Calvary Crossings - Calvary Lutheran
Calvary Crossings - Calvary Lutheran
Calvary Crossings Join us on THE BRIDGE July 2015 to New Life in Ministry Mission Statement: GATHERED to worship, TRANSFORMED by Christ, SENT out to serve. Vision Statement: Jesus calls us to GROW as disciples, to GIVE generously, and to SERVE others every day. Calvary Lutheran Church, ELCA 2508 Washington Ave. SE Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 751-1893 · Fax (218) 444-5894 [email protected] Senior Pastor Rev. Genelle Netland [email protected] Associate Pastor Rev. Andrew Ronnevik [email protected] On Sabbitical until 08/17/15 Associate Pastor of Youth and Family Rev. Nate Bendorf [email protected] Visitation Pastoral Team Rev. Bill Beyer Almina Beyer (A.I.M.) [email protected] Children’s Ministry Director Joan Meulebroeck [email protected] Calvary’s Council voted to refinance our mortgage with Thrivent during the June Council meeting. Because of the over $150,000 applied to the loan from the “Bridge Campaign” and the lower interest rate we are receiving (in part because of the increased equity that payment provided), Calvary will save over $400,000 in interest over the term of the loan! In addition, we are able to lower our monthly payments by almost $3,000! This is money that can be used to support our growing ministries! As Pastor Netland would say, “Yeah God!” There is still work left to do, however. We still have a mortgage of over 1.7 million dollars and a monthly payment of close to $11,000 a month. Keep those pledges coming for the “Bridge Campaign”! Respectfully, Paul Iverson Congregation Treasurer Worship and Music Minister Shar Paquette [email protected] Church Administrator Polly Merhar [email protected] Administrative Assistant Erin Lundin [email protected] Custodians Russ Sletten, Gene Bright, CJ Merhar Preschool Teachers Wanda Roff [email protected] Diana Stokes [email protected] Sarah Scofield [email protected] Preschool Support Staff Marlene Sletten, Tonia Eglinton, Jacky Sampson, Barb Gray, Amanda Renbarger, Jennifer Berg, Tina Garrison, Jessica Gunning, Peggy Renzicek A council report is available on the website and in the church library. August Newsletter deadline: 8 AM July 20- FIRM. Please e-mail submissions to [email protected] May be edited as space requires. I N T H I S I S S U E Enter the Bible............................... 2 Baptismal Festival......................... 2 New Member Events..................... 2 Seminary Intern at Calvary............ 2 Outdoor Worship........................... 2 Visitation Ministry........................... 2 Statement of Faith......................... 3 Transformed in Christ.................... 3 The Bridge..................................... 3 China Service Ventures................. 4 Thrivent Members Give................. 4 Financial Report............................ 4 Electronic Giving........................... 4 Calvary Alive Meal Recap............. 4 Adult Ministries.............................. 5 Summer Study & Fellowship......... 5 Churches United............................ 5 Youth Ministries............................. 6 Hello from India............................. 7 Calvary Houses Americorps.......... 7 Church Council.............................. 7 Worship Sponsorship.................... 7 Birthdays....................................... 8 Service Group............................... 8 Calendar........................................ 9 Family Resort Weekend.............. 10 Volunteers Needed...................... 10 In the Community........................ 10 Staff welcome.............................. 10 WORSHIP “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” Psalm 150:6 NEW MEMBER EVENTS CONTINUE TO ENTER THE BIBLE In July, we are going to continue to explore God’s word and how it weaves into our stories and the stories of our neighbors. On July 5 we will be looking at Romans 7:1-6 and 8:1-4, understanding Martin Luther’s teaching on God’s word being both law and gospel. On July 12 our generosity topic is “Free from the Uncertainty of Riches” looking at James 1:5-18. On July 19 we will look at vibrant faith key #2, devotions studying Acts 8:26-39. And on Sunday, July 26, we will be celebrating the summer youth missionary work experiencing God’s upside down kingdom, studying Matthew 6:10. On