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MARCH 2014 CALIFORNIA LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION San Diego Chapter SAVE THE DATE! March 20 Educational Workshop: Facebook Like a Pro Page 5 IN THIS ISSUE: San Diego Chapter Kicks Off New Year with Fun and Games Page 2 Show You’re a Professional. Enter Chapter Awards Page 5 Members from the Past: Thom Maxwell-Miller Page 7 Water Updates Page 9 OFFSHOOT PO Box 7 Pollock Pines, CA 95726 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA PERMIT #2223 Sponsor Profile: KRC Rock Page 11 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Upcoming G3 Workshops Page 10 San Diego Chapter Kicks Off New Year with Fun and Games! On February 20, members and family of the CLCA San Diego Chapter kicked off the new year at North County Tavern and Bowl enjoying billiards, bowling and boisterous networking. Above: Lawrence O’Leary, Doug Chilton and Loren Godes of HydroScape. At right: The crew from KRC Rock. Below: Tulio Sibrian, Kristen and Cecilia from Green Valley Landscape. Above: Stacey Sturnot of ValleyCrest with her son. Below: Riki of TOR Insurance, a represenative from Benchmark, Harry Funk of Imperial Sprinkler, and Kyle. At left: Brenda Pyle and Terry Mason. Below left: Cecilia and Marizza, Green Valley Landscape. Below middle: Craig Mohns and Donette Lamson. Below right: Maureen and friend from Hydro-Plant. 2 CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 Thank You to Our 2014 Sponsors! PLATINUM SPONSORS Recognition in The Offshoot on the chapter website and at all chapter events. Foursome at the Golf Tournament; two complimentary tickets to: KickOff Dinner, Beautification Awards Ceremony, four tickets to the Holiday Dinner; and a plaque sponsorship for the Beautification Awards. Natural Stone & Boulder GOLD SPONSORS Recognition in The Offshoot on the chapter website and at all chapter events. Two complimentary tickets to: Kick-Off Dinner, Golf Tournament, Beautification Awards Ceremony, and Holiday Dinner; and a plaque sponsorship for the Beautification Awards. DIAMOND SPONSORS Recognition in The Offshoot on the chapter website and at all chapter events. Two complimentary tickets to: Beautification Awards Ceremony, one complimentary ticket to the Kick-Off Dinner, Golf Tournament and Holiday Dinner; and a plaque sponsorship for the Beautification Awards. San Diego County Water Authority EMERALD SPONSORS Recognition in The Offshoot on the chapter website and at all chapter events. Two complimentary tickets to: Beautification Awards Ceremony and Holiday Dinner. Grangetto’s Farm & Garden Supply The Toro Company The Brickman Group HydroPlant Hydroseeding, Inc. Green Valley Landscape Maintenance RUBY SPONSORS Recognition in The Offshoot on the chapter website and at all chapter events. Two complimentary tickets to: Kick-Off Dinner. Blue Skies Landscape Maintenance Columbine Landscape Heaviland Enterprises Mark Schroeder & Company Nature Designs Landscaping RCP Block & Brick CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 Village Nurseries 3 2014 San Diego Chapter Officers 2014 CLCA State Executive Board PRESIDENT LAWRENCE O’LEARY PRESIDENT Chuck Carr (805) 732-3705 Hydro-Scape Products [email protected] PRESIDENT ELECT Javier Lesaca (661) 836-0229 PRESIDENT ELECT OPEN IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Frank Niccoli (650) 592-9440 (858) 560-1600 VICE PRESIDENTS MIKE SALCEANU (619) 322-2664 Landscapes USA [email protected] MIMI CORTES (760) 633-2200 Tierra Verde Resources Inc. [email protected] JANET POZZUOLI-VALLIN (858) 487-8639 Belle Terre Landscapes [email protected] DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION Aaron Huxley (408) 824-0181 DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP James Walker (650) 333-2021 DIR. OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Shari Collins (805) 517-1971 (858) 201-1093 Valley Crest Tree Company [email protected] (858) 279-7661 Fax (858) 279-1304 SECRETARY JERRIE BEARD (530) 621-1701 Beard & Associates Fax (530) 621-2043 [email protected] AM REPRESENTATIVE LOREN GODES (858) 522-1175 Hydro-Scape Products FAX (858) 292-7747 [email protected] CLCA Headquarters 1491 River Park Drive, Ste. 100 Sacramento CA 95815-8899 (916) 830-2780 • (800) 448-2522 (916) 830-2788 Fax email: [email protected] ON THE COVER: The McClelland Residence by Torrey Pines Landscape Co., winner of the Residential Maintenance category at the CLCA State Trophy Awards at the chapter awards program held in June 2013. The CLCA San Diego Chapter newsletter is published monthly. Copy and advertising deadlines are the 10th of the month preceding publication. Please send all typewritten copy, black and white photos, line art and ad materials to: Jerrie Beard & Associates, PO Box 7, Pollock Pines, CA 95726. Emailed submissions also welcome at [email protected]. For information on advertising and rates, contact Jerrie Beard at (530) 621-1701. 