contents - Mississippi Baptist Archive
contents - Mississippi Baptist Archive
CONTENTS Amendments to Principles of Cooperation................................ 2 Nominating Committee.............................................................. 3 Recording Secretary’s Financial Report..................................... 4 Moral Action............................................................................... 5 Coordinating Council............................................................... 15 Lifeword Media Ministries....................................................... 18 Committee on Arrangements.................................................... 28 Joint-Recommendations Regarding Integration....................... 29 Ministers Resource Services.................................................... 30 BMA Theological Seminary..................................................... 36 DiscipleGuide Church Resources............................................. 44 Department of Missions........................................................... 56 1 Proposed Amendments Statement of Principles of Cooperation Section 3: Amend as follows: ARTICLE VII — OFFICERS D. Department of Missions: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of Missions, who may recommend Directors of Operations to be approved by the Advisory Committee and the Association or Missionary Committee, who will work together in the promotion of missions and in the distribution, according to the will of the churches, of all funds submitted to them. Section 3: Amend by adding the following: G. BMAA Foundation: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of the BMAA Foundation to supervise and promote the work of this agency. Article XV — BMAA Foundation Section 1. Purpose: The BMAA Foundation exists to endow participating departments and agencies of the Baptist Missionary Association of America with supplemental funding by investing gifts to the Foundation and distributing the earnings annually. It is a repository for the endowment of funds invested to produce ongoing support for those ministries. Section 2. Governance: This association shall elect a BMAA Foundation board of directors consisting of nine (9) members with one (1) board seat reserved for a representative, nominated by the executive director, of each of the BMA departments/agencies participating in the association’s estate planning program. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum. Section 3. Board of Directors Duties: The duties of the board of directors are: A. To act in its field as an executive of the association between annual sessions, performing all duties entrusted to it by the association. B. To utilize sound business principles in maintaining professional management of Foundation investments. C. To fill any vacancy between sessions that may occur in the office of executive director. D. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director. Article XVI: Amend to include the BMAA Foundation as a standing committee. 2 Nominating Committee Report Gene Fulcher, Chairman Thomas Ayres, Clerk NORTH AMERICAN REVOLVING LOAN FUND Term expiring 2017 Mike Book (AR) BAPTIST MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Term expiring 2019 *Don Brown (MS) *Gary Murph (TX) Jamie Haguewood (MO) INTERNATIONAL REVOLVING LOAN FUND Term expiring 2017 Charles Johnson (TX) MINISTERS RESOURCE SERVICES Term expiring 2015 Dwayne Ashcraft (AR) to replace Randy Burnett (MI) Term expiring 2019 *Kenneth Lott (MS) *Eddie Ballard (TX) MORAL ACTION Term expiring 2019 Sidney Davis (MS) Randy Burk (CA) COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS Term expiring 2017 Gaylon King (AR) DISCIPLEGUIDE CHURCH RESOURCES Term expiring 2019 Zach Bowen (OK) Matt Johnson (MO) Lance Webb (LA) LIFEWORD MEDIA MINISTRIES Term expiring 2017 Brian Atwood (MS) replacing Mike Dumas Patrick McNeel (TX) replacing Sheila Snowden Term expiring 2019 Winston Foster (AR) *Tommy Wallace (AR) *Donald Williams (AR) ENROLLMENT & FINANCE COMMITTEE Term expiring 2016 Grant Barnett (AR) Wes Hulvey (AR) *Indicates those serving a second term. 3 Recording Secretary’s Financial Report Baptist Missionary Association of America Minute Fund Statement of Receipts and Disbursements January 1, 2013 — December 31, 2013 Balance 1/1/13 US Bank, NLR $ 5,402.86 RECEIPTS: Churches by mail $ 40,880.00 Finance Committee 3,900.00 Vendors Tables 2,500.00 Departmental Reimbursement 4,902.96 Rebates 1,392.00 ________ TOTAL RECEIPTS: $ 53,374.66 ________ TOTAL FUNDS: $ 58,977.52 DISBURSEMENTS: Trumpet Printing $3,618.01 Committee on Arrangements 409.15 Coordinating Council 1,430.76 Clerk’s Salaries 3,000.00 Secretary’s Salary 580.00 Recommendations Booklet 9,188.91 Meeting Expenses24,170.00 Postage & Supplies 138.23 Display Tables 2,860.00 Bank Charges 110.00 Deposit on 2016 Meeting Reservation 3,456.25 ________ TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: $ 48,953.31 ________ BALANCE ON HAND (12/31/2013) $ 10,024.21 4 Moral Action — BMA of AMERICA P.O. Box 305 Mantachie, Mississippi 38855 Telephone 662-231-3863 Home 662-282-4923 Fax 662-282-7500 E-mail [email protected] Web: 2014 Annual Report to the BMA of America Dr. John M. Adams, Executive Director “Morals — One in Heart With God” Of course, if you watch or keep up with any current events, you will be aware that homosexuality and late term abortions are two current debates that are not going to go away. Proverbs 6:16-17 gives clear direction regarding God’s instructions regarding the “shedding of innocent blood.” Leviticus 18:22 shouts out “thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” One in Heart Together as the BMA Moral Action continues to stand with His churches as we share the Word of God to the hearts of mankind. Moral Action is a valuable tool to help you be a “beacon” in times of darkness and conflict of values. The Director and trustees invite you to review the Ten (10) Summary Statements of Moral Action. Our agency exists to give a voice to thousands of decent, law-abiding, God fearing Americans that desire to adhere to moral principles. We continue to stand with you through relevant articles in our state associational publications. We provide free literature on current moral issues. We invite you to browse to our web page at The web page will provide local pastors and churches information on current topics, tools for study, steps to contact your legislators, and additional information about our agency. Moral Action continues to be out in the forefront as we battle to keep the words “In God We Trust” on our coin and paper monies, and to keep “under God” in our Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. The American Civil Liberties (A.C.L.U.) continues to seek to have these words removed. The Moral Action agenda also includes activism in the ongoing battle against homosexuality and lesbianism, gay and lesbian marriages, and partial – birth abortions. One in Heart With Others As Executive Director of Moral Action, I encourage our BMA Christian family to be familiar with valuable Christian resources. Below are just a few of these: Family Research Council (FRC) Dr. Tony Perkins 1-800-225-4008 National Day of Prayer (NDOP) May 1, 2014 Chairman, Anne Graham Lotz 1-719-559-9560 1-800-444-8828 WallBuilders David Barton, Historian 5 1-817-441-6044 1-800-873-2845 is STRICT. Do we need to be told again that Jehovah God destroyed all of mankind with the Noahic flood because of men’s evil deeds. God looked at the immoral lifestyle of Nadab and Abihu, and Ananias and Sapphira and destroyed them. We must, therefore, be one in heart with the Bible. Focus On The Family President Jim Daly 1-800-A-Family 1-800-232-6459 One in Heart Before a Depraved Culture Is moral truth and moral living merely a preference or is it a moral obligation? Our Lord, Jesus Christ and God’s Only Son, told his workers that they were called to be the salt and the light in a darkened, depraved society. Matthew 5:14, “ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.” Believers in Jesus must reassert the reality of the absolute truth and the value of all human life. This light is found in the Scripture. Not surprisingly, it is also found in the American Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Our light is a Judeo-Christian light that should shine – and shine brightly. Christians United for Israel Director David Brog 1-210-477-4714 Alliance Defending Freedom Dr. Alan Sears 1-800-TELL-ADF Moral Action Dr. John M. Adams P.O. Box 305 Mantachie, MS 38855 1-662-231-3863 1-662-282-7425 One in Heart With His Churches We wish to thank each church, association, WMA, Brotherhood and individuals who contributed to the July 4th Freedom Offering and this ministry. You will find this list under “contributions.” Let me encourage our BMA family to make preparations for our yearly Freedom offering this year on either June 29th or July 6, 2014. Mrs. Adams and I covet your prayers. We ask each church to budget Moral Action or send monetary gifts as desired. I thank your for this wonderful privilege to serve as your director. It is indeed a great honor. Let me also acknowledge First Baptist Church, Mantachie MS for sharing their pastor with this ministry. God bless each of you in your journey. One in Heart With the Bible As Christians, we learn our moral guidelines through God’s Holy Word. These guidelines are for our edification and certainly for our good. Many are thinking and perhaps even saying, “In the 21st Century God’s guidelines are too strict. As long as we believe in Him, He does not care what we do.” Paul said in Romans 11:22, “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God; on them, which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.” God 6 Ten Summary Statements of Moral Action 1 8 2 9 3 4 10 We are committed to the proclamation of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ with paramount emphasis upon His virgin birth, sinless life, and literal resurrection. We believe that parental choice of public, private, or home education should be available to all Americans. We favor governmental assistance for the deserving poor, but only through programs which encourage individuals to be self-reliant, thus strengthening the family rather than weakening it. We believe in the sanctity of human life, and thus support a Human Life Amendment to protect the lives of the innocent unborn. We maintain that religious freedom must be regarded as one of the most important human rights. We support a strong national defense as the surest way to protect the security and liberty of American citizens, and to assure peace and freedom in the world. We support both a voluntary prayer amendment to the United States Constitution and equal access legislation, in order to restore religious expression in our public schools. Moral Action is in existence to give a voice to millions of decent, law-abiding, God fearing Americans who want to do something about the moral decline of our country. Moral Action does not advocate the election or defeat of any candidate, and does not endorse any political party. The information provided by the committee of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, is provided as a tool to help you more effectively lobby your Congressman, your Senators, and your President. 5 We are committed to the civil rights of all citizens being guaranteed, but believe that the creation of so-called “gay rights” for homosexuals is a threat to our nation’s family life and extends civil rights beyond what is appropriate. 6 We support enactment and enforcement of legislation to contain the moral blight of pornography in our land. 7 We contend that government must acknowledge that parents are responsible for the raising of their children. 7 Resolution #1 APPRECIATION FOR OUR MILITARY WHEREAS, U.S. Military appreciation is needed. The cause and cost of freedom, democracy and peace is being advanced by the diligent and courageous performance of members of our United States military, who serve our country faithfully, both here and abroad, while they are aggressively engaged in the global war on terror; and WHEREAS, All the conflicts have not been fought and our soldiers are still in the battle to win the war as well as restore civil order at the risk of their own lives; and WHEREAS, Military service entails a comprehensive sacrifice from each soldier and from their families, friends, and communities, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America Meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, in April, 2014, commend and salute our service men and women, in all branches of the military who are serving faithfully and honorably, both at home and abroad; and be it further RESOLVED, That we pray for the safety and well-being of our military personnel at all times, with particular attention to those who are in harm’s way; and be it finally RESOLVED, That we express reverent thanksgiving to Almightly God, the Judge of all nations, who is mightier than all armies and who alone is able to save, and ask His continued guidance and mercy upon our troops and our nation. Resolution #2 THE DESTRUCTION MADE BY GAMBLING WHEREAS, the tidal wave of gambling in our country has left in its wake pain and destruction in the lives of countless individuals, including children, poor and the elderly, and WHEREAS, many state governments have believed the lie that state-sponsored gambling will improve their local economy and provide funds for education, despite evidence to the contrary, and WHEREAS, state government by tacit approval of the so-called benefits of gambing become a predator rather than a protector of its constituents; and WHEREAS, the commercial advertising of gambling further increases the negative effects; and WHEREAS, often the tide of gambling has been turned in American history by God’s people who knelt in confession and stood in conviction; 8 BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that we, the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America, assembled in Little Rock, Arkansas, April, 2014, call on all Christians to exercise their influence by refusing to participate in any form of gambling or its promotion; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that we urge our political leaders to enact laws restricting and eventually eliminating all forms of gambling and its advertisement. Resolution #3 RECOGNIZE THE NEED TO ELECT GODLY LEADERS TO POLITICAL OFFICES WHEREAS, politicians sometimes will proclaim Christianity; and WHEREAS, some corrupt politicians use religion for political ends; and WHEREAS, these type of political leaders are guilty of selling faith for corrupt power; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that we born again believers in Christ work to elect good and Godly men and women who share our Biblical values and who support our church policies of morality; and BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that we urge these Godly political representatives to take care of the public trust; and BE IT THEREFORE, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 2014, work diligently to elect good and Godly men and women to public offices in the United States. Resolution #4 To stand firmly against Homosexuality WHEREAS, Christians can and should minister to homosexuals and lesbians in a biblical manner; and WHEREAS, God can work through our lives to minister and touch those practicing this immorality; and WHEREAS, our pulpits and lecterns can proclaim the destructiveness of the Gay Rights Movement in America; THEREFORE, be it resolved, that we urge the Baptist Missionary Association of America messengers meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas in April, 2014 to take a Biblical stand against homosexuality in a Christian manner. 9 Resolution #5 Reaffirmation of the United States Government to support and help protect the Jewish nation of Israel, God’s people WHEREAS, we believe Jehovah God attested both the existence and the continuing existence of the Jewish people and by the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and WHEREAS, we pray for peace in the Middle East; and WHEREAS, we Christians believe the the present state of Israel maintains a divine right to the land given to Abraham; THEREFORE, be it further resolved, that the messengers and churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, April, 2014, urge the United States Government to maintain a recognition of Israel and support unequivocal her right to exist as God’s people. 10 Recommendations 1. That our local associations, local and state WMA and Brotherhoods, and our local churches be encouraged to give a financial gift or budgeted monthly gifts of Moral Action. These funds will strengthen this ministry. 2. That our churches and pastors embrace and support our nation by participating and promoting the National Day of Prayer (NDOP), Thursday, May 1, 2014. ( Join other Americans in prayer for our nation. Meetings can be conducted at town halls, city halls, county courthouses, flag poles, states houses and churches. 3. That all our BMA churches schedule, June 29 or July 6, 2014, as the Moral Action “Freedom Offering” Sunday. This is an opportunity to honor or give memorials (if desired) for our soldiers, past and present. 4. That Dr. John M. Adams, Executive Director, represent the BMA of American in Washington, D.C., at the Watchmen on the Wall Conference, and by encouraging and contacting our United States Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen, and other Christian moral/political organizations. 5. That our Baptist Missionary Association of America reaffirm and approve these five (5) Moral Action resolutions and that we sincerely pray for our nation and Christian homes. 6. That we humbly request that these resolutions be printed in our BMA state newspapers and local church bulletins. 7. That Dr. John M. Adams stand as a nominee for Executive Director of Moral Action. 8. That the proposed budget be approved. Chairman, Vernon Lee, Texas Clerk, David Inzer, AR Dr. Kevin Clayton, MS Cody Hiland, AR Collin Jones, TX Cory McCaig, Kentucky Randal Murphy, AR Shane Singleton, MS John Smith, CO 11 CONTRIBUTIONS January — December, 2013 All Nations, Rio Rancho, NM $ 25.00 Anonymous25.00 Antioch, Cassville, MO 25.00 Antioch, Gilmer, TX 120.00 Antioch, West Waldo, AR 247.00 Beech Grove, Jasper, TX 75.00 Bethany, Jonesboro, AR 103.00 Bethel, Forrest City, AR 166.64 Bethel, Fulton, MS 430.00 Bethel, Springtown, TX 300.00 Bethel, St. Clair, MO 858.00 Bethlehem, Greenbriar, AR 172.59 Big Creek, Soso, MS 250.00 Big Creek Valley, Jonesboro, AR 260.00 BMA Brotherhood 961.25 BMA of Florida 600.00 Briar, Doniphan, MO 50.00 Calvary, Arlington, TX 487.00 Calvary, Brandon, MS 200.00 Calvary, Fayetteville, AR 300.00 Calvary, Vidalia, LA 120.00 Calvary, Warren, AR 150.00 Camille Acres, Longview, TX 500.00 Canaan, Franklington, LA 275.00 Capital ASSN, Brandon, MS 500.00 Carr, Anita and Thomas 25.00 Central, Aspermont, TX 140.00 Central AR Men’s Mtg (Lynchview North Little Rock) 800.00 Circle Drive, Bridge City, TX 250.00 Cornerstone, Swartz Creek, MI 500.00 College Heights, Ada, OK 225.91 College View, Magnolia, AR 10.00 Corinth, Jacksonville, TX 100.00 Crossroads, Rowlett, TX 435.00 Denver Street, Greenwood, AR 108.00 East Amory, Amory, MS 500.00 Ebenezer, Huntsville, TX 50.00 Ebenezer Friendship, Pittsburg, TX 300.00 Efurd, Joyce and Jack 50.00 El Camino, Laurel, MS 16.25 Faith, Vacaville, CA 125.00 Farley Street, Waxahachie, TX 500.00 Fellowship, Pittsburg, TX First, Carthage, TX First, Galena, KS First, Jacksonville, TX First, Joaquin, TX First, Magnolia, AR First, Mantachie, MS First, Neward, AR First, Springhill, LA First of Calhoun, Laurel, MS First, Providence, Livingston, TX First, Shady Grove, Laurel, MS Forked Oak, Booneville, MS Fourth St., West Helena, AR Friendship, DeQueen, AR Friendship, Mesquite, TX Glenfawn, Cushing, TX Goodman, Catherine & Curtis, Marlesa, Lakeland, FL Grace, El Dorado, AR Grace, Joplin, MO Harmony, Stuttgart, AR Hattieville, Morrillton, AR Heritage, Nevada, MO Helton Road, Theodore, AL Highland Park, Midwest City, OK Hillcrest, Yazoo City, MS Immanuel, Greenbriar, AR Kewanee, Kewanee, MO Knighton Chapel, Lewisville, AR Landmark, DeSoto, MO Landmark, England, AR Landmark, Hermitage, AR LaTurner, Tina Lebanon, Laurel, MS Letona, Letona, AR Liberty, Stamps, AR Lindsey Lane, Florissant, MO Lonesome Dove, Southlake, TX Macedonia, Etoile, TX Macedonia, Kingsland, AR Macedonia, Magnolia, AR Macedonia, Pittsburg, TX 12 225.00 600.00 75.00 886.00 60.00 13,500.00 3,398.00 234.00 2,088.00 560.00 249.11 266.00 275.00 393.00 238.56 415.00 347.62 10.00 160.00 303.00 125.00 180.00 57.90 250.00 137.00 462.00 150.71 1,200.00 100.00 75.00 169.90 240.00 50.00 1,090.00 516.30 500.00 175.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 142.00 Sheridan Terrace, Palestine, TX 65.00 Shiloh, Mt Olive, MS 400.00 Skyway Hills, Pearl, MS 270.00 Smyrna, Winnsboro, TX 131.00 South AR District WMA 156.00 South Main, Malvern, AR 250.00 South Park, Ft Worth, TX 234.00 Southgate, Moore, OK 145.00 Springdale, Fenton, MO 300.00 Spring Hill, Ocean Springs, MS 58.56 Suburban Wood, Humble, TX 431.76 Sulphur Springs, Quitman, AR 50.00 Sunset, Lamesa, TX 250.00 Temple Gate, Jacksonville, FL 100.00 Thompson, Letha and Robert, Groesbeck, TX 100.00 Trace City, Natchez, MS 531.66 Unity, Guntown, MS 95.00 Unity, Hope, AR 1,059.19 Vardaman Street, Wiggins, MS 289.63 Washington, Neely, MS 275.00 Westover, Hattiesburg, MS 200.00 Westview, Jefferson City, MO 123.00 Wilderness, Vicksburg, MS 200.00 WMA of Alabama and Georgia 1,866.00 Zalma, Zalma, MO 100.00 Zion, Anguilla, MS 200.00 Zion, St Louis, MO 274.00 Zion’s Rest, Richton, MS 200.00 Maddox, Betty J & Flynt, Donna, Soso, MS 200.00 Magnolia of Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, MS 300.00 Midway, FBC, Sumrall, MS 282.75 Mt Calvary, Picayune, MS 50.00 Mt Calvary Brotherhood, Farmerville, LA 354.66 Mt Gilead, Columbia, MS 130.00 Mt Olive, Girard, KS 100.00 New Hope, Lansing, MI 168.00 New Home, Quitman, AR 100.00 New Testament, Sullivan, MO 1,339.00 N Lakeland, Lakeland, FL 66.00 Oak Hill, Alton, MO 500.00 Paramount, Perkinston, MS 687.00 Parkview, Laurel, MS 390.00 Parkview, Pensacola, FL 200.00 Pecan, Robert Lee, TX 170.00 Pilgrim’s Rest #2, Golden, TX 111.00 Pine Grove, Purvis, MS 229.11 Pleasant Grove, Carlisle, TX 235.11 Red Springs, Tyler, TX 163.00 Richland Heights, Grand Saline, TX 30.00 Rocky Point, Tupelo, OK 200.00 Rosewood, Gilmer, TX 500.00 Round Prairie, Fairfield, TX 413.20 Sand Flat, Grand Saline, TX 100.00 Scotland, Bentonia, MS 313.00 Scottsville Road, Bowling Green, KY 278.00 Security Calvary, Cleveland, TX 141.00 13 Financial Statement January — December, 2013 Balance Brought Forward$18,361.84 Receipts57,945.37 __________ Total to Account:$76,307.21 Expenses: Associational Expense 650.00 Office Supplies 575.11 Postage1,693.77 Printing1,953.56 Promotion6,073.77 Research/Subscription742.47 Retirement/Executive Director 429.98 Salary/Executive Director 8,268.75 Salary/Office Personnel 5,292.00 Taxes/Insurance4,410.00 Telephone/Internet/Web1,669.40 Travel/Executive Director Gas 6,168.01 Meals 1,566.23 Hotels 4,951.75 Van 1,211.75 Expense _________ Total Expenses45,656.55 _________ Balance 12/31/2013$30,650.66 Proposed Budget — 2014 Associational Expense $1,984.50 Office Supplies 2,756.25 Postage1,900.00 Printing 2,500.00 Promotion 5,000.00 Research/Subscriptions 3,500.00 Retirement/Executive Director 429.98 Salary/Executive Director 8,268.75 Salary/Office Personnel 5,292.00 Taxes/Insurance 4,410.00 Telephone/Internet/Web page 1,500.00 Travel/Executive Director 16,000.00 Van Expense 1,300.00 _________ Total Yearly Budget $54,841.48 14 ANNUAL REPORT Coordinating Council CHAIRMAN PAUL BULLOCK a desire to work one in heart. Most of their work as individual departments and agencies has been intentional in their consideration of the churches and the other departments. This will always lead to a greater potential harvest in God’s field of ministry. The Missions office has proven this with a desire to integrate with Lifeword. Another extension of this same philosophy of ministry is her effort to challenge local churches to become the driving force of our mission work. The desire to be a help to the local church in her mission to plant other churches is simply a reflection of that “one in heart” mentality. Lifeword’s willingness to volunteer the properties in Conway to be the central campus for all departments in this integration effort is a sure sign of their willingness to cooperate “one in heart.” Her willingness to make their Foundation a blessing to other departments simply reinforces that mind set. Our seminary’s focus on teaching and training disciple makers from around the globe certainly fits the “one in heart” desire of a school wanting to do all that it can to equip workers for the Lord’s harvest. Making disciples the way Jesus made disciples will certainly equip leaders to lead in all aspects of local church and associational ministry. The leadership at the seminary continues to work “one in heart” with the other departments to cooperate fully and intentionally for the good of this association. DiscipleGuide’s goal to be an integral part of the integration process with Missions and Lifeword is firmly rooted in that desire to be “one in heart.” Its efforts to supply literature and to provide camps and conferences “One in Heart” The prophet Amos asked the important question, “Can two walk together unless they are agreed?” There does not have to be agreement in every detail, but there must be agreement in certain essentials for two to walk together. If we are to walk together, we must, at some point, begin in the same place. If we will walk together, we must be going in the same direction. If we will walk together, we must do so at the same pace. The underlying answer to Amos’ question certainly establishes the framework of associational ministry together. The “two” can be departments in integration. The “two” can be churches in associations. The “two” must certainly be churches and departments in cooperation in order to be successful spiritually. Successful ministry will only take place if the “two” are one in heart. We might not agree on the methods of doing everything exactly the same, but we certainly agree on the truth that we will get more done together than we can ever do apart. Solomon emphasized that same truth saying, “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.” The good reward will most likely be proportional to the reflection of their oneness of heart. Consider the following truths in light of the importance of being one in heart to get things done for God’s glory. None of us are as strong as all of us, none of us are as smart as all of us, and none of us are as productive as all of us. That is true for individuals, churches, and associations of churches. In the Council’s work with the departments and agencies in the past year, an obvious strength has been 15 all fit within their stated desire to resource the local churches. Our two agencies have both had exceptional years. Moral Action continues to work hand-in-hand with pastors and churches for the principles and values of the scriptures. Her leadership has worked with those within and those like-minded groups outside our association to challenge our churches to stand according to those Biblical principles in these spiritually dark times. Ministers’ Resource Services continues to provide the means for workers from the local church and the associational level to prepare for retirement in a safe, financially prudent way. The Council’s recommendation concerning the formation of a new agency, the BMAA Foundation, is simply a reflection of that one in heart mentality that our departments share. This proposed agency would benefit all the departments in all future years by allow- ing a means whereby donors willing to make a lasting contribution to the ministry of any or all of the departments. This proposed agency would not require any new funding from our churches and will bless each future budget by providing assets that can help our association do more for the glory of God. One duty of the Coordinating Council, as outlined in the Statement of Principles of Cooperation, is to “recommend organizational changes to the departmental structure of the association.” This recommendation is supported by all of our directors and will lead to continued growth in the financial footing of the association. Synergy is defined as the ability to accomplish more together than apart. It is the hope of the Council that our departments and agencies and all of our associated churches can continue to see the effects of synergy ring true in our work together. Recommendations The Coordinating Council of the Baptist Missionary Association of America recommends endorsement of the name change of the Lifeword Foundation to the BMAA Foundation. The name change has been approved by the Lifeword Foundation board and the Lifeword board. We further recommend: 1. That the BMAA Foundation be established as an Agency of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. The purpose of this initiative is to provide one Foundation which any department or agency of the association can utilize for investing endowment funds. Although the foundation has been a subsidiary of Lifeword and functioned to serve only Lifeword since its inception in 1998, its purpose, as defined within its Articles of Incorporation, allows it to serve any department of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Separate accounts will be maintained for each entity with no comingling of funds. Existing funds donated to the former Lifeword Foundation will become part of the Lifeword account in the BMAA Foundation. Distributions shall be declared from the previous year’s earnings and/or undistributed earnings from earlier periods. In making distributions, the Board shall follow the stated direction of the donors of restricted gifts. Unrestricted earnings shall be distributed based upon the calculation of a department or agency’s percentage of investments compared to the total investments of the Foundation. In addition to separate accounts for each BMA department or agency, a general account for the BMA of America will be maintained to provide a repository for those with a desire to benefit the entire work of the association. Earnings from the BMA of America account will be distributed among the entities of the BMA of America on an annual basis according to the following formula. A department or agency’s percentage of annual earnings shall be derived by dividing its total operating expenses by the total operating expenses of all BMAA departments and agencies for the given year (calculation excludes capital spending). Departments and agencies which participate in the association’s estate planning program will equally share annual funding of the Foundation’s budget. 