2015 Cadillac CTS Catalog
2015 Cadillac CTS Catalog
2 0 1 5 CTS CTS | 2 ATHL ETES A R E BUILT CTS Premium Collection / Crystal White Tricoat O N E G R A M AT A T I M E . No detail overlooked. From its signature LED lighting to its ingenious, lightweight aluminum doors to its remarkably powerful engines, every gram of material in the CTS had to justify its existence. Created in turn is a beautifully crafted vehicle that stands out among the world’s finest on the road. | 4 CTS GoT DoWN To CTS Performance Collection / Phantom Gray Metallic f igh t i ng w e igh t. Less is more powerful. As the lightest Rear-Wheel-Drive car in its class, CTS is 240 pounds lighter than the previous-generation CTS. To validate its credentials, we pushed CTS to its limit on Germany’s famed Nürburgring track. Then we brought it back home to fine-tune its dynamic ride. The outcome of such a tough regimen? Impressive acceleration, precise handling and brake feel worthy of a title. 5 | | 6 It’s no coincidence that the BR E M BO® F RON T B R A K E S on CTS were inspired by those found on some of the world’s most sophisticated race cars. Available M AGN E T IC R I DE C ON T ROL adjusts to the road up to 1,000 times per second, Performance maintaining precise body control and chassis composure. a r t. Available A L L - W H E E L D R I V E with active-torque technology delivers impeccable control in less-than-perfect road conditions. The highly acclaimed, electric-assist speed-sensitive ZF PR EMIU M CTS Vsport Premium Collection / Radiant Silver Metallic S T E E R I N G S Y S T E M helps save fuel1 and delivers Engineers achieved near-perfect 50/50 front-to-rear weight distribution through the innovative use of aluminum in the front shock towers and front suspension. Likewise, aluminum alloy door structures save approximately 33% in weight versus steel door structures. And it all comes together to provide enhanced drive dynamics, handling and quietness. 7 | 1. 2.0L Turbo EPA-estimated 20 MPG city/30 highway RWD, 19 city/28 highway AWD; 3.6L EPA-estimated 18 MPG city/29 highway RWD, 18 city/26 highway AWD; 3.6L Twin Turbo V6 EPA-estimated 16 MPG city/24 highway. precise feel. DR I V E R SE L EC T A BL E MODE S let you change the steering and transmission calibrations depending on road conditions or how aggressively you want to drive. These elements work together seamlessly, allowing CTS to deliver performance worthy of applause. | 10 CTS VSPORT: 0 TO 6 0 IN 4 . 4 S P I N E -T I N G L I N G S E C O N D S . Turbo on demand. At the heart of the CTS Vsport is a direct-injection Twin Turbo V6 that CTS Vsport Premium Collection / Phantom Gray Metallic puts out a staggering 420 hp and 430 lb.–ft. of torque. Powerful Brembo® front brakes 11 | include massive 13.6" front rotors and available high-performance brake linings, while the electronic Limited-Slip Differential (eLSD) provides enhanced stability and maximum traction through corners. And with the precision of ZF premium steering, Magnetic Ride Control with exclusive Track mode and Pirelli summer-only run-flat tires,1 you’ve got performance that never quits. 1. Do not use summer-only tires in winter conditions, as it would adversely affect vehicle safety, performance and durability. Use only GM-approved tire and wheel combinations. Unapproved combinations may change the vehicle’s performance characteristics. For important tire and wheel information, go to http://www.cadillac.com/owners/accessories.html or see your dealer. | 12 Power pl ay ers. The highly efficient 2 . 0 L T u r b o 4 - C y L i n d e r e n g i n e , named one of Ward’s 10 Best Engines in 2013, delivers 272 hp and up to 30 MPG highway.1 Looking to take it to another level? The available 3 . 6 L V 6 e n g i n e is your answer, with impressive performance, smoothness and 321 hp. And for the ultimate in power, C T S V S p o r T comes equipped with a T w i n T u r b o V 6 — the most powerful engine of its type ever offered by Cadillac. It delivers a pulse-racing 420 hp and 430 lb.-ft. of torque. An 8 - S p e e d a u T o m a T i C T r a n S m i S S i o n 2 provides a wider gear ratio spread to improve acceleration and fuel economy.1 13 | 1. 2.0L Turbo EPA-estimated 20 MPG city/30 highway RWD, 19 city/28 highway AWD; 3.6L EPA-estimated 18 MPG city/29 highway RWD, 18 city/26 highway AWD; 3.6L Twin Turbo V6 EPA-estimated 16 MPG city/24 highway. 2. Included with 3.6L V6 RWD and Vsport models. | 14 IF LOOKS COULD THRILL. All the riveting performance of CTS is wrapped in something equally impressive. A long, low, lean design philosophy manifests itself in dramatic angles and sleek aerodynamics that keep CTS firmly planted. From the sculptural inlaid hood to the LEDs that light the way brilliantly, every refined detail adds up to a look that CTS Premium Collection / Radiant Silver Metallic is completely unmistakable. 