BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Department of Diplomatic Protocol DIPLOMATIC AND CONSULAR CORPS AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA January, 2016 1 2 CONTENTS Order of Precedence among the Heads of Diplomatic Missions and dates of presentation of credentials Heads of Diplomatic Representation Offices 8 10 Diplomatic Missions accredited to Bosnia and Herzegovina * - Non Resident ALBANIA* ALGERIA * ANGOLA * ARGENTINA * ARMENIA* AUSTRALIA * AUSTRIA AZERBAIJAN* BANGLADESH * BELARUS * BELGIUM * BRAZIL BULGARIA BURKINA FASO * CANADA* CHILE * CHINA COSTA RICA* CROATIA CUBA * CYPRUS* CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK* ECUADOR* EGYPT ESTONIA * 13 15 19 21 23 25 27 31 33 35 37 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 3 FINLAND * FRANCE GEORGIA* GERMANY GREECE HOLY SEE HUNGARY ICELAND * INDIA * INDONESIA IRAN IRAQ* IRELAND * ISRAEL * ITALY JAPAN JORDAN * KAZAKHSTAN* KOREA (Democratic People's Republic) * KOREA (Republic of Korea) * KUWAIT LATVIA * LITHUANIA* LIBYA LUXEMBOURG* MACEDONIA MALAYSIA MALI * MALTA * MAURITANIA* MEXICO * MOLDOVA * MONGOLIA* MONTENEGRO 4 71 73 77 79 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 MOROCCO * THE NETHERLANDS NEW ZEALAND * NIGERIA * NORWAY OMAN * PAKISTAN PALESTINE PERU * PHILIPPINES * POLAND PORTUGAL* QATAR ROMANIA RUSSIA SAN MARINO SAUDI ARABIA SERBIA SYRIA * SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SOUTH AFRICA * THE SOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA SPAIN SRI LANKA * SWEDEN SWITZERLAND THAILAND * TURKEY UKRAINE * UNITED ARAB EMIRATES * UNITED KINGDOM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA URUGUAY* 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 181 185 187 189 191 193 195 199 201 203 205 207 211 213 215 217 219 227 5 VIETNAM (Socialist Republic)* YEMEN * ZAMBIA * Consular Missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina Consulate General 229 231 233 Croatia / Mostar / Croatia / Banja Luka / Croatia / Tuzla / Serbia /Banja Luka/ Serbia /Mostar/ Turkey / Mostar / 239 241 243 245 247 249 Honorary Consulate Australia Bangladesh Brazil Congo Denmark Finland Hungary / Mostar / Republic of Korea San Marino Slovakia Spain Ukraine 253 255 257 259 261 263 265 267 269 271 273 275 International Organizations and Special Missions CE EBRD EU 6 Council of Europe European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina 279 281 283 EUSR FRBiH ICMP ICMPD ICRC IFC IFRC ILO IMF IMG IOM ITF JICA OHR OSCE European Union Special Representative Fund for Returnees in Bosnia and Herzegovina International Commission on Missing Persons International Centre for Migration Policy Development International Committee of Red Cross International Finance Corporation International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Labour Office International Monetary Fund International Management Group International Organization for Migration International Trust Fund Japan International Cooperation Agency Office of the High Representative Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina PSOTC Peace Support Operation Training Center RAI Secretariat Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Secretariat RCC Regional Cooperation Council REC Regional Environmental Center UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNICTY United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia WB The World Bank Country Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina WHO World Health Organization 287 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 309 311 313 315 National Days 343 317 319 321 323 325 327 331 333 335 337 339 341 7 Ambassadors Date of presentation of Credentials Algeria H.E. Mr. Rachid Marif Oman H.E. Mr. Said Al-Harthy San Marino H.E. Mr. Michele Chiaruzzi Israel H.E. Mr. David Cohen Azerbaijan H.E. Dr. Eldar Humbat oglu Hasanov Iraq H.E. Dr. Falah Abdulhasan Abdulsada New Zealand H.E. Dr. Trevor Donald Matheson Norway H.E. Ms. Vibeke Lilloe Romania H.E. Mr. Filip Teodorescu Ukraine H.E. Mr. Oleksandr Levchenko Greece H.E. Mr. Karolos Gadis Indonesia H.E. Mr. Subijaksono Sujono Luxembourg H.E. Ms. Sandra Thein Bulgaria H.E. Mr. Angel Alexandrov Angelov Ecuador H.E. Mr. Rafael Paredes Proaño Netherlands H.E. Mr. Jurriaan Kraak Morocco H.E. Mr. Moulay Abbes El Kadiri Philippines H.E. Mrs. Eleanor Lumbes Jaucian Estonia H.E. Mr. Arti Hilpus Australia H.E. Mr. David Gordon Stuart Malaysia H.E. Mr. Anuar bin Kasman Holy See H.E. Archbishop Luigi Pezzuto Peru H.E. Mr. José Antonio Arróspide del Busto Cuba H.E. Mr. Julio César Cancio Ferrer Jordan H.E. Mr. Zaid Al Lozi Sri Lanka H.E. Mr. Aliyar Lebbe Abdul Azeez Iran H.E. Mr. Seyed Hossein Rajabi Poland H.E. Mr. Andrzej Krawczyk Slovakia H.E. Mr. Jan Pšenica Italy H.E. Mr. Ruggero Corrias Slovenia H.E. Mr. Iztok Grmek Sweden H.E. Mr. Stefan Fredrik Schiller Qatar H.E. Mr. Rashid Mubarak Al-Kawari Egypt H.E. Mr. Yasser Sayed Mahmoud Elatawi Kuwait H.E. Mr. Nasser Riden Thamer Almotairi 8 20 March 2006 19 February 2008 26 August 2008 19 January 2010 27 January 2011 16 June 2011 04 July 2011 27 October 2011 28 October 2011 28 October 2011 26 January 2012 17 February 2012 17 February 2012 08 May 2012 03 July 2012 04 September 2012 13 September 2012 30 October 2012 30 October 2012 01 November 2012 17 January 2013 12 February 2013 12 February 2013 13 March 2013 16 May 2013 16 May 2013 16 May 2013 04 June 2013 09 August 2013 09 August 2013 13 September 2013 11 October 2013 11 October 2013 11 October 2013 11 October 2013 Austria Croatia R. Korea Armenia Canada Serbia Belarus Cyprus Libya Turkey Pakistan Latvia Malta Germany UK Switzerland France Palestine Russia Hungary USA Colombia Georgia Kazakhstan Belgium Ireland Iceland DPR Korea Czech Republic Laos Portugal EU Uruguay Vietnam Albania Spain Japan Montenegro H.E. Mr. Martin Leopold Ernst Pammer 14 October 2013 H.E. Mr. Ivan Del Vechio 21 October 2013 H.E. Mr Hyung-won Suh 28 November 2013 H.E. Mr. Gagik Ghalatchian 02 December 2013 H.E. Mrs. Lisa Helfand 02 December 2013 H.E. Mr. Stanimir Vukićević 21 January 2014 H.E. Mr. Aliaksandr Khainouski 07 March 2014 H.E. Mr. Antonios Theocharous 06 May 2014 H.E. Mr. Arebi S.A. Halloudi 02 June 2014 H.E. Mr. Cihad Erginay 10 July 2014 H.E. Mr. Muhammad Yousaf 10 July 2014 H.E. Mr. Alberts Sarkanis 21 July 2014 H.E. Mr. Savour F. Borg 22 July 2014 H.E. Dr Christian Hellbach 11 August 2014 H.E. Mr. Edward Ferguson 19 August 2014 H.E. Mr. Heinrich Maurer 13 October 2014 H.E. Mrs. Claire Bodonyi 14 October 2014 H.E. Mr. Rezeq N.M. Namoora 14 October 2014 H.E. Mr. Petr Ivantsov 14 October 2014 H.E. Mr. Jozsef Negyesi 15 October 2014 H.E. Ms. Maureen E. Cormack 16 January 2015 H.E. Mr. Juan Mayr Maldonado 04 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Irakli Koplatadze 10 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Aslan Mussin 10 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Willem van de Voorde 18 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Patrick Kelly 19 February 2015 H.E. Mr Audunn Atlason 24 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Ri Kwang II 24 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Jakub Skalnik 25 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Phoukhao Phommavongsa 26 February 2015 H.E. Mr. Augusto Jose Pestana Saraiva Peixoto 30 March 2015 H.E. Mr. Lars-Gunnar Bertil Wigemark 15 April 2015 H.E.Mr. Pablo Scheiner 21 April 2015 H.E. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Tuan 30 April 2015 H.E. Mr. Ilir Melo 13 May 2015 H.E. Mr. Juan Bosco Gimenez Soriano 19 May 2015 H.E. Mr. Kazuya Ogawa 26 May 2015 H.E. Mr. Milan Lakić 17 June 2015 9 Military Order of Malta H.E. Mr. Charles-Henry de Rambures Thailand H.E. Mrs. Kanthong Unakul Mongolia H.E. Mr. Gunaajav Batjargal Saudi Arabia H.E. Mr. Hani Abdullah M. Mominah Mexico H.E. Mr. Jose Evaristo Ramon Xilotl-Ramirez Brazil H.E. Mr. Manoel Gomes Pereira Lithuania H.E. Mrs. Rasa Kairiene China H.E. Mrs. Chen Bo Finland H.E. Mr. Timo Rajakangas Bangladesh H.E. Mr. Sheikh Mohammed Belal India H.E. Mr. Rahul Chhabra Heads of Diplomatic Representation Offices Belgium 10 Mr. Joris Ronse 26 June 2015 02 July 2015 02 July 2015 03 July 2015 10 July 2015 10 August 2015 08 October 2015 14 October 2015 03 December 2015 03 December 2015 03 December 2015 DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS ACCREDITED TO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 11 12 ALBANIA Embassy of the Republic of Albania Chancery: VMD toranj, sprat 10 Strojarska cesta 20 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia (00 385 1) 48 10 679 (00 385 1) 48 10 682 Telephone: Fax: E - Mail: [email protected] Working Hours: National Day: November 28, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Ilir MELO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 13/05/2015 13 14 ALGERIA Embassy of the People’s and Democratic Republic of Algeria Chancery: Via Bartolomeo Eustachio, 12 00161 Rome, Italy Telephone Embassy: (00 390 6) 442 025 33/46 Consulate (00 390 6) 808 41 41 Fax: (00 390 6) 442 927 44 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: National Day: November 1, Revolution Day His Excellency Mr. Rachid MARIF Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Zahya MARIF 20/03/2006 Colonel Ali BOUCHAKOUR Defence Attaché Mrs. BOUCHAKOUR Mr. Hocine LATLI Minister Counsellor Mrs. Samira LATLI Mr. Khaled ZOHRET BOUHALOUANE Minister Plenipotentiaryy Mrs. Yamina ZOHRET BOUHALOUANE Mr. Miloud BENMAKHLOUF Counsellor (Consular Affairs) Mrs. Soraya BENMAKHLOUF 15 Mr. Othmane Cif Eddine ADJALI Counsellor Mrs. Djedjiga ADJALI Mr. Hocine EL AGGOUNE Counsellor Mrs. Messaouda EL AGGOUNE Mr. Messaoud KERROUM Secretary Mrs. Ouarda KERROUM Mr. Larbi GHAZI Secretary Mrs. Hassiba GHAZI Mr. Ahmed AMRINE Secretary Mrs. Ouassilla AMRINE Mrs. Samia KADRI Secretary Mr. Nordine KADRI Mr. Amar BELHADI Secretary Mrs. Radia BELHADI Mrs. Souhila BENTALEB Secretary Mr. Adel BENTALEB Ms. BOUBEKEUR Secretary 16 Mr. Said SADOUKI Attaché (Administrative Affairs) Mrs. Leila SADOUKI Mr. Brahim ALI LARENANE Attaché Mrs. Hanane ALI LARENANE Mr. Zouhir BADJOUDJ Attaché Mrs. Aziza BADJOUDJ 17 18 ANGOLA The Embassy of the Republic of Angola Chancery: Vladete Kovačevića 14 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 2653 422, 3693 270 Fax: (00 381 11) 2653 424 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 16:00 Consular Section: Monday to Friday 10:00 – 13:00 National Day: November 11, Independence Day Mr. Jose RODRIGUES Counsellor Mrs. Iria Angela DA PAZ COSTA SANTIAGO Counsellor Mr. Antonio Filipe MAURICIO First Secretary (Culture Affairs) Mr. Jorge Goncalves Mateus NTIAMBA Attaché (Press) Mrs. Magda Adelaide L. DA S.T. TORRES DOS SANTOS Attaché (Financial) 19 20 ARGENTINA Embassy of the Argentine Republic Chancery: Vérhalom u. 12-16, A/21 1023 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 326 04 92, 326 04 93 Fax: (00 36 1) 326 04 94 E- mail: [email protected] Working Hours: 09:00 – 04:00 National Day: May 25, Revolution Day Mr. Claudio GIACOMINO Minister Plenipotentiary, Charge d'Affairs a.i. Mrs. Lia RENDON DE GIACOMINO Ms. Gretel Zoraya MATIAS Third Secretary and Head of Consular Section Mrs. Maria Alejandra BUTTI Attaché (Administrative) 21 22 ARMENIA Republic of Armenia Chancery: 95, Konstantinou Paleologou Avenue Khalandri 15232, Athens, Greece Telephone: (00 30 210) 683 11 30 Fax: (00 30 210) 683 11 83 E-mail: [email protected] Consular Section: Telephone: (00 30 210) 683 11 45 Fax: (00 30 210) 683 18 07 E-mail: [email protected] National Day: 21 September, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Gagik GHALATCHIAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Gohar GHALATCHIAN 02/12/2013 Mr. Minas MARTIKIAN Minister Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mariam BAGHDASARYAN Mrs. Mariam HARUTYUNYAN Third Secretary (Consular Affairs) 23 24 AUSTRALIA Australian Embassy Chancery: Mattiellistrasse 2 1040 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (00 43 1) 506 740 Fax: (00 43 1) 504 11 78 (Political), (00 43 1) 513 16 56 (Consular/Administration) (00 43 1) 513 29 08 (Immigration) E-mail: [email protected] (name.surname-of the diplomat) Webpage: Working hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30 National Day: January 26, Australia Day His Excellency Mr. David Gordon STUART Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 01/11/2012 Mr. David Jonathon LEWIS Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Gregory John Samuel LEWIS Counsellor Mrs. Katherine Leah SMITH Counsellor, Nuclear Ms. Maree Bernadette FAY First Secretary and Consul Ms. Gaia PULESTON 25 First Secretary Dr. Rachelle Susan ALLEN First Secretary Mr. Howard Alex STREET First Secretary Mr. Eugenie Kyung-Eun HWANG Second Secretary 26 AUSTRIA Embassy of the Republic of Austria Chancery: Džidžikovac 7 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 279 400 Fax: 668 339 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 17:00 Friday 08:00 - 12:00 National Day: October 26 His Excellency Mr. Martin L. E. PAMMER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 14/10/2013 Dr. Wolfgang THILL Minister Counsellor Mr. Helmut FASCHING Counsellor and Consul Mrs. Irmgard BENI Attaché