FOOTNOTES FOOTNOTES - Knoxville Track Club
FOOTNOTES FOOTNOTES - Knoxville Track Club
JUL Y 2201 01 JULY 0133 F OOTNOTES the award winning publication of the knoxville track club Exciting events line YAP schedule - pg pg 13 13 All the latest on KTC races - pgs pgs 25-32 25-32 Find a direction to treat GPS - pg pg 17 17 TSD athletes shine at big meet - pg pg 23 23 Footnotes July 2013 - 1 Tennessee Sports Medicine Group Phone: 865-951-2975 Our Services Orthotics Orthotics facilitate proper sequencing of foot mechanics to help the body transfer and absorb forces more efficiently Active Isolated Stretching Alter G Treadmill page 3 + AIS is a specialized method of “hands on” stretching that restores joint and muscle range of motion and speed of movement. Our Vision To provide a unique, scientifically based brand of sports medicine to enhance a patient’s quality of life. Sport Specific Rehabilitation Our strength and conditioning experts create a functional exercise programs that restore strength, flexibility, coordination and tissue healing. Alter G Two Anti-Gravity treadmills allows one to unweight the injury site up to 80% of body weight allowing for pain free running while the injured tissue heals. “We have a unique medical management model that is dynamic and fluid, which focuses on clinical biomechanics, tissue physiology and functional rehabilitation.” Functional Testing *Video Gait Analysis *Alter G injury tolerance test *Dynamic Balance *Extensive Core Testing *Dynamic Movement screening John Krusenklaus-P.T., O.C.S. Proud Sports Medicine Sponsor of: FC Alliance Knoxville Track Club Knox County Parks & Recreation Contact Us: Office: 865-951-2975 Hotline: 865-599-1166 Email: [email protected] Address: 2260 Sutherland Ave Knoxville, TN 37919 Same Day Appointments! $35 Sports/Injury Evaluation $80 Customized Runner’s Shoe Inserts *Please have coupon at time of appointment. Footnotes July 2013 - 2 The Knoxville Track Club proudly presents F OOTNOTES Awarded Best RRCA Large Club Newsletter 1988, 1994, 2001, 2005 Best Large Club Electronic Newsletter 2008 Southern Region 1988, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997, 2001, 2005 What’s Inside - July 2013 The Starting Line ChrisHarper, Sr., A Word from our Club President ................. 5 Bobby Glenn, Notes from the Executive Director ............ 6 Michael deLisle, the Inside Stuff ....................................... 7 FOOTNOTES magazine, volume 113 issue 4, is a bimonthly publication of the Knoxville Track Club, PO Box 52266, Knoxville TN 37950-2266. Feature Columns Michael deLisle, Treadin’ Trodden Trails .......................... 9 Jason Altman, Marathon Update ..................................... 11 Kevin Floyd, Youth Athletics .......................................... 13 Jill Bedford, Volunteer Perspective ................................. 14 Lee Murphy, Nutrition ................................................... 15 Lauren Chiles, KTC Social ............................................. 16 Dr. Brantley Burns, Bone Doc 411 ................................. 17 Bob Godwin, Biking With Bob ....................................... 18 Guest Columns TSD Athletes Shine at Big Meet .................................... 23 Charlie Raper, Has Your Oboe Played?........................ 24 ROAD RACE INFO 888-217-5635 TRAIL RACE INFO 865-548-4718 YOUTH ATHLETICS 888-217-5635 WEBSITE Other Features List of Officers and Board Members ............................... 4 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes ............................. 20 KTC Grand Prix ............................................................ 31 Membership Page ......................................................... 50 Race Writeups Panther Creek Challenge ............................................. 25 KTC EXPO 10,000 and 5k ............................................. 28 Stalk Your Quarry Trail Race....................................... 29 Summer Solstice 8k ...................................................... 30 Lakeshore Trail Trek ..................................................... 31 Pilot Fireball Moonlite Classic ...................................... 32 ON THE COVER Speedsters Jon Peralto and Ed Wright duel in the sun of Island Home Boulevard at the 2013 KTC EXPO 10k. photo by Michael deLisle entire contents © 2013 Knoxville Track Club Entry Forms ...................................................... 34-49 Race Calendar ...................................................... 51 Knoxville Track Club "SHARE THE PRIDE" Footnotes July 2013 - 3 15 tips from the RRCA RUNNING SAFETY m Don't wear headsets! Use your ears to be aware of your surroundings. m m Carry a change for a phone call. Write down or leave word of the direction of your run. Tell friends of your favorite running routes. m m Run with a partner. Run in familiar areas. In unfamiliar areas, contact a local RRCA club or running store. Know where telephones, open businesses and stores are located. Alter your route pattern. m Always stay alert. The more aware you are, the less vulnerable you are. m Avoid unpopulated areas, deserted streets and overgrown trails. Especially avoid unlit areas at night. Run clear of parked cars or bushes. Knoxville Track Club KTC Staff Bobby Glenn Executive Director 888-217-5635 opt 0 [email protected] Mike Wortley Event Manager 888-217-5635 opt 3 [email protected] Jason Altman Marathon Director 888-217-5635 opt 2 [email protected] Michael deLisle Trail Racing, Footnotes Editor, Webmaster 865-548-4718 [email protected] Darren Brown RunKNOX program coordinator 888-217-5635 opt 4 [email protected] Kevin Floyd Youth Athleitcs Director 888-217-5635 opt 1 m Carry identification or write your name, phone number and blood type on the inside sole of your running shoe. Include any medical information. Don't wear jewelry. m Ignore verbal harassment. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant, but keep your distance and keep moving. m Run against traffic so you can observe approaching automobiles. m Wear reflective material if you must run before dawn or after dark. m Use your intuition about a person or an area. React to your intuition; avoid an area or person if you feel unsure. m Practice memorizing license tags or identifying characteristics of strangers. m m Carry a whistle or noisemaker. CALL THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY if something happens to you or someone else, or if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Footnotes July 2013 - 4 Committees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Chris Harper, Ed Leaver, Will Skelton, Bobby Glenn, Ron McElhaney, Mike Parton LONG DISTANCE COMMITTEE: Ethan Coffey—chair, Bobby Glenn— advisor, Jill Bedford, Keith Gemeinhart, Chris Hayes, John LeCroy, Ron McElhaney, Angie Noye, Lindsey Rebert, Susan Rutherford, Scott Schmidt, RayWilson, Mike Wortley, Doug Young MARATHON ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Jason Altman—chair, Lauren Christ, Bobby Glenn, Randy Kenner, Ed Leaver, Ron McElhaney, Eddie Reymond, Glenn Richters, Felon Wilson TRAIL COMMITTEE: Michael deLisle—chair, Larry Brede, Carl Epley, Laura Gearhiser, Chris George, Scott Gibson, Bobby Glenn, Leah Jones, John LeCroy, Andrea Ludwig, Jerry Monroe, Tony Owens, Kathy Smith 2013 KTC Officers PRESIDENT Chris Harper 865-660-6680 VICE PRESIDENT position vacant TREASURER Shannon Hepp 865-804-2854 SECRETARY Tony Owens 865-323-3753 Board of Directors Chris Harper, President Shannon Hepp, Treasurer Tony Owens, Secretary Brad Adams Emily Bolling Stephanie Broome Ken Childs Sharon Couch-Fikes Donnie Graham Ed Leaver Ron McElhaney Michelle Midnight Jamie Niland Mike Parton Troy Rebert Eddie Reymond Will Skelton Patty Thewes Felon Wilson Doug Young 660-6680 804-2854 323-3753 966-0460 406-5845 771-9246 693-8516 719-2576 681-4352 755-4092 777-0409 696-4194 712-1986 661.4627 599-1811 693-4909 523-2272 616-307-7366 670-1879 680-1971 Volunteer Coordinators MEMBERSHIP Ken St. Germain 865-450-9110 VOLUNTEERS Jill Bedford 865-622-7213 ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY Chuck Dellinger 865-691-4751 SOCIAL CHAIR Lauren Chiles 865-607-0268 THE STARTING LINE Knoxville Knoxville Track Track Club Club * * FOOTNOTES FOOTNOTES * * July July // August August 2013 2013 edition edition Car Carrrying on the Tradition Chris Harper Sr., KTC President T his is an exciting time for the KTC. We start Youth Athletics at Tom Black Track on the UT campus. Many of us are training for fall marathons. Of late, we have added several new members to the KTC Board of Directors. We held the month of May Board meeting at Calhoun’s restaurant at Pellissippi and Kingston Pike as a welcome for our new Board members. Thanks to the staff at store 104 for their great service. At the June monthly board meeting, we were pleased to have Bob Neff in attendance. Bob is one of the founding members of the Knoxville Track Club. Bob shared his pleasure in seeing the KTC grow and continue its work in the Knoxville community. Bob remains active as a track and field official and member of the KTC. As we continue to pursue the mission of the KTC, I am mindful the purpose of the Board of Directors for the KTC. The scale and scope of the programs within the Club has grown over with the needs of the community. Beyond the trail races, distance races, social runs, youth activities, and training programs, the purpose of the Board is to govern the activities of the Club. The KTC Board has become more diverse in composition. We more closely reflect the community we serve. As volunteer board members, we have several basic responsibilities, as taken from the National Center for Nonprofit Boards: ♦ Support the Executive Director and review his performance. ♦ Ensureeffectiveorganizationalplanning. ♦ Ensure adequate resources are avail- able to achieve the mission of the KTC. ♦ Manage the resources of the KTC effectively. ♦ Determine and monitor club programs. ♦ Enhance the Club’s public image. There are other responsibilities, but I believe these are important to this Board as we pursue the mission of the Club. Over the past months, I have had several conversations with Club members who have children with special needs. I believe we can offer fitness and running activities for everyone desiring to participate. Expect to see KTC events for special needs children to participate in the near future. BEAT THE HEAT AT THESE KTC RACES July 3 July 14 July 20 Jul 27 Aug 10 Sep 1 Sep 2 Sep 8 Sep 28 Pilot Fireball Classic 5k Hann Jive Six Miler Trail Race Carter Mill Splash 10k Pigeon Midnight 8k Haw Ridge Trail Race Norris Dam Hard Trail Race Hal Canfield Memorial Milefest Parkside Realty Townsend 15k Big South Fork Trail Race REGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.KTC.ORG Footnotes July 2013 - 5 Notes From Your Executive Director KTC Fun in the Summertime Sun Bobby Glenn, KTC Executive Director S pring and summer are always a fun time for the club with a lot of variety in the offerings. Expo, our longtime flagship event, was special this year as we dedicated it to those affected by the tragedy in Boston and raised $2,895 for The One Fund Boston. Summer Solstice was a blast as always and the crowd got to enjoy some great barbeque, beer and music in a really laid back atmosphere. Night races are coming up at Fireball and Pigeon Forge and these are always a lot of fun. We’ve been busy on the trails as well as we ventured up to Panther Creek, out to Quarry and down to Lakeshore for some challenging and beautiful trail racing. Even this old guy has been jumping in a few trail races and getting the itch to compete again after more than a few years of running “just for fun”. Our volunteer base never ceases to amaze me as all these races require a lot of support. We look forward to recognizing our volunteers at the KTC summer picnic scheduled August 25 at the Knoxville Botanical Gardens. You’ll have a chance to nominate volunteers for the Allan Morgan Service Award and Ginnie Canfield Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award to be presented at the picnic. Nomination forms are included in this issue and will be available online. Special thanks to Jill Bedford, our volunteer coordinator, who does an outstanding job year-round rounding up volunteers for our events. We have some new and fresh events we’re working on. This year’s Hal Canfield Memorial is going to be a milefest on Labor Day with 6 separate competitive mile races and a low key fun run to choose from. If you’ve ever wondered how fast you could run a mile if that’s all you had to do, now’s your chance. Kevin Floyd, our new Youth Athletics Program Director, is introducing a 6 race series of youth miles to be run on the Greenways around town throughout the year and a 5K event for youth only next June. Stay tuned for details on these events. Got ideas for new events or ways we can make existing events better? I’m all ears! Enjoy the summer, stay hydrated, run fast (or enjoy running slow)! Healthy living, healthy community – one step at a time PR OMO TION AL OPPOR TUNITIES WITH THE KNO XVILLE TRA CK CL UB PROMO OMOTION TIONAL OPPORTUNITIES KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB T 1. Advertising in our award-winning bi-monthly magazine, “Footnotes” that goes to each of our 1,450 member households and 1,900 members. 2. Sponsoring or co-sponsoring one of our official KTC race events. 3. A general sponsorship of the Knoxville Track Club, East Tennessee’s premier running organization. Most KTC sponsorship packages are race specific. Race sponsorship and co-sponsorship packages are typically negotiated on a case-by-case basis and may include the sponsor’s logo on the race t-shirt, annual KTC race calendar, KTC sponsors logo page in “Footnotes” Magazine, the race entry form and all race advertising and correspondence as well as complimentary ads in “Footnotes” magazine. Race sponsorship packages generally range from $1,000 to $10,000 depending upon the size and prominence of the race in question. Co-sponsorship packages generally range from $500 to $5,000. KTC AD OPPORTUNITIES AND RATES ♦ General KTC Sponsorships Footnotes ads are available as follows: Back Cover $250 Inside Front Cover $200 Full Page Ad $125 ½ Page Ad $ 75 Multi-issue packages at volume discount rates are available A limited number of general Knoxville Track Club sponsorship opportunities are available and would include a customized package of KTC benefits commensurate with the sponsorship value. General sponsorship packages normally range from $5,000 to $25,000 and may consist of any combination of cash, product and/or in-kind services. KTC SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES For more information on these or any other Knoxville Track Club promotional opportunities, please contact Bobby Glenn KTC Executive Director at 888.217.5635. he Knoxville track Club has three advertising options that may make sense for your business or organization: ♦ Race Sponsorships Footnotes July 2013 - 6 INSIDE STUFF Michael deLisle, FOOTNOTES Editor A Rose Colored Life I ’m often reminded — rarely more than this past week — that I am surrounded in my life by an unusually hale and healthy circle of people. Sure, there’s hardly a runner gliding around the surface of this planet who doesn’t have some sort of nagging tick or twinge or ailment, but at the core, a given runner is among the healthiest specimens of human being. And even those who walk with a mixture of hope and trepidation for their first visit to Runners Market — hopeful that the venture into a heretofore unexplored wilderness of fitness will yield great bounty, fearful that we fit individuals inside will treat them with disdain, dislike, or worse, pretend they’re not there — are typically at least on the right track, wanting to join in with those of us who have already figured out that to keep moving is to keep living, and to stop moving is to begin dying. Other than on trips to Home Depot or the gas station, or a rare visit to one of those All You Can Possibly Stuff in Your Fat Face buffets, I truly don’t encounter many of the stereotypical folks who help earn Tennessee the dubious honor of being annually named one of the fattest and least fit states in the Union. They don’t seem to hang around the finish line at road races or spend time treading welltrodden trails in Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness. Nor do I encounter them when out on morning walks or bike rides, or even at most of the places I shop. Four hundred pound people aren’t often seen at Earth Fare, Trader Joe’s, or Gourmet’s Market. You know where they do hang out? At the hospital. I was reminded of this — it was literally shoved in my face — early this past week when Jesse had to have a quasi-routine procedure done under anesthesia at Tennova (the old St. Mary’s.) The hospital was crawling with sick and unhealthy people. But to be fair, it’s not only heavyset men and women trudging SHOW SHOW YOUR YOUR KTC KTC CARD CARD FOR FOR A A DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 1 Source Printing New Balance Knoxville Advanced Chiropractic River Sports Cedar Bluff Cycles River Sports Climbing Center Cork & Bottle Rosy’s Wine & Spirits Dirk Dandy Massage Runners Market Gourmet’s Market Swim & Tri Knoxville Harper’s Bike Shop The Training Edge Health Shoppe Waggy Tails Magpies Bakery William and Lea Company down hallways or overwhelming normal-sized seats in the waiting room; there’s a fair number of people who — on the surface, at least — resemble some of those who populate the front lines at a 5k. You know who I mean. Lean as whippets. So skinny that when they turn sideways they vanish. Only the countless thin women and men in the hospital corridors aren’t thin by choice or by vocation. Just the opposite, their frailty is illness-related. And while some illnesses are not lifestylerelated, many are. I read this week that 90 percent of heart disease is lifestyle related and that at least 70-75 percent of health care spending is related to lifestyle. Thin or fat, those who choose to smoke, to drink to excess, and to ignore basic tenets about diet and exercise are paying the price. And so are we. Back in 1991, only four U.S. states reported obesity rates exceeding 15 percent. By 2002, all 50 states had passed that milestone, making us the heaviest developed nation on earth. Then it got worse — today, more than 20 percent of the citizens in every state except Colorado are obese. In some states, it’s much worse. Nationally, two of every five Americans are obese, compared to two of every 28 French citizens