Wednesday nights we will continue to hear from our 8th grade confirmation students sharing their statements of faith! You won’t want to miss it! July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 Law & Gospel – Romans 7:1-6, 8:1-4 Free from the Uncertainty of Riches – James 1:5-18 Devotions – Acts 8:26-39 Upside Down Kingdom – Matthew 6:10 OUTDOOR WORSHIP Calvary’s Wednesday night services are currently being held outdoors (weather permitting). Being outdoors provides a unique opportunity to worship while experiencing the natural beauty that God created. Please plan to join us for worship in the back parking lot each Wednesday night at 6:30. We would appreciate some extra hands in setting up every Wednesday, starting at 4:00. Please contact Shar if you are able to help in this way (doesn’t have to be an every week commitment). Many hands make light work :) If you or others you know are interested in learning about membership, please come to a new member orientation. If you would like to serve on the new member ministry team or as a new member sponsor, please contact Pr. Andrew. CONNECTION DAY At these Saturday evening events, get ready for New Member Sunday, meet your sponsor(s), and enjoy fellowship and a potluck meal. Held in the lounge from 5:30 -7 p.m. NEW MEMBER SUNDAY New members affirm their faith and are welcomed during Sunday morning worship services. The next New Member Sunday will take place on October 25. SEMINARY INTERN AT CALVARY Anne Meredith-Will is a student at Luther Seminary and is looking forward to starting her internship at Calvary on August 1. She has worked as a Christian Education Director at First Lutheran and as a music teacher in the Minneapolis area and at St. Philip’s Catholic School. She also practiced law for 15 years. As part of her seminary training, she has worked at Peoples Church in Bemidji and Cass Lake. Anne and her husband, Rod Will, have three sons: Dan, Jack, and James. Vicar Ann wil be Calvary’s fourth seminary intern. BAPTISMAL FESTIVAL July 19, 9:30 worship, is our next baptismal festival date. If you need more information or are interested in baptism for yourself or your child at Calvary, please contact Joan in the church office: 7511893. VISITATION MINISTRY Do you know someone who would be open to a visit from a Calvary neighbor – maybe someone new in your neighborhood, someone who’s visited Calvary, a new co-worker, or someone searching for meaning and community? Talk to Pr. Genelle, Ron Gladen, or Larry Overbeek, and we’ll begin this good work of getting to know our neighbors. 2015 BAPTISMAL FESTIVAL DATES June-August - Call church office for information September 6 - Labor Day Weekend October 25 - Reformation Sunday November 29 - Thanksgiving Weekend December 24 - Christmas Eve 3:30 PM 2 TRANSFORMED Be transformed by the renewing of your mind, spirit, body, finances, relationships, and commitment to God. THE BRIDGE Join us on THE BRIDGE to New Life in Ministry We nourish our youth so that they may spread the good news and be the hands, feet, and voice of Christ. Each summer, we rejoice as we hear the heartfelt testimonies from our 8th grade confirmation students sharing what they believe. Worship with us as we grow in our faith by listening to the youth share theirs. Please pray for these young adults as they prepare for and present their faith statements: With Calvary’s Capital Appeal in full swing, we have created a Property Improvement Ministry team. This team is tasked with spending the 30% portion of the appeal funds for property improvements. The focus will be on the sanctuary and incorporating necessary maintenance as well as safety and accessibility improvements. Wed. July 1 6:30 PM Max Larson, Rumer Flatness, Mikerra Matthews Wed. July 8 6:30 PM Lindsey Webb Wed. July 15 6:30 PM Maggie Brown, Tessa Large The team is being led by co-leaders, Linda Lemmer (lay leadership) and Polly Merhar, Church Administrator (staff leadership). Members of the team are: Linda Arnold, Don Carlson, Joel Hamilton, Tony Hommes, Linda and Brad Kingery, Lyle Meulebroeck, Jim Molde (council president), Nate Moran, Sandi Oman, Gary Port, Joyce Way and Pastor Genelle Netland. Wed. July 22 6:30 PM JoAnn Risland, Chance Hinrichs, Jarrod Luebben Sun. July 26 9:30 AM Kasey Stokes Sun. Sept. 13 10:45 AM Sara Oster, Tom Oster This team