Tama 2015 catalog - Hoshino Benelux BV
Tama 2015 catalog - Hoshino Benelux BV
2015 DRUMS & HARDWARE Price List J.N.Wagenaarweg 9 1422 AK Uithoorn The Netherlands Tel: +31(0)297 567 778 / Fax: +31(0)297 531 342 Contents 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-19 20-21 22 23 23-24 25 26 27 28-30 STAR Bubinga & Maple STAR Walnut Starclassic Bubinga & Maple Starclassic Performer B/B Superstar Hyper-Drive Maple Silverstar Imperialstar & Rhythm Mate Snare Drums Hardware Clamps & Attachments Power Tower System Accessories Bags & Prctice Tools Tama Percussion & Mic Stands Drum Sticks Replacement Parts Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 STAR BUBINGA / STAR MAPLE FEATURES MODEL NUMBER SYSTEM - STAR Bubinga Shells 4.5mm 5ply Bubinga + 1 inner ply Cordia w/ 9mm Sound Focus Ring (CDKG/CDKR/CSTN: 1 outer ply Cordia, LNTI: 1 outer ply Indian Laurel) - STAR Maple Shells 5mm, 5ply Maple w/5mm Sound Focus Ring (MGSM: 1 outer ply Sycamore) - Wood Inlay Option: Outside, Outside & Inside or without - Bass Drum Hoop Finish Option: Matched, Dark Brown, or Matte Natural - Oil-finished Inside Shell - STAR Bearing Edge - Super Resonant Mounting System - Quick-Lock Tom Brackets - Die-Cast Hoops - REMO Drum Heads - Hold Tight Washers - Claw Hooks w/Rubber Spacers - STAR Cushioned Floor Tom Legs - STAR Bass Drum Spurs Individual Drums TB(TM)*1 B*2 22*3 18*4 S*5 N*6 *1 TB : STAR Bubinga TM : STAR Maple *2 B : Bass Drum / F : Floor Tom / T : Tom Tom / S : Snare Drum *3 Diameter *4 Depth *5 S : w/ Inlay (outside) D : w/ Inlay (outside & inside) (none) : w/o Inlay *6 N : Natural Matte Finish Bass Drum Hoops B : Dark Brown Matte Finish Bass Drum Hoops (none) : Matched Finish Bass Drum Hoops (Note) *5: w/o Inlay option N/A for LNTI / MGSM *6: Natural Matte Hoop option N/A for MGSM / SMP Dark Brown Hoop option N/A for SDM AVAILABLE FINISHES STAR Bubinga NEW SYL (Sunny Yellow Lacquer) NEW CRP (Coral Pink) CDKR (Dark Red Cordia) CDKG (Dark Green Cordia) CSTN (Satin Natural Cordia) LNTI (Natural Indian Laurel) BGM (Blue Gray Metallic) DBM (Dark Burgundy Metallic) SBM (Satin Blue Metallic) SGM (Satin Green Metallic) ATW (Antique White) SKB (Smoky Black) VSB (Vintage Sea Blue) NEW Color : Sunny Yellow Lacquer (SYL) STAR Bubinga: 14"x24" bass drum, 7"x10" & 8"x12" tom toms, 14"x14", 16"x16" & 16"x18" floor toms, 6.5"x14" snare drum. STAR Maple NEW MGSM (Gloss Sycamore) NEW SYL (Sunny Yellow Lacquer) NEW CRP (Coral Pink) SMP (Super Maple) SAG (Satin Amber Gold) SAB (Satin Antique Brown) SBD (Satin Burgundy Red) SDM (Satin Dark Mocha) BGM (Blue Gray Metallic) DBM (Dark Burgundy Metallic) SBM (Satin Blue Metallic) SGM (Satin Green Metallic) ATW (Antique White) SKB (Smoky Black) VSB (Vintage Sea Blue) NEW Color : Gloss Sycamore (MGSM) STAR Maple: 14"x22" bass drum, 6"x8", 7"x10" & 8"x12" tom toms, 14"x14" & 16"x16" floor toms, 6"x13" snare drum. Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 3 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 INDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Depth Bass Drums 14" 18" 15" 16" 14" 16" 20" 17" 18" 14" 16" 22" 17" 18" 14" 16" 24" 17" 18" 14" 26" 16" Floor Toms 12" 14" 13" 14" 13" 15" 14" 15" 14" 16" 15" 16" 14" 18" 15" 16" Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 8" 6.5" 7" 10" 8" 9" 10" 7" 8" 12" 9" 10" 11" 7.5" 9" 13" 10" 11" 12" 8" 10" 14" 11" 12" 13" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" 8" Bubinga Single inlay No inlay Maple Single inlay No inlay TBB1814S TBB1815S TBB1816S TBB2014S TBB2016S TBB2017S TBB2018S TBB2214S TBB2216S TBB2217S TBB2218S TBB2414S TBB2416S TBB2417S TBB2418S TBB2614S TBB2616S TBB1814 TBB1815 TBB1816 TBB2014 TBB2016 TBB2017 TBB2018 TBB2214 TBB2216 TBB2217 TBB2218 TBB2414 TBB2416 TBB2417 TBB2418 TBB2614 TBB2616 TMB1814S TMB1815S TMB1816S TMB2014S TMB2016S TMB2017S TMB2018S TMB2214S TMB2216S TMB2217S TMB2218S TMB2414S TMB2416S TMB2417S TMB2418S TMB2614S TMB2616S TMB1814 TMB1815 TMB1816 TMB2014 TMB2016 TMB2017 TMB2018 TMB2214 TMB2216 TMB2217 TMB2218 TMB2414 TMB2416 TMB2417 TMB2418 TMB2614 TMB2616 TBF1412S TBF1413S TBF1414S TBF1513S TBF1514S TBF1515S TBF1614S TBF1615S TBF1616S TBF1814S TBF1815S TBF1816S TBF1412 TBF1413 TBF1414 TBF1513 TBF1514 TBF1515 TBF1614 TBF1615 TBF1616 TBF1814 TBF1815 TBF1816 TMF1412S TMF1413S TMF1414S TMF1513S TMF1514S TMF1515S TMF1614S TMF1615S TMF1616S TMF1814S TMF1815S TMF1816S TMF1412 TMF1413 TMF1414 TMF1513 TMF1514 TMF1515 TMF1614 TMF1615 TMF1616 TMF1814 TMF1815 TMF1816 TBT0806S TBT0807S TBT0808S TBT1065S TBT1007S TBT1008S TBT1009S TBT1010S TBT1207S TBT1208S TBT1209S TBT1210S TBT1211S TBT1375S TBT1309S TBT1310S TBT1311S TBT1312S TBT1408S TBT1410S TBT1411S TBT1412S TBT1413S TBT0806 TBT0807 TBT0808 TBT1065 TBT1007 TBT1008 TBT1009 TBT1010 TBT1207 TBT1208 TBT1209 TBT1210 TBT1211 TBT1375 TBT1309 TBT1310 TBT1311 TBT1312 TBT1408 TBT1410 TBT1411 TBT1412 TBT1413 TMT0806S TMT0807S TMT0808S TMT1065S TMT1007S TMT1008S TMT1009S TMT1010S TMT1207S TMT1208S TMT1209S TMT1210S TMT1211S TMT1375S TMT1309S TMT1310S TMT1311S TMT1312S TMT1408S TMT1410S TMT1411S TMT1412S TMT1413S TMT0806 TMT0807 TMT0808 TMT1065 TMT1007 TMT1008 TMT1009 TMT1010 TMT1207 TMT1208 TMT1209 TMT1210 TMT1211 TMT1375 TMT1309 TMT1310 TMT1311 TMT1312 TMT1408 TMT1410 TMT1411 TMT1412 TMT1413 TBS136S TBS1455S TBS1465S TBS148S TBS136 TBS1455 TBS1465 TBS148 TMS136S TMS1455S TMS1465S TMS148S TMS136 TMS1455 TMS1465 TMS148 List Price € 1,950.00 € 2,025.00 € 2,132.00 € 2,247.00 € 2,442.00 € 1,100.00 € 1,162.00 € 1,232.00 € 1,304.00 € 688.00 € 758.00 € 849.00 € 937.00 € 1,033.00 € 777.00 € 777.00 Bubinga Maple Double inlay Double inlay TBB1814D TBB1815D TBB1816D TBB2014D TBB2016D TBB2017D TBB2018D TBB2214D TBB2216D TBB2217D TBB2218D TBB2414D TBB2416D TBB2417D TBB2418D TBB2614D TBB2616D TMB1814D TMB1815D TMB1816D TMB2014D TMB2016D TMB2017D TMB2018D TMB2214D TMB2216D TMB2217D TMB2218D TMB2414D TMB2416D TMB2417D TMB2418D TMB2614D TMB2616D TBF1412D TBF1413D TBF1414D TBF1513D TBF1514D TBF1515D TBF1614D TBF1615D TBF1616D TBF1814D TBF1815D TBF1816D TMF1412D TMF1413D TMF1414D TMF1513D TMF1514D TMF1515D TMF1614D TMF1615D TMF1616D TMF1814D TMF1815D TMF1816D TBT0806D TBT0807D TBT0808D TBT1065D TBT1007D TBT1008D TBT1009D TBT1010D TBT1207D TBT1208D TBT1209D TBT1210D TBT1211D TBT1375D TBT1309D TBT1310D TBT1311D TBT1312D TBT1408D TBT1410D TBT1411D TBT1412D TBT1413D TMT0806D TMT0807D TMT0808D TMT1065D TMT1007D TMT1008D TMT1009D TMT1010D TMT1207D TMT1208D TMT1209D TMT1210D TMT1211D TMT1375D TMT1309D TMT1310D TMT1311D TMT1312D TMT1408D TMT1410D TMT1411D TMT1412D TMT1413D TBS136D TBS1455D TBS1465D TBS148D TMS136D TMS1455D TMS1465D TMS148D Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden List Price € 2,136.00 € 2,214.00 € 2,332.00 € 2,454.00 € 2,670.00 € 1,204.00 € 1,270.00 € 1,345.00 € 1,425.00 € 755.00 € 832.00 € 933.00 € 1,027.00 € 1,130.00 € 855.00 € 855.00 4 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 STAR WALNUT NEW FEATURES MODEL NUMBER SYSTEM - Shells All Walnut Tom Toms / Floor Toms / Snare Drum: 6ply 5mm Bass Drums: 7ply 6mm - STAR Bearing Edge - Super Resonant Mounting System - Quick-Lock Tom Brackets - Die-Cast Hoops - REMO Drum Heads - Hold Tight Washers - Claw Hooks w/Rubber Spacers - STAR Cushioned Floor Tom Legs - STAR Bass Drum Spurs AVAILABLE FINISHES NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW WSBN (Stain Black Walnut) RBW (Red Burgundy Walnut) DMW (Dark Mocha Walnut) MGN (Mint Green Mist) SBU (Smoky Blue Mist) SNM (Smoky Natural Mist) SYL (Sunny Yellow Lacquer) CRP (Coral Pink) ATW (Antique White) SKB (Smoky Black) VSB (Vintage Sea Blue) Individual Drums TW*1 B*2 22*3 18*4 *1 TW : STAR Walnut *2 B : Bass Drum / F : Floor Tom / T : Tom Tom / S : Snare Drum *3 Diameter *4 Depth SHELL KIT (Snare Drum & Hardware are NOT included) TW42RZS Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden € 3,666.00 5 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 INDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Depth