16 Recommendations (cont’d) 2. That the current number of Foundation board members be reduced from fifteen (15) to nine (9) and that the terms of board members be changed from three (3) years to five (5) years to be consistent with the other agencies of the association. 3. That one (1) board position be reserved for a representative, nominated by the executive director, of each of the BMA departments/agencies participating in the association’s estate planning program and that five (5) of the current board members be allowed to complete their terms of service for continuity. 4. That board member nominees be presented annually by the nominating committee and elected by the association. 5. That the current Foundation Executive, Charles Attebery, be elected to serve as Interim Executive Director of the BMAA Foundation on a part-time basis. 6. That Article XVI of the Statement of Principles of Cooperation be amended to include the BMAA Foundation as a standing committee. 7. That Article VII, Section 3 of the Statement of Principles of Cooperation be amended by adding the following: G. BMAA Foundation: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of the BMAA Foundation to supervise and promote the work of this agency. 8. That the following be added to the Statement of Principles of Cooperation as Article XV and that the remaining articles be renumbered sequentially. Article XV — BMAA Foundation Section 1. Purpose: The BMAA Foundation exists to endow participating departments and agencies of the Baptist Missionary Association of America with supplemental funding by investing gifts to the Foundation and distributing the earnings annually. It is a repository for the endowment of funds invested to produce ongoing support for those ministries. Section 2. Governance: This association shall elect a BMAA Foundation board of directors consisting of nine (9) members with one (1) board seat reserved for a representative, nominated by the executive director, of each of the BMA departments/agencies participating in the association’s estate planning program. Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum. Section 3. Board of Directors Duties: The duties of the board of directors are: A. To act in its field as an executive of the association between annual sessions, performing all duties entrusted to it by the association. B. To utilize sound business principles in maintaining professional management of Foundation investments. C. To fill any vacancy between sessions that may occur in the office of executive director. D. To evaluate the performance of the executive director and recommend annually to the association a compensation schedule based on tenure, merit, and cost of living increases for the executive director. 17 ANNUAL REPORT Lifeword Media Ministries Steve Crawley, Executive Director Just as God knit the hearts of David and Jonathan together, He has created a bond among believers throughout the world—a bond created by our faith in Jesus Christ. Though we will never meet many of our brothers and sisters in Christ in this life, we are one in the Spirit, and God supernaturally works through His people around the globe to accomplish His mission. One of the most powerful means to spread the Word and knit believers together is the tool of media. in common (Acts 2:44) and continued daily with one accord and had communion with gladness and singleness of heart (Acts 2:46). They praised God and had favor with all people and the Lord added to the church daily (Acts 2:47). God blessed and poured out His Spirit. The Gospel was preached. Three thousand souls from various nationalities and walks of life repented for the remission of their sins and were baptized and added to the church as a result. While you may think of Lifeword as just a few individuals working from an office complex in Conway, Arkansas, the influence of your media ministry is likely much broader than you may realize. As we work through our budget and ministry plan each year, we stand amazed at how God takes a relatively small financial plan and reaches out in a meaningful way to five of the seven continents with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A few years ago, we put together an organizational chart of Lifeword’s operations and realized there are 83 team members around the world producing 50 different programs in 34 languages—to God be the glory! The following report will provide an update of how God is working around the globe through various Lifeword broadcasts. We praise the Lord that He has blessed, and continues to bless with similar results, our unity in heart and vision for His honor and glory. The integration of Missions and Lifeword has not only enhanced our cohesion, communion and communication between the departments, but has moved us from cooperation to collaboration in our commitment to the Great Commission. The eternal results? People from around the globe from various tongues and walks of life have professed their faith in Jesus Christ, and have been baptized and plugged in to a local BMA church. Missions are being started and churches are being organized through our concerted efforts. The synergy created by the integration under a unified vision is amazing and has introduced the interdependency paradigm to our culture. Sure, we can accomplish things independently and perhaps even survive for a short while independent of the other. However, the interdependent mentality Singleness of Heart Adds Up and Multiplies The church in the book of Acts was with one accord in one place (Acts 2:1). They had all things 18 allows us to thrive and has taken us to the level where we are doing greater things together by combining our God-given abilities and talents. oneness while working together with greater effectiveness: 1. In Asia-Pacific, BMA missionaries and Lifeword team members are joining forces to reach out to every people group with whom we are working to develop indigenous leadership, and to implement low power FM radio stations. Their goal is to implement at least 10 stations by the end of 2014. Pastor Pete Etabag reports: In John 13, Jesus gave a new commandment; that we love one another, as He loved us. He also said that all men would know that we are His disciples if we have love one to another (John 13:34-35). The love, combined efforts, common goals and clarity of vision have enabled our departments to coact united in love and vision for the sake of the Kingdom. His Kingdom. This year our operations will concentrate on 3 major thrusts: 1. We will maintain and strengthen our broadcast operations around the world. We will continue the strategic expansion of gospel programming into new languages and additional programs in accordance with the unified vision we have established in collaboration with the BMA Missions Department. 2. We will continue to take an active role alongside BMA Missions in initiating new indigenous leadership development strategies worldwide, both for church plants and for media development. Our objective is to work alongside indigenous BMA personnel to train and empower leaders to help them formulate and execute their own vision for reaching their culture, largely with their own resources, while becoming selfgoverning, self-supporting, and selfpropagating. 3. As an integral part of accomplishing the first two objectives, Lifeword has set into motion a vigorous campaign to help indigenous BMA churches discover and utilize the media tools within their reach in order to effectively share the gospel message with their own culture. x Our broadcasts have been instrumental in starting many Bible studies in many areas. Pastor Rudy Rioja, our Lifeword producer, reports that at least two missions have been started because of the broadcasts and now they are planning to organize into local churches. x Many souls have been saved and are faithfully attending our churches in the Bicol area. Young people who were reached by radio have surrendered to the ministry and are at our Bible College in Silay City, preparing to become church planters. 2. BMA of Africa missionaries and Lifeword personnel have joined forces to implement 10 low power FM radio stations in conjunction with the local BMA churches in Ghana. 3. In the Americas, BMA missionaries and Lifeword have implemented three LPFMs in Central and South America with plans to add more. 4. In Burma (Myanmar), missionary and Lifeword speaker Bro. Rama reports: x Jesus, in John 17, prays to the Father that we all may be one as He and the Father are one. Here is a sampling of our BMA departments demonstrating 19 “Many listeners from the northern part of Myanmar were very angry with me because I preach that the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to x x escape escape hell. hell. But But they they continued continued listening listeningtotoAthetsaka Athetsaka(Lifeword) (Lifeword)and and wrote very often. Ko Kyi, a listener wrote very often. Ko Kyi, a listener from fromthat thatregion regionwould would invite invite his his neighbors neighborstotolisten listentoto our our program program with withhim, him,saying, saying, ‘Come, ‘Come, come come ifif youwant wanttotoknow knowabout about the the Chin Chin you God’(Chin (Chinisisone oneofofthe theeight eightmain main God’ tribes inin Myanmar). Myanmar). About About four four tribes peoplecame cametogether together toto listen listen and and people make fun of our program with him. make fun of our program with him. Afterlistening listening toto Athetsaka Athetsaka for for aa After time, Ko Kyi was baptized and time, Ko Kyi was baptized and becamea amember memberofofa alocal localchurch church became after giving testimony of his faith after giving testimony of his faith inin JesusChrist. Christ. Jesus x Ko Pho andtwo twoother otherlisteners listenerswere were x Ko Pho and baptizedand andjoined joineda alocal localchurch churchinin baptized their region after making professions their region after making professions faith. ofoffaith. x One sleepless night while tuning his x One sleepless night while tuning his radio, Min Hlaing, from the Kale radio, Min Hlaing, from the Kale area of the northern part of area of the northern part of Myanmar, found Athetsaka and Myanmar, found Athetsaka and professed Jesus as his Savior. professed Jesus as his Savior. You may read more You may read more testimonials testimonials at at 20 Staff Staff Steve SteveCrawley, Crawley, Executive Executive Director Director Rick RickRussell, Russell,Broadcasting Broadcasting Luis LuisOrtega, Ortega,Broadcasting Broadcasting Carol CarolGipson, Gipson,Broadcasting Broadcasting Donny DonnyParrish, Parrish, Production Production Mark MarkMalone, Malone,Production Production Nick NickJacobsen, Jacobsen, Production Production Jared JaredEakin, Eakin,Production Production PhillipRice, Rice,Production Production Phillip DianeWard, Ward,Human Human Resources Resources Diane GlendaSellers, Sellers, Human Human Resources Resources Glenda EllenSiler, Siler,Accounting Accounting Ellen MikeJones, Jones,Building Building and and Grounds Mike CharlesAttebery, Attebery, Planned Planned Giving Giving Charles DavidWatkins, Watkins, Public Public Relations Relations David HollyMeriweather, Meriweather, Walk Walk Coordination Coordination Holly Speakers Speakers AfricanFrench: French: Alexander Alexander Alhanssa Alhanssa African Arabic:Yousef Yousef Costa, Costa, Charles Charles Costa Costa Arabic: Armenian:Ashot Ashot Gyurjyan Gyurjyan & & Hayk Hayk Haroutunyan Armenian: Haroutunyan Bicol(3 (3dialects): dialects): Romeo Romeo Royon, Royon, Andy Bicol Andy Grajo, Grajo, Robert RobertGroyon, Groyon, Nelson Duran, Rudy Rioja Nelson Duran, Rudy Rioja Brazilian Portuguese: Jarede Viera Souza, Fabio Da Silva, Sara Whistler Brazilian Portuguese: Jarede Viera Souza, Fabio Da Silva, Sara Whistler Burmese: Rama Burmese: Rama Cebuano: Dodo Cipres & Alan Quiamco Cebuano: Dodo Cipres & Alan Quiamco Dangme: Timothy Abroso Dangme: Timothy Abroso English: Donny Parrish & Rick Russell English: Donny Parrish & Rick Russell English for Native Americans: Merritt Youngdeer & Eddie Swimmer English for Native Americans: Merritt Youngdeer & Eddie Swimmer Ewe: Edmond Awako Ewe: Edmond Awako Garifuna: Ricardo Herrera, David Dickson, Jaime Aranda, Jose Diego Garifuna: Ricardo Herrera, David Dickson, Jaime Aranda, Jose Diego Barrios, Julio Flores, Cruz Norales, Marvin Valerio, Henry Lamberth Barrios, Cruz Norales, MarvinPitillo Valerio, EvencioJulio Lino,Flores, Rodolfo Alvarez, Gertrudis RuizHenry Lamberth Evencio Hausa: Lino, ElijahRodolfo Adua Alvarez, Gertrudis Pitillo Ruiz Hausa: Elijah Adua Igbo: Frances Ebo Igbo: Frances Ilonggo: Pete Ebo Etabag Ilonggo: Pete EtabagPrakash Kannada: Prashant Kannada: PrashantPá Prakash Kekchi: Domingo Yaxcal, Raúl Ángel Macz Pop, José Xol Pop Kekchi: Pá Yaxcal, Raúl Ángel Macz Pop, José Xol Pop Khmer:Domingo Borann Voeng Khmer: Borann Voeng Mandarin: Roger Mandarin: Roger Marwari: Translated Marwari: Translated Moore’: Stephen Aganda Persian/Farsi: Moore’: StephenIraj Aganda Romani-Kalderash: Persian/Farsi: Iraj Shone & Feri Russian: Translated Shone & Feri Romani-Kalderash: Songhay:Translated Tandina Ousmane Russian: Spanish: Ricardo Songhay: Tandina Robinson Ousmane& Luis Ortega Twi: AduRicardo Boahene & Jackson Spanish: Robinson & Hayford Luis Ortega Tagalog: Warren Paguntalan Twi: Adu Boahene & Jackson Hayford Ukrainian: Translated Tagalog: Warren Paguntalan Waray-Waray: Sonny Carias Ukrainian: Translated Western Krahn:Sonny Abraham Cheyee Waray-Waray: Carias Yoruba:Krahn: Samuel Abraham BabatundeCheyee Adeyemi Western Yoruba: Samuel Babatunde Adeyemi 2013 Financial Statement and 2014 Operating Budget Income/Expense Income: GeneralFundIncome WalkfortheWorld TechnicalServices Foundation LeaseIncome Other TotalIncome 2014 Budget 2013 Actual 2013 Budget '13Actvs.'13Bud $875,000 250,000 Ͳ 40,000 52,585 25,000 1,242,585 $878,623 253,100 4,141 40,000 76,976 34,952 1,287,792 $764,000 374,165 12,000 40,000 83,576 27,500 1,301,241 $114,623 (121,065) (7,859) Ͳ (6,600) 7,452 (13,449) Variance CostofGoodsSold 6,250 8,034 22,188 (14,154) GrossProfit 1,236,335 1,279,759 1,279,053 706 249,411 236,678 7,200 165,000 16,635 21,208 23,363 14,650 42,217 13,150 ProfessionalFees 14,500 Promotion 10,000 Repairs&Maintenance 330,052 Salaries&Benefits 24,150 Travel 40,332 Utilities BMAServiceTeamAllocation 340,082 TotalExpense 1,062,540 7,973 165,000 16,434 24,013 31,119 16,807 55,032 34,667 45,569 11,742 670,084 30,565 45,524 Ͳ 1,154,528 DirectBroadcastExpense IndirectBroadcastExpense: AutoExpense Depreciation Insurance InterestExpense Maint.Serv.Agreements Miscellaneous Other NetIncome/Loss NetIncome+Depr. 245,876 (9,198) 7,200 165,000 20,934 24,827 36,805 12,400 84,948 13,650 34,900 12,200 676,550 33,250 45,120 Ͳ 1,167,784 773 Ͳ (4,500) (814) (5,686) 4,407 (29,916) 21,017 10,669 (458) (6,466) (2,685) 404 Ͳ (13,256) (75,616) (111,447) (134,607) 23,160 89,384 53,553 21 30,393 23,160 Recommendations Recommendations 1. That we adopt the proposed operating budget for 2014. 1. That we adopt the proposed operating budget for 2014. 2. That the 35th annual Walk for the be held October 15, 2014 and and for churches not participating in in 2. That the 35th annual Walk for World the World be held October 15, 2014 for churches not participating the Walk to set a Lifeword Sunday in the of October. the Walk to aside set aside a Lifeword Sunday in month the month of October. 3. That the housing allowance be set per month for the director, $2,000 per month for for 3. That the housing allowance beatset$2,000 at $2,000 per month for executive the executive director, $2,000 per month the broadcast officer, $2,000 per month for the director. the broadcast officer, $2,000 per month for programming the programming director. 4. That the Lifeword executive director’s salary remain at the levellevel of $62,552, plusplus one-half of of 4. That the Lifeword executive director’s salary remain at 2013 the 2013 of $62,552, one-half Social Security / Medicare, health & dental insurance, retirement deposit equaling 6% 6% of salary and and a cara car Social Security / Medicare, health & dental insurance, retirement deposit equaling of salary provided. provided. 5. That Steve Crawley stand as a as nominee for Executive Director. 5. That Steve Crawley stand a nominee for Executive Director. Churches Giving Over $2,500.00 Churches Giving Over $2,500.00 Church City City State State Church Antioch Conway AR AR Antioch Conway Hall Summit LA LA Hall Summit Hall Summit Hall Summit Springhill Greenbrier AR AR Springhill Greenbrier Central Conway AR AR Central Conway Rosewood GilmerGilmer TX TX Rosewood Kewanee Kewanee MO MO Kewanee Kewanee LakeRidge Lubbock TX TX LakeRidge Lubbock First First Carthage TX TX Carthage SunsetSunset Lamesa TX TX Lamesa First First Springhill LA LA Springhill Calvary Fayetteville AR AR Calvary Fayetteville MountMount Pleasant AR AR PleasantPlumerville Plumerville MountMount GileadGilead Columbia MS MS Columbia Moorewood OK OK Moorewood Leedey Leedey GraceGrace Damascus AR AR Damascus First First Magnolia AR AR Magnolia Little Little MoundMound GilmerGilmer TX TX Central Ashdown AR AR Central Ashdown Vardaman Street Street Wiggins MS MS Vardaman Wiggins Magnolia Hattiesburg MS MS Magnolia Hattiesburg Bethlehem Greenbrier AR AR Bethlehem Greenbrier Paramount Perkinston MS MS Paramount Perkinston Evergreen Seminary MS MS Evergreen Seminary Midway First First Sumrall MS MS Midway Sumrall Oakland Vicksburg MS MS Oakland Vicksburg FarleyFarley Street Street Waxahachie TX TX Waxahachie South South Park Park Fort Worth TX TX Fort Worth North North Hills Hills Sherwood AR AR Sherwood Worden Bald Knob AR AR Worden Bald Knob Calvary Morrilton AR AR Calvary Morrilton First First Caldwell AR AR Caldwell Unity Unity PurcellPurcell OK OK SpringSpring CreekCreek Springdale AR AR Springdale Bradford Bradford AR AR Bradford Bradford Immanuel Nashville AR AR Immanuel Nashville Temple RogersRogers AR AR Temple CenterCenter of Lifeof Life Houston TX TX Houston Pleasant GroveGroveCarlisle AR AR Pleasant Carlisle Enon Enon GilmerGilmer TX TX Latch Latch GilmerGilmer TX TX RoundRound PrairiePrairie Fairfield TX TX Fairfield Southgate MooreMoore OK OK Southgate First First Jacksonville TX TX Jacksonville West Race SearcySearcy AR AR West Race First First Blooming GroveGroveTX TX Blooming Church City City Church ShilohShiloh MountMount Olive Olive HeltonHelton Road Road Theodore Theodore New Harmony New Harmony Tyler Tyler KaleyKaley Hill Hill Quitman Quitman Buffalo McLain Buffalo McLain Harding StreetStreet BakerBaker Harding Tundra Canton Tundra Canton WyattWyatt El Dorado El Dorado Fairview Blytheville Fairview Blytheville First First FlynnFlynn BethelBethel Lonedell Lonedell Northside Conroe Northside Conroe Temple Jonesboro Temple Jonesboro Grandview Springfield Grandview Springfield First First Damascus Damascus Lebanon LaurelLaurel Lebanon Fifth Street Fifth Street Levelland Levelland Macedonia Magnolia Macedonia Magnolia PecanPecan RobertRobert Lee Lee Skyway Hills Hills Pearl Pearl Skyway Beacon Hill Hill WacoWaco Beacon Calvary Midlothian Calvary Midlothian GraceGrace Russellville Russellville Mahl Mahl Nacogdoches Nacogdoches Cornerstone CreekCreek Cornerstone SwartzSwartz Victory Mc Neil Victory Mc Neil Calvary Fairfield Calvary Fairfield Antioch GilmerGilmer Antioch Old Hickory Old Hickory Hattieville Hattieville BristerBrister Emerson Emerson Old Bethel Canton Old Bethel Canton Central Prescott Central Prescott Immanuel Greenbrier Immanuel Greenbrier Majestic View View KiowaKiowa Majestic SpringSpring Lake Lake Texarkana Texarkana Pilgrims Rest Rest Spearsville Pilgrims Spearsville Heritage Waxahachie Heritage Waxahachie East Amory East Amory AmoryAmory Eastside Fayetteville Eastside Fayetteville New Testament New TestamentSullivan Sullivan Fellowship Pittsburg Fellowship Pittsburg First First Bay Springs Bay Springs First First Mc Neil Mc Neil Prospect Jonesboro Prospect Jonesboro Friendship Mesquite Friendship Mesquite Mountain View ViewChoctaw Mountain Choctaw Pleasant Hill Hill Nacogdoches Pleasant Nacogdoches Springdale Springdale Springdale Springdale CentroCentro de Vida de VidaHouston Houston Amount Amount $37,043.88 $37,043.88 32,188.08 32,188.08 31,882.00 31,882.00 29,688.30 29,688.30 27,110.94 27,110.94 18,965.00 18,965.00 17,375.10 17,375.10 15,254.34 15,254.34 12,324.38 12,324.38 12,134.00 12,134.00 11,713.00 11,713.00 9,568.32 9,568.32 8,424.76 8,424.76 8,014.10 8,014.10 7,936.45 7,936.45 7,800.00 7,800.00 7,384.60 7,384.60 7,067.00 7,067.00 6,877.63 6,877.63 6,827.00 6,827.00 6,593.99 6,593.99 6,391.91 6,391.91 6,335.00 6,335.00 6,176.44 6,176.44 6,100.57 6,100.57 6,056.56 6,056.56 5,909.00 5,909.00 5,755.96 5,755.96 5,526.36 5,526.36 5,509.54 5,509.54 5,366.84 5,366.84 5,152.61 5,152.61 4,716.60 4,716.60 4,670.00 4,670.00 4,640.79 4,640.79 4,422.41 4,422.41 4,293.25 4,293.25 4,243.00 4,243.00 4,235.50 4,235.50 4,171.24 4,171.24 4,131.90 4,131.90 4,120.00 4,120.00 4,024.96 4,024.96 4,017.00 4,017.00 4,000.10 4,000.10 22 State State MS MS AL AL TX TX AR AR MS MS LA LA TX TX AR AR AR AR TX TX MO MO TX TX AR AR MO MO AR AR MS MS TX TX AR AR TX TX MS MS TX TX TX TX AR AR TX TX MI MI AR AR TX TX TX TX AR AR AR AR TX TX AR AR AR AR CO CO TX TX LA LA TX TX MS MS AR AR MO MO TX TX MS MS AR AR AR AR TX TX AR AR TX TX AR AR TX TX Amount Amount 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,819.01 3,819.01 3,800.00 3,800.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,698.48 3,698.48 3,640.94 3,640.94 3,550.65 3,550.65 3,499.56 3,499.56 3,491.06 3,491.06 3,469.18 3,469.18 3,454.00 3,454.00 3,387.81 3,387.81 3,376.00 3,376.00 3,375.55 3,375.55 3,350.00 3,350.00 3,335.92 3,335.92 3,204.42 3,204.42 3,164.07 3,164.07 3,150.00 3,150.00 3,143.00 3,143.00 3,108.90 3,108.90 3,078.00 3,078.00 3,061.00 3,061.