You may be surprised who controls your kids eating habits.
You may be surprised who controls your kids eating habits.
You may be surprised who controls your kids eating habits. Discover how to take back control. 1 funding shortages to secure lucrative Parents are often stymied when trying illions of dollars are spent concessions in places they know lack to give their kids food that has true every year on advertising a parent’s watchful eye. nutritional value: Intense advertising during children’s Sound Familiar? TV hours convinces kids to go to the “This tastes DISGUSTING.” It’s Not Your Fault B that tells your kids it’s okay to eat foods that are addicting and unhealthy. Surrounded by this relentless advertising—thousands of images every day—and with their taste buds hopelessly distorted by synthetic flavors and chemical “fake foods,” it’s little wonder that so many kids are overweight and addicted to sugary drinks and snacks. The possible consequences of poor ingredient choices in your kids’ drinks, snacks, and other foods: • Weight Gain • Poor Performance in School • Behavior Problems • Early Development of “Adult” Diseases • Lack of Confidence • Low Energy • Depression vending machines every chance they get. The consequences are devastating because the kids are caught from both sides. First, from the outside, by “I want PIZZA.” “I don’t like vegetables.” intense brainwashing from advertising images showing good-looking, happy kids eating junk. Then from the inside as their growing bodies react to the effects of the poor nutrition and distorted cravings for more junk. Think that’s exaggerated? Then think again. The fast food and junk food industries make billions in profits by feeding on your kids’ emotions and appetites. Read the ingredients on a box of sweetened kid’s cereal. Then look at the price tag. Profits like that are hard to give up. The Taste Problem The human body is beautifully engineered to detect what it needs in food: sensors for sugars, fats, salt, How Did This Happen? and many other compounds drive Good food didn’t get replaced with junk the desire to consume those foods in food overnight. It’s been a long, slow order to grow and thrive. But in nature, process that has accelerated over the these compounds come in moderate past several years. Just a few decades doses, bundled with other nutrients, ago, food was produced or caught fiber, gums, and substances that locally, prepared at home and eaten moderate flavor and slow digestion with the family together. Today, that and absorption. has largely been replaced by hurried trips to the freezer section, or a quick meal to go, with families often eating at separate times, in many cases in front Not so with junk foods. Sugary and fatty snacks exploit those built-in sensors and distort taste of the TV or a video game. by concentrating sugar, processed Things aren’t much different at school. often rendering real food bland In recent years, fast food and junk by comparison. flour and chemically altered fat— food companies have used education 2 Snazzle Snaxxs™ 3 Success in that area is truly a family That’s why we invented Snazzle affair. We’ve gotten into this problem Snaxxs™. They’re tasty snacks that all together. We have to get out of it the labels. We’ll distinguish good from will help your kids, not hurt them. You together. bad, and show you how to substitute can use them in place of unhealthy snacks while you start transitioning your family to a healthy diet. We call them transitional foods. The Snazzle Snaxxs Story We developed Snazzle Snaxxs after hundreds of people told us their kids were having real issues with junk What’s your problem? food: issues that ranged from difficult There are all kinds of problems for behavior to poor grades, to mood which Snazzle Snaxxs can be part of swings, to weight gain. Our research the solution. Which of these are most showed that certain ingredients and familiar to you? chemicals in foods cause kids to get “ W The Snazzle Snaxxs Solution e’ll show you and your kids what ingredients to look for on Snazzle Snaxxs. We’ve harnessed science to create transitional foods that along with the principles outlined in Dr. Ludwig’s book, can help make it easier for your kids to be healthier, happier, and perform better.” “addicted” to the food while causing “I don’t have enough time to cook.” “They scream if I don’t give them energy highs and lows and weight gain. Plus, those foods were missing many ingredients—like vitamins, minerals, junk food, or if I try to give them and essential omega fatty acids—that vegetables.” can help kids perform well in school. “I’m too stressed and busy. I just need Some of the finest work on the sugar to get something on the way home.” response and childhood obesity has “I try to feed them right, but they buy candy and soda at school.” Who’s in Control? been done by David Ludwig, MD, PhD, at Harvard Medical School. His amazing book on this subject: “Ending the Food Fight” is a key part of our program. It’s a book every parent in In most cases, the problem is about America should read, and that’s why control. It turns out, the solution is we provide it for you. Other research also about control. Who controls your shows just how much the lack of kids? Who controls their moods, their vitamins, minerals and other essential grades, attitudes, performance and ingredients can affect academic attention span? Is it you? Is it your kids performance and behavior. themselves? While the ultimate solution is fresh Or is it all the junk food advertising that foods as close to nature as possible, manipulates their thinking—and their there’s a huge need to bridge the gap metabolism? You decide. Did you and provide the same satisfaction as know that certain ingredients in drinks “junk” food while helping, not hurting, and snacks control mood, energy, our kids. It wasn’t easy, and we’re still attitude and performance? That’s why not perfect, but when you read the the solution to so many of our current labels on Snazzle Snaxxs, you’ll see problems lies with proper nutrition. how far we’ve come. 4 Snazzle Snaxxs™ Dr, David Macallan Clinical Director The Trump Network™ Here are six reasons you and your kids will LOVE Snazzle Snaxxs: We designed Snazzle Snaxxs to make it possible for your kids to make healthy snack choices, anytime. 