2016 Montana Brewery Trail Map
2016 Montana Brewery Trail Map
| A | B | C n YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK r ve Ri Mtn. Yellowstone Country Red Lodge Big Sky D | E | More than 60 craft brewers across the state of Montana. Visit one today! Red Lodge ver Ri ve r rroot Laurel Livingston Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument — Billings River l River Musselshel Baker Ye ll White Sulphur Springs 3 Miles City sto ne ow ve Ri Showdown Montana Helena — 4 Ri fer so n x Granite Peak (elev. 12,799) orn Jef Bitte Bozeman gh Sheridan Bi Gallatin River Big Sky Resort iso ad M Dillon Lost Trail Southeast Montana Bridger Bowl Butte Philipsburg Discovery — r er Riv Superior | Go to WWW.VISITMT.COM to learn more about the great state of Montana, and to obtain ideas on routes to take, places to stay and things to do along the way. Or, ask your local brewery staff as you make your way on the Montana Brewers Trail! Share your stories with us on social media! #MTbeer #buylocalbeer Capitol Ski Resort — Brewery Map is not to scale. 4 Maverick Mtn. — Belgrade Darby Southwest Montana Hamilton 3 Stevensville Canyon Ferry Reservoir Deer Lodge Great Divide Lolo — rk F ork Cla Wibaux Blackfoot River Missoula Snowbowl Glendive Missouri River Country Lewistown Belt National Bison Range 2 2 Sidney Missouri River Missouri River Columbia Falls — Wolf Point Milk River Shelby Whitefish Whitefish Mtn. Fort Peck Lake Black Eagle Country Teton Pass Kalispell r ive iR ena Central Montana Great Falls Polson Lakeside Bigfork Flathead Lake Glacier Thompson Falls — Blacktail Golden Triangle Area Libby 1 Ko ot Malta Glasgow Havre GLACIER NATIONAL PARK 1 Eureka — — | | A | B | C | D | E The Montana Brewery Trail Map About the Montana Brewers Association and its Breweries Join Us Enjoying the wonders of Montana includes visiting the many craft breweries you can find along any route. There are more than sixty Montana breweries, some whose beer you’ll find sold widely across the state in taverns, restaurants and stores, but many of our breweries are small operations and the beer doesn’t leave their premises unless it’s going out the door in a growler. Big or small, Montana’s breweries are welcoming more and more visitors from all over the world with open arms, and this map is intended to help you plan your journey wherever you’re headed in the great state of Montana. Welcome, and cheers. Montana Brewers Trail Map The Montana Brewers Association is devoted to the development of a strong, responsible, and growing craft brewing industry in Montana. 2016 Brewery members of the Association are deeply committed to their communities and serve as places to meet and make friends, as well as to champion local causes. When you visit, don’t be surprised to walk into a pint night where breweries host a local charitable organization, and donate a percentage of sales from the night right back into the community. This common practice has raised awareness and funds for thousands of Montana charities and citizen groups. Photo courtesy Richard Huffman Montana-made beer is a valueadded product, using malted grains grown in Montana and throughout the Northwest. Fun Facts from the MBA Become a member of our Brew Crew! • Montana brewers produce over 500 varieties of beer throughout the state. Show support for Montana’s breweries, and share in the camaraderie of being a beer lover who also loves a great deal. Buy a Brew Crew