15 | | 16 AT F I R S T L IGH T. CTS is instantly recognizable on the road, and much of the credit for that belongs to its brilliant and beautiful LED light design. Crystalline LED light guides are integrated into the front corners to provide smooth white illumination, while the decklid spoiler doubles as an LED center brake lamp. Also available are HID headlamps equipped with Adaptive Forward Lighting, directing the headlamps to cast light precisely on your path of travel. 17 | | 20 A h i g h ly C o v e T e d CTS vsport Premium Collection / Kona Brown va n t age p oi n t. An interior brilliantly designed to revolve harmoniously around you. With eight unique interior environments and convenient storage compartments in reach, there’s no better place from which to see the road ahead than the driver’s seat of a CTS. | 22 your WiSh iS I T S COM M A N D. Choosing the Premium Collection model opens the door to a plethora of features. 2 0 -WAY A D J U S T A B L E S E A T S provide power-adjustable seatback bolsters and manual thigh support to help keep the driver and front passenger in total comfort. R IC H L E AT H E R S E AT I NG surfaces, heated and ventilated front seats, and heated rear outboard seats ensure the driver T R I- Z ON E C L I M AT E C ON T R OL allows all passengers the ability to set the surrounding temperature. With the H E AT E D S T E E R I N G W H E E L , cold-weather relief is at hand. Enhanced A M B I E N T L I G H T I N G subtly highlights the dash and door trim. When you need a cupholder, it appears with the touch of a button. When you don’t, the it. The E L E C T R O N I C C U P H O L D E R C O V E R elegantly conceals U L T R A V I E W S U N R O O F spans both front and rear seats and gives the CTS an even more spacious feel. Authentic materials, including the choice of exotic woods, aluminum or carbon fiber, heighten the first-class experience. Even the exceptional available leather seating surfaces are skillfully joined using cut-and-sewn craftsmanship. 24 | CTS vsport Premium Collection / Kona Brown and passengers are comfortable during any season. | 26 INTELLIGENCE Is B L I S S. The available R E A R V I S I O N C A M E R A with backup lines guides your path and lets you see behind the vehicle, while the integrated R E A R P A R K A S S I S T sounds an audible warning chime when an object is detected in your path. A visual warning also appears on the CUE screen as an added alert. Customize the available full-color instrument panel with R E C O N F I G U R A B L E G A U G E S that offer four driver-selectable display modes. W I R E L E S S C H A R G I N G 2 lets you leave the cords behind when you charge your compatible mobile phone or handheld device. K E Y L E S S A C C E S S recognizes your key fob and automatically locks or unlocks the doors when you are coming or going. ADAPTIVE R E M O T E S T A R T allows the engine to be started from up to 100 yards away and, depending on the outside temperature, activates the available heated and ventilated front seats. Available O N S T A R W I T H 4 G L T E and built-in Wi-Fi® hotspot3 provides a fast, reliable connection. Passengers can connect up to seven mobile devices, allowing them to browse the web, update their status and even stream videos right from the vehicle. The B O S E ® AUDIO SYSTEM provides a concert-like listening experience, while B O S E Access entertainment and information effortlessly with the Cadillac CUE1 infotainment system with available navigation. Natural Voice Recognition adds yet another level of brilliance. Combine this with the available A C T I V E N O I S E C A N C E L L A T I O N reduces unwanted powertrain noise and provides a quieter in-cabin experience. full-color reconfigurable Head-Up Display, and you’ve discovered a technological work of art. 27 | 1. Full functionality requires compatible Bluetooth® and smartphone. some devices require UsB connectivity. 2. The system wirelessly charges one PMA- or Qi-compatible mobile device. To check for phone or other device compatibility, see www.gmtotalconnect.com. 3. Devices must be WPA2-compliant with active OnStar service and data plan. Wi-Fi devices manufactured prior to 2006 may not be compatible. Please consult your device manufacturer for information regarding the WPA2 security protocol and Wi-Fi device compatibility. Visit onstar.com for details and system limitations. | 28 A B E A U T I F U L LY S C U L P T E D B O D Y G U A R D. Constructed using ultra-high-strength steel, the CTS body incorporates crumple zones to help absorb and manage crash energy. And with 10 standard airbags,1 including knee airbags for driver and front passenger and side-impact airbags for outboard rear passengers, CTS works to keep you protected at every turn. 29 | 1. Always use safety belts and child restraints. Children are safer when properly secured in a rear seat in the appropriate child restraint. See the Owner’s