is working hard this summer to pull together the property improvement needs and new ideas we have already gathered from our visioning and capital appeal forums since 2014. After sorting the ideas to assure they meet our mission and vision goals, the ideas will be prioritized and a preliminary plan will be brought to the council at the September meeting. Summer 2016 is targeted for sanctuary renovation but there may be some immediate needs that can be fulfilled earlier. TRANSFORMED IN CHRIST TRANSFORMATIONAL CHALLENGES We challenge you to push yourself into transformational growth! This month, we challenge your physical and relational growth. The capital appeal is very near the $800,000 first step goal! Please keep the appeal in your prayers. The property improvements that can be completed as part of the appeal truly depend on the end success of the campaign. What ministry dreams do you think we can fulfill with $600,000 toward making those dreams a reality? (Note: the miracle goal for the capital appeal is $2 million dollars of which 30% goes toward property improvements). Physical Challenge Each day, make a conscious choice to eat colorful foods other than brown or white. Spiritual Challenge During your prayers, instead of asking God for something, thank God for what you have. 3 GIVING “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, ... for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 MID-YEAR DONATION STATEMENTS BY EMAIL MONTHLY MISSION PARTNER China is the most populated country in the world, and it has a dynamic and growing Christian church. China Service Ventures (CSV) was started by local Lutherans, Paul and Ida Martinson, and Calvary has been blessed to partner with them before. The mission of CSV is “to build relationships between Christian communities in the United States and in China.” They do this by focusing on three project areas: health, education, and community. See What an opportunity to connect with neighbors across the globe! Our second offering this month is one way that we show this support. While we will take a second offering one Sunday per month (July 15), you are encouraged to give throughout the month to our partners. We are asking that ALL checks be made out to Calvary Lutheran and in the memo line write our mission partner for the month. This will help with better record keeping. A donation statement was emailed over the last week of June to everyone at Calvary who has given or pledged in 2015. The statement shows January through May, 2015. Pr. Genelle has included a mid-year review letter that is sent along with the donation statement. The Bridge capital appeal pledges have been entered and will show up on your statement. Please review this to assure that your wishes are reflected accurately. If you don’t see a pledge in this section, there is plenty of time to join in the appeal. You can call Polly or Erin in the office and we can fill out a pledge form for you. Bridge brochures with pledge forms are on the welcome desk near the front entrance. If you did not receive a statement via email, call the office and we’ll figure out why. The statements come from the address: [email protected]. If you add this address to your contact list and safe sender’s list, it will be less likely to get put in your junk mail folder or held up by your email provider. ELECTRONIC GIVING milestones WEDDINGS JUNE 20, 2015 Christie Gross & Nate Andersen FUNERALS MAY 28, 2015 Zacharie Schaubhut FINANCIAL REPORT May 2015 General Fund Preschool Income Expenses $57,908 $84,294 $21,305 $31,216 Cash and receivables: $185,284 May Ministry Partner ELCA Disaster Fund - Nepal Earthquake $1,795 Calvary Foundation Balance $34,298 Capital Appeal: The Bridge Pledged to date: $763,278 Received by 5/31/2015: $240,404 Extra Payment to Mortgage: $19,483 To Capital Improvement Fund: $8,340.20 Many people have chosen to give their Bridge, capital appeal, donations through our electronic giving program. Many have chosen to give both their regular and capital donations electronically. Our average weekly giving collected electronically is now at $5,473. You can set this up for weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or one-time only donations. Go to our web-site,, and click the giving tab and complete the on-line form (or call Polly in the church office). Folks