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,999.22 2,999.22 2,962.45 2,962.45 2,962.10 2,962.10 2,880.00 2,880.00 2,848.58 2,848.58 2,834.00 2,834.00 2,831.39 2,831.39 2,827.70 2,827.70 2,824.00 2,824.00 2,779.63 2,779.63 2,758.83 2,758.83 2,700.00 2,700.00 2,691.00 2,691.00 2,679.00 2,679.00 2,667.65 2,667.65 2,654.97 2,654.97 2,635.00 2,635.00 2,633.62 2,633.62 2,604.63 2,604.63 2,600.00 2,600.00 2,581.24 2,581.24 2,504.84 2,504.84 2,500.00 2,500.00 2013 Contributing Churches Church The following list reflects our record of offerings received from 512 churches during the past fiscal year (January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013). Offerings that arrived after our books closed December 31 will appear in the 2014 records. Offerings sent through a state missions office in 2013 but which Lifeword received after December 31 will likewise appear in the 2014 report. Statements showing the date and the amount of each offering received have been mailed to each church. Church ALABAMA Belle Fontaine Bethel Fountain of Faith Helton Road Lebanon Rigby Street Trinity Wares Ferry Road Westwood Total: Number of Churches: ARKANSAS Antioch Antioch Antioch Antioch East Antioch West Bald Knob Beacon Beacon Beech Street Berean Bethany Bethel #1 Bethel Bethlehem Bethlehem Big Creek Valley Blanchard Springs Blooming Grove Bluff Springs Bodcaw #1 Bodcaw #2 Bradford Brister Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Caney Valley Center Grove Center Point Central Central Central Central Central Central Chapel Hill Charity Charity Heights Cherrywood City Theodore Mobile Creola Theodore Titus Montgomery Birmingham Montgomery Mobile Conway Mc Gehee Nashville Magnolia Magnolia Plumerville Gravette Taylor Crossett North Little Rock Jonesboro Rison Forrest City Centerton Greenbrier Jonesboro Junction City Rector Rosston Emmet Rosston Bradford Emerson Fayetteville Heber Springs Manila Marvell Morrilton Pine Bluff Smackover Stamps Warren Plumerville Cord Nashville Ashdown Conway Hughes Prescott Texarkana Trumann New Edinburg Ward Hot Springs Sherwood 2013 Amount 1,320.84 374.00 931.00 3,819.01 1,118.00 448.36 363.06 600.00 119.83 9,094.10 9 37,043.88 542.21 2,340.00 2,400.00 2,100.00 795.00 1,624.79 750.00 400.00 50.00 481.00 590.88 166.64 240.00 6,593.99 420.00 706.00 500.00 260.00 720.00 500.00 4,670.00 2,880.00 11,713.00 600.00 650.00 2,299.52 5,509.54 1,740.00 555.50 60.00 150.00 500.00 566.00 2,487.00 7,067.00 29,688.30 690.25 2,834.00 477.13 778.07 749.94 2,456.70 111.00 156.00 23 Church at Willow Beach Clinton College View Corinth Corinth Cornerstone Cornerstone County Line Cross Roads Denver Street East Kenwood Eastside Eastside Emmaus Fairview Faith First First First First First First First First First First First of Cave Springs First of North Lewisville Flat Rock Fourth Street Friendship Friendship Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace Temple Greers Ferry Harmony Harmony Harrison Chapel Hattieville Herman Hopewell Immanuel Immanuel Immanuel Kaley Hill Kellogg Valley Kingsland Lakeview Landmark Letona Liberty Little River Lone Oak Macedonia Macedonia Marcus Hill Maysville Meadowview Milligan Ridge Missionary Grove Mount Lebanon Mount Nebo Mount Olive Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant Mount Union Mount Vernon City N Little Rock Clinton Magnolia Magnolia Rosston Arkadelphia Bentonville Marvell Warren Greenwood Siloam Springs Conway Fayetteville New Edinburg Blytheville Mena Bald Knob Buckner Caldwell Damascus Gurdon Magnolia Mc Neil Newark Taylor Waldo Cave Springs Lewisville Quitman West Helena De Queen Greenbrier Damascus El Dorado Russellville Wynne Lake City Greers Ferry Stuttgart West Helena Beebe Hattieville Bono El Dorado Greenbrier Nashville Sheridan Quitman N Little Rock Kingsland Mayflower England Letona Stamps Manila Blytheville Kingsland Magnolia Enola Maysville Pine Bluff Manila Prescott New Edinburg Hope Guy Hiwasse Plumerville El Dorado Waldo 2013 Amount 1,559.00 50.00 935.91 100.00 1,200.00 482.00 1,010.00 970.47 1,604.65 1,398.00 220.18 1,239.00 2,691.00 600.00 3,491.06 390.89 924.00 137.00 5,366.84 3,350.00 1,200.00 7,800.00 2,635.00 2,089.81 2,307.83 210.00 1,871.12 214.00 800.00 300.00 1,055.99 990.00 7,936.45 462.93 3,061.00 907.79 100.00 672.35 117.11 386.53 120.00 1,297.00 2,203.00 900.00 2,831.39 4,640.79 2,475.04 3,750.00 900.00 679.45 235.00 2,214.93 516.30 1,720.00 1,156.64 677.50 300.00 3,164.07 550.00 260.00 178.31 360.00 200.00 240.00 180.00 2,463.11 400.00 9,568.32 996.00 300.00 Church Mountain View Needs Creek New Friendship New Home New Hope New Hope New Liberty New Prospect New Shiloh North Hills North Main Oak Grove Oak Park Oakland Heights Oasis Old Hickory Old Liberty Park Avenue Park Place Pilgrims Rest Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Pleasant Grove Pleasant Springs Pleasant Valley Pocahontas Prospect Red Oak Rondo Round Mountain Sand Springs Shady Grove Shady Grove Shiloh Shiloh Lamartine Shiloh Union Shover Springs South Main Spring Creek Springdale Springhill Sulphur Springs Temperanceville Temple Temple Temple Temple Temple Tenth Street Trenton Trinity True Light Turner Street Unity Unity Victory Victory Victory Village Creek Walnut Grove West Race West Side Westside Worden Wyatt Zion Total: Number of Churches: City Choctaw Greenbrier Kingsland Quitman Hope Wynne Fort Smith Garfield Mineral Springs Sherwood Hamburg N Little Rock Little Rock Pine Bluff Maumelle Hattieville Vilonia Searcy Bryant Magnolia Carlisle El Dorado Imboden Mc Caskill Greenbrier Pocahontas Jonesboro Harrison Lexa Fayetteville Damascus Piggott Prescott McRae Waldo Buckner Hope Malvern Springdale Springdale Greenbrier Quitman Nashville Fordyce Jonesboro Little Rock Murfreesboro Rogers Paragould Marvell Magnolia Mc Dougal Springdale Hope Nashville Gentry Hampton Mc Neil Mabelvale Lake City Searcy Mountain Home Osceola Bald Knob El Dorado Fordyce 2013 Amount Church CALIFORNIA 2,600.00 2,409.72 120.00 700.00 1,167.15 876.00 108.05 1,870.00 1,412.64 5,755.96 140.00 618.09 698.00 100.00 650.00 2,962.10 1,200.00 1,653.00 1,181.40 303.50 4,243.00 977.00 1,200.00 300.00 480.00 480.00 2,633.62 1,740.00 660.00 425.00 522.83 50.00 1,253.12 879.10 992.00 400.00 401.01 452.00 4,716.60 2,504.84 31,882.00 2,451.04 1,200.00 575.00 3,376.00 1,547.39 120.00 4,422.41 312.54 500.00 1,493.00 480.00 560.00 1,234.42 500.00 180.00 240.00 3,000.00 741.45 105.22 4,017.00 200.00 345.20 5,526.36 3,499.56 _2,110.79 369,383.21 181 Faith First Memorial Total: Number of Churches: COLORADO Majestic View Total: Number of Churches: FLORIDA Grace Parkview Total: Number of Churches: HAWAII Ali’i/Royal Baptist Church Total: Number of Churches: IDAHO Grace Total: Number of Churches: ILLINOIS Friendship Total: Number of Churches: INDIANA Calvary Total: Number of Churches: KANSAS First Lighthouse Meadowside Mount Olive Mount Zion Total: Number of Churches: KENTUCKY Scottsville Road Total: Number of Churches: LOUISIANA Blocker Calvary Canaan Cane Market Road Evergreen Park First Franklin Street Hall Summit Harding Street Mount Sterling Pilgrims Rest Plainview Walnut Road Total: Number of Churches: 24 City 2013 Amount Vacaville Escalon Fremont 860.00 156.00 1,471.00 2,487.00 3 Kiowa 2,827.70 2,827.70 1 Mc David Pensacola 430.00 180.00 610.00 2 Ewa Beach 250.00 250.00 1 Post Falls 540.00 540.00 1 Caseyville 225.00 225.00 1 Bloomington 600.00 600.00 1 Galena Kansas City Pittsburg Girard Garland Bowling Green Cullen Vidalia Franklinton Denham Springs Monroe Springhill Farmerville Hall Summit Baker Bernice Spearsville Denham Springs Springhill 2,020.00 300.00 395.00 745.00 1,000.00 4,460.00 5 350.00 350.00 1 370.45 2,383.14 240.00 430.01 1,573.97 12,134.00 954.97 32,188.08 3,640.94 1,000.00 2,779.63 117.58 200.00 58,012.77 13 Church MICHIGAN Cornerstone New Home Total: Number of Churches: MISSOURI Bates Creek Berean Bethany Bethel Bethel Bethlehem Briar Central Charity Cornerstone Faith Faith First Friendship Glenview Grace Grandview Kewanee Landmark Lindsay Lane Lower Doe Run Mount Zion New Testament Oak Hill Oak Ridge Ohlman Ozark Heights Providence Springdale Springhill Stony Point Straightway Temple Westview White Oak Grove Zalma Zion Total: Number of Churches: MISSISSIPPI Antioch Ballardsville Berean Bethel Bethel Big Creek Big Oak Buffalo Calvary Calvary Campground Canaan Centerville Creston Hills Cypress Creek East Amory East Fulton Evergreen Farmington First First First of Calhoun First of Henleyfield City 2013 Amount Swartz Creek Lansing 3,000.00 645.00 3,645.00 2 Potosi Festus Saint Louis Lonedell Sikeston Fairdealing Doniphan Union Columbia Raymore Independence Saint Charles Potosi Saint Clair Independence Joplin Springfield Kewanee De Soto Florissant Ellington Poplar Bluff Sullivan Alton Cassville Bunker Potosi Puxico Fenton Fairdealing Mineral Point Steelville Belgrade Jefferson City Potosi Zalma Saint Louis 730.00 260.24 93.42 3,454.00 1,665.00 550.00 500.00 600.00 225.00 740.00 2,354.00 837.02 525.00 250.00 70.00 600.00 3,375.55 18,965.00 532.35 242.47 636.31 1,100.00 2,679.00 1,705.94 1,500.00 720.00 1,034.00 240.00 900.00 360.00 190.26 1,335.00 549.88 300.00 1,320.00 1,682.75 1,210.00 54,032.19 37 Taylorsville Mantachie Soso Fulton Seminary Soso Fulton McLain Brandon Purvis Gulfport Purvis Mantachie Jackson Brooklyn Amory Fulton Seminary Corinth Bay Springs Louin Laurel Carriere Church First of Oak Grove First of Shady Grove First of Windsor Park Good Hope Good Hope Greenwood Harmony Hillcrest Hopewell Lebanon Lee’s Chapel #2 Liberty Lone Oak Magnolia Magnolia Heights Mantachie First Midway First Mount Calvary Mount Gilead Mount Olive New Beginnings North Gautier Oakland O’Neal Road Paramount Parkview Parkway Pine Grove Pine Ridge Plainview Pleasant Hill Riverside Salem Sand Hill Scotland Shady Grove Sharon Shiloh Skyway Hills South Green Spencer Memorial Springhill Springhill Temple Temple Ten Mile Trace City Union Vardaman Street Westlawn Westover Westview Wilderness Zion Total: Number of Churches: 1,800.00 430.00 1,100.00 2,156.00 665.00 1,023.69 300.00 3,698.48 250.00 532.00 200.00 1,415.30 123.00 211.00 1,406.51 2,700.00 526.00 6,335.00 1,175.00 2,654.97 324.00 1,580.00 461.64 NEW MEXICO All Nations Total: Number of Churches: OKLAHOMA Bethany College Heights Dolberg Eastern Gate Faith Fillmore First First 25 City Hattiesburg Laurel Ocean Springs Columbia Stringer Fulton Hurley Yazoo City Laurel Laurel Picayune Bentonia West Point Hattiesburg Forest Mantachie Sumrall Picayune Columbia Little Rock Olive Branch Gautier Vicksburg Gulfport Perkinston Laurel Petal Purvis Laurel Poplarville Tupelo Ellisville Bay Springs Lucedale Bentonia Tishomingo Laurel Mount Olive Pearl Tupelo Pascagoula Laurel Vancleave Laurel Lucedale Perkinston Natchez Bay Springs Wiggins Picayune Hattiesburg Oxford Vicksburg Rolling Fork 2013 Amount 1,521.53 1,550.00 836.31 1,645.45 258.00 1,120.84 22.15 833.93 143.00 3,335.92 1,300.00 400.00 125.00 6,827.00 552.00 1,372.00 6,176.44 141.22 8,424.76 431.50 112.50 223.00 6,100.57 54.56 6,391.91 465.31 599.73 539.18 2,100.00 10.00 670.32 727.00 240.00 1,259.00 1,173.04 260.00 331.10 4,000.00 3,143.00 278.56 399.44 920.00 140.00 600.00 1,100.00 1,968.09 1,063.32 1,623.53 6,877.63 300.00 2,130.00 257.00 1,668.54 133.97 115,944.94 77 Rio Rancho 1,500.00 1,500.00 1 Owasso Ada Sulphur Wynnewood Chickasha Milburn Alex Howe 610.67 757.89 250.00 1,451.01 360.00 268.00 225.00 186.00 Church First Highland Park Hillcrest Missionary Moorewood New Heights Peniel Pleasant Hill Rocky Point Satterwhite Shady Grove Southern Hills Southgate Sunray Sunshine Unity Total: Number of Churches: OREGON Heritage New Hope Total: Number of Churches: TENNESSEE Crystal Springs Sixth Avenue Total: Number of Churches: TEXAS Anchor Anthony Drive Antioch Antioch Antioch Ashmore Bauman Road Beacon Beacon Hill Beckham Beech Grove Bethel Bethel Bethel Bethel of White Rock Bishop Chapel Calvary Calvary Calvary Calvary Camille Acres Carrell Street Center Hill Center of Life Central Central Central Centro de Vida Centro de Vida Centro de Vida China Grove Clover Hill Concord Corinth Craft Dallas Park Davis Street East Mayfield Ebenezer Friendship City Roland Midwest City Wynnewood Lindsay Leedey Oklahoma City Bethany Blanchard Tupelo Elmore City McAlester Sapulpa Moore Purcell Roff Purcell 2013 Amount Church 550.00 1,401.68 771.69 860.00 8,014.10 1,512.10 1,220.00 390.00 1,165.42 1,050.00 1,827.00 236.86 4,120.00 1,200.00 820.00 5,152.61 34,400.03 24 Portland Eugene 900.00 600.00 1,500.00 2 Bartlett Knoxville 673.87 1,152.77 1,826.64 2 McAllen Ennis Carthage Gilmer Palestine Loop Houston Bryan Waco Sulphur Springs Jasper Groesbeck Orange Port Arthur Dallas Jasper Arlington Fairfield Midlothian Trinidad Longview Tomball Oakhurst Houston Aspermont Bronte Mineola Houston Livingston Tyler Eustace Quitman Gilmer Jacksonville Jacksonville Dallas Sulphur Springs Hemphill Pittsburg 385.00 1,678.98 215.44 2,962.45 300.00 1,500.00 110.00 427.06 3,108.90 540.00 360.00 609.22 125.00 145.00 351.80 526.69 1,545.00 2,999.22 3,078.00 35.00 495.00 413.10 630.00 4,293.25 1,748.17 299.35 162.42 2,500.00 80.00 120.00 320.00 363.91 60.00 547.12 29.16 120.00 1,541.24 762.70 1,040.00 Eighth Avenue Eighth Street Elwood Emmanuel Enon Enterprise Ephesus Evergreen Fair Park Fairview Farley Street Fellowship Fellowship Fellowship Fifth Street First First First First First First First First First First First First First First of Cockrell Hill First of Keltys First of Livingston First of Providence Forest Hill Frankston Friendship Glade Creek Glenfawn Grace Temple Harmony Harmony Harmony O’Dell Heritage Holly Grove Hubbard Chapel Lake Highlands Lake Ridge Landmark Latch Liberty Little Flock Little Mound Lost Prairie Mahl Merriman Hills Missional Missionary Mount Calvary Mount Olive Mount Pisgah Mount Selman Mountain Home Myrtle Springs Nat New Beginnings New Harmony New Hope New Hope Northside Northside Northside Oak Grove 26 City Teague Grand Prairie Wills Point Garland Gilmer Jacksonville Latexo Porter Tyler Lufkin Waxahachie Kirbyville Pittsburg Winnsboro Levelland Beckville Blooming Grove Carthage Flynn Gary Jacksonville Joaquin Morton New Summerfield Palmer Rice Talco Terrell Dallas Lufkin Livingston Livingston Quitman Frankston Mesquite Gilmer Cushing San Angelo Normangee Nacogdoches Huntington Waxahachie Livingston Quitman Sulphur Springs Lubbock Cushing Gilmer Henderson Jewett Gilmer Groesbeck Nacogdoches Sherman Atlanta Paducah Carthage Scurry Quitman Bullard Jacksboro Quitman Nacogdoches Ferris Tyler Mineola Streetman Anson Conroe Garland Canton 2013 Amount 1,841.94 333.00 686.90 310.00 4,235.50 538.99 366.55 705.08 421.34 667.98 6,056.56 300.00 2,667.65 600.00 3,204.42 321.35 4,000.10 15,254.34 3,469.18 115.05 4,024.96 628.50 396.00 158.65 540.00 30.00 100.00 249.93 218.19 1,134.50 2,381.56 1,195.57 509.57 114.66 2,604.63 1,200.00 462.62 585.00 1,007.00 650.00 70.38 2,758.83 414.63 200.00 600.00 17,375.10 721.00 4,171.24 1,540.52 751.20 7,384.60 691.40 3,000.00 154.00 300.00 360.00 275.00 1,620.00 340.86 251.39 100.00 1,832.82 179.00 985.52 3,800.00 2,189.96 2,335.79 300.00 3,387.81 1,140.00 405.78 Church Oak Hill Oasis Old Bethel O’Quinn Pecan Pilgrims Rest Pine Brook Pleasant Hill Prairie Valley Ramah Red Springs Richmond Road Rose Hill Rosewood Round Prairie Sand Flat Sardis Shady Grove Sharon Sheppard Drive Sheridan Terrace Soda South Jefferson South Park Southline Spring Lake Stone Ridge Suburban Wood Sunset Temple Tundra University Walnut Street Ward Prairie Weeks Chapel Westside Zion Hill Total: Number of Churches: VIRGINIA Peninsula Total: Number of Churches: City Gilmer Arlington Canton Pollok Robert Lee Emory Tyler Nacogdoches Whitney Tenaha Tyler Texarkana Mineola Gilmer Fairfield Grand Saline Henderson De Berry Winnsboro Euless Palestine Livingston Mount Pleasant Fort Worth Cleveland Texarkana Kilgore Humble Lamesa Mexia Canton Nacogdoches Winnsboro Fairfield Jasper Nacogdoches Jasper Hampton 2013 Amount 200.00 891.24 2,848.58 753.43 3,150.00 500.00 809.71 2,581.24 480.00 1,000.00 535.55 617.68 217.91 27,110.94 4,131.90 1,007.34 1,144.27 221.00 140.00 1,477.70 656.69 2,063.97 780.00 5,909.00 286.51 2,824.00 931.00 556.76 12,324.38 1,485.80 3,550.65 1,407.09 1,494.17 283.71 1,305.00 637.14 240.00 247,006.64 147 145.00 145.00 1 27 Committee on Arrangements The following locations were suggested for our 2017 annual meeting to be held in the Dallas/Fort Worth area: DFW airport hotel, Mesquite, and Waxahachie, Texas. After considering all suggestions and after visiting five potential locations, the Committee on Arrangements recommends the following: That the 2017 meeting of the Baptist Missionary Association of America be held May 1-3 at the Arlington Convention Center in Arlington, Texas and that the Sheraton Arlington be designated as the primary hotel. Respectively submitted, Charles Attebery Leon Carmical James Ray Raines Committee on Arrangements 28 2013 Financial Statement and 2014 Operating Budget Joint-Recommendation from the Missionary2014 Advisory Committee and 2013 2013 Annual Report 2014 Budget Actual Budget Income/Expense Lifeword BMAA Department of Missions Board of Directors Variance '13Actvs.'13Bud Income: Thank you for your continued support of BMAA global missions. Even though we have some trends that we need to discuss and address in our giving patterns to missions as an association, we are blessed and grateful for your partnership in global missions. would come up with over 120 GeneralFundIncome people. Some of those people are listed in Col. 4. It is my prayer that God will give me and each of you WalkfortheWorld a Col. 4 list when our lives and ministries come to an end. This represents spiritual multiplicationTechnicalServices and missions at its best. $875,000 250,000 Ͳ 40,000 52,585 25,000 1,242,585 $878,623 253,100 4,141 40,000 76,976 34,952 1,287,792 16,635 16,434 $764,000 374,165 12,000 40,000 83,576 27,500 1,301,241 $114,623 (121,065) (7,859) Ͳ (6,600) 7,452 (13,449) Foundation • Ease of Administration At last year’s national meeting, a joint-recommendaCelebration LeaseIncome By forming an LLC instead of a corporation, there tion offered by the Missionary Advisory Committee and Other TotalIncome is much less administrative paperwork and record the Lifeword Board of Directors was approved by the 6,250 a 8,034 22,188 (14,154) CostofGoodsSold keeping than corporation would require. messengers. Item number four in the recommendations 1,236,335 1,279,759 1,279,053 706 GrossProfit stated that the Department of Missions and Lifeword • Transparency of Accounting 249,411 236,678 245,876 (9,198) Media Ministries seek professional legal counsel DirectBroadcastExpense to The profits or losses of the LLC pass directly arrange the most prudent structure for joint-ownership IndirectBroadcastExpense: through to the departments filing773 purposes. 7,200 7,973 7,200for AutoExpense of the property. 165,000 165,000 165,000 Ͳ Depreciation The only loss the BMA of America LLC would For the past two years we have been beating the drum for church multiplication in the United States. This multiplication vision is reflected in the Word of God, which is a missionary narrative from Genesis to Revelation. The Gospels are the record of the Sent One preparing 12 men to “live sent” and turn the world upside down. The book of Acts is the missionary story as it continues to unfold. The epistles were basically all written to church planters or brand new churches. The point is that the New Testament was written in a context of mission and multiplication. It was not written in the context of a mere intellectual pursuit of God; rather, it was written in the realm of true discipleship which calls for surrender, sacrifice, and suffering. In Colossians chapter 4, Paul ends his letter to the believers in Colossae by sending greetings from all the people on his ministry team who were with him in Rome. Someone has said that if you count all the people that Paul prepared and empowered in ministry throughout his twenty-year ministry, you It has recently been brought to my attention how poorly we acknowledge things in our lives that should be cause for celebration. Here are a few things that we celebrate from this past year in BMAA missions. • • • • • We have more missionaries right now than at any time in the 62 year history of our association. All 11 missionary families elected in 2013 are now either on their field or in language training. The 65/35 plan allowed all these families to go AND we had more given to the general fund in 2013 than in 2012. The BMA churches in CO are poised to double in the next few years as they seek to plan new churches. The survivability of BMA church plants has experienced a drastic increase due to the Insurance InterestExpense Maint.Serv.Agreements Miscellaneous Other 20,934 (4,500) show would depreciation for the as21,208 be 24,013 24,827expense (814) 23,363 31,119 36,805 (5,686) Subsequent to last year’s meeting, Missions and sets held. To facilitate allocation of these costs, 14,650 16,807 12,400 4,407 Lifeword personnel met with a legal expert (Attorney 55,032 a Form 84,948 (29,916)member the LLC 42,217 would send K-1 to each 13,150 34,667 13,650 21,017 ProfessionalFees William Adkisson) and a tax/audit expert (CPA Bo department upon its percentage 14,500based 45,569 34,900 10,669of assets Promotion 10,000 11,742 12,200 (458) Conner) to discuss the most suitable structure for Repairs&M an aintenance owned and the depreciation would be a decrease 330,052 670,084 676,550 (6,466) Salaries&Benefits entity to accommodate our legal and financial needs. 24,150 30,565 33,250 Travel to the department’s net investment in (2,685) the LLC on 40,332 45,524 45,120 404 Both individuals recommended the use of a limited Utilities liits books. 340,082 Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ BMAServiceTeamAllocation ability company (LLC). Advantages of using an LLC TotalExpense 1,062,540 1,154,528 1,167,784 (13,256) • Lower Costs as the legal entity for departmental integration are NetIncome/Loss as (75,616) (111,447) (134,607) 23,160 A limited liability company is easy to establish follows: 53,553 30,393 NetIncome+Depr. and there89,384 are minimal ongoing fees to23,160 maintain. • Simple Structure The structure of an LLC allows for multiple owners, or members. A corporation can be a member of an LLC. This allows the creation of an additional level of ownership to facilitate an initiative such as the BMA integration without convoluting one of the entities’ books. If other BMA entities choose to join the integration effort in the future, the LLC is designed to allow for seamless expansion. Based on these findings, the Missionary Advisory Committee and Lifeword Board of Directors offer a joint-recommendation for the creation of the BMA of America LLC as the legal entity to hold the shared assets in Conway. We further recommend that the Missionary Advisory Committee and Lifeword Board of Directors jointly prepare an operating agreement to establish policies and procedures for managing the LLC that meet the specific needs and concerns of each. 29 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL REPORT Ministers Services Ministers Resource Resource Services RETIREMENT AGENCY AGENCY OF OF THE RETIREMENT THE BMA BMA OF OF AMERICA AMERICA RON DIRECTOR RONCHESSER, CHESSER, EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Retirement Averages 8.03% for 11 Years BMA BMA It is with aRETIREMENT thankful heart that I share with you, the AVERAGES messengers of the BMA of America, my fifteenth annual 8.03%FOR11YEARS report as Executive Director of Ministers Resource Ser- ment funds at Ministers Resource Services, a growth the$10,874,090.96 past year we received participants inDuring assets of over thefrom past eleven years. eachnumbers month anrepresent averagepeople. of $113,763.78 for deposit These These people are pasintochurch their BMA Retirement accounts at Ministers tors, staff and employees of the BMA who are Resource Services, a daily average of $3,740.18. diligently preparing for retirement hand in hand with 2013 yearly total we received for deposit into theThe churches and entities of our association. retirement accounts for pastors, church and The BMA Ministers Retirement Plan isstaff approved the BMA wasfor $1,365,165.36, with byemployees the Internalof Revenue Service tax-deferred income last year’s total portfolio growth being from the churches, departments and agencies of the $481,882.46. As of December 31, 2013 there was BMA of America. As a participant in the BMA Ministers a grand total of $14,756,157.83 on deposit in Retirement, a pastor, church staff or employee of the retirement funds at Ministers Resource Services, a BMA mayintax-defer to 100% of theirover annual growth assets ofup$10,874,090.96 the salary past and compensation not to exceed $52,000 dollars each eleven years. These numbers represent people. year. Manning and Napier Advisorychurch Advantage CorporaThese people are pastors, staff and tion of Rochester, NY professionally manage the BMA employees of the BMA who are diligently Retirement throughhand our broker and preparing portfolio for retirement in handFawcett with the Company Manning and Napier churchesInvestment and entitiesStrategies. of our association. have reached 30 billion in assets under management. They had the same investment strategies The have BMA Ministers Retirement Planintact is with their Long Term Growth portfolio for over approved by the Internal Revenue Service for fortytaxfive years. Enrollment in the Retirement Plan deferred income from theMinisters churches, departments and agencies BMA ofpace. America. Aspast a continues to growofat the a consistent During the year 2013 there were 21 new BMA Retirement accounts opened at Ministers Resource Services. Truly vices. First, I want to give thanks to God for the growth we experienced this past year. Each pastor, church staff is with a of thankful heart shareretirement with you,funds the orItemployee the BMA whothat hadI their of the BMA of America, inmessengers the BMA Long Term Growth portfoliomy hadfifteenth a growth annual report as Executive Director of Ministers of 12.60% posted to their account during the year 2013, Resource Services. First, I want to give thanks to which gives us an average growth of 8.03% each year for God for the growth we experienced this past year. the past eleven years. In the past eleven years we have Each pastor, church staff or employee of the BMA posted a total of 88.37% to each LT Growth account. who had their retirement funds in the BMA Long Our money management Napier, Term Growth portfolio team, had a Manning growth ofand 12.60% continues outperform theduring Dow and with posted toto their account the S&P year500 2013, their Long Term Growth portfolio returns. which gives us an average growth of 8.03% each year During we years. received participants for the the past past year eleven In from the past eleven each month an average $113,763.78 fortodeposit into years we have posted of a total of 88.37% each LT their BMA Retirement accounts at Ministers Resource Growth account. Our money management team, Services, averagecontinues of $3,740.18. The 2013 yearly Manninga daily and Napier, to outperform the total we received for deposit into retirement accounts Dow and S&P 500 with their Long Term Growth for pastors,returns. church staff and employees of the BMA was portfolio $1,365,165.36, with last year’s total portfolio growth being $481,882.46. As of December 31, 2013 there was a grand total of $14,756,157.83 on deposit in retire30 needs. Contributions to this fund are received from individuals, groups and churches wishing to be of help to those ministers suffering an extreme financial crisis. Contributions to F.A.M.E. during the year 2013 totaled $4,161.91. Churches in selected states, as well as departments and agencies, are able to purchase Property and Casualty Insurance through the partnership plan between Ministers Resource Services and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company. During the past year Brotherhood Mutual insured approximately 230 BMA churches and entities in 6 states through the partnership plan with Ministers Resource Services. our churches and pastors are catching the vision for retirement. Serving the Servants of God No matter what ministry we are involved in we are challenged daily to make disciples of all nations. We who name the name of Jesus must remember it is all about living up to His call on our lives as we make a renewed firm commitment in seeing that others learn the disciplines of being a true follower of Jesus! The BMA of America as an association must hasten in carrying out the great commission for the cause of Christ; therefore, let’s pursue with diligence every God given opportunity for ministry. Ministers Resource Services is only one part of the whole in the ministry of the BMA of America. Our ministry is unique to any other in our association. We are not planting churches, broadcasting the gospel, training individuals for ministry or sharing the Word through printed page, but we are serving those who minister in every department, agency and church. We serve those who serve others; indeed, our slogan is true, “We Serve the Servants of God.” Our Missions Statement is to provide retirement, benevolent, and financial services to the pastors, churches and entities of the Baptist Missionary Association of America. Our mission is clear; therefore we are committed more than ever before about the opportunities God will continue to give us in serving others with their retirement and financial needs. The various ministries and programs of Ministers Resource Services confirm our purpose in the BMA of America. Working hand in hand with the BMA Ministers Retirement Plan is the Ministers Benevolent Society and Auxiliary. The Benevolent Society operates as a death benefit fund that is payable upon death to the survivors of enrolled ministers and wives by a voluntary contribution of $10.00 per member. During the past year there were 22 deaths in the Benevolent Society resulting in a total death benefit of $60,600.00 that was paid to the families of the deceased. During the past year there were 7 new members added to the Ministers Benevolent Society and Auxiliary. Since its inception the Benevolent Society has paid a total of $1,594,927.00 to the families of deceased members. F.A.M.E. (Funds to Alleviate Ministers Emergencies) helps those ministers who have urgent financial Heartfelt Gratitude A sincere word of appreciation is expressed to our Board of Trustees: Eddie Ballard, Eddie Booth, Norman Crass, Ray Holland, Ron Ledford, Kenneth Lott, David Pickard and Ed Ridge for their dedication and faithfulness. Their expertise in the financial arena is a must to the ministry of Ministers Resource Services. I am extremely thankful that these men all share with me the same passion, helping pastors and church staff plan for retirement. This year our prayers and sympathy go to Ms. Janie Burnett upon the loss of her husband, Bro. Randy Burnett, one of our board members. Bro. Burnett was a faithful, devoted board member of MRS, in fact he was on the board of trustees in 1999 when I accepted the position as director. Our prayer is that God will continue to give his wife and family strength and grace in the days ahead. Words are inadequate in expressing personal thanks to my Administrative Assistants, Sharon Daniels and Alice Griffin. The work of Ministers Resource Services would not be what it is today without their faithfulness to this ministry. Together they have over 50 years of service. For Alice and Sharon it is not just a job, it is a calling. Without these ladies it would be impossible for me to do the work of MRS. Loving appreciation is also expressed to my wife, Gloria. Without her support and prayers it would be difficult for me to serve as Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services. My heart is extremely thankful to our Lord for allowing Ministers Resource Services to operate with great 31 “financial freedom” over the past fourteen years. To God be the glory! If your church is supporting this ministry, we express our sincere appreciation. If your church is not supporting Ministers Resource Services, we ask you to give prayerful consideration to the financial support of this ministry. May God bless you for what you are able to do for MRS. My gratitude is expressed to all those pastors, churches and associations, in 15 states, who over the past fourteen plus years have allowed me to share my vision of enrolling every pastor in the BMA Ministers Retirement Plan. During the past year it was my joy to travel across five states sharing the ministries of MRS with our churches and associations. Pastors, my thanks to you for allowing me to fulfill the call that God has placed upon my life. serves should also have a part in his retirement. Just as most businesses provide retirement for their employees, I believe churches should provide retirement benefits for the man who preaches the Word and ministers among people. You may contact Ministers Resource Services, the retirement agency of the BMA of America, at P. O. Box 2866, Texarkana, AR 75504, by phone at 870774-2654 or email Executive Director, Ron Chesser, at [email protected] to request a retirement packet or to open an account. Recommendations 1. That Ron Chesser stand as nominee for Executive Director of Ministers Resource Services. 