Spa Jets / Cluster Jet Internals
Spa Jets / Cluster Jet Internals
Spa Jets / Cluster Jet Internals 215-9860 212-8400 215-9957 212-9890S 215-9837 215-9967 212-8810 212-8837 215-9847 212-9967S 212-9900S / 215-9907 Cluster Jet Internals Part No. Description Case Quantity 215-9860 212-9870 212-8400 215-9950 215-9840 212-9890S 215-9820 215-9830 215-9960 212-9960S 212-8810 212-8830 215-9900 212-9900S Ozone - Smooth Ozone - Stainless Steel Front Access - Pulsator - Smooth Fixed Directional - 5-Scallop Large Face - Smooth Non-Adjustable - Large Face - Stainless Steel - Thick Non-Adjustable - Large Face - Textured - Thick Large Face - Textured - 5-Scallop Fixed Directional - Large Face - 5-Scallop Fixed Directional - Large Face - Stainless Steel Directional - Large Face - Smooth Directional - Large Face - 5-Scallop Extra Large Face - 2 3/8" - Smooth Extra Large Face - 2 3/8" - Stainless Steel 200 500 200 500 150 250 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 List (US $) 2.12 4.70 3.69 2.60 2.60 5.14 2.60 3.14 3.68 7.00 3.69 3.69 2.97 5.91 68 Spa Jets / Universal Cluster Jet Body FEATURES: • Multi body construction allows for universal plumbing (back body can be plumbed facing in any direction) • Fits any existing cluster internal including new Fixed Eyeball designs • ¼" Nozzle for 7 GPM @ 12 PSI flow rate • Available with flat or grommet style gaskets 212-0500 Universal Cluster Jets 69 Part No. Description Case Quantity 212-0500 212-0500G Universal Cluster Jet Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 90° Ell - Flat Gasket Universal Cluster Jet Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 90° Ell - Grommet Gasket 200 200 List (US $) 4.47 4.47 Spa Jets / Ozone Cluster Jet Bodies 211-0300 211-0310 212-0090 212-0550 212-0560 212-0580 Ozone Cluster Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 211-0300 211-0310 211-0320 212-0090 212-0540 212-0550 212-0560 212-0580 212-0590 Straight Body - 3/8" RB Air x ½" S / 1" Spigot Water Straight Body - ½" S Water / 1" Spigot x 3/8" SB Air Straight Body - 3/8" RB Air x ½" S Water Ell Body - 3/8" RB Air x ¾" RB Water with Nozzle Ell Body - No Air x ¾" S Water with Nozzle Ell Body - 3/8" B Air x ¾" SB Water with Nozzle Ell Body - No Air x ½" S Water with Nozzle Ell Body - 3/8" RB Air x ½" S Water with Nozzle Ell Body - 3/8" RB Air x ¾" S Water with Nozzle 250 250 250 200 180 200 180 200 180 List (US $) 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 4.19 212-4150 Euro Blaster Jet Body and Wall Fitting Assembly Part No. Description Case Quantity 212-4150 ¾" RB x 3/8" SB - ½" Orifice - 25 GPM @ 15 PSI 200 List (US $) 8.39 70 Spa Jets / Poly Jets 210-6040 210-9790 210-8750 Standard Poly Jets Part No. Description Case Weight Case Quantity 210-6040 210-8750 210-9790 Adjustable - Caged Style Monster - Caged Style (5/16" - 3/8" - 7/16" - ½" Orifice) Whirlpool - Caged Style (3/4" Orifice) 11.6 lbs. 13 lbs. 12 lbs. 75 50 50 210-5830 210-5860 210-5880 210-5910 210-5950 210-9500 List (US $) 10.80 10.80 10.80 Poly Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 210-5830 210-5860 210-5880 210-5910 210-5950 210-9500 1" S Air x 1" S Water - No Top Plug Tee Body - 1" S Air x 1 ½" S Water - with Top Plug Ell Body - 3/8" RB Air x ¾" RB Water Ell Body - 3/8" RB Air x ¾" S Water Straight Body - 1 1/2" S Water x 1/2" / 1" Spigot Air 32mm Air x 32mm Water 40 30 60 60 60 30 All Poly Jet body assemblies include a body and wall fitting. 71 List (US $) 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 10.80 Spa Jets / Poly Jets 711-1730 711-1750 916-1250 218-1770A Poly Jet Accessories Part No. Description Case Quantity 711-1730 711-1750 711-4750 916-1250 218-1770A 805-0132 Grommet Gasket Standard Gasket (Thin) 3/16" Gasket (Thick) Escutcheon - Stainless Steel (Standard Poly Jets only) Wrench/Test Plug with O-Ring Assembly Wrench O-Ring 1400 500 500 -150 25 List (US $) 0.50 0.50 0.77 4.65 5.39 0.55 72 Spa Jets / Storm Jet Body Assemblies 1.8125" 2.625" Adj. Cluster Storm 3.6" 2.7" Mini-Storm 4.3" 3.2" Poly Storm 5.4" 4.8" Power Storm 5.8" 5.8" Mega Storm 73 Spa Jets / Storm Jet Body Assemblies Adjustable Cluster Storm Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 228-1720G 228-1560G 228-1550G 228-1570G 228-1580G