Flower Pot Dum Dums®


Flower Pot Dum Dums®
 Flower Pot Dum Dums®
You will need:
Dum Dums
A small Terra-cotta pot
Colorful shredded paper
Craft paper
Draw a 3-inch by 3-inch outline of a flower on craft paper. Then, draw a slightly
smaller outline of a flower next to it. Cut out each flower.
Fold each flower in half and cut a small line in the middle of the flowers. Put the
Dum Dum stick through the smaller flower, then through the larger one.
Gently fold up the pedals of the flowers.
Tie a ribbon around the pot. Put Styrofoam in the bottom of the pot. Fill it with the
shredded paper.
Place the flower Dum Dums in the pot.

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