At Echo Ridge Farm in Atkins, Va
At Echo Ridge Farm in Atkins, Va
12:00 P.M. Est October 6, 2012 At Echo Ridge Farm in Atkins, Va - Sale Day Information - - Consignors Ruth Clarke 315 Fairview Road Wytheville, VA 24382 276-228-4407 12:00 P.M. Est October 6, 2012 At Echo Ridge Farm in Atkins, Va Deer Creek Farm Mark Campbell 3764 Lowesville Rd Lowesville, VA 22967 434-277-9104 804-366-3858 AUCTIONEER: Jered Shipman SALE DAY PHONES: Jered Shipman Todd Alford Holly Alford Tommy Cline 806-983-7226 706-207-9454 706-270-3994 276-620-8448 Marketing Team: Jered Shipman Todd Alford Holly Alford Figgins Simmental The Figgins Family 1703 Friedens Church Rd Mt. Crawford, VA 22841 540-271-3999 806-983-7226 706-207-9454 706-270-3994 Ringmen: Tommy Carper Charlie Joines 540-336-2739 540-230-1137 Jess A Marr Mike Walters 214 Stage Chapel Rd Wytheville, VA 24382 276-228-4251 276-620-1078 Consultants: Jeremie Ruble 406-581-7940 SALE STAFF: SALE COMMITTEE: Tommy Cline Jim Bob Penley Ferrell Jones Katie’s Simmentals Katherine Freeman-Walters 2698 Old Stage Road Wytheville, VA 276-620-6762 276-620-8448 276-688-6188 276-759-5581 M&W Farms Sam Mabe 382 Walters Rd Wytheville, VA 24382 276-620-3617 SALE TERMS: Cash or check. All cattle are to be paid for during or immediately after the sale and will not be released until proper settlement had been made. All animals will be sold in accordance with the suggested terms and conditions of the American Simmental Association (see page 3). ACCOMMODATIONS: Penley Farm Simmentals Jim Bob & Kathy Penley 4311 East Blue Grass Trail Bland, VA 24315 276-722-2272 Comfort Inn $77/night with tax 5558 Lee Highway Atkins, Va 24311 276-783-2144 “Simmental sale” block with conformation #241448987 Quality Inn 2015 East Main Street Wytheville, VA 276-228-4241 Hampton Inn 950 Peppers Ferry Rd. Wytheville, VA 276-228-6090 Schutte Land & Livestock Jack Schutte PO Box 5 Boyce, VA 22620 540-247-8583 Silverado Cattle Company Glenn & Rachel Covington 8719 Springs Road Warrenton, VA 540-905-2873 Virginia Tech Beef Center Chad Joines 609 Plantation Rd Blacksburg, VA 24060 540-557-7263 Young & Young Simmental Donnie & Violet Young 805 Cedar Springs Rd Sugar Grove, VA 24375 276-677-3255 Cattle will be available for viewing all day. Pre-Sale Preview Party 6:00 to 9:00pm We will be serving dinner for $10/plate Ribeye, baked potato, roasted corn, dessert Saturday October 6, 2012 276-759-6147 Cattle available for viewing all morning. 11:00am Complimentary lunch will be served. 12:00pm Sale will begin DIRECTIONS: From Bristol: Take 81-N to Roanoke. Take Exit 50 and turn toward US-11/Atkins. Turn left onto Lee Hwy. Turn right onto Bear Creek Road. Farm will be on your left. Watch for signs! Brent Williams Rolling Rock Farm Ferrell Jones 1903 Red Stone Rd Chilhowie, VA 24319 276-759-5581 Friday October 5, 2012 ECHO RIDGE FARM TRUCKING: Rocky Hollow Simmental Tommy Cline & Family PO Box 1079 Wytheville, VA 24382 276-620-8448 SALE SCHEDULE: NEW SALE LOCATION: 820 Bear Creek Road Atkins, VA 24311 Jason Pratt Quaker Hill Farm, LLC Charles Rossen 5728 Poindexter Road Louisa, VA 23093 540-894-3523 812-453-7548 LIABILITY: Although every precaution will be taken to protect the safety and comfort of buyers, neither the sales management, auctioneer or owners assume any responsibility in this matter and disclaims and liability, legal or otherwise, for damages, accidents, lost property, errors in catalog or omissions. Catalog Production by Holly Alford ! e r e h t u o y e e s o t e p o H Page ge 2 e! AMERICAN SIMMENTAL ASSOCIATION SUGGESTED SALE TERMS AND CONDITIONS GUARANTEES: 1. If an animal is sold as polled/scurred and proves to be horned, the seller shall be obligated to refund the purchase price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or may be exchanged for a polled animal of equal value whichever is acceptable to the buyer. The buyer has thirty (30) days from date of sale to notify the seller that an adjustment is in order. 2. If an animal is sold as smooth-polled and proves to be scurred, the seller shall be obligated to refund the price upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the expense of the seller or at the buyer’s option shall be exchanged for a smooth-polled animal of equal value. 3. If an animal is sold as polled and develops scurrs, the seller will not be obligated to make any adjustment as a scurred animal is considered polled. 4. If an animal is sold as polled and has scurrs, it shall be so announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurrs. If it is not announced at the time of sale that the animal has scurrs. If it is not announced and the buyer finds before the animal leaves the sale premises that the animal has scurrs, the buyer must notify the seller of the findings. The seller shall then be obligated to refund the purchase price. BIDDING AND APPLICABLE LAW: All cattle listed in this offering comply with prevailing sale terms and conditions as set forth by the laws of the state wherein the sale is conducted. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, by either the auctioneer or consignor, except as set forth herein, as to the merchantability of fitness for any particular purpose of any animal offered in this sale. The right to bid or the right to reject the final bid, if done before the hammer falls, is reserved for all sellers unless otherwise announced from the sale book or as prohibited by law in the state wherein the sale is being conducted. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Any change of information other than in the catalog will be announced from the auction block and such announcements shall take precedence over printed material. All statements made from the auction block or those made by the seller (in private treaty) must be documented by seller if requested by the buyer at time of sale. TERMS: Terms of sale are cash unless satisfactory credit arrangements have been made with the seller previous to the sale of any animal so affected. PURCHASER’S RISK: Each animal becomes the property of and therefore is also the risk of the purchaser as soon as it is sold; except it shall be the obligation of the seller to see that animals are fed and cared for free of charge to purchaser, until loaded for shipment or until the expiration of twenty-four (24) hours after the sale, whichever occurs first. OPTIONS AND PRIVILEGES OF RETURN OR ADJUSTMENT: The following adjustments do not preclude the right of the buyer and seller to mutually agree upon other terms and conditions for settlement of any dispute. 1. All claims for adjustment or refund must be made in writing either six (6) months from the date of sale or no later than when the animal reaches 24 months of age whichever occurs later, with the exception of claims involving Misrepresentation of service sire or as otherwise provided herein. 2. In the event an animal is claimed to be a non-breeder, the animal may be returned to the farm of the seller, at the buyer’s expense, if in good physical condition, and the return is in compliance with the health requirements of the seller’s state. The seller shall be entitled to a six (6) month trial period following the return of the animal which to prove the animal is a breeder. If at the end of six (6) months the seller is unable to prove the animal is a breeder, the seller shall, at the option of buyer, replace the animal with another equal value or refund the purchase price. Either option shall be deemed full satisfaction and settlement. 