DOCfeed program book
DOCfeed program book
19 20 21 Februari 2016 DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL EINDHOVEN INHOUD ZATERDAG 04Voorwoord 05Foreword 06 Algemene informatie 07 General information VRIJDAG 08 Ik zie jou staan Love to live 09Sky Ieder kind een eigen stem 10 Jan Banning, Een Zweem van wreedheid Tapes from the revolutionary 11 Against the perfect sky Skin and bones 12 Zwarte soldaten Yellowknife 13 Last day of freedom You see me 14 The good life The day the sun fell 15 De stad was van ons Dirty games 17 Masterclass: Jean Counet Masterclass: John Appel 18 Naar kerk en werk is hunne gang Yoani’s Trip 19 Daughter of the lake Masterclass: VPRO 20 Along the shores of Yangtze river The sounds of Kaznicbarcika 21 Moments of campaign Requiem 22 Stage four - A love story God is not working on sunday 23 21 Gram Docudoemd 24 Children’s tears - searching for Japanese Fathers Docnomads Studenten 25 Jimmy Murakami - Non alien Loa 26Docwerk 27Docwerk 28 Pools voor beginners Solari 29 Following Kina Eielson Naked 30 The gold spinners Daten in de dancing 31 The final night Will tomorrow be another day? 32 A Certain Kind of Light Guillermo Oyagüez Montero 33 The End of The Road Justus 34 Queer City Comming of Age 35 The squatters of the devil’s house Herr van Bohlen 36 37 Events Events ZONDAG 38 Sea of Heartbreak De Juliaantjes, zusters met schorten 39 Within a Walled World Anne Vliegt 40Ninnoc Drona & ik 41Mookie Little Water Story 42 A Long Way To The Top Interview - Joost Seelen 43 Only New Orleans Sugar blues 44 Once My Mother Sicily Jass 45 The horseshoe’s hapiness Burning Ember 46 16 Years Till Summer Refugee Here I Am 47 Live Muziek: Camilla Blue Live Muziek: Tijs Groen 50 51 52 53 54 55 Blokkenschema Blokkenschema Blokkenschema Blokkenschema Blokkenschema Blokkenschema VOORWOORD FOREWORD De 2016 editie van DOCfeed wordt meer dan ooit een echt festival. Niet alleen draaien we drie dagen lang documentaires in de vier zalen van TAC, maar hebben we daarnaast vier tentoonstellingen in de grote zaal. Verder kun je genieten van een DAFje omgebouwd tot tweepersoonsbioscoop (voor de intieme film beleving), een mobiele escape room, live muziek op zondag en nog veel meer. Dit jaar hoef je niet meer in de rij te staan om voor iedere film een kaartje te kopen. We hebben onze eigen DOCfeed festivalbandjes, met een bandje heb je toegang tot alle documentaires en andere activiteiten in alle zalen. The 2016 edition of DOCfeed is more than ever a real festival. Not only do we screen three days of documentaries, in the four rooms of TAC, but in addition we have four exhibitions in the main hall. Furthermore, you can enjoy a screening in the smallest cinema (a converted car, for an intimate cinema experience), a mobile escape room, live music on Sunday and more. This year, you will not have to stand in line to buy a ticket for the movies. We have our own festival DOCfeed straps, with a straps you have access to all the documentaries and other activities in all rooms. Dit jaar mogen we ook een aantal nieuwe partners verwelkomen bij ons festival. Afstudeerstudenten van St Joost hebben een videoinstallatie gemaakt, de VPRO komt een masterclass geven en de gemeente promoot het festival op de lichtborden in de stad. Het programma voor 2016 is nog uitgebreider en completer dan de vorige editie, we zijn dan ook trots dat we je aan kunnen bieden: De derde editie van DOCfeed; Drie dagen; Vier zalen; Zesenzestig documentaires uit zesentwintig landen; Bijna allemaal Nederlandse premières; Vijftig makers die hun eigen film inleiden en na afloop een Q&A verzorgen. Om alles in goede banen te leiden bestaat ons team inmiddels uit 35 vrijwilligers. We kunnen ons festival niet realiseren zonder de steun van: Sint Lucas, TAC, VSBfonds, BKKC en de gemeente Eindhoven. We hopen dat je veel plezier hebt en aangenaam verrast wordt tijdens DOCfeed 2016! Namens de DOCfeed 2016 crew Frans Mouws Loudy van Eemeren Mike Gommans Wesley Maatje 4 Chairman Hoofd Organisatie Stagiaire Art director This year we also welcome a number of new partners at our festival. Graduation Students from St Joost made a video installation, the VPRO will give a master class and the municipality promotes the festival on the light boards in the city. The program for 2016 is even more comprehensive and complete than the previous edition, we are proud that we can provide you with: The third edition of DOCfeed; Three days; Four rooms; Sixty-six documentaries from twenty-six countries; Almost all Dutch premieres; Fifty makers that will introduce their own film and afterwards an Q&A. To make sure everything runs smoothly our team now consists of 35 volunteers. We can not realize our festival without the support of: St Lucas, TAC, VSBfonds, BKKC and the city of Eindhoven. We hope you will have fun and will be pleasantly surprised at DOCfeed 2016! On behalf of the DOCfeed 2016 crew Frans Mouws Loudy van Eemeren Mike Gommans Wesley Maatje Chairman Head Organization Trainee Art director 5 ALGEMENE INFORMATIE GENERAL INFORMATION Alle kaartjes kosten € 12,50. Kaartjes zijn te verkrijgen aan de kassa of via onze website ( Er zijn vijf verschillende bandjes. All tickets cost € 12,50. Tickets are available at the box office or via our website ( Vrijdag Zaterdagmiddag (van 12.00 tot 18.00 uur) Zaterdagavond (vanaf 18.00 uur) Zondag Weekend kaartje € 12,50 € 12,50 € 12,50 € 12,50 € 40,00 Per dag hebben we een sluitingstijd. Dit is een half uur na het eindigen van de laatste film van die dag. Verder is de zaterdag opgeknipt in twee delen, de middag en de avond. De middag bestaat vooral uit workshops. Je kunt ook een kaartje voor het hele weekend kopen, daarmee heb je toegang tot alle zalen, films, live muziek, activiteiten en workshops een heel weekend lang. Als je een specifieke workshop of film wilt zien, kom dan op tijd want vol is vol. Films gemarkeerd met Uk zijn Engels gesproken of Engels ondertiteld. We wensen je een fijne DOCfeed. 6 There are various tickets available for DOCfeed. As a real festival we work this year with wristbands. With a band you have access to all screenings and all areas. There are five different bands. For Friday and Sunday you need one band, this is because on Friday we start in the evening (at 18.00), and on Sunday we finish a bit earlier (at 20.00). The program runs on Saturday from 11.00 to 24.00, in the afternoon there are several workshops. You can buy a afternoon ticket or an evening ticket to attend anything. Finally, you can also buy a ticket for the entire weekend, with this you have all-day access to all areas, films and workshops (nb if you want to see a specific workshop or film, be there on time to get a seat). Friday Saturday afternoon Saturday evening Sunday Weekend € 12.50 € 12.50 € 12.50 € 12.50 € 40.00 7 IK ZIE JOU STAAN SKY LOOK AT YOU is a film about Bernard Tackenberg. Bernard became suddenlyblind at his 27th by a car accident. Because he could see untill his 27th, he visualises everything in his head. For example: he makes pictures and saves them at his computer, he drives in cars and on motorcycles and he visits pubs to watch football games. Although Bernard struggles with some aspects in his life, being blind is not his biggest handicap. Sky is nine years old and has a significant hearing impairment. He tries hard to participate in his class which is full of good hearing children, but he often feels powerless and misunderstood. He thinks the outsiders don’t understand him, but does he understand them? In this short documentary we observe Sky during and after school time as he tries to maintain grip on his environment. 20:00 20:30 VRIJDAG 20:00 Duur: 30 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. Zaal: Theaterzaal LOVE TO LIVE The documentary Love to Live explores the question, “how is it possible that people who have faced the greatest possible suffering still want to stay alive?” 19:00 20:00 8 VRIJDAG 19:00 Duur: 60 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. 