and fewer than two of every 100 Japanese. If overweight Americans collectively made minor behavior adjustments and returned to what they weighed in 1991, they’d save the country more than $1 trillion a year in the form of reduced health care costs — and not just costs to those overweight or chain-smoking Americans, but to us! We pay for their excesses in the form of health insurance premiums that skyrocket in the face of our low risk and good health. That’s crazy! Okay, I’m climbing down off my soapbox. It’s not good to get all stressed out, either, they tell us. Think I’ll lace up my shoes and get outside for a walk in the rain. And as I do, I’ll be grateful for my blessings of health and good fortune, and remain determined to continue surrounding myself with you “rose-colored,” fit individuals with whom I’m proud to associate almost exclusively with. Footnotes July 2013 - 7 Date, Time, and Place: 21 September, Saturday morning Race starts and finishes at the Knox County Melton Hill Park Footnotes July 2013 - 8 Michael deLisle, Trail Series Director Sweaty, Soggy Fun on the Trails hat a difference a year makes. This time last year, we were about halfway through the 2012 season. But we’d already endured temperatures in the 90s at our Lakeshore Trail Trek and had warm, if not hot, conditions at almost all our other races. Rain had only reared its head once, that but a drizzle at Ijams in April. W Bastille Day celebration out in Knoxville’s Urban Wilderness should be a fun, lowkey affair on a deviously circuitous race course designed by the deviously devilish Tony Owens. It really will be close to six miles, he insists to scoffs and raised eyebrows of all within earshot. I guess we don’t exactly have a reputation for precisely measured trail race courses. find ourselves at Haw Ridge for a Saturday afternoon (!) race. It won’t be overlong, promises RD Laura Gearhiser, but it will be overfun (is that a word?) Our postrace festivities at Haw Ridge are usually among the best of the season and have been known to inspire a case or two of Montezuma’s Revenge. Habanero salsa, anyone? This year, however, we’ve set foot on many a soggy trail. Rain fell throughout both the Panther Creek Challenge in May and at June’s Stalk Your Quarry race. It was a relief to see the sunshine out at Lakeshore, yet if the 10-day forecast is accurate, our Hann Jive Six-Miler may be run under sodden skies, too. Hope not. But our hearts are in the right places. What’s important to us is that our courses are marked well, that aid stations are plentiful and well-stocked, and that our race courses, inaccurately measured as they sometimes are, offer a fun and often challenging tour of venues and environs new to the average trail runner or at least moderately challenging, or both. Hopefully both. Then on to Norris and Big South Fork for long, challenging, and rewarding tours of those great park systems. The Norris affair — your choice of 25 delightful kilometers or 50 doubly delightful ones — will be contested on the Sunday of Labor Day weekend, allowing weary runners a day off afterward during which to recover. The Big South Fork race, venerable grandaddy of East Tennessee trail racing that it is, will be celebrating its twentieth anniversary running and Race Director Bobby Glenn promises some special celebratory treats. And yet it matters little to trail runners. In fact, most avid trailsters love slogging through the mud, slipping and sliding up and down slick hillsides, and stomping through puddles both shallow and deep. As a hardcore road runner back in the 1990s, I became aware of the psychology of running in the rain. While I didn’t mind rain falling on my head once I was out pounding the pavement — especially when the weather was hot — it was indeed difficult to take those first few steps out into a driving rain, even worse if the temperatures were chilly. The trails we’ll send runners galloping over, under, and through for the balance of the 2013 season all exemplify these characteristics. Once our post-Hann Jive four-week haitus is concluded, we’ll See you on the trails! 2013 2013 TRAIL TRAIL SCHEDULE SCHEDULE HANN JIVE SIX MILER — Sunday, July 14, 9:00 am. Knoxville Urban Wilderness Corridor, South Knoxville. 6 miles. HAW RIDGE TRAIL RACE — Saturday, August 10, 5:30 pm. Haw Ridge Park, 7 miles. And while the same psychology applies on trail, it doesn’t seem to matter as much. Running routes rampant with slippery surfaces and squishy mud, with wet hair falling lank across the face, wind-driven rain in the eyes, rarely comes as a surprise in a trail race. It’s almost to be expected, endured, enjoyed. Thus on we cruise through the second half of the 2013 trail race season. Our NORRIS DAM HARD TRAIL RACE — Sunday, September 1, 7:00 am. Norris Dam State Park and Norris Municipal Watershed Park. 25k or 50k. BIG SOUTH FORK TRAIL RACE — Saturday, September 28, 8:30 am. Big South Fork National Recreation Area, Oneida. 17½ miles or 10k. NORTH BOUNDARY CHALLENGE — Saturday, October 26. 9:00 am. North Boundary Greenway, Oak Ridge. Umpteen miles, TBA. Possible short option, as well. THE TRAIL THAT CAN’T BE CONCORD — Saturday, November 16, 9:00 am. Concord Park. 7 miles. Prediction run (guess your race time) No watches allowed. Footnotes July 2013 - 9 Footnotes July 2013 - 10 COVENANT HEALTH KNOXVILLE MARATHON 2013 REFLECTING ON 2013 CHKM Jason Altman, Director, Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon N ow that it has been a couple of months since the 2013 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, it is a good time to sit back and reflect on the event. For the first time in the 9 year history, we had fewer participants than the previous year. In 2012, we had 7,916 registrants. This year, we had 7,336. In my opinion, there were several factors (none of which was within our control) that caused the dropoff. I have full confidence that the numbers for 2014 will not just rebound but will surpass the 2012 totals. Despite the slight dropoff, I must say that I felt that the execution of the whole weekend was the best yet. From Goody Bag Stuffing the weekend before to the Expo and its featured speakers, from the Covenant Kids Run on Saturday through the conclusion on Sunday of all the races, I believe that we put on the best event that we have to date. Here’s a slight recap of some of the things we added for 2013. ♦ We added a virtual goody bag. While we still had a true goody bag (where we encouraged sponsors to provide tangible items), we offered the virtual bag as well. This was emailed to participants multiple times during race week and alerted them to products and services that our sponsors would be showcasing at the expo or in their stores. ♦ Speaking of “virtual” we added virtual badges. Before the race, full and half marathoners had the opportunity to claim a badge through social media. This would inform their friends that they were “In Training” for the CHKM. After the race, participants could claim a “Finisher Badge”, which was then also displayed through their social media avenues. ♦ We added new mile markers for the first 8 miles. Some of the feedback we received last year was that the mile markers were not visible when the crowds were still thick. With the old mile markers only being waist high, this complaint had validity. For budgetary reasons, we embarked upon a three year project for the mile markers, doing the earliest miles first (1-8) and will add the remaining miles over the course of the next two years. ♦ The shirts were the best yet. The design was unique yet simple enough as to not be cumbersome on the shirt. We added tech shirts (women’s and men’s sizing) to the relays for the first time this year. Relay participants were thankful to have this benefit for the first time. ♦ This year’s Pilot Flying J Post Race Party was a huge success. We moved it from Thompson Boling Arena to the concourses of Neyland Stadium. The feedback we received from 2012 was that only 1/3 of the participants went to the Arena for the Post Race Party. Putting the festivities at the stadium, right near the finish line, would mean that folks could not leave the stadium without at least seeing the food, drinks, music, and stretching. The response from the participants was outstanding. Everyone seemed to love the post race location, the food offerings, and the music and awards. Looking ahead….we have big plans for 2014! The March 30 Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon will be the 10th year for the race. It’s hard to believe that ten years has gone by so fast. Everything will be geared to commemorate the 10th year. Be sure and join us! Finally, I want to recognize a special group. After nine years, there are 20 individuals who have run the full marathon each and every year. They are Robin Auerbach, William (Scott) Black, Larry Brede, Andrea’ Collins, Clifton Corker, Dennis Depp, Jeremy Fountain, Tom Hansen, Doug Homoky, Mark Hudspeth, Tony Knox, Nickolay Lavrik, Mont Lewis, Joe Marti, John Monroe, Libby Overholt, Ken Sirois, Shirley Sirois, Becky Tener, and Patrick Wolf. We are looking forward to seeing you all at the 50 yard line in 2014! COVENANT HEALTH KNOXVILLE MARATHON 2013 Footnotes July 2013 - 11 Footnotes July 2013 - 12 KTC YOUTH ATHLETICS Youth Program Hits the Ground Running Kevin Floyd, KTC Director of Youth Athletics I would like to start this update by thanking the Knoxville Track Club membership for being as welcoming as I have made my transition to the Knoxville area and its running community. Being new to the area, your warmth and friendship has been incredible and I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated it. The last 6 weeks have been busy for me and the KTC Youth Athletics program as we have met with local coaches, KTC members and the local parks and recreation department in an attempt to develop a quality program for our area youth. As a result, we have some exciting youth programs on the horizon that I want to let each of you know about. Beginning July 9th and running through August 3rd, KTC will be conducting its Youth Summer Track Program at Tom Black Track on the UT campus. Currently, we have 70 athletes signed up to participate with ages ranging from 4 to 17. Each day, we are adding more athletes and expect to hit our goal of 200 by the time registration ends on July 16th. Practices will take place on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and meets on Saturdays through August 3rd. If you would like to help out as a coach or volunteer during the program, please feel free to contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone at 615-512-0088. In addition to our summer track program, we will be working with youth at the Fireball 5k event on July 3rd. A Ǩ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ̷Ǥ Ǥ ʹͲǡʹͲͳʹǤ m,./bnm,./bnm, Ǥ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ Ǥ ǯ Ǥ Ǥ m,./bnm,./bnm, Make your nomination by filling out one of the forms on pages 26-27 youth race consisting of a 200 yard dash will occur prior to the start of the 5k and we expect 200 kids to participate on that evening. There will be prizes for all in attendance so please come out and support this event. Also, mark your calendars for the fall as KTC will begin a youth mile series on the greenways called School Daze. In conjunction with the Knoxville Parks and Recreation Department, we will host 6 races beginning in August. These races will consist of 1 mile and take place on various greenways throughout the Knoxville area. The goals of this series are to promote an active lifestyle among the city’s youth and the utilization of the beautiful greenway system throughout the area. Our first event is tentatively set for the end of August and we will be conducting races on bi-monthly schedule throughout the school year. I will be including a more detailed listing of this program as well as an upcoming KTC Cross Country program in future Footnotes. Finally, let me say that none of the programs that we are offering could take place without the support of club members such as you. I appreciate your support in our programming and welcome your suggestions and feedback. Again, I can be reached via email at [email protected] or by phone at 615-512-0088 with any feedback that you may have for making our youth programs a success. Or, if you see me at an event, just come by and say hello. I’d love to talk with you. Happy running, Kevin Floyd Director of Youth Athletics Knoxville Track Club Footnotes July 2013 - 13 volunteer perspective VOLUNTEERS! by Jill Bedford, KTC Volunteer Coordinator SIGN UP TO HELP WITH CLUB EVENTS evitcepsrep reetnulov Ever Consider Directing a KTC Race? I have had the privilege to direct the Strawberry Plains Half Marathon & 10k for the past 4 years. I have it down to a system now, but have always found it to be a pleasure to put together. The estimate is it takes about 25 to 30 hours of time to put together. To be honest, I am not sure about the time it takes as I have a system in place as to what to do when. One big bonus as a race director is that as a thank you for the time and effort I put in, KTC offers to let me run the rest of the KTC races at no charge. Whoo Hoo! And as a runner, this is a big bonus. KTC has an Event Coordinator (Mike Wortley) who is a HUGE asset to me in getting the race together. Also our new Managing Director (Bobby Glenn) was a HUGE help and he even volunteered on the course! Talk about multitasking. Call Jill Bedford 622-7213 Once again, a multi-tiered award system of valuable KTC gear will be given to those who worked either a minimum of five, twelve, or twenty events. Qualifying events include road races, track meets, adopt-a-highway, Treadin’ Trodden Trails Series races, and youth athletics program events. KTC Summer Picnic August 25, 2013 — 6:00pm Knoxville Botanical Gardens & Arboretum 2743 Wimpole Ave Knoxville, TN 37914 For more information, contact Jill Bedford [email protected] * 865-207-0042 Footnotes July 2013 - 14 Are You Being Fooled by Your Labels? by Lee Murphy MS-MPH, RD, LDN Licensed Nutritionist H ave you ever been persuaded to buy something by clever food labeling? Maybe it’s something that insinuates it will make you run faster, or possibly recover better, or just plain be “healthier”. Nutrition-based food labeling can be helpful in choosing between similar products, but it can also fool wellintentioned consumers into believing that foods labeled “sugar-free”, “fat-free” or “whole-wheat” are healthy choices— when they may actually not be the best choice for clean eating. “Health Halo” Effect Sometimes we are lured by advertisers on television, other times it is online or in print, and still many other times it is at the point of purchase—when we just like the way the package looks or what it says. Consumer food marketing can be extremely persuasive, and the right buzzword on a package can lure a shopper into making an unwise purchase. This has been called the “health halo” effect. Studies have shown that this “health halo” effect leads some people to eat twice as much or more of certain foods because they are marketed as “healthy”. By Definition… There are legal definitions for food label nutrition claims. For instance, according to the FDA, a label may say the word “healthy” if the food is low in fat and saturated fat, limited in sodium and cholesterol, and provides at least 10% of one or more of: vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, and fiber. In addition, the terms “low-fat”, “low-calorie”, “lowcholesterol”, “fat-free”, etc. also have certain legal restrictions (per serving) that they have to adhere to. But even with these definitions, clever manufacturers can still mislead hopeful consumers into thinking they are buying something “healthier” than it may truly be. Some Examples So which foods are the most misleading? With new products on the market almost daily, it is difficult to name names, but here are several products to be aware of: ♦ Vegetable chips — These are marketed as healthy substitutes for vegetables but the nutrition labels on most brands read the same as potato chips. Many of the vegetables’ nutrients are lost in the processing of these chips. Choose real vegetables instead. Nutrient-en♦ hanced waters — Most are nothing more than colored sugar water that contains empty calories that could contribute to weight gain. Claims that some of these products are a healthy choice because of added vitamins are just marketing hype. You would be better off taking a daily multivitamin with a glass of water. ♦ Muffins — If they’re sprinkled with a few oats or packed with berries, they may seem to be a healthier choice than doughnuts, but sometimes muffins are really nothing more than cupcakes without icing. Be sure to check the serving size on the labels of mega-sized muffins, which easily read 4(!) servings per muffin…meaning you need to find three friends to share your ONE muffin with. ♦ P r e - m a d e smoothies — Most commercial ready-made smoothies are loaded with sugar and calories. You’re better off making your own smoothies with highquality ingredients such as low-fat Greek yogurt, fresh or frozen fruits, and clean protein powder. Be a Cautious Consumer! Please continue to read those food labels, but also remember to read deeper than just the language on the front of the package! Complete Complete race race results results Event Event photos photos Race Race calendar calendar Bulletin Bulletin board board Grand Grand Prix Prix standings standings Links Links to to running running sites sites Marathon Marathon updates updates ...And ...And much, much, much much more! more! Footnotes July 2013 - 15 Confessions of a Social Jogger by Lauren Chiles, KTC Social Director A view fr om the rear from I love road races. Maybe, not running them. Sometimes running them. But I love all the excitement, the joy, and the triumph that I see in the runners’ faces. I went to Summer Solstice this weekend. If you’ve never raced this one, please picture this (in my best impersonation of Sophia from Golden Girls voice): Blount County mountain roads, June heat, 6 pm sun. It’s really hot. And it’s really hard. I mean, it seemed hard, but I was driving in Doug’s truck to the water stop so I didn’t get out of breath. I like to volunteer at water stops. I can see my friends run by. I get to give them the liquid of life, and then tell them how awesome they are doing. I like cheering for folks in the race that might not know anyone else. I’ll be their biggest fan. Heck, I woke up early and ran before it got hot. I knew I couldn’t last in this heat, so