that are using this easy way of giving won’t go back to writing weekly checks and are surprised to hear that 2/3 of givers still pay by check. CALVARY ALIVE MEAL RECAP The meal served during the school year as part of our Wednesday Calvary Alive line up continues to be an important mission of Calvary. Here are some statistics to prove it: • 3242 meals were served • $5810 was collected • $1.79 average/meal • 16 cooks • 6 clean up teams made up of at least 45 people • Servers were all the confirmation kids and their parents Wednesday meals begin again on Wednesday, September 16 and go through the middle of May. We are always looking for more volunteer cooks and clean up teams to make this meal possible. Please contact Polly in the office to learn more. Thank you to all who helped to make Calvary Alive meals a nutritious, delicious and cost friendly mission of Calvary. 4 GROWTH “May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith as you are being rooted and grounded in love.” Ephesians 3:17 ADULT MINISTRIES ADULT FAITH FORMATION A support group for the separated and divorced, meets almost all Thursdays, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Cost $20.00 for workbook. For more information, contact Chip Holt (444-7751 or 651-353-0029). MEN’S BREAKFAST AND BIBLE STUDY All men are invited to Southside Restaurant on Wednesdays at 6:30 AM for fellowship as we nourish our bodies with breakfast and nourish our souls by studying the Bible. MARTHA CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY meets in the lounge the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:30 PM. All women are welcome! HOPE CIRCLE BIBLE STUDY meets in the lounge the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 AM. All women are welcome! CRAFTERS ARE ON SUMMER BREAK Tuesdays 5-6:30 PM Calvary Lutheran Church 2508 Washington Ave. SE - Bemidji GriefShare is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. You may have found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before. GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. For more information, contact Chip Holt (444-7751 or 651-353-0029). SUMMER STUDY & FELLOWSHIP ZUMBA FITNESS - Sundays 5:30PM Join Sarah Bendorf on Sundays at 5:30PM for a fun workout at Calvary. Class meets in classroom 7 or the Gym. The cost is $5/class payable to the instructor. Bring water, comfy shoes, a friend and a smile. Every Sunay in July. LIFESTYLE LIFT Leah’s exercise classes continue through July Mon-WedFriday 5:15am (no Saturdays) and Tuesday afternoon from 5-6pm- see calendar for exact dates. Call Leah at 556-9751 for details. CHURCHES UNITED WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY Thursday evenings, June 4 - July 30, 5:30-8PM at Calvary. All women are invited to participate in a Beth Moore study of the book of James; James: Mercy Triumphs. Gather at 5:30 for a light supper, then a video and discussion. Cost is $25 for the book and study. Contact Angela Paulson with questions: [email protected] CHURCHES UNITED HOUSEHOLD DEPOT IS ACCEPTING FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD ITEMS WEDNESDAY EVENING BOOK STUDY FOR MEN & WOMEN Wednesday evenings, June 3 - July 8, 7:15-8:45 PM in the lounge. Come and discuss the parable of the prodigal son through a wonderful book by Henri Nouwen called “The Return of the Prodigal Son”. Gather for ice cream after 6:30 worship (from about 7:15-7:30), then move to the lounge for discussion. Sign up in the office. A limited number of books will be available. Contact Jeb Monge with questions: [email protected] Furniture including beds, couches, tables and chairs are needed. 5 When you clean out the garage or have items left after a rummage sale, think of us. Help our clients to make their houses into homes! Call Churches United Office Monday—Friday 12:00 (Noon)-4:00 PM (218)444-1380 to arrange a time to meet us at our storage shed located at Norvold’s across the street from The Eagle’s Club YOUTH MINISTRIES STAY CONNECTED! PRACTICE THE 4 KEYS THIS SUMMER… 1. Caring Conversations 2. Devotions 3. Service 4. Rituals/Traditions/Prayers If you would like more information about these 4 Keys and how your family could utilize them, please talk with Pastor Nate! HIGH SCHOOL CLUB continues in the summer! We will be meeting at different homes and locations throughout