19:00 19:15 Regisseur: Marleen Hofijzer, Geertje van Haren VRIJDAG 19:00 Duur: 15 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. Twenty years ago, Margreet Bos, a resident of the care centre “Het Dorp” in Arnhem survived a terrible attack at the hands of Ethiopian bandits when travelling in Eritrea. A hand-grenade exploded in the cab of the truck in which she was sitting, transforming her in one fell swoop from a student who graduated with honours with a bright future ahead to a severely h andicapped young woman who would be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Regisseur: Karin Breurs and Margreet Bos Regisseur: Loes Janssen IEDER KIND EEN EIGEN STEM Wat zijn je kansen in de wereld als je slechthorend bent of een taalontwikkelingsstoornis (TOS) hebt? Wie helpt je om je weg te vinden in een wereld waarin het draait om communicatie? The disastrous turn of events has not, however, held her back from enjoying life to the full. In this documentary, cabaret artiste Karin Breurs from Brabant goes on a kind of road trip with Margreet in search of the nature of happiness. Why is it that some people give up at the slightest setback and other people, who experience the greatest possible pain and suffering, just keep smiling and get on with their lives? Zaal: Theaterzaal Zaal: De Schelp 19:00 19:34 VRIJDAG 19:00 Duur: 34 min. Taal: NL Als je niet goed praat of niet goed kunt schrijven en niet snel genoeg kan reageren op mailtjes en sms-jes wordt je al gauw gezien als suf en dom. Je wordt er onzeker van en durft steeds minder te praten. Maar het kan ook gewoon zijn dat jij de dingen anders leert en dat jij een andere methode nodig hebt om je taal eigen te maken. Ieder kind een eigen stem laat zien hoe op een speciale basisschool als de Spreekhoorn inBreda leerkrachten, logopedisten en ouders samenwerken om voor iedere leerling met een TOS de juiste methode te vinden. Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Carine van Vugt 9 JAN BANNING, EEN ZWEEM VAN WREEDHEID Een zweem van wreedheid gaat over Jan Banning uit Utrecht, een van Nederlands bekendste fotografen. Zijn foto’s zijn conceptueel en doordacht en tegelijk menselijk en persoonlijk. Banning verwierf wereldwijde bekendheid met Bureaucratics, een serie met ambtenaren in acht landen (winnaar World Press Photo 2003, cat. portretten), en met zijn recentere Troostmeisjes en Law&Order. Ook portretteerde hij dwangarbeiders uit de 2e Wereldoorlog in Sporen van Oorlog. Eén van die mannen was zijn eigen vader. In Een zweem van wreedheid gaat regisseur Frank van Osch met Banning op reis, VRIJDAG 19:00 Duur: 48 min. Taal: NL/UK nieuwsgierig naar zijn aanpak en naar de rol die de oorlogsgeschiedenis van zijn vader speelt in zijn werk. Het levert een ongekunstelde en persoonlijke inkijk in Bannings onzekerheden, worstelingen, passie en zijn enorme betrokkenheid bij de wereld om hem heen. AGAINST THE PERFECT SKY John Fante (1909-1983) was an Italian-American author. In AGAINST A PERFECT SKY - the title refers to a poem by John Fante’s son Dan –we witness the pilgrimage of Dutch authors and Fante aficionados Jaap Scholten and Henk van Straten to the Italian village of Fante’s forefathers. They try to capture the Italian roots that are such a vital part, or maybe even the soul of his writing. AGAINST A PERFECT SKY is a story about migration, fathers and sons and the art of writing, against the backdrop of the glorious town of Torricella Peligna and the literary festival Il Dio di Mio Padre. 19:00 19:48 Zaal: Tapas 19:00 20:00 Regisseur: Frank van Osch 19:00 20:00 VRIJDAG 19:00 Duur: 45 min. Taal: NL, English, Italian/ UK Sub. TAPES FROM THE REVOLUTION SKIN AND BONES What is it like to see the world through someone else’s eyes? Three young guys share a friendship based on black humour, and as all other young men, they take great interest in film, sports, girls and partying. Filmmaker, Scott Willis discovers Andy, a self-proclaimed communist revolutionary that documents his life on a Hi-8 camcorder. Aiming to understand the purpose behind the tapes Willis picks up his camera,however Andy has his own agenda for the project. Tapes from The Revolutionary is a humorous unconventional documentary that turns the lens on itself an examines the filmmaking process. 19:00 19:15 10 VRIJDAG 19:00 Duur: 15 min. Taal: UK/UK Sub. 21:00 22:00 Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Scott Willis VRIJDAG 21:00 Duur: 60 min. Taal: Danish/UK Sub. Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Jasper Henderson They also share some seriously challenging living terms; they suffer from Progressive Muscular Dystrophy. We see who the young guys were and who they have now become, physically and mentally. They confide to us their first experience of falling in love, the ever looming longing for a girlfriend, the dreams and wildness they can never outlive on their own. We also witness the grief and loss of a dear friend of theirs, but also their acceptance of their grim destiny and persevering will of life, despite the merciless conditions. Danish director Michael Dinesen followed their daily lives for four years - and on a wild trip to Berlin to find party and sex. ‘Skin and Bones’ is a painful but vital and heart-warming portrait of three very unusual men of amazing strength. Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Micheal Dinesen 11 ZWARTE SOLDATEN LAST DAY OF FREEDOM SOLDIERS IN BLACK is a documentary about those considered the prime example of collaborators - the Dutch SS. In total, 25,000 fellow country men joined the Waffen SS during World War II, boosting Hitler’s army. InSOLDIERS IN BLACK six of them have their say for the very first time. In a frank, shocking and confrontational manner, they share their decisions to join the SS, their experiences on the frontline and the attraction of life as a soldier and National Socialism. Some of them still struggle with the choices they made at that time, while others are still convinced of the righteousness of their racist and anti-Semitic views. SOLDIERS IN BLACK has been awarded the much coveted Golden Calf for best short documentary at the Netherlands Film Festival 2011 in Utrecht. When Bill Babbitt realizes his brother Manny has committed a crime he agonizes over his decision- should he call the police? Last Day of Freedom, a richly animated personal narrative, tells the story of Bill’s decision to stand by his brother in the face of war, crime and capital punishment. The film is a portrait of a man at the nexus of the most pressing social issues of our day –veterans’ care, mental health access and criminal justice. VRIJDAG 20:30 Duur: 47 min. 21:45 22:17 20:30 21:17 Taal: NL/UK Sub. Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Joost Seelen VRIJDAG 21:45 Duur: 32 min. VRIJDAG 20:30 Duur: 40 min. Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Dee Bibbert-Jones YELLOWKNIFE YOU SEE ME Director Niels Holstein Kaa is unhappy in Copenhagen. Hoping to regain faith in happiness and love he leaves Copenhagen and embarks on a journey to Yellowknife, a small Northwestern town in Canada, where he lived ten years ago. Niels’journey becomes a confrontation with the past, the present and the person he has become. Filmmaker Linda Brown’s father embodied 1960s masculinity. But when a devastating stroke leaves him vulnerable and dependent, Linda decides to confront the silence surrounding his troubled and violent past. Drawing on home movies, family photos and interviews, she reveals secrets, uncovers lies, and discovers a redeeming treasure in a lost family video. The result is an engrossing journey about the danger of carrying unresolved grief to our graves. You See Me is a brave, inspiring and empowering film that documents the essence of the human condition and seeks to face the past with courage in order to change the future. 20:30 21:41 20:30 21:10 12 Taal: UK Taal: Danisch/UK Sub. Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Niels Holstein Kaa VRIJDAG 20:30 Duur: 71 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Linda J. Brown 13 THE GOOD LIFE DE STAD WAS VAN ONS Jairo Fuentes is the young leader of the community of Tamaquito, a village in the forests of northern Colombia. But the Wayúu communitys way of life is being destroyed by the El Cerrejón coal mine. This vast chasm extends for 700 square kilometers, making it the worlds largest open-cast coal mine. Every day, the pit gets deeper, gnawing away at the previously unspoilt landscape. Determined to save his community from the forced displacement, Jairo Fuentes sets out to negotiate with the mines operators. Avondvullende documentaire over de roerige geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse kraakbeweging in 1975-1988. De Stad was van Ons ging in première op het IDFA in 1996 en is daarna te zien geweest in diverse filmhuizen. In januari 1997 werd de film uitgezonden op de Nederlandse televisie door de NPS en is inmiddels internationaal vertoond op filmfestivals te München, Leipzig en Vallodalid. In 1997 werd De Stad was van Ons genomineerd voor een Gouden Kalf tijdens de Nederlandse Filmdagen in Utrecht. Tevens werd de film genomineerd voor de Nederlandse Academy Award in de categorie Informatieve Documentaire. 22:30 00:07 VRIJDAG 22:30 Duur: 97 min. Taal: Spanish/UK Sub. Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Jens Schanze VRIJDAG 22:30 Duur: 95 min. VRIJDAG 22:30 Duur: 78 min. Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Joost Seelen THE DAY THE SUN FELL DIRTY GAMES Swiss-Japanese filmmaker Aya Domenig, the granddaughter of a doctor on duty for the Red Cross during the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, approaches the experience of her deceased grandfather by tracing thelives of a doctor and of former nurses who once shared the sameexperience. While gathering the memories and present views of these very last survivors, the nuclear disaster in Fukushima strikes and history seems to repeat itself. The Film Dirty Games is an expedition to the dirty abyss of professional sports. The award winning investigative journalist Benjamin Best (among others: CNN Journalist of the Year 2011) takes a global look behind the scenes at the colourful world of sports and exposes the bitter taste behind the multi-billion sports business. From Europe to the USA. From South America to Asia. This film, which draws upon very personal stories by protagonists from all over the world, shows how the sport system operates, and it gives those who are protesting an opportunity to speak out against the system. In the process, it also exposes new and sinister wheeling and dealing in the world of sports. 22:30 00:00 22:30 23:48 14 Taal: NL 22:30 00:05 Taal: Duits, Japans/ UK Sub. Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Aya Domenig VRIJDAG 22:30 Duur: 90 min. Taal: UK,+/UK Sub. Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Benjamin Best 15 MASTERCLASS, JEAN COUNET WORSTEN BROODJE Cameraman en documentairemaker Jean Counet deelt al zijn tips en tricks over camerawerk in documentaire met je. Counet werkt als cameraman onder andere voor de Correspondent en VPRO’s Tegenlicht. Daarnaast draait hij speelfilms en bioscoopdocumentaires zoals A Strange Love Affair with Ego van Esther Gould, die onlangs op IDFA in première ging. Als regisseur maakt hij ook zijn eigen documentaires. 11:00 12:00 ZATERDAG 11:00 PER STUK 0. 50 * Actie geldig t/m 31 mei 2016 * Tegen inlevering van deze bon bij onderstaande Bakker Bart-winkel Bakker Bart • Demer 21 • 5611 AN Eindhoven • T. 040 236 94 57 16 BAKKER BART Duur: 60 min. Taal: NL/UK MASTERCLASS, JOHN APPEL In 1987 John Appel graduated at the Nederlandse Film and Televisie Academy with his documentary Radio Daniëlle, a portrait of a local pirate radio station. This film, awarded Best Student Film, shows Appels interest in daily life drama’ His film André Hazes – She believes in me, awarded with the Joris Ivens Award for Best Feature Length Documentary (IDFA 99), is the greatest documentary hit in Dutch cinema over the last 60 years. In 2003 he made his film The last victory, about the famous horse race in Siena, the Palio. 13:00 14:00 ZATERDAG 13:00 Duur: 60 min. Taal: NL/UK Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Jean Counet This film won two Golden Kalves at the Dutch Film Festival and manyinternational awards. His latest film Wrong time, wrong place (2012) is a film about chance and fate, based on the tragic events in Norway of 22 July 2011. This film was the Opening film of Idfa 2012 and won several international awards. About mentoring: I have a lot of experience in mentoring and coaching (young, first time) filmmakers. I was mentor at various workshops, national and international. A.o. IDFA workshop, Binger Doc Lab and Film Academy. My motto – since I graduated from Filmschool 25 years ago – still is: LESS IS MORE. Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: John Appel 17 NAAR KERK EN WERK IS HUNNE GANG DAUGHTER OF THE LAKE To Church and Work they went is a historical documentary about the life and work in the Dutch catholic tanners’ village Rijen. Unique historic recordings of the dirty and heavy work in the tanneries, of the poverty, the village brass-band, the top-people at parties, and of the parish-priest. Combined with interviews with workers in the tanning industry, and images of present-day Rijen. In this way a colorful picture is evoked of village-life, past and present. To Church and Work they went was shown in various film theatres in The Netherlands as wellas at International Film Festivals in Nyon (Switzerland), Leipzig (Germany) and Santarém (Portugal). The film was broadcasted on Dutch television by station RVU (1988) and in Belgium by BRT (1987). ZATERDAG 13:00 Duur: 57 min. Taal: NL At the height of the Peruvian gold rush, an Andean woman able to communicate with water spirits uses her powers to prevent a mining corporation from destroying the lake she considers to be her mother. 13:00 13:57 Zaal: Schelp 13:00 13:52 Regisseur: Joost Seelen, Arnold Vogel ZATERDAG 13:00 Duur: 52 min. YOANI’S TRIP VPRO, MASTERCLASS The Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez built her 1st computer on her own, created a blog without home internet access and today she has millions of monthly views. Writing about her daily life in Cuba and criticizing socialism, Yoani became well known and won international prizes. Because of her polemic posts, some say she is a CIA agent, others say she is a fighter for freedom of speech. After many years trying to obtain a permission to fly out of her country, the antagonist of the Castro brothers came to Brazil, where she ran into a lot of trouble. Along the shores of the Yangtze river, an interactive photo journey In a six-part TV series for VPRO television, acclaimed photographer/MD Ruben Terlou and director Maaik Krijgsman travel along the shores of the Yangtze river, 13:00 14:15 18 ZATERDAG 13:00 Duur: 75 min. Taal: UK Taal: UK 14:30 15:30 Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Peppe Siffredi ZATERDAG 14:30 Duur: 60 min. Taal: NL/UK Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Ernesto Cabellos from Shanghai to the source in the Himalayas. Along the way Ruben photographs and interviews common chinese about the old and the new China, the rapid economic growth and its impact on culture and society. Because Ruben Terlou’s photo’s feature only briefly in the series as a pretext for interviews and observations, VPRO Digital conceived an interactive to tell the stories within, between or behind the photographs. Using an online editor developed especially for interactive narratives, first used on the interactive documentary Why Srebrenica had to fall, a documentary audio/ photo-journey is assembled in close co-operation with the photographer and creators of the series, De Haaien. In thispresentation/workshop we’ll share our experiences and results. Zaal: Theaterzaal Masterclass Gever: Geert-Jan Strengholt 19 ALONG THE SHORES OF THE YANGTZE RIVER Along the shores of the Yangtze river, an interactive photo journey In a six-part TV series for VPRO television, acclaimed photographer/ MD Ruben Terlou and director Maaik Krijgsman travel along the shores of the Yangtze river, from Shanghai to the source in the Himalayas. Along the way Ruben photographs and interviews common chinese about the old and the new China, the rapid economic growth and its impact on culture and society. Because Ruben Terlou’s photo’s feature only briefly in the series as a pretext for interviews and observations, VPRO Digital conceived an interactive to tell the stories within, between or behind the photographs. Using an online editor developed especially for interactive narratives, ZATERDAG 15:30 Duur: 45 min. Taal: NL/UK first used on the interactive documentary Why Srebrenica had to fall, a documentary audio/photo-journey is assembled in close co-operation with the photographer and creators of the series, De Haaien. In thispresentation/workshop we’ll share our experiences and results. MOMENTS OF CAMPAIGN Beyond being a historical record this film explores the implied duality of Rafael Correa’s public figure. The behind-the-scenes 2013 presidential re-election race, in campaign-distant black and white invites us to reflect on Ecuador’s way of doing politics. Language: spanish and quechua with english subtitles. 