2. That $18,000.00 of the Executive Director’s salary be designated as housing allowance. 3. That the budget of $252,034.08 be approved. 4. That a moment of silence be observed and a special prayer be offered for the families and churches of the 22 members of the Ministers Benevolent Society and Auxiliary who passed away during 2013. 5. We urge each church to enroll her pastor and church staff in the BMA Retirement Plan at Ministers Resource Services. 6. We urge our pastors, their wives and each local church to enroll in the Ministers Benevolent Society and Auxiliary. 7. We urge each church to include Ministers Resource Services in her monthly budgeted offerings to the various departments of the BMA of America and that each church also receive a special offering on Sunday, October 26, 2014 for Ministers Resource Services as we celebrate Pastor Appreciation month throughout the BMAA. 8. We urge continued prayer for the Executive Director, Board of Trustees and Office Staff of Ministers Resource Services. Looking Ahead Ministers Resource Services exists to help God’s servants make financial preparation for the future. The picture of the ant in Proverbs storing away food for a later season is a wonderful Biblical principle of preparing for the future. Our ministry is helping pastors, church staff and employees of the BMA make the right choice in preparing financially for retirement. Someone said recently regarding retirement, we must learn to work longer, spend less, and save more. I believe this applies to everyone including preachers. It is a fact that most people usually spend all they earn. The truth is most folks don’t make any effort to save money for a later time in life. The priority of Ministers Resource Services is to encourage every pastor and church staff to look ahead and prepare financially for the future by having a BMA Retirement account. God has not only called me to help our pastors plan for retirement but also to educate our churches that they need to be a part of that process. My goal is to see every church in the BMAA enrolling her pastor and church staff in the BMA Retirement Plan at MRS. My prayer is to see every pastor, no matter what age, saving money for retirement through Ministers Resource Services, the retirement agency of the BMA of America. Along with the pastor’s participation, I believe the church he 32 Director, Board of Trustees and Office Staff of Ministers Resource Services. Ministers Resource Services We sincerely thank you for your financial and spiritual support for Ministers Resource Services P. O. Box 2866 4001 Jefferson Ave. Texarkana, AR 75504-2866 870-774-2654 Ron Chesser Executive Director Alice Griffin Sharon Daniels Administrative Assistants Fax: 870-773-0264 Email: [email protected] BMA RETIREMENT AVERAGES 8.03% ANNUALLY The Long Term Growth accounts at Ministers Resource Services have averaged a growth of 8.03% each year for the past eleven years. In the past eleven years, we have posted a total of 88.37% to each Long Term Growth account. For the year 2013 we posted a 12.60% return to each account. The BMA Retirement portfolio assets totaled $14,756,157.83 on December 31, 2013. In 2013 the BMA Retirement portfolio grew $481,882.46. In 2013 MRS received and deposited $1,365,165.36 to participants' retirement accounts, a daily average of $3,740.18. The BMA Retirement portfolio over the past eleven years has had a growth in assets of $10,874,090.96. MARKET PERFORMANCE The Dow has averaged 7.32% each year for the past eleven years. The Nasdaq has averaged 13.11% each year for the past eleven years. The S & P 500 has averaged 6.35% each year for the past eleven years. MINISTERS RESOURCE SERVICES 2013 CONTRIBUTIONS ARKANSAS Central, Ashdown Worden, Bald Knob Fairview, Blytheville Walnut Grove, Brookland Antioch, Conway 1,195.00 275.00 180.00 110.00 5,477.72 33 Macedonia, Magnolia Antioch, McGehee Faith, Mena Antioch, Nashville Chapel Hill, New Edinburg Meadowview, Pine Bluff Temple, Rogers Cherrywood, Sherwood Central, Texarkana Shiloh, Waldo 695.92 487.67 180.30 180.00 749.94 99.52 479.84 110.00 427.13 130.00 MINISTERS RESOURCE SERVICES 2013 CONTRIBUTIONS ARKANSAS Central, Ashdown Worden, Bald Knob Fairview, Blytheville Walnut Grove, Brookland Antioch, Conway Friendship, DeQueen Bethlehem, Greenbrier Immanuel, Greenbrier Pleasant Valley, Greenbrier Denver Street, Greenwood Hattieville, Hattieville Victory, Hampton Old Hickory, Hattieville Landmark, Hermitage Unity, Hope Letona, Letona Antioch West, Magnolia First, Magnolia Macedonia, Magnolia Antioch, McGehee Faith, Mena Antioch, Nashville Chapel Hill, New Edinburg Meadowview, Pine Bluff Temple, Rogers Cherrywood, Sherwood Central, Texarkana Shiloh, Waldo Calvary, Warren Bethel, Fulton Magnolia, Hattiesburg First of Calhoun, Laurel First of Shady Grove, Laurel Lebanon, Laurel Parkview, Laurel Spring Hill, Laurel First, Mantachie Skyway Hills, Pearl Lee’s Chapel #2, Picayune Plainview, Poplarville Midway, Sumrall Antioch, Taylorsville $ 1,195.00 275.00 180.00 110.00 5,477.72 238.56 350.36 350.71 120.00 108.00 10.00 120.00 60.00 120.00 1,531.20 516.30 935.00 1,500.00 695.92 487.67 180.30 180.00 749.94 99.52 479.84 110.00 427.13 130.00 150.00 KANSAS First, Galena 720.00 LOUISIANA Harding Street, Baker Franklin St., Farmerville Chalybeate Spgs, Plain Dealing First, Springhill Calvary, Vidalia 225.00 120.00 60.00 850.00 120.00 MISSISSIPPI First, Bay Springs 100.00 MISSOURI Bethel, Lonedell Naylor, Naylor First, Potosi White Oak Grove, Potosi Bethel, Sikeston Bethel, St. Clair New Testament, Sullivan Zalma, Zalma 34 $ 377.00 393.00 300.00 119.25 309.00 293.39 120.00 302.00 450.00 294.00 10.00 1,800.00 45.00 529.00 144.00 120.00 120.00 225.00 329.00 1,339.00 68.52 OKLAHOMA College Heights, Ada Southgate, Moore Hillcrest, Wynnewood 92.00 120.00 771.69 TEXAS Calvary, Arlington Oasis, Arlington First, Blooming Grove Beacon, Bryan First, Carthage Mt. Calvary, Carthage Northside, Conroe Landmark, Cushing Bethel, Dallas Calvary, Fairfield Round Prairie, Fairfield South Park, Ft. Worth Antioch, Gilmer 110.00 120.00 300.00 408.14 600.00 275.00 667.83 120.00 130.37 700.68 826.20 45.00 120.00 Sand Flat, Grand Saline Center of Life, Houston Suburban Wood, Humble Corinth, Jacksonville Enterprise, Jacksonville First, Jacksonville Camille Acres, Longview First of Keltys, Lufkin Friendship, Mesquite Central, Mineola Rose Hill, Mineola Harmony, Nacogdoches Center Hill, Oakhurst Missionary, Paducah Myrtle Springs, Quitman First, Rice Pecan, Robert Lee Beacon Hill, Waco Walnut Street, Winnsboro TOTAL Proposed Budget — 2014 90.00 858.64 431.76 120.00 248.57 250.00 300.00 553.14 120.00 324.55 366.34 600.00 42.00 234.39 916.42 10.00 350.00 224.90 271.90 INCOME Contributions $ 40,000.00 Investments217,000.00 TOTAL INCOME $ 257,000.00 EXPENSE Administrative $ 177,234.08 Operational74,800.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 38,489.85 35 $ 252,034.08 Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary Est. 1955 ANNUAL REPORT BAPTIST MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Dr. Charley Holmes, President Buena Vista, New Jersey: February 7, 2013 A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants. My name shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of Hosts (Malachi 1:11). …That every knee should bow…and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God (Philippians 2:10-11). Worthy art thou to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation (Revelation 5:9). Haugesund, Norway: January 15, 2013 A Muslim stabs two Christians who converted from Islam. Such headlines are all too common in our day. Most informed people realize that these attacks on nonMuslims, though widespread geographically, are a part of the ultimate goal of Islam: subjugation of the world including us, our children, and grandchildren. Sometimes we wonder, "What should I do to retard the spread of this 'peaceful' religion?” Perhaps, more often we ask, "What CAN I do?" Perhaps unknowingly, you are already doing the only thing that will really help, assisting BMA Seminary to train Muslim converts to take the love of Christ to their friends and family. Today’s Headlines: Unguwar Kajit, Nigeria: January 31, 2014 Seven Members of a Christian family are murdered in their own home by Muslim gunmen. Marmarita, Syria: January 8, 2014 A young Christian is beheaded after Islamists discover him wearing a cross necklace. Several years ago, Ashraf and Rasha Sara came to the Seminary from our church in Baghdad, Iraq. Both Ashraf and Rasha were excellent students and Ashraf is now working in a thriving BMAA mission in Dallas, reaching Arabs from many countries for Christ, and Rasha will soon be working with him in the same mission. Bangui, CAR (Central African Republic): December 5, 2013 Three pastors, including a father of eleven, are murdered in a Muslim rampage. Ain Shams, Egypt: August 6, 2013 A 10-year-old Christian girl is shot through the heart in front of her church by pro-Muslim Brotherhood activists. Ashtabula, Ohio: March 24, 2013 A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran (Koran) and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah. Fifteen years ago, after attending the University of Texas, the Lord saved Iraj, a middle-aged man who was born in a Muslim home in Iran. Later, God called 36 him to preach and providentially sent him to the BMA Seminary campus in Jacksonville. Iraj has since planted an Iranian Baptist Church in the Dallas area, worked with LifeWord in broadcasting the gospel into Iran, and makes multiple trips to Turkey and Armenia each year to evangelize Iranian refugees. Iraj is also a "Paul." He knows he must pass his knowledge and discipleship skills to others. God has called two other Iranian men to preach under his ministry in Dallas. One has started classes in Jacksonville and the other will follow as soon as finances are available. ministry to make sure the current and new generation is equipped to make disciples the way Jesus did. This year is the BMA Seminary's 57th year of taking faithful men and equipping them to teach faithful men who can teach others also. This year you are not only doing well in training men from the Arab world to reach their own, you also are equipping disciple makers from China, Korea, Mexico, France, Costa Rica, the Philippines, Bolivia, Honduras, and states other than Texas: Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, and Washington. This current semester, we have students registered from Nevada and Hawaii. The total number of students from this past year was 186. You are doing the only thing that really changes the lives and hearts of Muslims–training. You are training men to win Muslims to Christ and training them to reach their family and friends. The Lord has also blessed in the area of our stewardship. The Seminary has no debt. The only blemish on the year’s finances was that we ended the year May 31, 2013, with a small deficit ($2,505.00). The minor deficit came primarily from a good thing. Through the years we have bought properties adjacent to the campus to increase our student housing and control the safety of our neighborhood. In May, a house across the street from the campus came on the market and we were able to purchase it for $63,000. The money came from endowment earnings and the current fund. The purchase put us in the red for the year. However, God has blessed and friends of the Seminary from across the U.S. have given over $53,000.00 toward the purchase. Nothing facilitates that better than Christ-Centered Preaching, Christ-Centered Worship, and ChristCentered Discipleship. These are the very things that are at the core of the BMA Seminary. We believe what Jesus said in Luke 24:25-27 is true, that all the scriptures in existence at His time (the law, the prophets and the psalms,) spoke concerning Him. And we know that He pre-authenticated the writings of the New Testament. Every preacher's goal should be that of Paul, to preach Christ and Him crucified. That is done by connecting application to any Scripture passage containing something Jesus has done, is doing, or has promised to do. Christ-centered worship means that we search the Scriptures of the living Lord to find a precedent for anything we do in public or private worship. We believe that if the Bible does not command it or give solid approval of God’s blessing on it, we must shun it; otherwise we are worshipping ourselves and it is worthless before God (Colossians 2:23 & Matthew 15: 8-9 to the Pharisees). The Seminary is not only sound in Baptist doctrine, but also sound in its educational credentials. Last year we passed our third 10-year renewal with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, the premier accrediting agency of the southern U.S. That means that any degree earned at BMA Seminary is recognized at the same level as any master's degree from the major universities in the South. Christ-centered discipleship is making disciples the way that Jesus did. Jesus preached to multitudes, taught smaller groups, and spent perhaps the majority of his time mentoring individuals. One-on-many, oneon-some, one-on-one. Baptist preachers have done well through the ages with the one-on-many and oneon-some aspects, but have largely failed at what Jesus worked the hardest, ONE-ON-ONE. The Seminary is doing all we can through the BMAA's DiscipleWay The Seminary has launched an on-line degree program to help those who cannot move to Jacksonville. These programs were recently approved by our regional accrediting agency and may be registered for this summer and fall. This degree can be augmented with one week intensive classes on the main campus in the winter and summer. We also launched a series of free online classes for those who 37 want to learn but don't want the pressure of completing a degree. Completion of seven (7) of of comthe free want to learn but don't want the pressure classes earns the participant a Certificate in Christian pleting a degree. Completion of seven (7) of the free Leadership. initial offering of free classes this classes earns theThe participant a Certificate in Christian past fall was a success, with over 30 new Leadership. The initial offering of free classesstudents this enrolled. There are 30 enrolled again past fall was a success, with over 30 this newspring. students enrolled. There are 30 enrolled again this spring. Anyone interested in online degrees or the free class program should in stay in touch withor the Anyone interested online degrees the Seminary free class by visitingshould our website, program stay in, touch with ortheconnecting Seminary to bythe Seminary's Facebook page or forconnecting updates on class visiting our website,, to the offerings and special events. Seminary's Facebook page for updates on class offerings and special events. This year Seminary graduation will be Saturday, May 17,year 2014 at 2:00 p.m. with Scott Attebery This Seminary graduation will Dr. be Saturday, May delivering the commencement address. We are asking 17, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. with Dr. Scott Attebery all our BMA churches to observe Sunday, 18 as delivering the commencement address. We areMay asking Seminary Sunday by having special prayer for all our BMA churches to observe Sunday, May 18 asthe Seminary in the andspecial p.m. services thattheour Seminary Sunday by a.m. having prayer for graduatesin the will a.m. be and faithful to Christ-Centered Seminary p.m. services that our Preaching,will Worship, and Disciple always in graduates be faithful to Making, Christ-Centered line withWorship, historic Baptist principles. We always also request Preaching, and Disciple Making, in churches receiving special linethat withour historic Baptistconsider principles. We also arequest offering. A substantial offering dedicated thatscholarship our churches consider receiving a special to scholarships incoming students in the fall scholarship offering.for A substantial offering dedicated is a great encouragement to young to semester scholarships for incoming students in the pastors fall and missionaries. Please be as generous as possible. semester is a great encouragement to young pastors and missionaries. Please be as generous as possible. As always, we gladly accept any invitation to share ministry as a special for associational, Asthe always, we gladly acceptprogram any invitation to share WMA program meetings.for If your association theBrotherhood, ministry as aorspecial associational, would like or to WMA schedule a visit Ifplease 800-259Brotherhood, meetings. your call association 5673like and to askschedule for the president's 800-259would a visit please 5673 and ask for the president's office. We are always eager to express our gratitude in and take advantage of every invitation Weperson are always eager to express our gratitude in to provide student of speakers our churches person andfaculty take and advantage every for invitation to and associational meetings. To arrange for a speaker, provide faculty and student speakers for our churches the seminary through our toll number: andcontact associational meetings. To arrange for free a speaker, 800-259-5673. contact the seminary through our toll free number: 800-259-5673. BMA Seminary Trustees Danny Pitts, Chairman BMAForrest Seminary Trustees Priest, Vice Chairman Danny Chairman JudyPitts, McNeill, Secretary Forrest Vice Chairman DonPriest, Brown, Asst. Secretary Judy McNeill, Secretary Ray Adams John Allen Don Brown, Asst. Secretary Reggie Blake Dennis Knight RayTom Adams John Allen Mitchell Gary Murph Reggie Dennis Knight MikeBlake Puckett G. Dean Soape TomJerry Mitchell Gary Murph Stacy Jake Vandenberg Mike Puckett G. Dean Soape Jerry Stacy Jake Vandenberg Recommendations: Recommendations: Affirm the proposed budget (1) (1)(2) Affirm the proposed budget of Dr. Charley Re-affirm the appointment Holmestheasappointment president of Dr. Charley (2) Re-affirm as president (3)Holmes Each church observe Sunday, May 18, 2014, as church Graduation Sunday withMay 18, 2014, (3) Each observe Sunday, a. specialSunday prayer for our graduates as Graduation with a special scholarship b. receive a. special prayer for our graduates offering to support the training of future BMAto b. receive a special scholarship offering pastors missionaries that support theand training of futureonBMA Sunday pastors and missionaries on that Sunday Proposed 2013-2014 Budget Income: Proposed 2013-2014 Budget Auxiliary Enterprises $ 86,000.00 Income: Endowment Income 28,950.00 Auxiliary Enterprises $ 86,000.00 Church Offerings 713,800.00 Endowment Income 28,950.00 Special gifts—All 233,300.00 Church Offerings 713,800.00 Tuition and Fees 317,080.00 Special gifts—All 233,300.00 All Other Income 24,000.00 Tuition and Fees 317,080.00 TotalIncome $1,393,130.00 All Other 24,000.00 Total $1,393,130.00 Expenditures: Academic Dean’s Office $ 104,923.00 Expenditures: Biblical Dean’s StudiesOffice Department 215,780.00 Academic $ 104,923.00 Bookstore 6,000.00 Biblical Studies Department 215,780.00 Business Office 65,256.00 Bookstore 6,000.00 Christian Education Department 63,878.00 Business Office 65,256.00 ChurchEducation MinistriesDepartment Department 47,939.00 Christian 63,878.00 Development Office 55,104.00 Church Ministries Department 47,939.00 Extension Department 48,264.00 Development Office 55,104.00 GeneralDepartment Administrative 218,914.00 Extension 48,264.00 Library Operations 146,894.00 General Administrative 218,914.00 Plant Operations Operation and Maintenance 83,560.00 Library 146,894.00 President’s Office 150,866.00 Plant Operation and Maintenance 83,560.00 Recruitment 14,868.00 President’s Office 150,866.00 Student Aid 80,000.00 Recruitment 14,868.00 Student 22,080.00 Student AidHousing 80,000.00 Student Services 7,620.00 Student Housing 22,080.00 Theological-Historical Department 58,163.00 Student Services 7,620.00 Total $1,390,109.00 Theological-Historical Department 58,163.00 Total $1,390,109.00 BMA Seminary President Benefits Salary—$73,542.00 BMA Seminary President Benefits One-half Social Security Salary—$73,542.00 Retirement—6% One-half Social Security Family Medical—Car Furnished Retirement—6% Family Medical—Car Furnished 38 TOP 100 GIVERS TO BMA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY JUNE 1, 2012—MAY 31, 2013 First-Magnolia, AR First-Carthage, TX First-Jacksonville, TX Antioch-Conway, AR New Hope-Streetman, TX Unity-Hope, AR Rosewood-Gilmer, TX Farley Street-Waxahachie, TX Harmony-Normangee, TX Springhill-Greenbrier, AR Mount Calvary-Carthage, TX Lake Ridge-Lubbock, TX Immanuel-Nashville, AR Keltys First-Lufkin, TX First-Blooming Grove, TX Calvary-Fairfield, TX Paramount-Perkinston, MS Little Flock-Jewett, TX Temple-Mexia, TX Sand Prairie-Normangee, TX First-Damascus, AR First-Springhill, LA Central-Ashdown, AR Midway First-Sumrall, MS Bethel-Fulton, MS Worden-Bald Knob, AR Walnut Road-Springhill, LA New Hope-Mineola, TX South Park-Fort Worth, TX Magnolia-Hattiesburg, MS Smyrna-Winnsboro, TX Beacon Hill-Waco, TX Park Place-Little Rock, AR Myrtle Springs-Quitman, TX Macedonia-Magnolia, AR Walnut Street-Winnsboro, TX Northside-Conroe, TX Beacon-Taylor, AR Afton Grove-Jacksonville, TX Good Hope-Columbia, MS New Harmony-Tyler, TX South Jefferson-Mt. Pleasant, TX Immanuel-Sheridan, AR Skyway Hills-Pearl, MS Anthony Drive-Ennis, TX First-Taylor, AR First-Judson, TX Jackson-Canton, TX Bethlehem-Greenbrier, AR Little Mound-Big Sandy, TX 136,600.00 37,653.98 30,531.83 21,103.38 15,754.85 11,590.83 11,074.48 7,896.02 7,512.00 6,539.00 5,795.00 5,666.47 5,653.77 5,555.54 5,379.12 5,256.54 5,081.00 4,960.98 4,343.27 4,260.00 4,164.68 4,130.00 3,834.00 3,604.07 3,582.00 3,570.09 3,468.87 3,386.54 3,300.00 3,140.00 3,075.00 3,069.90 2,989.98 2,771.03 2,726.86 2,698.08 2,637.31 2,588.34 2,553.76 2,531.43 2,496.03 2,496.00 2,353.30 2,340.00 2,325.37 2,283.68 2,281.00 2,243.41 2,215.91 2,200.00 Mount Olive Association, TX Shady Grove-Prescott, AR Greenpond-Como, TX Antioch West-Magnolia, AR First of Shady Grove-Laurel, MS First Of Cross Roads-Athens, TX Jackson-Joaquin, TX Mahl-Nacogdoches, TX Liberty-Henderson, TX Fifth Street-Levelland, TX Friendship-Mesquite, TX Soda-Livingston, TX West Race-Searcy, AR Eighth Avenue-Teague, TX Pecan-Robert Lee, TX Central Texas Baptist Assoc-TX Center Grove-Cord, AR Calvary-Arlington, TX Faith-Saint Charles, MO Oakland-Vicksburg, MS Fairview-Blytheville, AR University-Nacogdoches, TX Mount Olive-Scurry, TX Enon-Gilmer, TX Bethel-Lonedell, MO First-Mantachie, MS Temple-Little Rock, AR Tundra-Canton, TX Davis Street-Sulphur Springs, TX Bethel-Clayton, TX Enterprise-Jacksonville, TX Westover-Hattiesburg, MS Wyatt-El Dorado, AR Union-Normangee, TX Calvary-Marvell, AR Sand Flat-Grand Saline, TX Heritage-Waxahachie, TX First-Joaquin, TX Lebanon-Laurel, MS Victory-Hampton, AR Temple-Rogers, AR Southgate-Moore, OK Trace City-Natchez, MS Macedonia-Etoile, TX Trinity-Magnolia, AR First Of Las Colinas-Irving, TX Old Bethel-Canton, TX Cornerstone-Raymore, MO First-Caldwell, AR Little River-Manila, AR 39 2,165.82 2,155.00 2,150.51 2,100.00 2,086.75 2,062.40 2,052.54 2,027.66 1,952.11 1,952.00 1,914.08 1,905.60 1,897.00 1,842.18 1,800.00 1,795.00 1,751.00 1,745.00 1,721.35 1,713.20 1,708.89 1,674.59 1,620.00 1,602.00 1,590.00 1,583.00 1,580.14 1,576.50 1,554.55 1,530.41 1,524.07 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,469.30 1,465.22 1,464.75 1,452.86 1,447.50 1,440.00 1,418.00 1,402.76 1,400.00 1,370.84 1,350.15 1,347.00 1,338.39 1,314.75 1,311.00 1,303.57 1,302.36 Contributions BMA Theological Seminary Contributions—June 1, 2012—May 31, 2013 June 2012Contributions May 2013 Afton Grove-Jacksonville, TX Amity-Doniphan, MO Anchor-McAllen, TX Anthony Drive-Ennis, TX Antioch East-Magnolia, AR Antioch West-Magnolia, AR Antioch-Carthage, TX Antioch-Conway, AR Antioch-Fairfield, TX Antioch-Gilmer, TX Antioch-McGehee, AR Antioch-Nashville, AR Antioch-Palestine, TX Antioch-Taylorsville, MS Ash