2015 - GMAC
2015 - GMAC
2015 smaKmeragcRkkat;edrenAkm<úCa Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) Contents 1. Message from Senior Minister, Minister of Commerce ..............................2 2. Message from Chairman of GMAC .............................................................3 3. About GMAC ...............................................................................................4 4. Cambodian Garment and Footwear Industries ............................................9 5. Legal and Labour Relations Assistance ....................................................13 6. Trade Facilitation .......................................................................................16 7. Skills & Productivities ...............................................................................19 8. Cambodian Garment Training Institute (CGTI) ........................................23 9. GMAC & General Department of Taxation ..............................................25 10. Trade Promotion ......................................................................................27 11. Health & Safety .......................................................................................29 12. Social Activities .......................................................................................33 13. Member Directory ...................................................................................36 1 Message from Senior Minister, Minister of Commerce Manufacturers 2 Message from Chairman It gives me great pleasure to introduce you to the 2015 GMAC bulletin. The main objective of GMAC is to establish a conducive and healthy business environment for the garment and footwear industries through our regular activities of representation and advocacy, capacity building, information sharing and dissemination, networking and trade facilitation. In order to achieve the above objectives, GMAC works very closely with the Royal Government of Cambodia to help reduce bureaucracy and encourage trade facilitation. We also assist our members in the area of industrial relations and work hand in hand with the trade unions to promote and ensure industrial harmony. We constantly try to upgrade the technical skills and knowledge of our members and the workers by providing relevant training courses in a timely manner. This bulletin tries to capture the many different activities of GMAC and will hopefully allow all of you to better understand what we do and who we are. You will also be able to find other relevant information pertaining to our industry. We hope you enjoy reading and find our information useful. Sincerely yours, VAN SOU IENG Chairman 3 About GMAC 4 About GMAC since 1996, Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) is the apex trade body that represents E stablished the garment and footwear industries in Cambodia. GMAC is governed by a 25-Member Executive Committee (Exco) elected at our biannual General Assembly. The multi-national Executive Committee sets the policy and direction of the Association with the ultimate aim of ensuring continued growth and development of the garment and footwear sector in Cambodia. 8 SubCommittees have been set up to deal with various priority issues the industries are facing. The Secretary-General reports to the Executive Committee and is responsible for the operations of the Secretariat and to ensure that the decisions of the Executive Board are carried out. At December 2014, GMAC has a total of 570 exportoriented garment factory members and 58 footwear factory members, as well as 70 associate members. Together, our members employ more than 600,000 workers making us the largest industry in Cambodia. 5 Executive Committee Van Sou Ieng Chairman Kong Sang John Cha Peng Koi First Deputy Chairman Second Deputy Chairman Larry Kao Deputy Treasurer Albert Tan Treasurer Mercedes Cha Exco Member Enjoy Ho Exco Member Albert Teoh Exco Member Lee Hye Sook Exco Member Le Kewen Exco Member Van Porphin Exco Member Jack Lui Exco Member Eddie Liao Wang Ching Fei Chris Yin Exco Member Exco Member Exco Member Taing Meng Exco Member Raymond Tam Exco Member Robert Hwang Kevin Mathew Plenty David Tan Exco Member Exco Member Exco Member Paul Zheng Exco Member Charlie Chang Exco Member Adam Lin Exco Member Xia Guo Tian Exco Member Gina Shih Exco Member Thomas Chen Exco Member Elaine Chung Exco Member David Tang Exco Member 6 7 GMAC Organization Structure Secretariat Day-to-day operations are carried out by a professional team of secretariat staff under the supervision of a Secretary General. Our Mission To make Cambodia a preferred partner in the competitive global apparel and shoes market Our Vision Our Inspiration To collaborate with all stakeholders to promote a conducive business environment for the growth and development of Cambodia apparel and shoes industry; High Quality To provide prompt and crucial information pertaining to the industry; Shorter Lead-Time To support Cambodian government and the industry in the development of human capital; Corporate Social Responsibility Low Cost Innovation & Services To embrace corporate social responsibility in management principles so as to develop mutually beneficial relationships and sustainable development. 8 Cambodia Garment and Footwear Industries 9 Cambodian Garment and Footwear Industries C ambodia, officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, is a country located in the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia with a total landmass of 181, 035 square kilometers. It is bordered by Thailand to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the east and the gulf of Thailand to the southeast. The kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a King being Head of State and a Prime Minister being Head of government. Cambodia has a population of 14.8 million people most of whom are young and economically active labour force. The official religion is The Ravada Buddhism that is practiced by around 95% of the Cambodian population. Rebuilding from decades of civil war, Cambodia has seen rapid progress in the economical and human resource areas. The country has had one of the best economic records in Asia, with an average of economic growth rate of 7% for the last 10 years. Strong garment, agriculture, construction, and tourism sectors led to foreign investments and international trade. In 2005, oil and natural gas deposits were found beneath Cambodia's territorial waters, and once commercial extraction begins in 2013, the oil revenues could profoundly affect Cambodia's economy. The Cambodian garment industry started in 1993 when foreign investors started to venture into Cambodia. With the granting of MFN/GSP trade privileges to Cambodia in1996 by both the USA and EU, the garment industry has maintained its preeminent position in the industrial landscape of Cambodia. The imposition of garment quotas by the USA in 1999 did not hamper this meteoric rise. In retrospect, the quota issue spurred on more investments into the sector as the quotas imposed upon Cambodia by the USA were, on a per capita basis, the most generous among all countries subjected to this unilateral quantitative restraint regime due to Cambodia's commitment to uphold fundamental labor standards. Quotas were abolished in 2005 with the expiration of the Multi Fibre Agreement in December 2004. The success and development of the industries can hardly be overemphasized. The number of garment factories has grown from 48 in 1996 to 540 by December 2014 with total export value of exceeding $5 billion. quadruple since 2008. In 2014, the number of functioning factories grew to 58 with total exports of $268.66 million. Both garment and footwear exports account for approximately 80% of Cambodia's total export and foreign trade. Our industry contributes substantially to the economy both directly as well as indirectly through employment generation, inflow of foreign currencies minimizing the country's current account deficit, transfer of technologies and human capital development. Cambodian Economy at a Glance The footwear industry has also grown significantly over the last 6 years. The number of factories has nearly doubled and we have seen exports more than 10 Cambodian Garment and Footwear Industries Regional Affiliation ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries GMAC continue to be an active member of the ASEAN Federation of Textile Industries (AFTEX) which has been in existence since 1978. AFTEX promotes cooperation and coordination among textile and apparel industries in ASEAN, the community with a total population of 600 million people. 11 Cambodian Garment and Footwear Industries Though building respective national competitiveness is one of the key things to sustain and grow in the marketplace, there is a need for deeper ASEAN integration as a necessary requirement for continued growth and to stay competitive. Everybody knows that even a small move in integration could benefit the region greatly through more intra-ASEAN trade. Every link in the supply chain can be found in the member countries. The region's joint and coordinated efforts can improve the situation and ASEAN will be a stronger community and economic block. This is possible, particularly, with the development of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint endorsed by leaders of all the ASEAN countries. 12 Legal and Labour Relations Assistance 13 Labour and Industrial Relations G MAC Legal and Labour team provides inspection and legal consultation services to factories when they apply to become our member. The team also assists our members in the process of labour dispute resolution as well as provides training on both soft and hard skills on a regular basis and upon the request from members. 1 Inspection and Consultation Services A physical site inspection is a requirement for all new members of the Association. The purpose of the inspection visit is to ensure that the factory is a manufacturer with bona fide operations. We also check to ensure that the company has all relevant legal documents obtained from relevant ministries pertaining to the running of a factory. The team would provide advice and consultation in the event that any requirement has not been fulfilled. 