15:30 16:15 14:30 15:22 Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Maaik Krijgsman ZATERDAG 14:30 Duur: 52 min. ZATERDAG 14:30 Duur: 20 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Tomás Astudillo THE SOUNDS OF KAZNICBARCIKA REQUIEM A punky, heavy and lyrical musical documentary about life of citizens in a small provincial city Kazincbarcika in Hungary. The film will follow one evening of a bartender sharing her live stories with customers. On the evening of Remembrance Day 1960, a unique catholic musical piece was broadcasted on dutch radio. It was a requiem by jewish composer Hans Lachman. Sadly, it was soon forgotten. Behind the music however, there proves to be a remarkable story. With the help of witnesses, experts and akin, Requiem tries to preserve this unique history from oblivion. 14:50 15:30 14:30 14:50 20 Taal: UK Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Aleksandr M. Vinogradov ZATERDAG 14:50 Duur: 30 min. Taal: NL Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Rick Roos 21 STAGE FOUR- A LOVE STORY 21 GRAM Stage Four: A Love Story is a moving documentary about life partners, Mary Jo and George. After weathering the ups and downs of a full but difficult marriage, they are approaching retirement and hope to enter the gentle twilight of their lives. Fate has other plans, though, as Mary Jo unexpectedly receives a diagnosis of stage IV breast cancer. Exploring universal themes of imperfect love, acceptance and reconciliation, the film is about the resiliency of the human spirit as the characters find that a cancer diagnosis isn’t a death sentence but a chance to live life to the fullest. Our time is scarce, waiting is deadly, delay is loss and everything should be fast, fast ,fast. We think with the watch in our hand and are ashamed of our rest. Has our clock time and materialism ensured that contact with our soul has become scarce? But what is the soul and how we get there in contact again. 14:45 16:00 ZATERDAG 15:00 Duur: 73 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas 17:00 17:31 Regisseur: Benjamin Steger ZATERDAG 17:00 Duur: 31 min. ZATERDAG 14:30 Duur: 84 min. Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Bram Kastelijns GOD IS NOT WORKING ON SUNDAY DOCUDOEMD What would have once sounded like a far-fetched feminist fantasy -namely women forming the majority of a parliament- is reality in one country in the world: Rwanda. 20 years after the genocide the country is considered as one of the most progressive countries of the continent. Over a 8 year long-term observational portrait of two grassroots-activists ‘God is not working on sunday!’ offers a exceptional insight in the Rwanda of today. Het Mediafonds wordt per 1 januari 2017 opgeheven. Dit komt door bezuinigingen van de regering op kunst en cultuur. Door de opheffing valt zo’n 80% van de financiering voor documentaires weg. Is dit de ondergang van de Nederlandse documentaire, of kan het genre prima doorleven zonder het Mediafonds? 14:30 15:45 22 Taal: UK Taal: UK Sub. 17:35 18:00 Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Leona Goldstein ZATERDAG 17:35 Duur: 25 min. Taal: NL Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Rozemarijn Vossen 23 CHILDREN’S TEARS - SEARCHING FOR JAPANESE FATHERS JIMMY MURAKAMI - NON ALIEN This film unveils a hidden history starting in the Dutch East Indies under Japanese occupation during WW2. The protagonists were born of Eurasian mothers(some local) and Japanese fathers as children of the enemy. They moved to the Netherlands with their mothers while their fathers went back to Japan after the war. The absence of their fathers becomes a missing piece, and the ensuing search stretches across continents. One of the protagonists, Nippy Noya, is the percussionist in Massada. He discovers the secret of his musical gift, just as the other protagonists each experience their own emotional rebirth. ZATERDAG 16:30 Duur: 50 min. The animator Jimmy T. Murakamis credits include When the Wind Blows and The Snowman. He has received fame across the world but there is one dark chapter in his life that he has never revealed until the making of this film. When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Japanese-American citizens like Jimmy (then eight years old) and his family were evacuated to a concentration camp called Tule Lake in the California desert. Jimmy and his family were imprisoned for four years and witnessed his young sister Sumiko die of leukemia. Jimmy decided to excavate this period of his life by creating a series of paintings that illuminate his recollection of life in the concentration camp and then took the momentous decision to undertake one of the most difficult journeys of his life – a return to Tule Lake. 16:15 17:15 Taal: UK Sub. Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Yuki Sunada ZATERDAG 18:30 Duur: 90 min. Taal: UK Red ripper in Brussels Mihalkovich Alexander 00:05:40 DOCNOMADS STUDENTEN Portraying Jan Peeters Miguel Lopez Beraza 00:09:53 Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Sé Merry Doyle Loa presents Koszulinski’s expressive account of rural Vodou via a portrait of the houngan Extanta Aoleé, who has served the Loa, or sacred spirits of Haiti, for over a half century. Koszulinski’s film employs affective elements of documentary practice—Loa features an original ambient-drone soundscape and meditative editing techniques to offer an ethnographic experience more representative of the work of Nathaniel Dorsky than Robert Gardner. Inflate / exhale Patz, Christopher 00:12:32 one minute Naser Dina Nr.02 2013-15 00:10:00 18:30 20:00 LOA Uitgang Agyapong Emmanuel 00:08:15 Continental Drift Nayeem Mahbub 00:07:15 This documentary takes you on a powerful journey with Jimmy, from his adopted country, Ireland, through his Hollywood career, culminating in his return to Tule Lake to confront his childhood and his ever-present anger with the American government that put him there. once upon a time Farah Kassem 00:18:01 19:00 20:01 16:00 17:30 24 ZATERDAG 16:00 Duur: 90 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: DOCNamads ZATERDAG 19:00 Duur: 61 min. Taal: UK Sub. Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Georg Koszulinski 25 DOCWERK Hans Meertens (Portret) Hans heeft een heftige periode in zijn leven gehad - waardoor zijn verwachtingen over de toekomst in duigen vielen - maar is daar sterker uit gekomen. Ook laat hij zien dat bepaalde dingen in het leven belangrijker zijn dan al het andere. Regie: Arantja Rosalina Laury van Eerd (Column) De column over Laury toont niet alleen haar tekenstijl, maar ook dat ze zichzelf niet anders dan tekenend herinnerd; het is een onderdeel van haar. Regie: Arantja Rosalina Isabelle Hamer (Portret) Na een wervelend succes rond haar debuut album trok Isabelle de stekker uit haar muzikale carrière. We volgen haar in haar zoektocht naar wie ze echt is en waar ze gelukkig van wordt. Ook in de muziek. Regie: Arantja Rosalina Column Dineke van Oosten (Column) Het fascineert Dineke van Oosten om al doende te experimenteren en creëren met alledaags en onopvallend materiaal dat daar uiteindelijk een werk uit ontstaat. Maar juist door te ordenen, structureren, herhalen en stapelen verheft ze het alledaagse tot een fascinerend beeld. Regie; Renée van der Ven André Janssens (Portret) Ex professioneel bokser André Janssens (49) maakte enkele jaren geleden de carrière-switch naar kunstschilder. Waarom maakte hij deze keuze en hoe kijkt hij terug op het verleden? Regie; Juul Thielen Cornelis Le Mair (Column) Kunstschilder Cornelis le Mair lijkt nog in de 17e eeuw te leven, niet alleen door zijn uiterlijk en interieur maar ook door