3. If a female is sols as “safe in calf” to a given sire or sires on a specified date or dates and proves not to be as represented, the buyer is entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal and resulting progeny there of to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. 4. If a female is sold as “open” and proves to be with calf at time of sale and examined pregnant within sixty (60) days after sale, the buyer may return the animal to the farm of the seller prior to calving for a refund of the full purchase price or for another animal of equal value, whichever acceptable to the buyer. It shall be the obligation of the seller to bear any expenses incurred for transportation of the animal in question to the farm of the seller. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: All cattle entered for sale must meet the health regulations of the state in which they are sold. All other agreements regarding the health of the animal will be between the buyer and seller and should be documented in writing. If sale cattle are returned to the seller for an adjustment, they must meet the health requirements of the state they are returned to. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRY: Each animal which is catalogued, offered and sold as a registered animal shall have a certificate of registry available at time of sale. When an animal is sold as “eligible for registry” or “registry applied for”, the seller shall be responsible for obtaining the certificate of registry and for the proper transfer of the certificate to the purchaser including full payment of transfer fees. IDENTIFICATION: Each animal at time of sale must have a readable tattoo or brand corresponding to that shown on the certificate of registration. AUTHENTICITY OF PEDIGREE: When an animal, through parental validation, is determined to have an ancestry other than that reported on the registration certificate, the buyer shall be entitled to a refund of the purchase price from the seller upon return of the animal to the farm of the seller at the seller’s expense. The animal in question, at the buyer’s option, may be exchanged for another animal of equal value, or if agreeable with the buyer, the seller may have the certificate returned to the buyer. Any adjustment provided herein, if selected, shall absolve the seller from further liability for authenticity of pedigree to the buyer. BREEDING GUARANTEES AND DEFINITIONS: 1. Females are guaranteed to be breeders, with the exception of: a) Female calves sold at side of dam b) Injury or disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Females used in ovum transplant after time of sale e) Cows sold with calf at side or a female that calves after sale to a breeding prior to the date of sale 2. Bulls are guaranteed to be breeders (definition as the ability to settle healthy cows by the time the bull is 18 months of age) with the exception of: a) Bull calves sold at side of dam b) Injury of disease occurring to the animal after time of sale c) Gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of the purchaser d) Bulls shown competitively after sale 3. Any guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen shall be made by separate agreement between buyer and seller. 4. Safe in calf females are females that have been diagnosed pregnant by a competent veterinarian, and are pregnant at time of sale. 5. A bred female is a female that has been serviced by a bull either by natural breeding or artificial insemination, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that service. 6. A pasture bred female is a female that has been pastured with a designated bull and has been exposed for the time stated, but it does not necessarily mean that the female is safe in calf to that bull. 7. An open heifer is a virgin heifer that has never been exposed to a bull either through natural service or artificial insemination. 8. An open cow is a cow that has not been exposed to a bull either through natural service or artificial insemination. 9.Calves sold off their dams (split pairs) shall carry the full breeding guarantee. PRIVILEGE OF PURCHASER TO EXAMINE: The purchaser of a female animal may have her examined within twenty-four(24) hours after the fall of the hammer and prior to removal from sale premises. The pregnancy status or breeding status of a female so examined, when found not to be as represented at the time of sale, is cause for the female to be returned to the seller as unsold. EMBRYO TRANSFER: 1. Sellers should provide upon request a complete history of embryo transfer activity for any female offered for sale. 2. Withholding information on the existence of frozen embryos at the time of sale would be considered an unethical practice. HORNED-SCURRED-POLLED:DEFINITIONS: 1. HORNED - AN animal with a horn growth affixed to the skull that has or has not been removed. 2. POLLED/SCURRED - An animal with rudimentary horn growth that will not develop into a horn. The rudimentary horn growth may or may not be come affixed to the skull at an older age. 3. POLLED - An animal with absence of horn growth. (An animal can have scurrs and still be genetically polled). 4. SMOOTH/POLLED - A smooth-polled individual has no scurrs and does not develop scurrs later in life. LIMITATIONS OF OBLIGATIONS: 1. If the aforementioned suggested terms and conditions are adopted, they should constitute a contract between the buyer and seller for each animal sold under these terms, as such, should be binding upon both parties. Animals resold following purchase in a sale shall constitute a separate transaction and the privileges and obligations of the original two parties connected there to are not covered by the terms and conditions of sale. 2. The American Simmental Association, its directors or employees are not in any way responsible or liable for enforcing the suggested terms and conditions of any agreement involving transactions between buyers and sellers. - Welcome - Welcome to the Legends of the Blue Ridge, Virginia Simmental Association State Sale. The Simmental public, regards the Commonwealth as a state that is very rich in Simmental heritage and tradition. Several breed- leading greats have roots deep in Virginia Simmental archives. Today’s membership has gathered up an outstanding set of females and bulls that will fill every beef cattle producer’s needs and desires, both registered and commercial alike. Over the past year we, as beef enthusiasts, have experienced some great times. Record prices on all classes of cattle, increased demand for U.S. produced beef world wide, and a definite dwindling supply of beef females, will continue to drive and shift financial success in your direction. The only way to be in the line of success, is by owning them, they will have to come from someone somewhere, it may just as well be from your pasture. Each animal consigned in this sale will meet health requirements to go anywhere in the country and they will be guaranteed by the outstanding group of people consigning them. Feel free to contact any of the consignors or sales staff for further information or questions. Consider this your official invitation to join us for this event. The Legends of the Blue Ridge Group Page 3 “B80 Embryos” Don’t miss this rare opportunity! It is with great pleasure to write this footnote on behalf of perhaps one of the great Simmental breeders and enthusiasts of all time, the late Tom Clark. Although I am almost as certain that I will miss some very important details as we go through this process, but the story will be told by my limited TOM