Manual for more information. | 30 | 32 The available D R I V E R A W A R E N E S S P A C K A G E includes a patented S A F E T Y A L E R T S E A T that sends pulses through the seat cushion on the left or right or simultaneously, alerting you DON’T MISS to a variety of potential hazards. A THiNG. F O R W A R D C O L L I S I O N A L E R T uses a forward-facing front camera to detect and warn you when a front-end impact may be imminent. LANE KEEP A S S I S T may gently turn the steering wheel if the vehicle approaches a detected lane marking without using a turn signal in that direction and may also provide a L A N E DE PA RT U R E W A R N I N G system alert if a lane marking is crossed without using a turn signal. S I D E B L I N D L A N E CH A NGE A L ERT Z O N E A L E R T alerts you with a side-mirror warning icon if a vehicle is in your blind spot before you merge or make a lane change. sidE BL iN d ZoN E A L ERT L A N E C H A N G E A L E R T surveys the areas well beyond the side blind zones and flashes the side-mirror warning icon to alert you of rapidly approaching vehicles. R E A R C R O S S - T R A F F I C A L E R T uses sensors to sweep the left and right areas to the sides of CTS when you back out of parking spots and alerts you to approaching vehicles. The Driver Awareness Package also includes a rear vision camera, Rainsense wipers and IntelliBeam headlamps. The D R I V E R A S S I S T P A C K A G E , standard on the Premium Collection and available on the Performance Collection, features L A N E dEPA RT u R E wA R N iNG w i TH L A N E k EEP A ssisT FoRwA R d CoL L isioN A L ERT (dR i v ER AwA R E N Ess PACk AGE) A D A P T I V E C R U I S E C O N T R O L , which uses forward-looking radar and camera technology to conveniently maintain a driver-selected following distance from the vehicle ahead, even in stopand-go traffic. FoRwA R d CoL L isioN A L ERT (dR i v ER A ssisT PACk AGE) F RoN T Au Tom ATiC BR A k iNG A N d A dA P T i v E CRu isE CoN TRoL F R ON T A N D R E A R AU T O M AT IC B R A K I NG detects when a frontal or backing collision is imminent and automatically applies braking to lessen impact severity or perhaps helps the driver avoid certain low speed impacts altogether. Included on the front seats is A U T O M A T I C S A F E T Y B E L T T I G H T E N I N G to help keep your belt precisely where it needs to be. Safety features are no substitute for the driver’s responsibility to operate the vehicle in a safe manner. The driver should remain attentive to traffic, surroundings and road conditions at all times. 31 | | 34 E X T ER IOR COLORS RADIANT SILVER METALLIC MAJESTIC PLUM METALLIC1 BLACK RAVEN CRYSTAL WHITE TRICOAT1 DARK ADRIATIC BLUE METALLIC1 PHANTOM GRAY METALLIC SILVER COAST METALLIC T I N T C OAT A premium two-layer paint application with the addition of a tinted clearcoat, lending the finish an extra depth and brightness. T R I C OAT A meticulous three-layer process that results in a dramatic hue-shifting color. OPULENT BLUE METALLIC 57.2" RED OBSESSION TINTCOAT1 BLACK DIAMOND TRICOAT1 61.4" 114.6" 72.2" 195.5" 61.7" CTS SEDA N 35 | DIMENSIONS FRONT REAR CAPACITIES Head room 40.4" 37.5" Cargo volume 13.7 cu. ft. Hip room 53.8" 53.3" Seating 5 Leg room 45.7" 35.4" Fuel (gal., approx.) 19.0 Shoulder room 56.9 " 54.8" 1. Available at extra cost. | 36 Jet Black leather SeatING SUrFaceS 1 lIGht PlatINUm leather SeatING SUrFaceS 1 High-Gloss Sapele Wood Trim Jet Black Accents High-Gloss Sapele Wood Trim Jet Black Accents twIlIGht BlUe leather SeatING SUrFaceS 1 lIGht caShmere leather SeatING SUrFaceS 1 Aluminum Trim Jet Black Accents Black Olive Ash Wood Trim Medium Cashmere Accents LIGht PLatInUM LEathErEttE SEatS Jet Black leather SeatS 1 Jet Black SemI-aNIlINe leather SeatS 1 Natural Sapele Wood Trim Jet Black Accents Black Carbon Fiber Trim Jet Black Accents Morello Red Carbon Fiber Trim Morello Red Accents Kona Brown SEMI-anILInE LEathEr SEatS 1 Natural Finish Elm Wood Trim Jet Black Accents IN T ER IOR THEMES 37 | 1. Available at extra cost. | 38 WHEELS 17" aluminum wheels with Painted finish 17" aluminum wheels with ultra-bright finish 18" aluminum wheels with Premium Painted finish 18" aluminum wheels with Polished finish Standard on CtS; inCludeS p245/45r17 all-SeaSon Standard on CtS luxury ColleCtion; inCludeS STaNDarD oN CTS PerForMaNCe CoLLeCTioN aND STaNDarD oN CTS PreMiUM CoLLeCTioN aND aVaiLabLe run-flat tireS; Size: 17" x 8.5" front and rear p245/45r17 all-SeaSon run-flat tireS; aVaiLabLe oN CTS LUxUry CoLLeCTioN; iNCLUDeS oN CTS PerForMaNCe CoLLeCTioN; iNCLUDeS Size: 17" x 8.5" front and rear P245/40r18 aLL-SeaSoN rUN-FLaT TireS; Size: 18" x 8.5" P245/40r18 aLL-SeaSoN rUN-FLaT TireS; Size: 18" x 8.5" FroNT aND rear FroNT aND rear 18" aluminum wheels with Polished finish 18" aluminum wheels with midnight silver 18" aluminum wheels with ultra-bright machined 19" aluminum