2 Assisting Members in Labour Dispute Resolution The team provides assistance to members in the area of labor dispute resolution. At each stage of the dispute resolution process, the team can help the factories by providing them with both legal and non-legal advice, representing them in the negotiation process with the trade union as well as accompanying them in a hearing process at the Arbitration Council. 14 Labour and Industrial Relations 3 Conducting Training for Members To help ensure the continuous upgrading of skills and knowledge of our members, GMAC legal and labour team organizes regular training courses covering topics such as Labour Dispute Resolution Procedures, Employment Contract Enforcement and Staff Retrenchment, Union Establishment and Scope of their representation, Proper Wage Calculation Methods, etc. In order to better achieve our objectives, we often conduct such training in conjunction with trainers from relevant institutions such as from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, International Labour Organization (ILO) and local universities. In addition, we also conduct on site trainings at the factories at the request of our members. 15 Trade Facilitation 16 Trade Facilitation Ministry of Commerce facilitates export H.E. Sun Chanthol announced his intentions for deep reforms immediately after his appointment as the Minister of Commerce during the 5 th mandate of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Amongst the many reforms implemented thus far, the streamlining of the whole process of application for Certificate of Origin has impacted our members the most. Not only have we seen a reduction in the fees for such Certificate of Origin, we have also experienced a simplification of the application process itself. The reform process for the application for Certificates of Origin will come to fruition when the whole system is automated and exporters will be able to apply and receive all required documents online without having to be physically present at the Ministry. 17 Trade Facilitation Government-Private Sector Forum GMAC acts as the secretariat for the 7th Working Group on Export Processing and Trade Facilitation in the GPSF. This working group allows all exporters a platform to raise suggestions and feedback problem areas that requires the attention and intervention of the Minister of Commerce to encourage and promote trade facilitation. Problems that cannot be resolved at the Ministerial level will then be forwarded to the Prime Minister for his personal attention and resolution. HE Kun Nhem, Royal Government delegate in charge of Customs The Customs Private sector Partnership Mechanism (CPPM) initiated in 2009 by the Customs and Excise Department is another platform for our members to feedback any problems relating to Customs procedures during the import and export process. The Director-General of the Customs and Excise Department has helped our members resolve many issues over the past few years 18 Skills and Productivities 19 Skill and Productivities T he Cambodia Garment Training Center (CGTC) was established in October 1999 with support from the Japanese Government through the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). A technical expert was dispatched to CGTC to provide management and technical support through the transfer of knowledge. Various training courses have been conducted in response to the needs of members and the general public as well as the fresh graduates and job seekers who want to join the industry. The training curriculums and learning materials are constantly developed and updated by combining the ideas and experiences of local trainers and international experts in order to deliver top-quality training courses. Pattern Making Training Course Each course description answers these questions: 1. What is the course about? 2. Who is the course aimed at? 3. Is the course suitable for on-site consolidation? 4. How is the course presented? 5. What are the course objectives? 6. What do the candidates get at the end of the course? Each course has a detailed program specifying exactly what will be taught during each 'session' of the day - this clarifies what the courses will actually cover on a day-to-day basis, so that candidates attending the courses and managers booking the courses know that their time will be well-spent. Over many years of presenting these detailed program to companies-factories we have been able to refine and streamline the standard courses so that any subject areas that employers commonly-held as irrelevant or unnecessary have been removed and any 'missing' outcomes have been added. The content of our standard courses is therefore the product of the input from hundreds of different employers in this industry. 20 Skill and Productivities Pattern Making Class Activity Garment Quality Management Training Course (QC) 21 Skill and Productivities In 2014, we began to offer some soft skill training programs on various topics such as “Understanding Cambodian Culture at Workplace, Method for Salary Tax Calculation, Internal Audit Skill, Secretariat and Administrative Skill, Import and Export Skill. Seminar on Salary Tax Calculation Method Q&A Session during Salary Tax Calculation Seminar CGTC's training policy mainly focuses on the quality. Therefore, only those who have very good knowledge and practical experiences on the topics are selected to be our trainers. We are committed to providing members the best quality training, the best services and the best prices. You can review our training program for 2015 at: www.gmac-cambodia.org/training/ 22 Cambodian Garment Training Institute (CGTI) 23 Cambodian Garment Training Institute (CGTI) T he project has been initiated and is managed by the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC). The project objective is to create a Cambodian Garment Training Institute (CGTI), to cover the human resources gap at middle management level in the garment industry and to improve its competitiveness. The Institute will be located in the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone in a purpose built three-story building with the most advanced technology being used in the industry. The Institute will train Cambodia's unskilled garment workers and other Cambodians who wish to undertake higher level job in garment factories. It has three main objectives: 1 Long term training (12 months): 240 young people per year. The training costs are paid either by the students or the enterprises. The training program is open to young people who have finished secondary education and completed university studies (i.e. Bachelor's degree). Target occupation: assistant, with the aim of filling the skilled jobs that presently are predominantly held by non-Cambodians. 2 Short term courses (< 3 months): 1,600 trainees per year. The cost of the training is borne by the companies. Courses are opened to workers, either supported by their companies or on a voluntary basis (evening class). 3 Consulting services: additional activities and services that can be offered to the GMAC members and others organizations. Regarding the long-term courses, the four following qualifications are targeted: Garment construction experts (pattern making and adaptation) garment sewing. Garment production engineers (manufacturing process). Apparel merchandisers (garment designers). Quality assurance specialists (quality control). Regarding the short-term courses, the following qualifications are targeted: Supervisory skills: delegate work efficiently, understand and respect labour law, listen well and communicate clearly, negotiate and resolve conflicts, help factories to minimize workflow disruptions and speed work through the line, plan the work, develop motivation, improve the process, lead a team, guarantee quality of the products. Specialized skills in pattern making, design, merchandising. Technical skills: cutters, sewing operators, pressers, electricians and mechanics for garment industries. The CGTI will be recognized as a Private Accredited Training Institute by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT) and diplomas will be certified by the MoLVT. The short-term courses will be certified by CGTI/GMAC. Cambodian Garment Training Institute (CGTI) Project 24 GMAC & General Department of Taxation 25 GMAC & General Department of Taxation C ambodia's taxation rules vary according to the taxpayers' regime. GMAC in close collaboration with General Department of Taxation has organized many trainings workshops on tax related issues. These training workshop aim to educate our members on any new tax regulations and also allow an opportunity for members to clarify matter pertaining to their tax obligations. 26 Trade Promotion 27 Trade Promotion Promoting Cambodia-Europe Trade G arment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) represented by our chairman Mr. Van Sou Ieng signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with EVALLIANCE represented by Mr. JeanFrancois Limantour, the President. Both GMAC and EVALLIANCE are not-for-profit associations and the MoU will further promote trade, strengthen business cooperation and build Human Resources for Cambodia's garment textile and footwear industries. 