I’m impressed. One runner even told me this was her first time running over a 5K. How wonderful to be a part of that experience! Well, the water stop started out a little rocky. The jugs, table, and cups that Jack and Cait had loving distributed were gone. Completely. Nothing was there. It was ten minutes befor the gun. This hot, hilly race, would be without water at mile 1 and mile 4. Quick thinking had us taking one Gatorade jug from the second water stop, using a truck tailgate as our table, and getting water from the church next door. We had an assembly line set up passing water cups from the water source to the runners, who were already well on their way. There’s no way we could have gotten water to all these hot, thirsty runners, without the wonderful, ready to work spirit of the volunteers. This day, I found the volunteers I was there with were just as inspiring as the runners. Please contact Jill Bedford if you are interested in being a part of a water stop, or any volunteer post at a future date. I think you’ll find it just as fun and rewarding as I do. This summer the socialites will be enjoying our downtown run guided by rhyming clues, and journeying up to Cades Cove for our moonlit run. If you want to be updated on all our social runs, please follow our facebook group page. groups/351677454866113/ THE PROFESSIONALS Many outstanding professionals in our community can enhance your running. Some who have shown a particular affinity for working with runners ar e. Please consider patronizing their businesses aree listed her here. businesses.. PHYSICAL THERAPY Benchmark Physical Therapy / Susan Daughety 777-0367 Fort Sanders Therapy Centers / Phil Bevins 531-5710 Health South / David Higdon 558-4491 Knoxville Sports Therapy / John Harris 690-5494 Optimal Performance Inc. / Mick Larrabee 806-8911 TN Sports Medicine / John Krusenklaus - 951-2975 PHYSICIANS Dr. Brantley Burns, MD 524-5365 Dr. Gil Reed, DPM 632-5733 Dr. Heather Sandberg DPM 523-5655 CHIROPRACTIC David Corbitt, BA, DC 368-1320 Linda Hunter, DC, 376-4684 Jason Smith, CCEP 531-1800 Donovan Stewart, DC 687-5700 Footnotes July 2013 - 16 This is a partial listing and does not intentionally omit any other professionals who do good work with runners runners.. Those interested in being listed contact us at PO Box 52266, Knoxville 37950-2266. MASSAGE THERAPY - Dirk Dandy 936-0585 Healinghands Haven 705-4305 Kevin Minton 740-3550 Tony Parrilla 604-9296 BONE DOC 411 Dr. Brantley Burns Orthopaedic Surgeon, KTC Member GPS A Pain in the Butt I should apologize in advance if you think this is about your Garmin or other locating device. My actual topic is piriformis syndrome; however, this condition is so poorly named that I have single-handedly renamed it- henceforth, we should all call it- gluteal pain syndrome or GPS for short. First, a bit about nomenclature. In medicine, “syndrome,” which is of Greek origin, is a group of symptoms or physical findings, none of which by itself is diagnostic of a condition, but when seen together can suggest the presence of a problem. For example, a femur fracture is not a syndrome. The x-ray shows it, and you have the diagnosis. Carpal tunnel syndrome, however, which is essentially a pinched nerve at the wrist, cannot be definitively diagnosed by any one parameter, even those fancy nerve conduction tests showing the nerve function is slow at the wrist. The symptoms and physical findings should corroborate the nerve test findings to clinch the diagnosis of this syndrome. Getting technical about it, piriformis syndrome is poorly named and definitely less well understood. The piriformis is a muscle deep in the butt or gluteal area, and piriformis means “pear shaped” in Latin (Latin and Greek come together in this name- and you thought learning a foreign language was of no use- pshaw!) Anyway, I see the piriformis muscle often when I perform hip operations. A more accurate description would be triangular, wedge, fan shaped, or pyramidal. I have eaten a pear too, and it was not shaped like that muscle. Strictly speaking, piriformis syndrome is when the sciatic nerve deep in the butt is irritated, inflamed, or pressed on by something to do with the piriformis muscle that lies right on top of it. Necessary for this diagnosis are nerve symptoms going down the back of the thigh and leg such as shooting pains, numbness, tingling, or electrical shocks. I see the term often misused to mean simply a pain deep in the buttock area without the radiating nerve symptoms. The diagnosis (maybe not the treatment) is a bit easier in the presence of nerve symptoms because about the only other entity commonly causing these same nerve symptoms would be a ruptured lumbar disc or a pinched nerve in the back. You can Wiki piriformis syndrome and get an idea of the range of anatomic variations and pathologic changes of the piriformis muscle and the sciatic nerve. When misused, which is most often, piriformis syndrome refers to a pain in the butt. Your Wiki search should at least leave you surprised at the numerous structures in the area that could be the source of pain-and how difficult it is to make an accurate diagnosis and thus form a treatment plan. In an area about the size of your fist and covered and hidden by an athletes butt muscle, you have: the sacroiliac joint, the hip (greater trochanteric) bursa, the hamstring tendons, the ischial (sitting bone) bursa, the hip joint, the sciatic nerve, and several small muscles including the piriformis, and any of these can be painful. To make matters worse, few of these structures have any or any reliable changes on imaging tests like x-rays and MRIs. This is why I have coined the phrase GPS- gluteal pain syndrome- to better describe this malady. Treatment for GPS is directed to the structures seemingly involved. You might get strengthening of weak hip/pelvic muscles or stretching of- somethinghamstrings, piriformis, hip abductors or extensors or external rotators (less often the adductors or flexors need strengthening, but they often need stretching). And there is handson massage and deep tissue massage with those fancy expensive gizmos in the PT’s toolbox, but this area is deep and might be too protected by the gluteus maximus to respond to massage. However, it is worth a try. NSAIDS may help along with an occasional carefully placed cortisone shot (Note: there are some big arteries in the area along with the sciatic nerve, which is about the size of your thumb). Surgery would rarely or never be necessary, but I have seen success with a procedure to “release” the piriformis muscle. We frequently release or cut it during other hip surgery when exposing the joint- as far as I know, there is no problem with sacrificing it and no functional loss without it. The piriformis may just be the appendix of the gluteal area. So, start saying GPS instead of piriformis syndrome. You will be speaking English, and that is a language more of us can understand. Be careful out there... Footnotes July 2013 - 17 by Bob Godwin Safety, Worthy Causes, etc. I try to collect items of interest that come across my desk to share with you readers, and periodically clean out the basket. This is one of those times. ing very rainy weather on tours in Georgia, France and Arizona (!). Northern Arizona actually has a monsoon season in late July/August. Safety My conclusion is that sometimes you are going to be in bad weather. Typically, my bicycle tires’ contact patch is tiny, and thus traction is at risk. Clearly, the faster you go, the more likely you will skid. My worst “bad weather wreck” was on damp pavement after the rainstorm when I became too confident and speedy in a corner. The bike slid without warning, I landed on my left hip and experienced abrasions, hematoma, and pieces of my rearview mirror embedded in my hip. The second week of May, the News Sentinel reported that a former Cocke County businessman and political figure pleaded guilty to “vehicular homicide by recklessness and driving under the influence of alcohol in connection with the 2011 death of Catelin Richardson, 21, of Jeffersonville, Vermont.” She and a friend were on break from New England colleges, working as river rafting guides. They had biked into Newport for dinner and were returning when the accident occurred. Although neither woman had been drinking alcohol, the Attorney General stated that Richardson was riding her bicycle “in the middle of the road. Her bicycle was not properly equipped with lights for nighttime riding, and she was wearing a black backpack.” As you know, I am a lawyer, and if I had been in that court, I might well not have described her position as “middle of the road.” Perhaps they were simply riding side by side, as is often the case with you and me. The incident occurred on July 12, 2011 and was described as “23 minutes after sunset.” On May 4, a rider was killed in the 3 State 3 Mountain Challenge in Chattanooga on one of those horribly rainy Saturdays. I have done that ride on several occasions and they aren’t kidding when they say “mountains.” I have also ridden durFootnotes July 2013 - 18 On bicycle tours, you have little alternative to continuing to ride to make it to the next night’s lodging, but slow and cautious is the ticket. An item on the net on May 15 ranked the four most dangerous sports rated by trips to the Emergency Department. The “winner” was not soft/baseball, basketball or football, but bicycling with some 550,000 Emergency Department visits and “hundreds of deaths.” The figures were for the year 2010 compiled by GEICO. I have burdened you with my history of bicycle injuries, most of which were avoidable by care and proper bicycle maintenance. One, however, was completely unavoidable due to the erratic nature of a motorist. Fortunately, I was not injured beyond a few bruises and heartburn due to my anger at the nitwit driver. There are safety lessons for you and me: ♦ The bicycle always loses in a collision with a motor vehicle. ♦ 23 minutes after sunset, even in mid-summer, is not bright daylight, no matter what the bicyclist may be wearing. ♦ Side by side riding can easily place a cyclist in danger, particularly on narrow roads. ♦ On my way to work early in the morning, I see a bicycle commuter who always has a flashing light on both front and rear of his bicycle, even in midsummer when there is ambient light. ♦ A black backpack would obscure an eye-catching jersey. ♦ Having the legal right-of-way is of no consequence whatsoever in preventing an accident. ♦ Always ride defensively. Once again, if you are going to share the roads with motor vehicles, you must exercise the highest degree of care and defensive riding. Worthy Causes If you simply read the news items, bike riding is tracking our road runs in the frequency and variety of events supporting causes. In the May 13, 2013 issue of The Knoxville Focus, the lead article on page 1 features the 55 year old John LaMacchia, father of three, and the Band Director at Vine Middle School. He has been a bicyclist for 41 years and has ridden with m,x continued on page 19m,x m,x continued from page 18 ,cx family and friends all over the United States, including a cross U.S. ride from California to New Jersey in 1980, averaging 70 miles a day. Recently, he has become concerned about the plight of our area’s homeless people and decided to combine that care with his passion for cycling and compete in Tennessee and Regional events leading to National Senior Olympics to be held in Minnesota in 2015. Throughout his training, LaMacchia will solicit personal donations to Redeeming Hope Ministries where donations will go directly to help the homeless. Personal donations can be sent via check to Redeeming Hope Ministries, c/ o Eddie Young, Coordinator, 1642 Highland Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916. 100% of the donations collected will go directly to Redeeming Hope. Etc. An organization close to my heart is Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Conservancy, dedicated to transforming abandoned railways into a nationwide network of public trails suitable for pedestrians, cyclists, and, in some cases, equestrians. A $35.00 donation or more will bring you one of six guidebooks for the following areas: West, Midwest, New England, Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Pennsylvania-New Jersey-New York. Those guidebooks can be purchased directly as well at 2121 Ward Court, NW, 5th Floor, Washington DC 20037; I have ridden Rails-to-Trails in the South and the West and enjoyed them immensely. The railways have included communities and undeveloped areas, including exciting vistas of streams, mountains and prairie. Railways had to have very gentle grades which makes for comfortable riding for the entire family. Most train stations you find on these routes are of historical interest and provide opportunities for refreshment and restrooms. One month after the Boston Marathon bombing, survivors are attempting to heal, both physically and emotionally. Some are now wheelchair bound, others are adjusting to arm-powered bicycles; still others are looking forward to a prosthetic leg or two. I have heard that several are planning to finish the race that was so horribly interrupted. Without individual details, the 2013 State Farm Top Ten States for Dog Bites reports that 3,670 claims cost them $108,000,000.00. They further claim there are 4.7 million dog bites per year. I know you are asking if Tennessee made the top ten in this undesirable category. It did not, though Florida was eighth and Georgia was ninth, with 123 and 121 claims respectively. Who was first, you urge? California with 451 claims. The other states were largely northern, except for Texas, which was third. I speculated about these rankings and concluded that more populous states would have more bites as would states in the Sunbelt where riders, runners and just ordinary folks, would be out much more. An additional factor might be State Farm’s varying number of policies state to state. Of course, these statistics are not necessarily for bicyclists or even runners, but included all claims for bites against their policyholders. For a wealth of two-wheel news and events, see Knoxville Regional Bicycling [email protected] A year ago I wrote about the cardboard bicycle invented by the Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni, who suggested that he had solved the world’s transportation problems as it could retail for about $20. As this column is being written, CNN will air a special on the bike the first or second week of June as it appears that his company has launched a campaign that offers “limited and exclusive access” to one of those bikes. IF IF YOU YOU AREN’T AREN’T A A REGULAR REGULAR VISITOR VISITOR TO TO THE THE KNOXVILLE KNOXVILLE TRACK TRACK CLUB CLUB WEBSITE WEBSITE -- -- YOU’RE YOU’RE MISSING MISSING OUT OUT ON ON THE THE MOST MOST COMPLETE COMPLETE AND AND UP UP TO TO DATE DATE RUNNING RUNNING INFORMATION INFORMATION AVAILABLE AVAILABLE IN IN THEAREA THEAREA Complete Complete race race results, results, usually usually within within 24 24 hours hours Group Group training training runs, runs, trail trail runs,social runs,social happenings, happenings, and and events events Links Links to to running running web web sites sites nationwide nationwide Race Race schedules, schedules, interviews, interviews, training training tips, tips, you you name name it! it! Footnotes July 2013 - 19 zx,.nm,./bnm,./bnm,./bnm,./bnm, KTC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Minutes of March, April, and May Meetings MARCH 25, 2013 T he meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. Board members present were Chris Harper, Mike Parton, Bobby Glenn, Brad Adams, Don Graham, Ed Leaver, Eddie Reymond, Emily Boling, Jamie Niland, Ken Childs, Ron McElhaney, Will Skelton, and Michelle Midnight. Others present were Jason Altman, Shanelle Price, Ray Wilson, Ethan Coffee, Randy Burns, and Troy Rebert. The minutes from the February Board Meeting were approved. Treasurer’s Report — The report included an updated 2013 Budget that will be presented for board approval. Jessica Jackman has been elected as the new treasurer. Marathon Director’s Report — Jason Altman’s report showed registration slightly lagging from last year and a need for more volunteers for goody bag stuffing. Executive Director’s Report — Bobby Glenn’s report showed trail runs going strong and a flat membership of 2167. The main sponsor for the Autumnfest race, BlueCross Blue Shield of Tennessee, has dropped their sponsorship. The Volunteer Track Classic is beginning to get some interest. About 18 new officials will be needed to be trained for the Classic. New Business The 2013 Budget was approved as amended. Rules for Relay Teams were adopted as amended and will be posted on the website. Shanelle Price requested a post colleFootnotes July 2013 - 20 giate stipend for training and the stipend was approved. A group of KTC runners asked for the board to provide funds to cover the registration of a relay team race and it received board approval. A new YAP director is being sought and the search committee has narrowed the candidates down to one. Details to be discussed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m . The next KTC Board Meeting will be held on April 22, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. nm,./bnm, APRIL 22, 2013 T he meeting was called to order by Chris Harper at 7:02 p.m. In attendance were Chris Harper, Mike Parton, Tony Owens, Brad Adams, Ken Childs, Don Graham, Ed Leaver, Jamie Niland, Michelle Midnight, Eddie Reymond, and Will Skelton. Guests included Bobby Glenn, Jason Altman, Stephanie Broome, Shannon Hepp, Lindsay Rebert, Troy Rebert, Patty Thewes, and Doug Young. Stephanie Broome, Shannon Hepp, Lindsay Rebert, Troy Rebert, Patty Thewes, and Doug Young were introduced as guests. Board Member Additions — Stephanie Broome, Shannon Hepp, Troy Rebert, Patty Thewes, and Doug Young introduced themselves as potential board members. After discussion, a motion was made to add all five to the board, and was unanimously approved. [email protected], [email protected], etc. for the last 8 years has decommissioned its products and services. For the time being, use [email protected] for Knoxville Marathon communications. Numbers were down a bit for the marathon this year but race weekend went well; only positive feedback has been received so far. The post-race survey goes out April 22. The date for the 2014 Knoxville Marathon will be March 30, and Jason has received assurance from the city of Knoxville that there will