wheels with Polished finish aVailable on CtS luxury, performanCe and premium Premium Painted finish Standard on CtS Vsport ; finish and midnight silver Painted Pockets aVaiLabLe oN CTS PerForMaNCe aND PreMiUM ColleCtionS; inCludeS p245/40r18 all-SeaSon run- inCludeS performanCe Summer-only 1 run-flat tireS, STaNDarD oN CTS Vsport PreMiUM CoLLeCTioN; CoLLeCTioNS; iNCLUDeS P255/35r19 aLL-SeaSoN flat tireS; Size: 18" x 8.5" front and rear p245/40r18 front, p275/35r18 rear; Size: 18" x 8.5" iNCLUDeS PerForMaNCe SUMMer-oNLy rUN-FLaT TireS, rUN-FLaT TireS; 2 Size: 19" x 8.5" FroNT aND rear front and 18" x 9.5" rear 1 P245/40r18 FroNT, P275/35r18 rear; Size: 18" x 8.5" FroNT aND 18" x 9.5" rear 39 | 1. Do not use summer-only tires in winter conditions, as it would adversely affect vehicle safety, performance and durability. Use only GM-approved tire and wheel combinations. Unapproved combinations may change the vehicle’s performance characteristics. For important tire and wheel information, go to http://www.cadillac.com/owners/accessories.html or see your dealer. 2. Low-profile tires wear faster, and wheel and tire damage may occur on rough or damaged roads from surfaces or curbs, debris or obstacles. This damage is not covered by the GM New Vehicle Limited Warranty. | 40 OWNER BENEFITS The OnStar®5 Directions & Connections® Plan allows you to push one button to connect with a specially trained Advisor to find the things and places you need. Get directions or a diagnostics check while you drive. Make calls with both hands on the wheel, and control your vehicle with the OnStar RemoteLink® mobile app.6 And, as always, get help immediately in a crash or an emergency. CTS comes standard with one year of the OnStar Directions & Connections Plan. We have created the most comprehensive suite of owner benefits offered by any luxury automotive brand in the world, providing everything our Cadillac owners need and everything they deserve. EMERGENCY BY ONSTA R PREMIU M C A RE M A INTENA NCE The Cadillac Premium Care Maintenance program1 covers routine oil changes, tire rotations, certain air filter replacements and a thorough multipoint vehicle inspection for 4 years or 50,000 miles.2 WA RR A NT Y PROTECTION The Cadillac 6-year or 70,000-mile 3 Powertrain Warranty offers more years and miles standard than BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi. In addition, our 4-year or 50,000-mile 3 Bumper-to-Bumper Warranty covers repairs on your entire vehicle, including parts and labor, to correct any concerns in materials or workmanship. ROA DSIDE A SSISTA NCE Cadillac offers more years of standard Roadside Assistance than any leading luxury automaker, with services for 6 years or 70,000 miles.4 This 24/7 program provides lockout, towing, refueling, Dealer Technician Roadside services and more. COURTESY TR A NSPORTATION This program provides alternative transportation and/or reimbursement of certain transportation expenses if your Cadillac requires warranty repairs for 6 years or 70,000 miles.4 That is more years of service standard than any leading luxury automaker. With Automatic Crash Response,7 in a crash, built-in sensors can automatically alert a specially trained OnStar Advisor who is immediately connected into your Cadillac to see if you need help sent to your exact location. Other OnStar emergency services include Injury Severity Prediction and First Assist, which ensure you quickly get the help you need when seconds matter most. CONNECTIONS BY ONSTA R Available OnStar Hands-Free Calling9 allows you to make and receive calls safely from your Cadillac. With the OnStar RemoteLink mobile app, you can access real-time information and control your vehicle from anywhere you have cell phone service. With a few simple steps, you can find a destination using the RemoteLink app and send directions right to your vehicle. Available OnStar with 4G LTE and built-in Wi-Fi® hotspot10 can help you stay better connected to the world around you. The content and connections you crave throughout your day have moved inside your Cadillac, with a hotspot capable of supporting up to seven mobile devices at once, along with a high-speed, highly reliable 4G LTE connection — making it an easy way to access data on the go. You’ll also see an enhancement to current OnStar services, including shorter response times and faster service delivery. This is the most powerful OnStar ever, empowering you and your passengers to create a highly connected world inside your car. SECURIT Y BY ONSTA R DI AGNOSTICS BY ONSTA R If you’ve reported your Cadillac stolen, OnStar can use GPS technology to help authorities quickly locate and recover it. An OnStar Advisor can further assist authorities by sending a remote signal to activate Stolen Vehicle Slowdown,®8 which can gradually slow the vehicle to a stop to aid in its recovery. Advisors can also enable a Remote Ignition