28 Health & Safety 29 Health & Safety Safe Industry, Safe Program Strengthening Activities of Factory Education (SAFE) is a program participated by 58 of GMAC members focusing on industrial health and occupational safety. While HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and others diseases are protectable, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and Employee health and well-being are not different. GMAC's SAFE initiatives bring members' attention and serious commitment to protect their workforces. Having worked within the trainings, campaign and event jointly organized by GMAC members and related partners, the employees realized the importance of being healthy and safe. GMAC strongly supports CBCA Organization to bring more activities to the industry's SAFE Program which focuses on building management and employee knowledge about workplace safety and practices leading to improved health outcomes across several areas leading to boosts in productivity and profitability. The new CBCA's Health and Safety Smart Workplace Program has been customized to: 1 Personal Heath Care: Daily hygiene, nutrition (Food & Water) 2 Nutrition (food and water consumption) Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) 3 4 HIV/AIDS & STIs program and policy development and implementation 7 First aid & fire drill 8 Reproductive and sexual health 5 Tuberculosis prevention education 9 Enhancing disability for improving productivity 6 Harm minimization: Alcohol, illicit drug) 10 Traffic safety 30 Health & Safety Occupational Health and Safety and HIV/AIDS in the workplace The Cambodia Business Coalition on AIDS “CBCA” is the lead organization providing workplace training and management to Cambodia's private sector in response to HIV/AIDS, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), first aid and employee health and well being. CBCA is proudly supported by Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC); the Cambodian Federation of Employers, Business Associations (CAMFEBA); Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC); and the Asia Pacific Business Coalition on AIDS (APBCA). In 2014 GMAC, APBCA, ILO, CARE and LEVI Straus Foundation supported CBCA to develop and implement HIV/AIDS & OSH workplace policy and education programs to building management and employee capacity on health care, first aid, and occupational safety and health practices leading to improve workers' health and to boosts in productivity and profitability. CBCA's key Achievements, 2013-14 Health and Safety Workplace program In 2014, there are 34 companies and garment factories are running HIV/AIDS, health promotion and occupational safety and health (OSH) programs. Those companies and factories are GDM Enterprise Co., Ltd; Zhen Tai garment (Cambodia); Evergreen Apparel; Kimna Dry process; RooHsing; Roo Hsing branch, GDM Enterprise branch, C-Square garment, Chu Hsing garment, Regrence Footwear, Cambodia Beverage and EFG Co. Ltd, Chih Hsing garment (Cambodia), Colour Apparel Garment (Cambodia), Evergreen Apparel (Cambodia), Hai Tan garment, Grand Textile (Cambodia), Injae Garment, LimLine international (Cambodia), Meng Ieng garment, New wide (Cambodia), Nextou Co., Ltd, Perfecta (Cambodia) garment, San Fong International, Tak Fook (Cambodia), U*Knite (Cambodia), Zheng Yong Garment, Now Corp, Chevron (Cambodia), Horse Ware Cambodia, DFI Lucky Private, Quantum Apparel, Unipros (Cambodia), Starlight Apparel and Gowon Apparel. Most of these factories have established HIV/AIDS Committee, policies and health promotion activity. Specifically: 21 garment factories awarded by Minister of Labour and Vocational Training for their effort in the response to HIV/AIDS in their workplace, in 2014. 3,797 workers were directly trained on reproductive health and HIV prevention method. 31 Health & Safety 434 employees were trained on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), First Aid, and health care including hygiene & nutrition. In directly about 22,000 workers received the HIV/AIDS prevention, health promotion, First Aid, OSH messages and health services information in the workplace and community. Special campaign (Awareness raising on HIV during World AIDS Day): HIV committee in 6 factories conducted the campaign that directly reached 960 workers and about 2000 workers observed the event. You shouldn't wait until your employees get sick. Be proactive and get involved now to protect your staff and your productivity! For more information please contact GMAC office or consult CBCA: Mr. Chun Bora Executive Director, CBCA Email: [email protected] Phone: (855) 16 666 412/ (855) 12 909 968 32 Social Activities 33 Social Activities Flood Donation W members. hen flooding struck the province of Prey Veng, GMAC led by Mr. John Cha, Second Deputy Chairman and members of the Executive Committee visited the victims and brought along donations of rice, food, clothes, shoes, and other essential household items donated by our “We are not just a big industrial organization that provides employment to more than 600,000 Cambodians but GMAC also play our part as a corporate citizen in these times of disasters. The donation is just a small part of GMAC's contribution to the social development of Cambodia”, said Mr John Cha. Some members were also affected by the flood that interrupted their production activities”. GMAC would like to thank all members for their donations to help the needy. Red Cross Donation GMAC contributes annually to the Cambodian Red Cross as part of our corporate social responsibility activities to help poor people and disaster effected victims. Sport: Go Goal! GMAC FC, the newest social football club was formed in 2014. We have regular matches with other soccer teams from the various Ministries, Trade Unions as well as teams from our member factories to promote a healthy and active lifestyle as well as a mean to build camaraderie amongst our staff. “Every time we win, we have a celebration but when we lose, everyone is quiet. I think there is a lesson to be learned here. No goal, no food” jokes Kaing MK, the Captain. Mr. Van Sou Ieng, Chairman of GMAC witnessed the very fist match at the Cambodia Country Club (CCC) 34 Social Activities Kids & Schooling “If you promise you go to school, study hard, and get your future shaped to be one of good students and good person, we support you” Ly Tek Heng talked to kids at Dumpsite Children Center housing around 80 orphans. The schools kits, clothes and shoes have been donated to them. Kids are quite happy to try new shoes, clothes and school bags full of stuffs. We have only one philosophy “Building Human Resources”. KUNTHA BOPHA Children Hospital Zhen Tai Cambodia Garment and Kimnar Dry Processing sent their donation to the children hospital under the initiative of SAFE Working Group on health care and safe workplaces programs. We started with small contribution from our beloved workers and employees and of course management teams who share their heartfelt and sympathies to many children who are sick and call for urgent help. In 2015 all GMAC members are contributing to the children hospital to help more curing activities of saving beloved children to survive. On different occasions GMAC deliver these charity funds. Sport: Win or Break the Rope GMAC-TOW: With some years of experiences in the war [tug of war], GMAC and members have become known to the public for such cheerful ever event to be organized. The trophy was raised in the air by strong and recognized strong team with a loud noise “My factory win!”. The event was televised and covered in some medias. The war of jolly fun participated by members in the National Olympic Stadium and the Cambodian Tug of War Federation who cooperated and managed the event. Mr. Uy Sarin, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Educations, Youth and Sports, and President of the Cambodian National Tug of War Federation expressed that the Industry has become the first biggest Tug of War Tournaments that other countries invited those winning teams to compete overseas. GMAC's Operations Manager, Mr Ly Tek Heng was elected to be the Vice President of the Cambodian Tug of War Federation. This year, we will bring together more strong teams to compete and GMAC team is ready to the coming match! 35 GMAC Member Garment Member29 27 Footwear Member29 27 Associate Member29 27 Sub-Contract Member 29 27 36 27 29 GMAC Member Garment Member 8 Star Sportswear Ltd. No. 0176, Phum Damnak Thom, Sangket Storung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-424206 Fax: (855)-23-424205 Product: Sportwear, Skirt, T-shirt, Polo shirt, Short, Children wear A & J Carter (Cambodia) Limited. National Road No. 4, Phum Romdoul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-86-952071 Product: Kidwear, Children Shirt A M M Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Kantouk, Sangkat Kantouk Cheung, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penhm, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-4817535 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man Woven Shirt Accasette Garment Co., Ltd. Vattanac Industry Park, Road #3, Sangkat Krang Pongror,, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900090 Fax: (855)-23-900091 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants, Shorts, Sweatshirt, Dress Akeentex Pte Ltd. Building No.5, Canadia Industry Park, Tropain Thoeung Village, Veng Sreng, St Chom Chao Quarter, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)- 23-353565 Fax: (855)-23-995308 Product: Jacket, Suit, Sweat, Pants, and Shorts Alim (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Street No. 224, Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865116 Fax: (855)-23-865118 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit All Super Enterprise (Cambodia) Ltd. Street No. 598, Phum Boeung Salang, Sangkat Russey Keo, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-880569 Fax: (855)-23-880779 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top, pants, jacket (knit), Cloth, Shirt Anful Garments Factory (Cambodia) Ltd. National Road No. 51, Phum Thmorkol, Srok Samrongtorng, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729713 Fax: (855)-23-729170 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polar Fleece, Jackets, Pullovers, and Top Anxing (Cambo) Garment Factory Limited Phum Moal, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969768 Fax: (855)-23-969768 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Polo Shirt, Jackets, Pants Apple Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chumpou Voin, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729681 Product: 100% Knitted Lady, Man, Kid, Infants Top and