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2007 TECHNICAL DATA Agricultural Tyres preface T his manual has been prepared to help you obtain the maximum safety and value from Firestone tyres. While not completely comprehensive, it provides useful definitions, advice on proper selection and care, and lists the detailed specifications of a wide range of patterns and sizes. We hope that you will get the very most out of our high quality products. Further information or advice on FS tyres can be obtained from the Technical Service Division of Firestone. ! 2 Loads or Inflation Pressures not shown for any tyre are not permitted without express permission of the manufacturer. contents • • AGRICULTURAL TYRES LISTED BY size RADIAL DRIVE TYRES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Presentation 65 Series 70 Series 85 Series High Speed Application Severe Service High Volume Application Combine/Harvester Application Row Crop Application P 4-5 P 8-14 P 15 P 16-18 P 19-24 P 25 P 26 P 27 P 28 P 29-30 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • BIAS DRIVE TYRES Presentation Traction Rear Front & Implement/Rancher Combine/Harvester Application ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • P 32-33 P 34-35 P 36-37 P 37 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FREE-ROLLING TYRES Presentation Front Steering Free-Rolling Implement Grassland Application P 40 P 41-42 P 43 P 44-45 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • FLOTATION TYRES Presentation Load and Inflation Tables P 48 P 49-51 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… INDUSTRIAL TYRES Presentation Load and Inflation Tables ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… FORESTRY TYRES Presentation Load and Inflation Tables ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… • • • • • • P 54-57 P 58-63 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WARNING & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS HYDRO-INFLATION SIZE MARKINGS - SPEED SYMBOLS - LOAD INDEXES SIZE CONVERSION CHART TEST CENTRES ADDRESSES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… P P P P 66-67 68-69 70-73 74-75 P 76 P 77 P 81 P 82-83 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LEGEND: Unloaded section width (mm) Overall diameter unloaded (mm) Static loaded radius (mm) Rolling circumference (mm) RecomPermissible mended rim rims Inflation pressure (kPa) Speed (Km/h) 1 inch = 25.4 millimeters = 2.54 centimeters 1 psi = 6.895 kilopascal (kPa) = 0.06895 bar 3 ALL AGRICULTURAL TYRES LISTED BY SIZE GENERAL INFORMATION Tyre Size 8 8 10 12 14 15 15.3 16 16.1 16.5 17.5 18 4 4.00 4.00 5.0 4.00/5 4.00 4.00 5.00 6 6.5/80 7.00 7.00 8.50 11.0/65 26X12.00 26X12.00 26X12.00 11L 4.00 5.00 5.00 8.0/75 8.25 27X8.50 215/70 9.5L 260/65 31X13.50 31X15.50 390/60 27X10 10.0/75 10 11.5 11.5/80 11.5 5.50 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.50 6.50 7.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 9.00 10.00 10.50 11.00 11.00 11.00 280/70 13.50 16.5L 16.5L 16.5L 18.4 21.5L 21.5L 10 265/70 12 305/70 395/55 14 7.50 R R - LI* SS* PR* TL/TT 8 02 8 02 10 02 12 02 12 04 12 04 12 06 12 02 12 02 12 06 12 06 12 06 12 06 12 04 12 04 12 08 14 08 15 04 15 02 15 06 15 06 15 18 15 06 15 08 15 08 15 08 15 08 15 08 15 08 15.3 08 15.3 08 15.3 10 15.3 12 15.3 12 15.3 16 16 06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16 06 16 08 16 08 16 06 16 08 16 08 16 08 16 10 16 102 A8 16 10 16 10 16 14 16 08 16 08 16 12 16 112 A8 16.1 10 16.1 06 16.1 08 16.1 10 16.1 06 16.1 06 16.1 14 16.5 06 16.5 08 16.5 08 16.5 10 16.5 12 17.5 10 18 06 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TL TL TL TL TT TT TT TT TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TL TL TL TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT Pattern T114 T114 T131 T114 RIB T133 T133 TC T131 RIB T133 RIB T133 RIBIMP FLT23 FLT23 FARM RIB T114 RIB T133 B213 DURAFDT DURAFDT FARM DURAFDT TURF & FIELD FLT23 DURAFDT T133 T133 FARM FARM T131 FARM RIB 3RIB 3RIB T133 RIB RIB 3RIB T133 RIB 3RIB RIB T133 3RIB RIB R4000 4RIB 3RIB FARM 3RIB 4RIB 4RIB R4000 ANS ANS FARM ANS ANS TURF & FIELD FARM STDUP DURAFDT STDUP DURAFDT DURAFDT STDUP T131 OD* Page 440 440 515 528 534 541 572 574 588 661 670 716 718 640 663 663 747 610 654 654 708 838 678 678 762 691 777 792 792 687 780 784 860 873 860 716 716 735 751 752 745 762 777 774 813 798 800 805 798 792 855 895 955 965 965 965 805 1031 1036 1013 1036 1107 1120 1105 795 772 826 820 838 935 863 37 37 37 37 41 37 37 37 37 43 37 43 37 43 49 49 43 43 37 41 37 43 63 63 43 63 44 49 63 37 36 43 43 36 43 41 41 41 36 41 41 41 36 41 41 41 36 41 43 19 41 41 43 41 41 41 16 44 44 43 44 44 44 43 63 63 63 63 63 63 36 Tyre Size 18 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 10.00 10.5/80 280/70 12.0/12.5 12.0/12.5 12.5 12.5/80 340/80 340/80 13.0/65 400/70 19 4.00 4.50 6.00 19.5 15 20 6.00 6.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 9.5 9.50 10/10.5 280/70 300/70 12.5 320/70 340/80 360/70 365/80 400/70 400/70 42X25.00 42X25.00 48X25.00 48X25.00 48X31.00 48X31.00 48X31.00 21 4.00/4.50 5.00/5.25 22.5 15 18 600/55 700/50 24 8.3 9.5 9.5 9.5 250/85 11.2 11.2 11.2 280/85 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 320/85 320/70 13.6 13.6 13.6 340/85 360/70 14.9 14.9 14.9 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R - LI* SS* PR* TL/TT 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19.5 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 104 A8 114 A8 136 A8 143 A8 147 A8 116 A8 120 A8 123 144 129 144 149 149 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 109 A8 114 115 A8 A8 119 A8 122 A8 116 A8 121 A8 125 A8 122 A8 Pattern 08 TT 3RIB 08 TL 4RIB 08 TL RIB 10 TT RIB TL R4000 08 TT FARM 10 TL ATU TL R4000 08 TL ATU 12 TL ATU 10 TL STL 12 TL 4RIB TL R8000UT TL DURAFUT 14 TT FARM TL DURAFUT 04 TT RIB 02 TT T131 06 TT RIB 12 TL STDUP 10 TT B213 06 TT RIB 06 TT RIB 06 TT 3RIB 06 TT T131 06 TT ATC 08 TT 3RIB 10 TT ATU TL R4000 TL R4000 10 TL ATU TL R4000 TL DURAFUT TL R4000 TL DURAFUT TL R8000UT TL DURAFUT 08 TL FLT23 12 TL FLT23 DT 10 TL FLT23 10 TL FLT23 DT 10 TL FLT23 DT 14 TL FLT23 14 TL FLT23 DT 04 TT RIB 06 TT RIB 16 TL STDUP 16 TL STDUP 16 TL FLTIMP 16 TL FLTIMP 04 TL ANS 04 TT ANS 04 TT ATFR 06 TT ATC TL R6000 04 TL OCM UR 08 TT ATC TL R7000 TL R6000 06 TL SAT 08 TT ATC 12 TT ATU TL R7000 TL R6000 TL R6000 06 TT ATC 08 TL SAT TL R7000 TL R6000 TL R6000 04 TL ATFR UR 06 TL ANS 08 TT ATC OD* Page 860 860 866 866 850 875 920 855 953 953 990 965 1005 1008 875 1017 714 737 812 1036 844 850 906 909 915 950 970 986 906 939 1016 985 1052 1056 1092 1068 1068 1074 1113 1232 1295 1295 1232 1295 764 812 1085 1166 1270 1270 986 1011 1046 1040 1042 1097 1100 1080 1095 1150 1143 1138 1127 1150 1096 1200 1200 1179 1200 1148 1270 1265 1265 41 41 41 41 19 43 61 16 61 61 59 42 60 58 43 58 42 36 42 63 43 42 42 42 36 34 42 61 16 16 61 16 58 16 58 60 58 49 49 49 49 49 50 50 43 43 63 63 49 43 44 44 34 34 19 34 34 19 19 34 34 61 19 19 16 34 34 19 19 16 34 44 34 Tyre Size 24 14.9 14.9 380/85 380/70 400/80 400/80 400/70 16.9 16.9 16.9 420/85 420/70 440/65 17.5L 460/70 18.4 480/70 480/65 19.5L 19.5L 540/65 25 800/50 67X34.00 54X37.00 66X43.00 66X43.00 66X43.00 1050/50 1050/50 66X44.00 66X44.00 26 14.9 420/85 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 480/80 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 23.1 28L 28L 28L 28L 28L 28L 28L 26.5 600/55 700/50 28 250/85 11.2 11.2 280/85 12.4 12.4 320/85 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 340/85 360/70 14.9 14.9 14.9 380/85 380/70 16.9 LI* SS* PR* - 24 R 24 126 R 24 131 R 24 125 - 24 156 R 24 156 R 24 158 - 24 - 24 R 24 134 R 24 137 R 24 130 R 24 128 - 24 R 24 150 - 24 R 24 138 R 24 133 - 24 R 24 146 R 24 140 - 25 - 25 - 25 - 25 - 25 - 25 R 25 172 R 25 172 - 25 - 25 R 26 132 R 26 138 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 R 26 140 R 26 160 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26 - 26.5 - 26.5 R 28 112 - 28 R 28 116 R 28 118 - 28 R 28 121 R 28 124 - 28 - 28 - 28 R 28 123 R 28 127 R 28 125 - 28 - 28 R 28 128 R 28 133 R 28 127 - 28 12 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 06 10 A8 A8 A8 A8 10 A8 12 A8 A8 12 A8 A8 12 12 12 10 10 16 A8 B 06 16 A8 A8 06 10 10 12 12 A8 A8 10 12 14 14 14 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 A8 06 A8 A8 06 A8 A8 06 06 08 A8 A8 A8 06 08 A8 A8 A8 08 ALL AGRICULTURAL TYRES LISTED BY SIZE GENERAL INFORMATION * PR* TL/TT 12 8 8 8 8 8 8 06 10 8 8 8 8 10 8 12 8 8 12 8 8 12 12 12 10 10 16 8 06 16 8 8 06 10 10 12 12 8 8 10 12 14 14 14 12 12 14 14 16 16 16 20 20 8 06 8 8 06 8 8 06 06 08 8 8 8 06 08 8 8 8 08 TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TT TT TL TL TT TL TT TT TT TL TL TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TL TT TL TL TT TT TL TL TL TL TT TT TL TL TL TT Pattern ATU R7000 R6000 R6000 S8000UT R8000UT R8000UT ANS ATU R7000 R6000 R6000 R9000 Evolution ATU R8000UT ATU R6000 R9000 Evolution ATU RATU R9000 Evolution FLT23 FLT23 FLT23 DT FLT23 FLT23 DT FLT23 DT FLT23 DT FLT23 DT FLT AT FLT AT RATFWD RATFWD ANS FOREST SP ANS ATFR ATFR RATFWD DURAFUT FOREST SP ANS ATC ATC FOREST SP ANS ANS II SAT23 FOREST SP FOREST SP SS ANS ANS II FOREST EL FOREST EL R6000 ATC R7000 R6000 ATC R7000 R6000 ANS ATC SAT R7000 R6000 R6000 ATC ATU R7000 R6000 R6000 ATC OD* Page 1242 1246 1245 1190 1275 1275 1180 1308 1318 1307 1320 1250 1196 1242 1245 1374 1323 1250 1308 1311 1315 1443 1727 1430 1689 1722 1722 1709 1709 1702 1702 1316 1384 1448 1445 1448 1453 1453 1450 1428 1613 1516 1578 1578 1613 1496 1590 1603 1638 1638 1496 1590 1341 1341 1143 1200 1187 1200 1260 1238 1250 1308 1310 1313 1294 1301 1248 1367 1344 1344 1345 1290 1435 62 20 20 16 61 60 60 45 62 20 20 17 15 62 60 62 17 15 62 62 15 50 50 50 50 50 50 27 49 50 50 20 20 45 68 45 36 34 20 58 68 45 34 36 68 45 45 36 68 68 45 45 69 69 20 34 21 20 34 21 21 45 34 34 21 21 17 34 62 21 21 17 34 Tyre Size 28 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 420/85 420/70 18.4 18.4 440/80 440/80 440/65 480/70 480/65 540/65 600/65 30 14.9 380/85 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 420/85 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 460/85 480/70 480/70 480/70 540/65 540/65 600/70 23.1 620/75 620/75 32 24.5 24.5 650/75 650/75 30.5L 30.5L 30.5L 30.5L 800/65 800/65 35.5L 35.5L 73X44.00 73X44.00 78X45.00 68X50.00 76X50.00 34 320/85 380/85 385/85 16.9 16.9 420/85 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 460/85 460/85 480/70 480/70 520/70 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R LI* SS* PR* TL/TT 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 10 14 136 136 139 133 A8 A8 A8 A8 12 141 156 156 131 140 136 142 154 135 137 141 140 145 141 147 152 143 150 158 163 163 172 172 172 172 133 137 146 139 142 144 147 147 143 143 148 TT TT TL TL TL TL TL TL A8 A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL 06 TT A8 TL 08 TT 08 TT 10 TT 10 TT 14 TT A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL 06 TT 08 TT 08 TT 08 TL 12 TT 12 TT A8 TL A8 TL D TL A8 TL A8 TL D TL A8 TL 14 TT A8 TL A8 TL 16 TT 20 TT A8 TL A8 TL 14 TL 16 TL 16 TL 18 TL A8 TL A8 TL 16 TT 20 TL 12 TL 16 TL 16 TL 16 TL 16 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL 08 TT A8 TL A8 TL 08 TL 08 TT 10 TT A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL A8 TL Pattern ATU ATU R7000 RCSG R6000 R6000 ATU RCSG R8000UT DURAFUT R9000 Evolution R6000 R9000 Evolution R9000 Evolution Maxi Traction ATC RATFWD ATFR ATC ATU FOREST SP ATU R7000 RCSG R8000 ATC ATC ATFR SAT23 ATC ATC R7000 R8000 R8000 RATDT R9000 Evolution R9000 Evolution Maxi Traction ATFR R7000 R7000 FOREST SP ATFR RATDT RATDT ANS ANS FOREST SP FOREST SP SS RATDT RATDT FOREST SP ANS FLT23DT FLT23DT FLT23DT FLT23DT FLT23DT R9000 RATFWD RATFWD OCM R7000 R8000 SAT23 ATC FOREST SP R7000 R8000 R8000SS R8000 R7000 R8000 OD* Page 1428 1428 1423 1478 1420 1350 1476 1549 1420 1420 1292 1425 1345 1423 1494 1418 1417 1478 1485 1484 1504 1484 1468 1529 1469 1546 1546 1559 1560 1546 1546 1506 1480 1480 1516 1485 1485 1591 1694 1676 1676 1801 1798 1791 1791 1753 1753 1880 1880 1862 1862 2012 1986 1880 1880 2012 1753 1994 1408 1519 1519 1572 1562 1570 1661 1674 1656 1628 1642 1635 1575 1568 1645 62 62 21 22 21 17 62 22 60 58 15 17 15 15 26 34 22 34 34 62 68 62 22 22 22 34 34 34 35 35 36 22 17 25 17 15 25 26 35 27 28 68 35 28 28 45 45 68 68 28 28 68 45 51 51 51 51 51 29 22 29 35 23 22 35 35 68 23 23 26 17 18 18 Tyre Size 34 520/70 540/65 540/65 600/65 600/65 700/55 710/75 710/75 36 13.6 13.6 38 320/85 13.6 380/80 15.5 16.9 16.9 420/85 18.4 18.4 18.4 18.4 460/85 460/85 460/85 480/70 480/70 20.8 20.8 20.8 520/85 520/85 520/85 520/70 520/70 540/65 580/70 600/65 650/85 650/65 650/65 710/70 800/70 42 320/90 18.4 18.4 480/80 20.8 20.8 20.8 620/70 620/70 650/65 710/70 900/50 46 12.4 320/90 13.6 14.9 14.9 14.9 380/90 420/80 520/85 48 230/95 50 320/90 380/90 54 320/90 320/90 380/90 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R LI* SS* PR* TL/TT 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 36 36 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 48 50 50 54 54 54 148 A8 145 A8 152 D 14 151 A8 14 168 A8 168 A8 06 127 143 128 142 A8 A8 A8 A8 08 08 141 A8 144 A8 08 08 146 146 149 149 149 145 145 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 153 153 155 155 155 150 150 147 155 153 173 157 163 171 173 139 148 148 151 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 D A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 155 155 160 160 158 173 168 133 148 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 142 145 149 152 151 158 134 148 151 143 149 152 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 A8 10 14 06 * LI : Load Index SS : Speed Symbol PR : Ply Rating OD : Overall Diameter unloaded (mm) TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL Pattern R7000 R9000 Evolution R9000 Evolution FOREST TL R9000 Evolution FOREST TL RATDT RATDT ATC R7000 R9000 R7000 RATDT SAT23 SAT23 R7000 R8000 ATC DT SAT23 R7000 RCSG R8000 R8000SS RATDT R8000 R7000 ATC R7000 RCSG R8000 R8000SS RATDT R8000 R7000 R9000 Evolution R8000 R9000 Evolution Maxi Traction R9000 Evolution R9000 Evolution Maxi Traction RDT23 R9000 R7000 RCSG RAT23 SAT23 R7000 RCSG RATDT Maxi Traction R9000 Evolution Maxi Traction R9000 RCSG R9000 CSG RAT23 RAT23 RAT23 R9000 RAT23 RATDT R9000 R9000 R9000 RATDT RATDT R9000 OD* Page 1625 1585 1565 1643 1648 1643 1994 1994 1510 1488 1516 1533 1595 1550 1684 1670 1670 1760 1768 1728 1775 1743 1750 1742 1675 1681 1875 1839 1859 1830 1810 1835 1750 1755 1683 1830 1755 2052 1833 1818 1944 2080 1656 1857 1900 1854 1935 1941 1989 1935 1935 2055 2052 1956 1755 1755 1796 1824 1824 1824 1849 1860 2050 1656 1857 1950 1948 1948 2052 18 15 15 69 15 69 28 28 35 23 29 23 29 35 35 23 23 35 35 23 24 23 26 23 18 18 35 24 24 24 25 24 18 18 15 18 15 26 15 15 26 27 29 24 24 24 35 24 24 18 26 21 26 27 29 29 35 29 29 29 30 30 24 30 30 30 30 30 30 5 notes 6 AGRICULTURAL TYRES Radial Drive Tyres RADIAL TYRES R9000 Evolution The unique Firestone Radial 9000 Evolution raises the performance standards of 65 Series agricultural tyres. Combining the proven field capability of the current Radial 9000 with a new level of on-road comfort, the R9000 Evolution also provides more even wear and longer working life. Less soil compaction Flat tread contour and larger footprint Low soil disturbance Newly-developed lug shape More even wear and longer tread life - New stress-relieved carcass concept - Wider footprint with larger contact patch - Cut-resistant construction with Long-Life Compound technology Improved driver comfort - Less vibration on road and field due to flattened crown profile, special belt construction and tread pattern - Reduced road noise from improved pitch sequence and lug profile versus R9000 Excellent traction in the field Optimised lug design proven in independent trials Excellent self-cleaning Optimised shape lug design R9000 Evolution - Result of test performed at DLG (Germany) Vibration test (Comfort) performed at DLG (Germany) in August 05 showed that