted in the Activities calendar on the ECP Website (, click on activities>eventscalendar). There are also some notes on some upcoming events later in this newsletter. Date / When Contact / Info Source & Sponsoring Organization Activity / Description MARCH 2014 March 30, 2014 MOUNT WASHINGTON CLEANUP Bring Old Clothes/Work Gloves/Sturdy Boots 8:30a.m. to Belay gear if you have it completion Contact: Ginette Vinski [email protected] Or: Karen Kirk woldofem@yahoo,.com Sponsor: APRIL 2014 4/5 7pm And 4/6 5pm Banff Mountain Film Festival at Soldiers and Sailors Hall More info and tickets available here: Sponsor: Venture Outdoors 412-255-0564 4/11 to 4/13 "Chicks with Nuts" Women's Only Trad Climbing Clinic at Seneca Rocks, WV For Women of all Skill Levels 2-to-1 Student-Instructor Ratio Contact: Kelly Fields [email protected] PRICE: $450 -- includes two days of climbing instruction, climbing equipment, optional Friday night crack clinic, 2 mornings of breakfast, Saturday night dinner and slideshow! 4/12 "Spring Fling Bike Ride" Phone: (304) 567-2115 Sponsor: Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides LIMITED OPENINGS Contact: Maggie Schneider [email protected] Kick off the biking season with the Spring Fling on April 12th. This is a great ride to get started training with Maggie’s Phone: 724-898-2222 Marauders for the upcoming MS 150 bike ride July 19 – Sponsor: th 20 . Ride starts from Duke & Maggie’s house. After the ride, join us for a pot luck dinner and cookout. MAY 2014 22 JUNE 2014 6/21-6/22 Seneca Summit - Trad Climbing For Women 6/27 to 6/29 "Chicks with Nuts" Women's Only Trad Climbing Clinic at Seneca Rocks, WV For Women of all Skill Levels 2-to-1 Student-Instructor Ratio Contact: Regina Schulte-Ladbeck Women-Climbers of all experience levels are welcome. [email protected] The event usually involves climbing together, a potluck, a slide show or two, and some clinics. Sponsor: jointly with A grass roots event – we all pitch in as we are able PATC Mtneering Comm. Modest cost (last year it was ~$20/climber) PRICE: $450 -- includes two days of climbing instruction, climbing equipment, optional Friday night crack clinic, 2 mornings of breakfast, Saturday night dinner and slideshow! Contact: Kelly Fields [email protected] Phone: (304) 567-2115 Sponsor: Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides JULY 2014 July 19th-20th MS 150 – Keystone Country Ride With team: Maggie's Marauders Team Captain: Bob Dezort [email protected] Start & Finish 150 Mile Road Ride in State College, PA. Fundraising Commitment: $300 for MS research & treatment, Training Rides will begin this spring. AUGUST 2014 SEPTEMBER 2014 9/26 to 9/28 "Chicks with Nuts" Women's Only Trad Climbing Clinic at Seneca Rocks, WV For Women of all Skill Levels 2-to-1 Student-Instructor Ratio PRICE: $450 -- includes two days of climbing instruction, climbing equipment, optional Friday night crack clinic, 2 mornings of breakfast, Saturday night dinner and slideshow! Contact: Kelly Fields [email protected] Phone: (304) 567-2115 Sponsor: Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides SUMMER CLIMBING AT CIRQUE OF THE TOWERS Felix Duvallet is planning a climbing trip to the Cirque Of The Towers in the Wind River Range. The dates and details are not yet set; it is expected that a group of interested ECPers will get together and work out the plan that works for as many as possible. Climbers interested in participating are urged to sign on by filling out the form at: So far, fifteen climbers have signed in as interested. 23 ECP Library News March 2014 The club has just received a new film called Chasing Ice. Anyone who has ever seen or been on a glacier will find this film interesting. Those who haven't, will find it well worth watching also. The images in this film are worthy to be hung on peoples walls! (from the film web site) In the spring of 2005, acclaimed environmental photographer James Balog headed to the Arctic on a tricky assignment for National Geographic: to capture images to help tell the story of the Earth’s changing climate. Even with a scientific upbringing, Balog had been a skeptic about climate change. But that first trip north opened his eyes to the biggest story in human history and sparked a challenge within him that would put his career and his very well-being at risk. Chasing Ice, filmed by Jeff Orlowski, is the story of one man’s mission to change the tide of history by gathering undeniable evidence of our changing planet. Within months of that first trip to Iceland, the photographer conceived the boldest expedition of his life: The Extreme Ice Survey. With a band of young adventurers in tow, Balog began deploying revolutionary time-lapse cameras across the brutal Arctic to capture a multi-year record of the world’s changing glaciers. As the debate polarizes America and the intensity of natural disasters ramps up globally, Balog finds himself at the end of his tether. Battling untested technology in subzero conditions, he comes face to face with his own mortality. It takes years