CLARK amount of knowledge. The B80 donor female, like her breeder, has deeply etched her story in the Simmental history books. She officially has 126 progeny that have been recorded with the ASA and posts an impressive 117 API at 18 years of age. With that said, what more reason to invest in these embryo opportunities does one need? To further your curiosity of reasons, let’s revisit the most important trait that allows us to stay in the cow business, fertility. Fertility allows us to continue the generations in the beef business which leads to longevity that enhances the profit potential a rancher stands to gain from that particular animal. Fertility and longevity are enhanced by soundness and profit margins are increased by level of confirmation. The “B80” progeny have been highly fertile, sound, productive cattle with most of the females residing in operations after the age of 10. Something to be said for the fast-paced, always changing, trying to stay in front of the generation interval, way of the seedstock business today. Her daughters and granddaughters are very much in demand and very influential on the Simmental breed. Donors with names of notoriety like Sweet Dreams, H25, Shamoo, H29, L24, Olivia L36, Jasmine, and even the great Cottontail, just to name a few, trace back to the great matriarch herself. So when you are evaluating this opportunity or trying to place a value on these frozen genetics sired by Dream On, Jackpot, Legacy, and Twenty Four -Seven , take into consideration that it will be an investment that will not only be rewarding, but profitable for many years to come. This is and opportunity that is for those that are serious about laying the foundation for a serious, predictable breeding program that will be around for many years to come. Due to the nature of this opportunity, Tom’s passing, and B 80 out of production, these embryos sell with no conception guarantee. Lot D REAM O N X B80 E MBRYOS A Mating would produce PB SM progeny NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W API BLACK IRISH KANSAS YC MISS BIK B80 YC MISS JB S91 Projected EPD’s 122 TI 68 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 13.6 -0.55 60.95 81.35 13.75 18.20 48.65 Consigned By: Ruth Clarke • Selling 6 embryos. Lot L EGACY X B80 E MBRYOS B Mating would produce PB SM progeny NICHOLS BLK DESTINY D12 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 NICHOLS DEBRA D81 API BLACK IRISH KANSAS YC MISS BIK B80 YC MISS JB S91 Projected CE EPD’s 10.90 125 TI 66 BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW -0.80 58.50 78.45 11.65 23.15 52.40 Consigned By: Ruth Clarke • Selling 2 embryos. Lot J ACKPOT X B80 E MBRYOS C Mating would produce PB SM progeny PCCLIONHEART HART JACKPOT J310 DOLLY CH B237 API BLACK IRISH KANSAS YC MISS BIK B80 YC MISS JB S91 Projected EPD’s 115 TI 61 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 8.00 1.35 54.40 79.35 9.50 24.30 51.50 Consigned By: Ruth Clarke • Selling 5 embryos. Lot TWENTY F OUR S EVEN X B80 E MBRYOS D Mating would produce PB SM progeny GW LUCKY STRIKE 147G GW TWENTYFOUR SEVEN 662L GW MISS HIGH DENSITY 035 API BLACK IRISH KANSAS YC MISS BIK B80 YC MISS JB S91 TNC SWEET DREAM / A direct B80 daughter. Projected CE EPD’s 10.00 113 TI 63 BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 1.35 60.10 88.30 12.75 16.25 46.30 Consigned By: Ruth Clarke Selling 5 embryos. Lot M AJESTIC X B80 E MBRYOS E Mating would produce PB SM progeny GW LUCKY DICE 187H HOOKS MAJESTIC 31M HOOKS KOKO 11K API BLACK IRISH KANSAS YC MISS BIK B80 YC MISS JB S91 Projected CE EPD’s 12.60 MR HOC BROKER / A B80 grandson. 2012 Fort Worth Champion and 2010 NWSS Reserve Champion. TI 66 BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW -0.20 61.85 94.55 12.55 22.60 53.50 Consigned By: Ruth Clarke • Selling 23 embryos. YES 23 is correct!!! Page 4 121 -Valuable Frozen Genetics - JM ALICE W6 / Donor of Lot H embryos. Lot TNC SWEET DREAM / Donor of Lot F embryos. Lot CE EPD’s 10.55 Projected TI 68 BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 1.45 69.20 104.85 7.80 15.65 50.25 Lot YW MCE Milk MWW 86.80 11.55 24.70 55.35 50 U NITS OF S EMEN M2C C ONAN X GW LUCKY MAN 644N SVF STAR PLAYER T801 SVF SHEZA STAR N902 API CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 5.6 3.6 72.7 105.8 5.2 32.8 69.2 TI 72 WW YW MCE Milk MWW 67.05 101.20 12.60 18.00 51.50 TI 63 • Conan is a one of a kind bull. He has an outcross pedigree and works really well on Dream On daughters. His first calves are exceptional. We will be limiting semen for the Fall of 2012 and for 2013. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity. We have sold semen a lot of places across the country and many breeders are very excited about Conan. • Selling 50 units of semen. 127 BW 98 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental Mating would produce PB SM progeny 0.75 API GW BLACK DESTINY 359J SVF FANCY FACE P12E SVF MISS CADILLAC LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C GW LUCKY DICE 187H 407D CE WW 61.45 a certified embryologist. L UCKY D ICE X M ISS D REAM O N E MBRYOS EPD’s 11.85 BW 0.20 • JM Alice W6 is a “look at me” cow with a pedigree that is as good as it gets! Zack purchased Alice from Mike Walters to show and she placed in the top two of every show and took home Supreme Heifer at several events. Simple words could not do this cow justice. Cow power is the only words that come to mind when you look at this cow, and rightfully so with a pedigree that includes H25, Olivia, and Dream On, just to name a few. The mating with Shear Force has proven to be outstanding. Don’t miss out on this bloodline on sale day. • Selling 3 embryos with a guarantee of 1 out of 3, as long as work is done by API a certified embryologist. Projected TI 70 Consigned By: Rolling Rock Farm 117 CNS DREAM ON L186 YC MISS DREAM ON D26 YC MISS BIK B80 CE EPD’s 13.85 • TNC Sweet Dream is no stranger to the Legends of the Blue Ridge sale. She has been the dam of past show winners and pasture favorites. Her underrated son TNC Remington’s War is the sire of a few lots in the sale and has been a super herd-sire for Rocky Hollow and Jess A Marr programs. Tommy reached deep into his thinking cap when he mated this proven producer from the B80 matriarch to the time tested sire Lucky Dice. Tommy’s commitment to better the Simmental population wears on his sleeves with every decision in his program. The homework has definitely been done here for your benefit. • Selling 3 embryos with a guarantee of 1 out of 3, as long as work is done by G 136 JM MISS OLIVIA-L36 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental Lot API REMINGTON RED LABEL HR JM ALICE W6 Mating would produce PB SM progeny WAR NITRO TNC SWEET DREAM YC MISS BIK B80 Mating would produce PB SM progeny NICHOLS LEGACY G151 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K C&D TRACY LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C GW LUCKY DICE 187H 407D Projected H L UCKY D IXE X S WEET D REAM E MBRYOS F S HEAR F ORCE X A LICE E MBRYOS Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • Here are some embryo’s out of our new B80 daughter, Miss Dream On. She is complete and should put you in the purple in the show ring. These are the first embryo’s selling out of this donor. The B80 cattle have set the stage across the country. There is way too much to write about, so take these embryos with you and let the fun begin. Selling one package of 3 or 5 embryos; guaranteeing one pregnancy on 3 and two pregnancies on 5 if work is completed by a certified