be no other large running events planned on that weekend. Executive Director’s Report — The 50th Annual Volunteer Track Classic was held April 19-20 at UT Tom Black Track. This year’s event attracted 1,115 high school athletes – 85 teams from 9 states attended. Highlights included a 4:12 mile, a new meet record. The meet was conducted well and ran on time. Bobby discussed the possibility of combining the VTC and SeaRay Relays. KTC membership numbers are good but stable. The sponsorship was confirmed. The date of the Pigeon Forge 8k will have to be moved to the last Saturday in July for 2013 because of a conflict with the host hotel. There were other sponsorship discussions with Tennessee Sports Medicine Group, Suntan City, Sam’s Club, Panera Bread, and Tim Hathaway. The KTC finalized the employment agreement with Kevin Floyd, new Youth Athletics Program director. Kevin will start May 1. The 2013 budget was finalized. Marathon Director’s Report — The email provider that hosted [email protected], Troy Rebert initiated a discussion about m,x continued on page 21,cx KTC BOARD m,x continued from page 20,cx potentially combining our various email lists, and their use for dissemination of information to the KTC membership. Bobby Glenn discussed several Boston tribute ideas: ♦ KTC partnership support for the Rev3Glow 5K Night Race, which is donating 100% of its proceeds to the injured former UT swimmer. ♦ Expo 5K/10K – Dedicate this year’s race to Boston Victims, possibly employing a blue and yellow color scheme and donating a portion of the proceeds to the Boston Athletic Association/The One Fund. Long Distance committee — Ethan Coffey was proposed as chair and Keith Gemeinhart proposed as a new member. Trail Report — Recent races (ICKing of Trails, Wild West Ridge Run) have been successful. Jamie Niland proposed including a difficulty level with the information about upcoming races; Will Skelton proposed instead including an elevation chart with the race information. Officials Report — We have a good group of experienced track officials, but we need some younger additions to the group. A discussion ensued about how to recruit/attract new officials. One idea was to potentially add the development of officials to Kevin Floyd list of goals. Treasurer’s Report — The Treasurer’s Report included 1Q financial statements. The move to accrual-based accounting is done, except for the Knoxville Marathon - more accurate marathon numbers will be available in June. Mike Parton (and others) will be meeting with Steve Arnett of The Trust Company to discuss investment options. New Business — Brad Adams proposed discussing a possible merger of the two big Thanksgiving Day races. Bobby expressed the desire to make our races more fun like some of the recent colorful non-KTC events. A discussion was held around the idea of having one of our races be a big fundraiser for a local charity, such as KARM. Ed Leaver announced that the recipient of the $1,500 Hal Canfield Memorial Fund Scholarship has been selected. The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. The next KTC Board Meeting will be held on May 20, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. nm,./bnm, MAY 20, 2013 T he meeting was called to order by KTC President Chris Harper at 7:11 p.m. In attendance were Chris Harper, Mike Parton, Tony Owens, Brad Adams, Stephanie Broome, Ken Childs, Shannon Hepp, Ed Leaver, Ron McElhaney, Michelle Midnight, Jamie Niland, Eddie Reymond, Will Skelton, Patty Thewes, Felon Wilson, and Doug Young. Guests included Bobby Glenn, Jason Altman, Darren Brown, Sarah Brown, Kevin Floyd, Kathy Taylor, Lauren Chiles, Ken St. Germain, David Huntsinger, Steve Looper, and from the Tennessee School for the Deaf, Daniel Jerrolds, Luke Benson, Demetria Beasley, Mckayla Evans, and Dominique Holmes. Guest Introduction — Representatives of the Tennessee School for the Deaf (noted above) were introduced and thanked the KTC for their support as they attended the High School Nationals. Introduction of new KTC Youth Athletics Director — Bobby Glenn introduced Kevin Floyd, new YAP director. Kevin discussed his background, and outlined summer plans, to include a series of road miles (once a month) working up to the Knoxville Marathon. Board Member Additions — David Huntsinger was introduced as a potential new board member, and was unanimously approved. Treasurer’s Report — Mike Parton handed out the Treasurer’s Report, which included second quarter financial statements, information about a meeting with The Trust Company, and an overview of cash and investment balances. Adjournment — The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 p.m. The next KTC Board Meeting will be held on June 24, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. TIPS TIPS FOR FOR TRAIL TRAIL RUNNING RUNNING SAFETY SAFETY ♦ Follow the rules of the road - travel on the right and pass on the left. ♦ Don’t run down the middle of the trail. Run to the right side to allow others to pass safely. ♦ Don’t wear headphones – but if you insist on going against this RRCA and common-sense safety guideline, keep the volume low or only wear one headphone. ♦ If you are running an out-and-back route on a trail, don’t just make a sudden u-turn at your turn around point. Stop, step to the right to allow oncoming traffic the opportunity to pass. Ensure the trail is clear of oncoming traffic (runners, cyclists, in-line skaters, etc.) then make your u-turn. Making a sudden u-turn without looking over your shoulder is a good way to get hit by an oncoming cyclist or skater. ♦ Avoid running on trails in the evening if they are not well lit and do not have regular traffic. ♦ Never run more than two abreast if you are running in a group. Don’t be a trail hog. While pedestrians have the right of way on most trails, the goal is to share the trails. ♦ Alert people when you are passing them – don’t assume they are aware of their surroundings. A simple “on your left” warning will suffice. ♦ Be alert on blind curves. ♦ Stop at stop signs if the trail crosses a roadway. Don’t assume cars on the road will stop for the trail crossing. ♦ Be mindful of young children on the trail – their movements can be unpredictable. Slowing the pace a bit when you pass small children on the trail is a wise idea. Use this as an opportunity to slow the pace then pick up the tempo. ♦ Respect private property along the trail. ♦ Don’t litter. If you can’t find a trash can, carry your trash home. ♦ Get approval from local authorities before planning a race or training event on your local multi-use trail. Footnotes July 2013 - 21 Footnotes July 2013 - 22 TSD Athletes Shine at Berg/Seeger Classic Bobby Glenn, KTC Executive Director T he Knoxville Track Club was proud to support a fine group of athletes from the Tennessee School for the Deaf as they traveled to Faribault, Minnesota on May 11 for the 6th Annual Berg/Seeger Classic, which serves as the national championship for deaf schools. PHOTO_TSD2.JPG The TSD athletes performed very well. Demetria Beasley was 6th in the discus with a throw of 60’101/2" and 9th in the shot put with a throw of 21’8". Michaela Evans was 5th in the 100m dash in 15.37, 6th in the 200m at 33.31 and 3rd (Bronze Medal!) in the long jump at 13’2 3/4". Diamonique Holmes was 7th in the shot put at 22’11" and 9th in the discus at 48’11". We’re so proud of these athletes and the fine program Athletic Director Luke Benson and the staff at TSD are running. Next year’s nationals will be close to home (Kentucky) and the team is already looking forward to competing again. PHOTO_TSD3.JPG PHOTO_TSD1.JPG MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE BERG/SEEGER CLASSIC ♦ Results: ♦ Story: 2013/may/17/sixth-bergseeger-classic/♦ Information: Footnotes July 2013 - 23 Middle of the Pack by Charlie Raper HAS Y OUR OBOE PLA YED YOUR PLAYED ITS ““a a” T OD AY? TOD ODA W hat a marvelous metaphor! I only wish it were original with me. Even those of us who have been involved (addicted) to exercise and fitness for decades from time to time need to have our batteries recharged. Is all this time and effort really worth it? Are the benefits transient and evanescent or are there really more tangible results to be achieved? Such an opportunity happened to me recently at the American Medical Athletic Association at its yearly scientific sports medicine meeting in conjunction with the running of the Boston Marathon. One of the speakers was Dr. Walter Bortz, geriatrician and professor at Stanford University. He has written several articles and books pertaining to fitness and longevity. At 83 he still participates in the Boston Marathon and plans to live to be a hundred. His philosophy of living life to the fullest is most engaging. I have had the privilege of riding the bus with him and his wife multiple times to the start of the Boston Marathon, including this year’s ill-fated race. Dr. Bortz points to the work of Blair, et al at the Cooper Aerobics Clinic in Dallas. More than 13,000 subjects were followed for a period of a decade or so with routine maximal treadmill testing and compiling mortality statistics. The results were most gratifying in showing a significant reduction in mortality rates in the “fit” group. Data suggests that we lose 2% of our wellness parameters per year as we age if we are not fit, whereas this decrease in Footnotes July 2013 - 24 vigor is more like 1/2% per year in individuals who exercise and are fit. One might compare a 70 year old fit person in many parameters to a 40 year old who is not fit. Whether we are a canyon, tree, universe, or a human being, we are all subject to the Second Law of Thermodynamics which states that the quality of energy deteriorates over time. Usable energy is used for productivity, growth, and repair. Usable energy is inevitable lost, as unusable energy increases. Entropy is the result with increasing chaos or randomness within a system. Basically aging then is the effect of energy flow over matter. Really, then, aging reflects how well we are able to provide oxygen to our tissues. “Aging is not a disease, it is disuse.” Consider the limb that has been in a cast for months. It is withered and weak, appearing like an aged limb. With exercise it can, however, regain its previous vitality. Identical twin studies show an average of 6 years difference in age of mortality. Genetic issues then make up approximately 15% of the factors accounting for mortality. The remaining factors lie more in the realm of environment. That is, 15% depends upon the cards we are played, but the major concern is how we play the hand. Dr. Bortz draws a metaphor between exercise and a symphony orchestra. The musicians at first take their seats and begin a discordant cacophony of seesaws, horn tooting, and drum rolls, as their instruments are finely tuned. Then the oboe sounds an ‘A”, which the cue for other musicians to answer in unison. Now the melody begins in synergy and sweet harmony ensues. In the human body exercise is the oboe’s ‘A’. Our genes await the signal, which produces improved oxygen-carrying potential in our arteries, reduction of cardiovascular mortality and certain cancers, improved immunity, reduction of Type II diabetes mellitus and a whole host of other byproducts such as stress relief, psychological well-being, and reduction of the frailty that goes with aging. Obviously we have no guarantees of the morrow. We do, however, have the tools to reverse the adage, “we live too short and die too long.” Exercise is pivotal, and of course rest, time for repair, and proper fuel for our cellular engines are also important. We never get too old to play in whatever mode we decide to move our bodies through space. Let’s go out and let our oboe play its ‘A’ today. KTC GROUP RUNS MONDAYS: Runners Market in Farragut, 11533 Kingston Pike. 5:45 pm. For more information, call 671-4854. TUESDAYS: Track workouts at UT’s Tom Black Track on Volunteer Boulevard. 5:30 p.m. For more information, check out WEDNESDAYS: Runners Market, 4443 Kingston Pike Avenue, Western Plaza. 5:30 pm. For more info, email [email protected]. NO PANTHERS BUT LOTS OF FUN AT PANTHER CREEK CHALLENGE John LeCroy, race director I t was a wet and soggy day for racing, but that didn’t stop the brave trailsters from coming out for the Panther Creek Challenge. This year we added a short course to the event that proved to be a great success. The trails were muddy but that only encouraged the runners to get out for a romp in the woods. 65 runners braved the long course, while 52 runners tried the new short course. The course started on the asphalt next to the picnic area, ran a slight uphill to the first trail, the Ridgecrest Trail. A steep downhill kept runners on their toes as they jumped over limbs and negotiated boulders. And then the course made a sharp left onto the Hunt Knob Trail. The course followed the Hunt Knob Trail for approximately 1.5 miles and then crossed the road to the Lake Trail. This is where the course got serious. Trail runners following the long course turned right to the Ore Mine Trail while the short course followers turned left to the Point Lookout Trail. The short course allowed trail runners to follow the Point Lookout Trail and make the finish in record time. The long course runners made the Ore Mine Trail Loop and then followed connector trails to the Maple Arch Trail. The Maple Arch trail is a 3.1 mile loop trail with magnificent views of Cherokee Lake. However, the trail runners didn’t take time to enjoy the view. Once they finished the loop it was back to the Point Lookout trail for the finish. The first finisher to cross the long course finish line was Jon Peralto, who finished with a time of 1:22:19. The first female long course finisher was Andrea Ludwig, who finished with a time of 1:48:34. All of the runners had a great run and enjoyed the trails at Panther Creek. The short course winner was Zach Warren, with a time of 35:13. The first place female finisher was Shelley Rabie, who finished with a time of 39:06. All in all, it was a great day to run at Panther Creek State Park. Many thanks go to the volunteers who made the event possible and the staff at Panther Creek for keeping the trails and facilities in great shape. Hope to see you next year. Saturdays with TSMG 2260 SUTHERLAND AVE KNOX TN 37919 865-951-2975 [email protected] Come us Saturdays during the Calljoin about our special spring for Knoxville Track Club Saturday morning Saturdays! TSMG is opening the clinic doors for $25 triage injury Knoxville Track Club evaluations. Please call our office triage for moreinjury details. evaluation. Run on in to see us! Footnotes July 2013 - 25 Footnotes July 2013 - 26 Allan Morgan Service Award Nomination Application The Allan Morgan Service Award was established to celebrate dedicated volunteers working in a variety of functions for the KTC. Allan Morgan was an outstanding volunteer then Director and moved KTC forward to become one of RRCA’s largest running clubs. Nominees must have demonstrated selfless service to the KTC in any volunteer position or tasks.. The Long Distance Committee will review all nomination applications in July and the recipient will be announced at the Annual KTC Summer Picnic in August. Nomination Information Nominee Name: Why are you nominating this person? How long has nominee been volunteering for KTC? Email Address: Nominating Member Information Nominating Member Name: How do you know nominee? Nominating Member Email Address: Please email to [email protected] or mail this application to: KTC Volunteer of the Year Application, PO Box 52266, Knoxville, TN 37950 Footnotes July 2013 - 27 REPORTS FROM FROM KTC KTC ROAD ROAD RACES RACES zxc zxc REPORTS GORGEOUS WEATHER AND FAST TIMES RAISE MONEY FOR BOSTON ONE FUND Mike Wortley, race director T he 36th running of the KTC EXPO 10,000 and 5k was held on May 25th. The Memorial Day weekend event is staple to many Knoxville area runners, including the hard core group of 29 “Streakers” who have participated in the event every year since its inception in 1978. This year’s EXPO was remarkable for two reasons. Alan Horton (32:39) and Chris Bodary (33:01.) Top masters finisher was Oak Ridge’s Ed Wright (35:49), grandmasters was Greg Johnson (37:30), and senior grandmasters was Jody Hines of Knoxville (43:08.) Jeff Chapman of Team Health Shoppe won the Clydesdale division, running 41:19. Second, race day morning was graced with some of the most spectacular weather in recent memory! Fifty-five degrees and sunny skies saw 970 participants off on their trek of the 5k and 10k courses, encouraging many a fast time. In the women’s 10k, Elizabeth Herndon, a member of the Trooper’s Bar team, won handily, clocking 36:06. Second place was Team Health Shoppe’s Rebecca McDowell (38:05), followed by Team Runner’s Market’s Kathy Wolski (38:21.) Five time overall champion Jasmin Keller was this year’s masters winner, running 40:23. Shelley Rabie of Tazwell won the grandmasters division in 43:59, while Mary Preisel came all the way from Signal Mountain to win the senior grandmaster’s division in a time of 50:56. Julie Fox-Williams of Cosby won the Athena division in 51:48. This year’s 10k men’s race was won by veteran Stewart Ellington in 32:34, outkicking his runners Market teammate The 5k men’s race was won by Jason Altman in a time of 16:37, outunning Ryan Smith (2nd, 18:06) and Zachary First, this year’s event was a fundraiser for the One Fund Boston, a charity formed to assist victims and families affected by the April 15 Boston Marathon bombing. Two dollars from each registration, plus all donations made by participants were donated, $2,410 all together. Footnotes July 2013 - 28 Sakacsi (3rd, 18:48). Ray Wilson, Scott King, and Steve Ferguson won the masters, grandmasters, and senior grandmasters divisions, respectively. Whitney Neins of Knoxville won the women’s race in 18:59, followed by Maria Bartlett (2nd, 19:51) and Marsha Morton (3rd, 21:35). The masters, grandmasters, and seniors grandmasters winners were Jennifer McKelvey, Linda Bartlett, and Maryjane Pitts, respectively. Mike Peevy won the Clydesdale divison, and Heather Fraser won the Athena division. This year’s EXPO would not have been possible without the efforts of an excellent group of volunteers who gave up part of their holiday weekend to distribute bibs and t-shirts, hand out water, serve as course monitors, slice up fruit, and time the race. This race also made possible by sponsorship support from Pilot/Flying J, Calhoun’s, Runners Market, Tennessee Sports Medicine Group, Academy Sports + Outdoors, Tim Hathaway