Montana GOLD - THE PERFECT TOOL FOR CREATIVE WORK Montana GOLD is the perfect tool for all artists and creative workers. The specially developed Low-pressure system guarantees maximum accuracy to meet the highest requirements while giving professional results! High-covering and quick-drying acrylic lacquer. Montana GOLD allows for a new level of ease and control when painting with spray cans, with no cracking or color bleaching. The new Montana GOLD color system has been completly overhauled and optimized by our dedicated team of artists and laboratory experts to make it perfect. With 204 possibilities, Montana GOLD offers one of the largest and most concise color range available in spray paint. Montana GOLD can be applied on canvas, wood, concrete, metal, glass or even flexible surfaces. Montana GOLD can also be applied with traditional brushes (or airbrush). Spray Montana GOLD lacquer into a small cup and apply the paint with traditional brushes when working on details or on smaller areas. Brushes or other tools can be cleaned easily with Montana Acetone Spray (Cap Cleaner). Montana Level Cap System Level Caps are perfect in combination with Montana GOLD: Level 1 - Ultra Skinny Cap NEW average spray width .15" - .5" Level 2 - Fine Skinny Cap average spray width .25" - 1" Level 3 - Skinny Cap Montana TECH SPRAYS: pre-treatment and finish The Montana GOLD TECH Series provides technical sprays like varnish gloss and matte, cap cleaner (pure acetone), universal (plastic) primer as well as a styrofoam primer. The TECH Series is the perfect completion for the GOLD range. The Varnish can be used to seal and protect artworks created with Montana GOLD or Montana ACRYLIC paint or to give it a glossy finish. The Varnish is crystal clear and provides an extra UV protection. Use Montana GOLD TECH Spray Acetone (Cap Cleaner) to clean lacquer residue on objects or flush out caps. Use the primers for pre-treament of different surfaces, especially the styrofoam primer for polystyrene objects and grounds. average spray width .5" - 1.5" Level 4 - Soft Fat Cap average spray width 1" - 4" Level 5 - Fat Cap average spray width 1.5" - 6" The Montana GOLD Cap Cleaner is not just for cleaning your blocked nozzles. As pure acetone in a spray can, it can also be used to remove paint residue from objects as well as acting as an efficient paint thining medium. In conjunction with Montana GOLD unique application and removal techniques can be achieved. (Please always remember to test with/on scrap materials to see if any unwanted reactions occur before using on final artworks). Level 6 - Ultra Fat Cap average spray width 2" - 10" HIGHEST QUALITY SPRAY PAINT Choose your spray width Montana GOLD spray paint is famous for its superior quality. Highly reliable, it provides artists and hobbyists alike with the perfect tool for creative work. High accuracy is ensured through Montana Gold’s newly developed low pressure system. In combination with the variety of Montana caps available, artists will experience a new era of spray painting possibilities. Soft handling allows the finest details and the smoothest application. From very thin to super wide lines, Montana Gold makes it all possible! Average spray width will vary depending on the technique of the user. For skinnier lines, spray from a closer distance. For fatter lines, spray from a further distance. The Montana Level Caps were precisely developed for the low pressure system allowing the most even and clean lines with the highest efficiency and accuracy. Spray widths from 0,4cm up to 25cm can be achieved depending on the users skill and experience. For perfect results we recommend the new Level Cap System in combination with Montana GOLD. Examples show artwork on canvas and wall (left)/ paper- board (right). Gloss finish or Additional protection with Montana Varnish The Montana GOLD varnish does not only protect and seal your valuable art work from dust and impurities, it also offers valuable protection against harmful UV rays while increasing the luminance and saturation of your artworks color(s). Greater resistance toward harmful effects of the ellements and bleaching is also achieved while making the surface of your artwork easier to clean or maintain (if required) with this crystal clear varnish. Now with improved