Card from the MBA website, and you’ll get a free pint at each of the participating breweries on the card. You can see a list of current participating breweries on our website anytime. In addition to your pint benefits, you’ll also be able to take advantage of other perks: • Montana brewers manufacture and package over 4.7 million gallons of hand crafted beer in pints, bottles, cans, growlers and kegs each year. • There are almost three times as many breweries in Montana than there were in 2010. Today, there are in excess of 60 breweries operating in Montana with another 5 scheduled to open in the next year. • Lifetime member of the Montana Brewers Association. • As a Brew Crew Card holder, buy a general admission ticket and get upgraded to VIP Access at any MBA-sponsored Brewers Rendezvous throughout the state. Just bring your card and ID to the entrance gate. The Montana Brewers Association encourages you to drink responsibly. Enjoy your Montana craft beer with a good meal. Know when you’ve reached your limit and NEVER drive under the influence. There are dozens of Montana-made craft beers to enjoy. Knowing the style, character and strength of your favorite brew can help you enjoy the experience – and get you home safely. • Surrender your completed card at the MBA-sponsored Brewers Rendezvous of your choice and get free admission. • Receive the MBA e-newsletter to keep up to date with what’s happening in the MT brewing industry. Become a Brew Crew Member today! Go to www.montanabrewers.org #BuyLocalBeer #MTBeer @montanabrewers www.MontanaBrewers.org The Montana Brewery Association Members Elk Ridge Brewing Company | Map B3 320 Main St., Deer Lodge elkridgebrewingcompany.com Expected Opening: Spring 2016 Glacier Country Backslope Brewing | Map A1 1107 9th St. W. (Hwy 2), Columbia Falls backslopebrewing.com Mon-Sat: 11 am-8 pm Lewis and Clark Brewing | Map B3 1517 Dodge Ave., Helena lewisandclarkbrewing.com, 406-442-5960 Mon-Wed: 2-9:30 pm, Thurs-Fri: 2-10:30 pm, Sat: Noon-10:30 pm, Sun: Noon-9 pm Bandit Brewing Co. | Map A3 308 E. Tanner, Darby banditbeer.com, 406-646-6003 Tue-Sun: Noon-8 pm Muddy Creek Brewery | Map B3 2 E. Galena St., Butte facebook.com/muddycreekbrewery, 406-299-3645 Sun-Fri: 3-8 pm, Sat: Noon-8 pm Bayern Brewing, Inc. | Map A2 1507 Montana St., Missoula bayernbrewery.com, 406-721-1482 Mon-Sat: 11 am-8:30 pm, Sun: Noon-8 pm Philipsburg Brewing | Map B3 101 W. Broadway, Philipsburg philipsburgbrewingcompany.com, 406-859-2739 Daily: 10 am-8 pm 2nd Location: Silver Springs Brewery & Tasting Room 106 Brewery Road, Philipsburg, 406-859-3226 (Call for seasonal hours at this location) Big Sky Brewing Company | Map A2 5417 Trumpeter Way, Missoula bigskybrew.com, 406-549-2777 Summer Mon-Fri: 11am-7pm, Sat: 11am-6pm, Sun: 11am-5pm Fall-Spring Mon-Fri: 11am-6:30pm, Sat: 11am-6pm, Closed Sun Bitter Root Brewing | Map A3 101 Marcus St., Hamilton bitterrootbrewing.com, 406-363-7468 Daily: 11:30 am-8 pm Blacksmith Brewing | Map A3 114 Main St., Stevensville blacksmithbrewing.com, 406-777-0680 Sun-Wed: 2-8 pm, Thur-Sat: Noon-8 pm Bonsai Brewing | Map A1 549 Wisconsin Ave., Whitefish bonsaibrew.com, 406-730-1717 Tue-Sun: 1-8 pm Cabinet Mountain Brewing | Map A1 206 Mineral Ave., Libby cabinetmountainbrewing.com, 406-293-2739 (BREW) Mon-Sat: Noon-8 pm Sun: Check for seasonal hours Draught Works Brewing | Map A2 915 Toole Ave., Missoula draughtworksbrewery.com, 406-541-1592 Daily: Noon-9 pm