Benefactor Issue 2011 - Ursuline Sisters of Louisville
Benefactor Issue 2011 - Ursuline Sisters of Louisville
Continuing the Legacy of Spirituality and Service Thank you for your generous support, which keeps our Ursuline legacy “Rooted and Reaching” A P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E U R S U L I N E S I S T E R S O F L O U I S V I L L E • B E N E FA C T O R I S S U E Here's An Easy Way Your Legacy Can Live On How will you Are You Ursuline Affected? affect the causes, organizations and If your answer is “Yes”, you are one of the people that shaped thousands of students, you during your parents or alumni of lifetime? grade school, high school or college affected by the Ursuline Sisters’ ministry of education. If you weren’t taught by an Ursuline Sister, you may have been affected by their active involvement in healthcare, parishes, social services, social justice causes, community cultural centers, spiritual retreats or volunteer activities. It all starts with Estate Planning or Planned Giving. The word “Estate” is the sum of your assets. From modest to majestic, your estate includes tangible worth such as: property, holdings, stocks, life insurance policies and investments, to name a few. The word “Plan” means putting structure to your generosity with a plan of action. It takes a plan for you to prepare, document, develop, arrange, schedule, forecast , establish, designate and distribute your charitable giving – your assets. RECOgNIzINg ANd HONORINg yOUR gENEROSITy with membership in the Saint Ursula Society The Saint Ursula Society was established in 1992 to recognize those who have chosen to include the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville in their estate plans. It was Saint Ursula, who foundress Saint Angela Merici chose as its patron when formalizing her followers into a Company in Brescia, Italy in 1535. I (we) have already included the Ursuline Sisters in my (our) Will. Thank You! To make sure you are recognized in the Saint Ursula Society and we have noted Will inclusion in your records, please verify this information by contacting the Mission Advancement Office. Thinking about including the Ursuline Sisters in Your Will? If you haven’t included the Ursuline Sisters in your Will but are considering this option as part of your Planned Giving, contact the Mission Advancement Office and let us know. Need a professional Estate Planner to get you started with your Planned Giving? We will be happy to recommend a financial Estate Planner to you. Contact Person: Ellen McKnight Director of Mission Advancement 502.515.7526 [email protected] 2 “(Planned Giving) is a way to pay back for all they (the Ursuline Sisters) have done for me.” BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | Judy Michels (UA’57) • BENEFACTOR ISSUE • November 2011 MiSSion AdvAnCeMent offiCe ELLEn MCKnight Director and Alumnae Relations KiM BradLEy Data Coordinator Conti Legac and S Fran J. WEBB Communication & Media Relations Coordinator JEnniFEr MCgEE Visual Communications Coordinator Maria May Community Messages doMe StAff A P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E U R S U L I N E S I S T E R S O F L O U I S V I L L E SiStEr Martha JaCoB Editor-At-Large Fran J. WEBB Editor JEnniFEr MCgEE Graphic Designer SiStEr MariLyn MuELLEr Proofreader CONTACT US Send changes of address and story ideas to: Mission Advancement Office 3105 Lexington Road • Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 896-3938 • fax (502) 896-3949 [email protected] Web address: See us on Facebook, Twitter,youTube! The printing of The dome is donated. All content and design by the Ursuline Sisters staff. ContentS Letter from the President 4 Our Life Together 5 Volunteer Ministry 6-7 Associates & AMC 8 Card Party 9 Awards & Recognition 10 New Program at Bellarmine 11 Donor Recognition 12-23 Donation Notation 23 OUR MISSION teaching Christian living is the corporate ministry of the ursuline Sisters. this ministry, cutting across socio-economic, racial and national boundaries, assists women, men and children to live more fully and to develop a personal relationship with god. dONATION INFORMATION The Ursuline Sisters of Louisville appreciate the support of those who share their financial resources with us. We make every effort to ensure that you receive the maximum tax credit allowed by law. When making a donation, please be certain to address the envelope containing your check to the following: Mission Advancement Office, Ursuline Sisters of Louisville, 3105 Lexington Road, Louisville, KY 40206. The check must be processed through the Mission Advancement Office for the Ursuline Sisters to generate the proper documentation you will need for your tax-deductible donation. Ursuline Society and Academy of Education (USAE) is the corporate title under which the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville do business. USAE does not include gifts received for the other corporation, Sacred Heart Schools (SHS), Inc. Gifts for Ursuline Continuing the Legacy Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUEand 2011 SacredDOME: Heart Academy and other campusof schools are received by the SHS Office of Development used exclusively for the schools and their programs. 3 from the pRESIdENT Dear Friends, Your relationship with the Ursuline Sisters is such a source of inspiration and sustainability for us. Although our relationship with you began in a variety of ways, there is one commonality. Each of you said to us, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” You have offered this generous, open-handed, trusting invitation and relationship to us time and again. Let me share with you the story, “ How the Forest Was Saved,” to express how we, the Ursuline Sisters, experience your relationship with us.1 It is said by our grandparents that a long time ago there was a great fire in the forests that covered our Earth. People and animals started to run trying to escape from the fire. Our brother owl, Tecolotl, was running away also when he noticed a small bird hurrying back and forth between the nearest river and the fire. The owl headed toward this small bird. He noticed that it was our (sister) the Quetzal bird, Quetzaltototl, running to the river, picking up small drops of water in (her) beak, then returning to the fire to throw that tiny bit of water on the flame. The Owl approached Quetzal bird and yelled: “What are you doing? Are you stupid? You are not going to achieve anything by doing this. What are you trying to do? You must run for your life!” Quetzal bird stopped for a moment and looked at the owl, and then answered: “I am doing the best I can with what I have.” It is remembered by our grandparents that a long time ago the forests that covered our Earth were saved from a great fire by a small Quetzal bird, an owl, and many other animals and people who got together to put out the flames. I am sure you notice the life-sustaining relationship shared among the creatures of the forest. This relationship was rooted in wisdom and in receiving what each one can contribute, no matter the size or the impact. They were doing the best they could with what they had. The Quetzal bird invested what she had to work for the good of all and the owl received it. Her love for the whole led her to contribute the efforts of her small beak, her feet, her focus, possibly even her life depending on whether the others followed her example or not. The witness of the Quetzal bird inspired the owl and all the others to seek and to hold onto their pearl of great price – the life they shared in the forest. The humans and animals 4 BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | focused on their belief in what they valued collectively instead of self preservation. They reached for the deeper message AND then rooted themselves in, to action to sustain what was most important at cost to themselves. You, our Benefactors, are a part of our Ursuline Sisters’ “forest story,” urging our Quetzal bird to keep going. You have invited us to ask and we have received from you. You formed and continue to form a relationship with us that is life-sustaining for us. You have placed faith and love in us and together we have worked for the good of the many individuals to whom we bring our presence each day. We want you to know that your love and gifting to us works for the good of our mission. You assure us we are doing the best we can with what we have. You keep assisting us in throwing out our nets, in finding our buried treasure, and in uncovering the precious pearl of great price as we seek to live and minister in our times. You, our Benefactors, have done all of this for us. You embody the strong conviction the Ursuline Sisters believe and wrote about in the Introduction of their