Bass Drums 14" 18" 15" 16" 14" 16" 20" 17" 18" 14" 16" 22" 17" 18" 14" 16" 24" 17" 18" 14" 26" 16" Floor Toms 12" 14" 13" 14" 13" 15" 14" 15" 14" 16" 15" 16" 14" 18" 15" 16" Model No. TWB1814 TWB1815 TWB1816 TWB2014 TWB2016 TWB2017 TWB2018 TWB2214 TWB2216 TWB2217 TWB2218 TWB2414 TWB2416 TWB2417 TWB2418 TWB2614 TWB2616 TWF1412 TWF1413 TWF1414 TWF1513 TWF1514 TWF1515 TWF1614 TWF1615 TWF1616 TWF1814 TWF1815 TWF1816 List Price € 1,468.00 € 1,536.00 € 1,616.00 € 1,708.00 € 1,864.00 € 833.00 € 883.00 € 934.00 Dia. Depth Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 8" 6.5" 7" 10" 8" 9" 10" 7" 8" 12" 9" 10" 11" 7.5" 9" 13" 10" 11" 12" 8" 10" 14" 11" 12" 13" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" 8" Model No. TWT0806 TWT0807 TWT0808 TWT1065 TWT1007 TWT1008 TWT1009 TWT1010 TWT1207 TWT1208 TWT1209 TWT1210 TWT1211 TWT1375 TWT1309 TWT1310 TWT1311 TWT1312 TWT1408 TWT1410 TWT1411 TWT1412 TWT1413 TWS136 TWS1455 TWS1465 TWS148 List Price € 517.00 € 568.00 € 637.00 € 706.00 € 775.00 € 555.00 € 555.00 € 990.00 NEW Color : Satin Black Walnut (WSBN) TW42RZS 4pc kit 16"x22" Bass Drum, 7"x10" & 8"x12" Tom Toms 16"x16" Floor Toms (add-on) 5.5"x14" Snare Drum NEW Color : Mint Green Mist (MGN) 16"x24" Bass Drum 9"x13" Tom Tom 16"x16" & 16"x18" Floor Toms 8"x14" Snare Drum Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 6 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 STARCLASSIC BUBINGA / MAPLE FEATURES MODEL NUMBER SYSTEM - Starclassic Bubinga Shells 9ply Bubinga Tom Toms / Floor Toms : 6mm Bass Drums / Snare Drums : 7mm - Starclassic Maple Shells All Maple Tom Toms / Floor Toms : 6ply, 5mm Bass Drums / Snare Drums : 8ply, 6mm - 2 Shell Hardware Color Options Chrome / Black Nickel - Star-Cast Mounting System NEW - Quick-Lock Tom Brackets - Die-Cast Hoops - EVANS Drum Heads - Hold Tight Washers - Claw Hooks w/Rubber Spacers - Cushioned Floor Tom Legs Shell Kits BG(MA)*1 32RZ*2 BN*3 S*4 Individual Drums BG(MA)*1 B*5 22*6 18*7 Z*8 BN*3 *1 BU : Starclassic Bubinga MA : Starclassic Maple *2 This part depends on configuration. *3 (none) : Chrome HW / BN : Black Nickel HW *4 Shell Kit *5 B : Bass Drum / F : Floor Tom / T : Tom Tom / S : Snare Drum *6 Diameter *7 Depth *8 M : Bass drum w/ Tom Holder Base Z : w/o Tom Holder Base AVAILABLE FINISHES Starclassic Bubinga NEW PCS (Pink Champagne Sparkle) NEW CHS (Champagne Sparkle) NEW GCS (Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle) NEW BCS (Black Clouds & Silver Linings) NEW LJB (Light Jade Burst) NEW SPW (Satin Pearl White) NBB (Natural Bubinga Burst) VRB (Volcanic Red Burst) SBG (Satin Bubinga) SSR (Silver Snow Racing Stripe) PBK (Piano Black) PWH (Piano White) Starclassic Maple NEW PCS (Pink Champagne Sparkle) NEW CHS (Champagne Sparkle) NEW GCS (Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle) NEW BCS (Black Clouds & Silver Linings) NEW LJB (Light Jade Burst) NEW SPW (Satin Pearl White) DMB (Dark Mocha Burst) MBB (Molten Satin Brown Burst) VAM (Vintage Antique Maple) SSR (Silver Snow Racing Stripe) PBK (Piano Black) PWH (Piano White) SHELL KITS (Snare Drum & Hardware are NOT Included) BG42ZS (SC Bubinga) MA42ZS (SC Maple) € 2,999.00 € 2,777.00 BG52ZS (SC Bubinga) MA52ZS (SC Maple) € 3,777.00 € 3,444.00 € 2,555.00 € 2,333.00 BG32RZS (SC Bubinga) MA32RZS (SC Maple) OPTIONAL HARDWARE KIT HF5W NEW € 666.00 HS800W (Roadpro Snare Stand) HC83BW x2 (Roadpro Boom Cymbal Stand) HH905N (Iron Cobra 900 Hi-Hat Stand) HP900PSN (Iron Cobra Power Glide Single Drum Pedal) Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 7 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 INDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Depth Bass Drums 14" 18" 16" 16" 20" 18" 16" 22" 18" 20" 16" 24" 18" Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 14" 16" 16" 18" 16" Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 8" 6.5" 7" 10" 8" 9" 7" 8" 12" 9" 10" 7.5" 9" 13" 10" 11" 10" 14" 11" 12" 13" 16" 14" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" 8" NEW Starclassic Bubinga BGB1814M/Z BGB1816M/Z BGB2016M/Z BGB2018M/Z BGB2216M/Z BGB2218M/Z BGB2220M/Z BGB2416M/Z BGB2418M/Z BGF1412 BGF1414 BGF1614 BGF1616 BGF1816 BGT0806 BGT0807 BGT0808 BGT1065 BGT1007 BGT1008 BGT1009 BGT1207 BGT1208 BGT1209 BGT1210 BGT1375 BGT1309 BGT1310 BGT1311 BGT1410 BGT1411 BGT1412 BGT1613 BGT1614 BGS136 BGS1455 BGS1465 BGS148 € 1,308.00 € 1,344.00 € 1,374.00 € 1,399.00 € 1,433.00 € 1,575.00 € 1,472.00 € 1,560.00 € 783.00 € 860.00 € 944.00 € 473.00 € 519.00 € 584.00 € 659.00 € 720.00 € 860.00 € 555.00 € 555.00 € 566.00 € 688.00 Color : Galaxy Chameleon Sparkle (GCS) Starclassic Bubinga BG52ZBNS 5pc kit 18"x22" Bass Drum, 8"x10" & 9"x12" Tom Toms 12"x14" & 14"x16" Floor Toms (add-on) 5.5"x14" Snare Drum Dia. Depth Bass Drums 14" 18" 16" 16" 20" 18" 16" 22" 18" 20" 16" 24" 18" Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 14" 16" 16" 18" 16" Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 8" 6.5" 7" 10" 8" 9" 7" 8" 12" 9" 10" 7.5" 9" 13" 10" 11" 10" 14" 11" 12" 13" 16" 14" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" 8" NEW Starclassic Maple MAB1814M/Z MAB1816M/Z MAB2016M/Z MAB2018M/Z MAB2216M/Z MAB2218M/Z MAB2220M/Z MAB2416M/Z MAB2418M/Z MAF1412 MAF1414 MAF1614 MAF1616 MAF1816 MAT0806 MAT0807 MAT0808 MAT1065 MAT1007 MAT1008 MAT1009 MAT1207 MAT1208 MAT1209 MAT1210 MAT1375 MAT1309 MAT1310 MAT1311 MAT1410 MAT1411 MAT1412 MAT1613 MAT1614 MAS136 MAS1455 MAS1465 MAS148 € 1,178.00 € 1,214.00 € 1,239.00 € 1,265.00 € 1,294.00 € 1,422.00 € 1,329.00 € 1,409.00 € 705.00 € 776.00 € 852.00 € 426.00 € 467.00 € 525.00 € 594.00 € 653.00 € 775.00 € 499.00 € 499.00 € 522.00 € 633.00 Color : Pink Champagne Sparkle (PCS) Starclassic Maple MA32RZS 3pc kit 16"x22" Bass Drum, 8"x12" Tom Tom 16"x16" Floor Tom (add-on) 6.5"x14" Snare Drum Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 8 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 STARCLASSIC PERFORMER B/B FEATURES MODEL NUMBER SYSTEM - Shells Bubinga & Birch Shell TT/FT : 4ply Birch + 3 inner plies Bubinga, 6mm BD/SD : 5ply Birch + 3 inner plies Bubinga, 8mm - Star-Cast Mounting System - Quick-Lock Tom Brackets NEW - Die-Cast Hoops - EVANS Drum Heads - Claw Hooks w/Rubber Spacers - Cushioned Floor Tom Legs - Swivel-Wing Tom Holder (shell kit for 42S)NEW AVAILABLE FINISHES Starclassic Performer B/B: PP (Sparkle Finishes - Lacquer) NEW CHS (Champagne Sparkle) NEW SPW (Satin Pearl White) CMS (Crimson Sparkle) PTS (Platinum Sparkle) BCS (Black Clouds & Silver Linings) BNZ (Blue Nebula Blaze) Starclassic Performer B/B: PS (See Through Finishes and Solid Finishes - Lacquer) NEW TWB (Twilight Burst) NEW TBT (Tri-Burst Tobacco) NEW MBR (Molten Brown Burst) VCB (Volcanic Burst) HAG (Honey Amber Gold) SIB (Smoky Indigo Burst) Shell Kits PP(PS or PR)*1 42S*2 Individual Drums PP(PS or PR)*1 B*3 22*4 E*5 M*6 *1 PP : Starclassic Performer B/B (Sparkle Finishes - Lacquer) PS : Starclassic Performer B/B (See Through Finishes and Solid Finishes - Lacquer) PR : Starclassic Performer B/B (Duracover Wrap) *2 This part depends on configuration. *3 B : Bass Drum / F : Floor Tom / T : Tom Tom / S : Snare Drum *4 Diameter *5 Depth (H : Hyper-Drive / A : Accel / D : Deep / E : Extra Deep / X : Ultra Deep) *6 M : Bass Drum w/Tom Holder Base / Z : w/o Tom Holder Base Starclassic Performer B/B: PR (Duracover Wrap) NEW VBL (Vintage Blue Sparkle) NEW ROY (Red Oyster) CCO (Charcoal Onyx) VNS (Vintage Nickel Sparkle) VGR (Vintage Green Sparkle) VMP (Vintage Marine Pearl) WHS (White Silk) SHELL KITS (Hardware are NOT Included) € 1,944.00 PP52HXZS (Sparkle) € 1,833.00 PS52HXZS (See Through/Solid) € 1,722.00 PR52HXZS (Duracover) PP42S (Sparkle) PS42S (See Through/Solid) PR42S (Duracover) PP32RZS (Sparkle) PS32RZS (See Through/Solid) PR32RZS (Duracover) NEW NEW NEW € 2,444.00 € 2,333.00 € 2,222.00 € 1,610.00 € 1,499.00 € 1,388.00 OPTIONAL HARDWARE KIT HV5WN NEW € 444.00 HS80W (Roadpro Snare Stand) HC83BW