Handleiding Edumatic Exam


Handleiding Edumatic Exam
Edumatic Exam Exercise types
Televic Education
Edumatic EXAM Version 3.5
Table of Contents
General characteristics of all exercise types ....................................................................................5
Casus .............................................................................................................................................5
II. Crossword......................................................................................................................................7
General characteristics of all exercise types ....................................................................................7
Crossword exercise type ................................................................................................................7
III. Dictation.......................................................................................................................................10
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 10
Dictation exercise type ................................................................................................................. 10
Dictation...................................................................................................................................... 10
Adding a dictation ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Changing questions settings ........................................................................................................................ 10
Changing answer settings ............................................................................................................................ 11
Dictation with editor for marks .................................................................................................... 11
Adding a dictation with editor for marks ..................................................................................................... 11
Changing question settings .......................................................................................................................... 11
Changing answer settings ............................................................................................................................ 11
Adding marks to a sound file ........................................................................................................................ 11
Correction.................................................................................................................................... 12
General ......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Adding a dictation with editor for marks ..................................................................................................... 12
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 12
Drag & drop images on background..........................................................................13
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 13
Drag&drop images on background exercise type .......................................................................... 13
Selecting background image ........................................................................................................................ 13
Adding a dropzone ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Dropzone properties .................................................................................................................................... 13
Question properties ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Advanced .................................................................................................................................... 14
Adding a hotspot .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Adding lines .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Initial values ................................................................................................................................................. 15
Setting tab sequence.................................................................................................................................... 15
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 16
V. Drag & drop into columns ...................................................................................................17
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 17
Drag & drop into columns ............................................................................................................ 17
Step 1: Adding a column .............................................................................................................................. 17
Step 2: Adding an element ........................................................................................................................... 17
Step 3: Dragging elements to the proper column ........................................................................................ 18
Advanced .................................................................................................................................... 18
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Televic Education
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 18
Drag & drop in text.............................................................................................................19
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 19
Drag & drop in text exercise type ................................................................................................. 19
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 20
Drag&drop text on image................................................................................................21
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 21
Drag&drop text on image ............................................................................................................. 21
Selecting a background image ..................................................................................................................... 21
Adding a dropzone ....................................................................................................................................... 21
Dropzone properties .................................................................................................................................... 21
Question properties ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Advanced .................................................................................................................................... 22
Adding a hotspot .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Adding lines .................................................................................................................................................. 23
Initial values ................................................................................................................................................. 23
Setting tab sequence.................................................................................................................................... 23
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 23
Dropdown in text..................................................................................................................24
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 24
Dropdown in text exercise type .................................................................................................... 24
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 25
Fill gaps.....................................................................................................................................26
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 26
Fill gaps exercise type .................................................................................................................. 26
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 27
X. Fill gaps on background ........................................................................................................28
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 28
Fill gaps on background exercise type ........................................................................................... 28
Selecting a background ................................................................................................................................ 28
Adding text ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Changing question settings .......................................................................................................................... 29
Changing gap settings .................................................................................................................................. 29
Advanced .................................................................................................................................... 30
Adding lines .................................................................................................................................................. 30
Initial values ................................................................................................................................................. 30
Setting tab sequence.................................................................................................................................... 30
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 30
Information screen .............................................................................................................32
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 32
Content Item exercise type .......................................................................................................... 32
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 32
Multiple choice......................................................................................................................33
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 33
Multiple choice exercise type ....................................................................................................... 33
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Advanced option.......................................................................................................................... 34
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 34
Multiple choice matrix .......................................................................................................36
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 36
Multiple choice matrix exercise type ............................................................................................ 36
Advanced options ........................................................................................................................ 37
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 38
XIV. Multiple choice – multiple answers.............................................................................39
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 39
Multiple response ........................................................................................................................ 39
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 39
Open question .......................................................................................................................41
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 41
Open question exercise type ........................................................................................................ 41
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 42
XVI. Order vertically......................................................................................................................43
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 43
Order vertically exercise type ....................................................................................................... 43
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 44
XVII. Recording exercise .............................................................................................................45
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 45
Recording exercise type ............................................................................................................... 45
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 46
Situational judgement.....................................................................................................49
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 49
Situational judgement exercise type ............................................................................................. 49
Step 1: Creating the start situation .............................................................................................................. 49
Step 2: Adding reactions .............................................................................................................................. 50
Step 3: Adding choices to a reaction ............................................................................................................ 50
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 52
XIX. Translate .................................................................................................................................53
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 53
Translate exercise type ................................................................................................................ 53
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 53
Verb conjugation..................................................................................................................54
General characteristics of all exercise types .................................................................................. 54
Conjugation exercise type ............................................................................................................ 54
Previewing................................................................................................................................... 55
Manual Edumatic Exam
Televic Education
I. Casus
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
A casus is not an exercise on its own, but a kind of container in which you can collect several exercises.
