pdf - Honda Environmental
pdf - Honda Environmental
Foreword・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 04 Commitment to the Environment・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 05 History of Environmental Conservation・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 06 The Automobile Industry and Environmental Problems・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 08 Honda Environment Statement・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 10 Section 1 Product Development ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 11 Automobiles column Full-scale Efforts towards the Century of the Environment: Decision to Replace Various Engines with New-Generation “ i-series ” Engines・・ 12 ・ Cleaner Exhaust Gas・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 14 ・ Improvement of Fuel Economy・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 16 ・ Practical Use of Alternative Energies・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 18 Motorcycles ・ Cleaner Exhaust Gas・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 20 ・ Improvement of Fuel Economy・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 22 ・ Technologies to Pursue New Possibilities for Motorcycles・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 23 Power Products ・ Cleaner Exhaust Gas・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 24 ・ Improvement of Fuel Economy・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 26 ・ Technologies for Next-Generation Lifestyles・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 27 New Local Transport Systems・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 28 Section 2 Production and Purchasing 29 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Commitment to Zero Emission ・ Reduction of Waste・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 30 ・ Conservation of Air, Water, and Soil Quality・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 32 Energy Saving ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 34 Environmental Management・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 36 Symbiosis with Local Communities/ Comfortable Working Environment・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 36 column Measures Taken at Honda’s Overseas Factories・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 37 Green Purchasing・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 38 Section 3 Transportation, Sales, and Administration ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 39 Improvement of Transportation Efficiency・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 40 Reduction of Packaging Materials・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 41 Measures Taken by Honda Dealers・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 42 Measures for Offices・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 44 Section 4 Disposal and Recycling ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Measures Taken at the Development Stage・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 46 Measures Taken at the Production Stage・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 48 Measures Taken at the Use Stage・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 48 Measures Taken at the Waste Stage・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 49 Measures for the Future・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 51 column 02 Efforts Made by Suppliers・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 52 45 Section 5 Organizational Structure ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 53 System to Promote Environmental Activities・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 54 Environmental Management・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 55 LCA System to Quantify Environmental Impact・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 56 Section 6 Social Activities ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 57 Contribution to Nature, the Next Generation, and to Local Communities・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 58 Overseas Activities・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 59 Environmental Communication・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 59 Terminology・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 60 Index・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 62 Honda Environmental Information Disclosure・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 63 Using Honda ECOLOGY Honda ECOLOGY is structured as below so that a wider range of people may understand this outline of Honda’s environmental activities. ・Using a combination of brief sentences and visual illustrations helps readers easily understand Honda’s ideas, past activities, and future plans for environmental conservation. ・The aims and details of Honda’s environmental activities are introduced as specifically as possible. ① Introduction to the themes and an outline of Honda’s environmental activities ② Depiction of the background, ongoing efforts, and progress for such themes ③ Explanation of the aim and specific details of activities ● Page structure of Honda ECOLOGY ① ② ③ Internet Links Honda ECOLOGY is generally revised every three years. For the latest information, please refer to the website introducing Honda’s commitment to the environment www.honda.co.jp/environment Unless otherwise specified, all references are domestic. 03 Foreword Global environmental problems represented by global warming, resource depletion, and the disposal of waste began to be internationally recognized as common problems for everyone in the 1990s. At the Kyoto Conference held in 1997, targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions were set and at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held at Johannesburg in 2002, the Johannesburg Declaration was adopted to promote sustainable development and environmental conservation at the same time. Since the 1960s when pollution was recognized as a serious problem, Honda has been aggressively striving to solve environmental problems by promoting technological development, including the development of CVCC engines, towards a goal of ensuring a “blue sky for children.” Honda’s strenuous efforts for environmental conservation also includes the development of world-leading exhaust emission reducing technology, and the hybrid technology to achieve the world’s highest fuel efficiency. As a result of such effort, the users of Honda products, including motorcycles, automobiles, and power products, exceeded 12 million people around the world in fiscal 2001. By the year 2010, Honda is determined to become a company that all people can look up to. To attain this goal, and to be a leader in environmental conservation, we have always promoted our efforts in the environmental field. As a result, the Honda FCX has become the world’s first fuel cell vehicle to obtain U.S. government approval for commercialization. We would like to further our commitment to the environment throughout our corporate activities and to provide customers with products that totally satisfy them. This booklet is published separately from the Honda Environmental Annual Report, and is revised every three years to promote a wider understanding of our ideas, past efforts, and future projects concerning environmental conservation. We would be very pleased if this fully revised edition gains more readers, and look forward to receiving the frank opinions and reactions of our readers. December 2002 Hiroyuki Yoshino President and CEO Michiyoshi Hagino Senior Managing Director Director responsible for environmental activities 04 Hiroyuki Yoshino Michiyoshi Hagino President and CEO Senior Managing Director Director responsible for environmental activities Commitment to the Environment To Share Our Dreams and Joys with More Customers Handing down “Joy” from one to create new joys for its customers for fuel economy, with time limits, generation to the next through giving full consideration to the and disclose information about the Honda has long been engaged global environment. Also, it is aiming to achievement of these targets in the in environmental conservation, become a company that all people can Honda Environmental Annual Report aggressively undertaking measures look up to, by aggressively and at our website. suitable for the time. In the 1990s, communicating with local people and amid the increasing momentum toward with its customers throughout the For global and social sustainability environmental conservation and the world and sharing its joys with them. Honda thinks it important to deeply acceleration of environmental meas- understand what impacts companies ures all over the world, we improved Towards higher goals have on the world’s environment, our organizational structure and system For the effective promotion of society, and economy and to act bas- step by step (see page 54) and made environmental conservation activities ed on this understanding. To share joys our “Honda Environment Statement” and for the steady achievement of with a greater number of customers, as guidelines for our attitude towards results, we are always setting higher we will search for ways to enable the the environment (see page 10). goals. For example, for every product development of society in harmony domain, we announce the quantitative with the environment. In the 21st century, Honda is accelerating its environmental activities targets for cleaner exhaust gases and A company that people can look up to We continuously strive to be a leader in brining forth new values and creating joy. Creating new values of joy Expanding Joy for the joy next generation In order to pass on joy to future generations while sustaining social development, Honda will do its part to solve environmental challenges on a global scale. Honda will seek to expand the circle of joy by putting down roots in the communities in which it operates while maintaining its position as a global corporation. 05 Meeting the Challenges of the Age and Making Progress towards the Next Age Honda’s History of Environmental Conservation Honda’s history of environmental conservation: this means to meet the challenges of the time and to make progress towards the future. Honda has always wanted to pass on the beautiful natural environment to the next generation, and will continue its environmental conservation activities, meeting the high goals that it has set independently. In the 1950s and 1960s ●1968 The Air Pollution Control Law enacted. In the 1980s ●1972 ●1987 ●1978 The Club of Rome points out the finiteness of the earth in its Limits to Growth. First oil crisis Second oil crisis ●1978 Regulations on exhaust gas ●1970 The Muskie Act enacted (U.S.). The CAFE regulations introduced (U.S.). ●1973 Japan In relation to products Movements in the world General In the 1970s ●1975 U.S. Montreal Protocol adopted. Law concerning the Protection of the Ozone Layer through the Regulation of Specified Substances and Other Measures enacted. Europe ●1970 In relation to companies ●1970 ●1974 ●1958 Super Cub goes on sale. ●1966 Circulative use of industrial water started (in the coating process). ●1972 ●1973 The CVCC engine meets the requirements of the Muskie Act—a world first. CIVIC CVCC goes on sale. ●1988 VTEC engine unveiled. ●1983 REV-featured motorcycle (CBR400F) goes on sale. ●1980 Committee to deal with energy issues established (as a part of the committee to deal with oil issues). Committee to deal with CFCs established. Motorcycles Automobiles ●1966 Research on low-emission vehicles started to attain the goal of a “blue sky for children.” AP Lab formed inside Honda R&D. A diet session on pollution held and 14 pollution-related laws enacted or revised. The Water Pollution Control Law enacted. The total emission of SOx comes under regulation. Power products In relation to its products ●1966 Honda’s activities ●1988 ●1970 ●1971 ●1972 Corporate activities ●1975 ●1976 ●1976 ●1979 06 Headquarters for anti-pollution measures established. Hamamatsu Factory introduces wastewater treatment facilities, adopting the activated sludge method (for the first time in Japan). Sayama Factory attaches Japan's first electric dust collector to its cupola. Committee to deal with oil issues established. Meeting to present examples of effective resource/energy use launched. The Furusato Afforestation Project launched. Committee to promote environmental conservation established (as a part of the headquarters for anti-pollution measures). ●1989 History of Environmental Conservation In the 1990s In the 2000s ●1990 Japanese government announces its plan to prevent global warming. Basic Environment Law enacted. Third Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Kyoto Conference) held. Law concerning Rational Use of Energy revised. ●2001 ●2002 Basic Law for Establishing a Recycling-based Society enacted. World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg. Step-by-step regulation of exhaust gas from motorcycles. Fuel economy criteria for 2010 established based on the revised Law concerning Rational Use of Energy. ●2000 Exhaust gas regulations for 2000 LEV regulations introduced (in California). Regulations on the exhaust gas from CARB general-purpose engines started (in California). U.S. EPA introduces regulations on exhaust gas from marine engines. U.S. EPA introduces marine emission regulations. ●2001 U.S. CARB Marine Tier 2 EPA Phase 2 Regulations Release of ultra low emission vehicles (Accord/Accord Wagon) ●1993 ●1997 ●1999 ●1998 ●1999 ●1994 ●1994 ●1996 ●1998 ●1993 ●1998 ●1991 ●1997 ●1998 ●1991 ●1993 ●1995 ●1995 ●1995 ●1996 ●1996 ●1996 ●1997 ●1997 ●1997 ●1997 ●1998 ●1999 ●1999 ●1999 ●1999 ●1999 ●1994 ●1994 ●1997 ●1998 ●1998 ●1998 ●1998 ●1999 ●1999 ●1994 ●1997 ●1998 ●1990 ●1991 ●1994 ●1997 ●1997 ●1997 ●1998 ●1998 ●1999 ●1999 ●1999 ●2001 ●2002 Boden Lake regulations introduced. EU 2000/2005 regulations introduced. Law for the Promotion of Utilization of Recyclable Resources enacted and the Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law revised. Regulations on dioxins started on a full scale. (Dioxins are newly included in the substances specified under the Air Pollution Control Law.) Manifest system begins to be applied to end-of-life vehicles. ●2001 CIVIC equipped with a VTEC-E engine goes on sale. Accord equipped with a new VTEC engine goes on sale. CIVIC meeting the LEV standards of California goes on sale. CIVIC equipped with a 3-stage VTEC engine goes on sale. Honda ULEV technology unveiled. New Dream wins first prize in the World Solar Challenge. Honda LEV Honda EV Plus (electric car with batteries) unveiled. CIVIC GX (natural gas vehicle) unveiled. Accord, meeting the ULEV standards of California, goes on sale. Honda ZLEV technology unveiled. CIVIC FERIO and PARTNER, meeting Honda LEV standards, go on sale. Z and LIFE go on sale as the first LEV-spec minicars. Insight (a hybrid car) goes on sale, achieving the highest fuel efficiency (35 km/l) for a mass-produced gasoline-powered vehicle in the world. Accord meets the U.S. SULEV standards for the first time in the world. S2000 goes on sale as the first vehicle meeting the 2000 emission standards. Next-generation 2-liter, 4-cylinder gasoline engine goes on sale. Prototype fuel cell vehicle unveiled. ●2000 CUV ES (electric scooter) goes on sale. RACOON (electric motor-assisted bicycle) goes on sale. CRM250AR, introducing the AR combustion technology, goes on sale. LEAD goes on sale as the first motorcycle meeting motorcycle emission regulations in Japan. CBR600F equipped with the air injection system goes on sale. VFR800FI equipped with the 3-way catalytic converter system that achieves an emission level below one-tenth of the emission criteria in Europe goes on sale. LEAD and VTR250 meet the domestic noise regulation. GIORNO Crea equipped with a 4-stroke engine goes on sale. CB400 SUPER FOUR equipped with a HYPER VTEC engine goes on sale. ●2001 Outboard engine BF6/8/40 meets the Boden Lake Regulation criteria. GX22/31 (a supersmall 4-stroke engine) goes on sale. THE BF series meet the U.S. EPA’s emission standards and the voluntary emission criteria of the Japanese Marine Equipment Association. ●2001 All Honda models in the world meet the CARB Tier 2 and EPA Phase 2 standards. A recycling committee established. Environmental Committee established to deal with environment-related issues. Use of CFC-12 and 1,1,1-trichloroethane totally discontinued in production processes. Green Factory Project launched. New Recycle Project launched. Honda Belgium N.V. acquires ISO 14001 certification, followed by other Honda subsidiaries in various countries. Green Dealer Project launched. All plants acquire ISO 14001 certification. Suzuka Factory achieves zero landfill waste. Honda Green Conference started (as a part of the meeting to present the examples of efficient resource/energy use). Europe Recycle Center (ERC) established. ●2000 Domestic plants achieve zero external landfill waste targets. Green Dealer Certification System launched. Closed system adopted for the water wasted in the outboard engine assembling process (Hosoe Plant of the Hamamatsu Factory). Green Purchasing Guidelines established. ICVS operation starts in Singapore. Hosoe Plant starts its operations with dramatically improved energy efficiency (Hamamatsu Factory). Honda Chemical Substance Guidelines established. ●2002 ●2000 ●2001 ●2001 ●2001 ●2001 ●2001 ●2002 ●2002 ●2002 ●2001 ●2000 ●2001 ●2001 ●2002 ●2002 ●2002 Law on Promoting Green Purchasing enforced. End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Law enacted. Fuel cell vehicle (FCX-V3) running tests start. STREAM (equipped with the new generation engine DOHC i-VTEC engine) goes on sale. New CIVIC GX (a natural gas vehicle) certified as an SLEV vehicle. CIVIC and CIVIC FERIO go on sale as SLEV vehicles. CIVIC Hybrid goes on sale, achieving the world’s highest fuel efficiency among mass-produced five-passenger gasolinepowered vehicles. Fit (equipped with an i-DSI engine) goes on sale. FCX-V4 (fuel cell vehicle) goes on sale. FCX becomes the first fuel cell vehicle in the world to be certified by the U.S. government and leased to the city of Los Angeles. Accord and Accord Wagon go on sale as SLEV vehicles. FCX certified as the first fuel cell vehicle by the Japanese government and leased to the Cabinet Office. Crea SCOOPY and Dio (equipped with water-cooled 4-stroke 50 cc engines) go on sale. STEP COMPO goes on sale. 07 Taking Steady Measures to Share Joy with People All over the World Honda has been delivering its products to its customers all over the world to share its joys with them, while at the same time making every effort to solve environmental problems, recognizing the impact it has on the global environment. We are now determined to continue to fulfill our environmental responsibilities, which are increasing in their importance, while endeavoring to obtain more than 20 million customers by fiscal 2004. Severe situation concerning landfill sites Time to saturation of landfill sites (Estimated in 1999) Honda’s activities and environmental challenges Amount of industrial waste 12.3 years 400 million tons 240 million tons Generation of end-of-life vehicles Emission of CO2 and waste at offices 3.7 years General Industrial waste waste 1975 1999 End-of-life vehicles: approximately 5 million vehicles per year Emission of CO2 and waste, and soil/water pollution in the course of sales activities Sources: upper graph—website of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association. Lower quantitative data—Report on a Recycling-Based Society 2002, Ministry of the Environment. Exhaust gas, CO2, and noise from products Change in CO2 emissions in the world (from 1950 to 1996) In terms of carbon (Million tons) 7,0 00 6,0 00 Total 5,0 00 4,0 00 Developed countries 3,0 00 Developed countries in the West 2,0 00 Developing countries 1,0 00 Eastern Europe plus former Soviet Union 0 1 950 1960 1970 1980 1990 (Year) Source: Estimates by Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (in the U.S.). Resource depletion Time to depletion for major resources (as of 2000) 161 years 227 years 266 years 61 years 43 years 40 years Oil Natural gas Iron Coal Aluminum (as of 1999) Lead Source: Quality of the Environment in Japan 2002, Ministry of the Environment. Global environmental problems and countermeasures ◎Global warming ◎Resource depletion ◎Ozone depletion A rapid increase in the consumption of Resources used for automobiles are roughly The ozone layer surrounding the earth fossil fuels such as oil and coal seen after divided into oil and metal resources. For oil, absorbs most ultraviolet rays in the sunlight the industrial revolution has resulted which has been supporting the automobile soci- and thus protects the living creatures on the in a rise in temperature, which exerts ety, the time remaining before depletion is being earth. The use of CFC-12 for automotive air an influence over the ecosystem and prolonged, but in view of increasing consumption, conditioners, which destroys the ozone layer, increases wind and water damage. The the absolute amount may decrease. For mineral was fully discontinued in 1995 but there is still emission of CO2, which represents a typical resources, it is said that the amount presently a problem of how to collect and completely greenhouse gas, has been increasing since mined per month greatly exceeds the total destroy CFC-12 from end-of-life air condi- fiscal 1990, in ordinary households and in consumption of mineral resources before the tioners. the transportation sector. beginning of the industrial revolution! Products ・Higher fuel efficiency through the introduction of “i-series engines” (pages 12 and 16) ・Practical use of clean energy technologies, including fuel cell vehicles (pages 18, 23, and 27) ・Adoption of 4-stroke engines to motorcycles and power products (pages 22 and 26) Production Energy saving through the introduction of natural gas cogeneration systems (page 34) Implementing measures based on the Honda Environment Statement 08 Sales ・Collection and destruction of CFC-12 from automotive air conditioners (page 42) The Automobile Industry and Environmental Problems Increase of customers all over the world, and increasing environmental responsibilities Ozone depletion by CFCs Change in the sales quantity of Honda products Collection rate of CFC-12 (for 2000) (10,000 units) 2,000 57 % 1,800 Motorcycles Automobiles Power products 1,600 27 % 13 % 1,400 Refrigerators for households Freezers Automotive and air air conditioners conditioners (including for industrial use destruction rate) 1,200 1,000 Source: Quality of the Environment in Japan 2002, Ministry of the Environment. 800 600 400 Air pollution caused by factories 200 0 1990 ’91 ’92 ’93 ’94 ’95 ’96 ’97 ’98 ’99 2000 ’01 ’02 2004 (Fiscal year) Water and soil pollution Exhaust gas and CO2 emitted from transportation activities Honda aims to obtain more than 20 million customers by fiscal 2004 (i.e. by March 2005) through its sales of automobiles, motorcycles, and power products. It is determined to accelerate its environmental conservation activities to fulfill its important responsibilities as a global company while providing new values to as many customers as possible. Regional environmental problems and countermeasures ◎Air pollution ◎Air, water, and soil pollution ◎Waste problem Air pollution is caused by carbon monoxide In the high economic growth period, it was In recent years, the leaching of harmful (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen oxides required to take measures against dust and substances from landfill sites has become (NOx), and suspended particulate matters sulfur oxides (SOx) generated from fuels a problem and people are increasingly (SPMs), and the emission of these sub- combusted in metal casting furnaces and demanding advanced waste disposal stances should be reduced. In recent years, against water pollutants contained in waste- measures and opposing the construction of the emission from a single automobile water. Most of these pollutants have been consid- new landfill sites. On the other hand, waste has been remarkably reduced thanks to erably reduced thanks to the development of disposal costs are rising, causing the illegal the development of exhaust gas cleaning pollution prevention technologies. It is now disposal of waste. Presently, approximately technologies, but total emissions have required to reduce the environmental impacts 5 million vehicles are wasted every year as remained on the same level due to an increase caused by our production activities by reducing end-of-life vehicles, around 70 to 80% of in the overall number of automobiles through the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) for which are recycled. The remaining 20% the progress of motorization. For example, drying paints for parts, properly managing the or so are shredded and such shredder approximately 30% of areas do not meet the transfer of chemical substances used, and by residue also needs to be reduced. NOx emission standards according to data reducing landfill waste. obtained from pollution monitoring stations located on roadsides. Products ・Cleaner exhaust gas by the introduction of “i-series engines” (pages 12 and 14) ・Practical use of clean energy technologies, including fuel cell vehicles (pages 18, 23, and 27) Production ・Taking VOC measures through the introduction of water-based paints (page 32) ・Circulative use of industrial water (page 32) ・Soil and underwater monitoring (page 33) Sales ・Drastic pollution prevention by creating a risk management manual (page 42) Production ・Zero landfill waste (page 30) Recycling ・Research on the end-of-life vehicle disassembling lines (page 50) 09 Honda Environment Statement Honda will pursue challenging goals for the conservation of the global environment. Honda Environment Statement As a responsible member of society whose task lies in the preservation of the global environment, company will make every effort to contribute to human health and the preservation of the global environment in each phase of its corporate activity. Only in this way will we be able to count on a successful future not only for our company, but for the entire world. We should pursue our daily business interest under the following principles: 1. We will make efforts to recycle materials and conserve resources and energy at every stage of our products’ life cycle from research, design, production and sales, to services and disposal. 2. We will make every effort to minimize and find appropriate methods to dispose of waste and contaminants that are produced through the use of our products, and in every stage of life cycle of these products. 3. As both a member of the company and of society, each employee will focus on the importance of making efforts to preserve human health and the global environment, and will do his or her part to ensure that the company as a whole acts responsibly. 4. We will consider the influence that our corporate activities have on the regional environment and society, and endeavor to improve the social standing of the company. Established and announced in June 1992 10 Section 1 Product Development 1 Ongoing Technological Developments to Attain Higher Goals for the Next Generation It is important for us to improve the environmental performance of Reduction of our products to enable our customers to use the products air pollutants without being concerned about the impacts caused by these products to the global environment. In their lifecycles, our Improvement of environmental performance products tend to cause the largest environmental impacts while they are in use, and we need to reduce such impacts. To meet this requirement, Honda is striving to build a better relationship Reduction of CO2 Practical use of emissions alternative energies between people, the earth, and our products by setting severe voluntary standards for environmental conservation, including cleaner exhaust gases and higher fuel efficiency. 11 column Full-scale Efforts towards the Century of the Environment: Decision to Replace Various Engines with New-Generation “i-series” Engines Honda, hoping to make its most popular engines in each class the “World’s No. 1 Engines” at the beginning of the 21st century, is now developing the new-generation “i-series” engines. Towards the “Century of the Environment,” we are pursuing higher goals with all our strength, utilizing the unsurpassed skills of our product development department. 