x2 (Roadpro Boom Cymbal Stand) HH605 (Iron Cobra 600 Hi-Hat Stand) HP600D (Iron Cobra Duo Glide Single Drum Pedal) Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 9 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 INIDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Depth Bass Drums 20" 18" 16" 22" 18" 20" 24" 18" Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 14" 16" 16" 18" 16" Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 6.5" 10" 7" 8" 7" 12" 8" 9" 7.5" 13" 10" 11" 14" 12" 13" 16" 14" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" Dia. Depth Bass Drums 20" 18" 16" 22" 18" 20" 24" 18" Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 14" 16" 16" 18" 16" Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 6.5" 10" 7" 8" 7" 12" 8" 9" 7.5" 13" 10" 11" 14" 12" 13" 16" 14" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" Performer B/B (Sparkle) PPB20EM/Z PPB22DM/Z PPB22EM/Z PPB22XM/Z PPB24EM/Z PPF14A PPF14D PPF16A PPF16D PPF18D € 1,165.00 € 1,187.00 € 1,218.00 € 1,342.00 € 1,316.00 € 577.00 € 647.00 € 710.00 PPT8H PPT8A PPT10H PPT10R PPT10A PPT12H PPT12R PPT12A PPT13H PPT13A PPT14A PPT14D PPT16A PPT16D € 363.00 € 396.00 € 442.00 € 500.00 € 545.00 € 646.00 PPS136 PPS55 PPS65 € 388.00 € 399.00 € 410.00 Dia. Depth Bass Drums 20" 18" 16" 22" 18" 20" 24" 18" Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 14" 16" 16" 18" 16" Tom Toms 6" 8" 7" 6.5" 10" 7" 8" 7" 12" 8" 9" 7.5" 13" 10" 11" 14" 12" 13" 16" 14" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" Performer B/B (See Through & Solid) PSB20EM/Z PSB22DM/Z PSB22EM/Z PSB22XM/Z PSB24EM/Z PSF14A PSF14D PSF16A PSF16D PSF18D PST8H PST8A PST10H PST10R PST10A PST12H PST12R PST12A PST13H PST13A PST14A PST14D PST16A PST16D PSS136 PSS55 PSS65 € 1,112.00 € 1,098.00 € 1,163.00 € 1,278.00 € 1,254.00 € 548.00 € 616.00 € 678.00 € 346.00 € 377.00 € 422.00 € 474.00 € 518.00 € 615.00 € 366.00 € 377.00 € 388.00 Performer B/B (Duracover Wrap) PRB20EM/Z PRB22DM/Z PRB22EM/Z PRB22XM/Z PRB24EM/Z PRF14A PRF14D PRF16A PRF16D PRF18D PRT8H PRT8A PRT10H PRT10R PRT10A PRT12H PRT12R PRT12A PRT13H PRT13A PRT14A PRT14D PRT16A PRT16D PRS136 PRS55 PRS65 € 1,074.00 € 1,055.00 € 1,125.00 € 1,238.00 € 1,215.00 € 533.00 € 597.00 € 658.00 € 334.00 Color : Molten Brown Burst (MBR/PS) € 365.00 € 408.00 € 459.00 € 503.00 € 596.00 € 355.00 € 366.00 € 377.00 Color : Red Oyster (ROY/PR) Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 10 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 SUPERSTAR HYPER-DRIVE MAPLE FEATURES NEW AVAILABLE FINISHES - Shells All Maple NEW Tom Toms / Floor Toms / Snare Drums : 6ply, 5mm Bass Drums : 8ply, 7mm - Hyper-Drive Toms NEW - Star-Cast Mounting System in Black Nickel - Die-Cast Hoops - 20" Ultra Deep Bass Drum (5pc Shell Kit) - Sound Bridge High-Tension Lugs - Power Craft II Drum Heads - Claw Hooks w/Rubber Spacers *All Superstar Hyper-Drive drums come with Black Nickel shell hardware. HARDWARE KIT HB5W (Optional) HS60W (Snare Stand) HC63BW x2 (Boom Cymbal Stands) HH205 (Iron Cobra 200 Hi-Hat Stand) HP200P (Iron Cobra 200 Single Drum Pedal) Hyper-Drive Maple ML: (Lacquer) NEW VBM (Vintage Blue Metallic) BOM (Bright Orange Metallic) FBK (Flat Black) TBF (Transparent Black Fade) SCY (Satin Cherry Burst) DMF (Dark Mocha Fade) Hyper-Drive Maple MK: (Unicolor Wrap) NEW MGD (Midnight Gold Sparkle) ISP (Indigo Sparkle) BCB (Brushed Charcoal Black) TSM (Titanium Silver Metallic) RCS (Red Chameleon Sparkle) SGW (Sugar White) €278.00 SHELL KITS (HB5W is NOT Included) ML52HXZBNS (Lacquer) € 1,333.00 ML62HZBNS (Lacquer) € 1,444.00 MK52HXZBNS (Wrap) € 1,110.00 MK62HZBNS (Wrap) € 1,222.00 Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 11 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 INDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Depth Bass Drums 18" 22" 20" 24" 18" Floor Toms 14" 12" 16" 14" 18" 16" Tom Toms 8" 6" 10" 6.5" 12" 7" 13" 7.5" 14" 8" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" Hyper-Drive Maple (Lacquer) MLB22EZBN MLB22XZBN MLB24EZBN € 960.00 € 999.00 € 1,013.00 MLF14ABN MLF16ABN MLF18DBN € 428.00 € 504.00 € 554.00 MLT8HBN MLT10HBN MLT12HBN MLT13HBN MLT14HBN € 287.00 € 342.00 € 377.00 € 428.00 € 483.00 MLS136BN MLS55BN MLS65BN € 284.00 € 277.00 € 288.00 Dia. Depth Bass Drums 18" 22" 20" 24" 18" Floor Toms 14" 12" 16" 14" 18" 16" Tom Toms 8" 6" 10" 6.5" 12" 7" 13" 7.5" 14" 8" Snare Drums 13" 6" 5.5" 14" 6.5" Hyper-Drive Maple (Unicolor Wrap) MKB22EZBN MKB22XZBN MKB24EZBN € 703.00 € 742.00 € 746.00 MKF14ABN MKF16ABN MKF18DBN € 355.00 € 430.00 € 469.00 MKT8HBN MKT10HBN MKT12HBN MKT13HBN MKT14HBN € 196.00 € 239.00 € 258.00 € 287.00 € 345.00 MKS136BN MKS55BN MKS65BN € 273.00 € 266.00 € 277.00 NEW Color : Vintage Blue Metallic (VBM) <ML62HZBNS basic shell kit> including 18"x22" bass drum, 6.5"x10" & 7"x12" tom toms, 12"x14" & 14"x16" floor toms, 5.5"x14" snare drum, MC69 single tom attachments (x2) HB5W hardware kit. NEW Color : Midnight Gold Sparkle (MGD) <MK52HXZBNS basic shell kit> including 20"x22" bass drum, 6.5"x10" & 7"x12" tom toms, 14"x16" floor tom, 5.5"x14" snare drum, MC69 single tom attachments (x2) HB5W hardware kit. Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 12 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 SILVERSTAR FEATURES AVALIABLE FINISHES - Birch Shells Tom Toms / Floor Toms / Snare Drums : 6ply, 6mm Bass Drums : 7ply, 8mm - Sound Arc Hoop - Traditional Regular Depth Tom Toms - Star-Mount System - Low-Mass Lugs - Slidable Tom Holder - Claw Hooks w/Rubber Spacers *All Silverstar drums come with Chrome shell hardware. HARDWARE KIT HB5W (Optional) HS60W (Snare Stand) HC63BW x2 (Boom Cymbal Stands) HH205 (Iron Cobra 200 Hi-Hat Stand) HP200P (Iron Cobra 200 Single Drum Pedal) €278.00 Silverstar VP: (Lacquer) NEW ABR (Antique Brown Burst) NEW LBL (Light Blue Lacquer) PWH (Piano White) TRB (Transparent Red Burst) TBB (Transparent Blue Burst) DMF (Dark Mocha Fade) Silverstar VA: (Tamo Ash Outer Ply) MTA (Matte Tamo Ash) SMA (Satin Mahogany Tamo Ash) Silverstar VD: (Unicolor Wrap) NEW WSP (White Sparkle) ISP (Indigo Sparkle) BCB (Brushed Charcoal Black) GXS (Galaxy Silver) BCM (Blue Chameleon Sparkle) VBG (Vintage Burgundy Sparkle) SHELL KITS (HB5W is NOT Included) VP62RS (Lacquer) VA62RS (Tamo Ash) VD62RS (Wrap) € 1,110.00 € 1,110.00 € 944.00 VP52KRS (Lacquer) VA52KRS (Tamo Ash) VD52KRS (Wrap) € 944.00 € 944.00 € 833.00 VP50RS (Lacquer) VA50RS (Tamo Ash) VD50RS (Wrap) € 944.00 € 944.00 € 833.00 VP48S (Lacquer) VA48S (Tamo Ash) VD48S (Wrap) € 777.00 € 777.00 € 666.00 Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 13 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 INDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Silverstar VP (Lacquer) Depth Dia. Bass Drums Silverstar VA (Tamo Ash Outer Ply) Bass Drums 18" 14" VPB18RL* 20" 16" VPB20D 22" 18" VPB22E 24" 18" VPB24E *Comes with Bass Drum Lifter Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 16" 14" 18" 16" Tom Toms 8" 6" 10" 7" 12" 8" 13" 9" 14" 10" Snare Drums 5" 14" 6.5" Depth VPF14A VPF14D VPF16A VPF18D € 595.00 € 604.00 € 619.00 € 666.00 € 270.00 € 320.00 € 353.00 VPT8H VPT10R VPT12R VPT13R VPT14R € 183.00 € 204.00 € 226.00 € 247.00 € 268.00 VPS145 VPS1465 € 179.00 € 188.00 18" 14" VAB18RL* 20" 16" VAB20D 22" 18" VAB22E 24" 18" VAB24E *Comes with Bass Drum Lifter Floor Toms 12" 14" 14" 16" 14" 18" 16" Tom Toms 8" 6" 10" 7" 12" 8" 13" 9" 14" 10" Snare Drums 5" 14" 6.5" VAF14A VAF14D VAF16A VAF18D € 595.00 € 604.00 € 619.00 € 666.00 € 270.00 € 320.00 € 353.00 VAT8H VAT10R VAT12R VAT13R VAT14R € 183.00 € 204.00 € 226.00 € 247.00 € 268.00 VAS145 VAS1465 € 179.00 € 188.00 Dia. Depth Silverstar VD (Unicolor Wrap) Bass Drums 16" 14" VDB16RWL* 18" 14" VDB18RL* 20" 16" VDB20D 22" 18" VDB22E 24" 18" VDB24E *Comes with Bass Drum Lifter Floor Toms 13" 11" VDF13A 12" VDF14A 14" 14" VDF14D 16" 14" VDF16A 18" 16" VDF18D Tom Toms 8" 6" VDT8H 10" 7" VDT10R 12" 8" VDT12R 