A container allows you to combine multiple exercises with a communal focus.
An example:
In a certain casus, a text is shown, after which a number of questions are asked concerning this text.
Different exercise types can be used for these questions (multiple choice, fill in the gap, dropdown, ...)
To create an item container:
Right click the folder in which you want the casus to appear and select ‗New casus‘. You can name it
immediately by tying the name of your choice in the blank.
Open the tab ‗Properties‘ to add or change metadata.
Open de tab ‗Content‘ en click the text icon to start the casus.
The first page of the actual exam, will show the the content of the casus folder.
Click on the folder icon next to the name of your casus in the left column,
and fill in the ‗Content‘ tab with the information you would like to display as the first screen of the
You can now add exercises to your choice. To add an exercise to the casus, right click the casus and
select ‗New item‘. For more explanation on the exercise types, please see the general manual and the
specific manuals for each exercise type.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
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Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your container.
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II. Crossword
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Crossword exercise type
The question settings for the exercise type Crossword can be changed in the ‗Question‘ tab at the
bottom of the screen. Here, you can fill in the general feedback, or feedback for a correct or incorrect
answer. There is also an extra field ―Show empty spaces‖. If you leave this box unchecked, the student
will only see the spaces which need to be filled in. The rest of the grid is invisible.
An example of a crossword with the box unchecked, so where only the spaces to fill in are visible:
An example of a crossword with the box checked, so with the entire grid visible:
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Televic Education
The following buttons are needed to create a crossword exercise:
Click on ‗+ Column‘ and ‗+ Row‘ to add columns and rows to the crossword grid.
To add words, proceed as follows:
Click the button ‗Change direction‘ to select the desired direction of the word (horizontally or vertically)
Click a space in the crossword, for example where you want the first letter of a word to appear, and
type in the first letter. As soon as you fill in a letter, the next space will highlight, allowing you to type the
next letter immediately.
Click on the first letter of the word and fill in the description to the right of the crossword. If you click
any letter in the crossword, you can see the corresponding description blanks highlighted.
If you have filled in a satisfying description, don’t forget to check the box next to the description
blank, or it will not appear to the student when filling in the crossword.
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Televic Education
If you click any letter in the crossword, the tab ‗Box‘ will appear at the bottom of the screen for that
letter. The content is automatically filled in with the right letter, as you can see. Check ‗Initial‘ if you want
this letter to appear to the student.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Televic Education
III. Dictation
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
Dictation exercise type
This manual discusses the exercise type ‗Dictation‘, with (III) or without (IV) an editor for marks.
Adding a dictation
Click on ‗Dictation‘ to add a dictation to the exercise. Select a sound file from the media library and click
‗OK‘. You can use up to two different sound files.
If the sound file has been added correctly, the player will appear in the exercise. You can play, pause or
stop the sound file with this player.
Below the player, you can add text for the students, which will be shown initially in the answer gap of
the exercise.
Changing questions settings
You can adjust the question settings at the bottom of the screen. Next to question feedback, positive
and negative feedback, the maximum and minimum score, you can also change the following :
- Play automatically (active/not active)
When active, the player will automatically play the sound file when the exercise is activated. If the player
is not active, the sound file will have to be started manually.
- Disable the player after the first time (active/not active)
When active, the player will first play the entire sound file before any other student actions are
possible. This can be useful when you want the students to listen to the complete audio file before they
can pause or stop it. You cannot activate this setting without also activating ‗play automatically‘.
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Changing answer settings
At the bottom of the screen, go to the tab ‗Solutions‘ to change the answer settings.
- Hint (to give the students a clue)
The answers have been listed in a table with the columns indicating ‗value‘, ‗correct‘ (or not), ‗score‘
and ‗feedback‘. You can erase an answer by clicking ‗Delete‘. Click in the column ‗Value‘ to add an
answer. Indicate whether the answer is a good one or not, and finally, indicate a score. You can also
enter specific feedback per answer in the last column.
Dictation with editor for marks
Adding a dictation with editor for marks
Click on ‗Dictation with editor for marks‘ to add that type of dictation to the exercise. Select a sound file
from the media library and click ‗OK‘. You can use up to two different sound files.
If the sound file has been added correctly, the player will appear in the exercise. You can play, pause or
stop the sound file with this player.
Below the player, you can add text for the student, which will be shown initially when making the
Changing question settings
The settings are the same for any dictation type (also without the editor for marks). To change the
settings, please see ‗III. Dictation – changing question settings‘ in this document.
Changing answer settings
The settings are the same for any dictation type (also without the editor for marks). To change the
settings, please see ‗III. Dictation – changing answer settings‘ in this document.
Adding marks to a sound file
You can add marks in the sound file, for example at the beginning of each sentence. Type in a # in your
answer after each (part of the) sentence. You will also see these symbols appear in the player.
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You can still move these symbols in the player : click and drag them to change their place.