UV protection! Montana GOLD characteristics: 196 MATTE ACrylic colors + TECH Sprays Extremely high covering Low-pressure allows easy & SOFT use efficient & accurate weatherproof Montana GOLD400ml The perfect tool for creative work. High covering spray paint on acrylic base no color bleaching PERFECT FOR MIXed MEDIA APPLICATION perfect for canvas ***** MADE IN GERMANY HIGH QUALITY PRODUCT USE MONTANA GOLD Spray paint FOR YOUR MIXED MEDIA APPLICATIONs Montana GOLD spray paint is compatible for mixed media use with the Montana ACRYLIC paint. Colors carrying the same name will color match to the Montana ACRYLIC colors once sealed with the Montana GOLD Gloss varnish. When combined with Montana GOLD we recommend to apply ACRYLIC paint with a brush or air brush for best results. Due to a different base between ACRYLIC paint and GOLD spray paint, for best color matching results apply a coat of Montana GOLD Gloss Varnish spray or ACRYLIC Varnish Gloss for one even finish. Differences may appear with different substrates. Always test before use! Example right shows artwork on wood in combination with Montana ACRYLIC Markers Citrus Vanilla G 1000 Orangina Vanilla Banana Vanilla Lakers G 4240 Malachite Dark G 6150 G 1020 Orange G 1000 2050 G 1000 1030 G Orangina Sweet Dream Pure Orange Orangina G 2050 GG4220 2080 2050 Malachite Light Dream DeepSweet Purple Sweet Dream G G 4220 4250 G 6120 4220 Brain Pine Malachite Shock colorS Malachite LightLight GG4230 G 2060 2090 2060 Valerie Malachite Valerie Black Purple G 4230 G G 6130 4230 4260 Flesh Malachite Malachite Venice G 2070 G 6120 G 8180G 6120 6160 Easter Yellow G 1010 Capri Yellow AsiaEaster Easter Yellow G 1010 2060 G 1010 1040 G Valerie Capri Red Orange Capri Citrus G 1020 Citrus Orange Curry Citrus G 1020 G 1020 2070 1050 G Lakers Blood Orange Orange Orange GG G4240 2095 G 2070 2070 Malachite Dark Lakers Flipper Lakers G G 4240 5000 G 6150 4240 GG4250 G 2080 3000 2080 Deep Pine Fresh BluePurple Deep Purple G 4250 G 5010 G 6160 4250 G 2090 GG4260 3010 2090 Venice Purple BabyBlack Blue Black Purple G G 4260 5020 G 6200 4260 The Montana GOLD Shock range was developed as a mini Montana G 8190G 6130 G 6130 6200 GOLD assortment with the only the most high covering colors within theMalachite Dark G 6150 CAN2 Cool Candy 6210 se Malachite color scales chosen. This system was also introduced as theG waterDark 6150 based ACRYLIC Ink Markers and Refills, making it possible to use cans ShrimpPine Pastell CL 2100 G 6160 PoolPine 6230 G 6160 and markers togeher in multimedia artworks using strong, opaque colors Shrimp Venice CL 2120G 6200 G 6200 Dolphins 6250 in multiple disciplines. Venice G G 5000 5030 G 6210 5000 CAN2 Candy ShrimpCAN2 Dark Aqua CoolCool Candy Banana G 1030 Pure Orange Banana Mustard Banana G 1030 2080 G 1030 1060 G Deep Purple Pure Orange Lychee Pure Orange Asia G 1040 Red Orange Asia Everglade Asia G 1040 2090 G 1040 1080 G Red Orange Black Purple Bazooka Joe Red Orange Curry G 1050 Blood Orange Curry Butta Curry G 1050 2095 G 1050 1100 G Blood Orange Flipper Blood Orange Strawberry G 2095 GG5000 2095 3020 CAN2 Cool Candy Flipper Bermuda Flipper Mustard G 1060 Lychee Mustard Brimstone Mustard G 1060 3000 G 1060 1110 G Fresh Blue Lychee Raspberry Lychee GG5010 G 3000 3030 3000 Pool Fresh BlueBlue LightFresh Blue G G 5010 G 6230 5010 5040 Everglade G 1080 Everglade Bazooka Joe Banana Everglade Vanilla G 1080 G 1120 3010 G G 1080 1000 Baby Blue Bazooka Bazooka Joe Joe Ketchup Orangina GG5020 G 3010 3040 G 3010 2050 Dolphins Baby Blue Sky Blue Baby Blue Sweet Dream G 6250 G 5020 5050 G G 5020 4220 Butta G 1100 Butta Mild Strawberry Pepperoni Butta Easter Yellow G 1100 G 1130 3020 G G 1100 1010 Bermuda Strawberry Brick Strawberry Capri GG5030 G 3020 3050 G 3020 2060 Aqua Bermuda Blue Magic Bermuda Valerie G G 5030 5060 G 6260 5030 4230 Brimstone G 1110 Brimstone Raspberry Pepperoni Hot Brimstone Vanilla Citrus G 1110 G 1110 3030 1140 G G 1000 1020 Light Blue Raspberry Royal Red Raspberry Orangina Orange GG5040 G 3030 3060 2050 G 3030 2070 Reef Light Blue Signal Blue Light Blue Sweet Dream Lakers G 6270 G 5040 5075 G 4220 G 5040 4240 Banana Joe G 1120 Banana Reed Ketchup Banana Joe Joe Easter BananaYellow G 1120 G 1150 3040 G G 1010 G 1120 1030 Sky Blue Purple Red Capri Ketchup PureKetchup