Body Assembly - 3/4" RB x No Air Body Assembly - ¾" SB x 3/8" RB - Shur-Grip Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 3/8" RB Body Assembly - ¾" S x 3/8" RB Body Assembly - ½" S x 3/8" RB 100 100 100 100 100 Part No. Description Case Quantity 228-0320 228-0310 228-0300 228-0330 Body Assembly - ½" S x 3/8" B Body Assembly - ¾" S x 3/8" B Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 3/8" RB Body Assembly - ¾" SB x 3/8" RB - Shur-Grip 100 100 100 100 List (US $) 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 6.44 Mini-Storm Jet Body Assemblies List (US $) 6.78 6.78 6.78 6.78 Poly Storm Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 228-0420 228-0410 228-0400 228-0430 Body Assembly - ½" S x 3/8" B Body Assembly - ¾" S x 3/8" B Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 3/8" RB Body Assembly - ¾" SB x 3/8" RB - Shur-Grip 70 70 70 70 List (US $) 7.68 7.68 7.68 7.68 Power Storm Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 228-0030 228-0020 228-0530 228-0040 228-0010 Body Assembly - ½" S x 3/8" SB Body Assembly - ¾" S x 3/8" SB Same Side Body Assembly - ¾" S x 3/8" SB Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 3/8" RB Body Assembly - ¾" SB x 3/8" RB - Shur-Grip 25 25 25 25 25 List (US $) 8.38 8.38 8.38 8.38 8.38 Mega Storm Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 223-2100 223-2110 223-2120 Body Assembly - ¾" S x 3/8" B Body Assembly - ¾" SB x 3/8" B - Shur-Grip Body Assembly - ¾" RB x 3/8" B 20 20 20 List (US $) 11.96 11.96 11.96 Note: All part numbers above are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet body, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. Note: Jet Bodies include flat gaskets. Grommet gaskets available upon request. CPVC bodies available upon request. 74 Jets / Storm Jets - Smooth Plastic Mini-Storm Galaxy Cluster Storm Directional Poly Storm Roto 75 Power Storm Massage Pat. #5,920,925 Jets / Storm Jets - Smooth Plastic Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Storm Jets - Smooth Plastic Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-1510 229-1530 229-0100 229-9700 229-3800 229-7900 229-7910 229-7940 229-7810 229-8350 229-8380 229-8040 229-8000 229-8130 229-8020 229-8180 229-8520 229-8280 229-6640 229-6660 229-6630 229-6610 229-6650 229-7500 229-1950 224-2100 224-2160 224-2130 Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Directional Pulsator Rifled Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Multi-Massage Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Rifled Turbulator Thruster Twirl 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 3 3/8" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 120 120 130 120 120 130 130 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 List (US $) 3.61 4.89 3.61 3.61 4.64 9.01 12.10 12.10 13.39 9.01 9.01 11.85 14.94 14.94 17.00 11.85 14.94 11.85 14.94 14.94 19.57 19.57 23.69 14.94 14.94 30.90 28.84 27.81 Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 76 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Smooth Stainless Steel Mini-Storm Large Face Galaxy Cluster Storm Directional Power Storm Massage Poly Storm Large Face Multi-Massage Pat. #5,920,925 Storm Jets - Smooth Stainless Steel 77 Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-1500S 229-1520S 229-0100S 229-9700S 229-3800S 229-7920S 229-7820S 229-7930S 229-7830S 229-7950S 229-7840S 229-7800S 229-7850S 229-8330S 229-8310S 229-8370S 229-8390S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Directional Pulsator Rifled Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Multi-Massage Multi-Massage 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel 200 200 200 200 200 180 120 180 120 180 120 180 120 180 120 180 120 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 9.27 9.27 10.56 17.00 17.51 20.09 20.60 20.09 20.60 21.37 21.89 17.00 17.51 17.00 17.51 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Smooth Stainless Steel Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Storm Jets - Smooth Stainless Steel Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-8050S 229-8160S 229-8010S 229-8140S 229-8120S 229-8170S 229-8030S 229-8150S 229-8190S 229-8060S 229-8530S 229-8540S 229-8270S 229-8290S 