Bottom Apsara Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring Thbong, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)- 12-323237 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Sleepwear, Kidswear, Jacket, Pants, Polo Shirt Best Tan Garment Ltd. #233, Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Tonle Basak, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-666569 Fax: (855)-23-721724 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans, Pants ASD (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No.4, Phum Angkeo, Khum Kantork, Srok Angsnaul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729143 Fax: (855)-23-729145 Product: Lady Top Sleeveless, Pants, Dress(Knit, Woven, fabric) Bless Full Fashion (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Prek Somroang, Khum Roka Kpous, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-038-3004316 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, T-Shirt, Trouser, Pants, Jacket, Sports Bag, Shopping Bag, Wallet ASIA Dong Run Import Export Co., Ltd. No. 90, St. 113K, Phum Prey Tea, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8092288 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Pants, Shirt, Coat. Atto (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Donok, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-092-339494 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Gloves, Socks and T-Shirt Aurora Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building 21, Suon Canadia, Veng Sreng Sreet, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-899668 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Pants, Shorts, Top Jacket Bayon Garment Factory Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Kok Sangkat Toul Sangker, Khan Russey Keo Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5550887 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Shorts, Men polyester, T-Shirt, Shirt Benoh Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Phneat, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-355782 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies Knit Top, Dress, Skirt, Pants, Jacket Berry Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chumpou Voin, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729136 Fax: (855)-23-729163 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cut-Sew-Pack Best Asia Fashion Garment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Sandek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-70-668816 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man or Woman Woven Pants, Lady Woven Skirt Best Sources (Cambodia) Factory Ltd. Phum Trapeangtleung, Sangkat Chomchao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6830068 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pajamas set, T-shirt, Skirt, Pants knitted garments (Cutting & Sewing) Bloomsfield (Cambodia) Knitters Ltd. (Km 63) Phum Sovong, Khum Ta Ches, Srok Kampong Tralach, Kampong Chhnang Provine, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-887368 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man and Lady Knitted Sweater Blossom Century (Cambodia) Ltd. National road No. 2, Khlaing Sambat Village, Puthsor commune, Bati District, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-5431049 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater (Knitting) Bodykids Fashion Wear Co., Ltd. #E31, Phum Toul Pongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6382111 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted woven, top, dress, skirt Borey Kamkor Garment Co., Ltd. Snove Village, Rokathom Commune, Chbamon District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia Tel: (855)- 92-392276 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shirt, Girls/Boys sleepwear Bowker Garment Factory (Cambodia) Company Limited National Road 4, Phum Pong Teuk, Khum Bek Chan, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968688 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Short, Pants, Suits Bright Sky Pte Ltd. No. 9, St. Veng Sreng, Phum Trapaing Thleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424135 Fax: (855)-995387 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Product: Cutting, Sewing, Packing, T-Shirt Broadland Cambodia Garment Industries Group 8, Domnak Pom Commune, S/K Stung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985602 Fax: (855)23-424176 Product: T-Shirt -Men & Lady (Knitted) C M C W (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #22/23, Canadia Industrial Park, Phum Trapang Thleung, SK Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-802295 Fax: (855)-23-802296 Product: Woven boxer short 37 27 29 GMAC Member C N Prosperous Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 3, Phum Prey Kombot, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-715532 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven and Knit Fabric Cambo Kotop Ltd. Phum Ang, Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968800 Fax: (855)-23-968819 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl T-shirt, Boy Pants, Knitted Top Camitex II (Cambodia) MFG Co., Ltd. Building No. 1094, Street 371, Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6333222 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sleepwear Caitac & Wanlin Apparel Co., Ltd. Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-39-2268800 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans, Pants Cambo Unisoll Ltd. Phum Sada, Khum Vihea Sour, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-997000 Fax: (855)-24-997000 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Skirt, Pants, Dress, Jacket Camli Luck Enterprie Co., Ltd. Phum Kondeung Touch, Khum Kondeung, Srok Batie, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: Tel: (855)-78-777598 Product: Knitted Sweater. Calacam Investment Co., Ltd. Phum Phnov, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samrong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-629747 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies, Pants, Dress, Vest, T-Shirt, Top, Jumpsuit, Bodysuit Cambodian Gateway Underwear Co., Ltd. Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), No. 15, Sangkat Rien, Khan Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-6355554 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women and men underwear, brief, bra, boxer, kid underwear Callisto Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Sangkat Samraong Krom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6633633 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Blouse, Pajamas, Shirt Cambodian Hoi Fu Garment & Knitting Factory Company Ltd. Phum Chungruk, Sangkat Trapeng Krosang, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-219647 Product: Sweater (Knitting) Cam A P I Medical Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Phum Svay Chrom, Khum Bek Chan, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-935200 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Isolate gown, cap Cambodian Kaitai Home Textile Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Ville Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Khum Riem, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-841648 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Bed Sheet, Comforter, Pillow Cases Cam Forever Co., Ltd. Phum Russey, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969774 Fax: (855)-23-969772 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Swimwear, Swim Short and Underwear Cambodian Sunrise Garment Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Vill Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Phum Pou Thoeung, Sangkat Bit Traing & Smach Deng, Khum Riem, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-78-977765 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sport Clothes Cam Taekang Sportech Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Chas, Khum Vihear Suor, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-10-982001 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Motorcycle, Bicycle Glove, ski & all king of sport glove Cam Verna Fashion Co., Ltd. Phum Vihear Sour Choueng, Khum Vihear Sour, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-987087 Fax: (855)-23-900888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Fashion Wear Cambo Handsome Ltd. Phum Angkeo, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890114 Fax: (855)-23-890112 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Knit (All kind of knit), Jacket Cambo Hong Xing International Knitting Co., Ltd. Phum 2, Khum Svay Rolom, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-998666 Fax: (855)-24-998102 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted Sweater Cambodian Textiles Worldwide Phnom Penh Works Co., Ltd. Prey Tea Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-866303 Product: Table cloth, Napkin, Patient Gown, Apron, Sheet, Pillow Case, Butcher Coat, Scrubs, Lab coats Canteran Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #97, St. Chom Chao, Trapang Thloeung Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424525 Fax: (855)-23-424 333 Product: Woman Sleepwear, Man Shirt Center World Garment Ltd. Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-7777820 Product: Jean Pants Chang Sheng (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Toul Pong Ro Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-731731 Fax: (855)-23-351370 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies woven pants, Shorts, Shirt, Skirt, and Men Shorts Chang Tai International Corp. Building 3A, Section C, St. Veng Sreng, Phum Trapaing Thloeung Village, Chom Chao Quater, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-620621 Tel: (855)-23-985770 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Fabric Chea Sinat Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prek Thom, Sangkat Kbal Koh, khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-700006 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jean, Shorts, Pants, Shirt, Fire Clothes Cheng Hao (Cambodia) Fashion Co., Ltd. Phum Seam Riep, Khum Siem Reap, Srok Kandal Stoeung, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-86-921078 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants for Men and Women Cambodian Yo Mi Hong Household Products Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Ville Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Khum Riem, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-3960967 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Carpet Chia Ho (Cambodia) Garment Industrial Co., Ltd. National Road No. 51, Phum Domnak Pring, Khum Tumnub Thom, Srok Ponhea Leu, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-349955 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt Cloth Camfong Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Tropaingromcheck, Sankat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855)-23-613617 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shirt, Pant, BiB, Youth Shirt, Lady Shirt. Chih Hsing Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Khtor, Sangkat Prek Leap, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-95-777898 Fax: (855)-78-666897 Product: (Man, lady, Kid) Woven, Pants, Shorts, Jeans. Camitex (Cambodia) MFG Co., Ltd. Phoum Bayab, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6333555 Fax: (855)-23-350 712 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sleepwear (Knitted) Chinabest (Cambodia) Enterprise Limited Phum Preysampor, Sangkat Kraing Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-879911 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Fur Dress 38 27 29 GMAC Member Choung Hao Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Damnak Thom, Sangkat, Stoeung Meangchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995289 Fax: (855)-23-995289 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven/Knitted Jeans, Pants, Capri Pants, Short, Top Chu Hsing Garments (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 6A, Phum Khtor, Khum Preak Leap, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-365897 Fax: (855)-23-365899 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Shorts, Jeans (Man, Lady, Kid) Chuan Mei Sporting Goods (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Roul Chrouk, Sangkat Prey Veng and Phum Prey Tituy, Sangkat Prey Sor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-982867 Fax: (855)-23-986380 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Glove Chun Hing Knitting International Co., Ltd. No. 87E, Street 21, Kohkor Village, Khum Rokakhpous, Srok Saang, Kandal Province Tel: (855)-60-232919 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitting Chun Jiang United Cooperation Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Domnak Sangke, Sangkat Prek Kampoes, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-024-6666449 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady/man Knitted, Pullover/Sweater/Cardigan/Dress Chung Fai Knitwear FTY. Ltd. No. 808, National Road 2, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-983420 Fax: (855)-23-983420 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater, Sock (knitted) Chung Yick Textile Factory Limited. Phum Samki, Khum Svay Toeu, Srok Kampong Rou, Savy Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425643 Fax: (855)-23-425643 E-mail: : [email protected] Product: Lady, Man Knitted Sweater, Pullover, Cardigan, Baby Knitted Sweater/Scarf CIK Cambodia. Co., Ltd. Phum Ang, Sangkat Chom Chao, khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900033 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Inner wear, Panty, Underwear, Running Cinkamp Apparel Corp. N.R.4, Phom Prey Pring, Sangkat Choum Chaov, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-219593 Fax: (855)-23-219586 Product: Men Suits CIPEL (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Preysampor, Sangkat Kraing Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-879911 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Fur Dress Clear Water Leather Supply Co., Ltd. Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), Sangkat Ream, Khan Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8308738 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sofa covers Co-Seek Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Sangke,Sangkat Toul Sangke,Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel:(855)-12-967775 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants (Man, Boy, Girl, Pants) Cocovol Apparel (Cambodia) Inc. Khum Trapang Thleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Knitted, Woven, Top, Skirt, Pants Colia Leather (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8308738 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sofa Covers Colour Apparel Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum 1, Khum Svay Rolom, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12800097 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Product Columbus Apparel (Cambodia) Inc. Phum Trapeang Dauk, Sangkat Pong Tek, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-676986 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Twill, Canvas, Carduroy, Woven Fabric Pants, and Shorts Conpress Holdings (Cambodia) Garment Factory Ltd. National Road 2, Phum Toul Roka, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-888509 Fax: (855)-24-485816; 24-485815 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies, Cotton, Spandex, Denim, Woven Pant. Copious (Cambodia) International Inc. National Road 2, Phum Roung, Khum Lumchong, Srok Samraong, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-32-6504227 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Scrub Suits, Isolation Gowns, Surgical Gowns, Surgical Caps Core World Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Krassaing, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-4520212 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants, Dress, Jacket Cosmo Textile Co., Ltd. Road#4, Svay Chrum Village, Bekchan Commune, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-303351 Fax: (855)-23-303533 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top or Shirt, Pants, Dress, Skirt CPCG International Co., Ltd. Phum Chhuk, Khum Rovieng, Srok Cheung Prey, Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-906178 Fax: (855)-23-214729 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Garment, Glove Crystal Martin (Cambodia) Limited Road Odem, Kobsrov, Phum Sre Reacheah, Sangkat Samroangkrom, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-666521 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady T-Shirt, Joggers Briefs CS Goldway Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Angtnaot Khang Koeut, Khum Angta Som, Srok Tram Kak, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-885279888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Trouser, Jeans, Shorts, Rob, Jacket CTLK Garment Co., Ltd. St. 598, Phum 4, Sangkat Chrang Chamres I, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-776114 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Uniform, Shirt, Pants CWKH Garment (Cambodia) Limited Phum Trapeang Tea, Sangkat Trapeang Krasaing, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-900138 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven Shirt D K INC. Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Tai Seng, Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-715417 Fax: (855)-44-715447 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Suits D.A Corporation Ltd. Phum Banala Saet, Sangkat Khmuogn, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6355234 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted men, Women, Children Sweaters Dae Kwang Garment Co., Ltd. No. 28-29, Canadia Industrial, Park, Trapang Thloeung Village, Veng Sreng Road, Posenchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-559386 E-mail: sodarinayyahoo.com Product: Woven pants, woven top, ladies top Dai Young Cambodia Co., Ltd. #388, Road No.5, Sangkat Russey Keo, Khan Russey Keo Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-725155 Fax: (855)-23-723319 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies, Girl swimwear, Men swim trunk, boardshorts, junior swimwear, gym shorts, sleepwear, knitwear light hooded jacket. Daqian Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995620 Product: Casual, Sport wear, Baby wear Dayup Global Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Sala, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900225 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sporting Glove, Working Glove, Outdoor Glove Dequan International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building 18, Soun Canadia, Phum Trapeang Tloeng, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6446444 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Girl woven skirt, dress, robe, jumper 39 27 29 GMAC Member Dewhirst (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Toulpongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969621 Product: Jacket and Trousers DF Fashion Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Anlong Kong, Sangkat Prey Sor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-4755088 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Lady Knitted Dress, Lady Knitted Shirt Diamond Tower Enterprise Limited. Canadia Industrial Park, Building #24&25, Trapeng Thloeung Village, Chom Chao Street, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-992 876 Product: Swimming Dress (Swimwear) Dignity Knitter Limited. Nat/l Road 1, No. 21, Prek Ta Pring Village, Sethbo Commune, Sa Ang District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-67-305555 Fax: (855)-24-393668 Product: Sweater, Sock (Knitted) Din Han Enterprise Co., Ltd. Phum Thmey, Sangkat Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-885710 Product: Track Suit, Pants, Jacket, T-Shirt, Shorts Direct Route Co., Ltd. Phum Rolus, Khum Boeung Duk, Srok Toek Chhu, Kampot Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-33-6363193 