Untitled - Dedece Blog
Untitled - Dedece Blog
2011 2011 COLLECTION Artecnica is a Los Angeles based design company that collaborates with the most established and emerging international designers to create inspiring decorative objects for the living environment. Alongside such talented designers as Tord Boontje, Hella Jongerius and the Campana brothers, we continue to explore vibrant, colorful ways of expressing compelling ideas and bringing delight and discovery to everyday design. Artecnica is committed to considering issues of environmental sustainability and responsible manufacturing. Products are often made with recycled materials and [YHUZWVY[LKPULHZ`ZOPWÅH[WHJRHNLZ[VOLSWYLK\JLV\YJHYIVUMVV[WYPU[(UKV\Y +LZPNU^P[O*VUZJPLUJLWYVNYHT^VYRZ^P[OHY[PZHUJVTT\UP[PLZPUKL]LSVWPUN JV\U[YPLZ[VWYVK\JL\UPX\LOHUKJYHM[LKVIQLJ[Z[OH[YLÅLJ[PUKPNLUV\ZZRPSSZ;OPZ O\THUP[HYPHUHWWYVHJOZ\WWVY[ZZOHYLK^VYRHUKWYVÄ[HJYVZZIVYKLYZJ\S[\YLZ races, and religions. Here again, design acts as a catalyst for change, providing an opportunity to help transform the global landscape. LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 508 S San Vicente Blvd. +1 323 655 6551 [email protected] 2 Artecnica 2011 Collection 3 (Y[LJUPJH3VZ(UNLSLZ/LHKX\HY[LYZ ARTECNICA® GLOBAL OUTREACH 1 LOS ANGELES, USA TAHMINEH JAVANBAKHT & ENRICO BRESSAN, ART DIRECTION 2 NEW YORK CITY, USA RICH BRILLIANT WILLING, DESIGNERS KARL ZAHN, DESIGNER STEPHEN BURKS, DESIGNER 3 GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA DWC ARTISAN CENTER, TRANSGLASS 4 LIMA, PERU DWC ARTISAN CENTER, BEADS & PIECES 5 SAN PAOLO, BRASIL FERNANDO & HUMBERTO CAMPANA, DESIGNERS 6 RIO DE JANEIRO, BRASIL DWC ARTISAN CENTER, COME RAIN COME SHINE 7 CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA DWC ARTISAN CENTER, TATU 12. 8. NEW DELHI, INDIA MANUFACTURING CENTER 9 HANOI, VIETNAM DWC, ARTISAN CENTER, TRANSNEOMATIC 13. 2. 11. 1. 8. 10 HONG KONG, CHINA MANUFACTURING CENTER 11 THE NETHERLANDS PAULA ARNTZEN, DESIGNER HELLA JONGERIUS, DESIGNER 9. 3. 10. 12 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN CLARA VON ZWEIGBERGK, DESIGNER 13 LONDON, UK TORD BOONTJE & EMMA WOFFENDEN, DESIGNERS STEPHEN JOHNSON, DESIGNER 4. 5. 6. 7. 6 Artecnica’s Global Outreach 7 9 An initiative to manufacture and produce products in accordance with humanitarian and environmentally friendly principles, founded by Artecnica in 2002. 4 3 Artecnica had invited talented designers of international fame to contribute new ideas to an ever expanding design collection and to team them with artisans in need around the world, invigorating commerce and assisting surrounding communities. The mission is to promote self-sustaining communities of talented artisans in underdeveloped countries. The model is simple: the value of artisan-made goods has always been appreciated. But with the globalization of trade, village artisans have become divorced from their tradi[PVUHSTHYRL[ZPUZ\SH[PUN[OLTMYVT[OL potential demand for their craft. 1 9 5 13 6 1 - Beads & Pieces Caramic artisans, Peru 2 - Coppa Rocca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3 - Beads & Pieces The Shipibo Tribe, Peru 4 - Transneomatic weaving process, Vietnam 5 - Beads & Pieces Caramic artisans, Peru 6 - Transneomatic Tires, Vietnam 7 - Transneomatic weaving process, Vietnam 2 Design With Conscience Artisans 12 7 Our objective is to avoid the mechanization of the artisan, which devalues his ^VYRHUK\UKLYTPULZ[OLWYVQLJ[MYVT both a design and an economic standpoint. In accomplishing these goals they try to avoid the assembly line production, exploitation of third world labor, HUKKPZWSHJLTLU[VM^VYRLYZ[OH[VM[LU YLZ\S[MYVTTVUVWVS`VYPLU[LKTHYRL[PUN organizations with global reach. 