4 DIRECTOR OF EVENTS Eric Briner (559) 453-2539 (909) 802-9672 STACEY STURNOT Mark Schroeder & Co., [email protected] DIRECTOR OF CHAPTER SERVICES Richard Sheffield (661) 245-1147 DIRECTOR OF LEGISLATION Pete Dufau, CLT (805) 642-1239 Wilbur-Ellis Company [email protected] MARCH 11 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS Jessica Centeno (310) 768-4089 Fax (858) 487-0689 DONETTE LAMSON TREASURER SANDRA GROW SECRETARY/TREASURER Ted Sandrowski (530) 345-6101 ATTENTION: Policy regarding RSVPs for events: If you RSVP for an event and are unable to attend, you must cancel your reservation at least 24 hours prior to the event, or you’ll be invoiced for the reservation. CO-DIRECTOR CHAPTER PRESIDENTS COUNCIL SOUTH Steve Beckstrom (714) 379-1140 CO-DIRECTOR CHAPTER PRESIDENTS COUNCIL NORTH Tim Hendricks (800) 891-7710 San Diego General Chapter Meeting*. Coco’s, 16759 Bernardo Ctr. Dr., Rancho Bernardo. 8:45 a.m. breakfast and networking, 9:15 a.m. meeting. $5 donation for breakfast encouraged. All welcome. MARCH 14 Bioswale training event. 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., followed by a social hour from 5 - 6 p.m. Learn about the County and City of San Diego’s newest design requirements for Bioswales and Detention Basins, about how to design, build and maintain successful Bioretention areas and more. Case studies will be analyzed by a panel of experts. Design Center Z-102, Mesa Community College, 7250 Mesa College Drive, San Diego. Register online at . MARCH 20 Educational event: FaceBook Like the Pros: Using Social Media to Grow Your Business. 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Classroom at Hunter Industries, 1940 Diamond St., San Marcos. See info at right. APRIL 4 ASSOCIATE MEMBER DIRECTOR John Hernandez (626) 965-5015 Landscape Industry Certified Written Test. Cuyamaca College. Visit for information and to register. San Diego Chapter Presidents APRIL 5 Past chapter presidents of the San Diego chapter. 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1982 1979 1978 1970 Lawrence O’Leary Sharon May Sharon May Diane Downey Sandra Grow Craig Mohns Loren Godes Harry Funk Mark Sterk Ken O’Haver Jerry Sebby Steve Jacobs Tom Heaviland Alan Stockton Pete Navarro Bill Schnetz John Mohns John Mohns Brian Maynard Ron Heaviland Steven Smith Lynda Wightman Ciro Delgadillo John Binkele Glenn Wilhite Jon Ewing Tom Ewing Thom Maxwell-Miller Gary Weems Gary Weems Joseph Kono Keith Wilhite Landscape Industry Certified Field Test. Cuyamaca College. Visit for information and to register. APRIL 8 San Diego General Chapter Meeting*. Coco’s, 16759 Bernardo Ctr. Dr., Rancho Bernardo. 8:45 a.m. breakfast and networking, 9:15 a.m. meeting. $5 donation for breakfast encouraged. All welcome. APRIL 15 CLCA San Diego Chapter Beautification Awards entry forms due. To download the entry form, visit APRIL 24 Educational Event: Color and Water-Conscious Fertilizers. 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. DM Color Express, 4343 Carmel Valley Rd., San Diego, CA 92130. We will be reviewing plants, pest and rodent control, and and the use of pesticides -- both organic and non-organic. MAY 13 San Diego General Chapter Meeting*. Coco’s, 16759 Bernardo Ctr. Dr., Rancho Bernardo. 8:45 a.m. breakfast and networking, 9:15 a.m. meeting. $5 donation for breakfast encouraged. All welcome. MAY 5-9 Beautification Awards Judging. Visit the chapter website at 2 days prior for the judging schedule. *San Diego General Chapter Meeting - Formerly the monthly board meeting, open to all members. Visit for up to date calendar listings. CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 CLCA San Diego Chapter Beautification Awards: Make a Statement About Your Professionalism. Enter Today. March 20: Educational Offering Facebook Like the Pros Using Social Media to Grow Your Business Social engagement. Cover photos. Posts, Likes. Promoting posts. Facebook ads. Are you overwhelmed by the task of making your business “social?” Join the CLCA San Diego Chapter on March 20, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Hunter Industries, 1940 Diamond St. in San Marcos for an informative educational session on using social media to grow your business. This interactive seminar will show you ways to grow your business on Facebook and SAVE TIME! You’ll learn everything you need to know about setting up