Fax: (855)-23-880192 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men's & Women's Sportwear Dishang Huawei (Cambodia) Garments Co., Ltd. Building No. 10, (Soun Ousahakam Kanadia), Plov Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-967775 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Boy/Girl/Man/Lady Pants or Short Dongbu Summit (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Kbal Damrey, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-866229 Product: T-shirt, Pants, Glove Dongdu Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building No. 16-17, Soun Ousahakam Vattanac II, National Road 3, Sangkat Krang Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6501473 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady T-Shirt Dream Toys International Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Chas, Khum Vihear Suor, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6605222 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Plus Toy Due Cotton (Cambodia) Ltd. St. 369, Phum Au Angdong, Sangkat Prek Pra, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-86-360334 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants (Man and Woman) Dynasty Apparel (Cambodia) Company Limited Phum Preyroka, Khum Chhork Choeneang, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-777894 Product: Woven Pants, Woven Shirt E Garment Co., Ltd. St 21A, Svay Rolum Commune, Saang District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399000 Fax: (855)-24-399005 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater, Pullover, Tops, Bottoms. E Garment II Co., Ltd. No. 340, Veng Sreng Str., Phum Trapeang Thleng, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-372697 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man, Woman Cloth E-Z International Garment Factory Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Tea, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-434489 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies Woven, Jeans, Pants Eastern Industrial Enterprise Inc. Manhattan Special Economic Zone (SEZ), (Svay Rieng) Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-715062 Fax: (855)-44-715062 Product: Jeans, towel Eastex Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Po, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Po Senchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729918 Fax: (855)-23-729928 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt , Cardigan ,Anorak ,Blouse ,Top ,Vest, Trousers Eclat Highter International Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No.33, Doung Ngeab Street, Chom Bok Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-882703 Fax: (855)-23-882615 E-mail: [email protected] Product: LIO, Man, Woman Clothing and Kids Cloth (T-Shirt) with Knitted Fabrics (LIO) Eclat Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-78-777331 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Sportwear, Polowear Elite (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Manhattan Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-6399399 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jacket, Long Pants, T-Shirt, Shorts, and Pants Eminent Garment (Cambodia) Limited. Phum Prek Thmei, Khum Teukvil, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6680888 Product: Lady Shirt/Trouser/Skirt/Dress Eternity Global Sporting (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Road No. 51, Phum Damnak Ampil, Khum Damnak Ampil, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-727958 Fax: (855)-32-729756 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Glove; Baseball, should, Pad Ever-Glory (Cambodia) Garment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Paprak Village Sangkat Kakab Khan Dankor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-361558 Fax: (855)-23-361558 Product: Pants (Jeans) Everay Textile Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4 Phum Romdoul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729629 Fax: (855)-23-729639 E-mail: [email protected] Product: children bedding, toy, clothing luggage Evergreen Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chong Thnol Khang Keut, Sangkat Tekthla, Khan Russeykeo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-881628 Fax: (855)-23-881628 Product: Jeans and Woven Pants Evergreen Garment Co., Ltd. # 289 st,5, Sangkat Russey keo ,khan Russey keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-722571 Fax: (855)-23-724078 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Polo-Shirt, Pants, Ladies Top, Jacket ECO Base Factory Ltd. National Road 21, Phum Prek Tapring, Khum Sethbo, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-425643 Fax: (855)-23-425252 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater, Sock (All Kinds) Evergreen Industrial Co., Ltd. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Khom Phloeung Chhes Ro-tes, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh and Khom katank srok Angsnoul, Kandal. Tel: (855)-12-825888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven,(Bottom, Jeans, Casual Pants) EDA Enterprise Co., Ltd. No.8B, St Mida (2004),Sangkat Tuek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6718881 Fax: (855)-23-6718881 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies knitwear, Polyester, Childrenwear, and Men shirt F.Y. Cambodia Fashions Limited 1A, Norodom Blvd,Phum10,Group 62,Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-214087 Fax: (855)-23-214077 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Outerwear, Jacket, Coats Eins (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Sala, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-462067 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies, Men knitted tank Top FAIRDON (CAMBODIA) LIMITED No.21E, National Road No 5, Svay PakVillage, Svay Pak Commune, Russey Keo District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6768185 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Gloves 40 27 29 GMAC Member Felicity Garment (Cambodia) Corporation Ltd. Manhattan SEZ, Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-6480888 Fax: (855)-44-715786 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Halloween Costumes, Christmas Costumes Feng Yi (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Khum Siem Reap, Srok Kandal Steoung, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-5555790 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven and Knitted Five Stars Cotton Garment (Cambodia) Limited. Phum Toulpongro, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-69-568888 Product: Boy, Gird, Lady, Man Cloth Flextime (Cambodia) Apparel Limited. Phum Shsar Kombol, Sangkat Kombol, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968138 Product: Knitwear, T-Shirt, Jackets, Trousers, Tops, Knitted Garment. Fong Yean (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. No. 21, Street Lum, Phum Ang, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-808780 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Ladies' pullover; T-shirt; Girls' pullover; pants Foot Forward (Cambodia) Socks Co., Ltd Phum Trach, Khum Kaheng, Srok Samrong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-558262 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Socks Footmark (Cambodia) Corporation Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (Sangkat Kantouk, Sangkat Phloeung Chhes Rotes and Sangkat Boeung Thom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Panh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968021 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cap (For school exercise), Machimaki (For school exercise) Swimwear Ford Glory (Cambodia) Manufacturing Limited Phum Trea, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424102 Fax: (855)-23-424105 Product: Baby Jumper, Coat, Knit Shirt, Pan,Lady Blouse, Men Polo, Jacket Foremate (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Anlong Kong, Sangkat Prey Sor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5552692 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven Jacket, Pants, Shirt Fortune Fashions Limited #28-29, Phum Toul Pongro, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-355339 Fax: (855)-23-355339 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt (Man and woman), Polo Shirt, Jacket (Man and woman), lady dress, shorts and Pants (Man and woman) Fortune Garment & Woolen Knitting Factory Ltd. Street No. 21, Khom Reka Khbos, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-391282 Fax: (855)-24-395182 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater, Pullover, Cardigan, Shrug, Jumpers Gang Glory (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Sangkat Krang Thnung, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-731289 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Trousers Fortune Teo Garment Factory Limited Tropeang Tuol Village, Kambol Commune, Angsnoul District, Kandal province, Cambodia. Product: Children Wear, T-shirt, Knitted dress, Skirt, Sleep wear, Pants, Jacket, outwear, Top wear Gartha International Co., Ltd. Phum Lvear, Khum Ang Por Pel, Srok Kong Pisey, Pampong Speu Province,Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-9262689 Fax: (855)-23-866332 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man, Lady, Girl Cloths, Pants, Pack Bags, Sleeping Mats, Sleeping Bag Full Fortune Knitting Ltd. National Road 21A, Prek Tapring Viilage, Sethbo Commune, Sa Ang District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-393668 Fax: (855)-23-425252 Product: Sweater, Sock (Kitted) Gawon Apparel Co., Ltd. Road# 210, Phum Prek Samrong, Khum Takhmao, Srok Takhmao, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-984006; 12-418474 Fax: (855)-24-984009 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted, Pants, Shirt (Cotton & Elastane) Full Reach International Co., Ltd. Phum Chumpou Voin, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-555769 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Skirt, Gown, Trouser, Pants GDM Enterprise Co., Ltd. Veng Sreng Road, Sangkat Chom Chao, C/O Building D, Ouksahakam Vattanak, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985645 Fax: (855)-23-985647 Product: Pats, Top & Bottom, Levis & Dockers Fullway (Cambodia) Garment Ltd. Phum Chambak, Khum Varsar, Srok Samrong Torng, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-987342 Fax: (855)-25-987342 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Underwear (lady) Fuma Costume (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Plov Lom, Phum Trapeang Por, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: [email protected] Product: Baby, Boy, Girl, Lady, Men Fusuny Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Sala, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6677282 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans FWKK (Cambodia) Limited Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-969686 Fax: (855)-23-969038 Product: Swimwear G H I Garments (Cambodia) Ltd. National Road No. 2, Phum Patachi, Sangkat Preak Ho, Srok Takhmao, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425678 Fax: (855)-23-425677 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirts (Man, Boy, Infant) G-Evergreen (Cambodia) Knitting Co., Ltd. Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-920180 Product: Knitted Vest, T-Shirt, Pajamas, Dress Woven Shirt/Pants/Jeans/Dress Galey Global (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Ville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), Phum Pou Thoeung, Sangkat Bit Traing & Phum Smach Deng, Khum Riem, Srok Mrey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-6666371 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shorts and Pants Genuine Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road #4, Phum Kul, Khom Kantok, Khan Porsenchey, Phom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-520136 Fax: (855)-23-219956 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants Ghim Li (Cambodia) Pte, Ltd. National Road 4, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399988 Fax: (855)-24-393838 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polo, Jacket, Pant, Basic Hoodie, Turtle Neck, Crew Neck, Henley garment, Dyed product, Garment wash, All type of wet process. Ginwin Industry (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Cham Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985171 Product: Shirt, Trouser, Dress Gladpeer Garments Factory (Cambodia) Ltd. National Road 4, Phum Prey Pring, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729553 Fax: (855)-23-729551 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man, Lady, Children Knitwear Global Apparel Textile (Cambodia) Manufacturing PTE., Ltd. Lot #233, Street 371, Phum Mol, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-966339 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted Tops and Bottoms Global Apparels Limited National road #4, Sangkat Kambol, Khan Porsen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-369597 Fax: (855)-24-399699 Product: Knit & woven wears men, Women and Children Glory Knitwear Ltd. National Road No.4, Phum Kao, Khum Baik Chan, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6732525 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater 41 GMAC Member Gold Kamvimex Garment Factory Ltd. No. 12 Federation of Russia Blve, Sangkat Kakap, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5553201 Fax: (855)-23-890090 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven shirt, Woven Blouse Gracy Wise Textile Co., Ltd. National Road No. 51, Phum Damnak Pring, Khum Tomnopthom, Srok Pon Nhea Leu, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-451333 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater (Knitting) Golden Hing (Cambodia) Garment Manufacturing Ltd. St. 11, Phum Prey Lvear, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6830528 Fax: (855)-23-6830528 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Polo shirt, Pants Grand Textiles (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Tuol Pong Roa, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424255 Product: Knit, T-Shirt, Man, Woman Golden Mile (Cambodia) Limited First warehouse, National road #5, Sangkat Kilometre 6, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-430191 Fax: (855)-23-430192 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shorts, Pants, Skirts Golden Plus Textile & Garment Co., Ltd. National Road No. 2, Khum Prek Roka, Srok Kandal Steoung, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-981210 Product: Jacket, Pants, Skirt, Short, Jeans Golden Star Corporate Development (Cambodia) Limited. Phum Prek Samroang, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-95-557110 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants Goldfame Enterprises (Int'l) Knitters Ltd. No.13,Road 21,Phum Kampongpring, Khum Sethbo,Shrok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399911 Fax: (855)-24-393515 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater (Yarn) Goldfame Manufacturing Knitters Ltd. No. 13, Road #21, Phum Kampong Pring, Khum Sethbo, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399928 Fax: (855)-24-393515 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater Goldfame Pak Shun Knitting Factory Ltd. No. 786, National Road No 2, Phum Prak Talong, Sangkat Chak Angrekrom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399911 Fax: (855)-24-393515 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater Goldfame Star Enterprises (Cambodia) Limited Goldfame Paksun SEZ, Khum Setbo, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399928 Fax: (855)-24-393515 Good Mirai Toys Co., Ltd. Phum Anlong Kong, Sangkat Prey Sor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900177 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Toys Good People (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Trapang Lvear, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969801 Fax: (855)-23-969803 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Underwear (Man & Women), Brassiere Grand Twins International (Cambodia) Plc. Phum Trapang Por, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890325 Fax: (855)-23-890326 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Short, Pants, Jackets, Swimwear, T-Shirt GREAT HONOUR TEXTILE FACTORY LIMITED. Village 4, National Road 21, Khum Svay Rolum, Srok SaAng Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-67-295555 Fax: (855)-23-425643 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Ladies Knitted Pullover/ Cardigan/ Sweat Men Knitted Pullover/ Cardigan/ Sweater Great Union (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. No. 646 B D, Road #2, Chark Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-985043 Fax: (855)-24-985285 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jean, girl skirt, boy pants, man pants Greentree Cam Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Son Dek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8719777 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt Guo Xing Garment and Knitting Factory Co., Ltd. # 245G, Road 103, Group 7, S/K Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-991283 Fax: (855)-23-991284 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater( Knit) GUOWOO (CAMBODIA) Co., Ltd. Phum Tuol Pongrer, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6691000 Fax: (855)-23-424128 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater H & L Apparel (Cambodia) Corp. Phum Kbal Damrei, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Top and Pants, MLB, NHL, MLS, CLG, NBA H & Yin Bestway Fashion (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Str. Lu 5, Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6506179 Fax: (855)-23-969310 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans, Denim Cloths H2 Garment Co., Ltd. Phnom Prak Toul, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995566 Product: Lady T-shirt, knit top, knit bottom Haitan Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #402, St 105, Phum Toul Sangker, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-864666 Fax: (855)-23-864888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jacket, Pant, Skirt, Short, Jean Hamon Grand International Co., Ltd. Chres Village, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6509091 Fax: (855)-23-985801 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shorts, Pants, Short Shirt, Long Shirt, Underwear, Blouse, Shirt Han Sung (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. No. 358, Phum Russey, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995784 Fax: (855)-23-995684 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man and lady knit top, Man and lady knit pants Hana (Cambodia) I Inc. Phum Trapeang Krassaing, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6776555 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cloth Hand Seven Apparel Co., Ltd. Phum Trophieng chhrey, Sangkat Kakap, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-982567 Fax: (855)-23-982568 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants, Short, Sweat shirt, Dress Happy Leather (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Vill Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Phum Pou Thoeung, Sangkat Bit Traing & Phum Smach Deng, Khum Riem, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8308738 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sofa Covers Health Source Garment Co., Ltd. Domnak Thom Village, Group 20, Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-832299 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top, Tank, Skirt, Bra, Jacket, Underwear, T-shirt Heart Enterprise (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Road No. 4, Phum Tro Pang Tuol, Sangkat Kom Bol, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399188 Fax: (855)-24-399688 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Top, Jacket, Skirt, Pants, Shorts, Sleepwear