1 To meet the next-generation requirements engine. Exhaust gases from these two 2 Honda’s decision to develop a new engine engines were 50% or less than the 2000 Heading the world, Honda unveiled a CVCC exhaust gas emission standards and the The development and production engine that met the criteria of the Muskie Act S2000 became the first automobile to meet departments would need to cooperate (the U.S. exhaust gas regulations) in 1972, the 2000 emission standards. Also, these together to accomplish the substantial work and has long been taking measures to engines were light and compact, enabling of developing a new engine, which requires achieve cleaner exhaust gas. In the latter a more flexible design. As a result, the the creation of hundreds of new parts, half of the 1990s, various international aerodynamic performance and the energy including the cylinder block and cylinder agreements were made, including the Kyoto absorbing ability of the crushable zone were head, which serve as the framework of Protocol, which accelerated the global improved. Thus these engines have greatly the engine. Honda, however, decided to movement towards environmental conserva- contributed to the provision of products that commence this difficult task, thinking it tion. Accordingly, people increasingly de- are excellent in handling, fuel economy, and impossible to achieve the high goal that it manded higher fuel economy to reduce CO2 safety. Honda, while developing such tech- had set for the next generation by simply emissions from automobiles as part of efforts nologies to achieve “ultimate” functions, made improving existing engines. to reduce global warming. a new, challenging decision: to introduce the Under such circumstances, Honda began The first objective was “downsizing new-generation designs to various engine the engines by 10% in terms of weight, developing two new types of engines: a 1.0- classes, to be the world’s No. 1 in terms of improving their fuel economy by 20%, and liter engine as the main power train for the power, clean energy, and fuel economy. increasing their output by 10%.” For their Honda IMA System used for Honda’s hybrid specifications, the following three issues car, the Insight; and a 2.0-liter DOHC engine were decided: to change the engine’s for Honda’s sports car, the S2000. The revolving direction, which had previously former achieved the “ultimate high fuel been set reversely from general engines, economy” of 35 km per liter in the 10・15 to install all the engines sideways; and to mode and the latter achieved the “ultimate develop new transmissions for these power” of 250 horsepower from a 2.0 liter engines. As for application technologies, ●Honda’s concept about the replacement of engines Environmental goals in the “Century of the Environment” Replacing all engines with “new-generation” engines Ultimate power ●Contribution to society Environmental measures Targets to be achieved to make Honda’s new-generation engines “World’s No. 1” Resource saving S2000 Safety Clean ●Contribution to customers High-level combination Joy of driving Insight Overwhelmingly excellent running performance Ultimate fuel economy Clean performance : to reduce exhaust emissions to the utmost limit Fuel economy : to improve fuel economy by 10 to 20% compared with previous engines Compactness : to downsize the engines by 10 to 15% in terms of weight to make them the world’s most compact Output : to achieve torqueful performance in the whole speed area Production technology : to achieve higher production efficiency and more innovative production Comfort DOHC i-VTEC 12 i-DSI Automobiles it was decided to adopt the optimal technologies for each engine, not using 4 Production innovation and synergies which had become very popular with customers, we were able to establish the same technologies for the engines Honda then decided to replace existing production systems to fully meet customers’ for different models. Thus we started to engines with new-generation engines as a needs. “develop the ultimate gasoline engines,” part of its production line reforms, in order to using diverse application technologies improve the efficiency and flexibility of its and all our skills, including the advanced production bases within and outside Japan There are presently two types of engines in technologies accumulated in the develop- for the manufacturing of products with the “i-series”: the 1.3-liter in-line 4-cylinder ment of the Insight and S2000. higher qualities as well as for the further “i-DSI” engine and the 2.0-liter in-line 4- reduction of its environmental impact. cylinder “i-VTEC” engine. The “i-DSI” engine 3 Newly developed engines Traditionally, at Honda factories, different 5 Pursuing diversified possibilities for power trains corresponds to 1.2 to 1.5-liter engines and As the first result of these efforts, Honda engines were manufactured by different the “i-VTEC” engine corresponds to 2.0 to unveiled a 2.0-liter “i-VTEC” engine in 1999. production lines and the line and factory 2.4-liter engines. We are now planning to operation rate differed depending upon order expand the application of these new engines gasoline engine was characterized by its quantities. If, however, the production lines to other models. Also, we are rapidly develop- high performance and light and compact were improved to increase the number of ing new engines with other displacements. design, and was used for the STREAM. For engine types that one production line could By 2005, all other Honda models, in addition this “i-VTEC” engine, a lean-burn combus- handle, more popular products could be to the STREAM and the Fit, will be equipped tion method was adopted as a result of trials manufactured by multiple lines, and with “i-series” engines, and thereby all Honda’s and tribulations for improving fuel economy, production could be allocated to various objectives concerning cleaner exhaust environmental performance, including cleaner factories. Thus, more options could be emissions and higher fuel economy will be exhaust gas, and driving functionality. provided and the needs of customers could achieved (see figure below). In addition to The second product of the new- be met more flexibly, leveling the work load the sophistication of gasoline engines, we will generation engine series was the 1.3-liter and improving the production efficiency of also aggressively take other environmental “i-DSI” engine used for the Fit. This engine each production line at all Honda factories measures, reducing CO2 emissions from achieved a high fuel economy of 23 km per across the world. diesel engines, expanding the application of The new-generation, 2.0-liter, 4-cylinder liter in the 10・15 mode, and was equipped with two ignition plugs per cylinder. To manufacture multiple engine types hybrid engines, and developing power trains on one production line, however, careful for the next-generation technologies– consideration must be given to the produc- including fuel cells. Also, for motorcycles and Honda plans to replace various engines with tion process, even as early as the engine power products, we will take the necessary its new “i-series” engines. design stage. The replacement of engines measures to reduce their environmental was therefore an important decision to promote impacts. The “i” signifies “intelligent engine” and production line reforms. As a result, for the STREAM and the Fit, Environmental goals for automobiles to be achieved by 20051) To achieve clean emissions of 50% or less of the 2000 emission standards for all models by 2002 To reduce the total HC and NOx emissions from new automobiles by approximately 75% by 2005 To obtain “ULEV” certification for most of Honda passenger vehicles from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport by 2005 To achieve the 2010 fuel economy criteria for all the weight categories by 2005 To improve the average fuel economy by approximately 25% by 2005 (compared with the 1995 level)2) 1) These goals are all domestic goals to be achieved within Japan. 2) Already achieved in 2002. Influence of engine replacement Engine replacement exerts great influence over many elements, including the design, performance, and production system of an automobile. In order to replace our engines in various classes, all the departments in the company would have to cooperate together. 13 Cleaner Exhaust Gas Steady Improvement of Engines to Achieve Cleaner Exhaust Gas Honda has been developing environmental technologies, giving first priority to the reduction of exhaust emissions and setting its own high goals for each of the periods. We developed CVCC engines in the 1970s, and released LEV-spec engines and met the highest emission standards such as ULEV and SULEV standards for the first time in the world in the 1990s. Also, we introduced the “i-series” new-generation engines towards the 21st century. Further accelerating the progess in environmental technologies, we will provide the world with greener vehicles. Cleaner exhaust gas target for 2005: ◎To reduce the total exhaust emissions of HC and NOx by approximately 75% for new vehicles by 2005 (compared with 1995)* ◎To achieve a clean performance that exceeds the 2000 exhaust emissions standards of Japan by 50% or more for all vehicles* ◎To obtain certification as “Ultra Low Emission Vehicle (ULEV)” from Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport for most Honda models* * Targets for Japan To disseminate automobiles with cleaner exhaust emission technology 1972 1996 1999 Honda LEV CVCC Improved combustion at engine start, when the engine is cold. Also, by keeping exhaust emissions at a high temperature, it is made possible to quickly maximize the catalyzer’s cleaning ability. Honda LEV Announcement of the new-generation, 2-liter, 4-cylinder gasoline engine “i-VTEC” CVCC Approved as the first vehicle meeting the exhaust emission standards for year 2000 Announcement in 1972 of the CVCC technology to meet ahead of others the U.S. exhaust emissions standards called the “Muskie Act,” which was said to be impossible to comply with. Release in Japan in 1973 of the CIVIC CVCC using the latest CVCC technology First applied to CIVIC FERIO (put on sale the in 1997) S2000 (put on sale in 1999) Technologies to comply with the exhaust emissions regulations enforced in California 1995 CIVIC CVCC (Released in 1973) 1997 Met the LEV standards times, 1 Improvement with the 1) starting with CVCC CO, HCs, and NOx contained in exhaust gases 1999 Met the ULEV standards Met the SULEV standards* for the first time in the world for the first time in the world ( * The world’s strictest clean exhaust gas standards for gasoline-powered vehicles) 2) 3) 2 Meeting the LEV , ULEV , and SULEV 4) standards for the first time in the world technology was subsequently applied to nine remodeled Honda automobiles. In 1999, the ULEV technology was further improved to may cause photochemical smog and acid rain, In 1995, in its pursuit of the ultimate meet ahead of others in the world the SULEV and exert diversified influences on people. technologies, Honda unveiled the ultra low standards of California. Honda has been giving the first priority to emission engine to meet ahead of others in 5) 3 Progress to i-VTEC and to the the reduction of these substances and the world the ULEV standards of California, improving its exhaust gas cleaning which were said to be the strictest in the Subsequently, in Japan in 2000, the Minis- technologies. Following the movement of the world. (In 1997, in the U.S., we released an try of Land, Infrastructure and Transport times, we have entered benchmarking Accord equipped with this engine.) implemented the Low Emission Vehi- technologies for low emission engines in the “Excellent Low Emission” level At the same time, we were developing the cles’ Approval System. Under the sys- market, including CVCC, Honda LEV, and “Honda LEV” technology, which reduced the tem, vehicles are classified as “Good,” DOHC i-VTEC technologies. We have also CO, HCs, and NOx contained in exhaust “Excellent,” or “Ultra” low emission vehicles. been conducting research to comply with emissions to one-tenth of the levels set by Honda, by inputting the new-generation our high, voluntary environmental standards Japan’s automobile exhaust emissions DOHC i-VTEC engine, obtained certifica- in addition to the environmental regulations regulations for 1978, and released the tion as “Excellent” low emission vehicles implemented in different countries. products equipped with the technology (achieving emissions that are 50% or less of 1) CVCC: Compound Vortex Controlled Combustion 2) LEV: Low Emission Vehicle 3) ULEV: Ultra Low Emission Vehicle 4) SULEV: Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle 5) i-VTEC: Intelligent-Variable Valve Timing & Lift Electronic Control System within Japan. This marked the start of the the emission standards for 2000) for almost distribution of products having clean perfor- all its models other than light trucks as of mances much higher than those of the stand- October 2002. By 2005, we intend to obtain ard products marketed at that time. The the certification as “Ultra” low emission 14 Automobiles NOx regulations in Japan and the U.S.* Regulations for the emission of NOx enacted in Japan Unit: g/km U.S. CARB regulations (for NOx) Unit: g/mile 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 (regulations in 1972) 2.00 (regulations in 1975) 1.50 (regulations in 1977) 1.00 (regulations in 1980) 0.40 (regulations in 1982) 1973 1975 1980 2.00 2.18 (regulations in 1973) CVCC (first CIVIC) 1.20 (regulations in 1975) CVCC-1 (CIVIC) 0.85 (regulations in 1976) Over 1 ton 0.60 (regulations in 1976) 1 ton or below 0.25 (regulations in 1978) CVCC + oxidation catalyzer (CIVIC, Accord, Prelude) 1985 (g/mile)0.40 0.20 LEVⅠ 0.40 0.20 0.20 0.05 LEVⅡ 0.1(g/km) 0.05 0.40 0.05 0.02 2000 Tier I TLEV LEV・ ・ ・Honda LEV (CIVIC) ULEV・ ・ ・ULEV (Accord) LEV ULEV SULEV・ ・ ・Meeting SULEV standards 2001 1990 Regulations in 2000 J-TLEV Honda LEV(S2000) ・ ・ ・J-LEV J-ULEV 1995 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 2000 2002 0.08 Regulations in 2000 *The regulations cannot simply be compared between Japan and the U.S., because the units and test methods differ. 2002 2005 To obtain Ultra Low Emission Vehicle certification for most models Accord 20E Reducing HC and NOx emissions by achieving cleaner exhaust gas for new vehicles DOHC i-VTEC Total HC and NOx emissions from new vehicles (shown in a percentage to the level of 1995) CIVIC G (%) -75% 100 STREAM 80 Progress of VTEC, exhaust systems, and catalyzers In addition to Honda’s unique VTEC, more precise control of in-take valve timing has realized low exhaust gas, high fuel economy, and higher torque performance. Also, the adoption of a rear dual exhaust system and a NOx absorbing catalyzer for leaner burn has made it possible to comply with the Excellent Low Emission Vehicle certification level set by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. 800,000 vehicles 60 40 20 Sales quantity (in Japan) 0 “Ultra Low Emission Vehicle” certification level 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 ・・・・ 2005 (Fiscal year) vehicles (achieving the emissions that are 25% or less of the emission standards for Noise reduction 2000) for most of our passenger vehicles. Implementing careful measures to reduce the noises caused by automobiles We started the sale of “Ultra” low emission vehicle-certified CIVIC and CIVIC FERIO in October 2001 and have also obtained the ULEV certification for the CIVIC Hybrid, Noises caused by automobiles include engine noise, air intake and exhaust noise, and noise caused by the friction between tires and roads. Honda is reducing such noises to improve the quietness performance of its automobiles. Specifically, we have improved the engine intake and exhaust system, applied sound absorbing materials to the engine compartment, and improved silencers and mufflers. We are thus implementing considered measures for noise reduction. Accord, and Accord Wagon. 4 Evolution from the CIVIC Honda has been improving its exhaust gas cleaning technologies based on a consistent approach: to completely combust the gasoline in a highly efficient engine and to clean the exhaust gas by the use of three- Automobile noise reduction technologies Air intake system ・Centralized air intake system ・Adoption of a large-capacity air cleaner with a muffler Engine ・Adoption of “silent chains” for the timing belt ・Improved parts rigidity Air exhaust system ・Adoption of a large-capacity silencer ・Adoption of a double catalyzer cover Use of sound absorbing materials Road noise reduction measures ・Adoption of low noise tires way catalyzers. This approach requires the combustion control according to changing external computer technology and by conducting make these efforts to provide customers conditions and running conditions. Honda research to pursue the possibilities of with automobiles of ever higher clean has been trying to meet the requirement step increasing catalyzer density and the use of performances. by step by increasing the sophistication of new materials. We will further continue to 15 Improvement of Fuel Economy Honda’s Unique Approach to Improve Fuel Economy to Reduce CO2 Emissions: Input of New-Generation Engines and Hybrid Systems Honda, as its approach to the remarkable improvement of fuel economy, has developed the VTEC mechanism that enables high fuel economy as well as high output, a hybrid car that achives the world’s highest fuel economy, and the transmissions that enable the effective transmission of power. We also introduced new-generation “i-series” engines. In the 21st century, we will accelerate the development of environmental technologies to further reduce the emission of CO2 from vehicles. Fuel economy improvement target for 2005 ◎To achieve by 2005 the new fuel efficiency standards of Japan for 2010 for all weight categories* ◎To improve the average fuel economy by approximately 25% (compared with 1995)* *Targets for Japan Improvement of engine efficiency 1989 1991 1993 1995 VTEC VTEC-E New VTEC 3-stage VTEC Features two cams on a single camshaft—one for the high-speed range and the other for low-and mid-speed ranges. By using either of these cams according to driving conditions, the engine achieves superior fuel economy while delivering high power output. Features two intake valves, one of which is suspended at low engine revolutions. Through this, the engine achieves fast but stable lean combustion with high fuel economy. Developed by combining the advantages of the VTEC engine, which produces an excellent balance of power and fuel economy, with the intake valve suspension mechanism for VTEC-E engines that achieve superior fuel economy. Optimizes intake valve timing and lift in three stages (low, medium, and high speeds), and achieves the highest fuel economy and power output in the 1.5-liter engine class. First applied to the INTEGRA (put on sale in 1989) From VTEC to new-generation i-VTEC First applied to the CIVIC (put on sale in 1991) First applied to the Accord (put on sale in 1993) First applied to the CIVIC (put on sale in 1995) “cleaner exhaust gas” with the “joy of driving” variable transmission composed of two of in a sophisticated manner. The “ i ” means Honda’s own pulleys and a special metal belt. Combust gasoline with no waste. Use the “intelligent” and by 2005 we intend to In 1998, we further developed the Honda derived energy as driving power to the upgrade all our engines in various classes to Multimatic S, improving fuel economy greatest possible degree. These are the intelligent engines as the “i series.” In 2001, compared with that of the Honda Multimatic objectives that every engine design pursues. we developed the 1.3 liter i-DSI* engine and by adopting the PROSMATIC, which adopted it in the Fit. optimizes the timing for speed changes, * i-DSl : Inteligent Dual & Sequential Ignition widening the pulleys, and by improving the 1 For example, the VTEC engine released in 1988 achieved high power output and high fuel economy through the use of two alternate cams mounted on a single camshaft—one for 2 Honda Multimatic S precision of oil pressure control. The Honda Multimatic S has also been applied to the HR-V, the high-speed range and the other for low- The efficient transmission of power generated and mid-speed ranges. Honda further by highly efficient engines contributes to improved the VTEC technology, and greater fuel economy. Honda has therefore subsequently in 1999 unveiled the i-VTEC also been making efforts to improve power In 1999, Honda developed a hybrid system to engine as the most advanced VTEC engine. transmission efficiency. We equipped the 6th improve the fuel economy of gasoline- Through technological renovation such as the generation CIVIC released in 1995 with an powered vehicles to the utmost limit, and sophistication of combustion controls by an innovative automatic transmission called released the Insight, in which the Honda intelligent system and drastic downsizing “Honda Multimatic,” together with the 3-stage integrated motor-assist (IMA) system was (through lighter and more compact design), VTEC engine to greatly improve its fuel installed. The IMA system uses a gasoline- we combined “higher fuel economy” and economy. Honda Multimatic is a continuously powered engine as its primary power source 16 Fit, and CIVIC Hybrid. 3 Hybrid Automobiles Hybrid Technologies 1999 2001 The Insight, running 35 km on a liter of gas The CIVIC Hybrid, running 29.5 km on a liter of gas With the combination of the Honda IMA system, the newly developed 1.3-liter, i-DSI cylinder idling VTEC engine, the DC brushless motor, and of the Honda Multimatic S, the model achieves among the highest fuel economy for massproduction gasoline-powered vehicles for 5 passengers, running 29.5 km on a liter of gas (10 15 mode). With higher combustion efficiency, the lighter and more compact “1-liter lean-burn VTEC engine,” the highly efficient motor-assist system, the light aluminum body and with better aerodynamic performance, the model achieves the world’s highest fuel economy, running 35 km on a liter of gas (10・15 mode/5-speed transmission). • IMA system 1999 2000 2002 2001 2005 i-DSI engine DOHC i-VTEC By the use of twin plugs, which is revolutionary for a 1.3-liter engine, the engine comes close to the “ideal engine,” which is “fast and enables complete combustion.” The ultimately compact engine intelligently and extremely precisely controls combustion. Annoucement of the new-generation, 2-liter, 4-cylinder gasoline engine “i-VTEC” Improvement by 30%, exceeding the objective of improving average fuel economy by approximately 25% (in March 2002)* The STREAM, running 14.2 km on a liter of gas Equipped with the DOHC i-VTEC engine, the model achieves the highest fuel economy in the class, running 14.2 km on a liter of gas (10 15 mode). * Target for Japan Further improvement • The Fit, running 23 km on a liter of gas The progress of the transmission 1995 Application of “i-series” engines to various classes 2000 >> Continuously variable transmission >> Automatic transmission Honda Multimatic Honda Multimatic S Direct-control 5-speed AT* In combination with the 3-stage VTEC engine, the transmission improves the fuel economy of automobiles by 20% compared with those equipped with traditional transmissions. With higher efficiency, the transmission improves the fuel economy of automobiles by 8% compared with those equipped with the Honda Multimatic. Compared with the Accord equipped with a 4-speed AT (put on sale in 1998),the fuel economy is improved by approximately 7%. of fuel economy Through a combination of the i-DSI engine and Honda Multimatic, this model achieves the world’s highest fuel economy. *AT: Automatic transmission Improvement of average fuel economy and a motor as an auxiliary power source. The Insight, with this system, runs 35 km (10 15 • mode) on a liter of gas, which represents the world’s highest fuel economy for a massproduction gasoline-powered vehicle. The Insight was ranked as No. 1 in the U.S. Honda is reducing the emission of CO2, which causes global warming, by improving the fuel economy of its vehicles in all the classes. We have improved the fuel economy by 30%, exceeding the objective of improving the average fuel economy by approximately 25% by 2005 (in March 2002). Change in the average fuel economy Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s fuel economy ranking consecutively for four years * 16.0 (as of October 2002). Furthermore, in 2001, we released the CIVIC Hybrid installed with the new Honda IMA system. We are thus applying higher fuel 14.0 economy technologies to our standard products, contributing to environmental improvement through our products chosen by 12.0 +25% a greater number of customers in various product categories. 10.0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 (Fiscal year) * 10 15 modes • 17 Practical Use of Alternative Energies Use of Clean Energy Vehicles in Our Daily Lives for the Future Honda, to popularize clean energy vehicles characterized with extremely low CO2 and other emissions, has improved the performance of electric and natural gas vehicles. Also, by utilizing the technologies accumulated in the development process, we promoted the practical use of fuel cell vehicles. In July 2002, our fuel cell vehicle became the first in the world to obtain an approval for commercialization from the U.S. government. Furthermore, we obtained an approval for the car also in Japan and started its sales in a limited quantity both in Japan and the U.S. Next-generation technology target: ◎To introdue fuel cell electric vehicles into the market by 2002 Practical use of alternative energies 1990 1999 Electric vehicle 2000 Experimental fuel cell electric vehicles New-type Dream Honda has been participating in the World Solar Challenge. The model won massive victories in the competitions held in 1993 and 1996. FCX-V1 Experimental fuel cell electric vehicle Type that uses pure hydrogen as fuel, which is stored in a hydrogenabsorbing alloy Type that retrieves hydrogen from methanol by the use of a reformer Honda EV Plus In 10.15 mode, the model runs 220 km on a single charge. Its specially designed body is roomy enough to seat four adults comfortably. FCX-V3 FCX-V2 Motor drive technology Developing new-generation vehicles based on a complete understanding of the characteristics of alternative energies 1997 Energy management technology for the Insight Natural gas vehicle High-pressure gas storing technology 1 Honda EV Plus, which is More suitable for practical use with improved accelerating ability from standstill and higher fuel economy High-pressure gas storing technology CIVIC GX New CIVIC GX The model reduces CO2 exhaust emissions by approximately 20% compared with gasoline-powered vehicles. Further, it nearly eliminates CO, HCs, and NOx from the exhaust gas. The model features a newly designed engine, longer cruising range, and more space for passengers. (Put on sale in 2001) comparable to that of traditional models, of the electrolysis of water, creates electrici- including a longer cruising range and more ty that runs the motor. Fuel cells generate Honda believes that the value of environment- space for passengers. Further, since 1990, we electricity by a chemical reaction that oc- friendly technologies will increase through the have been participating in a world solar car curs at a low temperature, and the energy use of such techologies by a greater number race as a challenge to new technologies. The conversion efficiency is as high as 60%. In of people. Based on this belief, we have been race provided us with an opportunity to addition, the reaction produces only water developing alternative energy vehicles giving increase the sophistication of various tech- and generates almost no CO or NOx. Honda the first priority to the improvement of their nologies for higher energy efficiency and provide has been developing two types of fuel cell performance to make it comparable to that of feedback to EV technologies. We utilize the electric vehicles: one is a type that uses pure vehicles currently available on the market, technologies accumulated through diversified hydrogen as fuel, stored in a hydrogen- including speed, accelerating ability, and methods in combination for the development absorbing alloy, and the other is a type that safety in the event of a collision. For example, of fuel cell electric vehicles. uses methanol as raw material and retrieves powered by natural gas we started to develop the technologies for electric vehicles (EVs) in the latter half of the 2 Development of fuel cell electric vehicles as the FCX Series hydrogen from the methanol using a reformer. 