Issue 1 - Bremerton Base


Issue 1 - Bremerton Base
Puget Soundings
The Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
USSVI—Newsletter of the Year
USS Sculpin (SSN-590)
Vol VIII Issue 1
USSVI Bremerton Base, P. O. Box 465, Silverdale, WA 98383-0465
USSVI-Bremerton Base Life Member
EM1(SS) Donald M. ‘donmac’ Smith
A Brief Autobiography & Sea Story
Donmac is one of our special crewmen. He is a member and webmaster for Seattle Base, Bremerton Base, and South Sound Base. He is also a member of the Lockwood Internet Base. And, if
that isn’t enough to keep him busy, he is also the South Sound Base Treasurer, and Chaplain for
South Sound and Seattle Bases. He is the unanimous choice of all three Bases for Subvets Rep to
the Veterans Legislative Coalition (VLC). He is tireless...he does a superb job and we are truly
lucky to have him in our midst.
I entered the U.S. Navy in February 1963 in order to beat the draft and continue my education. I was in the last Submarine School class to teach the Guppy, just before they
switched to the Skipjack class.
My first time ever on a submarine was at Sub school, an evening class tour and evening
meal was aboard the USS Nautilus (SSN-571), October 1963. My first at sea time on a
boat was during Sub School’s daily ops aboard the USS Sea Robin (SS-407). We took a
severe down angle on the first dive due to a trim sheet error. Fish were loaded over the
weekend and the weight had not been logged onto the trim sheet. I was on the bow
donmac continued on page 4
1 USSVI National News
Sailing List for 2005
Officers/Staff & Commander’s Report
2004 Veterans Day Observances
Minutes of Meeting 11/16/04
Our Creed & Important Dates
Call From Iraq-Quick Response
The Holland Club & Christmas Dinner
Treasurer/Membership Chairman Comments
Binnacle List & On Eternal Patrol
Chaplain’s Report—A Deserving Family
In Memoriam & Membership Application
Night Steaming & Welcome Aboard
November Business Meeting Photos
Please Pass This Issue to Another Subvet
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
Our Creed: To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives
in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward
greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States
I watched the flag
pass by one day,
it fluttered in the
A young Sailor
saluted it,,
and then he stood at
Jan 05 — 1200 (FRA#29) E-Board Meeting.
Jan 18 — 1900 (FRA#29) Base Meeting—YN1(SS) Karl
Rosenkranze will speak on his recent experiences
as a Submariner with ground forces in Iraq.
Feb 02 — 1200 (FRA#29) E-Board Meeting.
Feb 15 — 1900 (FRA#29) Base Meeting.
Bob Webster
Editor, Puget Soundings
Tommy Robinson
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vice Commander
John Gardner
Don Mac Smith
[email protected]
Dick Litscher
[email protected]
Don Bassler
Bud Berg
360- 830-4216
[email protected]
Holland Club Chairman
Ed Foskett
[email protected]
[email protected]
Chief of the Boat
Hank Hollis
Dene Rogers
[email protected]
A Questionable Quote: Submarine sailors
seem normal—until you get to know them!
An Ex-Girlfriend
Puget Soundings—January/February 2005 Issue
Commander’s Report
Merry Christmas and happy
New Year to all!
In my last report I voiced my
concern about the future of selling fireworks for scholarship
monies based on the potential of
Proposition 1 passing on the November 2, 2004 ballot. Well,
the people of Kitsap County have spoken and last I read, the
County Commissioners and the Fire Chief were not going to
pursue this issue further.
This year’s annual Christmas party and Holland Club inductee’s ceremony at the Airport Diner was a great success due
to the efforts of COB Hank Hollis and HC committee chairman Ed Foskett.
This year’s needy sailor program netted a Navy family with
nine children and thanks to the efforts of Bud & Mary Berg
the Base membership provided some needed cash to help out
during the Holidays.
I am also happy to report that Bremerton Base is showing its
support for our Men and Women serving our country in Iraq
by responding to a call for help. Due to the high number of
wounded coming into the field hospitals, the supply system
cannot keep up with the current demand for T-shirts, pajama
bottoms and personal hygiene items so Bremerton Base has
sent some needed clothing items for wounded personnel in
The 2005 “Lt. William Willie Spoon” Scholarship fund drive
will be starting in January and you should be receiving your
scholarship raffle tickets in the mail soon.
The nominations for new Base officers will start in February
so that a new slate of nominees will be ready for election at
the June business meeting.
V/R, Bob Webster
Bremerton Base Commander
Editor’s Note: Thanks to Mike Marfut and a few
other astute readers I’m able to correct an inaccurate
statement regarding Personal Records on page 14 in the
Nov/Dec Issue---there is no plan to destroy any records! Visit
press_releases/nr04-92.html for specific information.
Thanks for keeping me honest, guys!
USSVI Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
The Past , Present and Future...Pride Runs Deep
Treasurer and Membership
Chairman Comments
Treasury: The treasury continues to
increase. Compared to this time last
year, we are up ~$5,000 primarily due
to those of you that took advantage of
the Base Life membership low rates
before the end of 2004, the continuing rising membership and
cruise raffle ticket receipts.
Below is a summary of the treasury, by category, as of December 24, 2004 and compared to that at the end of 2003.
General Fund:
Scholarship Fund:
Base Life Membership Fund:
Membership: Our numbers continue to increase. We are at
a total of 270 members which includes 17 dual members that
see value in associating with our base. One even took base
life membership recently.
The number of members that hold National Life membership
(including associates) has increased significantly and that
category of member now is at 143, by far the largest category. Holland Club members and annual members
(including associates) are about the same, 50 and 60 respectively. Forty-two annual members have yet to renew for
I ask you to help me to keep the 2004 annual members with
us. Early in 2005, I will make phone contact with those not
yet renewed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Don “Red”
Red” Bassler
In Memoriam
Roland ‘Duke’ Strickland, USSVI,
National and Bremerton Base Life
member passed on December 2, 2004
of congestive heart failure.
He was born in Aberdeen, WA October 16, 1938. His
father Roy was a career Navy cook. Duke followed his
father and also made the Navy his career serving as an
ET in Greenfish, Seawolf, Nautilus, R E Lee, M G
Vallejo, Batfish, and Los Angles. After retirement in
1979 he lived in Grayland, Federal Way, and Tacoma.
Sailor, Rest Your Oar!
Come to Meetings.. We Often Have Speakers
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
donmac continued from page 1
planes, and lots of screaming in the control room . It didn’t
bother me, because this was my first dive and I didn’t know
that all hell was breaking loose— 220 foot depth, bow to bottom, and screws out of the water. Bremerton Base member
Mike Donovan was on the sticks.
I served on USS Sea Devil (AGSS-400) out of submarine
school, then transferred to USS Volador (SS-490), when the
Sea Devil was decommissioned. Then I was selected to Nuclear Power School, Mare Island, Class of 64-3, and went on
to S1C Prototype School at Windsor, CT. After completing
S1C, there were No Submarine Billets, so the entire class was
‘surfaced’ for a year. Submarine billets were not available
due to stoppage of construction after the loss of USS Thresher
(SSN-593). I was ordered to USS Frigate Bird (MSC-191)
and served in the surface fleet from September 1965 to October 1966. Finally, I received orders to USS Sculpin (SSN590) and I served on Sculpin until my discharge from the
Navy in March 1971.
USS Sculpin (SSN-590) making turns on the surface
Giddy-Up, Go!
