mosques - Kliping Berita
mosques - Kliping Berita
KUPING BERITA KEMENTERIAN AGAMA JI. Lapangan Banteng Barat No. 3-4 Jakarta Pusat, Telp. (021)3812101 MEDIA Kompas Sindo Republika Rakyat Merdeka Media lndonesia Koran Tempo Indo Pos Pos Kota Pelita Suara Karya Junal Nasional Terbit Duta Masyarakat Sinar Haraoan Wawasan Dialog Monitor Pikiran Rakyat Waspada Realitas Tabloid Jumat Koran Jakarta Pr02resif Warta Kota Berita Kota Suluh Indo Kontras Medina EvangAgung Antaranews,com V Jakarta Post metrotvneW$.com Jakarta Post NOISE TANGGAL 27 Januari 2014 HAlAMAN 'V WAKTU RUBRIKASI POlLUTlON OMI campaigns for quieter mosques The jakarta Post Former vice president Jusuf Kalla. in his capacity as chairman of the system donation program. Indonesian j\.1osque Council (DMI). on Sundo'\" started a natiollwiJe pro- the amplification of mosq~e serv~c- - Kalla has also proposed es, the DMI is now workll1g on jts technical detaiIs. gram aim"ed at red ucing noise from 3mplified sermons. I '\.( "L JOn Sund:.1\'. Kalla disp<.ltched SO cars. Illannelf by'more than 150 tech- He said that ir was alright for mosques to use the loudspeaker for azan (call for prayer) but not for other purposes. In his speech on Sunday, Kalla O11soblasteo the govern~e~t for not doing enough to ass1st Hl the nidans. to heli) mosque caretakers improve the sound quality of their 3mplification systems. Kalla said that other than reducing- noise. the technical assist3nce would also help to ensure those at[t'ndillt:" mos-Llue clluld hear Muslim prc:lchers' complete mess~ge. . "I l11agine if the preacher IS QurJJs~ Shih~lb, but la bad sound system atfected] thc mt'ssagc. \Vhat a loss," Kalla said in his speerh to bunch tht' program. referring to a Illoderare l\luslilll derie who is known for his t)ll1ralistimerpretJtion of the Koran. . Kalla said that majority of the country .. c\'l~n thost' built in affluenr ;ucas. dKi not have nws(jues in dert'nt anlplification systems. Kalla has repearedly complained about the coul1try's poor quality sound s\'stems and that slIch subpar sound I"esulted in noise pollution. Kalla said in 2013 that the DMI \\"ould initiate ;) country-wide sound a ban on management of the country's 800,000 mosques, _ He said that the government had not disbllfsed funds for mosque:;. "Mosqlles are the most important religious instirution, but the gO\'ernment is preoccupied \•..ith haj pilgrimage. In countries INFORMASI like Bnmei [Darussalam] and Turkey. the government allocates money to lllosques:' he said. . He said that the go\'ernmel1t should be responsiblt' as mosques mday couid turn intel :1 brc('ding QTou"nd for r.1dicalislll. "So if a :nosque turus l'adical. the t" go\"ernment [is to blamc] because does not pay en_ough attcntion:' Tt Kalla said" ~-------------_._-----II--f6;441 Link: PUSAT some DAN HUBUNGAN MASYARAKAT da Aceh wan a rare victory against a noisy mosque. despite being forced to withdraw legal action after an angry mob threatened to kill him. Sa\'ed Hasan. 75. filed a bwsuit in Dece'mber 2012. in which he com. plained ofbeing disrurbed by Icngthy recordings of Koranic wrses_ Bur Sayed. a !\:luslim. s;lid despite seeing the deputy mayor and Muslim leaders. and then being escorted to tht.' court \vhere he was forced to withJraw his leg:.11suit, he had ultimarely \\'On J rare victory_ \ After he droppcd his ease, the volume was significantlv tlIrned down by abollt hal[ . ln April 2011, Vice President Boediono trigg-ered a debate by sa)'ing that mosques need not be toO !oud. something that fc\\' officials dare to sar open!y. "\Ve are all aware that the ~lzan is a holy caH for Muslims ra perform their prayers:' he said at the DMI 3nl1ual conference. "But 1, and probab!y others too. feel that thc sound of azan heard fainrly from a distanee resonate more in our hearts th at those that are rao loud and too close to our ears:' Boediono said. Arttara/Vudhi Mahalma Reducing the noise: Indonesian Mosque Council (DM1) chairman Jusuf Kalla (right), accompanied b~'Deputy Reiigious Affairs Minister Nasaruddin Umar (second right) and formel' state-owned enterprises minister Sofyan Djalil (third lefr), bunched a campaign on Sunday to reduce noise earning from the coumry's mosques. ~_.__ ._---------------~._-------------------~~-_.- _._.-_.~_.~~-----_._-------------_._-----_._-----_.i - PUSt. i INFORMASI DAN liUBlJW3A!\ W,SYAAAK.J>.':" 65