zijn schilderijen die hij maakt. In de stijl van Rembrand en Vermeer volgen we hem gedurende het maken van een stilleven. Regie; Juul Thielen Borre Akkersdijk (Portret) Borre Akkersdijk is een textieldesigner, die druk aan zijn toekomst bouwt. Maar met zijn innovatieve ideeën bouwt hij eigenlijk ook aan die van ons: hoe moeten we onze kleding van de toekomst voorstellen? Regie; Dorien Theuns Anouk van de Sande (Column) Kledingontwerpster Anouk van de Sande ergert zich aan de grijze mensenmassa om haar heen. In haar werk probeert ze daar een positieve draai aan te geven. Rutger Termohlen (Portret) Rutger Termohlen ziet zijn creativiteit als een uitweg voor de chaos in zijn leven, die soms overrompelt wordt door prikkels en impulsen. Vindt hij na jarenlang zoeken dan eindelijk de balans tussen de rush en de rust? Regie: Steffie Storms MCHNRY (Column) Van zenuwen tot uitbarsting. Wat gebeurt er bij de jongens van MCHNRY voor en tijdens hun performance. Regie; Steffie Storms 16:30 18:00 26 ZATERDAG 16:30 Duur: 90 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: DOCwerk 27 POOLS VOOR BEGINNERS FOLLOWING KINA ‘Polish for beginners’ is a quiet portrait of a Dutch hotel for migrant workers, that sketches the reality of waiting and of the hope for a better future. Stella Maris is home to 400 migrant workers from Poland. The Dutch hotel offers comfortable, renovated rooms, Polish television, entertainment, and a gym, so the residents do not want for anything. But do they find what they are looking for? Life in Stella Maris is overshadowed by the hopes of another life, raising the question: What are your dreams worth? If we think only of our future, does the presence lose its meaning? Inspired by the only Peruvian World B o x i n g Champion, two young women from some of the most forsaken places on earth fight against all odds to become the next champion. 19:40 20:10 ZATERDAG 19:40 Duur: 30 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Schelp 18:45 19:48 Regisseur: Anna Witte en Josefien van Kooten ZATERDAG 18:45 Duur: 63 min. ZATERDAG 18:30 Duur: 7 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Sonia Goldenberg SOLARI EIELSON NAKED Aristóteles Onassis, Rafaela Carrá, Cantinflas, Celia Cruz, John Wayne, Chabuca Granda and Armando Manzanero, were some of the people that enjoyed the dishes of the ceviche master: Pedro Solari. Autodidact, inventor of the modern ceviche, started cooking at 12. With his more than 93 years old, keeps serving the public in his restaurant in Lima. In 2005 Eielson agreed to have me in his homes in Sardinia and Milan and also he let me interviewed his artists and art critics friends in Paris and New York. Some months later, in 2006, Eielson dies at age 82, turning this material into the last record of his life. 20:10 21:02 18:30 18:37 28 Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Sergio Luis Garcia Locatelli ZATERDAG 20:10 Duur: 52 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Patricia Pereyra 29 THE GOLD SPINNERS THE FINAL NIGHTS The Gold Spinners is a story about the birth, glory, and disappearance of a peculiar, invisible, and mighty business empire – the film studio EestiReklaamfilm, the only company producingcommercials in the Soviet Union. It might have been born in the head of one man, but during its heyday, the studio provided employment for hundreds of people and its clips won the hearts of millions. All this took place in the „socialist empire“, under the conditions of planned economy and universal lack of everything. There really were no goods to advertise, the marketing rules did not apply, and, to the thousands of concerned officials, even the word „advertisement“ sounded almost as horrible as „CIA“, „saxophone“, or „Coca-Cola“. Joop knows that his life is going to end soon. Loes, a volunteer, is going to watch over his deathbed at night to offer his close family some rest. This is the first time they meet. Joop and Loes will get to know each other in a very special way because of the circumstances concerning this final phase of Joops life. _The Final Nights_, an intimate observational documentary captures what takes place during these nights and how Loes tries to closely watch over Joop while keeping an appropriate distance with the aim to guide him to a peaceful end as well as possible. ZATERDAG 18:30 Duur: 72 min. Taal: UK 18:30 19:42 Zaal: Tuinzaal 20:30 20:48 Regisseur: KiurAarma, HardiVolmer ZATERDAG 20:30 Duur: 18 min. ZATERDAG 20:30 Duur: 90 min. Taal: NL Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Reneé van der Ven DATEN IN DE DANCING WILL TOMORROW BE ANOTHER DAY? Halverwege de doorgaande weg van Eersel naar Postel ligt Dancing Heidelicht, waar Vlaanderen en Nederland elkaar ontmoeten. Letterlijk. Het is een charmant en volks grenscafé met een elektronisch draaiorgel zoals dat alleen in Vlaamse dancings nog bestaat. De stamgasten zijn veelal de 70 gepasseerd en hebben al een heel leven achter zich. Vaak zijn ze weduwe of weduwnaar. Maar hier veranderen ze in schuchtere pubers, schuifelend over de planken vloer, spiedend in het rond. In de lucht hangt verlangen. De dansvloer is dé plek om in contact te komen met de ander. In a closed ward of an elderly home in Amsterdam, some old people with dementia in a far advanced stage, spend their last days, often in loneliness. They hardly seem to remember whére or whó they are themselves. Once a week they are visited by two young music therapists, who make contact with them through music. The possibilities of their body and mind become visible. Intimate and surprising moments show the vitality these old people nevertheless still possess. Regisseur: Anisleidy Martínez Fonseca 20:30 22:00 30 Taal: NL/ UK Sub. Zaal: Theaterzaal 20:50 21:30 Regisseur: Frank van Osch, Daan Jongbloed ZATERDAG 20:50 Duur: 30 min. Taal: Nederlands/UK Sub. Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Linda Bannink 31 A CERTAIN KIND OF LIGHT THE END OF THE ROAD At 93 years old, Wilber Wil Alexander has sat at the bedside of the sick and the dying for the last 40 years, inviting the wounded to tell their stories, walking alongside them and aiding in their search for meaning. Wil cares for sick, wounded and terminal patients without science or modern technology. His main concern is their individual story and helping them untangle its complexities to encounter meaning. He asserts that spirituality weaves throughout all other areas of one’s being, making it very dangerous to ignore in a healing setting. Wil wields story like a gifted surgeon does a scalpel in these masterly, nuanced and spirit-lead sessions. These sessions dive to a unique depth with higher stakes as Wil’s personal health wains in a way that puts him face to face with his own mortality. Terminal patients, the mentally ill, the elderly and children offer us a different look to the everyday citizen, with thoughts based on their life experiences. The man who has to step up every day to death is the man with a shield against the pain of others, he needs to be strong in order to continue with his life without having to take work to home. ZATERDAG 21:40 Duur: 36 min. Taal: 21:40 22:00 Zaal: Schelp 21:10 21:50 Regisseur: Brandon Vedder ZATERDAG 21:10 Duur: 40 min. ZATERDAG -- Duur: 29 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Sergio Luis Garcia Locatelli GUILLERMO OYAGÜEZ MONTERO JUSTUS Is about preparing an exhibition the painter who does not believe in geniuses, but in the capacity of taking infinite pains, developing their skills as best he can. But where is the normal, talent, genius? Guillermo paints pictures like a diary parties which includes the sensations from the colors, glare or shadows that attract attention, but also the testimony of the feelings that invade. Justus is a documentary about the genius artist Justus Donker. In the 90’s he was a hit together with his brothers Gijs and Aad and the collective After Nature. The big art-galleries of Amsterdam, LA and New York wanted to exhibit their work. They had great success. But when his favourite brother Aad, unexpectedly commits suicide in 1998, Justus and his special talent seem to slowly go irretrievably lost. He didn’t paint for four years, got addicted to drugs and alcohol and lived on the street for some time. This documentary is about the comeback he wants to make. A film about resilience or the lack of it. About hope, dreams and flee from reality. 