1 They’re Simple 2 They’re Convenient 3 They’re Tasty 4 They Satisfy 5 They Nourish 6 They’re Effective Just use whichever Snazzle Snaxxs Snazzle Snaxxs are handy, light, easy Habitual junk food eating has Unlike foods that are designed to There are all kinds of nutrients in Snazzle Snaxxs really work. They’re is appropriate for the time of day, or to make and ready when your kids are. distorted kids tastebuds so “real” make kids crave more, Snazzle Snazzle Snaxxs that you won’t find in much more nutritious than regular what it’s replacing. Whether it’s a drink, Barzzs, Twissters, and Puffs are ready food doesn’t taste so good any Snaxxs are designed to satisfy. From regular snacks: lots of protein in some, snacks, and they’re so tasty. They savory snack or sweet treat, they’re all to eat; Stixxs and Paxxs just need more. We’ve designed Snazzle the protein content of the Barzzs, vitamins and minerals in others, fiber provide steady energy and enhance easy to use and simple to substitute. water or milk. Snaxxs to taste great while providing Twissters, and Puffs, to the vitamin, in some, essential fatty acids in others. performance. Use them to help transition protein and healthy micronutrients. mineral, essential fatty acid, or fruit There’s even the nutrient equivalent of to a healthy diet of fresh foods, then They taste so good your kids won’t and vegetable content of the Stixxs a serving of fruits and vegetables in keep them handy when you or your kids believe they’re healthy. and Paxxs, they take the edge off each Snazzle Paxxs. What’s not to like? just need to reach for something. cravings without creating more. 6 Snazzle Snaxxs™ 7 How to Use Snazzle Snaxxs No matter what you do, junk food and sugary snacks will always be part of your kids’ surroundings. Try to eliminate them, and they’ll dig in their heels. Instead, challenge them to read the labels on all the foods they eat, including Snazzle Snaxxs, and they’ll WANT to replace the bad food with the scientifically designed nutrition in great-tasting Snazzle Snaxxs. You can begin to change your family’s nutrition habits for the better. Here it is: Nutrition by Design. 8 Snazzle Snaxxs™ 9 Tips and Tricks Use in place of unhealthy snacks Using Snazzle Snaxxs couldn’t be and sugary drinks. For example, if easier. Simply substitute them for you like chocolate or vanilla milk better an unhealthy snack whenever the than regular milk, just mix one of our occasion arises, and take note of Snazzle Stixxs into regular milk and these simple guidelines: presto, you have delicious flavored milk without all those sugars, and 1. Snazzle Snaxxs aren’t meant to take with some vitamin or omega goodness the place of healthy, balanced meals. in there too. The foundation of good nutrition occasional fruits in season, and small The Snazzle Snaxxs Starter Kit servings of complex carbohydrates The Snazzle Snaxxs Starter Kit contains like whole grains. a box of each of our Snazzle Snaxxs is fresh vegetables, lean proteins, 2. Before They Snack, Check The Back. As you begin learning to read labels better, you’ll see how products, a copy of Dr. Ludwig’s book “Ending the Food Fight,” and a Snazzle Snaxxs Shaker. many snack foods are high in sugar, additives, fat and calories, and low on protein, vitamins and minerals. Learn to compare, and you and your kids will soon see the benefits. Use Snazzle Twissters instead of potato chips, Snazzle Puffs instead 3.Use Stixxs and Paxxs to replace of your regular breakfast cereal, sugary drinks, including fruit drinks Snazzle Paxxs instead of sugary fruit and sodas. One thing you’ll quickly drinks, and Snazzle Barzzs instead of learn is that even pure fruit juices chocolate or candy. are very high in sugars, and not as good for you as some people would All of our nutritionally designed snacks have you believe. You can also use the Stixxs to pour over your Snazzle Puffs for breakfast. 4. Use Barzzs and Twissters any time you need to handle a kid’s snack attack. They’ll satisfy without and drinks for kids are included in the Some of our nutritionally designed Snazzle Snaxxs Starter Kit. snacks are ready to eat, and you just add water or milk to the rest. Each snack has its own instructions on the box. leaving them hungry. Bottom line: if you’re going to spend money on snacks, spend it on snacks that can help them not hurt them— choose Snazzle Snaxxs. 11 If you’re ready to help your family be healthier, then take the Snazzle Snaxxs pledge. If your family’s health isn’t what 1. It’s important for me to improve my don’t improve my family’s nutrition? Their current health Yes No Yes No you’d like it to be, it’s time to make a Their future health Yes No change—and that brings us to a few questions we’d like to ask you—the Their performance in school Yes No same questions many other families Their behavior Yes No have asked themselves. Just take a minute to check off each one, so you know why you’re committing to 2. Will there be future consequences if I family’s nutrition because of: Their self-confidence Yes No Their mood Yes No If yes, what?_____________________ ________________________________ 3. Am I willing to learn and follow the principles in Dr. Ludwig’s book? Yes No positive change. I hope you answered “Yes” to everything. If you did, you are ready for change. And we’re here to help: I declare that I am committed to improving my family’s nutrition. Yes No Beat back the snack attack.™ Call your Trump Network Independent Marketer today to get started right away. s Name s Phone s Email © 2009 TTN, LLC All rights reserved. THE TRUMP NETWORK and the associated crest are trademarks owned by Donald J. Trump. Snazzle Snaxxs, Snazzle Paxxs, Snazzle Stixxs, Snazzle Barzzs, Snazzle Twissters, and Snazzle Puffs are trademarks of TTN, LLC.