Realty Executives, the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon, and EarthFare. STALK YOUR QUARRY: WET, NEW, LOST, AND THANKS Scott Gibson, race director T he Treadin’ Trodden Trails Stalk Your Quarry race this year had several words that summed it up, WET; NEW; LOST; and THANKS. WET WET, because there was a light steady rain when we started about 7:00 am. NEW was because I was new to the Race Director business. LOST LOST, was for the “missing” shirts when we first got there. THANKS to Michael deLisle for running back to the storage unit to get them! Chris George and I got a little more WET while bringing the tables and coolers out to their location in the rain and of course I spilled some of the water on my shorts. NEW for the addition of a short course option. LOST for the people who went right instead of left after coming by the water stop for the second time and cut the long course short by several miles. THANKS to Bobby Glenn, Laura Geirheiser, Emerson Fuller, Phil Burgess, Rachel Jones, Jared, and Ben King for running the trails to help me layout the course! WET for when it started a torrential downpour about 40 minutes into the race (I heard later that it was the most rain in a given amount of time ever in Knoxville)! NEW for the new trails we got to use (Burnett Ridge and Ross Marble). LOST for the people who did the Hickory and Amber loop twice. Bonus miles! ;-) THANKS to Darren Stanford who helped me mark the course on Saturday evening! Couldn’t have done it without you! WET for the water station volunteers (Shelley Rabie, Tracy Willis) who got absolutely soaked to the bone while manning the water stations and directing the racers! LOST as a result of the rain and wind twisting our arrows around and blowing them down. THANKS to Shelley Rabie and Tracy Willis for manning the water stops and to Larry Brede for sweeping the course! WET because I don’t think I have ever been so wet without swimming! NEW male overall, female overall, male masters, female masters winners (Zack Darby, Bianca Tries, Todd Caldwell, and Laura Geirheiser). Way to run in such difficult conditions! LOST is what we would have been without the help of the trail committee members and many volunteers that make the trail races possible! THANKS to all of them! One other word that comes to mind is FUN which seemed to be had by all even with all of the rain and some people getting lost! See you next year when it’s time to Stalk Your Quarry again! DON’T FORGET... The next KTC Treadin’ Trodden Trails event is coming up on July 14, in the exciting new Urban Wilderness of South Knoxville. The inaugural Hann Jive Six Miler starts at 9am at Anderson South Head Start on Prospect Road. Should be a blast! Don’t miss it! BE PART OF EAST TENNESSEE’S MOST EXCITING TRAIL SERIES! Footnotes July 2013 - 29 REPORTS FROM FROM KTC KTC ROAD ROAD RACES RACES zxc zxc REPORTS GOOD TIMES ROLL AT SUMMER SOLSTICE Ray Wilson and Doug Young, co-race directors D espite some challenging circumstances — vandals decided it would be a good idea to dump our coolers and throw them and our water stop table in the woods, forcing Doug and Bobby to throw a new water stop out there with barely five minutes to spare — this year’s Summer Solstice was a big hit. We started the day with cooler than normal temperatures but it managed to heat up by race time. Things continued heating up as Darren Brown sizzled to a new course record of 25:20, chopping a massive 45 seconds off the old record on what’s one of the toughest 8K courses out there. Ethan Coffey (27:08) and Brent Johnson (28:38) rounded out the top three. (30:20) and Laura Gearhiser (37:23). Brent Bueche hopped out of the car from an 8 hour trip and still managed to take the Grandmasters title in 33:11, with Robin Miller taking the female Grandmasters in 39:26. Senior Grandmasters titles went to Mike Morris (36:55) and Shirley Sirois (54:05). Larry Brede set a new Clydesdale record at 32:49 and Sarah Bowen took the Athena race in 46:07. We packed about as many people in this race as we could with 198 registered and 176 finishers. On the women’s side Rebecca McDowell took the title in 31:27, narrowly missing the course record by five seconds. Susan Roberts took 2nd in 36:22 with Missie Gregory hot on her heels in 3rd at 36:42. Post-race is where the fun really begins with this race as the band played, the beer flowed and the BBQ went down the hatch! Thanks to the folks at Mill House for hosting us and providing a great BBQ dinner. Masters titles went to Kevin Fitzgerald As always, a host of volunteers helped Footnotes July 2013 - 30 with the race (many helped before the race, ran the race, and helped after the race!). Many thanks to Troy and Lindsay Rebert, Angie Schmidt, Julia Conner, Teresa Williams, Lisa Graves, Kevin Fitzgerald, Sara Webb, Janina Perez, Jeremy Curtis, Michelle Midnight, John and Kelly Murmann, Jimmy Stringham, Ryan Smith, Debbie Toomey, Russ House, Herb Gengler, Whitney Lewis, Michael and Jesse deLisle, Mark Hickey, Dakota Kenyon, Ken and Shirley Sirois, Brent Bueche, Chris Morton from Bearden Beer Market and anyone else who volunteered but isn’t mentioned. Last but certainly not least we’d like to thank our race sponsors who helped to make this such a fun and unique event. Thank you to Threds, Cherokee Distributing, Shawn’s Custom Computers, Rosy’s Wine and Spirits, Eddie’s Health Shoppe, New Balance Knoxville and Academy Sports and Outdoors. NO HEAT WAVE FOR 2013 LAKESHORE TRAIL TREK Kathy Smith, race director O n a beautiful Saturday morning on June 22nd, one hundred area trail runners met near Greenback to run this year’s Lakeshore trail race, staged by the Knoxville Track Club’s Treadin’ Trodden Trails committee. This year’s race started at the bridge at Coytee and went north toward the Glendale Community. The race offered a 4 or 8 mile option. Both distances consisted of an out and back on Glendale trail catching Coytee loop on the return. When the race started at 9 am, temperatures hovered comfortably in the low 70’s but quickly began to climb into the 80’s with increased humidity. Still, Mother Nature was much more kind this year in keeping temperatures below last year’s 90 degree mark. The mostly singletrack trail traversed the shores of Tellico Lake, offering some great views and an occasional breeze. There were a few rolling hills but nothing too steep, and though a few spots required root and rock hopping, the race courses were not too technical and were quite runnable by all accounts. There were 58 finishers for the 8 mile race, with Matt Stegall (1:05:28) and Andrea Ludwig (1:08:47) taking the top overall male and female spots. Winners of the 4 mile race were Andrew Terrence (34:26) and Amy Norris (37:32) with 33 runners completing the course. All participants crossing the finish line were smiling and seemed to enjoy the course. For many it was the first time they had the opportunity to run on the Lakeshore trails. Thanks to Lou Livingston and the Adopt a Trail folks the trails were in excellent conditions. In the wake of the recent storms and heavy rainfall, they worked hard getting all the trails cleared and tall grasses mowed for a safe and fast course. A few finishers missed the cut back into the woods from the road near the finish and ended up finishing in reverse style. Thanks to some early finishers who went back out on the course to help guide participants in the right direction. Thanks to all the Treadin Trodden Trail Committee members who pitched in to make sure all aspects of the event went smoothly. It was a fun day spent in the sun. We’ll look forward to seeing everyone next year for the 2014 Trek. KTC Grand Prix Standings Through Solstice 8k * Jerry Schohl, keeper of the points OPEN TEAMS MALE Ethan Coffey Brent Bueche Kevin Fitzgerald Alan Horton Ken Sirois P. Mark Taylor Larry Brede Stewart Ellington Bob Cunningham Al Leitch Doug Young Darren Brown Craig Schwartz Brent Johnson Keith Gemeinhart Tyler Keys Stephen Lowe 3 men tied with 39 38 34 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 18 18 17 16 16 16 14 Team Runners Market Tennessee Spine Running Club Team Health Shoppe Trooper’s Bar Best of the Rest Slow Motion Tennessee Spine Open B FEMALE 25 17 11 9 3 3 2 WOMEN’S TEAMS Team Runners Market Trooper’s Bar Tennessee Spine Running Club Team Health Shoppe KTC Socialites 23 18 15 12 2 CO-ED TEAMS Team Health Shoppe Tennessee Spine Running Club Team Runners Market KTC Socialites Trooper’s Bar UT Running Club Gangnam Style Best of the Rest 21 16 13 7 5 4 2 2 Laura Gearhiser Shirley Sirois Jenny Vance Elizabeth Herndon Kathy Wolski Missie Gregory Becky Tener Rebecca McDowell Robin Miller Kimberly Emert Amy Viars Jasmin Keller Susan Roberts Jennifer Singh Maryjane Pitts Pat Denton 4 women tied with 40 37 37 36 32 26 26 25 23 22 19 18 18 17 15 15 14 Footnotes July 2013 - 31 REPORTS FROM FROM KTC KTC ROAD ROAD RACES RACES zxc zxc REPORTS RAIN HOLDS OFF AND RUNNERS BURN IT UP AT 29TH FIREBALL John LeCroy, race director D espite the looming rain and thun derstorms, a large number of runners turned out for the 29th Annual Pilot Fireball Moonlight Classic. With temperatures close to 70 and cloudy skies, we still had 1418 runners registered to race. Thank you to all of the participants who came out for the event to make it an exciting night. Darren Brown took the overall win, covering the five kilometer course in 15:00. Darren’s 4:50 pace set the tone for the night’s race, with many finishers setting PRs on the course. Spectators were cheering the racers on as Ethan Coffey finished second with a time of 15:21 and Andy Baksa finished third with a time of 15:26. Gina Rouse was female winner with a time of 17:57, while returning racer Rebecca McDowell took second place. Joanna Thompson placed third, heating up the female competition with an exciting finish. Top finishers in the Masters Division include Kevin Fitzgerald (17:28) from Sevierville for the males and Valerie Bachman (21:03) from Knoxville for the females. Top Grandmasters were Greg Johnson from Knoxville and Robin Miller from Maryville. Top Senior Grandmasters were Guy Giles from Knoxville and Susan Keener from Maryville. Thank you to our title sponsor, Pilot Corporation, for their continued support of this great family event. Thanks goes to our other sponsors including Runners Market, Dick’s Sporting Goods, Tim Footnotes July 2013 - 32 Hathaway/Realty Executives, Rita’s Italian Ice, The Shoe Carnival, TN Sports Medicine Group, and UT Federal Credit Union. Many thanks go to the volunteers and agencies that make this race possible. The Knoxville Police Department and the Knoxville Fire Department helped keep this race safe and family friendly. Special thanks go to Runners Market for their continuing support and generous donations for door prizes. In addition, Runner’s Market and Dick’s Sporting Goods supported the event by generously hosting packet pickup for the race. Thank you to Kevin Mahan and Endurance Sports Management for helping make the race day run smoothly. Again, the success of the race depends on so many things coming together through the efforts of many volunteers. Due to the efforts of volunteers working packet pickup, setting up water stops, registration, snack tables, data entry, sorting shirts, stuffing goody bags, picking up trash, etc. the 29th Annual Pilot Fireball Moonlight Classic was a huge success. See you again next year! SHOW SHOW YOUR YOUR KTC KTC CARD CARD FOR FOR A A DISCOUNT DISCOUNT 1 Source Printing Advanced Chiropractic Cedar Bluff Cycles Cork & Bottle Dirk Dandy Massage Gourmet Market Harper’s Bike Shop Health Shoppe Magpies Bakery New Balance Knoxville River Sports River Sports Climbing Center Rosy’s Wine & Spirits Runners Market Swim & Tri Knoxville Training Edge Waggy Tails William & Lea, Inc. KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB APPRECIATES ITS FINE SPONSORS PATRONIZE THEM WITH DELIGHT AND GRATITUDE! Footnotes July 2013 - 33 The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2013 Offroad Running Series proudly presents Hann Jive Six Miler DATE TIME PLACE: Sunday, July 14, 2013. 9:00 am. Starts/finishes at Anderson-South Head Start (formerly Anderson School) at 4808 Prospect Road, Knoxville 37920. COURSE DESCRIPTION: 6ish mile course traverses northeast along the Lost Chromosome Trail in the Urban Wilderness Corridor of South Knoxville, then loops down through Chain Ring, AC/DC, and a host of delightful trails on private land generously approved by the landowner before returning to the staging area on Lost Chromosome, ending at Anderson South-Head Start . DIRECTIONS: From I-40, take James White Parkway south across South Knoxville Bridge and continue to its terminus at Sevierville Pike/Moody Avenue. Turn right and travel to Chapman Highway, then turn left and travel 2¼ miles to Lindy Avenue and turn left. Go a little over ½ mile to Sevierville Pike and turn left, then right on Centeroak. Make another quick left onto Prospect and travel about a hundred yards to school. Parking is at school or in the church parking lot at the corner of Sevierville Pike and Prospect. Latitude: 35.928971, -83.866303 REGISTRATION FEE: $10.00 for preregistration. Five bucks for students 14 and younger. Two KTC volunteer coupons will waive fee. Online registration available at NOTE: Day of Race registration $15.00 or three volunteer coupons. T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series. This is the same shirt as at all other Treadin’ Trodden Trails races; one shirt per runner PER SEASON please. Taking multiple shirts minimizes monies we are able to donate to trail friendly causes. RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up number at race site 30-90 minutes before the start. AWARDS AND REWARDS: Awards will vary from race to race, but each race offers the eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run, testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful romp among the woods, waters and fields of East Tennessee. SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and female masters qualify for free entry to Big South Fork Trail Race and hotel accomodations for that race. In order to qualify for a series award,an individual must be a current KTC member and volunteer at a minimum of two Treadin’ Trodden Trails events. Point totals accrue in a maximum of ten series events. RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course. SAFETY: The course will be monitored with water and aid stations; however, due to the unusual nature of this race (and trail racing generally) we strongly recommend that you : (1) Carry your own water, (2) If sensitive to insect stings or bites, carry your own medication, and (3) Do some prerace training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time. INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Contact race director Michael deLisle 865.548.4718 or [email protected]. More info 865.588.1650 OFFICIAL 2013 HANN JIVE ENTRY FORM Race Number Address ____________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip _____ Name Last____________________________________ Phone ( First___________________________________ In case of emergency, call ________________________ at Phone ( ) ________ - ________ Sex Circle One male Birthdate Mo. ____ Day ____ Yr ____ T-shirt Size (circle one) M L XL Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to: Michael deLisle, Hann Jive Trail Race 4443 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37919 Make checks payable to The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds) Footnotes July 2013 - 34 COURSE CLOSES 10:45 AM female Age (as of 12-31-13) ______ S ) _______ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________ We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers! ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in the Hann Jive Six Miler unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and /or volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB, RUNNERS MARKET, NATIONAL HEALTH CARE, ASICS, KNOXVILLE ENDURANCE, BEARDEN BEER MARKET, THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, KNOX COUNTY, BRIAN HANN, MARY BETH TUGWELL, ANY AND ALL PRIVATE LANDOWNERS UPON WHOSE LAND THE RACE MAY TREAD, AND THE CITY OF KNOXVILLE, any and all members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. __________________________ _______________________ _____ Athlete's Signature & if under 18, parent's signature Date The 30th Annual Carter Mill Splash 10K Presented by Date, Time, & Place: Saturday, July 20, 2013 at 7:30 AM. Starts and Finishes at the Carter Mill *&%) Directions: From Knoxville go east I-40 to exit 398 - Strawberry Plains Pike. Go left at the end of the ramp ' "($ %!& right on Carter School Rd. Go 1/4 mile, turn right on Carter Mill Rd. The pool is on your left. Course Description and Highlights: USATF course certification #TN3001DJR. Out and back course that runs on rolling, rural roads, with the second half slightly more downhill, especially the last 1/2 mile Registration & Entry Fee: Cost is $25 for all mail-in entries. Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, July 10, 2013. No Shirt - Deduct $5 anytime. Race Day Registration is from 6:30 AM to 7:15 AM at the pool. To receive early registration and KTC member discounts, register online at No refunds and no transfers T-shirts: Pre-registered runners will receive short sleeved performance t-shirts on race day. Late Registrants will receive T-Shirts as supplies last Awards: Top 3 Overall Male and Female, Top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Senior Grandmasters (60+) for Male and Female. Awards to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Age Divisions will be in 10 year increments (three deep). Overall winners not eligible for age division awards. Awards must be picked up during the awards ceremony. Awards will not be mailed. Grand Prix Points: 2013 Grand Prix Points awarded at this race. Remember, to participate in the Grand Prix, runners must be a KTC Member and MUST volunteer at least 3 times at KTC Grand Prix events to qualify. Refreshments: Post Race Refreshments and swimming will be provided for all runners and walkers at the pool Results: Complete results will be available on the KTC Website at Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed on the course. Headphones are strongly discouraged. Information: Contact Race Director Bobby Glenn at 865-548-7664 or [email protected] or Mike Wortley at 888-217-5635 opt. 3, or [email protected] Course Closes after 1 Hour 45 Minutes Official 2013 Carter Mill Splash 10K Entry Form Race No. _____________ ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. Name: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for Last: myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all First: rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The Address: Knoxville Track Club, Knox County, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all City/State/Zip: independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons, E-mail Address*: Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees, *Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this Emergency event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when Contact Name Phone running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree Sex Circle One: Male Female to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete Age: (as of 7.20.13) _____________ the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________ illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one): 200 lbs + male 150 lbs + female permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, Circle T-shirt Size: S M L XL XXL No Shirt videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any Select all that apply: time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national _______ _______ 10K Run $25. (Discounts available when registering online security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or at other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense No Shirt - Deduct $5 and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. $________ TOTAL Please Complete and Mail to KTC/Carter Mill Splash 10K 5254 Mountaincrest Dr. Knoxville, TN 37918 Athlete’s Signature (or Parent's Signature if under 18) Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct NO REFUNDS & NO TRANSFERS or is abusive to race volunteers. Headphones are Strongly Discouraged Date Footnotes July 2013 - 35 Midnight 8k Presented by Date, Time, & Place: Saturday, July 27, 2013 at 11:59 PM - Pigeon Forge, TN Course Description and Highlights: USATF course certification #TN10018MS. Pancake Flat and Fast! RRCA State Championship: The Midnight Race has been designated as the 2013 RRCA State Championship 8K Registration & Entry Fee: Cost is $30 for all mail-in entries. Mail-in entries must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, July 17, 2013. No Shirt - Deduct $5 anytime. Race Day Registration is from 10:00 PM to 11:30 PM at the Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge Hotel and Convention Center. To receive early registration and KTC member discounts, register online at No refunds and no transfers Accommodations: Rooms are available at the Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge at the special group rate of $110.99 Call 1-800-782-3119 and use the group code M13. Limited Rooms are Available. T-shirts: Pre-registered runners will receive short sleeved performance t-shirts on race day. Late Registrants will receive T-Shirts as supplies last Awards: Cash Awards for Overall Winners. Cash Prizes will not be Mailed Awards to top 3 Overall Male and Female, Top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Senior Grandmasters (60+) for Male and Female. Awards to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Age Divisions will be in 5 year increments (three deep). Overall winners not eligible for age division awards. Awards must be picked up during the awards ceremony. Age division awards will not be mailed. Grand Prix Points: 2013 Grand Prix Points awarded at this race. Remember, to participate in the Grand Prix, runners must be a KTC Member and MUST volunteer at least 3 times at KTC Grand Prix events to qualify. Refreshments: Post Race Refreshments will be provided for all runners and walkers Results: Complete results will be available on the KTC Website at Race Etiquette: Due to insurance regulations, roller blades, strollers, bicycles, and dogs are not allowed on the course. Headphones are strongly discouraged. Information: Contact Race Director Laura Howard at 865-850-4098 or [email protected] or Mike Wortley at 888-217-5635 opt. 3, or [email protected] Course Closes after 1 Hour 30 Minutes Official 2013 Midnight 8K Entry Form Race No. _____________ ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. Name: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for Last: myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all First: rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The Address: Knoxville Track Club, The City of Pigeon Forge, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all City/State/Zip: independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons, E-mail Address*: Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees, *Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this Emergency event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when Contact Name Phone running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree Sex Circle One: Male Female to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete Age: (as of 7.27.13) _____________ the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________ illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one): 200 lbs + male 150 lbs + female permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, Circle T-shirt Size: S M L XL XXL No Shirt videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any Select all that apply: time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national _______ _______ 8K Run $30. (Discounts available when registering online security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or at other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense No Shirt - Deduct $5 and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. $________ TOTAL Please Complete and Mail to KTC/ Midnight 8K 5254 Mountaincrest Dr. Knoxville, TN 37918 Athlete’s Signature (or Parent's Signature if under 18) Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct NO REFUNDS & NO TRANSFERS or is abusive to race volunteers. Headphones are Strongly Discouraged Footnotes July 2013 - 36 Date Join the Morristown West High Cross Country team for the 15th Annual Trojan Trek 5k! Higher award amounts :: USATF certified course :: T-shirts :: Refreshments :: Swim after your run! RaceDate&Time:Saturday,August3,2013;Racebeginsat8:00am–Registrationbeginsat7:00am Location:PantherCreekStatePark,Morristown,Tennessee Fees:$20.00earlyregistration(postmarkedbyJuly27,2013);$25.00dayofrace.$15.00students TͲShirts:FirstqualityshortͲsleevedmoistureͲwickingguaranteedforpreͲregisteredrunnerswhowillreceivetͲshirton raceday.RacedayregistrantsreceiveatͲshirt(maybe50/50cotton)whilesupplieslast. Celebration:Awardsceremonywillimmediatelyfollowrace.Refreshmentswillbeavailableandtheparkpoolwillbe openforfreeusebyraceparticipantsandtheirfamilies.Alifeguardwillbeonduty. Awards:$150–Firstplaceoverallmaleandfemale $75–Secondplaceoverallmaleandfemale $50–Thirdplaceoverallmaleandfemale $25–Fourthplaceoverallmaleandfemale $15–Fifthplaceoverallmaleandfemale Awardsalsogotothe:firstmaster(40Ͳ49),firstgrandmaster(50Ͳ59),firstveterans(60+)andClydesdale/Athenadivision (200lbsmaleand150lbsfemale). Male&female1st,2ndand3rdplaceawardsinthefollowingagedivisions:9&under,10Ͳ14,15Ͳ19,20Ͳ24,25Ͳ29,30Ͳ34, 35Ͳ39,40Ͳ44,45Ͳ49,50Ͳ54,55Ͳ59,60Ͳ64,65Ͳ69,70Ͳ79,80+. TeamCompetition:Bestcombinedtimeby4membersincludingatleast1female. Overallwinners/categorywinnersarenoteligibleforagedivisionawards. Winnersmustpickuptheirawardsthedayoftherace. Formoreinformation,contactRaymondFarmer423Ͳ748Ͳ0931orKrisPrice423Ͳ748Ͳ2452. ______________________________________________________________________________ OFFICIALTROJANTREK5KENTRYFORM Name:________________________________________________________________RACE#_________ Address:__________________________________________________City:______________________ State:______Zipcode:__________Age(asof8/3/13):______Birthdate:_________________________ Male____Female____TeamName:______________________________________________________ TͲshirtsize:YL_____SM_____MED_____LG_____XLG_____Clydesdale________Athena________ Howdidyouhearaboutourevent?_____RunTricities.org_____KTC.org_____RaceFlyer_____Wordofmouth______________________________Other ATHLETE’SRELEASE.PLEASEREAD.TORUNORWALKTHISEVENT,YOUMUSTSIGNANDDATE. Iknowthatrunningandvolunteeringtoworkinracesarepotentiallyhazardousactivities.Ishouldnotenterandrun/walktheTrojanTrekunlessIammedicallyable andproperlytrained.Iagreetoabidebythedecisionofmyraceofficialastomyabilitytosafelycompletetherun/walk.Iassumeallrisksassociatedwith running/walkingand/orvolunteeringtoworkwiththeaforementionedevenincluding,butnotlimitedto,falls,contactwithotherparticipants,theeffectsofthe weather,includinghighheatorhumidity,theconditionsofthetrail/road,andtrafficonthecourse.Allsuchrisksareacknowledgedandappreciatedbyme.Having readthiswaiverandknowingthesefactsand,inconsiderationofyouracceptanceofmyapplication,Iformyselfandanyoneentitledtoactonmybehalfwaiveand releaseMorristownWestHighSchoolanditssponsors,anyandallmembersthereof,andallfurthersponsors,theirrepresentativesandsuccessorsfromallclaimsor liabilityarisingoutofmyparticipation. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Athlete’ssignature(ifunder18,parentorlegalguardian’ssignatureDate MakecheckspayabletoWestCrossCountryBoosters. MailthisformwithentryfeetoTrojanTrek,c/oMaryMitchell,3771MeadowlandDrive,Morristown,TN37814. Footnotes July 2013 - 37 Footnotes July 2013 - 38 The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2013 Offroad Running Series proudly presents HAW RIDGE TRAIL RACE DATE TIME PLACE: Saturday afternoon, August 10, 2013. 5:30 pm. Starts/finishes at the Haw Ridge Life Development Center on Old Edgemoor Drive near Oak Ridge TN. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 7+ mile course will begin with a short stretch of pavement then enter the woods at the eastern terminus of Old Edgemoor Drive, winding preciptiously and circuitously through the eastern portions of Haw Ridge Park, passing multiple aid stations before returning to the staging area in time for a festive postrace celebration. Party beverages will NOT be provided but ample food will be on hand, along with water and soft drinks. Course closes 7:15 pm. DIRECTIONS: From Knoxville, take Pellissippi Parkway to Edgemoor Drive and travel east for a mile and a quarter, turning right onto Old Edgemoor Drive and following it ¾ mile to the Life Development Center. Lat: 36.009638°N, Long: -84.169044°W REGISTRATION AND FEES: Fee: $10.00 for pre-registration and online registration. Five bucks for students 14 and younger. Two KTC volunteer coupons will waive fee. Online registration available at Participants are encouraged to donate to Friends of Haw Ridge at registration. NOTE: Day of Race registration $15.00 or three volunteer coupons. SPECIAL REGISTRATION OFFER: Sign up for the first ten races of the series and save big. Details at Offer expires 1/20/2013. T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series. This is the same shirt as at all other Treadin’ Trodden Trails races; one shirt per runner PER SEASON please. Taking multiple shirts minimizes monies we are able to donate to trail friendly causes. RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up number at race site 30-90 minutes before the start. AWARDS AND REWARDS: Awards will vary from race to race, but each race offers the eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run, testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful romp among the woods, waters, hillsides, and fields of East Tennessee. SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and female masters qualify for free entry to Big South Fork Trail Race and hotel accomodations for that race. In order to qualify for a series award, an individual must be a current KTC member and volunteer at a minimum of two Treadin’ Trodden Trails events. Point totals accrue in a maximum of ten series events. Details on KTC website. RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course. SAFETY: Due to the unusual nature of this race (and trail racing generally) we strongly recommend that you : (1) Carry your own water, (2) If sensitive to insect stings or bites, carry your own medication, and (3) Do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time. INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Contact race director Laura Gearhiser at 865.318.0108 or [email protected]. More info 865.588.1650 OFFICIAL 2013 HAW RIDGE TRAIL RACE ENTRY FORM Address Race Number __________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip ___________ Name Last____________________________________ Phone ( First___________________________________ In case of emergency, call ________________________ at Phone ( ) ________ - ________ Sex Circle One male We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers! Birthdate Mo. ____ Day ____ Yr ____ T-shirt Size (circle one) M L COURSE CLOSES AFTER 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES female Age (as of 12-31-13) ______ S ) ____ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________________ XL Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to: Michael deLisle, Haw Ridge Trail Race 4443 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919 Make checks payable to The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds) ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in the Haw Ridge Trail Race unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and /or volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB, RUNNERS MARKET, NATIONAL HEALTH CARE, ASICS, KNOXVILLE ENDURANCE, ANDEERSON COUNTY, THE CITY OF OAK RIDGE, AND THE STATE OF TENNESSEE of any and all members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. __________________________ _______________________ _____ Athlete's Signature & if under 18, parent's signature Date Footnotes July 2013 - 39 FOOTHILL STRIDERS 37TH ANNUAL Scholars RUN 2013 Second Leg of the Healthy Blount Triple Crown of Running 5K Run & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk Proceeds are to fund two annual scholarships sponsored by the Foothill Striders, Inc. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N DATE: Saturday, August 10, 2013 LOCATION: Physical Education Building, Maryville College CHECK-IN: 6:45 – 7:30 a.m. RACE TIME: 8:00 a.m. – 5K Run 8:05 a.m. – 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk GOLD SPONSOR THE COURSE. 5K Course includes area city streets. Split times will be provided at each mile. The 1 Mile Fun Walk/Run is situated entirely on the Maryville College campus. REGISTRATION & ENTRY FEE. Individuals can pre-register in person at the Parks and Recreation Office located at: 316 S. Everett High Road, Maryville, TN 37804 through Thursday, August 8, 3 p.m. Fee includes a race T-shirt. (Please add $1.50 for XXL shirt orders.) UÊ*Ài,i}ÃÌÀ>ÌÊVÃiÃÊ/ ÕÀÃ`>Þ]ÊÕ}ÕÃÌÊn]ÊÎÊ«°° UÊ*ÀiÀi}ÃÌÀ>ÌÊvii\Êf£Ç UÊ>ÞÊvÊ,>ViÊ,i}ÃÌÀ>ÌÊii\ÊfÓä UÊ"ÀÊÀi}ÃÌiÀÊiÊLÞÊÕ}ÕÃÌÊn]ÊÓÊ«°°Êeastern at CORPORATE & SCHOOL GROUP CHALLENGE. Each team consists of at least 3 members. The 3 fastest times will be added together to form the team score. Runners may register separately but must enter a corporation or school group name in the appropriate blank on the entry form. Entry fee for team members is $17 preregistration. Teams must pre-register. SILVER SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSOR SCHOLARS RUN SPONSORS GOLD Hospital SILVER MORRELL INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT, INC SECURITIES OFFERED THROUGH LPL FINANCIAL MEMBER FINRA/SIPC BRONZE T-SHIRTS. All runners will receive an attractive, high-quality T-shirt (race day guarantee to pre-registered runners). Shirts will be available on the day of the race for day-of-race entries, as long as supplies last. Those who do not receive a shirt on race day may pick up a shirt at the Parks & Recreation office approximately two weeks later. place immediately following the 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk. Plaques will be awarded for the top corporate/school groups. AWARDS AND PRIZES. An awards ceremony will be held on-site immediately following the race (approximately 9 a.m.). Special awards will be given to the top three finishers in each age group and to the male/ female Overall and Masters winners in the 5K. All Fun Run/Walk participants will receive a ribbon. All race participants will be eligible for free door prize drawings which will take Refreshments will be served immediately following the race for all registered participants. OTHER INFORMATION. No baby strollers, bicycles, roller blades, dogs or use of headsets are allowed. For more information regarding this race or the Triple Crown of Running, please contact Parks & Recreation at 865-983-9244. Access results at AGE DIVISIONS Male 11/under 12-15 16-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 12-15 16-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65/over Female 11/under Overall Male & Female 70-74 75/over Masters Male & Female (40 & over) 2 0 1 3 S C H O L A R S R U N E N T R Y F O R M Detach and return form with check or money order (made payable to Foothill Striders): ATTN: Parks & Recreation, Scholars Run, P.O. Box 789, Alcoa, TN 37701-0789 or register online at: RACE Number PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY For office use only LAST NAME _______________________________________________ FIRST NAME ______________________________________________ SCHOOL GROUP _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CORPORATION NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SEX ______________________ STREET ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDAY CITY _________________________________ STATE ______________ ZIP _______________ PHONE (________)______________________ ________ ________ ________ EMAIL _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I WILL RUN IN THE: ________ 5K PRE-REGISTRATION FEE: Month Day Year AGE AS OF AUG 10, 2013: ________ 1 MILE $17 (BEFORE 8/8/13, 3PM) T-SHIRT SIZE: (CIRCLE SHIRT SIZE): M (YOUTH) S $20 (DAY OF RACE) M L XL ___________________________ XXL (Please add $1.50 to entry fee for XXL shirt order.) EMERGENCY CONTACT________________________________________________________ PHONE (________)______________________ ATHLETE’S RELEASE: I know that running in road races is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run in this race unless I am medically able and properly trained. I assume all risks associated with running in this road