229-7630S 229-7300S 229-7370S 229-7640S 229-7280S 229-7430S 229-7600S 229-7310S 229-7380S 229-7610S 229-7320S 229-7390S 229-7740S 229-7360S 229-7480S 229-7510S 229-7330S 229-7450S 229-1950S 224-2100S 224-2160S 224-2130S Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Massage Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Directional Directional Directional Twirl Twirl Twirl Roto Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Rifled Turbulator Thruster Twirl 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 5" 5 ½" 6 ½" 5" 5 ½" 6 ½" 5" 5 ½" 6 ½" 5" 5 ½" 6 ½" 5" 5 ½" 6 ½" 5" 5 ½" 6 ½" 5" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Extra Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Extra Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Extra Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Extra Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Extra Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Extra Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 100 60 100 100 100 60 100 60 100 60 100 60 100 60 50 35 25 50 35 25 50 35 25 50 35 25 50 35 25 50 35 25 50 20 20 20 List (US $) 23.43 24.21 26.52 27.30 26.52 27.30 28.58 29.36 23.43 24.21 28.58 29.36 23.43 24.21 28.33 29.36 31.42 28.33 29.36 31.42 32.96 33.99 36.05 32.96 33.99 36.05 37.08 38.11 40.17 28.33 29.36 31.42 28.33 39.14 37.08 36.05 Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 78 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - 5-Scallop Cluster Storm Pulsator Mini-Storm Large Face Galaxy Power Storm Massage Poly Storm Large Face Roto 79 Pat. #5,920,925 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - 5-Scallop Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Storm Jets - 5-Scallop Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-1500 229-1540 229-1520 229-1590 229-9710 229-9720 229-3010 229-7920 229-7820 229-7930 229-7830 229-7950 229-7840 229-7800 229-7850 229-8330 229-8310 229-8370 229-8390 229-0160 229-9500 229-8050 229-8160 229-8010 229-8140 229-8120 229-8170 229-8030 229-8150 229-8190 229-8060 229-8530 229-8540 229-8270 229-8290 229-9600 229-7630 229-7640 229-7600 229-7610 229-7740 229-7510 229-1960 Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Directional Directional Pulsator Pulsator Shower Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Rifled Twister Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Massage Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Rifled 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 4" 3 3/8" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" Smooth Textured Smooth Textured Smooth Textured Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Textured Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Textured Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Large Face - Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth Smooth 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 250 200 250 200 250 200 250 200 250 200 250 200 200 200 130 100 130 100 130 130 130 100 130 100 130 100 130 100 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 List (US $) 3.61 3.61 4.89 4.89 3.61 3.61 4.64 9.01 9.01 12.10 12.10 12.10 12.10 13.99 13.39 9.01 9.01 9.01 9.01 9.01 12.10 11.85 11.85 14.94 14.94 14.94 14.94 17.00 17.00 11.85 11.85 17.00 17.00 11.85 11.85 14.94 14.94 14.94 19.57 19.57 23.69 14.94 14.94 Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) 80 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - 5-Scallop Stainless Steel Mini-Storm Massage Cluster Storm Pulsator Power Storm Multi-Massage Poly Storm Roto 81 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - 5-Scallop Stainless Steel Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Storm Jets - 5-Scallop Stainless Steel Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-5310 229-5320 229-0110S 229-9720S 229-5410S 229-5420S 229-5430S 229-5440S 229-5450S 229-8310S 229-5480S 229-9500S 229-5510S 229-5520S 229-5530S 229-5540S 229-5550S 229-5560S 229-5580S 229-9600S 229-5610S 229-5620S 229-5630S 229-5640S 229-5650S 229-5690S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Directional Pulsator Rifled Shower Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Galaxy Multi-Massage