20:30 21:00 32 Taal: UK 20:30 21:39 Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Antonio Gómez - Olea ZATERDAG 20:30 Duur: 69 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Frank de Rooij 33 QUEER CITY THE SQUATTERS OF THE DEVIL ́S HOUSE QUEER CITY explores the lives of a highly diverse group of LGBTQ New Yorkers in the rapidly-changing city that helped give birth to the modern gay movement. Cutting across lines of generation, ethnicity, community, and orientation, the film weaves together a selection of intimate stories told in the subjects own words, offering a compelling portrait of queer Americans in a new age of marriage equality andtransgender activism. Following both the assimilated and the marginalized, QUEER CITY shares hilarious and heartbreaking stories of people you will never forget. The squatters of a derelict house spend their shattered days together, finding among the remains what it takes to rise again. 22:30 23:54 ZATERDAG 22:30 Duur: 84 min. Taal: UK 22:30 23:33 34 ZATERDAG 21:00 Duur: 63 min. Zaal: Schelp 23:10 00:34 Regisseur: Draper Shreeve ZATERDAG 23:10 Duur: 84 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Iván Reina COMMING OF AGE HERR VAN BOHLEN Coming Of Age is a film that follows teenagers over two years as they grow up deep in the southern African mountain kingdom of Lesotho. Very little happens in the village of Ha Sekake, but from their perspective, a lot is at stake. Lefa, who wears her heart on her sleeve, sees her world fall apart when her best friend Senate leaves the village. She too must decide whether to stay or leave in search of a better education and new opportunities. Retabile takes care of the family’s livestock up in a remote cattle post, for eight months of the year. He is helped by his younger brother Mosaku, who watches as he goes through a rite of passage that will mark his transition into manhood. The summer of youth is quickly over, doors into adulthood open and close. The film tells the story of the last offspring of a powerful German family, whose cannons killed countless people in two world wars: Arndt von Bohlen and Halbach – the Last Krupp. Unwilling to fulfill the expectations of both his family and their company, this homosexual industrialist’s son waived his inheritance of around three and a half billion marks. Or, to see it differently, was pushed into relinquishing a world dynasty because he was unable to lead it. With an annual settlement of two million German marks Arndt withdrew into another world. In his residences on the German island of Sylt, Marrakesh, Castle Blühnbach in Salzburg and Palm Beach the extravagant bon vivant gathered a fairy tale royal household around him - and yet remained a lonely and withdrawn man for his whole life. Taal: UK Sub. Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Teboho Edkins 22:30 00:00 ZATERDAG 22:30 Duur: 90 min. Taal: UK Sub. Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Andre Schäfer 35 DOCfeed Mascotte Philips museum, in het hart van Eindhoven Maak als je binnekomt een selfie op de selfiespot met onze enige echte DOCfeed Mascotte! Deel hem op facebook en maak kans op vrijkaarten voor DOCfeed 2017! Gerard Philips begon in 1891 in een klein fabriekje in Eindhoven met de productie van lampen. In de jaren ‘20 startte het bedrijf met de productie van radio’s en begon Philips met de eerste televisie-experimenten in Nederland. In het Philips museum, gevestigd in dit eerste fabriekje, maak je een tijdreis langs talloze Philips-uitvindingen. In de ‘Memory Lane’ zie je producten die voor een complete omwenteling zorgden in veel gezinnen vanaf de jaren ‘50. Vorig jaar vierde het bedrijf 100 jaar uitvindingen, nu viert het Philips museum 90 jaar Design bij Philips. Beleef de ontwikkelingen van 90 jaar design in de tentoonstelling ‘Celebrating 90 Years of Design at Philips’ van het Philips museum tot en met 17 april aanstaande. Meer informatie Mobile Escape Helmond Escape Helmond zal tijdens DOCfeed een mobile escape room aanbieden in de Event Area. Stap even in een andere wereld en ga de uitdaging aan, voor wie durft natuurlijk! Vintage film museum Wil je meer weten over de geschiedenis van film? Neem dan ook een kijkje in ons vintage film museum! St. Joost Vivianne Jorritsma: Titel: TUESDAY’S Tekst: Lichaamsfuncties: Een zoektocht naar de ultieme controle. Beweeg me Marieke de Vries: TITEL: HAVE YOU SEEN THE GREEN GIRL? TEKST: Een gevonden foto. Is het afbeelden van geweld ook geweld? Foto zie bijlage mail Francina Stolk: Titel: MIJ Tekst: Het verschil tussen onverwachts aankomen en zojuist arriveren. Eeen alien of een engel. Het lichaam zelf is ook een plek. Ik ben onzichtbaar, ik wil zichtbaar zijn. Foto zie bijlage mail. 36 EVENTS Op 17 december werd in Stadspaleis Het Markiezenhof in Bergen op Zoom het startschot gegeven van een grootschalig kunstproject: Beweeg me. Het project creëert met een expositie en twee burenparticipatieprojecten een nieuw en oprecht tijdsbeeld. Centraal staat het maken van portretten waarbij de echte mens wordt vastgelegd. De kunstenaar Annemarieke van Peppen loodst de portretten op haar manier de huidige tijd binnen. Niet met snelle selfies, maar de mens met wat hen beweegt teruggebracht tot de essentie. Docfeed en Het Markiezenhof gaan dit jaar een uitwisseling aan. De tentoonstelling ‘Beweeg me’ verhuist voor het festival naar Eindhoven en Annemarieke reist mee. Het Markiezenhof zal op haar beurt een selectie van het Docfeed-programma vertonen in de hofzaal. Annemarieke zal in het kader van het project tijdens het festival de bezoekers op dezelfde wijze portretteren als in Het Markiezenhof. Neem een persoonlijk voorwerp mee, wat in je hand past en laat je tijdens het festival portretteren. Meer info: <> EVENTS 37 SEA OF HEARTBREAK WITHIN A WALLED WORLD Een première uit 1995, ja dat kan, door controversiële uitspraken werd deze documentaire nooit in het groot uitgebracht. Staat Henk nog achter sommige uitspraken? Ja, zegt hij als de omstandigheden ertoe doen! Within a walled world is een ego-documentaire waarin twee documentaire makers hun eigen positie tegenover een wereldprobleem proberen tevinden. Geconfronteerd met het leed, de acute nood en hulpvragen van talloze vluchtelingen op het Griekse eiland Lesbos, onderzoeken Anna Witte en Josefien van Kooten de rol van de media, waar ze zelf ook onderdeel van zijn. Door een persoonlijke voice-over wordt hun innerlijke strijd duidelijk. Terwijl ze zelf bezig zijn met het maken van goede shots voor hun film zien ze hoe de vele aanwezige fotografen, journalisten en filmmakers dringen om beelden te schieten van het zich ontvouwende leed. Hierin zien ze hun eigen aanwezigheid en motieven weerspiegeld. Henk de Velde vertrok 28 december 1995 vanuit Brest, Frankrijk en moest noodgedwongen een reparatiestop maken in Lissabon, Portugal. Zijn werkelijke reis begon dan ook 15 januari 1996 vanuit Lissabon voor de vierde wereldreis met zijn catamaran. Na 119 dagen non-stop en solo was hij terug met 26.000 zeemijlen in zijn kielzog. Het relaas van een man alleen: zijn Sea of Heartbreak. ZONDAG 13:00 Duur: 60 min. 13:00 14:00 Taal: NL Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Henk de Velde ZONDAG 13:55 Duur: 37 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. 