Firestone 9000 Evolution compared to its main competitors (Premium brands): - was on average below or equal in vibration (Comfort) from 26km/h to 48 km/h (See graph) - was better in terms of steering response. The R9000 Evolution has been developed to match European farmers needs of 65 series. _ Accelaration in Z - direction in m/s < 0,8 0,6 Firestone R9000 Evo Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 0,4 0,2 0,0 26 8 29 32 34 37 40 43 45 48 Tractor speed km/h RADIAL TYRES MAXI TRACTION The Firestone MAXI TRACTION is designed for high horse power tractors. NEW Farmers/End-users benefits: - A line-up of 8 sizes answering the requirements of newly developed high horse power tractors - Excellent traction and uniform tread wear due to optimized lug design and extra wide tread arc - Reduced soil compaction due to larger footprint and round shoulders - High load capacity of the 5 most used sizes to withstand severe service conditions with higher rated inflation pressure - Allowed to be fitted on 50K tractors due to the same load capacity at 40 kph and 50 kph R8000 The Radial 8000 has been designed to be used mainly on the rear axle of high-powered tractors and gives excellent all-round performance in normal and soft, wet conditions. Powerful traction Lug with 23° angle at shoulder Comfortable, smooth ride - 52° lug angle at centre - lug overlap at centre Improved road wear Longer lugs Improved cut and tear resistance Optimised compound Less soil compaction Optimised pressure distribution due to - wide tread arc - flat tread contour Excellent self-cleaning Optimised lug design proven in independent trials (ENAMA ...) R7000 R8000 9 RADIAL TYRES R6000 The Firestone Radial 6000 is designed for use on all types of tractors. It provides excellent manoeuvrability and traction in all soil conditions, in addition to good driver comfort and low road wear. Available in standard and 70-series. Excellent traction 23° lug angle at shoulder Good soil penetration and drive precision 60° lug angle at centre Resistance against lug tearing Reinforced lug base Even wear and comfortable ride More rubber contact in centre area Less soil compaction Flat tread contour Excellent self-cleaning Special shape of lug design R4000 The Firestone Radial 4000 has been designed for medium-to-low horsepower tractors, typically being used for vineyard and orchard service. Its construction and compound allows it to perform in all kinds of conditions - from hard terrain to soft soil, from flat to hilly conditions - making the Radial 4000 a versatile all-rounder. Long Tyre Life & high Durability Due to higher number of Lugs and new Tread Compound, specifically developed for intensive road usage. Excellent Lateral Stability Due to reinforced Sidewall and Bead Construction Uniform Tread Wear Optimised Lug Design & new Tread Compound Technology Cut Resistant Highly resistant Compound for hard Soil Conditions Excellent straight Driving Stability & Steering Accuracy Due to 60° Lug Angle at Center & reinforced Carcass Contruction Higher Load Capacity Due to higher rated Inflation Pressure, allows to withstand tractors front implement weight Minimized Soil Compaction & Rutting Due to Flat Tread Contour and Wide Tread Arc 10 RADIAL TYRES Radial All Traction Deep Tread (RATDT) Designed to meet the needs of high-powered tractors which carry heavy loads and develop significant torque levels. Variable curved lug: - Increases the contact area and therefore decreases soil compaction, - Increases traction power capacity, - Harmonises rolling and therefore minimises vibration. Reinforced lug base: - Provides excellent resistance to lug tearing. Bead rim protector: - Designed to prevent soil from being trapped between the rim flange and tyre bead. Radial All Traction Four-Wheel Drive (RAT FWD) Specifically designed for the front axle. - Multi-angle tread design minimizes tread distortion for extended tread life and provides excellent grip for cornering and traction. - Open-center reinforced tread bars aid cleaning to increase traction under maximum load. - Vibration-resistant tread design provides a smooth pull in the field and a smooth ride on the road. - High-angle stabilizer belts for fuel economy, long wear and maximum grip. - Bead Rim Protector designed to prevent soil from being trapped between the rim flange and tyre bead. 11 RADIAL TYRES Radial Champion Spade Grip (RCSG) Radial construction to enhance performance in wet field operations. - 45° extra deep traction bars for extra traction in wet ground. Radial construction puts down longer footprint with less slippage than bias. Wide tread and large footprint minimize slippage on loose and firm soils. Durable radial construction with high angle stabilizer belt plies helps minimize bar movement. Radial All Traction 23° (RAT 23°) Radial drive wheel tractor tyre for traction, durability and road wear. - Flatter tread contour with proven 23° long bar/long bar tread design for excellent traction, long even wear, and smooth ride. - Increased number of lugs combined with open center design optimizes wear and traction, while providing resistance to vibration. - Radial body construction with high angle stabilizing belts for fuel economy, long wear and positive traction. - Dual rubber compounds provide long-wearing, tear resistant tread and resistance to cracking and weathering in the sidewall. - Bead Rim Protector. Radial Deep Tread 23° (RDT 23°) - Firestone’s proven 23° long bar/long bar tread design with deeper tread depth provides even wear, long life. - Open center design optimizes wear and traction, while providing resistance to vibration. - Deep tread depth that delivers excellent wear and traction in both wet and dry conditions. - Radial body construction with high angle stabilizing belts for fuel economy, long wear, and positive traction. - Bead Rim Protector. 12 RADIAL TYRES Radial Flotation 23° DT (RAD FLOT 23° DT) Designed for use on sugar beet harvesters, manure wagons,... - Minimum soil compaction due to lower unit ground pressure provided by massive width and large ground contact area. - Handles heavy loads with minimal damage to environment. - Low air pressure capability providing soft ride to minimize damage to equipment. R9000 Modern design for Sprayer/Row crop application. - Multi-angle tread design for excellent grip and extended tyre life. Vibration resistant lug configurations for smooth ride. Reinforced tread bars for traction and wear. Bead and rim flange protector designed to prevent soil from being trapped between the rim flange and tyre bead. R7000 - Flexible sidewalls produce a large contact patch maximising flotation and minimising soil compaction. - 45° lug angle and spacing ensure effective self-cleaning and excellent traction. - Cut-resistant rubber compound. (70 Series) (80 Series) 13 radial tyres severe service MAXI TRACTION The Firestone MAXI TRACTION is designed for high horse power tractors. NEW Farmers/End-users benefits: - A line-up of 8 sizes answering the requirements of newly developed high horse power tractors - Excellent traction and uniform tread wear due to optimized lug design and extra wide tread arc - Reduced soil compaction due to larger footprint and round shoulders - High load capacity of the 5 most used sizes to withstand severe service conditions with higher rated inflation pressure - Allowed to be fitted on 50K tractors due to the same load capacity at 40 kph and 50 kph R8000 Severe Service (R8000 SS) Constructed to withstand the most severe soil conditions in hard, dry and rocky terrain. The tyre can be used on normal agricultural tractors as well as on light construction equipment. - A large footprint allows for better flotation and improved traction. - A newly developed compound is highly resistant to cutting and tearing. - Reduced bar height and harder compound for excellent performance on hard, dry and rocky terrain. 14 Load and inflation tables 65 SERIES Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 440/65 R24 128 A8 128 B TL - R9000 Evolution 441 1196 540 3575 W14L W13 W15L 480/65 R24 133 A8 133 B TL - R9000 Evolution 469 1250 564 3736 W15L W14L 540/65 R24 140 A8 140 B TL - R9000 Evolution 520 1315 594 3932 W16L W15L W18L 440/65 R28 131 A8 131 B TL - R9000 Evolution 441 1292 581 3860 W14L W13 W15L 480/65 R28 136 A8 136 B TL - R9000 Evolution 469 1345 607 4043 W15L W14L 540/65 R28 142 A8 142 B TL - R9000 Evolution 520 1423 640 4234 W16L W15L W18L 600/65 R28 154 A8 154 B TL - Maxi Traction 597 1494 668 4435 W18l DW20A 540/65 R30 143 A8 143 B TL - R9000 Evolution 520 1485 668 4448 W16L W15L W18L 540/65 R34 145 A8 145 B TL - R9000 Evolution 520 1585 711 4736 W16L W15L W18L 600/65 R34 151 A8 151 B TL - R9000 Evolution 580 1648 743 4924 W18L DW20A 540/65 R38 147 A8 147 B TL - R9000 Evolution 520 1683 759 5029 W16L W15L W18L 600/65 R38 153 A8 153 B TL - R9000 Evolution 580 1755 790 5238 W18L DW20A 650/65 R38 157 A8 157 B TL - R9000 Evolution 635 1833 823 5446 DW20A W18L 650/65 R42 158 A8 158 B TL - R9000 Evolution 642* 1933* 862 5745 DW20A W18L 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1510 1245 1160 1050 1725 1420 1330 1200 2095 1730 1615 1460 1635 1350 1260 1140 1875 1550 1445 1310 2220 1835 1710 1545 1695 1395 1305 1230 1935 1595 1490 1410 2350 1940 1810 1710 1835 1515 1410 1335 2105 1735 1620 1530 2490 2055 1920 1810 1850 1525 1425 1390 2115 1740 1630 1590 2570 2120 1980 1930 2005 1655 1545 1510 2300 1900 1775 1730 2725 2250 2095 2050 2030 1675 1560 1540 2320 1905 1785 1760 2815 2325 2165 2135 2195 1810 1690 1665 2520 2080 1940 1915 2985 2460 2295 2265 2190 1805 1685 1675 2505 2060 1930 1915 3040 2510 2340 2325 2375 1955 1825 1815 2725 2245 2095 2085 3220 2660 2480 2465 2340 1930 1800 1800 2680 2200 2060 2060 3250 2680 2500 2500 2535 2090 1950 1950 2910 2400 2240 2240 3445 2840 2650 2650 Speed 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Speed 2600 1855 1730 3090 2205 2060 3530 2520 2350 2350 3940 2810 2625 2625 4320 3085 2880 2880 4615 3295 3075 3075 4965 3510 3310 3310 5230 3700 3490 3490 5435 3880 3625 3625 5625 4015 3750 3750 10 30 40 50 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Speed 2285 1885 1760 1590 2430 2005 1870 1695 2890 2385 2225 2015 2575 2125 1985 1795 3055 2520 2355 2130 3455 2850 2660 2405 3565 2935 2740 2565 2115 1970 1865 2730 2245 2100 1985 3245 2675 2495 2360 2890 2380 2225 2105 3430 2830 2640 2495 3875 3195 2985 2820 3995 3290 3075 2805 2310 2155 2105 2985 2455 2295 2240 3550 2925 2730 2665 3160 2605 2435 2375 3750 3095 2890 2820 4240 3495 3265 3185 4370 3595 3360 3285 3070 2530 2360 2330 3265 2690 2515 2480 3885 3200 2990 2945 3460 2850 2665 2625 4110 3390 3165 3120 4640 3825 3575 3525 4785 3940 3685 3630 3320 2735 2550 2535 3530 2905 2715 2695 4195 3460 3230 3210 3740 3080 2880 2860 4435 3660 3415 3395 5015 4130 3860 3835 5170 4255 3980 3950 3545 2920 2725 2725 3770 3105 2900 2900 4485 3695 3450 3450 3995 3290 3075 3075 4745 3910 3650 3650 5360 4415 4125 4125 5525 4550 4250 4250 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. * Estimated dimensions ! 15 In order to obtain the optimised tyre performance, it is preferred to mount on the recommended rim. Load and inflation tables 70 SERIES - 16”-24” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 280/70 R16 112 A8 109 B TL - R4000 276 805 362 2418 W9 W10 W8 280/70 R18 114 A8 111 B TL - R4000 273 855 385 2592 W9 W10 W8 280/70 R20 116 A8 113 B TL - R4000 273 906 408 2722 W9 W10 W8 300/70 R20 120 A8 117 B TL - R4000 290 939 423 2847 W9 W10 320/70 R20 123 A8 120 B TL - R4000 315 985 446 2945 W10 W9 W11 360/70 R20 129 A8 126 B TL - R4000 358 1056 475 3191 W11 W10 W12 0.8 860 680 640 580 1.2 1030 815 765 695 1.6 1190 940 880 800 2.0 1360 1075 1005 915 2.2 1435 1140 1065 970 2.4 1515 1200 1120 1020 Speed 905 715 670 610 1085 860 805 730 1250 990 925 845 1430 1135 1060 965 1515 1200 1120 1020 1595 1265 1180 1075 10 30 40 50 960 760 710 645 1150 910 850 775 1325 1050 980 895 1515 1200 1120 1020 1605 1270 1190 1080 1690 1340 1250 1140 10 30 40 50 1035 850 795 725 1240 1020 955 865 1430 1175 1100 1000 1635 1345 1255 1145 1730 1425 1330 1210 1820 1500 1400 1275 10 30 40 50 1185 945 880 800 1420 1130 1055 960 1640 1305 1220 1110 1875 1490 1390 1265 1990 1575 1475 1340 2095 1660 1550 1415 10 30 40 50 1420 1125 1050 955 1700 1345 1260 1145 1960 1555 1455 1320 2240 1775 1660 1510 2370 1880 1760 1600 2500 1980 1850 1685 10 30 40 50 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Speed 865 810 1175 970 905 1285 1060 990 945 1405 1160 1085 1055 1520 1255 1170 1155 1625 1340 1250 1250 10 30 40 50 1035 970 1410 1165 1085 1540 1270 1190 1135 1690 1390 1300 1265 1825 1505 1405 1385 1950 1605 1500 1500 10 30 40 50 1145 1065 1550 1280 1195 1695 1400 1305 1245 1860 1535 1430 1390 2005 1660 1545 1525 2145 1770 1650 1650 10 30 40 50 320/70 R24 116 A8 116 B TL - R6000 319 1096 493 3312 W10 W9 W11 360/70 R24 122 A8 122 B TL - R6000 360 1148 517 3469 W11 W10 W12 380/70 R24 125 A8 125 B TL - R6000 380 1190 536 3595 W12 W11 W13 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 16 10 30 40 50 Load and inflation tables 70 SERIES - 24”-34” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.0 1955 1610 1505 1435 1.2 2140 1765 1645 1600 1.4 2310 1905 1780 1755 1.6 2470 2035 1900 1900 Speed 1315 1225 0.8 1785 1475 1375 1630 1525 2220 1830 1710 2425 2000 1870 1780 2655 2190 2045 1990 2870 2365 2210 2180 3065 2525 2360 2360 10 30 40 50 1140 1065 1550 1280 1195 1695 1400 1305 1245 1860 1530 1430 1390 2005 1655 1545 1525 2145 1765 1650 1650 10 30 40 50 1425 1330 1935 1595 1490 2115 1745 1630 1555 2320 1910 1785 1735 2505 2065 1930 1905 2680 2205 2060 2060 10 30 40 50 1725 1615 2350 1935 1810 2570 2115 1980 1890 2815 2320 2165 2105 3040 2505 2340 2310 3250 2675 2500 2500 10 30 40 50 1775 1660 2420 1995 1865 2645 2180 2040 1945 2900 2390 2230 2170 3130 2580 2410 2380 3345 2755 2575 2575 10 30 40 50 1880 1760 2560 2110 1970 2800 2305 2155 2055 3065 2525 2360 2295 3310 2730 2550 2515 3540 2915 2725 2725 10 30 40 50 0.6 420/70 R24 130 A8 130 B TL - R6000 418 1250 563 3777 W13 W12 W14L 480/70 R24 138 A8 138 B TL - R6000 480 1323 595 3997 W15L W14L W16L 360/70 R28 125 A8 125 B TL - R6000 360 1248 562 3771 W11 W10 W12 420/70 R28 133 A8 133 B TL - R6000 420 1350 608 4079 W13 W12 W14L 480/70 R28 140 A8 140 B TL - R6000 483 1425 641 4306 W15L W14L W16L 480/70 R30 141 A8 141 B* TL - R8000 480 1480 666 4472 W15L W14L W16L 480/70 R34 143 A8 143 B TL - R8000 475 1575 709 4760 W15L W14L W16L 10 30 40 50 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. * Also available in High Speed version - See page 27 17 Load and inflation tables 70 SERIES - 34”-42” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.0 2800 2305 2155 1980 1.2 3065 2525 2360 2165 1.4 3310 2730 2550 2340 1.6 3540 2915 2725 2500 Speed 1880 1760 0.8 2560 2110 1970 2175 2030 2960 2440 2280 3235 2665 2490 2375 3545 2920 2730 2650 3830 3155 2950 2910 4095 3370 3150 3150 10 30 40 50 2175 2030 2960 2440 2280 3235 2665 2490 2295 3545 2920 2730 2515 3830 3155 2950 2715 4095 3370 3150 2900 10 30 40 50 2005 1870 2725 2245 2100 2980 2455 2295 2190 3265 2690 2515 2445 3525 2905 2715 2680 3770 3105 2900 2900 10 30 40 50 2005 1870 2725 2245 2100 2980 2455 2295 2095 3265 2690 2515 2295 3525 2905 2715 2480 3770 3105 2900 2650 10 30 40 50 2310 2160 3150 2595 2425 3440 2835 2650 2530 3770 3105 2905 2820 4070 3355 3135 3095 4355 3585 3350 3350 10 30 40 50 2310 2160 3150 2595 2425 3440 2835 2650 2435 3770 3105 2905 2665 4070 3355 3135 2880 4355 3585 3350 3075 10 30 40 50 2670 2500 3640 3000 2805 3980 3280 3065 2925 4360 3590 3360 3265 4710 3880 3625 3580 5035 4145 387 3875 10 30 40 50 3645 2605 2430 2430 4350 3105 2900 2900 4875 3480 3250 3250 5475 3910 3650 3650 6190 4415 4125 4125 6750 4815 4500 4500 10 30 40 50 0.6 480/70 R34 143 A8 140 B TL - R7000 488 1568 706 4703 W15L W14L W16L 520/70 R34 148 A8 148 B TL - R8000 515 1645 741 4971 W16L W15L W18L 520/70 R34 148 A8 145 B TL - R7000 516 1625 731 4866 W16L W15L W18L 480/70 R38 145 A8 145 B TL - R8000 475 1675 754 5062 W15L W14L W16L 480/70 R38 145 A8 142 B TL - R7000 484 1681 757 5080 W15L W14L W16L 520/70 R38 150 A8 150 B TL - R8000 515 1750 788 5289 W16L W15L W18L 520/70 R38 150 A8 147 B TL - R7000 507 1755 790 5303 W16L W15L W18L 580/70 R38 155 A8 155 B TL - R8000 580 1830 824 5530 W18L W16L 620/70 R42 160 A8 160 B TL - Maxi Traction 625 1935 873 5750 DW20A W18L Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. ! 