Mr. Gottfried SEHER Attaché Colonel Dr. Michael PESENDORFER Defence Attaché 27 Mr. Peter GATTERNIG Assistant Defence Attaché (Administrative Affairs) Mr. Wolfgang PICHLER Attaché (Police Liaison Officer) Petrakijina 3 71000 Sarajevo Mr. Oliver HILLER Attaché (Social Affairs) Štrosmajerova 2/2 71000 Sarajevo Commercial Section Zmaja od Bosne bb (Raiffeisen Banka BiH, Objekat B) 71000 Sarajevo Tel: 267 840 Fax: 222 336 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Sigmund NEMETI Counsellor (Commercial) Office of the Attaché for Education Vilsonovo šetalište 10/II/236 71000 Sarajevo Tel: 717 945 28 Austrian Cultural Cooperation Univerzitet Sarajevo Pravni fakultet / Judex 4, 410 71000 Sarajevo Tel: 552 777 E-mail: [email protected] 29 30 AZERBAIJAN Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Working Hours: National Day: 10 Grigore Gafencu str., sector 1 Bucharest, Romania (00 40 21) 233 24 84 (00 40 21) 233 24 65 May 28 His Excellency Dr. Eldar Humbat oglu HASANOV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 27/01/2011 Office of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Sarajevo Chancery: Džemala Bijedića 305 71210 Ilidža, Sarajevo Telephone: 695 802 Fax: 695 801 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 18:00 Mr. Ismayil JAFAROV Counsellor Mrs. Sabina ALIVERDI-ZADA Mr. Aslan JAFARLI Attaché Mrs. Nilufar JAFARLI 31 32 BANGLADESH Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Chancery: Wasenaarseweg 39 2596 CG, The Hague, The Netherlands Telephone: (00 31 70) 328 3722 Fax: (00 31 70) 328 3524 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00 National Day: March 26, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Sheikh Mohammed BELAL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 03/12/2015 Mr. Kazi Russel PERVEZ Counsellor Mr. Istiaque Uddin AHMED Second Secretary & HOC 33 34 BELARUS Embassy of the Republic of Belarus Chancery: Virag Benedek utca 37 1037 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 214 05 53 Fax: (00 36 1) 214 05 54 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 13:00, 13:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday 9:00 – 12:00 (Consular Section) National Day: July 3 – Independence Day/Day of the Republic His Excellency Mr. Aliaksandr KHAINOUSKI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 07/03/2014 Mr. Andrei AVRAMENKO Counsellor (Political and Cultural Issues) Mr. Vadim PAKHOMCHIK Counsellor (Economic and Commercial Issues) Ms. Natallia KHVASTOVA First Secretary (Consular and Protocol Issues) 35 36 BELGIUM Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium Chancery: Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 8-10 1040 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (00 43 1) 502 070 Fax: (00 43 1) 502 07 22 E-mail [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 09:00 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 17:00 Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 and 14:00 – 16:00 National Day: 21 July (Independence Day), 15 November (King's Day) His Excellency Mr. Willem VAN de VOORDE 18/02/2015 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Kristin VAN de VOORDE - HEIDBUCHEL Diplomatic Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Grbavička 4 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 208 362 Fax: 207 462 GSM: 061 491 310 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 12:30, 13:30 – 17:00 Mr. Joris RONSE Minister Counsellor 37 Head of Diplomatic Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina Col. Bem. Jean-Marie FERBER Defence Attaché (Resident in Belgrade) Chancery: Embassy of Belgium, Krunska 18 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 3342 652, 3233 420 Fax: (00 381 11) 3342 205 GSM: (00 381 63) 25 62 83 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 15:30 Consular Chancery: Embassy of Belgium in Zagreb, Pantovčak 125 B1 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 45 78 901 Fax: (00 385 1) 45 78 902/903 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 16:00 Mrs. Philippe BENOIT Consul General Economy and Commerce Mr. Barbara ČEČ Economical and Commercial Attaché of Flanders and of Brussels - capital Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E mail: 38 Embassy of Belgium, Trg Republike 3/VIII 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia (00 386 1) 426 75 94/95 (00 386 1) 426 75 96 [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 12:30 Mr. Pedrag SMOLE Economical and Commercial Secretary for the Walloon Region Chancery: Embassy of Belgium ,Trg Republike 3/VIII 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Telephone: (00 386 1) 422 48 60/61 Fax: (00 386 1) 422 48 62 E mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 12:30 39 40 BRAZIL Embassy of Federative Republic of Brazil Chancery: Grbavička 4, 2nd floor 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 921 802, 921 803 Fax: 921 804 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 National Day: September 7, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Manoel GOMES – PEREIRA 10/08/2015 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Denise Guerreiro Antunes GOMES - PEREIRA Ms. Rujiza Mara ANDREYEVICH Minister Counsellor Ms. Helena MEIRELES GONCALVES ELOY Third Secretary Mr. Renzo DE MORAIS PRETTI Attaché (Consular Affairs) Mr. Mateus Henrique ZOQUI Attaché (Administrative Affairs) 41 42 BULGARIA Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria Chancery: Radnička 30 71 000 Sarajevo Telephone: 668 191 Fax: 668 189 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 16:30 Visa/Consular Section: Radnička 30 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 203 115 National Day: March 3, Liberation Day His Excellency Mr. Angel Alexandrov ANGELOV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Biliana Miroslavova ANGELOVA 08/05/2012 Mr. Aliosha NEDELCHEV Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Ivo KUTEV Military Attaché Mrs. Rumyana KUTEVA Mr. Todor KUBUROV Counsellor (Political and Economic Affairs) Mrs. Plamena KARAIVANOVA-KUBUROVA Mr. Krasen YURUKOV Counsellor (Political and Media Affairs) 43 Mr. Stanislav KASLYOVSKI Second Secretary (Consul) Mr. Petar PETROV Second Secretary (Cultural and Political Affairs) Mrs. Daniela PETROVA 44 BURKINA FASO Embassy of Burkina Faso Chancery: Via Venti Settembre, 86 00187 Rome, Italy Telephone: (00 39 06) 42010611 Fax: (00 39 06) 42016701 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00 National Day: December 11, Republic Day Mr. Michael SAWADOGO Counsellor Mrs. SORI née YAO Safiétou Attaché Mr. Lompo JAMANO Attaché 45 46 CANADA The Embassy of Canada Chancery: Ganz utca 12 - 14 H-1027 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 392 3360 Fax: (00 36 1) 392 3390 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 17:00 Friday: 08:30 – 14:00 National Day: July 1, Canada Day Her Excellency Ms. Lisa HELFAND Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 02/12/2013 Colonel Mark HODGSON Defence Attaché Mr. Michael Joseph HORLER Counsellor (Political) Mr. Bradwin NIBLOCK Counsellor (Comercial) Mr. Francois LAVERTUE Counsellor (Management) and Consul Ms. Palesa JACKSON MILLER Counsellor Mr. Renald GREGORIE Counsellor (Immigration) 47 Mrs. Isabelle DION Counsellor and Consul Ms. Andrea KOSTASHUK First Secretary and Consul Mr. David John GREEN First Secretary (Immigration) Ms. Jessica ALDABA First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. Charles Olivier FIOLA First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. Donald GAUTIER First Secretary (Immigration) Mr. John MARTONE Police Liaison Officer 48 CHILE Embassy of the Republic of Chile Chancery: Rozsahegy utca 1/B H-1024 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 326 30 54, 326 30 55 Fax: (00 36 1) 326 30 56 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 National Day: September 18, Independence Day Mr. Carlos GAJARDO Gallardo Second Secretary, Consul Charge d’ Affaires a.i. Col. Francisco ESCOBAR Ramos Defence Attaché (Resident in Madrid) 49 50 CHINA Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Chancery: Braće Begić 17 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 215 102 Consular: 665 686 Fax: 215 105, 215 108 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 16:00 Consular Sect.: Tuesday and Thursday 09:00 – 11:00 National Day: October 1 Her Excellency Mrs. CHEN Bo Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 14/10/2015 Mrs. LI Yujie Counsellor Mr. LIU Guangxian Counsellor Mrs. LIANG Yahong Mr. LUO Tiefeng Defence Attaché Mrs. LIU Yang Mr. LEI Jianzhong Counsellor (Commercial) Mrs. MA Jixia First Secretary 51 Mr. GUO Zhijia First Secretary Mrs. YU Liangxing Mr. WANG Qian Second Secretary Mr. YANG Haiquan Second Secretary Mr. XU Gang Third Secretary Mr. ZANG Zizhe Assistant Defence Attaché Mr. DENG Cong Attaché Mrs. SHU Mengqiao Attaché Mr. GAO Kai Attaché Mrs. YANG Wei Mr. LIN Juncong Attaché Mr. MU Cheng Attaché 52 COSTA RICA Embassy of Costa Rica Chancery: Wagramer Strasse 23/1/1/2-3, A-1220 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (00 43 1) 263 38 24 Fax: (00 43 1) 263 38 24 5 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 National day: September 15, Independence Day Mr. Herbert Daniel ESPINOZA SOLANO Minister Counsellor, Charge d’ Affaires a.i. Mrs. Erika GUTIÉRREZ HÜTT Ms. Maria Manuela URENA URENA Minister Counsellor Mr. Esteve NICOLAS CASOLIBA Ms. Ana Maricela AVILA BECERRIL Cousellor 53 54 CROATIA Embassy of the Republic of Croatia Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web: Maršala Tita 28 71000 Sarajevo 277 111 472 434 [email protected] Consular Section Chancery: Maršala Tita 28 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 277 100 Fax: 650 328 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30 National Day: June 25, Republic Day His Excellency Mr. Ivan DEL VECHIO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 21/10/2013 Colonel Božo VUKASOVIĆ Defense Attaché Mrs. Zvjezdana VUKASOVIĆ Mr. Stanko CMREČNJAK Minister Plenipotentiary Mrs. Estela MUCIĆ CMREČNJAK 55 Mrs. Vesna NJIKOŠ PEČKAJ Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Branimir PEČKAJ Mrs. Mira VRDOLJAK Minister Counsellor Mr. Toni ŠKRINJAR Minister Counsellor – Police Liaison Officer Mrs. Alenka HUDEK Minister Counsellor Mr. Igor SEISSEL Mr. Anto FRANJIĆ Minister Counsellor Mrs. Nives TIGANJ Minister Counsellor Mrs. Ines PACEK Cousellor Mrs. Lidija KIC First Secretary Mr. Pero BILUŠIĆ First Secretary Mr. Ivan ŠEGULIĆ First Secretary Mrs. Greta ŠEGULIĆ 56 CUBA Embassy of the Republic of Cuba Chancery: Normafa ut 55/A 1121 Budapest, Hungary Tel: (00 36 1) 325 7290, 438 5950 Fax: (00 36 1) 325 7586, 438 5956 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 17:00 National Day: January 1, Liberation day His Excellency Mr. Julio César CANCIO FERRER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 13/03/2013 Ms. Maria Estela PERALTA DIAZ Counsellor (Consular Affaires) 57 58 CYPRUS Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Dorottya ut. 3 1051 Budapest, Hungary (00 36 1) 266 60 45 (00 36 1) 266 05 38 [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00 Friday: 08:00 – 14:30 His Excellency Mr. Antonios THEOCHAROUS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 06/05/2014 59 60 CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy of the Czech Republic Chancery: Franjevačka 13 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 587 050 Fax: 587 060 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:00 - 17:00 Friday: 08:00 – 14:30 National Day: October 28 His Excellency Mr. Jakub SKALNIK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Eva SKALNIKOVA 25/02/2015 Ms. Klara VON KRIEGSHEIM KADLECOVA Second Secretary (Political and Press Affairs) Mr. Petr KAŠIČKA First Secretary (Commercial and Economic Affairs) Mrs. Lenka KAŠIČKOVA Mrs. Olga ZDRALKOVA Third Secretary (Consular and Cultural Affairs) Mr. Petr PANEK Attaché (Administrative Affairs) Resident in Zagreb Col. Jaroslav PROCHÁZKA Defence Attaché 61 Resident in Belgrade Col. Jozef VOJTEK Army Attaché 62 DENMARK Royal Danish Embassy Chancery: Neznanog junaka 9a 11040 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 3679 500 Fax: (00 381 11) 3679 502 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 16:00 National Day: June 5, Constitution Day Mr. Morten SKOVGAARD HANSEN Deputy Head of Mission, Counsellor Charge d’ Affaires a.i. 63 64 ECUADOR Embassy of Republic of Ecuador Chancery: Kramgasse 54 3011 Bern, Switzerland Telephone: (00 413 1) 351 6254 Fax: (00 413 1) 351 2771 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00 National Day: August 10, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Rafael PAREDES PROAÑO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 03/07/2012 65 66 EGYPT Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Chancery: Nurudina Gackića 58 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 666 498, 665 659 Fax: 666 499 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00 National Day: July 23, Revolution Day His Excellency Mr. Yasser SAYED MAHMOUD ELATAWI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mona AHMED AJAMI 11/10/2013 Miss. Rasha HAMDY AHMED HUSSEIN