for Balog to see the fruits of his labor. His hauntingly beautiful videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate. Chasing Ice depicts a photographer trying to deliver evidence and hope to our carbon-powered planet. The pictures and videos alone are worth watching, but the message is an important one also! It can be yours for watching by just giving me a call or writing me a quick email. This is just one of numerous DVDs the club owns. Take a look at the on-line library listings at the clubs web site. And, as I always say, if you have a suggestion, let me know. I'll try to get it for the collection! I am also open for donations! (hint, hint) If you have some guide books getting dusty on your shelves, give them a new home, a place where others can use them. Donate them to your local club library! Happy reading! Phil B. ECP Librarian (412) 486-1450 ([email protected]) 24 ECP ROCK-CLIMBING SCHOOL – 2014 The ECP Rock Climbing School is scheduled to "kick-off" in Mid April and prospective students must get their applications in by the ECP General Meeting on Thursday, March 13th. Instructions about eligibilty and application requirements are posted on the ECP website at: Instructions for applying and a link to the downloadable application form can be found at An important requirement is that you must be able to attend all the scheduled classes – both indoor evening classes and outdoor day classes. The schedule of mandatory classes and events is: Description Date Intro Party (pick-up equipment, Tuesday , April 15 course materials, etc.) Class 1, 6:45-10:00pm Tuesday, April 22 Outing 1, 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday, April 26 Class 2, 6:45-10:00pm Tuesday, April 29 Outing 2, 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday, May 3 Class 3, 6:45-10:00pm Tuesday, May 6 Outing 3, 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday, May 10 Class 4, 6:45-10:00pm Tuesday, May 13 Saturday/Sunday Outing 4, 9:00am - 5:00pm May 17-18 Outing 5, 9:00am - 5:00pm Saturday, May 31 Post-graduation Trip Saturday, Sunday (invitation only) June 7-8 Location Valerie Kramers home, 5864 Marlborough Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15217 The Church of Howe, McKees Rocks, PA Coopers Rock, WV, Rock City Area The Church of Howe, McKees Rocks, PA Coopers Rock, WV, Roof Rocks area The Church of Howe, McKees Rocks, PA McConnells Mill State Park, Rim Road The Church of Howe, McKees Rocks, PA Fairchance, PA - White Rocks, (Camping Overnight - small fee) Coopers Rock, WV, Sunset Rock area Seneca Rocks, WV (Camping Overnight - small fee) COST: $175 - includes the training manual, some basic, personal equipment that is yours to keep, rental fees for the club equipment and other fees. In addition, a $50 refundable deposit is required for use of a club helmet and harness during the duration of the class and will be returned when you return the helmet and harness. 25 EXKURSION CLOSES ITS MONROEVILLE STORE Most ECPers received notice that Exkursion was closing its store at the end of 2013, and was selling most of the stock at close-out prices, We certainly miss the wonderful service and goods that Fred Gunter and his knowledgeable staff (many of whom were ECP members) provided in our quest for best gear for our "explorations." Exkursion is still offering climbing and kayaking courses through their website, and sellling on-line selected gear for those activities, but we will miss the "brick and mortar" store where we browsed and talked things over, Survival Series for Greenhorns ECPer Rob Prowel , working with a Pittsburgh Adventure Lovers' Meetup Group, is planning a Survival Series of hikes in May and June. The hikes and subsequent overnighter are designed for the raw greenhorns, or those with minimal or no survival training. They will do a series of day hikes, each one covering a couple of necessary outdoor skills, and upon successful completion of the hikes, students may participate in an overnight bivouac survival campout in the mountains a few hours from Pittsburgh. Hike #1 (May 3) - outdoor gear (survival kits) and basic outdoor knots/ropework Hike #2 (May 17) - food, water, fire, and energy management Hike #3 (June 7) - land navigation and basic emergency shelters Hike #4 (June 21) - basic first aid and trip logistics Overnighter (July 12-13) - students who attend and sucessfully complete the previous hikes will be invited to practice what they learned by doing a survival campout overnight in the mountains within a few hours of Pittsburgh. Rob asks that only students who have minimal to moderate experience, and who can commit to attending all the trips sign up. There will be a liability release and a short application form so that heI can get a better idea of the interests and abilities of prospective students. There is no fee for the course. Signup will be exclusively through the Pittsburgh Adventure Lovers meetup group at <>. Students selected to participate will be contacted via email and given more details about meeting locations and times. 26 27