One of my best memories is the respect from shipmates in
that they honored my non-drinker status and never forced
alcohol on me and one of my worst memories is when I, as E
Div LPO, had to put some young E Div drunks into their
racks, stinking Dress Blues and all.
They sent a photographer to the shipyard and he took a photo.
Well, Rickover read the Bremerton Sun and saw the photo.
To say the least, he was not a happy Admiral! All boat CO’s
in the yard got a warning that this type of activity would stop.
Well, of course, it did not stop, it only grew.
Turns out that CO of USS Sculpin and CO of USS Truxton, a
nuc skimmer, were at the O-club. The Truxton CO said his
ship was leaving in the morning and there would be no dolphins on his ship. (Boy, that was a rash statement.) The
Truxton set extra deck and pier watches that night and come
morning their CO inspected the hull and was pleased that his
ship had escaped the dolphin painting crew. At least that’s
what he thought!
What happened that night is classic. After our CO returned
from the O-club he mentioned that it would be nice to see a
set of dolphins on Truxton. He didn’t know who the paint
crew was therefore could not call them to mast---however, he
was certain that members of his crew were involved. He did
arrange for a photographer to ride one of Truxton’s escorting
tug boats.
The paint crew was amazing. That night, they painted dolphins on the bow of Truxton, close to the water line, unseen
by the extra security watches. They covered the dolphins
with paper, lightly taped at the top, bottom and aft side, then
painted it Truxton haze grey, hence the CO’s morning inspected revealed nothing out of the ordinary.
As Truxton was pulling away from the pier, their CO sent a
message to CO, Sculpin saying, ‘sorry, but your guys did not
get us.’ After the first wave ripped the paper off the bow, the
photographer took the greatest picture of the whole 18 months
of the dolphin painting crews activities. Of course, a copy of
the photo was delivered to Truxton. The CO was had and his
crew knew it and they paid for it. He sent a paint crew over
the side at sea to get rid of those damn dolphins!
Because I did a year of duty on a Minesweeping skimmer, I
saw, first hand, the difference between submarine crew camaraderie and the regular surface fleet. In less than two weeks, I
qualified myself on the skimmer, and I knew the ship better
than everyone else on board. Submarine training paid many
dividends during my skimmer year.
My best ‘Sea Story’ occurred while on Sculpin. Seems that
USS Sculpin’s deck gang developed a real talent for painting
dolphins on every skimmer that came into PSNS. Many ships
were ‘qualified’ by the paint crew. The incident we came to
regret is a set of dolphins painted on the fantail of a ‘target’
that was tied to the pier with the bow facing out towards the
bay. Of course, the dolphins were very visible to all personnel in the shipyard and someone alerted the Bremerton Sun
Well, after my Navy days, I worked as an operator in a large
coal fired steam electric power plant for 27 years. In retiredonamc continued on page 5
Puget Soundings—January/February 2005 Issue
USSVI Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
The Present
donmac continued from page 4
ment, I started playing with a computer and the internet. I
placed an entry on Ron Martini’s “Directory of Online Submariners” and Tommy Cox sent me an ad for his ‘Take Her
Deep’ CD. I asked Tom if he had a web site and he said,
‘no.’ I asked if he wanted one and he said, ‘yes.’ I built a
web site for him and he asked if I was a USSVI member and I
said, ‘no.’ He put me in touch with Pat Householder and I
first joined Seattle Base, then Bremerton Base, and finally
Southsound Base. I am the webmaster for all three Bases and
active in several other capacities, such as VLC Rep, as well.
USSVI Scholarship Program 2005
The USSVI Scholarship Committee is accepting 2005 USSVI Scholarship Applications. We will be giving three $1000 scholarships to each
group and the remainder will receive a $750 scholarship.
Last call for requesting a scholarship is 15 March 2005. Visit
WWW. USSVCF.ORG/SCOLAPP.HTM to obtain an Application
For additional information contact Paul Wm. Orstad at:
USSVI Scholarship Chairman
30 Surrey Lane
Norwich, CT 06360-6541
Phone: (860) 889-4750 or (860) 334-6457 (cell)
E-mail: [email protected]
Donmac, our
VLC Representative observes as
Governor Gary
Locke signs into
law SB5861, the
bill that makes it
illegal to falsely
impersonate a
veteran. Thanks,
Don, for your
tireless efforts in
the Capitol.
Just in case you haven't heard—A new dues structure for
both Life and Annual Dues is effective in 2005.
Age 45 and younger $500.00
Ages 46 - 55 years $400.00
Ages 56 - 65 years $300.00
Ages 66 - 75 years $200.00
Age 76 and older $100.00
I enjoy living way out on a beautiful 30 acre country farm
near Centralia, WA. Life is good, I am blessed and thankful
for my many friends, shipmates, family, and my three grand
Members may purchase a National Life membership on a $25.00/mo installment plan. Contact the National Office for details. (360) 337-2978)
Annual Membership $20.00
36 Mo. Membership $55.00
60 Mo. Membership $90.00
1.. The membership year runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31.
2.. Dues are due on or before Dec 31.
3.. Members who have not renewed as of Jan 1st are moved from ‘Member in
Good Standing’ (MIGS) to delinquent status. Between Jan 1st and Apr 1st the
payment of dues restores the member to MIGS status.
4.. Members who have not renewed as of Apr 1st will be dropped from
USSVI rolls.
5.. New members joining in the 4th quarter will have their memberships extended through the 4th quarter and the following year at not extra cost.
6.. Chapter (BASE) dues are in addition to National dues. Paid up National
Members not renewing base dues will revert to ‘Member at Large’ (MAL)
National Submarine Veterans Charitable Foundation
(USSVCF): Our national goal is to raise $10.00 per member per year.
This is less than 20 cents a week per member to support the various programs, which include our Scholarship Program, Memorials, Brotherhood,
Museum Sub support, and Submarine Veteran’s Library.
Justice — When you get what you deserve
Mercy — When you don’t get what you deserve
Grace — When you get what you don’t deserve
Because USSVCF is a IRS 501(c)(3) foundation, donations are tax deductible
to the full extent of the law and bequests via your will are also appreciated.
(Although we hope it will be a very long time before it comes to pass.)
Please support our Foundation if you can with a check made to USSVCF and
send it to:
PO Box 3870
Silverdale WA 98383-3870.
(Please identify your BASE on your check)
More Info About USSVI can be Viewed at
The Present
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
WWII Vets & Bremerton Base Life
Members Paul Christofferson and
Bill Hipp led the Nov 6th Auburn
Veterans Day parade carrying the
Subvets WWII banner. The parade
featured more than 200 units, including our Bonefish float, and thousands
of spectators lined Main St. About 40
Subvets, the featured group, participated, wearing vests studded with pins
and patches of their boats.
At a wonderful luncheon following
the parade, Seattle Base Commander
Bob Opple, an animated guest
speaker, said, “It was great to be up
front for a change—usually us Subvets are in back of the parade, somewhere between the horses and the guy
with the wheelbarrow and shovel,
because we can’t march, drill, or do
much of anything in unison.”
Photo Collage
by Don Bassler
Bob Opple take note! This may be a first! (L-R) Hank Hollis, Fred Borgmann, Al Durkee, &
Robbie Robertson—four submarine sailors, in rank, executing a precision ‘heads up’ maneuver
in unison, during a B-17 flyover as the parade begins. Wow! What’s next? A drill team?