Orange G 3040 GG5050 3070 2060 G 3040 2080 Petrol Sky Blue Ultramarine Valerie Sky Blue Deep Purple G G6280 5080 G 5050 4230 G G 5050 4250 Pepperoni Mild G 1130 Pepperoni Brick Nato Pepperoni MildMild Vanilla Citrus Asia G 1130 G 1130 3050 1170 G 1000 G 1020 1040 Brick Blue Magic Black Red Orangina Brick Orange Red Orange G 3050 GG5060 3080 2050 2070 G 3050 2090 Pebble Blue Magic Note Sweet Dream Blue Lakers BlackMagic Purple G 7000 G 5060 5085 4220 G 4240 G 5060 4260 Pepperoni Hot G 1140 Royal RedGreen Pepperoni Military Pepperoni Hot Hot Easter Banana Curry Yellow G 1180 3060 G 1140 G 1010 G 1140 1030 1050 Royal Red Signal Blue Royal Red Capri Vampirella Pure Orange Blood Orange G 3060 GG 3060 2060 3085 G5075 2080 2095 Marble Valerie Nautilus Signal Signal BlueBlue Deep Purple Flipper G 4230 G7010 5090 G 5075 G 4250 G 5075 5000 CL 6300G 6280 colorS G 6280 G 7020 6130 6160 Inspired by the CMY color properties used in the printing industry, the CMY PoisonPebble Light CL 6310G 7000 Pebble G 7000 Iron Curtain Malachite Light 6120 Dark 6150 Venice G 7030 6200are colors are powerful colors bound to draw attention to what ever they applied to. G 7010 Poison CL 6320G Roof 7050 Marble Malachite 6130 Pine Marble G 7010 6160 CAN2 Cool Candy 6210 Reed G 1150 Reed Pudding Purple Red Reed Citrus Asia Mustard G 1150 1200 G 1150 3070 G 1020 G 1040 1060 Ultramarine Purple Red Frozen Strawberry Purple Red Orange Red Orange Lychee GG5080 G 3070 3100 2070 2090 G 3070 3000 Wall Ultramarine Polar Ultramarine Lakers Black Purple Fresh Blue Blue G 7020 G 5080 G 5100 4240 G 5080 4260 5010 Wall Dark PoisonWall Dark Gravel Malachite Venice Pool FLUORESCENT Nato G 1170 Black Red Nato Yellow Submarine Nato Banana Curry Vanilla Everglade G 1210 3080 G 1170 G 1030 1050 1000 G 1170 1080 Black Red Blue Note Frozen Raspberry Pure Orange Black Red Blood Orange Orangina Bazooka Joe G 3080 GG 5085 3110 2080 3080 2095 G 2050 G 3010 Iron Curtain Blue Note Deep Purple Summit Blue Note Flipper Sweet Dream Baby Blue G G 5085 4250 5105 G 5085 5000 G7030 4220 5020 Military Green G 1180 Military Green Vampirella Yellow Cab Military Green Asia Mustard Easter Yellow Butta G 1180 G 1180 3085 1220 G 1040 G 1060 1010 1100 Nautilus Vampirella Red Orange Vampirella Pink Pink Lychee Capri Strawberry GG 5090 G 3085 2090 3085 3130 3000 G 2060 G 3020 Nautilus Roof Himalaya Nautilus Black Purple Valerie Fresh Blue Bermuda G 5090 G 5110 G 5090 4260 G7050 4230 5010 G 5030 Pudding G 1200 Pudding Yolk Frozen Pudding Curry Everglade CitrusStrawberry Brimstone G 1200 1230 G 1200 3100 G 1050 G 1080 1020 1110 Polar Blue Frozen Strawberry Blood Orange Cherry Blossom Frozen Strawberry Bazooka Joe Orange Raspberry GG5100 G 3100 2095 3150 3010 2070 G 3100 3030 Gravel Mt. Everest Polar Polar BlueBlue Flipper Baby Blue Lakers Light G 5120 G 5100 G 5100 5000 G7060 5020 4240 5040 Yellow Submarine G 1210 Frozen Raspberry Yellow Golden Yellow Mustard Yellow Submarine Butta Banana JoeSubmarine G 1210 3110 G 1210 1240 1060 G 1100 1030 G 1120 Summit Frozen Raspberry Lychee Baby Skin Frozen Raspberry Pure Orange Strawberry Ketchup GG 5105 G 3110 3000 4000 3110 G 2080 3020 3040 Stealth Summit Mt. Fuji Fresh Blue Summit Deep Purple Bermuda Sky Blue G G 5105 5140 5010 G 5105 G7070 4250 5030 G 5050 Yellow Cab G 1220 Yellow Cab Terra Everglade Pink Yellow CabMild Brimstone AsiaPink Pepperoni G 1220 1250 1080 G G 1220 3130 1110 1040 G 1130 Himalaya Pink Bazooka Joe Mortadella Red Orange Pink PinkPink Raspberry Brick GG 5110 G 3130 3010 4010 G 2090 3130 3030 3050 Coke Himalaya Fjord Himalaya Baby Light Blue Black Purple Blue Magic G 7090 G 5110 5150 G 5020 5040 4260 G 5110 5060 Yolk G 1230 Yolk Cherry Blossom Butta Yolk Mushroom Banana JoeHot Curry Pepperoni G 1230 G 1230 3150 1100 G 1260 1120 1050 G 1140 Mt.Cherry Everest Blossom Strawberry Cherry Blossom Dusty Pink Blood Orange Royal Red Ketchup GG 5120 G 3150 3020 3150 4020 G 2095 3040 3060 Mt. Everest Elm Mt. Everest Deep Sea Bermuda Sky Blue Flipper Signal Blue G 5120 G G 5120 5160 5030 G8000 5050 5000 5075 G 6210 CL 2130G 6210 6260 CLASSIC colorS Gfor 6230 Louie Lilac CL 4300paint Back inPool the days before manufacturers created high opacity spray Reef 6270 Pool G 6230 the specific use of Graffiti art or Urban art, there were a few “classic“ colors Dolphins G 