race, including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course; all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Foothill Striders, Parks & Rec, and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in the race even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant my permission to all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. SIGNATURE______________________________________________________________________ DATE_______________________________________ (If under 18 years of age, parent’s signature required) Footnotes July 2013 - 40 The Butterfly Fund 5K The Butterfly Fund of East Tennessee Foundation supports research, treatment and services dedicated to the defeat of childhood cancers. Date, Time & Place: Saturday A August 17, 2013 at 9 am at the west end of Cherokee Blvd in Sequoyah Hills Course Description: Course Cer Certified: USTAF #TN4012DJR. An “Out and Back” along Cherokee Blvd beginning in the eastbound entrance. Course runs to Talahi Drive and back in the westbound lanes of Cherokee Blvd to Southgate Rd. lanes near the west park entrance Registration & Entry Fee: Early (Aug 10, 2013) $25 adults/$15 children. Late And Race Day Registration $30 adults/$20 children. No T-Shirt Option Deduct $2. Online Registration available at Pre-Registration Packet Pickup Will Be Available at Fleet Feet in Turkey Creek on Thursday August 15th & Friday August 16th. T-Shirts: 1st Quality Short Sleeved. Awards: $125 to Top Male and Female, $100 to 100th Finisher, $75 to Top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), & Veterans (60+) Male & Female. Awards to Top 3 Male And Female Finishers in each Age Group (Overall Winners not Eligible). Awards Must Be Picked Up On Race Day And Will Not Be Mailed. T1 Gand Prix: This race is part of the Total Race Solutions Tennessee Grand Prix Series. More info at Refreshments: Refreshments will be provided in the tent following the race. Information: Contact James Harrill At 865.789.1982 Or Email At [email protected] t Detach Here t 5K only entry form Machine copies accepted First Name and Middle Initial T-Shirt Size: Sex: Last Name Age: Birthdate: S, M, L, XL, XXL Month Day Year Male or Child T-Shirt Size: S, M, L, Female Mailing address City State/Prov Area Code Telephone E-Mail Address First Name Emergency Contact Last Name Area Code Fees: Adult -- $25 Zip/Postal Code Team Name (if applicable) Telephone Child (18 & Younger)--$15 Fill Out And Return To (Please make checks payable to East Tennessee Foundation): The Butterfly Fund, PO Box 31434, Knoxville, TN 37930-1434 Timed 5K Untimed 5K 1 Mile Fun Walk Athlete's Release - Please Read Carefully I know that running and volunteering to work in road races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter the butterfly fund 5k unless i am medically able and properlytrained. I understand that my entry fee is non-refundable and race numbers are non-transferrable. I agree to abide by any decision of the race director relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and/or volunteering to work the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with participants, weather, including high heat or humidity, the conditions of the course and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and release and knowing these facts, and in anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Butterfly Fund, East Tennessee Foundation, Total Race Solutions, and EdgeReg, and all participating sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims of liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recording, or any other recording of this event for any legitimate purpose. ___________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Date Parent/Guardian if under 18 (Please fill out a form for each participant) Footnotes July 2013 - 41 Presented By In appreciation of support from the Prostate Cancer Awareness 10K Race, 5K Race & 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk August 24, 2013 8:00 a.m. The University of Tennessee Medical Center Wear your Blue Tie and show your Support for Prostate Cancer Awareness Free Parking Available Online registration is available at For more information call 865-305-8577 100% of the proceeds stay in East Tennessee for prostate cancer research, outreach and educational programs. Footnotes July 2013 - 42 Scan to register now. The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2013 Offroad Running Series proudly presents Norris Dam Hard Trail Race DATE TIME PLACE: Sunday morning, September 1, 2013. 7:00 am. Starts/finishes at Norris Dam State Park off US 441 in Norris, TN COURSE DESCRIPTION: 25k and 50k course will take place on the beautiful trails in the Norris Dam State Park and the City of Norris municipal watershed. Combination of 70% single track trails and jeep roads. Aid stations every 5 miles. 50k has 5200 ft of climb. Camping and cabins are available within walking distance…and will go fast!....of the start at Norris Dam State Park. 50k has 8 hour time limit. 25k has a 3¾ hour limit. Also, 50k runners must complete the 25k in 3½ hours to continue. DIRECTIONS: From Knoxville: Take I-75 north to exit 122. Turn right off exit towards Norris. From the top of the exit ramp, go 1.4 miles, then turn left on Hwy 441/Norris Freeway. Go about 4.8 miles, then when you approach the dam, turn right at the Norris State Park cabin/ campground. Go up the hill about a quarter of a mile to the 2nd pavilion on your right. Latitude, Longitude: 36.237685, -84.095066 REGISTRATION AND FEES: Fee: $15.00 for 25k, $30.00 for 50k. This is really cheap for races of this length. Three KTC volunteer coupons will waive fee for 25k, six for 50k. On line registration available at Day of Race Registration $20 for 25k, $35 for 50k. T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series. This is the same shirt as at all other Treadin’ Trodden Trails races; one shirt per runner PER SEASON please. Taking multiple shirts minimizes monies we are able to donate to trail friendly causes. RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up number at race site 30-90 minutes before the start. AWARDS AND REWARDS: Awards will vary from race to race, but each race offers the eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run, testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful romp among the woods, waters, hillsides, and fields of East Tennessee. SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and female masters qualify for free entry to Big South Fork Trail Race and hotel accomodations for that race. In order to qualify for a series award, an individual must be a current KTC member and volunteer at a minimum of two Treadin’ Trodden Trails events. Point totals accrue in a maximum of ten series events. Details on KTC website. RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course. SAFETY: Aid and water stations will be provided, but in an effort to be greener, we require all runners to carry their own water. If you don't own a handheld, consider purchasing one. Otherwise a basic water bottle will be provided. We also strongly recommend that anyone sensitive to insect stings or bites carry their own medication. Finally, we urge that everyone do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time. INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Michael deLisle [email protected] 865.588.1650 or Tony Owens [email protected] 865.323.3753 OFFICIAL 2013 NORRIS DAM HARD TRAIL RACE ENTRY FORM Address Race Number __________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip ___________ Race 25k 50k Phone ( ) ____ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________________ Name Last____________________________________ In case of emergency, call ________________________ at Phone ( ) ________ - ________ First___________________________________ Sex Circle One male female COURSE CLOSES 3:00 PM 50k runners must reach 25k by 10:30 to continue We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers! Age (as of 12-31-13) ______ Birthdate Mo. ____ Day ____ Yr ____ T-shirt Size (circle one) S M L XL Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to: Michael deLisle, Norris Dam Hard Trail Race 4443 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919 Make checks payable to The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds) ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in the Norris Dam Hard Trail Race unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and /or volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB, RUNNERS MARKET, NATIONAL HEALTH CARE, ASICS, KNOXVILLE ENDURANCE, ANDERSON COUNTY, THE CITY OF NORRIS, NORRIS DAM STATE PARK, THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, AND TVA of any and all members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. __________________________ _______________________ _____ Athlete's Signature & if under 18, parent's signature Date Footnotes July 2013 - 43 The 4th Annual Also Presented by Hal Canfield Memorial Mile-Fest Presented by All Proceeds go to the Hal Canfield Endowment Scholarship Fund Official 2013 Hal Canfield Milefest Entry Form Race No. _____________ ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. Name: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for Last: myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all First: rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The Address: Knoxville Track Club, The City of Knoxville, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all City/State/Zip: independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons, E-mail Address*: Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees, *Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this Emergency event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when Contact Name Phone running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree Sex Circle One: Male Female to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete Age: (as of 9.2.13) _____________ the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________ illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one): 200 lbs + male 150 lbs + female permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, Circle T-shirt Size: Adult Sizes: S M L XL XXL No Shirt videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any Kids Sizes: YS YM YL time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national Select One Mile Race: _______ Youth (M) _______ Youth (F) security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or _______ Open/Elite (M) _______ Open/Elite (F) other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense _______ Masters/GM (M) _______ Masters/GM (F) and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. _______ Community Fun Run/Walk Please Complete and Mail to KTC/Hal Canfield 5254 Mountaincrest Drive Knoxville, TN 37918 Athlete’s Signature (or Parent's Signature if under 18) Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct NO REFUNDS & NO TRANSFERS or is abusive to race volunteers. Footnotes July 2013 - 44 Date Saturday, September 7, 2013 9:00 a.m. (CST) 7:30-8:30 a.m. (CST) Miller By-Pass, Crossville, TN Take Peavine Rd. exit off of I-40 (Coming from East, turn left off of exit, from West, turn right off of Exit), go straight through the stop sign at main intersection & you can’t miss us! Entry Fees: $20 Pre-Registration by August 31st - T-shirts to all pre-registered runners & walkers $25 Late Registration & Race-Day registration - T-shirts while supplies last $15 (per participant) for Teams of 5 or more $15 No T-Shirt option Course: Rolling hills out & back on Miller By-Pass between Dayton Rd. & Peavine Rd. Timing: Chip Timing by Total Race Solutions! Register: Mail, in person, or online at Sanctioned: USA Track & Field Awards: Top overall M/F, top M/F in each: Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Veterans (60+), (Overall winners not eligible for age category awards). Top 3 M/F in each of the following age divisions: 6 & under, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 -69, 70-74, 75-79, 80+, Team Award to top cumulative team time. 1-Mile: 1-Mile walkers will be timed - Top 5 male & top 5 female 1-Mile walkers will get awards. Proceeds: Supports Cumberland County Cardiac Support Group & gnZ Group Information: Dee Dee Kuenzer, 931-200-4915 - Wellness Complex Csv 931-456-8870 FFG 931-707-8420 COME OUT & HELP OUR COMMUNITY & OUR KIDS!!! Date: Start Time: Registration: Location: Directions: REGISTRATION FORM Complete form and return with a check made payable to “F.B.O. Cardiac Support Group” to: Dee Dee Kuenzer, 130 Woodmere Mall, Crossville, TN 38555 5K RUN/WALK (Individual) _________ 1 MILE FAMILY WALK _________ 5K TEAM EVENT _________ TEAM NAME _____________________________ Last Name__________________________________ First Name______________________________ Address_____________________________________ City______________ State______ ZIP________ Phone____________________________ Age on Race Day ________ Email______________________________________________ Date of Birth _____________ T-shirt Size (circle) Adult – S,M, L, XL, 2XL Youth - M, L No Shirt Option Gender (circle): Male Female Amount Enclosed ___________ ATHLETE’S RELEASE: PLEASE READ. YOU MUST SIGN & DATE TO PARTICIPATE: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my family, my heirs, executors, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that we may have against WELLNESS EXPRESS, Total Race Solutions, Inc, the Run and See Tennessee Grand Prix, RunnerReg, the CROSSVILLE COMMUNITY, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all event officials & volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related race events & their officers, directors, employees, agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full permission to WELLNESS EXPRESS, Total Race Solutions, the Run and See Tennessee Grand Prix, RunnerReg, and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any time. By furnishing my email address, I acknowledge that I authorize WELLNESS EXPRESS, Total Race Solutions, Inc, the Run and See Tennessee Grand Prix, and RunnerReg to include me on mass emails concerning the WELLNESS EXPRESS or any Total Race Solutions, Inc, Run and See Tennessee Grand Prix, or RunnerReg event. I understand that my personal data will not be shared with any other entity without my express written approval. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable manner using common sense and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Parent’s Signature (if under 18) ________________ Date Footnotes July 2013 - 45 The 37th Annual Parkside Realty Townsend 15K Presented by (Formerly Wears Valley 15K) Official 2013 Parkside Realty Townsend 15K Entry Form Race No. _____________ ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. Name: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for Last: myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all First: rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The Address: Knoxville Track Club, The City of Townsend, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all City/State/Zip: independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons, E-mail Address*: Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees, *Please provide a valid e-mail address for important pre-race instructions agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this Emergency event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when Contact Name Phone running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree Sex Circle One: Male Female to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete Age: (as of 9.8.13) _____________ the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, Birth date (mo/day/yr) ____________________ illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full Clydesdale/Athena Division (circle one): 200 lbs + male 150 lbs + female permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, Circle T-shirt Size: S M L XL XXL No Shirt videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any Select all that apply: time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national _______ 15K Run $25 before 8/28 or $30 thereafter. (Discounts available when registering online at _______ No Shirt - Deduct $5 security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. $________ TOTAL Please Complete and Mail to KTC/Townsend 15K 5254 Mountaincrest Dr. Knoxville, TN 37918 Athlete’s Signature (or Parent's Signature if under 18) Make checks payable to Knoxville Track Club We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct NO REFUNDS & NO TRANSFERS or is abusive to race volunteers. Headphones are Strongly Discouraged Footnotes July 2013 - 46 Date 5KTrailRun,Hike&FitnessExpo DryRidgeFarmxLoudon,TN September21,2013 LOCATION/DIRECTIONS:FromI75South,Exit68turnLEFT(backoverinterstate),½mileLEFTonDryValleyRd.,about½MileRIGHTonDry RidgeRd.,about1mileonRIGHTisDryRidgeFarm(signonfence) COURSEDESCRIPTION:This3.1miletrailisanamazing,yetchallengingjourneythroughthecountryside.Lotsofgreen,treesandevena vineyard!“Agorgeoustrailthroughthewoodsandopenareawithsomeinclines.” REGISTRATION&FEES:RegisteronlineorbymailingtheformtoSTAR.Adults$35,Children612yearsare$20andChildrenunder6are FREE.Eventstartspromptlyat8:00am. FUNDRAISING:ThisisaFUNDRAISINGeventforSTAR.Allparticipantsarestronglyencouragedtoraisefundsinadditiontoregistration TSHIRTS:Wewillnotburdenyouwithanothershirtthisyearhoweverwewillhaveafunpromotionalitemforpreregistrants. AWARDS:Overall1st3rdPlaceIndividualFundraiser.Overall1st3rdPlaceFundraisingTeam.LargestTeam.Overall1st3rdPlace(Male& Female)withineachagecategory.Runnerawardspresentedatapproximately9:45otherawardspresentedat11:00. BRUNCH:ThankstoChuy’sforsponsoringawonderfullunch!FREEforallregisteredparticipants.$5fornonregisteredpersons. OTHERACTIVITIES:RiderDemonstrationandFitnessExpo! RACEETIQUETTE:Nodogs,petsorbicyclesallowed. INFORMATION:Contacteventdirector,SharaCrossat865.988.4711,[email protected]. HOOFIT!REGISTRATIONFORM MailcompletedformandpaymenttoSTARx11800Hwy11ExLenoirCity,TN37772xMakecheckspayabletoSTAR Name:_________________________________________________________________________MaleFemale Address:___________________________________________________City/ST/ZIP_____________________________ Phone#:___________________________________ Email:___________________________________________ DOB:______/______/______ Age:______ TeamName:_____________________________________ WhoreferredyoutoparticipateinHoofIt!?