First Secretary Mr. Ramy ALI MAHMOUD ELMOBAYED Second Secretary Mrs. Dr. Sally RAAFAT ELSAID Mr. Atef MOHAMED ALY ABOKHATAB Attaché (Administrative & Finance) Mrs. Azza KABIL MOHAMED MOHAMED Mrs. Heba MOUSAD MOHAMED SOLIMAN ELNAHAS Attaché (Administrative & Finance) 67 68 ESTONIA Embassy of the Republic of Estonia Chancery: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Islandi väljak 1 15049 Tallinn, Estonia Telephone: (00 372) 637 7260, 637 7000 Fax: (00 372) 637 7299 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:00 National Day: February 24, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Arti HILPUS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Leena PROZES 30/10/2012 69 70 FINLAND Embassy of the Republic of Finland Chancery: Miramarska 23 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 6312 080 Fax: (00 385 1) 6312 090 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:00 – 16:15 Friday 08:00 – 15:00 Consular Section 09:00 – 11:00 National Day: December 6, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Timo RAJAKANGAS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Hang TAN 03/12/2015 Mr. Ville ANDERSSON First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Janetta SANTALO Ms. Anne BACKMAN Attaché Mr. Pauli KOKKONEN 71 72 FRANCE Embassy of the French Republic Chancery: Mehmed - bega Kapetanovića Ljubušaka 18 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 282 050 Fax: 282 052 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 – 18:00 Office of the Police Attaché Mehmed - bega Kapetanovića Ljubušaka 18 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 282 097 Fax: 282 098 E-mail: [email protected] Department for Culture and Cooperation Mehmed - bega Kapetanovića Ljubušaka 16 71 000 Sarajevo Telephone: 282 700, 282 701 Fax: 282 711 E-mail: [email protected] Economic Department Preradovićeva 35/1 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385) 14 82 54 21 Fax: (00 385) 14 55 14 77 E-mail: [email protected] National Day: July 14 73 Her Excellency Mrs. Claire BODONYI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 14/10/2014 Ms. Catherine VEBER Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Armel T’KINT DE ROODENBEKE First Secretary (Political and Press Affairs) Mr. Eric EMERAUX Attaché Mrs. Lydie BOURRILLON EMERAUX Mr. Donato GIULIANI Counsellor (Cultural Affairs and Cooperation) Ms. Chloe Laure Marle LAFON First Secretary Mr. Fabrice AHOUANSOU Attaché Mr. Pascal Bernard GIRARDEY Attaché Mrs. Teresa Paola DO CARMO COURAS ep. GIRARDEY Mrs. Cecile Emmanuelle ROBERT ep. CAILLOU Attaché Resident in Zagreb Lieutenant Col. Laurent VONDERSCHER Defence Attaché 74 Mrs. Cecile CHADUTEAU-MONPLAISIR Counsellor (Economic Afairs) Resident in Belgrade Mr. Pierre BOUILLON Attaché Mr. Pierre BELLET Counsellor 75 76 GEORGIA Embassy of Georgia Chancery: Diplomatic Site, Kiliç Ali Sok. 12, ORAN Ankara, Turkey Telephone: (00 90 312) 491 80 31 Fax: (00 90 312) 491 80 32 E mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 18:00 National Day: May 26 His Excellency Mr. Irakli KOPLATADZE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 10/02/2015 Mr. Paata SARISHVILI Minister Counsellor Mr. Jemal GOGITIDZE Consul Mr. Gela JAPARIDZE Counsellor Mr. Zakharia MEGRELISHVILI First Secretary 77 78 GERMANY Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Skenderija 3 71000 Sarajevo 565 300 206 400 [email protected] Visa and Legal Section Telephone: 565 380 Fax: 211 200 E-mail: [email protected] National Day: October 3, Day of German Unity His Excellency Dr Christian HELLBACH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Ivana ČADEŽ-HELLBACH 11/08/2014 Mrs. Natalie KAUTHER Counsellor (Political Affairs) Mr. Adrian POLLMANN Lieutenant Colonel Martin Leonhard HERRMANN Military Attaché Mrs. Paola HERRMANN Mrs. Gabriele KOWAL MANDERLA First Secretary (Administrative Affairs) Mr. Gerhard Joachim MANDERLA First Secretary (Consular Affairs) 79 Mr. Frank WERNER First Secretary (Economic Affairs) Ms. Natascha GARLOFF-JONKERS First Secretary (Cultural and Press Affairs) Mr. Christian Heinrich SCHWAB Third Secretary (Political Aafairs) Mrs. Iris SCHWAB Mr. Roland GLIENKE Attaché (Military Affairs) Mrs. Silke GLIENKE Ms. Susanne MATTIS Attaché Ms. Julia KANOUTE Attaché Mr. Mahmoud KANOUTE Mrs. Katja WERNER Attaché Mrs. Heidi BOHAK Attaché Mr. Etienne GOVAERTS Mr. Patrick KREUZ Attaché Mrs. Altansarnai KREUZ Mr. Dirk DREWS Attaché 80 Mr. Marco WOLFSEGGER Attaché Resident in Zagreb Mr. Marco WEISER Second Secretary (Border police Liaison Officer) Mrs. Diana WEISER Mr. Johannes LEITNER Second Secretary (Police Liaison Officer) Mrs. Anna LEITNER Mr. Thomas RAPP Second Secretary (Customs Liaison Officer) Mrs. Michaela RAPP 81 82 G R E E C E (HELLENIC REPUBLIC) Embassy of Hellenic Republic Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Consular Ofice: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Open to public: Obala Maka Dizdara 1 71000 Sarajevo 560 550, 203 516, 213 439 203 512 [email protected] [email protected] 213 442 215 032 [email protected] Every working day 10.00 – 13.00 Economic and Commercial Section: Telephone: 211 794 Fax: 211 756 E-mail: [email protected] Defence Attaché Office: Telephone/Fax: 443 044 E-mail: [email protected] National Day: March 25 His Excellency Mr. Karolos GADIS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Irini SOUPIONI-GADIS 26/01/2012 83 Mr. Georgios Marios PAPAIOANNOU Second Secretary Head of Consular Section, Political Affairs, Cultural Affairs Deputy Head of Mission Col. (HA) Vasileios KARAVELIS Defence Attaché Mr. Dimitrios MAOS First Secretary (Economic and Comercial Affairs) Mrs. Markella NAZOU Mr. Vasileios TSIVITZIOGLOU Attaché (Communications) Mr. Georgios PINIALIDIS Attaché (Administrative Affairs) Mrs. Dimitra PINIALIDIS KATSARELIA Mr. Efthymios MANOS Attaché (Consular Affairs) 84 HOLY SEE Apostolic Nunciature (Embassy of the Holy See / Vatican) Chancery: Apostolska Nuncijatura Pehlivanuša 9 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 551 055, 551 056 Fax: 551 057 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 13:00; 16:00 – 18:00 Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00 National Day: April 19 His Excellency Archbishop Luigi PEZZUTO Apostolic Nuncio (Vatican Ambassador) 12/02/2013 Monsignor Joseph PUTHENPURAYIL ANTONY Second Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission 85 86 HUNGARY Embassy of Hungary Chancery: Splitska 2 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 205 302, 208 353, 216 513 Fax: 268 930 Web: E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30, Friday: 08:00 – 14:00 Consular Section: Splitska 2 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 238 512, 238 513 Fax: 218 685 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 12:00 National Day: August 20 His Excellency Mr. Jozsef NEGYESI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Erika OROSZ NEGYESINE 15/10/2014 Mrs. Aniko GYENGE Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Andras GYENGE Lt. Col. Sandor DANYI Defence, Military and Air Attaché Ms. Sandorne DANYI 87 Mr. Peter HETEI First Secretary (Economic Affairs) Mrs. Mirjana Krisztina TOLNAI HETEI PETERNE Dr. Dominika HORVATH First Secretary (Economic Affairs) Mr. Attila MOKUS Mr. David HETEI First Secretary (Political and Press Affairs) Mrs. Eva HETEI-VIZI Ms. Leonora GULYAS Second Secretary (EU Attaché, Consul) Mrs. Maria VIRANYI CSERNAKNE First Secretary (Administrative Affairs) 88 ICELAND Embassy of Iceland Chancery: Naglergasse 2/8 1010 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (00 43 1) 533 2771 Fax: (00 43 1) 533 2774 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 16:00 National Day: June 17, Declaration of the Republic Day 1944 His Excellency Mr. Audunn ATLASON Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Mrs. Sigridur Ragna JONSDOTTIR 24/02/2015 Mr. Thordur Ingvi GUDMUNDSSON Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative Mrs. Gudrun Salome JONSDOTTIR 89 90 INDIA Embassy of India Chancery: Buzavirag utca 14 1025 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 325 77 42, 325 77 43 Fax: (00 36 1) 325 77 45 Fax (Consular): (00 36 1) 325 79 20 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:30 National Day: January 26, Republic Day August 15, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Rahul CHHABRA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 03/12/2015 Mr. Vijay KHANDUJA First Secretary (Political/Commerce) Mr. Dhiman K. BHATTACHARYA Second Secretary, Consular & HOC Mr. T.P.S. RAWAT Second Secretary, Director ASCC Designate Ms. Sarita TANEJA Attaché (Administrative) Mr. Biswarup SARKAR Attaché/PS to Ambassador 91 92 INDONESIA Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working Hours: National Day: Splitska 9 71000 Sarajevo 568 510 568 528 [email protected] August 17, Proclamation Day His Excellency Mr. Subijaksono SUJONO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Eneng HARYATI 17/02/2012 Mr. Sukarsono SARKIN Counsellor Mrs. Yeyet NURHAYATI Mrs. Agnes OKVANNI Third Secretary (Economic, Protocol, Information, Social and Cultural Affairs) Mr. Andreas Nurhuda CHRISTIAN Mr. Andri TRINANDA Attaché (Consular Affairs) 93 94 IRAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Chancery: Obala Maka Dizdara 6 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 650 210, 225 126 Fax: 663 910 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: 08:00 – 16:00 National Day: February 11, The Day of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution His Excellency Mr. Seyed HOSSEIN RAJABI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Masoumeh RAJABI 16/05/2013 Mr. Hossein TEHRANI ZAMANI First Counsellor Mrs. Maryam TEHRANI ZAMANI Mr. Seyed Reza HASHEMI First Counsellor Mrs. Afsaneh HASHEMI Mr. Ali Asghar AMERI BAFGHI Counsellor (Culture) Mrs. Fatemeh AMERI BAFGHI Mr. Vahid PARAST TASH First Secretary Mrs. Maryam PARAST TASH 95 Mr. Valiollah MOHAMMADI Second Secretary and Consul Mrs. Fatemeh MOHAMMADI Mr. Asghar FATHI KHANSHIR Attaché Mrs. Masoumeh FATHI KHANSHIR Mr. Mahdi SAFAEI Attaché Mrs. Tahereh SAFAEI 96 IRAQ Embassy of Republic of Iraq Chancery: Užička 27 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 2647 027 Fax: (00 381 11) 2668 068 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00 National Day: His Excellency Dr. Falah Abdulhasan ABDULSADA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Mariam Mahdi M. AL-FRAIDAWY 16/06/2011 Ms. Awsaf Ahmed Mohammed WASFI Minister Plenipotentiary Mr. Mohamed Tarik AL-KHYAT Second Secretary Mrs. Essra Taleb SHAGATE Mr. Omar Haithem Abdulkareem AL-AZZAWI Attaché Ms. Iman Mahmood Ouda AL-HAMDI Attaché Mr. Ferman Fadaam RIDHA RIDHA Attaché Mrs. Shadman Fakhrulddin RIDHA RIDHA 97 98 IRELAND Embassy of Ireland Chancery: Palača Kapitelj Poljanski nasip 6 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija Telephone: (00 386 1) 300 89 70 Fax: (00 386 1) 282 10 96 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 12:30, 14:30 – 16.30 National Day: March 17, St. Patrick`s Day His Excellency Mr. Patrick KELLY Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 19/02/2015 Ms. Susan BARDON Second Secretary 99 100 ISRAEL Embassy of the State of Israel Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working Hours: National Day: Ministry of Foreign Affairs 9 Shderot Yitzhak Rabin, P.O. Box 3013 Jerusalem, Israel 91035 (00 972 2) 5303817, 5303258 (00 972 2) 5303574 [email protected] April 16, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. David COHEN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 19/01/2010 Mrs. Sigalit SHAY First Secretary and Consul (Resident in Belgrade) 101 102 ITALY Embassy of the Italian Republic Chancery: Čekaluša 39 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 203 959, 203 960, 203 961, 218 021, 218 022, 441 867 Fax: 659 368 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00 National Day: June 2, Republic Day His Excellency Mr. Ruggero CORRIAS 09/08/2013 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Vania ALTENBURG LORENZO DIDIC Mr. Alberto COMITO First Secretary and Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Maria CHIRILLI Mrs. Ilaria RAGNONI Second Secretary Mr. Daniele MARZOCCHINI Gen. Paolo PAPPALARDO Defense Attaché (Resident in Belgrade) Mrs. Maria MELITA Mr. Massimo SESSA Attaché (Trade Promotion-Resident in Zagreb) Mrs. Rosaria MARINACCIO 103 Ms. Orietta MACELLARI Attaché (Consular) Mr. Antonio PACINO Attaché (Administrative) Mr. Mario CARBONE Attaché Mrs. Maria COSENZA Mr. Ivan FRATOCCHI Attaché Mrs. Sonia PRILI Mr. Francesco VIA Attaché Mr. Giacomo GIACALONE Attaché Mr. Luca FERRANTI Attaché Mr. Gianluca TRIVELLI Attaché Mrs. Luana DEL NERO Mr. Giovanni SANTORO Attaché Mrs. Nicoletta MORAGLIA Mr. Enrico SFORZA Attaché 104 Mr. Cosimo TRIPLOI Attaché (Resident in Belgrade) 105 106 JAPAN Embassy of Japan Chancery: Bistrik 9 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 277 500 Fax: 209 583 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 12:30 and 13:30 - 17:00 National Day: December 23 His Excellency Mr. Kazuya OGAWA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Junko OGAWA 26/05/2015 Mr. Kazumasa