Dunluce Brewing | Map A2 Superior dunlucebrewing.com, 406-531-4578 Sold at local bars. See website for locations rg r o u nd B r e w i ng . Ha m ilt a o n , M o nt na Ruby Valley Brew Ruby Valley Brew | Map B4 Sheridan, MT 406-842-5977 Expected Opening: Summer 2016 Ten Mile Creek Brewery | Map B3 48 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena facebook.com/TenMileCreekBrewery, 406-231-0575 Daily: Noon-8 pm Busted Knuckle Brewery | Map E1 303 1st Ave. South, Glasgow facebook.com/bustedknucklebrew, 406-228-2277 Wed-Sat: 4-8 pm Meadowlark Brewing | Map E2 117 S. Central Ave., Sidney meadowlarkbrewing.com, 406-433-2337 (BEER) Mon-Sat: 7 am-10 pm Missouri Breaks Brewing | Map E1 326 Main, Wolf Point missouribreaksbrewing.com, 406-653-1467 Mon: 5-8 pm, Tue-Sat: 4-8 pm, Coffee Shop Fri: 7:30-Noon, Sat: 9 am-Noon Southeast Montana Beaver Creek Brewery | Map E2 104 Orgain Ave. W., Wibaux beavercreekbrewery.com, 406-795-2337 Thurs-Sun: 4-8 pm next door Canyon Creek Brewery | Map D3 3060 Gabel Road, Billings canyoncreekbrewing.com, 406-656-2528 Daily: 2-8 pm Old Skool Brewery | Map E3 115 E Montana Ave., Baker Expected Opening: Spring 2017 Central Montana Thirsty Street Brewing Co. | Map D3 3008 1st Ave. N., Billings thirstystreet.com, 406-969-3200 Mon-Thurs: 3-8 pm, Fri-Sat: Noon-8 pm, Sun: Noon-5 pm 2 Basset Brewery | Map C3 202 E. Main, White Sulphur Springs 2bassetbrewery.com, 406-547-BEER Wed-Sun: 2-8 pm, Closed Mon-Tue TiltWürks | Map E3 406 Pacific Ave., Miles City milescitybrewery.com, 406-951-6288 Expected Opening: July 2016 Black Eagle Brewery | Map C2 1602 25th Ave. NE, Black Eagle pitstopblackeagle.com, 406-868-1866 Sun-Thur: Noon-8/10 pm, Fri-Sat: Noon-2 am Überbrew | Map D3 2305 Montana Ave., Billings uberbrewmt.com, 406-534-6960 Daily: 11 am-9 pm Bowser Brewing Co | Map C2 1826 10th Ave. S., Great Falls bowserbrew.com, 406-315-1340 Daily: 3-8 pm Mighty Mo Brewing | Map C2 412 Central Ave., Great Falls mightymobrewing.com, 406-952-0342 Daily: 11 am-8 pm Brewery has a restaurant on site. Brewery has a limited menu. Great Burn Brewing | Map A2 2230 McDonald Ave., Missoula greatburnbrewing.com, 406-317-1557 Sun-Thur: 2-8 pm, Fri & Sat: Noon-8 pm The Front Brewing Company | Map C2 215 Third St. NW, Great Falls thefrontbrewing.com, 406-727-3947 Mon-Sat: 8 am-10 pm, Sun: 8 am-8 pm Four Montana Brewers Rendezvous Great Northern Brewing | Map A1 2 Central Ave., Whitefish greatnorthernbrewing.com, 406-863-1000 Daily: 11 am-11 pm Triple Dog Brewing | Map C1 675 1st St. West, Havre facebook.com/brewon2, 406-879-8103 Wed-Fri: 4-9 pm, Sat & Sun: 2-9 pm Join us for live music, food and great Montana craft beer. Visit www.montanabrewers.org for more information. Higherground Brewing | Map A3 518 N. 1st St., Hamilton highergroundbrewing.com, 406-375-5204 Tues-Sat: 11 am-8 pm, Sun: 1-8 pm H.A. Brewing Co. | Map A1 2525 Grave Creek Rd., Eureka habrewing.com, 406-889-3950 Summer Tue-Sun: 3-9 pm, Winter Wed-Sun: 3-9 pm Kalispell Brewing | Map A1 412 Main St., Kalispell kalispellbrewing.com, 406-756-BREW Mon-Sat: Noon-8 pm, Daily June-Sept: Noon-8 pm Kettlehouse Brewing | Map A2 kettlehouse.com, 406-728-1660 Southside: 602 Myrtle St., Missoula Daily: Noon-9:30 pm Northside: 313 N. 1st St. W, Missoula Daily: Noon-8:00 pm Limberlost Brewing Company | Map A2 1017 Main St., Thompson Falls limberlostbrewingcompany.com, 406-356-6198 Expected Opening: June 2016 Lolo Peak Brewing | Map A3 6201 Brewery Way, Lolo