Block,8 making it impossible to restart a stolen vehicle once it has been turned off. With the most comprehensive vehicle diagnostics11 from OnStar, maintaining your Cadillac can be as simple as checking your email or your OnStar RemoteLink mobile app. Every month, you can receive an email with the status of key operating systems, or push your blue OnStar button for a real-time diagnostics check on demand.11 N AV IG AT ION BY ONST A R Just push the blue OnStar button, and an Advisor can download turn-by-turn directions5 to your Cadillac. A voice will then call out every turn, or the directions will be sent to your navigation system, if equipped. You can also plan routes using MapQuest.com® and send them to your Cadillac. M Y C A D I L L A C A P P1 2 The ingenuity of the CTS doesn’t stop with the vehicle. As a Cadillac owner, an advanced app is available for your new car. From virtually anywhere at any time, a few taps of your finger on your iPhone® or Android™ smartphone let you access features such as parking reminders, Roadside Assistance and more. Plus, in conjunction with the OnStar RemoteLink app, you’ll have the ability to remotely start your vehicle (when factory-equipped with remote start) and lock and unlock your doors from any place you have cell service. In addition, you can access key diagnostic information, including fuel tank level and range and remaining oil life. 1. Standard on all 2011 and newer vehicles. 2. Whichever comes first. See dealer for select scheduled maintenance details. 3. Whichever comes first. See dealer for limited warranty details. 4. Whichever comes first. 5. Visit onstar.com for coverage map, details and system limitations. Services vary by conditions. 6. Available on select Apple,® Android,™ BlackBerry® and Windows® devices. Services vary by device and conditions. Requires active OnStar subscription. 7. Visit onstar.com for details and system limitations. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Not all vehicles may transmit all crash data. 8. Service varies with conditions. 9. Requires an existing OnStar service contract and prepaid minutes. Visit onstar.com for coverage map, details and system limitations. 10. Devices must be WPA2-compliant with active OnStar service and data plan. Wi-Fi devices manufactured prior to 2006 may not be compatible. Please consult your device manufacturer for information regarding the WPA2 security protocol and Wi-Fi device compatibility. Visit onstar.com for details and system limitations. 11. Capabilities vary by model. Visit onstar.com for details and system limitations. 12. Requires iPhone® or Android™ mobile device. 41 | | 42 C T S S E D A N F E A T U R E S A N D OP T IO N S STANDARD LUXURY PERFORMANCE PREMIUM VSPORT VSPORT PREMIUM DRIVETRAIN 2.0L TURBO DIRECT-INJECTION, VVT 4-CYLINDER ENGINE With 272 hp and 295 lb.-ft. of torque 3.6L DIRECT-INJECTION, VVT V6 ENGINE With 321 hp and 275 lb.-ft. of torque 3.6L TWIN TURBO DIRECT-INJECTION, VVT V6 ENGINE With 420 hp and 430 lb.-ft. of torque EXHAUST, DUAL OUTLETS, CHROME TIPS REAR-WHEEL DRIVE ALL-WHEEL DRIVE TRANSMISSION 6-speed automatic with Performance Activated Shifts and Performance Algorithm Liftfoot 8-speed automatic with performance modes including cornering control, fast off and brake assist (on 3.6L RWD models) Rear electronic Limited-Slip Differential (eLSD) CHASSIS AND SUSPENSION Std Std Opt Std Opt Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std INTERIOR (continued) GLOVE BOX Electronic push-button opening KEYLESS ACCESS EZ Key Full Keyless Access offers keyless entry to all doors and trunk Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std BRAKES Brembo front, 4-wheel vented disc with antilock braking system, Duralife rotors, and featuring AutoDry and Intelligent Brake Assist Performance brake linings1 STEERING ZF premium, speed-sensitive, variable-effort power rack-and-pinion, electric ® Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std SUSPENSION, 4-WHEEL INDEPENDENT Front MacPherson-type with dual lower ball joints, twin-tube struts and direct-acting stabilizer bar; Rear five-link with twin-tube shocks Magnetic Ride Control EXTERIOR ACTIVE AERO GRILLE SHUTTERS GRILLE With Galvano satin-chrome accents With black chrome accents ILLUMINATING DOOR HANDLES LIGHTING Projector halogen headlamps with LED vertical light signatures HID headlamps with LED vertical light signatures Adaptive Forward Lighting Daytime Running Lamps MIRRORS, BODY COLOR Power, heated, with integrated turn signal indicators Power, heated, driver-side auto-dimming, with integrated turn signal indicators and puddle lamps SOLAR-ABSORBING WINDSHIELD SPOILER, REAR DECKLID Integrated with LED center high-mounted stop lamp (CHMSL) WHEELS, ALUMINUM 17" 18" 19" WINDSHIELD WIPERS Driver-selectable variable speed Automatic Rainsense wipers with moisture detection INTERIOR ADAPTIVE REMOTE START