MIYAZAKI Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Nobumitsu KAMIO First Secretary Mrs. Risa KAMIO Mr. Satoru KUSAYAMA First Secretary Mrs. Kaori KUSAYAMA Ms. Kakuko KOTAKA First Secretary Mr. Hideaki KOTAKA Mr. Kazunari YASUI Second Secretary Mrs. Megumi YASUI 107 Mr. Atsushi SHIBASAKI Third Secretary 108 JORDAN Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Chancery: Via Giuseppe Marchi 1/B 00161 Rome, Italy Telephone: (00 39 06) 862 05 303 Fax: (00 39 06) 860 61 22 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00 National Day: May 25, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Zaid AL LOZI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 16/05/2013 Mr. Ali ALBSOUL Counsellor, Deputy Chief of Misssion Miss. Abeer ALWREIKAT Third Secretary Eng. Fiesal AL ARGAN Attaché (Agricultural) 109 110 KAZAKHSTAN Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Chancery: Kapy utca 59 H-1025 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 275 13 00 Fax: (00 36 1) 275 20 92 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00 Consular Section: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 09:00 – 12:00 National Day: December 16, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Aslan MUSSIN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 10/02/2015 Mr. Rymtay KARIBZHANOV Chargé d'Affaires a.i. Mr. Baigabyl MAMLIN Counsellor Mr. Ulan MUKHAMEDCHENOV First Secretary Mr. Kairat KARABAYEV First Secretary Mr. Anuar KALKAMANOV Third Secretary 111 Mr. Kairat KAMBAROV Third Secretary (Consular Affairs) 112 D. P. R. K O R E A Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Chancery: Sos.Nordului Nr.6, Sector 1 Bucharest, Romania Telephone: (00 40 21) 232 0579, 232 1994 Fax: (00 40 21) 232 1992 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 National Day: September 9, Republic Foundation Day His Excellency Mr. Ri KWANG II Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 24/02/2015 Mr. Jon MIN DOK Counsellor Mrs. Jo OK HUI Mr. Im HAK SU Second Secretary Mrs. Jin SUN YONG Mr. Choe SONG II Third Secretary Mrs. Ri UN GYONG 113 114 KOREA Embassy of the Republic of Korea Chancery: Ksaverska cesta 111/A-B 10000 Zagreb, Republic of Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 482 1282 Fax: (00 385 1) 482 1274 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:30 -17:00 National Day: October 3 His Excellency Mr. Hyung-won SUH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 28/11/2013 Mr. Donghwan CHE Counsellor Mr. Won Jae UHM First Secretary and Consul Ms. Heain KIM Third Secretary and Vice Consul 115 116 KUWAIT Embassy of the State of Kuwait Chancery: Talirevića 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 569 020 (Switchboard), 569 050 (Ambassador’s office) Fax: 207 636, 207 649 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 15:00 National Day: February 25 His Excellency Dr. Nasser RIDEN THAMER ALMOTAIRI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Awdah BANDAR HAYEF F ALMUTAIRI 11/10/2013 Mr. Adel ALADGHAM Counsellor Mr. Khaled ALFARHAN Third Secretary Mrs. Fajer S KH E ABDULLAH Mr. Ahmad ALDOUWELAH Third Secretary Mrs. Haia F J F B ALRESHIDI Mr. Abdulnaser ALSANAN Attaché Mr. Khaled ALHOMOUD Attaché Mrs. Rihab H S E ALMUSALLAM 117 Mr. Khaled ALDOSARI Attaché 118 LATVIA Embassy of the Republic of Latvia Chancery: Hradešinska 3 101 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic (00 420) 255 700 881 (00 420) 255 700 880 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:00 National Day: November 18, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Alberts SARKANIS Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Valija SARKANE 21/07/2014 Ms. Ruta RADINA First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission 119 120 LITHUANIA Embassy of Lithuania Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Working Hours: National Day: Deak Ferenc utca 15 H-1052 Budapest, Hungary (00 36 1) 224 7910 (00 36 1) 202 3995 [email protected] February 16, Independence Day Her Excelency Mrs. Rasa KAIRIENE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 08/10/2015 Mrs. Dalia SUKACKIENE Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Vaida STANKEVIČIENE Counsellor 121 122 LIBYA Embassy of Libya Chancery: Patriotske lige 45 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 226 271, 200 621 Fax: 226 423, 226 146 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 15:00 National Day: February 17, Revolution Day His Excellency Mr. Arebi S.A. HALLOUDI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Aziza S.Y. HALLOUDI 02/06/2014 Mr. Ali E.M. BADI Counsellor Mrs. Nagia K.A. ELGADID Mr. Majdi M.M. RAJAB Counsellor Mrs. Samiha A.B. NEFATI Mrs. Aisha B.R. ALTAOERGHI Counsellor Mr. Mohamed ABUDNDANA Mr. Saleh M. A. ELBUAISHI Counsellor Mr. Khalid E.A. KHALIFA First Secretary Mrs. Abir R.O. HARROUS 123 Mr. Akram N.M. HANISH First Secretary Mrs. Dalal KH.I. BALUZ Mrs. Entesar E.M. ERAISS First Secretary Mr. Mohamed M.M. BENSULAIMAN First Secretary Mr. Adel S.M. HRIBA First Secretary Mrs. Sara M.M. OMAR Mr. Mohsen M.M. AHMED Second Secretary Mr. Tarek A.M. KURBAN Second Secretary Mr. Hasan A.S. MABROUK Attaché Mrs. Lubna A.H. MUSTAFA Mr. Taher A.A. TAWERGHI Attaché Mrs. Abier M.M. BENMOHAMED Mr. Mohamed E.M. HRAISHA Attaché Mrs. Suhaila S.F. SALAMA 124 Mr. Adel M.A. ABUDAYA Attaché Mrs. Mufida R.A. ELMGALISH Mr. Salahedden M.A. BAAWSH Attaché Mrs. Houda I.A. FARRARA Mr. Abdulhakim O.S. MADI Attaché Mrs. Hreib AWATEF E.M. Mr. Salah R.A. ELZIANI Attaché Mr. Abdelmagid O.A. ABOLAEHA Attaché Mrs. Fauzia M.E. ABULAIHA Mr. Nourddin M.A. ALJAMAL Attaché Mrs. Faiza M.M. ELJAMEL Mr. Moawiah I.H. FAHIM Attaché 125 126 LUXEMBOURG Embassy of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg Chancery: Tour Alcide de Gasperi 4 L-1499 Luxembourg Telephone: (00 352) 247 82 380 Fax: (00 352) 220 877 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 – 12:00, 14:00 – 16:00 National Day: June 23, National Day and Official Birthday of H.R.H. The Grand Duke Her Excellency Ms. Sandra THEIN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 17/02/2012 Mrs. Nadia ERNZER Desk Officer Western Balkans 127 128 MACEDONIA Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia Chancery: Splitska 57 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 810 760, 269 402, 269 401 – Consular section Fax: 810 760 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 - 16:30 Consular Section: Monday to Friday 09:30 – 12:30 National Day: September 8, Independence Day Mr. Rami REDJEPI Charge d’ Affaires a.i. Mr. Aleksandar KRSTEVSKI Counsellor Mrs. Viktorija KRSTEVSKA 129 130 MALAYSIA Embassy of Malaysia Chancery: Radnička 4A 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 201 578 Fax: 810 036 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 16:30 National Day: August 31 His Excellency Mr. Anuar BIN KASMAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Maryani BINTI ABDUL MAJID 17/01/2013 Mr. Seck Tiong LOH Minister Counsellor Mrs. Siew Sze YOU Ms. Julia BINTI SUHAILI Second Secretary (Administrative and Consular Affairs) 131 132 MALI Embassy of the Republic of Mali Chancery: Via Antonio Bosio 2 00161 Roma, Italy Telephone: (00 39 06) 44 25 40 68 Fax: (00 39 06) 44 25 40 29 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 16:00 National Day: September 22 Mr. Mohamed Al Moustapha CISSE First Counsellor Mrs. CISSE Annalisa GHIRARDELLO Mr. Modibo Mahamane TOURE Second Counsellor Mrs. TOURE Fatoumata MAIGA Mrs. Salimata DIALLO Secretary for Financial Affairs Mr. Harouna DIALLO 133 134 MALTA Embassy of the Republic of Malta Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Working Hours: National Day: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Palazzo Parisio Merchants St. Valletta VLT 1171, Malta (00 356 21) 24 2191 (00 356 21) 23 6604 [email protected] September 21, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Savour F. BORG Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 22/07/2014 135 136 MAURITANIA Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: Working Hours: National Day: Via Giovanni Palsiello no. 26 00198 Rome, Italy (00 39 06) 853 51 530, 855 57 949 (00 39 06) 853 51 441 [email protected] November 28, Independence Day Mr. Abdallahi Ould KEBD Counsellor Ms. Mariém Mint Mohamed AHMEDOU Counsellor Ms. Fatimetou Mint Saleck Ould BERROU Counsellor 137 138 MEXICO Embassy of Mexico Chancery: Ljutice Bogdana 5 11040 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 367 4170, 367 4171, 367 5012 Fax: (00 381 11) 306 6342 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00 National Day: September 16, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Jose Evaristo Ramon XILOTL-RAMIREZ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 10/07/2015 Mr. José Humberto CASTRO Villalobos Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Claudio Guillermo HERMOSILLO Arenas Third Secretary (Economic and Commercial Affairs) Mr. Rogelio MARTINEZ Gayosso Attaché (Administration) Resident in Milan: Mr. Oscar Javier CAMACHO Ortega Counsellor 139 140 MOLDOVA Embassy of the Republic of Moldova Chancery: Ady Endre utca No 16 H-1024 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 336 34 50 Fax: (00 36 1) 209 11 95 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00 National Day: August 27, Independence Day Mr. Vladimir RUSNAC Charge d’ Affaires a.i. Mr. Dorin BOLBOCEANU Second Secretary 141 142 MONGOLIA Embassy of Mongolia Chancery: 45 Fasangartengasse 1130 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (00 43 1) 535 28 07 (13) (00 43 1) 535 28 07 (17) Fax: (00 43 1) 535 28 07 (20) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Website: Working hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00 National day: November 26, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Gunaajav BATJARGAL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 02/07/2015 143 144 MONTENEGRO Embassy of Montenegro Chancery: Talirevića 4 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 239 925, 239 927 Fax: 239 928 E-mail: [email protected] Working hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 16:00 Consular Section: 09:00 – 13:00 National day: July 13 His Excellency Mr. Milan LAKIĆ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Zorica Lakić 17/06/2015 Mr. Predrag ARSOVIĆ Counsellor Mrs. Vera ARSOVIĆ 145 146 MOROCCO Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco Chancery: Frana Kršinića 5, Pantovčak 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 457 82 89 Fax: (00 385 1) 457 82 67 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 15:00 Visa Section: Monday to Friday 10:00 – 13:00 National Day: July 30, Throne Day His Excellency Mr. Moulay Abbes EL KADIRI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipontentiary 13/09/2012 Ms. Aziza EL BOUKHARI Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Nora ZAID Counsellor (Media and Culture) Mr. Mounir MIGHIS Attaché (Financial) 147 148 THE NETHERLANDS Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands Chancery: Grbavička 4/I 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 562 600 Fax: 223 413 (General), 223 411 (Consular) E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:00 Consular sect.: Monday 10:00 – 12:00, Wednesday and Thursday 09:00 - 12:00 National Day: April 27, The King’s Day His Excellency Mr. Jurriaan KRAAK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipontentiary Mrs. Maria Henriette KAM KRAAK 04/09/2012 Mrs. Louise J. LAMMERTS Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Cornelis G.W. CASPERS Mrs. Sacha PENA - VOS Attaché (Administrative and Consular Affairs) Resident in Belgrade Mr. Maarten WEGEN Agricultural Counsellor Mr. Hans MAASDAM Police Attaché 149 Resident in The Hague Lieutenant Colonel R.J. VERBRUGH Defence Attaché 150 NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Embassy Chancery: Via Clitunno 44 00198 Rome, Italy Telephone: (00 39 06) 853 75 01 Fax: (00 39 06) 440 29 84 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 -12:30, 13:30 -17:00 National Day: February 6, Waitangi Day His Excellency Dr. Trevor Donald MATHESON Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Nuannit MATHESON 04/07/2011 Ms. Anthe CRAWLEY Deputy Head of Mission 151 152 NIGERIA Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Chancery: Rómer Flóris utca 57 H-1023, P.O. BOX 1499 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 212 2021, 212 2022 Fax: (00 36 1) 212 2025 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 National Day: October 1, Independence Day Mr. Muhammadu Sani YUNUSA Deputy Head of Mission, Charge d’ Affaires a.i. Mr. Remigius Obioma NZEWUJI Counsellor / Head of Chancery Mrs. Faina Enechojo OBI Second Secretary Mr. Onwuchekwa Iwo OKWU Attaché (Consular) Mr. Lamidi Ajayi KUTEMI Attaché (Finance) Mrs. Patience Ngozi GURE Attaché (Administrative) 153 154 NORWAY Royal Norwegian Embassy Chancery: Ferhadija 20 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 254 000 Fax: 666 505 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:00 National Day: May 17, Constitution Day Her Excellency Ms. Vibeke LILLOE Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 27/10/2011 Ms. Anne I. M. HAVNOR