your Facebook page and tidbits on other forms of social media. Bring your laptop or tablet to work on your Facebook presence as you learn. A light dinner and beverages will be provided. The instructor is Michael Hooper, who has been in Marketing and Sales for over 12 years helping businesses thrive. Watch your email and our website for more information and a link to register. What better way to show your company provides top of the line, professional service than having “award winning landscape contractor” on your marketing materials. It could happen if you enter your best projects in the 2014 San Diego Chapter Beautification Awards! We encourage everyone to participate, whether you have entered in the past or have never participated in the event. Your work is important and deserves to be recognized! The chapter retains a PR firm to promote the winners in the local media and has garnered a lot of press in the past few years. Promote yourself as a CLCA award winning company to current and prospective clients, on your website and in other promotional materials. And, don’t forget to hang those award plaques in a prominent place in your office. Entering the awards also shows your clients that you are confident of your work and provide a quality product. Share with your clients that you will be entering their project. This may motivate them to embrace enhancements that will improve the appearance of the project. The awards are great for employee morale and provide an incentive for your employees to do their best. Join us at the Awards Banquet in June. It’s always a great party, an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues and see what your peers have been up to. Entry forms are now available on the chapter website (or directly at Entries are due Tuesday, April 15, 5 p.m. Judging will take place May 5-9, and the awards presentation will be in late June. Don’t miss it! Delivering Unsurpassed Quality, Selection and Service Jim Muncill . . . . . [email protected] . . . .(702) 400-2397 Karen Hill . . . . . . [email protected] . . . . . . .(619) 654-9729 Rene Hieshetter . [email protected] . .(619) 654-9724 CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 5 I’ve Got a Feeling... Lawrence O’Leary, HydroScape Products Inc. CLCA San Diego Chapter President ...deep down inside, I need to explain a couple of things. First, it hasn’t rained in southern CA for a spell. I’ll address my drought take in this column – see at right. Second, the San Diego chapter is dynamic and isn’t anything close to a good ol’ boys club. Following is a (reminder) list of our Board members and Committee folks. You tell me if this is the CLCA of years gone by…. •Stacey Sturnot, Valley Crest Company – Events and President Elect •Mimi Cortez, Tierra Verde Resources, Inc. – Legislation and State Legislation assistance •Janet Pozzuoli-Vallin, Belle-Terre Landscape – Education Events •Donette Lamson, Wilbur Ellis, Inc. – Membership •Michael Salceanu, Landscapes USA – Resources •Lawrence O’Leary, Hydro-Scape – President •Sandra Grow, Mark Schroder Company, Inc. – Treasurer •Jerrie Beard, Beard & Associates – Secretary •Amy Conrad, Conrad Public Relations – Communications •Loren Godes, HydroScape – AMO Keep active, stay alert and be a part. ‘Cause things change. And an organization of like-minded people is a safety net. Good ol’ boys still welcome (I am one!). Landscape Boulder Pavers, Flagstone Aggregates Building Stone River Rock Pebbles, Cobble Colored Deco Gravel Stone Fountains Retaining Wall Systems Stone Tile Thin Veneer Stone Coronado® Stone 2014 DROUGHT AND YOUR CLIENT’S LANDSCAPES: A Message from the Chapter President What lies ahead for precipitation in California and the West is anyone’s guess, but be assured we are in a very good water available position in SoCal. Yes, I said we are in good shape when it comes to 2014 availability – but I said nothing about increased costs and political actions. THE FACTS - San Diego County Water Authority and Metropolitan Water District have water stored for the southland. A majority of our water comes from the Colorado River and that water source is at 90% of normal. Our second (and expanding) is local sources. Last in line is water from northern CA. THE WARNING - We are in a good water position, unless the politicians force our hand. Savvy environmental groups had the media’s attention providing some acceptable facts as well as some misinformation. Misinformation is what generally threatens and attacks our industry and your clients’ desires. THE ACTION - Governor Brown says to reduce water use by 20% voluntarily via Suggestion Skip that one directive. For a comprehensive water