Twister Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3 5/16" 3" 3" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" 5" Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 250 120 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 50 50 50 50 50 50 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 9.27 9.27 17.00 20.09 20.09 21.37 9.27 9.79 9.27 20.09 24.21 27.30 27.30 29.36 24.21 29.36 24.21 27.30 28.33 28.33 32.96 32.96 37.08 28.33 Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 82 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - 6-Spoke Mini-Storm Rifled Cluster Storm Shower Pat. #D,574,964 S Power Storm Twister Pat. #D,574,964 S Poly Storm Roto Pat. #D,574,964 S Mega Storm Turbulator Pat. #D,574,964; Patented Design Pat. # TBA 83 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - 6-Spoke Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Storm Jets - 6-Spoke Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-1470S 226-1470S 229-1440S 226-1440S 229-0130S 226-0130S 229-1770S 229-3830S 229-8630S 229-8640S 229-8650S 229-8660S 229-8670S 229-8700S 229-0180S 229-9520S 229-8590S 229-8570S 229-8580S 229-3200S 229-3210S 229-3220S 229-3240S 224-5710 229-1930S 229-9620 229-7570S 229-7580S 229-7550S 229-7560S 229-7590S 229-7250S 224-6700S 229-7700S 229-1980S 224-2110S 224-2170S 224-2140S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Directional Directional - 100% Shut-Off Pulsator Pulsator - 100% Shut-Off Rifled Rifled - 100% Shut-Off Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Multi-Massage Rifled Twister Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Rifled Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Twister Rifled Turbulator Thruster Twirl 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 180 200 200 200 200 200 180 180 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 65 100 100 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 20 20 20 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 10.56 11.85 9.27 10.56 9.27 10.56 17.00 20.09 20.09 21.37 17.00 17.00 17.00 20.09 24.21 27.30 22.30 29.36 24.21 29.36 24.21 27.30 24.21 27.30 28.33 28.33 32.96 32.96 37.08 28.33 32.96 32.96 28.33 39.14 37.08 36.05 Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) All 6-Spoke Storm Jets are available as Plastic / Stainless Steel or Two-Tone Plastic. Please call for Two-Tone Plastic part numbers and colors. Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 84 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Revo Mini-Storm Multi-Massage Cluster Storm Shower Pat. #D591,863 S Pat. #D591,863 S Power Storm Rifled Poly Storm Acupressure Pat. #D591,863 S Pat. #5,920,925 Pat. #D591,863 S Mega Storm Twirl Pat. #D591,863 S 85 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Revo Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Storm Jets - Revo Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-1460S 226-1460S 229-1430S 226-1430S 229-0120S 226-0120S 229-9730S 229-8790S 229-8850S 229-8860S 229-8870S 229-8880S 229-9020S 229-0170S 229-9510S 229-3250S 229-3260S 229-3270S 229-3280S 229-3290S 229-3600S 229-3620S 224-5700 229-1920S 229-9610S 229-7120S 229-7130S 229-7140S 229-7150S 229-7160S 229-7090S 224-6710S 229-7690S 229-1970S 224-2120S 224-2180S 224-2150S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Mega Storm Directional Directional - 100% Shut-Off Pulsator Pulsator - 100% Shut-Off Rifled Rifled - 100% Shut-Off Shower Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Multi-Massage Rifled Twister Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Rifled Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Twister Rifled Turbulator Thruster Twirl 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" 6 1/8" Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 180 180 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 65 100 100 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 20 20 20 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 10.56 11.85 9.27 10.56 9.27 17.00 20.09 20.09 21.37 17.00 17.00 17.00 20.09 24.21 27.30 27.30 29.36 24.21 29.36 24.21 27.30 24.21 27.30 28.33 28.33 32.96 32.96 37.08 28.33 32.96 32.96 28.33 39.14 37.08 36.05 Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) All Revo Storm Jets are available as Plastic / Stainless Steel or Two-Tone Plastic. Please call for Two-Tone Plastic part numbers and colors. Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 86 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Swirl Mini-Storm Massage Cluster Storm Large Face Rifled Pat. #5,920,925 Pat. #D,574,501 S Pat. #D,574,501 S Poly Storm Massage Power Storm Acupressure Pat. #5,920,925 Pat. #D,574,501 S Pat. #D,574,501 S Storm Jets - Swirl 87 Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-1670S 226-1670S 229-0210S 229-1780S 226-1780S 229-0220S 229-0140S 226-0140S 229-0230S 229-1790S 229-0300S 229-0240S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Directional Directional - 100% Shut-Off Directional Pulsator Pulsator - 100% Shut-Off Pulsator Rifled Rifled - 100% Shut-Off Rifled Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off Shower 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 14.42 10.56 11.85 15.71 9.27 10.56 14.42 9.27 10.56 14.42 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Swirl Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Storm Jets - Swirl Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-8440S 229-8470S 229-8450S 229-8460S 229-9050S 229-9040S 229-0190S 229-9530S 229-4020S 229-0440S 229-4030S 229-0450S 229-4040S 229-0460S 229-4050S 229-0620S 229-4060S 229-0470S 229-4070S 229-4090S 229-0480S 229-5720S 229-0490S 229-1940S 229-0610S 229-9630S 229-0410S 229-6340S 229-6180S 229-6380S 229-6360S 229-6350S 229-6170S 229-6700S 229-7680S 229-1990S Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Multi-Massage Rifled Twister Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Acupressure Rifled Rifled Twister Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Twister Rifled 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Large Face - Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel Plastic / Stainless Steel 200 200 200 200 200 200 180 180 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 100 70 65 70 100 70 100 70 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 List (US $) 17.00 20.09 20.09 21.37 17.00 17.00 17.00 20.09 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 27.30 29.36 29.36 31.42 24.21 26.27 29.50 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 28.33 28.33 32.96 32.96 37.08 28.33 32.96 32.96 28.33 Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) All Swirl Storm Jets are available as Plastic / Stainless Steel or Two-Tone Plastic. Please call for Two-Tone Plastic part numbers and colors. Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 88 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Reverse Swirl Cluster Storm Directional Mini-Storm Twin Roto Pat. #D,574,501 S Pat. #D,574,501 S Power Storm Twister Poly Storm Twin Roto Pat. #D,574,501 S Pat. #D,574,501 S Storm Jets - Reverse Swirl 89 Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-2700S 229-3300S 229-2740S 229-2720S 229-3310S 229-2760S 229-2710S 229-3320S 229-2750S 229-2730S 229-3330S 229-2770S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Directional Directional - 100% Shut-Off Directional Pulsator Pulsator - 100% Shut-Off Pulsator Rifled Rifled - 100% Shut-Off Rifled Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off Shower 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 3 5/16" Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 14.42 10.56 11.85 15.71 9.27 10.56 14.42 9.27 10.56 14.42 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Reverse Swirl Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Storm Jets - Reverse Swirl Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-2400S 229-2420S 229-2430S 229-2440S 229-2450S 229-2480S 229-2410S 229-2940S 229-2800S 229-2500S 229-2820S 229-2520S 229-2830S 229-2530S 229-2840S 229-2540S 229-2850S 229-2550S 229-2860S 229-2880S 229-2580S 229-2890S 229-2590S 229-2810S 229-2510S 229-2950S 229-2960S 229-2600S 229-2610S 229-2630S 229-2640S 229-2650S 229-2690S 229-2780S 229-2790S 229-2620S Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Multi-Massage Rifled Twister Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Acupressure Rifled Rifled Twister Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Twister Rifled 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 100 70 100 70 100 70 100 70 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 List (US $) 17.00 20.09 20.09 21.37 17.00 17.00 17.00 20.09 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 27.30 29.36 29.36 31.42 24.21 26.27 29.36 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 28.33 28.33 32.96 32.96 37.08 28.33 32.96 32.96 28.33 Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) All Reverse Swirl Storm Jets are available as Stainless Steel / Plastic or Two-Tone Plastic. Please call for Two-Tone Plastic part numbers and colors. Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 90 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Nova Mini-Storm Multi-Massage Pat. #D,574,964 S Cluster Storm Pulsator Pat. #D,574,964 S Poly Storm Directional Power Storm Massage Pat. #D,574,964 S Pat. #D,574,964 S; Pat. #5,920,925 Storm Jets - Nova 91 Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-9000S 229-9050S 229-9010S 229-3400S 229-9020S 229-3410S 229-9060S 229-3420S Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Adj. Cluster Storm Directional Directional - 100% Shut-Off Pulsator Pulsator - 100% Shut-Off Rifled Rifled - 100% Shut-Off Shower Shower - 100% Shut-Off 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" 2 ¼" Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 List (US $) 9.27 10.56 10.56 11.85 9.27 10.56 9.27 10.56 Spa Jets / Storm Jets - Nova Directional / Twirl (Steady Stream / Stationary Eyeball) Roto (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Twin Roto (Rotating Dual Stream) Massage (Pulsating Stream) Storm Jets - Nova Part No. Jet Type Eyeball Size Style Case Qty. 229-9100S 229-9150S 229-9130S 229-9160S 229-9170S 229-9140S 229-9180S 229-9190S 229-9200S 229-9300S 229-9210S 229-9310S 229-9220S 229-9330S 229-9230S 229-9330S 229-9240S 229-9340S 229-9250S 229-9260S 229-9350S 229-9270S 229-9360S 229-9280S 229-9370S 229-9290S 229-9380S 229-9410S 229-9440S 229-9420S 229-9430S 229-9460S 229-9400S 229-9490S 229-9450S 229-9480S Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Mini-Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Poly Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Power Storm Directional Roto Twin Roto Massage Galaxy Multi-Massage Rifled Twister Directional Directional Roto Roto Twin Roto Twin Roto Massage Massage Galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Massage Multi-Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Acupressure Rifled Rifled Twister Twister Directional Twirl Roto Twin Roto Massage Multi-Massage Acupressure Twister Rifled 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/16" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 3 5/8" 4 3/8" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" 5 ¼" Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Large Face - Stainless Steel Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic Stainless Steel / Plastic 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 100 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 List (US $) 17.00 20.09 20.09 21.37 17.00 17.00 17.00 20.09 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 27.30 29.36 29.36 31.42 24.21 26.27 29.36 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 24.21 26.27 27.30 29.36 28.33 28.33 32.96 32.96 37.08 28.33 32.96 32.96 28.33 Galaxy (Gentle Shower) Multi-Massage (Multi-Shower) Rifled (Enhanced Steady Stream) Twister (Adjustable Rotating Stream) Acupressure (Pressure Ball) All Nova Storm Jets are available as Stainless Steel / Plastic or Two-Tone Plastic. Please call for Two-Tone Plastic part numbers and colors. Note: All part numbers are for the new thread-in style jets. To order a snap-in style jet, change the part number prefix to 212-xxxx. 92 Spa Jets / Storm Jet Accessories 218-5150 217-0047 / 217-0057 212-7797 210-3250 212-7757 Storm Jet Accessories 93 Part No. Description Case Quantity 217-0047 217-0057 218-5150 212-7797 210-3250 212-7757 Mini-Storm Jet Nozzle Reducer - ¼" Orifice Poly-Storm Jet Nozzle Reducer - ¼" Orifice Adj. Cluster Storm Self-Alignment Ring Mini-Storm Hand-Held Jet -5-Scallop Poly-Storm Hand-Held Jet - 5-Scallop Power-Storm Hand-Held Jet - 5-Scallop 12 12 500 5 5 12 List (US $) 0.33 0.33 0.64 76.66 93.10 109.70 Spa Jets / Double Seal Gaskets and Self-Alignment Rings Double Seal Gasket shown sealing two surfaces FEATURES: • Seals two surfaces for the very best seal possible • Easy installation • No silicone required • No silicone cleanup For years, OEM spa manufactures have been determined to build spas without the use of silicone. Now, finally there is a new gasket design that can be truly relied upon for a watertight seal that will last the life of the spa. Waterway’s new, patent pending Double Seal Gaskets seal two surfaces for the best seal possible. 