18 Compared to conventional tyres the equivalent “70 series” tyre: - Generally fits the same rim - Carries additional load at the same inflation pressure - Provides 20% larger footprint for reduced soil compaction - Has a similar overall diameter and rolling circumference. 10 30 40 50 Load and inflation tables 85 SERIES - 16”-24” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.6 795 590 550 500 2.0 910 675 630 575 2.4 1015 750 705 640 2.6 1065 790 735 670 2.8 1125 830 775 705 3.0 1180 870 815 740 3.2 1235 910 850 775 Speed 845 625 585 530 0.6 1075 795 745 675 1130 835 780 710 1190 880 820 750 650 630 965 715 665 605 0.8 970 750 730 1305 965 900 820 1.6 1340 1105 1030 950 10 30 40 50 Speed 10 30 40 50 W9 760 745 W9 7.50 R16 102 A8 99 B TL - R4000 200 792 356 2421 5.50 F 6.00 F 1.0 1060 835 815 720 1.2 1160 930 895 800 1250 920 860 785 1.4 1255 1020 965 880 1145 880 860 1250 985 965 845 1370 1095 1055 945 1480 1200 1140 1035 1580 1300 1215 1120 10 30 40 50 820 760 1110 915 855 1215 1000 935 865 1330 1095 1025 945 1435 1185 1105 1020 1535 1265 1180 1090 10 30 40 50 940 920 1410 1085 1065 1545 1210 1190 1025 1690 1350 1300 1145 1825 1485 1405 1255 1950 1605 1500 1360 10 30 40 50 940 880 1280 1055 985 1400 1150 1075 990 1530 1260 1180 1085 1655 1365 1275 1170 1770 1455 1360 1250 10 30 40 50 W11 1035 1010 1550 1195 1170 1695 1340 1305 1135 1860 1490 1430 1265 2010 1635 1545 1385 2145 1770 1650 1500 10 30 40 50 W11 1000 935 1365 1120 1050 1490 1225 1150 1045 1630 1345 1255 1145 1765 1450 1360 1235 1885 1550 1450 1320 10 30 40 50 7.50 R18 104 A8 101 B TL - R4000 202 850 383 2588 5.50 F 6.00 F 250/85 R24 (9.5 R 24) 109 A8 106 B TL - R6000 240 1042 469 3149 W8 W7 280/85 R24 (11.2 R 24) 115 A8 112 B TL - R6000 282 1095 493 3309 W10 11.2 R24 114 A8 111 B TL - R7000 277 1080 486 3264 W10 320/85 R24 (12.4 R 24) 122 A8 119 B TL - R6000 313 1150 518 3475 W11 W9 W10 12.4 R24 119 A8 116 B TL - R7000 314 1127 507 3406 W11 W9 W10 340/85 R24 (13.6 R 24) 125 A8 122 B TL - R6000 343 1200 540 3626 W12 13.6 R24 121 A8 118 B TL - R7000 341 1179 531 3562 W12 10 30 40 50 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 19 Load and inflation tables 85 SERIES - 24”-28” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 0.6 1225 1195 1.0 2005 1580 1545 1360 1.2 2195 1760 1690 1515 1.4 2375 1930 1825 1665 1.6 2535 2090 1950 1800 1175 1095 1600 1320 1230 1745 1440 1345 1225 1915 1580 1475 1345 2065 1705 1590 1450 2210 1820 1700 1550 10 30 40 50 W14L 1440 1410 2165 1660 1630 2365 1860 1820 1600 2590 2070 1995 1785 2800 2275 2155 1960 2990 2460 2300 2120 10 30 40 50 W14L 1465 1370 1990 1645 1535 2180 1795 1680 1545 2385 1970 1840 1690 2575 2125 1985 1825 2755 2270 2120 1950 10 30 40 50 1545 1105 1030 1030 1725 1235 1150 1150 1875 1340 1250 1250 2175 1555 1450 1450 2325 1660 1550 1550 2625 1875 1750 1750 1930 1375 1285 1285 2250 1605 1500 1500 2550 1820 1700 1700 2925 2090 1950 1950 3180 2270 2120 2120 3540 2530 2360 2360 10 30 40 50 2250 1605 1500 1500 2550 1820 1700 1700 2775 1980 1850 1850 3180 2270 2120 2120 3360 2400 2240 2240 3750 2675 2500 2500 10 30 40 50 705 690 1060 810 795 1155 905 885 780 1265 1010 970 870 1370 1110 1050 955 1460 1200 1120 1030 10 30 40 50 830 810 1245 955 935 1360 1070 1045 920 1490 1195 1145 1025 1605 1310 1235 1125 1720 1415 1320 1215 10 30 40 50 380/85 R24 (14.9 R24) 131 A8 128 B TL - R6000 378 1245 560 3761 W13 W11 W12 14.9 R24 126 A8 123 B TL - R7000 375 1246 561 3765 W13 W11 W12 420/85 R24 (16.9 R24) 137 A8 134 B TL - R6000 430 1320 594 3988 W15L 16.9 R24 134 A8 131 B TL - R7000 425 1307 588 3948 W15L 14.9 R26 132 A8 132 B TL - RATFWD 389 1316 597 3920 W13 W11 W12 420/85 R26 (16.9 R26) 138 A8 138 B TL - RATFWD 439 1384 625 4089 W15L W14L 18.4 R26 140 A8 140 B TL - RATFWD 478 1450 650 4270 W16L W15L 250/85 R28 (9.5 R28) 112 A8 109 B TL - R6000 240 1143 515 3454 W8 W7 280/85 R28 (11.2 R28) 118 A8 115 B TL - R6000 282 1200 540 3627 W10 W9 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 20 2.1 Speed 0.8 1835 1415 1380 10 30 40 50 3000 2140 2000 2000 10 30 40 50 Load and inflation tables 85 SERIES - 28” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.0 1285 1060 990 910 1.2 1405 1160 1085 1000 1.4 1520 1255 1170 1080 1.6 1625 1340 1250 1150 Speed 865 810 0.8 1175 970 905 1005 980 1505 1160 1135 1645 1295 1265 1095 1805 1445 1390 1220 1950 1585 1500 1340 2080 1715 1600 1450 10 30 40 50 1000 935 1365 1120 1050 1490 1225 1150 1045 1630 1345 1255 1145 1765 1450 1360 1235 1885 1550 1450 1320 10 30 40 50 W11 1100 1075 1645 1265 1240 1800 1415 1385 1210 1970 1580 1520 1350 2130 1735 1640 1480 2275 1875 1750 1600 10 30 40 50 W11 1070 1000 1455 1205 1120 1595 1315 1225 1110 1745 1440 1345 1215 1885 1555 1450 1310 2015 1660 1550 1400 10 30 40 50 1940 1490 1460 2120 1665 1630 1435 2325 1855 1785 1600 2510 2035 1930 1755 2680 2205 2060 1900 10 30 40 50 1245 1160 1695 1395 1305 1850 1525 1425 1305 2025 1670 1560 1430 2190 1805 1685 1545 2340 1925 1800 1650 10 30 40 50 W14L 1520 1490 2290 1755 1720 2500 1965 1925 1690 2740 2190 2105 1885 2960 2400 2275 2070 3160 2600 2430 2240 10 30 40 50 W14L 1545 1445 2105 1735 1620 2300 1895 1775 1630 2520 2075 1940 1785 2725 2240 2095 1930 2910 2395 2240 2060 10 30 40 50 0.6 11.2 R28 116 A8 113 B TL - R7000 277 1187 534 3587 W10 W9 320/85 R28 (12.4 R28) 124 A8 121 B TL - R6000 315 1250 563 3777 W11 W9 W10 12.4 R28 121 A8 118 B TL - R7000 313 1238 557 3741 W11 W9 W10 340/85 R28 (13.6 R28) 127 A8 124 B TL - R6000 354 1301 586 3931 W12 13.6 R28 123 A8 120 B TL - R7000 331 1294 582 3910 W12 380/85 R28 (14.9 R28) 133 A8 130 B TL - R6000 383 1345 605 4064 W13 W11 W12 1290 14.9 R28 128 A8 125 B TL - R7000 371 1344 605 4061 W13 W11 W12 420/85 R28 (16.9 R28) 139 A8 136 B TL - R6000 430 1420 639 4290 W15L 16.9 R28 136 A8 133 B TL - R7000 429 1423 640 4237 W15L 10 30 40 50 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 21 Load and inflation tables 85 SERIES - 28”-34” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre W14L 0.8 2175 1555 1450 1.0 2400 1715 1600 1.2 2775 1980 1850 1.4 2925 2090 1950 1.6 3360 2400 2240 W15L 2325 1660 1550 2625 1875 1750 2850 2035 1900 3270 2335 2180 3540 2530 2360 3865 2760 2575 10 30 40 50 1770 1265 1180 1180 2040 1460 1360 1360 2325 1660 1550 1550 2625 1875 1750 1750 2925 2090 1950 1950 3270 2335 2180 2180 10 30 40 50 W14L 2095 1730 1530 2350 1940 1770 2570 2120 1980 1780 2815 2325 2165 1965 3040 2510 2340 2140 3250 2680 2500 2300 10 30 40 50 W14L 1585 1485 2160 1780 1665 2365 1945 1820 1680 2590 2130 1995 1840 2795 2305 2155 1985 2990 2460 2300 2120 10 30 40 50 W14L 2040 1460 1360 2250 1605 1500 2475 1770 1650 2850 2035 1900 3000 2140 2000 3450 2465 2300 2430 2005 1870 1710 2730 2250 2100 1920 2985 2460 2295 2095 3265 2695 2515 2295 3530 2910 2715 2480 3770 3110 2900 2650 10 30 40 50 1875 1340 1250 1250 2175 1555 1450 1450 2475 1770 1650 1650 2775 1980 1850 1850 3090 2205 2060 2060 3450 2465 2300 2300 10 30 40 50 2225 1835 1625 2495 2055 1875 2730 2250 2095 1880 2990 2460 2295 2075 3230 2660 2480 2260 3450 2840 2650 2430 10 30 40 50 16.9 R28 136 A8 TL - RCSG 434 1478 663 4374 W15L 18.4 R28 141 A8 TL - RCSG 467 1549 691 4568 W16L 380/85 R30 (14.9 R30) 135 A8 135 B TL - RATFWD 389 1417 648 4242 W13 W11 W12 420/85 R30 (16.9 R30) 140 A8 137 B TL - R8000 435 1469 661 4439 W15L 16.9 R30 137 A8 134 B TL - R7000 425 1468 661 4436 W15L 16.9 R30 141 A8 TL - RCSG 437 1529 693 4547 W15L 460/85 R30 (18.4 R30) 145 A8 142 B TL - R7000 477 1506 678 4550 W16L W15L 380/85 R34 (14.9 R34) 137 A8 137 B TL - RATFWD 389 1519 693 4547 W13 W11 W12 420/85 R34 (16.9 R34) 142 A8 139 B TL - R8000 429 1570 707 4744 W15L W14L Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 22 2.1 Speed 0.6 1980 1415 1320 10 30 40 50 3865 2760 2575 10 30 40 50 Load and inflation tables 85 SERIES - 34”-38” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.0 2495 2060 1925 1775 1.2 2735 2255 2105 1940 1.4 2955 2435 2275 2095 1.6 3160 2600 2430 2240 Speed 1680 1570 0.8 2285 1880 1760 W15L 2580 2130 1885 2895 2390 2175 3165 2610 2435 2165 3465 2860 2665 2390 3745 3090 2880 2605 4000 3300 3075 2800 10 30 40 50 W15L 1935 1805 2630 2170 2025 2880 2370 2215 2040 3150 2595 2425 2230 3405 2805 2620 2410 3640 2995 2800 2575 10 30 40 50 W11 1210 1130 1645 1360 1270 1800 1485 1385 1265 1970 1625 1520 1390 2130 1755 1640 1500 2275 1875 1750 1600 10 30 40 50 W11 1245 1160 1695 1395 1305 1850 1525 1425 1305 2025 1670 1560 1430 2190 1805 1685 1545 2340 1925 1800 1650 10 30 40 50 W14L 2345 1935 1715 2635 2170 1980 2880 2375 2215 1990 3155 2600 2425 2200 3405 2810 2620 2395 3640 3000 2800 2575 10 30 40 50 W14L 1775 1660 2420 1995 1865 2645 2180 2040 1855 2900 2385 2230 2030 3130 2570 2405 2195 3345 2755 2575 2360 10 30 40 50 2730 2245 1990 3060 2520 2300 3345 2755 2570 2320 3665 3015 2815 2565 3960 3255 3040 2790 4230 3480 3250 3000 10 30 40 50 2070 1935 2820 2325 2170 3085 2540 2375 2155 3375 2780 2600 2360 3645 3005 2810 2550 3900 3210 3000 2725 10 30 40 50 0.6 16.9 R34 139 A8 136 B TL - R7000 430 1562 703 4720 W15L W14L 460/85 R34 (18.4 R34) 147 A8 144 B TL - R8000 465 1642 739 4962 W16L 18.4 R34 144 A8 141 B TL - R7000 471 1628 733 4919 W16L 13.6 R36 127 A8 124 B TL - R7000 345 1488 670 4500 W12 13.6 R38 128 A8 125 B TL - R7000 335 1533 690 4631 W12 420/85 R38 (16.9 R38) 144 A8 141 B TL - R8000 429 1670 752 5047 W15L 16.9 R38 141 A8 138 B TL - R7000 425 1670 752 5047 W15L 460/85 R38 (18.4 R38) 149 A8 146 B TL - R8000 / RATDT 465 478 1743 1742 785 803 5267 5250 W16L W15L 18.4 R38 146 A8 143 B TL - R7000 476 1728 778 5222 W16L W15L 10 30 40 50 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. Italic figures are for RATDT tyre. 23 Load and inflation tables 85 SERIES - 38”-46” Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 18.4 R38 146 A8 TL - RCSG 467 1775 803 5283 W16L W15L 520/85 R38 (20.8 R38) 155 A8 152 B TL - R8000 / RATDT 525 528 1830 1835 824 831 5530 5472 W18L W16L 20.8 R38 153 A8 153 B TL - R7000 528 1839 818 5461 W18L W16L 20.8 R38 153 A8 TL - RCSG 533 1859 831 5486 W18L W16L 18.4 R42 148 A8 148 B TL - R7000 480 1857 846 5537 W16L W15L 18.4 R42 148 A8 TL - RCSG 470 1900 866 5639 W16L W15L 480/80 R42 (18.4 R 42) 151 A8 151 B TL - RAT 23° 478 1854 833 5537 W16L W15L 20.8 R42 155 A8 155 B TL - R7000 528 1941 869 5766 W18L W16L 20.8 R42 155 A8 TL - RCSG 528 1989 894 5885 W18L W16L 520/85 R46 158 A8 158 B TL - RATDT 530 2050 930 6100 DW16L DW18L 0.6 2700 1930 1800 0.8 3000 2140 2000 1.0 3270 2335 2180 1.2 3865 2760 2575 1.4 4090 2920 2725 1.6 4500 3210 3000 Speed 3250 2675 2375 3645 3005 2745 3985 3285 3065 2745 4365 3595 3360 3035 4715 3885 3625 3300 5040 4150 3875 3550 10 30 40 50 3270 2335 2180 2180 3645 2605 2430 2430 3975 2840 2650 2650 4615 3295 3075 3075 4875 3480 3250 3250 5475 3910 3650 3650 10 30 40 50 3270 2335 2180 3645 2605 2430 3975 2840 2650 4615 3295 3075 4875 3480 3250 5475 3910 3650 10 30 40 50 2850 2035 1900 1900 3180 2270 2120 2120 3450 2465 2300 2300 4090 2920 2725 2725 4350 3105 2900 2900 4725 3375 3150 3150 10 30 40 50 2850 2035 1900 3180 2270 2120 3450 2465 2300 4090 2920 2725 4350 3105 2900 4725 3375 3150 10 30 40 50 2775 1980 1850 1850 3270 2335 2180 2180 3750 2675 2500 2500 4200 3000 2800 2800 4725 3375 3150 3150 5175 3695 3450 3450 10 30 40 50 3450 2465 2300 2300 3865 2760 2575 2575 4200 3000 2800 2800 4875 3480 3250 3250 5175 3695 3450 3450 5815 4150 3875 3875 10 30 40 50 3450 2465 2300 3865 2760 2575 4200 3000 2800 4875 3480 3250 5175 3695 3450 5815 4150 3875 10 30 40 50 3450 2465 2300 2300 4090 2920 2725 2725 4615 3295 3075 3075 5175 3695 3450 3450 5815 4150 3875 3875 6375 4550 4250 4250 10 30 40 50 Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. Italic figures are for RATDT tyre. 24 10 30 40 50 Load and inflation tables HIGH SPEED APPLICATION (65/70 KM/H) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 480/70 R30 147 D TL - R8000 480 1480 666 4472 W15L W14L W16L 540/65 R30 150 D TL - R9000 Evolution 520 1485 668 4448 W16L W15L W18L 540/65 R34 152 D 149 E TL - R9000 Evolution 518 1565 702 4676 W16L W15L W18L 650/65 R38 163 D 163 E TL - R9000 Evolution 638 1818 818 5413 DW20A W18L 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 Speed 2190 1775 1660 1540 2420 1995 1865 1725 2645 2180 2040 1945 2900 2390 2230 2170 3130 2580 2410 2380 2050 1870 3345 2755 2575 2575 2255 2055 3663 2955 2775 2640 2460 2240 3980 3155 2975 2805 2665 2425 4295 3355 3175 3015 2870 2615 4610 3550 3370 3230 3075 2800 10 30 40 50 65 70 2285 1885 1760 1590 2565 2115 1970 1865 2805 2310 2155 2105 3070 2530 2360 2330 3320 2735 2550 2535 2175 1980 3620 2920 2725 2725 2420 2205 3995 3145 2940 2905 2660 2425 4345 3385 3195 3095 2895 2635 4690 3620 3450 3310 3120 2840 5030 3850 3670 3520 3350 3050 10 30 40 50 65 70 2380 2005 1870 1695 2670 2245 2100 1985 2920 2455 2295 2240 3200 2690 2515 2480 3480 2905 2715 2695 2340 2110 3770 3105 2900 2900 2600 2345 4180 3340 3150 3085 2820 2570 4580 3595 3390 3285 3070 2795 4970 3845 3660 3510 3315 3015 5325 4085 3890 3730 3550 3250 10 30 40 50 65 70 3385 2850 2660 2410 3795 3195 2985 2820 4150 3495 3265 3190 4545 3825 3575 3525 4950 4130 3860 3835 3215 2925 5360 4415 4125 4125 3550 3225 5810 4620 4350 4230 3875 3570 6320 4935 4655 4480 4215 3925 6825 5275 5025 4820 4550 4355 7315 5610 5340 5120 4875 4875 10 30 40 50 65 70 25 Load and inflation tables SEVERE SERVICE Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 460/85 R34 (18.4 R34) 147 A8 144 B TL - R8000SS 467 1635 736 4941 W16L W15L 460/85 R38 (18.4 R38) 149 A8 146 B TL - R8000SS 467 1750 793 5279 W16L W15L 520/85 R38 (20.8 R38) 155 A8 152 B TL - R8000SS 528 1810 821 5470 W18L W16L 0.8 2580 2130 1885 1.2 2895 2390 2175 1.6 3165 2610 2435 2165 2.0 3465 2860 2665 2390 2.2 3745 3090 2880 2605 2.4 4000 3300 3075 2800 Speed 2730 2245 1990 3060 2520 2300 3345 2755 2570 2320 3665 3015 2815 2565 3960 3255 3040 2790 4230 3480 3250 3000 10 30 40 50 3250 2675 2375 3645 3005 2745 3985 3285 3065 2745 4365 3595 3360 3035 4715 3885 3625 3300 5040 4150 3875 3550 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 0.6 2600 1855 1730 0.8 3090 2205 2060 1.0 3530 2520 2350 2350 1.2 3940 2810 2625 2625 1.4 4320 3085 2880 2880 1.6 4615 3295 3075 3075 1.8 4965 3510 3310 3310 2.0 5230 3700 3490 3490 2.2 5435 3880 3625 3625 2.4 5625 4015 3750 3750 Speed 3000 2140 2000 3560 2545 2375 4070 2905 2715 2715 4545 3245 3030 3030 4985 3555 3325 3325 5325 3800 3550 3550 5625 4015 3750 3750 5930 4230 3955 3955 6160 4395 4105 4105 6375 4550 4250 4250 10 30 40 50 - 4635 3545 3310 5350 4090 3825 5985 4575 4275 4275 6555 5010 4685 4685 7080 5410 5060 5060 7570 5785 5405 5405 8030 6135 5735 5735 8460 6470 6045 6045 8790 6720 6280 6280 9100 6955 6500 6500 10 30 40 50 - 4320 3080 2880 4985 3555 3325 5830 4155 3885 3885 6620 4725 4415 4415 7375 5260 4920 4920 7990 5700 5300 5300 8375 5975 5585 5585 8735 6230 5825 5825 8990 6415 5995 5995 9225 6585 6150 6150 10 30 40 50 - 4375 3120 2920 5200 3710 3465 6080 4335 4055 4055 6905 4925 4605 4605 7690 5485 5130 5130 8445 6025 5600 5600 8850 6315 5900 5900 9235 6585 6155 6155 9500 6780 6335 6335 9750 6955 6500 6500 10 30 40 50 600/65 R28 154A8 154B TL Maxi Traction 597 1494 668 4435 W18L DW20A 600/70 R30 158A8 158B TL Maxi Traction 591* 1591* 710 4735 DW20A DW18L W18L 650/85 R38 173A8 173B TL Maxi Traction 676* 2052* 915 6085 DW23A 710/70 R38 171A8 171B TL Maxi Traction 716* 1944* 866 5785 DW23A 710/70 R42 173A8 173B TL Maxi Traction 716* 2052* 918 6084 DW23A Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. * Estimated dimensions 26 10 30 40 50 Load and inflation tables HIGH VOLUME APPLICATION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1050/50 R25 (66X43.00 R25) 172 A8 172B TL - RAD FLOT 23° DT 1049 1709 767 5131 36.0TH - 620/75 R30 (23.1 R30) 163 A8 TL - R7000 607 1676 754 4978 