Rule of Life (their Constitutions) almost forty years ago: “All creation receives the call to holiness, Be glory to the only God. The human person is privileged to respond voluntarily and to help all of creation answer this call.” Just as the Quetzal bird, you, our Benefactors, are doing the best you can with what you have and you continue to remind us to do the same – to keep being Rooted and Reaching with our Ursuline Legacy to all to whom we are called. Thank you for being rooted in us and assisting us in continuing to reach out our Ursuline Legacy and Mission. You are a reflection to us of our belief to “Be Glory to the Only God.” SOLI DEO GLORIA! In the spirit of Gratitude and Joy, Sister Lynn Jarrell, oSU President, Ursuline Sisters of Louisville 1 The story comes from the Aztec People -- a culture in Mexico from centuries ago rich in social/economic development and beliefs. The text used here was published in Turning to One Another by Margaret Wheatley, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, 2002 our life together Presence of Ursuline Sisters in Ministry Geographical Location of Ursuline Sisters in Ministry As of July 1, 2011 MARYLAND Cumberland IOWA Iowa City NEBRASKA Ogallala Education Parish/Pastoral/ Spirituality Ministry Volunteer Ministry Parish/Pastoral/ Spirituality Ministry Volunteer Ministry OHIO Cincinnati Health Care Volunteer Ministry UNITED STATES OF AMERICA KENTUCKY Louisville Advocacy for Health and Social Concerns Cross-Cultural Ministry Education Health Care Ministry to the Congregation Parish/Pastoral/Spirituality Ministry Prayer/Volunteer Ministry Social Ministry Social Services KENTUCKY Lexington Parish/Pastoral/ Spirituality Ministry Volunteer Ministry Prayer/Volunteer Ministry PENNSYLVANIA West Chester Cross-Cultural Ministry Volunteer Ministry WEST VIRGINIA Kermit Prayer/Volunteer Ministry Working with Non-Profit Organizations SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia Education Parish/Pastoral/ Spirituality Ministry Volunteer Ministry PERU Huaripampa Education San Miguel Parish/Pastoral/ Spirituality Ministry/Deaf Ministry SOUTH AMERICA Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 5 VOLUNTEER miN miNis isTR TRiiEs TR in addition to their formal ministry, the ursuline Sisters are involved in many additional volunteer ministries throughout the communities where they live. these ministries are listed below. Volunteer Activities • Active Day Care Center, Louisville • Facilitator for St. Ann Community, Louisville • Annual Basketball/Cheerleading Basketball Camp, Trinity High School, Louisville • Franciscan Shelter, Louisville • Answering phone & doorbell, Motherhouse, Louisville • Assist Ursuline Sisters as requested, Louisville • Assistant to the Secretary, Nativity School, Louisville • Fundraisers, St. Mary's Center, Inc., Middletown, KY • Greeter/Way Finder, Norton Audubon Hospital, Louisville • Bible Study Facilitator, Iowa • Hand in Hand Ministries via Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Louisville • Block Watch Captain for Orchard Manor Neighborhood Association, Louisville • Help family members, Louisville • Hospitality, Brescia Hall Conference Center, Louisville • Building representative, Masonic Home, Louisville • House Council at Willow Valley – President, Cumberland, MD • Caring for elderly parent, Louisville • Chair, Little Sisters of the Poor Card Party Cake Booth, Louisville • Chair, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish Committee, Louisville • Choir and Lector, Our Mother of Sorrows Parish, Louisville • Clothes Closet, Centro Latino, Shelbyville, KY • CLOUT, Louisville • Companion Sister to Peruvian Associates • Computer Work, Ursuline Sisters’ Mission Advancement Office, Louisville • Eucharistic Minister and Lector, St. Pius X Parish, Louisville • Extended Day Monitor/8th grade girls at Nativity Academy, Louisville 6 BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | • Information Desk (Surgery and Entrance on Ped-Way), University of Louisville Hospital, Louisville • Interpreting Sunday Liturgy, St. Stephen Martyr Parish, Louisville • Invitational Tournament, St. Mary’s/East End Tournament, Louisville • Kentucky Center Access Services, Louisville • Kentucky Center for the Arts, Louisville • Kentucky Community Crisis Response Team, Louisville • Keyboardist, Lector & Eucharistic Minister, St. Luke Parish, Ogallala, NE • Lead Rosary in Sacred Heart Model School Chapel, Louisville • Lector, St. Pius X Parish, Louisville • Lector and facilitator of group discussion, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Louisville Total Volunteer Hours by Ursuline Sisters for 2010-2011 = 30,160 hours • Liturgy Coordinator, St. John Neumann Parish, Hode, KY • Rosebud Reservation via Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Louisville • Living Well Workshop Teacher/Trainer, University of Louisville Family and Geriatrics Department, Louisville • Sacramental Preparation of 2nd grade, Iowa • Louisville Activities Committee, Sacred Heart Village Apartments I, Louisville • Make rosaries on request, Louisville • Meals on Wheels, Louisville • Ministry to my family, Louisville • Nazareth Home, Louisville • Newsletter contributor and Usher, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Louisville • Sacristan, Sacred Heart Model School, Louisville • St. Matthews Area Ministries, Louisville • Save Our Strays, Williamson, WV • Seamstress, Library, Archives and other tasks at Motherhouse, Louisville • Skin Screening at State Fair, Kentucky Cancer Program, Louisville • South-East Associated Ministries, Louisville • Office Aide, Nativity Academy, Louisville • Special Olympics, Head Coach, Louisville, Richmond, and Bowling Green, KY • Operation Brightside, Louisville • Summer Bible School, St. Mary Parish, Solan, IA • Open Hand Kitchen, Louisville • Parish Representative for BUILD Lexington, KY • Third Level Stewardship Program, Sacred Heart Model School, Louisville • Parish Vocation Committee, Holy Trinity Parish, Louisville • Tutoring, Mercy Sacred Heart Village, Louisville • United Crescent Hill Ministries, Louisville • Presenter, Angela Merici Center for Spirituality, Louisville • Visiting homebound and nursing homes, St. Joseph Parish, Columbia, SC • RCIA, Lector, and Eucharistic Minister, St. Wenceslaus Parish, Iowa City, IA • Wayside Christian Mission, Louisville • Reach to Recovery State Trainer, American Cancer Society, KY • Reading Tutor in Everyone Reads Program for Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville • Receptionist, Brescia Hall, Louisville Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 7 aMC and aSSoCiatE CaLL: A Sharing Ministry The Angela Merici Center for Spirituality and the Ursuline Associate Call share more than an office suite. A major goal of both offices is to provide opportunities for individuals and groups to grow into a lively and mature spirituality. Ginny Schaeffer, the director of the Angela Merici Center, and Theresa Butler, the director of the Ursuline Associate Call, often share ideas and look for ways for the two offices to interact and intersect in order to meet this goal. Associates have traditionally taken advantage of the various programs offered through the Angela Merici Center and hopefully that participation will continue to grow. Aware of the fast pace in which most people live, Ginny and Theresa are working together to identify and address ways to help people satisfy their spiritual hunger while living in a hectic, ever-demanding world. Two ideas being discussed include utilizing the internet. The first idea is to explore using the internet to reach out and provide spiritual growth opportunities; and, second, to explore how the internet can be used to create community among spiritual seekers. Ginny and Theresa welcome any ideas that others might have regarding meeting the spiritual hunger that is present in our society. For More information o on the ursuline a associate Call For More information on the angela Merici Center For Spirituality Ginny Schaeffer Director, AMC Theresa Butler 3105 Lexington Road Director, Ursuline Associate Call Louisville, KY 40206 3105 Lexington Road Louisville, KY 40206 (502) 896-3956 8 BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | [email protected] (502)896-3945 [email protected] Visit September 24 , 2011 saturday ’ s r e t s si e n i l ursu y t r a P d r a C th More than 200 people gathered at the Ursuline Sisters’ Card Party and White Elephant Sale on September 24 in the Sacred Heart Academy Gym. This annual event is a tradition for many families and game enthusiasts. All proceeds from the event benefit the care of the senior Ursuline Sisters. Door prizes were raffled including gift baskets, a handcrafted toy chest filled with toys, gift certificates and electronics. Raffle items were donated by individuals and a variety of local businesses. Concessions were available for sale. Dawne Gee, WAVE TV personality, emceed the event. A special thanks to PNC (Presenting Sponsor), Mainstream Investment Advisers (Premier Sponsor), Yum! Brands Foundation (Supporting Sponsor) and Table Sponsors: Bob Ray Company, Bosse Funeral Home, Robin Brown State Farm Insurance Agency, Merrick-Kemper Construction, Sandy Metts & Associates, Wilson Muir Bank & Trust Co., and Worthington Law Firm, PLLC for their support of the 2011 Ursuline Sisters’ Card Party. A group of SHA alums takes a break from their card game. Sister Lynn Jarrell poses with creator and donor of the painting, Caroline Greulich (who also won it back as a raffle prize!) Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 9 Photo Courtesy of Marnie McAllister,The Record Sisters Recognized for Service On Sunday, October 2, 11 Ursuline Sisters joined the community of St. Francis of Assisi parish in Louisville at the closing event of their year-long celebration of the parish’s 125th anniversary. Sisters who had ministered at St. Francis and three who graduated from the parish school were among those attending. Both Archbishop Kurtz and the parish pastor, Father Louis Meiman, expressed gratitude for the Sisters long service to that community – which spanned from 1911 to 1997. The Sisters in attendance were each given a red rose and miniature replicas of the church and school buildings. Sister Lelia Kirchner (left) and Sister Annunciata Muth share a light moment following Mass with Archbishop Joseph Kurtz. aWardS PrESEntEd to urSuLinE SiStErS That same night, Sister Jean Anne Zappa was surprised to receive the “Sister Darlene ‘Make A Difference’ Award.” Sister Darlene Denton, an Ursuline of Mount St. Joseph, worked tirelessly on SAM’s board for 13 years. In June 2011, she was diagnosed with a terminal illness and went to her Eternal Home on September 5, 2011. To honor her great work, an award was established in her memory that recognizes a staff member or volunteer whose visionary leadership results in a positive change for SAM’s mission. This year’s recipient was Sister Jean Anne (right). In presenting the award, Roxanna Trivitt, SAM’s executive director said, “Sister Jean Anne’s passionate leadership has advanced our mission by visioning our VISION 25 campaign and increasing much needed resources for direct aid. We thank God for her diligent and successful work at increasing the capacity of Shively Area Ministries to help more people in need BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | than ever before.” Shively Area Ministries (SAM) in southwest Louisville recognized the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville for their years of faithful support at an awards banquet on September 24. Shively Area Ministries responds to people in crisis by offering food, financial assistance, counseling, prescriptions and clothing. Through their ministry fund, the Ursuline Sisters have supported various projects and programs at SAM. Ursuline Sisters and Associates also volunteer at the ministry. Here, Sister Lynn Jarrell (left), president, stands with Roxanna Trivitt, executive director of Shively Area Ministries, shortly after receiving the Partner in Ministry Award. 10 nEW Ph.d. PrograM at BELLarMinE univErSity By Fran J. Webb Advances Ursuline Legacy One hour hardly seems sufficient for Dr. Robert Cooter to explain to a visitor how a new program at Bellarmine University is carrying on Louisville’s 153-year-old Ursuline legacy. There’s a lot to tell. Never mind that Dr. Cooter (“please call me ‘Bob’”) is an internationally-recognized education expert who is known for improving literacy among economically disadvantaged urban school children. Or that he is the immediate past editor of the largest literacy education journal in the world – aptly named The Reading Teacher. He simply wants to be called “Bob.” and developed a curriculum to address the question.” Courses in the Ph.D. program are varied to cover a wide range of application and generally fall under one of three areas of concentration: literacy education, special education and educational leadership. In 2013 the university plans to add higher education as a possible area of concentration for those focused on helping more people in poverty attain a college degree. All students are required to take core classes in poverty research and social justice, change theory, ethics, statistics and research, communications and leadership. Perhaps it is this mix of affability and educational Another unique feature of the program is that courses activism that made him the perfect candidate for the are delivered on selected weekends over a three year period, Ursuline Endowed Chair of Teacher Education in 2008 thus allowing those who work fulltime to also obtain the at Bellarmine University. And with his latest accomplishment, he is certainly living up to a Our outcome, simply stated, is that we want children promise he made when appointed the Ursuline Chair: “Using their [Ursulines’] title and their living in poverty circumstances to have improved blessing, I will continue my work with those among us who do not have access to literacy. I learning success. plan to do this through my teaching, research and service at Bellarmine, the Louisville area and nationwide.” “Continued” he has by spending two and Ph.D. “We did not want to put a half years establishing a Ph.D. in Education and Social those who work at a disadvantage Change program for the Annsley Frazier Thornton School of and force them to stop the good Education at Bellarmine. It’s a program that Angela Merici work they are currently doing to herself would have been proud of as it has all the hallmarks attend class during the daytime,” of the Ursuline tradition. explains Dr. Cooter. Not only Rooted in the Catholic faith, the new Ph.D. program does this weekend schedule seeks to develop change agents and leaders who can improve benefit students, it also enables the education and welfare of children living in high poverty the university to recruit top circumstances. “When we hosted information meetings last scholars and professionals—who are more likely available Spring, we had more than 150 people show up. Typically, on weekends—to teach some of the highly specialized when a new program is announced, you are lucky to get courses in change management and innovation. 10. So we knew we had tapped into an area of interest. We While many of the students at Bellarmine today do are rolling it out over three semesters. In June, 17 students not know the history of the merger of Ursuline College entered the program. In September, 11more students and Bellarmine College in 1968, what they do know is the started the program, then in January 2012, we will have one university’s commitment to excellence in education and final group launch. After this inaugural year, we will admit now, education and social change. Sister Paula Kleinestudents in the fall and spring semesters.” This program was Kracht, OSU, who teaches a master’s level course called constructed using a research process called logic modeling, “Equity in Education” for Bellarmine’s School of Education explains Dr. Cooter. “Basically, we started at the end....we is quick to point out that despite the differences between the looked at what outcome we want to have happen, and then two universities in the 60s, what the two DID agree on was used what we refer to as ‘reverse engineering’ to accomplish the subject of education. “And with the new Ph.D. program those outcomes. Our outcome, simply stated, is that we want in place, Dr. Cooter and his faculty are carrying on what we children living in poverty circumstances to have improved had hoped would be our Ursuline legacy.” learning success. So we asked, ‘how do we accomplish this?’ Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 11 Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 donorS In Honor of … A gOOd EdUCATION Carolyn Combs ALL JUBILARIANS Paula J. Fangman ALL JUBILARIANS WHO HAVE AFFECTEd My LIFE Dr. Claire Toutant ALL SISTERS Jane Ellen Myers ALL SISTERS CELEBRATINg JUBILEES THIS yEAR Marita S. Neichter ALL THE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT ME Sheri DeVore Mary Lynn Guettler Thomas S. Raymond, Jr. ALL THE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT US Kathleen and Joe Cenci SISTER SARA dELANEy'S 50TH JUBILEE Mary Alice McDowell SISTER VERA dEL gRANdE Judith D'Ambrosio Philomena Del Grande SISTER ASSUMpTA dEVINE Patricia A. Casillo Emily Elizabeth Devine Emily Devine Jerrold and Carla Rosen SISTER ROSANNA dORN Lucille C. McIntyre SISTER VIVIAN dREISBACH Dorris T. Dreisbach Janice M. Halpin SISTER RITA dRESSMAN Sharon Clayton John and Monica Dressman ALL URSULINES Rose M. Boyle Bette Ann Duggan EMILITA W. BARKER Frances G. Coady Robert C. Mattingly SISTER ANTONINE BIVEN Darlene & George Haarman TOMMY BURKE Heather Ansert Johanna Burke SISTER MARTHA BUSER Helen A. Petrik SISTER MARTHA BUSER'S 60TH JUBILEE Karen A. Jarboe SISTER MARTHA BUSER'S 80TH BIRTHdAy Karen A. Jarboe SISTER ANdREA CALLAHAN Beverly B. Belser Lillian Sebastian Black Wilson W. Bryan Mary Anne Hess Dr. Perry Sangalli Alice Wilson SISTER EILEEN CARNEy Donald and Patricia Battista Lucille C. McIntyre Joann Greenamyer Lucille C. McIntyre Susan M. Roach Andrew Snyder Ann Thomas SISTER CLARA FEHRINgER Dennis and Eileen King Stephen J.Treinen Ken Williams SISTER ESTHER FEHRINgER John Fehringer Marjorie Meyer SISTER CLARISSA FITzMAyER Karen Dant Norma J. Fitzmayer SISTER DOROTHY FRANKRONE'S 70TH JUBILEE Mary Ellen Pike Mary Lou Mangold Dr. Perry Sangalli SISTER CARMELITA gRANTz'S 70TH JUBILEE Alice Harris SISTER CARMELITA gRANTz'S BIRTHdAy Clara and Pat Quinkert SISTER JULIENNE gUy Beverly B. Belser Lillian Sebastian Black MARgARET HARLEy Ruth Ann Bradshaw SISTER THOMASITA HAyES Mary Jo Franco SISTER JEAN MARIE HETTINgER Joyce Wesbecker SISTER dOLORES HUdSON Bette Ann Duggan SISTER MARTHA JACOB Michael and Patricia Sermersheim SISTER JO ANN JANSINg Donna S. Baum Kathleen McHugh JEROME AND KATHLEEN FEHRINgER The Fehringer Family SISTER LELIA MARIE KIRCHNER Doris Ann Colgate Lucille C. McIntyre Michael and Mary Tangney Laverne and Ken Vierling SISTER MARY DONATA KOKOT Anonymous Vince DiMaria Don and Anne Kazery, Sr. Flo Selby SISTER ELLEN FRIEL John and Catherine Friel SISTER ANNE MARy LOCHNER Darlene & George Haarman SISTER OdILIA gAdLAgE Regina and Robert Kinny SISTER ANNE MARy LOCHNER'S 50TH JUBILEE Marita S. Neichter Doris Kopac Patricia A.Wilkison JOAN COSTELLO James Costello SISTER gEORgINE gRABENSTEIN Charles Higgins ANN CUNNINgHAM Patricia Ashbrook SISTER MARy JO gRAMIg Sharon Clayton SISTER JAMESETTA deFELICE Alene Theresa Lehmenkuler Joann Greenamyer gEORgE ANd MARy dE LAy'S 40TH WEddINg ANNIVERSARy Carmella Martin Carol J. Lyle 12 SISTER MARy CARMELITA gRANTz Alice Harris Deanna Hipwell BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | MR. ANd MRS. MARVIN LOI Colleen Freeman SISTER MARIA gORETTI LOVETT Harrietta Allen Joseph D. Maroon Mary Roberta Peluso SISTER MARIA gORETTI LOVETT'S 60TH JUBILEE Anonymous Beverly B. Belser Lillian Sebastain Black SISTER pATRICIA LOWMAN Campbell and Willie Anne Martin Katherine Sniegon SISTER pAT LOWMAN'S 70TH JUBILEE Joe and Emily Cassidy Mr. and Mrs.William Landes SISTER LORRAINE MAgINOT Ruth Gerlach David and Ronda Hauss Charles and Dolores Peters BERNICE MARy MATTEI Jeanette A.Wahl dANIEL MARTIN MATTINgLy Greek Catholic Union of The U.S.A. SISTER MARILyN MUELLER Irene L. Mueller Angela Stockton SISTER ROSE ANN MULLER William and Stella Muller My 92 yEAR OLd MOTHER SOpHIE Mary E. Nichter SISTER BERNAdINE NASH Charles East Ardis Nash SISTER KATHLEEN NEELY Kathryn C. Mattingly Mary Therese Mattingly Thomas A. Mattingly Ruth McCullough SISTER ROSEMARy NEVy Deidre Dawson Vilma Ford SISTER HELEN O'BRIEN Kenneth & Mary Lou Brickner Roy and Barbara Hill Nancy F. Lewis OUR CHILdREN, THEIR SpOUSES ANd OUR gRANdCHILdREN John and Lorraine Sughrue CHARLOTTE pASSAFIUME Kathy Passafiume SISTER EMILy pEETz Keith Peetz, Jr. SISTER JANET MARIE pETERWORTH Melvin and Jeannine Nix Phyllis White donorS SISTER EVELINA pISANESCHI Vilma Ford Janet I. Pisaneschi SISTER CONSUELO pRICE William and Patricia Rohrer RETIREd pITTSBURgH SISTERS Joan Souser SISTER MARy dENISE ROBERTS Jeffrey M. Jordan Elizabeth R. Roberts SISTER MILdREd MAE RUEFF John and Yvonne Held, Jr. SISTER FRANCES SCHAF A. Maria Didier Nick Savastio Mr. Douglas Waltemath SISTER MARy SUE SCHARFENBERgER Paula Englert David and Judith Scharfenberger Joe and Ruth Wimsatt SISTER MARy SUE SCHARFENBERgER'S 50TH JUBILEE Karen A. Jarboe Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 THE OUTSTANdINg EdUCATION MAdE AVAILABLE By THE URSULINES The Carpenter Family THE SISTERS AT ST. VINCENT depAUL Roger Lucheta THE SISTERS I WORKED WITH AT MARIAN HOME Geraldine Gardner THE SISTERS OF ST. PATRICK'S NORTH pLATTE, NE John J. Marquette THE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT AT ST. RITA Donald and Margaret Medley Thank you for your generous support, which keeps our Ursuline legacy “Rooted and Reaching” THOSE I HAd AS TEACHERS William A. Leasure, Jr. CLEONA TONINI Mary Wilding dORIS TRIMBLE’S BIRTHdAy John Trimble SHANNON TURNER Stephen Turner SISTER MARy TERENCE SCHMITT James and Claire Williams SISTER SHIRLEy ANN SIMMONS Denise Burbach Carol Palomino SISTER MARy MARTHA STAARMAN Mary Anne Hess William J. and Margaret L. Staarman SISTER SARAH STAUBLE Karen Harris Regina and Robert Kinny Irene L. Mueller John and Doris Trimble Laverne and Ken Vierling SISTER MACRINA STERMEC Gloria J. Podrasky THE CASSIdy ANd EMRICH FAMILIES Barbara and Al Cassidy URSULINE SISTERS OF ST. ANTHONy & ST. COLUMBA William Mattingly MILdREd M.VOWELS Darlene Stoddard SISTER MARy CATHERINE VUKMANIC Carol Murphy Margaret Hall Sturdivant Judith A.Whitesell Ken Williams SISTER ANTHONy WARgEL Harrietta Allen Mary Roberta Peluso THE dEdICATEd SISTERS WHO TAUgHT AT ST. RApHAEL 1950-1955 John and Karen James, III Anonymous Paul and Betty Jo Wargel Gary and Ann Comerford Doris Young THE dEdICATION & EXpERTISE OF THE URSULINE SISTERS Holy Spirit Class of 1960 Paul DeBorde Dorothy E. Daversa Shelby & Mary Alma DeBorde R.W. & Constance Degenhart SISTER LORNA WEILER Patricia A. Casillo Dr. John Spalding Gatton Joseph and Sybil Foster SISTER ROSALITA WUERSCH Mildred C. Craig Jerry and Nancy Kleier Stephan and Theresa Pallardy Cesar and Nene Macatangay Gerry and Carol O'Farrell SISTER JEAN ANNE zAppA Patricia Ashbrook Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 13 donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 In Memory of … 5TH ANNIVERSARy OF THE dEATH OF NORBERT FANTE, SR. Lou Ella Fante AUSTIN ELMO ABELL Carol A. Cutsinger SISTER ELISSA AdAMS Mary Adams SISTER MARy JUdE AdAMS Jacqueline A. Phillips RUTH E. BOyLE Rose M. Boyle SISTER MARy MICHAEL BOyLE, Kate McCormick SISTER MARy CONSOLATA BRAMER Marilyn and Bob Beam Dr. Perry Sangalli SISTER MARy VALERIA CONEN Fred and Martha Kuester Robert and Diane Lynn CHARLES CUTSINgER Carol A. Cutsinger Linda and Lyle Reising dEBBy dAHLEM Patricia Hughes Arlene Lee Janice Rashid Richard Jargensen KENNETH AND ANGELA DALE Barbara A. Harrison Dolores Sambol SISTER ERNESTINE dAVIS Doris Jeanne Faini James and Rita Sullivan Mary Ernestine Lohr Loretta Siegele Tommy and Rolinda Thompson MARy CATHERINE dOTy Marita S. Neichter SISTER WILMA BREIgHNER Raymond and Carol Vaughn WARREN dAVIS Ruth McCullough MARy JO BRESLIN Jeanette A.Wahl LENA dEBORdE Shelby & Mary Alma DeBorde VICTOR W. BRIzENdINE, JR. Mary Rose Brizendine LINdSEy dEBORdE Shelby & Mary Alma DeBorde FRANK AND DOROTHY BROTzgE Jeanne Whelan dECEASEd ANd LOVINg pITTSBURgH URSULINES Joan Souser JAMES A. BROUgHTON Mary Rose Brizendine dUNCAN BROWN Margaret Dostal dECEASEd MEMBERS OF THE THOMAS FAMILY MORgANTOWN, WV A. Charles Thomas FIdALIES BROWN Ann Kist SISTER MARy deCHANTEL Suzanne F. Fox Gannett Direct Marketing SISTER LILLIAN ANN BROWN Mary Jane Smith CATHERINE deFELICE Karen S. Borders Marita S. Neichter CyRIL ALLgEIER Mary A. Allgeier SISTER LORETTA BURCH Mary Sondergeld pHILOMENA dEL gRANdE Jeanne L. Flowers SISTER FRANCES MARIE ANdRIOT James and Susan Andriot DOLORES BURKE Regenia Herron SISTER MARy WALTER AdAMS Mary Adams ALL My TEACHERS Mary Lynn Guettler ALL OF OUR dECEASEd RELATIVES ANd FRIENdS Bernard E. Baas ALL SISTERS Jo Ann Greenwell ALL THE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT ME Doris A. Bensley Mary C. Charlton ALL URSULINES WHO SERVEd AT ST. MARY - JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI Rosemary M. Harkins WILLIAM & MARy ANSERT Doris Willinger NAOMI ANSpACH Gayle Whitenack HENRy F. BARRETT Claire M. Barrett TOM BARRy Vaughn and Edith Pitzer FRANCES LORENA BASIL James and Patricia Robinson pAUL BASIL, JR. James and Patricia Robinson Mary Ann Pellegrino DORY BURKE Mary B. Murphy MARY ETHEL BURKE Heather Ansert Johanna Burke SISTER MARY LAURANA BURKE Michael Dorn Regina M. Doyle Judith A. Michels Helen C. Zembower SISTER gABRIEL BLOTTER Linda Lenzen SISTER MERICI BURKE Ann S. Roina MARY & LEONARD BOELKE Irene L. Mueller MARy JUNE BURNS Jeanette A.Wahl BARBARA M. BOgOVICH Paul P. Bogovich BOB CARRICO Marita S. Neichter SISTER MARy JOACHIM BOgOVICH Paul P. Bogovich MARIE ANd JOSEpH CARTA, SR. Eugene and Delores Carta SISTER HILdA BOHR Jo Ann Burke MARIE BOONE Marilyn and Bob Beam gILES BORdERS Karen S. Borders 14 SISTER MARy SAMUEL CARTER Analisa Duggan WILLIAM CARTER, SR. Samuel and Virginia Carter, Jr. VICTORIA