711-6620 Pat. Pend. Double Seal Gaskets for Storm Jets Part No. Description Case Quantity 711-6920 711-4430 711-6620 Mini-Storm Double Seal Gasket Poly Storm Double Seal Gasket Power Storm Double Seal Gasket 500 500 250 List (US $) These gaskets are available now for our Mini, Poly, and Power Storm Jets, suctions and filters. 1.42 1.62 1.98 Gaskets and Self-Alignment Rings for Storm Jets Part No. Description Case Quantity 711-6900 711-6910 711-4400 711-4410 711-6500 711-6608 718-6960 218-4010 218-6680 218-6680T Mini-Storm Grommet Gasket Mini-Storm Flat Gasket Poly-Storm Grommet Gasket Poly-Storm Flat Gasket Power-Storm Grommet Gasket Power-Storm Flat Gasket Mini-Storm Self-Alignment Ring Poly-Storm Self-Alignment Ring Power-Storm Self-Alignment Ring - Regular Power-Storm Self-Alignment Ring - Thin 2000 3000 2000 3000 500 500 800 500 160 160 Part No. Description Case Quantity 806-0010 806-0011 806-0012 806-0013 EP Seal for Cluster Storm Jets EP Seal for Mini-Storm Jets EP Seal for Poly Storm Jets EP Seal for Power Storm Jets 60 60 60 60 List (US $) 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.69 0.69 0.81 0.82 2.32 2.32 EP Seals for Storm Jets List (US $) 0.45 0.82 1.12 1.88 94 Spa Jets / Whirlpool Jets FEATURES: • Adjustable flow control • Large 1 ½" socket intake • Available in smooth face and 5-Scallop escutcheons • Four water nozzle sizes to choose from: ½" - 5/8" - ¾" and 1" (see flow chart) • Self-alignment ring available for use without silicone (optional) • Universal on/off control (on = counterclockwise / off = clockwise) 6.25" PRESSURE VERSUS FLOW RATE 20 34.65 15 23.10 10 PSI Feet of Head 5" 46.20 11.55 5 0 0 ½" �⁄�" ¾" 1" 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Flow Rate (GPM) Whirlpool Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description Case Quantity 212-2000 212-2000G 212-2010 212-2010G 212-2130 212-2130G Body - with Flat Gasket - 1 ½" S x ½" S Body - with Grommet Gasket - 1 ½" S x ½" S Body - with Flat Gasket - 1" S x ½" S Body - with Grommet Gasket - 1" S x ½" S Same Side Body - with Flat Gasket - 1 ½" S x ½" S Same Side Body - with Grommet Gasket - 1 ½" S x ½" S 25 25 25 25 25 25 List (US $) 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 13.15 Whirlpool Jet Internals Part No. Description Case Quantity 212-2020 212-2030 212-2030S 212-2050 212-2060 212-2060S Non-Adjustable - 5-Scallop Non-Adjustable - Smooth Non-Adjustable - Stainless Steel Adjustable - 5-Scallop Adjustable - Smooth Adjustable - Stainless Steel 45 45 45 45 45 45 List (US $) 22.80 22.80 34.89 27.41 27.41 39.49 223-0010 Whirlpool Accessories 95 Part No. Description Case Quantity 223-0010 Air Check Valve Adapter - 3/8" SB x 1/2" Spigot 600 List (US $) 1.95 Spa Jets / Turbo Jet FEATURES: • Works as a valve to divert water to one or two locations • Works as a high volume whirlpool jet • Comes with a built in check valve • Plumbing size is 1 ½" S x 2" Spigot for all water ports and ¾ RB air port 218-4360 210-4391 5.176" 2.558" Turbo Jet Performance 10 8 Ø 5.245" 5.150" Pressure (PSI) 2.575" 6 4 2 0 2.618" 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Flow Rate (GPM) Turbo Jet Part No. Description Case Quantity 210-4390 218-4360 1 1/2" S x 2" Spigot Water x 3/4" RB Air - 5 1/4" Flange Diameter Turbo Jet Wrench 200 -- List (US $) 63.04 3.50 96 Spa Jets / River Jets FEATURES: • 8" wide eyeball • Eyeball turrets up / down 20% • Vent Enhancement System • XL 2 1/2" S intake • Up to 1000 GPM input at 13 PSI 210-5100S 1.19" 4.37" 14.47" 8.36" 7.47" 6.72" River Jets Part No. Description Case Quantity 210-5100 210-5100S 2 ½" S x 1" Spigot 2 ½" S x 1" Spigot - Stainless Steel 5 5 See page 147 for swim spa configuration diagrams. 