embryologist. • Selling one package of 3 or 5 embryos, with a guarantee of 1 out of 3 or 2 out of 5, as long as work is done by a certified embryologist. M2C CONAN / Lot X Page 5 - Genetic Legends X70 / She sells as Lot 1. BMR EXPLORER / Sire of Lot 1. Lot X70 1 PB SM ASA # 2569276 11/20/2010 Tattoo: X70 Lot WESTFALL VOYAGER 721P BMR EXPLORER WW MISS MY DREAM 429R JM M ISS O L S TEEL 2 PB SM ASA # 2589287 93.0 TI 55 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 5.2 2.1 54.3 68.7 10.5 25.8 52.9 Tattoo: X14 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STEEL FORCE S701 SVF SHEZA BEAUTY L901 API 3C MACHO M450 BZ AJE/JF ANT JOY JADE BHS JF ANTOINETTES JOY 9/28/2010 API GW LUCKY DICE 187H JM MISS OLIVIA-L36 JM BF H25 Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals • This could be a very short footnote for this heifer. It could simply say good picture, good heifer, good pedigree, and that would be enough. Simmental breeders will recognize this heifers pedigree and realize the potential this young heifer possesses. X70’s dam was purchased sight unseen out of the Pine Ridge Dispersal as a potential donor for us and after a couple years production, she has convinced us that she is worthy to be flushed this fall. Also noteworthy, X70 is bred to Foster Brothers champion herdsire Wheelman. All of us here at Penley Farm are pretty excited to offer this type of genetics for your consideration. • AIed to calve 12/5/2012 to FBFS Wheel Man 649W (ASA# 2527605). 113.6 TI 65.3 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 8.9 2.0 66.0 97.6 10.2 18.8 51.7 Consigned By: Jess-A-Marr • Truly a donor prospect here. Steel Force and Olivia, full sib. to the Charlie Thomas heifer Rhianna who has won many shows. Olivia has consistently produced many top notch cattle and X14 is another. Bred to Ranch Hand, don’t miss this opportunity on these genetics. • AIed to calve 10/23/2012 to Ranch Hand (ASA# 2290140). Safe. P.E. to calve 12/10/12 thru 1/29/2013 to Y50 (ASA#2615425). TX RHIANNA / Full sister to Lot 2 and Supreme Champion Heifer at the 2011 NC State Fair. SVF STEEL FORCE S701 / Sire of Lot 2. Page 6 - Winter Calving Bred Heifers FIGGINS X01T / She sells as Lot 3. TNC SHELLY / She sells as Lot 5. Lot F IGGINS X01T 3 Lot PB SM ASA # 2572245 10/10/2010 TNC S HELLY 5 PB SM Tattoo: X01T ASA # 2576323 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC SUPERIOR S6018 EBS JOKERS CAREN API TI 62.2 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 1.0 63.2 97.9 12.2 22.9 54.4 Consigned By: Figgins Simmental TI 58 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 6.0 3.3 64.7 92.2 6.8 19.1 51.4 • Here is one of the first Remington’s War daughters to sell bred to the performance powerhouse Mr NLC Upgrade. Shelly is a big bodied, broody individual with the build to become a pasture standout. This female has a super correct skeleton and has good muscle shape and definition for raising powerful herd bulls and forage efficient females. This female could be a real money maker. • AIed to calve 12/17/2012 to MR NLC Upgrade U8676 (ASA# 2474338). R OLLING R OCK M S . L EGACY Lot PB SM 1/21/2011 91.0 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • This is the one, if you are looking for a donor cow to put you in the black. A great pedigree sired by the Ollie son Superior out of a Luck Dice that goes back to Tom Clark’s B80 cow. Sells safe in calf to Dikemans Sure Bet. She’s deep, wide, big-footed, and complete in every way. Don’t miss this one. • AIed to calve 12/17/2012 to Dikeman’s Sure Bet (ASA# 2294262). ASA # 2587852 API KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L TNC RED ROSEY TNC FAITH 115.9 7.5 4 Tattoo: Y3 REMINGTON RED LABEL HR TNC REMINGTONS WAR TNC SWEET DREAM GW LUCKY DICE 187H BV DICEY b BV POWER BEE Lot 1/15/2011 TNC R EADY OR N OT 6 PB SM ASA # 2576321 Tattoo: Y02 1/4/2011 Tattoo: Y1 HC HUMMER 12M TNT EVER READY R232 RC MISS LEGACY 058N NICHOLS LEGACY G151 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 API REMINGTON RED LABEL HR ROLLING ROCK RED DREAM WHF LADY K05 TI 64.4 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 9.2 3.5 67.7 100.0 9.6 19.5 53.3 API SVF STEEL FORCE S701 PRS LITTLE RED CORVETTE ZEIS MISS DRIVE N423 107.5 123.0 TI 67 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 10.6 2.1 66.3 89.9 10.3 18.8 52.0 Consigned By: Rolling Rock Farm Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • This stylish, long bodied, powerhouse heifer is a can’t miss. Her style will catch your eye along with the attention of your buyers. The potential of this heifer is unlimited. Sired by Ollie and out of one of our best cows. She is due to calve in January to M2C Conan RX. • AIed to calve 1/5/2013 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). • Rocky Hollow brings you a nice TNT Ever Ready daughter to this year’s event. Ready or Not is backed by a super proven cow family, Zeis Miss Drive N423 supported by the Griswold phenomenon Steel Force. She sells breed to the breed leader for registrations Ebony’s Grandmaster. • AIed to calve 1/5/2013 to SS Ebony’s Grandmaster (ASA# 2281133). Page 7 - Winter Calving Bred Heifers Lot TNC S HOW G IRL 7 PB SM ASA # 2576322 1/11/2011 Tattoo: Y2 CNS DREAM ON L186 CIRCLET ANTOINETTES STAR NJC SVF ANTOINETTE K205 API SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF BBM-SUMMER R032 BBM MISS ROSE N82 123.0 TI 65 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.3 2.8 59.7 90.9 7.4 18.5 48.3 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • This female is aptly named Show Girl. Lot 7 is an extremely attractive baldy female with a super balanced set of EPDs. She is built like a show girl from the side with all the appeal that one seeks in a Simmental female. Take a young female like this one to many of today’s proven sires and you will more than earn her initial purchase price. Heifers like this one are the back-bone of this sale. • AIed to calve 12/27/2012 LMF Movin Forward (ASA# 2429130). TNC SHOW GIRL / She sells as Lot 7. Lot X33 8 PB SM ASA # 2569272 10/14/2010 Tattoo: X33 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 NJC EBONY ANTOINETTE API TSF P134L 104.0 GRACE TI P3 61 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 9.7 3.1 63.0 91.3 8.0 21.2 52.7 Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals • This heifer is another lot coming from us that has the potential to make a very profitable cow for her new owners. Her pedigree traces back to one of the best Simmental cows that ever grazed these mountain pastures of southwest VA, the one and only B80. These animals were born and raised on grass and will thrive in that kind of environment and look good doing it. The rib, thickness, fleshing ability and longevity is bred into this heifer. Take her home, she is ready to go to work. • AIed to calve 12/5/2012 to TNT Tuition U238 (ASA# 2470582). X33 / She sells as Lot 8. Lot P.E. to calve 12/10/12 thru 1/29/2013 to Y50 (ASA#2615425). Y&Y F ULL M EASURE 9 PB SM ASA # 2565379 11/1/2010 Tattoo: X13 TNC MR HUNK Y&Y PAY ROLL SVF INSPIRATION R040 API JDJ INFINITE JUSTICE 137 JM MISS LADONNA R13 MOHLERS PREFERENCE 102.7 TI 60.4 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.9 2.4 63.1 88.7 8.9 16.5 48.0 Consigned By: Young & Young • Y&Y Full Measure is a brood cow in the making. She is deep sided, loose structured and has overall mass and dimension to produce cattle that fit the bill for the beef industry. Bred to calve this fall Full Measure is not far from creating earning potential for her new owner. She appears to have a very desirable teet and udder placement to thrive for the long haul. • AIed to calve 11/26/2012 to RCR Stetson T17 (ASA# 2396913). Y&Y FULL MEASURE / She sells as Lot 9. Page 8 - Winter Calving Bred Heifers X61 / She sells as Lot 10. Lot X61 10 PB SM ASA # 2569270 10/4/2010 Tattoo: X61 HC HUMMER 12M RC CLUB KING 040R RC MISS GRIFFEY 038N FIGGIN YJ260 / She sells as Lot 12. API SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF JBP MS PATSY P61 JBP FANCY M16 121.0 TI 67 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 8.9 1.7 65.7 96.6 14.5 19.4 52.3 Lot Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals API 104.1 TI 55.8 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 5.3 4.1 58.9 87.5 4.9 26.1 55.5 Consigned By: Figgins Simmental • This easy Fleshing Movin’ Fo-ward daughter is big topped, deep and long. She sells safe in calf to the Wehrmann Angus sire Rito Revenue, who is in the ABS line up. He ranks in the top 5% for feed efficiency and top 25% for both ADG and Intake. She will make a great cow. • AIed to calve 2/4/2013 to Rito Revenue 5M2 (AAA# 15142281). 