the summer to fellowship, have fun, and grow in faith. Watch the church calendar, Calvary Youth FaceBook page, and your texts about dates and locations. Schedule: July 15 – 7:30pm BBBS Quello’ house July 22 – 7:30pm Mission Sunday practice July 29 – 7:30pm Yuckball! If you would like to receive text messages about upcoming Senior High events or if you would like to host a summer Wednesday night event, please contact Pastor Nate. 2015 MISSION TRIPS SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS All Sunday school youth are invited to join us for Vacation Bible School (VBS)! It will be at Calvary the week of August 3 – 7. It will be a fun and growing week. Look for more information and a signup at Calvary and online coming early in July! This summer over 50 high school and middle school youth will be participating in short-term mission trips. Our middle school youth traveled to Sisseton, SD June 14-19 and our Senior High youth will be traveling to Crow Reservation, MT July 5-11. Please join us Wednesday, July 1, at our 6:30 PM worship service to send off our Senior High missionaries! These mission trips are not possible without the support, prayers, and encouragement of the entire congregation! Thank you for changing lives in Bemidji, in Sisseton, and Crow Reservation this summer! To God be the glory. PRESCHOOL SUMMER CHILD CARE CAMPS The weather has given us hints that warmer weather will arrive, so we wanted to let you know about an option for kids 3 years old—10 years old (entering 5th grade). Calvary Lutheran is again offering child care camps for the summer months. It will begin on June 1 and end August 28. Hours are 7:30 AM— 5:30 PM with a brown bag lunch from home. Cost is $25.00 per day or $5.00/hour up to 5 hours. Brochures and registration forms are available in the wall rack by the preschool area or in the church office. Full and part-time options are available. If you would like more information or have questions, please contact Joan in the church office—751-1893. SUNDAY SCHOOL We have exciting news about our Fall Sunday school program. During our faith formation time (9:30am-10:15am), we will be offering our regular Sunday school for Pre-K through 2nd grade and a new Family Worship Service specifically designed for families with 3rd-5th graders (in place of regular classroom Sunday school). This will allow families the option of worshiping together and learning the same lesson each week! Lessons will be consistent throughout all ages so that families with children in both age categories will have the opportunity to worship alltogether as a family or continue to have their Pre-K to 2nd grade children participate in regular classroom Sunday school. Also, we will continue to have worship services before and after our faith formation time for families to worship at if they choose. We hope your family will find these changes rewarding and enriching as we practice and live out our faith together in Christ. 6 HELLO FROM INDIA! I've just returned to Delhi after 10 days at Sat Tal Christian Ashram in Uttrakhand state (330 km NE of Delhi), and I'm spending the night with friends in Delhi before flying to Kerala (in the SW part of the country) early tomorrow morning. The pictures give a little sense of the ashram: the poster is of E. Stanley Jones, a Methodist missionary who did remarkable work in this country and founded the ashram I visited in 1930; the second picture is of an older couple from the Andhra Evangelical Lutheran Church (our companion synod - they're a lovely couple that befriended me). CHURCH COUNCIL Please pray for all of our leaders and feel free to be in touch with them. Jim Molde, President........................................... 444-3346 [email protected] Rod Gunderson, Vice President ......................... 243-3085 [email protected] Paul Iverson, Treasurer ...................................... 444-4848 [email protected] Leonore Potter, Member-at-large ....................... 586-2009 [email protected] Tony Hommes, Member-at-large......................... 444-4219 [email protected] Ron Tuck, Member-at-large................................. 751-0395 [email protected] Bruce Hemstad, Member-at-large ...................... 444-7567 Wendy Brown, Member-at-large.......................... 335-7344 [email protected] Gordy Lindgren, Member-at-large....................... 