DW20A W18L 800/70 R38 173 A8 173 B TL - RDT 23° 795 2080 914 6180 MW25A - 900/ 50 R42 168 A8 168 B TL - R9000 874 1956 871 5790 DW28A MW28A 2.8 9450 6745 6300 6300 2.4 6650 5215 4875 4530 Speed 0.7 4200 3000 2800 2800 0.6 3150 2470 2305 2145 1.0 5325 3800 3550 3550 0.8 3635 2850 2665 2480 1.4 6375 4550 4250 4250 1.0 4065 3190 2980 2770 1.7 7125 5085 4750 4750 1.2 4455 3490 3265 3035 2.1 7950 5675 5300 5300 1.4 4810 3770 3525 3280 2.4 8700 6210 5800 5800 1.6 5210 4085 3820 3550 5175 3695 3450 3450 6190 4415 4125 4125 6940 4950 4625 4625 7950 5675 5300 5300 8700 6210 5800 5800 9750 6955 6500 6500 10 30 40 50 4615 3295 3075 3075 5325 3800 3550 3550 6190 4415 4125 4125 6940 4950 4625 4625 7725 5515 5150 5150 8400 5995 5600 5600 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 Speed 10 30 40 50 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 0.6 2600 1855 1730 0.8 3090 2205 2060 1.0 3530 2520 2350 2350 1.2 3940 2810 2625 2625 1.4 4320 3085 2880 2880 1.6 4615 3295 3075 3075 1.8 4965 3510 3310 3310 2.0 5230 3700 3490 3490 2.2 5435 3880 3625 3625 2.4 5625 4015 3750 3750 Speed 10 30 40 50 3000 2140 2000 3560 2545 2375 - 4635 3545 3310 5350 4090 3825 - 4320 3080 2880 4985 3555 3325 - 4375 3120 2920 5200 3710 3465 4070 2905 2715 2715 5985 4575 4275 4275 5830 4155 3885 3885 6080 4335 4055 4055 4545 3245 3030 3030 6555 5010 4685 4685 6620 4725 4415 4415 6905 4925 4605 4605 4985 3555 3325 3325 7080 5410 5060 5060 7375 5260 4920 4920 7690 5485 5130 5130 5325 3800 3550 3550 7570 5785 5405 5405 7990 5700 5300 5300 8445 6025 5600 5600 5625 4015 3750 3750 8030 6135 5735 5735 8375 5975 5585 5585 8850 6315 5900 5900 5930 4230 3955 3955 8460 6470 6045 6045 8735 6230 5825 5825 9235 6585 6155 6155 6160 4395 4105 4105 8790 6720 6280 6280 8990 6415 5995 5995 9500 6780 6335 6335 6375 4550 4250 4250 9100 6955 6500 6500 9225 6585 6150 6150 9750 6955 6500 6500 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 600/65 R28 154 A8 154 B TL - Maxi Traction 597 1494 668 4435 W18l DW20A 600/70R30 158A8 158B TL - Maxi Traction 591* 1591* 710 4735 DW20A DW18L W18L 650/85 R38 173A8 173B TL - Maxi Traction 676* 2052* 915 6085 DW23A 710/70 R38 171A8 171BTL - Maxi Traction 716* 1944* 866 5785 DW23A 710/70 R42 173A8 173B TL - Maxi Traction 716* 2052* 918 6084 DW23A 27 Load and inflation tables COMBINE HARVESTER APPLICATION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 620/75 R30 (23.1 R30) 163 A8 TL - R7000 607 1676 754 4978 DW20A W18L 480/70 R30 152 A8 152 B TL - RATDT 483 1516 683 4500 W15L W14L W16L 650/75 R32 172 A8 172 B TL - RATDT 650 1791 800 5340 DW21A DW20A 800/65 R32 172 A8 172 B TL - RATDT 815 1862 830 5486 DW27A DW25A DH27 710/75 R34 168 A8 168 B TL - RATDT 721 1994 884 5842 DW23A MW23A 0.8 3975 3635 2850 2665 2480 2.0 6515 5960 4675 4365 4060 0.6 2100 1500 1400 1400 0.8 4350 3105 2900 2900 2.0 7650 7500 5350 5000 5000 0.8 5175 3695 3450 3450 2.0 9265 8700 6210 5800 5800 0.8 5175 3695 3450 3450 1.0 4445 4065 3190 2980 2770 2.2 6900 6310 4950 4625 4300 0.8 2475 1770 1650 1650 1.2 4870 4455 3490 3265 3035 2.4 7270 6650 5215 4875 4530 1.0 2850 2035 1900 1900 1.2 3180 2270 2120 2120 1.4 5260 4810 3770 3525 3280 2.6 7860 1.4 3540 2530 2360 2360 1.6 5700 5210 4085 3820 3550 2.8 8290 1.6 3865 2760 2575 2575 Speed 1.8 6115 5595 4385 4100 3810 3.0 2.4 4615 3295 3075 3075 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 10* 10 30 40 50 3.2 5325 3800 3550 3550 Speed 10 30 40 50 1.0 4250 5025 3585 3350 3350 2.4 8500 8175 5835 5450 5450 1.0 5100 6000 4280 4000 4000 2.2 9520 9225 6585 6150 6150 1.2 4930 5625 4015 3750 3750 2.6 8755 8400 5995 5600 5600 1.2 5865 6565 4685 4375 4375 2.4 9860 9450 6745 6300 6300 1.4 5695 6190 4415 4125 4125 2.8 9265 8700 6210 5800 5800 1.4 6800 7315 5220 4875 4875 2.6 10455 1.6 6375 6750 4815 4500 4500 3.0 9520 9225 6585 6150 6150 1.6 7440 8175 5835 5450 5450 2.8 10710 1.8 7015 7315 5220 4875 4875 3.2 9860 9450 6745 6300 6300 1.8 8290 8400 5995 5600 5600 3.0 Speed 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 10* 10 30 40 50 1.0 4930 5815 4150 3875 3875 1.2 5865 6565 4685 4375 4375 1.4 6590 7315 5220 4875 4875 1.6 7440 8400 5995 5600 5600 1.8 8290 Speed 10* 10 30 40 50 * Cyclic Application (see note) Note: For variable loading operations (Cyclic Application), where load on machine increases and decreases, the loads may be changed as follows : (1) Vehicle must be unloaded before transport outside of field. (2) This load increase is also applicable to tyres used on vehicles with a mechanism capable of maintaining tyres and wheels in a vertical position on slopes up to 11° (20% grade). For hill-side operations over 11° (20% grade) slope, only the basic load in the tables is permitted. 28 Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 40 km/h load 10 + 70% Changes in Infl. Pressure + 0.4 bar Load and inflation tables ROW CROP APPLICATION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 320/85 R34 133 A8 133 B TL (16.9 R28)* - R9000 315 1408 653 4240 W10 - 385/85 R34 146 A8 146 B TL (18.4 R30)* - RATFWD 391 1519 693 4547 W13 W12 320/85 R38 143 A8 143 B TL (18.4 R 30)* - R9000 318 1516 700 4570 W10 DW10A W11 380/80 R38 142 A8 142 B TL (16.9 R34 - 14.9 R38)* - RATDT 389 1595 732 4750 W12 - 320/90 R42 139 A8 139 B TL (18.4 R34 - 16.9 R38)* - R9000 315 1656 765 4985 W10 W9 12.4 R46 133 A8 TL (18.4 R 38)* - RCSG 315 1755 830 5283 W12 W10 W11 320/90 R46 148 A 148 B TL (18.4 R38)* - R9000 315 1755 818 5285 W10 DW10A 14.9 R46 142 A8 142 B TL (20.8 R38)* - RAT 23° 381 1824 841 5588 W13 W12 14.9 R46 145 A8 145 B TL (20.8 R38)* - RAT 23° 381 1824 841 5588 W13 W12 14.9 R46 149 A8 149 B TL (20.8 R38)* - RAT 23° 381 1824 841 5588 W13 W12 1.2 2175 1555 1450 1450 2850 2035 1900 1900 1.6 2625 1875 1750 1750 3540 2530 2360 2360 2.0 2925 2090 1950 1950 3865 2760 2575 2575 2.4 3090 2205 2060 2060 4090 2920 2725 2725 2325 1660 1550 1550 2850 2035 1900 1900 2550 1820 1700 1700 2775 1980 1850 1850 3450 2465 2300 2300 3090 2205 2060 2060 3090 2205 2060 2060 3750 2675 2500 2500 3360 2400 2240 2240 3270 2335 2180 2180 3975 2840 2650 2650 3645 2605 2430 2430 2100 1500 1400 2475 1770 1650 2775 1980 1850 3090 2205 2060 2625 1875 1750 1750 3270 2335 2180 2180 3540 2530 2360 2360 3750 2675 2500 2500 2925 2090 1950 1950 3450 2465 2300 2300 3975 2840 2650 2650 2925 2090 1950 1950 3450 2465 2300 2300 3975 2840 2650 2650 4350 3105 2900 2900 2925 2090 1950 1950 3450 2465 2300 2300 3975 2840 2650 2650 4350 3105 2900 2900 2.8 3.2 3.6 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 4500 3210 3000 3000 3540 2530 2360 2360 Speed 3865 2760 2575 2575 4090 2920 2725 2725 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 4200 3000 2800 2800 4500 3210 3000 3000 4725 3375 3150 3150 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 4875 3480 3250 3250 10 30 40 50 * Equivalent standard size - Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 29 Load and inflation tables ROW CROP APPLICATION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 380/90 R46 152 A8 152 B TL (20.8 R38)* - R9000 384 1849 856 5560 W12A W13A 420/80 R46 151 A8 151 B TL (20.8 R38)* - RAT 23° 419 1860 856 5590 W13A W12A 230/95 R48 134 A8 134 B TL (16.9 R38)* - R9000 230 1656 782 5005 W8 W7 320/90 R50 148 A8 148 B TL (20.8 R38)* - R9000 315 1857 869 5590 W10 W10A 380/90 R50 151 A8 151 B TL (20.8 R42 - 710/70 R38)* - R9000 378 1950 904 5865 DW12A - 320/90 R54 143 A8 143 B TL (20.8 R42)* - RATDT 315 1948 910 5920 W10A - 320/90 R54 149 A8 149 B TL (20.8 R42 - 710/70 R38)* - RATDT 315 1948 910 5920 W10A - 380/90 R54 152 A8 152 B TL (710/70 R42 - 520/85 R46)* - R9000 381 2052 958 6170 W12A - 1.6 4200 3000 2800 2800 2.0 4615 3295 3075 3075 2.4 4875 3480 3250 3250 3645 2605 2430 2430 4350 3105 2900 2900 4875 3480 3250 3250 5175 3695 3450 3450 1770 1265 1180 1180 2175 1555 1450 1450 2325 1660 1550 1550 2550 1820 1700 1700 2775 1980 1850 1850 3000 2140 2000 2000 2775 1980 1850 1850 3360 2400 2240 2240 3750 2675 2500 2500 3975 2840 2650 2650 4350 3105 2900 2900 4725 3375 3150 3150 3540 2530 2360 2360 4350 3105 2900 2900 4725 3375 3150 3150 5175 3695 3450 3450 10 30 40 50 2925 2090 1950 1950 3540 2530 2360 2360 3865 2760 2575 2575 4090 2920 2725 2725 10 30 40 50 2925 2090 1950 1950 3540 2530 2360 2360 3865 2760 2575 2575 4090 2920 2725 2725 3750 2675 2500 2500 4500 3210 3000 3000 5025 3585 3350 3350 5325 3800 3550 3550 * Equivalent standard size - Where W rims are shown, DW rims with equivalent flanges are permitted. 30 2.8 5325 3800 3550 3550 3.2 3.6 Speed 1.2 3450 2465 2300 2300 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 4500 3210 3000 3000 4875 3480 3250 3250 3180 2270 2120 2120 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 10 30 40 50 AGRICULTURAL TYRES Bias Drive Tyres bias tyres All Traction Champion (ATC) The traditional: - Variable width, reinforced lugs for excellent traction on all surfaces. - 45° lug design for good lateral stability, especially important on hillsides. - Nylon carcass for greater shock and impact resistance. All Traction Field & Road (AT F&R) A power axle tractor tyre that gives good performance in the field or on the road, with excellent traction characteristics. - 23° lug design to give increased drawbar pull for maximum traction in the field. - Nylon cord body for durability and long life. Rancher These tyres are especially suited for the drive axles of various types of powered machinery (tractor & implement). - Open centre tread design for effective self-cleaning and better grip. - 45° lug for good stability on slopes. Open Center Martillo (OCM) Power axle tyre with unique hammer head design lugs, reinforced for tough jobs. 32 T131-133 T114 bias tyres Super All Traction 23° (SAT 23°) The Super All Traction 23° delivers unmatched levels of wear, traction and vibration resistance. - Increased number of lugs combined with open center design optimizes wear and traction, while providing resistance to vibration. - Flatter tread contour with proven 23° long bar/long bar tread design for excellent traction, long even wear and smooth ride. - Dual rubber compounds provide long-wearing, tear resistant tread and resistance to cracking and weathering in the sidewall. - Bead Rim Protector designed to prevent soil from being trapped between the rim flange and tyre bead. Super All Traction (SAT) Design to be used on all types of tractors. • Double angle lug optimization : - 23° at shoulder : excellent traction power. • Wider lugs (more rubber) - even wear and excellent comfort. • Bead Rim Protector Champion Spade Grip (CSG) Special purpose tractor tyres built for excellent traction in cane, rice, and wet field farming. - 45° extra deep traction bars for extra traction in wet ground. Reinforced bar nose for tread durability. Tapered bars help to maintain stability on hard ground and roadways. Dual rubber compound provide long-wearing, tear resistant tread and resistance to cracking and weathering in the sidewall. 33 load and inflation tables TRACTION REAR - 30 Km/h (1) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 700 725 750 800 825 830 860 910 940 1045 1100 1125 1160 1195 1225 1375 1415 2855 2920 9.5 - 20 6 PR TT - ATC 245 950 432 2840 W8 W7 555 650 3150 W8 W7 645 745 3113 W8 W7 640 740 800 3282 W 10 W9 1065 1230 1350 3291 W 10 W9 770 885 965 1010 3425 W 11 W9/W10 930 1030 1160 1215 3410 W 11 W9/10 930 1030 1160 1200 1245 1330 3583 W 12 W 11 1080 1185 1340 3580 W 12 W 11 1080 1185 1340 1390 1445 1545 3785 W 13 W11/12 1790 3770 W 13 W11/12 1315 1510 1640 1700 1760 4323 W 16L W 15L 1990 2265 2455 2550 2645 2790 4632 DW20A W18L 2850 3245 3490 3610 3730 3970 1115 9.5 - 24 4 PR TT - AT F&R 241 1046 483 9.5 - 24 6 PR TT - ATC 250 1040 478 11.2 - 24 4 PR TL - OCM UR (1) 288 1097 507 11.2 - 24 8 PR TT - ATC 290 1100 502 12.4 – 24 6 PR TL - SAT 313 1150 522 12.4 – 24 8 PR TT - ATC 322 1143 520 13.6 – 24 6 PR TT - ATC 352 1200 543 13.6 – 24 8 PR TL - SAT 343 1200 540 14.9 – 24 4 PR TL - AT F&R UR (1) 378 1270 572 14.9 – 24 8 PR TT - ATC 378 1265 569 18.4 – 26 12 PR TT - AT F&R (2) (3) 478 1453 650 2985 23.1 – 26 14 PR TT - ATC 586 1578 700 11.2 – 28 6 PR TT - ATC 284 1200 553 3586 W 10 W9 815 945 1035 1075 3762 W 11 W9/10 1005 1140 1230 1275 3908 W 12 W 11 1155 1320 1430 3912 W 12 W 11 1155 1320 1430 1500 4074 W 13 W11/12 1405 1610 4271 W 15L W 14L 1675 1925 2095 2175 4219 W 13 W11/12 1450 1665 4420 W 15L W 14L 1730 1985 2160 2245 4404 W 15L W 14L 1730 1985 2160 2245 4590 W 16L W 15L 2120 4590 W 16L W 15L 2120 2415 W 16L W 15L 2120 2415 12.4 – 28 6 PR TT - ATC 315 1260 577 13.6 – 28 6 PR TT - ATC 352 1310 597 13.6 – 28 8 PR TL - SAT 360 1313 602 1550 1650 14.9 – 28 6 PR TT - ATC 378 1367 620 16.9 – 28 8 PR TT - ATC 429 1435 647 14.9 – 30 6 PR TT - ATC 378 1418 645 16.9 – 30 8 PR TT - ATC 429 1485 672 16.9 – 30 8 PR TT - AT F&R (2) 434 1478 670 18.4 – 30 6 PR TT - ATC 471 1546 697 18.4 – 30 8 PR TT - ATC 471 1546 697 18.4 – 30 8 PR TT - AT F&R (2) 476 34 1559 702 4638 (1) 11.2 - 24 (4 PR) OCM & 14.9 - 24 (4 PR) AT F&R are for use on irrigation equipment, at very low speeds. The tyre load is proportionally higher than for normal tractor applications (2) F202 - (3) Industrial load and inflation tables TRACTION REAR - 30 Km/h Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 3040 3110 3180 5275 2.9 18.4 – 30 8 PR TL - SAT 23° 467 1560 699 4646 W 16L W 15L 2135 2430 4590 W 16L W 15L 2120 2415 2615 2715 2815 2965 DW20A - 3035 3460 3670 3780 3940 4250 4600 4905 5000 5150 4305 4440 4580 18.4 – 30 12 PR TT - ATC 471 1546 697 23.1 – 30 14 PR TT - AT F&R 595 1694 757 5027 24.5 – 32 20 PR TT - AT F&R 627 1798 803 5332 DW21A DW20A 3465 3950 4255 4390 4672 W 15L W 14L 1830 2110 2290 2380 4975 W 16L W 15L 2250 2565 4851 W 16L W 15L 2325 2650 4493 W 12 W 11 1300 1490 1615 W 14L - 1550 1765 1915 1990 W 15L W 14L 1980 2275 2475 2575 W 16L W 15L 2380 2715 W 16L W 15L 2390 2725 5690 W 18A - 3025 3500 3720 3830 5423 W 12 W 11 1510 1725 1835 6000 16.9 – 34 8 PR TT - OCM 420 1572 717 18.4 – 34 8 PR TT - ATC 467 1674 758 18.4 – 34 8 PR TL - SAT 23° 467 1661 747 13.6 – 36 6 PR TT - ATC 352 1510 697 15.5 – 38 8 PR TL - SAT 23° 391 1550 721 4675 2060 16.9 – 38 8 PR TL - SAT 23° 429 1684 772 5030 18.4 – 38 8 PR TT - ATC DT 479 1760 803 5242 18.4 – 38 8 PR TL - SAT 23° 480 1768 798 5232 20.8 – 42 14 PR TL - SAT 23° 559 1935 881 4055 13.6 – 46 6 PR TT - CSG 338 1796 843 (1) Deep Tread - (2) F202 Note: The tables on pages 28-29 show loads for 30 km/h maximum speed. For operations at other speeds, the above loads may be changed as shown hereafter. Changes in Infl. Pressure Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 30 km/h load 10 + 40% + 0.3 bar 20 + 20% None 25 + 7% None 30 Same as above table None 35 - 10% None 40 - 20% None (1) For cyclic operations only, such as combine harvester service, the basic tyre load may be increased by as much as 70%. Basic inflation pressure must be increased by 25-30%. Vehicle must be unloaded before transport outside of field. (2) For field (sustained torque) applications the 30 km/h load ratings should not be exceeded by the tractor weight at static conditions. (3) For tyres used on irrigation equipment that moves at creep speeds (less than 60 m in 30 minutes) the basic tyre loads may be increased by as much as 60% with a 0.3 bar increase in basic inflation pressure. (4) Rim/wheel manufacturer should be consulted for approval of rim/wheel strength for load, pressure and speed requirements. 35 LOAD AND INFLATION TABLES COMBINE HARVESTER APPLICATION - 30 Km/h Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Speed 2855 2920 2985 30 18.4 – 26 12 PR TT - AT F&R (3) 478 1453 650 4323 W 16L W 15L 2265 2455 2550 2645 2790 4632 DW20A W 18L 3245 3490 3610 3730 3970 4775 DW25A DW23A 3720 4055 4155 4590 W 16L W 15L 2415 2615 2715 23.1 – 26 14 PR TT - ATC 586 1578 700 30 28 L 26 14 PR TT - SAT 23° 693 1603 724 30 18.4 – 30 12 PR TT - ATC 471 1546 697 2815 2965 3040 3110 3180 30 4.1 Speed “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre - For Cyclic Application, see note at page 29. (3) F202 FRONT & IMPLEMENT RANCHER - 30 Km/h Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.25 2.25 2.75 3.1 3.25 3.75 10.0/75 - 15.3 8 PR TT - T133 (1) 257 780 360 2330 9.00 - 9.00 - 1330 30 11.5/80 - 15.3 12 PR TT - T131 285 873 390 2613 2145 30 6.00 – 16 6 PR TT - T133 (2) 174 751 348 2250 4.50 E 4.00 E 5K 5.00 F 685 30 6.50 – 16 8 PR TT - T133 (2) 187 777 360 2330 4.00 E 4.50 E 5 K - 5 F 5.50 F 2400 5.00 F 5.50 F 5 K 6.00 F 2604 5.50 F - 2240 3.00 D - 2705 5.50 F 5.00 F 6.50 F 925 30 7.50 – 16 8 PR TT - T133 203 800 372 1100 30 7.50 – 18 PR TT - T131 197 863 392 950 30 4.50 – 19 2 PR TT - T131 (2) 120 737 350 295 30 7.50 – 20 6 PR TT - T131 202 915 414 (1) This tyre has proportionately 25-30% more tread lugs. (2) Tractor Implement. 