13" 9" VDT13R 14" 10" VDT14R Snare Drums 5" VDS145 14" 6.5" VDS1465 € 485.00 € 512.00 € 516.00 € 535.00 € 576.00 € 220.00 € 233.00 € 277.00 € 305.00 € 156.00 € 175.00 € 194.00 € 213.00 € 232.00 € 155.00 € 162.00 Metro-JAM Kit VD36MWS (Wrap) NEW € 533.00 NEW Color : White Sparkle (WSP) Cocktail-JAM Kit VD46CBC (Complete Kit) VD46CB (Shell + Drum Pedal kit) MCAX5366 (Clamp Kit) € 722.00 € 633.00 € 110.00 [Cocktail-JAM] VD46CBC-ISP (VD46CB shell kit + MCAX5366 clamp kit ) *Cymbals are not included in the kit Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 14 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 IMPERIALSTAR FEATURES Hardware Kit (Included) - Shells All Poplar 6ply 7.5mm - TAMA Precision Bearing Edges - 100% Glued Wrap Finish - Omnisphere Tom Holder - Accu-Tune Bass Drum Hoops - STAGE MASTER Hardware - HP200P Iron Cobra Drum Pedal - Durable Drum Heads *All Imperialstar drums come with Chrome shell hardware. HS30W Snare Stand HC32W Straight Cymbal Stand HC33BW Boom Cymbal Stand HH35W Hi-Hat Stand HP200P Iron Cobra Drum Pedal HT25 Drum Throne Meinl MCS CYMBAL SET (Included) 14" Hi-Hat Cymbals 16" Crash Cymbal 20" Ride Cymbal AVAILABLE FINISHES NEW HLB (Hairline Blue) CPM (Candy Apple Mist) HBK (Hairline Black) MNB (Midnight Blue) VTR (Vintage Red) BK (Black) SHELL CONFIGURATIONS (w/Cymbals & Hardware Kit) IP52KH6 € 888.00 IP58H6 € 854.00 IP50H6 € 888.00 INDIVIDUAL DRUMS Dia. Depth Model No. Bass Drums 18" 14" IPB18RL* 20" 18" IPB20E 22" 18" IPB22E *Comes with Bass Drum Lifter Floor Toms 12" IPF14A 14" 14" IPF14D 14" IPF16A 16" 16" IPF16D 18" 16" IPF18D Tom Toms 8" 7" IPT8A 10" 8" IPT10A 12" 9" IPT12A 13" 10" IPT13A Snare Drums 13" 5" IPS135 5" IPS145 14" 6.5" IPS1465 Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden List Price € 298.00 € 320.00 € 334.00 € 149.00 € 165.00 € 187.00 € 97.80 € 105.00 € 109.00 € 115.00 € 128.00 € 128.00 € 133.00 15 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 RHYTHM MATE FEATURES HARDWARE KIT (Included for 6pc hardware kit) - Shells All Poplar 6ply 7.5mm - TAMA Precision Bearing Edges - 100% Glued Wrap Finish - Omnisphere Tom Holder - Accu-Tune Bass Drum Hoops - Double Braced Hardware *All Rhythm Mate drums come with Chrome shell hardware. Snare Stand Straight Cymbal Stand Boom Cymbal Stand Hi-Hat Stand Drum Pedal Drum Throne CYMBALS (Included for 6pc hardware kit) AVAILABLE FINISHES NEW 13" Hi-Hat Cymbals 16" Crash Cymbal 18" Ride Cymbal GXS (Galaxy Silver) CCM (Charcoal Mist) BK (Black) RDS (Red Stream) WH (White) WR (Wine Red) SHELL CONFIGURATIONS (w/Cymbals & Hardware Kit) € 666.00 RM52KH6C RM52KH6C ----- Color : RDS (Red Stream) € 666.00 RM50YH6C RM50YH6C ----- Color : BK(Black) Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 16 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 S.L.P. Sound Lab Project Snare Drums Backbeat Bubinga Birch LBO147 € 366.00 Shell : 7"x14" 3 Bubinga inner ply + 4 Birch outer ply + 1 White Oak outer ply/7mm Shell Color : Matte Tan Oak (MTO) Shell HW : Chrome Strainer(Butt) : MLS50A(B) Hoop : Steel Mighty Hoop Snappy : MS20SN14C LBO147 Studio Maple Classic Maple LMP1465F € 422.00 Shell : 6.5"x14" 6ply Maple, 5mm w/ Sound Focus Rings Color : Sienna (SEN) Shell HW : Chrome Strainer(Butt) : MLS50A(B) Hoop : Maple Wood Hoop Snappy : MS20SN14S LMP1455 € 344.00 Shell : 5.5"x14" 8ply Maple, 7mm Color : Super Maple (SMP) Shell HW : Chrome Strainer(Butt) : MLS50A(B) Hoop : Sound Arc Hoop Snappy : MS20RL14C Power Maple G-Maple LMB1465 € 388.00 Shell : 6.5"x14" 9ply Maple w/Maple Burl, 7.5mm Color : Midnight Maple Burl (MMB) Shell HW : Black Nickel Strainer(Butt) : MLS50A(B) Hoop : Sound Arc Hoop Snappy : MS42R14S LGM137 € 410.00 Shell : 7"x13" 13ply Maple w/Tamo Ash, 10mm Color : Satin Tamo Ash (STA) Shell HW : Chrome Strainer(Butt) : MLS50A(B) Hoop : Die-Cast Hoop Snappy : MS20SN13C LMP1465F LMP1455 LGM137 LMB1465 G-Bubinga LGB146 € 428.00 Shell : 6"x14" 12ply Bubinga w/Quilted Bubinga, 10mm Color : Natural Quilted Bubinga (NQB) Shell HW : Black Nickel Strainer(Butt) : MLS50A(B) Hoop : Steel Mighty Hoop Snappy : MS20SN14S Dynamic Bronze LGB146 NEW LBZ1455 € 444.00 Shell : 5.5"x14" Bronze, 1.2mm Shell HW : Chrome Strainer(Butt) : MCS70A(B) Hoop : Die-Cast Hoop Snappy : MS20SN14C LBZ1455 Black Brass LBR1465 Shell : 6.5"x14" Brass, 1.5mm Shell HW : Black Nickel Hoop : Steel Mighty Hoop € 455.00 Strainer(Butt) : MCS70A(B) Snappy : MS42R14S LBR1465 Big Black Steel Vintage Steel NEW LST148 € 233.00 Shell : 8"x14" Steel in Matte Black Finish, 1mm Shell HW : Black Nickel Strainer(Butt) : MCS70A(B) Hoop : Steel Mighty Hoop Snappy : MS20SN14S LST1455 Shell : 5.5"x14" Steel, 1.2mm Shell HW : Chrome Hoop : Sound Arc Hoop € 288.00 Strainer(Butt) : MCS70A(B) Snappy : MS20RL14C Sonic Steel LST1365 Shell : 6.5"x13" Steel, 1.2mm Shell HW : Chrome Hoop : Steel Mighty Hoop € 277.00 Strainer(Butt) : MCS70A(B) Snappy : MS20SN13C LST148 LST1455 Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden LST1365 17 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 Starphonic Snare Drums Maple Satin Mappa Burl (STM) PMM146-STM € 555.00 6"x14" Bubinga Matte Natural Cordia (MNC) PBC146 € 310.00 6"x14" Brass PBR146 € 499.00 6"x14" Aluminum PAL146 € 444.00 6"x14" Bell Brass PBB146 € 2,222.00 6"x14" Stainless Steel PSS146 € 666.00 6"x14", Steel PST146 € 388.00 6"x14" PST137 € 388.00 7"x13" 6ply Maple + Outer 1 Ply : Mappa Burl, 6mm 8ply Bubinga + Outer 1 Ply :Cordia, 7mm Brass, 1.2mm Seamless Aluminum, 1.2mm Bell Brass, 3mm Stainless Steel, 1mm w/R.S.E. Steel, 1mm Steel, 1mm PAL146 STAR Snare Drums Bubinga All STAR Bubinga Finishes available 5ply Bubinga + Inner 1 Ply Cordia, 4.5mm w/ TBS148S € 777.00 8"x14" TBS1465S € 777.00 6.5"x14" 9mm Sound Focus Ring TBS1455S € 777.00 5.5"x14" (Inlay Option) Outside Inlay (S), Inside & Outside Inlay TBS136S € 777.00 6"x13" (D), or w/o Inlay (none) Maple All STAR Maple Finishes available TMS148S € 777.00 8"x14" 5ply Maple, 5mm w/ 5mm Sound Focus Ring TMS1465S € 777.00 6.5"x14" (Inlay Option) Outside Inlay (S), Inside & Outside Inlay TMS1455S € 777.00 5.5"x14" (D), or w/o Inlay (none) TMS136S € 777.00 6"x13" NEW All STAR Walnut Finishes available Walnut TWS148 € 555.00 8"x14" TWS1465 € 555.00 6.5"x14" 6ply Walnut, 5mm TWS1455 € 555.00 5.5"x14" TWS136 € 555.00 6"x13" Solid Zebrawood Oiled Natural Zebrawood (OZW) NEW TLZ146S € 888.00 6"x14" Solid Zebrawood, 7mm w/Sound Focus Ring Solid Mahogany Oiled Natural Mahogany (OMH) TLH146S € 888.00 6"x14" Solid Mahogany, 7mm w/Sound Focus Ring Solid Maple Oiled Natural Maple (OMP) TLM146S € 888.00 6"x14", Solid Maple, 8mm w/Sound Focus Ring Stave Walnut Oiled Natural Walnut (OWN) TVW146S € 888.00 6"x14" 16pcs Stave Walnut, 10mm Stave Ash Oiled Natural Ash (OAS) TVA146S € 888.00 6"x14" 16pcs Stave Ash, 10mm Starclassic Snare Drums Model No. List Price Starclassic Bubinga Omni-Tune Size PMM146 TWS1455-WSBN TLZ146S TLH146S Shell - PBK (Piano Black), PWH (Piano White), SYL (Sunny Yellow Lacquer) & NBG (Natural Bubinga) *Only Brushed Nickel Shell Hardware Available SOS1465T € 888.00 6.5"x14" 9ply Bubinga, 8mm SOS1455T € 855.00 5.5"x14" Starclassic Bubinga NEW - All Starclassic Bubinga Finishes Available - 2 Shell Hardware Color Options (Chrome / BN) BGS148 € 688.00 8"x14" BGS1465 € 566.00 6.5"x14" 9ply Bubinga, 7mm BGS1455 € 555.00 5.5"x14" BGS136 € 555.00 6"x13" Starclassic Maple NEW - All Starclassic Maple Finishes & ATM (Antique Maple) Available - 2 Shell Hardware Color Options (Chrome / BN) MAS148 € 633.00 8"x14" MAS1465 € 522.00 6.5"x14" 8ply Maple, 7mm MAS1455 € 499.00 5.5"x14" MAS136 € 499.00 6"x13" BGS1465BN-SBG MAS1455-ATM Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 18 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 Starclassic Snare Drums NEW Starclassic Performer B/B - All Starclassic Performer B/B Finishes Available Shell Model No. List Price Size Starclassic Performer B/B Sparkle Finishes (PP) PPS65 € 410.00 6.5"x14" 5ply