lolopeakbrewing.com, 406-493-6231 Daily: 11 am-8 pm Missoula Brewing Company | Map A2 200 International Blvd., Missoula highlanderbeer.com, 406-549-8193 Mon-Thur: 3-8 pm, Fri-Sun: Noon-8 pm Tamarack Brewing | Map A1 105 Blacktail Road, Lakeside tamarackbrewing.com, 406-844-0244 Daily: 11 am-10 pm Wildwood Brewing | Map A3 4018 US Hwy 93 North, Stevensville wildwoodbrewing.com, 406-777-2855 Daily: 4-8 pm Southwest Montana held every year in four different locales. Yellowstone Country 406 Brewing | Map C4 101 East Oak, Suite D, Bozeman 406brewing.com, 406-585-3745 Mon-Sun: 11 am-8 pm Photo courtesy Richard Huffman he Co Hi g Flathead Lake Brewing | Map A1 Woods Bay Brewery: 26008 East Lake Shore Rte., Bigfork flatheadlakebrewing.com, 406-837-0353 Mon-Fri: 3-8 pm Bigfork Brewery: 116 Holt Dr., Bigfork, 406-837-0085 Daily: 11 am-10 pm, call ahead for tour information Quarry Brewing | Map B3 124 W. Broadway, Butte wedig.beer, 406-723-0245 Mon-Fri: 3-8 pm, Sat: 1-8 pm, Sun: 1-6 pm Missouri River Country Beehive Basin Brewery | Map B4 245 Town Center Ave., Big Sky beehivebasinbrewery.com, 406-995-7444 Daily: Noon-8 pm Bozeman Brewing Company | Map C4 504 N. Broadway, Bozeman bozemanbrewing.com, 406-585-9142 Sat-Thur: 2-8 pm, Fri: Noon-8 pm Bridger Brewing | Map C4 1609 South 11th Ave., Bozeman bridgerbrewing.com, 406-587-2124 Daily: 11:30 am-9 pm Bunkhouse Brewery | Map C4 1216 W. Lincoln St., Bozeman bunkhousebrewery.com, 406-577-2074 Mon-Wed: 2-8 pm, Thur-Sat: Noon-8 pm, Closed Sun Katabatic Brewing Company | Map C3 117 West Park St., Livingston katabaticbrewing.com, 406-333-2855 Summer: Noon-8 pm, Winter M-Th: 2-8 pm, F-Su: 12-8 pm Madison River Brewing Company | Map C3 20900 Frontage Rd., Building B, Belgrade madisonriverbrewing.com, 406-599-3429 Daily: 2-8 pm Map Brewing Company | Map C4 510 Manley Road, Bozeman mapbrewing.com, 406-587-4070 Daily: Noon-9 pm Neptune’s Brewery | Map C3 119 North L St., Livingston neptunesbrewery.com, 406-222-7837 Daily: Noon-8 pm Beaverhead Brewing | Map B4 218 South Montana St., Dillon beaverheadbeer.com, 406-988-0011 Mon-Fri: 3-8 pm Sat: Noon-8 pm Sun: 3-8 pm Outlaw Brewing | Map C4 2876 North 27th Ave, Bozeman outlaw-brewing.com, 406-577-2403 Sun-Thur: 2-8 pm, Fri & Sat: Noon-8 pm Butte Brewing | Map B3 465 East Galena St., Butte facebook.com/buttebrewing, 406-491-5980 Daily: Noon-8 pm Red Lodge Ales | Map D4 1445 North Broadway, Red Lodge redlodgeales.com, 406-446-4607 Winter Daily: 11 am-9 pm, Summer Daily: 11am-10 pm CopperWild Brewing | Map B3 43 E. Park St., Butte copperwildbrewing.com, 406-782-1700 Tue-Sat: 11 am-8 pm, Sun: Noon-8 pm White Dog Brewing Co | Map C4 121 W. Main St., Unit B, Bozeman whitedogbrewing.com, 406-992-5798 Daily: Noon-8 pm Trail Map Sponsors Aquionix 104 E. Main, #312 Bozeman, MT 59715 303-289-7529, aquionix.com CWG Architects 650 Power St., Helena MT 59624 406-443-2340, cwg-architects.com Fine Art and Collectibles Enterprises Columbia Falls, MT 406-892-0484, faceins.com Montana Beer and Wine Distributors Association PO Box 124, Helena, MT 59624 406-235-4000, mbwda.com Northwest Industrial Equipment Columbia Boiler Distributor 22019 70th Ave. South, Kent, WA 98032 800-261-1041, oilburners.com The Rhinoceros Bar 158 Ryman St, Missoula MT 59801 406-721-6061, facebook.com/therhinobar Sterling Packaging 850 Greenwood Ave., Selkirk, Manitoba Canada 1-888-233-8999, sterlingpackaginginc.com
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