3 Launch of FCX-V3 test runs 1980’s and released the Honda EV Plus in Honda unveiled experimental fuel cell electric 1996 and the natural gas-powered CIVIC GX vehicles named the “FCX-V1” and “FCX-V2,” In 2000, Honda released the FCX-V3 that in 1997. Subsequently in 2000, we released and their prototype “FCX” in 1999. This installed a stack manufactured by Balard and the remodeled and improved CIVIC GX as the vehicle uses fuel cells as its power source. used high-pressure hydrogen as fuel. The New CIVIC GX. All of these products embody The chemical reaction between hydrogen and riding capacity was improved from two to four Honda’s efforts to achieve a performance oxygen, whose principle is just the opposite by downsizing the system. In 2001, the FCX- 18 on public roads Automobiles Using clean energy for producing hydrogen Honda established a hydrogen production and fueling station within its research institute in Los Agneles in the U.S. to generate hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles from water by the use of solar energy. It started experimental operation in July 2001. The station utilizes solar power in order not to emit CO2 in the process from the production and saving to the supply of hydrogen. At the station, solar cells are used to generate electricity and the electricity is used to extract hydrogen from water. The extracted hydrogen is pressurized and supplied to fuel cell vehicles, and recycled as water. Hydrogen manufacturing and supply station 2001 2002 2003 FCX-V4 With a more compact power unit, the cruising range is prolonged from 180 km to 315 km. To be comparable to the performance of models available in the market, the performance of the model was improved regarding the maximum speed, acceleration, and safety in case of collision. FCX In July 2002, the FCX becomes the first fuel cell electric vehicle in the world to obtain EPA and CARB certifications required for sales in the U.S. It achieves a powerful accelerating ability from standstill, a maximum running speed of 150 km/h, and a cruising range of 355 km through the improvement of the motor torque performance by approximately 15% from that of the experimental FCX-V4, as well as by the improvement of the medium-and high-speed output characteristics. Introducing a fuel cell electric vehicle in to the market V4, which is an experimental fuel cell electric vehicle achieving a maximum speed of 140 Conceptual diagram of the fuel cell electric vehicle km/h and a cruising range on a single charge of 315 km, which are comparable to the performance of vehicles available on the Air supply system market, was developed. We have already Humidification started test runs on the public roads for the FCX-3 and FCX-V4, both in the U.S. and in Fuel cell stack Drive motor Japan. We are also developing peripheral technologies, including the experimental operation of a hydrogen production and High-pressure hydrogen tank Humidification Ultra capacitor fueling station, which produces hydrogen Cooling system through the use of solar power without emitting CO2. the first car in the world to obtain an approval Japan, the FCX was approved by the Minister of for commercialization from the U.S. Land, Infrastructure and Transport in November, government. In October of the same year, and the leasing of the vehicle was started both Honda continued the development of the FCX American Honda Motor Co., Inc. reached a in the U.S. and in Japan in December 2002. to intraduce it in to the market at the end of basic agreement with the city of Los Angeles on Honda is determined to further develop the FCX 2002. As a result, in July 2002, the FCX became the world’s first sale of fuel cell vehicles. Also in as a next-generation clean vehicle. 4 Obtaining approval to commercialize The FCX, and starting its limited sale both in the U.S. and in Japan 19 Cleaner Exhaust Gas Applying 4-Stroke Engines to All Types of Motorcycles, from Large Motorcycles to Scooters Honda, since its foundation, has been developing motorcycles equipped with 4-stroke engines that are clean and excellent in fuel economy. In recent years, we have accelerated the application of 4-stroke engines to scooters, including the GIORNO Crea. Also, we decided to expand the application of programmed fuel injection (PGM-FI) systems that had been limited to large motorcycles, including the application to cheaper 50cc products by 2005. Thus we are promoting the improvement of environmental performance for all the classes. Cleaner exhaust gas target for 2005: ◎Reduction of total HC emissions from new Honda motorcycles to one-third by 2005 (compared with the 1995 levels)* *Average of total emissions in Japan, the U.S., Europe, and Thailand Exhaust gas cleaning technologies for large motorcycles 1951 1998 1999 VFR800FI Combined use of three exhaust gas cleaning technologies Traditional use of 4-stroke engines since its adoption in the Dream E model HECS3 Secondary air injection system Mainly developing clean, fuel efficient, and quieter 4-stroke engines PGM-FI Advanced exhaust gas cleaning technologies for motorcycles Exhaust gas cleaning technologies for scooters ○HECS3*: (3-way catalytic converter system) Further increase in the number of scooters in which 4-stroke engines (“Clean 4” engines) are used Remarkably reduces the CO, HC, and NOx contents of exhaust gases by combining the 3-way catalyzer with the O2 sensor that precisely controls the air-fuel ratio for cleaner fuel combustion. * Honda Evolutional Catalyzing System 3 idle stop ○Secondary air injection system Sends air to the exhaust port to combine oxygen with exhaust gas. This promotes the combustion of unburned gas to reduce CO and HC emissions. ○PGM-FI (Programmed fuel injection) system LEAD GIORNO Crea An electronic control unit (ECU) controls the air-fuel ratio according to operational situations and thereby reduces the emission of air pollutants. First compliance with the domestic exhaust emissions regulations for motorized bikes with engines by the adoption of more efficient 2stroke engines and oxidation catalyzers Adoption of a water-cooled 4-stroke 50 cc engine Adoption of the world’s first “idle stop system” for a mass-produced motorcycle in the GIRONO Crea Deluxe 1 Advanced exhaust gas cleaning immediately after it is discharged from such as PGM-FI, to motorcycles, first the combustion chamber to promote the targeting large motorcycles and then combustion of unburned gas. In 1998, we gradually expanding the target to include The world’s first exhaust emissions equipped the VFR800FI (made for the smaller ones. For example, the SILVER regulations for motorcycles were adopted in European market) with a 3-way catalytic WING, released in 2000, is equipped with the United States in 1978. Since then, other converter system called HECS3, which PGM-FI for the first time as a 600 cc model, countries have followed suit. Japan has Honda developed independently. As a which has reduced the CO and HC contain- introduced motorcycle exhaust emission result, we have complied with the exhaust ed in the exhaust gas to approximately regulations in stages since 1998. Even before emissions regulations in Europe, the U.S., half of the regulation standards. such regulations were established, Honda and Japan, achieving emissions far below has been developing its very own technolo- the regulation standards. technologies for high performance motorcycles gies to achieve cleaner exhaust gases. These technologies are used in a variety of its motorcycles. For example, with the PGM-FI, which is a 2 Adoption of exhaust gas cleaning technologies in larger to smaller motorcycles 3 Introduction of “Clean 4”* technologies to scooters to make their exhaust gases cleaner Honda has also been making efforts to achieve cleaner exhaust gases for scooters, To introduce exhaust gas cleaning which are popular as a simple means of light and compact fuel injection system that technologies for automobiles to compact transportation and are sold in large quan- provides optimal air-fuel ratio, we have motorcycles, we needed to solve a number tities. For example, in 1998, we adopted the achieved cleaner combustion. Furthermore, of problems in terms of technologies and oxidation catalyzer that we independently we introduced a secondary air injection cost. Despite these difficulties, Honda has developed to the LEAD to reduce its CO and system to inject fresh air into the exhaust gas been transferring its advanced technologies, HC emissions to half or one-third of those 20 Motorcycles More advanced exhaust gas cleaning technology for the new GOLD WING and the VFR For the GOLD WING, which was fully remodeled in August 2001, and the VFR, fully remodeled in January 2002, we have achieved cleaner exhaust gases by greatly increasing the number of cells in the HECS3 3way catalytic converter system from 100 to 300 cells. As a result, their CO and HC emissions are now one-tenth of the domestic regulation standards and NOx one-fourth, which represents the world’s highest environmental performance. Cleaner exhaust gas (g/km) 0 0.5 1.0 CO HC 100 cells 2000 300 cells 2001 New VFR VFR 2001 model NOx 2002 2003 2005 New VFR Application of 4-stroke engines to motorcyles GOLD WING idle stop The SILVER WING Equipped with PGM-FI for the first time as a 600 cc model FORZA S idle stop Crea Scoopy i Sale of 125 cc and 150 cc scooters equipped with PGM-FI in Europe in the spring of 2003 Gradual adoption of the system in small scooters also in Asia (including Japan) idle stop Adopting PGM-FI in 50 cc models SMART-Dio Deluxe from the previous model. engine when the motorcycle comes to a Starting with the GIORNO Crea, equipped standstill (e.g. at traffic lights) and restarts with a water-cooled 4-stroke 50 cc engine the engine when the rider opens the throttle. released in June 1999, we have also been * Clean 4 : “Clean” (efficient gasoline combustion), “Economy” (high fuel economy), “Silent” (high quietness), and “Tough” (high durability) introducing our advanced exhaust gas cleaning technologies to scooters, naming 4-stroke engines characterized with four advantages (clean, silent, economical, and The engine automatically stops when the motorcycle comes to a standstill. When the rider opens the throttle, the engine smoothly restarts and allows the rider to proceed. to 50 cc motorcycles Although the PGM-FI system is indispen- cooled 50 cc engines to scooters, although sable for automobiles, the application of this the adoption of such engines is said to be system is limited to large motorcycles be- difficult for scooters with small displace- cause it is difficult to apply it to cheaper ments. Combined with the adoption of very motorcycles in terms of cost and technol- small air injection systems, the CO and HC ogy. Despite the difficulty, Honda is emissions from these scooters have been determined to apply the PGM-FI system to reduced to approximately half of the some of its 50 cc models by 2005 as part of regulation standards. To reduce exhaust its efforts to set the standards for motor- emissions and to improve fuel economy, we cycles in the 21st century. are also dynamically introducing the “idle Idle stop system 4 Applying the PGM-FI system tough) “Clean 4.” We have applied water- stop system,” which automatically stops the idle stop The system employs electronic controls to automatically stop the engine when the motorcycle comes to a standstill, such as at traffic lights. When the rider opens the throttle, the engine restarts and allows the rider to proceed. Due to the system, fuel economy has been improved by approximately 5.1% compared with models not equipped with this device. (Measured by Honda based on the assumption that the motorcycles are running in urban areas.) Many models are equipped with the idle stop system, including the GIORNO Crea Deluxe, the Crea Scoopy i, the FORZA S, and the FORZA ST. 21 Improvement of Fuel Economy Continuous Development of Technologies to Improve Fuel Economy, Focusing on Motorcycles with the Fuel Efficient 4-Stroke Engines Since its sale in 1958, the Super Cub has been loved by people all over the world. With its history of evolution and improvement that extends over 40 years, this product has achieved a high fuel economy, running 75.4 km1)–130 km2) on a liter of gas. Honda has been improving the fuel economy of its motorcycles and scooters, mainly focusing on 4-stroke engine technologies, to provide a satisfactory lineup of products with less CO2 emissions and better economical efficiency. 1) Measured internally by Honda at a specified driving mode (ECE R40) 2) Measured at a constant speed of 30 km/h Fuel economy improvement target for 2005: ◎To improve the average fuel economy* by 30% or more by 2005 (compared with 1995 levels) *Average fuel economy for Japan, the U.S., Europe, and Thailand Progress in technologies for higher fuel economy 1999 2001 2005 Water-cooled, 4-stroke 50 cc engine World’s first water-cooled 50 cc engine. The installation of the water cooling system on a 50 cc engine is made possible by downsizing and integrating the cooling system components. Various technologies, including the more compact combustion chamber, have contributed to the improvement of fuel economy. Further improvement of fuel economy Crea Scoopy (75.0 km/l 2)) The model is equipped with a more efficient and more compact engine. The body weight is reduced by the improvement of components and of the die-cast frame. GIORNO Crea (51.8 km/l 1)/71.3 km/l 2)) This model is equipped with a newly developed watercooled, 4-stroke 50 cc engine as well as with the idle stop system (for the first time as a 50 cc motorcycle). 1) Measured internally by Honda at a specified driving mode (ECE R40) 2) Measured at a constant speed of 30 km/h Weight reduction, downsizing, and friction reduction technologies specifications of engine components, has improved the precision of the machining Technologies to make motorcycles lighter and more compact technologies and reduced friction to increase >> ACG starter The ACG starter used for scooters has been improved and its weight reduced by adopting a new operating method. >> Highly rigid aluminum die-cast frame For the GIORNO Crea, we have reduced the weight through the adoption of highly rigid aluminum die-cast frames. Furthermore, for the Crea Scoopy, we have achieved a further weight reduction by using the frames developed for the GIRONO Crea for the front part, after making some modifications to the frame, and by designing new frames for the rear part. >> Resin radiator tank We have adopted resin as the material for the radiator tank. further improve fuel economy, we are now the output and improve fuel economy. To developing a small fuel injection system for motorcycles to optimize the air-fuel ratio, and are making efforts for the practical use of Highly rigid aluminum die-cast frame advanced scooters. 3 Improvement for the reduction of body weight The reduction of body weight greatly contributes to the improvement of fuel Through these technologies, the weight of the engine alone has been reduced by 4 kg and the weight of the entire body by 6 kg. Technology to reduce friction various technologies to provide more economy. In September 1998, Honda, jointly Resin radiator tank We have reduced friction by optimizing the specifications of engine parts using computers and by improving the precision of machining technologies. with its other cooperative suppliers, developed a welded structure made of aluminum die cast and extruded aluminum materials (this technology is known to be 1 From the GIORNO Crea to the Crea Scoopy 2 Improvement of the water-cooled, 4-stroke 50 cc engine difficult), and in the same year adopted highly rigid aluminum die-cast frames for the CBR As the “Clean 4” series, Honda is introducing Honda adopted a newly developed water- 600F. These frames were subsequently scooters with high environmental performance cooled, 4-stroke 50 cc engine for the GIORNO applied to other models, including the into the market. One of the important themes Crea. The water cooling system stabilizes GIORNO Crea. For the Crea Scoopy, the for these scooters is “economy” or the combustion and improves the compression frames for the GIORNO Crea were applied to improvement of fuel efficiency. The Crea ratio, thereby contributing to higher fuel the front part after making some modifications Scoopy, released two years after the GIORNO economy. The Crea Scoopy, through improve- to the frames and new frames were designed Crea in 1999, represents Honda’s efforts for ment of the 4-stroke 50 cc engine and of for the rear part to further reduce the body further improvements of the new models for various devices, including the starter, has been weight. Also, the material for the radiator tank fuel economy. made more compact. Further, Honda has used was changed to resin. As a result, the entire computer technology to optimize the body weight has been reduced by 6 kg. 22 Motorcycles Noise reduction measures for motorcycles Noise reduction Analyzing various noise sources and implementing careful noise reduction measures Air intake system ・Larger air cleaner capacity ・Two-chamber structure ・Air intake resonator Air exhaust system ・Larger muffler capacity ・High capacity sound-abatement system ・Use of glass wool ・Use of punching divider Honda employs a computer-assisted sound source analysis technology to promote research for the prevention of any noise from motorcycles. Based on accumulated research results, we succeeded in realizing significant noise reduction for the LEAD and the VTR 250, released in January 1998. These models complied with Japan’s noise regulations enacted in October 1998, ahead of other models. In the remodeling process, we have been taking further noise reduction measures, including the reduction of noise from the drive chains and tires. Engine ・Improved gear accuracy ・New combustion chamber shape ・Noise-proof engine cover Sound prooting and sound absorbing in aterials Driving system ・Lighter chain ・Low-noise tire tread pattern ・Morris damper for drive and driven sprockets Vibrating system ・Rubber engine mount Noise reduction technologies used for the VFR Engine >> Through the adoption of the V4 VTEC engine, two of the four valves are suspended at low rpm. This lowers the sound pressures level inside the combustion chamber. >> A silent chain drive was adopted for the camshaft. Drive system >> The newly developed “Silent Cross Chain” and a drive sprocket developed specially for the chain are utilized. Technologies to Pursue New Possibilities for Motorcycles Focusing on Alternative Energies for Creating New Lifestyles and New Pleasures Honda, in the pursuit of new possibilities for motorcycles, has been developing and releasing products that use energy sources other than gasoline. For example, we released an electric scooter using electricity, which has attracted much attention as a clean energy vehicle, and subsequently unveiled concept models for the next generation. Also, we are increasing our lineup of electric motor-assisted bicycles, which are becoming quite popular. Electricity-powered motorcycles 1994 1998 2001 CUV ES e-DAX Charged by a 100-V power supply. The model runs 60 km on a single charge, which takes eight hours. Electric motor-powered commuter scooter introduced as a concept model at the Tokyo Motor Show. Electric scooter MOBIMOBA RACOON Released as a transportation method with little environmental impact. The model has increased the possibilities for motorcycles. Anyone can easily operate and enjoy it. Electric motor-assisted bicycle 1 Electric scooter CUV ES Honda has been developing electricitypowered scooters since the latter half of the motorcycles at motor shows, etc. 2 Lineup of electric motor-assisted bicycles STEP COMPO The first electric motor-assisted bicycle that adopts the aluminum die-cast monocoque frame. The cruising range is almost doubled compared with the RACOON COMPO. RACOON COMPO The first electric motor-assisted bicycle that can be folded. The cruising range of the STEP COMPO is almost double compared with that of the RACOON COMPO. 1980s. In 1994, we released a small scooter In 1995, Honda released an electric motor- called the CUV ES as an electric scooter assisted bicycle, the RACOON, which uses environmental impact that meet the various adopting a low-vibration DC brushless motor electricity as an auxiliary power source. In needs of society by aggressively developing that produces very little operating noise. The 1998, we released the RACOON COMPO, products that use alternative energies, such built-in charger can recharge the battery on adopting highly rigid aluminum frames. The as electricity. household 100-V power supply and the RACOON COMPO is made foldable by the scooter runs 60 km on a single charge, reduction of the battery weight. In 2000, we which takes eight hours. totally remodeled the RACOON to reduce its Since the release of the CUV ES, we Honda will provide the products with little weight by 3.5 kg compared with the previous have been continuously pursuing the pos- model. Furthermore, in 2001, we released sibilities for new-generation motorcycles and the STEP COMPO, further improving the have introduced various experimental RACOON by the addition of an “ECO mode.” 23 Cleaner Exhaust Gas Compliance with the World’s Strictest Exhaust Emissions Regulations with Power Products that Can Be Used Safely in Different Situations Used in everyday life and often in the natural environment, power products must be “clean, easy to use, tough, and durable.” To meet these requirements, Honda has been using 4-stroke engines with excellent environmental performance for all its power products from the outset. Since the beginning of the 1990s, power products have been required to meet various environmental regulations. In response, Honda has applied its environmental technologies also to its power products. We have released a wider range of products that comply with the world’s more strict exhaust emission regulations. Exhaust gas cleaning target for 2005: The e-spec mark is placed on every Honda power product that meets the EPA's ◎To reduce the average exhaust emissions of HC and NOx by approximately 30% (compared with 1995)* final emission standards, which are the strictest in the world. *Average emission levels worldwide All products shown in the timeline have this mark. Compliance with the world’s standards 1994 1997 1998 2000 BF130 Boden Lake regulations Release of nine models in compliance with the Stage 1 regulations (enforced in 1993) This model achieves emission levels far below the 2006 standards (final goal) of the U.S. EPA1) marine engine exhaust emissions regulations. Regulations for outboard engines BF8/BF9.9 Improved models of the outboard engine widely used for a variety of vessels including those for starters and professionals These models achieve emission levels far below the CARB2) 2008 standards, which are even stricter than the EPA 2006 standards. Enforcement of the Boden Lake Stage 2 regulations (from 1996) The U.S. EPA marine engine exhaust emission regulations (1998–2006) Exhaust emissions regulations for multipurpose engines 1) EPA: Environmental Protection Agency 2) CARB: California Air Resources Board 1 To comply with the world’s GX22/GX31 CARB 2000 Tier 2 The world’s first multipurpose, regulations (below 65cc) 4-stroke engines that can be operated at any angle in any direction These models achieve clean exhaust gas and almost double the fuel economy compared with their 2-stroke counterparts. following regulations: the Boden Lake 1998 to 2006. All 17 models in Honda’s regulations set in Europe for outboard outboard engine lineup have already met the Used in everyday life and often in the natural engines, and the EPA and CARB (California 2006 standards of the EPA regulations. We environment, power products must be “clean, Air Resources Board) regulations set in the are further expanding our clean exhaust easy to use, tough, and durable.” To this end, U.S. for multipurpose engines. outboard engine lineup and improving their strictest environmental regulations Honda has been using 4-stroke engines for all its power products from the outset, believing 2 Lineup of “clean and high quality” outboard engines performance. For example, in 2000, we released the BF8/BF9.9, which is the world’s that 4-stroke engines are the best choice due One of the well-known exhaust emission lightest 4-stroke outboard engine with the to their excellent environmental performance regulations for outboard engines is the Boden highest durability in its class and has in terms of exhaust gas, fuel economy, and Lake regulations, which were put into effect in achieved emission levels far below the operating noise. Since the beginning of the Europe in 1993. To meet these regulations, standards set by the CARB 2008 standards. 1990s, power products have been required Honda input technologies to make the air-fuel Furthermore, in 2001, we released the world’s to be environment-friendly against the back- mixture leaner and to optimize ignition timing. largest outboard engine, the BF225, as one drop of worldwide enhanced environmental One year earlier than the enforcement of the that represents our efforts to make a “high awareness. Following this trend, we have regulations, we released a number of out- quality, 4-stroke outboard engine that is both continued to make numerous improvements board engines that met these regulations. user and environment friendly and econom- to our products, based on the use of In the U.S., the Environmental Protection environment-friendly 4-stroke engines. As a Agency (EPA) has enforced marine engine result, our power products have achieved exhaust emissions regulations, which are to emission levels far below the levels set by the become increasingly strict in phases from 24 ical.” This engine complies with the 2008 CARB standards. Power Products Achieving cleaner exhaust gasses from marine engines Compliance with the CARB 2008 standards, the world’s strictest marine engine exhaust emissions regulations Supporting various activities with clean energy Cleaner exhaust gas from BF8 (HC+NOx) Working environments that require clean energy products ・Ill-ventilated places ・Long time use of the products (g/kWh) 10 15 Old BF8 New BF8 20 25 30 35 40 35.7 17.9 CARB 2008 standards Proposing clean energy products generating few hazardous substances Cleaner exhaust gas from BF225 (HC+NOx) >> The small natural gas-powered GX390 engine Small, compressed natural gas-powered 4-stroke engine developed as the engine for trucks to be used within wholesale markets to transport fresh food, etc. CO and HC emissions have been greatly reduced compared with gasoline-powered engines. The model has been adopted by a wholesale market in Sapporo City as the engine for the trucks used inside the market. (g/kWh) 10 BF225 15 20 25 30 35 >> The electric motorassisted wheelbarrow HPE60 “Nekomaru” The electric motorassisting technology adopted for the RACOON has been utilized. The wheelbarrow reduces the work load for transporting goods in ill-ventilated or unpaved areas. Products using clean energies 40 13.17 CARB 2008 standards 2002 2001 The U.S. CARB marine engine exhaust emissions regulations (2001, 2004, and 2008 standards) 2005 2006 2008 Achievement of the target (reduction of average emissions by approximately 30%) BF225 2001 Compliance with the present strictest CARB Tier 2 and EPA Phase 2 regulations for all the models, which are now available all over the world This model achieves emission levels far below the EPA 2006 standards. Furthermore it complies with the CARB 2008 standards for the first time as a large-sized outboard engine. Small tiller “Komame” The tiller complies with the EPA Phase 2 and CARB Tier 2 regulations, which are the world’s strictest exhaust emission standards. Efforts to achieve cleaner exhaust emissions EPA Phase 2 (100–225cc: new) EPA Phase 2 (50cc or above: hand held) EPA Phase 2 (100–225cc: continued) CARB Tier 2 (65–225cc: vertical) GX100 This model achieves high reliability and durability with its light and compact body. It complies with the world’s strictest EPA Phase 2 regulations. CARB Tier 2 (65–225cc: horizontal, 225cc or above) EPA Phase 2 (below 100cc: hand held) 3 Earlier compliance with regulations for multipurpose engines Small multipurpose engine GX25 Generator EU16i Equipped with the GX100 This model complies with the EPA Phase 2 regulations and CARB Tier 2 regulations at the top level in the classes*. * EPA: Class 1-A, CARB: 65 cc or below EPA Phase 2 (below 50cc: hand held) stroke engines that offered superior environmental performance. In 1997, to meet Phase 2 and CARB Tier 2 regulations. 4 Improving the working environment In 1995, for the first time in the world, such expectations, Honda released the with clean energy products California introduced exhaust emissions GX22/GX31 as the world’s first 4-stroke A lot of power products are used in various regulations for power products. In response, engines that could be operated at any angle working environments as devices to support Honda has been improving the clean in any direction. Compared with their 2-stroke operations. Honda, in order to provide performance of its power products with the counterparts, the HC emissions from 4-stroke products that contribute to the improve- goal of meeting the final standards of such engines were reduced to one-tenth and the ment of working environments, has been regulations, which are to be strengthened in fuel economy was almost doubled. Further, developing power products using cleaner phases. By the end of 2001, we complied by the adoption of the “compact OHV” and natural gas and electricity while also making with the EPA Phase 2 regulations, which “uni-block cylinder” technologies, the unit gas emitted from gasoline-powered products are currently the strictest environmental weights of the engines were kept to almost cleaner. For example, we applied in-wheel regulations in the world, for all our power the same as those of the 2-stroke ones. In motors using electricity to electric motor- products. These products are now available April 2002, we released the world’s lightest assisted wheelbarrows and self-propelled both within and outside Japan. handheld engine, the GX25. This model carts for harvesting leaf tobacco. (The leaves complies with the EPA Phase 2 regulations, covering the fields tend to confine the exhaust For example, in the past, most handheld hedge trimmers were powered by 2-stroke which are said to be the world’s strictest, as gas within the fields.) In 2002, Honda’s GX390 engines. As exhaust emissions regulations well as with the CARB Tier 2 regulations. Also compressed natural gas-powered engine was were strengthened, however, there were in January 2001, we entirely upgraded the adopted by a wholesale market in Sapporo increasing expectations for the use of 4- small tiller “Komame” to comply with the EPA City for trucks used inside the market. 