8 11 8 9 TRANSGLASS® CANDLE Design by Emma Woffenden and Tord Boontje Fresh Cut Grass Ø 3 in, H 4 in / Ø 7.62 cm, H 10.16 cm F 5028 GS PL0 Ripe Currant Ø 3 in, H 4 in / Ø 7.62 cm, H 10.16 cm F 5028 RC PL0 DESIGN WITH CONSCIENCE® 11-13 TranSglass 14-15 Beads & Pieces 16-17 TransNeomatic 18-19 Come Rain Come Shine 20-21 Tatu 10 Design With Conscience An organic, soy-based candle infused with the earthy scent of fresh cut grass and ripe currant, hand poured in a recycled glass bottle. 9oz, 50hr. burn time 11 TRANSGLASS® 9LJ`JSLKYHKPHUJL[HRLZVUL_JP[PUNUL^ shapes and forms. Since its launch, tranSglass™ has become one of Artecnica’s best-selling items. With its recycled origins HUKZSLLRÅ\PKKLZPNU[YHU:NSHZZ conveys a positive attitude towards the environment. Design by Emma Woffenden and Tord Boontje CUT VASE Ø 3.5 in/8.9 cm H 12 in/30.5 cm Polished F 5013 AS PL0 Satin F 5013 AS ST0 tranSglass™ is an Artecnica Design with Conscience project. With the help of Aid [V(Y[PZHUZHUVUWYVÄ[VYNHUPaH[PVU[OH[ provides assistance to artisans worldwide, Artecnica collaborated with Guatemalan artisans to bring Emma Woffenden and ;VYK)VVU[QL»ZKLZPNUZ[V[OLTHYRL[ TUMBLER Ø 3.125 in, 7.9 cm/H 3 in, 7.6 cm Set of 4 polished F 5022 AS PL0 TWO HOLE VASE Ø 3 in, 7.6 cm/H 8.5 in, 21.6 cm Polished F 5024 AS PL0 Satin F 5024 AS ST0 BEAK Ø 3 in/7.6 cm H 12 in/30.5 cm Polished F 5012 AS PL0 Satin F 5012 AS ST0 JUG Ø 3 in/7.6 cm H 11 in/27.9 cm Polished F 5009 AS ST0 Satin F 5009 ST PL0 CHAMPAGNE DISH Ø 3.45 in/8.76 cm L 11.75 in/29.8 cm H 1.45 in/3.68 cm Satin F 5027 AS ST0 Polished F 5027 AS PL0 DOUBLE VASE Ø 3 in/7.6 cm H 14.3 in/36.5 cm Polished F 5015 AS PL0 5015 GLASS Ø 2.15 in/5.5 cm H 3.3 in/8.6 cm Set of 4 Polished F 5016 AS PL0 LIDDED CARAFE Ø 3.1 in/8 cm H 9.6 in/24 cm Polished F 5021 AS PL0 Satin F 5021 AS ST0 5013 5009 5010 5012 5014 CARAFE Ø 3.25 in/8.3 cm H 8.5 in/21.6 cm Polished F 5014 AS PL0 Satin F 5014 AS ST0 VASE 1 Ø 3 in/7.6 cm H 9.5 in/24.1 cm Polished F 5010 AS PL0 Satin F 5010 AS ST0 5013 5016 5021 5024 5027 12 Design With Conscience 5028 5022 13 ),(+:(5+70,*,: +LZPNUI`/LSSH1VUNLYP\Z )6;;3, PU JT /PUJT )SHJR-:;)2 :4(33)6>3 PUJT /PUJT )SHJR-:;)2 4,+0<4)6>3 PUJT /PUJT )SHJR- :;)2 3(9.,)6>3 PUJT /PU JT )SHJR-:;)2 )LHKZ7PLJLZH+LZPNU^P[O*VUZJPLUJLWYVQLJ[PZHMV\YWPLJLJLYHTPJJVSSLJ[PVU KLZPNULKI`/LSSH1VUNLYP\Z;OLJVSSLJ[PVUPZOHUKJYHM[LKI`HY[PZHUZSVJH[LKPU[OL VYNHUPaH[PVU[OH[WYV]PKLZWYHJ[PJHSHZZPZ[HUJL[VHY[PZHUZ^VYSK^PKL(Y[LJUPJHVMMLYZ HUHS[LYUH[P]LLJVUVTPJYLHSP[`[V[OLWLVWSLVM[OPZKHUNLYV\ZHUKVWWYLZZLKHYLH >P[OP[ZISHJRJLYHTPJIVKPLZLTILSSPZOLK^P[OKLSPJH[LWPURILHKPUN)LHKZ7PLJLZ WVZP[PVUVMLSLTLU[Z)LHKZ7PLJLZ»OHUKJYHM[LKHUKZVJPHSS`YLZWVUZPISLVYPNPUZ HYLHWWHYLU[PUP[ZKLZPNU ;OLJLYHTPZ[Z»^VYRTHUZOPWPZZLLUPU[OLNYHJLM\SJ\Y]LZL_LJ\[LKPUISHJRJLYHTPJ H[YHKP[PVUHS7LY\]PHUWV[[LY`[LJOUPX\L4V[PMZMYVT[OLPUKPNLUV\Z:OPWPIV[YPIL^LYL HSZVPUJVYWVYH[LKPU[V[OLILHKPUN(UK[OLOLHY[&0[Z[HUKZMVY[OLSV]L^LOH]LMVY [OPZWYVQLJ[ +LZPNU>P[O*VUZJPLUJL ;9(5:5,64(;0* +LZPNUI`,Z[\KPV*HTWHUH 3(9.,)6>3 PUJT/PUJT -:;5; :4(33)6>3 PUJTPUJT -:;5; 4H[LYPHS!9L\ZLKY\IILY[PYLIHTIVVHUK YH[[HU -LH[\YLZ!/LTW[PYLJV]LYYLJ`JSLKJV[[VU HUKZPSRIHN ;YHUZ5LVTH[PJPZOHUK^V]LUI`HY[PZHUZMYVTHMHYTLY]PSSHNLULHY/HUVP^P[O[L_ [PSLZTHKLI`[OL/TVUNZ[YPILZ^VTLUHUKI`KPZHK]HU[HNLK`V\[OMYVT/HUVP +LZPNU>P[O*VUZJPLUJL *64,9(05*64,:/05, +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL 3(9.,)3(*2>/0;, PUJT/PUJT )SHJR-)23- >OP[L->/3- 3(9.,4<3;0*6369 PUJT/PUJT 4\S[PJVSVY-4*3- 4,+0<4)3(*2>/0;, PUJT/PUJT )SHJR-)24- >OP[L->/4- 4,+0<44<3;0*6369 PUJT/PUJT 4\S[PJVSVY-4*4- :4(33)3(*2>/0;, PUJT/PU JT )SHJR-)2:- >OP[L->/:- :4(334<3;0*6369 PUJT/PU JT 4\S[PJVSVY-4*:- -LH[\YLZ!