6250 DenimDolphins Light CL 5200G 6250 Petrol 6280 Light 6120 thatMalachite were the preference of many street based artists. Normally Gchosen Denim G 6260 CL 5210 for Aqua theirAqua opacity or color impact, the Montana GOLD line has adopted a Pebble 7000 G Malachite G 6260 6130 special place within the colour range for these historical colours. DenimReef Stonewashed Reef Light Marble Malachite Dark CL 5220G G 6270 7010 G 6270 6120 6150 Poison Pastell PROCESS Petrol Wall Petrol Malachite Pine G 7020 CL 6330G 7060 6150 G 7020 6200 6230 colorS Famous forCurtain being able to glow under UV light. This is no exception with Olive Green CL 6340 Iron Gthe 7030 Stealth Pine 6160 Iron Curtain G 7030 CAN2 Cool Candy 6210 Malachite Light 6120 Dolphins G 7070 6250 Montana GOLD Fluorescent range. For best results we recommend fluoManilaRoof Light CL 6400 7050 Roof G 7050 Coke 7090 Venice 6200 Pool 6230 Malachite 6130 Aqua G Shock 6260 rescent colors to be applied to pre-primed, dry white surfaces (eg.G White i.e.). will increase luminosity and improve coverage. Applying Gravel G 7060 CAN2 CoolThis Candy 6210 Gravel G Elm Manila Green 8000 CL 6410 Dolphins 6250 Malachite Dark G 7060 6150 Reef 6270 Montana GOLD clear coats will offer greater UV protection however may Stealth G 7070 Sahara 8010 Pool 6230 ManilaStealth Dark CL 6420G Aqua 6260 Pine G 7070 6160 Petrol 6280 hinder theYellow fluorescent effect slightly. In general fluorescent colors are less lightfast and not resistant to the elements. They are not as abrasion proof Sand Coke CL 8300 G Dolphins 6250 Sahara Beige 8020 Coke G 7090 Reef 6270 Venice G 6200 Pebble 7000 7090 like other Montana GOLD color shades. Elm Aqua Hazelnut Duck Season Elm CAN2 Cool Candy Petrol Marble G 8000 6260 CL 8310G 8040 G 8000 6210 6280 7010 Golden Yellow G 1240 Golden Yellow Bone Baby Skin Brimstone Golden Yellow Pepperoni Mild Mustard Reed G 1240 1400 1110 G 1240 4000 G 1130 1060 G 1150 Mt.Baby Fuji Skin Raspberry Baby Skin Ancient Pink Brick Lychee Purple Red GG 5140 G 4000 3030 4030 4000 3050 G 3000 G 3070 Sahara Yellow Mt. Fuji Navy Mt. Fuji Light Blue Fresh Blue Blue Magic Ultramarine G G 5140 5170 G 5140 5040 G8010 5010 5060 5080 Terra G 1250 TerraJoeHot Banana Latte Terra Mortadella Pepperoni Everglade Nato G 1250 1120 1410 G G 1250 4010 1140 1080 G 1170 Fjord Powder Pink Mortadella Royal Red Ketchup Mortadella Bazooka Joe Black Red G G5150 3040 4040 G 4010 3060 3010 G 4010 3080 Fjord Sahara Beige Venom Fjord Sky Signal Blue BabyBlue Blue Blue Note G 5150 G 6000 G 5150 5050 5075 5020 G8020 5085 Mushroom G 1260 Mushroom Pepperoni Mild Cappuccino Mushroom Dusty Pink Butta Reed Military Green G 1260 1130 1420 G 4020 G 1260 1100 1150 1180 Deep Sea Brick White Lilac Dusty Dusty Pink Strawberry Purple RedPink Vampirella G G5160 3050 4100 G 4020 3020 3070 G 4020 3085 Deep Sea Duck Season Linden Green Deep Sea Blue Magic Ultramarine Bermuda Nautilus G 5160 G 6010 G 5160 5060 5080 5030 G8040 5090 Bone G 1400 Bone Pepperoni Bone Ancient PinkHot Make-up Brimstone Nato Pudding G 1400 1140 G 1430 G 1400 4030 1110 1170 G 1200 Navy Royal Red Ancient Black Red Ancient PinkPink Raspberry Light Lilac Frozen Strawberry GG 5170 G 3060 G 4030 3080 3030 4110 G 4030 3100 Green Apple Salmon Navy Signal Blue Blue Note LightNavy Blue Polar 6020 G 5170 G G 5170 5075 5085 5040 G8070 5100 Latte G 1410 Reed Latte Powder Pink Toffee Latte Military Green Banana Joe Yellow Submarine 1150 G 1410 G 1410 4040 1440 G 1180 1120 G 1210 Venom Powder Purple Red Powder PinkPink Teen Spirit Vampirella Ketchup Frozen Raspberry GG G 4040 3070 4040 4130 3040 3085 G6000 3110 Lime Dirty Apricot Ultramarine Venom Nautilus Sky Venom Blue Summit 6030 5080 G 6000 G G 6000 5090 5050 G8080 5105 Cappuccino G 1420 Hot Chocolate Nato Cappuccino White Lilac Pudding Cappuccino Pepperoni Yellow CabMild 1450 1170 G 1420 G 1420 4100 1200 G 1130 G 1220 Linden Green Black Red White Lilac Lavender White Lilac Brick Frozen Strawberry Pink Pink GG 6010 3080 G 4100 3050 3100 G 4150 G 4100 3130 Aubergine Green Blue Note Lawn Green Linden Green Polar Blue BlueLinden Magic Himalaya G G 6010 5085 6040 G 6010 5100 5060 G8085 5110 EFFECT colorS Yellow G 8010 Reef 6270 Chestnut CL 8320G Sahara Yellow Salmon 8070 PoolSahara G 8010 6230 Pebble 7000 Wall 7020 Chrome effects are achieved