Activates heated/ventilated seats (if equipped), climate control system and rear defroster AIR FILTRATION SYSTEM Automatic air circulation and air quality ALUMINUM SPORT PEDALS ARMREST Center front and rear with hidden storage AUDIO SYSTEM Bose® Premium 11-speaker sound system Bose 13-speaker Centerpoint® surround sound system (requires navigation) Three USB2 ports, SD card reader and auxiliary audio connectivity HD radio SiriusXM Satellite Radio with three-month trial3 BLUETOOTH ® Hands-free calling and data-service streaming with Natural Voice Recognition4 CLIMATE CONTROL Automatic moisture detection and defogging Dual-zone automatic electronic climate control with individual settings for driver and front passenger Tri-zone for driver, front passenger and rear seating areas Rear window defroster CONSOLE Center front with integrated shifter, covered storage and two cupholders with motorized cover CONSOLE, OVERHEAD Includes OnStar® control and reading lamps; also includes Universal Home Remote, UltraView sunroof and power rear window sunshade controls (if equipped) CRUISE CONTROL Electronic, with set and resume speed Adaptive Cruise Control CUE (CADILLAC USER EXPERIENCE) 5 Information and media control system 8" full-color LCD capacitive touch screen Siri® Eyes Free and SMS text message alerts DOOR LOCKS Power programmable with lockout protection ELECTRONIC PARKING BRAKE FLOOR MATS Carpeted front and rear GAUGE CLUSTER With full-color reconfigurable Driver Information Center display Reconfigurable, with four themes: Simple, Enhanced, Balanced or Performance 43 | Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std KEYLESS IGNITION WITH PUSH-BUTTON START LIGHTING LED lighting for glove box, front cupholders, overhead console, front and rear door handles, front and rear passenger footwell, map pockets, rear assist handles and cargo area Ambient lighting on instrument panel and doors MEMORY PACKAGE Two presets for driver’s seat position and outside mirrors, and vehicle exit preset function MIRROR Frameless automatic-dimming rearview NAVIGATION 6 Integrated with CUE and includes voice and text guidance POWER OUTLETS Three auxiliary 110V household-style power outlet located in front center console RETAINED ACCESSORY POWER Power windows, audio system and sunroof (if equipped) remain operational after ignition is switched off for 10 minutes or until driver’s door is opened SEATING 5-passenger Front bucket Rear, fixed seatback includes fold-down center armrest, integrated storage, dual cupholders and trunk access door Rear, 60/40 split-folding seatback includes fold-down center armrest, integrated storage, dual cupholders and trunk access door Head restraints, 4-way adjustable front and 2-way adjustable outboard rear Heated and ventilated driver and front passenger seats Heated rear outboard seating positions Driver and front passenger 12-way power adjustments, plus 4-way power lumbar adjustments (2-way on Standard models) 20-way performance driver and front passenger seats Leatherette seating Leather seating surfaces Full leather seating Semi-aniline seating STEERING WHEEL AND COLUMN Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std STANDARD LUXURY Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std PERFORMANCE PREMIUM VSPORT VSPORT PREMIUM ABOUT THIS CATALOG Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std We have tried to make this catalog comprehensive and factual. We reserve the right, however, to make changes at any time, without notice, in prices, colors, materials, equipment, specifications, models and availability. Specifications, dimensions, measurements, ratings and other numbers in this catalog and other printed materials provided at the dealership or affixed to vehicles are approximates based upon design and engineering drawings and prototypes and laboratory tests. Your vehicle may differ due to variations in manufacture and equipment. Since some information may have been updated since the time of printing (September 2014), please check with your Cadillac dealer for complete details. Any variations in colors shown are due to reproduction variation in the printing process. Cadillac reserves the right to lengthen or shorten the model year for any product for any reason, or start and end model years at different times. Note: Some photographs in this catalog show vehicles with optional equipment. Std Std Std Std Std Std O N S T A R® Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Opt Opt Std Opt Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Audio, cruise control and DIC controls Heated steering wheel rim Leather-wrapped rim Leather, sport Magnesium paddle-shift controls on steering wheel Manual-adjustable rake and telescope Power-adjustable rake and telescope ULTRAVIEW SUNROOF Power, tilt-sliding, electric with express-open/-close over front-row seating, and power