25 Improvement of Fuel Economy Achieving Excellent Fuel Economy by Taking Advantage of 4-Stroke Engines For power products often used in business, fuel economy is one of the most important performance criteria. Honda has improved the fuel economy of outboard engines and generators by making full use of the 4-stroke engine technologies that it has been developing over many years. Also, it put on sale the world’s first hybrid snow blower, which has higher fuel economy than traditional ones, as one of its measures to promote the fuel economy of its power products. Fuel economy improvement target for 2005: ◎To improve the average fuel economy by approximately 30% (compared with 1995 levels) by 2005 Fuel economy by model 1980 1983 1987 1995 2000 2002 2001 2005 Ave. fuel economy up approx.30% Small tiller “Komame” 4-stroke side valve We developed a special 4-stroke OHV engine for Komame and achieved the fuel consumption of 225cc per hour. Improved by 100% Technology to achieve a performance equivalent to larger engines with a compact one Outboard engine BF9.9 With the BF9.9, we achieved the top level fuel economy in its class through the adoption of a carburetor with an accelerator pump that permitted lean-burn combustion, PGM-IG; a hemisphere combustion chamber, and a cross-flow center plug BF9.9 Fuel economy can be improved by achieving the same horsepower with a compact but more efficient engine. With improved fuel economy, the fuel tank can in turn be downsized, making the product lighter, more compact, and handy. Improved by 30% Higher fuel economy EM1500 (output equipment) Inverter generator EU16i Improved by 20% Technology to control fuel economy in a highly efficient manner We have developed and adopted the technologies to control the fuel supply according to loads on the engine, including a programmed fuel injection system that optimizes the ignition timing and “eco-throttles.” We have also developed and adopted a hemispherical combustion chamber to get higher thermal efficiency and a carburetor with an accelerator pump. These fuel economy improvement technologies have made it possible to operate power products for longer durations. 1 Further improvement of fuel economy by downsizing 4-stroke engines Honda’s 4-stroke engines, which have a long history, have been further improved for better We developed the lightest model in its class. The generator automatically controls the engine rotating speed according to the capacity of the machine equipped with the generator by the adoption of a highly efficient inverter and an eco-throttle. Hybrid snow blower Snowra i HS1390i HS1390Z Improved by 10% The world’s first hybrid snow blower. The snow blower apparatus that requires high levels of power is driven by an engine, and the drive part that needs to be carefully controlled is powered by an electric motor. improved by 30% compared with the previous to downsize engine displacement for the model, achieving both high output and high improvement of fuel economy. For example, fuel economy. for the Komame F220, a tiller remodeled in 2 Accurate control systems and innovative ideas 2001, we have adopted a new 57cc OHV engine instead of the 90 cc side-valve engine performance. By the adoption of advanced For the inverter generator EU16i, released in traditionally used for the product. By develop- technologies such as electronically controlled 2001, we adopted our own high-speed, multi- ing the technology to achieve a higher output ignition and lean-burn combustion systems, way alternator, which has made the product with a smaller displacement, the fuel economy our power products equipped with 4-stroke approximately 30% lighter than the previous of the Komame F220 has been almost doubled engines are now more energy saving. The model, although maintaining the same output. compared with the previous model. outboard engine BF9.9, which was fully Furthermore, the adoption of a highly efficient remodeled in 2000, provides a performance inverter and an eco-throttle has enabled released in 2001, is the world’s first hybrid equivalent to its previous model, despite the control of the engine rotating speed to be kept snow blower: the snow blower apparatus is reduction of the displacement from the in accord with the capacity of the machine driven by an engine, and the drive part is traditional 288cc to 222cc, which has led to equipped with the generator, thereby pre- powered by an electric motor. Given the the downsizing of the product as a whole by venting unnecessary fuel consumption. With higher work efficiency and smoother operation 20%. As a result of adopting a cross-flow these environmental technologies applied achieved by hybridization, the actual fuel center plug, a hemispherical combustion to EU16i, we have achieved a 20% improve- economy has been improved by approximate- chamber, highly precise digital ignition timing ment in fuel economy compared with the ly 10% over the previous model and the time control, and lean-burn combustion previous model. over which the machine can be operated has technologies, fuel economy has been 26 Furthermore, Honda sometimes chooses The snow blower Snowra i HS1390i, been prolonged. Power Products Noise reduction Continuous noise reduction based on a full understanding of product Outboard engine characteristics To reduce the noise pollution caused by power products, it is basically necessary to adopt engines that have excellent low-noise features for these products. Honda, based on the use of the 4-stroke engines that have excellent quietness performance, has been applying OHC and OHV technologies to multipurpose engines, and downsizing the engines without reducing output. Further, we have adopted larger and higher performance air silencers and mufflers for outboard engines and tillers, respectively. We are implementing further measures for noise reduction, including the adoption of a doublesoundproof structure for generators and the use of engine covers for tillers. Noise reduction for power products Generator Tiller ・4-stroke engine ・Eco-throttle ・Large air silencer ・Double-soundproof ・Large idle chamber structure ・V-6 engine (for the BF225, BF200, and BF175) ・Water-cooled idle port ・Chamber (for the BF20 and BF15) Multipurpose engine ・Reduced displacement ・OHC mechanism ・Large silent muffler ・Built-in timing belt ・Large air cleaner ・Large muffler ・Soundproof engine cover Noise level heard by an operator when using a standard rotor tiller (Surveyed by Honda) dB(A) 70 Technologies for Next-Generation Lifestyles 75 80 85 90 85.5 Komame F210 (old) Komame F220 (new) 80 Making Proposals for “Next Lifestyles” without Being Shackled by Traditional Ideas Honda develops technologies and manufactures products while paying attention to society’s development, including those occurring in people’s lifestyles. In 1998, we unveiled a cogeneration system for households, which utilizes the technologies that we have accumulated. Also in 2002, we unveiled next-generation thin film solar cells. We are thus always developing and proposing new technologies. Technologies for next-generation lifestyles 1998 2001 GF160V The world’s smallest gasolinepowered engine. Utilizing Honda’s years of experience in developing highly efficient engine technolo -gies, it is compact and quiet, has a long life, and achieves clean emissions. Cogeneration system for households The total thermal efficiency for power generation and hot water supply is 80%. The size has been reduced, for the first time in the world, to a compact size usable even in ordinary households. 2002 Cogeneration unit for households The total thermal efficiency is 85%, and with the use of natural gas as fuel, it is expected that CO2 emissions will be reduced by approximately 20%. Next-generation thin film solar cells Through the use of non-silicon compounds as the main material, the energy used for manufacturing has been reduced to a fraction of that required for manufacturing traditional solar cells. (Example: Hosoe Plant, Hamamatsu Factory, see page 35.) and a household cogeneration system for made by Honda in comparison with thermal power generation and hot water supply. By power generation and gas-powered hot water Honda has been aggressively promoting using natural gas as the fuel, CO2 and NOx supply). research and development for using emissions were greatly reduced compared environment-friendly energies, and has with cases in which gasoline-powered developed technologies for next-generation products were used. Further, with our natural Honda has also been developing advanced lifestyles, including devices to improve energy gas-powered products, we have achieved the technologies to use solar energy. The efficiency within people’s households. Based goal of “zero CFC-12.” manufacturing of solar cells used for solar 1 Household devices using clean energies on the know-how that we have accumulated, Furthermore, in 2001, we developed a 3 Advanced technologies for using solar energy power generation requires relatively large we will continue to make various proposals to cogeneration unit for households and put it amounts of energy and it is important to support more people in leading environment- into pilot operation in a number of households. reduce the environmental impacts of the friendly lives. This unit generates electricity and heat with its cells throughout their lifecycles. To meet special sine wave inverter generator driven by this requirement, Honda unveiled its a natural gas-powered engine. The total “next-generation thin film solar cells” thermal efficiency for power generation and in 2002 and with these cells succeeded in devices using clean energies, including the hot water supply is 85%, and the unit is reducing the energy required for manufac- GF160V, which was powered by natural gas expected to reduce CO2 emissions by turing to a fraction of that required for manufac- and was widely applicable as a power source, approximately 20% (according to calculations turing traditional solar cells. 2 Development of next-generation household devices In 1998, Honda released a series of household 27 New Local Transport Systems Seeking New Vehicle Utilization Methods Around the World The popularization of automobiles and the increasing use of private automobiles for transportation have resulted in serious traffic jams and lack of parking spaces. To solve these traffic problems, Honda is implementing the projects for new local transport systems called “ICVS” all over the world. Noting that a lot of vehicles are parked without being used in urban areas, we are promoting the shared use of automobiles for effective transportation within the areas, which will lead to more public space and smoother traffic. In the ICVS projects, we are pursuing the possibility of the effective use of resources and the improvement of the living environment, while ensuring the comfortable transportation by private cars. Projects for new local transport systems 1998 1999 2001 CarLink 2002 Car Link II Honda Cycle Partner Honda Cycle Partner was developed as a system for the shared use of electric motor-assisted bicycles in apartment areas, etc. <Single-port system> Demonstration of a new local transport system called ICVS was started at Twin Ring Motegi. The pilot operation of a system for using CIVIC ULEVs was started jointly with the California Department of Transportation. <Station car system> The pilot operation of a system for using natural gas vehicles was started jointly with the University of California, Davis (UC Davis). <Station car system> ICVS Singapore Public operation of an ICVS project was started in Singapore. <Multi-port system> UCR IntelliShare The pilot operation of a system for using electric vehicles was started jointly with the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside). <Multi-port system> System for the Intelligent Community Vehicle System (ICVS) 1. Single port system 2. Station car system 3. Multi-port system Vehicles are picked up and returned at a single port. Vehicles are picked up and returned at ports established near stations for transport between homes and offices. Several ports are established in the area and vehicles can be picked up and returned at any of these ports. Station Port Port Port Port Port Destination Company Home use of public space, including parking lots, shared use of CIVIC Hybrids by the and to a considerable reduction in traffic members, who will utilize them for business In 1998, Honda began the public operation congestion. Based on the ICVS concept, trips and for commutation in the morning of the Intelligent Community Vehicle System Honda has been promoting the experimental and evening. (ICVS), a new local transport system, at Twin operation of various transport systems in Ring Motegi in Tochigi Prefecture. The ICVS different areas of the world. 1 New local transport system ICVS allows the members of the system to jointly use vehicles with small environmental 2 ICVS operation in Singapore Also, in Japan, we are promoting the practical use of new local transport systems, including the sale of “Honda Cycle Partner,” which is a system for the shared use of impacts and to use other transportation In March 2002, Honda started operation of electric motor-assisted bicycles, mainly at modes according to their needs, and thereby the ICVS in Singapore to further improve this apartments in metropolitan areas. reduces the environmental impacts caused system for practical use. Within the central by transportation. The introduction of the business district of the country, we ICVS is expected to lead to more efficient established multiple ICVS ports for the 28 Section 2 Production and Purchasing 2 Reduction of Environmental Impacts to Zero to Achieve Environment— Friendly Factories That Local People Can Be Proud of We input a variety of resources and energy into our production processes to manufacture products. Zero emission Honda is implementing measures to minimize the impact that its production activities have on the global environment, improving the working environment, and promoting symbiosis with local Resources and energy Symbiosis with society Green Factories communities around its factories in order to develop them into “Green Factories” that local people can be proud of. Also, we are conducting various environmental conservation activities in cooperation with our suppliers of materials and parts, Comfortable production activities Environmental management encouraging them to obtain ISO 14001 certification. 29 Reduction of Waste Zero Emission for the Effective Use of Resources Honda has been promoting “zero emission” to reduce waste generated from and environmental impacts caused by its factories to the minimum under its green factory project. In July 2000, by reducing the generation of waste and promoting recycling, we achieved “zero landfill disposal” at all of our plants in Japan. Also, we are aggressively implementing countermeasures against waste sources to reduce the total amount of waste generated. Target for waste reduction ◎Achievement of zero landfill disposal by 2001 ●Green factory measures Themes: Issues: Zero emission Promotion of recycling Resource and energy saving Reduction of waste Environmental management Reduction of air pollutants Comfortable production activities Conservation of water quality Sludge Waste tires General waste Casting sand Iron, aluminum, Glass Fluorescent tubes Dry batteries Efforts for zero landfill disposal 1995 Reduction of waste by 50% (compared with 1991 levels) at all factories 1997 Launch of the green factory project 1999 Achievement of zero landfill disposal by the Suzuka Factory 2000 Achievement of zero waste at all factories 2002 Waste wood Reduction of waste to be incinerated Composite resin Remnants Waste oil Cutting fluid 1 “Zero landfill disposal” “After materials are carried into a factory, nothing but products should be carried out from it.” This is the words of Honda’s fundamental idea about the environment, At most of our factories, pocket-sized which has been promoted within the brochures detailing the waste items to be company since its foundation. sorted were prepared and everyone carries 2 Onsite examination of actual situations these brochures with them to help with the careful sorting of waste. It has been proved founder. In the production process, a As of 1996, Honda disposed of that the careful sorting of waste leads to a significant amount of resources and energy approximately 7,000 tons of waste as landfill. reduction of the loads imposed on waste are used, and not only products but also To reduce such waste to zero, we first incinerators and to the reduction of dioxins waste products, wastewater, air pollutants, examined and analyzed the actual situation: generated by incineration. and CO2 are generated. Honda, aiming to what kinds of waste were generated, and in reduce the environmental impacts caused what ways, and why were they disposed of by these by-products to zero, has long as landfill. We analyzed these waste If we depended entirely upon external been implementing the measures for zero problems in relation to our activities, recycling companies, it would not be emissions. As part of such measures, we materials, technologies, and costs, and possible to achieve 100% recycling. We started to implement “zero landfill disposal” planned practical measures to reduce all have therefore been examining methods measures in 1996 and achieved the objective waste. Our staff made many proposals for to recycle materials that are said to be at all of our factories in July 2000. “Zero waste reduction, including a method to unsuitable for recycling in cooperation with landfill disposal” represents Honda’s recycle even the labels attached to parts. our suppliers as well as with external 30 3 Efforts for recycling and zero landfill disposal Commitment to Zero Emission Manufacturing Achievement of “zero landfill disposal” 7,000 tons Introduction of a new incinerator New incinerator installed at the Suzuka Factory This incinerator has greatly reduced the emission of dioxins to the level that meets the world’s strictest dioxins emissions standards, as enforced in Europe. In September 1999, the Suzuka Factory achieved “zero landfill waste” for the first time in the automobile industry. This was followed by the Saitama and Hamamatsu Factories in March 2000, and by the Tochigi and Kumamoto Factories in July 2000, and “zero landfill disposal” was achieved at all of Honda’s factories in Japan one and a half years earlier than planned. Zero Fiscal 1996 Fiscal 2001 Efforts for zero landfill disposal at factories Incineration Incineration ash Recycled as cement material Incineration ash from an incinerator is sieved to remove foreign matter. Recycled as paving materials Reused as resources Crushing Recycled as litter for plants Waste casting sand is sorted to be reused as sand or for paving stones and blocks. Crushed waste wood is used as litter to protect plants within the premises. Reused as various resources Separation and sorting Reused repeatedly Disposal recycling companies. For example, we developed a device to remove foreign matter from incineration ash and improved this Cutting fluid dispersed in the form of mist in the cutting process is collected. Also, cutting fluid attached to chips generated in the cutting process is collected and reused after removing oil from it. 4 Implementation of localized measures both within and outside Japan again and again. As a result, approximately For the achievement of “zero landfill 2,100 tons of incineration ash, which had disposal,” each of Honda’s factories previously been sent to landfills, were simultaneously implemented their own recycled as a material for cement or as measures and any measures that proved to paving materials (recycled as paving be effective at one factory was aggressively materials after being fused and solidified). introduced to other factories to accelerate Also, we have significantly increased the achievement of our goals. As a result, recycling of waste oil, cutting fluid, and approximately one year earlier than planned composite resin remnants. Thus a large (in July 2000), “zero landfill disposal” was (HUM) in the United Kingdom, the amount of waste that was previously achieved at all our factories in Japan. The amount of waste for landfills was destined for landfills, is now recycled. diagram shown above outlines our efforts to reduced to less than one-third compared attain this goal. Such efforts have also been with the level of 1995 (60 kg/vehicle). made at our factories overseas. For example, Thus Honda is promoting localized waste at Honda of the U.K. Manufacturing Ltd. reduction activities all over the world. Canada Waste reduction in the coating process 31 Conservation of Air, Water, and Soil Quality Measures and New Technologies to Prevent Air and Water Pollution Measures to prevent air pollution Honda has long been taking measures to prevent air and water pollution based on the principle of “preventing the generation of pollutants at the source.” We are preventing air pollution by introducing pollutant removing devices and pollutant emission reducing devices and by switching to cleaner fuels. At the Hosoe Plant of the Hamamatsu Factory, unique measures are implemented for the conservation of water resources and water quality, including the adoption of a closed system for wastewater. 1972 Independent development of Japan’s first electric dust collector (to remove dust emitted from casting incinerators) (at the Sayama Plant of the Saitama Factory) Switching to alternative fuels as anti-NOx and SOx measures 1970 Establishment of a pollution measures headquarters ● Green factory measures (developed into an environment Themes: Issues: Zero emission Promotion of recycling Resource and energy saving Reduction of waste Environmental management Reduction of air pollutants Comfortable production activities Conservation of water quality Measures to purify wastewater 1964 promotion committee in 1979) 1971 Japan’s first general wastewater treatment plant that adopts the activated sludge method Circulative use of industrial water (at the Hamamatsu Factory) The plant started its operations in 1971 and was improved in 2000 to reduce the disposed sludge to zero. 1 Prevention of air at places near to the polluting sources. pollution at the source For example, to reduce SOx and NOx instead of that containing chlorine, as a lubricant in the parts cutting process. In the 1970s, it was regarded as one of the emissions, they have switched from heavy oil Because the newly adopted cutting fluid important objectives for companies to to kerosene and to natural gas as fuels for does not disperse in the form of mist prevent pollution. Accordingly, at Honda’s boilers. Further, they have dramatically compared with the traditional cutting fluid, plants, measures were promoted to prevent reduced pollutants through the use of the environment within the factory was air pollutants such as SOx (sulfur oxides), HC catalyzers and of more environment-friendly improved, in addition to making recycling easier. (hydrocarbons), and NOx (nitrogen oxides) incinerators. For anti-VOC measures, they from being generated in the combustion have introduced water-based paints as well of fuels as a heat source in the parts as highly efficient painting machines, thereby manufacturing and heat treatment reducing the amount of paints used and processes, including the casting process. VOC emissions. Subsequently, measures to reduce dioxins generated at the incineration of wastes were 2 Implementation of drastic anti-dioxin measures 33 Conservation of water quality according to Honda’s voluntary standards Honda has been taking water pollution prevention measures also based on the principle of “prevention at the source.” also implemented. Presently, all plants are Honda has introduced incinerators that Since 1970, we have been introducing making further efforts to reduce the remarkably reduce dioxins contained in general wastewater treatment plants to each generation of pollutants and to deal exhaust emissions to some of its factories, of our factories and have been treating and with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including the Suzuka Factory. The factories, managing wastewater in a sophisticated generated in the painting process. Over however, do not solely depend on these manner according to our voluntary many years, the plants have been incinerators: they also sort waste that standards, which are actually stricter consistently taking anti-pollution measures contain chlorine, which can cause the than those set by laws and government based on the principle of “preventing the generation of dioxins, before incinerating ordinances. Over this period, we have generation of pollutants at the source.” them. Further, the factories are reducing the consistently been trying to reduce the Specifically, they are trying not to generate use of materials that contain chlorine. For consumption and waste of water at the pollutants but if this is unavoidable, they example, in 1998, the Suzuka Factory source by the circulative use of water. introduce devices to control the generation started to use chlorine-free cutting fluid, 32 For example, the Kumamoto Factory, Commitment to Zero Emission 1998 2000 Operating new-type incinerators to prevent dioxin emissions Drastic sorting of wastes to be incinerated Enabling remarkable reduction of dioxins in exhaust gases 2001 Switching from kerosene to natural gas as higher quality fuels Introducing new-type painting machines to reduce VOC emissions Sorting wastes containing chlorine by the use of test paper to prevent the generation of dioxins (at the Suzuka Factory) Manufacturing (at the Kumamoto Factory) The highly efficient bell painting machine for metallic coating has reduced VOC emissions by 50%. Launch of the Green Factory Project in 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Introducing devices to remove phosphorous in order to reduce the phosphorous content in wastewater Introducing a system to monitor wastewater on a 24-hour basis Introducing the facilities to treat concentrated wastewater “Closed system”2) for wastewater from the outboard engine assembling process (at all Honda factories) (at the Hamamatsu Factory) (at the Hosoe Plant of the Hamamatsu Factory) (at the Suzuka Factory) Introducing facilities to treat wastewater that contains oil Introducing the contact oxidation system1) to the general wastewater treatment plant (at the Hamamatsu and Kumamoto Factories) Discontinuing the coated surface pre-treatment using hexavalent chromium and adopting a harmless treatment method using zinc phosphate (at the Hamamatsu Factory) 1) Contact oxidation (highly activated sludge method): System to improve treatment efficiency by attaching microorganisms to shells and plastics 2) Closed system: system to conserve water resources and water quality by the circulative use of water, which reduces wastewater to zero (improvement of the pure water cleaning tank) (at the Takanezawa Plant of the Tochigi Factory) which started operations in 1976, is reusing 97% of industrial water supplied to the factory. It is making efforts to further Test plant (at the Kumamoto Factory) for “zero wastewater” increase the reuse rate and is reducing the amount of ground water pumped by switching to the use of rainwater. Rainwater contains a smaller amount of minerals than the ground water that has been traditionally Circulative use: approximately 12,000,000 tons (reuse rate of 97%) Approximately 100,000 tons Regulating reservoir Presently: discharged in to the river (110,000 tons) Future: Recycling by purification using vegetation Removing nitrogen, phosphorous, and chlorine ions (concentrated in reused water) used as industrial water and the minerals contained in rainwater will not easily Ground water Approximately 300,000 tons concentrate, even after repeated use. Rainwater can therefore be used longer than ground water, thus reducing the amount of water that is finally wasted. Towards the goal of “zero wastewater,” we are putting into practical use the technology to remove nitrogen and phosphorous concentrated in reused water through the power of vagetation. 