by having metallic pigment particles locaSahara Beige of the paint. This is achieved by the lacquer remaining Petrol G 8020 6280 Dirty Apricot 8080 Beige G Marble 7010 Dolphins G 8020 6250 Iron G 7030 tedSahara on Curtain the surface “open“ so that light can shine and reflect off these particles. However this Aubergine 8085 Flash Yellow F 1000G Season Pebble G 8040 7000 Wall 7020 Duck Season AquaDuck G 8040 6260 Roof 7050 results in chrome effect cans being less weather resistant and not abrasion Power Orange F 2000G Marble 7010 Salmon marks may occur if handling chrome effect sprayed G 8070 Nougat 8090 Salmon Reef G 8070 6270 Iron Curtain 7030 Gravel 7060 proof. Finger items. Applying Montana GOLD clear coats will offer greater protection and seal F 3000G Fire Red Wall G 7020 Dirty Apricot G 8080 Orange Brown 8100 Dirty Apricot Roof 7050 Petrol 6280 Stealth G 8080 7070 the painted surfaces, however they make the paint appear less shiny and Aubergine G 8085 Gleaming Pink F 4000G Iron Curtain Aubergine 7030 Rusto 8110 Gravel 7060 Pebble 7000 Coke prevent itCoat from reflecting light as efficiently. G 8085 7090 Make-up G 1430 Military Green Palish Brown Make-up Pepperoni Hot Make-up Yellow Submarine Light Lilac Yolk 1180 G 1430 1470 G G 1430 1140 1210 4110 1230 Green Apple Vampirella Royal Red Frozen Raspberry Light Lilac Gonzo Light Lilac Cherry Blossom G G6020 3085 3060 3110 G 4110 4160 G 4110 3150 Green Nautilus Green Apple Nougat Greenery Summit Mt. Everest Signal BlueApple G 6020 G 6020 5090 G 6050 5105 G8090 5120 5075 Flame Nougat BlueNougat Wine Red Roof Marble Stealth Elm Toffee G 1440 Pudding Toffee White Orange Toffee Teen Spirit Reed Yellow Cab Golden Yellow G 1200 G 1440 2000 G G 1440 4130 1220 1150 G 1240 Lime Frozen Strawberry Blue Velvet Teen Spirit Teen Spirit Purple Red Pink Pink Baby Skin G G6030 3100 4170 G 4130 3070 3130 G 4130 4000 Lime Lime Orange Brown Polar Blue Fern Green Ultramarine Himalaya Mt. Fuji G 6030 G 6030 G 5100 G8100 5080 6060 5110 G 5140 Hot Chocolate G 1450 Hot Chocolate Yellow Submarine Hot Chocolate Orange Ice Yolk Lavender Nato Terra G 1450 G 1210 2010 1230 1170 G 1450 4150 G 1250 Frozen Raspberry Lawn Green Lavender Black Red Lavender Cherry Blossom Welsh Mortadella G6040 3110 GG 3080 3150 4180 G 4150 4150 4010 Rusto Coat Summit Mt. Lawn Green Smaragd Green Lawn Green BlueEverest Note Fjord GG 5105 5120 G 6040 6070 6040 5085 G8110 5150 Palish Brown G 1470 Creme Orange Yellow Cab Palish Brown Palish Brown Military Green Golden Yellow Gonzo Mushroom G 2020 1220 G 1470 1180 1240 G 1470 4160 G 1260 Greenery Pink Pink Gonzo Baby Skin Vampirella Cassis Gonzo Dusty Pink GG 6050 3130 G 4160 G 3085 4190 4000 4160 G 4020 Wine Red Himalaya Greenery Nautilus Mt. Fuji Jungle Green Greenery Deep Sea GG 5110 G 6050 5090 5140 6080 6050 GG8115 5160 White Orange G 2000 Yolk White Orange White Orange Pudding Blue Velvet Blast Orange Terra Bone 1230 G 2000 G G 2000 1200 4170 2030 1250 G 1400 Cherry Blossom Fern Green Blue Velvet Blue Velvet Frozen Strawberry Crocus Mortadella Ancient Pink 3150 GG G 4170 4170 3100 G 4200 4010 G6060 4030 Mt. Everest Cacao Fern Green Deep Forest Fjord Polar Blue Fern Green Navy G 5120 G G 6060 G8120 6090 5150 G 5100 G 6060 5170 Orange Ice G 2010 Golden Yellow Orange Scampi Orange Ice Ice Mushroom Yellow Submarine Welsh Latte G 1240 G 2010 2040 G 1260 1210 G 2010 4180 G 1410 Baby Skin Smaragd Green Viola Frozen Raspberry Welsh Welsh Dusty Pink Powder Pink G6070 4000 GG 4210 3110 G 4180 4180 4020 4040 Anthracite Mt. Fuji Liberty Smaragd Green Deep SeaGreen Smaragd Summit Venom G G 5140 G8145 6100 G 6070 5160 G 6070 G 5105 6000 Anthracite Sahara Yellow ShockAnthracite Orange Light Paris Stealth Duck Season Dirty Apricot Creme Orange G 2020 Creme Terra Creme Orange Bone Yellow CabOrange Cassis Cappuccino G 2020 1250 G 1400 G 2020 1220 4190 G 1420 Jungle Green Mortadella Cassis Ancient Pink Cassis Pink Pink White Lilac GG 4010 G 4190 4030 4190 G6080 3130 4100 Concrete Fjord Jungle Green Navy Himalaya Jungle Green Linden GG 5150 G 6080 G 5170 5110 G8150 6080 G 6010 Concrete ShockConcrete Orange Sahara Beige Coke Salmon Aubergine Blast Orange G 2030 Mushroom YolkBlast Orange Blast Orange Latte Crocus Make-up G 1260 1230 G 2030 G 1410 G 2030 4200 G 1430 Deep Forest Dusty Pink Cherry Blossom