Right above the player, you can see the correct answer, part of which is highlighted when that part of
the sound file is played. The parts which have been played, are indicated with a purple colour, so you
When the student clicks ‗Correct‘, the answer given by the student will be checked by comparison with
all the correct answers entered into the exercise. These correction codes will then be applied :
XXX – wrong word
(XXX) – one word too many
(…) – one word missing
In this example, the fourth word is incorrect. After the fifth word, three words are missing. The
final sentence is missing entirely.
Adding a dictation with editor for marks
If marks have been placed in the dictation, the student can listen to each part separately where
mistakes have been made. To do so, he or she should click on the part which he or she wants to listen
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Drag & drop images on background
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
Drag&drop images on background exercise type
Selecting background image
Click on ‗+ Background‘ to add a background image to the exercise. Select an image from the media
library and click ‗OK‘. If the image was added correctly, it will be displayed in the exercise.
A background image cannot be deleted once added, because this exercise type really needs a
background image. However, it can be replaced, by clicking on ‗+ Background‘ again and following the
same procedure stated above.
Adding a dropzone
To add a dropzone, click on ‗+ Dropzone‘. To the upper left of your screen, a white square will appear,
representing the drop zone. You can select it by clicking on it once. Click and drag the square to
position the drop zone. Its properties can be found at the bottom of the screen. To delete a dropzone,
select it by clicking on it once, and then click the button ‗- Delete‘.
Dropzone properties
When a dropzone has been selected, you can see its properties at the bottom of the screen.
The following elements will be displayed there :
- Position
If you would like to adjust the position of your dropzone, you can do that here. The ‗x‘ indicates the
horizontal position, ‗y‘ indicates the vertical position.You can also use the arrows of your keyboard to
move the gap around (but you have to select it first !)
- Hint, where you can provide your students with a hint
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Televic Education
The answers have been listed in a table with the columns ‗value‘, ‗correct‘ ‗score‘ and ‗feedback‘. You
can delete an answer by clicking the red button marked ‗Delete‘.
Click the button with the three dots ‗…‘ in the column ‗Value‘ to add an answer. Select an image from
the media library and click on ‗OK‘.
Indicate whether this is a correct answer and add a score. Finally, you can also add feedback for each
Question properties
In the question properties, you can set question feedback, positive and negative feedback. The
minimum and maximum score will also be shown, but cannot be adjusted. Scroll down in the tab to
see these options :
‗Show lines‘ (active or inactive), will (or will not) show the lines in the exercise.
‗Shuffle‘ (active or inactive) will (or will not) mix the drops.
‗Show gaps‘ (active or inactive). If active zones have been defined, it is best to hide the zones and set
this function to inactive.
‗Infinite piles‘ (active or inactive). If this function is active, you can infinitely take a drag from the list on
‗Snap‘ (active or inactive). If this function is active, the drag will snap to the zone. If not, the drag will stay
where it is positioned on the figure.
Adding a hotspot
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Televic Education
Click on ‗+ Hotspot‘ to set the dropzone manually. You can draw it yourself : the mouse pointer will then
change into a drawing pencil. The button will be pressed down while you are drawing.
Start drawing the hotspot by clicking once to set the beginning of the zone. It will be drawn in red. You
see a little red dot appear on your background. Click a second time to draw a second point, you will see
that the first point is automatically connected to the second. Continue until you have drawn the zone of
your choice. The zone can be completed manually, by clicking very close to the end point (which is the
same as the start point) or automatically, by clicking ‗- Close hotspot‘ (the button can be clicked as
soon as you have drawn three dots). The active hotspot will automatically be selected.
Any zone can be deleted again by selecting it and clicking ‗- Delete‘. Clicking ‗- Hotspot‘ will make all
drawn hotspots disappear !
When you are using hotspots, it is best to set ‗Show gaps‘ to inactive. Otherwise, the exercise will be
too easy.
Adding lines
It is sometimes difficult to indicate to which part of the picture the gap is referring, for example
because that part of the picture is too small. To avoid mistakes, you can add lines and thus create a
clear link between the gap and the specific part of the picture.
Click on ‗+ Line‘ to add a line to that text gap (which you first selected !). Click and drag the white
square at the end of the line to the desired spot on the background. You can add more than one line
per gap.
If you want to delete all the lines of a gap, click on ‗- Lines‘ OR select a line (by clicking once on the white
square at the end of the line) and remove it individually by clicking ‗- Delete‘.
Initial values
A text gap can contain a readily filled in value. To set this value, click the button ‗Initial values‘ once (so
you can see the button is pressed). Drag the values of your choice to the gaps or on the drawing. You
can choose how many text gaps you provide with a standard value, and of course, you can choose any
value you need.
Click on the button ‗Initial values‘ again to confirm (so the button is no longer pressed down).