On Nov 11th a crowd of at least 700 folks crowded
into Presidents Hall at the Kitsap County fairgrounds
for the first combined Veterans Day Observance
planned by sponsored by the Kitsap County commissioners and Navy League. About two dozen Bremerton Base Subvets, some accompanied by their spouses,
attended the ceremonies. Captain Dargan gave a
stirring speech and County Commissioner Chris Endresen spoke of the history of Veterans Day. Sedgwick Junior High School band played a medley of
Service Hymns and veterans of each Service stood as
their song was played. About half of the Veterans
stood as ‘Anchors Aweigh’ played. Finally, in respect
for fallen comrades, the audience solemnly sang The
Navy Hymn (Eternal Father).(1) The ceremonial theme
was ‘United We Stand’ ….it was an emotional and
solemn ceremony as veterans from all branches stood
as one unit.
Ed’s Note: A most important verse, in my opinion, was
noticeably absence from the program. It is…
Photo by Don Bassler
Vice Commander John Gardner and Chaplin Bud Berg of USSVI-Bremerton Base
joined other dignitaries on stage while Captain T.J. Dargan, USN, Deputy Naval
Base Kitsap spoke about the legacy our Nation was built on, the current war efforts,
and how well our all-volunteer forces are performing.
Puget Soundings—January/February 2005 Issue
Bless those who serve beneath the deep,
Through lonely hours their vigil keep.
May peace their mission ever be,
Protect each one we ask of thee.
Bless those at home who wait and pray,
For their return by night or day.
USSVI Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
Call From Iraq—Quick Response
Shipmate Bryant Arnold alerted the E-Board to a call for
help from HMCM(SS) Kelly in Iraq who requested supplies
for our wounded. Wounded arrive at the Combat Support
Hospitals (CSH) with nothing but the clothes on their backs,
if not cut away in the field, then are put into hospital gowns
with their butts hanging out until they are shipped out to larger hospitals out-of-country. He says the CSH gets about 15
men and 5 female patients a day.
The E-Board authorized an initial $200. Don ‘Red’ Bassler
and Tommy Robinson made a Wal-Mart purchase of 15 TShirts and 15 scrub bottoms and mailed them to HMCM(SS)
Kelly. There is an immediate need for new PJ bottoms, TShirts, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and especially female items,
e.g., deodorant, lady razors, panties, and sport bras. Subvets Bremerton Base, together with FRA 29, plan a larger
initiative, possibly with the help of the public and will keep
the membership informed of our needs.
The Past
On Eternal Patrol
USS Argonaut
USS S-26 *
USS Swordfish
USS S-36
USS Shark
USS Scorpion
USS Trout
USS Amberjack
USS Grayback
USS Barbel
*USS S-26
GOODNEWS: Member John Ewert reports that Snake
Greenawalt is improving and will return to his Bremerton Apartment this Friday. He plans on heading for the
Naval Home in Gulfport MS a couple weeks.
11/25/04—Holland Club member Ted Russell suffered
a heart attack while putting the finishing touches on
hooking up his rig for the trip to AZ for the winter...on
hold as he is on his feet and will undergo heart testing at
Madigan. On O2, at home and the FRA. Ted, Get Well!
dp. 854 tons (surf.), 1062 tons (subm.); l. 219.2'; b. 21.7';
s. 13k (surf.), 9k (subm.); td. 200'; a. 1-4/50", 4-21" tt.
fwd.; cpl. 4 officers - 34 enlisted men; cl. "S"
Under the command of LCDR E.C. Hawk, S-26 was lost at
2223 on 24 January 1942 in the Gulf of Panama about fourteen miles west of San Jose Light in three hundred feet of
water. There were three survivors, two officers including the
C.O., and one enlisted man -- all on the bridge at the time of
the collision; the fourth person on the bridge, an enlisted man,
was lost along with all other hands.
S-26 was proceeding from Balboa, Canal Zone, to its patrol
station in company with USS S-21 (SS-126), USS S-29 (SS134) and USS S-44 (SS-155) and an escort vessel, USS PC460, at the time of the disaster. At 2210 the escort vessel sent
a visual message to the submarines that she was leaving the
formation and that they could proceed on the duty assigned.
S-21 was the only boat to receive the message. Shortly thereafter PC-460 struck S-26 on the starboard side of the Torpedo
Room and the submarine sank within a few seconds.
You Might be a ‘new’ Submarine Sailor if: You
control angles and dangles and depth with a ‘joy stick’.
Salvage operations started immediately under Captain T.J.
Doyle, USN, Commanding SubRon3 and Submarine Base,
Coco Solo, Canal Zone; they were not successful.
Subvets-Bremerton Base proudly support our youth
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
The Present
Night Steaming
by Bob 'Dex' Armstrong
Welcome Aboard
Subvets and Shipmates—I can almost hear those sounds
and smell those smells! I don't know about you guys, but
I never had trouble going to sleep when I got the chance
on the boat! Best rack I ever had was the "Bridal Sweet,"
Forward Rm., on the old "Becky." "Night Steaming" is
great! Enjoy! Gil Miller
Jim Parker—Tilefilsh,
Sablo—recruited by Ed
Between exercises or heading to or from station, we'd run on
the surface.
Roland Strickland—Greenfish, Seawolf, Nautilus, Robert
E. Lee, Mariano G. Vallejo, Bartfish,
Los Angeles—recruited by Bud Berg
Best sleeping anywhere was getting rocked to sleep during
night steaming. Light swell… Just drifting along with the surface state. Advances in technology took that away from boatsailors along with sunrises and sunsets. Again, I'm glad I
served when and where I did.
I remember laying in my rack feeling the slow roll and the gentle rise and fall of the bow… The sound of the water rushing
through our limber holes, sloshing around above us in the superstructure, and cascading out and over the tank tops.
When someone passing fore or aft, opened the Forward Engine Room watertight door you got a brief span of Fairbanks
roar then 'slam-click' and it was quiet again.
As crewmen passed through the air lock door in the forward
end of the compartment, you got a brief moment of conversation, laughter, clatter of dishes, ring of silverware or movie
dialog… The late night sounds of the messdeck.
There was also the intermittent bits and pieces of head conversations and passageway conversation.
Sometimes the Below Decks Watch would come through to
'tap out' the ongoing watch…
"Hey Jack… Time to roll out for your watch."
"Screw you and the horse you rode in on."
"No babe… It's time… Don't make me have to drag your
worthless, good fer nuthin' butt outta that rack."
Greg Baer—Rock, Caiman—recruited by Doug Smith
Paul Middents—George Washington, James Madison,
Whale, George Washington Carver, Lafayette—recruited
by John Gardner.
Harry Smith—(Chivo, Thornback, Trumpetfish, James
Madison, Seahorse) Ed Foskett recruited, aided by Larry
Nelis Vander Pol—(Rasher) recruited by Fred Borgmann
Jim Smith—(Cubera, Blenny, Pomfret, Thomas Jefferson)
recruited by Hank Hollis. .
Steve Corcoran (Alexander Hamilton,George C. Marshall, Ohio, Alabama) influenced to join by seeing us in
various activities.
Mike Sinnett (Lafayette).
Gary Carr (Rock, Cusk, DSRV2, Trout, Seadragon, Ohio).
Ken Shelton (Bang, Nautilus) recruited by Tommy
"Crazy" Carl Edensword (Sennet, Cubera, Patrick
Henry, Ronquil) recruited by Bud Berg.