3/4 SM 1/4 CS 9/11/2010 Tattoo: YJ260 HARTBLACK REWARD E214 FIGGINS J260 FIGGINS CLOVER S ILVERADO D IVA X104 ASA # 2570326 2/20/2011 TRIPLE C INVASION R47K LMF MOVIN FORWARD LMF GODIVAS BEAUTYSTROKE P.E. to calve 12/10/12 thru 1/29/2013 to Y50 (ASA#2615425). 11 PB SM ASA # 2596970 • If you are looking for cows that will raise good calves , this heifer fits the bill. X61 will produce the bulls that our commercial bull buyers demand. Club King, Preffered Beef and Black Shamrock lay the foundation of this heifers pedigree, all are known for making mama cows. Bred to Select Sires young sire Rito 954 which was sampled heavily in the commercial herd were I work. • AIed to calve 12/6/2012 to Rito 954 of 7E2 5050 (ASA# 9808090). Lot F IGGINS YJ260 12 Tattoo: X104 HC HUMMER 12M RC CLUB KING 040R RC MISS GRIFFEY 038N Safe. API CNS DREAM ON L186 SILVERADO AUTUMN DREAM G717 ! t s e r e t n i r u o y r o f s k n a h T 122.3 TI 68.4 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 9.9 2.6 70.9 102.7 13.5 16.0 51.4 Consigned By: Silverado Cattle Company • Breeders expanding in herd size don’t often part company with heifers like Diva X104. This is the kind of female you’ll sell for one reason – to make a customer! She is powerful, pretty and profitable. Her dam will enter the Silverado ET program and her younger brother will be Silverado’s next herd sire. • AIed to calve 11/13/2012 to Flying B Cut Above (ASA# 2341498). Page 9 - Spring Calving Bred Heifers FIGGINS YS151 / She sells as Lot 13. Lot Lot F IGGINS YS151 13 2/08/2011 PB SM ASA # 2576335 3/14/2011 Tattoo: Y17 CNS DREAM ON L186 CIRCLET ANTOINETTES STAR NJC SVF ANTOINETTE K205 PB SM ASA # 2596971 TNC IMA STAR 14 Tattoo: YS151 WLE CSA BLACK GALVANIZER BRS KATYDID K08 BRS PREFERRED HELGA H07 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 API CNS DREAM ON L186 FIGGINS S151 YC MS JACK POT K36-2 121.7 TI CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 2.1 66.9 99.8 12.3 20.8 54.2 Consigned By: Figgins Simmental • This heifer is sired by the great legacy, Ollie, out of a Dream On, that goes back to YC Jackpot. She is long bodied and clean fronted. Sell safe in calf to the popular AI sire Dikemans Sure Bet. • AIed to calve 1/30/2013 to Sure Bet (ASA# 2294262). Safe. CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 8.6 0.2 56.7 83.5 9.7 20.2 48.6 • Tommy Cline dug deep into his replacement pen to offer his best bred heifers this year. He had a notion when he chose the names for the past calf crop. Ima Star wants to live up to her name. This big bodied, deep ribbed, bred heifer has all the ingredients to become a star. We can’t stress to you the buyer how much earning potential these bred heifers have. Ima Star is an excellent low birth weight high API individual. Lot 14 sells bred to the young SimAngus beef machine MCM Top Grade. • AIed to calve 2/14/2013 to MCM Top Grade 018X (AAA# 15142281). Safe. Totally Free Checking Free Online BillPay Free Internet Banking Bank of your community your vision your bank 1-800-772-1807 TI 67 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental 69.3 11.7 API 123.0 Home Equity Lines of Credit as low as Prime And More! Subject to credit approval. Some restrictions may apply. TNC I’M A STAR / She sells as Lot 14. Page 10 - Spring Calving Bred Heifers L OTS 15 - 24 Charles Rosson and crew have brought a super uniform set of bred heifers to this year’s Legends of the Blue Ridge Sale. Quaker Hill Farms is synonymous with performance oriented cattle with superior quality and uniform genetics. These bred heifers are heavily influenced with Gateway Simmental genetics and are outcross bred too much of what grazes the Eastern United States. These 10 heifers are bred to perform with an average API around 133 and average Milk EPDs in the mid-20s. Charles has selected to mate these females GAR New Design 5050 one of the superior carcass sires of the Angus breed that does not compromise maternal function. With the current US cow numbers down; females like these will make money. G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 / Service sire of Lots 15 - 24. Lot 15 Q UAKER H JST L ORNA Y73 Lot PB SM ASA # 2611928 3/10/2011 18 Tattoo: Y73 3/1/2011 Tattoo: Y60 HC HUMMER 12M TNT JUMP START R238 TNT MISS KAYLA M13 API GW LUCKY ONE 686K GW MISS LUCKY ONE 268M GW MISS MATERNAL 670F API GW LUCKY STRIKE 147G BLL MISS STRIKE M42 GW MISS WALLY 860G 151.3 TI 70.1 144.0 TI 71.4 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 16.7 0.6 49.7 72.9 15.1 24.0 48.8 16.1 0.4 57.3 83.6 13.2 20.5 49.1 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/26/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. 16 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/25/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Q UAKER H ILL J ENNY Y86 Lot PB SM ASA # 2598211 3/10/2011 19 Tattoo: Y86 Q UAKER H ILL K IM Y112 PB SM ASA # 2611934 HC HUMMER 12M TNT JUMP START R238 TNT MISS KAYLA M13 3/1/2011 Tattoo: Y56 GW LUCKY DICE 187H MMF BO R1 MMF CHARITY N23 API LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C GW MISS LUCKY BUCK 171L GW MISS MATERNAL 667F API GW HIGH DENSITY 022E GW MISS HI DENSITY 835N GW MISS LUCKY ROLL 709L 144.9 TI 67.5 119.5 TI 61.2 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 17.7 -1.0 50.1 73.5 14.1 27.1 52.0 12.0 1.6 52.3 76.2 12.8 28.1 54.2 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 3/3/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Lot PB SM ASA # 2611935 HC HUMMER 12M TNT JUMP START R238 TNT MISS KAYLA M13 Lot Q UAKER H ILL LYNDSAY Y60 17 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/25/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Q UAKER H JST K IM Y69 Lot 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA # 2611926 3/8/2011 20 Tattoo: Y69 Q UAKER H ILL E STER Y80 PB SM ASA # 2611948 HC HUMMER 12M TNT JUMP START R238 TNT MISS KAYLA M13 3/1/2011 Tattoo: Y80 GW LUCKY DICE 187H MMF BO R1 MMF CHARITY N23 API GW LUCKY STRIKE 147G GW MISS LUCKY STRIKE 611 2003K API 600 PLUS GW MISS PLUS 375N GW MISS LUCKY STRIKE 029 148.9 TI 71.2 128.4 TI 64.7 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 15.5 0.5 58.1 90.2 13.3 21.5 50.5 13.3 -0.1 53.2 82.4 13.2 24.4 51.0 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/25/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 3/1/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Page 11 - Spring Calving Bred Heifers Lot 21 Q UAKER H ILL L ILLY Y84 