Birch + 3 Inner Plies PPS55 € 399.00 5.5"x14" Bubinga, 8mm PPS136 € 388.00 6"x13" Starclassic Performer B/B See Through & Solid Finishes (PS) PSS65 € 388.00 6.5"x14" 5ply Birch + 3 Inner Plies PSS55 € 377.00 5.5"x14" Bubinga, 8mm PSS136 € 366.00 6"x13" Starclassic Performer B/B Duracover Wrap (PR) PRS65 € 377.00 6.5"x14" 5ply Birch + 3 Inner Plies PRS55 € 366.00 5.5"x14" Bubinga, 8mm PRS136 € 355.00 6"x13" PPS55-PTS PSS65-VCB Metalworks & Mini-tymp Snare Drums Model No. List Price Size MT1465DBN € 239.00 6.5"x14" MT1455DBN € 234.00 5.5"x14" MT1440DBN € 228.00 4"x14" NEW MT137DBN € 239.00 7"x13" MT1255 € 144.00 5.5"x12" MT1055M* € 177.00 5.5"x10" STS105M* € 122.00 5"x10" STS085M* € 117.00 5"x8" STS065M* € 110.00 5"x6" *Come with MC69 Single Tom Attachment Shell Hoop Die-Cast Steel, 1.2mm Steel Mighty Steel, 1.0mm Steel Mighty MT137DBN Signature Palette Snare Drum Series Model No. Mike Portnoy List Price Size Shell Hoop 9ply Bubinga Die-Cast MP1455BU € 610.00 5.5"x14" MP1455ST € 477.00 5.5"x14" MP125ST € 444.00 5"x12" John Blackwell JB145N JB1365N Charlie Benante € 399.00 € 399.00 5"x14" 6.5"x13" Steel, 1.2mm Steel, 1.2mm Steel Mighty Steel Mighty CB1465 € 455.00 6.5"x14" Stainless Steel, 1.2mm Die-Cast € 744.00 6.5"x14" Diamond Plate Steel, 3mm Die-Cast SC145 € 499.00 5"x14" Brass, 1.5mm Die-Cast / Steel Mighty John Tempesta JT147 Simon Phillips € 744.00 7"x14" Brass, 2mm Die-Cast Figured Maple & Bubinga w/SFR Bronze, 1mm 7ply Figured Maple w/SFR Customized Brass Mighty Brass Mighty Hammered Steel, 1mm Hammered Steel, 1mm Die-Cast Die-Cast MP1455BU Lars Ulrich LU1465 Stewart Copeland SP1465H € 877.00 6.5"x14" SP1455H € 633.00 5.5"x14" SP125H € 744.00 5"x12" Kenny Aronoff KA1465 NEW KA145N KA154 John Dolmayan € 810.00 € 777.00 € 610.00 6.5"x14" 5"x14" 4"x15" Brass, 1mm Brass, 1mm Brass, 1mm Brass Mighty Die-Cast Brass Mighty JD146 € 644.00 6"x14" 6ply Maple Die-Cast KA145N Die-Cast JD146 Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 19 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 DRUM PEDALS Model No. List Price Description Iron Cobra HP900PSN € 210.00 Iron Cobra 900 Power Glide Single (Carrying Case Included) HP900PSWN € 477.00 Iron Cobra 900 Power Glide Twin (Carrying Case Included) HP900PSWLN € 477.00 Iron Cobra 900 Left-Footed Power Glide (Carrying Case Included) HP900RSN € 210.00 Iron Cobra 900 Rolling Glide Single (Carrying Case Included) HP900RSWN € 477.00 Iron Cobra 900 Rolling Glide Twin (Carrying Case Included) HP900FSN € 210.00 Iron Cobra 900 Flexi Glide Single (Carrying Case Included) HP900FSWN € 477.00 Iron Cobra 900 Flexi Glide Twin (Carrying Case Included) HP600D € 122.00 Iron Cobra 600 Duo Glide Single HP600DTW € 299.00 Iron Cobra 600 Duo Glide Twin HP200P € 83.40 Iron Cobra 200 Power Glide Single HP200PTW € 239.00 Iron Cobra 200 Power Glide Twin Speed Cobra HP910LS € 222.00 Speed Cobra 910 Single (Carrying Case Included) HP910LSW € 510.00 Speed Cobra 910 Twin (Carrying Case Included) HP910LSWL € 510.00 Speed Cobra 910 Left-Footed Twin (Carrying Case Included) NEW HP310L € 94.50 Speed Cobra 310 Single NEW HP310LW € 250.00 Speed Cobra 310 Twin Standard Drum Pedals HP30 € 60.00 Stage Master Power Glide Single Pedal Duo Glide (HP600) Rolling Glide Setting HP310L HP310LW HP600DB HI-HAT STANDS Power Glide Setting Model No. List Price Description Hi-Hat Stands HH905N € 288.00 Iron Cobra 900 Lever Glide HH805N € 266.00 Iron Cobra 900 Velo Glide HH605 € 150.00 Iron Cobra 600 HH205 € 122.00 Iron Cobra 200 HH915N € 299.00 Speed Cobra Lever Glide HH35W € 94.50 Stage Master (Double Braced Legs) HH35S € 90.00 Stage Master (Single Braced Legs) Cobra Clutch & Twin Pedal Attachment HH905XP € 177.00 Cobra Clutch (Carrying Case Included) TPA90 € 9.30 Twin Pedal Attachment HH915N HH605 HH205 Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 20 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 DRUM THRONES Model No. List Price Description 1st Chair HT741 € 310.00 Ergo-Rider Quartet w/Backrest HT750C € 239.00 Ergo-Rider Hydraulix "Cloth Top" HT730 € 199.00 Ergo-Rider Trio HT650C € 222.00 Round Rider Hydraulix "Cloth Top" HT630C € 188.00 Round Rider Trio "Cloth Top" HT630CS € 188.00 Round Rider Trio Low "Cloth Top" HT530C € 222.00 Wide Rider Trio "Cloth Top" HT530 € 199.00 Wide Rider Trio HT430N € 150.00 Round Rider Trio "Flat Top" Standard Drum Throne NEW HT65WN € 98.90 Standard Round Seat (Threaded Adjustment, Double Braced Legs) HT130 € 72.20 Standard Round Seat (Double Braced Legs) SNARE STANDS & CYMBAL STANDS Model No. List Price Description Snare Stands NEW HS100W € 162.00 STAR Omni-Ball Tilter, Cradle-Hold Snare Basket NEW HS800W € 110.00 Roadpro Omni-Ball Tilter NEW HS80W € 83.40 Roadpro Quick-Set Tilter for 12" to 15" NEW HS80PW € 83.40 Roadpro Quick-Set Tilter for 10" to 12" NEW HS80LOW € 106.00 Roadpro Quick-Set Tilter for 12" to 15" (Low Position setting basket) HS60W € 76.70 w/Quick-Set Tilter HS30W € 65.60 Stage Master (Double Braced Legs) HS30S € 62.30 Stage Master (Single Braced Legs) Boom Cymbal Stands NEW HC103BW € 188.00 STAR w/Orbital Quick-Tite Cymbal Tilter, Cymbal Mate NEW HC84BW € 117.00 Roadpro w/Quick-Set Tilter, Cymbal Mate, & Detachable Weight NEW HC83BW € 94.50 Roadpro w/Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate HC63BW € 87.80 w/Quick-Set Tilter HC33BW € 76.70 Stage Master (Double Braced Legs) HC33BS € 71.20 Stage Master (Single Braced Legs) Straight Cymbal Stands NEW HC82W € 83.40 Roadpro w/Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate HC62W € 76.70 w/Quick-Set Tilter HC32W € 61.20 Stage Master (Double Braced Legs) HC32S € 54.50 Stage Master (Single Braced Legs) HARDWARE KIT Model No. List Price HF5W NEW HV5WN NEW HB5W MM5W NEW HF5W Description HS800W Roadpro Snare Stand, HC83BW Roadpro Cymbal Stand (x2), HH905N Iron Cobra Hi-hat Stand, HP900PSN Iron Cobra Power Glide Single Pedal HS80W Roadpro Snare Stand, HC83BW Roadpro Cymbal Stand (x2), € 444.00 HH605 Iron Cobra Hi-hat Stand, HP600D Iron Cobra Duo Glide Single Pedal HS60W Snare Stand, HC63BW Boom Cymbal Stand (x2), € 278.00 HH205 Iron Cobra Hi-hat Stand, HP200P Iron Cobra Power Glide Single Pedal HS30W Stage Master Snare Stand, HC33BW Stage Master Cymbal Stand (x2), € 299.00 HH35W Stage Master Hi-hat Stand, HP200P Iron Cobra Power Glide Single Pedal € 666.00 NEW HV5WN NEW HS100W NEW HT65WN Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 21 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 TOM STANDS & TOM HOLDERS Model No. List Price Description Combination Stands NEW HTC107W € 239.00 STAR w/Swivel-Wing Tom Holder & Orbital Quick-Tite Cymbal Tilter HTC807W € 166.00 Roadpro w/Adjustable Tom Holder, Quick-Set Tilter, & Cymbal Mate NEW NEW HTC87W € 144.00 Roadpro w/Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate Double Tom Stands NEW HTW109W € 188.00 STAR w/Stilt System & Swivel-Wing Tom Holder HTW839W € 173.00 Roadpro (High) w/Stilt System NEW HTW849W € 188.00 Roadpro Quartet (Low) NEW HTW39W € 93.40 Stage Master (Double Braced Legs) Tom Holders NEW MTH1000 € 166.00 Double Tom Holder for Starclassic (Chrome) w/Swivel-Wing Tom Holder NEW MTH1000BN € 166.00 Double Tom Holder for Starclassic (Black Nickel) w/Swivel-Wing Tom Holder MTH909 € 150.00 Double Tom Holder (Chrome) w/Sliding Tom Adjustment MTH909BN € 150.00 Double Tom Holder (Black Nickel) w/Sliding Tom Adjustment MTH905N € 144.00 Double Tom Holder for Silverstar MTH900BS € 133.00 Single Tom Holder MTH900BM € 87.80 Single Tom Holder for Silverstar MTH600 € 71.20 Double Tom Holder for Imperialstar Swivel-Wing Tom Holder NEW MTH1000 CLAMPS & ATTACHMENTS Model No. List Price Multi-Clamps and Attachments MC67 € 43.40 MC66 € 35.50 MC61 € 23.30 MC62 € 33.30 MC5 € 23.30 MC7 € 33.30 MXA73 € 105.00 MXA53 € 74.50 LLT € 12.20 LCB € 11.00 LRW € 12.20 LCYE € 13.30 CSA35N € 69.90 CSA15 € 18.40 CSA25 € 35.50 MCB45EN € 35.50 MCB30EN € 33.30 MRB30 € 24.50 MTA45 € 41.20 MTA30 € 38.90 CA45EN € 71.20 CA30EN € 66.60 CCA30 € 67.80 MCA63EN € 66.60 CYA5E € 36.60 MCA53 € 47.80 CBA5 € 32.20 CBH20 € 23.30 MTH900AS € 35.60 MC69 € 47.80 MHA623 € 60.00 CBA56 € 34.50 Description Universal Clamp (FastClamp) Universal Clamp (FastClamp) Multi-Clamp (FastClamp) Multi-Clamp (FastClamp) Compact Clamp Compact Clamp Closed Hi-Hat Attachment (FastClamp / Quick-Set Tilter) Closed Hi-Hat Attachment (FastClamp) L-Rod for Tom Tom (10.5mm) L-Rod for Cowbell (9mm - 3/8") L-Rod for Rhythm Watch RW105 L-Rod for Light Weight Cymbal (Quick-Set Cymbal Mate) Cymbal Stacker Extension (Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate) Cymbal Stacker Cymbal Stacker Cymbal Boom Arm 450mm (Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate) Cymbal Boom Arm 300mm (Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate) Ratchet Arm 300mm for 12mm Rod Ratchet Arm 450mm for 19.1mm Pipe Ratchet Arm 300mm for 19.1mm Pipe Boom Cymbal Holder 450mm (Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate) Boom Cymbal Holder 300mm (Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate) Cymbal Holder w/Clamp (FastClamp) Cymbal Attachment w/Clamp (FastClamp / Quick-Set Tilter & Cymbal Mate) Cymbal Attachment for 9-12mm Rod (Quick-Set Cymbal Mate) Cymbal Attachment w/Clamp (FastClamp) Cowbell Attachment for 9-12mm Rod Cowbell Holder for Bass Drum Hoop Single Tom Adapter Single Tom Attachment (FastClamp) Hi-Hat Attachment for Double Bass (FastClamp) Cowbell Attachment (FastClamp) Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 22 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 POWER TOWER SYSTEM Model No. List Price Basic Unit and Additional Unit PMD1100M € 388.00 PMD1100A € 277.00 PMD900A € 266.00 Clamps and Attachments J30TS € 35.60 J34T € 34.50 A13S € 11.00 MTH900BS € 133.00 Description Basic Unit 1100mm length Additional Unit 900mm length Additional Unit 90 degree perpendicular pipe clamp Rack mount for L-rods, tom or cymbal holders Memory Clamp Single tom holder (with 25.4mm diameter base tube) PMD1100A PMD900A J30TS J34T PMD1100M A13S ACCESSORIES Model No. Drum Accessories RW200 RW30 RWH10 TW200 TW100 WHP2 TDG10M TDG10L TOL2 TLS100BK TLS100WH TLS100SV RW105 Bass Drum Heads RF18BMST RF20BMST RF22BMST RF24BMST RF26BMST CT18BMOT CT20BMOT CT22BMOT CT24BMOT CT26BMOT FB18BMFS FB20BMFS FB22BMFS FB24BMFS List Price NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW MTH900BS Description € 98.90 € 32.30 € 13.30 TBA € 98.90 € 4.00 € 33.30 € 33.30 € 8.60 € 4.00 € 4.00 € 4.00 Rhythm Watch Rhythm Watch Mini Rhythm Watch Holder for RW200, RW105 & RW100 Tension Watch - Compact Type Tension Watch Wood Hoop Protector (2pcs/Set) Drummer's Glove (Medium) Drummer's Glove (Large) Tune-Up Oil TAMA Logo Sticker (Black) TAMA Logo Sticker (White) TAMA Logo Sticker (Silver) RW30 € 54.50 € 60.00 € 65.60 € 72.30 € 76.70 € 32.30 € 43.40 € 48.90 € 54.50 € 60.00 € 26.70 € 35.60 € 37.80 € 43.40 RWH10 TW200 18" REMO Fiberskyn Powerstroke 3 Diplomat Head w/TAMA Logo 20" REMO Fiberskyn Powerstroke 3 Diplomat Head w/TAMA Logo 22" REMO Fiberskyn Powerstroke 3 Diplomat Head w/TAMA Logo 24" REMO Fiberskyn Powerstroke 3 Diplomat Head w/TAMA Logo 26" REMO Fiberskyn Powerstroke 3 Diplomat Head w/TAMA Logo 18" White Coated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 20" White Coated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 22" White Coated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 24" White Coated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 26" White Coated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 18" Fiber Laminated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 20" Fiber Laminated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 22" Fiber Laminated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos 24" Fiber Laminated Head w/TAMA & SC Logos Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 23 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 Model No. List Price Description (Bass Drum Heads) BK18BMTT € 26.70 18" Black Head w/TAMA & SC Logos BK20BMTT € 40.00 20" Black Head w/TAMA & SC Logos BK22BMTT € 42.30 22" Black Head w/TAMA & SC Logos BK24BMTT € 46.70 24" Black Head w/TAMA & SC Logos BK26BMTT € 50.00 26" Black Head w/TAMA & SC Logos NEW SW20BMTT € 35.60 20" Smooth White Head w/TAMA & SC Logos (catalog item#; SW20SMBS) NEW SW22BMTT € 37.80 22" Smooth White Head w/TAMA & SC Logos (catalog item#; SW22SMBS) NEW SW24BMTT € 43.40 24" Smooth White Head w/TAMA & SC Logos (catalog item#; SW24SMBS) BK22BMFH € 33.40 22" Black Head w/TAMA Logo for Superstar Hyper-Drive BK24BMFH € 35.60 24" Black Head w/TAMA Logo for Superstar Hyper-Drive CT18BMSV € 26.70 18" White Coated Head w/TAMA Logo CT20BMSV € 37.80 20" White Coated Head w/TAMA Logo CT22BMSV € 43.40 22" White Coated Head w/TAMA Logo CT24BMSV € 48.90 24" White Coated Head w/TAMA Logo BK20BMWS € 30.00 20" Black Head w/TAMA Logo BK22BMWS € 31.20 22" Black Head w/TAMA Logo BK24BMWS € 37.80 24" Black Head w/TAMA Logo NEW CT16BMMJ € 20.00 16" White Coated Head for Metro-JAM Front NEW CL16BMSMJ € 20.00 16" Clear Head for Metro-JAM Batter CT16TMCJ € 20.00 16" White Coated Head for Cocktail-JAM NEW SNARE ACCESSORIES Model No. List Price Description Hoops MDH13-8 € 52.30 13" Die-Cast Hoop (8 Hole Batter Side) MDH13S-8 € 52.30 13" Die-Cast Hoop (8 Hole Snare Side) MDH148 € 54.50 14" Die-Cast Hoop (8 Hole Batter Side) MDH14S8 € 54.50 14" Die-Cast Hoop (8 Hole Snare Side) MDH1410 € 54.50 14" Die-Cast Hoop (10 Hole Batter Side) MDH14S10 € 54.50 14" Die-Cast Hoop (10 Hole Snare Side) MFB14-10N € 85.60 14" Brass Mighty Hoop (10 Hole Batter Side) MFB14S-10N € 85.60 14" Brass Mighty Hoop (10 Hole Snare Side) MFM14-8 € 23.40 14" Steel Mighty Hoop (8 Hole Batter Side) MFM14S-8 € 23.40 14" Steel Mighty Hoop (8 Hole Snare Side) MFM1410 € 23.40 14" Steel Mighty Hoop (10 Hole Batter Side) MFM14S10 € 23.40 14" Steel Mighty Hoop (10 Hole Snare Side) MSH1410 € 32.30 14" Sound Arc Hoop (10 Hole Batter Side) MSH14S10 € 32.30 14" Sound Arc Hoop (10 Hole Snare Side) Super Sensitive Hi-Carbon Snappy Snares MS20RL14C € 25.60 14", 20 Strands Hi-Carbon Steel MS20RL13C € 23.40 13", 20 Strands Hi-Carbon Steel Starclassic Snappy Snares MS20SN10S € 14.50 10", 20 Strands Carbon Steel MS20SN12S € 14.50 12", 20 Strands Carbon Steel MS20SN13S € 14.50 13", 20 Strands Carbon Steel MS20SN14S € 14.50 14", 20 Strands Carbon Steel MS20SN14B € 25.60 14", 20 Strands Bell Brass MS20SN13C € 24.50 13", 20 Strands Hi-Carbon Steel MS20SN14C € 25.60 14", 20 Strands Hi-Carbon Steel Regular Snappy Snares MS12R14S € 10.50 14", 12 Strands Carbon Steel MS20R14S € 11.00 14", 20 Strands Carbon Steel MS42R14S € 21.20 14", 42 Strands Carbon Steel MS42R14C € 31.20 14", 42 Strands Hi-Carbon Steel Snappy Straps, Washers and Drum Keys MST20 € 3.60 Snare Strap (2pcs/Set) SPC50P4 € 7.50 Snare Cord (2prs/Set) SRW620P € 14.50 Hold Tight Washer (20pcs/Set) PW620 € 4.20 Plastic Washer (20pcs/Set) MW620 € 3.20 Metal Washer (20pcs/Set) TSM01 € 2.20 Sonic Mute (2pcs/Set) TDK10 € 3.90 Drum Key (Chrome) NEW TDK10BN € 4.50 Drum Key (Black Nickel) 6560R € 2.80 Traditional TAMA Drum Key NEW TDC1000 € 17.80 Drum Cleaning Cloth Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 24 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 BAGS Model No. List Price DX Series Drum Bags DBB18 € 75.60 DBB20 € 91.20 DBB22 € 93.40 DBB22X € 106.00 DBS14 € 46.70 DBS14E € 52.30 DBT10 € 40.00 DBT12 € 44.50 DBT13 € 47.80 DBT14 € 52.30 DBT14E € 54.50 DBT16 € 65.60 DBT1012H € 63.40 STB24 € 24.50 DPB200 € 42.30 HWB02 € 42.30 HWB05C € 155.00 CMB18 € 50.00 CMB22 € 83.40 LZ Series Stick Bags LZ-STB01BK € 27.80 LZ-STB02BK € 24.50 Standard Series Drum Bags DSB52S € 155.00 DSB52KS € 155.00 DSB52NF € 155.00 DSB52H € 155.00 DSB62H € 177.00 DSB50S € 155.00 DSB62S € 177.00 Description 16"x18" Bass Drum & Floor Tom 18"x20" Bass Drum 18"x22" Bass Drum 20"x22" Bass Drum 4" to 6.5"x14" Snare Drum 8"x14" Snare Drum 8"x10" Tom Tom 