"I'm up … I'm up…"
And you would hear feet hitting the deck and some poor halfawake bastard hunting his sea boots and foul weather jacket
with the light from his Zippo.
"Hey you goofy sonuvabitch, people are trying to get some
gahdam sleep."
"Yeah, yeah, and some people are trying to go to work."
"You don't have to sound like gahdam elephant sex to round
up your gear."
To the uninitiated, this would sound like hostility. To any
raghat who rode smokeboats, it will bring back memories of
the friendly exchange of nighttime pleasantries… The pointNight Steaming continued on page 12
Puget Soundings—January/February 2005 Issue
Bruce Loughridge (James Monroe, Nathan Hale, Bonefish, Flying Fish, Permit, Darter, Haddo) recruited at the
National Office.
Conrad ‘Lt. Steve’ Barrett (Caiman, Rock, Redfish,
Mario G. Vallejo, Bonefish, Hawkbill) recruited by Don
‘Red’ Bassler
A Beer Thought—Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I
drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the
workers in the brewery and all of their hopes and dreams. If I didn't
drink this beer, they might be out of work and their dreams would
be shattered. Then I say to myself, "It is better that I drink this beer
and let their dreams come true than to be selfish and worry about my
--Jack Handy
USSVI Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
The Past
Have you served with any of these submariners? Do you have any shipmates on the list? If you do, and you are able take an
hour or so out of your schedule—come to our next monthly meeting. Say ‘Howdy’ and swap a sea story or two. Our business
meeting is primarily a social affair. Drop by the FRA on National Avenue, on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, about 1830 for
sea stories. We meet at 1900 and frequently have a guest speaker. Also, a weekly ‘soupdown’ is scheduled (see page 16) each
Friday at a different restaurant in support of our Lt. ‘Willie’ Spoon Scholarship Fund. Bring a shipmate and come have lunch
… loosen up … you gotta eat! And, you know that you are in good company.
Abram C Elliott, SOSN(SS), USS Bream
Acord, William, ENCM(SS), T Jefferson , Grayback, Grayback,
Adkins Jr, James N, CAPT, S Houston, W Wilson, H Clay, N Hale
Aiken, Darwin ‘Bud’, MMCM(SS), Skate, G W Carver, Scamp,
Marshall, Georgia
Anderson, Douglas, LT, Nautilus, Angler, Tullibee, R E Lee
Arnold, J Bryant, HMCM(SS), Shark, Batfish, Sand Lance, Alabama
*Atkins Edwin ‘Bud‘, TMCS(SS), Wahoo, Conger, Corsair, Sculpin,
D Webster, F S Key, Kamehameha
Baer, Greg, STC(SS), Rock, Caiman
Baker Henry F, ETCM(SS), Finback, Toro, Tang, Charr, Pompodon,
Ray, Requin, J C Calhoun
Davis, Judson A, MM1(SS), Alabama, Ashville
Davis, Theron, LCDR, Sea Owl, Jack, G Bancroft
Davis, Tudor F, TMC(SS), Halibut, Pomodon, Capitaine, Chopper,
Pickerel, Cubera, Rock, G Washington
de Yarmin,
Yarmin Ray W, YNCS(SS), Caiman, Sargo, U S Grant
Deer, Charles R, ENCM(SS), Carp, Sculpin, Skipjack, Jack, Tinosa,
Delaney William, MMCS(SS), Skipjack, La Jolla, Alaska, Nevada
Denson, L V ’Red’, SKCM(SS), Grayback, Halibut
Dreyer, Christopher, E6, Ohio
Drumm Gerald R, LT, Segundo, Bugara, Sea Leopard, Volador,
P Henry, Segundo
Barrett, ‘Lt Steve’ Conrad, Caiman, Rock, Redfish, M G Vallejo,
*DuFour Donald R, EMC(SS), Dogfish, Trout, Lapon
Durkee, Albert W, CDR, Seawolf, Grenadier, Becuna
Dusatko, Richard C, ICCS(SS), Nautilus, Albacore, Pargo, Whale
Edensword, ‘Crazy’ Carl, TMCS(SS), Sennet, Cubera, P Henry,
Bonefish, Hawkbill
Bartow, Mark A, SK1(SS), Philadelphia, Archerfish, Indianapolis
Bassler Donald D ‘Red’, STCM(SS), Remora
Bates Bert S, TMCS(SS), Bang, Halfbeak, Sablefish, J Adams
Becker Richard W, EMC(SS), Segundo, Caiman, Baya,
Benefiel, C T ‘Skip’, QMC(SS), Bluegill
Bennett Lawrence H, E9, S Bolivar, Ohio
Berg Carl R ‘Bud’, LT, Charr, Perch, Cusk, R E Lee, A Jackson
Binns Raymond E, MMC(SS), Sea Poacher, Nautilus, Kamehameha,
Ellis, Wayne, HMCS(SS), Pargo, Blueback, Drum, Alabama
Erichsen, Erik A, MM2(SS), J Marshall, A Lincoln
Everett, Lowell R, ENC(SS), Volador, Diodon, Aspro, Volador, Pomfert
Ewert, Merlin J, ENCM(SS), Burrfish, Barbel, Blueback , Dolphin,
Gurnard, Drum, A Lincoln
Finke, Gregory B, E4, N Hale
Fishel, Henry G ‘Hank‘, LCDR, T Roosevelt
Foote, James R ‘Jim’, RMC(SS), Bashaw, Lionfish, Gurnard, Harder,
Baker, Robert W ‘Bobby’, CAPT, Carbonero, Piper, Grouper,
T Roosevelt, Salmon
Blake, Edward, ENCS(SS), Redfish, Salmon, Gudgeon
Borgmann Frederick W, CDR, Sarda, Triton, J Adams
Boyle Dale, EM1(SS), Haddock
Breckenrid Richard, QMC(SS), Pollock, Cuttlefish, Caplelin, S-15,
Aspro, Capataine, Pomodon
Brown Gale B, CWO4, Nautilus, Entemedor, Tautog, J K Poke,
Birmingham, San Francisco
Bryson, Thomas H, E9, A Jackson, Tunny, Skate, Haddo
Bunner, Steven, FT1(SS), Hartford
Bunte Louis, LCDR, Remora, Bashaw
Burleigh, Richard R, LCDR, Tecumseh, Haddock, Pintado
Burrows, Hoyt N, LT, T Edison, A Jackson
Butler, Elliot D, STC(SS), H M Jackson
Callender, Carl, LCDR, J Monroe, J Monroe, H L Stimson
Cameron Lawrence C, IC3(SS), Ronquil, Archerfish
Caretti Louis S, CWO4, Redfin, Ray, Pompon, T A Edison, A Lincoln
Carkeek, Norman J, EN3(SS), Cusk, Carp
Carpenter, Donald R, QMC(SS), S Houston, Parche, Portsmouth
Carr, Gary, EMCM(SS), Rock, Cusk, DSRV-2, Trout, Seadragon, Ohio
Cathey, Forrest E, E6, Barbero, P Henry, W Wilson
Cheselske Paul A, CWO3, Tang, Catfish, Trigger, Darter, Sailfish,
Christoffe Paul A, MoMM3(SS), Raton