4 Conservation of soil and ground water quality Purification test using vagetation Steps towards “zero wastewater” Water saving through the use of rainwater Expanded use of rainwater in the supplementary supply of water to production processes Full recycling of wastewater by ecological treatment The figures represent those for a period of a year. Honda factories, attributing importance to “symbiosis with local communities” in their green factory activities, conduct research harmful substances used at the factories of soil and underground water even at the and monitoring of soil and underground have flowed out of the premises. Also, we places where no harmful substances are water at the observation wells bored within are increasing the number of survey points used. their premises. The results show that no and promoting the monitoring and research 33 Pursuit of Energy Efficiency for the Reduction of CO2 Emissions Honda is committed to the efficient use of resources, materials, and energy for production without waste, thereby reducing the CO2 emissions that cause global warming. We are improving our factilities and production methods by introducing natural gas cogeneration systems and by improving our production lines to reduce the environmental impacts caused by our factories and to make them the most energy efficient in the world. Honda’s energy saving target in the production domain: ◎To reduce energy intensity by 15% by 2001 (compared with 1990 levels) [already achieved] ◎To reduce energy intensity by 30% by 2010 (compared with 1990 levels) ●Green factory measures Issues: Themes: Efforts made targeting power sources Zero emission Resource and energy saving 1976 Improvement of energy conservation technology and energy efficiency Environmental management Introduction of a water thermal storage system Comfortable production activities 1995 Introduction of an ice thermal storage system CO 2 Efforts made targeting production processes 1976 Holding meetings to present examples of the effective use of resources and energies 1 Expanded use of energy-saving equipment To reduce the emission of air pollutants such as CO2, NOx, and SOx from our factories, In a cogeneration system, however, such loss it is also necessary to use generated energies is minimized and higher energy efficiency can in the production processes efficiently and be achieved. without waste. Honda started to improve its In 1998, we introduced a cogeneration production lines in 1999, including increasing Honda has been switching its fuel source to system powered by natural gas to the Suzuka the number of models that could be produced natural gas, which represents one of the clean Factory. The unit achieved a total energy by a single production line. We are now im- energies. Further, we generate energy to efficiency of 70%, reducing the CO2 emis- proving the production lines at our factories all supplement the electricity purchased from sions from the factory by 2,500 CO2-tons on over the world in order to reduce the environ- power plants, while carefully controlling CO2 an annual basis. By further improving the mental impact caused by our production emissions. waste heat recovery efficiency and the power activities. In a cogeneration system, an engine, such generation efficiency, we expect to achieve Specifically, for welding, coating, as a gas turbine, runs a generator to generate energy efficiency as high as 86% for the and assembling, we have introduced new electricity and the gas exhausted from the cogeneration unit installed at the Saitama technologies and reviewed the processes for engine is also used as a source of energy. The Factory and for the third and fourth systems the promotion of energy saving. For example, heat from the exhaust gas is used to generate to be installed at the Suzuka Factory in in the welding process, we replaced hy- steam, which is in turn used for multiple September. draulic robots, which had been operated purposes, including use in air conditioners. In the case of electricity purchased from power 2 Production line innovations constantly, with electric servo robots, which can be operated only as required. We plants, approximately 60% of the electricity is In addition to reducing the environmental thereby reduced the energy consumed by lost in the generation or transmission process. impact caused by the generation of energy, the welding robots to less than half, and, 34 Energy Saving Manufacturing Cogeneration system ●Energy efficiency of the Energy saving measures implemented at the Hosoe Plant ●Energy settings purchased electricity for a cogeneration system Combustion loss (20%) Boiler Power generation/ transmission loss (60%) Fuel (100%) Gas-turbine generator loss (5%) Effective heat (80%) Input (100%) Input (100%) Power plant Manufacturing a variety of outboard engines from two horsepower engines to 225 horsepower ones by one production line Electricity (28—36%) Steam (34—47%) Generation efficiency (40%) Highly efficient production system Exhaust loss (20—25%) Total (70—75%) Aiming at power generation of 100,000 kWh a year, taking advantage of the abundant sunshine amount in Hamamatsu 2001 1998 Introduction of a cogeneration system Next-generation thin film solar cells 2002 2010 Starting the operation of the Hosoe Plant with greatly improved energy efficiency (at the Hamamatsu Factory) Reducing the unit energy consumption by 15% compared with 1990 levels 1998 Reducing the parts to which the MIG welding method that uses CO2 gas is applied, thereby reducing CO2 emissions by 20% (Compared with 1993 levels) 1999 Production line innovations Aiming at reducing the unit energy consumption by 30% compared with 1990 levels Expansion throughout the world Examples of improvements made in production processes furthermore, shortened the time required for welding. As a result, the total CO2 emissions from the entire welding process have been reduced by 20% compared with the level before the aforementioned improvements were made. Regarding the coating process, we simplified the layout of the lines and aggressively introduced advanced technologies to improve coating s efficiency and total energy efficiency. Also, we started to Welding process In the past, it was necessary to use different welding devices for each model, but now a device that can be used for a variety of models has been developed. Also, the introduction of electric servo robots has sped up the welding process. Coating process Body assembling process The coating line has been shortened by streamlining the pretreatment process. Waterbased paints are now used for intermediate and finish coatings and coating efficiency has been improved to reduce the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In the past, the time required for assembling varied by model, but by the use of subassembly lines, the differences have been reduced. Presently, using a more compact assembly line, a variety of models are assembled. use water-based paints for intermediate and finish coatings to improve coating efficiency outboard engines, a variety of devices and generation thin film solar cells that Honda has and reduce emissions of VOCs. As a result of technologies are introduced to improve independently developed are attached to the these efforts, the CO2 emissions from the energy efficiency. For example, multiple plant’s roof for solar power generation (see coating process have been reduced by 20% models can be now manufactured by a single page 27). By the improvement of efficiency compared with previous levels. production line more speedily and easily. By and introduction of advanced technologies, advanced management of the production the plant has reduced its consumption of system and space, both efficient production electricity to almost a half of that of traditional At the Hosoe Plant of the Hamamatsu Factory and comfortable environment for workers plants. constructed in September 2001 for producing are achieved at the plant. Also, the next- 3 State-of-the-art factory with higher energy efficiency 35 Environmental Management Manufacturing Aggressive Introduction of ISO 14001-Certified Environmental Management Systems Honda has been promoting the introduction of environmental management systems to manage and reduce the environmental impacts caused at each stage of its production activities. By 1998, all Honda domestic factories acquired ISO 14001 certification. We are also encouraging our suppliers to acquire the certification. In foreign countries, 31 Honda factories have acquired ISO 14001 or EMAS certification. ● Green factory measures Themes: Issues: Zero emission Resource and energy saving Environmental management Encouraging the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification Comfortable production activities Expansion of environmental management 1997 Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by Honda Belgium N.V. and subsequent acquisition of this certification by other Honda group companies in different countries Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by the Hamamatsu Factory Honda, to continuously reduce and manage ISO 14001/EMAS-certified Honda business sites as of the end of fiscal 2002 the environmental impact caused by its production facilities and processes, has Eight business Eight business sites sites in Europe in North America been aggressively introducing ISO 14001(Three EMAS-certified: sites) Fifteen business certified environmental management sites in Japan (including all factories) systems. In Japan, the power products manufacturing plant in the Hamamatsu Factory was the first among Honda’s factories to acquire ISO 14001 certification (in 1997), and by the end of fiscal 1998, all the other factories had acquired this Fourteen business certification. Also, at overseas factories, sites in Asia and Oceania One business site in South America we have promoted the acquisition of certification, and as of the end of fiscal 2001, a total of 32 Honda factories in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania are ISO-14001 certified. Furthermore, in Europe, we are also promoting the * EMAS: Eco Management and Audit Scheme acquisition of EMAS.* 1998 Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by all Honda factories in Japan 2002 Encouraging the acquisition of certification by major suppliers Encouraging the acquisition of certification by Honda’s overseas factories Manufacturing Making Our Factories in Harmony with Local People and Employees Symbiosis with Local Communities/Comfortable Working Environment Since its foundation, Honda has been attributing importance to the philosophy of “Respect for the Individual.” Based on this, Honda factories are conducting symbiosis activities with local communities and improving the working environment, in order to become factories that are appreciated by local people as well as by those working in them. Furusato Afforestation Tools to reduce work loads On this land of approximately 346,000 square meters, as many as 550,000 trees were planted. A variety of tools have been developed to reduce the loads imposed on staff in moving heavy objects, etc. 1 Prevention of sensory pollution ● Green factory measures Themes: Issues: Zero emission Resource and energy saving Environmental management Comfortable production activities More comfortable working environment Activities for symbiosis with local communities 36 and greening activities for symbiosis with local communities 2 Provision of a comfortable working environment At Honda’s factories, automation has been At Honda’s factories, efforts have been made promoted and the devices that ensure workers’ to prevent sensory pollution such as noise, health and safety have been aggressively vibration, and bad odors by introducing introduced to improve the working environment. soundproof walls and deodorizers. Also, For example, at the Hosoe Plant of the greening activities named “Furusato (native Hamamatsu Factory, which started operations place) Afforestation” have been continuously as the newest production base in Japan in conducted since 1976 to plant broadleaf trees 2001 to manufacture outboard engines, new that are suitable for the local ecosystem in engine assembling tools have been introduced. and around the factories to help improve the The tools decrease the load placed on local environment and reduce CO2. And at employees by enabling them to assemble Honda’s overseas factories, we are implemen- engines from all the directions. Furthermore, the ting various measures for symbiosis with local plant has introduced conveyors to move the communities and the natural environment outboard engines to the water testing tanks and (see page 58). thereby freed workers from heavy lifting. column Measures Taken at Honda’s Overseas Factories To provide worldwide customers with the products that satisfy them, Honda has established a system for local Honda staff to develop, manufacture, and sell products that meet the needs of local communities throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. For environmental conservation, which is now a common theme for people all over the world, we make it a rule for our local staff to take environmental measures that are optimal for local communities. Some of these measures are introduced below. Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (in Alabama, U.S.) To become a global standard for environment-friendly factories In establishing Honda Manufacturing of Alabama (HMA) as Honda’s newest factory in North America in November 2001, Honda set itself the goal of integrating the factory into the local community as a factory that people can look up to and introduced various advanced environmental conservation measures. For example, as measures to prevent soil pollution, the factory minimizes the risk of oil spills at the time of delivery by concentrating all oil supply facilities into one location. Also, all the supply pipes are installed overhead and are equipped with drip pans to enable easy visual inspections and to prevent oil from soaking into the soil in the event of pipe leaks. Furthermore, treated wastewater is discharged through a double-walled effluent line and monitored by sensors to give special protection against leakage. To prevent air pollution, water-based paints are used for coatings, and state-of-the-art facilities to make volatile organic compounds harmless were introduced to ensure double and triple measures for environmental ●U.S. Energy saving measures Honda of America Mfg., Inc. (HAM), which is Honda’s production base in North America, is reducing the environmental impact caused by its production activities based on it own policies concerning environmental activities. The East Liberty Auto Plant (ELP) centrally manages the use of energy and water by each of its production processes, and fully examines the improvement possibilities of the processes. The remarkable results of effective measures taken at the plant include the improvement of energy efficiency on holidays and 53% energy saving by replacing hydraulic motors with electric motors for transporting paints to the coating process. Preventing oil leakages Overhead supply pipes enable problems to be detected quickly, and oil drip pans are installed in the bottom sections of the pipe in case of leakage. Electric motors used for transporting paints (small cylinder-shaped objects in the center of the photo) Central monitor to check the amount of remaining paints and to control the motor operation ●Belgium Installation of new water purifying equipment to improve the quality of treated wastewater Honda Europe N.V. (HE) installed bio-rotors to improve the quality of treated wastewater. The rotors stir the wastewater, introducing fresh air to activate the bacteria in the water, and thereby purifying it. HE regards the treatment and further purification of wastewater as one of its most important tasks. ●Thailand Bio-rotor (water purifying equipment) Before the installation of skylights Reduction of electricity consumption by the use of natural light Thai Honda Mfg. Co., Ltd. (THM) replaced mercury vapor lamps with fluorescent lighting fixtures (each with two tubes) and thereby reduced the consumption of electricity for lighting equipment. To further save energy, THM has installed skylights in the roof of its factory. Because natural light streams in through them, there is no need to turn on the lights during the eight hours of daylight, which is half the time that the factory is in operation. The company has greatly reduced its electricity consumption. After the installation of skylights 37 Green Purchasing For the Procurement of Environment-Friendly Materials and Parts To reduce the environmental impact caused by our products throughout their life cycles, it is necessary to cooperate with suppliers. Honda, in order to procure environment-friendly materials and products, established the Honda Green Purchasing Guidelines and held a number of meetings to explain the guidelines to suppliers. We are thus implementing effective measures to promote green purchasing, which means to choose environment-friendly products and services. Office supplies targeted for green purchasing Honda Green Purchasing Guidelines Promotion of green purchasing Promoting the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by suppliers 2005 2002 2001 Establishment of the Green Purchasing Guidelines Honda’s guidelines on chemical substances Explanatory meetings for suppliers Target: Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by all Honda suppliers (in Japan) 2008 2007 Target: Zero landfill disposal at suppliers 2010 Target: Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by all Honda suppliers (overseas) Target: Reduction of CO2 emissions by 6% over 2000 at suppliers Outline of Honda Green Purchasing Guidelines Products1) Manufacturing2) Corporate system3) Classification Management item Target Management of chemical substances contained in products (purchased parts) Content of chemical substances in products (parts and materials) Compliance with the schedule set forth in Honda’s guidelines on chemical substances4) Management of environmental impacts by suppliers CO2 emission volume Waste amount (reduction of landfill) 2010: 6% reduction over 2000 2007: Zero landfill Promoting environmental management systems at suppliers Further acquisition of ISO 14001 certification 2005: Completion in Japan 2008: Completion in other countries 1) Products purchased by Honda 2) Manufacturing process of products 3) Environmental management system to manage the manufacturing process 4) The guidelines show the schedule for reducing, discontinuing the use of, or replacing with alternatives for chemical substances with environmental impacts, including those regulated in Europe (lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium) and those voluntarily regulated by Honda. 1 Reduction of environmental impacts in cooperation with suppliers One single automobile is composed of 20,000 to 30,000 parts, most of which are purchased from suppliers. To reduce the environmental impact caused by the manufacturing of automobiles, it is therefore necessary for automobile makers and their suppliers to cooperate with each other. Honda asks its suppliers to introduce ISO 14001-certified environmental management systems. So far, 55 major suppliers have already acquired this certification. In 2002, all factories (or plants) of suppliers, providing materials to, or manufacturing products for, Honda, started to promote the acquisition of ISO 14001. 38 2 Establishment of Honda Green Purchasing Guidelines Honda set its green purchasing guidelines to aggressively promote the green procurement of materials and parts in December 2001. The guidelines provide details of the specific management items and targets to be dealt with by Honda and its suppliers toward 2010, for the three fields as shown in the table above. We will continue to ask our suppliers to manage and disclose data on environmental impacts and will continue to purchase environment-friendly materials and parts. 3 Green purchasing of office supplies Based on the principle of green purchasing to promote the preferable purchasing and popularization of environment-friendly products and services, we are also purchasing environment-friendly products and services for our offices. The following shows Honda’s basic ideas for green purchasing: 1. Purchase products and services by taking into account the various types of environmental impacts on each stage of the products’ life cycle. 2. Purchase products and services that are produced and sold by businesses that have management policies concerning the environment and that are actively engaged in environmental conservation. 3. Actively obtain environmental information concerning products, manufacturers, and distributors, and use the information for making purchasing decisions. At Honda, general office supplies have been replaced with environment-friendly ones and as of 2002, 353 items used in the offices are environment-friendly products. Section 3 Transportation, Sales, and Administration 3 Delivering Products to Customers, Taking Considerations to Environmental Conservation at Every Stage Honda is striving to reduce its environmental impacts at every stage of its activities, including the transportation of products to destinations, the marketing of products to customers, and the administration of its operations. For example, at the transportation stage, we have reduced CO2 emissions and the use of packaging materials by improving the Measures for dealers H efficiency of our distribution system. Improvement of product transportation efficiency At the marketing stage, we have launched the “Green Dealer Project” to encourage our dealers to contribute to environmental conservation, thereby pleasing our customers and local communities. Furthermore, we are introducing environmental management Reduction of packaging materials Measures for indirect departments systems to encourage our indirect departments, such as our offices, to all become involved in environmental activities. 39 Improvement of Transportation Efficiency Transportation Pursuit of Highly Efficient, Environment-Friendly Transportation Honda has been improving transportation efficiency by expanding the areas to which products are delivered by ship as well as by promoting joint transportation by multiple manufacturers. Also, we are implementing diversified measures for green logistics, including the introduction of ISO 14001-certified environmental management systems to associated transporation companies. Transportation-related targets: ◎To introduce environmental management systems to associated transportation companies ◎To improve transportation efficiency Efforts made for improving transportation efficiency 1980 1997 Upsizing of transportation vehicles 2000 Switching to transportation by ship for the delivery of automobiles to the Hokkaido and Tohoku regions 2002 Further implementation of measures to reduce CO2 emissions and the promotion of efforts to acquire ISO 14001 certification Joint transportation with other companies (by ship and truck) Export of products from the ports nearest to the factories Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by three of the four associated transportation companies that have a large share in the transportation of Honda Optimization of transportation logistics Expansion of measures to reduce CO2 emissions ●=measures have been implemented HONDA Direct transportation Dealer 1998 1999 200 0 2001 Expansion of the areas to which products are transported by ship ● ● ● ● ● Direct transportation from the factories ● ● ● ● ● Upsizing of the transportation vehicles ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Joint transportation with other makers Export from the ports nearest to the factories Production Product control plant center Port 1997 HONDA Port Dealer Transportation by ship 1 Improvement of transportation efficiency by reforming the entire transportation system For the transportation of products, Honda has been improving efficiency by reducing the emission of CO2 and other gases, reducing waste generated in the transportation activities by using recyclable packaging materials, and introducing environmental management systems. Recently, as one of the most important themes for transportation, we have been maximizing transportation efficiency by using different transportation methods in combination, taking into consideration their various advantages and disadvantages. For example, a ship can carry a large amount of products at one time and thereby the CO2 emission per product can be kept to a low level. However, it takes more time to deliver products by ship. On the other hand, while a truck discharges more CO2 per product, it 40 Product control center Dealers remote from the factories (in Hokkaido, Kyushu, etc.) requires less time for delivery and is suitable for sending products to multiple destinations. Transportation efficiency can be improved by optimally combining different transportation methods based on such characteristics as these. 2 Reduction of energy loss through the optimization of transportation methods In the past, products destined for Hokkaido were all shipped to Tomakomai Port and then delivered to each destination within Hokkaido by truck. Now, however, products destined for the eastern parts of Hokkaido are shipped to Kushiro Port to shorten the delivery distances by truck. At the same time, we are aggressively promoting joint transportation by ship and truck with other companies. For example, we transport our own products to their destination, and then transport the products of another company on the return trip. At Honda, as mentioned above, transportation efficiency has been improved by the shift to railways and ships and by mixed modes (optimal combination of transportation by truck with other transportation methods). Energy loss in transportation can be reduced by eliminating relay points. In the past, products were delivered from factories to dealers via sales offices. However, Honda is now promoting the direct shipping of products from factories to dealers to improve energy efficiency in transportation. 3 Cooperation with transportation companies to reduce environmental impact Honda asks its associated transportation companies to promote environmental activities and to acquire ISO 14001 certification for their environmental management systems. In addition, we are replacing our trucks with low-emission vehicles and conducting surveys on diesel particulate filters (DPFs) and low-sulfur fuels. In cooperation with the transportation companies, we will continuously improve such activities to further reduce the environmental impact caused by the transportation of our products. Transportation Reduction of Packaging Materials Reduction of Waste Generated in Transportation to Promote Resource Saving Honda is reducing the use of packaging materials by encouraging the use of returnable containers in addition to the use of simple packages, review of packaging materials, and alteration of packaging specifications. Also for products exported overseas, we are aggressively introducing returnable containers, not only to the shipment from Japan but also to transporation between overseas areas. Transportation-related targets: ◎Reduction of packaging materials Efforts to reduce packaging materials (Japan) 1999 2000 Introduction of returnable containers to the transportation of repair bumpers (PP returnable plastic cardboard containers) 2002 2001 Shift to simple packaging (from individual packaging to the use of reinforced bubble wraps) Use of returnable containers in a greater number of parts Introduction of a tabulation system to check the exact amount of packaging materials used The Hosoe Plant producing outboard engines started the use of returnable containers for the domestic transportation of its products. Reduction of packaging materials (in domestic transportation) Before improvement After improvement Transportation using returnable containers Shift to simple packaging Shift from the use of both cardboard and bubble wraps (vinyl packaging material encapsulating air bubbles) to the use of bubble wraps only Further reduction of packaging materials Packaging Surface Marine transportation transportation Local unpacking Folding of the cases Loading into a transportation container Delivery Delivery Unpacking Marine Surface management transportation transportation Efforts to reduce packaging materials (Overseas) 1993 1999 2000 Starting the use of Starting the use of returnable external returnable internal cases: cases for the export of parts to the U.K. Promoting the reuse of packaging materials in KD (knock-down)* partimporting countries Starting the recycling of vapor corrosion inhibitor (VCI) films and polyethylene sheets used as packaging materials: U.K. 2001 Returnable internal cases Development and application of new returnable internal cases for the export of parts to the U.K. Expanded use of returnable external cases: Italy and Spain Starting the use of returnable cases for exporting outboard engines Using returnable cases for the export of completed motorcycles to Europe Returnable external case * KD shipments: export of knock-down (KD) parts for local assembly 1 Reduction of packaging materials 2 KD shipments using by a shift to simple packaging returnable cases Honda has been making efforts to reduce the use of packaging materials. For example, cardboard, which is a representative packaging material, is now recycled. To reduce environmental impacts, however, it is also necessary to reduce the use itself. We are now reviewing packaging materials from various aspects, including proper strength and impingement protection methods, and are shifting towards much simpler packaging such as improved packaging pads. Montesa Honda Factory S.A. in Spain has introduced a system to transport motorcycles imported from Italy for sale without using packaging materials. This system is called the Non Packing Import (NPI) system and we intend to introduce it to other countries. We are also using returnable cases for knockdown (KD) parts, which are manufactured in Japan and exported overseas for local assembly. We are exporting KD parts by using returnable external cases to 10 countries around the world, including the U.S. and Canada. In 2001, we newly developed returnable internal cases and have been using these to export KD parts to the U. K., thereby greatly reducing the amount of cardboard used for such exports. Further, Honda Europe N.V. has introduced returnable cases for motorcycles and has greatly reduced the use of packaging materials. The company is located in Belgium as Honda’s base for supplying products to Europe and manages the import and export of automobiles, motorcycles, power products, and repaired parts. 