36 980 30 LOAD AND INFLATION TABLES FRONT & IMPLEMENT RANCHER - 30 Km/h Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.25 1.5 2.2 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.5 Speed 4.00 – 8 2 PR TT - T114 107 440 208 1350 3.00 D 2.50 C 1535 4.00 B 3.50 B 1595 3.00 D 3.00 B 3.50 B 3.00 D 2.50 C 3.00 B 155 30 5.0 – 10 2 PR TT - T131 126 515 236 225 30 4.00/5 – 12 2 PR TT - T114 123 528 248 210 30 4.00 – 12 4 PR TT - T133 (3) 112 541 257 1645 300 30 5.00 – 12 6 PR TT - T133 (1) 135 572 271 3.00 D 4.00 E 4J 475 30 1740 3.50 D 1715 5J 4J 4.5 J 345 30 1775 5J - 340 30 1995 5.50 F 5J 2140 9.00 - 2025 4.00 E 3.50 D 4.5 J 6 1/2 K - 9.00 - 6 – 12 2 PR TT - TC (2) 156 574 265 6.5 / 80 – 12 2 PR TT - T131 163 588 270 7.00 – 12 6 PR TT - T133 (1) 180 670 307 680 30 11.0 / 65 – 12 6 PR TT - T133 (1) 265 718 330 1000 30 5.00 – 15 2 PR TT - T114 140 654 319 310 30 8.0/75 – 15 6 PR TT - T133 (1) 199 708 322 2100 800 30 27 X 10 - 15.3 8 PR TT - T133 (1) 261 687 317 2058 1000 30 (1) These tyres have proportionately 25-30% more tread lugs (2) TC (Closed Center) pattern (3) Tractor Implement. 37 notes 38 AGRICULTURAL TYRES Free-Rolling Tyres free - rolling tyres Front Steering 3 RIB 4 RIB RIBBED TRACTION (RIB) Implement RIBBED TRACTOR (RIB) FARM IMPLMENT (FARM) TRANSPORT B-213 (B-213) RIB IMPLEMENT (RIB IMP) FLOTATION IMPLEMENT (FLOT IMP) Grassland Application Particularly suited for airport, golf course, park and highway maintenance operations. - Provides maximum flotation and minimum ground disturbance. - Non-aggressive multi-block tread pattern for excellent traction. 40 ALL NON SKID (ANS) ALL NON SKID II (ANS II) TURF & FIELD Load and inflation tables FRONT STEERING - 30 Km/h Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.4 Speed 4.00 – 12 4 PR TT - RIB 112 534 252 3.00D 2.50C 205 220 235 245 250 30 3.00D 4J 250 265 280 295 300 30 4.00E 3.00D/4J/41/2 J 345 365 380 390 395 405 410 4.00E 3.50D/4.50 E 425 450 475 495 505 520 525 4.00E 3.50D/4.50E 395 430 465 475 485 500 515 4.50 E 4.00E/5K/5.00F 480 505 540 560 30 4.50E 4.00E/5K/5.00F 480 505 540 560 30 4.50E 4.00E/5K/5.00F/5.50F 545 580 615 4.50E 4.00E/5K/5.00F/5.50F 515 555 590 625 5.00 F 5.50 F 655 700 730 750 5.50 F 5.00F/5K/6.00F 670 700 745 5.50 F 5.00F/5K/6.00F 705 745 785 815 830 855 870 30 5.50 F 5.00F/5K/6.00F 705 745 785 815 830 855 870 30 W8 W7/W8L/6.00F 950 1010 1080 1140 1155 1185 1205 W8 W8L 1110 1190 1260 1300 1325 W10L W8/W8L 1320 W10L W8/W8L 1245 1310 W10L W8/W8L 1245 1310 1415 1470 1490 1555 1620 5.50 F - 760 810 855 880 895 930 945 30 5.50 F - 760 810 855 880 895 930 945 30 4.00 – 15 4 PR TT - RIB 112 610 290 5.00 – 15 6 PR TT - RIB 144 654 310 425 465 30 5.50 – 16 6 PR TT - RIB 154 716 334 30 5.50 – 16 6 PR TT - 3 RIB 142 716 333 530 30 6.00 – 16 6 PR TT - 3 RIB 165 735 330 6.00 – 16 6 PR TT - RIB 167 752 345 6.50 – 16 6 PR TT - RIB 170 745 347 30 6.50 – 16 6 PR TT - 3 RIB 173 762 356 30 7.00 – 16 8 PR TT - RIB 183 774 363 770 800 820 30 7.50 – 16 6 PR TT - 3 RIB 203 813 378 30 7.50 – 16 8 PR TT - 3 RIB 205 805 363 7.50 – 16 8 PR TT - RIB 204 798 370 9.00 – 16 10 PR TL - 4 RIB 254 855 387 1245 30 10.00 – 16 10 PR TL - 3 RIB 274 895 401 30 11.00 – 16 8 PR TL - 3 RIB 315 965 434 30 11.00 – 16 8 PR TL - 4 RIB 325 965 437 30 11.00 – 16 12 PR TL - 4 RIB 325 965 437 1665 30 7.50 – 18 8 PR TL - RIB 212 866 396 7.50 – 18 8 PR TT - 3 RIB 205 860 389 41 Load and inflation tables FRONT STEERING - 30 Km/h Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.9 4.4 4.7 Speed 7.50 – 18 8 PR TL - 4 RIB 205 860 389 5.50 F - 760 810 855 880 895 930 945 30 5.50 F - 760 810 855 880 895 930 945 W9 11 1410 1500 1600 1670 1695 1750 3.00D - 295 315 335 345 355 4.50E 4.00E/5.00 F 545 580 615 640 5.00 F 4.00E/5.50 F 645 685 725 5.50 F 5.00 F 825 875 5.50 F 5.00 F 770 815 865 30 W 7L 5.50 F 1110 1180 1245 30 7.50 – 18 10 PR TT - RIB 212 866 396 970 1030 1065 30 12.5/80 – 18 12 PR TL - 4 RIB 308 965 436 30 4.00 – 19 4 PR TT - RIB 112 714 340 30 6.00 – 19 6 PR TT - RIB 162 812 380 30 6.50 – 20 6 PR TT - RIB 176 850 405 30 7.50 - 20 6 PR TT - RIB 198 906 425 30 7.50 – 20 6 PR TT - 3 RIB 201 909 414 9.50 – 20 8 PR TT - 3 RIB 254 Note: 970 460 The tables on pages 33-34 show loads for 30 km/h maximum speed. For operations at other speeds, the above loads may be changed as shown hereafter. Changes in Infl. Pressure Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 30 km/h load 10 + 100% (1) + 25% 10 + 50% (2) + 25% 20 + 35% None 25 + 15% None 30 Same as above table None 35 - 10% None 40 - 20% None (1) For front end loader service (6 ply rating and above) with a 25% increase in inflation pressure. (2) 6 ply rating and above with a 25% increase in inflation pressure. (3) Rim/wheel manufacturer should be consulted for approval of rim/wheel strength for load, pressure and speed requirements. 42 Load and inflation tables IMPLEMENT - 30 Km/h (1) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.7 1.9 2.4 2.5 3.0 3.1 3.9 4.1 4.3 4.7 5.4 6.0 8.0 Speed 7.00 – 12 6 PR TT - RIB 174 661 305 5.00 F 680 30 7.00 1040 30 8.50 – 12 6 PR TT - RIB 235 716 329 26 x 12.00 – 12 4 PR TL - RIB Imp 290 640 300 101/2 JA 590 30 11L – 14 8 PR TL - FARM 274 747 333 1100 8 KB 30 8.25 – 15 18 PR TT - B-213 (4) 233 838 390 2670 6.00 30 9.5L – 15 8 PR TL - FARM 239 762 338 1120 8 LB 30 10.0 - 15.3 10 PR TT - FARM (2) 258 784 360 1525 9.00 30 11.5 - 15.3 12 PR TT - FARM (3) 295 860 384 2145 9.00 30 11.5 - 15.3 16 PR TT - FARM (3) 295 860 384 2505 9.00 30 7.50 – 16 10 PR TT - RIB 204 798 370 985 5.50 F 30 10.5 – 16 14 PR TT - FARM 280 955 434 2600 W9 30 16.5L - 16.1 8 PR TL - FARM 414 1013 455 W14C 2000 30 21.5L - 16.1 14 PR TL - FARM 554 1105 472 3550 W18C 30 10.0 – 18 8 PR TT - FARM 260 875 396 1480 9.00 30 13.0 / 65 – 18 14 PR TT - FARM 335 875 404 2555 11 30 6.00 – 20 10 PR TT - B-213 (4) 167 844 407 1170 5.00 S 30 4.00/4.50 – 21 4 PR TT - RIB 111 764 357 485 3.00 D 30 5.00/5.25 – 21 6 PR TT - RIB 135 812 375 650 3.50 D 30 700/50 - 22.5 16 PR TL - FLOT Imp 696 1270 541 24.00 (15°) 5300 50 (1) The table shows loads for 30 km/h maximum speed except for 700/50-22.5 Flotation Implement (50 km/h). (2) Equivalent to 10.0/75 - 15.3 (3) Equivalent to 11.5/80 - 15.3 (4) Transport B-213 “L” in tyre designates low profile tyre. 43 Load and inflation tables GRASSLAND APPLICATION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 31x13.50 - 15 8 PR TL (NHS) - TURF & FIELD 348 777 343 2302 10 LB - 0.7 790 560 500 1.1 1000 710 630 1.4 1185 840 750 1.7 1345 955 850 2.1 1505 1065 950 2.8 1770 1255 1120 3.1 1865 1325 1180 Speed 10 30 50 NHS : Not for Highway Service. Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 3048 W11C - 1.7 1840 1600 2946 W14C 14 LB 2070 1800 W14C 14 LB 2070 1800 2300 2000 0.8 1300 1085 975 1.1 1530 1280 1150 13.50 - 16.1 10 PR TL - ANS 343 1031 444 16.5 L - 16.1 6 PR TL - ANS 414 1036 447 16.5 L - 16.1 10 PR TL - ANS 414 1036 447 2946 1.9 2015 1750 2.2 2245 1950 2.5 2440 2120 2.8 2580 2240 Speed 15 40 15 40 2510 2180 2715 2360 15 40 “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre. Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 18.4 - 16.1 6 PR TL - ANS 467 1107 478 3175 W16C 16 LB 21.5 L - 16.1 6PR TL - TURF & FIELD 528 1120 490 3225 W18C 16 LB 8.3 – 24 4 PR TL - ANS 211 986 457 2946 W7 W6 9.5 – 24 4 PR TT - ANS 241 1011 470 3023 W8 W7 14.9 – 24 6 PR TL - ANS 378 1265 574 3734 W13 “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre. 44 W12 1.2 1.4 1.5 Speed 15 30 40 1665 1390 1250 15 30 40 535 445 400 615 515 460 665 555 500 705 590 530 745 625 560 15 30 40 665 555 500 775 645 580 840 700 630 895 745 670 15 30 40 1330 1110 1000 1570 1310 1180 1710 1430 1285 1810 1510 1360 15 30 40 Load and inflation tables GRASSLAND APPLICATION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 16.9 – 24 6 PR TL - ANS 437 1308 584 3860 W15L W14L 18.4 – 26 6 PR TL - ANS 483 1448 650 4265 DW16A W15L 18.4 – 26 10 PR TL - ANS 483 1448 650 4265 DW16A W15L 23.1 – 26 12 PR TL - ANS 587 1516 681 4470 DW20A - 28 L – 26 12 PR TL - ANS 693 1496 676 4470 DW25A - 28 L – 26 12 PR TL - ANS II (1) 714 1590 709 4648 DW25A - 28 L – 26 16 PR TL - ANS 693 1496 676 4470 DW25A - 28 L – 26 16 PR TL - ANS II (1) 714 1590 709 4648 DW25A - 13.6 – 28 6 PR TT - ANS 345 1308 594 3886 DW12A W11 30.5 L – 32 14 PR TL - ANS 762 1753 782 5105 DW27A DH27 30.5 L – 32 16 PR TL - ANS 762 1753 782 5105 DW27A DH27 VA 35.5 L – 32 20 PR TL - ANS 925 1986 838 5690 31VA - 1.2 2065 1725 1550 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 Speed 0.8 1620 1350 1215 1.1 1930 1610 1450 1995 1665 1500 2395 2000 1800 1995 1665 1500 2395 2000 1800 2530 2110 1900 2740 2290 2060 2900 2420 2180 2980 2490 2240 2900 2420 2180 3425 2860 2575 3625 3025 2725 3860 3220 2900 4090 3415 3075 4325 3610 3250 3325 2775 2500 3990 3330 3000 4190 3500 3150 4460 3720 3350 15 30 40 3325 2775 2500 3990 3330 3000 4190 3500 3150 4460 3720 3350 15 30 40 3325 2775 2500 3990 3330 3000 4190 3500 3150 4460 3720 3350 4725 3945 3550 4990 4165 3750 5320 4440 4000 5490 4580 4125 15 30 40 3325 2775 2500 3990 3330 3000 4190 3500 3150 4460 3720 3350 4725 3945 3550 4990 4165 3750 5320 4440 4000 5490 4580 4125 15 30 40 1200 1000 900 1410 1180 1060 1530 1280 1150 1620 1350 1215 1710 1430 1285 15 30 40 4190 3500 3150 4990 4165 3750 5320 4440 4000 5655 4720 4250 5985 4995 4500 15 30 40 4190 3500 3150 4990 4165 3750 5320 4440 4000 5655 4720 4250 5985 4995 4500 6320 5275 4750 6650 5550 5000 5655 4720 4250 6650 5550 5000 7050 5885 5300 7715 6440 5800 7980 6660 6000 8380 6995 6300 8915 7440 6700 15 30 40 15 30 40 3140 2620 2360 15 30 40 15 30 40 15 30 40 9180 7660 6900 15 30 40 “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre. (1) ANS II is dimensionally larger with deeper tread than ANS. 45 Notes 46 AGRICULTURAL TYRES Flotation Tyres flotation tyres 23° & 23° Center Rib Design 1 Design 2 23° Center Rib 23° Deep Tread (23° DT) Design 1 Design 2 All Terrain Large volume tyres: - Ideal for use with heavy materials which require minimum compaction: spreaders, beet lifters, silo fillers, … - Large air volume permits low inflation pressure. - Very large tyre tread ensures comfort and stability. - 23° lugs produce excellent traction power. 48 Design 3 load and inflation tables FLOTATION TYRES Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 0.55 0.7 0.8 1 1.1 1.2 1.4 101/2 JA 470 540 600 660 710 760 810 101/2 JA 470 540 600 660 710 760 810 2.9 Speed 26 X 12.00 - 12 4 PR TL - 23° (1) 307 663 307 1964 15 26 X 12.00 – 12 8 PR TL - 23° (1) 307 663 307 1964 1250 15 3.1 1975 1650 1400 1250 Speed 3.1 Speed Note : This table shows loads for 15 km/h maximum speed. For 50 km/h service, the above loads must be reduced by multiplying them by 0.8 at the same inflation pressure. (1) Design 1 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 31 X 15.50 - 15 8 PR TL - 23° Design 1 394 792 356 2346 13LB 0.7 815 680 580 515 1.1 1030 860 730 650 1.4 1225 1025 870 775 1.7 1385 1155 980 875 2.1 1545 1290 1095 975 2.4 1675 1400 1190 1060 2.8 1820 1520 1290 1150 10 15 30 50 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 42 X 25.00 - 20 8 PR TL - 23° Center Rib 635 1074 498 3251 20.50VF 42 X 25.00 – 20 12 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 622 1113 516 3378 20.50VF 48 X 25.00 - 20 10 PR TL - 23° Center Rib 635 1232 544 3632 20.50VF 48 X 25.00 - 20 10 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 635 1295 569 3810 20.50VF 48 X 31.00 - 20 10 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 775 1295 577 3835 26.00VF 0.7 1425 1190 1010 900 1425 1190 1010 900 2150 1800 1525 1360 2150 1800 1525 1360 2215 1850 1570 1400 1 1820 1520 1290 1150 1820 1520 1290 1150 2690 2245 1905 1700 2690 2245 1905 1700 2845 2380 2020 1800 1.4 2150 1800 1525 1360 2150 1800 1525 1360 3160 2640 2240 2000 3160 2640 2240 2000 3350 2800 2375 2120 0.7 4424 3136 2800 1 5530 3920 3500 1.4 6715 4760 4250 1.7 2450 2050 1740 1550 2450 2050 1740 1550 3635 3040 2580 2300 3635 3040 2580 2300 3840 3210 2725 2430 2.1 2690 2245 1905 1700 2690 2245 1905 1700 4070 3400 2885 2575 4070 3400 2885 2575 4190 3500 2970 2650 2.4 3005 2510 2130 1900 4425 3700 3140 2800 4425 3700 3140 2800 2.8 3160 2640 2240 2000 3445 2880 2445 2180 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 10.50/50 R25 172B Radial Flotation 23 Deep Tread 1049 1709 767 5130 36.0 TH - 1.7 7505 5320 4750 2.1 8374 5936 5300 2.4 9164 6496 5800 2.8 9954 7056 6300 3.1 Speed 10 30 50 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.25 2.4 2.6 Speed 2500 2725 3000 3350 3550 3875 4125 4375 4625 50 600/55-22.5 16PR Flotation Implement 600 1270 541 3607 20 - 49 load and inflation tables FLOTATION TYRES Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 48X31.00 – 20 14 PR TL - 23° Center Rib 787 1232 551 3658 26.00VF 48X31.00 – 20 14 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 775 1295 577 3835 26.00VF 800/50 – 25 12 PR TL (54X31.00-25) - 23° Design 2 (1) 762 1443 650 4318 25.0TH 54X37.00 – 25 12 PR TL (54X31.00-25) - 23° DT Design 1 940 1430 655 4369 32.0TH 66X43.00 – 25 10 PR TL (54X31.00-25) - 23° Design 2 1049 1689 749 5004 36.0TH 66X43.00 – 25 10 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 1054 1722 770 5131 36.0TH 66X43.00 – 25 16 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 1054 1722 770 5131 36.0TH 66X44.00 – 25 6 PR TL - All Terrain 1118 1702 739 5004 36.0TH 66X44.00 – 25 16 PR TL - All Terrain 1118 1702 739 5004 36.0TH 67X34.00 – 25 12 PR TL - 23° Design 2 864 50 1727 770 5131 30.0TH 0.7 2215 1850 1570 1400 1 2845 2380 2020 1800 1.4 3350 2800 2375 2120 1.7 3840 3210 2725 2430 2.1 4190 3500 2970 2650 2.4 4585 3830 3250 2900 2.8 4980 4160 3530 3150 3.1 5295 4425 3755 3350 Speed 2215 1850 1570 1400 2845 2380 2020 1800 3350 2800 2375 2120 3840 3210 2725 2430 4190 3500 2970 2650 4585 3830 3250 2900 4980 4160 3530 3150 5295 4425 3755 3350 10 15 30 50 2690 2245 1905 1700 3350 2800 2375 2120 3950 3300 2800 2500 4585 3830 3250 2900 5135 4290 3640 3250 5610 4690 3980 3550 10 15 30 50 2845 2380 2020 1800 3635 3040 2580 2300 4310 3600 3055 2725 4860 4060 3445 3075 5455 4555 3865 3450 5925 4950 4200 3750 10 15 30 50 4190 3500 2970 2650 5295 4425 3755 3350 6320 5280 4480 4000 7110 5940 5040 4500 10 15 30 50 4190 3500 2970 2650 5295 4425 3755 3350 6320 5280 4480 4000 7110 5940 5040 4500 10 15 30 50 4190 3500 2970 2650 5295 4425 3755 3350 6320 5280 4480 4000 7110 5940 5040 4500 4310 3600 3055 2725 5455 4555 3865 3450 4310 3600 3055 2725 5455 4555 3865 3450 6520 5445 4620 4125 7310 6105 5180 4625 8140 6800 5770 5150 9165 7660 6500 5800 4190 3500 2970 2650 5295 4425 3755 3350 6320 5280 4480 4000 7310 6105 5180 4625 8140 6800 5770 5150 8850 7395 6275 5600 7900 6600 5600 5000 8850 7395 6275 5600 9480 7920 6720 6000 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 9720 8120 6890 6150 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 load and inflation tables FLOTATION TYRES Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 68X50.00 – 32 16 PR TL - 23° DT Design 3 1270 1753 770 5182 DW44A VA 73X44.00 - 3212 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 1097 1880 826 5563 36.0VA VA 73X44.00 - 3216 PR TL - 23° DT Design 1 1097 1880 826 5563 36.0VA 76X50.00 – 32 16 PR TL (1250/45-32) - 23° DT Design 1 1234 1994 917 5918 44DWM 78X45.00 – 32 16 PR TL - 23° DT Design 2 1156 2012 930 5969 41DWM 0.7 4190 3500 2970 2650 1 5295 4425 3755 3350 1.4 6320 5280 4480 4000 1.7 7110 5940 5040 4500 2.1 7900 6600 5600 5000 2.4 8850 7395 6275 5600 4860 4060 3445 3075 6125 5115 4340 3875 7310 6105 5180 4625 8375 7000 5940 5300 9165 7660 6500 5800 4860 4060 3445 3075 6125 5115 4340 3875 7310 6105 5180 4625 8375 7000 5940 5300 9165 7660 6500 5800 10270 8580 7280 6500 5610 4690 3980 3550 7110 5940 5040 4500 8375 7000 5940 5300 9480 7920 6720 6000 10590 8845 7505 6700 11535 9640 8180 7300 5770 4820 4090 3650 7310 6105 5180 4625 8615 7195 6105 5450 9720 8120 6890 6150 10905 9110 7730 6900 11850 9900 8400 7500 2.8 Speed 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 10905 9110 7730 6900 10 15 30 50 10 15 30 50 13035 10890 9240 8250 10 15 30 50 For operations at stationary or creep speeds, the loads may be changed (with no change in inflation pressure) as follows: Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 50 km/h load Creep + 100% Stationary + 165% For variable loading operation, where load on machine increases and decreases, the loads may be changed as follows: Changes in Infl. Pressure Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 50 km/h load 30 + 50% + 0.4 bar 25 + 70% + 0.4 bar 15 + 85% + 0.4 bar For an operation to be a variable loading operation: 1) The minimum load must not exceed 60 % of the maximum tyre load for the operation. 