Street-Muskogee, OK Ballardsville-Tupelo, MS Bardwell-Bardwell, TX Beacon Hill-Waco, TX Beacon-Blytheville, AR Beacon-Bryan, TX Beacon-Taylor, AR Beech Grove-Jasper, TX Berean-Soso, MS Bethany-Jonesboro, AR Bethel of White Rock-Dallas, TX Bethel-Clayton, TX Bethel-Fulton, MS Bethel-Groesbeck, TX Bethel-Lonedell, MO Bethel-Orange, TX Bethlehem-Greenbrier, AR Bethlehem-Magnolia, AR Big Creek-Soso, MS Big Oak-Fulton, MS Bishop Chapel-Jasper, TX Blackjack-Troup, TX Blanchard Springs-Junction City, AR Bodcaw #2-Rosston, AR Bradford-Bradford, AR Buena Vista-Timpson, TX Buffalo Missionary-Buffalo, TX Buffalo-McLain, MS Calvary-Arlington, TX Calvary-Fairfield, TX Calvary-Fayetteville, AR Calvary-Jacksonville, TX Calvary-Marvell, AR Calvary-Midlothian, TX Calvary-Smackover, AR Calvary-Stamps, AR Calvary-Vidalia, LA Calvary-Warren, AR Calvary-White Hall, AR 2,553.76 780.00 260.00 2,325.37 1,200.00 2,100.00 292.17 21,103.38 500.00 766.23 662.21 900.00 792.00 285.00 900.00 200.00 1,093.78 3,069.90 487.22 437.18 2,588.34 210.00 300.00 224.00 548.78 1,530.41 3,582.00 509.57 1,590.00 45.00 2,215.91 588.75 1,220.20 600.00 511.94 911.31 295.00 500.00 156.00 308.86 23.87 337.21 1,745.00 5,256.54 900.00 600.00 1,465.22 275.00 272.75 15.00 805.92 200.00 120.00 Camille Acres-Longview, TX Canaan-Franklinton, LA Caney-Sulphur Springs, TX Cedar Creek-Teague, TX Center Grove-Cord, AR Center Hill-Oakhurst, TX Center of Life-Houston, TX Centerville-Mantachie, MS Central-Ashdown, AR Central-Bronte, TX Central-Hughes, AR Central-Mineola, TX Central-Texarkana, AR Charity-Columbia, MO Chenal Valley-Little Rock, AR Cherokee-Gilmer, TX China Grove-Eustace, TX Christina Park-Lakeland, FL Clear Creek-Marquez, TX Clover Hill-Quitman, TX College Avenue-Levelland, TX College Heights-Ada, OK College View-Magnolia, AR Concord #1-Concord, TX Concord Mission-Concord, AR Corinth-Jacksonville, TX Corinth-Magnolia, AR Corinth-Petal, MS Cornerstone-Bentonville, AR Cornerstone-Raymore, MO Cornerstone-Swartz Creek, MI Craft-Jacksonville, TX Creston Hills-Jackson, MS Cross Roads-Winnsboro, TX Dallas Park-Dallas, TX Davis Street-Sulphur Springs, TX Denver Street-Greenwood, AR East Amory-Amory, MS East Foothills-Lindale, TX East Fulton-Fulton, MS East Mayfield-Hemphill, TX Eastside-Conway, AR Ebenezer Friendship-Pittsburg, TX Ebenezer-Richards, TX Eighth Avenue-Teague, TX Eighth Street-Grand Prairie, TX El Camino Mission-Laurel, MS Elwood-Wills Point, TX Emmanuel-Garland, TX Enon First-Iola, TX Enon-Gilmer, TX Enterprise-Jacksonville, TX Evergreen Park-West Monroe, LA 40 June 2012May 2013 581.19 240.00 350.00 1,095.68 1,751.00 336.00 770.52 45.00 3,834.00 125.40 353.00 529.01 481.92 150.00 50.00 180.00 1,200.00 400.86 97.28 603.57 1,079.55 295.55 1,197.69 137.43 732.36 697.60 70.00 216.00 180.00 1,311.00 967.00 174.89 76.14 457.79 120.00 1,554.55 1,110.00 300.00 868.60 1,215.00 745.68 1,032.00 1,160.00 145.00 1,842.18 329.00 48.70 1,038.73 210.00 800.00 1,602.00 1,524.07 617.35 Contributions BMA Theological Seminary Contributions—June 1, 2012—May 31, 2013 June 2012Contributions May 2013 Evergreen-Porter, TX Evergreen-Seminary, MS Fair Park-Tyler, TX Fairview-Blytheville, AR Fairview-Lufkin, TX Faith-Independence, MO Faith-Mena, AR Faith-Saint Charles, MO Farley Street-Waxahachie, TX Farmington-Corinth, MS Fellowship-Edinburg, TX Fellowship-Magnolia Springs, TX Fellowship-Pittsburg, TX Fifth Street-Levelland, TX First Missionary-Morton, TX First Missionary-Terrell, TX First N. Lewisville-Lewisville, AR First of Calhoun-Laurel, MS First of Cockrell Hill-Dallas, TX First of Cross Roads-Athens, TX First of Las Colinas-Irving, TX First of Providence-Livingston, TX First of Shady Grove-Laurel, MS First Windsor Park-Ocean Springs, MS First Regular-Galena, KS First-Avalon, TX First-Bay Springs, MS First-Beckville, TX First-Blooming Grove, TX First-Caldwell, AR First-Carthage, TX First-Cave Springs, AR First-Damascus, AR First-Desoto, TX First-Ferris, TX First-Gary, TX First-Gurdon, AR First-Jacksonville, TX First-Joaquin, TX First-Judson, TX First-Louin, MS First-Magnolia, AR First-Mantachie, MS First-Maydelle, TX First-McNeil, AR First-New Caney, TX First-New Summerfield, TX First-Palmer, TX First-Potosi, MO First-Rosser, TX First-Springhill, LA First-Talco, TX First-Taylor, AR 810.78 250.00 502.90 1,708.89 681.70 300.00 365.73 1,721.35 7,896.02 600.00 240.00 378.13 602.87 1,952.00 660.00 530.58 300.00 480.00 317.42 2,062.40 1,338.39 1,065.74 2,086.75 630.54 820.00 150.58 490.08 717.07 5,379.12 1,303.57 37,653.98 200.00 4,164.68 616.07 144.74 106.20 1,200.00 30,531.83 1,447.50 2,281.00 120.00 136,600.00 1,583.00 1,070.50 1,200.00 1,299.43 873.06 390.00 180.00 364.78 4,130.00 230.30 2,283.68 First-Waldo, AR Forest Hill-Quitman, TX Friendship-DeQueen, AR Friendship-Greenbrier, AR Friendship-Harviell, MO Friendship-Jacksonville, TX Friendship-Mesquite, TX Fuller Springs-Lufkin, TX Garrett Memorial-Hope, AR Glade Creek-Gilmer, TX Glenfawn-Cushing, TX Good Hope-Columbia, MS Good Hope-Edgewood, TX Grace Temple-San Angelo, TX Grace-El Dorado, AR Grace-Joplin, MO Grace-Russellville, AR Gravel Ridge-Nacogdoches, TX Grays Prairie-Scurry, TX Greenpond-Como, TX Greenwood-Fulton, MS Harmony Odell-Huntington, TX Harmony-Hurley, MS Harmony-Nacogdoches, TX Harmony-Normangee, TX Harvest-Lufkin, TX Hattieville-Hattieville, AR Heritage-Waxahachie, TX Herman-Bono, AR Highland Park-Midwest City, OK Hillcrest-Texarkana, TX Hillcrest-Wynnewood, OK Hillcrest-Yazoo City, MS Hopewell-Fulton, MS Hopewell-Laurel, MS Hubbard Chapel-Quitman Immanuel-Greenbrier, AR Immanuel-Nashville, AR Immanuel-Sheridan, AR Jackson-Canton, TX Jackson-Joaquin, TX Keltys First-Lufkin, TX Lake Highlands-Sulphur Springs, TX Lake Ridge-Lubbock, TX Lakeview-Mayflower, AR Landmark-Cushing, TX Landmark-De Soto, MO Landmark-England, AR Latch-Gilmer, TX Leakesville Miss.-Leakesville, MS Lebanon-Laurel, MS Lee's Chapel #1-Carriere, MS Lee's Chapel #2-Picayune, MS 41 June 2012May 2013 921.00 490.39 461.91 1,200.00 180.00 752.22 1,914.08 177.00 600.00 100.00 1,086.48 2,531.43 243.86 960.00 162.22 550.00 600.00 300.00 60.00 2,150.51 446.00 120.25 106.36 600.00 7,512.00 914.03 180.00 1,452.86 500.00 161.17 50.00 696.15 896.30 426.00 75.00 150.00 650.00 5,653.77 2,353.30 2,243.41 2,052.54 5,555.54 1,300.00 5,666.47 60.00 1,041.00 50.00 409.93 100.00 245.00 1,440.00 235.00 250.00 Contributions BMA Theological Seminary Contributions—June 1, 2012—May 31, 2013 June 2012Contributions May 2013 Leggett-Leggett, TX Letona-Letona, AR Liberty-Henderson, TX Liberty-Isola, MS Liberty-Stamps, AR Lilbert-Cushing, TX Little Flock-Jewett, TX Little Mound-Big Sandy, TX Little River-Manila, AR Long Creek-Sunnyvale, TX Lost Prairie-Groesbeck, TX Macedonia-Bearden, AR Macedonia-Etoile, TX Macedonia-Magnolia, AR Macedonia-Mineola, TX Magnolia Heights-Forest, MS Magnolia Hill-Livingston, TX Magnolia-Hattiesburg, MS Mahl-Nacogdoches, TX Marcus Hill-Enola, AR Meadowside-Pittsburg, KS Meadowview-Pine Bluff, AR Memorial-Fremont, CA Merriman Hills-Sherman, TX Midway First-Sumrall, MS Milligan Ridge-Manila, AR Missionary-Lindsay, OK Missionary-Paducah, TX Mount Calvary-Carthage, TX Mount Calvary-Picayune, MS Mount Lebanon-Grand Saline, TX Mount Lebanon-New Edinburg, AR Mount Olive-Girard, KS Mount Olive-Scurry, TX Mount Olive-Timpson, TX Mount Olive-Union, MS Mount Pisgah-Mineola, TX Mount Pleasant-Gravette, AR Mount Pleasant-Plumerville, AR Mount Selman-Bullard, TX Mount Sterling-Bernice, LA Mount Zion-Poplar Bluff, MO Myrtle Springs-Quitman, TX Needs Creek-Greenbrier, AR New Beginnings-Ferris, TX New Beginnings-Olive Branch, MS New Bethany-Ellisville, MS New Friendship-Kingsland, AR New Harmony-Tyler, TX New Home-Quitman, AR New Hope-Mineola, TX New Hope-New Waverly, TX New Hope-Streetman, TX 618.00 545.47 1,952.11 300.00 120.00 40.00 4,960.98 2,200.00 1,302.36 300.00 781.07 300.00 1,350.15 2,726.86 796.02 120.00 30.00 3,140.00 2,027.66 560.00 180.00 191.89 225.00 180.00 3,604.07 360.00 1,300.00 207.57 5,795.00 100.00 180.00 130.00 240.00 1,620.00 1,300.00 562.00 1,294.81 270.44 1,038.29 1,192.46 300.00 1,100.00 2,771.03 158.53 1,035.00 150.00 48.00 300.00 2,496.03 320.00 3,386.54 696.21 15,754.85 New Salem-Henderson, TX Northern Heights-Hobbs, NM Northside-Conroe, TX Oak Grove-Canton, TX Oak Grove-Lucedale, MS Oak Grove-Mantachie, MS Oak Grove-North Little Rock, AR Oak Hill-Gilmer, TX Oakland-Vicksburg, MS Old Bethel-Canton, TX Old Center-Tenaha, TX Omen-Arp, TX O'Quinn-Pollok, TX Paramount-Perkinston, MS Park Place-Little Rock, AR Parkview-Laurel, MS Pecan-Robert Lee, TX Pilgrim Rest #2-Golden, TX Pilgrims Rest-Emory, TX Pine Brook-Tyler, TX Pine Grove-Purvis, MS Pine Ridge-Laurel, MS Pineview-Winnsboro, TX Plainview-Poplarville, MS Pleasant Hill-Blanchard, OK Pleasant Hill-Tupelo, MS Pleasant Valley-Greenbrier, AR Pocahontas-Pocahontas, AR Port City-Catoosa, OK Prairie Valley-Whitney, TX Ramsey Creek-Saucier, MS Red Oak-Harrison, AR Red Springs-Tyler, TX Richland Heights-Grand Saline, TX Richmond Road-Texarkana, TX Riverside-Ellisville, MS Rocky Hill-Huntington, TX Rose Hill-Mineola, TX Rosewood-Gilmer, TX Round Prairie-Fairfield, TX Sand Flat-Grand Saline, TX Sand Prairie-Normangee, TX Sand Springs-Damascus, AR Sardis-Henderson, TX Sardis-Jewett, TX Scotland-Bentonia, MS Shady Grove-Prescott, AR Shady Grove-Purdon, TX Shady Grove-Tishomingo, MS Sheppard Drive-Euless, TX Sheridan Terrace-Palestine, TX Shiloh Lamartine-Waldo, AR Shiloh Road-Mesquite, TX 42 June 2012May 2013 749.65 150.00 2,637.31 209.90 750.53 60.00 296.70 200.00 1,713.20 1,314.75 910.86 482.17 965.89 5,081.00 2,989.98 200.49 1,800.00 387.50 937.33 703.72 857.75 500.00 50.00 10.00 1,032.90 507.40 180.00 480.00 896.60 600.00 90.00 300.00 832.08 20.00 720.66 482.00 838.00 588.69 11,074.48 845.37 1,464.75 4,260.00 474.81 1,003.71 652.54 600.00 2,155.00 295.00 615.00 516.00 510.67 200.00 200.00 Contributions BMA Theological Seminary Contributions—June 1, 2012—May 31, 2013 June 2012Contributions May 2013 Shover Springs-Hope, AR Silver Lake-Palatka, FL Simmons Hill-Diana, TX Skyway Hills-Pearl, MS Smyrna-Winnsboro, TX Soda-Livingston, TX South Green-Tupelo, MS South Jefferson-Mount Pleasant, TX South Park-Fort Worth, TX Southern Hills-Abilene, TX Southgate-Moore, OK Southline-Cleveland, TX Spring Branch-Taylor, AR Spring Creek-Springdale, AR Spring Hill-Ocean Springs, MS Spring Lake-Texarkana, TX Springhill-Greenbrier, AR Springhill-Laurel, MS Stone Ridge-Kilgore, TX Suburban Wood-Humble, TX Sun Ray-Purcell, OK Sunshine-Roff, OK Tabernacle-Jacksonville, TX Temple-Biloxi, MS Temple-Columbia, MS Temple-Fordyce, AR Temple-Little Rock, AR Temple-Lucedale, MS Temple-Mexia, TX Temple-Murfreesboro, AR Temple-Rogers, AR Trace City-Natchez, MS Trinity-Magnolia, AR Tundra-Canton, TX Turner Street-Springdale, AR Union Hill-Bowie, TX Union-Bay Springs, MS Union-Normangee, TX Unity-Hope, AR Unity-Jonesboro, AR University-Nacogdoches, TX Vardaman Street-Wiggins, MS Victory-Hampton, AR Village Creek-Mabelvale, AR Walnut Grove-Lake City, AR Walnut Road-Springhill, LA Walnut Street-Winnsboro, TX Ward Prairie-Fairfield, TX Wares Ferry Road-Montgomery, AL Washington-Neely, MS Weeks Chapel-Jasper, TX West Race-Searcy, AR Westover-Hattiesburg, MS 390.33 174.77 517.40 2,340.00 3,075.00 1,905.60 522.32 2,496.00 3,300.00 150.50 1,400.00 253.22 220.00 407.80 190.26 1,200.00 6,539.00 625.00 992.00 476.83 300.00 35.00 516.05 93.00 35.00 600.00 1,580.14 480.00 4,343.27 70.00 1,402.76 1,370.84 1,347.00 1,576.50 480.00 230.00 977.78 1,469.30 11,590.83 150.00 1,674.59 445.03 1,418.00 565.06 446.09 3,468.87 2,698.08 422.14 480.00 93.00 856.00 1,897.00 1,500.00 Westside-Jacksonville, AR Westside-Mountain Home, AR Westside-Nacogdoches, TX Westside-Osceola, AR Willow Oak-Gilmer, TX Woodlawn-Pascagoula, MS Worden-Bald Knob, AR Wyatt-El Dorado, AR Zalma-Zalma, MO Zion Hill-Jasper, TX Zion-Anguilla, MS Zion-Saint Louis, MO Angelina Association, TX BMA of Mississippi BMA of Smith County, TX Central Texas Baptist Assoc, TX Cherokee District WMA, TX Mid-Central Association, MS Mount Olive Association, TX Mount Vernon Baptist Assoc, AR Navasota River Assoc, TX North Arkansas Baptist Assoc, AR Tombigbee BMA, MS United Association, AR Total June 2012May 2013 204.00 200.00 719.89 634.07 343.05 363.87 3,570.09 1,500.00 500.00 240.00 19.00 871.00 697.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,795.00 1,169.96 744.60 2,165.82 1,200.00 250.00 300.00 600.00 600.00 $653,365.11 Church offerings include WMA and Sunday School class offerings BMA Seminary Course Options 43 x On campus in Jacksonville, Texas x On campus at the extension site located at Central Baptist College in Conway, Arkansas x Online courses for associate, bachelor, and master's degrees x Motion courses (a week on campus complemented by pre and post studies at home) x Hybrid courses that combine online studies with a few days on campus x Free online courses ANNUAL REPORT DiscipleGuide Church Resources SCOTT ATTEBERY, Executive Director DiscipleGuide believes in your church. Why? Because your church has been bought with the blood of Christ, called to the work of Christ, and placed under the rule of Christ. No matter your location, your Sunday attendance, or your financial resources, your church is valuable to the kingdom of God — and therefore, it is valuable to DiscipleGuide. We know who you are because we are one of you. We are an association of primarily small churches. And that’s a positive. God does big things through small churches. That’s why we want to invest in you. in Little Rock, followed by First Baptist in Springhill, Louisiana, and Berean Baptist in Memphis, Tennessee. He also pastored churches in Houston, Texas, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, before taking the position at the camp in September 1979. Camp Ministry DiscipleGuide is excited about the future of our camp ministry. Every year, about three thousand young souls visit Daniel Springs. More importantly, every year, we see hundreds of those souls come to Christ. In 2013, we rejoiced to see 150 kids make professions of faith in Christ at the camp. Brother Speer continues to do a great job investing in the youth of our association. More physical improvements have been made at the camp this year. Volunteers have remodeled cabin interiors, replaced roofs, and constructed bridges. We still have plenty of projects available if you are interested in getting involved. Your kids need to go to camp this year. It’s a great opportunity for them to spend time with Brother Speer in his last year as camp director. I can’t imagine a better way to honor his legacy while being a part of the new era of camp ministry. Our new director will be on hand all summer to get to know you and your kids. The future is bright for Daniel Springs. Be sure to check out the camp schedule at And please continue to support the camp through your prayers, attendance and offerings in 2014. Transitions 2014 will be a year of transitions for DiscipleGuide as two men of distinction will be retiring. For 42 years, Charles Reddin has faithfully served our publishing ministry. In 1972, editor C. O. Strong invited Charles Reddin to join the editorial staff of Baptist Publishing House in Texarkana, TX. In a forty-two year career Brother Reddin’s hand has touched such far-ranging projects as Girls’ Missionary Auxiliary publications to adult Sunday school curriculum. Since 2000 Brother Reddin has filled the position of adult editor, where he supervised the publication of all adult Sunday school curriculum projects. After 33 years as director of the camp ministry at Daniel Springs, Brother James Speer is planning his retirement on December 31 of 2014. He began his ministry as a music and youth pastor at Temple Baptist Church 44 concerned about the sales trends, our forecast for the year looked stable. But once the Winter 2013 quarterly financial reports were prepared, new concerns were raised and our chief financial officer explained that our situation had changed for the worse. The auditor’s prediction from seven years ago was correct. Today, we have seen the culmination of the thirty-year decline. In our February board meeting, our auditor shared a “going concern” that if our expenses were not quickly reduced, we would be out of money by August. Our board was prepared to eliminate printing altogether if necessary. Thankfully, this is not necessary. Conference Ministry The Conference Division of DiscipleGuide Church Resources enjoyed a busy and productive year in 2013. Conferences and workshops that focused on all age demographics in the BMA were well attended and enjoyed by thousands of members of BMA churches. Major conferences such as Pastors Oasis, National Senior Adult Conference, and SOAR saw solid attendance and resulted in great reviews by those who participated. Brother Donny Parrish continues to do a great job providing quality conferences for our churches. 2014 promises to be a great year as well. The Conference Division has been tasked by the churches of the BMA to be more involved in our annual BMAA national meeting in April and has been meeting with the Committee on Arrangements on a consistent basis. DiscipleGuide Conferences will produce volunteer Student Missions Bootcamp again this year. The annual Pastor’s and Laymen’s Conference at the BMAA National Meeting will continue to be produced by the Conference Division. SOAR is slated for July 1-3 at the Omni Hotel in Dallas, Texas. National Senior Adult Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Branson, Missouri, October 29-31. Pastors Oasis is scheduled for October 14-16. Check out for more details and conference registration information. Please support your Conference Ministry by your prayers and attendance in 2014. Solutions If you look at our sales over the past fifteen quarters, you will see that sales of our Compass and Compass large print lines have remained nearly unchanged. At the same time, the combined sales of all of our other products have taken a 64% plunge. Just this last quarter, for the first time in years, Compass and Compass large print sold more than all of our other products combined. You don’t have to look at the data for long without realizing what needs to happen. Much like other DiscipleGuide products in the past, such as VBS material, Focus magazine, and Pastor’s Quest, we simply cannot afford to print children’s material anymore. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t offer children’s curriculum. We are just changing the way we deliver the “Kid’s Activity Sheets” and “Leader Guide” in order to save money. The idea is simple. After you purchase the literature on the DiscipleGuide website, you are emailed a download link. Simply click the link to download, print, and copy your literature. We began experimenting with this delivery system last year with our youth literature. The DiscipleKids DVD, CD, and Visual Packs will continue to be offered as physical products. Our SOAR:lit youth material will continue to be offered through a digital subscription of only $11 dollars per student per year. SOAR:lit is written in conjunction with the theme of our most popular summer conference, SOAR and SOAR:lit users receive extra amenities at the conference. We will continue to print Compass, Compass Large Publishing Ministry Everybody knows that our publishing ministry has been struggling for decades. Over the past thirty years, publishing has reported declining sales. Seven years ago, the decline accelerated and we hit a tipping point when the losses began threatening our cash reserves. At that time, our auditor predicted that we had 6-7 years left if something didn’t change. Efforts have been made each year to make the right changes that will put an end to the trend. Nothing has worked. In fact, the trend has only accelerated. Over the past ten years, our sales revenue has consistently been lower than our total expenditures. Even as sales have dropped, our expenses have not. Going into 2014, our financial staff was confident in our budget plan for the year. Although we were still 45 Print, and Compass Teacher literature. Looking at our data, it is evident that this is what are churches want. However, we will be discontinuing the Compass Point series due to low sales. stewardship requires that we work with what we have. Relocation That’s one of the main reasons our board is recommending relocating the Texarkana offices to Conway. By this one move, we will be able to save, at minimum, an estimated $58,000! Recently, DiscipleGuide conducted a series of townhall meetings in Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas. It was a joy to meet with pastors and share the vision for relocating DiscipleGuide’s publishing offices from Texarkana, AR, to the BMA headquarters building in Conway, AR. Last April, BMA churches overwhelmingly approved a recommendation to physically integrate Missions and Lifeword by relocating the missions department offices from Little Rock, AR, to the headquarters building in Conway. In the same meeting, the association approved the DiscipleGuide trustees’ recommendation to conduct a feasibility study regarding the relocation of our Texarkana offices to Conway. In June of 2013, after conducting the feasibility study, the DiscipleGuide board of trustees voted to recommend relocation to the association at the April 2014 meeting. Since that time, we have made efforts to communicate our intentions to the association so that church messengers could be properly informed prior to the association meeting. We believe that relocation of the Texarkana offices is a matter of being good stewards with the resources God has provided for DiscipleGuide. Here are just a few of the factors that led our trustees to this decision: Sharing facilities with Missions and Lifeword will save us an estimated $58,000 per year in maintenance and utility costs. Relocation will make communication easier between our publishing staff, conference staff, and production staff. (Production and conference staff are already located in Conway.) Close proximity with Missions and Lifeword staff will aid us in working together. Necessary Changes While the revenue from Compass is substantial, the costs to produce it are more substantial. This is due to our structure. In order to continue offering Compass, we are making some positive changes to our production process. The people in your Sunday school won’t be able to tell the difference, but our bottom line will. To save money, we are going to maximize the assets we already have rather than creating everything from scratch each quarter. This will allow us to significantly reduce editorial, production, and administrative costs. We have a goldmine of BMA writing from over sixty years of publishing. It’s the very material our association was built on. We want to reintroduce our association to our foundational beliefs. This is not “warmed over” literature. Have you read any Dr. E. Harold Henderson lately? It’s as timely today as the day it was written! Truth never goes out of date. The current layout and design of Compass will remain the same and the content will continue to be sound. That’s why I’m excited about our upcoming Compass series. Beginning in the fall, Compass will get back to our BMA roots! Your church needs to know what we believe as BMA Baptists. If we don’t know, then there is no need for us to exist. These changes will allow us to streamline our production staff and make printing feasible. If you want BMA publishing to continue, please, keep ordering Compass! Your Order Matters to Us We have a strong plan that will help us turn things around if our churches will continue to invest in us. Otherwise, if at the end of any quarter this year, sales are unsustainable, we will be forced to shut down publishing operations. This is not a false alarm — this is reality. As you can see in our proposed budget, we are getting lean in order to make this work. We are reducing staff and cutting salaries. We are willing to do what it takes because our churches are worth investing in! Just like your family, we can’t spend what we don’t have. Good The Future If you believe in the future of BMA publishing, please continue ordering from DiscipleGuide. Who knows, this may be the turning point that allows us to provide new 46 resources that we’ve always dreamed of. But, we need your support for that to happen. What if God is preparing the way for something magnificent that is “above all that we ask or think?” We believe in your church and we want to invest in you. Right now, more than ever, we need you to invest in us. Please continue to order literature from DiscipleGuide. Even more importantly, please continue to pray for our ministry and for the ministry of the BMA of America. Recommendations 1.We recommend that Scott Attebery stand as a nominee for DCR Executive Director. 2.We recommend the adoption of the revised 2014 DCR budget. 3.We recommend the relocation of the DCR Texarkana offices to the Lifeword building in Conway, Arkansas, and the liquidation of the Texarkana properties. 2013 Offerings by Fund DCR General Fund $ 115,990.70 Conferences80,911.73 Publishing15,523.96 Camps (received in Texarkana) 20,645.66 Information Services 20,747.67 Website Development 12,200.00 Travel400.00 Total $266,419.72 47 DiscipleGuide Church Resources Offerings by Church January through December 2013 48 DiscipleGuide Church Resources Offerings by Church January through December 2013 49 DiscipleGuide Church Resources Offerings by Church January through December 2013 50 Daniel Springs Baptist Camp Offerings by Church January through December 2013 First — Carthage Antioch — Conway National GMA’s Davis St. — Sulphur Springs Texas State GMA’s Tundra — Canton Moorewood — Leedy Pleasant Hill — Nacogdoches Temple — Little Rock Calvary — Fairfield Bert McJimsey Sand Springs — Mineola First — Blooming Grove Jackson — Joaquin Beacon — Bryan Bethel — Clayton First of Slocum — Elkhart New Hope — Mineola Afton Grove — Jacksonville Antioch — Palestine Oakland — Vicksburg First of Providence — Livingston Northside — Conroe Bethlehem — Greenbrier Spring Lake — Texarkana Harmony — Nacogdoches First — Jacksonville Skyway Hills — Pearl First — Joaquin Antioch West — Magnolia Greenpond — Como, TX Landmark — Cushing Myrtle Springs — Quitman Woodlands — Splendora Faith — New Boston, TX Evergreen — Porter Lakeside — Elkhart Temple — Mexia Temple — Lucedale Enon — Gilmer Harvest — Lufkin, TX Emmie Guest Mt. Pisgah — Mineola Coffeeville — Ore City Pilgrims Rest — Emory Westside — Nacogdoches Magnolia — Hattiesburg First O’Quinn of Pollock Good Hope — Timpson Fellowship — Pittsburg 69,423.92 9,497.89 8,124.39 4,716.02 4,638.17 4,277.13 3,860.00 3,032.55 3,000.00 2,840.91 2,500.00 2,072.29 2,037.33 1,996.63 1,700.00 1,692.24 1,608.70 1,484.32 1,417.86 1,405.00 1,403.10 1,250.03 1,223.65 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,050.00 1,031.00 1,020.00 1,000.00 977.00 972.34 936.43 900.00 809.51 793.97 777.82 720.00 674.21 600.00 600.00 594.37 592.42 581.02 577.82 563.00 545.00 520.83 510.23 Paramount — Perkinston Camille Acres — Longview Calvary — Arlington National Galileans Tryon Association — Texas First — New Summerfield First — Palmer Central — Mineola New Salem — Henderson Mt. Calvary — Carthag Mt. Selman — Bullard Glenfawn — Cushing South Park — Ft. Worth Forest Hill — Quitman Rose Hill — Mineola Shady Grove — Purdon Central Texas Association Friendship — DeQueen Enterprise — Jacksonville Sheppard Dr. — Euless First of Wallace — Foreman Faith — Mena Eighth Avenue — Teague Central — Bronte Center of Life — Tyler Dallas Park — Dallas Oak Grove — Canton First — Gary Calvary — Crockett Landmark — England Calvary — Vidalia Bethel — Dallas Craft — Jacksonville Redtown — Pollock Hopewell — Laurel Sardis — Jewett TOTAL 51 500.00 497.73 467.00 456.30 423.29 416.88 385.00 346.34 333.67 325.00 310.28 303.97 300.00 278.02 254.48 251.51 250.00 232.40 215.58 214.00 213.00 188.48 148.81 140.43 120.00 120.00 110.00 106.20 100.00 92.00 80.00 58.62 54.34 51.97 50.00 30.00 __________ $175,774.40 2013 Restricted Funds Disbursements Information Services (BNS) Disbursements DiscipleWay — Foreign Language Disbursements Salary Expense Printing Expense Postage/Freight Office Supplies Computer $ Total Disbursements $ Balance Brought Forward Offerings Sales Disbursements Balance From Operations Subsidy From Publishing $ Ending Balance $ 20,170.35 6,888.07 1,877.88 172.31 1,550.00 30,658.61 1,464.74 20,747.67 200.00 < 30,658.61 > $ < 8,246.20 > $ 9,786.02 1,539.82 DiscipleWay — English Disbursements Balance Brought Forward $ 1,000.00 Ending Balance $ 1,000.00 International Christian Printing (Spanish) ISBN for Spanish Leader’s Manual $ $ 2,524.80 10.00 Total Disbursements $ 2,534.80 Balance Brought Forward Disbursements $ $ 7,500.00 < 2,534.80 > Ending Balance $ 4,965.20 TAG Consulting Balance Brought Forward Offerings Disbursements $ $ $ $ 595.00 595.00 -0< 595.00 > Ending Balance $ Student Web Fund Disbursements -0- New DCR Website Fund Disbursements 52 5 TAG Consulting Balance Brought Forward Offerings Disbursements $ 12,200.00 $ -0$ 12,200.00 $ < 12,200.00 > Ending Balance $ -0- 53 ;9:=*) ;9:=*) ;9:=*) !