3 Recycling and reuse of waste packaging materials For the reuse of waste packaging materials, we are also working to recycle vinyl and film materials, which account for a major part of packaging materials used for transportation. All of the shrink-wrap films used instead of ropes to bundle the packages to be sent to and within Japan are collected and recycled. Moreover, for protecting the hoods and trunks of the automobiles to be sent from factories to customers, we have developed and are now using recyclable water-soluble films, which can be attached to the hoods and trunks without adhesives. As another example of the careful measures that we are taking to promote recycling, we have discontinued the use of adhesive labels for vinyl bags. In the past, we printed the necessary information on the labels, which prevented the recycling of the vinyl bags, but now the information is printed directly onto the bags. 41 Advanced Dealer Activities to Please Customers and Local Communities and to Win Their Trust Honda is implementing its unique environmental management system and the Green Dealer certification system to further sophisticate its environmental activities in its sales and service segments. Honda dealers are promoting steady environment conservation activities by continuously implementing improvement measures to become advanced dealers who can please their customers and local communities. Environmental targets for dealers ◎Introduction of environmental management systems ◎Promotion of proper disposal of end-of-life products Introduction of environmental management systems to Honda’s automobile dealers 1998 1999 Launching the Green Dealer Project 2000 Acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by each company in the Honda Primo, Clio, and Verno channels (see page 55) Starting the unique Green Dealer certification system based on the know-how accumulated through the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification Continuous improvement First step Number of dealers certified in fiscal 2000: 1,693 H 2002 2001 First step Number of dealers certified in fiscal 2001: 561 Second step Number of dealers certified in fiscal 2001: 1,024 ●Green dealer expansion concept Flow of the Green Dealer certification system Proper disposal of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) Proper disposal of waste parts and oil Green Dealer expansion Improved energy efficiency Contribution to local community Improved environmental conservation 1 From the acquisition of ●First step Theme: Compliance with laws and improvement of the environment Compliance with laws: 100% recovery of CFC-12 and air bags; proper disposal of ELVs, waste parts, and oil; compliance with equipmentrelated laws; improvement of the environment within and around the dealers; and cleanup activities Green Dealer certification system as part of its unique environmental management system. ISO 14001 certification to the This system will be utilized extensively by implementation of the unique environmental management system Honda dealers to reduce the loads imposed Honda has been promoting the acquisition of ISO 14001, which is the international standard for environmental management systems, to improve the environmental activities in its sales and service stages. In August 1999, the Planning Management Block, the Service Division of Japan, and the six service centers around the country received this certification for the first time in the automobile service industry in Japan. Honda Dealers have also been making aggressive efforts. In November 1999, Honda Clio Kyoto Co., Ltd. became Japan’s first automobile dealer to acquire this certification. This was followed by Honda Verno Aichi Co., Ltd. in December and Honda Primo Tokyo Minami Co., Ltd. in January 2000. Based on the know-how accumulated through the activities necessary to obtain ISO 14001 certification, Honda has started the 42 on them in acquiring ISO 14001 certification and to reduce the environmental impacts of their activities. 2 Two-step improvement of environmental conservation activities Honda dealers who have achieved compliance with relevant laws and environmental improvement are certified as “Good Green Dealers” (Step 1) and then certified as a “Best Green Dealer” if they meet the stringent criteria for further improved environmental efficiency. The certified dealers play their roles as advanced Honda dealers who contribute to environmental conservation and please customers and local communities. They continuously try to improve their activities based on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Act) cycle. Honda also publishes ●Second step Theme: Environmental efficiency improvement Continuous management of energy consumption and implementation of energy saving measures Establishment of environmental objectives, including the sorting and reduction of waste Promotion of environmental education through the organization of environmental events and distribution of environmental brochures various manuals and posters to make people more aware of the environment and thereby supports Honda dealers in obtaining Green Dealer certification. As of the end of March 2002, 2,254 dealers were certified as Good Green Dealers and 1,024 as Best Green Dealers. 3 Proper disposal of end-of-life products and CFC-12 Honda urges its dealers to issue manifests (to manage end-of-life vehicles) and is taking measures for the proper disposal of end-oflife parts and other materials. For example, we have aggressively exploited the CFC-12 recovery and destruction system which is used in automotive air-conditioning systems, established by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association and local governments, and completed a nationwide promotion in October 1998. Also for air bag inflators, we are cooperating with other manufacturers in the inflator recovery and disposal system examinations promoted by Measures Taken by Honda Dealers H Marketing ● Examples of measures taken by “Green Dealers” Honda VERNO Aichi Co., Ltd. ●Countermeasures against oil emissions: As a precaution against oil emissions, displays the wastewater flow by arrows. Honda VERNO Shin Tokyo Co., Ltd. ●Introduces two “Eco-Ice” ice-heat accumulating air conditioners (each equivalent to a 13-hp unit). Honda VERNO Aichi Co., Ltd. ●Drastic waste sorting: Waste is sorted clearly for both employees and customers to recognize the distinguished waste Honda CLIO Shin Kanagawa Co., Ltd. ●Neighborhood cleanup: All employees are engaged in neighborhood cleanup activities Honda CLIO Kyoto Honda PRIMO Tokyo-Minami Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd. ●“Environmental corner”: Installed to make customers more aware of the environment the automobile industry. Honda VERNO Shin Tokyo Co., Ltd. effectively air-conditions the extensive void space by using electricity in midnight, which reduces the generation of CO2. ●“Eco-Ice” Honda CLIO Minami-Sapporo Co., Ltd. energy savings: Time in which electricity can be used is indicated on the lighting switches for energy saving ●Drastic information magazine, GD Press, to promote information sharing among dealers. 4 Full consideration for the environment, including the 5 Aggressive contribution to implementation of energy saving society to become dealers that and pollution preventing measures are admired by local communities Honda is promoting energy saving and pollution prevention measures in order to control and reduce the environmental impacts of its sales activities. For example, we have created a special environmental account book for our dealers to encourage them to control their energy consumption to attain their energy saving goals. In addition, we are introducing energy saving devices such as “Eco-Ice,” which is an ice-heat accumulating air-conditioning system. Honda also adopts a wide variety of environmental pollution prevention measures, including the proper disposal of waste parts and oil treated by Honda dealers. To prevent pollution as far as possible, some of the “Best Green Dealer” certified dealers have created risk control manuals as a precaution against the emission of waste oil. Honda collects such initiatives and introduces them in its environmental manuals or through its In order to expand its environmental conservation activities, Honda believes it necessary for the sales activities of Honda dealers, who have direct contact with customers, to be understood and recognized by the customers. We therefore ask our dealers to contribute to local communities, starting from activities that can be easily undertaken. For example, some are engaged in cleanup activities not only in and around their companies but also in the entire local community. Others are dispatching environmental information, including how to protect the environment by installing “environmental corners” within their stores to make local customers visiting the stores more aware of the importance of their environment. Also, the experimental “Eco Wagon” mobile seminars that enabled children to enjoy crafting and experience the natural environment, were highly evaluated by participants. Honda intends to continue these activities and obtain even greater support from local people to expand its environmental conservation activities. 6 Activities targeting the dealers of Honda motorcycles and power products Honda is expanding the Green Dealer system to the dealers of motorcycles and power products in addition to automobile dealers. For the dealers of Honda motorcycles, we will promote the Green Dealer system for the proper disposal of wasted motorcycles and parts and for the aggressive reduction of environmental impacts caused by their sales activities in line with the development of Honda Dream Shops. Honda Dream Shops are new style shops dealing with sports bikes and we are planning to establish 200 shops all over Japan by fiscal 2005. Also for dealers of Honda power products, we will establish a Green Dealer certification system in or after fiscal 2002 and encourage more dealers to participate in the system. 43 Measures for Offices Administration Full Consideration for the Environment in All Daily Business Activities Honda also gives full consideration to environmental conservation at its offices and believes that it is most important to indirectly improve the environment by encouraging its factories, suppliers, and even its customers to contribute to environmental conservation by demonstrating good examples in its business activities conducted at its offices, including sales activities. Environmental conservation objectives for our offices Introducing low-emission vehicles as company-owned vehicles ◎Establishment and continuous improvement of environmental management systems Honda aggressively introduced the government-certified lowemission vehicles for its own use. Introduction of environmental management systems to office buildings 1998 1999 Honda Head Office (Aoyama Building) starts activities for the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification. 2001 Head Office acquires ISO 14001 certification. 2002 All six regional offices acquire ISO 14001 certification. First-step measures Head Office enters the second stage of ISO 14001 certification. For the establishment and continuous improvement of environmental management systems Second-step measures (Reduction of direct environmental impacts) ・Energy and resource saving ・Waste sorting Head Office in the Aoyama Building Lighting equipment Customers OA equipment Office air conditioners Suppliers Indirect influence Indirectly improving the environment by encouraging customers, suppliers, and factories to contribute to environmental conservation by making proposals, giving instructions, or conducting sales activities Factories Head Office Cooling facilities Waste Kitchen facilities (in Aoyama Building) First-stage measures (reduction of direct environmental impacts) Emergency power generation facilities 1 Environmental measures at offices: acquisition of ISO 14001 by the Head Office and regional offices 2 Waste sorting and recycling for resource saving Each Honda office is also promoting the 3 Introducing low-emission vehicles as company-owned cars as part of environmental conservation activities Honda is implementing measures to give full reduction of waste and resource saving. For consideration to the environment at its offices. example, at the Aoyama Building, employees As a part of the measures to reduce the For example, our Head Office in the Aoyama sort their waste into 14 types, installing boxes environmental impact caused by corporate Building started to implement measures to to collect each one. activities, Honda is introducing or replac- reduce the environmental impact of its Energy saving is also promoted as one of ing existing vehicles for its own use with activities at the end of 1998 and obtained our important environmental conservation government-certified low-emission vehicles, ISO 14001 certification during 1999. objectives. For example, incandescent lamps including those emitting extremely small Subsequently, our six regional offices also in the corridors of each floor are being amounts of harmful substances. obtained this certification in 2001. At the replaced with fluorescent lamps, only some Aoyama Building, three years from the start lamps are switched on, and the ventilating of activities to obtain ISO 14001 certification, fans of the underground parking space are employees now conduct activities to reduce turned on only when automobiles actually their direct environmental impact as a part of enter. At the Aoyama Building, wastewater their daily business activities. The Head Office from restrooms, kitchens, and cooling towers is planning to add more environmental are collected and used for flush toilets to aspects to its daily operations. promote the conservation of water resources. 44 Section 4 Disposal and Recycling 4 “From Cradle to Cradle” Pursing further recycling possibilities recycled in terms of weight. In recent years, the remaining 20–25% of shredder residues have become a problem in the lack of landfill sites and in the conver- Waste vehicles Remainder (bodies, etc.) Automobile shredder residue (ASR) Recycling (75–80%) Landfill or incineration (20–25%) Local municipalities Materials (iron and nonferrous metals) Shredding companies are disposed of within the country and 75–80% of them are Second-hand car dealers Materials (catalysts, non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, and oils) Disassemblers wasted as end-of-life vehicles, of which approximately 4 million Second-hand parts (engines, air conditioners, tires, and exterior parts) Automobile dealers Customers Presently in Japan, approximately 5 million vehicles are annually Recycling flow of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) sion to a recycling-based society, and people are increasingly demanding the proper disposal of these residues. To solve this problem, the End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Law was enacted in 2002. Under these circumstances, Honda is continuing to implement aggressive measures to minimize the use of substances with environmental impacts and the amount of landfill waste, and promote the recycling of resources at every stage of its products’ lifecycles, including development, production, use, and waste. 45 Consideration for Product Recyclability from the Product Development Stage To promote recycling, Honda gives full consideration to product recyclability right from the earliest development stage. At the development stage, we strictly evaluate our products from the following three “R” aspects: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Further, we use environment-friendly materials and structures for our products. Consideration for recyclability at the development stage 1983 1992 Consistent use of polypropylene (PP) bumpers, which can be easily recycled 1996 1997 Clear indication of materials Introduction of weighing 100 grams or heavier on bumpers that can be all the products to make it easier easily dismantled to sort end-of-life products for recycling (Since 1999, names of materials weighing 5 grams or heavier have been indicated.) 1998 Improvement of recyclability by using only olefin materials for instrument panels instead of composites Introduction of an integrated design for faster and more appropriate disposal of the air bags of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) Advance recyclability evaluation system 1992 1994 2001 >> Commencing introduction of an >> Starting the introduction advance evaluation system for the of an advance recyclability recyclability of motorcycles evaluation system for automobiles >> Improving the advance recyclability evaluation system based on the “3Rs” Advance recyclability evaluation system Feedback Meeting to evaluate the product in advance Feedback (evaluation made at the completion of the production preparation) Verification of the mass production plan Meeting to evaluate technologies Mass production preparation stage (evaluation made at the development completion) Development stage Designing Planning Products with improved 3Rs Accumulation of technologies Planning stage Energy saving technology Resource recycling technology Recycled parts Technological research Research stage Honda has improved the 3Rs by reflecting the following evaluation results in the product design since the development stage: recyclability; how easy to dismantle the product; how easy to sort the end-of-life parts; safety at the final disposal; compactness; light weight; long life; and reusability. ●“Reuse” which the use of substances that do have an means to reuse resources that were wasted in environmental impact can be reduced to the Honda aims to reduce waste as far as the past, thus reducing waste, which requires minimum. possible and to minimize the environmental a design that enables easy dismantling and impacts of its production activities by longer product lives. much as possible. They can be used to make 1 Product design based on the “3Rs” Recycled materials need to be used as adopting the “3R” concept in its product ●“Recycle” new parts and thereby the use of new mate- design. means that materials that were wasted are rials can be reduced, which contributes to the ●“Reduce” once again used as materials, which also efficient use of resources. means to reduce waste by making parts requires a design that enables easy disman- smaller, lighter, more durable, and easily tling and longer product lives. It is also impor- repairable, which requires a design that tant that materials that can be easily recycled provides sufficient functions with fewer are used for those parts that will be dismantled. resources. 46 It is also necessary to design products for Measures Taken at the Development Stage Examples of “reduced” design ● Downsizing side protectors Example of a use of recyclable materials ● Use of single resin material for instrument panels Traditional composition and recycling of instrument panels Traditional core metal of design iron plate + PVC PP integrated hollow casting Reduced design ● Composed of different materials Covering material PVC Recycled PPF Used as heat source ABS Disposed of as waste Covering material: PVC Foaming material: PPF Crushing Base material: ABS Side protector braids were traditionally made from metal and resin. For the CR-V, however, only polypropylene materials are used. Downsizing by gas assist injection molding made it possible to reduce the amount of materials used while maintaining the necessary rigidity, resulting in a reduction in weight by 50% compared with the previous model. Base material Sorting for disposal New composition and recycling of instrument panels ● Composed of single material Instrument panel (mono-material technology) Covering material: TPO* ● Dividing a bumper into parts Foaming material: PPF Base material: PP Crushing Recycling * Thermoplastic olefin Traditionally, the following three different materials were used: polyvinylchloride (PVC) as the covering material; polypropylene foam (PPF) as the foaming material; and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) as the base material. Presently, however, olefin materials mainly composed of polypropylene (PP) are used for all the instrument panel layers. This makes it unnecessary to sort the crushed materials and it is now possible to recycle them as a base material for instrument panels. Step wagon Rear bumper consisting of 3 parts Front bumper consisting of 2 parts By dividing the bumper, which was integrally molded in the past, into parts, it can now be more easily dismantled and only the broken parts need be replaced with new ones, thereby reducing the generation of waste. Example of a design that reduces environmental impacts Use of lead (in grams) 2,000 1850 g Reduction by using alternative materials 1,800 1,600 ●Reduction in the use of lead Technologies have been developed for promoting the use of lead-free parts, and the target for 2005 (reduction in the use of lead to one-third of 1996 levels) was achieved for all the models as early as 2001. ● Use of colored material for the exterior of motorcycles Acrylonitrile-Ethylene rubber-Styrene (AES) has been newly developed as a material for the exterior of motorcycles. AES, which can be clearly colored and is highly light resistant, is now used for rear cowls and front covers, eliminating the need for subsequent painting, which was necessary when ABS resin was used as the material. The use of ASE has improved the recyclability of motorcycles. Example of using recycled materials ● Parts for which materials recycled from bumpers are used Materials recycled from bumpers replaced with new ones in repairing, etc. are used for various other parts. Splash shield Rear center shelf Trunk mat 1,400 Guidelines set by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association 1,200 1,000 Reduction to half in 2002 800 Reduction to one-third in 2005 600 400 250 g 200 0 1996 2002 Standard use Use of lead per calculated by the CIVIC Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association ● Reduction in the use of lead Lead has been used to ensure the free-cutting ability of crankshafts, etc. Now lead-free materials are used in the crankshafts for the minicar That’s, the motorcycle CBR954RR, and for the “GX Series” multipurpose engines. Measures are now being implemented so that lead is no longer needed in electrodeposition coating and in the production of electronic boards use of hexavalent chromium, mercury, and cadmium Floor carpet ● Parts Side spacer Aerodynamic undercover of a scooter to which recycled materials are used ● Minimum Rear fender Hexavalent chromium has been used to ensure resistance to corrosion. Already, chromium-free paints are used for outboard engines. Air cleaner case/ cover Undercover 47 Measures Taken at the Production Stage Pursuit of Recyclability through the Development of Technologies Honda is aggressively developing technologies to make effective use of resin materials, which are difficult to reuse or recycle. Based on newly developed technologies, we are examining the possibility of reusing or recycling wasted resin materials as parts for new products or as repair parts. Recycling technologies for the production stage 1993 1997 2002 (PVC-PPF covering material) Development of a sorting technology using a crusher and water tank (PVC-PF covering material) Development of an integrated sorting device with an air separator (Covering material composed of olefins alone) Establishing recycling technologies by injection molding To PVC tool bag To PVC covering material Application to resin interior parts 1 Recycling technology for materials for covering instrument panels Vacuum formed Punching possible to recycle PVC materials. In 2002, it was decided to use only olefins as the Remnant In the production of instrument panels, it is covering material. Now the waste is crush- important to reuse the material wasted from ed and recycled into pellets to be used for the punching process. Initially, it was difficult injection molding by adding virgin PP and talc to reuse the waste because it was made of (materials that provide rigidity). The pellets are PVC and PPF. By the development of sorting used as resin materials for defroster ducts, technologies and devices, however, it became etc. Instrument panel Recycling Measures Taken at the Use Stage Establishment of a System to Recover and Properly Dispose of Waste Parts Honda has been making efforts to build networks for the recycling and proper disposal of waste parts. We started the establishment of a network to recover and recycle bumpers replaced with new ones in 1991. Since then, supported by our dealers and those in related industries, we have been expanding such Establishment of a bumper recovery network 1995 1991 Starting the recovery of bumpers (in the Kanto and Koshinetsu areas) 1999 Completion of the bumper recovery nationwide network 2000 Starting the recovery test of bumpers from wasted automobiles (in specific areas) Expanding the recovery from Honda dealers to general maintenance shops Bumper recovery technology 1996 1999 2001 >> Development of the sandwich >> Removing most of the paint >> Development of a technology to molding technology films using metal mesh screens remove the paint film on bumpers 1 Establishment of a nationwide network for recovery and recycling of bumpers After a period of trial and error to establish an infrastructure for recovery, Honda has built up a network for recycling bumpers that have been replaced with new ones throughout Japan. We first began tests in the Kanto and Koshinetsu regions in October 1991. Later, we spread the area to the Chubu and Kinki regions, the Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kyushu regions, and the Hokkaido and Tohoku regions. Then, in November 1995, the network was extended to Okinawa and the remote islands (Okinoerabujima, Amami-Oshima, and Goto) to complete our nationwide coverage. We have taken steps to make the recovery process as smooth as possible. For example, by locating intermediate processing plants between the recycling plants (in Saitama and 48 Mie prefectures), we have reduced the cost of recovery from remote areas. In order to reduce the load on dealers, we have designed a shipping system that allows dealers to ship the bumpers without cutting them into sections, thereby also improving recovery efficiency. In fiscal 2001, we recovered approximately 280,000 bumpers. Since the start of the recovery system, we have recovered approximately 1.58 million bumpers in total. In 1999, we also began a geographically limited model experiment to collect and recycle bumpers from ELVs. Hokkaido region ・ Bumpers are collected and transported to an intermediate processing company by courier service. ・ After being crushed at the intermediate processing company, they are delivered to a recycling company by marine container transportation. Tohoku region ・ Bumpers are collected and delivered to Sendai by courier service and then to the final processing company as they are. Chugoku and Shikoku regions ・ Bumpers are collected and transported to an intermediate processing company by courier service. ・ After being crushed at the intermediate processing company, they are delivered to a recycling company. Blue: Intermediate processing companies Red: Recycling companies Okinawa region ・ Recovered by a courier and transported to Tosu by air Sendai ● Saitama ● Kyowa Sangyo Co., Ltd. Kanto and Koshinetsu regions ・ Depending upon the number of Mie collected bumpers, return trucks ● Nabeka that deliver repair parts or special Co., Ltd. bumper recovery trucks are used ● Hiroshima Takase Gosei Kagaku Co., Ltd. Tosu ● Nishiki Co., Ltd. Gotofukue Kyushu region ・ Bumpers are collected and transported to an intermediate processing company by courier service. ・ After being crushed at the intermediate processing company, they are delivered to a recycling company. ●Ebetsu Hokkai Jushi Kogyo Corporation to deliver the collected bumpers to a recycling company. Chubu and Kinki regions ・ Depending upon the number of collected bumpers, return trucks that deliver repair parts or special bumper recovery trucks are used to deliver the Amami-Oshima collected bumpers to a recycling and Okinoerabujima company. 2 Technology to recycle recovered 3 Establishment of a system to bumpers recover and destroy CFC-12 ●Sandwich molding technology for bumpers ●Technology to remove the paint film from Honda asked its dealers to cooperate in the establishment of systems to recover and bumpers In 1996, we developed a technology to manufacture bumpers using recycled We have established the technology to destroy the CFC-12 used for automobile materials as core materials. This technology is remove the paint film from bumpers jointly air conditioners, and completed the es- called “sandwich molding technology,” and with recycling companies. Bumpers are tablishment of such systems all over Japan in uses the recycled bumpers without removing crushed into chips and the chips are forcefully 1998. We are further promoting the proper the paint film. (The paint film on bumpers rubbed together to generate frictional heat, disposal of harmful substances through made it difficult to recycle them in the past.) which removes the paint film. Materials measures such as the introduction of The bumpers, with the paint film still on them, recycled from bumpers using this technology equipment for recovering and recycling are crushed, washed and pelletized, and used have been used as repair bumpers made from HFC134a. as the core materials for bumpers. 