751-8567 [email protected] Council meetings are held the Wednesday after the 10th of the month from 4:30-6:15 PM in classroom #7. I hope all is well in Bemidji. God's peace to you from this place. Pr. Andrew to honor a loved one or event CALVARY HOUSES AMERICORPS A second round team of AmeriCorps is coming on June 29 and will be staying through September 14. These young adults will split their time between the Bemidji DAC and the Bemidji Area Community Food Shelf. They will provide over 3800 hours of volunteer service to these two organizations during their stay. We invite you to sponsor a worship in honor of your loved one or event! We will include your event or loved one as part of the prayers of the church, in the announcements, the newsletter, enews and Power Points! The $50 sponsorship donations go to offset costs associated with worship. Sign up on the fellowship doors. A second AmeriCorps team will be here for 6-weeks, also starting on June 29. This second team will be working with Northwoods Habitat for Humanity and will be staying at First Lutheran Church. July Worship Sponsors: July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 It is very exciting that Calvary has the space available and the willingness to open their doors to support the AmeriCorps program in the Bemidji community. Thank you Calvary! sponsorship available at press time. sponsored by Bill, Jennifer, Katie & Becca Sanford in honor of Gladys Granzow “Grandma Iowa”’s 100th birthday sponsored by Jim Musburger in memory of Adeline Musburger sponsorship available at press time. Sign up sheets are hanging on the fellowship hall doors. Please consider this opportunity! 7 MONTHLY SERVICE GROUP BIRTHDAYS THIS MONTH Please pray in celebration for these people on their birthday. If your birthday is not listed, or is not correct, please call the church office to update our records. Blessings on your birthday! July 1 Peggy Holter, Bob Edwards, Brenda Sand, Kris Campbell, Kyja Parson, Cole Mack, Noah Paulson, Hannah Borgen July 2 Sherry Carter, Rita Holter, Laura Wheatley, Isaiah Lewis July 3 Sherry Eck, Mike Holleman, Brandy Pemberton, Brittany Lang, Hayden Hommes, Mackena Johnson July 4 Dick Nelson, Doug Sele, Craig Sorby, Linda Helgeson, Christian Knutson, Jayci McCrory, Vicki McCrory July 5 Matthew McClellan, Jared Bergquist, Jake Lish, Kellen Hagelee Please Note: Service groups serve one July 6 Nancy Gladen, Mary Allen, Ilene Jacobson, Tim Hinrichs, Grant Carlson, Emma month every 18 months. Members of the Schmidt, Paige Headlee group are asked to be a part of Sunday July 7 Michelle Luby, Jill Holm, Brent Lewis, Brent Bolte, Matthew Conzemius, Brittany coffee fellowship, help with funerals, Batchelder, Lexie Stenson substitute as worship servants or help July 8 DouglasGarrigan, Roger Bucher, Vonna Tentinger, Lynn Johnson, Elspeth Mostromwith other needs as they arise. Ose, Cody Jacobson, Dan Bokovoy, Olivia Buegler, Chris Kemper, Allison Fleahman July 9 Kristin Freed, Dan Thompson, Lauren Havn-Apel, Braxtin Dobson Dan & Shannon Alto July 10 Russell Fricke, Debby Nelson, Thomas Johansson, Sophie Riewer, Mara Hendricks, Robert & Lorene Blank Mason McKinnon, Kylie Sadek Pat & Wendy Dolezal July 11 Barb Kurth, Sandi Oman, Galen Knotts, Brad Kingery, Doug Hoover, Trish Hansen, Chad & Ann Frenzel Kati Lueth, Scott Domeier, Andrea LaFriniere Rochelle Friesen July 12 Bill Anderson, Mary Jane Johnson, Colleen Mayer, Kimberly Hughes, Ethan Apel, Denise Haldorson Samuel Trego Erin Haman July 13 Bev Labraaten, Val Port, Andy Piller, Nicholas Carlson, Charlie Capshaw Stephanie Hanks July 14 Margo Carlson, Jolee Murawski, Reece Nelson, Jaxon Leindecker, James Hardy, Darryl & Deb Holman Lola Wesley Bonnie Jevning July 15 Lennae Stevens, Kim Bolte, Amanda Willis, Joshua Schmidt, Tom Naig, Amber Teresa Kuleta Sorenson Mark & Cindy Lewer July 16 Jim Musburger, Shirley Olson, Virgil Johnson, Traci Bartz, Jared Noska, Kennedy Jeanette Lukowski Olson, Jacob Molde Florence Lundmark July 17 Chad Olson, Joe Erickson, Evan Olson, Tyler McClellan, Grant Tharaldson, Cale Kent & Sheri Minske Newby, Alera Eck, Joza Paulson Terry Nielsen July 18 Bob Connor, Craig Boyer, Ryan Thomas, Brad McClellan, Danny Week, Riley Susan Olson-Elliot Copiskey, Sophie Vigesaa Doug & Sandi Oman July 19 John