2) Maximum load may not be carried more than 1.5 km before unloading operations starts. 3) Loading and unloading must be completed within 1.5 km. 51 notes 52 Industrial Tyres Light Industrial Application industrial tyres RADIAL BIAS IND DuraForce Utility STL ATU AG R8000 Utility S8000 Utility INDUSTRIAL LINE-UP 340/80 R18 400/70 R18 340/80 R20 365/80 R20 400/70 R20 340/80 R18 400/70 R20 400/80 R24 400/70 R24 10.5 280/80 - 18 340/80 (12.5 - 18) - (12.5/80 - 18) 10.5/80 - 18 12.0/12 - 18 280/80 (10.5 - 20) 340/80 (12.5 - 20) 10-20 12.5-20 400/80 - 24* 14.9 - 24 16.9 - 24 17.5L - 24 19.5L - 24 460/70 R24 54 480/80 R26 440/80 R28 440/80 R28 DuraForce Utility R8000 Utility 480/80 (18.4 - 26) 440/80 (16.9 - 28) STL *S8000 Ut. 16.9 - 28 18.4 - 28 16.9 - 30 ATU industrial tyres LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION DuraForce Utility The Firestone DURAFORCE UTILITY is designed for backhoe loaders and compact wheeled loaders. NEW Farmers/End-users benefits: - Excellent grip on hard surfaces due to new block pattern designed for pure industrial applications - Excellent lateral stability due to extra wide tread arc and extra thick sidewall - Uniform tread wear due to wide and flat tread contour - Cut and puncture resistance due to: - compounds specifically developed for severe service conditions - extra thick skid base gauge and curb ribs Super Traction Loader (STL) Designed for efficient and economical use with industrial tractors and light construction equipment (back-hoes, telehandlers, loaders,...) High performance on road service with good irregular wear resistance. Tread lug shape resists distortion for good roadwear characteristics to ensure long tyre life. - N es z i s ew Very good shock absorption High resistance Excellent Stability and Handling Strong Traction and good grip on hard and soft surfaces 55 industrial tyres R8000 & S8000 Utility The Firestone R8000 (Radial) and S8000 (Bias) UTILITY are designed for mixed industrial and agricultural service. They combine outstanding stability, grip and wear uniformity on yard and road surfaces, with excellent field performance. • ON HARD-SURFACE SITES EXCELLENT LATERAL STABILITY AND SAFETY - Due to extra-wide tread arc to prevent tilt, even with maximum loader-arm extension - Extra-thick sidewall adds more stability RELIABLE GRIP ON HARD SURFACES Due to sturdy, stable lug geometry which ensures handling stability and grip ROTATION < UNIFORM TREAD WEAR New lug technology reduces ‘trail’ angle and trailing-edge stiffness, inducing a smoother release for improved wear uniformity • IN THE FIELD & LOOSE SOIL GOOD FIELD TRACTION Optimised shoulder angle of lug TRAILING EDGE OF LUG CUT AND PUNCTURE RESISTANT - More resistant compound for severe service conditions - Extra-thick skid base provides higher puncture resistance Radial All Traction Utility (RATU) Designed for light construction machines like tractor-loader-backhoe. For the tough on-and-off the road tyre requirements of today’s utility tractors where moderate traction, as well as flotation and long wear, is needed. - Gives long tread life on hard surface roads. - Built with Firestone special rubber compounds and nylon cord body. 56 industrial tyres All Traction Utility (ATU) A tyre for use on industrial tractors and light construction equipment: Reinforced sidewalls and crossed centre lugs for: - A larger footprint and greater cut resistance. A rugged construction: - To give long service in industrial applications. SKID STEER APPLICATION Super Traction Duplex (ST Duplex) A tyre designed to give excellent performance on industrial tractors and light construction equipment: - New front axle pattern, with increased number of lugs, flat tread contour and wider footprint. - Tread lug shape resists distortion for good roadwear characteristics to ensure long tyre life. DuraForce DT Designed specifically for skid-steer loaders in the most demanding applications, the DuraForce DT features an extra-tough nylon body construction and special cut-/tear-resistant compounds for lasting performance. - Deep tread and extra-wide, heavily buttressed lugs for extra-long wear and extended tyre life. - Aggressive rim deflector helps keep foreign material out to protect against rim damage and deflation. - Strong shoulder resists snags, cuts & punctures. 57 load and inflation tables LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION DURAFORCE UTILITY Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00 Speed 3385 2205 1840 1530 1470 1340 3685 2405 2000 1665 1600 1460 4000 2610 2175 1810 1740 1585 4310 2810 2340 1945 1870 1705 4650 3030 2525 2100 2020 1840 4985 3250 2710 2255 2165 1970 5310 3465 2885 2400 2310 2100 5635 3675 3065 2550 2450 2230 5955 3885 3235 2695 2590 2355 6270 4090 3410 2835 2725 2480 Stationary W12 W10 3085 2015 1675 1395 1340 1220 3680 2400 2000 1710 1600 1455 4040 2635 2195 1880 1755 1600 4385 2860 2385 2040 1905 1735 4720 3080 2565 2195 2055 1870 5095 3325 2770 2370 2215 2015 5460 3565 2970 2540 2375 2160 5870 3830 3190 2730 2550 2325 6275 4095 3410 2920 2730 2485 6675 4355 3630 3105 2905 2640 7075 4615 3845 3290 3075 2800 Stationary 12 13.00 3300 2155 1795 1535 1435 1305 3170 2065 1725 1435 1380 1255 3475 2265 1890 1570 1515 1375 3785 2470 2060 1710 1650 1500 4110 2680 2235 1860 1790 1625 4425 2885 2405 2000 1925 1750 4775 3115 2595 2160 2080 1890 5120 3340 2780 2315 2225 2025 5455 3560 2965 2470 2375 2160 5790 3775 3145 2620 2520 2290 6120 3990 3325 2770 2660 2420 6440 4200 3500 2915 2800 2550 Stationary 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 Speed 2545 1725 1440 1190 1150 1120 1.50 2895 1960 1635 1350 1310 1275 1.75 3225 2185 1820 1505 1460 1420 2.00 3540 2400 2000 1650 1600 1555 2.25 3845 2605 2170 1795 1740 1690 2.50 4140 2805 2335 1930 1870 1820 2.75 4465 3025 2520 2085 2020 1965 3.00 4790 3245 2705 2235 2165 2105 3.25 5145 3485 2905 2400 2325 2260 3.50 5500 3725 3105 2565 2485 2420 3.75 5850 Stationary 3965 10* 3305 10 2730 30 2645 40 2575 50 4.00 Speed 3490 2275 1895 1580 1520 1380 1.2 3885 2535 2115 1760 1690 1540 1.4 4265 2785 2320 1930 1855 1690 1.6 4635 3025 2520 2095 2015 1835 1.8 4990 3255 2710 2255 2170 1975 2.0 5385 3510 2925 2435 2340 2130 2.2 5770 3765 3140 2610 2510 2285 2.4 6200 4045 3370 2805 2700 2455 2.6 6630 4325 3605 3000 2885 2625 2.8 7055 4600 3835 3190 3070 2795 3.0 7475 4875 4065 3380 3250 2960 3.2 Stationary 5345 3485 2905 2415 2325 2115 5860 3825 3185 2650 2550 2320 6350 4145 3450 2870 2760 2515 6815 4445 3705 3080 2965 2695 7295 4760 3965 3300 3175 2890 7800 5090 4240 3530 3395 3085 8290 5405 4505 3750 3605 3280 8765 5720 4765 3965 3815 3470 9305 6070 5055 4205 4045 3680 9830 6410 5345 4445 4275 3890 10350 6750 5625 4680 4500 4095 Stationary 4725 3080 2570 2140 2055 1870 5185 3380 2815 2345 2255 2055 5615 3660 3050 2540 2445 2225 6025 3930 3275 2725 2620 2385 6485 4230 3525 2935 2820 2570 6935 4520 3770 3135 3015 2745 7370 4805 4005 3335 3205 2915 7795 5085 4235 3525 3390 3085 8270 5395 4495 3740 3595 3275 8740 5700 4750 3955 3800 3460 9200 6000 5000 4160 4000 3640 Stationary 340/80 R18 IND DURAFORCE UTILITY 143A8 343 1008 452 3037 11 10* 10 30 40 50 400/70 R18 DURAFORCE UTILITY 147A8 404 1017 455 3079 13 10* 10 30 40 50 340/80 R20 IND DURAFORCE UTILITY 144A8 343 1052 473 3178 11 W12 W10 10* 10 30 40 50 365/80 R20 DURAFORCE UTILITY 144A8 360 1092 492 3299 11 W12 400/70 R20 IND DURAFORCE UTILITY 149A8 404 1068 480 3227 13 12 W14L 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 480/80 R26 IND DURAFORCE UTILITY 160A8 479 1428 642 4307 W15L W16L 10* 10 30 40 50 440/80 R28 IND DURAFORCE UTILITY 156A8 441 58 1420 637 4291 W14L W15L 10* 10 30 40 50 load and inflation tables LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION SUPER TRACTION LOADER Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 4.0 Speed 4370 2850 2375 1975 1900 1730 4600 3000 2500 2080 2000 1820 Stationary 5635 3675 3065 2550 2450 2230 5955 3885 3235 2695 2590 2355 6270 4090 3410 2835 2725 2480 Stationary 4015 2620 2180 1815 1745 1590 4260 2780 2315 1925 1855 1685 4500 2935 2445 2035 1960 1780 4740 3090 2575 2145 2060 1875 Stationary 5120 3340 2780 2315 2225 2025 5455 3560 2965 2470 2375 2160 5790 3775 3145 2620 2520 2290 6120 3990 3325 2770 2660 2420 6440 4200 3500 2915 2800 2550 Stationary 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Speed 7295 4760 3965 3300 3175 2890 7800 5090 4240 3530 3395 3085 8290 5405 4505 3750 3605 3280 8765 5720 4765 3965 3815 3470 9305 6070 5055 4205 4045 3680 9830 6410 5345 4445 4275 3890 10350 6750 5625 4680 4500 4095 Stationary 6485 4230 3525 2935 2820 2570 6935 4520 3770 3135 3015 2745 7370 4805 4005 3335 3205 2915 7795 5085 4235 3525 3390 3085 8270 5395 4495 3740 3595 3275 8740 5700 4750 3955 3800 3460 9200 6000 5000 4160 4000 3640 Stationary 1.50 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.25 3.5 3.75 9 W8 2265 1480 1230 1025 985 895 2485 1620 1350 1125 1085 980 2705 1765 1470 1225 1180 1070 2935 1915 1595 1330 1280 1160 3160 2060 1720 1430 1375 1250 3410 2225 1855 1540 1485 1350 3655 2385 1990 1655 1590 1450 3900 2545 2120 1765 1695 1545 4135 2700 2250 1870 1800 1640 W11 W10 3085 2015 1675 1395 1340 1220 3385 2205 1840 1530 1470 1340 3685 2405 2000 1665 1600 1460 4000 2610 2175 1810 1740 1585 4310 2810 2340 1945 1870 1705 4650 3030 2525 2100 2020 1840 4985 3250 2710 2255 2165 1970 5310 3465 2885 2400 2310 2100 9 W8 2330 1520 1265 1055 1015 925 2555 1670 1390 1160 1115 1015 2785 1815 1515 1260 1210 1105 3025 1975 1645 1370 1315 1200 3255 2125 1770 1475 1415 1290 3515 2295 1910 1590 1530 1390 3765 2460 2045 1705 1640 1490 W11 W10 3170 2065 1725 1435 1380 1255 3475 2265 1890 1570 1515 1375 3785 2470 2060 1710 1650 1500 4110 2680 2235 1860 1790 1625 4425 2885 2405 2000 1925 1750 4775 3115 2595 2160 2080 1890 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 W15L 5345 3485 2905 2415 2325 2115 5860 3825 3185 2650 2550 2320 6350 4145 3450 2870 2760 2515 6815 4445 3705 3080 2965 2695 W14L 4725 3080 2570 2140 2055 1870 5185 3380 2815 2345 2255 2055 5615 3660 3050 2540 2445 2225 6025 3930 3275 2725 2620 2385 280/80 – 18 132 A8 (10.5-18) TL - STL 278 912 412 2712 W9 10* 10 30 40 50 340/80 – 18 143 A8 (12.5-18) TL - STL 328 984 444 2924 11 10* 10 30 40 50 280/80 – 20 133 A8 (10.5-20) TL - STL 268 995 448 2962 W9 10* 10 30 40 50 340/80 – 20 144 A8 (12.5-20) TL - STL 325 1016 459 3029 11 10* 10 30 40 50 480/80 – 26 160 A8 (18.4-26) TL - STL 496* 1425* 651 4302 W16L 10* 10 30 40 50 440/80 – 28 156 A8 (16.9-28) TL - STL 459* 1420* 646 4257 W15L 10* 10 30 40 50 59 load and inflation tables LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION R8000 UTILITY Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 Speed 2720 1775 1480 1230 1185 1075 2985 1945 1625 1350 1300 1180 3230 2110 1760 1465 1405 1280 3470 2265 1885 1570 1510 1375 3695 2410 2010 1670 1610 1465 3910 2555 2130 1770 1700 1550 4160 2715 2260 1880 1810 1645 4400 2870 2390 1990 1915 1740 4630 3020 2520 2095 2015 1835 4895 3195 2660 2215 2130 1940 5155 3360 2800 2330 2240 2040 Stationary 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.25 3.5 3.75 4.0 Speed 4635 3025 2520 2095 2015 1835 2.25 4990 3255 2710 2255 2170 1975 2.5 5385 3510 2925 2435 2340 2130 2.75 5770 3765 3140 2610 2510 2285 3.0 6200 4045 3370 2805 2700 2455 3.25 6630 4325 3605 3000 2885 2625 3.5 7055 4600 3835 3190 3070 2795 3.75 7475 4875 4065 3380 3250 2960 4.0 Stationary 340/80 R18 IND 136A8 TL - R8000 Utility 343 1005 452 3037 11 W10 W11 10* 10 30 40 50 400/70 R20 IND 149 A8 TL - Equivalent to 16.0/70 - 20 - R8000 Utility 400 1068 480 3227 13 14 3490 2275 1895 1580 1520 1380 1.5 3885 2535 2115 1760 1690 1540 1.75 4265 2785 2320 1930 1855 1690 2.0 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 400/80 R24 IND 156 A8 TL - Equivalent to 15.5/80 - 24 - R8000 Utility 404 1270 571 3822 W13 13 W14L 3740 2950 2460 2045 1965 1790 1.2 4105 3240 2700 2245 2160 1965 1.4 4505 3555 2960 2465 2370 2155 1.6 4890 3860 3215 2675 2575 2345 1.8 5265 4155 3465 2880 2770 2520 2.0 5630 4445 3700 3080 2960 2695 2.2 6035 4765 3970 3305 3175 2890 2.4 6435 5080 4230 3520 3385 3080 2.6 6830 5390 4490 3735 3595 3270 2.8 7215 5695 4745 3950 3795 3455 3.0 7600 6000 5000 4160 4000 3640 3.2 Stationary 4160 2715 2260 1880 1810 1645 4565 2975 2480 2065 1985 1805 4945 3225 2690 2235 2150 1955 5310 3460 2885 2400 2305 2100 5715 3725 3105 2585 2485 2260 6110 3985 3320 2765 2655 2415 6495 4235 3530 2935 2820 2570 6870 4480 3735 3105 2985 2720 7290 4755 3965 3295 3170 2885 7705 5025 4190 3485 3350 3050 8165 5325 4440 3695 3550 3235 Stationary 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.25 3.5 3.75 4.0 4.25 4.5 4.75 5.0 Speed 5490 3585 2985 2485 2390 2175 1.2 5925 3865 3220 2680 2580 2345 1.4 6355 4145 3455 2875 2765 2515 1.6 6775 4420 3680 3065 2950 2680 1.8 7190 4690 3905 3255 3130 2845 2.0 7595 4955 4130 3435 3305 3010 2.2 8000 5215 4345 3620 3480 3165 2.4 8445 5510 4590 3820 3675 3345 2.6 8890 5800 4835 4025 3870 3520 2.8 9335 6090 5075 4225 4060 3695 3.0 9775 6375 5315 4420 4250 3870 3.2 Stationary 4725 3080 2570 2140 2055 1870 5185 3380 2815 2345 2255 2055 5615 3660 3050 2540 2445 2225 6025 3930 3275 2725 2620 2385 6485 4230 3525 2935 2820 2570 6935 4520 3770 3135 3015 2745 7370 4805 4005 3335 3205 2915 7795 5085 4235 3525 3390 3085 8270 5395 4495 3740 3595 3275 8740 5700 4750 3955 3800 3460 9200 6000 5000 4160 4000 3640 Stationary 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 460/70 R24 IND (17.5LR24) 152 A8 TL - R8000 Utility 458 1245 560 3762 W15L W14L DW14L DW15L 10* 10 30 40 50 400/70 R24 IND 158A8 TL - R8000 Utility 405 1180 531 3566 13 W12 W13 W14L 10* 10 30 40 50 Speed 440/80 R28 IND 156A8 TL - R8000 Utility 460 1420 639 4291 W14L * Cyclic Operation (One way distance 150 m) 60 W15L 10* 10 30 40 50 load and inflation tables LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION S8000 UTILITY Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 3.25 3.5 3.75 4105 3240 2700 2245 2160 1965 4890 3860 3215 2675 2575 2345 5265 4155 3465 2880 2770 2520 5630 4445 3700 3080 2960 2695 6035 4765 3970 3305 3175 2890 6435 5080 4230 3520 3385 3080 6830 5390 4490 3735 3595 3270 4.0 Speed 7600 6000 5000 4160 4000 3640 Stationary 400/80-24 IND (15.5/80-24) 156 A8 TL - S8000 Utility 404 1275 572 3837 W13 13 3740 2950 2460 2045 1965 1790 4505 3555 2960 2465 2370 2155 7215 5695 4745 3950 3795 3455 10* 10 30 40 50 RADIAL ALL TRACTION UTILITY (RATU) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 19.5 LR 24 146 A8 143 B TL - RATU 490 1311 579 3900 W16L W15L 1.0 3910 2550 1770 1700 1550 1.2 4485 2925 2030 1950 1775 1.4 5155 3360 2330 2240 2040 1.6 5750 3750 2600 2500 2275 1.8 6270 4090 2835 2725 2480 2.0 6900 4500 3120 3000 2730 Speed Stationary 10* 30 40 50 “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre. * cyclic operation (One way distance 150 meter). ALL TRACTION UTILITY (ATU) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.5 3.6 10.5 / 80 – 18 10 PR TL - ATU 276 920 421 2735 9.00 9 W9 12.0 / 12.5 – 18 8 PR TL - ATU 289 953 431 2815 9 11 4685 3055 2035 1850 5535 3610 2405 2185 12.0/12.5 – 18 12 PR TL - ATU 289 953 431 2815 9 11 5095 3325 2215 2015 10 / 10.5 – 20 10 PR TT - ATU 277 986 452 2935 9 - 12.5 - 20 10 PR TL - ATU 323 1016 465 3020 11 12 12.4 – 24 12 PR TT - ATU 307 1138 536 3445 W11 W9 W10 3.75 4820 3145 2095 1905 5385 3510 2340 2125 5360 3495 2330 Speed 0** 10* 40 50 0** 10* 40 50 0** 10* 40 50 0** 10* 40 50 0** 10* 40 50 0** 10* 40 50 * Cyclic Application (One way distance 600 m) - ** Stationary 61 load and inflation tables LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION ALL TRACTION UTILITY (ATU) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 2.5 14.9 – 24 12PR TL - ATU 378 1242 564 3683 W13 W12 2.8 6670 4350 2900 3.0 3.1 3.5 3.6 3.75 Speed 0** 10* 40 Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 2.1 16.9 – 24 10 PR TL - ATU 429 1318 584 3861 W15L W14L 1242 564 3683 W15L 2.3 1374 610 4089 W16L W14L 1308 584 3835 W16L 378 1344 615 3988 W13 16.9 – 28 10 PR TT - ATU 430 1428 643 4205 W15L W14L 0** 10* 40 5590 3645 2430 0** 10* 40 7120 4645 3095 0** 10* 40 8350 5440 3625 16.9 – 28 14 PR TT - ATU 430 1428 643 4205 W15L W14L 1476 660 4394 W16L W15L 16.9 – 30 10 PR TT - ATU 419 1484 672 4385 W15L W14L 16.9 – 30 14 PR TT - ATU 419 1484 672 4385 W15L W14L * Cyclic Application (One way distance 600 m) - ** Stationary “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre. 62 0** 10* 40 9200 6000 4000 18.4 – 28 12 PR TL - ATU 467 Speed 0** 10* 40 7935 5175 3450 DW16L W12 3.0 0** 10* 40 W15L 14.9 – 28 8 PR TT - ATU 2.9 8625 5625 3750 19.5 L – 24 12 PR TL - ATU 495 2.8 0** 10* 40 18.4 – 24 12 PR TL - ATU 467 2.5 6440 4200 2800 17.5 L – 24 10 PR TL - ATU 445 2.2 6670 4350 2900 0** 10* 40 7360 4800 3200 0** 10* 40 9055 5905 3935 0** 10* 40 load and inflation tables LIGHT INDUSTRIAL APPLICATION SKID STEER APPLICATION (NHS) ST DUPLEX Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 2.1 10 - 16.5 6 PR TL - ST Duplex 264 795 351 2311 8.25 (15°) 2489 9.75 (15°) 2718 10.50 (15°) 3099 11.75 (15°) 3251 11.75 (15°) 3556 14.00 3.1 1590 1385 3.4 826 381 935 411 1036 483 5.9 3105 2705 1085 493 4170 3630 10 15 5580 4855 18 - 22.5 16 PR TL - ST Duplex 444 1166 546 Speed 10 15 15 - 22.5 16 PR TL - ST Duplex 396 6.9 10 15 15 - 19.5 12 PR TL - ST Duplex 399 4.5 2180 1900 14 - 17.5 10 PR TL - ST Duplex 351 4.1 10 15 12 - 16.5 8 PR TL - ST Duplex 315 3.8 6490 5650 10 15 10 15 NHS : Not for Highway Service. DURAFORCE DT Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 4.5 Speed 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.4 2.8 3.1 3.4 3.8 4.1 690 605 790 690 880 770 950 830 1025 895 1125 980 1185 1035 1260 1100 1305 1140 10 15 730 640 840 735 950 830 1025 895 1090 950 1185 1035 1260 1100 1340 1170 1415 1235 10 15 1225 1070 1380 1205 1540 1340 1680 1465 1825 1590 1980 1725 1250 1090 1370 1195 1480 1290 1590 1385 1685 1470 1785 1555 1880 1640 1615 1410 1770 1540 1915 1670 2050 1785 2180 1900 2305 2010 2420 2110 2065 1800 2260 1970 2445 2130 2620 2280 2785 2425 2945 2565 3100 2700 215/70-15 NHS (27X8.50-15) 8 PR TL - DuraForce DT 213 678 307 2007 7.00 260/65-15 NHS (27X10.50-15) 8 PR TL - DuraForce DT 259 691 312 2032 8.00 390/60-15 NHS (31X15.50-15) 8 PR TL - DuraForce DT 391 792 361 2388 13.00 10 15 265/70-16.5 NHS (10-16.5) 8 PR TL - DuraForce DT 254 772 345 2286 8.25 10 15 305/70-16.5 NHS (12-16.5) 10 PR TL - DuraForce DT 312 820 373 2464 9.75 2540 2210 10 15 395/55-16.5 NHS (33x15.50-16.5) 12 PR TL - DuraForce DT 394 838 376 2464 12.00 10 15 NHS : Not for Highway Service. 63 notes 64 AGRICULTURAL TYRES Forestry Tyres FORESTRY TYRES Forestry Special CRC (Cut resistant Construction) • Extra-rugged tyre tread: 123456- Deep, wide lugs (+25% compared to an agricultural tyre). Thick cut-resistant rubber (+42% compared to an agricultural tyre). Two steel-cord plies. Heavy duty deflector strip to prevent ingress of foreign matter. Nylon cord body for impact protection and moisture resistance. Thick sidewall and tread rubber for shock and cut resistance. FORESTRY SPECIAL 2 1 3 6 4 5 • New CRC: • Benefits of CRC compared to normal construction : - 9% increase in body strength - 20% more rubber in the base gauge - 20% more rubber in the sidewalls - Improved cut-resistant rubber compound 66 FORESTRY TYRES Forestry Environmental Lug (Forestry EL) 600/55 - 26.5 700/50 - 26.5 Forestry Traction Lug (Forestry TL) For logging service on forwarders and harvesters: - 23° tread bar angle for excellent traction. - High Ply Rating construction. - Steel tread plies and cut resistant tread and sidewall compounds for protection from cuts and punctures. 67 load and inflation tables FORESTRY SPECIAL CRC CUT RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre DW16A W15L DW20A - DW20A - 3750 5260 4250 5940 DW25A 3750 5260 4250 5940 4625 6500 - 10* 30 2000 2790 2300 3220 2575 3600 DW15A DW14A 10* 30 4000 5580 4500 6300 5000 7000 DW21A DW20A 10* 30 4750 6650 5300 7450 4750 6650 5300 7450 6000 6300 8850 2575 3600 2900 18.4 – 26 10 PR TT - Forestry CRC 467 1445 665 4343 23.1 – 26 10 PR TT - Forestry CRC 587 1613 726 4775 23.1 – 26 14 PR TT - Forestry CRC 587 1613 726 4775 28 L – 26 14 PR TL - Forestry CRC 714 1638 742 4877 28 L – 26 16 PR TL - Forestry CRC 714 1638 742 4877 DW25A 16.9 – 30 10 PR TT - Forestry CRC 429 1504 693 4521 24.5 – 32 16 PR TT - Forestry CRC 622 1801 826 5309 30.5 L – 32 16 PR TL - Forestry CRC 775 1880 843 5563 DH27 DW27A 30.5 L – 32 18 PR TL - Forestry CRC 775 1880 843 5563 DH27 DW27A DH 35.5 L – 32 16 PR TT - Forestry CRC 902 2012 904 5969 DH31 - 18.4 – 34 10 PR TT - Forestry CRC 467 1656 777 5029 DW16A W15L 1.7 3120 2575 4540 2.1 3600 2.4 4540 3750 5260 4125 5760 Speed 1.4 2240 3250 3250 10* 30 10* 30 10* 30 10* 30 10* 30 8400 10* 30 10* 30 4060 10* 30 (1) CRC Severe Service * For use on Cable or Grabble Skidders. “L” in tyre size designates low profile tyre. For transport service and operations which do not require sustained high torque, the load limits shows at below tabel at various speeds apply: Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 30 km/h load Changes in Infl. Pressure 40 - 10 % None 30 Same as above table None 25 + 10 % None 15 + 20 % + 170 % 0.35 bar Stationary 68 None load and inflation tables FORESTRY ENVIRONMENTAL LUG (FORESTRY EL) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre 600/55 B 26.5 20 PR TL - Forestry EL 599 1341 589 4039 20.00(15°) 700 / 50 B 26.5 20 PR TL - Forestry EL 701 1341 589 4039 24.00(15°) 1.7 3540 2510 2240 2.1 3950 2800 2500 2.4 4425 3140 2800 2.8 4740 3360 3000 2.1 5135 3640 3250 3.1 5455 3865 3450 3.8 3730 2645 2360 4070 2885 2575 4585 3250 2900 4860 3445 3075 5295 3755 3350 5610 3980 3550 5925 4200 3750 4.1 Speed 10 30 50 6125 4340 3875 10 30 50 For operations using tracks around bogie axle tyres add 0.4 bar to inflation pressures listed above. For operations at other speeds, the above loads may be changed with no change in inflation pressure as shown in below table. Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 30 km/h load Changes in Infl. Pressure 50 Same as above table None 30 + 12 % None 15 + 32 % None 10 + 58 % None Creep + 100 % None Stationary + 165 % None FORESTRY TRACTION LUG (FORESTRY TL) Max. Load per Tyre Pressure per Tyre DW20A 1.0 2565 1.2 3595 2850 1.5 3990 3250 1.7 4550 3495 2.0 4895 3875 2955 4140 3285 4600 3745 5245 4375 6125 DW24A 600/65 B 34 14 PR TL - Forestry TL 599 1643 765 4953 700/55 B 34 14 PR TL - Forestry TL 696 1643 765 4953 2.4 5425 Speed 10 30 10 30 For operations at other speeds the factors in below chart apply to the loads and inflation pressures in above table. Maximum Speed (km/h) % change in loads from 30 km/h load Changes in Infl. Pressure 30 Same as above table None 25 + 10 % None 15 + 20 % None 10 + 40 % + 170 % + 0.35 bar Stationary + 0.35 bar 69 gEnEral information WARNING & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following diagram shows how beads of a 16” tyre will not seat on a 16.5” rim. The beads cannot be forced out against the rims flanges by using more air pressure because this will break the beads and the tyre will explode with force sufficient to cause serious injury or death. in the customer’s literature or molded into the tyre sidewall. • Failure to comply with these procedures may result in faulty positionning of the tyre and/or rim parts and cause the assembly to burst with explosive force, sufficient to cause serious physical injury or death. Never mount or use damaged tyres or rims. 16” TYRE BEAD RIM FLANGE 16.5” RIM To obtain optimum tyre performance, use rims with approved contours. Do not use a rim wider or narrower than recommended. The use of non-approved rim contour may adversely affect tyre life and performance. Radial tyres may use the same rim contour as the bias tyres they replace. Howerer, it is necessary to check with the rim manufacturer to assure that the rim on the vehicle are appropriate for use with radial tyres. Rim dimensions are standardized by the ETRO Inc. for size and contour only, and particular tyre and rim combinations are designated to assure proper mounting and fit of the tyre to the rim. The load and cold inflation pressure imposed on the rim and wheel must not exceed the rim and wheels manufacturer’s recommendations even though the tyre may be approved for a higher load or inflation. Rims and wheels may be identified (stamped) with a maximum cold inflation rating. For rims and wheels not so identified or for service conditions exceeding the rated capacities, consult the rim and wheel manufacturers to determine rim and wheel capacities for the intended service. TYRE DEMOUNTING AND MOUNTING PRECAUTIONS SAFETY • Tyre changing can be dangerous, and should be done by trained personnel using proper tools and procedures. Before servicing tyres, always read and understand any manufacturer’s warning contained 70 • Reinflation of any type of tyre/rim assembly that has been operated in a run-flat or underinflated condition (80% or less of recommended pressure), can result in serious injury or death. The tyre may be damaged on the inside and can explode while you are adding air. The rim parts may be worn, damaged or disloged and can explosively separate. • NEVER rework, weld, heat, or braze the tyre/wheel/rim. Heating the rim of a tyre/wheel/rim assembly can cause a tyre to explode, causing serious injury or death. • NEVER hammer, strike or pry on any type of tyre/rim assembly while the tyre contains inflation pressure. Do not attempt to seat any part while the tyre contains any inflation pressure. This could result in serious injury or death. Stay out of the trajectory asdicated by shaded area. Note : Under some circumstances, the trajectory may deviate from its expected path. Always use a safety cage or other restraining device in compliance with OSHA regulations. Figure 1 Figure 2 TRAJECTORY Figure 3 general information WARNING & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. NEVER reinflate a tyre that has been operated in a run-flat or underinflated condition (80% or less of recommended pressure). Demount and inspect all tyres and rim parts before reinflating. 2. ALWAYS use specialized tools as recommended by tyre suppliers for mounting and demounting of tyres. 3. BEFORE loosening any nuts or clamps that attach a multipiece rim assembly to a vehicle, always completely deflate the tyre (both tyres of a dual assembly) by taking out the valve core(s). Never attempt to demount a tyre from a rim unless you are sure that the tyre is completely deflated. Failure to follow this practice can cause the assembly to burst with force sufficient to cause serious injury or death. 4. NEVER use any rim part that is bent, pitted from corrosion, cracked or worn. These are unserviceable parts and must be destroyed so that they cannot be used. Remove rust, dirt or foreign material from rim parts. 5. NEVER use a rim part unless you can positively identify it from the manufacturer’s stamped markings. If you cannot identify a part, it must be destroyed. 6. ALWAYS inspect inside of tyre for loose cords, cuts, penetrating objects or other casing damage. Repairable damage must be repaired, before placing tyre back into service. TYRES WITH UNREPAIRABLE DAMAGE SHOULD BE DESTROYED. 7. NEVER substitue an inner tube for a permissible or non-permissible repair. 11. ALWAYS use new tubes in new tyres. 12. ALWAYS use radial tubes with tube-type radial tyres. 13. NEVER use a tube in a casing larger or smaller than that for which the tube was designed by the manufacturer. 14. ALWAYS check to be sure tube is clean before installing in tyre. 15. ALWAYS lubricate with only approved tyre mounting lubricant or mild vegetable oil soap solution. Never use anti-freeze, silicones or petroleumbase lubricants. This will damage the tyre. 16. ALWAYS inspect valve cores for proper air retention. Replace damaged or leaky cores. 17. ALWAYS inflate tyre to tyre manufacturer’s recommended cold inflation pressure for the tyre’s intended service. 18. When inflating a tyre off a vehicle, use a safety cage or other restraining device, and an extension hose with in-line air gauge and clip-on air chuck, which allows the operator to stand clear of the trajectory. 19. For tube-type tyres, inflate to service pressure without the valve core installed and then completely deflate the tyre to prevent wrinkles in the tube. Insert the valve core and reinflate the tyre to recommended service pressure as specified for the tyre and/or rim. 20. ALWAYS use sealing valve caps to prevent loss of air or fluid. 21. ALWAYS check to be sure tyre is centered on rim before inflating. 8. ALWAYS replace a tyre with one having the same rim diameter designation and suffix letters. 9. ALWAYS inspect inside of the tyre and remove dirt, liquids, or other foreign material before mounting. 10. NEVER install tubes that have buckled or creased. 71 gEnEral information WARNING & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS MOUNTING, INFLATING AND DISMOUNTING GUIDELINES FOR AGRICULTURAL TYRES MOUNTING STEP #1: FIGURE A Figure A Position tyre so first beads is in wheel well 180 degrees from valve. Figure C INFLATING Centre tyre on wheel before inflation. Using tyre iron or mounting machine pry the second bead aver the rim flange, working your way toward the valve. Apply remote air chuck to the valve. Continue to pry the second bead over the rim flange, working your way toward the valve. Insert assembly in a small cage, or other device to protect personnel. Finish prying the second bead over the rim at the valve. Apply air to the tyre and wheel assembly. Inflate tyre to seat the beads. Do not inflate over 35 psi to seat beads. If beads do not seat at 35 psi, reposition tyre on wheel and relubricate. Repeat inflation procedure. Set to proper inflation pressure. 72 Figure D STEP #4: FIGURE D Position tyre so both beads are in wheel well 180 degrees from valve. STEP #5 : FIGURE E Figure B Using tyre iron or mounting machine, pry the first bead over the rim flange. Start away from the valve. Continue to pry the first bead over the rim flange, working your way toward the valve. *Lubricate both beads and rim. Step #3: FIGURE C STEP #2 : FIGURE B Figure E GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Tyre mounting and dismounting can be dangerous, use only trained personnel. 2. Use a non-metallic hammer to mount and dismount tyre. 3. Use proper tools and equipment. 4. Be sure all components are clean and dry. 5. If a tube is to be used, use only a new tube in a new tyre. 6. Lubricate tyre beads, rim bead seat, and innertube with a vegetable based lubricant. Do not use petroleum based or silicon lubricants. 7. To prevent rim to tyre slip, the lubricant must dry, therefore dilute the lubricant with water 50 %. 8. Mount the tyre with the pry notch 90 degrees from the valve. 9. Mount and dismount tyres on the side of the rim closest to the drop center. 