Setting tab sequence
You can use the Tab key of your keyboard to jump from one gap to another in the exercise. It can be
useful to set this order of jumps yourself. Click on ‗Tab order‘ once (so the button is pressed down) to
determine the order of the Tabs. Go through each gap and click if necessary to change the order. To
confirm, click ‗Tab order‘ once more (so that the button is no longer pressed down).
The tab order can be important, because tabs with higher numbers are piled on top of tabs with lower
numbers. For example : if you have a gap with tab 2, the hotspot of this gap will lie on top of the hotspot
of the gap with tab 1 (provided there is an overlap). This can be crucial when answering the questions
by dragging to hotspots.
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Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Drag & drop into columns
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Drag & drop into columns
Two new buttons appear in this exercise:
: ―+Rubric‖ adds a column
: ―+Element‖ adds an element (to drag and drop)
Step 1: Adding a column
To add a column, click on ‗+Rubric‘. A new column appears, with a blank to fill in the title at the top of it.
To delete a column, click the red icon above it
Step 2: Adding an element
Click on ―+Element‖ to add an element. Click on the newly created element to activate the tab ‗Rubric
element‘ at the bottom of the screen, and fill in its content, score and possible feedback.
Please note that the candidates will see the elements in random order.
To delete an element, click on the grey delete icon next to it
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Step 3: Dragging elements to the proper column
As soon as you have created all the columns and elements of your choice, you can drag the elements
to their corresponding column. The end result should represent the perfect answer.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
You can also place an image on top of the column, instead of using a verbal name. Use the advanced
option above the columns to do this.
Click the
button of the relevant column
Open the dropdown list and select ‗asset‘. The ‗+ Media item‘ button will appear.
Click on ‗…‘ to go to the media library.
Add an image (For this procedure, please see the general manual)
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Drag & drop in text
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Drag & drop in text exercise type
This exercise types allows to create blanks in a text, to which one or more words should be dragged
and dropped.
First enter your text into the answer field. Click on a spot in the text where you want to add a gap. Then
click on ‗+ Gap‘.
When you proceed to click on this new gap, the tab ‗Gap‘ will be activated at the bottom of the screen.
In this tab, you can click on ‗Value‘ to type in the drag & drop word, indicate whether this answer is
correct, a score, and a possible feedback per answer.
Please note that the candidates will see the drag and drop elements in random order.
A simple exercise consists of an equal number of drags and drops. For example: two blanks in a text
correspond to two options to drag & drop.
However, to make the exercise more interesting, you can add additional, but unnecessary drag & drop
words. For example: a text with only two blanks, and four options to choose from.
By adding extra drag & drop words, you‘re increasing the level of difficulty. These extra drags are called
‗drags without drops‘. To add these, click on a gap in the text, and enter the extra answers into the
column ‗Value‘ of the tab ‗Gap‘ at the bottom of your screen.
To delete a gap, select it and press the ‗- Gap‘ button.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
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Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Drag&drop text on image
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Drag&drop text on image
Selecting a background image
Click on ‗+ Background‘ to add a background image to the exercise. Select an image from the media
library and click ‗OK‘. If the image was added correctly, it will be displayed in the exercise.
This exercise type really needs the background image, so once an image is set as the background, it
cannot be deleted again. It can, however, be replaced by another image.
Adding a dropzone
To add a drop zone, click on ‗+ Drop zone‘. To the upper left of your screen, a white square will appear,
representing the drop zone. You can select it by clicking on it once. Click and drag the square to
position the drop zone. Its properties can be found below.
Dropzone properties
When a drop zone has been selected, you can see its properties at the bottom of the screen.
The following elements will be displayed there :
- Position
If you would like to adjust the position of your dropzone, you can do that here. The ‗x‘ indicates the
horizontal position, ‗y‘ indicates the vertical position.You can also use the arrows of your keyboard to
move the gap around (but you have to select it first !)
- Hint, where you can provide your students with a hint
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The answers have been listed in a table with the columns ‗value‘, ‗correct‘ ‗score‘ and ‗feedback‘. You
can delete an answer by clicking the red button marked ‗Delete‘.
Click the button with the three dots ‗…‘ in the column ‗Value‘ to add an answer. Select an image from
the media library and click on ‗OK‘.
Indicate whether this is a correct answer and add a score. Finally, you can also add feedback for each
Question properties
In the question properties, you can set question feedback, positive and negative feedback. The
minimum and maximum score will also be shown, but cannot be adjusted. Scroll down to see these
options :
‗Show lines‘ (active or inactive), will (or will not) show the lines in the exercise.
‗Shuffle‘ (active or inactive) will (or will not) mix the drops.
‗Show gaps‘ (active or inactive). If active zones have been defined, it is best to hide the zones and set
this function to inactive.
‗Infinite piles‘ (active or inactive). If this function is active, you can infinitely take a drag from the list on
‗Snap‘ (active or inactive). If this function is active, the drag will snap to the zone. If not, the drag will stay
where it is positioned on the figure.