Powder Pink Crocus Crocus Light Lilac GG 4020 G6090 3150 4040 G 4200 4200 G 4110 Lip Deep Sea Mt. Everest Deep Forest Venom Deep Forest Green Apple GG 5160 5120 G 6090 6000 G8170 6090 G 6020 ShockLip Orange Dark Lip Duck Season Elm Dirty Apricot Nougat Scampi G 2040 Bone Scampi Viola Scampi Golden Yellow Cappuccino Toffee G 1400 G 2040 4210 G 2040 1240 1420 G 1440 Liberty Ancient Pink Viola Viola Baby Skin White Lilac Teen Spirit GG 4030 G 4210 4210 G6100 4000 4100 G 4130 Navy Paris Liberty Mt. Fuji Liberty Linden Green Lime GG G 5170 G 6100 5140 G8175 6100 6010 6030 ShockParis Red Paris Salmon Aubergine Sahara Yellow Orange Brown G 1250 1430 G 1410 1450 Powder Pink Mortadella Light Lilac Lavender Latte Terra Make-up Hot Chocolate G 4040 4010 G G 4110 4150 Venom Green Apple Fjord Green Lawn G 6020 5150 G 6000 6040 Dirty Apricot Nougat Sahara Beige Rusto Coat S 4010 S CL 2100 G 8180 G 3020 8180 Shock Shock Lilac KENT Shock KENT BloodBlood Red Red S 3020 4220 SS 3020 S G 8190 CL 2120 G 4000 8190 Shock Pink Shock Pink Shock Blue Light LightLight S 4000 SS 4000 5000 Plastic Primer Varnish semi gloss TECH 1005 TECH 400-2000 S 4010 CL 2130 Shock Shock Blue Pink Shock Pink S 4010 5010 SS 4010 Varnish highPrimer gloss Polystyrene TECH 1100 TECH 400-2200 Pastell Shock Lilac Shrimp Pastell LouieShrimp Lilac CL 2100 S 4220 CL 2100 4300 Shock Lilac Blue Dark Shock Lilac S 4220 5020 S 4220 Universal Primer TECH 400-2300 Shrimp Shock Blue Light Denim Light Shrimp CL 2120 S 5000 5200 CL 2120 Shock Blue Light Green Light Shock Blue Light S 5000 6000 S 5000 Plastic Primer Metal Primer TECH 400-2000 400-2400 Shrimp Shock Blue Denim Shrimp Dark Dark CL 2130 S 5010 5210 CL 2130 Shock GreenBlue Shock Blue S 5010 6010 S 5010 Polystyrene Primer TECH 400-2200 Shock Blue Dark Louie Lilac Denim Stonewashed Louie Lilac S 5020 CL 4300 5220 CL 4300 Shock Blue Dark Shock Blue Dark Green Dark S 5020 S 5020 6020 Denim Light Poison Pastell Shock Green Denim Brain Light CL 5200 6300 S 6000 CL G 5200 8180 Shock Green Brown LightLight Shock Green Light Shock KENT Blood Red S 6000 8000 S 3020 6000 S Denim Shock Poison Light Denim FleshGreen CL 5210 S 6310 CL 5210 G 6010 8190 Shock Green Shock Brown Green Shock Pink Light S 6010 S 4000 8010 6010 S Varnish semi gloss TECH 1005 Denim Stonewashed Shock Dark Poison Denim Stonewashed BrainGreen CL 5220 S 6320 CL 5220 G 6020 8180 Shock Green Brown DarkDark Green Dark Shock Blood Red Shock KENT Pink S 6020 S 3020 8020 6020 S S 4010 ADHESIVE Spray repositionable ACETONE Varnish matt high gloss TECH 5100 0000 TECH TECH TECH 1010 1100 Poison Pastell Shock Brown Light Poison Pastell Dark Flesh Shrimp Pastell CL 6300 S CL 6300 6330 G 8000 8190 CL 2100 Shock Brown Black Shock Pink Brown Light Light Shock Lilac Light S 9000 S 8000 S 8000 S 4000 4220 ADHESIVE Spray permanent REMOVER Varnish semi gloss TECH RM0000 400 TECH 1005 Poison Shock Brown Olive Green Poison LightLight Brain Shrimp CL 6310 S 6340 CL 6310 G 8010 8180 CL 2120 Shock Brown Shock Blood Red WhiteLight Brown Shock Pink Shock KENT Blue S 8010 S S 9100 8010 S 4010 S 3020 5000 Varnish matt Varnish high gloss Plastic Primer Poison Manila Light Shock Brown Dark Flesh Poison Shrimp Pastell Shrimp Dark CL 6320 6400 S G 8020 8190 CL 6320 2100 CL 2130 Shock Pink WhiteLight CreamDark Shock Brown Shock Lilac Shock Brown Blue Dark S S 4000 9110 S 8020 S 4220 S 8020 5010 Shock Black Poison Poison Dark Dark Manila Green Shrimp Louie Lilac S 9000 CL 6330 CL 6410 2120 CL 6330 4300 Shock Black WhiteDark Pure Black Shock Light Shock Pink Blue S 9000 9000 S 9120 S 5000 S 4010 5020 Olive Green Shrimp Pastell Shock Olive Green Manila Dark Shrimp Dark BrainWhite Denim Light CL 6340 2100 S CL 6340 6420 CL 2130 G9100 8180 5200 Shock Lilac Shock KENT Blood Blue White Shock White Green Light Red S 9100 4220 S 3020 5010 S 9100 6000 Light Shock White Sand Shrimp Manila LightCream FleshManila Louie Lilac Denim CL 6400 S 8300 2120 CL 6400 G9110 8190 CL 4300 5210 100%Shock Yellow White Cream Shock Cream Blue Pink Light Dark Shock White Green P 9110 1000 S 9110 S 5000 5020 S 4000 6010 Shock White Manila Green Shrimp DarkPure Hazelnut Manila Green Denim Light Stonewashed S 9120 CL 6410 2130 8310 CL 6410 5200 5220 100%Shock Cyan White Shock White Blue Shock Pink LightPure Green Pure Dark P 2000 S 9120 