sunshade Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std UNIVERSAL HOME REMOTE, 3-CHANNEL VISORS Driver and front passenger illuminated vanity mirrors WI-FI ® HOTSPOT CAPABILITY 7 Includes a three-month or three-gigabyte data trial, whichever comes first WINDOWS Power, with front and rear express-up/-down; includes rear passenger lockout WIRELESS CHARGING 8 Inductive charging system for portable devices Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std SAFETY AND SECURITY ADVANCED SECURITY PACKAGE Driver and front-passenger frontal, front-seat thorax and pelvic, rear thorax for outboard seating positions, side-curtain, and driver and front-passenger knee DRIVER AWARENESS PACKAGE Forward Collision Alert, Side Blind Zone Alert,10 Lane Change Alert, Rear Cross-Traffic Alert, Lane Keep Assist, Lane Departure Warning, Rear Vision Camera, IntelliBeam headlamps, Rear Vision Camera, Safety Alert Seat and Rainsense wipers DRIVER ASSIST PACKAGE Front/Rear Automatic Braking, Automatic Collision Preparation, Adaptive Cruise Control,11 and Automatic Safety Belt Tightening AIRBAGS 9 ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL SYSTEM, STABILITRAK HEAD-UP DISPLAY Full-color, configurable ONSTAR WITH 4G LTE 12 Standard one-year Directions & Connections® Plan PARK ASSIST Front and Automatic Parking Assist (parallel and perpendicular) Rear REAR VISION CAMERA Includes “guidelines” indicating the vehicle’s projected path when vehicle is put in Reverse Std Std Std Std Std Opt Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std Std SAFETY BELTS Lap and shoulder belts for all positions with belt-to-seat mounting and pretensioners for driver and front passenger, rear outboard comfort guides Audible alert theft-deterrent system Engine immobilizer TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM TRACTION CONTROL All-speed with brake and engine intervention Std Std Std Std Std 1 . Ve h i c l es e q u i p p e d w i t h t h ese l i n i n g s w i l l ex p e r i e n ce fa ste r a ccu m u l a t i o n of b ra ke d u st o n w h e e l s u r fa ces a n d m ay p ro d u ce m o re n o i se t h a n w i t h sta n d a rd l i n i n g s. 2 . N ot co m pa t i b l e w i t h a l l d ev i ces. 3. Re q u i re s a s u b s c r i p t i o n , s o l d s e p a ra te l y by S i r i u s X M a f te r t h e t r i a l p e r i o d . S i r i u s X M S a te l l i te Ra d i o s e r v i c e o n l y a va i l a b l e i n t h e 4 8 c o n t i g u o u s U n i te d S t a te s a n d t h e D i s t r i c t o f C o l u m b i a . Fo r m o re i n fo r m a t i o n a n d to v i e w C u s t o m e r A g re e m e n t , v i s i t s i r i u s x m . c o m . 4. G o to w w w. g m to ta l co n n e c t .co m to f i n d o u t w h i c h p h o n e s a re co m p a t i b l e w i t h t h e ve h i c l e. 5. Fu l l f u n c t i o n a l i ty re q u i res co m p a t i b l e B l u e to o t h a n d s m a r t p h o n e. S o m e d ev i c e s re q u i re U S B c o n n e c t i v i ty. 6 . M a p c o v e ra g e a va i l a b l e i n t h e U n i te d S t a te s , U. S . V i rg i n I s l a n d s , P u e r to R i c o a n d C a n a d a . 7. D ev i c e s m u s t b e W PA 2- c o m p l i a n t w i t h a c t i v e O n S t a r s e r v i c e a n d d a t a p l a n . W i - F i d e v i c e s m a n u fa c t u re d p r i o r t o 2 0 0 6 m a y n o t b e c o m p a t i b l e. P l e a s e c o n s u l t yo u r d e v i c e m a n u fa c t u re r f o r i n f o r m a t i o n re g a rd i n g t h e W PA 2 s e c u r i t y p ro t o c o l a n d W i - F i d e v i c e c o m p a t i b i l i t y. V i s i t o n s t a r. c o m f o r d e t a i l s a n d s y s t e m l i m i t a t i o n s . 8 . T h e s y s t e m w i r e l e s s l y c h a rg e s o n e P M A- o r Q i - c o m p a t i b l e m o b i l e d e v i c e . To c h e c k f o r p h o n e o r o t h e r d e v i c e c o m p a t i b i l i t y, s e e w w w. g m t o t a l c o n n e c t . c o m . 9. A l ways u se s a fe ty b e l t s a n d t h e co r re c t c h i l d rest ra i n t fo r yo u r c h i l d ’s a g e a n d s i ze, eve n i n ve h i c l es w i t h a i r b a g s. Eve n i n ve h i c l es e q u i p p e d w i t h Pa sse n g e r S e n s i n g Syste m , c h i l d re n a re s a fe r w h e n p ro p e r l y se c u re d i n t h e re a r se a t, i n a n a p p ro p r i a te i nfa n t, c h i l d o r b o oste r se a t. N eve r p l a ce a re a r - fa c i n g i nfa n t rest ra i n t i n t h e f ro n t se a t of a ny ve h i c l e e q u i p p e d w i t h a n a c t i ve f ro n ta l a i r b a g . S e e t h e ve h i c l e O w n e r ’s M a n u a l a n d c h i l d s a fe ty se a t i n st r u c t i o n s fo r m o re s a fe ty i nfo r m a t i o n . 1 0. B e fo re m a k i n g a l a n e c h a n g e, a l ways c h e c k t h e S i d e B l i n d Zo n e A l e r t d i s p l ay a n d t h e s i d e a n d i n s i d e m i r ro rs, l o o k ove r yo u r s h o u l d e r fo r ve h i c l e s a n d h a z a rd s , a n d a c t i va te t h e t u r n s i g n a l . 