Adding a hotspot
Click on ‗+ Hotspot‘ to set the dropzone manually. You can draw it yourself : the mouse pointer will then
change into a drawing pencil. The button will be pressed down while you are drawing.
Start drawing the hotspot by clicking once to set the beginning of the zone. It will be drawn in red. You
see a little red dot appear on your background. Click a second time to draw a second point, you will see
that the first point is automatically connected to the second. Continue until you have drawn the zone of
your choice. The zone can be completed manually, by clicking very close to the end point (which is the
same as the start point) or automatically, by clicking ‗- Close hotspot‘ (the button can be clicked as
soon as you have drawn three dots). The active hotspot will automatically be selected.
Any zone can be deleted again by selecting it and clicking ‗- Delete‘. Clicking ‗- Hotspot‘ will make all
drawn hotspots disappear !
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When you are using hotspots, it is best to set ‗Show gaps‘ to inactive. Otherwise, the exercise will be
too easy.
Adding lines
Soms is het moeilijk om een tekstvak op een te benoemen deel van de figuur te plaatsen omdat het
deel van de figuur te klein is. Maak daarom gebruik van lijnen om een lijn te maken tussen het
specifieke deel van de afbeelding en het tekstvak. Klik op ‗+ Lijn‘ om een lijn toe te voegen aan het
tekstvak met focus en sleep het witte vierkantje naar de gewenste plaats op de afbeelding. Je kan
meerdere lijnen per tekstvak toevoegen. Om de lijnen terug te verwijderen klik je op ‗- Lijnen‘.
Initial values
A text gap can contain a readily filled in value. To set this value, click the button ‗Initial values‘ once (so
you can see the button is pressed). Drag the values of your choice to the gaps or on the drawing. You
can choose how many text gaps you provide with a standard value, and of course, you can choose any
value you need.
Click on the button ‗Initial values‘ again to confirm (so the button is no longer pressed down).
Setting tab sequence
You can use the Tab key of your keyboard to jump from one gap to another in the exercise. It can be
useful to set this order of jumps yourself. Click on ‗Tab order‘ once (so the button is pressed down) to
determine the order of the Tabs. Go through each gap and click if necessary to change the order. To
confirm, click ‗Tab order‘ once more (so that the button is no longer pressed down).
The tab order can be important, because tabs with higher numbers are piled on top of tabs with lower
numbers. For example : if you have a gap with tab 2, the hotspot of this gap will lie on top of the hotspot
of the gap with tab 1 (provided there is an overlap). This can be crucial when answering the questions
by dragging to hotspots.
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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VIII. Dropdown in text
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
Dropdown in text exercise type
An example :
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Click ‗+Gap‘ to add a dropdown:
When you click the newly made dropdown gap, the tab ‗Gap‘ is activated at the bottom of the screen.
In that tab, ‗Hint‘ allows you to give the students a clue, ‗Answers‘ has the following components:
Click ‗Value‘ to enter the first possible answer. After this, fill in the other values: whether it is a good
answer (check the box) or an incorrect answer (leave it unchecked), the score of the answer, and a
specific feedback for that answer.
Pay attention to the order of the answers: the student will see the answers in the order of
entering them now.
Don’t forget to save your changes by clicking ‘Save!’
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Fill gaps
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
Fill gaps exercise type
Use the buttons
to either add a gap to the exercise or delete one.
To add a gap, click on the desired location of the gap and then click on ‗+ Gap‘. You can also select a
word or part of a word and then click on ‗+ Gap‘.
To delete a gap, select it and click ‗- Gap‘.
When you select a gap, the tab ‗Gap‘ is activated at the bottom of the screen.
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Televic Education
―# Fixed characters‖ indicates the number of characters which are filled into the gap on beforehand.
These characters are shown to the student and cannot be overwritten. In the example above, one
permanent character (the letter ‗f‘) is set. This letter will be shown to the students and cannot be
deleted or replaced by another character.
You can only set permanent characters if they match the initial characters of the correct answer
in this gap.
―Hint‖ allows you to give the student a clue.
―Answers‖ contains the following elements:
- All possible answers, click ‗Value‘ and type in the possibility
An indication whether the answer is correct or not
A score for each answer
A specific feedback for that answer
Don’t forget to save your changes!
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Televic Education
Fill gaps on background
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Fill gaps on background exercise type
Selecting a background
Click on ‗+ Background‘ to add a background image to the exercise. Select an image from the media
library and click ‗OK‘. If the image was added correctly, it will be displayed in the exercise.
This exercise type really needs the background image, so once an image is set as the background, it
cannot be deleted again. It can, however, be replaced by another image.
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Adding text
Click on ‗+ Gap‘ to add a text gap. Click more than once to add more than one gap. To delete a gap,
click the relevant text gap and then click ‗Delete‘.