CHANEy Beverly Metzler BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | Colleen Freeman Thomas and Marcia Heil Evelyn James Barbara A Mayer Felicia Ray Linda Ross Ann Sheadel and Steve Worful Nicholas and Jamie Spugnardi SISTER VIVIAN dREISBACH Dorothy D. Bloemer Dorris T. Dreisbach Colette and Tome Dumstorf Phyllis and Keith Haag Marita S. Neichter SISTER JEANNE dRESSMAN Robert C. Mattingly MARy ELSIE dUES George and Helen Fackler, Jr. Stephen and Marcia Fackler Linda and Norman Martin Robert and Martha Niemann Theodore and Elizabeth Niemann Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Stein SISTER AMELIA dUES Nell Cradick Sharon W. Petrovich Laverne and Ken Vierling SISTER EUgENIA dUTTLINgER Mary E. Harrison HELEN EAST Charles East VIRgINIA W. dELANEy Mary Ann Hubbs SISTER ELAINE ECKERT Karen A. Jarboe ANgELA NOEL dIEBOLd Pamela Hale and Christopher Noel ELOISE EICHLER Marcella Downs ANN MAE dIEBOLd Pamela Hale and Christopher Noel SISTER GEORGIANA EISENBACK Eileen Hardesty KEMN DENNIS DODDS Joseph D. Maroon SISTER REBECCA EISENBACK Eileen Hardesty SHIRLEy A dOEBLER Mildred Bailey OLIVER ELAM Jeanette A.Wahl Rosalie and Carroll Kamer Phyllis Littiken and Emily Schafer WILLIAM "BILL" dONOVAN Robert and Janet Barlow Harvey Breasch Dee Gaeta and Jan Knudson Mary Ellen Donovan Joe "Jay" Dotzler Gerald & Norma Himmelberg LOUIS EppINgER JR Mary Jane Eppinger SISTER gIOVANNI EVERS Margaret Ann Noll JAMES "AL" FACKLER SR. Nancy Davis George and Helen Fackler, Jr. Franklin Square West Condo Association Geoghegan Corporation donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Mary Ladusaw Paul and Mary Passafiume Clara and Pat Quinkert Marita S. Neichter Mary Jane Smith John and Ruth Quinkert Theodore and Elizabeth Niemann Betty and Don Stevens Susan M. Roach Debra Owen Stephen F. Schulz Betty Tatro Salvator Vicario MARY EVA FALK Charles M. Falk SISTER EULALIA FALLER Janice Faller Clifton and Mary Kessler Mrs.Yvonne Mueller SISTER MARy RACHEL FLECKENSTEIN Evelyn C. Burns Mary D. Dougherty Phyllis and Keith Haag Mrs.Vivian Kermon Marita S. Neichter Maureen Vandevelde COLLEEN FOy Joseph O. Foy NORBERT FANTE, SR. Lou Ella Fante SISTER EUNICE FRANKRONE Mary Scott SISTER pIETRA FANTE Mary Adams MILdREd FRANz Carol A. Cutsinger SISTER ESTHER FEHRINgER Barbara Altes dR. WILLIAM FREEMAN Colleen Freeman Peggy Davis Shirley DeFelice Jane Elpers Dan and Kathleen Fehringer Frank and Faye Fehringer Jerome A. Fehringer Louis Fehringer Elizabeth Grzemkowski John Huss Duane and Kathleen Kahl Jan Knicely Karen and Sean Miller Marita S. Neichter Jim and Henrietta Pelster Evelyn Schlaman Vincent and Margaret Schmitt Marcella Schumacher The Press Family Dorothy Treinen Isabelle Volden Duane & Patricia Von Seggern Mary Marlene Wolf SISTER CLARISSA FITzMAyER Elsie Boyd CATHERINE C. FURRy Richard Furry SISTER EUTROpIA gALLAgHER Mary Scott SISTER VERA gARdNER Michael and Kathy Gardner SISTER ESTELLE gATHOF John Barrett Richard and Josephine Barrett d. J. ANd ANNE gATTON Dr. John Spalding Gatton SISTER MARy JOyCE gEORgEL Darlene Oaks Malcolm and Karleen Robertson, Jr. dR. LOUIS "dOC" gIULIANI Shirley Giuliani gEORgE gOETz Elizabeth Bonifer SISTER MARy dE LOURdES gOHMANN Emily Kolb SISTER LOURdETTE gRAF Janice M. Halpin SISTER MARy CARMELITA gRANTz Denise A. Coons Melvin and Dolores Day Shirley DeFelice Michael and Kathleen Dicken Jane S. Dentinger Eleanor Fitzpatrick Colette and Tom Dumstorf Ted and Martha Fluhr Mary Lou Fitzmayer Janet and Ronald Grantz Norma J. Fitzmayer Leon Grantz, C.P. Jo Ann Kalb and Deborah Thompson Phyllis and Keith Haag Mary Anne Kahler Evelyn James Catherine B. Keene Mary Alice Lawler Mary Ruth McClish Mary Lou Mangold Marita S. Neichter Barbara A. Mayer Jane Naiser AdOREE HAAS Marita S. Neichter DORIS HACKEL Robert R. Hackel ELIzABETH O. HAMILTON Anonymous Beth and F. K. Lancaster Elaine and Len Roberson Elizabeth Shepherd Union United Methodist Church MARy LOUISE HAMpTON Mrs.Yvonne Mueller SISTER CECILIA HATEM Joseph D. Maroon SISTER gEMMA HATEM Joseph D. Maroon THOMAS HATEM Ronald and Suzanne Bona-Hatem Walgreens Hemophilia Services dENNy HINES Amy Haffler MARTHA HINES Amy Haffler SISTER MARy AIdAN HOgAN Susan M. Roach MARGARET HORNBACK Marian L. Lord SISTER MARY ELISE HOVEKAMP Leonilda Jamison CAROLINE C. HOyER Charlene L. Hoyer FATHER ROBERT L. HUBER Darlene Oaks SISTER CARL MARIE HULSEWEdE Dr. Margaret Altman JOSEpHINE HUMpHREy Brother Larry Humphrey, FSC SISTER AdELE JENNEWEIN Laverne and Ken Vierling HELENE KELLEY James V. Kelley SISTER MARY RUTH KELLY Antionette Corey SISTER MARY DAVID HAWKINS Jessie H. Hanagan EDITH KEMPER Karen S. Borders SISTER JUSTINA HEINTzMAN Mark and Donna Sinkhorn NORBERT KEMPER Karen S. Borders SUSIE HEINTzMAN Martha Young STEVE KEMPER Karen S. Borders ALOySIUS HELLMANN Dolores C. Hellmann FRANK KILROY Mary Margaret Kilroy BROTHER pLACId HELLMANN, O.S.B. Dolores C. Hellmann KEVIN KILROY Mary Margaret Kilroy ROBERT HENKEL R.W. & Constance Degenhart Mary McShane Helen Wiggs dESSIE HENLE Doris R. Beuttenmuller EMMA C. HENRy Mary Ann Larson MARy JANE HERp Doris R. Beuttenmuller BETTY HICKS Rita George Rita McCauley Betty Owen SISTER JOSEpHINE HILdENBRANd Ruth Gerlach Anthony and Sharon Hildenbrand, Jr. SISTER MARy HILdENBRANd Ruth Gerlach Anthony and Sharon Hildenbrand, Jr. Charles and Dolores Peters DORIS PETERWORTH KINSER Kathy Passafiume FRANK KIST Ann Kist PAUL KLEINE-KRACHT Clark and Ann Weeks ALVIN J. KLEINHENZ Beverly J. Metcalf MARIE KLEINHENZ Beverly J. Metcalf SOFIA ANd STANLEy KOCHANSKI Walter and Marianne Kochanski DIANE WATSON KOCHIS A. Raymond Kochis MADELINE KOECHEL Jeanne Whelan WILLA KOERNNER Bill Kapp BERNICE KOLLROS Mary Ann Kollros AMANDA KRUSE Frances Ann Tompkins ROSEMARY KULLMAN Mary McShane Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 15 donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 In Memory of … Philip and Mary Mills Helen Wiggs FLORENCE LARKIN William Larkin Marita S. Neichter CHARLES MATTINgLy Bettye Mattingly Shirley DeFelice EdWARd MATTINgLy Maxine H. Ferer SISTER LILLIAN RUTH LARKIN Margaret Byers Daniel Martin Mattingly KENNETH H. LARSON Mary Ann Larson Mary Therese Mattingly BOBBEE ANd FRANCIS LAUdERBAUgH Lynn and Rita Coates JOHN ANd MARy LAWLER Sylvia and Jim Lawler SISTER ANASTASIA LEgA Carol Louise Glaser Barbara L. Renn Kathryn C. Mattingly MARy THERESE MATTINgLy Alice Carpenter Maxine H. Ferer Betty Harvey Daniel Martin Mattingly Kathryn C. Mattingly Thomas A. Mattingly James E. Mellon REV. JOHN B. LENAHAN Judith A. Michels Elizabeth & George Moody SISTER CHRISTINE LESOUSKY Rev. John Lesousky, CR Patricia Nadeau SISTER MARY LAVINIA LESOUSKY Rev. John Lesousky, CR Michael and Cecelia Roman BETTy B. LEVy Connie Deshazier Good Earth Tools Dolores C. Hellmann Joyce Keibler Nancy Smith and John Abel Joyce Wilson BRUCE LINCOLN Stephen and Vonda Lincoln Marita S. Neichter Daniel and Betty Moore Martha J. Presecan Maria Scheller dR. JANE NEVITT Jeanette A.Wahl EMMETT RATTERMAN, SR. Marita S. Neichter NICHTER FAMILy Mary E. Nichter JANET REITER Patricia Hughes SUE NOLTEMEyER Marita S. Neichter SISTER BENEdICT REzANINA Ann Tilghman SISTER VIRgINIA OBERHAUSEN Carmel Du Moulin JOAN L. RIEHL Rita F. Bowles SISTER MARLENE OETKEN Maureen Vandevelde Mary Constable SISTER MOdESTA OLBERz Carolyn O'Rourke Kathryn Friedrich SISTER FRANCETTA OLgES Naomi and Jim Olges SISTER RITA OLgES Naomi and Jim Olges OUR pARENTS Mrs. Mary Ann Ice SISTER EdWARdINE pASH Carol Brown SISTER BERNARDA PASLICK Carmel Du Moulin ROSE pAVONE Barbara Snyder TIMOTHy J. SAUER Joan A. Sauer FLOy gATES MEAgHER Marita S. Neichter HELEN pLIS Ethel Balamuta SISTER SyLVIA SCHLEgEL Bernice M. Schlegel dOROTHy MERSHON Marita S. Neichter Sandra Balog SISTER EUgENIUS METzgUER Beverly B. Belser Harry Buriak Lillian Sebastian Black John and Lisa Brown Rose Davich Stanley Janiczek SISTER CARMENCITA MOORE Jeaninne Sandlin Cecelia Korber BRAd MOOSER Mary Elizabeth Scalo Bernice Mindala SISTER MARy LOUIS MORgAN Ursula M. Borrelli Ed Kaplaniak Ann Kist David Klanchar John and Mildred Milavec Shirley Pavlosky John and JoAnn Peschock JOHN MUELLER Irene L. Mueller Joanne Plish SISTER MARy MUELLER James and Ruth Mueller Jean and Kelli Stanislawczyk Doris Pierce gUS ANd LOUISE MANgER Katherine L. Manger WILLIAM MUENCH Mildred Allgeier gIL C. MANgOLd Mary Lou Mangold SISTER ALBERTA NEppL Mary Kathryn Vowels 16 Eugene M.Weber WANNETTA MCROy Marita S. Neichter Joe and Margaret Kist ARMANdO MANCINI Ann Marie Mancini SISTER ANNETTE RUTLEdgE E. Peter Rutledge LORETTA SATTICH Marita S. Neichter MARy MOE John Moe pATRICIA A. MAgUIRE A. Louise Strehle Marilyn A. Zimmerman JOHN M. ROBINSON James and Patricia Robinson Phyllis White Jo Ann L.Walker Judi Keafer LUdWIg FAMILy Mary E. Nichter Kathleen A.Wagner HILdA RALEy SAddLER Jeanette