^H[[OHSVNLUSPNO[I\SI (]HPSHISLPULP[OLY]VS[VY=VS[ *VTL9HPU*VTL:OPULPZ;VYK)VVU[QL»Z S`YPJHSYLPU[LYWYL[H[PVUVM[OLJOHUKLSPLY *VUZ[Y\J[LKMYVTHYV\UKTL[HSZ[Y\J[\YL [OLJOHUKLSPLYPZ^YHWWLKPUHOHUKJYHM[LK JVUJVJ[PVUVMJYVJOL[LKJV[[VUVYNHUaH \WVUHUKZ[Y\UNMYVT[OLJOHUKLSPLY *VTL9HPU*VTL:OPULHKKZH[V\JOVM WSH`M\SZVWOPZ[PJH[PVU[VHU`Z\YYV\UKPUN 6UJLSP[P[JHZ[ZHKYHTH[PJHUKT`Z[LYP V\ZNSV^ 6YPNPUHSS`ZWVUZVYLKI`;OL)YP[PZO *V\UJPS*VTL9HPU*VTL:OPULPZUV^ H]HPSHISL[VHNSVIHSH\KPLUJL[OYV\NO (Y[LJUPJH»ZJVSSHIVYH[PVU^P[OKLZPNULY ;VYK)VVU[QLHUK*VVWH9VJHH^VTLU»Z JVVWLYH[P]LIHZLKPU9VJPUOH9PVKL 1HPULPYV»ZSHYNLZ[ZOHU[`[V^U *VVWH9VJHYLJY\P[Z\ULTWSV`LKSVJHS ^VTLU[VWYVK\JL*VTL9HPU*VTL :OPUL)`\ZPUN[OLPYOVTLZHZ^VYR ZOVWZJVVWLYH[P]LTLTILYZJHULHYUH SP]PUN^OPSL[LUKPUN[V[OLPYJOPSKYLUHUK V[OLYKVTLZ[PJYLZWVUZPIPSP[PLZ +LZPNU>P[O*VUZJPLUJL ! TATU TABLES & STOOL A Design with Conscience project. Steel wire is deliciously airy, visually pliant and weather reilient in brilliant modular furniture I`JLSLIYKLZPNULY:[LWOLU)\YRZ Design by Stephen Burks COFFEE TABLE Ø 33 in / 83.8 cm H 19 in / 48.3 cm Triple module construction Large tray 33 in / 83.8 cm H 1 in / 2.5 cm Large bowl 17.5 in / 81.3 cm H 6.5 in / 2.5 cm 3HYNLIHZRL[PUJT/PUJT Red F 4002 RD GS0 White F 4002 WH GS0 Hand-woven in South Africa by artisans ^VYRPUNJSVZLS`^P[O[OLKLZPNULY;H;\ meshes traditional with urbane. Coffee ;HISLIYLHRZKV^UPU[VHSHYNL[YH`IV^S HUKIHZRL[":PKL;HISLILJVTLZHTLdium tray, bowl and trash can. One piece Z[HJRHISLZ[VVSJVTWSLTLU[Z[OLJVSSLJtion providing the required seating. SIDE TABLE Ø 23 in / 58.4 cm H 25 in / 63.5 cm Triple module construction Medium tray 23 in / 58.4 cm H 1 in / 2.5 cm Medium bowl 22 in / 55.9 cm H 8.5 in / 21.6 cm Medium trash can 13 in / 34 cm H 16 in / 40.6 cm Red F 4003 RD GS0 White F 4003 WH GS0 STOOL Ø (seat) 12 in / 30.5 cm H 16 in / 40.6 cm Single component construction Red F 4001 RD GS0 White F 4001 WH GS0 4003 RD 4002 RD 20 Design With Conscience 4001 WH 21 THE BILLBOARD PROJECT 23-25 Stretch Bag *VYR*HZLZ Impressed by Artecnica’s pioneering Design W/ Conscience program, TBWA\ MAL (Advertising Agency for Apple, (KPKHZ(IZVS\[L]VKRHYLX\LZ[LK Artecnica to recycle their large format billboards. >LHYLOPNOSPNO[PUN[OLÄYZ[JVTTLYJPHS products from this new Collection. They are sustainable, simple and beautiful. 22 The Billboard Project 23 :;9,;*/)(. +LZPNUI`:[\KPV(Y[LJUPJH PUJT /PUJT -4*)) ,HJOIHNPZ\UPX\LZVSKPUHT\S[PJVSVY :\WWVY[Z\W[VSIZ 4HKLMYVTJVSVYM\SHK]LY[PZ PUNJHTWHPNUIPSSIVHYKZHJSL]LY KPLJ\[UVNS\LUVZ[P[JOZOV\SKLY IHNPZPUZWPYLKI`[OLZ[YLUN[OHUK Z`TTL[Y`MV\UKPUUH[\YL ;OLTPUPTHS+KLZPNUZ[YL[JOLZ PU[V+[VMVYT[OLIPNNLZ[IHN ^P[O[OLZTHSSLZ[HTV\U[VM^HZ[L ;OL)PSSIVHYK7YVQLJ[ *692*(:,: +LZPNUI`:[\KPV(Y[LJUPJH :4(33*(:, >PK[OPUJT 3LUN[OPUJT -4*)) 4,+0<4*(:, >PK[OPUJT 3LUN[O PUJT -4*)) 3(9.,*(:, >PK[OPUJT 3LUN[O PUJT -4*)) *VYRHUKYLJ`JSLKIPSSIVHYK :\Z[HPUHISLJVYRJHZLZSPULK^P[OIPSSIVHYKJVTLZPUZPaLZ!H^HSSL[HJS\[JO HUKHOHUKIHN *YHM[LKMYVTYLJ`JSLKIPSSIVHYKZZ\Z[HPUHISLJVYR[OPZKPLJ\[JHZLJVSSLJ[PVUPZ PUZWPYLKI`[OLZPTWSPJP[`VM[YHKP[PVUHSLU]LSVWLZ;OLZTHSSHUKTLKP\TJHZLZPaLZ `V\YOHUKIHNH[OVTL ;OL)PSSIVHYK7YVQLJ[ 30./;05. .YHUK;YPHUVU 7L[P[;YPHUVU 3H*V\YVUUL 7OYLUH 4PKZ\TTLY3PNO[ .HYSHUK3PNO[Z -\[\YL-SVYH 0JHY\Z +V\ISL:[YH` *VYK2P[ 3PNO[PUN )YPNO[:PKL3PNO[Z ! .9(5+;90(565 +LZPNUI`7H\SH(YU[aLU PUJT /PUJT ->/;@ 5HTLKHM[LY[OLWHSHJLVM2PUN3V\PZ ?0=.YHUK;YPHUVUPZHSHYNLSPNO[^LPNO[ JOHUKLSPLYTHKLVMWVZ[JVUZ\TLYJVH[LK ;`]LR>OLUSP[\W[OL.YHUK;YPHUVU LTP[ZHZVM[JOLJRLYIVHYKNSV^MYVT ILOPUKP[ZZ\YMHJLVMMVSKLKZSP[Z >OP[L;`]LR>4H_PT\T YH[PUNOHUK^HZOHISL[LHYHUK [LTWLYH[\YLYLZPZ[HU[ 3PNO[PUN ;OL7L[P[;YPHUVUPZHZTHSSLYKL[HPSLK ]LYZPVUVM(YU[aLU»Z.YHUK;YPHUVU0[ MLH[\YLZPKLU[PJHS[L_[\YLWH[[LYUHUK ZVM[JOLJRLYIVHYKNSV^¸)V[OSPNO[ZHYL HYLZ\S[VMH\UPX\LL_WLYPLUJL0OHKH[ [OL7HSHJLVM=LYZHPSSLZJVTIPULK^P[OT` SV]LMVY[OPZLSLNHU[TH[LYPHS¹ 3PNO[PUN 7,;0;;90(565 +LZPNUI`7H\SH(YU[aLU PUJT /PUJT ->/;@ >OP[L;`]LR>4H_PT\T YH[PUNOHUK^HZOHISL[LHYHUK [LTWLYH[\YLYLZPZ[HU[ )90./;:0+,30./;: +LZPNUI`9PJO)YPSSPHU[>PSSPUN 05;/,90./;30./; JT /PUJT --3.3 :VSPK7YLZZLK.SHZZ> TH_YH[PUN 3PNO[PUN )90./;:0+,30./;: +LZPNUI`9PJO)YPSSPHU[>PSSPUN 30./;>0;/6<;+(925,:: JT /PUJT --3.3 :VSPK7YLZZLK.SHZZ> TH_YH[PUN ;OLJHZ[NSHZZWLUKHU[ZHYLK\YHISLYLJ`JSHISLHUKJHUIL\ZLKHZHOHUNPUN