97 List (US $) 324.87 385.99 Spa Jets / Swim Jets 210-4750 Swim Jets Part No. Description Color Case Quantity 210-4750 210-4751 210-4757 210-4740 210-4741 210-4747 1" S / 1 ½" Spigot x 1" Air - Short Body - 5/8" Orifice - 25 GPM with Gasket 1" S / 1 ½" Spigot x 1" Air - Short Body - 5/8" Orifice - 25 GPM with Gasket 1" S / 1 ½" Spigot x 1" Air - Short Body - 5/8" Orifice - 25 GPM with Gasket 1" S / 1 ½" Spigot x 1" Air - Short Body - 1" Orifice - 100 GPM with Gasket 1" S / 1 ½" Spigot x 1" Air - Short Body - 1" Orifice - 100 GPM with Gasket 1" S / 1 ½" Spigot x 1" Air - Short Body - 1" Orifice - 100 GPM with Gasket White Black Gray White Black Gray 40 40 40 40 40 40 210-7430 210-7261S List (US $) 35.03 35.03 35.03 35.03 35.03 35.03 210-3917 Old Faithful Jets Part No. Description Case Quantity 210-7430 210-7440 210-7270S 210-7260S 210-3910 210-3920 210-3910S 210-3920S 210-7300 210-7310 Ell Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 0.925" Orifice - 90 GPM - 5-Scallop Ell Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 1 1/2" Orifice - 175 GPM - 5-Scallop Ell Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 0.925" Orifice - 90 GPM - Stainless Steel Ell Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 1 1/2" Orifice - 175 GPM - Stainless Steel Straight Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 0.925" Orifice - 90 GPM - 5-Scallop Straight Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 1 1/2" Orifice - 175 GPM - 5-Scallop Straight Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 0.925" Orifice - 90 GPM - Stainless Steel Straight Body - 2" S Water x 1/2" S Air - 1 1/2" Orifice - 175 GPM - Stainless Steel ½" S Air x 2" S Water - .925" Orifice - 90 GPM ½" S Air x 2" S Water - 1 ½" Orifice - 175 GPM 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 List (US $) 37.00 37.00 64.19 64.19 37.00 37.00 64.19 64.19 37.00 37.00 See page 147 for swim spa configuration diagrams. Old Faithful Jet Accessories Part No. Description Case Quantity 217-7300 217-7320 711-7300 218-1570 1" Nozzle 1 1/2" Nozzle Gasket Old Faithful Wrench 1 1 1 6 List (US $) 4.99 4.99 4.22 15.10 98 Spa Jets / Master Massage Jets FEATURES: • Extra large 7 ½" construction • Available with adjustable flow control • Easy through-wall installation • ¾" nozzle = 75 GPM flow • Two ball bearings for added jet life • 1 ½" S x 1 ½" S plumbing 210-7180S / 210-8290S Pat. #D,574,964 S 210-7170S / 210-8280S 210-7150 / 210-8160 Pat. #D,591,863 S 210-7130S / 210-8270S 210-9540S / 210-9550S Pat. #D,574,501 S Master Massage Jets 99 Part No. Description Style Case Quantity 210-8290S 210-7180S 210-8280S 210-7170S 210-8270S 210-7130S 210-9540S 210-9550S 210-8160 210-7150 210-8160S 210-7150S Non-Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Non-Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Non-Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Non-Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Non-Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Non-Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S Adjustable Jet Assembly – 1 ½" S x ½" S 6-Spoke - Stainless Steel 6-Spoke - Stainless Steel Revo - Stainless Steel Revo - Stainless Steel Swirl - Stainless Steel Swirl - Stainless Steel Nova - Stainless Steel Nova - Stainless Steel 5-Scallop 5-Scallop Smooth - Stainless Steel Smooth - Stainless Steel 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 List (US $) 81.38 99.33 81.38 99.33 81.38 99.33 81.38 99.33 46.75 64.77 77.40 95.48 Spa Jets / In-Ground Portable Spa Jet Bodies FEATURES: • Designed specifically for in-ground portable spa applications • Accepts all Mini-Storm and Poly Storm series snap-in jet internals • Allows for flex or rigid plumbing • Resists plumbing deterioration in harsh soils • Resists rodent damage to plumbing • Made of NSF fitting grade PVC material 212-0380 212-0390 In-Ground Portable Spa Jet Body Assemblies Part No. Description 212-0380 212-0390 In-Ground Mini-Storm Jet Body Assembly - 3/4" S x 1/2" S / 3/4" Spigot In-Ground Poly Storm Jet Body Assembly - 3/4" S x 1/2" S / 3/4" Spigot List (US $) 7.81 8.71 100
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