saving plan, continue to do what you have been doing to reduce our water immensely over the last 10 years; Serving since 1984 Stone & Boulder San Marcos • Poway • Lakeside 1-800-KRC-ROCK Your One-Stop Stone & Masonry Headquarters 6 install smart controllers and improved nozzles, conduct appropriate retrofits and plant material changes. Also, check out presented by our SDCWA and developed by some astute folks like you. CLCA STAYS AHEAD OF THE CURVE. Don’t forget what CLCA offers employee certification (CLT) and Water Manager Certification. NEXT STEPS IN SAN DIEGO – The Events Committee is arranging educational events to strengthen our ability to do more to save more in case we are headed for a place with less water. This is called being proactive. Pay attention to the Offshoot and your Inbox. Two ideas are presentations on water conservation beyond irrigation controllers and sprinkler heads. Consider those mechanical methods to water conservation. Being planned are Biological and Chemical Water Conservation Methods. The second is free hands-on training for your irrigation lead people. The focus is how to program the smart controllers that require accurate data input before programming can start. Can you think of a better way to bring entry-level landscape workers to a Water Manager “living wage?” Landscape has an answer to a problem again. Oh Yeah. This just in……..The Chapter is interviewing for a Treasurer. Sandra is active in new things and has submitted her resignation. She has been unselfishly reliable for our chapter in many Board positions including chapter president. I have some names, but hey, if you are interested in keeping our books, let me know. We do pay a stipend for several hours a week. (1-800-572-7625) Brett Hill (951) 972-2504 (800) 233-5254 P.O. Box 709 30932 Palm Ave. Nuevo, CA 92567 Growers of Quality Fescue & Bermuda Sod CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 Meet Members from the Past Thom Maxwell-Miller Brought Substance to Chapter Beautification Awards By Jerrie Beard with Jon Ewing Over the years, the efforts of many of our members have greatly contributed to the chapter, how the landscape industry is perceived, and professionalism in the industry. One such leader is Thom Maxwell-Miller. Thom’s contributions in the 1980’s and 1990’s greatly impacted the chapter and the industry in San Diego. Thom joined the CLCA in 1979 and became actively involved with the San Diego chapter board. He and his wife, Garnelle, were instrumental in reinvigorating the San Diego Chapter in the mid-1980’s. He served as San Diego Chapter President in 1986 and presided over a shift in chapter activities, political presence, and membership growth. Thom’s company at the time, Ecosystems Imagery, was a very successful landscape construction and design build firm. Their work consisted of high-end custom residential and custom botanical work, including construction of several of the exhibits at the San Diego Zoo. His professionalism and attention to detail in the construction of projects such as the Golden Monkey Exhibit and Tiger River at the Zoo earned the firm awards at the local, state and national level. He brought this attitude to CLCA and worked to promote professionalism within the landscape industry. In 1984 and 1985, Thom chaired the San Diego Chapter Beautification Awards committee. Prior to that, interest in the program had been declining. Through his efforts, awareness and interest in the awards increased to the point where the local program rivals the state’s in the quality of entries received. Under his guidance, the program took on a new approach, becoming a gala event, which typically receives media coverage in local publications. FILTER EH-12 HEAD Together with companies such as Springtime Growers, Landtrends, Kimo’s Landscaping, Hunter Industries and Hydro-Plant, Thom encouraged chapter involvement and member recruitment. He also influenced the chapter’s involvement with water policy and political affairs of interest to the landscape industry. In addition, Thom became involved in CLCA at the state level, serving as Vice President on CLCA’s Executive Board. In this position he acted as a liaison between CLCA, ASLA and ALCA (later to become known as PLANET), and oversaw the committees on licensing and special licensing, a project he worked on for many years. Maxwell-Miller is currently a Senior Project Manager for Park West Companies in Newport Beach and also provides management consulting in planning and entitlement, landscape architecture, environmental and habitat assessment, ecological restoration, resource management, civil engineering, and historic and cultural preservation. EH-12 EMITTER A BETTER IDEA BY DESIGN A logical idea - Drip irrigation in a head - twelve individual pressure compensating outlets. The patented filter is built right into the unit, and good filtration is what makes drip work. Drip irrigation designed for landscape - not adapted to it. Call or write for more information. 