WLUKHU[SHTWVYSHPKVU[OLPYZPKLZHZH[HISLSHTW;OL)YPNO[:PKLTVSKZHYLJ\[ KPYLJ[S`MYVT]PY[\HSTVKLSZHUKHYLHZ[YPRPUNTVKLYUMVYTYLHSPaLKI`HUHUJPLU[ TLKP\TVMNSHZZ^VYR+PMMLYLU[TLZZHNLZHYLKLIVZZLKVULHJOSHTW^OPJO WLYMLJ[S`Z\T\W[OL]PZPVUW\YWVZLHUKKLZPNUVMLHJOSPNO[[OH[¸0U[OLYPNO[SPNO[ H[[OLYPNO[[PTLL]LY`[OPUNPZL_[YHVYKPUHY`¹ 3PNO[PUN ! )90./;:0+,30./;: +LZPNUI`9PJO)YPSSPHU[>PSSPUN )90./;:0+,6-30-, JT /PUJT --3.3 :VSPK7YLZZLK.SHZZ> TH_YH[PUN 3PNO[PUN 3PNO[PUN 3(*6<9655, +LZPNUI`7H\SH(YU[aLU PUJT /JT - *777 *VWWLYSHTPUH[LK7VS`WYVWLS`UL >4H_PT\TYH[PUNOHUK^HZOHISL [LHYHUK[LTWLYH[\YLYLZPZ[HU[ 3H*V\YVUUL[OLJYV^UPZHUHPY`JOHUKLSPLYTHZ[LYM\SS`KLZPNULKMYVT[^VWPLJLZ SHTW VM[OPU S\TPUV\ZS`KPZWSH`HI\YZ[VMJVSVYHUKKPTLUZPVUHZP[ZI\SIV\ZZOHWLYLZLTISLZ [OLZWSLUKPKJOHUKLSPLYZVMZ[\UUPUNWHSHJLJLPSPUNZ,_JLSSLU[MVYKV^USPNO[PUNHW WSPJH[PVUZ 3PNO[PUN 7/9,5(*633,*;065 +LZPNUI`2HYSAHOU 7/9,5(PUJS\KPUNZ[HUK /PUJTZOHKL /PUJT^P[OZ[HUK PUJT^P[OZ[HUK ->/;@ 7/9,5( /PUJT PUJT ->/;@ >OP[L[`]LR>4H_PT\TYH[PUN OHUK^HZOHISL[LHYHUK[LTWLYH[\YL YLZPZ[HU[ ZOHKL*YLH[LKMYVT[OL¸ZPTWSPJP[`VMVWLUPUNHIVVR[OLWHNLZVM[OPZSPNO[^VYR [VNL[OLY[VJYLH[LWLYMLJ[Z`TTL[Y`¹(Y[LJUPJH»Z\ZLVM^OP[L;`]LJVUJLHNHPUJYL H[HISLVY[HZRSPNO[ 3PNO[PUN 40+:<44,930./; +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL >/0;, PUJT /PUJT ->>47 <330:;,+4H_PT\TSHTWYH[PUNPZ ^H[[-LH[\YLZ![LHY[LTWLYH[\YLHUK ^H[LYYLZPZ[HU[/HUK^HZOHISLJHYL >P[OP[ZJHZJHKPUNSH`LYZVMKHaaSPUNMVY LZ[JYLH[\YLZHUKMVSPHNL;VYK)VVU[QL»Z 4PKZ\TTLY3PNO[HKKZH^HYTLUJOHU[ PUNNSV^[VHU`YVVT4PKZ\TTLY3PNO[PZ JVUZ[Y\J[LKMYVT[^VSH`LYZVMJ\[;`]LR HZ\WLYYLZPZ[HU[WHWLYTH[LYPHSKYHWLK V]LYHWYV[LJ[P]LOLH[ISVJRPUNJVUL 3PNO[PUN ! .(93(5+30./; +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL PUJT /PUJT :03=,9-::73 2.63+-.3 <330:;,+4H_PT\TSHTWYH[PUN PZ^H[[-LH[\YLZ!5VU[HYUPZOPUN (ZZLTISLZOHWLPUU\TLYV\Z^H`Z 3PNO[PUN GARLAND LIGHT Design by Studio Tord Boontje Ø 10 in / 25.4 cm H 10 in / 25.4 cm BLACK CHROME F 8412 BC PL0 WHITE F 8415 WC PL0 52 Lighting 53 *OHYTPUNYVTHU[PJHUK\UMVYNL[[HISL.HYSHUK3PNO[TLZTLYPaLZ^P[OP[ZKLSPJH[LS` ;()3,3(47:;(5+ +LZPNUI`:[\KPV(Y[LJUPJH 7630:/,+)9(::73(;,+:;,,3 PUJT /PUJT -)7<:<:( -)7,<,\YVWL ^YHWWLKHYV\UKHSPNO[I\SI>P[OHZPTWSLJSPW.HYSHUKZLJ\YLZ[V[OLIHZLVMH I\SIHUKTH`ILZOHWLKPU[VWYHJ[PJHSS`HU`MVYT4\S[PWSL.HYSHUKZTH`HSZVIL PU[LY[^PULK[VJYLH[LSHYNLYZOHKLZ .HYSHUKPZPUJS\KLKPU[OLWLYTHULU[JVSSLJ[PVUVM4V4(5L^@VYRHUK[OL=PJ[VYPH HUK(SILY[4\ZL\T3VUKVU ;V\JOZLUZP[P]LZ^P[JO 4H_PT\T^H[[YH[PUN <:1HWHUHUK,\YVZ[HUKHYK .(93(5+)9(:: PUJT /PUJT -)973 3PNO[PUN FUTURE FLORA Design by Studio Tord Boontje LAURE Ø 12.5 IN / 31.75 CM H 8.5 IN / 21.59 CM F 8451 SL ST0 NADINE Ø 9.75 IN / 24.76 CM H 10.75 IN / 27.3 CM F 8453 SL ST0 RUGIADA Ø 9.5 IN / 24.13 CM H 9.75 IN / 24.76 CM F 8452 SL ST0 Metal, maximum 60 watt rating. Precision-etched metal sheets that transforms into three exotic bloom shaped forms. Future Flora inhabits the intersection of nature and technology. Future Flora’s contoured openings, ÄULKL[HPSZHUKZPS]LYTH[[LZ\YMHJLHSS conspire to illuminate space by casting poignant radiance. 7HJRHNLKÅH[-\[\YL-SVYHPZHZZLTISLK by connecting intricate metal sheets that comprise each design. As pictured from left to right, styles include: Laure, Rugiada and Nadine. 56 Lighting 57 0*(9<: +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL PU JT /PUJT ->/7, 7VS`LZ[LY4H_PT\TSHTWYH[PUNPZ ^H[[ 7VL[PJSPNO[^LPNO[HUKPTTHJ\SH[LS` ^OP[L0JHY\ZYLTPUK\ZVM[OLO\THU [OLJLSLZ[PHSSPNO[ 3PNO[PUN ! *69+:,; +LZPNUI`:[\KPV(Y[LJUPJH >/0;,;,?;03,<:M[ ->/<3 >/0;,9<)),9<:M[ ->/<3 >/0;,;,?;03,,<96T ->/,< >/0;,9<)),9,<96T ->/,< <330:;,+4H_PT\TSHTWYH[PUNPZ ^H[[+LZPNULK[VHJJVTVKH[LHSSVM +6<)3,:;9(@ +LZPNUI`0UNH:LTWt PU JT /PUJT ->/47 4H_PT\TSHTWYH[PUNPZ^H[[ >OP[L;`]LR 3PNO[PUN(JJLZZVYPLZ 05;,9069,3,4,5;: 2HR[\Z:[VVS -SVYH 0]`7HULSZ <U[PS+H^U+P]PKLY 0U[LYPVY,SLTLU[Z 2(2;<::;663 +LZPNUI`,UYPJV)YLZZHU PUJT /PUJT -*3(3 THKLMYVTYLJ`JSLKHS\TPU\T PUKVVYV\[KVVY JHUIL\ZLKHZHZ[VVSVYHIHZRL[ ,UYPJV)YLZZHUJVMV\UKLYVM(Y[LJUPJH HUKHUHYJOP[LJ[I`[YHKLOHZJYLH[LK HZ[\YK`SPNO[^LPNO[HS\TPU\TZ[VVSMVY IV[OPUKVVYHUKV\[KVVY\ZL;HRPUN [OL:[HNOVYU*OVSSHJHJ[\Z[OL2HR[\Z :[VVSPZKPZHYTPUNS`KLSPJH[L`L[JHWHISL VMZ\WWVY[PUNNYLH[^LPNO[ -369( +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL 3PUJT *677,9 -*773 :;(053,:::;,,3 -:;:; -LH[\YLZ!PUKVVYV\[KVVY\ZL (]PULSPRLTL[HSNHYSHUK-SVYHTHRLZMVYHUHYYLZ[PUNHYJOP[LJ[\YHSLSLTLU[*YHM[LK MYVT¹ZOLL[TL[HS-SVYHJHUIL[^PZ[LKHUK[\YULK[VMVYT`V\YMH]VYP[LHYYHUNL TLU[:\P[HISLMVYPUKVVYHUKV\[KVVY\ZL-SVYHPZKLZPNULK[VZSV^S`[HYUPZOV]LY [PTLNP]PUNP[HULSLNHU[HU[PX\LS\Z[LY0UHKKP[PVU[VJVWWLY-SVYHPZUV^H]HPSHISL PUZ[HPUSLZZZ[LLS 0=@7(5,3: +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL WHJRZVM0]`ZOV^UOLYL >PUJT /PU JT 0=@ -)973ZL[VM 4H[LYPHS!WVSPZOLKIYHZZWSH[LKZ[LLS 0=@ -:3:;ZL[VM 4H[LYPHS!ZH[PUZPS]LYWSH[LKZ[LLS ;OLPU[V_PJH[PUNJOHVZVM;VYK)VVU[QL»Z]LYKHU[NHYKLUZ[\TISLHJYVZZ[OLWHULSZ KLJVYH[P]LWHULSZHUKKP]PKLYZ 0U[LYPVY,SLTLU[Z ! <5;03+(>5+0=0+,9 +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL >PUJT / PUJT >/0;, ->>;@ -LH[\YLZ![LHY[LTWLYH[\YLHUK ^H[LYYLZPZ[HU[/HUK^HZOHISLJHYL [\YLZPUHU`LU]PYVUTLU[4HKLVM;`]LRHZ\WLYYLZPZ[HU[WHWLYSPRLTH[LYPHS<U[PS +H^UHSZVJVTLZ^P[O=LSJYVJSVZ\YLSVVWZHUKOVSLZ[VOHUNMYVTOVVRZ 0U[LYPVY,SLTLU[Z /64,7,9:65(3(**,::690,: ;OLTPZ4VIPSL >VUKLYSHUK*HUKSL/VSKLYZ *OHYTPUN )V[[SL:[VWWLYZ +HKH*SVJR ;OPURPUNVM@V\ )YPNO[;PTLZ (JJLZZVYPLZ ;/,40:46)03, +LZPNUI`*SHYH]VUA^LPNILYNR 4VIPSL>VVKMYLL7HWLY 3PU>PU/PU3JT >JT/JT - 4*47 UH IYV^UZ(ZKLZPNULY*SHYH]VUA^LPNILYNR^HZPUZWPYLKI`[OLNLVTL[YPJKLZPNUVM WVS`LKYH¸[OLZOHWLZX\PJRS`JHTL[VNL[OLYHZHTVIPSL0[OPURVM[OLTHZWSHUL[Z HUKSPRL[VZLL[OLJVSVYZJOHUNL^OPSLNLU[S`[\YUPUN¹;OLZ[HYRJVU[YHZ[VM[OL ]PIYHU[S`JVSVYLKWSHULZJYLH[LZHKYHTH[PJ]PZ\HSLMMLJ[`L[HZ[OL`ZSV^S`[\YU Z\ZWLUKLKPU[OLHPYI`HKLSPJH[LMYHTHUK[OPU^PYLZ[OLLMMLJ[PZX\PL[S`Z[YPRPUN MYHNPSLHUKL[OLYLHSS`ILH\[PM\S (JJLZZVYPLZ WONDERLAND Each candleholder features darling objects and characters balancing atop one another that appear to defy all laws of the physical and ideal. Each style is cast in solid aluminum metal and is hand-carved ^P[OPUKP]PK\HSJYHM[ZTHUZOPWHUKZRPSS providing a solid structure to the seemingly teetering design. The Wonderland collection continues to charm and invite HSS[V1VOUZVU»ZZLU[PTLU[HS¸PTWYLZZPVUZ and memories of something somewhere.” Design by Stephen Johnson Made from 100% recycled Aluminum Candle Holder HORSE L 5.9 in, W 4.2 in, H 11 in / L 15 cm, W 10.67 cm, H 27.95 cm F4033WHST0 BRANCH L 6.1 in, W 4.3 in, H 10.5 in / L 15.5 cm, W 10.93 cm, H 26.67 cm F4034WHST0 LADY L 4.5 in , H 12.0 in, Dia 4.0 in/ L 30.48 cm, H 11.43 cm, Dia10.16 cm WHITE F4030WHST1 RABBIT L 4.0 in , H 10.25 in, Dia 3.0 in/ L 10.16 cm, H 26.03cm, Dia 7.62 cm WHITE F4028WHST1 BIRD L 5.0 in , H 8.5 in, Dia 3.0 in/ L 12.7 cm, H 21.5 cm, Dia 7.62 cm WHITE F4029WHST1 4028 4034 4029 4033 76 Accessories 4030 77 */(9405. +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL .373 7(*2(., :PS]LY-:373 .VSK-.373 7(*2(., :PS]LY-:373 .VSK-.373 7(*2(., :PS]LY-:373 .VSK-.373 .373 .373 3VUN[PTLJVSSHIVYH[VY;VYK)VVU[QLOHZJYLH[LKMVY(Y[LJUPJHHUPJVUPJUH[\YLPU ZWPYLKQL^LSY`JVSSLJ[PVUVMRNVSKHUKZPS]LYWSH[LKTL[HS;OPZKLSPNO[M\SJVSSLJ[PVU ;OLZLJOHYTZHYLPU[LNYH[LK^P[OHSHYNLOVVR[OPZM\UJ[PVUHSP[`WHPYLK^P[O[OLPY HSS\YPUNHLZ[OL[PJTHRLZ*OHYTPUN]LY`]LYZH[PSL;OLZLJOHYTZHYLZVSKPUWHJRZVM [OYLLHUKHYLKLZPNULK[VILJ\Z[VTPaHISLHSSV^PUN`V\[VI\UKSLHZL[VUHJOHPU VYPUKP]PK\HSS`^LHY[OLT (JJLZZVYPLZ :373 ! :373 */(9405. +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL 7(*2(., .VSK-.373 :PS]LY-:373 7(*2(., .VSK-.373 :PS]LY-.373 .373 7(*2(., .VSK-.373 :PS]LY-:373 7(*2(., .VSK-.373 :PS]LY-:373 7(*2(., .VSK-.373 :PS]LY-:373 .373 .373 (JJLZZVYPLZ (JJLZZVYPLZ (JJLZZVYPLZ BOTTLE STOPPERS Design by Studio Artecnica Sold as one style 8pc per box 7PUR(X\H7\YWSL*SLHY@LSSV^ H 4 in, 10.2 cm W 3 in, 7.6 cm D 4.5 in, 