13:00 14:43 Duur: 43 min. Taal: NL Zaal: Schelp 13:00 13:19 Regisseur: Carine van Vugt en Jeroen Neus Regisseur: Josefien van Kooten en Anna Witte ANNE VLIEGT Ze dragen de deftige naam: Zusters van de Heilige Juliana van Falconieri. In de volksmond heten ze echter: de Juliaantjes, of zusters met schorten. Deze kloosterlingen schoten te hulp in grote arme gezinnen. Als de moeder ziek was, of zwanger, hielpen ze het gezin draaiende te houden. Op het hoogtepunt, in de jaren ‘50 en ‘60, bestond de congregatie uit bijna 100 zusters. Er zijn er nu nog elf over. Ze zijn oud en hebben zelf hulp nodig, maar ze vinden het vaak moeilijk die hulp te accepteren. Aan de hand van anekdotes uit het verleden vertellen de laatste Juliaantjes over hun bijzondere leven. ZONDAG 13:00 13:55 14:32 Zaal: Schelp DE JULIAANTJES, ZUSTERS MET SCHORTEN 38 Op een essayistische wijze reflecteert de documentaire op de waarde die wordt gehecht aan het vastleggen van sociale problemen en de grenzen die daarvoor worden overschreden. ZONDAG 13:20 Duur: 21 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. Eleven-year-old Anne is a beautiful girl. The kind of girl you cant take your eyes off. And the longer you look, the more you see her tics. Anne suffers from Gilles de la Tourettes syndrome. This makes her body do things she doesnt want, such as suddenly spinning around or licking everything. Anne sometimes finds it hard to cope with her illness, especially in school. Shes afraid that others will bully her or laugh at her. Anne therefore tries to keep her tics in check, although that isnt easy. She prefers flying through life, so you wont notice anything. When flying, shes at her best. The youth documentary FlyingAnne shows howAnne lives life with her tics. Tics that, in the end, she doesnt want to lose either... Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Catherine van Campen 39 NINNOC MOOKIE Why do you have to do what everyone else does and why does everyone have to look the same? Ninnoc struggles when she is in a group. She doesn’t just want to adapt to the others, but she’s also afraid of being excluded. Can you deviate in a group? Or will you then end up alone? In the documentary NINNOC you crawl in Ninnoc’s head. And find her in an empty school. Can she escape from the group or does she always carry it with her? What part of herself does Ninnoc show and what does she keep hidden? A film about exclusion and inclusion, about being your own, group pressure and the consequences that appear to coincide in the head of the beautiful and self-willed protagonist Ninnoc. Nine year old Mookie is a secret agent stationed in the Bijlmer district of Amsterdam, where he lives a life full dreams, excitement and adventure. In everyday life, however, he’s Mamita’s little brother and Suyen’s son, and he’s struggling with a strange blood disorder with a funny name: sickle-cell anaemia. Mookie never behaves like a sick little boy: life seems to come easy to him; he’s popular and he’s a rapper, a dancer, a kick-boxer and a soccer player. Mookie isn’t afraid of anything, he says. But as a secret agent, not a single day goes by that death isn’t lurking... ZONDAG 13:40 Duur: 20 min. Taal: UK DRONA & IK Drona & me is a representation of an autistic boy, Drona (9), through the eyes of his brother Arjun (12). 13:40 14:00 40 ZONDAG 14:00 Duur: 19 min. 13:20 13:41 Zaal: Tapas 14:00 14:19 Regisseur: Niki Padidar ZONDAG 13:00 Duur: 19 min. Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Catherine van Campen Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Neske Beks LITTLE WATER STORY We are looking at Dronas life while listening to what Arjun has to say on the subject Drona Dhalganjansingh has a Hindustani background. Two years ago it was officiallyestablished that he suffers from a certain type of autism. His ability to process information is bad and he therefore has difficulty in getting a grip on life. In order to make the best of things, he asks a lot of questions. What is striking about Drona is his fetish with busses. For now, he has only one clear aim in life: To later become a bus driver on bus route 192. His love for busses is an obsession. The red line through the film is therefore the recurring film sequences in which the viewer basically look at things through Dronas eyes and become part of his dream world on the bus. Drona & me is almost completely black-white, unless Drona is dreaming away in his beloved means of transport: Then the world becomes colourful and the confusing everyday noises disappear. Taal: NL/UK Sub. Taal: NL/UK Sub. Er zijn altijd dagen waarbij de tijd verdrinkt, weg glijdt of reflecteert in water, zomaar. Filmmaker maakt altijd tijdens de vele reizen die hij maakt, korte filmimpressies van momenten die voor zijn ogen verschijnen. Vaak verwerkt hij deze in korte verhalen die hij bundelt. Zo ook deze 3 korte filNLs. Verhalen van de kijkwijze van kinderen naar onze volwassen wereld. In dit drieluik staat water centraal dat zich verbind met oorlog, rijkdom en onderdrukking. De maker zoekt altijd naar de scherpe randjes van onze maatschappij en weet ze op een geheel eigen manier vorm te geven. De films zijn gefilmd in Frankrijk, Nederland en Macedonië. 13:00 13:15 ZONDAG 13:00 Duur: 15 min. Taal: NL Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Dré Didderiëns 41 A LONG WAY TO THE TOP ONLY NEW ORLEANS In ‘A Long Way To The Top’ we follow the lives of Daan, Joyce and Marc, three talented young musicians who are in their last year of their studies at the Rock City Institute in Eindhoven, which prepares them for a career in the music business. In this documentary we follow them in their last year of school. Full with passion they prepare themselves for their career as a musician after graduation. In interviews they tell about their emotions, their dreams and ambitions: living for the sake of making music. 10 years after the catastrophic events surrounding hurricane Katrina, ONLY NEW ORLEANS looks back at how the Big Easy has changed since then. It is an evocative story of survival inspired by the uplifting and connective power of music. But as their final exams are getting closer by, and their study comes to anend will their dreams and ambitions come out or get in conflict with the bitter reality of life ZONDAG 13:15 Duur: 60 min. Taal: NL/UK Sub. On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the coast off New Orleans with horri-fic force. It was the worst natural catastrophe in recent American history, with over 1,800 casualties and one million people displaced in the region. This film recalls those dramatic events, shows interviews with survivors and gives us a feel for how this extraordinary city and its people continue to find the inspiration to push on, buoyed to an unrivaled extent by the power of music. 13:15 14:15 Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Bob Kom, Xavier van Delft ZONDAG 15:00 Duur: 90 min. Taal: UK INTERVIEW JOOST SEELEN SUGAR BLUES De Bredase filmer Joost Seelen stopt met het produceren van films. Dat werd bekend gemaakt tijdens de 2015 editie van het Nederlands Filmfestival. Waar hij overigens één van zijn producties nog een Gouden Kalf. De film Verboden Vlucht van Hester Overmars kreeg een Gouden Kalf in de categorie Korte Documentaire. Sugar can kill! The director, Andrea, is diagnosed with gestational diabetes. She must avoid any form of refined sugar. That soon proves impossible though, because she finds sugar everywhere and in everything. Why is sugar so ubiquitous? Tijdens DOCfeed willen we samen met Joost terugkijken op de succesvolle Zuidenwind jaren en een blik werpen op zijn toekomst plannen. 15:00 16:30 42 ZONDAG 15:00 Duur: 90 min. Taal: NL 15:00 16:30 Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Vassili Silovic Fear for her unborn baby changes the eating habits in Andrea’s family and motivates her investigation of the sugar industry. Confronting doctors and scientists, Andrea explores the influence of sugar on human physical and mental functions. With the obsession of a detective, she identifies the ties between multinational corporations, politicians and health care. The quest begins at Andrea’s kitchen table and continues worldwide over nearly five years. But her family needs a mum at home, especially her youngest son. Could sugar really be the cause of his health problems? A tragicomic, vibrant and emotional story that is informative and inspiring... A film that will set you free from the Sugar Blues! 15:00 16:18 Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Joost Seelen ZONDAG 15:00 Duur: 78 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Andrea Culkova 43 THE HORSESHOE’S HAPINESS Australian filmmaker Sophia Turkiewicz investigates the reasons why her Polish mother abandoned her in an orphanage as a child and uncovers the truth behind her mother’s wartime escape from a Siberian gulag, leaving Sophia to confront her own capacity for forgiveness. An inspiring musical documentary about a former Dutch athletics champion who gave up his running career to pursue a new and unknown adventure in southern Spain. Tijs Groen has always played the guitar but he never considered to become a professional musician. While on holiday he visits the beach town of La Herradura (‘horseshoe’) in southern Spain where he meets interesting musicians and an inspiring guitar maker. He buys an old van, refurbishes it and moves to The Horseshoe. From this nomadic home he studies the guitar and arranges gigs in bars, restaurants and out on the streets. The documentary follows Tijs during his first year in Spain, an intense year in which he is slowly confronted with the changes in his lifestyle and the consequences of his choices. 