Chwaszcze Richard S, LCDR, N Hale, Plunger
Clark, David L, QMC(SS), Tirante, Scamp, Volador, Lapon, B Franklin
Clear John, EMC(SS), Diodon, Scamp, B Franklin, Threadfin, Sea
Cocoran Stephen J, E6, A Hamilton, G C Marshall, Ohio, Alabama
Collver III,
III Warren M, E4, Sturgen, W Wilson
Coughlin, Dennis D, E5, J Adams, Redfish
Crawford, Norman D, MM1(SS), R E Lee
Cross, Melvin L, TMCS(SS), Wahoo, Chivo, Trigger, W Wilson
*Cunningham, Claude S, FT1(SS), Tautog, S-23, Raton, Gurnard,
Cutler, William D, CWO4, Lewis & Clark, H Clay
Davenport, Oliver M ‘Dave’, FTGC(SS), Carp, Tang, A Lincoln, G
Snook, Albuquerque
Ferris, Ed, TMCM(SS), Drum, Blenny
Fessler, Gregory D, RM3(SS), Rasher, Tunny, Perch, Bugara,
Nautilus, Cobler
Scamp, Gurnard
Foraker, Shane, CDR, Razorback, Von Steuben, C Pulaski, U S Grant
Foskett, Edwin, LT, Associate Member
Franks, Lester ‘Ray’, STCS(SS), Tilefish
Gardner, John, FTCS(SS), Cusk, Clamagore, T Roosevelt, P Henry
Garoutte N D ‘Shorty’, MMCM(SS), Grayback, Cabezon, Snook,
A Jackson, J K Polk, H L Stimson, Kamehameha
Gavasso, Joe, CWO4, Nautilus, A Jackson
Goldsberry, Donald, EMCM(SS), Growler, Gudgeon, Bugara,
W Wilson, J Marshall, Swordfish, Skate, Seahorse
Gollen, Russell T, FTG1(SS), Blower, Irex, Halfbeak, Raton, Bonita,
Menhaden, G Washington
Grandia, David J, CDR, Ronquil, G Washington, Gudgeon, Sailfish
Gray, Terral S, E5, Bluegill
Gray, Myron P, CAPT, J Adams, Lewis & Clark, Sunfish, A Jackson,
G C Marshall, Georgia
Greenawalt, Robert ‘Snake’, TMC(SS), Aspro, Bumper, Segundo,
Menhaden, Medregal, Sablo, Tunny, Pickerel, Blackfin, Blueback
Gross, Craig, ET1(SS), Aspro
Hamilton Paul M, ETC(SS), Olympia, Whale, Georgia, H M Jackson
Hammonds Gary, SK1(SS), Silversides, Guardfish, W Rogers,
Hamon, Larry, MMCM(SS), N Hale, H M Jackson, Groton, Hartford,
Alaska, Florida
Hansen, Rodney V, CAPT, Bergall, Blueback, Chub
Hansford John O, ETCM(SS), Cubera, Scorpion, Gurnard
*Harnish David R, QMCM(SS), Amberjack, Halibut, Seadragon,
Gurnard, Dolphin
Harris, Ralph W, MMCM(SS), Crevalle
Hart Wayne, ETC(SS), S Houston, Georgia, Parche
Harvey Walter, MMCM(SS), Guardfish, Plunger, Georgia,
H M Jackson, Alaska, Nevada
Heberling Michael J, MoMM2, Stingray, Sea Poacher
Henry III,
III James, CWO4, Hardhead, Tusk, Ray, Argonaut, Albacore,
P Henry, T Edison
Sailing List continued on page 10
Ahhoooogah, Dive, Dive
The Present
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
Sailing List continued from page 9
Henson Earl O, CDR, Caiman, Blackfin, Salmon, Gudgeon, R E Lee,
E Allen
Hiat Caspar W, LTJG, Gunnel
Hicks Kenneth L, MMCM(SS), Capitaine, Raton, Rasher, Capitaine,
Ray, Halibut, Sea Wolf, Ohio
Hipp, Bill, LCDR, Flounder, Blueback Quillback, Bang, Entemedor
Hnatovic, Ronald F, EMCS(SS), Besugo, Caiman, Sea Fox, Baya,
Hollis, Henry M ‘Hank’, TMC(SS), Torsk, Tusk, S Houston, A Lincoln
Holt James, MM1(SS), Tautog, Ohio
Hooper, George W, ET3(SS), Blackfin, Queenfish, Bluegill
Houston, Chris, MSCS(SS), F S Key, Guardfish, Trepang, W H Bates
Hunt, Ted L, LT, Greenfish, Scorpion
Hurd, William D, CWO4, D Boone, Tecumseh, Halibut
Hutterman William R, E8, Blower, Toro, Lionfish, Piper, Gurnard,
Sabalo, Scorpion
Jahn, Edward A, ST1(SS), Indianapolis, Tunny, San Francisco,
Seahorse, Buffalo, Seahorse, Alaska, H M Jackson
Jeffcoat Bruce A, CWO3, Croaker, Pargo, Angler, Thornback, Triton,
Johnson, E T ‘Johnny’, TMCS(SS), Bumper, Tilefish, Sawfish, Wahoo,
Tang, Diodon, Menhaden, Trepang, Bluegill, Segundo, Remora
Johnson Ronald, FTCM(SS), S Houston, Bluefish, Topeka
Jones, Edward M, LCDR, Sterlet, Razorback, Wahoo, Sirago
Julius, Todd, ET1(SS), H M Jackson, Silversides, Pennsylvania
Kaiser, Gary E, FTCS(SS), G C Marshall, F S Key
Kidder, John M, MoMM2(SS), Caiman, Abogon
Kincer Terry L, STSCS(SS), Ohio, Alabama, Ohio
Koellermei Kenneth V, LCDR, Sculpin, Sailfish, Tecumseh, J Adams,
Kramer Larry, MMCS(SS), Raton, Bluegill, Corporal, T Roosevelt,
Kundracik Robert, EM1(SS), Razorback, Wahoo, Charr, Ronquill,
Darter, Trout
Kunkle, Gailard, CWO3, P Henry, A Jackson
Landerman David N, STCM(SS), Blackfin, Tiru, Tullibee, Corporal,
Permit, Flasher, Parche
*Lanzner Richard C, CWO4, A Hamilton
Lawler Dan, MM2(SS), Halibut
Layton Derek A, ET3(SS), Columbus
Lightfoot, Clifford L, MMCM(SS), Kamehameha, Kamehameha, Ohio,
Liland, Robert L, RMC(SS), Sirago, Swordfish, Entemedor, Corporal
Litscher Richard L ‘Dick’, ETCM(SS), Trumpetfish, Tinosa,
G W Carver, Sargo, Parche
Longman, Will, CWO3, Swordfish, Jack, Mystic, Parche
Loughridge, Bruce, J Monroe, N Hale, Bonefish, Flying fish, Permit,
Darter, Haddo
Lovejoy Edward M ‘Mike’ LCDR, Caiman, Greenfish, Bugara,
Nautilus, Sargo, Swordfish
*Lychywek Richard R, TM2(SS), Carbonero, Tunny
Lyons Edward, EMCM(SS), Pickerel, Bass K-2, Scorpion, Jack
Lytle Charles R, CSC(SS), Cobbler, Redfin, J Madison, Triton
Mack Stanley J, CAPT, Sargo, R B Russell, Tinosa, Flying Fish,
Madden Michael, EMC(SS), Queenfish, Baya, Trutta, Marlin, Tirante,
Maddy, Richard E, STCS(SS), Haddock, Hawkbill, New York City,
Michigan, Florida
Mandjikov Andrew G, STS1(SS), Silversides, Florida
Marenbach Harry A, LT, Raton, Sarda, Triton, Seadragon
Marfut, Michael D, IC1(SS), Baton Rouge, H L Stimson, Florida
Marks, Stan, CAPT, Pomfret, Lapon, Conger, Pargo, Loggerhead,
Bonefish, Sandlance
Martin John J, E6, Georgia, Ohio, Florida
Martin, Charles G, EMCM(SS), Grayling, Gurnard
*Martinson Kenneth R, ET1(SS), Puffer, Sea Devil