10. When prying the bead over the rim flange, use small increments. 11. If a tube is used, double inflate to allow the tube to reposition itself. general information WARNING & SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DISMOUNTING STEP #1: FIGURE F Figure F Keep open flame away from air evacuating the tyre (no smoking, no flames) Lubricate both beads and rim flange rearest the wheel well. Lubricate the pry notch with approved lubricant. Figure H Position the beads in the wheel well 180 degrees from the valve. Position an iron or mounting machine at the valve. Taking small increments, pry the first bead of the wheel. Figure G Push bead off the bead seat off the wheel with a “bead breaker”. Deflate the tyre completely. STEP #3 : FIGURE H STEP #2: FIGURE G STEP #4 : FIGURE I Figure I Taking small increments, pry the second bead off the wheel starting at the valve. Complete dismounting the bead away from valve. Notice: Although great care has been taken in producing this manual, we accept no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from undetected errors or misprints which may have occurred. Due to constant advance of tyre technology, contents of this data book are subject to change without notice. 73 gEnEral information HYDRO-INFLATION Hydro-inflation Procedure for Fluid Ballast 1- After the beads have been fully seated un the mounting procedure, inflate the tyre to 35 psi. Jack up the wheel and rotate the wheel assembly so that the valve is at top of the rim. Lower the jack until the tyre is slightly deflected. 2- Connect the assembly to fill the tyre with fluid as shown in the illustration bellow. Air cushion chamber Air escape, liquid rises to this level Liquid coming in A 90% fill 75% fill B Supply hose D C Vent tube hose Attach adapter and unit assembly part “A” to valve stem. Do not use pliers. Also attach supply hose part “B”. Part “C” is used to remove core housing. In warm climates where calcium chloride may not be desired, tyres can be filled with water only. A pump is not necessary when only water fill is used. Tyres may be filled directly by using a valve adapter on a hose. 3 - After the connection (in step 2) is made, bleed the air pressure down to about 5 psi by moving the control handle (part ”C”) to the evacuate position. Five psi keeps the beads seated on the rim. 4 - When this point is reached, start the pump and move the control handle to the fill position. Use a hydro-inflation pump to fill the tyre with calcium chloride or nondamaging anti-freeze solution (consult tube or tyre manufacturer for recommandations). Check the pressure in the tyre every few minutes with the pump gauge 74 by placing the pump in neutral or check position. If the pressure exceeds 20 psi, move the handle to the evacuate position until the pressure is bled back to not less than 5 psi. After the pressure is lowered, continue to add fluid. repeat the above steps as often as necessary. Industry practice is to maintain the fluid level at 75%. (Fluid fill should be maintained at a level sufficient to cover the valve and keep the rim completely sugmerged.) Tyre being filled with hydro-inflation equipment: 5 - Replace the core housing in the valve stem by pushing the handle in until the housing is screwed tightly into the valve stem. Then withdraw the handle. Turn the handle to evacuate and pump all liquid from the hose. Next, shut off the pump and unscrew the assembly from the valve. 6 - Inflate the tyre to seat the beads, not exceeding 35 psi. With the valve stem still at the top, bleed the excess fill down to one to two psi above the recommanded inflation pressure. 7 - Finnally, rotate the tyre and wheel assembly so that the valve is at the bottom of the tyre. Set the final operating pressure with the tyre mounted on the tractor and its full weight on the tyre. TO REMOVE FILL: 1 - Jack up the tractor until the tyre is slightly deflected. Rotate the tyre and wheel assembly until the valve is at the bottom. 2 - Connect the assembly to the valve stem. Unscrew and retract the core housing (part “C”) into injector body with the control handle in the check or neutral position. Attach the adapter (part “B) to the valve. Remove the core housing and connect the supply hose to the adapter “B”. 3 - Start the pump and turn the control handle to the evacuate position. The fluid will be rapidly withdrawn from the tyre. Gravity flow may also be used to remove the fluid. When removing fluid from tubeless tyres, be careful not to unseat beads until most of fluid has been pumped from the tyre. Consult your tyre supplier for information on hydroinflation equipment such as pumps, compressors, airwater conversion hardware parts, etc. Tyre rotated so valve is at bottom with hydro-inflation fluid being removed. general information HYDRO-INFLATION Radial and crossply agricultural tyres Tyre volume Rim (inches) 6.50-20 7.50-20 9.5-20 9.5-24 11.2-24 12.4-24 13.6-24 14.9-24 16.9-24 14.9-26 16.9-26 18.4-26 23.1-26 28L 26 9.5-28 11.2-28 12.4-28 13.6-28 14.9-28 16.9-28 14.9-30 16.9-30 18.4-30 23.1-30 24.5-32 16.9-34 18.4-34 12.4-36 13.6-36 13.6-38 15.5-38 16.9-38 18.4-38 20.8-38 18.4-42 20.8-42 14.9-46 18.4-46 12.4-54 280/70R20 300/70R20 320/70R20 360/70R20 400/70R20 250/85R24 280/85R24 320/70R24 320/85R24 340/85R24 360/70R24 380/70R24 380/85R24 400/80R24 420/70R24 420/85R24 440/65R24 460/70R24 480/70R24 5 5.5 8 8 10 11 12 13 15 13 15 16 20 25 8 10 11 12 13 15 13 15 16 20 21 15 16 11 12 12 14 15 16 18 16 18 13 16 10 9 9 10 11 13 8 10 10 11 12 11 12 13 13 13 15 14 15 15 75% TOTAL (dm3) (dm3) 32 44 57 65 91 113 144 178 231 188 246 299 485 594 72 102 133 163 201 261 216 276 337 579 644 308 362 167 205 216 250 341 386 530 435 560 303 488 200 51 65 81 113 131 65 91 95 113 144 122 146 178 200 185 231 188 213 247 42 58 76 86 121 151 192 237 308 251 328 399 646 792 96 136 177 217 268 348 288 368 449 772 858 411 482 222 273 288 333 454 515 707 580 747 404 651 267 68 86 108 151 175 86 121 127 151 192 162 194 237 267 246 308 251 284 329 Radial and crossply agricultural tyres 75% valve level fill Tyre volume Solution 0.42 kg (CaCl2) / l (Water) Slush free -24°C Solid at -46° Water (Litres) 27 37 49 55 78 97 124 153 199 162 212 257 417 511 62 88 114 140 173 224 186 237 290 498 553 265 311 143 176 186 215 293 332 456 374 482 261 420 172 44 55 70 97 113 55 78 82 97 124 104 125 153 172 159 199 162 183 212 Ca cl2 (kg) 11 16 21 23 33 41 52 65 84 69 90 109 176 216 26 37 48 59 73 95 79 100 123 211 234 112 132 61 75 79 91 124 141 193 158 204 110 178 73 19 23 29 41 48 23 33 35 41 52 44 53 65 73 67 84 69 78 90 Rim (inches) Total (kg) 39 53 70 79 111 139 176 218 283 230 301 366 593 727 88 125 162 199 246 319 264 338 412 709 788 377 442 204 251 264 306 417 473 649 532 686 371 598 245 63 79 99 139 161 79 111 117 139 176 149 178 218 245 226 283 230 261 302 480/65R24 540/65R24 250/85R28 280/85R28 320/85R28 340/85R28 360/70R28 380/70R28 380/85R28 420/70R28 420/85R28 440/65R28 440/80-28 480/70R28 480/65R28 540/65R28 600/65R28 420/85R30 480/70R30 540/65R30 600/70R30 650/75R32 800/65R32 290/95R34 320/85R34 385/85R34 420/85R34 460/85R34 480/70R34 520/70R34 540/65R34 600/65R34 710/75R34 320/85R38 420/85R38 460/85R38 480/70R38 520/70R38 520/85R38 540/65R38 580/70R38 600/65R38 650/65R38 710/70R38 800/70R38 850/85R38 320/90R42 650/65R42 620/70R42 710/70R42 900/50R42 320/90R46 380/90R46 520/85R46 230/95R48 320/90R50 320/90R54 15 16 8 10 11 12 11 12 13 13 15 14 14 15 15 16 18 15 15 16 20 21 27 10 10 13 15 16 15 16 16 18 23 10 15 16 15 16 16 16 18 18 20 23 25 23 10 20 20 23 27 10 12 16 8 10 10 75% TOTAL (dm3) (dm3) 224 278 72 102 133 163 136 163 201 206 261 206 272 275 248 311 405 276 290 338 450 596 848 125 133 239 308 362 307 361 382 469 875 144 341 386 335 393 530 391 578 518 631 800 1079 879 166 677 613 832 875 189 284 568 95 189 200 298 371 96 136 177 217 181 217 268 274 348 275 363 367 330 414 540 368 386 451 600 795 1131 167 177 318 411 482 409 481 509 625 1166 192 454 515 446 524 707 521 770 691 841 1067 1438 1172 221 903 817 1109 1166 252 379 757 126 252 267 75% valve level fill Solution 0.42 kg (CaCl2) / l (Water) Slush free -24°C Solid at -46° Water (Litres) 192 239 62 88 114 140 117 140 173 177 224 177 234 237 213 267 348 237 249 291 387 513 729 108 114 205 265 311 264 310 328 403 752 124 293 332 288 338 456 336 497 446 542 688 928 756 143 582 527 715 752 163 244 488 81 163 172 Ca cl2 (kg) 81 101 26 37 48 59 49 59 73 75 95 75 99 100 90 113 147 100 105 123 164 217 309 46 48 87 112 132 112 131 139 171 318 52 124 141 122 143 193 142 210 189 230 291 393 321 60 247 223 303 318 69 103 207 34 69 73 Total (kg) 274 341 88 125 162 199 166 199 246 252 319 252 333 337 303 380 496 338 354 414 551 730 1038 153 162 292 377 442 375 442 467 574 1070 176 417 473 409 481 649 478 707 634 772 980 1320 1077 203 829 750 1018 1070 231 348 695 116 231 245 75 general information SIZE MARKINGS Front Tyre Marking Radial (Standard) Tyre Marking 750-16 6 PR 18.4R38 146 A8 143B speed symbol for 50 km/h load index at 50 km/h speed symbol for 40 km/h load index at 40 km/h rim diameter in inches "R" denotes radial construction section width in inches ply rating rim diameter in inches dash denotes crossply construction section width in inches Implement Tyre Marking 11.5/80-15.3 (special rim diameter used in Europe) Radial (Metric) Tyre Marking rim diameter in inches dash denotes crossply construction approximate aspect ratio section width in inches 520/70R38 rim diameter in inches "R" denotes radial construction approximate aspect ratio section width in mm Flotation Tyre Marking 66 x 43.00-25 10 PR ply rating nominal diameter of the rim in inches dash denotes crossply construction section width in inches approximate overall diameter in inches SPEED SYMBOLS/LOAD INDEXES The speed symbol indicates the speed at which the tyre can carry a load corresponding to its load index under service conditions specified by the tyre manufacturer. L.I. kg kg L.I. kg A1 5 90 600 110 1060 130 1900 150 3350 170 6000 A2 10 91 615 111 1090 131 1950 151 3450 171 6150 A3 15 92 630 112 1120 132 2000 152 3550 172 6300 93 650 113 1150 133 2060 153 3650 173 6500 94 670 114 1180 134 2120 154 3750 174 6700 95 690 115 1215 135 2180 155 3875 175 6900 96 710 116 1250 136 2240 156 4000 176 7100 Speed symbols A4 76 SPEED (km/h) 20 L.I. kg L.I. kg L.I. A5 25 A6 30 A7 35 97 730 117 1285 137 2300 157 4125 177 7300 A8 40 98 750 118 1320 138 2360 158 4250 178 7500 B 50 99 775 119 1360 139 2430 159 4375 179 7750 C 60 100 800 120 1400 140 2500 160 4500 180 8000 D 65 101 825 121 1450 141 2575 161 4625 181 8250 E 70 102 850 122 1500 142 2650 162 4750 182 8500 103 875 123 1550 143 2725 163 4875 183 8750 104 900 124 1600 144 2800 164 5000 184 9000 105 925 125 1650 145 2900 165 5150 185 9250 106 950 126 1700 146 3000 166 5300 186 9500 107 975 127 1750 147 3075 167 5450 187 9750 108 1000 128 1800 148 3150 168 5600 188 10000 109 1030 129 1850 149 3250 169 5800 189 10300 F 80 G 90 general information STANDARD SERIES 7.50R16 7.50R18 85 SERIES 70 SERIES 280/70R16 280/70R18 280/70R20 300/70R20 320/70R20 360/70R20 9.5R24 11.2R24 12.4R24 13.6R24 14.9R24 16.9R24 14.9R26 16.9R26 18.4R26 9.5R28 11.2R28 12.4R28 250/85R24 280/85R24 320/85R24 340/85R24 380/85R24 420/85R24 250/85R28 280/85R28 320/85R28 360/70R28 13.6R28 340/85R28 380/70R28 440/65R28 14.9R28 16.9R28 14.9R30 16.9R30 18.4R30 380/85R28 420/85R28 380/85R30 420/85R30 460/85R30 420/70R28 480/70R28 480/65R28 540/65R28 480/70R30 540/65R30 23.1R30 14.9R34 16.9R34 18.4R34 380/85R34 420/85R34 460/85R34 480/70R34 520/70R34 540/65R34 600/65R34 13.6R36 13.6R38 16.9R38 420/85R38 480/70R38 540/65R38 18.4R38 460/85R38 520/70R38 600/65R38 20.8R38 520/85R38 580/70R38 650/65R38 18.4R42 20.8R42 480/80R42 620/70R42 650/65R42 320/70R24 360/70R24 380/70R24 420/70R24 480/70R24 65 SERIES HIGH VOLUME 440/65R24 480/65R24 540/65R24 17.5LR24 19.5LR24 FLOTATION TYRES ROW CROP ROW CROP (Standard) (Metric) 42x25.00-20 48x25.00-20 420/85R26 42x25.00-20 480/65R24 17.5LR24 540/65R24 19.5LR24 48x25.00-20 48x31.00-20 800/50-25 600/65R28 600/65R28 320/85R34 54x37.00-25 385/85R34 320/85R38 620/75R30 520/85R46 650/85R38 Compared to conventional tyres the equivalent «70 series» tyre: - Generally fits the same rim. - Carries additional load at the same inflation pressure. - Provides 20% larger footprint for reduced soil compaction. - Has a similar overall diameter and rolling circumference. 600/70R30 380/80R38 320/90R42 230/95R48 1050/50R25 66x43.00-25 66x44.00-25 600/70R30 620/75R30 (23.1R30) 650/75R32 800/65R32 800/65R32 710/75R34 710/70R38 900/50R42 710/70R42 800/70R38 1050/50R25 66x43.00-25 67x34.00-25 68x50.00-32 320/90R42 230/95R48 12.4R46 320/90R46 73x44.00-32 14.9R46 380/90R46 420/80R46 320/90R50 76x50.00-32 (1250/45-32) 320/90R54 380/90R50 78x45.00-32 380/90R54 Compared to conventional tyres the equivalent equivalent «65 series» size: - To obtain all of the advantages it is prefered to mount on the recommended rim. 77 notes 78 notes 79 notes 80 GENERAL INFORMATION TEST CENTRES Columbiana Agricultural test Centre in Ohio - U.S.A. Technical Centre Europe in Rome - Italy. 81 addresses AUSTRIA Bridgestone Austria GmbH Laxenburgerstraße 252 1232 Vienna - Austria Tel: 43 1 61 41 32 01 Fax: 43 1 61 41 31 00 Liersesteenweg 400 2800 MECHELEN Tel: 32 15-281919 Fax: 32 15-281910 Bridgestone Czech Ltd. Prague City Center Klimentská 46 110 02 Praha 1 - Czech Republic Tel: 420-2-2185-6019 Fax: 420-2-2185-6022 Bridgestone Danmark A/S. Sigma, 1 Søften, 8382 Hinnerup, Denmark Tel.: 45 87 64 66 68 Fax: 45 87 64 66 66 Bridgestone Finland Korpivaarantie 1 SF-01450 Vantaa - Finland Tel: 358 0 85 78 61 Fax: 358 0 85 78 62 51 Bridgestone France Parc d’Activités du Moulin de Massy 23, rue du Saule Trapu 91882 Massy Cedex - France Tel: 33 1 69 19 27 00 Fax: 33 1 69 19 27 01 Bridgestone Deutschland GmbH Du Pont Straße 1 61352 Bad Homburg v.d.H. - Germany Tel: 49 61 72 40 801 Fax: 49 61 72 40 8490 ELASTRAK 15, Thivaidos Street, N. Kifissia 14564 Athens - Greece Tel: +30-210-819 69 20 Fax: +30-210-807 78 18 Bridgestone Hungary Ltd. Timár u. 20 H-1034 Budapest III - Hungary Tel: 36 1 387-9229, 387-9398 Fax: 36 1 387-9311 BELUX CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY GREECE HUNGARY 82 addresses IRELAND ITALY Bridgestone Ireland Fingal Bay Business Park Unit 10 Balbriggan - Co. Dublin - Ireland Tel: 353 1 841 00 00 Fax: 353 1 841 52 45 Bridgestone Italia S.p.A. Centro Direzionale Colleoni Palazzo Taurus - Scala 2 Viale Colleoni 3 20041 Agrate Brianza Milano - Italy Tel: 39 39 656 01 1 Fax: 39 39 68 99 637 Gjerde & Byhring Jerikoveien 22 1067 Oslo - Norway Tel: 47 22 30 65 77 Fax: 47 22 30 60 93 Bridgestone Sales Polska Sp. z.o.o. èpu 18 Postè 02-672 Warszawa - Poland Tel.: 48 22 606 18 20 Fax: 48 22 606 18 22 Bridgestone Portuguesa, LDA. Urbanização do Passil Lote 96 A Passil 2890 - 118 Alcochete - Portugal Tel.: 351 21 230 7350 Fax: 351 21 230 7391 Bridgestone Hispania C/Fuerteventura 9 Polígono Industrial Norte, S. Sebastián de los Reyes 28700 Madrid - Spain Tel.: 34 91 623 30 17 Fax: 34 91 623 30 44 Bridgestone Sweden AB Gärdevägen 5 A 852 52 Sundsvall - Sweden Tel: 46 60 55 04 30 Fax: 46 60 56 61 21 Bridgestone Schweiz Limmatpark Pfadackerstraße 6 8957 Spreitenbach - Switzerland Tel: 41 56 418 71 11 Fax: 41 56 71 34 68 NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND THE NETHERLANDS Bridgestone Netherlands Distriboulevard 15, 4761 RZ MOERDIJK Tel: 31 168 385 110 Fax: 31 168 385 111 Bridgestone U.K. Ltd. Bridgestone House Athena Drive Tachbrook Park Warwick CV 34 6UX - UK Tel.: 44 1926 488500 Fax: 44 1926 488600 U.K. 83 Kleine Kloosterstraat 10 - 1932 Zaventem - Belgium Tel.: (+32) 2 714 67 00 - Fax: (+32) 2 714 67 09 “The information contained in this publication is for guidance purposes only. Whilst every effort has been made in its production, no responsibility can be accepted for any loss or damage arising from any undetected error. Any data supplied is subject to possible revision following the date of publication.” - Produced - F AGR B GB - 10/2007 Bridgestone Europe NV/SA
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