10910 Wheatlands Ave. Santee, CA 92071 619 562-3100, 800 77OLSON FAX: 619 562-2724 CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 7 CLCA San Diego 20+ Year Members Thank You to these San Diego Members for their continued support for over 20 years, and to our Life Members for at least 25 Years of Continuous Membership (bolded) Am-Sod, Inc. • Arisocrat Landscape Maintenance Takendo Arii • Beard & Associates Benchmark Landscape Inc.• Brickman Group LLC Blue Skies Landscape Maint. • Cuyamaca College Daniel’s Landscape • Ewing Irrigation Products Futaba Landscape • Steve George Green Horizons Landscape & Maint. Holmes Landscape Co. • Hunter Industries Hydro-Plant Inc. • Hydrosprout Inc. Hydro-Scape Products Inc. J.M.D. Landscape Inc. KRC Rock Inc. • Kimo’s Landscaping Landscape Progressions Inc. • Landscapes West Lanskers LS Design • Alfred Lehmann H.D. Lehmann Inc. • E. Leslie’s Landscape Mark Schroeder & Co., Inc. • John Mohns Nature Designs Landscaping New Way LS & Tree Srvc. • Olson Irrigation Pacific Sod • Palmatier Custom Landscape Parsons Designscapes • Kim Rusing San Diego Scape & Maint. Schnetz Landscape Inc. • Shasta Landscaping Southland Sod Farms • Southwestern College Steven Smith LS Inc. • Sunlite Landscape Inc. Van Slyke Landscape Inc. • VerdeScape Inc. Village Nurseries • V.I.T. Products Inc. Western Tree Service • Yasuda Tree Nursery Gary Weems • Keith Wilhite • Glenn Wilhite 8 Welcome New Members Please join us in welcoming the following new members to our chapter. • Jaime Morales, Student 8326 Mesa View Way, Spring Valley 619/479-0979 • Jose Rodriguez, Student 225 Orange Ae., #5, Coronado 619/872-8189 • Mike Hogan San Diego Zoo Safari Park 15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd. Escondido • (760) 738-5054 CLCA San Diego Chapter Member Standings Congratulations to these member companies for reaching another membership milestone. 22 Year Members Jose Diaz, J.M.D. Landscape Inc. 18 Year Members Peter Trent, North County Yard Care Julian Ramirez, Julian’s Landscape Inc. 17 Year Members Mark Sterk, Columbine Landscape Inc. 11 Year Members Jay Roberts, Elite Landscape Development CLCA Member Benefits: •Internet Contractor Search •Human Resources Hotline •Legal Forms and Contracts •Legal Hotline •Knowledge Bank •Peer Consulting •Staff Experts •Job Bank •Supplier Material Search •Professional Development Seminars •Credit Card Processing •Group Insurance •Certification Programs CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 10 Year Members Tom Lewis, Tierra Verde Resources Inc. Greg Vasilieff, Western Gardens LS Inc. 6 Year Members Jorge Sanchez, Watersedge Landscape Inc. 4 Year Members Michelle Curtis, Helix Water District 3 Year Members Sue Willis, Shibui Landscape Inc. 2 Year Members Daniel DiMento, Buena Vista Landscaping Water Updates Water Conservation Incentives: As we head into the warmer spring and summer months, it’s time to double down on water conservation in the landscape. The City of San Diego, local and regional water districts are offering several incentives to make landscapes and outdoor irrigation systems more water efficient. Some of these include: •Turf Replacement Rebates: San Diego County Water Authority is offering a $1.50 per square foot rebate to replace non-essential lawn areas with water thrifty landscaping. For details: •Residential and Commercial Rebates: Metropolitan Water District of Southern California offers rebates on many water efficient device upgrades, including rain barrels, high efficiency washing machines, high efficiency toilets, efficient landscape irrigation equipment and more. •San Dieguito Water District Customers: Single family and mulit-family residential customers of SDWD are eligible for the Free Sprinkler Nozzles program. Small properties are entitled to up to 25 Toro Precision pressure compensating nozzles; large properties, may be eligible for up to 100 free nozzles. Check the instructions on line at •Soil Moisture Sensing System from SoCal WaterSmart. Soil Moisture Sensors measure the moisture in the soil before each scheduled irrigation event, and the irrigation controller bypasses the scheduled run cycle if the soil moisture is above a certain threshold. SoCal Water$mart eligible soil moisture sensor systems must include a sensor and a calibrator and an irrigation