100% recycled materials. Chips before removing the paint film Chips after removing the paint film Recovery of CFC-12 Sandwich molded bumper Measures Taken at the Waste Stage Further Reuse and Recycling of Parts Honda started to market the parts that had been wasted after use as “Honda Recycle Parts” (composed of recycled and reused parts) under the slogan of “Effective use of second-hand parts for the environment while maintaining quality and minimizing the burdens imposed on customers” to further promote the recyclability of our parts. Reuse and recycling of parts 1995 Launch of the remanufacturing business (in the U.S.) 1998 2001 Launch of the remanufacturing business (in Japan) 1 Remanufacturing of parts 2002 Starting the sale of Honda Recycle Parts Promoting the sale of Honda Recycle Parts Recycled parts Since October 1998, Honda has been selling at reasonable prices parts recycled from those parts replaced with new ones during repair work. At genuine Honda parts manufacturers, end-of-life components in Power steering pump assembly Power steering gearbox assembly Torque converter Distributor Drive shaft assembly those parts to be reused are replaced with new ones, and the new parts are recycled as fully functioning high-quality parts, monitored to Honda’s criteria. Reused parts Second-hand parts 2 Sale of reused parts Removed parts ● Audio systems, radios, cassettes, etc. We have been selling those parts that were selected and removed from ELVs based on the Honda Standards and parts of new automobiles replaced with optional parts as ● Functional ● Exterior parts and metal parts (doors, hoods, trunks, etc.) parts, such as dampers reusable parts at lower prices since July 2001 in the Kanto region and since January 2002 in all the regions in Japan. ● Others ● Lighting parts (headlights, taillights, etc.) Side garnishes, wheels, etc. 49 Measures Taken at the Waste Stage Supporting People Engaged in Recycling by Providing Them with Devices and Systems for Efficient Dismantling Image of a Honda is developing devices and systems to remove parts more rapidly in the dismantling process and to dispose of them more safely. We are supporting dismantlers by proposing the use of such devices and systems and promoting the proper disposal and recycling of materials. Development of dismantling support technologies 1996 Development of a vehicle turnover device for dismantling 1997 2002 Recovering instrument panel harnesses Recovering front window glass dismantling line “A” press Transfer Vehicle turnover device for dismantling Waiting and preparation Removing liquids Removing covers Transfer Recovering CFC-12 Recovering air bags Development of New vehicle turnover device diversified dismantling for dismantling support devices such as a wire harness winder Recovery of IMA batteries used exclusively in hybrid cars recommended by Honda in an easy-to- turnover device for dismantling, which used exclusively in hybrid cars enables the recovery of glass and rear IMA batteries used for Honda’s hybrid cars suspensions even while the automobile is are nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) batteries, being turned over. Due to such improve- and we established our own system to ments, the time required for recovery has recover these batteries in 1999. The been reduced by approximately 62% recovered IMA batteries are effectively compared with the previous model. recycled into stainless steel and battery We commenced the sale of such devices, materials. vehicles to their plants, dispose of waste 4 Management of ELVs using manifests, and proper recovery and disposal of air bag inflators liquids, remove parts and press the dismantled Honda has been asking its dealers to manage automobiles in a single work flow. ELVs using manifests*. Also for air bag Accordingly, work efficiency has doubled inflators, we are cooperating with other compared with the traditional dismantling manufacturers in the examinations on their methods. recovery and disposal system promoted by 2 Publication of a dismantling manual Honda prepared the manual explaining how to dismantle the parts designated by the public organizations and the parts Dismantler Instructions on the removal of IMA batteries from the vehicle Honda Trading Co., Ltd. 3 (responsible for the management of recovered parts in general) 4 Flow of IMA batteries 3 System to recover batteries 2 Pickup of recovered batteries associated dismantlers in January 2002. mantling line equipped with a new vehicle line enables dismantlers to deliver end-of-life Delivery of an ELV from a customer or a distributor distributed to all Honda sales bases and the In March 2003, we announced a new dis- targeting vehicle dismantlers. The dismantling 1 understand manner. Copies have been Notification of receipt device for dismantling for a new dismantling line Notification 1 Evolution of the vehicle turnover Nippon Express Co., Ltd. (carrier certified by Honda) Flow of IMA batteries 5 Nihon Recycle Center (recycling company) the automobile industry. *Documents used for managing the disposal of industrial waste, including ELVs, which clearly shows the responsibilities of those generating the waste. Dismantling manual Manifest Example of measures to improve the environment and to recycle waste Development of an extremely light beach cleaner to be pulled by an ATV 50 In recent years, much of the beautiful The cleaner is to be pulled by an all and rich beach environment has been terrain vehicle (ATV) equipped with damaged due to waste generated by balloon tires, which are entirely suit- various leisure and sports activities able for beach activities. This cleaner conducted on beaches. Honda has contributes to the efficient recovery developed a beach cleaner that effi- of waste, which is a key to waste ciently collects driftwood, ropes, PET recycling, and to the maintenance of a bottles, discarded cigarette stubs, etc. wholesome beach environment. Extremely light beach cleaner to be pulled by an ATV Objects to be removed from the beach: discarded cigarette butts, filters, wood chips, charcoal, firework remains, etc. Measures for the Future To Further Promote Recycling for the Next Age In Japan and indeed throughout the world, people are keenly moving towards the establishment of recycling societies. Honda, ahead of many others, has been implementing diverse environmental projects. In the future we intend to conduct research to establish our projected visions to enable us to steadily move towards realizing a true recycling society. Honda’s recycling activities Establishment of a recycling committee 1999 1998 1997 1990 Launch of the New Recycle Project 2001 Announcement of the Honda Recycle Initiative The dismantling verification center started operations in Tochigi. Launch of the Green Dealer Project Establishment of the Europe Recycle Center (ERC). Launch of a project to comply with automobile recycling laws 1 Establishment of the dismantling verification center In December 1999, we established a dismantling verification center within Honda Honda’s future recycling goals Engineering’s Tochigi technical center. The dismantling verification center is mainly Dismantling verification center engaged in research on the necessary technologies for dismantling ELVs, information provision, providing feedback in order to help design automobiles that can be more easily dismantled, and in identifying the requirements for ELV dismantling support devices. Honda’s organizations responsible for recycling Honda will try to reduce the environmental impact of its activities by accelerating recycling-friendly designs in order to achieve an actual recycling rate of 95% by 2015 and by reducing the use of substances with environmental impacts in compliance with its guidelines on chemical substances. Further, we are conducting surveys on ASR disposal technologies to achieve zero ASR* in landfill wastes. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. World Environmental Committee Sales, service, parts departments, and overseas departments New Recycle Project * Automobile shredder residue Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Recycling evaluation, technological development, and assessment Honda Engineering Co., Ltd. Dismantling and recycling technologies Example of measures taken overseas Market Rebuilding motorcycles in Thailand A.P. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (APH) Selling In 1998, APH, Honda’s distributor in These parts are then rebuilt into Thailand, started to purchase second-hand motorcycles, which are sold through sales Honda motorcycles sold in the domestic companies selected by APH. APH has market, rebuild them at its special plant, been providing the rebuilding know-how and to sell them as rebuilt products. This to sales companies, who themselves are was an attempt to make more effective establishing the system to procure, rebuild, use of resources, reduce waste, and to and sell second-hand motorcycles. Already promote recycling. By June 2002, a total of 23 sales companies have their own 4,273 rebuilt motorcycles were marketed. rebuilding facilities, demonstrating how Specifically, second-hand motorcycles such rebuilding efforts have been made purchased at auctions, etc. are dismantled across the entire country. AHP will further at APH’s special plant and the parts are pursue the possibility of a completely stored after being sorted, repaired or closed recycling system for motorcycles repainted according to their condition. by taking further appropriate measures. Recycling second-hand motorcycles Purchasing second-hand motorcycles Cleaning Minimization of waste Rebuilding Repainting Motorcycle rebuilding line in Thailand 51 column Efforts Made by Suppliers ●Examples presented at the Honda Green Conference Honda aims to make both its employees and its suppliers more aware of the importance of environmental conservation by holding the Honda Green Conference. At this conference, which is held as a group-wide event, participants exchange information about their environmental improvement activities and evaluate them to obtain more knowledge and skills on environmental conservation. At the second conference, held in November 2000, and subsequently,conferences a total of 10 major Honda suppliers made presentations about their environmental conservation activities. Honda Green Conference Yachiyo Industry Co., Ltd. Achieving zero wastewater by recycling water in the coating process Supplementary water Pretreatment (oil removal and coating) Water purifying device using an RO membrane to make wastewater reusable Achieving a water recycling rate of 57% Purified water ▼ Water used for final washing and supplementary water ▼ ▼ Yachiyo Industry, which manufactures Honda minicars, implemented measures to achieve zero wastewater by maximizing the water recycling efficiency in its repair parts production line. As a result, the company achieved zero wastewater at its factory for the first time in the automobile industry. Specifically, the company introduced two water purifying devices using reverse osmosis (RO) membranes to filter wastewater from the factory in two ● Zero wastewater stages, thereby achieving a water recycling rate of 57%. The treated water is reused in the pretreatment and No. 1 water purifying device Concentrated Evaporator using an RO membrane water electrodeposition coating processes. The remaining 43% of Filtered water the wastewater, is evaporated, thereby achieving zero UF No. 2 water purifying device Water device using an RO membrane wastewater. Purified water Electrodeposition coating Simplified wastewater treatment Sludge No discharge of wastewater Water use: Reduced to 7,430 tons/year (May 2000 through April 2001)from the previous level approx 17,500 ton/year Honda Express Co., Ltd. Reducing waste to one-tenth by the introducing a new returnable case Honda Express, which is one of the carriers of Honda products and parts, has been making efforts ahead of others in the industry to reduce the packaging materials used for transportation. For the export of products to Europe, the company has developed a returnable case that is lighter but as durable as the returnable cases traditionally used for exporting. The new returnable case is made more suitable for collection because it can be compactly folded. By promoting the usage of this cases, the company has reduced the amount of waste to one-tenth of previous levels. Furthermore, by reducing the amount of energy required for transportation through reducing the weight of the case, this has also reduced CO2 emissions by 5,780 tons on an annual basis. The new case can be easily assembled using square pipes and bolts. Honda Verno Kobe Co., Ltd. Reducing the consumption of electricity by using a power consumption monitoring unit Honda Verno Kobe, which sells Honda automobiles in the Kobe District in Hyogo Prefecture, newly installed a unit to monitor power consumption on an hourly basis in cooperation with an electric appliance manufacturer. As a result, it was revealed that electricity was being consumed for lighting even on regular holidays, and that the peak of the consumption was during 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Based on this finding, the company has implemented the following countermeasure: on the day before a holiday, electricity is turned off at the distribution board, and a timer is installed for the accurate management of power consumption. Also, the delivery of automobiles to the company is scheduled not to be concentrated at any one time, so that energy consumption can be spread. Thanks to these measures, power consumption has been reduced by 12% and CO2 emissions by 6,494 kg. 52 A monitoring unit is installed in front of the signboard. A timer automatically turns off the lights. Section 5 Organizational Structure 5 Restructuring the Organization to Promote Environmental Conservation All Over the World Honda is improving and expanding its organization to conduct environmental activities on a worldwide scale in order to achieve the following objectives: to conduct environmental conservation activities at all stages of its operations and throughout the lifecycles of its products; and to implement speedy and flexible measures through company-wide environmental projects. Further, to understand the degree of environmental impact caused at each stage of our operations and to implement the most effective measures for each stage based on this understanding, we have established a lifecycle assessment (LCA) system. 53 System to Promote Environmental Activities Worldwide System for Conducting Environmental Activities Environmental conservation measures are required all over the world. Honda is implementing speedy and effective environmental conservation measures by establishing and expanding the system for conducting these activities all over the world, including the establishment of the World Environmental Committee and the launch of projects based on specific themes. Establishment of environmental conservation organizations 1980 1989 Committee to deal with energy issues established. 1991 1990 Committee to deal with CFCs established. Recycling committee established. ● Organization for worldwide environmental activities Head of Business Operation Motorcycle operations 1992 Japan Environmental Committee established. Honda Environment Statement announced. 1995 Green Factory Project launched. 2000 LCA Project launched. New Recycle Project launched. World Environmental Committee Environment and Safety Planning Office Head of Regional Operation Head of Functional Divisions/R&D/Projects Regional operations (Japan) Head of Purchasing Division Japan Environmental Committee Automobile operations 1997 World Environmental Committee established. Head of Administration Division Regional operations (North America) Power products operations North America Environmental Committee Service parts operations Regional operations (South America) Head of Administration Division Honda R&D Co., Ltd. Motorcycles Automobiles Power Products South America Environmental Committee Honda Engineering Co., Ltd. PDCA* cycle Regional operations (Europe, the Middle East, the Near East, and Africa) European Environmental Committee World Environmental Committee Execution Regional operations (Asia and Oceania) Asia & Oceania Environmental Committee Regional Environmental Committee Green Factory Project New Recycle Project LCA Project Individual Departments * Plan, Do, Check, Action. Committee was established to plan and scale. For example, in 1997, we launched the implement worldwide environmental con- Green Factory Project to respond to recycling- servation activities. In 1999, the Committee based society initiatives and the New Recycle Environmental conservation can be said to was given a position equal to the Executive Project to promote recycling activities for the be one of the most important management Committee, which enabled the company to circulatory use of resources. In 2000, we objectives for a company to continue make management decisions more speedily started the LCA Project to further analyze and sustainable corporate activities in the future. and more globally in the environmental field. quantify the various environmental impacts 1 Establishing the Environmental Committees for global environmental conservation Honda announced its Honda Environment Statement in 1992 to clearly demonstrate the direction of its ongoing environmental 2 Domestic environmental organizations and companywide projects caused by our activities. 3 For continuous environmental activities activities, and improved and expanded its Within Japan, the Japan Environmental At Honda, environmental activities are organizational structure towards the achieve- Committee sets the company’s environmental conducted as follows: First, the Executive ment of the goals cited in the Statement. goals and policies for the company to con- Committee decides upon midium-term Before the announcement of the duct more sophisticated environmental environmental policies, based on which each Environment Statement, the company conservation activities. These goals and department makes their own plans. The established an Environmental Committee in policies are set according to the situations Environmental Committee discusses and 1991, as a body that would take the central of each department and coordinated for the approves the plans and then each depart- role in corporate environmental activities. The entire company to maintain and improve its ment subsequently conducts environmental organization was subsequently expanded for environmental performance through the activities based on the approved plans. The environmental conservation in the Americas, lifecycles of its products. Also, we have a results are then examined and evaluated by Europe, Asia, and Oceania. system to implement projects for specific the Environmental Committee. Their environmental themes on a company-wide evaluations can then be reflected in the In 1995, the World Environmental 54 PDCA ISO Environmental Management From Product Development to Disposal Introducing Environmental Management Systems to Each Stage of Product Lifecycles Honda, in order to drastically reduce the environmental impact caused by its activities, is introducing environmental management systems at every stage of product lifecycles. Also, we give environmental education to all grades of employees to help them to take environmental measures in their daily business activities. All Honda factories in Japan have acquired ISO 14001 certification, and the acquisition is being promoted at its overseas factories. Honda is encouraging its suppliers to obtain ISO 14001 certification. As of fiscal 2001, 125 factories among 55 suppliers are ISO 14001-certified. As of fiscal 2001, three of the four companies that transport Honda’s products in large amounts are ISO 14001-certified. Production Transportation Purchasing Introducing environmental management systems to all corporate activities related to product lifecycles H At offices The Head Office in the Aoyama Building and the six regional offices are already ISO 14001-certified. ●ISO 14001-certified offices November 1999—the Head Office in the Aoyama Building February 2001—Regional offices in Sapporo, Sendai, Sakurashinmachi (in Tokyo), Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka ●ISO 14001-certified dealers 1999: Honda Clio Kyoto Honda Verno Aichi 2000: Honda Primo Tokyo-Minami Honda Primo Toriko Honda Clio Kansai 2001: Honda Clio Kinki 2002: Honda Primo Hokuriku Head Office Sales and service Based on the know-how obtained from the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification, Honda is implementing its own Green Dealer Certification System. *Corporate names were those at the time of ISO 14001 acquisition formulation of the next goals and plans. This Honda encouraged its factories to obtain the company,” and for “those to be promoted to managers.” process is called a Plan, Do, Check, and Act ISO 14001 certification and all the factories in (PDCA) cycle and the departments conduct Japan obtained certification by the end of their activities based on detailed plans, 1998. In 1999, the Head Office in the Aoyama help them understand Honda’s commitment to following this cycle. Building also acquired certification, followed the environment and work in their departments by all the regional offices throughout the in consideration of the environment. For those country in 2000. For overseas factories, those being promoted to managers, training is pro- in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania vided to enable them to encourage environ- Throughout the product lifecycle, including are making efforts to obtain certification. In mental activities from the standpoint of managers. development, production, transportation, and Europe, factories are also striving to acquire marketing, Honda is reducing its the Eco Management and Audit Scheme mainly to younger employees working at environmental impact by introducing ISO (EMAS) certification. factories was revised to add more environ- 4 Introducing environmental management systems to help get all Honda sites ISO 14001-certified 14001-certified environmental management systems, both within Japan and overseas. ISO 14001 is an international standard for 5 Environmental education and training to promote employee awareness of the environment environmental management established by the Honda gives environmental education for each International Organization for Standardization employee to understand his/her role in the based in Switzerland. By conducting environ- company’s environmental activities and to take mental impact assessment, environmental part in such activities as part of their daily management and auditing according to this business activities. Different education standard, we can continuously improve our programs are provided for “new employees,” environmental conservation activities. “employees working for two to eight years in For new employees, training is provided to In fiscal 2001, the basic training provided mental conservation aspects to the training. Environmental booklet for the families of employees Environmental training text for new employees 55 LCA System to Quantify Environmental Impact From Product Development to Disposal Quantifying Environmental Impact at Every Stage of a Product’s Lifecycle Honda launched the LCA Project in 2002, in order to quantify the environmental impacts caused by its activities at each stage of its operations and to take effective countermeasures. In June 2002, we designed and introduced the Honda LCA System and since then have been expanding use of the system. ● Honda Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) System Disposal and recycling Transportation Manufacturing products Service maintenance Manufacturing parts Mining and producing materials Driving (use) Comparing CO2 emissions from the CIVIC FERIO and the CIVIC Hybrid under the Honda LCA System Honda LCA Data System CO2 emission rate (%)* CIVIC FERIO CIVIC Hybrid 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Raw materials Production Driving Service Disposal Transportation Total Lifecycle stage *Rate when total emissions from the CIVIC FERIO are defined as 100 1 Building an LCA system to quantify environmental impact Honda launched the LCA Project in June 2000 and built and introduced the Honda LCA System in June 2002 to quantify the environmental impact caused by its business activities. LCA is a method to comprehen- generated. Honda regards LCA as a most such as the amount of materials and energy, important tool to accurately assess its overall are managed, and the Honda LCA environmental impacts. Management System, used to set 2 Managing environmental impact data and setting the reduction objectives By utilizing the Honda LCA System, the total sively examine environmental impact at each amount of CO2 emitted from Honda’s annual stage of a product’slifecycle, from the activities and the environmental impacts procurement of materials to production, caused by Honda products used within distribution, use, and finally disposal, by Japan can be calculated. The Honda LCA calculating resource/energy consumption, System comprises the Honda LCA Data CO2 emissions and the amount of waste System in which environmental impact data, 56 The CIVIC Hybrid is equipped with a special IMA system and batteries and its CO2 emissions at the raw materials and production stages are higher than the CIVIC FERIO. At the driving stage, however, CO2 emissions from the CIVIC Hybrid are much lower thanks to its high fuel economy. As a result, over the entire lifecycle, CO2 emissions from the CIVIC Hybrid are around 25% lower when compared with the CIVIC FERIO. environmental impact reduction objectives. The System can be commonly utilized for all Honda products, including motorcycles, automobiles, and power products. LCA Section 6 Social Activities 6 Expanding Social Activities and Dispatching Relevant Information, Recognizing Honda’s Social Responsibilities as a Global Company Honda is aggressively conducting social activities—in addition to its corporate activities—in order to contribute to society at large. Based on partnerships with people in different positions, we are promoting social exchanges and activities all over the world. Also, we are dispatching and disclosing information in relation to environmental conservation to share more data with a wider range of people. Through these activities, Honda will participate in society more dynamically, fully recognizing its social responsibilities as a company. 57 Contribution to Nature, the Next Generation, and to Local Communities Social Activities to Pass on Lush Greenery and a Love of Nature to Future Generations Honda, as a part of its social activities, is conducting “Green Renaissance” activities for global nature conservation and is encouraging its factories and offices to harmonize themselves with local communities. Also, we are enthusiastically organizing and cooperating in a variety of environment-related events. Plans for the afforestation of a desert in China—the “Joyful Forest” Project Honda implemented the “Joyful Forest” Project in the Horchin Desert, within the Autonomous Region of Mongolia in the People’s Republic of China. Under the project, poplars, pine, acacia, and elms were planted. Eco Wagon: a program for children to experience and study nature Children participating in an “Eco Wagon Expeditionary Party,” which was held at Twin Link Motegi to provide participants with an opportunity to be in contact with nature throughout the four seasons. Supporting reforestation activities Fuel economy competition Honda has been supporting and participating in a reforestation project named the “Riverhead Forest (Tone River) Volunteer Revitalization Project.” This project for the conservation and revitalization of nature through reforestation is being undertaken by the CCC Creative Plant’s Gunma Project. For more than 20 years—since 1981—Honda has been holding a fuel economy competition, in which participants compete on “how many kilometers they can drive using only one liter of gasoline.” Supporting employees in participating in nature experience and research programs Honda supports its employees in participating in the research activities of international organizations involved in sustainable development and the preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage. Cleaning operation At Honda’s factories and offices throughout Japan, employees cooperate with local people to regularly conduct local cleaning activities. Such activities are conducted also at Honda’s business sites in foreign countries. Publication of Honda Philanthropy In 2001 Honda started to publish Honda Philanthropy, to outline the results of its annual social activities and has since been publishing it on a regular basis to disclose information about its social activities. Also, we introduce our activities and solicit participation in our events at our website to promote even wider communications with people. 