11.4 cm LILI (set of 8 multi-color) F1218 08MT1 MAGNOLIA (set of 8 multi-color) F1240 08MT1 ORCHID (set of 8 multi-color) F1231 08MT1 Magnolia Orchid Lili A delicate bloom caps the fragrant contents of the evening’s wine bottle, bringPUNILH\[`[VIHYHUK[HISL*HZ[PUS\ZO[VULZVMYLZPU[OLIV[[SLZ[VWWLYZ»ÅVYHS perfection will last forever. These brilliantly colored blooming bottle stoppers were JVUJLP]LK[VJHW[\YLHUKJVUZLY]L^PULVSP]LVPSVYZPTWSL/6(]HPSHISLPUÄ]L ÅVYHSKLZPNUZ"LHJOHZL[VM 86 Accessories 87 +(+((3(94*36*2 +LZPNUI`:[\KPV(Y[LJUPJH /HUK7VSPZOLK.SHZZ +LW[OPUJT /LPNO[PU JT >PK[OPUJT (TILY!-(473 (X\H!-(873 *SLHY!-*373 JSVJRMHJL (]HPSHISLPU[OYLLO\LZ!(TILY(X\HHUK*SLHY(ZHUOVTHNL[V+HSP^HYWPUN[PTL +HKHJSVJRYLJHSSZ[OLLZZLUJLVMZ\YYLHSPZT (JJLZZVYPLZ ! THINKING OF YOU Design by Studio Tord Boontje NOW H 8 in, 20.3 cm/W 5.5 in, 14 cm D 5.5 in, 14 cm Silver Satin F 5017 WS PL0 HERE H 8 in, 20.3 cm/W 4 in, 10.2 cm D 4 in, 10.2 cm Silver satin F 5018 SL ST0 FOREVER H 12 in, 30.5 cm/W 6 in, 15.2 cm W 6 in, 15.2 cm Silver satin F 5019 SL ST0 Finely crafted metal vase-covers used to embellish recycled glass QHYZHUKJVU[HPULYZ7HJRHNLKÅH[[OL` are easily transformed into lovely sculptural objects. 5019 90 Accessories 5017 5018 91 )90./;;04,:/63+,9: +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL /PUJT+PH05*4 4<3;0*6369-).6@ +,,7.63+-+.73 :03=,9:(;05-:3:; 7SH[LKVYWHPU[LKTL[HS +LZPNULKI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL)YPNO[ ;PTLZHYLWVWV\[]V[P]LJHUKSLOVSKLYZ )YPNO[;PTLZPUKPMMLYLU[OLPNO[ZHUKZL[ [OLTVU`V\YKPUPUN[HISL ! (JJLZZVYPLZ ! :;(;065,9@ -HPY`;HPSZ ! )SVVT*HYKZ :[H[PVULY` ! -(09@;(03.9,,;05.*(9+ +LZPNUI`:[\KPV;VYK)VVU[QL >VVKMYLLWHWLY /PU JT >PUJT +PUJT >OP[L- >>47 9LKWPUR- 9747 4HZ[LYWHJR! <UMVSKHZPTWSLJPYJ\SHYZOHWLKJHYKPU[V ! :[H[PVULY` ! )3664*(9+: +LZPNUI`:[\KPV(Y[LJUPJH 7VW\WJHYKWHWLY /PUJT>PUJT /HWW`)KH` - 7*47 )SHUR - 6)47 /P - 6>47 /HWW`)KH` )SHUR /HWW`)KH` - @.47 >OP[L - >/47 /P - >/47 /HWW`)KH` - 7.47 ;OPURPUNVM@V\ - )747 03V]L@V\ - 99.7 /P /HWW`)KH` /HWW`)PY[OKH` - ))47 /HWW`/VSPKH`Z - @7.7 /HWW`)KH` - 6.47 *VUNYH[\SH[PVUZ - 7.47 ;OHUR@V\ - 7@47 >OP[L /P ;OHUR@V\ - )>47 /HWW`)PY[OKH` - @:47 /HWW`)KH` ! :[H[PVULY` ;OPURPUN6M@V\ !! 03V]L@V\ /HWW`/VSPKH`Z /HWW`)+H` /HWW`)KH` ;OHUR@V\ *VUNYH[\SH[PVUZ ;OHUR@V\ :[H[PVULY` /HWW`)KH` 1 2 9 10 11 3 5 4 12 13 14 1 - TransCulture Exhibition, Paris 2 - Indianapolis Museum of Art 3 - Design Museum Holon, Isreal 4 - Useless LIfe, Singapore 46::5L^@VYR 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16 - Artecnica Showroom 10 - 13.798 Grams of Design, Salone Milan 12 - Taxidermi by Liz Young 11 - DECO oh Exhibition, Brussels 14 - Gwangju Design Biennale, Korea 6 102 7 8 15 16 103 *65;90)<;69: ,590*6)9,::(5 ;(/405,/1(=(5)(2/; WYPUJPWHS (UH[P]LVM0[HS`HUKHUHYJOP[LJ[I` [YHKL)YLZZHUOLOHZZWLU[THU` `LHYZHZHJVTW\[LYLSLJ[YVUPJ KLZPNULUNPULLY0U OLJV MV\UKLK(Y[LJUPJH^P[O;HOTPULO1H ]HUIHRO[;OLMVJ\ZVM[OLI\ZPULZZ ^HZHYJOP[LJ[\YHSHUKPU[LYPVYKLZPNU ZLY]PJLZMVYJSPLU[ZPUJS\KPUN.PHUUP =LYZHJLHUK:LIHZ[PHU0U[LYUH[PVUHS )YLZZHU»ZH^HYK^PUUPUNHYJOP[LJ [\YHS^VYROHZYLJLU[S`L_[LUKLK [VKL]LSVWPUNZ\Z[HPUHISLWYVK\J[ KLZPNUHUKHYJOP[LJ[\YHSWYVNYHTZ ^P[OMV\UKH[PVUZHUKKLZPNUZJOVVSZ PU[OL+VTPUPJHU9LW\ISPJ)YHaPS HUK*HSPMVYUPH JYLH[P]LKPYLJ[VY (U0YHUPHUIVYUHY[PZ[(TLYPJHU LK\JH[LK1H]HUIHRO[OHZWYVK\JLK THU`JVTTPZZPVULKWHPU[PUNZ :OLPZHNYHK\H[LVM[OL(Y[*LU[LY *VSSLNLVM+LZPNUPU7HZHKLUH *HSPMVYUPH^OLYLZOLOHZHSZV[H\NO[ L_WLYPTLU[HSWHPU[PUN/LYKLZPNUZ OH]LZVSKH[ZWLJPHS[`KLZPNUHUK T\ZL\TZ[VYLZHYV\UK[OL^VYSK >OPSLJVSSHIVYH[PUN^P[O,UYPJV)YLZ ZHUVUZL]LYHSMYLLSHUJLWYVQLJ[Z (Y[LJUPJH^HZIVYU1H]HUIHRO[ ^VYRZHUKSP]LZPU3VZ(UNLSLZ TORD BOONTJE PAULA ARNTZEN RICH BRILLIANT WILLING EMMA WOFFENDEN HELLA JONGERIUS STEPHEN JOHNSON designer designer designers designer designer designer ;OYV\NOV\[OPZ^VYR;VYK)VVU[QL explores juxtapositions of the old and new, naturalism and technology. Born in