Saddler Taylor JOSEPH & ABELINE MIKE Sylvia and Jim Lawler SISTER gEORgE MARIE LONg Doris Jeanne Faini Ellen Venhoff SISTER MARy SEBASTIAN pASSAFIUME Mary Lee Broyles Stephen and Vonda Lincoln SISTER AMATA LINKER Philip A.Wagner, Jr. Mary Ann Thorp DOLORES SACKSTEDER Marita S. Neichter ANgELA RITA METzLER Beverly Metzler JACOB LINK, JR. Irene L. Mueller Louise F. Gaddie SISTER MILDRED PASLICK Carmel Du Moulin MARgARET M. LINCOLN Rev. Daniel Lincoln ELIZABETH LINK Lawrence R. Link Miguel and Barbara Flores BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | Evelyn Smay Jim and Karen Thomas LOUIS pREHER Nona Preher LAURA RASCHE Betty Jean Born Harold & Roseanne Schlegel SISTER ELIzABETH ANNE SCHLEUTER Liz Lancaster SISTER MARy MARgARET SCHMOLL Rose Marie Grenewald ELLA SCHNURR Martha and James Lies FORREST SCHOENBACHLER, SR. Anne Schoenbachler SISTER HELEN MARIE SCHROEdER Barbara Aubrey Robert Schroeder SISTER dOMINIC SCHULER Karen M. Medley SISTER gERTRUNELLA SCHUTTE Marilyn and Bob Beam SISTER MARgARET MARy SCHWARTz Blincoe & Shutt, PSC Ruth Darcy Peggy Davis Shirley DeFelice Jane S. Dentinger donorS Phyllis and Keith Haag Evelyn James Marita S. Neichter Sacred Heart Model School - Level Three Students Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 SISTER MARy AdELAIdE SQUIRES Michael and Martha Uberta THE STANTON ANd BUTTS FAMILIES Patricia Stanton Karen and Tim Brown City of St. Matthews Conrad Moroder USA, Inc. Steve and Betty Crone JOHN STANTON Patricia Stanton Richard and Jenny Duffy gERI STAUBLE Deborah Armbruster Franklin X. McCormick, Inc. EdWARd STEINMETz, JR. Mary Steinmetz John and Maureen Holodnak CATHERINE SELLARO Asuntina Levelle KENNETH STEPHENSON Martha Stephenson Michael & Christine Kirchner SISTER ROMANA SELTER Romana Horn WILLIAM E. STONE, SR. Rita M. Stone Margaret La Ganke MIKE SHAUGHNESSY Rita H. Shaughnessy SISTER CORINNE STRAUB Mary Ann Larson J. Morgan and Rita G. Nutt SHIEL ANd dELANEy FAMILIES Patricia Stanton BERNARd STREHLE A. Louise Strehle Doris M. Schutz SISTER ANgELICE SEIBERT Ann Carmel Hill Rev. Daniel Lincoln Mary D.White SISTER THECLA SHIEL M. Shiela Mudd Patricia Stanton SISTER MARy dONALd SINKHORN Mark and Donna Sinkhorn SISTER MARy AgNES Kate McCormick SISTER MARy dOLORA STUEVE Jean L. Hutchinson Ann G. Marshall M.A. STUMpENHORST Barbara J. Ruetz NORMA TENNEy Frank Tenney SISTERS WHO TAUgHT ME Joseph B.Warren THE BARNES ANd NEUNER FAMILIES Betty Neuner MARGARET SLAVENSKY Lt. Gen. Leonard H. Perroots THE HEIL FAMILy R. Dolores Vogel STEVE SLAVENSKY Lt. Gen. Leonard H. Perroots THE JOSEpH gUARIgLIA FAMILy Ann Marie Mancini NELL SPEAKER Marita S. Neichter THE LAEMMLE FAMILy Louise F. Gaddie REV. BERNARD A. SPOELKER Darlene Oaks THE LINK AND RECKTENWALD FAMILIES Gerald Recktenwald EDWARD SPOELKER Darlene Oaks LOU M. SPOELKER Darlene Oaks SISTER MARy BLANCHE SpRIggS X. Rae and Albert Browning Peggy Davis Jane S. Dentinger Colette and Tom Dumstorf Phyllis and Keith Haag Pamela Hale & Christopher Noel Patricia Hughes Mary Margaret King Joan Lynch Marita S. Neichter Vonda L. Norris La Dona Parson Richard and Janice Seales Jack and Jamie Winner Mary Marlene Wolf Ann and Michael Faurest Phil Gross Mary Ann Hughes Charlie and Jeanne Muntan Michael and Rocky Pepper Frank Tonini Michael & Becky Van Leuven Philip A.Wagner, Jr. pAT WERNERT Mary Ann Smith ERIN C. WHITE Gerald and Catherine White MRS. LEONORA WIggINTON Cellular Concepts Church of The Nativity Men's Club Karen and Tom Heilers Linda and Anthony Stith Mark Wigginton gLENNA W. WILdINg Bonnita Allen Bill & Carla Burnett Douglas B.Yates China-Burma-India Veterans Association Doris Zollner MARgARET TULLEy Marian L. Lord LILLIAN TURNER Mary Louise Turner CHARLES ANd LOUISE VITTITOW Joseph and Doris Vittitow, Sr. FRANK VOLK Jessie Volk THOMAS VOLK Jessie Volk pAT VOLz Jake Volz SUSAN H. WAgNER Philip A.Wagner, Jr. dONNA THIEMANN Charles L.Thiemann ROBERTA WELCH Colleen Freeman Audrey Burnett THE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT AT ST. FRANCIS ANd SHA Ann G. Marshall THE URSULINE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT ME Doris A. Bensley SISTER ROSALIE WECKMAN Mary Jean Weckman Mary Wilding SISTER ANTONIA WAgNER Mary Scott THE SpRAUER ANd dOERR FAMILIES Joyce Doerr MARIE WECKMAN Mary Jean Weckman Mike & Kathleen Whitehead THE NASH FAMILy Ardis Nash THE SISTERS WHO TAUgHT AT URSULINE ACAdEMy pITTSBURg Donna J. Hemmila EUGENE WECKMAN Mary Jean Weckman ERNEST WAHL Marita S. Neichter MILdREd WAHL Marita S. Neichter SISTER BORROMEO WALKER Dr. Paul Kelty SISTER CONCETTA WALLER Marilyn and Bob Beam SISTER VICTOR WALLER Marilyn and Bob Beam Maureen Vandevelde RUTH ANN TILLMAN Jeanette A.Wahl BOB WALSH Anna Ruth Walsh CLEONA TONINI Roger and Carol Bissmeyer MIKE WALSH Anna Ruth Walsh Marita S. Neichter Jennings Watkins Tom & Lyn Watson CHARLES ANd JEAN WILL, SR. Diane W. Jones ANN C. WILLIAMS Mary Lou Mangold NANCy ANd LEE WILLIAMS James and Mary Rogers SISTER MARIAN WOLFSCHLAg Dorothea J.Winkel SISTER JEAN zELLER Susan M. Herman SISTER LEONILdA zOELLER Leonilda Jamison This report reflects donations received between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Every effort was made to list all donors during this time. If your name is missing or is misspelled, please contact the Mission Advancement Office as soon as possible so we may check and/or correct our records. Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 17 donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 donations … Mary M. Abendshein Bob and Imelda Beam Mary Louise Brogan Mary C. Charlton Loretta Aberli Bob and Marilyn Beam Ann Broughton The Cheesecake Factory George O. Ackerman Lucretia Beatty Ann Brown Pat Chervenak Actors Theatre of Louisville Clare Beckner Carol Brown China-Burma-India Veterans Association Doris Acquaviva Beverly Black Belser Karen and Tim Brown Church of The Nativity Men's Club Elaine Adams Doris Bensley Richard E. Brown Churchill Downs Mary Adams John and Betty Bentz John and Lisa Brown City of St. Matthews Nanz & Kraft Florist Margaret Ann Bergamini X. Rae and Albert Browning Mary Susan Clark Bobbie Adang Jo Patricia Berger Mary Lee Broyles Sally Clarke Bonnita Allen Patricia Berry Debbie Bruenderman Sharon Clayton Harrietta Allen Joseph Besendorf Charles F. Brumback A.B. and Joan Clem Jane Allen Doris Beuttenmuller Wilson W. Bryan Frances Coady Bernard and Mildred Allgeier Diane Bieber-Rawicz Barbara Bunag Lynn and Rita Coates Mary Allgeier Linda Bills Mary Ruth Bunke Coca Cola Museum Barbara Altes Wanda Bisig Denise Burbach Elizabeth Cole Dr. Margaret Altman Roger and Carol Bissmeyer Phyllis Burgan Doris Ann Colgate Jerry and Lora Altstadt Lillian Sebastian Black Harry Buriak Designs by Donna Collins Nancy Amlung Martha Blair Jo Ann Burke Sandra Collins James and Susan Andriot Wiletta and Paul Bleuel Johanna Burke Carolyn Combs Kathleen Angert Blincoe & Shutt, PSC Rev. John Burke, Jr. Comedy Caravan Anonymous Dorothy Bloemer Anna Burkey Gary and Ann Comerford Heather Ansert Paul Bogovich Brad and Debbie Armbruster Audrey Burnett,Tom & Lyn Watson, Bill & Carla Burnett Madeline Connolly Ronald and Suzanne Bona-Hatem Bob and Bev Armstrong Charles and Elizabeth Bonifer Suzanne Hodes Burns Mary Constable Patricia Ashbrook Karen Borders Tom and Theresa Burnside John and Anne Cook Edith Asmer Mary Lee Borders Anne Burnstein Denise Coons Barbara Aubrey Harold and Betty Born Peggy Buser Paula Cooper Bernard and Anne Baas Ursula Borrelli Rev. John Butler Antionette Corey Ada Baiano Bosse Funeral Home Margaret Byers James Costello Mildred Bailey Rita Bowles Ann Canaday Joan Costello Richard and Rita Bajura Alice Bowling Mary Ann Carlisle Anne Coveney J. Robert Baker Bernard and Mary Bowling, Jr. Alice Carpenter Nell Cradick James and Jean Baker Jane Bowling The Carpenter Family Mildred C. Craig Ms Mary Ellen Baker Elsie Boyd Joan Carrico Steve and Betty Crone Ethel Balamuta Harry and Sharon Boyle Cotton & Allen, PSC Mary Crouse Frank J. Balint, Jr. Rose Boyle Barbara Carson Kathleen Curtis Sandra Balog William Boyle Eugene and Delores Carta Curves for Women Stock Yards Bank Mary Glen Bradbury Samuel T and Virginia Carter, Jr Carol Cutsinger Emilita Barker Ruth Ann Bradshaw Patricia Casillo Catherine M. Dalton Robert and Janet Barlow Charline Brandt Alvin and Barbara Cassidy L. Hugo and Kathy Dalzot Marcella Barney Harvey Breasch Joe and Emily Cassidy Judith D'Ambrosio Claire Barrett Mary Catherine Breinig Elizabeth Caye Karen Dant John Barrett Beauty By Bevy Nell Cecil Ruth Darcy Richard and Josephine Barrett Paul Brezovec Cellular Concepts Phil Dattilo William Bartlett Kenneth and Mary Lou Brickner Kathleen and Joe Cenci Dorothy Daversa Donald and Patricia Battista Mary Ann Bridwell Mary Pat Chady Rose Davich Janet Bauer Particia Ann Brinker, MHSH