S 5010 S 9120 4010 6000 6020 CLASSIC Shock Pink Shrimp Dark COLOR SHADES Louie Lilac Manila Dark Chestnut Shrimp Pastell Denim Manila Dark Poison Pastell 4300 CL 6420 8320 CL 6420 2100 5210 CL 6300 100% Magenta PROCESS COLOR Shock Dark SHADES Lilac Shock Blue Green Shock Brown Light P 3000 S 4220 S 5020 6010 S 8000 Sand 100% Yellow Denim Light Sand Stonewashed Shrimp Poison Light CL 8300 P 1000 5200 CL 8300 5220 CL 2120 6310 100% Yellow 100% Shock Green Light Dark BlueYellow Light Shock Brown P 1000 P 1000 S 6020 5000 S 6000 8010 100% Cyan Denim Flash Yellow Hazelnut Poison Pastell Hazelnut Shrimp Dark Poison P 5210 F 2000 1000 CL 8310 6300 CL 8310 CL 2130 6320 100% Cyan Cyan Transparent Black 100% Shock Light Blue Dark Shock Green Brown P T 2000 9000 P 2000 S 8000 5010 S 6010 8020 100% Magenta Power Orange Denim Stonewashed Chestnut Chestnut Poison Light Louie Lilac Poison Dark P F 3000 2000 5220 CL 8320 CL 8320 6310 4300 CL 6330 100% Magenta Transparent White 100% Shock Dark BlueMagenta Dark Brown Shock Green Black P T 3000 9100 P 3000 S 5020 8010 S 6020 9000 Fire Red Poison Pastell FLUORESCENT Poison Denim Light Olive Green COLOR SHADES F 3000 CL CL 6320 5200 CL 6300 6340 Shock Light VARNISH & PRIMERS Dark Green Light Shock Brown White S 9100 8000 8020 6000 S Silverchrome Transparent Varnish Gloss Shock Brown Black GreenBlack Shock White Cream M 1000 T T 1000 S 9000 8010 9000 6010 S 9110 Flame Blue Power Orange Poison Varnish Matt Power Orange Denim Stonewashed Olive Green Manila Green 5000 F 2000 CL 6320 T F 1010 2000 5220 CL 6340 CL 6410 Copperchrome Transparent Varnish Matt Shock Brown Dark GreenWhite Dark Shock White Pure M 2000 T T 1010 S 9100 8020 9100 6020 S 9120 Fire Red Primer Acid Green Fire Red Universal Plastic Poison Dark Pastell Manila Manila Light Dark F 3000 F 2000 3000 T CL 6330 6300 6400 CL 6000 6420 Gleaming Olive Green Gleaming Pink Pink Styrofoam Primer Poison Light Manila Green Sand F 4000 CL 6340 F 2200 4000 T 6310 6410 CL 8300 Silver Matt Silverchrome Shock White 100% Yellow Styrofoam Primer Shock BrownPure METALLIC 1100 M S 9100 P 1000 T 2200 9120 S 1000 8010 Flame Manila Light Shock Yellow Light Flame Blue Poison Manila DarkBlue Hazelnut F 5000 CL 6400 S 1000 F 5000 CL 6320 6420 CL 8310 Gold Matt Copperchrome Shock White 100% ShockCyan BrownCream Dark METALLIC 3010 M S 9110 P 2000 S 2000 8020 S 1010 T F 6000 6410 F 5100 6000 CL 8300 6330 CL 8320 Goldchrome Yellow Cleaner 100%Cap Magenta Shock White Pure Black T 9000 S 2000 6420 6340 CL 8310 Transparent Black 100% Cyan Silver ShockMatt White T 9000 P 2000 METALLIC S 1100 9100 Transparent White Shock Yellow Orange Sand Shock Yellow LightLight Manila Light Chestnut Flash Yellow T 9100 S 1000 2010 CL 8300 S 6400 CL 8320 F 1000 1000 100% Yellow Magenta Gold Matt Transparent White Transparent Shock WhiteBlack Cream P 1000 3000 METALLIC T 9100 T 9000 S 3010 9110 Shock Yellow Orange Dark Shock Yellow Silverchrome Hazelnut Manila Green Power Orange S 1010 S 1010 2020 M CL 8310 CL 6410 F 1000 2000 100%Silverchrome Cyan Transparent Shock WhiteWhite Pure P 2000 M 1000 T S 9100 9120 8175 G 8145 8010 S 2000G G 8145 7070 8040 G 8080 Shock Red Shock Copperchrome Orange LightLight Chestnut Fire Red Flash Yellow Manila DarkOrange S 3000 S 2000 M CL 8320 F 2000 3000 1000 CL 6420 100%Copperchrome Magenta Transparent Black P 3000 T 9000 M 2000 G 8150 S 2010G 8020 7090 8070 G 8150 8085 Goldchrome Orange Shock Orange Power Orange SandShock Gleaming Pink M S 2010 S 2010 F 3000 2000 CL 8300 F 4000 100%Goldchrome YellowWhite Transparent Silverchrome M 3000 P 1000 1000 T 9100 M G 8170 S 2020G 8040 8000 G 8170 8080 G 8090 Shock Orange Shock Orange Dark Dark Flash Yellow Fire Red Silver Matt Flame Blue Hazelnut F 3000 S 2020 1000 S 2020 METALLIC F 1100 5000 CL 8310 Transparent Black 100%Silver CyanMatt Copperchrome T P 9000 2000 1100 METALLIC M 2000 S 3000G 8175 G 8175 Shock Red Shock Red Gold Matt Power Orange Gleaming Pink Acid Green Chestnut S 3000 S 3000 METALLIC F 2000 F 3010 4000 CL 8320 F 6000 100%Gold Magenta Transparent White Matt Silverchrome Goldchrome P 9100 3000 3010 T METALLIC M 1000 3000 G 8085 8010 G 8070 8100 G 8090 8020 G 8080 8110 Montana TECH Sprays Varnish matt TECH 1100 Shock Pink Light Flesh Shrimp Flesh T F 1000 CL 6310 4000 F 1000 5210 6330 CL 6400 F 5000G 8115 