Changing question settings
You can modify the questions settings at the bottom of the screen. These settings include the question
feedback, the positive and negative feedback. Minimum and maximum scores are displayed but cannot
be modified in this exercise type. ‗Show lines‘ (active or inactive) will (or will not) show the lines in the
Changing gap settings
The properties of the selected text gap are shown at the bottom of the screen. (You can select a gap
by clicking it once.)
The following properties are shown :
- Position
If you want to change the position of your text gap, you can do that here. The ‗x‘ indicates the horizontal
position, ‗y‘ indicates the vertical position.You can also use the arrows of your keyboard to move the
gap around (but you have to select it first !)
- Hint, where you can provide your students with a hint
Enter the answer (by clicking ‗Value‘ and then typing the answer) and fill in the other columns as
desired: whether it is a good answer (check the box) or an incorrect answer (leave it unchecked), the
score of the answer, and a specific feedback for that answer.
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Adding lines
It is sometimes difficult to indicate to which part of the picture the gap is referring, for example
because that part of the picture is too small. To avoid mistakes, you can add lines and thus create a
clear link between the gap and the specific part of the picture.
Click on ‗+ Line‘ to add a line to that text gap (which you first selected !). Click and drag the white
square at the end of the line to the desired spot on the background. You can add more than one line
per gap.
If you want to delete all the lines of a gap, click on ‗- Lines‘ OR select a line and remove it individually by
clicking ‗- Delete‘.
Initial values
A text gap can contain a readily filled in value. For example, the first letter of the word which the
student needs to fill in. To set this value, click the button ‗Initial values‘ once (so you can see the button
is pressed) . Click on each text gap and type in the values of your choice. You can choose how many
text gaps you provide with a standard value, and of course, you can choose any value you need.
Click on the button ‗Initial values‘ again to confirm (so the button is no longer pressed down).
Setting tab sequence
You can use the Tab key of your keyboard to jump from one gap to another in the exercise. It can be
useful to set this order of jumps yourself. Click on ‗Tab order‘ once (so the button is pressed down) to
determine the order of the Tabs. Go through each gap and click if necessary to change the order. To
confirm, click ‗Tab order‘ once more (so that the button is no longer pressed down).
Don’t forget to save your changes !
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Manual Edumatic Exam
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Information screen
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Content Item exercise type
A content item is actually an information screen, not an exercise. This screen contains more
information, or some explanation on theory, for example.
To create a content item:
- Right click the folder in which you want the content item to appear and select ‗New item‘.
The screen ‗Make new item‘ appears.
- Select the exercise type ‗Content item‘, name it and click OK.
- Open the tab ‗Properties‘ to add or change metadata of this item.
Open the tab ‗Content‘ and click on the text icon to add a text field,
an image, sound or video
or the asset icon to add
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise
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Multiple choice
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Multiple choice exercise type
Two new buttons appear in this exercise type:
: This button adds an option to the exercise
: This button deletes an option
To add answers to the exercise:
- Click on the first button above,
A gap will appear with a radio button in front of it,
- Select the radio button to indicate the single correct answer,
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Click the gap and fill in the answer.
Click the gap to activate the tab ‗Choice‘ at the bottom of the screen.
In this tab, you can score a right or a wrong answer. Specific feedback per answer is also
It is best to modify the scores when you have entered all the answers and picked the proper
radio button, because if you choose a new radio button after customising the scores, the
scores will reset and you will have to customise them again.
Repeat this procedure for every possible answer.
Note that the order in which the answers are shown to the users is set in the player template of
the assessment in which the exercise is used. For more information, please refer to the Backend
Don’t forget to save your changes !
Advanced option
You can use media files instead of textual answers.
To use a media file, click the icon ‗Advanced‘ and select ‗Media‘.
Click ‗…‘ to upload a file or to select a file from the media library.
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Manual Edumatic Exam
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XIII. Multiple choice matrix
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Multiple choice matrix exercise type
The matrix exercise type is a multiple choice exercise built like a table:
Each row contains a question.
The columns (except the first column) contain bullets for the different answers.
To create a matrix question:
- Right click the folder in which you want the matrix to appear and select ‗New item‘.
- Fill in the screen ‗Make new item‘, while selecting exercise type ‗matrix question‘.
- Open the tab ‗Properties to add or change metadata of the exercise.
- Open the tab ‗Content‘ to start editing the exercise.
The following buttons appear in a matrix exercise:
‗+ Column‘ adds a new column to the right of the table.
‗- Column‘ deletes the last added column
‗+ Row‘ adds a row at the end of the table
‗-Row‘ deletes the last added row
To add questions and answers, click in the heading of the rows or columns and type in the questions or
answers of your choice.
If the questions or answers are too long, you can split the text over multiple lines by pressing
Enter on your keyboard.
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To add scores and feedback to the answers, click in the relevant cell. This activates the tab ‗Choice‘. In
this tab, you can insert the score for a correct answer and for a wrong answer. You can also insert a
specific feedback per answer.