(1()')$# ') '#( #) #)'() 6=@A/<A@099 6<99/999099 6<>9/999099 6;@/>9B099 6<>/<;B099 6B@/A??099 6:@>/999099 6;>/A99099 6:@>099 6>?@/9;>099 6<BA/9=:099 6>;>/999099 ()'!1'$'"( +')(#1' )# )')*'$#)$#( $$ 1')$#)$#( (($)$#(#$#'#( !'( #)( *)$!!$,# *)$"$!-%#( !!$#!!$,# #)$'!$#)') '#)## $' '4($"% # '+'( *(#( #!#')'( #(*'#2'$%').1!). !1*) *%%!( "!!&*%"#)*'(( $"%*)'-%#(2%')$#( '$*)$#$"%*)'-%#( $() !%$# #)$'!*%%!( !!-%#( '$%').#)###%' $$'#)#$*#! 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JOHN DAVID SMITH, Executive Director BMAA Department of Missions Thank you for your continued support of BMAA global missions. Even though we have some trends Thank you for your continued support of BMAA that we need to discuss and address in our global Even thoughaswe some trends that givingmissions. patterns to missions anhave association, we are blessed and grateful for your partnership in global we need to discuss and address in our giving patterns to missions. would come up with over 120 people. Some of those people are listed in Col. 4. It is my prayer that Celebration God will give me and each of you a Col. 4 list when Itourhaslives recently been broughtcome to mytoattention and ministries an end. how This represents spiritual multiplication and missions poorly we acknowledge things in our lives that shouldat its best. missions as an association, we are blessed and grateful For the past twoin years wemissions. have been beating the for your partnership global drum for church multiplication in the United States. This Formultiplication the past two vision years we have been beating the is reflected in the Word drum for church in the United States. of God, which multiplication is a missionary narrative from Genesis to Revelation. The Gospels are the record This multiplication vision is reflected in the Word of of the Sent One preparing 12 men to “live sent” and God, which is upside a missionary narrative from turn the world down. The book of ActsGenesis is the missionary story it continues to unfold. to Revelation. The as Gospels are the record of the The Sent epistles were basically all written to church planters One preparing 12 men to “live sent” and turn the world or brand new churches. The point is that the New upside down. The book of is the missionary Testament was written in Acts a context of mission story and multiplication. It was not written in the of all a as it continues to unfold. The epistles werecontext basically mere intellectual pursuit of God; rather, it was written to church planters or brand new churches. The written in the realm of true discipleship which calls point is that thesacrifice, New Testament was written in a context for surrender, and suffering. of mission and multiplication. It was not written in the In Colossians chapter 4, Paul ends his letter to context of a intellectual pursuit of God; rather, the believersmere in Colossae by sending greetings fromit all the people on his ministry team who were was written in the realm of true discipleship whichwith calls him in Rome. Someone has said that if you count all for surrender, sacrifice, and suffering. the people that Paul prepared and empowered in ministry In Colossians chapter Paul ends his letter toyou the throughout his 4, twenty-year ministry, believers in Colossae by sending greetings from all the people on his ministry team who were with him in Rome. Someone has said that if you count all the people that Paul prepared and empowered in ministry throughout his twenty-year ministry, you would come up with over 120 people. Some of those people are listed in Col. 4. It is my prayer that God will give me and each of you a Col. 4 list when our lives and ministries come to an end. This represents spiritual multiplication and missions at its best. be cause for celebration. Here are a few things that we Celebration celebrate from this past year in BMAA missions. We It have missionaries right now thanattention at any hasmore recently been brought to my how poorly we acknowledge in our lives that time in the 62 year history of ourthings association. should be cause families for celebration. few All 11 missionary elected inHere 2013are are anow things that we celebrate from this past year in either on their field or in language training. BMAA missions. The 65/35 plan allowed all these families to go AND we • We have more missionaries right now than at had more to the fundyear in 2013 than inof 2012. anygiven time in general the 62 history our The association. BMA churches in CO are poised to double in the • few Allyears 11 missionary elected in 2013 are next as they seekfamilies to plan new churches. now either on their field or in language training. The survivability of BMA church plantsfamilies has experi• The 65/35 plan allowed all these to go we had more to the general fund in enced aAND drastic increase due given to the assessment, coaching, 2013 than in 2012. and training systems in place. • The BMA churches in CO are poised to double International training has become effecin the next few years as theymuch seek more to plan new churches. tive with DCPI, Multiplication Workshop, and Leader• Skills. The survivability of BMA church plants has ship experienced a drastic increase due to the Pre-field training and assessment are having a very positive affect on recruiting, equipping, and sending missionaries. Missionary Care has helped to sustain missionary families on the field who otherwise may have been forced to resign. BMMI went to eleven different countries last year with medical teams. Missions and Lifeword should be occupying the newly reconfigured BMAA building in Conway by July 2014. 56 where it needs to be. Missionary Care includes: prefield training, crisis counseling, continuing education on the field, emergency medical attention, and much more. Missionary Care has been responsible for helping to keep BMAA missionary families on the field and ministering in a fruitful manner. Multiplication in the U.S. As mentioned in the prior section, the emphasis on church multiplication in the U.S. is still at the forefront of our vision. We are beginning to see a marked increase in the awareness and conversations about our churches planting churches. We need to see that transition into action. We commend the various state missions departments of our association for their faithfulness and fruit in the church planting process. Bro. Larry Barker continues to do a great job leading our efforts for church planting in the U.S. I honor him here in this report by simply informing you concerning his diligence in North American church planting. Thanks Bro. Larry. We remind you that churches reproduce, missions offices do not!! Every missions department at every level in our association exists to help the local church fulfill the mission of God; the churches do not exist to help mission offices fulfill their respective agendas! We recognize the efforts of Jamie and Rebecca Jones and the entire church family in Smithville, MO. We rejoice with them in the new church that has been planted, and we pray they will multiply many times until Jesus comes. International Missions Phil Knott has adjusted well into his new role as the director of international missions. He has been tasked with the specific work of increasing the leadership quotient on international fields while decreasing the financial dependency on outside funds. Much progress was made in this area in 2013. We want to ensure that we are helping our national brothers do the work and not doing it for them. We also are interested in funding ministries that are reproducing disciples and churches. We are very thankful for the steps that have been taken. I also honor Bro. Phil here for his hard work and extended trips he makes in order to carry out his ministry. Thanks Bro. Phil. BMMI Dr. Ralph Izard led a busy ministry in 2013. BMMI visited eleven different countries with medical teams and witnessed thousands of people coming to Christ. I appreciate Dr. Izard and his attempts to make the ministry of BMMI the most effective it can be to long-term ministries in the countries where they visit. There are plans to develop long range goals in specific countries in the area of hygiene and nutrition. This longterm view will pay great dividends for a long time. If you do not know Dr. Izard, I encourage you to invite him to your church and allow him to share the important ministry of BMMI. Dr. Izard is an amazing man in all of his travels and dedication to the ministry that God has called him to. Finances Our finances are holding steady in spite of a couple of trends that have our attention. One, the gradual decrease in giving from our churches over the past ten years continues. Two, our budget has been overly dependent on large contributions from individuals. We have addressed these situations in a number of proactive steps. We will continue to both trust our abundant God and be as faithful as possible in our stewardship of those funds entrusted to us. The good news is that God does indeed continue to meet our needs and allow us to go forward. As stated in the bullet point under the “celebration section” of this report, the 65/35 system of support has allowed us to send several new missionary families to the field AND the contributions to the general fund increased in 2013 from 2012. We are thankful to the Lord for leading us, and we are thankful for your faithful support. Integration The process of integration with Lifeword continues to go well. We are praying that our churches will approve the proposal from Discipleguide to be a part of the integration also. At the level of synergy and cooperation, the integration has already been a tremendous blessing. In relation to the relocation of the missions department to Conway, that is scheduled to take place in Missionary Care Bro. Jerry Kidd and Sarah (Hebert) Hamilton are doing a good job of getting our Missionary Care program 57 exhibited, through their attitude and actions, that the Lord’s work and the advancement of our associational missions program are greater than any individual. I want to acknowledge them here by name. At this point, Karen Keathley and Linda Thompson and will continue in their service in accounting. Jamie Morgan will serve in short term missions leadership. We honor the others who are not planning to continue as we relocate to Conway. Doris Dickey (BMMI), Kathy Boyd (Gleaner/ Mission:World), Hazel Brewer (Office Manager), and Jim Brewer (Warehouse Manager) have all served with great distinction. Thank you all for your ministry through our department. July 2014. We are looking forward to being in one place and our efficiency in God’s mission and our service to the churches of the BMAA increasing even more. At the writing of this article, our property in Little Rock is still on the market. Thanks I have very special thanks to convey to the office personnel in our department. They have worked with focus and dedication for many years. The process of integration has affected them as much or more than any other group of people. I am thankful for their flexibility and patience throughout this process. They really have 58 Recommendations from Missionary Advisory Committee 1.We recommend the election of Jamshed Hadyat as North American church planter in the greater Chicagoland area at a $2,000 a month stipend. 2. We recommend the election of Trevor Dodson as an associate missionary to work with Ali Chambers in Memphis, TN., at a stipend of $2,000 a month. 3.We recommend the election of B.J. Sanders as international missionary to Papau New Guinea. 4.We recommend that we endorse Anders Lee as North American church planter to DeSoto County, MS. 5.We recommend a change of roles for Buddy Johnson to become Training Coordinator for International Missions. 6.We recommend that Buddy Johnson move to a regularly funded missionary salary and that he will be allowed to use 40% of the finances he raises for the trips he takes. 7. We recommend that national Michel Poirer be allowed to make more frequent trips to Haiti to help with the new church plants and to do more fundraising for Haiti. 8.We recommend the election of Justin Burdick as an Associate North American Church Planter to work with Anders Lee in Southaven, MS. at a stipend of $1,000 a month 9.We recommend that the Missions Office become part of an LLC initiated for shared ownership of the Conway campus and for classifying shared employees. 10.We recommend a change of fields for international missionary Fil Kakilala from Hawaii to the Philippines. 11. We recommend a change of status for Prashant Prakash from National missionary to American missionary Status 12.We recommend a status change for Sarah Hebert Hamilton from the Philippines to Missionary Care. 13.We recommend the approval of the 2014 budget. 14. We recommend that the salary of Ashraf Sara be the same instead of reducing his salary after three years, but this salary would be examined annually. 15.We recommend the pilot church planting program in Colorado. 16. We recommend a change in the BMAA Principles of Cooperation (Coordinating Council, 2005), Article VII, D. to say “Department of Missions: Annually, this association shall elect an Executive Director of Missions, who may recommend Directors of Operations to be approved by the Advisory Committee and the Association or Missionary Committee, who will work together in the promotion of missions and in the distribution, according to the will of the churches, of all funds submitted to them.” 17.We recommend the housing allowance for all directors be set at $24,000.00 for the year 2014. 18.We recommend that Dr. John David Smith stand as a nominee for the position of Executive Director of Missions. 59 BMA MISSIONS Income & Expense 2013 Actual vs. 2013 Budget Income / Expense Category Church Contributions Income Individual Contributions Income World Mission Sunday Income Mission: World (booked as credit) Income Interest Income Income Designated Income Income Total Undesignated Income………………………………… $ $ $ $ 2013 2013 Actual* Budget 2,803,494 There was no 2,091,016 income budget 344,486 in 2013 broken out between 35,312 categories. 85,380 5,359,689 5,714,575 Variance 354,886 Warehouse & Property Cottage Expense General Facility General Facility Sub-total……………… 10,634 8,805 19,439 12,000 8,000 20,000 1,366 (805) 561 Missionary Literature Ministry Literature Sub-total……………… 71,347 71,347 70,000 70,000 (1,347) (1,347) Deputation Multiplication Movement Benevolence Ministry Miscellaneous Coordinating Council Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Sub-total……………… 4,034 15,989 47,137 28,995 400 96,555 18,000 50,000 50,000 60,000 3,000 181,000 13,966 34,011 2,863 31,005 2,600 84,445 Office Equipment Office Equipment Maintenance Postage Office Operational Expense Office Office Freight / Postage Office Sub-total……………… 1,803 25,476 7,564 (253) 34,591 20,000 55,000 30,000 17,600 122,600 18,197 29,524 22,436 17,853 88,009 Residence and Legal Expenses Audit Professional Fees Professional Fees Sub-total……………… 14,352 15,250 29,602 12,000 15,000 27,000 (2,352) (250) (2,602) Promotion / BMA Service Team Association / Symposium Expense Mission: World Magazine Promotion Promotion Promotion Sub-total……………… 182,188 31,144 35,614 248,946 125,000 40,000 35,000 200,000 (57,188) 8,856 (614) (48,946) American Missionary Salaries Excess Housing Cost of Living Longevity Pay Retirement Health Insurance / Medical Exams Termination / Severance Pay Missionary Care Tuition (American Children) Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits 1,365,770 40,326 107,861 4,220 70,914 557,693 20,001 6,933 19,920 1,500,000 44,550 150,000 4,500 105,000 650,000 20,000 30,000 30,000 134,230 4,224 42,139 280 34,086 92,307 (1) 23,067 10,080 60 Page 1 of 2 BMA MISSIONS Income & Expense 2013 Actual vs. 2013 Budget Income / Expense International Furlough Expenses Foreign National Salaries Office Staff Salaries Payroll Taxes Director's Salaries Christmas Bonuses Category Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Salaries & Benefits Sub-total……………… 2013 Actual* 20,086 1,222,458 223,811 130,055 303,664 8,704 4,102,416 2013 Budget 25,000 1,235,175 236,000 122,500 330,000 11,000 4,493,725 Variance 4,914 12,717 12,189 (7,555) 26,336 2,296 391,309 North American Training International Training / Seminars Language School Bible Institutes Conference for Directors Training Training Training Training Training Sub-total……………… 48,282 107,745 37,426 147,004 3,099 343,555 30,000 125,000 20,000 150,000 3,000 328,000 (18,282) 17,255 (17,426) 2,996 (99) (15,555) North American Moving / Storage Passage / Shipping Allowance Furlough Vehicles & Maintenance Office Vehicles & Maintenance Vehicle Insurance Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Sub-total……………… 640 52,959 1,807 3,247 3,831 62,484 12,000 55,000 16,500 70,000 10,000 163,500 11,360 2,041 14,693 66,753 6,169 101,016 Advisory Committee Expenses Executive Director's Travel Field Development Director North America Director's Travel Travel Travel Travel Travel Sub-total……………… 7,252 11,330 30,651 14,631 63,864 12,000 18,000 30,000 23,000 83,000 4,748 6,670 (651) 8,369 19,136 Utilities Telephone Utilities Utilities Sub-total……………… 8,863 16,061 24,924 13,000 12,750 25,750 4,137 (3,311) 826 Total Expenses………………………………………………… 5,097,724 5,714,575 Net Operating Income (excluding depreciation)…………… $ 261,965 * Preliminary unaudited estimate 61 Page 2 of 2 $ - 616,851 $ (261,965) BMA Missions Calendar 2014 Budget Income & Expenses First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Total Non-Designated Income: Church Contributions Individual Contributions 675,067 2,000,000 690,888 - 744,977 - 692,561 2,803,494 - 2,000,000 - 350,000 World Mission Sunday Campaign 265,000 85,000 Interest Income Sub-total Non-Designated Income 8,828 2,948,895 8,828 784,716 8,828 753,805 8,828 701,389 35,312 5,188,806 19,964 17,019 17,046 16,921 70,951 8,616 4,496 8,365 4,964 26,441 Designated Budget Income: International Literature Other Designated Income Sub-total Designated Income Total Income 28,580 21,515 25,411 21,885 97,391 2,977,475 806,231 779,217 723,274 5,286,197 946 8,518 General Expenses Associational Expense Audit - - 9,464 15,250 11,690 3,560 - - Auto Expense-Office Vehicles 812 812 812 812 3,247 Conferences for Directors - - 500 1,500 2,000 Cottage Expense 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 5,600 General Miscellaneous Expense 1,050 1,050 1,050 1,050 4,200 Supplies 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Insurance - Workers Compensation 510 510 510 510 2,041 Insurance - Vehicle-Office 534 534 534 534 2,137 Leases - Office Equipment 5,085 5,085 5,085 5,085 20,340 Missionary Assessment, Orientation 5,250 5,250 5,250 5,250 21,000 Missionary Care 8,750 8,750 8,750 8,750 35,000 Multiplication Movement 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 25,000 Office Equipment 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Postage Expense 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 Repairs & Maintenance 4,313 4,313 4,313 4,313 17,251 109,297 105,557 103,758 108,956 427,567 Severance Pay Fund 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 Symposium Expense - - 5,000 - 5,000 Travel Expense 6,600 6,600 6,600 6,600 26,400 Telephone Expense 4,015 4,015 4,015 4,015 16,061 Training 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 5,000 Salaries & Benefits Utilities - Gas/Electric 2,293 2,293 2,293 2,293 9,172 Warehouse Expense 1,879 1,879 1,879 1,879 7,514 Website Expense 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 8,000 BMA Service Team Sub-total General Expenses 71,063 72,837 73,696 75,828 293,424 254,486 251,963 244,444 247,775 998,668 62 Page 1 of 2 BMA Missions Calendar 2014 Budget Income & Expenses First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Total International Expenses Auto Insurance Auto Repairs Int'l-Furlough Vehicles Benevolence Ministry Deputation 674 674 674 674 2,696 450 450 450 450 1,800 11,784 11,784 11,784 11,784 47,137 500 500 500 500 2,000 Furlough Expense 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 18,000 Language School 11,750 11,750 11,750 11,750 47,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,000 13,750 13,750 13,750 13,750 55,000 3,750 3,750 3,750 3,750 15,000 24,148 24,148 24,148 24,148 96,591 676,456 676,456 676,456 676,456 2,705,822 Seminaries / Bible Institutes 28,346 28,346 28,346 28,346 113,382 Training & Seminars 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000 Travel Expense 10,250 10,250 10,250 10,250 41,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 30,000 820,357 820,357 820,357 820,357 3,281,428 7,500 500 3,000 7,500 500 3,000 7,500 500 3,000 7,500 500 3,000 30,000 2,000 12,000 Miscellaneous Passage & Shipping Expense Professional Fees-Residence/Legal Publications Salaries Tuition Sub-total - International Expenses North American Expenses Coaching Deputation Moving / Storage Salaries & Benefits Administration - Salaries / Benefits 23,252 23,252 23,252 23,252 93,009 171,242 7,500 5,750 3,250 221,995 175,063 7,500 5,750 3,250 225,816 185,063 7,500 5,750 3,250 235,816 209,063 7,500 5,750 3,250 259,816 740,432 30,000 23,000 13,000 943,441 Grand-total Expense 1,296,838 1,298,135 1,300,617 1,327,947 5,223,538 Net Income 1,680,637 Self Support - Salaries / Benefits Training - Domestic & Conferences Travel Expense - NA Director Travel Expense Missionaries- Assoc/Symposium Sub-total - North American Expenses 63 Page 2 of 2 (491,904) (521,400) (604,674) 62,659 National Missionaries Argentina Alberto Lopez Benin Touglo Bruno Maxime Adifon Bolivia David Flores Brazil Jarede Vieira Souza Havenilton Dos Reis Valmir Jose Jose Rodrigues Carmelio Arauja Georgiran Vanderley Marcio Silva Antonio Lemos Francisco Paes Samuel Luiz Cosme Santos Viagens Burkina Faso Pierre Winne Sia Wuni Sia Edmund Stephen Aganda Sia Ababeri Alphonse Z Nakoulma Daniel M. Nahire Michel Nam Fousseni Emil A. Nacoulma Emmanuel Kougre Jean Ouena Roger Kaboure Christopher Quena Moses Oueraoga Rampant Nacoulma Cambodia Dr. Fil Tabayoyong Dany & Joseph Seng Cout Nout Evorn Ratana An Sokna Mei Cape Verde Eudo Rodrigues Olavo Marida Da Luz Cesar Benros Nelson Ameida Sidney Dias Gomes Arilson Gomez Chile Pablo Munoz Costa Rica Jairo Bonilla Pena Carlos Olivas Roger Ramirez Redondo Leonel Moreno Gerson Orellana Julia Ramos Francisco Medina Pablo Cadenas Luis Arias Soto Marvin Segura Alberto Ordonez Vico Solano Czech Republic Jan Zavrel Milan Bulak Emmanuel K. Yin Ephson Owusu Erick Kwarteng Ernest Agyekum Ezekiel Agyare Felix Bukari Frank Yeboah Gekye Francis George Opoku George Sackitey Gilbert Crabbe Isaac K. Mensah Isaac Kwakye Afrim Isaac Kwaw Isaac Nkrumah Jacob Basah Jacob Fuseine James Awedoba James Okantey James Nasamu James Yeboah Jerry Amoako John Ayensu John Bamarigu John Kennedy Karikari John Kyeremateng John Nondia John Opambour John Tsekyi Joseph A. Ayarna Joseph Nketia Joshua Talan Joshua Yakubu Joyce Yiadom Danso Jude Amoani Afari Justice Biney Kwabena Afriyie Kwabena Tia Kwarteng Prince Kyei Baffour Isaac Mantey Francis Mark Ada Marlo George Moses Atiso Moses Iddrisu Moses Moari Nana Bonsu Noah Codjoe Nule Manasseh Oduro Anin Ofusu Afriyie Opari Charles Opoku Agyemang David Opoku Samuel Osei Boakye Daniel Osei Yaw Owusu Samuel Paul Awupuri Peter Antwi Boasiako Peter Sarkodie Peter Tapori Prince Apity Ransford Apperttey Richard Anining Richard Dogbe Richard Owusu Nkrumah Robert Asenso Robert Winnerman Rockson Tetteh Sakpaku Maxwell Sampson Agblevor Sampson Meisu Samuel Adongo Samuel Anane Samuel Baba Samuel Donkor Democratic Republic Of Congo Bandu Leon Domincan Republican Ramon Paulino Omar Castillo Egypt Wassim Jerjes Atef Labib Assaad Mamdouh Gentleman Nabil Rida Adeli Girgis Sadek El Salvador Rigoberto Jimenez Ancelmo Monterrosa Marvin Emir Monterrosa Lopez Ghana Acquah Hayford Adom Solomon Adu Boahene Aduayire Elijah Afriyie Bimpong Fred Akesse Hayford Akwasi Acheampong Akwasi Afriyie Akwasi Elijah Alex K. Attram Alex Ofori Alexander Alhassan Alexander Arthur Alfred Agyemang Alo Jonathan Amanfo Kwaku Amoah Daniel Amos Badmarigu Andrews Abebrese Asanti Richard Asare Andrews Atta Poku Augustine Boadu Awako Edmund Baba Collins Dieba Bernard Asare Boakye Yaw Bright Mensah Clement Owusu Collins Amoako Daniel Adubofour Daniel Baan Daniel Nketia Daniel S. Dongzee David Ali David Beble David Sapak Deriko George Dickson Agyie Dickson Darko Doglas Ankra Dominic Anarfo E.s. Nketia Ebenezer Adu Ebenezer K. Bani Ebenezer Kumah Ebenezer Tettah Ebenezer Yidana Elijah Adua Emmanuel Agyir Emmanuel Akpor Emmanuel Agye Larbi Emmanuel G. Tampuri 64 Samuel Kodwo Samuel Lord Anarfi Samuel Opoku Seth Akonnortey Solomon Akelembona Solomon Azumah Standford Tawiah Stephen Appiah Stephen Atua Opare Stephen Nloi Stephen Ohene Djan Tanyan Isaac Thomas Bazieme Thompson Larbik Timothy Amblaso Wilfred Dawurah William Ametepe William Ayittey William T. Azumah Wisdom Nyawudi Yaw Adansi Yaw Combat Yaw Ofori Guatemala David Marroquin Guinea Saynay Saypay Honduras Denis Lopez Arnold Maldonado Jesus Adelmo Hernandez Jose Juan Zelaya Lenin Perdomo Ricardo Herrera Ramirez Marvin Carcamo Cantillano Raul Ayala Marvin Miguel Edwin Quintanilla Juan Herrera Miguel Vasquez Jose Heriberto Aguirre Hong Kong John Ray Vallejara India Prashant Prakash George Luther Pradeep Borde (Pune) Jeremiah Shetti Michael Yangad Balasaheb Salve Anand Tribhuwan John Mandlik Sunil Sangale Ashok Uzgare Ivory Coast Sehi Alexander Kangbei Meand Saon Guiro Gabriel Kah Sisso Benot Julien Gbeo Baibo Lucien Bah Mathieu Gnande Claude Barbo Warsi Blawa Kwasi Onora Mansaye Numweh Francois Guei Bertin Brou Laurent Kohou Michele National Missionaries continued Koffi K. Sostaene Nacoulma Emmanuel Japan Tsutomu Udonishi Korea Kwang Ho Lee Byeng Ki So Laos Joy Vargas Lebanon Rabih Wazir Bassam Haddad Farid Lahoud Rasem Merhi Joumaa Khalil Nada Haddad Liberia Joseph Goyour David Doco Samuel Kpayeh Samuel Gaylah Robert Doco Peterson Daye Kenneth Grupee Jonathan Daye Austin Wamah