Mason James W, STC(SS), Bugara, Tilefish, Sea Fox, Razorback
May, Mancel, ENC(SS), Spearfish, Stingray, Tunny, Tiru
May, Stephen J, MM1(SS), J C Calhoun, Greenling, Los Angeles,
Puffer, Bremerton
*McCance William T ‘Doc’, HMCM(SS), T A Edison, A Lincoln
McColl, Angus A, CDR, Albuquerque, Seahorse, Ohio
McGaughey Philip D, LCDR, Caiman, Requin, Angler, Cobbler, Carp,
Scorpion, T Jefferson , Flying Fish, Archerfish
McKenzie, William W, CAPT, Caiman, Bluegill, Cusk, Greenfish,
McKinney, William C, LCDR, Houston, Albuquerque, Kentucky
Meacham, Evan A, EM1(SS), J Adams
Meyer Gregory S, E4, Pomfret, Rock
Middents Paul W, CAPT, G Washington, J Madison, Whale,
G W Carver, Lafayett
Mitchell, Raymond, MM1(SS), Permit, M G Vallejo
Mitchusson Richard A, E8, S Jackson, Medregal, Seawolf
Moore, Lawrence B, CDR, Diablo, Sargo, Bluegill
Mroczkows Larry, MMC(SS), Tecumseh, N Hale, Blueback, Barb,
Mulvenna William A, QMC(SS), Sea Leopard, Cobbler, Trutta,
Threadfin, Grenadier, T Roosevelt, G C Marshall
Nardone Dennis C, CWO3, Seawolf
Neller Michael E, CAPT, San Lance, Florida, Alabama
Nelson Ken, E6, T Edison
Nielsen David E, CWO4, J Adams, U S Grant, F S Key, S Houston
Nyland Loren W, RM2(SS), Blueback, Bream, Ronquil, Bugara
Ogg Paul R, LT, S Rayburn, Sea Poacher, Puffer
O’Hara Charles W, LCDR, Scorpion, Shark, G C Marshall,
D Webster, N Hale
Osberg, William R, FTG1(SS), Segundo
Packard, Albert H, TM1(SS), Caiman, Bream, Seadragon
Padua Elmer A, MTCM(SS), B Franklin, G Washington, E Allen,
W Rogers, Alabama, H M Jackson
Parise Merle J, LT, Volador, Sunfish, Skipjack, R E Lee
Parker James R, SOSN(SS), Tilefish, Sablo
*Parker Jerry, ET1(SS), Remora
Parry III,
III Edwin C, MMCS(SS), Halibut, D Boone, G Washington,
J Marshall
Patterson Thomas L, TMC(SS), Drum, Georgia, H M Jackson,
Alaska, Buffalo, Parche
Paulsen Robert, E6, Segundo
Peeling, Gerald E ‘Gerry’, TMC(SS), Grouper, Sirago, Tirante,
Darter, G Washington
Pennington, Donald E ‘Don’, LCDR, Cobia, Entemedor, Hardhead,
Peters, Victor L, CDR, Rock, Irex, Cusk, Sabalo, Pickerel
*Peterson Isaac L, QM2(SS), Snapper, Sea Robin, Cubera,
Pfost, George L, MMCM(SS), Permit, G C Marshall, Tautog,
Archerfish, Los Angles
*Phillipy Keith L, CS2(SS), Sargo, Tecumseh, Tautog, Aspro
Pierson Bruce, LCDR, Sea Devil, Guavina, Cusk Nautilus, Bang
Pittman, David R, ETCM(SS), Dace, Pintado, Topeka
Pritchett, Dale E, EMC(SS), Entemedor, Remora
*Quesenberry David, MM1(SS), Alexandria, Nevada
Quitevis, Salvador Q ‘Sal’ EMC(SS), Gudgeon, Perch, Pickerel,
Carbonero, Sailfish, Blueback, Growler, Barberro
Redman, Lon, MM1(SS), Blueback, Bonefish, Snook, Tautog
Ridley, William D, LCDR, S Jackson, Sailfish, Caiman
Rieboldt, Albert R, QMC(SS), Pickerel, Bugara, Caiman, J Marshall,
C Pulaski, Dogfish, Blenny
Rimando Rodirgo, MSCM(SS), Angler, F S Key
Risley, David, MM1(SS), Ohio, Ohio, W H Bates, Finback
Risner Lyndon B, YN2(SS), Georgia
*Robertson Robert D ‘Robbie’, CDR, Tirante, Amberjack, Odax,
Robinson, Tommy L, CWO4, Nautilus, Sterlet, A Lincoln
Rogers T E ‘Dene’, CWO4, Rasher, Scorpion, Tecumseh
Rogers Thomas, CWO3, S Houston, Gudgeon, Seadragon, Skate,
Seawolf, Georgia
Roper Thomas W, LCDR, Entemedor, P Henry, G C Marshall,
Rossiter William K, CDR, H Clay
Rowley Robert R, ET3(SS), Segundo, Cusk
Russell Theodore, ENCM(SS), Pampanito, Carp, Caiman,
A Hamilton, S Jackson, E Allen
Ruth William H, FT3(SS), Barbero, Scorpion, Piper, Tench
Ryan Patrick D, ETCM(SS), Seadragon, Growler, Blueback, Aspro
Sanders, Julius A, SKCS(SS), Permit, Snook
Sailing List continued on page 12
10 Puget Soundings—January/February 2005 Issue
USSVI Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
Here is Where You Find Out What Went On!
Minutes of the meeting
conducted 11/16/04.
The Holland Club & Christmas Dinner
Bremerton Base Vice Commander, John
Gardner, called the meeting to order at
1900 hours.
• New members, guests, and possible
members were introduced.
• Opening observances were conducted.
• Commander Robin Runne of Transient Personnel Unit
Puget Sound was introduced. His presentation was about the
Navy’s Current Manning Posture. The commander has over
30 years of administrative experience (primarily in the submarine community) and gave some interesting insights to
manning and billeting numbers, retention programs, incentive
pays and a manning strategy for the future.
• The meeting resumed at 2015 hours.
• The minutes of the October 19th meeting were read and
approved as read.
•Treasurer, Don Bassler, reports Bremerton Base has over
$46,000 in assets.
• Membership Chairman, Don Bassler, reports that the
Base is currently at 263 paid members.
• Puget Soundings Editor-in-Chief, Tommy Robinson,
reports that a previous article concerning copies of our service
records contains some incorrect information and will be corrected in the next issue. The deadline for getting articles into
the January/February issue is December 24.
• Scholarship Chairman, John Gardner, announced that he
is beginning to put things together for the 2005 raffle and
applications. He reminds the membership that the Friday
lunches recognize the contributors to our raffles.
• Holland Club Coordinator, Ed Foskett, announced that
there are now 13 eligible inductees from Bremerton Base.
• National Office Manager, Fred Borgmann, reports that
there are now 11,145 members tracking in the database. He
also summarized the rules for entry into the Holland Club.