First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Geir Agnar MYRSETH Attaché (Defense and Security-related Project Matters) 155 156 OMAN Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working Hours: National Day: Via della Camilluccia 625 00135 Rome, Italy (00 39 06) 363 00 545, 363 00 517 (00 39 06) 329 68 02 [email protected] November 18, Birthday of Sultan Qaboos His Excellency Mr. Said Nasser Al-HARTHY Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Asila Salim AL-SINAWI 19/02/2008 Mr. Farahaat Nasser Muhammad AL-RIYAMY Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Mohammed Naeem Said Bait SUBAITI First Secretary 157 158 PAKISTAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Chancery: Emerika Bluma 17 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 211 836, 666 657 Fax: 211 837 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 16:00 National Days: March 23, Republic Day His Excellency Mr. Muhammad YOUSAF Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Samina YOUSAF 10/07/2014 Mr. Khalid Hussain Khan GUDARO Counsellor / Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Nagina NAZ 159 160 PALESTINE Embassy of State of Palestine Chancery: Franje Račkog 3/II 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 571 445, 571 446 Fax: 237 312 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 15:00 National Day: November 15, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Rezeq N.M. NAMOORA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 14/10/2014 Mr. Mohammad HAMMAD First Counsellor Mr. Hussein A.I. THAIB Counsellor Mrs. Huda K M. ALHAJKHALIL 161 162 PERU Embassy of Peru Chancery: Bd. Lacul Tei, no. 29 ET. 2, AP. 4, Sector 2 Bucharest, 020372 Romania Telephone: (00 40 21) 211 18 16 Fax: (00 40 21) 211 18 18 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 07:45 – 15:45 Consular Sector Telephone: (00 40 21) 211 18 19 Fax: (00 40 21) 211 18 18 Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:30 – 13:00 National Day: July 28, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. José Antonio Arróspide DEL BUSTO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 12/02/2013 Mr. Luis Alberto Castro JOO Minister Counsellor Mr. Augusto Martin Galarza CUBA Counsellor 163 164 PHILIPPINES Embassy of the Philippines Chancery: Gabor Aron utca 58 1026 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 391 43 00 Fax: (00 36 1) 200 55 28 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 – 17:00 National Day: June 12, Independence Day Her Excellency Mrs. Eleanor LUMBES JAUCIAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 30/10/2012 Ms. Patricia V. BARRERA First Secretary Mr. Gilbert L. SEGARRA Third Secretary Ms. Reynalita S. CRUZ Attaché Mr. Eulogio G. COMAYA Attaché Ms. Mia A. GASPAR Attaché Mr. Julius P. MAYNITE Attaché 165 166 POLAND Embassy of the Republic of Poland Chancery: Višnjik 20 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 290 500 Fax: 290 519 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:15 – 16:15 Consular Sect.: 09:00 – 13:00 Wednesday - closed National Day: May 3, Constitution Day November 11, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Andrzej KRAWCZYK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 04/06/2013 Mr. Robert AMBROZIAK First Secretary, Political and Consular Affairs Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Agata GRABSKA Second Secretary, Administrative and Consular Affairs Mr. Krzysztof GRABSKI Resident in Budapest Col. Jan KURDZIALEK Defence, Military and Air Attaché 167 168 PORTUGAL Embassy the Republic of Portugal Chancery: Vladimira Gaćinovića 4 11040 Belgrade, Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 2662 894, 2662 897, 2662 895 (Consular Sect.) Fax: (00 381 11) 2647 800, 2662 800 (Consular Sect.) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] (Consular Sect.) Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:30 – 17:30 Monday to Friday 10:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 16:00 (Consular Sect.) National Day: June 10 His Excellency Mr. Augusto José PESTANA SARAIVA PEIXOTO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 30/03/2015 Mrs. Maria DOMINGAS PEIXOTO 169 170 QATAR Embassy of the State of Qatar Chancery: Dajanli Ibrahim-bega 23 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 565 810, 565 812, 565 813 Fax: 205 351 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00 National Day: December 18 His Excellency Mr. Rashid Mubarak R.A. AL-KAWARI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 11/10/2013 Mr. Abdulla Abdulhadi M.M. BINNAIFA Third Secretary 171 172 ROMANIA Embassy of Romania Chancery: Čobanija 28 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 207 447 Fax: 668 940 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 16:30 Consular Section: Telephone: 668 893 National Day: December 1 His Excellency Mr. Filip TEODORESCU Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Victoria TEODORESCU 28/10/2011 Mr. Dorin POPESCU Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Dorina POPESCU Mr. Valentin VOAIDES Defence Attaché Mrs. Alina VOAIDES Mr. Cristian-Andrei BORZA Counsellor (Consular Affairs) Mrs. Laura-Gabriela BORZA 173 174 THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Embassy of the Russian Federation Chancery: Urijan Dedina 93 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 668 147, 210 913 Fax: 668 148 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 17:30 Friday 08:30 – 16:15 Consular Section Chancery: Urijan Dedina 95 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 214 863, 668 147 Fax: 668 148 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10:00 – 12:00 National Day: June 12 His Excellency Mr. Petr IVANTSOV Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Larisa IVANTSOVA 14/10/2014 Mr. Alexey KERESTEDZHIYANTS Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Svetlana KERESTEDZHIYANTS Colonel Ivan POPOV Military and Air Attaché Mrs. Elena POPOVA 175 Mr. Vasily CHERNONOSOV Counsellor Mr. Vladislav NAKORCHEMNY Counsellor Mrs. Lyubov NAKORCHEMNAYA Mr. Alexey SEMENIKHIN Counsellor Mr. Yury DOROGAVTSEV First Secretary Mrs. Rita DOROGAVTSEVA Lt. Col. Sergey SAKIRKO Deputy Military and Air Attaché Mrs. Alla SAKIRKO Mrs. Olesia SHCHERBOVA Second Secretary, Head of Consular Section Mr. Anton SOKOLOV Second Secretary Mr. Sergey SUSLOV Second Secretary Mrs. Nataliya SUSLOVA Mr. Igor KISELEV Third Secretary Mrs. Ekaterina KISELEVA 176 Mr. Boris ZEMLYANUKHIN Third Secretary Mrs. Ekaterina ZEMLYANUKHINA Mr. Igor BRYUSOV Attaché Mrs. Galina BRYUSOVA Mr. Yury TRUBAYCHUK Attaché Ms. Anna IVLEVA Attaché Mrs. Lilia SABIROVA Attaché Mr. Alexander SABIROV Mr. Andrey GRISHKIN Attaché Mrs. Tatiana GRISHKINA Mr. Sergey KAMASHEV Attaché Mrs. Ekaterina KAMASHEVA 177 178 SAN MARINO Embassy of the Republic of San Marino Chancery: Mjedenica 33 71000 Sarajevo 223 447 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: National day: September 3, Founding of the Republic His Excellency Mr. Michele CHIARUZZI Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 26/08/2008 179 180 SAUDI ARABIA Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Chancery: Kalemova 40 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 211 861, 211 862, 215 265, 215 266 Fax: 212 204 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00 National day: September 23 His Excellency Mr. Hani Abdullah M. MOMINAH Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Dr. Reem Saleeh O. ALSWAYEH 03/07/2015 Mr. Ali Abdulmohsen ALMELEHAN Counsellor Mr. Rajeh Mohammed ALOTAIBI First Secretary (Head of Consular Section) Mrs. Areej H.D. ALGHAWIRI Mr. Masoud G. M. ALQUHTANI Second Secretary (Information & Public Affairs) Mrs. Sharifah H. M. ALSALMAN Mr. Abdulmajid Ghayth F. ALGHAYTH Attaché (Cultural Affairs) Mrs. Latifah Abdulrahman ALHMOUDI 181 Mr. Ahmad Gh. M. ALZAHRANI Attaché (Ass. to Head of Consular Section) Mrs. Marfat M.H. ALI Mr. Abdullah M.M. ALRASHID Attaché (Administrative and Financial Affairs) Mrs. Manal Kh. M. ALZUBAIL Mr. Mohammed Hassan A. JEBAAN Attaché (Information & Public Affairs) Mrs. Naora Hassan S. JEBAAN Mr. Sulaiman M.A. ALGAHTANI Attaché Mrs. Shagra M.A. ALGAHTANI Mr. Ayaid Moosa A. AL ENIZY Attaché Mrs. Dalal Fahad A. AL ENIZY Mr. Saleh Debshy D. ALSHAMMARI Attaché Mr. Khaled A.S. ALHUBAISHI Attaché Mr. Saleh Fahad ALHARBI Attaché Mrs. Nada Mathb ALHARBI Mr. Kamal M. A. ALFAISAL Attaché Mrs. Maryam D.A. MADAN 182 Mr. Bandar Qublan ALAJMI Attaché (Cultural Affairs) 183 184 SERBIA Embassy of the Republic of Serbia Chancery: Obala Maka Dizdara 3a 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 260 090, 260 080 Fax: 221 469 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 16:30 Consular Section is open to public: 09:00 – 13:00 National Day: Februar 15 His Excellency Mr. Stanimir VUKIĆEVIĆ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 21/01/2014 Ms. Gordana BOŽIĆ Minister Counsellor Mr. Čedomir LABUS Minister Counsellor Mrs. Slađana LABUS Lt. Col. Predrag MIĆIĆ Defence Attaché Mrs. Vladimirka MIĆIĆ Mr. Vladimir NINKOVIĆ Counsellor 185 Mrs. Tea ĐURIĆ Third Secretary Mr. Maksim ĐURIĆ Mr. Dragan ZLOJUTRO Attaché Mrs. Slavka ZLOJUTRO 186 SYRIA Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic Chancery: Aleksandra Stambolijskog 13 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Telephone: (00 381 11) 2666 124, 2666 125, 2666 126 Fax: (00 381 11) 2660 221 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 14:30 National Day: April 17 Mr. Mazen OBEID Minister Plenipotentiary, Charge d’ Affaires a.i. Mrs. Sinjab RANIA Miss. Mahmoud ORAS Second Secretary Mr. Tarik AL HENDI Attaché Mrs. Hadeyah AL BASHA 187 188 SLOVAKIA Embassy of the Slovak Republic Chancery: Trnovska 6 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 716 440, Consular 716 441 Fax: 716 410 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00 Consular Sect.: Monday to Thursday 09:00 -12:00 National Day: September 1, Constitution Day His Excellency Mr. Jan PŠENICA Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 09/08/2013 Mr. Viktor BORECKY Counsellor Mrs. Miriam BORECKA Ms. Viera ASVANYIOVA Attaché 189 190 SLOVENIA Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web: Bentbaša 7 71000 Sarajevo 572 450, 271 260 271 270 [email protected] Consular Department Chancery: Bjelave 73 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 251 790, 251 792, 251 794, 251 795, 251 796, 251 797, 251 799 Fax: 204 318 Consular Office in Banja Luka Chancery: Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 85a 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: (051) 221 210, 221 214, 221 215 Fax: (051) 216 839 National Day: June 25 His Excellency Mr. Iztok GRMEK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Maja DOBNIKAR 13/09/2013 Mr. Marjan RISTIĆ (Consular Office in Banja Luka) Minister Plenipotentiary 191 Mr. Gregor PRESKER Minister Counsellor (Economic and Commercial Affairs) Mr. Aljaž ZUPAN Counsellor (Political and EU Affairs) Ms. Barbara BERIČIČ First Secretary (Consular and Cultural Affairs) Ms. Radoslava VIHAREV Attaché (Administrative Affairs) Mrs. Zdenka STUPAR VUKIĆEVIĆ Attaché (Consular Affairs) Mr. Damir VUKIĆEVIĆ Colonel Jožef MURKO Defense Attaché Ms. Irena MURKO Mr. Janko GORŠEK Police Attaché Ms. Matejka KOLENC 192 SOUTH AFRICA Embassy of the Republic of South Africa Chancery: 60 Kifissias Avenue, 151 25 Maroussi P. O. Box 61152, 151 10 Athens, Greece Telephone: (00 302 10) 617 80 20 Fax: (00 302 10) 610 66 36, 610 66 40 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:15 National Day : April 27, Freedom Day Mr. Dawid F. DU PLESSIS Counsellor, Charge d'Affaires a.i. Mr. Marks J.M. MMUTLANE First Secretary (Political) Ms. Brenda Q. JELLE First Secretary (Administration and Consular) Mrs. Veronica T. CHOMA Third Secretary (Administration) 193 194 THE S O V E R E I G N M I L I T A R Y O R D E R O F M A L T A Embassy of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Chancery: Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 12/II 71000 Sarajevo Tel: 668 632 (00 49) 6173 940 224 Fax: 668 632 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Working Hours: By appointment National Day: June 24, St. John the Baptist His Excellency Mr. Charles Henry DE RAMBURES Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 26/06/2015 195 196 SPAIN Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain Chancery: Mehmeda Mujezinovića 13A 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 584 000, 584 003/4 (Office of Ambassador) Fax: 239 155 (Office of Ambassador) E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:30 - 16:30, Friday 08:30 – 14:00 Visa / Consular Section: Maguda 18 71 000 Sarajevo Telephone: 584 021 Fax: 239 355 Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:30 – 12:30 Office of Defence Attaché: Kameadou 26/4 10 675 Athens, Greece Telephone: (00 30 210) 722 03 36 (00 30 210) 722 29 23 Fax: (00 30 210) 722 29 23 E-mail: [email protected] Commercial Section: Savska cesta 41, Zgrada Zagrepčanka 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 61 76 901 Fax: (00 385 1) 61 76 669 E.mail: [email protected] 197 Office of Police Attaché: Embassy of Spain Prote Mateje 45 