controller. Rebates start at $80. •California-Friendly Landscape Contest. Have you installed or do you maintain a water efficient residential landscape that you are particularly proud of? Maybe this is the year to enter it in the California Friendly Landscape contest sponsored by local water agencies. All residential projects must be a customer of one of the participating water agencies listed here: California American Water City of Escondido City of Oceanside City of San Diego Helix Water District Olivenhain MWD Otay Water District Padre Dam MWD San Dieguito Water District Santa Fe Irrigation District Sweetwater Authority Vallecitos Water District Vista Irrigation District Overall water efficiency in the landscape will be evaluated to determine the winner. The deadline for submission is April 7, 2014. A winner from each participating District will be awarded a $250 gift certificate. The award ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 17 at Cuyamaca College’s Water Conservation Garden. For more information and entry forms, visit CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 9 To ZD or Not to ZD FX Luminaire’s ZD product line increases customizable landscape lighting options. By Robert Romo, Ewing Irrigation Integrating lighting fixtures into landscapes can lead to huge profits. It’s also exciting to install and customize systems, since no lighting project is ever really the same. You can customize a landscape in numerous ways. Daytime and nighttime focal points are showcased, walkways and drives are enhanced, and you can bring warmth and life to an otherwise boring and ordinary landscapes. But how can the installation process get any better? LED technology offers several options. The world of lighting changed dramatically when LEDs were introduced, Gardens Will Change the World. G3 Training Workshops Set for April Submitted by Diane Downey The Green Gardens Group (G3) is a forprofit California LLC providing landscape-based solutions to solve environmental problems. Working with policy makers, landscape professionals and members of the surrounding community, G3 builds teams of qualified professionals to develop education, outreach and consulting programs, build sustainable green careers, and energize communities to protect and restore urban watersheds. G3’s mission is to build a Community of trained people who can create gardens that nurture and respect our natural resources and foster an economic environment that supports urban watershed transformation. We utilize a holistic, watershed wise hands-on approach to winning the hearts, minds, and actions of all stakeholders in an Urban Water Management Plan. G3 empowers its Network through Education, Consulting, Design, and Activism. G3 trains and deploys regionally-distributed teams of Associates, Founding Members, Certified Professionals, and Qualified Trainers to work with Program Partners and the surrounding Community of homeowners, policy makers, and landscape professionals. G3 develops curriculum, handbooks, workshops, and other materials and strategies for connecting people to the natural world and creating green workforce opportunities to change 10 their lives. On April 8, G3 will be presenting a workshop on the core concepts of sustainable landscapes. This one day Core Concepts Workshop covers the essential mathematics and science principles of sustainable landscapes. This class is the pre-requisite for all G3 training. All materials and food (organic breakfast, lunch and snacks) are included in the registration fee. This workshop is open to anyone with a San Diego zip code. Register online at: . On April 9 and 10, G3 will present a Communications Workshop. This two day training is designed to connect you with your personal passion for environmental issues and turn that passion into profit by teaching for G3 or simply by improving your ability to motivate people to make changes in their landscapes. G3’s Communication Workshop is the second step toward becoming a Qualified Trainer for G3. If you give presentations or sell your services for a living, this workshop is for you! Tap into your passion to become a more confident and compelling advocate for yourself and the environment! Attendance for this special workshop is limited to people with a San Diego County zip code only. All materials and food (organic breakfast, lunch and snacks) are included in the registration fee. Register online at . CLCA San Diego Chapter • February 2014 especially in the landscape industry. Professionals no longer have to worry as much about having to balance the number of fixtures on one run. You can now just lay down the wire and install the