15:00 16:15 ZONDAG 15:00 Duur: 75 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Sophia Turkiewicz ZONDAG 17:00 Duur: 63 min. ZONDAG 17:00 Duur: 73 min. Taal: UK Taal: UK 17:00 18:13 Zaal: Tuinzaal Regisseur: Jeroen Stultiens SICILY JASS BURNING EMBER Sicily Jass - The world’s first man in jazz narrates the human vicissitudes of Nick La Rocca and the problematic role that the musician played in the history of Jazz. A Sicilian born in New Orleans at the end of the nineteenth century, La Rocca made the first record in the history of jazz, Livery Stable Blues, with his Original Dixieland Jazz Band in 1917. The record was to sell more than a million copies and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band in the space of a few weeks would become the highest-paid jazz band in the world while their tracks, from Tiger Rag to Clarinet Marmalade, would go on to influence some of the greatest jazz-players, including Louis Armstrong. Canadian singer-song writer Steve Bell has been on the road for over twenty-five years pouring his heart and faith into his music. After thousands of concerts, two Canadian Juno Awards and seventeen albums, he’s still touring from church to church playing wherever he can. Despite a faithful fan-base, including many powerful supporters, the man once considered Canada’s best kept musical secret and the next Michael W. Smith has never achieved the elusive breakout in the United States market – a breakout that would mean financial freedom to keep doing what he does. Now, at the age of 54, after years of physical, financial and emotional struggles, Steve Bell has been given a rare opportunity to play a private concert at CBS Studios in Hollywood that could change it all... 17:00 18:13 44 More and more he has to find out where he comes from and where he is heading to. ONCE MY MOTHER 17:00 18:38 Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Michele Cinque ZONDAG 17:00 Duur: 98 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Schelp Regisseur: Andrew Wall 45 LIVE MUZIEK 16 YEARS TILL SUMMER CAMILLA BLUE We are loved for who we are. And we are loved for what we would like to become. When Uisdean comes home from 16 years in exile and disgrace to nurse his dying father, he can’t bring a past to build their future on. But he does bring the promise of a new start and, foolishly or not, those who love him put their faith in that. A new start is, after all, hard not to fall in love with. Camilla Blue staat voor intense, emotionele en theatrale muziek, ze spelen een mix van modern klassiek, donkere jazz en pop, op geheel eigen wijze met een knipoog naar hun muzikale helden Nina Simone, Tom Waits en Beth hart. Op het Eindhovense Rockcity Institute vond de songwriter/toetsenist/zangeres van Camilla Blue, Joyce Deijnen een band met dezelfde visie in gitarist Coos van de Klundert, drummer Daan van der Vorst en bassist Shaquille Pentury. Na een succesvolle show in de Effenaar hebben ze nu 2 singles opgenomen bij Kytopia in Utrecht. Binnekort verwachten we het album 17:00 18:22 ZONDAG 17:00 Duur: 82 min. Taal: UK REFUGEE HERE I AM Refugee here I am, is a musical documentary based on the life of a Congolese Musician Enzo Ikah, a refugee and a renown reggae artist living in Istanbul. Making the first legal reggae album in Turkey, Enzo gives hundreds of concerts and appears in various 19:00 20:15 46 ZONDAG 19:00 Duur: 75 min. Taal: UK Zaal: Tapas Regisseur: Lou McLoughlan ZONDAG 12:30/14:00 Duur: 30/30 min. media channels.Through his music, Enzo raises his voice and creates dialogue with various authorities. He creates awareness about those lives in hardship, coming from war torn countries and conflicted areas. Despite his growing fame ,Enzo continues to live in his small room in Tarlabasi which he shares with the new coming Syrians. He composes all his songs, day dreaming in his room, with the determination to raise hope among the refugee youth. The documentary, explores a single man’s extraordinary struggle, portraying his very creative way of reaching out to the public as Enzo transforms his life shaken under oppression and hardship into an enchanting life musical. With his film, Enzo intends to advocate that every person should be able to realize their potentials make use of their talents and realize their dreams, despite the borders. Zaal: Theaterzaal Regisseur: Eda Elif Tibet, Enzo Ikah 12:30 13:00 Zaal: Café 14:00 14:30 Zangers: Joyce Deijnen Daan van der Vorst TIJS GROEN Tijs Groen is a completely self-taught musician. He became 2nd in the national guitar competition “De beste gitarist van Nederland” in 2013 and also won a provincial Culture Price in 2013. He used to run as a successful athlete and became three times Dutch national champion. For a while he combined the two careers until choosing one became an unavoidable thing to do. 16:00 17:00 ZONDAG 16:30 Duur: 30 min. Nonetheless, running is in his bones and music is in his blood. So nowadays he runs on his guitar. His highly energetic way of playing the guitar breathes new life into Gypsy Jazz, Latin, Blues, Pop and Bossanova. A loop station makes it possible for Tijs to layer sound upon sound, in order to create a wide spectrum of music and a very unique sound. Zaal: Café Zangers: Tijs Groen 47 Audiovisuele producties voor bedrijfs- en publieksevenementen Verhuur van Geluid - Licht - Video - Truss - Podium voor kleine tot grote projecten De Tienden 22 5674 TB Nuenen T +31 (0)40 - 280 06 80 F +31 (0)40 - 280 06 81 [email protected] 48 HOEVENAARS SLIMDRUK 49 THEATERZAAL SCHELP TAPAS TUINZAAL 18:00 11:00 18:30 19:00 Love to live 50 Jan Banning: Een zweem van wreedheid Tapes from the revolution Against the perfect sky Zwarte soldaten Yellowknife You see me Last day of freedom 22:00 15:00 22:30 15:30 Dirty games 23:00 16:00 23:30 16:30 00:00 17:00 VRIJDAG LUNCH John Appel Naar kerk en werk is hunne gang Masterclass: VPRO The sounds of Kaznicbarcika Yoani’s Trip Daughter of the lake 13:30 14:30 De stad was van ons Masterclass: Jean Counet 12:30 21:30 The day the sun fell TUINZAAL 14:00 Skin and Bones The good life TAPAS 12:00 13:00 Ik zie jou staan 20:30 21:00 Sky Ieder kind een eigen stem SCHELP 11:30 DINER 19:30 20:00 THEATERZAAL Moments of campaign Stage four - A Love Story God is not working on Sunday Requiem Along the shores of the Yangtze River DOCNomads Children’s Tears - Searching for Japanese fathers DOCwerk ZATERDAG 51 17:00 DOCwerk 17:30 21 Grams Children’s Tears TUINZAAL AWARD SHOW Jimmy Murakami: Non Alien Loa Solari Pools voor beginners Following Kina 19:30 The Gold Spinners 13:00 Sea of heartbreak 13:30 De Juliaantjes, zusters met schorten Within a Walled World Anne Vliegt Little water Stories Ninnoc A long way to the top Drona & ik Mookie 14:00 Eielson Naked 20:00 14:30 Daten in de dancing The final Night Will tomorrow be another day 21:00 A certain kind of light 21:30 Guillermo Oyagüez Montero Justus 15:00 Interview: Joost Seelen Sugar Blues Only New Oreans Once my mother Sicily Jass Burning ember 16 years till summer The Horsehoe’s happiness 15:30 The end of the road 16:00 22:00 22:30 TAPAS LUNCH 12:30 DINER 19:00 20:30 SCHELP 12:00 Docudoemd 18:00 18:30 THEATERZAAL DOCNomads 16:30 The Squatters of the Devil’s house Comming of Age Queer city Herr von Bohlen 17:00 23:00 17:30 23:30 18:00 00:00 52 ZONDAG 53 18:00 Sicily Jass Burning ember 16 years till summer CAFÉ The Horsehoe’s happiness 18:30 12:30 DINER 19:00 Refugee here I am Award winner Award winner Award winner Camilla Blue 13:00 19:30 13:30 20:00 14:00 20:30 14:30 Camilla Blue 15:00 15:30 16:00 Tijs Groen 16:30 17:00 54 LIVE MUZIEK 55 WWW.DOCFEED.NL TAC VONDERWEG 1 5611 BK EINDHOVEN