PB SM ASA # 2611950 3/1/2011 Tattoo: Y84 TJ 57J THE GAMBLER DIKEMANS SURE BET MEGAN 9M API LCHMAN LUCKY BUCK 7049C GW MISS LUCKY 407D 426N 407D 142.7 TI 70.2 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 10.0 0.1 57.2 82.8 5.7 24.0 52.6 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 3/2/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Lot Y27 25 PB SM ASA # 2574302 Lot 22 Q UAKER H ILL H AZEL Y74 3/25/2011 Tattoo: Y27 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 PB SM ASA # 2611944 4/5/2011 API SAND RANCH HAND Tattoo: Y74 123.8 U27 TI YC MISS LUCKY DICE D26 SS GOLDMINE L42 LBR GOLD DIGGER W524 LBR MIDNIGHT DREAM M252 API GW LUCKY DICE 187H GW MISS LUCKY DICE 300N GW MISS HIGH DENSITY 406 126.2 TI CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 0.5 62.1 88.7 11.7 20.8 51.8 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 12.2 1.3 64.7 99.8 12.5 21.0 53.3 Consigned By: Rolling Rock Farm • This excellent Ollie heifer is moderate and has an excellent disposition. There is no doubt that this heifer will enhance your herd. Due to calf in February to M2C Conan 12y, should make this combination a must have. • AIed to calve 2/25/2013 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). 66.4 12.0 68 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/27/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Lot 26 ROLLING ROCK M S C ISCO Y04 PB SM Lot Q UAKER H ILL P AM Y75 23 ASA # 2587854 PB SM ASA # 2611945 3/10/2011 Tattoo: Y75 API 112.9 TI 62.8 API CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 119.2 11.6 0.0 57.2 86.0 10.1 22.4 51.0 TI Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals 61.7 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 11.5 1.4 59.3 80.1 12.6 26.4 56.0 • This young heifer was purchased by our friends the Jones family as a replacement for our herd. We know the cow family Y04 stems from, she traces back to one of the first and better cows we ever bought. Sells A.I. bred to TNT Tuition and cleaned up with our young herd bull, Mountain Man who is a Steel Force son and JM Dana who is a donor for Windy Ridge Simmentals of Nebraska, and hails from the H25 family. • AIed to calve 4/4/2013 to TNT Tuition U238 (ASA# 2470582). Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/28/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. Lot Tattoo: Y04 SVF STAR POWER S802 JBP MS. STAR LIGHT W16 TSF MISS CYNTHIA SS GOLDMINE L42 LBR GOLD DIGGER W524 LBR MIDNIGHT DREAM M252 GFI BRANDO H02 GW MISS BRANDO 364N GW MISS LUCKY BUCK 929J 2/8/2011 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 Q UAKER H ILL L ELA 24 PB SM ASA # 2593910 12/19/2010 Tattoo: X759 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 ELLINGSON MS PSTOCK K58 API TRIPLE C INVASION R47K YC MISS INVASION H1 YC MISS PS X19 116.2 TI 69.5 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 8.9 3.9 74.9 112.9 9.4 19.1 56.6 Consigned By: Quaker Hill Farm LLC • AIed to calve 2/25/2013 to G A R New Design 5050 (AAA# 13728513). P.E. to Rito Tremendous 0V42 (ASA# 2578952) from 6/1/2012 to 8/10/12. ROLLING ROCK MS CISCO Y04 / She sells as Lot 26. Page 12 - Spring Calving Bred Heifers - FBFS WHEEL MAN 649W / Service Sire of Lot 28. MS MANIFEST/STF K508 Y55 / She sells as Lot 27. Lot 27 M S M ANIFEST /STF K508 Y55 Lot PB SM ASA # 2615423 2/24/2011 M S . TUITION /S6 Y66 28 Tattoo: Y55 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA # 2615424 NICHOLS LEGACY M72 NICHOLS MANIFEST T79 NICHOLS MCM N13 3/26/2011 Tattoo: Y66 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 TNT TUITION U238 TNT MISS S68 API SRS FORTUNE 500 STF NEW GENERATION K508 LRS MS ZINGER 508C API TSF JUST BLAZEN 130.2 104.6 DORA S6 TI TI LACY K5 67.9 73.5 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 11.2 -0.6 59.1 94.3 15.0 21.1 50.6 5.6 4.5 78.5 115.3 5.2 19.3 58.5 Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals • Little different twist on the pedigree of this heifer but a pretty good one none the less. Backed by a Silver Towne cow that was purchased from Mt. View Simmentals at the first LBR sale. Not the prettiest heifer we are offering, but there are plenty of bulls out there that will work on this heifer. We choose to breed her to the Angus bull Rito 954 in order to produce a half blood that would offer something a little different for our bull buyers. • AIed to calve 3/24/2013 to Rito 954 of 7E2 5050 (ASA# 9808090). • This stout blaze faced heifer will not be hard to spot sale day. Bred to the champion bull Wheelman and followed with our Steel Force son. • AIed to calve 4/3/2013 to FBFS Wheel Man 649W (ASA# 2527605). - Feeling Lucky Lot 29 KATS LITTLE RUTH BY NIGHT PB SM ASA # 2484590 1/1/2008 Tattoo: U15 PCC NIGHT MOVES H10 KATIES KNIGHT MANLEY KHS KATIES FIRST AUTUMN API PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER YC MS BLACK JOKER G36 YC MISS 600U D50 101.6 TI 58.2 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 5.9 2.8 61.8 88.7 8.7 21.0 51.8 Consigned By: Katie’s Simmentals U15 is a good dispositioned, deep bodied, good milking, young cow who has done a good job raising her natural calves. I purchased a couple of EBS Ebony Mavis X Triple C Bettis S72J embryos from Dustin Rogers & U15 just happened to be available to use as a recipient. She was later pasture exposed to a young and upcoming bull whose pedigree boasts the Ebony’s Joy cow family. Steel Hope is the grandson of the impeccable L-123 cow and a direct son of 479P. Last Fall Steel Hope was names champion bull at 3 eastern fairs and then went on to be selected NC State Fair Supreme Champion Bull. Whatever the calf, whether it be a result from the embryo or the natural breeding, it will be a profitable calf! Vet confirmed she is bred, but said it was too close for him to confirm by physical examination. • Embryo Transplanted 1/26/2012 Triple C Bettis S72J X EBS Ebony Mavis Possible Due Date: 10/28/2012 • PE to AJE/HS/MBCC Steel Hope (ASA# 2546590) from 2/8/2012 to 4/4/2012 Page 13 EBS EBONYS MAVIS 414P / Donor dam of Lot 29 embryo mating. - Young Cows - Lot S ILVERADO C OWGIRL 30 Lot 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA # 2512547 3/23/2009 SLL X27 32 1/4 SM 3/4 AN ASA # 2645222 Tattoo: W902 12/12/2010 Tattoo: X27 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 TC TOTAL 410 TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 WHEATLAND BULL 131L SAND RANCH HAND SAND LUCKY CHARMER API SILVERADO SKYDIVER 4042 SILVERADO SKYLAR 10 SILVERADO FRONTIER GA API SVF L230 BPCC MISS WIX S114 W G A MISS WIX 0114 108.7 TI 57.3 119 TI 81 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 10.1 -1.5 47.8 70.0 8.9 23.1 46.9 6.20 1.00 67.3 112.8 6.80 27.2 60.8 Consigned By: Silverado Cattle Company Consigned By: Schutte Land & Livestock • When Jered asked if we would consign this cow it came as no surprise. Every visitor to the farm has admired her presence and her flawless phenotype. She is the front pasture kind with a functional EPD profile and unlimited breeding options. Her new owner will be proud to show her off! • AIed to calve 9/10/2012 to Nichols Manifest T79 (ASA# 2416547). • A standout since birth, this fancy bred heifer blends excellent phenotype with strong performance (707 lb adj. 205 day wt.). Her dam was purchased from Sunset View and has been a stellar cow producing correct, easy keeping, big barreled calves year after year. X27 is halter broken, docile and palpated safe for a December calf by SAV Brilliance, sire of the 2012 National Western Grand Champion Angus bull. • AIed to calve 3/7/2013 to S A V Brilliance 8077 (AAA# 16107774). Safe. Lot JM M ISS L ADONNA R13 31 PB SM ASA # 2322832 9/10/2005 Lot Tattoo: R13 PCC NIGHT MOVES H10 JDJ INFINITE JUSTICE 137 WS MISS PEPPER G2 CVLS S WEET D REAMS 065X 33 PB SM ASA # 2547926 101.9 TI CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 2.9 60.4 82.2 7.1 16.3 46.4 API CNS DREAM ON L186 CVLS DREAMGIRL 708T CVLS MORNING DEW 122M 59.2 7.2 Tattoo: 065X HTP SVF IN DEW TIME SAS T101 SWEET MEAT SAS SWEETS STAR R101 API HART SUBZERO G322 MOHLERS PREFERENCE SSS-SCF PREFERENCE 008G 3/15/2010 Consigned By: Young & Young • Donnie and Violet Young consigned this cow that is in the prime of her productive life. Miss Ladonna is an easy doing, gentle natured mama cow with worlds of mating flexibility. Bred to the Metzger raised herd bull M2C Conan that is a picture of the ideal beef bull. The resulting calf should have tons of rib and width of skeleton needed for forage utilization. • AIed to calve 10/13/2012 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). 