Informational Brochure - Crime Victim Compensation Program
Informational Brochure - Crime Victim Compensation Program
A Message from the State’s Attorney State’s Attorney’s Office - Main Numbers and Locations - Victim Witness Assistance Unit Criminal Courts Building 2650 S. California Avenue, Chicago (773) 674-7200 Domestic Violence Division 555 W. Harrison, Room 2700, Chicago (312) 325-9220 Crime Victim Compensation Program First Municipal Division 555 W. Harrison, Room 2700, Chicago (312) 325-9200 This program can be of great financial help for many victims who may not have the resources to cover the expenses incurred as a result of the crime. The Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office can help you determine if you are eligible for this program and we encourage you to contact our victim specialists for assistance. Rolling Meadows Courthouse 2121 Euclid Avenue (847) 818-2326 Maywood Courthouse 1500 Maybrook Drive (708) 865-6080 Bridgeview Courthouse 10220 S. 76th Avenue (708) 974-6250 ’S ATTOR E T Y NE Those who are eligible may receive compensation for such expenses as out of pocket medical and hospital costs, funeral and burial expenses, loss of earnings and counseling services. Skokie Courthouse 5600 Old Orchard Road (847) 470-7300 STA If you have been the victim of a violent crime or are the family member of a victim, you may be able to receive compensation under the Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Act. Markham Courthouse 16501 S. Kedzie Avenue (708) 232-4040 Juvenile Justice Bureau 1100 S. Hamilton Avenue, Chicago (312) 433-7000 Daley Center 50 W. Washington Street, Chicago (312) 603-5440 Child Support Enforcement 28 N. Clark, Chicago (312) 345-2200 Anita Alvarez Cook County State's Attorney Cook County Administration Building 69 W. Washington, Chicago (312) 603-1880 Anita AnitaAlvarez Alvarez Cook County State’s Attorney Crime Victim Compensation You may be eligible to apply for crime victim compensation if: You were injured as a result of a violent crime, providing you had no contributing role that led to your victimization. You were injured while assisting the victim of a violent crime. You were injured while assisting a law enforcement officer responding to a violent crime. You are the relative of a victim mentioned in the above categories and incurred reasonable funeral and/or medical expenses. You are a minor who witnessed a violent crime committed against a relative that resulted in death. You were financially dependent on a victim who died as a result of a violent crime. Important: Under Illinois law, guardianship, not custodial status, establishes standing as a relative. Which Crimes Are Compensable? Crimes that may be compensable under Illinois law include: Murder (1st & 2nd Degree) Involuntary Manslaughter Reckless Homicide Kidnapping / Aggravated Kidnapping Battery / Aggravated Battery / Heinous Battery Program Information Total compensation may not exceed $27,000. The Illinois Crime Victim Compensation Act will not pay for expenses that were already reimbursed or for those that could have been reimbursed by another source. The program provides a secondary source of compensation, which means that you must exhaust all other benefits reasonably available — such as private and public insurance — before a claim will be paid. Assault / Aggravated Assault Sexual Relations with Families Criminal Sexual Assault Criminal Sexual Abuse Aggravated Criminal Sexual Abuse Aggravated Criminal Sexual Assault Exploitation of a Child Child Pornography Exceptions include annuities, pension plans, Social Security benefits payable to dependents of the victim and the first $25,000 of life insurance. There is no compensation under this program for pain and suffering or for property damage. While eligibility for this program is generally determined by the guidelines outlined in this brochure, the final decision as to whether a claim will be paid rests with the Illinois Court of Claims. Stalking / Aggravated Stalking Beyond eligibility, there are additional requirements that must be satisfied to qualify for the compensation program for violent crime victims in Illinois. Those requirements include: The crime must be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities within 72 hours or in a timely manner, depending on the circumstances. The applicant must cooperate fully with law enforcement. The application must be received by the Illinois Attorney General’s Office by the following deadlines: It must be submitted within two years of the date of the crime. A juvenile victim can apply for the compensation within two years after he or she reaches the age of 18, if the parent or guardian did not previously apply. The application must be submitted within two years of the removal of legal disability status. Domestic Battery / Aggravated Domestic Battery Additional resources to explore information about compensation may include: Reckless Conduct Driving Under the Influence Arson / Aggravated Arson Violation of an Order of Protection In Illinois, victim compensation may include compensation for: Medical expenses, nursing care, counseling by a clinical psychologist or a certified social worker resulting from a physical injury. Loss of earnings or support of up to $1,000 a month. U.S. Social Security Administration (800) 772-1213 Chicago Department of Family and Support Services (312) 743-0300 Illinois Department of Human Services (800) 843-6154 Your Employee Union Your Church Tuition reimbursement under some circumstances. Funeral and burial costs up to $5,000. This project was supported by Grant #2008-VA-GX-0026, awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, through the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. Points of view or opinions contained within this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice, or the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. For more information contact: Cook County State’s Attorney’s Victim Witness Assistance Unit at (773) 674-7200. Anita Alvarez Cook County State’s Attorney
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