1 “Green Renaissance” activities for reforestation, and environmental education Honda has been conducting nature conservation activities to pass on the richness of nature to the next generation under the auspices of its Green Renaissance Office. Specifically, support is given to organizations engaged in nature conservation, such as reforestation, as well as to volunteer activities conducted by its employees and OBs. For example, the Green Renaissance Office gives support to the Desert Afforestation Volunteers’ Association, an NPO that carries out a model afforestation and agricultural project that contributes to preventing desertification through sand-arresting afforestation in the Horchin Desert of the Autonomous Region of Mongolia in the People’s Republic of China. 58 The office started this “Joyful Forest Project” as a joint project with the Association and the local community in fiscal 2000. The office also provides children, who will be the major players of the next generation, with opportunities to have real contact with nature. For example, it organized “Eco Wagon,” a program that enables children to experience and study nature. Approximately 24,000 children participated in the program in total as of the end of September 2002. Also, the office established a nature observation course named “Hello Woods” in a natural forest located within Twin Link Motegi in Tochigi Prefecture, and organized an “Eco Wagon Expeditionary Party” to provide participants with an opportunity to be in direct contact with nature. Through these activities, Honda is improving its environmental educational programs. 2 Contribution and symbiosis with local communities at domestic factories and offices Honda, since its foundation, has been conducting its corporate activities attributing importance to “symbiosis with local communities,” which means not to cause any problems for local people, to meet as many of their expectations as possible, and to become integrated in local communities as a corporate citizen. Based on these ideas, Honda’s factories and offices are conducting a variety of cleaning and nature conservation activities. For example, at its factories and offices throughout Japan, cleaning activities have long been conducted in cooperation with local people to regularly clean local rivers and roads. Overseas Activities Promoting Symbiosis with Local Communities and Supporting Environmental Activities Across the World Honda is promoting symbiosis with local communities and supporting environmental research activities at its business sites all over the world. 1 A variety of activities promoting symbiosis with local communities and environmental conservation held by the U.S. government. Also, HAM conducts research on vegetation that is effective for soil and water conservation on Honda is promoting symbiosis with local the land within its premises. Furthermore, in communities and supporting environmental cooperation with local NGOs and research activities at its business sites all universities, it has been actively conducting over the world. For example, in the U.S., surveys on the changes happen-ing in the Honda of America Mfg., Inc. (HAM), which is ecosystem that affect geese, which seems to Honda’s production base in North America, be partially caused by climate change. holds Environmental Expos on “Earth Day,” Researching and protecting the ecosystem (in the U.S.) It has been observed that wild geese, which migrate to lakes from Canada to spend the winter, often stay at the lakes even after winter has gone. Honda of America Mfg., Inc. (HAM) cooperated in research on this issue to protect the local ecosystem, temporarily holding the wild geese for protection. Environmental Communication Disseminating Information about Environmental Measures through Various Channels Honda dispatches environment-related information to society at large through a variety of media, including the Internet and brochures, and by holding particular events. Also, we are promoting environmental communication by organizing environmental exhibitions targeting local communities. Website to introduce Honda’s commitment to environmental conservation At this website, information about Honda’s environmental conservation activities is introduced, including updates about its latest activities. Various environmentrelated brochures can be downloaded from the website. 1 Distributing environmental information through various media Low-emission vehicle fair Honda exhibits low-emission vehicles at the environment-related events organized by municipalities to provide visitors with opportunities to see Honda’s low-emission vehicles and next-generation technologies. Environment-related marks Honda discloses information about its Symbolizing Honda’s environmental measures environmental activities by publishing HONDA ECOLOGY and the Honda At the website, environmental specifications by product and environmental news are updated from time to time. Also, Honda has At FAN FUN LAB at Twin Link Motegi, environment-related exhibits are permanently displayed on four themes, including air pollution prevention, global warming prevention, and recycling. 2 Disseminating information through events and exhibitions To promote symbiosis with local communities, Honda’s factories and offices hold environmental exhibitions, conduct cleaning ac- Environmental Annual Report, as well as by introducing related activities at its website. FAN FUN LAB tivities, and participate in local environmental Symbolizing Honda’s application of environmental technologies to products and enthusiastic environmental measures taken in relation to the manufacturing, disposal, and recycling of its products events, such as low-emission vehicles fairs, especially in “Environment Month” every June. At the FAN FUN LAB at Twin Link Motegi, environment-related exhibits are permanently attracted the attention of its customers, displayed to enable children and adults to shareholders, suppliers, and local people, study environment-related issues in an as well as society at large due to its commitment to environmental conservation. enjoyable manner. Clean 4 (for motorcycles) e-SPEC (for power products) Green Dealer (for dealers) Honda Recycle Parts (for parts) This is achieved through advertising “Honda e-TECH” (representing Honda’s ecologyconscious technologies) and by using ecomarks for environment-friendly products and activities. 59 Terminology Cutting fluid 5, 2002, jointly proposed by the Ministry of Economy, The liquid that is used in grinding or cutting materials Trade and Industry, the Ministry of the Environment, Activated sludge method such as steel or aluminum with a machine tool to and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Activated sludge (clump of microorganisms) is used prevent wear and improve precision of the work. Full-scale enforcement is planned for 2004. According A to clean wastewater such as sewage and industrial D matters. to the law, automobile manufacturers and importers will be required to collect and recycle end-of-life effluent that contains a substantial amount of organic Dioxins vehicles and to report about the movement of these Generic term for such dioxins as polychlorinated vehicles (“the automobile manifest system”). Users Air injection system dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated will pay the cost for recycling when they purchase A device that improves the clean performance of dibenzofurans (PCDFs). While the toxicity differs by new cars. (For vehicles already in use, users will pay motorcycles. It introduces external air to the exhaust type, some dioxins are highly poisonous and can the cost at the first compulsory automobile inspection gas from the engine’s combustion chamber to cause skin disorder, intestinal disorder, cancer, or conducted after the enforcement of the law.) Also, incinerate unburned gas and reduce the amount of deformed childbirth. automobile makers and importers have to collect CFCs, air bags, and shredder residues from waste carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HCs). C Dismantling business and shredding business cars and dispose of them appropriately. F CFC-12 and HFC-134a for automotive airconditioners A dismantling business primarily removes parts of value from ELVs, then collects and sells the parts. Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Law CFC-12 used for automotive air-conditioners was After that, a presser or shredder (an intermediate Short for the Law concerning the Recovery and found to destroy the ozone layer, and its production processing business) presses or crushes the body Destruction of Fluorocarbons. This law aims to limit and consumption were totally banned in 1995. As an and sorts metals from non-metal materials, then emissions of fluorocarbons, which cause the de- alternative, HFC-134a was developed. As HFC-134a is properly disposes of the materials. pletion of the ozone layer and global warming, and a greenhouse gas, however, its alternative is now being developed. mandates the proper recovery and destruction of E these substances at the disposal of specific products, Electrically controlled fuel injection system including automotive air conditioners. It sets forth the Club of Rome The system uses sensors to detect the engine’s systems for promoting their recovery and destruction, Formed in 1970, the Club of Rome is an international operating conditions, uses a computer to calculate as well as the responsibilities to be fulfilled by the private organization of scholars who study and the optimal fuel injection volume, and then supplies national and local governments, and by manufacturers. comment on problems concerning the livelihood of the fuel into the cylinder of the engine. mankind. The Club of Rome revealed its report, Limits G Energy Saving law (Law concerning the Rational Use of Energy) Greenhouse gasses Human Environment (Stockholm Conference) in 1972, and warned that should the trend of population Enacted in 1979, after the second oil crisis, this law warming. COP3 (refer to the definition for COP) increase and environmental deterioration continue, is intended to encourage the effective use of fuel pointed out six types of greenhouse gasses: CO2, the earth’s growth will reach its limits within 100 years. resources. This law points out gasoline-powered methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), HFC, PFC, and Since then, international efforts have been made to vehicles as specified machinery and requires their SF6. reach “sustainable growth.” manufacturers to make an effort to improve their to Growth, at the United Nations Conference on the Generic term used to refer to gasses that cause global energy consumption efficiency. The law also Green Purchasing Network COP stipulates fuel efficiency target standards. Automotive The Green Purchasing Network was established in Acronym for the Conference of the Parties to the fuel efficiency standards have been amended in the February 1996 to promote green purchasing among United Nations Framework Convention on Climate past. The Japanese government established the consumers, companies, and governmental organiza- Change. In 1992, the United Nations concluded the “Guideline of Measures to Prevent Global Warming” tions in Japan. The network aims to establish a Framework Convention on Climate Change to to realize the greenhouse gasses reduction target society where first priority is given to environmental promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions established at COP3. In June 1998, the law was friendliness, in addition to price and quality, when as a step towards solving the global warming amended based on this guideline (enacted in April products and services are purchased. problem. COP is an international conference where 1999) and set targets for gasoline-powered passenger the signatories gather to discuss specific measures. cars by a top-runner scheme. The target calls for a COP has met eight times as of November 2002. At a 22.8% fuel economy improvement by 2010 (compared ISO 14000 COP7, held in Marrakech in Morocco, the Marrakech to 1995). The set of international standards established by the Accords were created, which set the specific rules for I International Organization for Standardization (ISO), End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Initiative including the Environmental Management System The former Ministry of International Trade and (ISO 14001), Environmental Audit (ISO 14010), and Cupola Industry of Japan established the “End-of-Life Vehicle Environmental Label (ISO 14020). ISO 14001, the A casting furnace for melting steel for molding into Recycling Initiative” in 1997 as a comprehensive certification that many companies and municipal parts and others. The combustion gas that is policy package to promote the recycling and proper governments are attempting to acquire today, was produced when coke as fuel is burned contains a disposal of end-of-life vehicles. The initiative defined established in 1996. minute amount of metallic powder and dust that are specific targets to achieve an effective recycling rate harmful to the human body. The gas was one of the and recyclability rate within specified time limits. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) growth in Japan (1960s, 1970s). Later, the problem End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Law The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was was alleviated with the development of the bag filter, Short for the Law concerning the Recycling of End-of- established in 1988 jointly by the United Nations a cloth bag that removes dust. Life Vehicles. This law was enacted in Japan on July Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World implementing the Kyoto Protocol (Kyoto Mechanism). causes of air pollution in the years of high economic 60 Meteorological Organization (WMO) as an official O 3-way catalytic converter forum for world governments to discuss issues related Ozone layer depleting substances Such precious metals as platinum, palladium, and to global warming. The Panel examines global warm- Generic term used to refer to the substances that rhodium are used as catalysts to remove carbon ing from a scientific perspective, and accumulates deplete the ozone layer, which absorbs the majority of monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC), and nitrogen and announces technological findings and information ultraviolet rays in sunlight before they reach the oxides (NOx) from exhaust gas at the same time. concerning the effects of global warming (including ground and protect organisms on the earth. Examples socioeconomic influences) and possible include the CFCs (Freon) and halon used as countermeasures. refrigerant and detergent, and some of carbon Three constituent elements in exhaust gas (CO, HC, and NOx) tetrachloride, trichloroethane, and methyl bromide. Co is carbon monoxide, HC is hydrocarbon, and NOx J Johannesburg Summit P is a generic term for nitrogen oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The three constituent elements are (World Summit on Sustainable Development) PRTR referred to as the three major contaminants and are International conference (“Rio + 10”) held in Acronym for Pollutant Release and Transfer Register. included in exhaust gas from automobiles and Johannesburg in South Africa in August 2002. Ten PRTR is used by companies to keep track of the factories. The NOx concentration in the atmosphere in years after the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, movement of chemical substances that may pollute urban areas has been leveling off. Brazil, in June 1992, the participants discussed the the environment from factories and others to the situation concerning the implementation of Agenda atmosphere, water, or soil as releases or transfers 2- and 4-stroke engines 21 (the action plan made at the Earth Summit) and included in waste. These movements are reported to A 2-stroke engine completes the four processes other issues that have subsequently arisen. At the the government, which makes a list from the data, and conducted within a cylinder (fuel intake, compression, Johannesburg Summit, the Johannesburg Declaration makes it public. As a result, the information can be combustion, and exhaust) with 2-strokes of the piston on Sustainable Development and an implementation widely shared and used to control risks associated (one rotation of the crankshaft), whereas a 4-strokes plan detailing 152 specific objectives, including the with chemical substances. engine requires 4-storkes (two rotations of the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, were adopted. L R crankshaft). An engine causes mixture of fuel and air to explode to gain a reciprocal action from the piston Recycling society in the cylinder. This reciprocated movement is LCA (Lifecycle Assessment) A social system that minimizes the environmental converted into the rotating movement of the The technique of determining the total environmental impact by minimizing the total waste volume disposed crankshaft to create power. A 4-storke engine is impacts of a product’s lifecycle (recovery of raw in the environment by preventing the occurrence of structurally more complex than a 2-stroke engine. materials, production, distribution, use (consumption), waste, reusing products, and recycling resources as However, 4-stroke engines are better than 2-stroke and disposal) by taking into account the amount of much as possible. It has attracted attention as the engines in environmental performance such as resources and energy consumed and the amount of form of a new society that can achieve sustainable quietness, exhaust emissions, and fuel economy. waste disposed. Due to the wide acceptance of this development and a replacement of the mass- concept, various segments of the industry the are consumption society. The Basic Law for Establishing taking active steps to reduce environmental impact in a Recycling-based Society (promulgated in 2000) VOCs all the stages of lifecycle. provides for what is necessary to establish such a Acronym for volatile organic compounds. Primary society and gives first priority to the restraining of the examples are organic solvents included in paint and Lean burn generation of waste, reusing and recycling waste, and adhesives. Besides having long-term toxicity, VOCs An internal combustion method whereby the engine is to the proper disposal of final waste. lead to the depletion of the ozone layer in the run on a lean air-fuel mixture (the fuel is proportionately lower to air than usual). The air-fuel ratio (mass ratio T V stratosphere and formation of photochemical smog in the troposphere. of air to fuel) of gasoline engines is typically about 10・15 mode/11 mode 1:15. Fuel efficiency can be improved and fuel Driving conditions for measuring exhaust emissions consumption reduced by using a leaner air-fuel ratio and fuel economy. The 10・15 mode cycle is derived Wire harness during low loads. from the 10-mode cycle simulating driving conditions An automobile has a massive number of wires on general roads by adding another15-mode segment (approximately 1,000) that form wiring networks to of a maximum speed of 70 km/h, which simulates convey electronic information and supply electric Montreal Protocol driving conditions on urban expressways. The 11- power. Wire harnesses are used to systematically (Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the mode cycle is divided into 11 patterns simulating install terminals and connectors that connect these Ozone Layer) driving conditions in the suburbs and the maximum wires and facilitate their installation on the car. This protocol set forth the production limits and speed is set at 60 km/h. M consumption limits of substances that deplete the W Z ozone layer based on the Vienna Convention (adopt- Thermoplastic resin Zero emission ed in 1985) that set the international framework for Plastic that softens when heated, that shows The primary concept is to redesign production actions to protect the ozone layer. It was adopted in thermoplastic property (retains the changed shape), processes in an industry to create a new recycling 1987 and subsequently reviewed and reinforced in a and that hardens when cooled. As the change by industrial system that minimizes the creation of waste number of phases. heating and cooling can be repeated indefinitely, the to minimize the environmental impacts imputable to material is superior in recycling ease. Today, it is waste from industrial activities. The term was first abundantly used for automotive interior parts. Typical used to advocate a zero emission research concept at examples of thermoplastic resin are polypropylene the United Nations University in 1995. (PP) and acrylonitorile butadiene styrene (ABS). 61 Index A ABS・・・・・47 Accord・・・・・07,14 Activated sludge method・・・・・06,32 Air bag inflators・・・・・42,50 Air injection・・・・・07,20,21 Air pollution・・・・・09 Aluminum die cast frame・・・・・22 AR combustion・・・・・07 Automation of work with heavy objects・・・・・36 B Beach cleaner pulled by an all terrain vehicle (ATV)・・50 BF series・・・・・07,24,25,26,27 C CARB・・・・・07,19,24,25 CarLink Project・・・・・28 CBR600F・・・・・22 CFCs for automotive air conditioners・・・・・08,42,49,60 CIVIC・・・・・06, 07,14,15,16 CIVIC Hybrid・・・・・07,14,17,56 CIVIC FERIO・・・・・07,14,56 CIVIC GX・・・・・07,18 Clean 4・・・・・20 Cleaning operation・・・・・58 Closed wastewater treatment・・・・・07,33 Club of Rome・・・・・06 Co generation system・・・・・34,35 Contact oxidation system・・・・・33 Continuously variable transmission・・・・・16,17 COP・・・・・60 Crea SCOOPY・・・・・07,21,22 Cupola・・・・・06,60 Cutting fluid・・・・・32 CUV ES・・・・・07,23 CVCC engine・・・・・04,06,14 D Dioxins・・・・・07,30,33 Dismantlers・・・・・45,60 Dismantling Verification Center・・・・・51 DOHC i-VTEC・・・・・12,13,14,16,17 E Eco wagon・・・・・58 e-DAX・・・・・23 Electric motor-assisted bicycle・・・・・07,23 Electric Vehicle (EV)・・・・・18,28 Electric scooter・・・・・07,23 Electronically controlled fuel injection system・・・・・20 End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Initiative・・・・・51,61 End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Law・・・・・07,45,51 Energy Saving Law・・・・・07,60 Environmental Committee・・・・・07,54 EPA・・・・・07,24,25 e-SPEC・・・・・24,59 Europe Recycle Center・・・・・07,51 EU series・・・・・25,26 F FAN FUN LAB・・・・・59 FCX・・・・・04, 07,18,19 Fit・・・・・07,17 FORZA S・・・・・21 Fuel cell vehicle・・・・・04, 07,18,19 Fuel Economy Competition・・・・・58 Furusato (Native Place) Afforestation Program・・06,36 62 G GIORNO Crea・・・・・07,20,22 Global warming・・・・・08 GOLD WING・・・・・21 Green Dealer Project・・・・・07,42,43,59 Green Factory Project・・・・・07,30 Greenhouse gasses・・・・・08 Green purchasing・・・・・07,38 GX series・・・・・07,24,25 H Highly efficient bell painting machine for metallic coating・・33 Honda Cycle Partner・・・・・28 Honda e-TECH・・・・・59 Honda Environment Statement・・・・・05,08,10,54 Honda EV Plus・・・・・07,18 Honda Green Convention・・・・・07,52 Honda IMA System・・・・・17 Honda LEV・・・・・07,14 Honda Multimatic・・・・・16,17 Honda Recycle Parts・・・・・49 HPE60 Nekomaru・・・・・25 Hybrid car・・・・・07,16,17 HYPER VTEC・・・・・07,22 I ICVS・・・・・07,28 i-DSI engine・・・・・07,12,13,17 IMA battery recovery・・・・・50 Idle stop system・・・・・21 Insight・・・・・12,17 Instrument panel・・・・・46,47,48 Integra・・・・・16 ISO 14001・・・・・07,36,42,44,55 J “Joyful Forest” Project・・・・・58 O Olefin・・・・・46,47,48 Outboard engines・・・・・07 Oxidation catalyzer・・・・・20 Ozone layer depleting substances・・・・・08 P Packaging materials・・・・・41 PGM-FI・・・・・20,21 Presentation on Effective Use of Resources and Energy・・・・・06,34 PP・・・・・46,47,48 PRTR・・・・・61 PVC・・・・・48 R RACOON COMPO・・・・・07,23 Recovery of bumpers・・・・・48 Recovery of CFC-12・・・・・08,42,49 Recycling committee・・・・・07,51 Recycling society・・・・・07,45,51,60 Reducing lead content・・・・・47 Remanufacturing business・・・・・49 Returnable containers・・・・・41,52 REV・・・・・06 S Sandwich-molded bumper・・・・・49 Shrink-wrap film (stretch film)・・・・・41 SILVER WING・・・・・21 Smart Dio Deluxe・・・・・21 Snowra i HS 1390i・・・・・26 STEP COMPO・・・・・23 STREAM・・・・・07,14,17 SULEV・・・・・07,14 Super Cub・・・・・22 K T Komame・・・・・25,26 L Lake Boden regulations・・・・・07,24 Lifecycle Assessment (LCA)・・・・・56 LEAD・・・・・07,20 Lean burn・・・・・15,60 Low emission vehicle fair・・・・・59 M Manifest system・・・・・42,50 Modal mix・・・・・40 Modal shift・・・・・40 Montreal Protocol・・・・・06 Muskie Act・・・・・06,14 MOBIMOBA・・・・・23 N Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV)・・・・・07,18 New recycle project・・・・・07,51 New CIVIC GX・・・・・18 New DREAM・・・・・07,18 New Honda IMA system・・・・・17 New Local Transportation System・・・・・28 New VTEC・・・・・07,16 New VFR・・・・・21,23 Next-generation thin film solar cell・・・・・27,35 Next-generation 2-liter, 4-cylinder gasoline engine・ ・ ・ ・ ・07,13,14,17 Noise reduction (automobiles)・・・・・15 Noise reduction (motorcycles)・・・・・23 Noise reduction (power products)・・・・・27 NPI・・・・・41 Thermoplastic resin・・・・・61 3 constituent elements in exhaust gases (CO, HCs, and NOx)・・・・・09,14,20,61 3-stage VTEC・・・・・07,16 3-way catalytic converter・・・・・07,15,20,21 3R・・・・・46 TPO・・・・・47 Treatment method using zinc phosphate・・・・・33 Twin Link Motegi・・・・・28,59 U Ultra low emission・・・・・07,14,15 UCR IntelliShare Project・・・・・28 ULEV・・・・・07,14 V Vehicle turnover device for dismantling・・・50 VFR800FI・・・・・07,20 VOC・・・・・32 VTEC・・・・・06,14,16 VTEC-E・・・・・07,16 W Water-cooled 4-stroke 50 cc engine・・・・・07,20,21,22 Wire harness・・・・・61 Work posture improvement・・・・・36 World Environmental Committee・・・・・54 Z Zero emission・・・・・30,31,61 Zero landfill disposal・・・・・07,30,31 Honda Environmental Information Disclosure Honda publishes two types of brochures as its primary media for environmental information disclosure. These are Honda ECOLOGY and the Honda Environmental Annual Report, both of which have been made available to the general public on the Internet. Roles of each brochure Name Honda Environmental Conservation Activities Honda ECOLOGY Role Frequency We are using two different brochures to convey and disclose environmental information in order to reinforce and strengthen our two key concepts: ● Describes in detail all of Honda’s environmental activities, including Honda’s basic stance concerning the environment, the environmental conservation activities advanced by each department, and future directions. Every three years Introduces the latest activities and the specific results obtained during the previous year. Annually We see the Honda Environmental Annual Report as an integral part of Honda’s Plan, Do, Check and Action (PDCA) Process, relating to our environmental commitment made over the entire report year. ● Honda Environmental Annual Report It is vital that we convey accurate information on the progress made in our environmental commitment during the previous year by clearly distinguishing between “Annual Results” and “Past Results and Future Efforts”. It is important to convey a full picture of our environmental commitment, past, present and future, so that the general public are able to assess our results for the year for themselves. This furnishes them with the essential information by which we are judged. We trust that the public will understand this and make the best use of Honda ECOLOGY and the Honda Environmental Annual Report to make an informed assessment. Honda ECOLOGY is revised every three years and the Honda Environmental Annual Report is issued in the summer every year. Honda’s disclosure of environment-related information Description of environmental commitment 1st year 2nd year 3rd year Overview of environmental commitment Honda ECOLOGY Brochure: Revised every three years Website: Updated from time to time ● Basic stance concerning the environment ● The environmental conservation activities of each department ● Future directions Environmental Annual Report Accomplishments and plans concerning environmental conservation activities ● Report and assessment of accomplishments during the previous year Honda Environmental Annual Report Honda Environmental Annual Report Honda Environmental Annual Report ● Announcement of annual plan Corporate Profile Company name Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Head office 1-1, 2-chome Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Established September 24, 1948 Representative Hiroyuki Yoshino, President and Chief Executive Officer Capital ¥86,067 million (as of the end of March 2002) Sales (results of fiscal 2001) Consolidated:¥7,362,438 million Unconsolidated: ¥3,211,186 million Total number of employees Consolidated: 120,600 persons (as of the end of March 2002) Unconsolidated: 28,500 persons (as of the end of March 2002) Major products <Automobiles> Ordinary vehicles, small-sized vehicles, and minicars <Motorcycles> Small-sized motorcycles, mini motorcycles, and motorbikes <Power products> Agricultural instruments, tractors, generators, multipurpose engines, mowing machines, hedge trimmers, transporters, snow removing machines, outboard engines, pumps, etc. <Number of consolidated subsidiaries> 300 subsidiaries (as of the end of March 2002) For all inquiries concerning the contents of this brochure, please contact: ●Environment and Safety Planning Office Tel: 81-3-5412-1155 Fax: 81-3-5412-1154 you need a copy of this brochure, please contact: Customer Center: Tel: 0120-112010 (toll-free number available only within Japan) (Office hours: 9:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.) ●If ●You can download the brochure from Honda’s website: www.honda.co.jp/environment/ecology can also check for the latest information on the website. ● , , FAN FUN LAB, VTEC, Honda LEV, Honda Multimatic, FCX, ICVS, PGM-FI, Snowra, Cycle Partner, HELLO WOODS, , and IMA are the registered trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ●Puchina, Eco Wagon and i-DSI are now under application for registered trademarks. ●You 63