Rev. Robert Chamberlain Donna L. Davis Donna Baum Mary Rose Brizendine Karen Chappell Fischer Meats 18 BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | Conrad Moroder USA, Inc. donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Jack and Nancy Davis Clarissa Duvall Gladys Ford Janet and Ronald Grantz Peggy Davis Charles East Vilma Ford Leon Grantz, C.P. Deidre Dawson Gwen A. Eaton Joseph and Sybil Foster Greek Catholic Union of The U.S.A. James and Elizabeth Day Mary Lou Ebersold Kathleen Fowlkes Joann Greenamyer Melvin and Dolores Day Eugene and Patricia Eckert Suzanne Fox Jo Ann Greenwell Anne Morgan Deacetis Wanda Effinger Joseph Foy Sherry Greenwood Paul and Patsy DeBorde Mrs. Carol Ehlinger James and Mary Jo Franco Rose Marie Grenewald Shelby and Mary Alma DeBorde Mike and Shirley Ehrler Franklin Square West Condo Association John and Carol Greulich Michele DeCarlo William and Lucy Eichberger Erin Frankrone Betty Griffith Mari DeCuir Charlotte Eigel John Frankrone Phil Gross Shirley DeFelice Edwin and Mary Elliott Leonard Frankrone Elizabeth Grzemkowski R.W. and Constance Degenhart Jane Elpers Robin Franz Mary Lynn Guettler Philomena Del Grande Mary Constance Emmerich Allen and Judith Freeland Kathleen Gunderson Jerry and Jane Dentinger William and Regina Emrich Colleen Freeman Keith and Phyllis Haag Marie Dering Robert H Englert Kathryn Friedrich Darlene and George Haarman Connie Deshazier Mary Jane Eppinger John and Catherine Friel Robert R. Hackel Emily Devine Dorothy Ervin Martha L. Frieze Amy Haffler Emily Elizabeth Devine Marie Esselmann Regina Jean Fultz Bernadine Hafner Sheri DeVore In Bloom Again Richard Furry Mrs. Loretta Hagan Michael and Kathleen Dicken Joyce Evans Vicki Futrell Frank and Barbara Hager A. Maria Didier George and Helen Fackler, Jr. Louise Gaddie John Hahler, Jr. Mary Virginia Diehl Stephen and Marcia Fackler Dee Gaeta and Jan Knudson Pamela Hale and Christopher Noel Dr.Thomas Dieringer Doris Jeanne Faini James and Isabelle Gallagher Judith Hall Martha Dilger John and Shaney Faini Gannett Direct Marketing Mary Louise Hall Rosanne Dillon Charles Falk Ganette Marketing Rae Marie Hall Dolores DiMaria Bob and Janice Faller Geraldine Gardner Janice M. Halpin Mr.Vince DiMaria Paula Fangman Michael and Kathy Gardner Peggy Hamilton Patricia Dion Lou Ella Fante Dr. John Spalding Gatton Jessie Hanagan Jim and Joyce Doerr Tom Farrell Kathleen Gdaniec Dennis Hanley Thomas and Marilyn Donnelly Karen Farrington Barbara Geiser Eileen Hardesty Mary Ellen Donovan Ann and Michael Faurest Lillian Gellner Mary Paula Hardin Michael Dorn Libby Faust Geoghegan Corporation Rosemary Harkins Margaret Dostal Mrs. Donna M Federspiel Rita George Alice Harris Joe "Jay" Dotzler Dan and Kathleen Fehringer Ruth Gerlach Elizabeth Harris Cynthia Dougan Fehringer Family Gethsemani Farm Karen Harris Mary D. Dougherty Frank and Faye Fehringer Douglas and Cheryl Gettelfinger Linda Harris Rita Dowell Jerome A. Fehringer GFS Marketplace Barbara Harrison Erminelda Downs John Fehringer Ellen and Thomas Giesler Mary E. Harrison Marcella Downs Louis Fehringer Shirley Giuliani J. Harrods Regina M. Doyle Nadine Feist Carol Louise Glaser Betty Harvey Susan Drake Maxine Ferer Andrew and Ann Glynn Don and Pam Haunz Dorris T. Dreisbach Fifth Third Bank Agnes Godar David and Ronda Hauss John and Monica Dressman Ann Fisher Shirley J. Goins Julie Hawkins Alan and Jean Dries Sandra Fitz Michelle and Michael Golinvaux Ms. Marcia Heckman Carmel Du Moulin Mary Lou Fitzmayer Ilene Good Thomas and Marcia Heil Mary Duff Norma Fitzmayer Good Earth Tools Karen Heilers Richard and Jenny Duffy Eleanor Fitzpatrick Mary Lou Gorman Tony and Judy Heitzman Analisa Duggan John Fleming Linda Gosnell John and Yvonne Held, Jr. Bette Ann Duggan Miguel and Barbara Flores J. David and Mary Graas Dolores Hellmann Tom and Colette Dumstorf Jeanne L. Flowers Rev. John Grabish Lucy Lee Helm Duplicator Sales & Service Ted and Martha Fluhr Rev. Joseph Graffis Donna Hemmila Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 19 donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Michael and Jeanie Hendricks Karen Jarboe Sara Koehler Susanne Lochner John and Joyce Henle Richard Jargensen and Arlene Lee Mrs. Emily Kolb Mary Ernestine Lohr Jacqueline and John Herde Jefferson County Master Gardener Association, Inc. Mary Ann Kollros Marian Lord William and Susan Herman Doris Kopac John T. Lorenz Mary Herndon Sharon Jewell Carol Kopp Louisville Science Center Regenia Herron Kevin and Karol Johns Cecelia Korber The Louisville Zoo Mary Anne Hess Debbie Johnson Patricia R. Kraus Robert and Andra Lubbers Louis Hettinger Lester W. Johnson, Jr. Dr. S. Alexanndra Kreps August Lucci Charles Higgins Diane Jones Kroger Mid-South Roger Lucheta Suzanne Higgins Doris B. Jones Beverly Kruck Ronald and Shurla Lunsford Anthony and Sharon Hildenbrand, Jr. Rosemary Jones Karen Krupiczewicz Mary Jane Lusby Denis and Judith Hildenbrand Jeff Jordan and Aubrey Andrews Fred and Martha Kuester Mike and Carol Lyle Ann Carmel Hill Shirley Just William and Clara Kuhl Joan Lynch Roy and Barbara Hill Duane and Kathleen Kahl Margie Kummer Robert and Diane Lynn Gerald and Norma Himmelberg Mary Anne Kahler Deloris Kunzler Cesar and Nene Macatangay Deanna Hipwell Rosalie and Carroll Kamer Ann Kupper Robert J. Mace, Jr. Keith Hoard Ed Kaplaniak Thomas and Kay Kupper Mary Pat Mackin Patricia Hobbs Bill Kapp Dr. Mary S. K. Kwan Meg Mahan Jerome Hodapp, Jr. Don and Anne Kazery, Sr. Margaret La Ganke Pamela Malast LaVerne Hoffmann Judi Keafer Mary Ladusaw Rose Mary Mallos Mary T. Holbert Martha Lee Keely Beth and F. K. Lancaster Ann Marie Mancini John and Maureen Holodnak Catherine Keene Liz Lancaster James and Lee Mancini Holy Spirit Class of 1960 Gary and Joyce Keibler Mr. and Mrs.William Landes Katherine Manger Bradley and Jane Hoppens James V. Kelley William Larkin Mary Lou Mangold Terrence and Romana Horn Dr. Paul Kelty Mary Ann Larson Marengo Cave Horseshoe Southern Indiana Mary Jean Kempf Mary Alice Lawler Patricia and Robert Markert Patricia Howard Virginia (Bunny) Kennedy Sylvia Lawler Joseph Maroon Rita G. Howard Kentucky Family Chiropractic Rose Ellen Lawrence John Marquette Charlene Hoyer Rita Keown Lazer Blaze Ann Marshall Mary Jo Hruska Mrs.Vivian Kermon William Leasure, Jr. Campbell and Willie Anne Martin Mary Ann and Gerald Hubbs Clifton and Mary Kessler Diana Lee Henry and Carmella Martin Patricia Hubbuch Mary Carmel Kessler Patricia A. Lega Linda and Norman Martin Sheila Huff Janet Ketterer Theresa Lehmenkuler Pamela H. Martin John and Patricia Hughes Mary Margaret Kilroy Regina L Leitner Frances M. Martion Mary Ann Hughes Dennis and Eileen King Linda and Art Lenzen Mary Della Mattei Brother Larry Humphrey, FSC Doris Marie King John Lesousky, CR Mattei Novelty Katherine Hunt Mary Margaret King Asuntina Levelle Bettye Mattingly John and Maria Huson Robert and Regina Kinny, Sr. Colleen Lewis Daniel Martin Mattingly John Huss Michael and Christine Kirchner Nancy Lewis Kathryn Mattingly Jean Hutchinson Ann Kist Judith Liebert Mary Therese Mattingly Mary Ann Ice Joe and Margaret Kist Martha and James Lies Robert Mattingly Irish Rover Kizito Cookies Joyce Lieser Thomas Mattingly Mary Carolyn Ising David Klanchar Rev. Daniel Lincoln William Mattingly Mary Barbara Ivie Jerry and Nancy Kleier Stephen and Vonda Lincoln Barbara Mayer Dolores Jackey Klosterman Baking Co. Inc. Wayne Lindquist Romano and Helen Mazzoli Sara B. Jackson Jan Knicely Mr. Lawrence R. Link Kathryn and Thomas McCarren Robert and Elaine Jacob Knights of Columbus - Sidney Martha Lipscomb Mary Jane McCarty Evelyn James Koby Karp Doctors Eye Institute Peggy Liter Rita McCauley John and Karen James, III Walter and Marianne Kochanski Phyllis Littiken and Emily Schafer Mary Ruth McClish Leonilda Jamison Harold and Susan Kocher Mr. Edward Lloyd Franklin X. McCormick, Inc. Stanley Janiczek A. Raymond Kochis Robert Loch Kate McCormick 20 BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Tom McCraw Susan and Kevin Mossholder Betty Owen Janice Rashid Ruth McCullough Mary C. Muckenfuss Debra Owen Shirley Ratterman Mary Suzanne McCune M. Shiela Mudd PNC Bank Dorothy Raxter Mary Alice McDowell Irene Mueller Dona Page Doris J. Ray Ann McGinnis Jim and Ruth Mueller Stephan and Theresa Pallardy Felicia and Martin Ray Kathleen McHugh Yvonne Mueller Carol Palomino Thomas S. Raymond, Jr. Lucille McIntyre William and Stella Muller Panera Bread Gerald Recktenwald J. Kelly and Ellen McKnight Mary Mulligan La Dona Parson Evelyn Reed Barbara McMahon Charlie and Jeanne Muntan Mary Ann Parsons Linda and Lyle Reising Rosemary McMahon Beatrice Muraski Kathy Passafiume Barbara L. Renn Whitney McNicol Ann K. Murphy Paul and Mary Passafiume Pat Reymore Mary McShane Carol Murphy Paul's Fruit Market