the Netherlands in 1968, he studied industrial design at the Eindhoven Design Academy before enrolling at the Royal College of Art in London. The launch of Tord’s >LKULZKH`*VSSLJ[PVUTHYRZHU L]VS\[PVUPU;VYK»Z^VYR Dutch artist Paula Arntzen, born in PZJ\YYLU[S`^VYRPUNPU(YUOLT where she has her own design studio. Arntzen studied traditional M\YUP[\YLTHRPUNH[/4*PU(TZ[LYdam before she studied Product Design at ArtEZ Academy of the Arts in Arnhem. Founded in 2007, Rich Brilliant Willing is an internationally recognized, Manhattan-based design studio. Theo Richardson, Charles Brill & Alex Williams are Rich Brilliant Willing. Each member has a different point of ]PL^"VULL_WSPJP[S`SV]LZTH[LYPHSity, another has an unconventional color palette and eye for sculptural form, the third is an inventor bringing spontaneity and theatrical LULYN`[V[OL^VYR9PJO)YPSSPHU[ >PSSPUN^HZUHTLKHTVUN[OL¸;VW 40” designers by I.D. magazine in 1HU\HY` HUKUHTLKHU¸(]HU[ Guardian” by Surface magazine in November of the same year. ,TTH>VMMLUKLU^VYRZHZHUHY[PZ[ producing sculpture and installations. She has a special interest PUNSHZZTHRPUNHUKOHZJ\YH[LK exhibitions, lectured and acted as an educational examiner in this area. Emma is represented by Barrett Marsden gallery London. She earned an MA in ceramics and glass at Royal College of Art. London. Dutch designer Hella Jongerius (born 1963) combines craft techniques with modern technology to create VIQLJ[Z[OH[HYLZ[YPRPUNS`UL^HUK provocative. Jongerius’ range is diverse and broadly derived. Her designs typically employ a mélange of media such as ceramics, steel, plastic, felt, and precious metals. The resulting designs emphasize simple forms, rich textures, and materials that often retain traces of their origin and purpose. Stephen Johnson explores less VI]PV\ZMHJL[ZVMKLZPNU/PZ^VYR centers largely on how design can exist for the cognitive, as well as our more commonly perceived physical needs. Through a love of ornamenta[PVUHUKRP[ZJOOLJVUZPKLYZKLZPNU HZM\SÄSSPUNLTV[PVUHSULLKZSPRL humour and nostalgia. Johnson lives HUK^VYRZPU3VUKVU Tord Boontje is also Head of the Product Design Dept. at the Royal College of Arts in London where he teaches graduate courses. Paula Arntzen’s designs represent a combination of lightness , colour and monumental shaping. Her KLZPNUZÄUK[OLPYVYPNPUPUHMHZJPUHtion for grand forms and qualities of a material. After constant study and observation she managed to obtain HKLLWRUV^SLKNLHUK\UKLYZ[HUKing of the material and its unique characteristics. This is a procedure through which the designer decides not only on the form and shape but also the elements that will determine and lead to a multi-function object creation. A creation that will serve both a decorative and a functional item that can be used in a space or event. Awards: 2002 Arts Council of England grant, 1999 research funding from The London Institute. 1998 Arts Council of England combined arts grant, 1997 The Arts Foundation Glass Fellowship. 1994 Crafts Council setting up grant, 1984 Crafts Council advanced training grant. 1VUNLYP\Z^VYRZPU9V[[LYKHT^OLYL she heads her own design company, JongeriusLab. Her designs have been manufactured and sold by Vitra, Cappellini, and IKEA to name a few. Jongerius’ designs are also in the permanent collections of several leading museums including the MuZL\TVM4VKLYU(Y[5L^@VYRHUK San Francisco Museum of Modern (Y[;OLÄYZ[Z\Y]L`VM1VUNLYP\Z ^VYR^HZW\ISPZOLKI`7OHPKVUPU 2003. :OLPZUVTPUH[LKMVY¸5L^;HSLU[ ¹I`3PKL^PQ,KLSRVVY[HUKKPKH Paper Projects for the Arnhem Mode Biennale (the biggest fashion event in the Netherlands). 