7050 G 8090 G 8090 7010 7070 G 8000 Varnish high gloss Shock KENT Blood Red Shrimp Pastell Brain Brain Varnish Gloss Flash Yellow Poison Light Gleaming Pink Flash Yellow Denim Poison Dark Manila Light Transparent Black & WHITE colorS Acid Green Gravel 7060 Brown Cacao G 8100 8120 F 6000G Orange Brown Wall Orange 8100 GGOLD 7020 Coke 7090 Achieve greater depth and tonal variation with the use of Montana Sahara Yellow G 8010 Transparent Black or White. Apply thinly for perfect shadows and rendeAnthracite G 8145 Stealth 7070 Coat G 8110 Rusto Coat Elm G 8110 8000 Iron Rusto Curtain 7030 Sahara Beige G 8020 ring or creating complex gradient shifts by applying multiple layers. This Concrete 8150 Wine Red Shock Yellow Light G 8115 S 1000by Coke 7090 Wine Red G Sahara Yellow 8010 Roof G 8115 7050 transparent shades allow users to enhance their artwork layer, layer Duck Season G 8040 while controlling the opacity through the paint application. Use Transparent ShockCacao Yellow S 1010G Lip 8170 Cacao Elm G 8120 8000 Gravel G 8120 7060 Sahara Beige 8020 Salmon G 8070 White to create highlights or to give the effect of light exposed areas (milky Explore Montana GOLD's flowing color system on the color finder tool online Shock Pink Shock Yellow Acid Green Acid Green Cap Cleaner Manila Green Sand Poison Dark Chestnut Transparent Shock Orange Light COLOR Manila DarkBlack OliveSHOCK Green Hazelnut Fire Red Flame Blue SHADES F F 3000 5000 Goldchrome CAP CLEANER & EFFECT Universal Plastic Primer COLOR SHADES Shock Black White Shock BrownCream Light Copperchrome Silver Matt M S 3000 9000 T 2000 S 9110 8000 M 1000 T 5100 P 3000 3000 S 9120 9000 M 2000 METALLIC 1100 TECH 1010 Montana PRIMER ACETONE TECH Montana PRIMER enable excellent adhesion and further coating of5100 synUniversal Primer TECH 400-2300 thetic, nitro-combi or acrylic spray paints. Montana offers different primers REMOVER RM1010 400 Primer 400-2400 Varnish matt on different surfaces that is recommended to TECH for Metal application be TECH pre-treated such as plastic, metal and styrofoam. ADHESIVE Spray repositionable Varnish semi gloss TECH 1010 TECH 1100 TECH 400-2000 TECH TECH 0000 1005 Polystyrene Primer TECH 400-2200 VARNISH ADHESIVE Spray permanent TECH 0000 Acid-free, quick drying, clear varnish made of acrylic base. No yellowing Varnish high gloss 1100 Plastic Primer TECH 400-2000 Universal Primer TECH 400-2300 or desaturation. For interior and exterior use. Protects and fixes paint on Varnish mattPrimer TECH 1010 Polystyrene TECH 400-2200 surfaces like canvas, paper, charcoal drawing, bast fibre, TECH wood, photos, Metal Primer 400-2400 etc.Plastic Protects against oxidisation. Primer TECH 400-2000 TECH 1005 Varnish semi gloss Universal Primer TECH 400-2300 Polystyrene ACETONE Varnish highPrimer gloss Metal Primer TECH 400-2200 TECH 5100 1100 TECH 400-2400 Universal REMOVERPrimer TECH 400-2300 RM 400 Universal Primer TECH 400-2300 ADHESIVE Spray repositionable REMOVER Metal Primer TECH RM0000 400 TECH 400-2400 ACETONE Montana ACETONE SPRAY is a universal thinner and cleaning agent transACETONE TECH 5100 Metal TECH 400-2400 PlasticPrimer Primer 400-2000 parent in color. Removes residues of paint or lacquer. Ideally suitable for ADHESIVE repositionable TECH REMOVER RM0000 400 PolystyreneSpray Primer 400-2200 pre-treatment before coloring objects or to remove paint TECH residues after painting. Evaporates quickly without leaving residues. ACETONE TECH 5100 ADHESIVE Spray permanent TECH 0000 ADHESIVE Spray permanent TECH 0000 REMOVER Pollution free etching spray for most usual types of lacquer. Montana READHESIVE TECH ACETONE Spray repositionable TECH 0000 5100 MOVER Spray dissolves and removes lacquers quick and thoroughly. It beADHESIVE Spray consistency, permanent TECH 0000 REMOVER RMDo 400not comes a gel-like thus not running off vertical surfaces. use on cars! ADHESIVE Spray repositionable TECH 0000 ADHESIVE Spray permanent TECH 0000 ADHESIVE Acid-free adhesive spray consisting of a synthetic base with solvents. Available as 150ml and 400ml. Single application spray adhesive for permanent adhesion. DUSTCLEAN Montana DUSTCLEAN easily removes dust or loose particle. Ideally suitable for cleaning sensitive surfaces or areas that are difficult to reach. For interior and exterior use.