Erickson, Karen Wadena, Peter Hennum, Jessica Niemi, Andy Swiggum, Alex Gordy Pierce Jr. Tompkins, Madison Hendricks, Raeann Osborne July 20 Tim Melberg, Sage Hovet Jule Reiplinger July 21 Kathie Robertson, Brent Roppe, Amy Jensen, Jeffrey Strowbridge, Lindsey Nelsen, Tom & Brenda Sand Margaret Loxtercamp Bill & Jennifer Sanford July 22 Gary Port, Dr. James Mastro, Chris Ross, Tom Wild, Erin Curran, Ashley Brue, Tyler Arlyce Sipe McFarlane, Macy Flatness, Thomas Harris Roger & Alyssa Stenson July 23 Bonne Schummer, Dale Edman, Elane Iverson, Brian Smith, Brecken Holte, Derek Allen Stevens Fossand Mary Thoreson July 24 Jacie Ward, David Eichstadt, Kristine Girouex, Brett Winkka, Sarah Molde, Trevor Bruce & Janet Tiegen Bjerke, Dylan Burnham, Jack Larson, Dylan Ramberg Rick Turn July 25 Harold Wick, Deb Risberg, Briana Smith, Tracy Wild, Annalise Aakhus, Brady Tatro, Lowel Vagle Adam Walker, Natalie Baumgartner, Kaitlyn Workman Dallas & Joyce Way July 26 Evonne McKinzie-Andrews, Janeen Lafriniere, Andrea Ohnstad, Ben Hendricks, Matthew Matheney July 27 Linda Drees, Jaime Quello, Ben Haaland, Keena Kondos, Jack Fladeboe, Felix Paulson July 28 Luella Lindseth, Mark Olson, Rebecca Snyder, Tony Kerr, Lindsey Dougherty, Connie Levin, Bri Russ, Kreisha Swenson, Peyton Moran July 29 Sara Labraaten, Chad Blake, Natalie Ramberg, Gunnar Aas July 30 Kathy Eggers, Alex Underbakke, Summer Miller, Tyler Baumgartner July 31 Ron Vojak, Randy Supalla, Nikki Frank, Jennifer Sanford, Joel Hamilton, Emily Skoog, Brenda Sletten 8 9 PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE CALENDAR : If you are aware of an event that should go in the Calvary calendar, please contact Polly at [email protected] by the newsletter deadline. JULY WORSHIP SERVICES Sunday 8:15 AM and 9:30 AM Coffee Fellowship 9-10 AM Wednesday 6:30 PM OFFICE HOURS M - Th 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Friday Closed Sunday 8:00 AM - Noon SCAN CODE TO SIGN UP FOR CALVARY NEWS 2508 Washington Ave. SE ~ Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 751-1893 ~ Fax (218) 444-5894 [email protected] i in the COMMUNITY FAMILY RESORT WEEKEND The Bemidji Area Church Musicians 2015 Summer Recital Series WEDNESDAYS , NOON TO 12:30 P.M. July 1 French Horn Quartet Eve Sumsky, Jackie Schaffer, Bonnie Swanson, Sara Comeau First Baptist Church 1555 Paul Bunyan Dr. NW July 22 Euphonium - Glenn Seibel Piano - Wayne Hoff United Methodist Church 9th and Beltrami Avenue July 8 Piano - Lois Simonson Evangelical Covenant Church 5405 Hwy 2 W (across from Bemidji Theater) July 29 Flute Trio Katrina Steward, Erin Riess, Kiki Schnakenberg St. Mark’s Lutheran Church 2220 Anne Street NW (West of Paul Bunyan Communications) July 15 Organ - Dr. Beverly Everett St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church 1800 Irvine Avenue NW CAMP EMMAUS Time for a little summer vacation or weekend away? Bring your family to camp this summer for a fun and faith-filled weekend together. Worship around a campfire, enjoy great food, swim, canoe on Lake Morgan or down the Crow Wing River, play games, create arts and crafts and so much more during this weekend! The registration fee includes ALL meals, lodging, an on-duty lifeguard, campfires, and some afternoon childcare for adult time. Date: July 24-26 Cost: $105 (Fee for 1 adult & 1 youth) For Additional Youth: $30 (3-17 years of age) FREE (0-2 years of age) $285 Family Maximum Register at: Camps run from June - August for all ages. Pick up a brochure at Calvary. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Assistance is needed in the nursery on July 12 and July 26 at the 8:15 services. Please contact the church office if you are able to help either of these dates. Thank you! WELCOME TO NEW STAFF Please extend a warm welcome to Erin Lundin - Calvary Lutheran’s new Adminstrative Assistant as of June 8. Erin grew up in International Falls, studied Piano Performance at Bemidji State University, and graduated from Northwest Technical College in 2010. Erin previously served as the church organist and choir accompanist for First Lutheran Church in International Falls. She moved to Bemidji in August, 2014 with her daughter, Olivia, who attends Northern Elementary. Together, they enjoy camping, attending plays and concerts, and spending time at their family’s cabin near Orr, MN. 10