• 2007 National Convention Coordinator, Bud Berg, reports that the World War II SubVets have approached him
concerning another possible combined convention. He has
been invited to the 2005 National Convention in Orlando
Florida to give a presentation on the 2007 Convention Cruise.
He also reminds the membership that he has a lot raffle tickets for a free cruise available.
• Don Bassler reported on the Auburn Veterans Day parade
which was led by the United States Submarine Veterans of
WWII and the USSVI.
• Logo ideas for the 2007 Convention Cruise are still requested.
• Chaplain, Bud Berg, is requesting assistance in finding a
needy family for our Holiday support.
• John Gardner reminds the membership the Submarine
Birthday Run, in celebration of our 105th Birthday, will be at
Bangor on Saturday, April 9. Our Base now sponsors this
• Raffle winners were: Don Bassler won the 50/50 ($23)
John Gardner won the hat ($31)
The meeting was adjourned at 2035 hours.
Bremerton Base Commander Bob Webster (L) and Holland
Club Chairman Ed Foskett (R) presenting new members.
Newly inducted Holland Club members, back row, L-R, Ed
Jones, Bruce Pierson, HC Chairman Ed Foskett , Jim Parker,
& CDR Bob Webster. Front row, L-R, Merle Parise, Leo
Sweeney, Mike Heberling, Bill Mulvenna & Carl Edensword
BZ to COB Hank Hollis and HC Chairman Ed Foskett who
organized this event. Mike and Ginny’s email best sums up
the ‘good times’ and camaraderie at the Christmas dinner:
Shipmates: We want to thank you so very much for the
good time that you all showed us on Saturday, Dec. 11, at
the Christmas party and induction into the Holland Club. It
was very impressive. I am honored to be associated with the
Sub Vets, Bremerton Base, and look forward to attending
your monthly meetings occasionally, along with my
neighbor, Bob Rowley. Thank you again!
Sincerely, Mike and Ginny Heberling
Secretary Dick Litscher
Submariners Do It Deeper!
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep!
Sailing List continued from page 10
Schaefer George, STS2(SS), Volador, Snook
Scheffer Raymond K, RT1(SS), Gurnard, Gunnel, Hoe
Schultz David H, LCDR, Spinax, Halibut, Skate, Nautilus, Pollack,
Welsh Robert C, MMCS(SS), Sculpin, Sea Horse, Gurnard, Thomas
A Edison
Wilkins Kenneth M, RT2(SS), Skate
Willette Lloyd, EMC(SS), Caimen, Gudgeon, Raton, Grayback,
Schulze Edward T, IC2(SS), Cusk, Jallao
Schwind, John, ATC(AW), Associate Member
Sheehan Kevin P, LCDR, U S Grant, Bonefish, S Jackson, R E Lee,
Williams Robert F, ETCS(SS), D Boone, J Monroe, T A Edison
Winans, Wayne, EMC(SS), Remora, Scamp, Skate, Sennet,
T Roosevelt, Alaska
Menhaden, Bashaw
Shelton, Kenneth G ‘Ken’, RM2(SS), Bang, Nautilus
Shelton Richard D, ENC(SS), Besugo, Segundo, Charr
Sheridan Jammie, MMCS(SS), Sand Lance, Michigan, Michigan,
Wollam Neil, CDR, Rasher, Tullibee, Skipjack, Vallejo
Woodman William J, CWO3, Dogfish, Barbero, P Henry, Tecumseh
Wormwood, Charles E, E9, W Rogers, Permit, Blueback
Shumard Jim, E8, J C Calhoun, Ohio
Simmons, Daniel R, ETCS(SS), Carp, Seadragon, Lafayette,
*Indicates membership in more than one base.
H L Jackson, Dace
Please submit corrections to Editor, Puget Soundings, P.O.
Box 465, Silverdale, WA 98383-0465 or email to
[email protected]
Simonson Thomas C, TMCS(SS), Bergall, Sea Owl, Sablefish, Atule,
Sinnet, Michael, ETC(SS), Lafayette
Slaton, Steve, CAPT, Ray, Plunger, G W Carver, Pargo, Sculpin,
H Clay, Michigan
*Smith Clifford A, ENC(SS) Gudgeon, Rasher, Pollack, Baya
*Smith Donald M ‘donmac’, EM1(SS), Sculpin, Sea Devil
Smith Douglas W, ET1(SS), Sargo, Greenfish, Caiman, Grayback
Smith James, ETC, Cubera, Blenny, Pomfret, T Jefferson, D Webster
Smith JR,
JR Harry L, CWO3, Chivo, Thornback, Trumpetfish, J Madison,
Soriano, Edwin G, E7, Blenny, Grouper, Queenfish, Hawkbill
Springer Robert F, MMC(SS), J Adams, Grouper, Redfish, Argonaut,
Stamp David A, MMCM(SS), Sculpin, Scamp, Tautog
Standish Allen J, CDR, Sirago, D Boone
Starr, Harry C, ENC(SS), Queenfish, Seafox, Trout, Caiman, Blackfin
Steadman Clifford C, ETCS(SS), Trout, J Marshall, F S Key, P Henry,
J Marshall, Omaha, Queenfish
*Stiffey, Jan ‘Bear’, MMCS(SS), Aspro, T Jefferson, S Houston,
Whale, W H Bates, Michigan
Stephenson James A, MT2(SS), R E Lee
Stitt, Guy, TM1(SS), Gudgeon
Stot William H, ST1(SS), Flasher
Strickland, Roland, ET1(SS), Greenfish, Seawolf Nautilus, R E Lee,
M G Vallejo, Batfish.
Stroud, Ronald, SN(SS), Hardhead
Swarm, Michael R, ETCS(SS), N Hale, Phoenix, R B Russell, Parche,
Night Steaming continued from page 8
less bullshit that passes for a late night, "Howdy-Doo"
Your sleep was interrupted by junk falling that was stored,
make that stuffed, above the overhead lines… Film cans,
books, shoes, boots, all kind of loose crap.
Guys making head calls and waking you up to bum a pack of
smokes or get something out of a sidelocker.
And every now and then, one of the resident migratory
roaches would take a shortcut across your face or homesteaded in an ear or nostril.
And there were the smells… Stale cigarette smoke, mildew
from condensate… Accumulated dirty laundry… Fresh coffee,
brewing in the crews' mess… Night baking smells… No.2 inboard venting… And adeau de diesel that permeated everything.
Sweeney Leo H, LCDR, Redfin, Requin, Cochino, Sea Owl, Seal,
Barb, Manta, Odax
Sweet Donald, MMCM(SS), E Allen
Swenson JR,
JR Samuel, CWO4, Associate Member
Taggart Ernie, YNC(SS), Raton, Pickeral, Wahoo, Sea Fox, Rock,
Rasher, Blueback
Targett II,
II Victor F, FTG2(SS), Ohio
Terney, Edward C, YNC(SS), Razorback, Segundo, Plaice, Sterlet,
Cusk, Blackfin, Scamp
Terry Douglas V, E9, Pintado, Minneapolis-St Paul, Pintado, Chicago
Tharp Burton P, CWO4, Chivo, Sea Robin, Blenny, N Hale, Aspro,
Thompson James A, E7,, Sea Fox, N Greene, J Marshall,
Lewis & Clark
Turley David, ETC(SS), A Hamilton
Tweter George, EMC(SS), Carbonero, Cusk, Tusk, Harder
Ulin, Robert, CWO3, E Allen, Entemedor, T Roosevelt
Van Doran,
Doran Jim, MM2(SS), Skate
Vander Pol,
Pol Nelis, EM2(SS), Rasher
Vaubel Douglas C, EN2(SS), Raton
Viestenz, Kirk A, RMCM(SS), Grampus, G C Marshall, Rasher, Trout,
Darter, Seawolf, San Francisco
Waller Joel A, E6, Rock, Cusk, Growler, Caiman
Waters Robert S, TM2(SS), Menhaden
Webb Jack K, CDR, Sea Dog, Picuda, Medregal, Sennet, Thornback
Weber Michael D, MM1(SS), N Greene, Odax, Lewis & Clark,
Omaha, Drum
Webster, Lawrence, MMC(SS), Skate, Swordfish, Ohio, Georgia,
Webster JR,
JR Robert G ‘Bob’, MM1(SS), Sculpin, Snook
Puget Soundings—January/February 2005 Issue
And you would hear the vents open.