Ben Sebeh David Kpeayeh Gaye Togbasi Moses Tarr Samuel Gbarglay Austine Cooper Harrison Korsa James Gaye Peter Sahn Abraham J. Cheyee Jerry Wamah Matthew Kwenah Abraham Cheyee Prince Jesse Benolie Saywahn Bob William Dean Timothy Togbasi Mali Ousmane Tandina Mauritania Ezzat Shehata Mexico Alonso Rubio Aurelio Pavon Eliseo Garcia Malpica Ricardo Palazuelos Josue Osorio Miguel Martinez Francisco Rosas Santiago Zavala Cornelio Hernandez Alejandro Hernandez Armando Cuevas Jacinto Hernandez Octaviano Bautista Santiago Pascual Andres Rivera Ruben Hernandez Juventino Gutierrez Honorio Velasquez Herminio Arista Florintino Bautista Jose M. Zavala Marcos Rodriguez Manuel Martinez Jorge Pascual Edwin Delmo Efraim Lacupa Fortunato Minosa Jerry Toribio Joemarie Camarig Julie Toribio Morito Peroy Nestor Martinez Roberto Calugmaton Sonny Cabilbigan Micronesia Remy Bulohabo Myanmar Myint Aung Lal Ram Thanga (Rama) Steven Zuala Paw Tun Oo Myint Win Portugal John Regueiras Pedro Leal Jorge Leal Mario Morias Adolfo Pinto Joaquim Pinto Joao Santos Joel Lopes Oliveira Nicaragua Oscar Gaitan Carlos Martinez Sindulfo Gomez Pedro Torres Henry Tellez Noe Martinez Bismark Trujillo Noel Quintero Luis Mejia Joe Carter Daniel Guevara Puerto Rico Angel De Jesus Garcia Romania Daniel Bagosi Nico Oros Keleman Sandor Dorin & Dorina Popa Nicu Curpas Adriana Toma Adi Toma Teo Luncan Micula Mihai Dorin & Nicoleta Tomuta Cracium Tudor Bogdan Bilav Daniela Bilav Niger Etienne Lankoande Nigeria Samuel Babatunde Ifedayo Adeniyi Charles Adeyemi Paul Akintola Olaoye Gbadebo Francis Aloba Victor Tijani Mohammed O. Philips Christopher Dele Okebedan Francis Ebo Sunday Osinowo Joseph Sakaba James Ugwu Sunday Nwankow Amos O. Ashade Felix O. Owasannoye Michael Adeniyi Folorunso Olubunmi Adesina Mike Sierra Leone Z. Otis Borkuah Prince Nallo John K. Flomo Sudan Lewi Mursale Syria Elie Hanna Eid Hanna Daas Haddad Panama Ronald Murillo Taiwan Sammy Ruan James Wu Peru Andres Tinoco Richard Oscanoa Tinoco Thailand Nathee Sannithirat Vitoon Sukna Monapharat Philippines Othelo Caceres (Allen) Vincent Ferrer Warren Paguntan Rizzamer Ballon Ronald Ballon Danny Gracilla Elvis Granadilla Jenalyn Hadap Dahlia Velasco Noriel Donesa (Newsom) Aldren Salido Edgar Dordas Abraham Cabaya Arlan Casidsid Amer Libuna Danilo Arsenio Dominador Canja Edward Dorillo Togo Avoudikpo Abraham Apetty Christopher Addassou Amblarso Mawuli Koku Agbeko Kpago Kossi Atamoudji William Mensah Ukraine Nikolai Dikhtyarenko Sergey Skripnik Peter Nagorny Sasha Pavelchuk 65 Contributing Churches ALABAMA ARKANSAS(cont.) 2012 2013 City, Church 2012 Birmingham, Trinity Baptist Church 1,186.96 1,452.28 Concord, Concord Baptist Church 649.58 486.73 Creola, Fountain of Faith Missionary B 1,960.00 2,069.67 Conway, Antioch Baptist Church 170,495.71 186,957.66 Grand Bay, Philadelphia Baptist Church 120.00 120.00 Conway, Calvary Baptist Church 22,653.95 24,359.33 Guin, Green Springs Baptist Church 949.70 994.22 Conway, Central Baptist Church 28,326.92 28,424.10 Millport, Oakes Chapel Baptist Church 2,624.20 881.71 Conway, Eastside Baptist Church 3,053.00 3,008.00 Mobile, Bethel Baptist Church 1,069.37 1,003.20 Cord, Center Grove Baptist Church 1,121.00 1,222.30 183.43 119.83 Corning, Landmark Baptist Church 968.51 1,374.41 Crossett, Beech St Baptist Church City, Church Mobile, Westwood Baptist Church Montgomery, Rigby Street Baptist Church 828.43 593.97 Montgomery, Wares Ferry Baptist Church 6,103.62 5,828.26 Damascus, First Baptist Church Theodore, Helton Road Baptist Church 4,422.08 5,444.22 Titus, Lebanon Baptist Church 4,529.00 3,354.00 23,976.79 21,861.36 11 11 Total: Number of Churches 3,671.37 3,126.58 28,574.69 11,409.84 Damascus, Sand Springs Baptist Church 1,576.83 1,808.49 Dardanelle, Unity Baptist Church 1,880.14 1,752.56 De Queen, Friendship Baptist Church 5,104.50 6,056.05 Delight, Pleasant Springs Bap Ch 1,640.00 1,700.00 Dewitt, Forks Of Lagrue Baptist Chruch Dewitt, Sunnyside Baptist Church ARIZONA 2013 300.00 750.00 4,783.26 5,393.46 408.84 230.20 Safford, Mt Carmel Baptist Church 517.00 - Dierks, Bethany Baptist Church Total: 517.00 - Dierks, Fellowship Baptist Church - 100.00 Doddridge, Evergreen Missionary Baptist Ch - 570.00 Number of Churches 1 0 ARKANSAS Dumas, Northside Baptist Church 4,398.50 El Dorado, Grace Baptist Church 3,353.56 3,661.03 El Dorado, Mt Union Baptist Church 7,505.00 7,130.00 5,253.00 2,408.00 2012 2013 Almyra, Rising Sun Baptist Church 2,984.56 2,487.99 El Dorado, Murmil Heights Baptist Church 4,912.00 Arkadelphia, Cornerstone Baptist Church 3,514.13 3,965.59 El Dorado, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 1,738.00 977.00 222.45 1,330.70 El Dorado, Wyatt Baptist Church 23,490.50 35,385.10 Elizabeth, Landmark Baptist Church 1,193.74 2,280.06 Emerson, First Baptist Church 4,127.23 4,189.97 City, Church Arkadelphia, Gum Springs Baptist Church Ashdown, Central Baptist Church 13,340.00 13,435.00 Atkins, Blackwell Baptist Church 174.08 160.00 Bald Knob, First Baptist Church 3,762.00 4,634.00 25,536.00 22,812.00 Bald Knob, Worden Baptist Church Banks, Banks Baptist Church Emerson, Western Baptist Church 330.00 561.00 Emmet, Antioch Baptist Church 160.00 160.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 90.00 120.00 Emmet, Bodcaw Baptist Church #1 Barling, Life Journey Baptist Church - 200.00 Emmet, Providence Memorial Baptist Barling, The Journey Baptist Church - 250.00 350.00 350.00 England, Landmark Baptist Church 5,479.58 6,107.98 1,309.00 1,151.20 Batesville, Ramsey Heights Baptist Church 905.14 975.00 Enola, Barney Baptist Church Batesville, Southside Baptist Church 726.00 697.00 Enola, Marcus Hill Baptist Church Bay, Broadway Ave Baptist Church 600.00 450.00 Eureka Springs, Mountain View Baptist Chu 218.04 214.08 - 634.00 Bearden, Macedonia Baptist Church 1,200.00 1,200.00 Fayetteville, Calvary Baptist Church 22,343.26 Bee Branch, Grace Missionary Bapt Church 8,872.95 13,062.50 Fayetteville, Eastside Baptist Church 4,938.00 8,685.25 Beebe, Harrison Chapel Baptist Church 2,163.54 3,357.92 Fayetteville, Round Mountain Baptist Church 572.00 3,787.00 Bella Vista, Fellowship Baptist Church 3,998.96 4,396.84 Fayetteville, Township Missionary Baptist Ch Benton, Bethel Baptist Church 3,765.00 3,765.00 Fayetteville, Weddington Baptist Church Bentonville, Bethel Baptist Church 21,206.00 21,027.00 Bentonville, Cornerstone Church 6,000.00 4,240.00 Bentonville, Grace Hills Baptist Church Fordyce, Pine Crest Baptist Church Fordyce, Temple Baptist Church Fordyce, Zion Baptist Church 17,580.00 25.00 300.00 1,878.50 600.00 200.00 200.00 4,200.00 7,103.00 14,513.07 14,775.48 575.00 499.00 9,735.00 11,400.00 Blytheville, Beacon Baptist Church 457.48 445.02 Blytheville, Fairview Baptist Church 16,226.37 17,251.63 Forrest City, Bethel Baptist Church Blytheville, Lone Oak Baptist Church 3,775.00 3,885.00 Fouke, New Hope Baptist Church Bono, Herman Baptist Church 3,000.00 3,404.04 Ft Smith, New Liberty Baptist Church Bradford, Bradford Baptist Church 9,505.10 11,625.50 Brookland, Walnut Grove Baptist Church 1,191.42 938.68 Garfield, New Prospect Baptist Church 252.69 Garner, Garner Baptist Church 39,056.63 17,291.29 Gentry, Victory Baptist Church Buckner, First Baptist Church 2,689.00 1,672.00 Caldwell, First Baptist Church 20,239.74 17,587.61 Gravette, Beacon Baptist Church 3,790.11 2,937.16 Camden, Immanuel Baptist Church 19,265.00 14,450.00 Gravette, Bethlehem Baptist Church 1,350.00 1,200.00 270.00 210.00 11,040.50 11,302.33 8,103.19 677.04 5,675.00 2,300.00 150.00 474.73 1,460.00 4,410.00 Bryant, Iglesia Bautista Gran Comision Bryant, Park Place Baptist Church Camden, Maul Community Baptist Church Carlisle, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cave Springs, First Baptist Of Cave Springs Clarksville, Twin Oaks Baptist Mission Cleveland, Cleveland Baptist Church Clinton, Clinton Missionary Baptist Church Clinton, Mountain View Baptist - Foreman, First Baptist Church Of Wallace Fulton, Riverside Baptist Mission Grannis, Holly Grove Baptist Church Gravette, Mt Pleasant Baptist Church 1,472.62 992.87 685.02 641.29 1,085.45 806.38 180.00 180.00 12,644.00 13,088.00 1,750.00 2,750.00 4,448.46 4,121.33 500.00 - 991.40 2,465.44 Greenbrier, Bethlehem Baptist Church 18,923.83 31,068.33 7,998.40 Greenbrier, Friendship Baptist Church 14,869.00 24,065.00 572.88 Greenbrier, Immanuel Baptist Church 8,933.00 13,051.09 Greenbrier, Needs Creek Baptist Church 3,231.60 11,437.13 Greenbrier, Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 3,280.00 880.00 51,881.00 41,271.00 Greenbrier, Springhill Baptist Church 66 ARKANSAS(cont.) City, Church Greenwood, Denver Street Baptist Church Greers Ferry, Greers Ferry Baptist Church Gurdon, First Baptist Church Gurdon, New Caney Baptist Church Guy, Mt Olive Baptist Church Hamburg, North Main Baptist Church ARKANSAS(cont.) 2012 2013 4,951.00 15,842.40 620.50 672.35 10,320.00 7,900.00 3,290.93 City, Church 2012 2013 Lexa, Fourth St Baptist Church 5,502.79 5,385.51 Lexa, Rondo Baptist Church 3,100.00 3,250.00 250.00 3,214.18 Little Rock, Chenal Valley Baptist Church Little Rock, Iglesia Bautista El Faro 563.00 Little Rock, Oak Park Baptist Church 3,305.93 Little Rock, Perry Street Baptist Church 264.00 126.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 Hampton, Dickinson Baptist Church 600.00 600.00 Little Rock, Village Creek Baptist Church Hampton, Locust Bayou Baptist Church 740.00 600.00 Lonoke, Eastside Baptist Church 5,180.00 7,188.00 Hampton, Woodberry Baptist Church 663.28 Harrell, Canaan Baptist Church 300.00 13,818.00 13,417.63 Haskell, Celebration Baptist Church 2,455.70 2,784.00 Hattieville, Old Hickory Baptist Church 1,135.82 809.81 Hampton, Antioch Baptist Church Hampton, Victory Baptist Church Harrison, Red Oak Baptist Church Haynes, Haynes Baptist Church Little Rock, Temple Baptist Church 1,425.69 1,377.47 11,059.32 20,720.50 1,342.00 1,000.00 34,462.20 25,186.31 6,521.46 6,544.89 200.00 800.00 Magnolia, Antioch East Baptist Church 20,000.00 21,670.00 705.61 Magnolia, Brister Baptist Church 13,448.00 15,870.00 600.00 Magnolia, College Hill Baptist Church Magnolia, College View Baptist Church Magnolia, Corinth Baptist Church Magnolia, First Baptist Church Magnolia, Macedonia Baptist Church 75.00 200.00 12,468.62 21,472.09 570.00 70.00 2,212,244.38 2,258,802.42 7,851.02 9,522.57 500.00 850.00 Heber Springs, Calvary Baptist Church 2,964.80 3,543.48 Hermitage, Landmark Baptist Church 1,080.00 840.00 Highland, Highland Hills Baptist Church 1,805.00 1,260.00 Malvern, Sharon Rose Baptist Church 604.58 809.74 1,000.00 Malvern, South Main Baptist Church 6,576.21 9,077.00 Manila, Calvary Baptist Church 1,000.00 1,150.00 810.08 1,375.00 1,700.00 Hope, Bethany Baptist Church Hope, Garrett Memorial Baptist Church Hope, Mt Nebo Baptist Church Hope, New Hope Baptist Church Hope, Providence Baptist Church Hope, Shover Springs Baptist Church Hope, Southside Baptist Church - Magnolia, Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church Magnolia, Trinity Baptist Church 607.00 5,360.00 8,530.00 18,779.00 15,840.25 960.00 1,390.00 Manila, Little River Baptist Church 4,099.92 3,966.02 Manila, Milligan Ridge Baptist Church - Marshall, Thola Baptist Church - 1,792.17 200.00 155.00 1,940.59 Marvell, Calvary Baptist Church 4,370.92 11,433.04 Marvell, County Line Baptist Church 3,826.08 5,283.62 Marvell, Trenton Baptist Church 2,750.00 1,500.00 Maumelle, Oasis Church 4,850.00 14,595.20 2,776.65 2,333.43 Hope, Unity Baptist Church 25,425.07 28,394.48 Hot Springs, Charity Heights 2,127.50 1,046.00 Hoxie, Fellowship Baptist Church 1,174.00 1,150.00 Maumelle, Refuge Church Hughes, Central Baptist Church 1,746.00 1,840.50 Mayflower, Lakeview Baptist Church Humnoke, Rowes Chapel Baptist Church 3,000.00 3,250.00 Maysville, Maysville Baptist Church Imboden, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church 2,400.00 2,400.00 985.00 975.00 Jacksonville, Westside Baptist Church 568.00 - 7,500.00 355.00 375.00 3,380.00 4,450.00 McCrory, Calvary Baptist Church 480.00 480.00 McDougal, True Light Baptist Church 182.38 187.00 Jonesboro, Bethany Baptist Church 4,876.00 4,272.00 McGehee, Antioch Baptist Church Jonesboro, Big Creek Valley Baptist Church 3,037.00 2,586.00 McNeil, First Baptist Church 2,372.13 10,747.00 Jonesboro, Cathedral Baptist Church 1,340.00 700.00 916.08 879.10 Jonesboro, Center Hill Baptist Ch 2,620.70 2,847.21 Mena, Faith Baptist Church 2,332.86 3,688.79 Jonesboro, Connection Point Baptist Church 2,413.00 1,469.00 Mineral Springs, New Shiloh Baptist Church 2,469.18 2,372.64 Jonesboro, Fairview Baptist Church 2,329.40 4,081.70 Monticello, Eastside Baptist Church 294.23 190.77 Jonesboro, Harmony Baptist Church Jonesboro, Immanuel Baptist Church 520.00 590.00 Jonesboro, Lorado Baptist Church 120.00 1,697.03 McRae, Shiloh Baptist Church 3,107.29 14,183.00 Morrilton, Calvary Baptist Church Morrilton, Centergy Church Morrilton, Hattieville Baptist Ch (Hattie 940.00 1,102.88 10,930.71 14,536.03 710.00 600.00 3,682.00 3,625.00 373.80 273.15 Jonesboro, Macedonia Baptist Church 1,300.00 1,200.00 Mountain Home, Westside Baptist Church Jonesboro, Oak Grove Baptist Church 5,783.76 3,644.12 Murfreesboro, Temple Baptist Church 1,225.46 664.47 11,143.17 12,337.70 Nashville, Antioch Baptist Church 8,920.00 7,120.00 1,094.00 1,312.00 Nashville, Center Point Baptist Church 140.00 500.00 Nashville, County Line Baptist Church Jonesboro, Prospect Baptist Church Jonesboro, Ridgecrest Baptist Church Jonesboro, Rock Hill Baptist Church Jonesboro, Temple Baptist Church 14,830.00 35,213.78 Jonesboro, Unity Baptist Church 1,794.61 2,239.86 Jonesboro, Valley View Baptist Church 1,250.00 1,050.00 Junction City, Blanchard Springs Baptist Ch 459.00 389.00 Junction City, Corney Creek Baptist Church 1,748.00 1,328.38 Junction City, Hopewell Baptist Church 3,778.68 4,928.36 Junction City, New Hope Baptist Church Kingsland, Kingsland Baptist Church Kingsland, Mt Elba Baptist Church 194.74 3,904.06 Nashville, Grace Missionary Baptist Church Nashville, Immanuel Baptist Church Nashville, Temperanceville Baptist Church New Edinburg, Chapel Hill Baptist Church - 4,600.00 4,600.00 676.24 New Edinburg, Mt Lebanon Baptist Church 1,320.00 1,320.00 Newark, First Baptist Church 4,820.82 3,987.48 965.05 1,036.96 Newport, Lakeside Baptist Church 1,206.69 1,256.38 No. Little Rock, Church at Willow Beach 7,667.00 6,625.00 No. Little Rock, Kellogg Valley Baptist Churc 2,025.00 1,500.00 27,518.86 22,089.30 9,899.00 9,647.00 602.94 618.09 325.00 480.00 550.00 Letona, Letona Baptist Church 2,040.61 2,121.58 Lewisville, First Baptist Church N Lewisville 1,299.00 860.50 North Little Rock, Berean Baptist Church 720.00 720.00 North Little Rock, Oak Grove Baptist Church No. Little Rock, North View Baptist Church 67 826.50 21,856.05 2,650.00 1,390.00 Lewisville, Knightons Chapel 1,107.50 12,191.33 1,250.00 300.00 Lake City, Trinity Baptist Church 8,032.24 1,750.00 New Edinburg, Emmaus Baptist Church 1,390.00 Kingsland, New Friendship Baptist Church - 754.08 Newport, Faith Baptist Church 4,435.36 10,581.10 ARKANSAS(cont.) City, Church ARKANSAS(cont.) 2012 2013 City, Church 2012 North Little Rock, Parkview Baptist Church 8,465.06 8,239.00 Trumann, Central Baptist Church 771.38 702.32 Osceola, Westside Baptist Church 2,898.96 2,859.08 Trumann, Elm Grove Baptist Church 1,236.89 1,482.79 Paragould, Grace Temple Baptist Church Trumann, Parkview Baptist Church 2013 480.00 200.00 Paragould, Tenth Street Baptist Church 2,197.96 1,846.56 Pearcy, Abundant Grace Bpt Fellowship 770.00 275.00 Piggott, Shady Grove Baptist Church 770.04 1,128.87 Pine Bluff, Calvary Baptist Church 3,072.00 6,290.00 Waldo, Antioch West Baptist Church Pine Bluff, Lemonwood Baptist Church 2,394.00 3,421.00 Waldo, First Baptist Church Pine Bluff, Meadowview Baptist Church 2,037.69 1,586.02 Waldo, Mt Vernon Community Church 500.00 300.00 Pine Bluff, Oakland Hgts Baptist Church 3,712.35 1,001.25 Waldo, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 400.00 400.00 Plumerville, Bald Knob Baptist Church 4,700.00 6,900.00 Waldo, Shiloh Lamartine Baptist Church 2,150.00 3,495.00 Plumerville, Caney Valley Baptist Church 4,207.50 4,681.00 Ward, Charity Baptist Church 2,838.26 2,985.00 Plumerville, Mt Pleasant Baptist Church 32,360.89 27,688.42 Warren, Calvary Baptist Church 6,988.92 10,444.38 Pocahontas, Pocahontas Baptist Church 4,642.00 4,935.00 Warren, Cross Roads Baptist Church 3,733.59 3,674.54 Prairie Grove, Prairie Oaks Baptist Church 1,238.95 1,898.24 Warren, Farmville Baptist Church Prescott, Central Baptist Church 2,548.00 2,954.00 West Helena, Harmony Baptist Church 4,669.00 3,668.00 West Memphis, Fellowship Baptist Church 10,101.00 7,986.91 Wynne, Grace Baptist Church Prescott, Missionary Grove Baptist Churc Prescott, Shady Grove Baptist Church 40.00 300.00 632.00 494.31 Vilonia, Old Liberty Baptist Church 4,700.00 4,200.00 Violet Hill, Fairview Baptist Church 100.00 Trumann, Trumann Missionary Baptist Chur Quitman, Flat Rock Baptist Church 815.00 800.00 Quitman, Kaley Hill Baptist Church 14,256.67 18,647.80 Quitman, New Home Baptist Church 5,342.00 8,134.53 Quitman, Sulphur Springs Baptist Church 2,314.16 4,567.51 Ravenden Springs, Calvary Missionary Bap 1,584.65 1,516.25 CALIFORNIA 800.00 900.00 City, Church 15,589.46 8,010.14 1,114.13 807.05 Rector, Blooming Grove Baptist Church Rison, Bethel #1 Baptist Church Rison, Commerce Road Baptist Church Roe, Roe Missionary Baptist Church Wynne, New Hope Baptist Church Total: Number of Churches Anaheim, Orange Avenue Baptist Church Bloomington, Calvary Baptist Church - 18,832.00 18,790.00 6,124.00 2,803.00 900.00 800.00 1,940.96 2,502.53 90.00 195.00 1,313.78 2,107.79 3,561.33 5,026.59 3,810,302.22 3,981,368.03 288 297 2013 2012 - 228.00 444.78 1,414.43 Escalon, First Missionary Baptist Church 416.46 458.61 Fremont, First Baptist Of Warm Springs 900.00 600.00 600.00 12,615.57 14,480.71 Rosston, Bluff Springs Baptist Church 2,335.00 2,520.00 Fremont, Memorial Baptist Church 2,250.00 2,220.00 Rosston, Bodcaw Baptist Church #2 1,318.00 2,362.00 Hesperia, Temple Baptist Church 15,445.40 15,704.40 Rosston, First Baptist Church 2,807.48 2,789.00 La Verne, Calvary Baptist Church 100.00 1,052.00 Phelan, Cornerstone Baptist Church 2,288.25 2,175.00 Ridgecrest, Bethel Baptist Church 4,393.09 3,774.32 Vacaville, Faith Baptist Church 4,685.72 6,249.89 30,923.70 33,276.65 9 9 Rogers, Temple Baptist Church Rosston, Whites Chapel Baptist Church Russel l, Russell Baptist Church Russellville, Grace Baptist Church Saratoga, Community Baptist Church Searcy, Baptist Tabernacle Church Searcy, Foster's Chapel Baptist Church 150.00 - 5,379.00 5,491.00 22,144.00 19,307.00 250.00 250.00 1,460.13 1,309.22 11,600.00 12,196.28 Total: Number of Churches - Searcy, Park Avenue Baptist Church 11,645.00 14,224.00 COLORADO Searcy, West Race Baptist Church 11,015.00 10,572.00 City, Church Sheridan, Immanuel Baptist Church 7,355.59 6,867.00 Elbert, Majestic Valley 1,824.00 2,729.00 Fountain, Fusion Church 4,519.66 4,268.81 14,526.90 20,482.34 Kiowa, Majestic View Baptist Church 5,300.00 18,380.80 Sherwood, Cherrywood Baptist Church Sherwood, North Hills Baptist Church Siloam Springs, East Kenwood Baptist Chur 1,252.75 370.00 Smackover, Calvary Baptist Church 1,556.20 1,216.00 Smithville, Lone Oak Baptist Church 2013 2012 - 2,081.99 Pueblo West, River of Grace Baptist Church 12,105.00 13,435.00 Total: 21,924.66 38,166.60 3 4 Number of Churches 300.00 300.00 11,279.90 13,061.12 4,683.19 4,553.29 FLORIDA 785.00 2,940.00 City, Church St Charles, First Baptist Church 2,764.30 2,887.14 Ft Walton Beach, Ark of Salvation Stamps, Calvary Baptist Church 451.42 849.01 Stamps, Liberty Baptist Church 3,480.00 3,610.00 Jacksonville, Temple Gate Baptist Church 148.00 - Stamps, Trinity Baptist Church 3,250.00 3,000.00 Lake City, Beth Haven Baptist Church 100.00 50.00 1,911.05 2,102.58 Springdale, Spring Creek Baptist Church Springdale, Springdale Baptist Church Springdale, Turner Street Baptist Church Jacksonville, Rolling Hills Baptist Church Strawberry, Bold Springs Baptist Church 105.00 400.00 Lakeland, Christina Park Baptist Church Stuttgart, Harmony Baptist Church 394.32 420.11 Lakeland, North Lakeland Baptist Church 1,035.00 871.83 Success, Amity Baptist Church 2013 2012 - 200.00 2,233.33 2,322.75 286.10 83.05 McDavid, Grace Baptist Church 2,048.00 1,615.00 1,068.18 210.00 524.00 Palatka, Silver Lake Missionary Baptist Chu 1,078.62 Summers, Summers Missionary Baptist Chu 5,816.50 6,262.96 Pensacola, Parkview Baptist Church 2,030.93 1,625.86 Taylor, Beacon Baptist Church 8,493.40 8,857.23 Total: 9,836.03 9,067.42 Taylor, First Baptist Church 8,625.67 11,626.40 8 8 Taylor, Spring Branch Baptist Church 1,300.00 1,100.00 Texarkana, Central Baptist Church 1,060.49 3,119.49 Sulphur Springs, Mt Zion Baptist Church Number of Churches 68 HAWAII LOUISIANA (cont.) 2012 2013 Ewa Beach, Alii Baptist Church 4,532.00 5,152.00 Springhill, First Baptist Church Total: 4,532.00 5,152.00 Springhill, Walnut Road Baptist Church 1 1 City, Church Number of Churches City, Church 4,925.01 5,824.08 15,198.51 111,501.70 120,278.42 19 18 2012 2013 Thomaston, Trinity Baptist Church 1,482.47 1,874.67 Total: 1,482.47 1,874.67 1 1 Total: City, Church Number of Churches 2013 2012 Post Falls, Grace Baptist Church 9,842.10 11,983.81 MAINE Total: 9,842.10 11,983.81 City, Church 1 1 Number of Churches ILLINOIS City, Church 2013 49,634.20 17,666.92 Vidalia, Calvary Baptist Church IDAHO 2012 32,984.60 Number of Churches 2013 2012 Caseyville, Friendship Baptist Church 1,515.00 600.00 MICHIGAN Lake Villa, Fairfield Road Baptist 2,018.30 - City, Church 2012 Battle Creek, Harmony Baptist 608.00 324.00 7,278.00 7,200.00 Melrose Park, Tabernaculo Metropolitano Sparta, Loyalty Baptist Church Total: - 240.00 7,132.00 6,680.00 10,665.30 7,520.00 3 3 Number of Churches Burton, Bethany Baptist Church Flint, Shiloh Baptist Church Kalamazoo, Twelfth Street Baptist Church Lansing, New Home Baptist Church Swartz Creek, Cornerstone Baptist Church INDIANA City, Church Bloomington, Calvary Baptist Church Gary, Liberty Baptist Church Total: Swartz Creek, Master's Hands Deaf Church 2012 2013 3,574.23 8,187.50 718.80 8,187.50 2 1 2012 2013 Plymouth, Slavil Christain Ch New Life 3,600.00 3,600.00 Total: 3,600.00 3,600.00 1 1 2012 2013 3,950.00 4,450.00 2013 Garland, Mt Zion Baptist Church 5,944.00 5,082.00 Girard, Mt Olive Baptist Church 5,664.04 5,592.07 MISSISSIPPI 828.66 251.86 City, Church 1,812.72 650.00 Amory, East Amory Baptist Church Pittsburg, Meadowside Baptist Church Number of Churches 545.14 1,278.00 Amory, Providence Baptist Church 767.45 489.89 27,224.56 26,156.23 Baldwyn, Friendship Baptist Church 510.00 748.66 6 6 Number of Churches Baldwyn, Grace Missionary Baptist Church 800.00 200.00 Baldwyn, Parkview Baptist Church 240.00 240.00 50.00 50.00 Baldwyn, South Prentiss Baptist Church KENTUCKY 2012 2013 Bassfield, Bethel Baptist Church Bowling Green, Scottsville Road Baptist Chu 3,419.00 3,070.00 Bay Springs, First Baptist Church Total: 3,419.00 3,070.00 1 1 City, Church Number of Churches Bay Springs, Palestine Baptist Church LOUISIANA City, Church 124.00 7 13,302.30 Total: 6 2012 Parker, First Baptist Church 7,970.00 37,819.63 55,490.03 12,430.00 Ottawa, Crossroads Baptist Church 9,855.00 45,432.77 66,453.29 City, Church Galena, First Baptist Church 500.00 1,552.40 MINESOTA KANSAS City, Church 275.00 3,004.52 Number of Churches - 4,293.03 Number of Churches Total: 2013 2012 18,870.06 14,182.67 480.00 980.00 Bay Springs, Salem Baptist Church 2,045.00 2,682.00 Bay Springs, Union Baptist Church 830.85 2,444.21 Beaumont, Fairhope Baptist Church 681.40 798.92 3,189.99 3,845.08 695.18 Bentonia, Scotland Baptist Church 2013 131.00 Baker, Harding Street Baptist Church 2,884.16 2,010.12 Biloxi, Heritage Baptist Church 492.50 Bastrop, Bethany Baptist Church 1,289.46 1,047.58 Biloxi, Temple Baptist Church 684.00 Baton Rouge, River Oaks Baptist Church 3,360.00 2,138.00 Booneville, Forked Oak Baptist Church 916.00 1,101.00 Bernice, Mt Sterling Baptist Church 2,100.00 2,700.00 Brooklyn, Cypress Creek Baptist Church 5,040.26 5,926.06 167.00 159.44 Carriere, First Baptist Church Of Henley 2,413.20 3,101.10 Farmerville, Franklin St Baptist Church 3,136.34 3,266.63 Carriere, Lees Chapel Baptist Church #1 Franklinton, Canaan Baptist Church 5,410.00 4,810.00 Carriere, Mt Carmel Baptist Church Denham Springs, Cane Market Road Baptis Franklinton, Immanuel Baptist Church Cleveland, Homestretch Baptist Church 25.00 4,020.40 380.00 200.00 5,097.00 4,011.50 Columbia, Damascus Road Ministries 3,471.00 3,400.00 Monroe, Evergreen Park Baptist Ch 2,991.37 2,755.85 Columbia, Good Hope Baptist Church 15,063.24 12,347.72 Plain Dealing, Chalybeate Springs Baptist 2,630.72 2,431.72 Columbia, Mt Gilead Baptist Church 12,769.25 14,753.51 370.38 401.07 2,915.12 1,732.23 Slidell, The Crossing Spearsville, Liberty Baptist Church Spearsville, Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church Springhill, Eastside Baptist Church - 4,832.72 Hall Summit, Hall Summit Baptist Church Sarepta, Blocker Baptist Church 120.00 - - Corinth, Central Baptist Church Corinth, Farmington Baptist Church Ellisville, Central Baptist Church 650.00 600.00 8,255.32 6,973.32 1,556.00 3,098.00 14,685.60 13,014.26 Ellisville, Mt Moriah Baptist Church 4,792.00 5,712.00 7,212.02 6,045.23 Ellisville, Riverside Baptist Church 1,589.00 1,445.00 69 115.00 - MISSISSIPPI (cont.) City, Church Florence, Trinity Baptist Church Forest, Magnolia Hgts Baptist Church MISSISSIPPI (cont.) 2012 2013 2,155.73 2,334.55 City, Church 2012 2013 Mt Olive, Shiloh Baptist Church 6,954.00 9,868.00 Natchez, Trace City Baptist Church 1,850.84 1,374.32 Neely, Washington Baptist Church 7,032.02 6,411.19 Ocean Springs, First Baptist Church Of Win 6,187.67 6,327.09 428.62 1,476.70 850.50 792.40 38,161.00 35,518.00 640.00 440.00 Fulton, East Fulton Baptist Church 8,734.59 4,798.46 Ocean Springs, Spring Hill Baptist Church Fulton, Greenwood Baptist Church 3,320.63 4,927.07 Olive Branch, New Beginnings Bapt Church 2,451.00 325.00 Fulton, Hopewell Baptist Church 3,866.00 3,155.00 Ovett, Good Hope Baptist Church 2,400.00 2,775.00 Fulton, Mt Pleasant Baptist Church 6,300.00 6,300.00 Ovett, Tiger Creek Baptist Church 2,074.80 2,661.59 480.00 480.00 177.00 257.00 Gautier, North Gautier Baptist Church 1,027.00 2,037.00 Pascagoula, Spencer Memorial Baptist Chu Greenville, Harmony Baptist Church 2,028.00 1,408.00 Pascagoula, Woodlawn Baptist Church Gulfport, Campground Baptist Church 4,125.00 2,400.00 Pass Christian, Wolf Creek Baptist Church 698.00 1,798.00 Pearl, Skyway Hills Baptist Church Fulton, Bethel Baptist Church Fulton, Big Oak Baptist Church Fulton, Walnut Grove Gulfport, First Baptist Of Orange Grove Oxford, Westview Baptist Church 1,491.67 150.00 1,296.52 1,072.75 762.00 19,695.00 18,989.23 Gulfport, O'neal Road Baptist Church 1,417.83 388.68 Perkinston, Little Creek Baptist Church 1,768.62 2,062.01 Guntown, Unity Baptist Church 2,230.00 2,486.00 Perkinston, Paramount Baptist Church 30,680.41 29,224.00 Hattiesburg, Bethel Baptist Church - 150.00 Perkinston, Shiloh Baptist Church 2,006.79 2,567.04 Hattiesburg, Cornerstone Baptist Church - 135.00 Perkinston, Ten Mile Baptist Church 4,765.02 4,239.01 Hattiesburg, First Baptist Church Oak Grove Hattiesburg, Magnolia Baptist Church Hattiesburg, New Heart Baptist Mission Hattiesburg, South Forrest Baptist Church 1,837.42 1,864.00 19,433.89 20,899.03 22.21 - - 300.00 Petal, Corinth Baptist Church 301.00 125.00 1,835.77 1,599.73 Picayune, Benville Baptist Church 476.82 1,172.50 Picayune, Catahoula Baptist Church 600.00 650.00 Petal, Parkway Baptist Church Hattiesburg, Westover Baptist Church 9,090.00 6,768.00 Picayune, Lees Chapel Baptist Church #2 19,104.35 12,093.73 Hernando, LifePointe Baptist Church 1,722.00 1,905.50 Picayune, Mill Creek Baptist Church 10,014.00 10,590.00 Horn Lake, Calvary Baptist Church 7,387.78 5,530.00 Picayune, Mt Calvary Baptist Church 4,599.89 5,232.00 116.49 22.15 Picayune, Westlawn Baptist Church 1,825.00 2,343.