1 1 . A d a p t i ve C r u i s e Co n t ro l i s n o s u b s t i t u te fo r t h e d r i ve r ’s p e rs o n a l re s p o n s i b i l i ty to o p e ra te t h e ve h i c l e i n a s a fe m a n n e r. T h e d r i ve r n e e d s to re m a i n a tte n t i ve to t ra ff i c a n d ro a d co n d i t i o n s a n d p rov i d e t h e s te e r i n g , b ra k i n g o r o t h e r i n p u t s n e ce s s a r y to re ta i n co n t ro l of t h e ve h i c l e. 1 2 . V i s i t o n s ta r.co m fo r ve h i c l e ava i l a b i l i ty, d e ta i l s a n d sys te m l i m i ta t i o n s . S e r v i ces a n d co n n e c t i v i ty m ay va r y by m o d e l a n d co n d i t i o n s. 4 G LT E se r v i ce ava i l a b l e i n se l e c t m a r ke t s. S o m e se r v i ces re q u i re d a ta p l a n . OnStar services require vehicle electrical system (including battery), wireless service and GPS satellite signals to be available and operating for features to function properly. OnStar acts as a link to existing emergency service providers. Subscription Service Agreement required. Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (466-7827) or visit onstar.com for OnStar’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and details and system limitations. ENGINES Cadillac products are equipped with engines produced by GM Powertrain or suppliers to GM worldwide. The engines in Cadillac products may also be used in other GM makes or models. A S S E M B L Y Cadillac vehicles and their components are assembled or produced by different operating units of General Motors, its subsidiaries or suppliers to GM worldwide. We sometimes find it necessary to produce Cadillac vehicles with different or differently sourced components than originally scheduled. Since some options may be unavailable when your vehicle is assembled, we suggest that you verify that your vehicle includes the equipment you ordered or, if there are changes, that they are acceptable to you. UPDATED SERVICE INFORMATION Cadillac dealers receive useful service bulletins about Cadillac products. You may purchase them from Helm Incorporated by calling 1-800-551-4123 or by visiting www.helminc.com. NEW-VEHICLE LIMITED WARRANTY World-class coverage comes standard on every 2015 Cadillac. This warranty is for Cadillac vehicles registered in the U.S.A. See your Cadillac dealer for terms and conditions. COVERED FOR 6 YEARS/70,000 MILES ( W H I C H E V E R C O M E S F I R S T ) Powertrain Limited Warranty with no deductible, Roadside Assistance Program1 and Courtesy Transportation Program.1 COVERED FOR 4 YEARS/50,000 MILES ( W H I C H E V E R C O M E S F I R S T ) Bumper-to-Bumper coverage; tires — defects in material and workmanship; repairs made to correct any vehicle defect; corrosion on body sheet metal panels. R U S T - T H R O U G H C O V E R A G E Cadillac vehicles are designed and built to resist corrosion and rust-through corrosion. Any body sheet metal that rusts through (in the form of an actual hole in the sheet metal) is covered for six years and unlimited mileage. Cosmetic or surface corrosion — resulting from stone chips or scratches in the paint, for example — is not included in the rust-through coverage. Application of additional rust-inhibiting materials is not required under the rustthrough coverage and none is recommended. See your Cadillac dealer for terms of this limited warranty. FLEET ORDERS Some standard content may be deleted with fleet orders. See dealer for details. 1. Roadside Assistance Program and Courtesy Transportation Program are not part of the New-Vehicle Limited Warranty. A separate booklet titled “Warranty and Owner Assistance Information” furnished with each new vehicle provides detailed warranty coverage information. GM, the GM emblem, Cadillac, the Cadillac Crest, OnStar, the OnStar emblem and the slogans, emblems, vehicle model names, vehicle body designs and other marks appearing in this catalog are the trademarks and/or service marks of General Motors, its subsidiaries, affiliates or licensors. Apple, iPhone and Siri are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android is a trademark of Google, Inc. The trademark BlackBerry is owned by Research In Motion Limited and is registered in the United States and may be pending or registered in other countries. General Motors is not endorsed, sponsored, affiliated with or otherwise authorized by Research In Motion Limited. Bose and Centerpoint are registered trademarks of Bose Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Pandora is a registered trademark of Pandora Media, Inc. SiriusXM Satellite Radio is a registered trademark of Sirius XM Radio Inc. MapQuest.com is a registered trademark of AOL, Inc. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance.® ©2014 General Motors. All rights reserved. cadillac.com/cts
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