_____________________________________ CircleEvent:5KTrailRun 5KHike SLEEPINx CircleShirtSize:Adult:SMLXLXXLChild:SM ______IdoNOTwantashirt,pleasedonatethecostofmyshirttoSTAR. LiabilityWaiver–Toparticipateinthisevent,youmustsignanddatethisform. Iknowthatparticipatingasarunner/hikerisapotentiallyhazardousactivity.IacknowledgethatIshouldnotrun,hikeorrideinHoofIt!unlessIam medicallyableandproperlytrained.Iassumeallrisksassociatedwithparticipatingintheaforementionedevent,including,butnotlimitedto:falls,contact withotherparticipants,theeffectsofweatherincludinghighheatandhumidity,rain,theconditionofthetrailandtrafficonthecourse,allsuchrisksknown, appreciated,andassumedbyme.Havingreadthiswaiverandknowingthesefacts,andinconsiderationofyouracceptanceofmyapplication,Iformyself andanyoneentitledtoactonmybehalf,waiveandreleaseSTAR,DryRidgeFarmandanypersonconnectedwiththeeventandtheiragents,directors, owners,representatives,heirs,executors,successors,administrators,andassignsfromanyandallclaimsofliabilityofanykindarisingoutofmy participationintheaforementionedevent,eventhoughliabilitymayariseoutofnegligenceorcarelessnessonthepartofthepersonsnamedandreleased inthiswaiver.IalsograntpermissiontoSTARanditsauthorizedagent(s)useanyandallphotographs,motionpictures,recordings,oranyotherrecordof thiseventforanylegitimatepurpose. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature&ifunder18,parent’ssignatureDate Footnotes July 2013 - 47 The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2013 Offroad Running Series proudly presents BIG SOUTH FORK 17.5 MILE AND 10k TRAIL RACES DATE TIME PLACE: Saturday, September 28, 2013, at 8:30 am (Eastern Daylight Time). Starts and finishes at the Bandy Creek Campground in the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 17.5 Mile out-and-back, loop course starts and ends at the John Litton General Slavens Trailhead. The first 1.5 miles is paved and gravel, with the balance being a single track trail. Aid stations at (roughly) 3.5, 5, 12, and 14 miles. 10k course is an out an back loop course consisting primarily of single track trail. Course closes 1:30 pm. DIRECTIONS AND LODGING: From Knoxville, take I-75 north to Oneida, Exit 141 (40 minutes) and follow the signs to Big South National River and Recreation Area. Proceed to the Bandy Creek Campground. Camping space is available at the Bandy Creek Campground. Reservations can be made through the NPS reservation service ( at 1.800.365.CAMP. GPS coordinates for start: 36.490481, -84.700717 REGISTRATION AND FEES: 17.5 mile trail race: $40. 10k trail run: $30. All runners MUST pre-register! Mail in entries must be postmarked no later than Friday, September 20, 2013. Online registration available at until September 25. KTC Members eligible for $5 discount. Additional picnic lunches are $8.00 each. KTC coupons can be used in lieu of fee. NO LATE OR RACE DAY REGISTRATION. SHIRTS: Each 17.5 Mile runner will receive a limited edition long-sleeve BSF Trail Race sweatshirt. Each 10k runner will receive a short-sleeve cotton T-shirt. If you choose the “No Shirt Option”, deduct $5 from fee for either race. AWARDS: Top 3 Overall, top Masters (40+), Grandmasters (50+), Veterans (60+) for Male and Female. Awards to the top Clydesdale (male, 200 lbs+) and Athena (female, 150 lbs+). Overall winners not eligible for age division awards (three deep). Age divisions grouped in 5-year increments starting with 14—19 POST RACE CELEBRATION: All runners are invited to a family picnic in the staging area immediately after the race. Extra meal tickets $8.00. RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course. SAFETY: Aid and water stations will be provided, but in an effort to be greener, we require all runners to carry their own water. If you don't own a handheld, consider purchasing one. Otherwise a basic water bottle will be provided. We also strongly recommend that anyone sensitive to insect stings or bites carry their own medication. Finally, we urge that everyone do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time. INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Contact Race Director Bobby Glenn at 865.688.0715 or [email protected]. For more Treadin' Trodden Trails Series information, call Michael deLisle at 865.548.4718. For Big South Fork information, please call 931.879.3625. OFFICIAL 2013 BIG SOUTH FORK ENTRY FORM Race Number Address Name Last____________________________________ City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip ___________ First___________________________________ Phone ( Sex - Circle One male female Age (as of 9-28-13) ______ Birthdate Mo. ____ Day ____ Yr ____ Clydesdale/Athena (circle one) 200 lbs+ male 150 lbs+ female M Race L XL XXL No Shirt deduct $5 17.5 Mile ($40) 10k ($30) Extra Picnic Lunch Tickets @ $8 TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED Make checks payable to The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds or transfers) Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to: Michael deLisle, BSF Trail Race 4443 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919 Footnotes July 2013 - 48 ) ____ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________________ In case of emergency, call ________________________ at Phone ( ) ________ - ________ We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers! COURSE CLOSES AFTER 5 HOURS ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. Circle Shirt Size S __________________________________________________________ In consideration of your accepting this entry, I, the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my family, my heirs, executers, and administrators, forever waive, release & discharge any and all rights & claims for damages & causes of suit or action known or unknown, that may have against The Knoxville Track Club, Runners Market, Asics, Knoxville Endurance, Bearden Beer Market, Knox County, Scott County, Road Runners Club of America, and all other political entities, all independent contractors & construction firms working on or near the course, all KTC Committee persons, Officials & Volunteers, & all sponsors of the race, & related Race Events & their officers, directors, employees, agents & representatives, successors, & assigns, for any and all injuries that may be suffered by me in this event. I attest that I am physically fit, am aware of the dangers & precautions that must be taken when running in warm or cold conditions, & have sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I also agree to abide by any decision of an appointed medical official relative to my ability to safely continue or complete the run. I further assume and will pay my own medical & emergency expenses in the event of an accident, illness or other incapacity regardless of whether I have authorized such expenses. Further, I hereby grant full permission to the Knoxville Track Club and/or agents hereby authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recording, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose at any time. I further understand that there are no entry refunds, exchanges, transfers or rollovers, and that the event may be cancelled due to severe weather conditions, natural disasters, or threats to local and national security including suspected terrorist activity. I understand if I use a MP3 player, IPOD, headset, cell phone or other electronic device while participating in the event, I will do so in a reasonable way using common sense and awareness of those around me. I have read this waiver carefully & understand it. __________________________ _______________________ _____ Athlete's Signature & if under 18, parent's signature Date The Knoxville Track Club's Treadin' Trodden Trails 2013 Offroad Running Series proudly presents North Boundary Traverse DATE TIME PLACE: Saturday morning, October 26, 2013. 9:00 am. Starts/finishes at the Horizon Center, Novitas Place, Oak Ridge, TN 37830, off the Oak Ridge Turnpike, west of Oak Ridge TN near the junction of Highways 95 and 58. COURSE DESCRIPTION: A rollicking "sixteen or so" mile course will traverse a combination of singletrack trail and jeep road, with a short stretch at the beginning and end on the shoulder of the highway. Anyone killed during the short stretch running alongside Highway 95 will not be eligible for awards or postrace snacks and beverages. NOTE: Course closes in 4 hours. DIRECTIONS: From Knoxville: Take Pellissippi Parkway west to Oak Ridge. Go through town on Illinois Avenue and turn left onto the Oak Ridge turnpike (Hwy 95). Travel about seven miles, watching for the second Horizon Center entrance on the right (Novus Drive). From Junction of I-40 and Hwy 95: Travel north about 6.5 miles on route 95, bearing right at junction with Hwy 58, and travel ½ mile to the Horizon Center on your left. GPS Coordinates are 35.958173,-84.368543. REGISTRATION AND FEES: Fee: $10.00 for pre-registration and online registration. $5.00 for students 14 and younger. Two KTC volunteer coupons will waive fee. Online registration available at NOTE: Day of Race registration $15.00 or three volunteer coupons. T-SHIRTS: Special limited edition T-shirts will be printed for the series. This is the same shirt as at all other Treadin’ Trodden Trails races; One shirt per runner PER SEASON please. Taking multiple shirts minimizes monies we are able to donate to trail friendly causes. RACE NUMBER PICKUP: Numbers will not be mailed. Pick up number at race site 30-90 minutes before the start. AWARDS AND REWARDS: Awards will vary from race to race, but each race offers the eminent satisfaction of completing a challenging run, testing oneself against the elements and participating in a delightful romp among the woods, waters, hillsides, and fields of East Tennessee. SPECIAL SERIES AWARDS: Points will be awarded for overall finish (and volunteerism) at each of the TTT Series races. Top point earners at the end of the series (10 each male / female and < 40 / 40+) will receive TTT Series awards. Overall top male and female and top male and female masters qualify for free entry to Big South Fork Trail Race and hotel accomodations for that race. In order to qualify for a series award, an individual must be a current KTC member and volunteer at a minimum of two Treadin’ Trodden Trails events. Point totals accrue in a maximum of ten series events. Details on KTC website. NOTE: This is the first race of the 2014 TTT Grand Prix season; points will count toward 2014 awards. RESULTS: Results will be available on the Knoxville Track Club website: COURSE ETIQUETTE: We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers. Due to insurance regulations, no headsets, earphones, bicycles, baby strollers, roller blades or pets on the course. SAFETY: Aid and water stations will be provided, but in an effort to be greener, we require all runners to carry their own water. If you don't own a handheld, consider purchasing one. Otherwise a basic water bottle will be provided. We also strongly recommend that anyone sensitive to insect stings or bites carry their own medication. Finally, we urge that everyone do some pre-race training offroad, as there is no substitute for experience. We want you to have a good time. INFO FOR RUNNING OR VOLUNTEERING: Tony Owens [email protected] 865.323.3753. For more info call 865.588.1650 OFFICIAL 2013 NORTH BOUNDARY CHALLENGE ENTRY FORM Address Race Number __________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State ___________ Zip ___________ Name Last____________________________________ Phone ( First___________________________________ In case of emergency, call ________________________ at Phone ( ) ________ - ________ Sex Circle One male We reserve the right to disqualify anyone who exhibits unsportsmanlike conduct or is abusive to volunteers! Birthdate Mo. ____ Day ____ Yr ____ T-shirt Size (circle one) M L COURSE CLOSES 1:00 PM female Age (as of 12-31-13) ______ S ) ____ - _______ E-Mail Address ______________________________ XL Fill Out Completely and Mail with Entry Fee to: Michael deLisle, North Boundary Challenge 4443 Kingston Pike, Knoxville TN 37919 Make checks payable to The Knoxville Track Club (No refunds) ATHLETE'S RELEASE: PLEASE READ, TO RUN THE RACE, YOU MUST SIGN AND DATE IT. I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in the North Boundary Challenge unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete the run. I assume all risks associated with running and /or volunteering to work in the aforementioned race, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat or humidity, ice and snow, the condition of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application, I for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB, RUNNERS MARKET, NATIONAL HEALTH CARE, ASICS, KNOXVILLE ENDURANCE, BEARDEN BEER MARKET, THE CITY OF OAK RIDGE, US DOE, ANDERSON COUNTY of any and all members thereof, and all further sponsors, their representatives, successors, from all claims or liability of any kind arising out of my participation in the aforementioned event, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I also grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photograph, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. __________________________ _______________________ _____ Athlete's Signature & if under 18, parent's signature Date Footnotes July 2013 - 49 KTC KTC Membership Membership We want to welcome all new members to the Knoxville Track Club Teri Taylor Gerald A. Witt Kelly Handly Rebecca L. Graves Sam Kavkewitz Tina Tarwater Nicole Vonderau Brad J. Watson Chad L. Smith Nicole Pepe Bruce Peters Katie Fitch David E. Greenwood John B. Waters Teresa S. Irvin Taylor Fielden Jane Ann Holly Tessa Noah John Keith Stephen Long Jennifer Lasater Brenda Sellers Ron Wireman Ron Blessinger Christy M. Holbert Jon Buchanan Kathryn H. King Tabitha Montague David Mathis Kaye Walker Andrew Jenkins James Cantu Jim Farris Kristin Onstott Miranda Huston Kelsey Scheitlin Beth Cagle Jason E. Brown Lester Murphy Elizabeth Weaver Steven Shelton Mat A. Merten Jennifer Bolden George Partridge Kim Mendehall Charlie Hunt Leland Smith Breanna Beck James Bell Paul Mann Julie A. Willenborg Leslie Leinart Alicia Teubert Michael Carson Erik L. Olafson Cindy Mayhew Michael Craig Wood W. James Tidwell Karen Cutchens ARTICLES: Anyone who wishes to write or submit photos pertinent to the running community are invited to send copy, photos, and letters (preferably by e-mail to [email protected]) to the editor, Michael deLisle, 1633 Helmbolt Rd, Knoxville TN 37909, or call (865) 560-5193. Copy and art deadlines are the 15th day of each even numbered month (Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec). Publication is bimonthly, beginning with the January issue, and is usually mailed on or about the 10th day of the month. We cannot take responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, but if you send a SASE, we can generally return these items. Contents © 2013 Knoxville Track Club. JOIN THE KNOXVILLE TRACK CLUB: The KTC meetings and races are open to anyone who is interested in physical fitness through running. Membership includes the award winning magazine FOOTNOTES, monthly business meetings, program meetings, KTC road trips, the annual picnic/ awards banquet and the Christmas party. To join the KTC, fill out this application and send it with the appropriate fee to the membership chairperson at the address indicated. Membership Application Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǦǡǦǡ Ǧ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ̈́ͷ ȋ ȌǤ ȋ Ȍǣ ͳǦ̈́ʹͲ ʹ Ǧ̈́͵ͷ ͵Ǧ̈́ͷͲ ͳǦ̈́͵Ͳ ʹ Ǧ̈́ͷͲ ͵Ǧ̈́ͷ Ȁͳʹ ͳǦ̈́ͳͷ ʹ Ǧ̈́ʹͷ ͵Ǧ̈́͵ͷ Ǥ ǡ ̈́ͳͲǤ Ǩ ̈́ͷ Ǥ ͓ǣ : : ǣ : : : ȗ ǣ : / / Ǥ ǣ ǣ ǫ ǫ ǣ Ǥ Ȁ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǡǡ ǡ ǡǡ ǡ ǡ ǡǡ ǡ ǡ Ǥ ǡͳͺ Please mail this application to Ken St.Germain, KTC Membership, PO Box 52266, Knoxville TN 37950 Footnotes July 2013 - 50 Race Schedule Schedule Jul Sep 2013 2013 Jul -- Sep JULY 14 Knoxville - 9:00 am. HANN JIVE TRAIL 6-MILER. See enclosed entry form. 20 Knoxville - 7:30 am. CARTER MILL SPLASH 10k. See enclosed entry form. 20 Sevierville - 7:30 am. L.I.F.T. Women’s 5k. See information on KTC Website. 26 Knoxville - 6:30 pm. Will Run for Food 5k. See information on KTC Website. 27 Karns - 8:00 am. Karns Community 5k. See information on KTC Website. 27 Pigeon Forge - 11:59 pm. PIGEONFORGE.COM MIDNIGHT 8k. See enclosed entry form. AUGUST 3 Morristown -8:00 am. Trojan Trek 5k. See enclosed entry form. 3 Knoxville - 8:00 am. Hotter’N Hell. See enclosed entry form. 3 Pigeon Forge - 7:30 am. Color the Smokies 5k. See information on KTC Website. 10 Oak Ridge - 5:30 pm. HAW RIDGE TRAIL RACE. See enclosed entry form. 10 Maryville - 8:00 am. Scholars Run 5k. See enclosed entry form. 10 Sevierville - 8:00 am. Racing to Remember 5k. See information on KTC Website. 17 Knoxville - 9:00 am. Butterfly Fund 5k. See enclosed entry form. 24 Knoxvile - 8:00 am. The Man Run. See enclosed entry form. 24 Knoxville - 8:30 am. Bobcat Blast 5k. See information on KTC Website. SEPTEMBER 1 Norris - 7:00 am. NORRIS DAM HARD TRAIL RACE 25k and 50k. See enclosed entry form. 2 Knoxville - 8:00 am. HAL CANFIELD MEMORIAL MILEFEST. See enclosed entry form. 2 Jellico - 9:00 am. Miner’s Mile 10k and 5k. See information on KTC Website. 7 Crossville - 9:00 am. Wellness Express 5k. See enclosed entry form. 8 Townsend - 8:00 am. PARKSIDE REALTY TOWNSEND 15k. See enclosed entry form. 15 Maryville - 3:00 pm. Hold On Be Strong 5k. See information on KTC Website. 21 Knoxville - 8:00 am. Marine Corps Mud Run. See display ad on page 8 or see information on KTC Website. 21 Knoxville - 8:00 am. STAR Hoof It 5k Trail Race. See enclosed entry form. 21 Maryville - 8:00 am. Camper Scamper 5k. See information on KTC Website. 28 Oneida - 8:30 am. BIG SOUTH FORK 17.5 MILE AND 10k TRAIL RACE. See enclosed entry form. Knoxville Track Club Events are in BOLD type. For more details about regional races, see race calendars in Running Journal. Check the KTC WEBSITE or call KTC HOTLINE 888-217-5635. See enclosed entry forms for details about particular races. Race entry forms are often available online. Footnotes July 2013 - 51 Introducing three new Mizuno shoe styles: Wave Enigma 2 — Soooo soft, yet responsive. Wave Sayonara — Think Wave Rider with a slightly lower heel, lighter, and smoother ride. Wave Universe 4 — A whopping 3.8 ounces. Nuf said. Coming September! Runners Market Distance Training Program Goal races: Secret City Half Marathon Dec. Dec 1 Jingle Bell run/walk 5K for Arthritis Dec. 14 Kick off meeting September 5 The Shops at Western Plaza 4443 Kingston Pike Footnotes July 2013 - 52 Farragut, Village Green Center 11533 Kingston Pike