119.9 TI 68.3 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.2 4.0 73.3 98.7 13.6 18.3 55.0 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • Sweet Dreams is a super uddered female. She is moderate framed and has a great disposition. She is bred to our young, new sire M2C Conan for a March baby, so don’t overlook Sweet Dreams! • AIed to calve 3/23/2013 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). Safe. M2C CONAN RX / Service sire of Lot 33. JM MISS LADONNA R13 / Lot 31 Be in the know... Simmental P UREBRED S IMMENTAL AVERAGES EPD’s have a new base... CE BW WW YW MCE MLK MWW STAY DOC CWT YG MRB BF REA WBSF API TI 7.5 2.6 63.9 91 9.8 22.3 54.3 18.0 10.2 27.6 -0.26 0.07 -0.058 0.59 -0.32 106 62 WBSF API TI 107 62 H YBRID S IMMENTAL AVERAGES CE BW WW YW MCE MLK MWW STAY DOC CWT YG MRB BF REA 9.1 1.2 58.3 87 7.6 22.4 51.5 11.1 23.6 -0.18 0.25 -0.035 0.47 -0.27 Page 14 - Sp Spring p Bred Cows - BBM-SUMMER R032 / Lot 36 Lot TNC REMINGTONS WAR / Sire of Lot 34. Lot TNC L ADY VIXION 34 2/26/2010 Tattoo: X6 API 95.0 TI CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 2.1 60.5 85.1 4.9 19.2 49.5 TI 59.2 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 5.6 3.7 58.2 88.6 9.1 24.6 53.7 • If you’re looking for a donor cow with an outcross pedigree, then don’t overlook Summer. This PREFERRED BEEF daughter could do a lot of things for you as a Simmental Breeder. This next calf should be a dandy. So, take a look at Summer on sale day. • AIed to calve 3/3/2013 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • If you’re looking for a nice young RED cow, then look for Lady Vixion. She is very gentle and easy going. Her first calf is a good one and she should do a great job from here on out. She is bred to Conan. So, don’t miss her. • AIed to calve 5/15/2013 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). Lot TNC M ISS S TAR B RIGHT S UGAR X6 37 PB SM ASA # 2528892 2/14/2010 Tattoo: X6 HC POWER DRIVE 88H KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L SAFN GLAMOUR 11J PB SM 11/20/2008 API 110.7 Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental 58 5.7 ASA # 2468865 Tattoo: R032 HART JACKPOT J310 BBM MISS ROSE N82 SFS KOKO K27 KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L MISS CCF KANGA P16 BRS KANGA K63 35 12/7/2005 LRS PREFERRED STOCK 370C SRS J914 PREFERRED BEEF SRS G733 GLIMMER REMINGTON RED LABEL HR TNC REMINGTONS WAR TNC SWEET DREAM Lot PB SM ASA # 2363572 PB SM ASA # 2529482 BBM-S UMMER R032 36 Tattoo: U27 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF STAR POWER S802 SVF SHEZA STAR N902 API JBP CHIEF 70.2 LACY K5 TI JBP MISS BLACK MAGIC 51.1 API FIVE OAKS BLACK STRETCH YC MISS 50BS B43 YC MISS BLACK MICK N82 91.7 TI 59.5 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 2.0 4.6 68.0 99.2 7.3 25.7 59.6 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW -1.2 7.0 64.4 93.2 3.2 23.1 55.2 Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals • Here is a young red blaze face cow that is off to good start in her career. Evidence is by her side with the Upgrade heifer calf that would make a nice show prospect. With her gentle disposition, I don’t think it would take Rachel and Robbie long to have her kid broke. We knew we were going to sell X6 and tried to get a embryo in her, that didn’t work out so she sells bred to a young herdsire of Jessmar farms who is a Steel Force/Cottontail. Not bad for a cleanup bull, thanks Mike Walters. • P.E. to calve approximately 4/25/2013 to Y50 (ASA# 2615425). Consigned By: Rocky Hollow Simmental • Miss Star Bright is a baldy Star Power daughter with a nice udder and tremendous overall power. Her dam is 17 years old and breeds back first time every year. Star bright could raise one heck of a good herd-sire or a powerful replacement female to carry on her lineage. • AIed to calve 4/5/2013 to M2C Conan RX (ASA# 2566028). Lot S WEETIE Z6 37A PB SM ASA # 2644539 4/22/2012 Tattoo: Z6 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B API KENCO/MF POWERLINE 204L 105.0 SUGAR X6 TI LACY K5 70 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 4.3 4.6 81.2 119.5 8.5 16.4 57.0 Consigned By: Penley Farm Simmentals TNC MISS STAR BRIGHT / Lot 35 Page 15 - Open Heifers Lot JM M ISS TM/80-Y16 40 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA # 2641029 9/11/2011 Tattoo: Y16 WLE POWER STROKE GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N NJC EBONY ANTOINETTE API 80 TI CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.6 1.0 45.1 59.9 4.0 8.6 31.1 Consigned By: Jess-A-Marr • Nice ½ Blood Trademark daughter make a really nice cow to fit today’s beef industry. Lot Y&Y FULL DRESS / Lot 38 Lot Y&Y F ULL D RESS 38 10/8/2011 Tattoo: Y195 102.0 TI BIG RIDGE MS MT API 114.3 TI 62.4 BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 9.4 2.7 57.3 79.7 9.2 19.9 48.6 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.3 2.3 57.6 82.4 3.5 18.9 47.7 • Nice Trademark daughter with lots of eye appeal out of a super nice cow. Consigned By: Young & Young Lot API WW YW MCE Milk MWW 88.5 10.9 21.6 51.7 TI 61 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.7 2.3 62.9 88.4 10.8 15.9 47.3 • Here is a daughter out of B&B Joker’s Queen. She is long bodied and super attractive through her front end. This heifer comes from a famous cow family. TI 62.3 60.4 API 107.0 Consigned By: M & W Farms 112.6 1.2 Tattoo: Y101 PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER B&B JOKERS QUEEN B&B BLACK LADY WHEATLAND BULL 131L SAND RANCH HAND SAND LUCKY CHARMER BW 9/25/2011 NICHOLS LEGACY G151 CNS DREAM ON L186 CNS SHEEZA DREAM K107W Tattoo: Y08 CE PB SM ASA # 2640637 PB SM 8.6 YANCY 42 RRFS M ISS O LIVIA REMINGTON RED LABEL HR JM ALICE W6 JM MISS OLIVIA-L36 63 Consigned By: Jess-A-Marr • This long bodied, level designed fall born heifer leads off this year’s set of open heifers. It won’t be long and you can mate her to your calving ease bull of choice. Check out how correctly this on is designed and you’ll be thinking money in the bank 9/4/2011 API B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 CE ASA # 2629296 Tattoo: Y17 R68 PPSR PREFERENCE 48M MISS PRICKLY PEAR 495P MISS PRICKLY PEAR 161L 39 9/12/2011 WLE POWER STROKE GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N NJC EBONY ANTOINETTE CNS DREAM ON L186 CIRCLET ANTOINETTES STAR NJC SVF ANTOINETTE K205 Lot 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA # 2641030 PB SM ASA # 2613910 JM M ISS TM/R68-Y17 41 Consigned By: Rolling Rock Farm • Here is a Ranch Hand female out of our donor cow JM Alice W6. The pedigree on this heifer is excellent with both Olivia and H25 present. She is cut from the same cloth as both of these cows. This soggy bodied heifer is gentle and Zack has taken the time to halter break her. Don’t miss out on this bloodline, the potential with her is unlimited. -/ - Southwest Virginia where “Winners are made!” RRFS MISS OLIVIA / Lot 39 Page 16 - Open Heifers - SLL Y39 / Lot 43 Lot SLL Y39 43 Y&Y CLEOPATRA / Lot 45 25% SM 75% AN ASA # 2645223 11/24/2011 Tattoo: Y39 Lot SYDGEN C C & 7 HOOVER DAM ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 API TI 5 64 BW WW YW -0.1 50.15 86.10 MCE Milk MWW 5.70 35.10 60.10 • Show heifer prospect sired by Hoover Dam, a calving ease Angus bull who produces thick, moderate framed, correct calves. Y39 offers performance with her eye appeal sporting an adj. 205 day wt. of 707lbs. This heifer will mature with our farm’s goal of females with “cow pow”, fancy, efficient, moderate frame, easy keeping and fertile with good udders. 