106 107 ESTUDIO CAMPANA CLARA VON ZWEIGBERGK designer designers Since 1983, Fernando and Humberto Campana have achieved worldwide recognition through their ^VYRPUKLZPNU6YKPUHY`TH[LYPHSZ are transformed and reinvented into priceless objects that carry both creativity and the spirit of Brazil – a combination of chaos and solution. The Campana Brothers are constantly investigating new design possibilities. The exchange of information creates bridges and dialogue between communities factories, and industries which is a constant source of inspiration. Estudio Campana designs are part of the permanent JVSSLJ[PVUZVM4V4(5L^@VYR[OL Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris, and the Vitra Design Museum in Weil am Rhein, Germany. 108 )VYUPU:[VJROVST ]VU A^LPNILYNRZ[\KPLKPSS\Z[YH[PVUHUK graphic design in Sweden, France and USA. She culminated her studies at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, after which ZOL^VYRLKHZHNYHWOPJKLZPNULY for several advertising agencies and KLZPNULYZPU:[VJROVST0U ZOL founded Rivieran Design Studio, with two partners, as a multi-disciplinary agency spawning many successful collaborations with fashion, illustration, architecture, furniture, product HUKNYHWOPJKLZPNU9P]PLYHUX\PJRS` gained the eye of the press for its unique structure and interior space. She has designed and illustrated ZL]LYHSIVVRZHTVUN[OL¸(*VSSLJ[PVUVM;PJRL[Z¹I`*HYV\ZJORH^OPJO has become a cult item in Japan. After four years as a graphic designer at Lissoni Associati in Milano, ^P[OJSPLU[ZZ\JOHZ)VMÄ7VYYVHUK Alessi, she has now re-started her Z[\KPVPU:[VJROVST KARL ZAHN INGA SEMPÉ STEPHEN BURKS designer designer designer Karl Zahn studied Industrial Design at the Rhode Island School of Design with an emphasis on manufacturing and fabrication. Studying PU+LUTHYRPUZ\WWVY[LK his love of handcraft and his style bears a danish modern sensibility. /PZ^VYRKLHSZ^P[OTH[LYPHSP[`HUK explores the practical and emotional relationship we have with products in this increasingly complicated world driven by technology and fraught with environmental guilt. Inga Sempé’s design vision is greatly inspired by the innovative precision of everyday objects. The Paris-based designer combines clean lines with a characteristic airiness to create pieces that are gracefully streamlined and disarmingly warm. Linear tex[\YLZHUKWH[[LYUZÄN\YLWYVTPULU[S` PUOLYIVK`VM^VYR:LTWt^HZ born in 1968. She has designed for Edra, Cappelini, Magis, Ligne Roset, and Baccarat. :[LWOLU)\YRZPZVULVM[OLTVZ[ recognized American industrial designers of his generation. He and OPZ5L^@VYR:[\KPV9LHK`THKL Projects, have been responsible for creative design direction on projects ranging from retail interiors and L]LU[[VWHJRHNPUNSPNO[PUNM\YUP[\YL and home accessories. He has developed innovative concepts for renowned international brands and has consistently been at the forefront as an African-American industrial designer. Exhibitions included the Victoria & Albert Museum and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum’s Design Triennial, the Museum of Science and Industry’s exhibition Design For Life and solo museum show at the Knoxville Museum of Art’s Design Lab gallery. Stephen studied architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology and product design at IIT’S Institute of Design, as well as attending Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture. 109 :WLJPHS[OHURZ[VV\Y^VUKLYM\S[LHT 2HYH4HYRZ(UUH2PT9`HU*HTWILSS 9LNPUH)PVUKV(SL_3PU3Pa@V\UN .HIYPLSH(UHZ[HZPV3VYP.YL`0HU HUK*\JH.VUaHSLa>PSSHYK4\ZHY\Y^H 4HYPH;LYLZH3LHS.VUaHSV+LS=HSSL 9LUHU2LYH\KYHU9PJR)HYYPVZ:HYHO *VVR1LZZPJH3H\9P[HHUK+H]PK*O\UN ;PHU:\L,STLY.\YWYLL[;HS^HY9PJOHYK -VUN4HYPSLUH*HYSVZ1VOU,UNLSLU 4HYRAOHUN-HUU`3L\UN1VOU>VUN @VZOPUHYP2H^HTV[V2H^HZOPTH@42PT ;OLH.YVLMZLTH7L[LY)V\THU3\PZ *H]HSOLPYV+PJR3\UKNYLU5PRSHZ>PKILYN HUK*OPO@HUN;ZHV ;H_PKLYT`I`3Pa@V\UN 7OV[VNYHWO`I`,SP)VYU1LYY`.HYUZ (UNLSH4VVYL5LTH[:OHYPMWV\Y(UUHILSSL ,SZ[VU 7OV[VZZOV[PU(Y[LJUPJHOLHKX\HY[LYZ (Y[LJUPJH:V\[O:HU=PJLU[L)S]K 3VZ(UNLSLZ*( <:( ;!-! ^^^HY[LJUPJHJVT(Y[LJUPJH
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