9"x12" Tom Tom 10"x13" Tom Tom 11"x14" Tom Tom 14" x 14" Floor Tom 16"x16" Floor Tom 6.5"x10" + 7"x12" Tom Toms, 2 Hyper-Drive Toms in One Bag w/Divider Stores about 12 Pairs of Sticks & Mallets Stores Any TAMA Single or Twin Pedal (Including Speed Cobra) Hardware Bag for 2pcs Hardware Bag for 5pcs w/Wheels 18" w/Compartments, Accessory and Stick Pockets 22" (16" Pocket) w/Compartments Stores about 12 Pairs of Sticks & Mallets Stores about 6 Pairs of Sticks 18x22"BD, 9x12"TT, 10x13"TT, 16x16"FT, 6.5x14"SD 18x22"BD, 8x10"TT, 9x12"TT, 16x16"FT, 6.5x14"SD 18x22"BD, 8x10"TT, 9x12"TT, 14x14"FT, 6.5x14"SD 20x22"BD, 6.5x10"TT & 7x12"TT (In One Bag), 16x16"FT, 6.5x14"SD 20x22"BD, 6.5x10"TT & 7x12"TT (In One Bag), 14x14"FT, 16x16"FT, 6.5x14"SD 18x20"BD, 8x10"TT, 9x12"TT, 14x14"FT, 6.5x14"SD 20x22"BD, 8x10"TT, 9x12"TT, 14x14"FT, 16x16"FT, 6.5x14"SD PRACTICE TOOLS Model No. List Price Description Practice Pads HS30TP € 61.20 Practice Pad Stand TMP8S € 54.50 8" Practice Pad (Mesh Head Type) TSP6 € 22.30 6" Practice Pad (Rubber Type) TDP7S € 43.40 7" Duo Pad "Buzz Maker" w/Snappy Sound TDP12 € 65.60 12" Duo Pad "Mentor" TCP10D € 3.20 Silent Tips (pr.) Mesh Head Sets SPP518C € 65.60 18B, 14F,10T, 12T,13S, 14HH, CM1416 SPP522C € 82.30 22B, 16F, 12T, 13T, 14S, 14HH, CM1416, CM1820 SPP522KC € 82.30 22B, 16F, 10T, 12T, 14S, 14HH, CM1416, CM1820 Individual Mesh Heads MH8T € 8.30 8" Tom Tom MH10T € 8.80 10" Tom Tom MH12T € 9.40 12" Tom Tom MH13T € 9.90 13" Tom Tom MH14T € 11.00 14" Tom Tom or Floor Tom MH16T € 12.20 16" Tom Tom or Floor Tom MH18B € 15.50 18" Bass Drum MH22B € 22.20 22" Bass Drum CM14HH € 18.90 14" Hi-Hat CM1416 € 10.00 14"-16" Cymbal CM1820 € 11.20 18"-20" Cymbal Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 25 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 TAMA PERCUSSION Model No. List Price Description Starclassic Bubinga Gong Bass Drum *Gong Bass Drum is available in Piano Black (PBK) finish only. **Only Chrome Shell Hardware Available BG20R-PBK € 1,510.00 14"x20" Gong Bass Drum HGS800 € 399.00 Gong Bass Stand Jingle Ring TJR7 € 36.70 Hat Tambourine Steel Mini-Tymps MT68ST € 166.00 4"x6" + 4"x8" w/LLT & MC66 MT810ST € 174.00 4"x8" + 4"x10" w/LLT & MC66 Sonic Cowbells TSC4 € 28.90 4" Cowbell TSC6 € 35.60 6" Cowbell TSC8 € 42.30 8" Cowbell Octobans 7850N2H € 418.00 2pc High-Pitch Set w/HOW29W Stand (OCT280N, OCT301N) 7850N2L € 514.00 2pc Low-Pitch Set w/HOW29W Stand (OCT443N, OCT472N) 7850N4H € 740.00 4pc High-Pitch Set w/HOW49W Stand (OCT280N, OCT301N, OCT343N, OCT390N) 7850N4L € 944.00 4pc Low-Pitch Set w/HOW49W Stand (OCT443N, OCT472N, OCT536N, OCT600N) TOCT280N € 153.00 Individual Octoban 280mm (11") TOCT301N € 158.00 Individual Octoban 301mm (11-3/4") TOCT343N € 170.00 Individual Octoban 343mm (13-1/2") TOCT390N € 183.00 Individual Octoban 390mm (15-1/2") TOCT443N € 202.00 Individual Octoban 443mm (17-1/2") TOCT472N € 209.00 Individual Octoban 472mm (18-1/2") TOCT536N € 227.00 Individual Octoban 536mm (21") TOCT600N € 242.00 Individual Octoban 600mm (23-1/2") Octoban Stands & Holders for P.T.S. HOW49W € 166.00 Stand for 4pcs Octobans HOW29W € 147.00 Stand for 2pcs Octobans OA49 € 66.70 Holder for 4pc Octobans OA29 € 58.90 Holder for 2pc Octobans MICROPHONE STANDS Model No. MS205 MS205BK MS200 MS200BK MS200FS MS200D MS200DBK MS205ST MS205STBK MS20 List Price € 71.20 € 71.20 € 54.50 € 54.50 € 90.00 € 58.90 € 58.90 € 58.90 € 58.90 € 35.60 Description Boom Stand (Chrome) Boom Stand (Black) Straight Stand (Chrome) Straight Stand (Black) Straight "One-Hand" Stand (Chrome) Straight Stand w/Round Base (Chrome) Straight Stand w/Round Base (Black) Low Profile Boom Stand (Chrome) Low Profile Boom Stand (Black) Table Top Stand (Chrome) TSC4 TSC6 TSC8 TJR7 7850N4H Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 26 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 DRUM STICKS Original Series Japanese Oak O213-B O214-B € 11.00 O215-B O216-B O213-P € 11.00 O214-P O215-P O214-S € 11.00 O215-S Rhythmic Fire American Hickory Dia. Length H213-B 13mm € 12.20 14mm H214-B H215-B 15mm 16mm H213-P 13mm 406mm € 12.20 14mm H214-P H215-P 15mm 14mm 15mm Traditional Series Model List Price Diameter Japanese Oak 7A-F 13mm € 11.00 14mm 5A-F 5B-F 15mm 7A-F-BS 13mm € 13.30 14mm 5A-F-BS 5B-F-BS 15mm 7A-F-BR 13mm € 13.30 14mm 5A-F-BR 5B-F-BR 15mm Length Color 390mm Black Pattern on Natural 406mm 390mm 406mm 390mm Silver Pattern on Black 406mm Red Pattern on Black Length Color 390mm Black Pattern on Natural Sticks of Doom Japanese Oak 7A € 11.00 7AN € 12.20 5A € 11.00 5AN € 12.20 8A € 11.00 5B € 11.00 5BN € 12.20 American Hickory Dia. Length H7A € 12.20 13mm 390mm H5A € 12.20 14mm H8A H5B 406mm € 12.20 € 12.20 15mm Stagemax - No Lacquered Models for Natural and Comfortable Grip Model List Price Diameter Japanese Oak 7A-S 13mm € 11.00 14mm 5A-S 5B-S 15mm 7A-S-BS 13mm € 13.30 14mm 5A-S-BS 5B-S-BS 15mm 406mm 390mm 406mm Silver Pattern on Black Signature Models Dirk Verbeuren (Soilwork / Scarve) Model Japanese Oak American Hickory Dia. Length 5A-MS H5A-MS 14mm € 11.00 € 12.20 406mm 5B-MS H5B-MS 15mm RedZone - Slightly Longer Sticks with Strong Attack of Nylon Tips - Japanese Oak w/Ball Tip - 16mm Diameter - 406mm Length Model 216B-DV Mario Duplantier (Gojira) Model - American Hickory - 16.5mm Diameter - 432mm Length Model H-MD Yoshiki (X-Japan/Violet UK) Models Japanese Oak American Hickory Dia. Length 5ARZ H5ARZ 14mm € 12.20 H5BRZ € 13.30 15mm 419mm 5BRZ 5ARZK* H5ARZK* 14mm - American Hickory - 14.2mm Diameter - 398mm Length Model H-YKM H-YKB List Price € 11.00 List Price € 12.20 List Price € 25.50 € 15.50 *H-YKM features special mat coating. *Knocker Type Tips (Non-Tapered, Grip-End Shape at Both Ends) CANVAS Series Model List Price Diameter Japanese Oak 5ACV-DG 5ACV-LB 5ACV-WH € 11.00 14mm Length Color 406mm Green Light Blue White Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 27 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 PEDAL ACCESSORIES Model No. List Price Description Beaters PB90F € 21.20 Projector Beater (for Speed Cobra) CB90W € 17.80 Iron Cobra Wood Beater CB90R € 14.50 Iron Cobra Rubber Beater CB90F € 21.20 Iron Cobra Felt Beater DS30 € 14.50 Dual Sided Beater (Black) NEW DS30G € 14.50 Dual Sided Beater (Gray) TTB30W € 16.70 Traditional Wood Beater TTB30F € 21.20 Traditional Felt Beater (Medium) PB90FH € 15.60 Projector Beater Head CB90RH € 10.00 Iron Cobra Rubber Beater Head CB90FH € 15.60 Iron Cobra Felt Beater Head CB90WH € 13.40 Iron Cobra Wood Beater Head Parts CC900S € 21.20 Cobra Coil Strap for Speed Cobra PCB910ST € 8.50 Carrying Case HP9S € 24.50 Speedo-Ring w/Quick Hook BC7 € 3.70 Beater Balancer TLK5 € 3.80 Tight Lock HP90077 € 7.30 Spring Tight HP910-7S € 4.20 Super Spring for Speed Cobra HP9007R € 4.20 Regular Spring HP9007H € 4.20 Heavy Spring HP90081 € 4.20 Toe Stopper Drum Hammer Tuning Key DH7 € 7.30 w/5mm Hex Wrench CNR91 € 87.80 Connecting Rod for Speed Cobra CNR900 € 76.70 Connecting Rod for Iron Cobra Spring Assembly w/o Quick Hook HP918 € 6.60 for Speed Cobra HARDWARE ACCESSORIES Model No. List Price Description Hi-Hat Stand Accessories TPA90 € 9.30 Twin Pedal Attachment Swing-Lock Clutch SLC08 € 21.20 (for HH915N, HH905N, HH805N) CL08 € 14.50 Hi-Hat Clutch (for HH75WN) CL08D € 12.30 Hi-Hat Clutch (for HH35W/S) CL0813P € 2.90 Hi-Hat Clutch Felt (2pcs/Set) Spring Seat SS15 € 7.30 (for HH915N, HH905N, HH805N, HH605) Memory Lock (for HH915N, HH905N, ML254N € 5.20 HH805N, HH605) Throne Accessories HTB5 € 93.40 Backrest Attachment HTS7 € 122.00 Ergo-Rider Seat Only Ergo-Rider Seat Only HTS7C € 139.00 (Cloth Top) Round Rider Seat Only HTS6C € 87.80 (Cloth Top) HTS5 € 116.00 Wide Rider Seat Only Wide Rider Seat Only HTS5C € 122.00 (Cloth Top) Hydraulix Trio Stand Base HSB5 € 144.00 w/Seat Holder HSB4 € 127.00 Quartet Stand Base HSB3 € 116.00 Trio Stand Base HSB3S € 116.00 Trio Stand Base Low Model SSL22S € 4.40 Swivel Sleeve ML222NT € 3.60 Memory Lock for