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia (00 381 11) 30 88 960 (00 381 11) 30 88 893 [email protected] Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Office of Tourism: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: National Day: Via Broletto 30 20 121 Milan, Italy (00 39 02) 72 00 46 25 (00 39 02) 87 52 11 (00 39 02) 72 00 43 18 [email protected] October 12, Discovery of America His Excellency Mr. Juan Bosco GIMENEZ SORIANO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 19/05/2015 Mr. Javier BLANCO SANTILLAN Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Concepcion RIVERA CONTRERAS Captain Jose Miguel OCHOA FRANCO Defense Attaché (Resident in Athens) Mr. Joaquin MARQUEZ PEREZ (Resident in Zagreb) Commercial Counsellor Mrs. Maria Natividad SANZ SANZ Mrs. Maria Jose HURTADO ALCAIDE (Resident in Belgrade) Attaché (Police) 198 Mrs. Maria Teresa DE LA TORRE CAMPO (Resident in Milan) Attaché (Tourism) 199 200 SRI LANKA Embassy and Permanent Mission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Chancery: Weyringergasse, 33-35 (4th floor) 1040 Vienna, Austria Telephone: (00 43 1) 503 79 88 Fax: (00 43 1) 503 79 93 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00 Consular: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 12:00 National Day: February 4, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Aliyar Lebbe Abdul AZEEZ Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 16/05/2013 Mr. J.S. WICKRAMASINGHE Minister Plenipotentiary / Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. Satya RODRIGO Minister Counsellor, Head of Chancery Ms. S.I. PANABOKKE Minister Counsellor Mr. N.S. HENNAYAKE Second Secretary Ms. M.V. RAJAPAKSE Attaché (Consular) Ms. W.M. DILRUKSHI Attaché 201 202 SWEDEN The Royal Swedish Embassy Chancery and Visa Office: Ferhadija 20 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 276 030 Telephone time for migration – consular issues: 276 037 on Mon.,Tue.,Wed.,Thur.: 15:00 – 16:30 Fax: 276 060, 276 061 (Consular Section) E-mail: [email protected] Visa issues: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 12:00 Consular Section:Tue., Thur., Fri.: 09:00 – 11:00 National Day: June 6 His Excellency Mr. Stefan Fredrik SCHILLER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Nora Josephine SCHILLER 11/10/2013 Ms. Lena Marie BERGSTROM Counsellor (Head, Development Cooperation) Mr. Jan BARGHEER Ms. Pia Christine HALLONSTEN First Secretary (Development Cooperation) Mr. Gabriel HEYMAN Mrs. Anna Karin HERMANSSON First Secretary (Head, Administration and Consular Afairs) 203 Ms. Karin LISSOLA Second Secretary (Political and Economic) Mr. Tore Mattias JOHANSSON Mr. Kent AKESSON Third Secretary (Administration and Consular Affairs) Ms. Sandrine CIUPEK Resident in Belgrade Mr. Adrian Romulus LUCACI First Secretary (Nordic Police and Customs Affairs) Mrs. Victoria PORSBO 204 SWITZERLAND Embassy of the Switzerland Chancery: Zmaja od Bosne 11 RBBH, Buliding B 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 275 850 Fax: 570 120, 271 500 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:00 – 16:30 Friday: 08:00 – 14:00 National Day: August 1, Confederation Day His Excellency Mr. Heinrich MAURER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Marzia MAURER-LAMPERTI 13/10/2014 Mr. Joseph GUNTERN Counsellor, Director of Cooperation Ms. Pilar GUNTERN Ms. Claudia BUESS First Secretary, Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Paul David KRAMER Firste Secretary, Deputy Director of Cooperation Ms. Manuela KRAMER Mr. Reto NIGG Second Secretary, Regional Adviser Ms. Esther D’AURELIO 205 Ms. Regula BABLER First Secretary, Regional Adviser Resident in Belgrade Mr. Jan KÄTHNER Police Attaché Mr. Lars VEJLSTRUP Defence Attaché Resident in Vienna for consular operations: Ms. Barbara MIESES ENCARNACION Attaché Mr. Mihael OSTOJIC Attaché Mr. Thomas WAGNER First Secretary Mr. Rene SEILER First Secretary Ms. Floriana Cristina RUHIER Third Secretary 206 THAILAND Royal Thai Embassy Chancery: Verecke ut. 79 1025 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 438 40 20 Fax: (00 36 1) 438 40 23 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 Consular Section: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 12:00 National Day: December 5, H.M. the King's Birthday Anniversary Her Excellency Mrs. Kanthong UNAKUL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 02/07/2015 Mr. Tor SARALAMBA Minister Counsellor Mr. Siwapohn CHALOEMCHUANG Consul Mr. Panom THONGPRAYOON Counsellor Mr. Watana CHUTTONG First Secretary Mr. Nopdol MANISARN Second Secretary 207 208 TURKEY Embassy of the Republic of Turkey Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Vilsonovo šetalište bb 71000 Sarajevo 568 750 568 777 [email protected] Office of the Military Attaché Telephone: 666 758 Fax: 226 707 E-mail: [email protected] Consular Section Telephone: 568 791, 568 792, 568 793 E-mail: [email protected] Commercial Section: Telephone: 665 988 Fax: 208 562 E-mail: [email protected] Cultural Section: Telephone: 550 760 Fax: 550 761 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 18:00 National Day: October 29, Republic Day 209 His Excellency Mr. Cihad ERGINAY Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Tomurcuk ERGINAY Mr. Halil Umit CEMALOGLU Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Mrs. Derya Halime CEMALOGLU Col. Aytug SEKER Military Attaché Mrs. Elif SEKER Mr. Ismail CIVELIK Counsellor Mrs. Isik Isik CIVELIK Mr. Soner SAHIN Counsellor (Cultural) Mrs. Feride SAHIN Mr. Sedat YILDIZ Counsellor (Commercial) Mrs. Asli YILDIZ Mr. Omer CETRES Counsellor (Press) Mrs. Isik Isik CIVELIK Second Secretary Mr. Ismail CIVELIK Ms. Duygu PARPUDAR First Secretary 210 10/07/2014 Mr. Musa SAGLIK Deputy Military Attaché, Major Mrs. Gulsah SAGLIK Ms. Sule GULTEK Second Secretary Mr. Koksal YILMAZ Second Secretary Mrs. Meltem YILMAZ Mr. Murat Osman BILGIC Second Secretary Mrs. Fatma DOGU BILGIC Mr. Koray KOMURCU Second Secretary Mrs. Nadide KOMURCU Mr. Ismail ALTUNAL Second Secretary Mrs. Nedret ALTUNAL Mr. Hasan Ergün ULUCAN Second Secretary Mrs. Özgen Özden ULUCAN Mrs. Fatma Jale OLCAYTO Attaché Mr. Kamil Can OLCAYTO Mr. Zafer DULGER Attaché 211 Mr. Salih BERK Assistant Military Attaché, Sergeant Major Mrs. Meliha BERK Mr. Volkan UYSAL Attaché Mrs. Halise UYSAL Mr. Ayhan KARAGOL Attaché Mr. Emrullah DEMIR Attaché Mrs. Selda DEMIR Mr. Sunay YILMAZ Attaché 212 UKRAINE Embassy of Ukraine Chancery: Voćarska cesta 52 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 461 62 96 Fax: (00 385 1) 463 37 26 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:00 National Day: August 24, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Oleksandr LEVCHENKO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 28/10/2011 Office of Defence Attaché: Chancery: Voćarska cesta 52, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 461 62 96 Fax: (00 385 1) 463 37 26 E-mail: [email protected] Col. Petro BOBYR Defence Attaché Consular Section: Chancery: Voćarska cesta 52, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia Telephone: (00 385 1) 461 62 00 Fax: (00 385 1) 463 37 26 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 09:00 – 12:00 Tuesday, Thursday 14:00 – 16:00 Ms. Olena GRYSCHENKO Third Secretary, Vice-Consul 213 Office of the Embassy of Ukraine in Sarajevo Chancery: Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 295 126 Fax: 295 156 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:00 Mr. Kostiantyn SUBBOTIN First Secretary 214 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Via Della Camilluccia 492 00135 Rome, Italy (00 39 06) 36 30 61 00 (00 39 06) 36 30 61 55 [email protected] [email protected] Working Hours: National Day: December 2, Independence Day Mr. Hamad AL NUAIMI Third Secretary Mrs. Rana ALDHAHERI Third Secretary 215 216 UNITED KINGDOM Her Britannic Majesty’s Embassy Chancery: Tel: Fax: E-mail: Hamdije Čemerlića 39a 71000 Sarajevo 282 200 282 203 [email protected] Corporate Services/Defence/UKTI Hamdije Čemerlića 39a 71000 Sarajevo Tel: 282 200 Fax: 282 203 E-mail: [email protected] Consular Section Hamdije Čemerlića 39a 71000 Sarajevo Tel: 282 245 (direct line) Consular Fax: 282 203 E-mail: [email protected] British Embassy Office Banja Luka Simeona Djaka 8 78000 Banja Luka Tel/Fax: (051) 212 395 E-mail: [email protected] National Day: June 15, HM Queen’s birthday 217 His Excellency Mr. Edward FERGUSON Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mrs. Caroline FERGUSON Mr. Matthew LAWSON Deputy Head of Mission Lt. Col. Paul MARSHALL Defence Attaché Mrs. Angela MARSHALL Ms. Christine MCNEILL First Secretary (Political) Mr. Scott MCNEILL Mr. Jonathan O'SHAUGHNESSY Second Secretary (Press/Political) Mrs. Lisa O'SHAUGHNESSY Mr. Darren BOYLING First Secretary Mrs. Ruth TANNER 218 19/08/2014 USA Embassy of the United States of America Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working Hours: National Day: Robert C. Frasure 1 71000 Sarajevo 704 000 704 422 July 4, Independence Day Her Excellency Ms. Maureen E. CORMACK Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. William E. CORMACK 16/01/2015 Mr. Paul David HOROWITZ Counsellor of Embassy / Deputy Chief of Mission Ms. Sandra DAVIS-HOROWITZ Mr. Bruce G. BERTON Counsellor of Embassy Ms. Susan J. BERTON Mr. Jeffrey A. SPENCE Counsellor of Embassy for Management Affairs Mrs. Lisa M. SPENCE Mr. Albert Robinson PYOTT Counsellor of Embassy for Political/Economic Affairs Ms. Lily PYOTT Mr. Peter W. DUFFY Counsellor of Embassy for International Development 219 Ms. Stefanie R. ALTMAN-WINANS Counselor of Embassy for Public Affairs Mr. Thomas W. WINANS Mr. Christopher R. NEWMAN Counsellor of Embassy for Regional Affairs Mrs. Kimberly S. NEWMAN Ms. Christine M. SLOOP Counsellor of Embassy for Agricultural Affairs Colonel Mark M. KARAS Defence and Attaché Ms. Tracy L. KARAS Mr. Charles W. BENNETT JR. Attaché Mr. Charles E. EX Attaché Ms. Pamela B. EX Mr. Danielo YOCCA Legal Attaché Ms. Julie A. YOCCA Ms. Laura J. NEUBAUER Attaché Mr. Neil G. PRICE First Secretary 220 Mr. Joseph L. DORSEY First Secretary Ms. Carol L. DORSEY Dr. Eldina NIZAMIC Attaché Mr. Nathan A. AL-KHAZRAJI Attaché Ms. Nora A. CASTIGLIONE Mr. Jaidev SINGH First Secretary Ms. Christine H. SINGH Mr. Thomas D. ROJAS Attaché Ms. Lesley C. WRIGHT Mr. Robert K. KARPOWSKI Attaché Mr. Frank R. JONES Attaché Ms. Jean B. LEEDY Second Secretary Mr. Kyle R. MAROLF Ms. Lolita C. JONES Attaché 221 Mr. Kenneth M. ZURCHER First Secretary Ms. Kyra J. ZURCHER Mr. Corey M. GONZALEZ Second Secretary - Consul Mr. Ante BOŽIĆ Mr. John H. SILSON First Secretary Ms. Laura R. KOLAR Mr. Liam J. O’FLANAGAN First Secretary Ms. Adriana A. O’FLANAGAN Mr. Todd M. BATE-POXON First Secretary Ms. Julia L. BATE-POXON Mr. Steven M. MAJORS Attaché Mr. Brian J. WEISS First Secretary Ms. Megan M. WEISS Mr. Edward A. GALLAGHER Second Secretary Ms. Julie A. GALLAGHER Mr. James David STOTT Attaché Ms. Viktoria STOTT-HOLLOSY 222 Mr. John W. GAGE Attaché Ms. Ok S. GAGE Ms. Lillian C. WAHL-TUCO Second Secretay – Consul Mr. Bryan G. WOCKLEY Second Secretary – Consul Mrs. Sarah E. WOCKLEY Ms. Jami J. THOMPSON Second Secretary - Consul Mr. Brian D. HAZELWOOD Second Secretary Ms. Natalie K. NENCIONI Mr. John D. GIBLIN Second Secretary – Consul Ms. Kristen E. LOEHR Mr. Brandon R. NUGENT Second Secretary – Vice Consul Mr. John G. SAHN Attaché Ms. Brooke H. SAHN Ms. Oleksandra M. PRICE Attaché 223 Ms. Erin E. CONCORS Second Secretary – Vice Consul Mr. Jeffrey A. CONCORS Mr. Stephen M. SUSANN Second Secretary Ms. Diana L. SUSANN Ms. Jennifer A. MOORE Second Secretary Mr. Robert W. MOORE Mr. Darren A. BESSINGPAS Second Secretary Ms. Maureen T. BESSINGPAS Mr. Nicholas B. GEISINGER Second Secretary – Vice Consul Ms. Narra N.B. GEISINGER Mr. Ariel SWAN Attaché Ms. Kristina R. SCHOBER Attaché Ms. Karen Y. MOZINGO Second Secretary Ms. Maria STAVROPOULOS Second Secretary Mr. Ryan J. MONTOYA 224 Mr. Andrew R. LEWIS Attaché Ms. Jana E. LEWIS Mr. Michael C. BRAJA Second Secretary Ms. Jelena ATANACKOVIC BRAJA Mr. Genevieve S. MOINUDDIN Second Secretary Mr. Quazi M. G. MOINUDDIN Ms. Sabina DZANO Second Secretary Mr. Ross G. JOHNSTON Second Secretary – Vice Consul Ms. Sarah A. FREUDEN Mr. Eleazar E. STEWART Attaché Mr. Gregory N. FREY Attaché Ms. Petra FREY Ms. Janet M. KENNEDY Second Secretary – Consul Mr. Alan Scott KENNEDY Mr. Admir SERIFOVIC Attaché Ms. Leslie E. VELEZ 225 Lt. Col. Christian WERNER Assistant Army Attaché Ms. Brittany R. WERNER Lt. Col. Edwin T. BRINKLEY III Assistant Army Attaché Ms. Juliette J. BRINKLEY Ms. Sandra O. MIOCIC Attaché Mr. Sean M. McCARTHY Mr. Mark L. EVANS Third Secretary Ms. Laura J. VERBISKY Third Secretary 226 URUGUAY Embassy of Eastern Republic of Uruguay Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working Hours: Ul. Rejtana 15/12 02-516 Warszawa, Poland (00 48 22) 849 5040, 849 1590 (00 48 22) 646 6887 National Day: His Excellency Mr. Pablo SCHEINER Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 21/04/2015 227 228 VIETNAM Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Chancery: Thököly u. 41 1146 Budapest, Hungary Telephone: (00 36 1) 342 5583, 342 9922, 343 ,963 Fax: (00 36 1) 352 8798 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] (Consular/Visa