To indicate the (only) right answer, select the radio button in the cell with the right answer.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
Advanced options
It is possible to put the line between columns and rows in bold. To do so, check the box to the left of the
column or row heading.
An example:
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It is also possible to hide the lines of the table. To do so, go to the Question tab at the bottom of the
screen and leave ‗Show lines‘ unchecked.
An example:
The result is this:
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Multiple choice – multiple answers
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Multiple response
This exercise type works in the same way as a regular multiple choice (with only one correct answer).
The only difference is the number of correct answers possible, which creates the possibility to check
more than one answer as ‗Correct‘.
It is a good idea to discourage ‗a lucky guess‘ by applying negative scores to wrong answer. If not, an
exercise will be evaluated as a well-made exercise if all answers have been checked in the exercise by
the respondent (because all good answers have been checked, and checking the wrong answers
marks for zero, so the total score does not go down.)
Don’t forget to save your changes!
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Manual Edumatic Exam
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Open question
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Open question exercise type
An open question is a fill-in exercise, for which no score is calculated automatically.
In the Edumatic EXAM reporting module, you can review the users‘ answers and manually give a score
to the answers. For more information, see Fout! Verwijzingsbron niet gevonden.
Example of open question:
To create an open question:
Right click the folder where you want the question to appear and select ‗New item‘.
Select the exercise type ‗Open question‘, enter the name of the exercise and confirm.
Open the tab ‗Properties‘ to add or change metadata.
Open the tab ‗Content‘ and start editing the exercise.
Enter the maximum of characters which the students can fill in to answer the question.
You can determine the second number by typing it in the blank, or using the arrows up and
down. The first number is determined by the gap below:
The text which you type into the gap, will be shown to the student. You can use it as a guideline
towards the correct answer.
6. If you want to be able to score the reponses for this exercise:
 Open the Question tab at the bottom of the page and click Override.
 Enter the maximum score.
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Don’t forget to save your changes !
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Order vertically
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
Order vertically exercise type
Two new buttons appear in this exercise: ‗+ Column‘ and ‗+ Item‘
Click on ‘+Column’ to add a column
This action will create a new column, with a text gap on top of it to fill in its name. Click more than once
to create more than one column.
The following buttons also occur on top of a column:
‗Advanced‘ to add an image on top of a column, instead of a verbal name
‗—Column‘ to delete that column
‗+Item‘ to add an element to that column
You can now add items to the columns which the students will have to order vertically.
Click on ‘+Item’ to add an item
Click on the element and fill in its description. You can also click the ‗Advanced‘ button to add an image
instead of a verbal name.
If you click on an element, the tab ‗Item‘ at the bottom of the screen is activated. You can fill in a score
and a specific feedback for the element in that tab.
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Repeat this procedure until you have all the items you need in that column.
Remember to order the elements in the column according to the ideal answer. The elements will be
shown in a random order to the student.
(To delete an element, click on the red icon next to it
The button
Don’t forget to save your changes!
allows you to simultaneously add one item to each column.
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Recording exercise
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Recording exercise type
The recording exercise allows users to play an audio or video file, to make their own audio or video
recording and to compare their recording to the original.
Note that to be able to make a video recording, the users need to have a webcam installed on their
In the Edumatic EXAM reporting module, you can play back the users‘ recordings and give a score to
the users‘ recordings. For more information, see Fout! Verwijzingsbron niet gevonden.
Example of a recording exercise:
To create a recording exercise, you can:
- Use a media file from the Media Library, or
- Create your own media file
To add a media file from the Media Library, proceed as follows:
1. Click Add Media
The Media Library appears.
2. Select the audio or video file from the Media Library and click OK.
For more information on how to upload a media file to the Media Library or on how to select a
media file from the Media Library, see the Media Library Manual.
3. Click Play
4. Click Save.
in the media player to verify your media file.
To create your own media file, proceed as follows:
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1. If you want to create a video file, click the Camera icon
in the media player to enable the
To be able to make a video recording, you need to have a webcam installed on your computer.
2. Click Record
3. Click Stop
and start your recording. If necessary, adjust the microphone level.
to end your recording.
4. Click Play
to listen to your recording.
5. If you want to:
- Overwrite your original recording, click Record again.
- Add a recording to your original recording, click Append
6. Click Stop to end your recording.
To be able to score the responses for this exercise, proceed as follows:
1. Open the Question tab at the bottom of the page and click Override.
2. Enter the maximum score.
3. Click Save.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
Click on the Preview tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
If you did not set the camera and microphone access yet, the Adobe Flash Player Settings dialogue box
will appear. Click Allow. These settings remain valid as long as you remain logged on.
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To permanently set the camera and microphone access for your computer, right-click in the Edumatic
screen and choose Settings:
Select Remember and click Close to save these settings.
To make a recording in the media player, proceed as follows:
1. Click Play
to play the media file. If necessary, adjust the volume.