fixtures “daisy chain” style, reducing the amount of wire purchased. You can also install many more fixtures on one single run due to the decreased wattage draw of LEDs, which saves unnecessary expenses on larger or multiple transformers. But wait, there’s more! In 2012, FX Luminaire’s line of lights rolled out a revolutionary product that was never before seen. They came out with a line of LED lighting fixtures, with ZD (zoning and dimming) technology and the Luxor ZD controller. Each individual fixture can now have its own address and percentage setting from 0 to 100 on the light output brightness scale. They can be zoned, or grouped together to create different themes in the landscape. So you can now create a romantic setting around the hot tub or create a party theme to light up the activity area of a property. You can lower the brightness and increase the intensity of any area you feel needs to be flooded with light. FX Luminaire’s LED line also comes prepacked with four different color filters to create different moods that can be customized throughout the landscape. The options are endless. The thought of changing out an area of your landscape to be illuminated is no longer limited to one fixed style. Different days call for different moods, and everyone can appreciate a little flexibility, especially if you spent thousands of dollars creating your own perfect backyard utopia. There is much more to come from FX Luminaire, and I choose them as a partner in my own landscape. How about you? Robert Romo is the manager of Ewing’s West Los Angeles branch, located at 2327 Federal Ave., and can be reached at 310.479.9533 or [email protected]. Robert is a board member for the CLCA Pacific Coast Chapter. Platinum Sponsor Profiles Each month, we will highlight the businesses who have commited to sponsor our chapter at the highest level. We appreciate your support and encourage our members to support the firms who support our chapter and its events. In August of 1984 KRC Rock, (originally known as KOR-ROCK), revolutionized the landscape industry in Southern California with the introduction of a unique boulder delivery and placement system. The KR2500 crane-truck enabled the delivery and precise placement of very large boulders by one person operating the machine. This ability has opened new vistas to landscape architects, homeowners and contractors. Additionally, KRC Rock began offering an extensive inventory of rock and boulders in a multitude of sizes, styles and colors at their yard. This was an exciting concept in 1984. Over the last 30 years, KRC Rock has kept pace with changing trends in landscaping. The company continually adds new varieties of natural and manufactured stone to accommodate the discerning tastes of a more adventurous and creative customer base. Today you can rely on the longevity of KRC Rock’s experienced and enthusiastic team to bring you the best variety, selection, and inventory of natural stone available. You’ll find landscape boulder, various types of flagstones and tile (including slate, sandstone, quartzite, argillite, and schist), as well as a wide variety of pavers, building stone, thin veneer, river rock, beach pebbles, pond kits, one-of-a-kind stone fountains, unique CLCA San Diego Chapter • March 2014 specialty stone, and stone cleaners and sealers. With their specialized delivery capabilities and unparalleled service and free Do It Yourself classes, KRC Rock will help you achieve your vision from the design stage to project completion. Jerry Sebby, president of KRC Rock, has been involved with the San Diego Chapter of the CLCA since 1987, serving on the board of directors and chairing many events including the golf tournament and awards program. He served as Chapter President in 2003. Jerry has also been involved with the Landscape Industry Show at the state level. Over the years, KRC Rock has supported the chapter and the association through sponsorship dollars and donations of time or materials to chapter and home show projects. For the past several years, KRC Rock has hosted the Chapter’s popular Rocktoberfest event in the outdoor kitchen at their San Marcos location. KRC Rock has three locations in San Diego county: San Marcos, Poway and Lakeside. 11 Palms 15g to 60”boxes Palms 35+ YEARS IN THE INDUSTRY 500 ACRES IN PRODUCTION Call Today for a Quote Immediate Delivery Available! Located in Southern California We Ship Nationwide 858-703-7667 [email protected] P.O. Box 503130 • San Diego, CA 92150 Fax: 858-481-5649 Oaks Oaks & & Olives Olives Field Dug, Boxed, Container Grown (All Sizes) Incredible Availability Availability 4”, Flats, Gallons, 5’s and 15’s Incredible