As the boat slid below the surface with the sound of rushing air
leaving the tanks, it got quiet… except for the cycling of the
vents in series and pockets of trapped air gurgling their way to
the upper part of the Main Ballast Tanks… and Negative being
blown to check decent when the desired depth was reached.
And of course there was walrus snoring and the sounds made
by 15 guys earning Chinese coolie wages plus sub, sea and
foreign duty pay…
Dreaming of barmaids, car payments and wondering how the
family, their ball clubs and bird dogs were doing…
And the single guys falling off to sleep wondering who in the
hell knew where they were, what they were doing and gave a
And who was unbuttoning the blouse of their high school
sweetheart at the drive-in these days.
That was night steaming back in the Cro-Magnon era of
smokeboat sailoring.
USSVI Bremerton Subvets Bi-monthly Newsletter
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
Silverdale M em ber Service C enter
2238 B ucklin H ill R oad N W
H ours: T ue-Fri 0930-1730; Sat 0900-1500
C losed Sunday-M onday
B rem erton M em ber Service C enter
4980 A uto C enter W ay
H ours: M on 0930-1730; T ue-Fri 0930-1700
C losed Saturday-Sunday
N avy Federal C redit Un ion can serve m ost active duty an d retired N avy an d M arin e C orps m ilitary person n el,
D epartm en t of th e N avy civilian em ployees an d th eir fam ilies. Federal law gen erally proh ibits credit un ion s from
servin g n on -m em bers. T h is credit un ion is federally in sured by th e N ation al C redit Un ion A dm in istration .
Expires 12/31/04
Chaplain’s Report
A Deserving Family
On 12/22/04 Mary & I and my
eldest son and his wife Laurie
delivered groceries and presents to
PO1 Jim & Gerri and their children
Morgan, Greyhen, Kayla, Jessica,
Stephen, Jonah, Angelic, Lillie &
Donnie. I hope I got the names
correct, if not, I apologize.
The Base gave $200 and $170.00 was collected at the Christmas party. Also, a retired Master Chief donated $300.00 for
children’s clothes. Mary Berg and Joann Foskett purchased
warm cloths for the youngest children and gave each older
child a gift certificate to buy their own clothes. A check was
left at the commissary for the family to use as necessary. The
commissary will honor all purchases except for cigarettes
and/or alcohol. Additionally, Evergreen Lutheran Church
gave the family a large box of groceries and a 22lb. Turkey.
Cookies where donated by Bev Rogers, Carol Gregory and Jo
Foskett and Mary Berg. I got to sample them before they
were delivered. The family signed a thank you card which
was given to the $300.00 donor and it brought tears to his
Expires 2/28/05
Chaplain’s Report continued on page 14
More Info About USSVI can be Viewed at
The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
Diesel Boats Forever
Expires 10/31/05
Chaplain’s Report continued from page 13
Expires 2/28/05
The Base owes a big ‘Thank You’ to Mary Berg, Joann
Foskett, Carol Gregory, Bev Rogers, and CMC Ron Johnson.
He directed me to COB Jay Snow, USS Pennsylvania (G),
who sent me to (B) crew COB, Brad Green and his wife
Kathy and then contact with Jim’s family. Jim ‘Thanked’
Mary and ask that she pass it on to all that helped.
Bremerton Base Chaplain, Bud Berg
Newsletter Advertising Rates
Full Page, 6 issues - $500
Single Issue - $100
Half Page, 6 issues - $250
Single issue - $50
1/4 Page, 6 Issues - $125
Single issue - $25
1/8 Page, 6 Issues - $60
Single issue - $13
Please contact Puget Soundings Editor
Tommy Robinson for details at 360 871-6899
or [email protected]
USSVI National Conventions for the next
four years are scheduled as follows:
2005 Kansas City, MO 29 Aug - 4 Sep
2006 North Little Rock, AR 5-10 Sep
2007 Seattle, WA - Alaska Cruise (TBA)
2008 Dallas-Ft Worth, TX (TBA)
Expires 4/30/05
Soundings— May/June 2003 Issue
2005 Issue
Submariners Trade With Establishments Advertising in Puget Soundings
Expires 12/31/05
Expires 02/28/05
Submarine Cuisine
SRC announces its most recent publication. Over
180 pages, over 50 authentic submarine recipes
with pictures of galleys and crews' mess, original
menus and forms and many salty stories of the
good old days in the after battery, eating the best
chow in the Navy. Learn how the cooks overcame
foul weather, snorkeling, and lack of space to produce meals fit for kings.
—————————————————$16.95 to USSVI members.
Call, write or email us at:
Submarine Research Center
Box 6088
Submarine Base, Bangor
Silverdale, WA 98315
[email protected]
Expires 12/31/04
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The Past, Present and Future … Pride Runs Deep
PO BOX 465
SILVERDALE WA 98383-0465
Issue Date, January 1, 2005
Meetings, 7 PM, FRA#29, 521 Natl. Ave., Bremerton:
—Tue, Jan 18th, Guest Speaker is YN1(SS) Karl Rosenkranze on
his recent experience as a Submariner with ground forces in Iraq.
—Tue, Feb 15th, Guest Speaker is TBD.
Lt William “ Willie” Spoon
Official Friday Lunch Schedule
At the November Business Meeting
The Present
Jan 07
FRA#29, 521 National Ave., Bremerton
Jan 14
Azteca, 5066 State Hiway 303, (Wheaton
Way), East Bremerton
Jan 21
Casa Luna Mexican Restaurant, 18830
Front Street Northeast, Poulsbo
Jan 28
Floatation Device Pub & Grill, 14511
Sherman Drive NW, Gig Harbor
Feb 04
Mucky Duck Restaurant, 19559 Viking
Ave NW, Poulsbo
Feb 11
Pat’s Restaurant & Bakery, 3561 Wheaton
Way, Bremerton
Feb 18
Angel’s Home Style Buffet, 4111 Wheaton
Way, Bremerton
Feb 25
Whiskey Creek, 1918 Washington Street,
CDR Rob Runne, CO,
Transient Personnel
Unit, Puget Sound
CDR Runne presented an
excellent overview of Navy personnel matters then focused
more specifically on the Submarine Force. He discussed
current manning and future personnel strategies.
Mar 04 Boat Shed, Under Manette Bridge, East
Take a break—come to lunch!
These establishments support the
Lt. William “Willie” Spoon
Memorial Scholarship
It’s sad but true,’s Submarine Force just isn’t
‘our’ Submarine Force. But, there’s no need to cry in your’s still in the very capable hands of Submariners.
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