Section) Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 12:00, 13:30 – 17:00 Consular/Visa Section: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 08:30 – 12:00 National Day: September 2, Independence Day His Excellency Mr. Nguyen Thanh TUAN Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 30/04/2015 Mr. Nguyen Viet KHUE Counsellor Mr. Le Trong HA Counsellor Mr. Nguyen Trung DUNG Counsellor (Commercial Affairs) Mr. Dinh Xuan HUONG First Secretary (Consular) Mr. Tran Ngoc HA First Secretary (Commercial Affairs) 229 Mrs. Tran Thi Van HAI First Secretary Mr. Ha Manh TUAN First Secretary 230 YEMEN Embassy of the Republic of Yemen Chancery: Budapester Str. 37 10787 Berlin, Germany Telephone: (00 49 30) 8973 050, 832 25 901/02 (Consular) Fax: (00 49 30) 8973 0562, 832 25 903 (Consular) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] (Consular) Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 14:30 National Day: May 22, Union Day Mr. Walid Abdulwahed Mohamed ALETHARY Minister Plenipotentiary, Charge d'Affaires a.i. Mr. Abdulmalik Mutahar Ahmed AL-SHABIBI Counsellor Mr. Ahmed Ali Mohammed ISSA Counsellor Mr. Adel Houssin Ali AL-MAGHREPY First Secretary Mr. Abdulwahab Abdulaziz AL-KAINAI Vice Military Attaché Mr. Ahmed Abdu Saeed AL-SHARABI Third Secretary Dr. Sheikh BAWAZIR Attaché 231 Mr. Abdulbari Qasem Maaodhah HAIDARAH Assistant Attaché 232 ZAMBIA Embassy of the Republic of Zambia Chancery: Axel Springer Strasse 54a 10117 Berlin, Germany Telephone: (00 49 30) 206 29 40 Fax: (00 49 30) 206 29 419 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday - Thursday 09:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 16:00 Friday 09:00 – 13:00 National Day: October 24, Independence Day Ms. Mwitwa Irene MULONDA Counsellor Ms. Susan KATEMA First Secretary Mr. Happy ZIMBA First Secretary Mrs. Yvonne Peele SHIBEMBA First Secretary Mr. Martin Mumba Mutunthama MMEMBE First Secretary Mrs. Ruth FUNJI Second Secretary Mr. Timothy Chansa MWAMBA Second Secretary 233 Ms. Charity MUHUBILA Second Secretary 234 CONSULAR MISSIONS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA 235 236 CONSULATE GENERAL 237 238 CROATIA Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Mostar Chancery: Zagrebačka 8 88000 Mostar Telephone: (036) 316 630, 355 070 Fax: (036) 315 630 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 - 16:00 Mr. Dragan MATIJEVIĆ Consul Gerant Mrs. Jadranka MODRIĆ Consul First Class Mr. Tino KLARIĆ KUKUZ Vice Consul 239 240 CROATIA Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Banja Luka Chancery: Milana Kranovića 1 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: (051) 258 668 Fax: (051) 258 667 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 Mr. Zlatko KRAMARIĆ Consul General Mr. Stipan MEDO Consul First Class Mr. Vlado BADANJEK Consul First Class Mr. Tomislav KRZNAR Consul First Class 241 242 CROATIA Consulate General of the Republic of Croatia in Tuzla Chancery: Kazan mahala 1 75000 Tuzla Telephone: (035) 258 330, 258 360 Fax: (035) 258 350 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 13:00 Mr. Ivan BANDIĆ Consul General Mr. Davor ZUJIĆ Consul First Class 243 244 SERBIA Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Banja Luka Chancery: Bulevar Radomira Putnika 2 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: 051 227 040, 051 227 060 Fax: 051 213 901 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00 Mr. Vladimir NIKOLIĆ Consul General Mr. Radoslav ILIĆ Consul Mrs. Ljubinka ILIĆ Mr. Milivoje ĐURĐEVIĆ Consul 245 246 SERBIA Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia in Mostar Chancery: Konak 5 88000 Mostar Telephone: 036 556 001, 555 910 Fax: 036 552 418 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00 Mr. Goran STOJKOVIĆ Consul General Mrs. Vesna STOJKOVIĆ Mrs. Jelena VUKAJLOVIĆ Consul 247 248 TURKEY Consulate General of the Republic of Turkey in Mostar Chancery: Mala Tepa 24 88000 Mostar Telephone: (036) 551 209 Fax: (036) 552 583 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30 Ms. Ayse Selcan SANLI Consul General Mr. Bilal KOSE Vice Consul Mr. Niyazi UCAL Attaché 249 250 HONORARY CONSULATE 251 252 AUSTRALIA Australia Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Balibegovića 15 71000 Sarajevo 206 167 251 238 [email protected] Ms. Mirsada MUZUR Honorary Consul 253 254 BANGLADESH People’s Republic of Bangladesh Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Husrefa Redžića 13 71000 Sarajevo 665 444 665 444 [email protected] Mr. Hajrudin SOMUN Honorary Consul General 255 256 BRAZIL Federative Republic of Brazil Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Gazi Husrevbega 13 71300 Visoko (032) 731 360 (032) 731 361 [email protected] Mr. Mahir HADŽIAHMETOVIĆ Honorary Consul 257 258 CONGO Democratic Republic of Congo Chancery: Bulevar mira bb Brčko Distrikt Telephone: (049) 232 800 Fax: (049) 232 810 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 16:00 National Day: June 30 Mr. Milorad MAJKIĆ Honorary Consul 259 260 DENMARK Kingdom of Denmark Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working hours: Kasindolska 33 71000 Sarajevo 781 700, 062 866 557 781 701 [email protected] Mr. Mirza DURMIŠEVIĆ Honorary Consul 261 262 FINLAND Republic of Finland Chancery: Telephone: Fax: GSM: E-mail: Working hours: Abdića 9 71000 Sarajevo 223 321 203 906 061 130 703 [email protected] Mr. Fuad STRIK Honorary Consul 263 264 HUNGARY Chancery: Vokića i Lorkovića 91 88000 Mostar (036) 320 194 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working hours: Mr. Vladimir LUKIĆ Honorary Consul 265 266 KOREA Republic of Korea Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: Working hours: Binježevo bb 71240 Hadžići 292 200, 292 250 292 213 [email protected], [email protected] Mr. Svjetlan STANIĆ Honorary Consul 267 268 SAN MARINO Republic of San Marino Chancery: Sarajevo Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: Working hours: Mr. Sead KREŠEVLJAKOVIĆ Honorary Consul General 269 270 SLOVAK IA Slovak Republic Chancery: Globtour, Industrijska zona bb 88266 Međugorje (036) 653 250 Telephone: Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working hours: Mr. Rajko ZELENIKA Honorary Consul 271 272 SPAIN Kingdom of Spain Chancery: Kneza Domagoja 12/1 88000 Mostar Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: Working hours: Mr. Pierino TUMBAS DELDUM Honorary Consul 273 274 UKRAINE Chancery: Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 85a 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: (051) 232 150 Fax: (051) 232 151 E-mail: [email protected] Working hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 – 14:00 Mr. Mirko CVETINOVIĆ Honorary Consul 275 276 INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS AND SPECIAL MISSIONS 277 278 CE Council of Europe Chancery: Importanne Center Zmaja od Bosne 7-7A 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 264 360, 264 361 Fax: 590 447 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:30 Ms. Mary Ann HENNESSEY Head of Office of the CE Office in Sarajevo Ms. Tania VAN DIJK Deputy Head of the CE Office in Sarajevo 279 280 EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Chancery: UNITIC, Tower B, 15th floor Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 257 900 Fax: 667 950 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 Mr. Ian BROWN Senior Banker/ Head of Office 281 282 EUROPEAN UNION Delegation of the European Union to Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Skenderija 3a 71000 Sarajevo Field Office: Gundulićeva 24 A 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: 254 700 Fax: 666 037 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:30 – 17:30 Friday: 08:30 – 14:00 National Day: May 9, Europe Day His Excellency Mr. Lars-Gunnar Bertil WIGEMARK Ambassador, Head of Delegation Mrs. Rebekah Naomi WIGEMARK 15/04/2015 Mr. Renzo DAVIDDI Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Jan ŠNAIDAUF Counsellor, Head of European and Economic Integration Section Mrs. Gabriela ŠNAIDAUFOVA Mr. Massimo MINA Counsellor, Head of Operation Section 3 Civil Society, Social Development, Cross-Border Cooperation Mrs. Fabiana PIAZZA 283 Mr. Martin SCHIEDER First Secretary, Head of Operation Section 2 Economic Reform, Trade and Natural Resources Mrs. Antanina SCHIEDER Mr. Melvin ASIN First Secretary, Head of Operations Section Mrs. Nadine Genevieve Marie BEUDEKER Mr. Dimitrios KALOGERAS First Secretary, Head of Contracts, Finance and Audit Section Mrs. Nathalie Smila CRNJANSKI KALOGERAS Ms. Chloe BERGER Second Secretary, Head of Operational Section 1 Justice and Home Affairs, Public Administrative Reform Mrs. Halina SOWINSKA Attaché, Senior Procurement Officer, Contracts, Finance and Audit Section Mrs. Brigitte KUCHAR Attaché, Programme Manager, Operations Section Mrs. Una KELLY Attaché, Programme Manager, Operations Section Mr. John Norman PYRES Mr. Jean-Francois LOUBERE Attaché, Assistant to the Contracts, Finance and Audit Section Mrs. Kateryna KLYUCHNYK Ms. Mariangela FITTIPALDI Attaché, Programme Manager, Operations Section 284 Mrs. Ute BOLDUAN Attaché, Head of Administration Section Mr. Hans-Joachim BOLDUAN Ms. Nadege MARIE Attaché, Administrative Assistant Mr. Paulus Johanes Natanoor WIJANTO Mr. Andrea BATTISTA Attaché, Programme Manager, Operations Section Mrs. Laura BOSHNAK Mrs. Daniela HANUSOVA Attaché, Senior Contracts and Procurement Officer Mr. Julius HANUS Mrs. Fotini ANTONOPOULOU Attaché, Project Management, Operations Section Mr. Antonio CRUZ Mrs. Špela MOŽINA Attaché, Assistant to the Head of Delegation 285 286 EUSR European Union Special Representative Chancery HQ: Skenderija 3a 71000 Sarajevo Field Offices: Nikole Šubića Zrinjskog 4 88000 Mostar Kantardžića 10 76000 Brčko Gundulićeva 24 A 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: 254 700 Fax: 668 390 Web: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday: 08:30 - 17:30 Friday: 08:30 – 14:00 Mr. Lars-Gunnar WIGEMARK Ambassador, Head of Delegation and European Union Special Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina Mrs. Rebekah Naomi WIGEMARK Ms. Marsaili Anne FRASER Acting Head of Political Mr. John Richard Readhead WOOD Head of Rule of Law Mrs. Esra CANACKI WOOD 287 Robert STOCKDALE Head of Finance and Administration Mr. Umerr AL-KHATIB Legal Adviser on Rule of Law Rule of Law Mr. Julien BERTHOUD Adviser on Rule of Law Coordination Rule of Law Mr. Slavomir GOGA Political Adviser Political Office Mr. Eric Pierre Jean FREJABUE Public Safety and Security Sector Reform Adviser Rule of Law Mr. Orlando FUSCO Head of Sections Governments Parliaments and Political parties Affairs Political Office Mr. Ole HAMMER Political Adviser Political Office Mrs. Anne Marie HAMMER Mr. Andrej KIENDL Political Adviser Political Office Mrs. Ivana KIENDL KRISTO 288 Mr. Gary O’CALLAGHAN Special Economic Adviser Political Office Mrs. Mihaela OSORIO Political Military Adviser to EUSR and Political Adviser to COMEUFOR Political Office Mr. Mikko VAYRYNEN Political Adviser, Head of Office Banja Luka Ms. Enrica VIDA Political Adviser Political Office 289 290 FRBH Fund for Returnees in Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Džemala Bijedića 2/1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 610 095, 610 096 Fax: 610 095, 610 096 E-mail: bosfunref@ [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00 Mr. En-Nur Swar EDDAHAB Director 291 292 ICMP International Commission on Missing Persons Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Working Hours: Alipašina 45a 71000 Sarajevo 280 800 280 900 [email protected] Ms. Kathryne BOMBERGER Director-General Field Offices: ICMP Tuzla Identification Coordination Division (ICD) Bosne Srebrene bb KSC Mejdan, ulaz na tribine B 75000 Tuzla Telephone: (035) 228 830, 228 860 Fax: (035) 228 827 E-mail: [email protected] ICMP Banja Luka Zdrave Korde 1 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: (051) 222 560 Fax: (051) 215 251 293 294 ICMPD International Centre for Migration Policy Development Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web: Gonzagagasse 1, 5th floor A-1010 Vienna (00 43 1) 504 46 77 – 0 (00 43 1) 504 46 77 - 2375 [email protected] 295 296 ICRC Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross Chancery: Soukbunar 5 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 565 650 Fax: 565 660 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 07:30 – 16:00 World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day: May 8 Mr. Željko FILIPOVIĆ Head of Delegation 297 298 IFC International Finance Corporation Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Working Hours: Zmaja od Bosne bb (RB BH-Building B) 71000 Sarajevo 251 555 217 762 [email protected] Ms. Lada BUSEVAC Senior Country Officer 299 300 IFRC International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Chancery: Derviša Numića 6 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 263 945 Fax: 264 040 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00 International Day of Red Cross/Red Crescent: May 8 Mr. Matteo CIARLI Country Representative in BiH 301 302 ILO International Labour Organization ILO Support Unit Sarajevo Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web: Zmaja od Bosne b.b. 71000 Sarajevo 293 585 293 598 [email protected] Mrs. Lejla TANOVIĆ National Coordinator for the ILO in Bosnia and Herzegovina 303 304 IMF International Monetary Fund Chancery: Maršala Tita 25 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 668 167 Fax: 226 196 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 17:30 Mr. Francisco Jose PARODI Resident Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina 305 306 IMG International Management Group Chancery: BBI Center building, Trg djece Sarajeva 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 666 020 Fax: 668 280 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:30 Mr. Dino Egidio BICCIATO Head of Mission 307 308 IOM International Organization for Migration Chancery: Zmaja od Bosne b.b. 71 000 Sarajevo Telephone: 293 705, 293 706 Fax: 293 726 E-mail: [email protected] Web site:, Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 17:30 Friday 08:30 – 14:30 Mr. Gianluca ROCCO Chief of Mission 309 310 ITF International Trust Fund Enhancing Human Security Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web: Working Hours: Tešanjska 1/20 71000 Sarajevo 261 180 261 182 [email protected] Mr. Gregor SANČANIN Head of Office 311 312 JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA Balkan Office's Contact Point in Sarajevo Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Bistrik 9 71000 Sarajevo 220 190, 550 950 220 192 [email protected] JICA Balkan Office Chancery: Business Centre USCE, 17th floor Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia Telephone: Fax: (00 381 11) 2200 750 (00 381 11) 2200 761 Mr. Toshiya ABE Resident Representative, JICA Balkan Office (Resident in Belgrade) Mr. Jun HIRASHIMA Project Formulation Advisor, JICA Balkan Office (Resident in Belgrade) 313 314 OHR Office of the High Representative Chancery: Emerika Bluma 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 283 500 Fax: 283 501 Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 18:00 H.E. Dr. Valentin INZKO The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Bruce G. BERTON Principal Deputy High Representative and Supervisor of Brčko District H.E. Dr. Ulrike HARTMANN Deputy High Representative and Head of Banja Luka Office Mr. Archie TUTA Head of Political/Economic Department Mr. Edouard D' AOUST Head of Department for Legal Affaires Mr. James GRIERSON Director of the Resources Department Mr. Michael DOYLE Head of Cabinet and Senior Policy Adviser of the High Representative Ms. Una ŽEGER Head of Cabinet and Senior Policy Adviser of the Principal Deputy High Representative 315 Banja Luka Regional Office Address: Jovana Dučića 25 78000 Banja Luka Tel: 051 330 200 Fax: 051 330 213 Head of Office: H.E. Dr. Ulrike HARTMANN Deputy High Representative and Head of Banja Luka Office 316 OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Sarajevo Head Office Chancery: UNITIC, Tower A Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 752 100 Fax: 442 479 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30 Ambassador Jonathan MOORE Head of Mission Ms. Nina SUOMALAINEN Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Andrea CELLINO Director of Policy and Planning Mr. Trefor WILLIAMS Director of Human Dimension Brigadier General (Ret’d) Harald QUIEL Director of Security Co-operation Mr. Micheal CONNEELY Chief of Fund Administration Mr. Alexander CHUPLYGIN Senior Representative of the Head of Mission 317 318 PSOTC Peace Support Operation Training Center Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Web site: Working Hours: Camp Butmir 71000 Sarajevo 754 310 754 302 [email protected] Lieutenant Colonel Julian BOWER Head of International Mission 319 320 RAI SECRETARIAT Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative Secretariat Chancery: Bistrik 5 (Headquarter), Tešanjska 24a (Executive office) 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 839 203 Fax: 839 202 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00 International Anti-corruption Day: December 9 Mr. Radu COTICI Head of the Secretariat 321 322 RCC The Regional Cooperation Council Secretariat Chancery: Trg Bosne i Hercegovine 1/V 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 561 700 Fax: 561 701, 561 725 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30 Mr. Goran SVILANOVIĆ Secretary General Mr. Gazmend TURDIU Head of Programme Department Mrs. Stefana GREAVU Head of Political Department 323 324 REC The Regional Environmental Center For Central and Eastern Europe Country Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Zmaja od Bosne 47a 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 713 110, 713 111, 713 130, 713 131 Fax: 713 110, 713 111, 713 130, 713 131 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:00 – 17:00 Ms. Lejla ŠUMAN Representative 325 326 UNDP United Nations Development Programme Chancery: Zmaja od Bosne b.b. 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 293 400 Fax: 552 330 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 17:30 National Day: October 24, UN Day Ms. Sezin SINANOGLU UN Resident Coordinator / UNDP Resident Representative Ms. Zahira VIRANI Deputy Resident Representative Mr. Alexandre PRIETO Head of UNDP Regional Office in Eastern BiH Ms. Marina DIMOVA Programme Manager Ms. Anne-Marie ESPER LARSEN UN Women Country Office for BiH – Representative Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 293 561 Fax: 552 330 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00 327 Ms. Doina BOLOGA UNFPA Representative Zmaja od Bosne bb, 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 293 571 Fax: 552 330 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30 Liaison Office in Republika Srpska Trg Republike Srpske 1 / building C1 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: (051) 323 711 Fax: (051) 303 318 Regional Office Eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina Srebreničkog Odreda bb 74530 Srebrenica Telephone: (056) 441 000 Fax: (056) 440 337 Regional Office Herzegovina Bulevar narodne revolucije 19 88000 Mostar Telephone: (036) 555 040 Fax: (033) 551 976 Regional Office West-Northwestern BiH V Korpusa bb Cultural Center Building (I floor) 77000 Bihać Telephone: (037) 228 100 Fax: (037) 228 107 328 UN Office Tuzla (open until 1st of March 2016) Mije Keroševića 20 75000 Tuzla Telephone: (035) 310 701 Fax: (033) 552 330 UN Office Doboj Cara Dušana bb 74000 Doboj Telephone: (053) 248 010 Fax: (033) 552 330 UN Project Office Drvar Titova bb/Radnički dom 80260 Drvar Telephone: (034) 819 696 Fax: (034) 819 696 329 330 UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Project Office Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe Antenna Office in Sarajevo Chancery: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Zmaja od Bosne b.b., UN House 71000 Sarajevo 222 796 222 795 [email protected] Mr. Siniša ŠEŠUM Head of Office 331 332 UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 666 160 Fax: 290 390 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:30 World Refugee Day: June 20 Mr. Andrew Michael John MAYNE Regional Representative Ms. Rojana MAYNE Mr. Bartholomeus Elisabeth Jacobus LEERSCHOOL Deputy Regional Representative Mrs. Irene Frederica Henrica FRANK 333 334 UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: UN House, Zmaja od Bosne bb 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 293 600 Fax: 642 970 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Working Hours: Monday to Thursday 08:00 – 17:00 Friday 08:00 – 14:00 Foundation Day: December 11 Dr. Ayman ABU-LABAN Representative and Head of Office Mrs. Mayada Z. ZABADNEH Ms. Anna RIATTI Deputy Representative Mr. Charaf MOULALI Banja Luka Office Chancery: Vladike Platona bb 78000 Banja Luka Telephone: (051) 315 342 Fax: (051) 315 341 335 336 UN ICTY United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia Chancery: Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 568 530 Fax: 568 531 E-mail: [email protected] Working Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:30 Ms. Margaretha PRINS Head of Mission Mr. Zbigniew WOJDYLA Investigator, Deputy Head of Mission Ms. Sara RUBERT Associate Support Officer 337 338 WB The World Bank Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Fra Anđela Zvizdovića 1/XVII, UNITIC, Tower B 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 251 500 Fax: 226 945 Web site: Working Hours: Monday to Friday 08:30 – 17:30 Mrs. Tatiana Anatolieva PROSKURYAKOVA Country Manager of the WB Country Office Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr. Alexey Vladimirovich PROSKURYAKOV 339 340 WHO World Health Organization Office for Bosnia and Herzegovina Chancery: Zmaja od Bosne b.b. 71000 Sarajevo Telephone: 293 592, 293 590 Fax: 201 815 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Working Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 17:00 Mr. Haris HAJRULAHOVIĆ Head of Country Office 341 342 NATIONAL DAYS January 01st 26th 26th Cuba Australia India Liberation Day Australia Day Republic Day 04th 06th 11th 15th 16th 17th 18th 23rd 24th 25th Sri Lanka New Zealand Iran Serbia Lithuania Libya Gambia Brunei Darussalam Estonia Kuwait Independence Day Waitangi Day Revolution Day Constitution Day Independence Day Revolution Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day 03rd 17th 20th 21st 23rd 25th 26th Bulgaria Ireland Tunisia Namibia Pakistan Greece Bangladesh Liberation Day St. Patrick's Day Independence Day National Day Republic Day Independence Day Independence Day February March 343 April 04th 16th 17th 19th Senegal Israel Syria Holy See 27th 27th The Netherlands South Africa Independence Day Independence day Independence day Inauguration of the Pontificate of H.H. Pope Benedict XVI The King’s Day Independence day 03rd 17th 22nd 24th 25th 25th 26 th 28th Poland Norway Yemen Eritrea Argentina Jordan Georgia Azerbaijan Constitution Day Constitution Day Union Day Independence Day Revolution Day Independence Day Independence day Independence day 02nd 05th 06th 10th 12th 12th 15th 17th Italy Denmark Sweden Portugal Philippines Russia United Kingdom Iceland Republic Day Constitution Day Flag Day Portugal Day Independence Day Russia Day National Day (HM Queen's birthday) Republic Day May June 344 23rd Luxembourg National Day and Official Birthday of H.R.H. The Grand Duke 24th 25th 25th 25th 30th The Sovereign Military Order of Malta Croatia Mozambique Slovenia Congo St. John the Baptist Independence Day Independence Day Republic Day Independence Day 01st 03rd 04th 05th 06th 11th 13 th 14th 20th 21st 23rd 26th 26th 28th 30th Canada Belarus USA Cape Verde Comoros Mongolia Montenegro France Colombia Belgium Egypt Liberia Maldives Peru Morocco Canada Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Revolution Day Independence Day National Day Independence Day Independence Day Revolution Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Throne Day 01st 06th 06th Switzerland Bolivia Jamaica Confederation Day Independence Day Independence Day July August 345 07th 09th 10th 11th 15th 15th 17th 19th 20th 24th 25th 27th 31st 31st Côte d' Ivoire Singapore Ecuador Chad India Liechtenstein Indonesia Afghanistan Hungary Ukraine Uruguay Moldova Kyrgyzstan Malaysia Independence Day National Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Sovereins Birthday Proclamation Day Independence Day Baptism of Stephan Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Hari Merdeka Independence Day Slovak Republic Uzbekistan Vietnam San Marino Brazil Andorra Macedonia DPR Korea Tajikistan Costa Rica Mexico Chile Armenia Belize Malta Mali Saudi Arabia Constitution Day Independence Day Independence Day Founding of the Republic Independence Day National Day Independence Day Republic Foundation Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day National Day Unification of Kingdom September 01st 01st 02nd 03rd 07th 08th 08th 09th 09th 15th 16th 18th 21st 21st 21st 22nd 23rd 346 October 01st 01st 03rd 03rd 12th 24th 26th 27th 28th 29th China Nigeria Germany Republic of Korea Spain Zambia Austria Turkmenistan Czech Republic Turkey Republic Day Independence Day The Day of German Unity National Day National Day Independence Day National Day Independence Day National Day Republic Day Algeria Angola Poland Belgium Palestine Latvia Oman Lebanon Mongolia Albania Mauritania Revolution Day Independence Day Independence Day King's Day Independence Day Independence Day Birthday of Sultan Qaboos Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Independence Day Romania United Arab Emirates Union Day Independence Day November 01st 11th 11th 15th 15th 18th 18th 22nd 26th 28th 28th December 01st 02nd 347 05th 06th 11th 16th 16th 18th 18th 23rd Thailand Finland Burkina Faso Bahrain Kazakhstan Niger Qatar Japan H.M. The King's Birthday Anniversary Independence Day Republic Day National Day Independence Day Republic Day Liberation Day The Emperor’s Birthday *** 08th May 09th May 24th October 09 th December 11th December 348 ICRC and IFRC EU UN RAI Secretariat UNICEF World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day European Communities’ Day UN Day International Anti-corruption Day Foundation Day
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