1/17/2012 Lot Tattoo: Z256 CNS DREAM ON L186 SVF/NJC BUILT RIGHT N48 NJC EBONY ANTOINETTE CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 3.4 2.0 59.6 87.8 11.6 20.6 50.4 D EER C REEK Z AP Z5 46 PB SM ASA # 2639961 103.0 TI MISS 600U M102 61 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 10.9 2.3 62.0 85.2 5.8 17.5 48.5 2/26/2012 Tattoo: Z5 WHEATLAND BULL 131L SAND RANCH HAND SAND LUCKY CHARMER API HTP SVF IN DEW TIME T251 TI 60 • Cleopatra is a beauty to look at. This young female has quality written all over her. She is balanced and attractive in her make-up and has a fresh pedigree. She is sired by a young bull that many overlooked at Rocky Hollow TNC First Glance. Take a little time and halter break this one and she could surprise you in the show ring. She is so neat. PB SM ASA # 2639145 API 104.0 Consigned By: Young & Young VPI M ISS C ASINO Z256 44 Tattoo: Z15 WLE CSA BLACK GALVANIZER TNC JESSICA SWAIN FLOWER 336N Consigned By: Schutte Land & Livestock Lot 2/9/2012 THSF FREEDOM 300N TNC FIRST GLANCE CNS HFS ANTOINETTE T704 112 BV JODY CE PB SM ASA # 2639856 PVF-BF BF26 BLACK JOKER 10.60 Y&Y C LEOPATRA 45 API CNS DREAM ON L186 DEER CREEK DREAMER MSR 4040P OF 123L STEP Consigned By: Virginia Tech Beef Center • Here is a female that is elite in many ways. Z256 is a bold sprung, deep ribbed female that excels to the top of the VA Tech’s spring 2012 calf crop. This Built Right daughter has the ability to become a show-ring champion for a junior member and also will mature into a very impressive cow backed by her productive In Dew Time dam. If you are a junior member, don’t miss this female since she is halter-broke and ready to hit the show road! 127.0 TI 66 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 11.9 0.2 60.2 86.3 13.1 22.6 52.7 Consigned By: Deer Creek Farm • Halter broke and ready to be someone’s show heifer. She is an ET heifer from a massive donor cow of ours with Moser Ranch genetics. She has a balanced set of EPDs with low birth weight and good calving ease. She will develop into a big bodied cow that will be efficient as well. DEER CREEK ZAP Z5 / Lot 46 VPI MISS CASINO Z256 / Lot 44 Page 17 - Bulls - - Open p Heifersf Lot S AXON 49 PB SM ASA # 2640640 1/2/2012 Tattoo: Z470 ELLINGSON LEGACY M229 MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 MS NLC MOJO S6119 B API GWS EBONYS TRADEMARK 6N JM MISS TM H25 U14 JM BF CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 7.5 2.6 80.0 113.4 10.0 14.6 54.6 • Take a closer look at pedigree on this young bull, also at his EPD’s. Sired by Upgrade baced by a Trademark daughter this young bull will suit many breeders. D EER C REEK Z AG Z10 47 TI 72 Consigned By: M & W Farms DEER CREEK ZAG Z10 / Lot 47 Lot 117.0 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA # 2639960 2/27/2012 Tattoo: Z10 CNS DREAM ON L186 HTP SVF IN DEW TIME HTP SVF HONEYDEW API G A R SOLUTION DEER CREEK UTOPIA DEER CREEK DURANGO 140.0 TI 75 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 12.6 0.2 60.7 91.5 8.4 24.2 54.6 Consigned By: Deer Creek Farm • Here is a really fancy show heifer. API and TI are super good. Halter broke and ready to show. Expect to be at the top of the class with this heifer. She is an ET heifer from a massive donor cow of ours with Moser Ranch genetics. She has a balanced set of EPDs with low birth weight and good calving ease. She will develop into a big bodied cow that will be efficient as well. Lot 48 KATS ANNIES CHROME PISTOL Lot PB SM ASA # 2641479 3/30/2012 SAXON / He sells as Lot 49. Tattoo: Z11 50 RRFS M R. P OWERHOUSE PB SM ASA # 2629300 SS GOLDMINE L42 HPF MR GOLDENROD R011 NORTHLAND MISS 008K SVF STAR POWER S802 GGSF STAR ANNIE CIRCLET ANTIONET DIAMOND API 58 WW YW MCE Milk MWW 4.7 2.3 59.7 83.8 6.4 23.9 53.7 API REMINGTON RED LABEL HR JM REM K3 U17 JM BM S43-K3 TI BW Tattoo: Y12 HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K LONG`S SHEAR PLEASURE MCM 514R 107.5 CE 9/16/2011 Consigned By: Katie’s Simmentals 109.8 TI 66.8 CE BW WW YW MCE Milk MWW 8.4 2.3 67.7 96.0 9.7 27.4 61.2 Consigned By: Rolling Rock Farm • Pistol is out of a powerhouse first calf heifer I purchased from the Tim Graves Family at the Back to the Basics Simmental Sale. Backed by an excellent pedigree and the eye appealing characteristics of her dam-Pistol certainly has that show heifer look! She is a blazed face beauty and ready to have her picture with the Judge! Be sure to check this young show prospect sale day! • Mr. P is a big boned powerhouse purebred bull with a lot of mass. He is deep bodied with stout top as well as a square hip. A moderate frame completes this overall package. This white faced bull is an eye catcher and we believe will consistently be an asset to your herd. Stop by and see Zack about this bull on sale day. RRFA MR. POWERHOUSE / He sells as Lot 50. KATS ANNIES CHROME PISTOL / Lot 48 Page 18 G ENERATOR R AFFLE Farmers Milling & Supply, Dean Walters & Jess A Mar Farm have joined together and donated a generator. They will be selling raffle tickets 1 for $2 or 3 for $5. The proceeds to the Legends of the Blue Ridge general treasury. The drawing will be held sale day and you don’t have to be present to win. 'HDQ:DOWHUV (CTOGTU/KNNKPI5WRRN[+PE Family Owned & Operated since 1958 Providing Livestock, Farming & Fencing Supplies Specializing in Custom Grinding & Mixing Special Feed Mix Options Available 525 West Railroad Avenue Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: 276-228-2971 -(66$0$5)$50 0LNH:DOWHUV)DPLO\ &XVWRP)HQFLQJ*DWHV 6WDJH&KDSHO5RDG :\WKHYLOOH9$ 3KRQH )HQFH*DWH5DLO,URQ&XVWRP Offering a wide array of fencing & custom gate options to Homeowners, farmers and businesses. Home of H25 Genetics And Top Quality Cows, Show Heifers & Bulls Fencing, Railing and Gate Options Available in Chain Link, Wooden, Vinyl, Aluminum & Wrought Iron 2698 Old Stage Road Wytheville, VA 24382 Phone: 276-620-7018 Email: [email protected] )ULGD\1RYHPEHU1RRQ (FKR5LGJH)DUP$WNLQV9$ Bulls from these and other great sires............ G A R Concrete MCC Daybreak G A R Progress Sydgen Mandate 6079 For more information or to request a catalog $OVRVHOOLQJ*HOYELHK%XOOVIURP Slease contact -ason 3ratt )ORZLQJ6SULQJ*HOYELHK Page 19 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS US POSTAGE Legends of the Blue Ridge c/o Holly Alford PO Box 128 Bowman, GA 30624 PAID PERMIT #11 ATHENS, GA RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 12:00 P.M. Est October 6, 2012 At Echo Eidge in Atkins, Va
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