HT130 Cymbal Stand Accessories QC8 € 4.20 Quick-Set Cymbal Mate (M8) CM8P € 2.80 Cymbal Mate (M8, 2pcs/Set) RTF35P € 10.00 Ring-True Felt Washer (2pcs/Set) for STAR 7081P € 2.60 Felt Washer (2pcs/Set) NEW CB8P € 5.00 Cymbal Bottom for STAR (M8, 2pcs/Set) NEW CPS8P € 6.00 Protection Sleeve for STAR (2pcs/Set) Reversible Bottom for Roadpro RB8P € 3.20 (M8, 2pcs/Set) 7091P € 2.70 Cymbal Bottom Washer (M6, 2pcs/Set) WA900 € 17.80 Detachable Counter Weight (Hardware Accessories) Model No. List Price Memory Locks ML12 ML191C € 5.20 NEW ML191N ML222C € 8.00 € 3.20 NEW € 9.00 ML222NT € 3.60 ML28C € 8.50 ML254TC € 7.30 ML254T € 4.70 ML105 ML11 € 4.30 € 7.80 MTB302 Description Hinge Style for 10.5-12mm Boom Arm For STAR Upper Tube (19.1mm) For Roadpro Upper Tube (19.1mm) For STAR Center Tube (22.2mm) For Roadpro Center Tube (22.2mm) Hinge Style for STAR / Roadpro Bottom Tube (28.0mm) For MTH909, MTH905N, MTH600 (25.4mm) For MTH900M, MTH900BM (25.4mm) For L-Rod (10.5mm) Hinge Style (10.5mm) € 14.50 Hinge Style for MTB30 REPLACEMENT PARTS Model No. Tension Bolts List Price MS642SHP € 3.80 MS648SHP € 3.80 MS654SHP € 3.80 MS661SHP € 3.80 MS661SHOP € 1.80 MS666SHP € 3.80 MS676SHP € 4.30 MS686SHP € 4.30 MS6110PBN € 5.00 MCH90SRC € 8.50 Description Tension Bolt M6 x 42mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 48mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 54mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 61mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt for Octobans (Chrome Only) (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 66mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 76mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 86mm (2pcs/Set) Tension Bolt M6 x 110mm (BN Only) (2pcs/Set) Claw Hook for Starphonic Snare Drum (Chrome Only) Bass Drum Claw Hook NEW MCH90FC € 15.00 For STAR Bass Drum For Starclassic / SC Performer B/B MCHSCRN € 13.40 / Silverstar Bass Drum For Starclassic / Superstar Hyper-Drive MCHSCRBNN € 13.40 Bass Drum Assembly For Starclassic Bubinga MCH-OTH € 12.30 Omni-Tune Bass Drum Floor Tom Legs For STAR, Leg (3pcs/Set) NEW MFLSG3P € 52.30 w/ Cushioned Feet For Starclassic, Leg (3pcs/Set) MFLSL3P € 38.90 w/Air Pocket Rubber Foot (3pcs/Set) MFL-RT3 € 7.50 w/Air Pocket For Silverstar & Imperialstar 6573C3P € 27.80 (3pcs/Set) For Superstar Hyper-Drive 6573CBN3P € 27.80 (3pcs/Set) Rubber Foot (1pc) of Floor 6573RTC € 2.30 Tom Leg Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 28 Adviesprijslijst Tama - april 2015 (Replacement Parts) Model No. List Price Description Rubber Feet, Bolts & Nuts NEW RFSH € 3.00 Rubber Foot for STAR Hardware NEW RFSHS € 3.00 Rubber Foot for STAR HS100W Rubber Foot "Foot Life" for 1st RF-FLP3 € 7.30 Chair (3pcs/Set) Leg Rubber for Roadpro RFWP3 € 4.40 (3pcs/Set) Leg Rubber for Stage Master RFDWP3 € 5.30 Double Braced (3pcs/Set) Leg Rubber for Stage Master RFDSP3 € 3.40 Single Braced (3pcs/Set) WN8P € 4.30 Wing Nut M8 (2pcs/Set) TS816P € 5.20 T-Bolt M8 x 16mm (2pcs/Set) Snare Strainers & Butts MLS50A € 68.90 Liner-Drive Strainer MLS50B € 54.50 Snare Butt MUS80A € 71.20 Upright Strainer MUS80B € 60.00 Snare Butt MCS70A € 54.50 Cam Lever Strainer MCS70B € 6.70 Snare Butt Chrome Only MUS65A € 15.60 Snare Strainer for Imperialstar MUS60B € 4.30 Snare Butt for Imperialstar Lugs NEW MSL90TC € 11.00 STAR Tom Tom / Floor Tom NEW MSL90BC € 11.00 STAR Bass Drum MSLSCT € 8.90 Starclassic Tom Tom / Floor Tom MSLSCB € 9.40 Starclassic Bass Drum MCHL5SBN MCHL65STBN MCHL8TBN MCHL11TBN MCHL13TBN MCHL16TBN MCHL18BBN MSL70T MSL70B MSL60T MSL60B Lugs for Snare Drums NEW MSL90SC MTL960S MSLSCP MSL36 MSL35 € 9.70 € 9.70 € 10.80 € 10.80 € 11.20 € 12.30 € 13.40 € 6.70 € 6.70 € 5.30 € 4.70 Superstar HD (5.5"-6" Depth) Superstar HD (6.5"-7.5" Depth) Superstar HD (8" Depth) Superstar HD (12" Depth) Superstar HD (14" Depth) Superstar HD (16" Depth) Superstar HD (Bass Drum) Silverstar Tom Tom / Floor Tom Silverstar Bass Drum Imperialstar Tom Tom / Floor Tom Imperialstar Bass Drum € 14.00 STAR Lug w/Rubber Plate € 20.00 Starphonic Lug w/Rubber Plate € 5.20 Starclassic Snare Lug for 4" € 11.20 Hi-Tension Snare Lug for 6.5" & 8" € 5.60 Hi-Tension Snare Lug for 5.5" MSL60S € 6.70 Lug for Imperialstar Snare Drum Bass Drum Hoops *For fade finishes, suffix "L" (lighter side) or "D" (darker side). For Starclassic Bubinga / Maple / Performer B/B MWH18 € 166.00 18" Bass Drum Hoop MWH20 € 177.00 20" Bass Drum Hoop MWH22 € 188.00 22" Bass Drum Hoop MWH24 € 199.00 24" Bass Drum Hoop BUH18-SBG € 155.00 18" Bass Drum Hoop (for SBG Finish) BUH20-SBG € 166.00 20" Bass Drum Hoop (for SBG Finish) BUH22-SBG € 177.00 22" Bass Drum Hoop (for SBG Finish) BUH24-SBG € 188.00 24" Bass Drum Hoop (for SBG Finish) For Starclassic Performer B/B EFX MWH18 € 166.00 18" Bass Drum Hoop MWH20C € 177.00 20" Bass Drum Hoop MWH22C € 188.00 22" Bass Drum Hoop MWH24C € 199.00 24" Bass Drum Hoop For Superstar Custom Hyper-Drive MLH20 € 60.00 20" Bass Drum Hoop MLH22 € 63.40 22" Bass Drum Hoop MLH24 € 65.60 24" Bass Drum Hoop For Superstar Hyper-Drive MKH20C € 57.80 20" Bass Drum Hoop MKH22C € 62.30 22" Bass Drum Hoop MKH24C € 65.60 24" Bass Drum Hoop Model No. List Price Description For Silverstar Custom VLH18 € 51.20 18" Bass Drum Hoop VLH20 € 54.50 20" Bass Drum Hoop VLH22 € 57.80 22" Bass Drum Hoop VLH24 € 61.20 24" Bass Drum Hoop For Silverstar Custom (Tamo Ash Outer Ply) VTH18 € 51.20 18" Bass Drum Hoop VTH20 € 54.50 20" Bass Drum Hoop VTH22 € 57.80 22" Bass Drum Hoop VTH24 € 61.20 24" Bass Drum Hoop For Silverstar VKH18C € 43.40 18" Bass Drum Hoop VKH20C € 46.70 20" Bass Drum Hoop VKH22C € 48.90 22" Bass Drum Hoop VKH24C € 51.20 24" Bass Drum Hoop Accu-Tune Bass Drum Hoop MAH18-6N € 25.60 18" Hoop, 6 Hole MAH20-8N € 30.00 20" Hoop, 8 Hole MAH22-8N € 32.30 22" Hoop, 8 Hole Die-Cast Hoops (H/BN) MDH84 € 37.80 8" Hoop, 4 Hole MDH106 € 41.20 10" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH126 € 46.70 12" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH136 € 50.00 13" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH13-8 € 52.30 13" Hoop, 8 Hole 14" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH14-6 € 52.30 (Only Chrome & BN) MDH148 € 54.50 14" Hoop, 8 Hole MDH158 € 60.00 15" Hoop, 8 Hole MDH168 € 60.00 16" Hoop, 8 Hole MDH188 € 65.60 18" Hoop, 8 Hole Star-Cast Hoops (H/BN) MDH84F € 37.80 8" Hoop, 4 Hole MDH106F € 41.20 10" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH126F € 46.70 12" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH13-6F € 50.00 13" Hoop, 6 Hole 14" Hoop, 6 Hole MDH14-6F € 52.30 (Only Chrome & BN) MDH148F € 54.50 14" Hoop, 8 Hole MDH15-8F € 60.00 15" Hoop, 8 Hole MDH168F € 60.00 16" Hoop, 8 Hole Sound Arc Hoops (1.6mm) MFS8-4 € 17.80 8" Hoop, 4 Hole MFS10-6 € 18.90 10" Hoop, 6 Hole MFS12-6 € 20.00 12" Hoop, 6 Hole MFS13-6 € 21.20 13" Hoop, 6 Hole MFS14-6 € 22.30 14" Hoop, 6 Hole MFS14-8 € 22.30 14" Hoop, 8 Hole MFS16-8 € 24.50 16" Hoop, 8 Hole MFS18-8 € 25.60 18" Hoop, 8 Hole MFS14S-8 € 22.30 14" Snare Side, 8 Hole Steel Hoops (1.6mm) MFH6-OCT € 15.60 6" Hoop, 4 Hole (for Octoban) MFH6-4 € 13.40 6" Hoop, 4 Hole (for MT68ST) MFH84 € 14.50 8" Hoop, 4 Hole MFH106 € 16.70 10" Hoop, 6 Hole MFH126 € 14.50 12" Hoop, 6 Hole MFH136 € 16.70 13" Hoop, 6 Hole MFH146 € 17.80 14" Hoop, 6 Hole MFH148 € 17.80 14" Hoop, 8 Hole MFH166 € 18.90 16" Hoop, 6 Hole MFH168 € 18.90 16" Hoop, 8 Hole MFH18-6 € 20.00 18" Hoop, 6 Hole MFH188 € 20.00 18" Hoop, 8 Hole MFH128BN € 15.60 12" Hoop, 8 Hole (BN) MFH138BN € 16.70 13" Hoop, 8 Hole (BN) MFH1410BN € 17.80 14" Hoop, 10 Hole (BN) MFH12S8BN € 15.60 12" Snare Side, 8 Hole (BN) MFH13S6 € 16.70 13" Snare Side, 6 Hole MFH13S8BN € 16.70 13" Snare Side, 8 Hole (BN) MFH14S8 € 17.80 14" Snare Side, 8 Hole MFH14S10BN € 17.80 14" Snare Side, 10 Hole (BN) Prijzen zijn in Euro en inclusief B.T.W. - Wijzigingen in prijs en uitvoering voorbehouden 29
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