2. If you want to make a video recording, click the Camera icon
to enable the camera.
To be able to make a video recording, you need to have a webcam installed on your computer.
3. Click Record
and start your recording. If necessary, adjust the microphone.
4. Click Stop
to end your recording.
5. Click Play again to listen to your recording.
If the Balance slider is positioned in the middle, you will hear both the original track and your
own recording. Move the slider to the right, if you only want to hear your own recording.
6. If you want to:
- Overwrite your original recording, click Record again.
- Add a recording to your original recording, click Append
7. Click Stop to end your recording.
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Manual Edumatic Exam
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Situational judgement
General characteristics of all exercise types
types, please
Situational judgement exercise type
In the exercise type ‗Situational judgement‘ a start situation is shown and a number of reactions to
this situation follow. The goal of the exercise is to select the most proper reaction to the situation.
A number of new buttons appear in this exercise type:
: This button allows you to add a reaction to the situation
: This button allows you to add text or an asset (image, audio, video file) to the
reaction on the situation
: This button allows you to add a choice to a reaction
: This button allows you to add default choices to a reaction.
The last two buttons are inactive as long as there are no reactions added or selected.
Step 1: Creating the start situation
To create the start situation:
In the gap below the buttons, fill in the title of the situation
Click on ‗+ Media item‘ to add text or an asset, if necessary.
To add text or an asset:
After you clicked ‗+ Media item‘, turn your attention to the menu on the right.
Name the media item in the gap next to ‗Label‘
This name will not be shown to the students, however.
Expand the ‗Advanced‘ menu by clicking
and select ‗Text‘ or ‗Media‘ from the dropdown list.
Naast de dropdownlijst, klik op + Media item om een asset toe te voegen (zie Algemene kenmerken bij
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Om de film te bekijken, klik op de driehoek.
Step 2: Adding reactions
You can now add the reactions from which the student can choose:
Click on ‗+ Reaction‘ and name the reaction.
You can see the the buttons
have become active, now that a
reaction has been added and selected (indicated by the highlight).
Click on ‗+Media item‘ to add text or an asset to this reaction (see step 1 on how to do that)
Step 3: Adding choices to a reaction
You can now add the choices from which the student can choose:
Click on ‗Default choices‘ to use the predetermined set of questions.
You can scroll down to see additional choices.
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There is a set of five default choices: ―- -― , ―-― , ―+ -― , ―+‖ en ―++‖:
Click on
to delete a choice
You can adjust the colours by clicking on the bottom right corner of the colour icon.
You can edit the choice by typing in the blank below.It is best to choose a very short description, for
example ‗goed‘ (En. ‗good‘) A long choice description cannot be displayed on the button.
To indicate the proper reaction to this situation, click on the button of the correct choice (for example
The right answer appears next to the reaction‘s name.
This answer is highlighted at the bottom of the screen.
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The tab ‗Choice‘ is activated on the bottom of the screen when a choice is selected. Use this tab to set
a score for the correctly and incorrectly answered question.
Pay attention!
If you click the choice’s icon with three horizontal lines
If, however, you click the button itself
, you can edit the scors for this choice.
, you indicate that choice as the best answer.
By clicking and holding the icon
, you can also drag the choice or reactions to another place.
For every other reaction, perform the same procedure every time.
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Translate exercise type
This exercise type contains an additional text gap, which you can use to fill in the correct translation.
If you click this gap, the tab ‗Solutions‘ is activated at the bottom of the screen. Here, you can fill in the
possible answers, indicate whether it is correct or not, customize the score, and type in a specific
feedback for each answer. Remember that you can also add general, positive and negative feedback in
the tab ‗Question‘.
Alternative translations can be added by typing them between square brackets: [alternative
translation], or by entering them as different values.
Don’t forget to save your changes!
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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Verb conjugation
General characteristics of all exercise types
For general characteristics of all exercise types, please see the general manual.
Conjugation exercise type
The first line in the exercise type ‗Conjugation‘ should be an example exercise, which will be shown to
the student.
Choose tense and time of the verb in the first dropdown list
Choose person in the second dropdown list
Choose singular or plural in the third dropdown list
Fill in the example verb, the translation below it and the proper conjugated verb to the right (all in the
text gaps)
The actual exercise begins on the second line. You fill in all the information which the student needs to
conjugate (time, tense, person, number, verb to conjugate and preferably, its translation).
The (correct) answer needs to be written in the text gap to the furthest right. When you place your
cursor in that text gap, the tab ‗Gap‘ is activated at the bottom of the screen. You can indicate the
number of fixed characters, which are the characters of the answer which will be shown to the student
by default. For example, a personal pronoun after which the verb must be entered.
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The ‗Delete‘ button will not appear until there is more than one possible answer (so you must enter an
alternative before you can delete something).
Click on the ‗Preview‘ tab at the top of the screen to see and try an example of your exercise.
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