Jim and Paula Rice Jess and Joyce Medina Mary B. Murphy Mr. David W. L. Paulin George and Twana Richard Donald and Margaret Medley Muth's Candy Shirley Pavlosky Judee K. Richardson Karen Medley Virginia Mutschler Keith and Anna Peetz, Jr. Susan D. Richardson James E. Mellon Jane Ellen Myers Mary Ann Pellegrino Susan Roach Jesse Mendez Linda Myers Jim and Henrietta Pelster Elaine and Len Roberson Edward and Dianne Menzie Mary Gayle Myers Mary Roberta Peluso Elizabeth Roberts Mercedarian Missionaries of Berriz Frances Naccash Michael and Rocky Pepper Malcolm and Karleen Robertson Beverly J. Metcalf Patricia Nadeau Lt. Gen. Leonard Perroots James and Pat Robinson Sandy Metts and Associates The Naiser Family John and JoAnn Peschock James and Mary Rogers Beverly Metzler Ardis Nash Charles and Dolores Peters Raymond Rohmann Marjorie Meyer Marita Neichter Jo Ann Peterworth William and Patricia Rohrer Judith Michels Sue Ann Neichter Helen Petrik Ann Roina John and Mildred Milavec Kathleen Nemes Sharon W. Petrovich Michael and Cecelia Roman Curtis Miles Betty Neuner Louis and Jacqueline Phillips Jerrold and Carla Rosen Bruce and Louise Miller Diana Newman Piccadilly Cafeteria Linda Ross Mrs. Roberta K. Miller Newport Aquarium Gil Pielin Barbara Ruetz Norwood and Jean Miller, Jr. Sheryl Nezat Bernie and Mary Pieper Eugene and Mary Russell Patricia Bernardi Miller Julia Ng Doris Pierce E. Peter Rutledge Paul W. Miller, Sr. Alberta Nichols Mary Ellen Pike Dianne Ryan Phyllis J. Miller Mary E. Nichter Mary Rita Pike Kaelin M. Rybak, CTC Shirley Miller Robert and Martha Niemann Janet Pisaneschi Sacred Heart Academy Philip and Mary Mills Theodore and Elizabeth Niemann Vaughn and Edith Pitzer Bernice Mindala Mel and Jeannine Nix Plehn's Bakery Sacred Heart Model School Level Three Students Jeanne and Joseph Mitcho Margaret Ann Noll Joanne Plish Saint Agnes Parish John Moe Brigid Noonan Virginia Plummer Dolores Sambol Joyce Moeller Vonda Lea Norris Gloria Podrasky Sam's Club Carol Jane Mohr J. Morgan and Rita G. Nutt Mrs. Sandra J Pohlmann-Field Richard Samuelson Susan Molony Darlene Oaks Janet Powell Jeaninne Sandlin Shirley Monge Lizanne O'Bryan Kathleen Powers Mary Louise Sandman Sharron Monroe Norma Oeswein Nona Preher Saint Xavier High School William Monteith Gerry and Carol O'Farrell Martha J. Prescan Joan Sauer Elizabeth and George Moody William and Huberta Ogburn The Press Family Nick Savastio Betty and Daniel Moore Mary Frances Olberz Preston Street Poultry Mary Elizabeth Scalo Daniel and Betty Moore Jim and Naomi Olges, Sr. Kathryn Quesenberry Paul and Marie Schaefer Jean M. Moorman William F. Olges Clara and Pat Quinkert Rex and Mary Lu Schardein Mary Ann Moran Paul W. Olliges John and Ruth Quinkert David and Judith Scharfenberger Nellie Moreschi Carolyn O'Rourke Elaine Rahm Joshua Scharfenberger Mary Angela Morgan Rev. Robert Osborne Ann Ransdell Magdalene Scharfenberger Linda Sue Morris June Ott Carol Ann Rappa Scarlet Ladies of Kentucky Chapter Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 21 donorS Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 Maria Scheller Katherine Sniegon Candy Talbott Mary Van Metre James and Margaret Schenk Andrew Snyder Michael and Mary Tangney Mike and Maureen Vandevelde Mary Ann Schianchi Barbara Snyder Betty Tatro Anna Vaughan Mary Ann Schissel Margaret Soergel Juliana Tatum Raymond and Carol Vaughn Evelyn Schlaman Judith Ann Solgere Alice Taylor Ellen Venhoff Bernice Schlegel Mary Margaret Sondergeld Jeanette Saddler Taylor Salvator Vicario Harold and Roseanne Schlegel Joan Souser Anita Teets LaVerne and Ken Vierling Regina Schmidt Aileen Spies Frank Tenney Joseph and Doris Vittitow James Schmitt Jim and Hilda Spink Norma Terrien Dolores Vogel Jane Schmitt Nicholas and Jamie Spugnardi Jo Ann Teske Isabelle and Pete Volden Vincent and Margaret Schmitt St.Vincent DePaul Society Charles Thiemann Jessie Volk Robert A. Schmuckie William and Margaret Staarman Ann Thomas Jake Volz Mary Ann Schneider Mary Ann Staffin Francis G Thomas Duane and Patricia Von Seggern Teri Schneider Jean and Kelli Stanislawczyk Mr. A. Charles Thomas Gerald and Mary Vowels Anne Schoenbachler Jerry Stanley Jim and Karen Thomas Kathleen Wagner Robert Schroeder Patricia Stanton Eddie and Deanie Thompson Philip Wagner, Jr. Mary Schulz Nancy Staresinic Jo Ann Kalb and Deborah Thompson Jeanette Wahl Stephen F. Schulz Donald Stauble Tommy and Rolinda Thompson Walgreens Hemophilia Services Marcella Schumacher Edward Stauble Jean Thornbury Jo Ann Walker Betty Schutte Jennie Lee Staugas Mary Ann Thorp Nancy Walker Doris Schutz Patricia Steed Rose Mary Tichenor Anna Ruth Walsh Harriet Schwartz Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Stein Ann Tilghman Doug Waltemath Mary Scott Mary Steinmetz Maureen Tilley Paul and Betty Jo Wargel Richard and Janice Seales Richard E. Steinmetz Ruth Tillman Doris Warren Stanley and Nancy Sedlacek Barbara Stenger Bertha Timmel Mr. Joseph B.Warren Flo Selby Ms. Patricia Ann Stenger Rev. Gerald L Timmel Mr. Jennings Watkins Jimmy Sell Martha Stephenson Toast On Market Eugene M.Weber Helen C. Sellman Betty and Don Stevens Frances Ann Tompkins Mary Jean Weckman Phyllis Senn Debra and Terry Stilger Frank Tonini Clark and Ann Weeks Michael and Patricia Sermersheim Linda and Anthony Stith Charles and Martha Torline Mary Weikert 7-up/Snapple Bottling Co. Stoker's Tenderex Farms, Inc. Dr. Claire Toutant Tony and Eileen Weisenberger Patricia A. Shaffer John and Mary Stocker Susan Toutant Anabell Welch Barbara Sharpensteen Karen Stocker Dorothy Treinen Barbara Welch Mary Gene Shartzer Angela Stockton Steve and Tish Treinen Rosemary Weller Rita Shaughnessy Darlene Stoddard John and Doris Trimble Ruth Weller Salon Michele' Rita Stone Barbara Trompeter Kathleen Wentworth Ann Sheadel and Steve Worful Rita Stosberg John F. Trompeter Co. Linda Wentzel David and Barbara Shearn A. Louise Strehle Johanna Troy Joyce Wesbecker Elizabeth Sheeran Pamela R. Strothman Audrey Truax Jeanne Whelan Elizabeth Shepherd Kristin Stuedle Marie Tucker Whipple Foundation Loretta Siegele Margaret Hall Sturdivant Mary Louise Turner Gerald and Catherine White Ana and Merrill Simon Jo Ann Sturgeon Patricia Turner J. David and Inez White Nick Simon John and Lorraine Sughrue Stephen Turner Mary Dorothy White Butch Simons Mary Jane Suhre Michael and Martha Uberta Phyllis White Mark and Donna Sinkhorn Ann and Bill Sullivan Union United Methodist Church Mike and Kathleen Whitehead Evelyn Smay James and Rita Sullivan Nancy Urban Gayle Whiteneck Anne K Smith Virginia Sullivan Ursulines of Cincinnati Judith Whitesell Hugh Smith Richard Summer Ursulines of Toledo Don and Kathleen Wickert Janie Smith Serena Summers Qdoba Mexican Grill Jack and Peggy Widmer Mary Ann Smith Barbara Szambelan Dr. Leila Vaghei Judy and Tom Wiesemann Nancy Smith and John Abel Taft Museum Michael and Becky Van Leuven Mark Wigginton 22 BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 | donorS Helen Wiggs and Family Jim Wilberding Mary and Ernie Wilding Gifts Received July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011 donation notationS Pat and Jan Wilkison Jack and Marlene Will Doris Williams How money came in... Annual Appeal James and M. Claire Williams R. Gordon Williams Unsolicited J. Kendrick Williams Grants Alice Wilson Leslie and Elizabeth Wilson Tillie Wilson Joe and Ruth Wimsatt Website/paypal Peru Appeal Peruvian Journal Sisters in Ministry Doris Willinger Joyce Wilson Reunions Card Party Memorial Donations Dome Dorothea J.Winkel Repeat Gifts Adam Winkler Jack and Jamie Winner Arthur and Alice Wissing Sue Ann Wittmer Sandra Joan Wode AppeAl Mary Marlene Wolf Katherine Yao Wong Mary Rose Wright Douglas B.Yates, Ret Bob and Doris Young Charlotte Young Elisabeth Young Wills & Bequests Janet M.Young Martha Young Karen Fey Yount Linda Yuda Z Salon Jerilyn Zapp Helen Zembower Marilyn A. Zimmerman Where money went... Ministry to the Poor The Greatest Need Sisters in Ministry Angela Merici Center for Spirituality Cynthia and Joel Zipperle Clara Zoeller Peru Doris Zollner ESTATE gIFTS FROM pLANNEd gIVINg Theresa Rose Bleemel Christina Evers John Keane Ruben Kelly fUnd Care of Senior Sisters Mary Ann Millet Maurine Stone Virginia Sullivan Glenna Wilding Ursuline DOME: Continuing the Legacy of Spirtuality and Service | BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 23 FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED 3105 Lexington Road Louisville, Kentucky 40206 Prayer Room Conference Rooms Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PA I D Permit No. 879 Louisville, KY Brescia Hall on Ursuline Campus 3105 Lexington Road Building 3 Louisville, KY 40206 For details 502.212.4633 [email protected] 24 Meeting facilities to meet your needs. BENEFACTOR ISSUE 2011 |