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 Poplarville, Community Baptist Church 1,253.00 1,628.00 639.75 60.00 Hurley, Inspire Baptist Church Isola, Liberty Baptist Church Jackson, Creston Hills Baptist Church Jackson, Westhaven Baptist Church 3,100.00 Poplarville, Plainview Baptist Church - - 161.85 Purvis, Calvary Baptist Church 2,682.00 1,739.00 6,631.94 6,496.60 Kosciusko, Shiloh Baptist Church 824.42 2,055.58 Purvis, Pine Grove Baptist Church Laurel, El Camino Baptist Mission 336.33 1,057.65 Richton, Canaan Baptist Church - Laurel, Fairview Baptist Church 130.00 Richton, Central Baptist Church 700.00 1,300.00 - 250.00 Laurel, First Baptist Church Of Calhoun 7,855.00 6,986.25 Richton, Mulberry Baptist Church 1,415.02 1,755.64 Laurel, First Baptist Of Shady Grove 3,970.50 4,843.00 Richton, Zions Rest Baptist Church 4,214.00 9,488.00 Laurel, Hopewell Baptist Church 13,046.00 4,760.00 Rolling Fork, Zion Baptist Church Laurel, Lebanon Baptist Church 16,554.25 15,024.04 Saucier, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 786.40 267.94 1,050.00 2,100.00 400.00 Laurel, Parkview Baptist Church 1,456.97 3,594.41 Saucier, Ramsey Creek Baptist Church 650.00 Laurel, Pine Ridge Baptist Church 2,405.00 1,000.00 Seminary, Bethel Baptist Church 129.00 Laurel, Sharon Baptist Church 1,462.41 1,597.53 Seminary, Evergreen Baptist Church 6,871.00 9,420.00 Laurel, Spring Hill Baptist Church 3,325.00 5,250.00 Seminary, New Bethany Baptist Church 505.00 480.00 Laurel, Temple Baptist Church 5,321.00 3,650.00 Soso, Berean Baptist Church 4,041.00 3,700.05 4,322.52 4,596.27 Leakesville, Leakesville Missionary Baptist C 420.00 - Soso, Big Creek Baptist Church Leakesville, Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church 710.61 - Southaven, Central Baptist Church Leaksville, Buffalo Baptist Church Long Beach, Divine Grace Baptist Church - 1,000.00 Steens, Shiloh Baptist Church Sumrall, Midway First Baptist Church 1,669.59 1,820.37 Louin, First Baptist Church 650.00 600.00 Lucedale, Midway Baptist Church 650.00 1,318.00 Lucedale, Movella Baptist Church 200.00 Lucedale, Oak Grove Baptist Church - 1,485.00 2,295.34 1,596.03 15,406.66 13,833.56 Sumrall, Rocky Branch Baptist Church 3,744.00 4,036.80 Taylorsville, Calvary Baptist Church 1,140.00 1,260.00 650.00 Taylorsville, Mineral Springs Baptist Church 2,956.00 2,212.00 860.21 739.08 Taylorsville, Old Antioch Baptist Church 7,082.00 6,400.00 Lucedale, Pine View Baptist Church 225.00 - Tishomingo, Shady Grove Baptist Church 3,011.00 2,727.00 Lucedale, Sand Hill Baptist Church 120.00 - Tupelo, Emmanuel Baptist Church 1,038.18 1,384.10 2,607.00 Tupelo, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 1,255.69 1,171.51 130.00 Tupelo, South Green Baptist Church 4,646.48 4,224.85 2,050.00 Union, Mt Olive Baptist Church 1,912.00 1,357.50 Lucedale, Temple Baptist Church Lumberton, East Main Baptist Church 1,085.00 - Mantachie, Ballardsville Baptist Church 2,641.00 Mantachie, Centerville Baptist Church 1,365.00 1,679.00 Union, Rock Creek Baptist Church 1,025.00 795.00 Mantachie, First Baptist Church 9,917.00 10,480.00 Vicksburg, Oakland Baptist Church 14,330.65 13,543.60 3,811.71 Mantachie, New Hope Baptist Church 300.00 300.00 Vicksburg, Wilderness Baptist Church 2,792.46 Mantachie, Oak Grove Baptist Church 1,979.40 2,129.23 West Point, Lone Oak Baptist Church 2,002.00 1,912.00 Mantachie, Tombigbee Baptist Church 3,298.56 3,746.83 Wiggins, Vardaman Street Baptist Church 40,018.68 37,801.30 McHenry, Unity Baptist Church 1,949.62 2,188.40 Yazoo City, Hillcrest Baptist Church 734.32 1,149.78 Total: 1,553.00 600.00 Meridan, Broadmoor Baptist Church Moss, Good Hope Baptist Church Number of Churches 70 1,797.52 1,615.82 574,405.83 553,337.50 139 138 MISSOURI City, Church NEW JERSEY 2012 2013 2012 2013 Alton, Oak Hill Baptist Church 3,000.00 2,600.00 City, Church Blackwood, First Baptist Church 23,078.00 8,006.96 Bourbon, First Baptist Church 6,600.00 6,439.02 Total: 23,078.00 8,006.96 Bunker, Ohlman Baptist Church 4,165.00 2,220.00 Number of Churches 1 1 Caledonia, Temple Baptist Church 1,566.03 1,949.56 2012 2013 1,891.01 1,841.26 Cassville, Antioch Baptist Church - 100.00 NEW MEXICO Cassville, Bethany Baptist Church 248.00 215.00 City, Church 8,490.24 9,824.86 Cassville, Oak Ridge Baptist Church Columbia, Charity Baptist Church Desoto, Landmark Baptist Church Doniphan, Bethlehem Baptist Church Artesia, Calvary Baptist Church 775.00 225.00 Hobbs, Northern Hgts Baptist Church 350.55 - 1,103.34 1,259.04 Las Cruces, Hacienda Baptist Church 450.00 600.00 Rio Rancho, All Nations Indian Baptist Chur 640.00 790.00 Doniphan, Briar Baptist Church 1,893.71 1,928.17 Total: Ellington, Lower Doe Run Baptist Church 1,355.19 1,363.86 Number of Churches Ellington, Mt Zion Baptist Church Ellsinore, Mt Carmel Baptist Church - 650.00 550.00 3,341.56 2,991.26 4 3 119.20 NEW YORK 536.91 337.45 Fenton, Springdale Baptist Church 2,343.00 2,275.14 Latham, Heritage Baptist 924.64 683.16 Festus, Berean Baptist Church 1,852.34 1,461.08 Total: 924.64 683.16 Florissant, Lindsay Lane Baptist Church 3,816.59 2,676.88 Number of Churches 1 1 767.23 1,039.63 Independence, Faith Baptist Church 1,111.05 1,330.00 OKLAHOMA Independence, Glenview Baptist Church 4,089.15 2,832.22 City, Church 2012 2013 Independence, Harmony Heights Baptist Ch 5,942.28 5,703.04 Ada, College Hgts Baptist Church 2,560.65 1,478.66 Harviell, Friendship Baptist Church Irondale, Stony Point Baptist Church 2,610.84 2,373.94 Alex, First Baptist Church 630.00 400.00 Jefferson City, Westview Baptist Church 2,782.90 2,805.30 Ardmore, New Heights Baptist Church 980.00 1,440.00 Joplin, Grace Baptist Church 8,508.34 4,478.48 Atoka, High Hill Baptist Church Kansas City, Calvary Baptist Church 1,857.00 850.00 Kansas City, First Missionary B C-Kansas - Atoka, Mt Olive Missionary Baptist Church Bethany, Peniel Baptist Church 260.47 - 500.00 522.20 572.50 100.00 - Kewanee, Kewanee Baptist Church 29,140.00 28,600.00 Blanchard, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 9,930.52 Lonedell, Bethel Baptist Church 18,392.00 21,406.30 Catoosa, Port City Baptist Church 1,339.39 978.31 425.00 2,433.46 510.00 820.00 Matthews, First Baptist Church Chickasha, Faith Baptist Church 9,893.29 Middlebrook, First Baptist Church 645.00 538.50 Coalgate, Coalgate Baptist Church 274.00 296.00 Neelyville, Walnut Grove Baptist Church 350.00 420.00 Colcord, Missionary Baptist Church 617.32 440.46 1,912.35 2,533.09 Nevada, Heritage Baptist Church Coleman, Fillmore Baptist Church 387.00 268.00 - 178.00 Eagletown, Eagletown Missionary Baptist 4,185.20 4,965.79 Park Hills, Bethesda Baptist Church 442.19 475.01 Elmore City, Katie Baptist Church 1,232.80 1,022.00 Poplar Bluff, Black Creek Baptist Church 665.58 237.41 Elmore City, Satterwhite Baptist Church 4,975.43 3,740.00 5,020.02 6,237.75 Oxly, Antioch Baptist Church Poplar Bluff, Mt Zion Baptist Church Potosi, Bates Creek Baptist Church Potosi, Breton Creek Baptist Church Potosi, Fellowship Baptist Church Potosi, First Baptist Church - Gerty, Harmony Baptist Church Heavener, Howe First Miss Baptist Church 775.00 120.00 110.00 1,739.49 2,323.61 1,075.55 351.00 Jay, Plainview Baptist Church 360.00 360.00 600.00 600.00 Leedy, Moorewood Baptist Church 26,530.00 21,830.00 27,158.32 25,690.41 Lindsay, Missionary Baptist Church 5,285.00 5,550.00 Potosi, Lakewood Baptist Church 3,569.00 3,645.00 McAlester, Shady Grove Baptist Church 7,265.00 6,845.00 Potosi, Ozark Hgts Baptist Church 1,022.00 1,340.00 Midwest City, Highland Park Baptist Church 4,916.89 7,746.60 Potosi, White Oak Grove Baptist Church 5,492.45 9,599.77 Moore, First Slavic Baptist Church 400.00 1,850.00 Qulin, Black River Baptist Church 1,152.83 695.00 Moore, Southgate Baptist Church 57,271.96 56,033.58 Muskogee, Ash Street Baptist Church 16,726.78 17,563.10 419.00 2,020.15 6,178.51 8,894.20 Raymore, Cornerstone Baptist Church 2,001.50 2,070.13 16,415.51 10,813.73 841.00 600.00 Smithville, North Lake Church 4,645.00 7,125.00 Owasso, Bethany Baptist Church Springfield, Grandview Baptist Church 5,855.80 6,154.10 Purcell, Sunray Baptist Church Sikeston, Bethel Baptist Church Sikeston, Emmanuel Baptist Church Springfield, Palmer Heights Baptist - Newcastle, Calvary Baptist Church Oklahoma City, New Heights Baptist Church Roff, Sunshine Baptist Church 50.00 450.00 600.00 2,974.00 2,707.00 550.00 600.00 9,188.00 5,381.78 St Charles, Faith Baptist Church 5,529.53 7,582.24 Roland, First Baptist Church St Clair, Friendship Baptist Church 1,500.00 3,850.00 Sand Springs, Delaware Baptist Church St Louis, Zion Baptist Church 2,145.00 1,925.00 Sapulpa, Emmanuel Baptist Church St. Louis, Bethany Baptist Church 7,093.50 3,558.00 Sulphur, Dolberg Baptist Church 3,685.00 3,060.00 Steelville, Straightway Baptist Church 1,200.00 1,200.00 Tupelo, Rocky Point Baptist Church 1,250.70 1,165.42 Sullivan, New Testament Baptist Church 8,397.00 12,698.00 Wayne, Unity Baptist Church 3,411.25 3,649.90 Union, Central Baptist Church 1,150.00 600.00 Westville, Old Baptist Mission 1,692.00 1,400.00 Zalma, Zalma Baptist Church 4,163.14 2,435.52 Wynnewood, Eastern Gate Baptist Church 1,659.26 1,706.01 224,053.41 223,874.76 Wynnewood, Hillcrest Baptist Church 2,638.50 1,180.69 52 58 183,040.85 179,592.05 37 37 Total: Number of Churches Total: Number of Churches 71 - 200.00 85.00 - OREGON TEXAS (cont.) City, Church 2012 2013 City, Church 2012 2013 Eugene, New Hope Missionary Baptist 600.00 600.00 Clayton, Bethel Baptist Church 1,601.35 3,750.61 1,114.23 1,470.08 Portland, Heritage Baptist Church 705.00 600.00 Cleveland, Security Calvary Salem, Mt Olive Baptist Church 455.00 420.00 Cleveland, Southline Baptist Church Sweet Home, Mt Calvary Baptist Church 1,232.95 Total: 2,992.95 1,620.00 4 3 Number of Churches Como, Greenpond Baptist Church - Conroe, New Bethlehem Baptist Church Conroe, Northside Baptist Church Corrigan, Union Springs Baptist Church TENNESSEE 885.62 719.71 2,237.29 2,139.58 1,127.00 765.00 12,267.99 16,501.27 75.00 Crandall, First Baptist Church 4,247.43 4,828.03 2012 2013 Crockett, Calvary Baptist Church 1,529.51 Bartlett, Crystal Springs Baptist Church 4,496.04 4,751.61 Cushing, Glenfawn Baptist Church 4,279.17 4,512.56 Knoxville, Sixth Avenue Baptist Church 11,101.61 4,184.96 Cushing, Landmark Baptist Church 1,069.00 1,317.00 9,037.85 8,541.00 Cushing, Lilbert Baptist Church City, Church Knoxville, Springhill Baptist Church Memphis, Cornerstone Institutional Bapt 200.00 1,796.43 2,675.09 - Dallas, Dallas Park Baptist Church 1,325.23 1,141.12 Dallas, First Baptist Church Of Cockrell Hill 1,044.55 1,031.72 3,308.85 1,000.00 1,357.74 29,144.35 18,835.31 6 4 Dallas, Pleasant Oaks Baptist Church 277.00 - De Berry, Shady Grove Baptist Church 486.00 - De Berry, Walnut Springs MBC Desoto, First Baptist Church TEXAS 2013 City, Church 2012 Abilene, Southern Hills Baptist Church 373.00 98.00 Amarillo, Calvary Baptist Church 367.62 425.25 10,000.00 5,000.00 1,566.26 659.60 Amarillo, Forest Hill Baptist Church Amarillo, Green Tree Fellowship Mission 80.00 Dallas, Bethel BC of White Rock Munford, First Baptist Church Number of Churches 80.00 - Memphis, Liberty Memorial Baptist Churc Total: - Anderson, Carlos Baptist Church 402.50 Anderson, Martins Prairie Baptist Church 890.00 1,000.00 Anson, Northside Baptist Church 580.00 480.00 Arlington, Calvary Baptist Church 2,447.00 Arlington, Oasis Church 1,861.80 4,017.00 160.76 4,069.00 - Diana, Simmons Hill Baptist Church 1,015.50 1,055.44 Edgewood, Good Hope Baptist Church 1,872.60 1,838.00 Edinburg, Fellowship Baptist Church 1,800.00 1,500.00 Elkhart, Lakeside Baptist Church 1,323.25 210.45 Elkhart, Slocum First Baptist Church 1,771.04 2,004.66 5,489.31 Emory, Pilgrims Rest Baptist Church #1 6,816.31 Ennis, Anthony Drive Baptist Church 3,528.68 2,328.99 Ennis, Bristol Baptist Church 9,578.16 11,340.67 3,275.00 Ennis, Calvary Baptist Church 9,192.24 9,295.80 1,291.80 Etoile, Macedonia Baptist Church 2,445.53 2,778.05 963.25 1,839.30 Euless, Sheppard Drive Baptist Church 4,796.00 3,590.00 Aspermont, Central Baptist Church 3,745.30 4,165.18 Eustace, China Grove Baptist Church 3,847.00 5,155.00 Athens, First Baptist Church Of Crossr 6,290.20 6,655.41 Eustace, Lighthouse Baptist Church 10,395.46 11,807.32 Arp, Omen Baptist Church Athens, Myrtle Springs Baptist - - 80.00 Fairfield, Antioch Baptist Church 1,000.00 Fairfield, Calvary Baptist Church 78,678.51 44,133.73 11,820.80 - Atlanta, Missional Baptist Church 280.00 - Avalon, First Baptist Church 158.42 125.36 Fairfield, Round Prairie Baptist Church 11,534.77 Bardwell, Bardwell Baptist Church 740.53 998.16 Fairfield, Ward Prairie Baptist Church 1,413.91 1,148.92 1,730.97 1,535.31 Ferris, First Baptist Church 7,489.55 10,298.34 920.00 1,643.61 Beckville, First Baptist Church Ben Wheeler, Grace Baptist Mission 1,178.11 840.25 Blooming Grove, First Baptist Church 22,190.06 21,020.98 Bowie, Union Hill Baptist Church 2,304.88 Bridge City, Circle Drive Baptist Church Bronte, Central Baptist Church Brookeland, Brookeland Baptist Church Brownsboro, Opelika Missionary Baptist Chu Brownsboro, Union Hill Baptist Church Ferris, New Beginnings Bible Church Flynn, First Baptist Church 10,431.16 7,386.36 2,146.55 Forney, Fellowship Baptist Church 48,452.81 84,634.34 3,550.00 8,795.00 Fort Worth, South Park Baptist Church 41,958.00 50,213.73 768.38 1,159.72 Fort Worth, Wyatt Drive Baptist Church 2,250.00 1,950.00 1,220.67 - Frankston, Frankston Baptist Church 641.17 279.32 185.00 - Garland, Emmanuel Baptist Church 283.00 215.00 600.00 50,878.20 27,430.60 Garland, Northside Baptist Church 1,660.00 6,613.17 6,712.18 Garrison, Concord Baptist Church 250.00 200.00 200.00 Bullard, Mt Selman Baptist Church 4,519.22 4,330.30 Gary, First Baptist Church Canton, Jackson Baptist Church 2,388.10 2,472.50 Gilmer, Antioch Baptist Church 300.00 350.00 Canton, Oak Grove Baptist Church 8,030.54 13,556.05 Canton, Old Bethel Baptist Church 820.35 2,166.55 Canton, Tundra Baptist Church 9,267.89 10,959.08 Carthage, Antioch Baptist Church 1,105.83 1,254.69 120,781.55 158,887.04 Bryan, Beacon Baptist Church Buffalo, Mt Zion Baptist Church Canton, Lifehouse Fellowship Carthage, First Baptist Church Carthage, Liberty Baptist Church 14,415.49 25,095.74 Carthage, Mt Calvary Baptist Church 6,975.00 7,832.00 Centerville, Calvary Baptist Church 7,822.76 16,606.16 675.00 894.68 Centerville, New Salem Baptist Church Garrison, Walnut Grove Baptist Church - 75.00 - 423.00 423.00 9,659.11 30,679.62 Gilmer, Cherokee Baptist Church 197.00 40.00 Gilmer, Concord Baptist Church 490.00 Gilmer, Enon Baptist Church - 24,839.10 26,229.32 Gilmer, Glade Creek Baptist Church 2,675.98 2,563.64 Gilmer, Latch Baptist Church 4,319.20 2,875.44 23,770.00 29,776.00 Gilmer, Oak Hill Baptist Church 9,154.12 8,383.74 Gilmer, Pine Acres Baptist Church 1,500.00 1,600.00 Gilmer, Little Mound Baptist Church Gilmer, Pritchett Baptist Church Gilmer, Rosewood Baptist Church 64,124.19 200.00 57,306.71 Centerville, Victory Baptist Church 60.00 - Gilmer, Willow Oak Baptist Church 567.94 433.02 Chireno, Little's Chapel Baptist Church 40.00 250.00 Gilmer, Woodland Baptist Church 560.00 220.00 72 TEXAS (cont.) TEXAS (cont.) City, Church 2012 2013 City, Church 2012 2013 Golden, Calvary Baptist Church 511.06 662.80 Livingston, Soda Baptist Church 9,763.99 11,527.25 Golden, Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church #2 3,130.98 3,240.50 Longview, Camille Acres Baptist Church 8,155.22 9,651.90 Grand Prairie, Eighth Street Baptist Church 3,670.00 2,662.00 Longview, Liberty Baptist Church 3,055.97 3,241.62 Grand Saline, Corinth Baptist Church 2,417.24 250.00 Loop, Ashmore Baptist Church 24,035.00 22,900.00 72,622.30 Grand Saline, Lawrence Springs Baptist Ch 717.24 871.54 Lubbock, Lakeridge Baptist Church 68,320.84 Grand Saline, Mt Lebanon Baptist Church 360.00 360.00 Lubbock, Lighthouse Baptist Church 1,100.00 300.00 Grand Saline, Richland Hgts Baptist Church 371.00 319.00 Lufkin, Fairview Baptist Church 4,900.87 3,403.28 8,936.73 9,867.53 Lufkin, Fuller Springs Baptist Church 2,925.90 3,085.20 969.10 1,218.50 Lufkin, Harvest Baptist Church 1,412.00 1,591.46 3,616.28 2,721.50 Lufkin, Keltys First Baptist Church 49,811.60 67,548.74 255.10 Grand Saline, Sand Flat Baptist Church Groesbeck, Bethel Baptist Church Groesbeck, Lost Prairie Baptist Church Groves, Berean Baptist Church 1,000.00 1,125.00 Lufkin, Little Flock Baptist Church 255.78 Hemphill, East Mayfield Baptist Church 1,501.46 1,703.99 Lufkin, Mckindree Baptist Church - 137.50 156.64 Hemphill, Friendship Baptist Church Henderson, Sardis Baptist Church Houston, Centro De Vida 3,336.76 3,988.54 32,600.00 33,450.00 Lufkin, Wallace Chapel Baptist Church 7,610.93 323.00 5,051.82 Mabank, Liberty Baptist Church 1,200.00 1,200.00 Magnolia Springs, Magnolia Springs Fellows 1,206.90 1,201.90 2,932.43 Humble, Suburban Wood Baptist Church 5,000.86 4,952.88 Mansfield, First Baptist Church Las Colin Huntington, First Ora Baptist Church 2,538.79 1,728.66 Mansfield, Sardis Baptist Church 629.00 Huntington, Harmony Odell Baptist Church 988.62 1,222.21 Marquez, Clear Creek Baptist Church 650.00 550.00 Huntington, Pine Forest Baptist Ch 600.00 Maydelle, Maydelle First Baptist Church 957.41 1,363.37 - 900.00 Huntington, Rocky Hill Baptist Church 1,879.60 3,004.89 McAdoo, First Baptist Church 337.08 218.08 Huntington, Salem Baptist Church 4,157.35 833.75 McAllen, Anchor Bible Baptist Church 570.00 715.00 Huntsville, Ebenezer Baptist Church 460.00 750.00 Mesquite, Calvary First Baptist Church 4,686.00 2,586.00 Iola, Enon First Baptist Church 425.00 800.00 Mesquite, Friendship Baptist Church 81,439.52 99,150.05 - Itasca, First Baptist Church Mesquite, Long Creek Baptist Church 5,000.00 3,850.00 Jacksboro, Mountain Home Baptist Church 5,376.40 4,347.50 Mesquite, Shiloh Road Baptist Church 2,888.41 3,530.12 Jacksonville, Afton Grove Baptist Church 2,597.91 2,915.82 Mexia, Primera Bautista Mission 1,300.00 1,334.10 Jacksonville, Calvary Baptist Church 4,947.60 5,901.30 Mexia, Temple Baptist Church 9,076.60 9,267.35 Jacksonville, Corinth Baptist Church 2,588.16 2,662.31 Midlothian, Calvary Baptist Church 3,600.00 3,600.00 13.46 Jacksonville, Craft Baptist Church 1,222.33 422.64 Jacksonville, Enterprise Baptist Church 3,727.27 5,856.46 43,923.96 45,608.15 Jacksonville, First Baptist Church Jacksonville, Friendship Baptist Church 718.60 Mineola, Central Baptist Church - 637.71 706.21 Mineola, Hubbard Chapel Baptist Church 3,067.46 2,772.01 Mineola, Mt Pisgah Baptist Church 3,581.95 1,819.89 Mineola, New Hope Baptist Church 8,719.10 4,146.92 Jacksonville, New Salem Baptist Church 2,662.49 2,613.96 Mineola, Rose Hill Baptist Church 5,841.85 5,183.64 Jacksonville, Tabernacle Baptist Church 642.44 1,134.92 Mineola, Sand Springs Baptist Church 2,072.29 1,957.14 Jasper, Beech Grove Baptist Church 910.00 2,221.00 Mineola, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 1,503.77 1,556.76 Morton, First Missionary Baptist Church Jasper, Bishop Chapel Baptist Church Jasper, Zion Hill Baptist Church 415.00 400.00 Mt Pleasant, South Jefferson Baptist Church Jewett, Little Flock Baptist Church 790.75 851.20 Mt Vernon, Meadow Park Baptist Church 1,937.25 1,820.31 Jewett, Sardis Baptist Church Joaquin, First Baptist Church 4,435.06 3,562.30 Joaquin, Jackson Baptist Church 9,461.74 11,298.13 Joaquin, Old Home Baptist Church 2,880.00 Judson, First Baptist Church 6,663.50 115.00 120.00 Kaufman, Grays Prairie Baptist Church Kemp, First Baptist Church Murchison, Pleasant Ridge Baptist Nacogdoches, Gravel Ridge Baptist Church 420.00 120.00 3,351.00 1,740.00 26,820.00 37,820.00 625.39 300.00 1,392.00 1,408.00 533.33 716.66 Nacogdoches, Harmony Baptist Church 5,500.00 6,500.00 5,303.00 Nacogdoches, Mahl Baptist Church 6,216.45 3,977.26 2,400.00 Nacogdoches, Nat Baptist Church 950.00 900.00 Nacogdoches, Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 3,967.52 3,441.66 2,974.73 514.00 370.33 Nacogdoches, University Baptist Church 2,868.17 Kennard, Piney Creek Baptist Church 1,998.64 1,783.70 Nacogdoches, Westside Baptist Church 1,954.55 2,860.95 Kilgore, Stone Ridge Baptist Church 1,884.00 1,864.00 New Boston, Faith Missionary Baptist Churc 2,033.00 1,800.00 New Caney, First Baptist Church 9,566.18 10,160.10 New Summerfield, First Baptist Church 2,859.40 2,726.76 Lakeview, Lakeview Baptist Church 242.70 700.00 Lamesa, Sunset Baptist Church 4,592.07 4,274.38 Latexo, Ephesus Baptist Church 647.56 733.10 New Waverly, New Hope Baptist Church 615.39 568.58 Leggett, Leggett Baptist Church 4,344.00 240.00 New Waverly, Pine Valley Baptist Church 799.80 799.80 Levelland, College Ave Baptist Church 6,313.45 8,954.31 Newton, Newton Baptist Church 1,200.00 1,000.00 Levelland, Fifth Street Baptist Church 6,017.00 3,948.42 Nocona, Northside Baptist Church Lindale, East Foothills Baptist Church 887.76 830.57 Normangee, Harmony Baptist Church Normangee, Union Baptist Church Little Elm, Genesis Metro Church 1,200.00 700.00 Littlefield, Sunset Avenue Baptist Church 1,407.12 1,977.08 Livingston, Bethel Baptist Church 1,643.00 Livingston, East Tempe Baptist Church Livingston, First Baptist Church Livingston, First Baptist Church Of Provid Livingston, Holly Grove Baptist Church 225.00 - 1,471.00 1,940.00 976.36 1,087.37 North Zulch, Sand Prairie Baptist 1,186.00 3,895.00 960.00 Oakhurst, Center Hill Baptist Church 3,034.56 3,034.56 629.00 111.92 Orange, Bethel Baptist Church 1,188.00 1,241.00 48,989.05 53,104.62 Ore City, Coffeeville Baptist Church 1,694.39 1,942.88 1,878.52 2,219.30 Paducah, Missionary Baptist Church 5,850.08 4,802.04 702.80 829.26 Palestine, Antioch Baptist Church 7,379.00 3,081.00 73 TEXAS (cont.) City, Church Palestine, Sheridan Terrace Baptist Church Palestine, Walston Springs Baptist Church Palmer, First Baptist Church Pickton, Winterfield Baptist Church Pittsburg, Bethel Baptist Church TEXAS (cont.) 2012 2013 2,452.53 2,952.13 607.00 622.00 3,271.00 4,700.00 275.00 382.50 City, Church 2012 2013 3,044.35 2,596.26 Trinidad, Calvary Baptist Church 986.00 1,030.00 Trinidad, Lakeside Baptist Church 595.00 170.00 Troup, Blackjack Baptist Church 622.94 1,053.54 1,435.00 Tomball, Carrell Street Baptist Church 600.00 1,000.00 Tyler, Center of Life 1,031.00 35,681.30 37,121.80 Tyler, Fair Park Baptist Church 3,463.75 2,908.76 7,166.00 11,277.95 Tyler, New Harmony Baptist Church 80,755.16 98,386.50 Pittsburg, Fellowship Baptist Church 11,343.72 10,178.45 Tyler, Pine Brook Baptist Church 11,064.90 14,419.60 Pittsburg, Macedonia Baptist Church 2,390.90 3,064.24 Tyler, Red Springs Baptist Church 6,301.56 5,895.55 Pollok, O'Quinn Baptist Church 6,984.54 7,346.02 Waco, Beacon Hill Baptist Church 8,594.10 9,723.75 Waxahachie, Farley Street Baptist Church 36,693.69 36,868.45 Pittsburg, Brumley Baptist Church Pittsburg, Ebenezer Friendship Baptist Pollok, Red Town Baptist Church 648.60 - Port Arthur, Bethel Baptist Church 1,248.95 2,180.56 Waxahachie, Heritage Baptist Church 12,931.15 23,298.16 Porter, Evergreen Baptist Church 2,538.53 2,115.19 Weatherford, Freedom Baptist Fellowship 250.00 300.00 Purdon, Shady Grove Baptist Church 1,875.00 1,300.00 White Oak, Fellowship Missionary Baptist 150.00 - Quitaque, Fairmont Baptist Church 300.00 250.00 - 380.00 Quitman, Clover Hill Baptist Church 2,670.96 1,600.14 Quitman, Ebenezer Baptist Church 600.00 600.00 Quitman, Forest Hill Baptist Church 2,353.25 2,230.98 Wiergate, Weeks Chapel Baptist Church 1,661.00 3,614.00 172.00 244.00 Wills Point, Elwood Baptist Church 5,441.20 1,373.71 Red Oak, First Baptist Church Of Red Oak Rice, First Baptist Church Whitehouse, Hill Creek Baptist Church Whitney, Prairie Valley Baptist Church 8,695.04 9,760.04 Whitney, Towash Baptist Church 8,872.55 11,408.00 840.00 810.00 Wills Point, Locust Grove Baptist Church 1,372.00 2,332.00 Robert Lee, Pecan Baptist Church 8,525.00 8,450.00 Winnsboro, Coldwater Baptist Church 1,019.33 1,096.00 Rosser, First Baptist Church Of Rosser 1,385.51 1,827.35 Winnsboro, Cross Roads Baptist Church 1,031.18 1,518.70 401.62 1,343.71 1,080.00 Rowlett, Crossroads Baptist Church - 239.00 Winnsboro, Fellowship Baptist Church Royse City, Genesis Church - 400.00 Winnsboro, Pineview Baptist Church 1,080.00 600.00 600.00 Winnsboro, Sharon Baptist Church 2,284.31 3,002.97 6,126.00 4,945.00 22,231.99 24,412.49 Saint Jo, Landmark Baptist Church San Angelo, Grace Temple Baptist Church San Augustine, Attoyac Baptist Church San Augustine, Bethel Baptist Church San Augustine, Macune Baptist Church San Augustine, Shiloh Baptist Church Santa Ana, Northside Baptist Church Scroggins, Smyrna Baptist Church - 839.87 17,573.93 17,133.74 3,372.75 4,574.36 - Zavalla, Johnson Missionary Baptist Church 1,800.00 1,226.10 646.40 Winnsboro, Walnut Street Baptist Church Zavalla, Solid Rock Baptist Church Total: Number of Churches 616.00 906.00 3,292.59 2,153.94 1,900,014.21 2,092,035.29 304 290 VIRGINIA 75.00 Scurry, Macedonia Baptist Church 1,244.76 1,719.44 Hampton, Peninsula Baptist Church 3,666.00 3,686.00 Scurry, Mt Olive Baptist Church 3,960.00 5,668.06 Total: 3,666.00 3,686.00 Seven Points, Friendship Baptist Church 2,004.00 1,422.00 Number of Churches 1 1 Sherman, Merriman Hills Baptist Church 3,730.00 5,169.00 Slaton, Twenty-first St Baptist Church 550.00 350.00 Southlake, Lonesome Dove Baptist Church 725.00 15,857.00 2,988.04 2,485.51 Springtown, Bethel Baptist Church 300.00 500.00 Total: Springtown, Union Baptist Church - 685.31 Number of Churches Splendora, Woodland Baptist Church Streetman, New Hope Baptist Church Sulphur Springs, Beckham Baptist Church 20,116.58 WASHINGTON Tacoma, Grace Missionary Baptist Church Walla Walla, Eastgate Baptist 540.00 14,726.68 Sulphur Springs, Lake Highlands Baptist Ch 2,050.00 600.00 Coamo, La Iglesia Sin Paredes Guayama, La Iglesia Sin Paredes Cayey, La Iglesia Sin Paredes 210.67 328.82 Talco, First Baptist Church 2,568.30 4,312.75 Mayaguez, Iglesia bautista Sin Paredes De Teague, Cedar Creek Baptist Church 4,954.50 4,372.23 Total: 13,092.73 13,425.27 3,093.00 3,394.22 Teague, Freestone Baptist Church Tenaha, Buena Vista Baptist Church 11,500.00 3,471.24 16,734.75 2 2 1,000.00 600.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 PUERTO RICO 540.00 9,891.58 Teague, Eighth Avenue Baptist Church 5,234.75 900.00 48,614.07 Sulphur Springs, Davis Street Baptist Churc Sulphur Springs, North Liberty Baptist Churc 2,571.24 - 200.00 - 1,100.00 11,000.00 2,900.00 2 4 Number of Churches CZECH REPUBLIC 326.49 371.98 Tenaha, Old Center Baptist Church 2,049.16 1,422.73 Czech Republic Church - 1,439.00 Tenaha, Ramah Baptist Church 1,562.74 2,382.37 Total: - 1,439.00 Teneha, Folsom Baptist Church 1,581.14 1,516.63 Number of Churches Terrell, First Missionary Baptist Church 3,683.73 870.90 Terrell, The Refuge Texarkana, Hillcrest Baptist Church 16,120.00 354.00 7,871.54 7,770.74 18,196.08 25,280.37 Timpson, Good Hope Baptist Church 2,772.58 4,251.78 Timpson, Mt Olive Baptist Church 2,600.00 2,400.00 Texarkana, Richmond Road Baptist Church Texarkana, Spring Lake Baptist Church 1 QUEBEC, CANADA - 100.00 0 Eglise Baptiste De La Nouvelle 510.00 - Total: 510.00 - Number of Churches 74 1 1