Heng Shing (Cambodia) Garment MFG Ltd. Angkoev Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729130 Fax: (855)-23-729130 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men, ladies, infants, knitted patties, underwear, T-shirt 42 GMAC Member Heng Storia Textile Co., Ltd. Sangkat Chrang Chamreh 2, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-4533333 Fax: (855)-23-4533333 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Sport Uniform, T-Shirt, Shirt Heniemo (Cambodia) Home Textile Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. (855)-88-6414528 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sheet Set Hi-Tech Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. A35-36 Poipet, O'Neang Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Sangkat Phsar Kandal, Poipet City, Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia. Product: Sleepwear, Underwear, Nightwear High Born Enterprise Co., Ltd. # 368, Group 5, Tomnopthmey, Road Boeungtompon, Phum Morl, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-309986 Fax: (855)-23-309 606 Product: Ladies Sweater (Knitted) Hing Ngai Leatherware (Cambodia) Factory Ltd. Phum Tek Chea, Khum Peck, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-207555 Product: Handbag (Ladies) Hirota (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Srok Somraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-4781777 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Skirt Hong Kong Winfair Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. National Road N0. 4, Building E3, Phum Romdoul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-222382 Fax: (855)-17-222386 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man/Lady Woven & Knitted Shirt Hong Sen Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Ta Do, Sangkat Roka Krov, Krong Don Keo, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-325118 Product: Children, Man, and Woman Shirt Hong Zhan Enterprise Co., Ltd. Phum Ang, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-772869 Fax: (855)-23-6830783 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Bra, Panties Hongdou International Garment Co., Ltd. Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (Phum Pou Thoeung, Sangkat Bit Traing & Phum Smach Deng, Sangkat Riem), Khan Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-6678898 Product: Men Suit, Trousers Hongkong Yufeng Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building No. 12, Canadia Industry Park, Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969280 Fax: (855)-23-969279 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans, Trouser Hongs One (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Tropaing Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6960352 Product: Night Dress, Pyjama Top, Pyjama Pant, Boxer (Short), Tank Top. Hontex Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Ping Cheung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-355229 Fax: (855)-23-355229 Product: Children Wear (Knitted) Horizon Outdoor (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Phsar Trach, Khum Longvek, Srok Kampong Tralach, Kampong Chhnang, Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-222789 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Backpack, Outwear Jacket Hung Wah (Cambodia) Garment MFG. Ltd. Trapeang Kleong Village, Veng Sreng Street, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-510116 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woman, Man T-shirt, knitted Bottom, Sweater, Girl Jacket, Men Underpants. Hyunwoocam Co., Ltd. Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants I Apparel Ltd. No. 21, St. Chom Chao, Sangkat Stung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969898 Fax: (855)-23-969090 Product: Jacket, Skirt, Tabletop, Knits Horseware Products (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building No. 10, Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-6667633 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Horse Rug, Horse Rising Jacket Iberasia Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Pongro, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11997944 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitwear Horus Industrial Corp. Textile FTY No. 6, Moniret Road, Sangkat Stung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 23-366029 Fax: 23-424511 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportwear, Jacket, Pants In Fong (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Trapeang Thloeung Village, Veng Sreng Street, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985618 Fax: (855)-23-985619 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Casual wear (Cotton 100%) Hoyear (Cambodia) Garment limited No. 1223 A, National Road 2, Chak Angre Leu, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-996683 Fax: (855)-23-996767 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans In Kyung (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chamkar Aulek, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Por Senchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900691 Fax: (855)-23-890590 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Swim-wear, Swim Cover up, Sleep-wear, Legging-top, Jumper, Pants, Dress, Jacket. Hua Hsi Garments Co., Ltd. E 1-2 Trapaing Romchek Village, Chom Chao Quater, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865048 Fax: (855)-23-802179 Product: T-shirt, Top, Pants, Camisole, (Knit) Huashengda Zipper (Cam) Co., Ltd. Phum Borey Kamkor, Sangkat Chbarmon, Krong Chbarmon, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-210008 Fax: (855)-25-210001 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Zipper Hugh Crown Manufacturing (Cambodia) Ltd. National Road no. 4, Phum Romdoul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900388 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans Hulu Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Chak Chhruk, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890388 Fax: (855)-23-890368 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Shirt, Jackets, Skirt, Cardigan, Pullover Hung Tak Garment Co., Ltd. No. 1102, St. 371, S/K Steung Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995333 Fax: (855)-23-995333 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pullover, T-shirt (Knit) Indochine Apparel (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Prey Chas, Khum Vihear Sour, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-70-234512 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Skirt, Trouser, Dresses, Robes INJAE GARMENT CO., LTD St. 598, Toulkork Village, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-885767 Fax: (855)-23-885768 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Wears Inter Hopewell Garments Co., Ltd. National Road #3, Kob Korng Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-16-993329 Fax: (855)-16-993379 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven trousers, pants, jean, shirt International Fashion Royal Co., Ltd. Canadia Industrial Park #34, Trapeang Thleung Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-802096 Fax: (855)-23-802096 Product: Lady wear, T-Shirt, Blouse, Rope Itaca Industry Limited. Sangkat Plerng Ches Rotes, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-651676 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportswear (top Bottom) 43 GMAC Member J K Forever Co., Ltd. Phum Toul kok Sangke, S/K Toul Sanke, Khan Ruseikeo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-353661 Fax: (855)-23-353662 Product: Tank top, Shirts, Dress, Short, Pants Jin Jin (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Bonla Sahith, Sangkat Khmuonh, Khan Sen Son, Pnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-315605-8 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Hanger J S D Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trokeat, Khum Trapeang Sab, Srok Bati, Tekeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-16-892168 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater (All Kinds) Jinchenyuan (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. SSEZ, Khum Ream, Srok Prey Nop, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Product: Terry Socks J T H Textile (Cambodia) Inc. National Road No. 4, Phum Kambol and Phum Trapeang Tuol, Sangkat Kambol, Kham Posenchey, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-666171 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Polo Shirt, Knit J.M. Bag & Case (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Domnak, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-9278293 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Bag and Case Jacqsintex Industries Cambodia Co., Ltd. Chamkar Doung Road, Morl Village, Sangkat Dangkor , Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6363508 E-mail: [email protected] Product: leotard, Skirt, Short, Pants, Jacket, Tank, Tell Janda (Cambodia) Garments MFG Co., Ltd. Sihanoukvill Special Economic Zone (SSEZ), Phum Pou Thoeung, Khum Bit Traing and Phum Smach Deng, Khum Riem, Srok Prey Bop, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-8202385 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man, Lady, Pants, Man Shirt, Boy Coats, Boy Short Japan Rocks S.E.A (Phnom Penh) Co., Ltd. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Boeng Thom Village, Sangkat Boeng Thom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968004 Product: Women Jackets, Skirts, Pants, and Men Pants Japana (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Tai Seng Bavet Special Economic Zone (SEZ), National Road No. 1, Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-6840067 Fax: (855)-44-6840069 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ski wear, Ski gloves, Athletics wear, Golf wear JIE WEI (CAMBODIA) GARMENT FACTORY LTD. #12 Veng Sreng Street, Dong Kor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995639 Fax: (855)-23-993639 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Sleep Pants/Short/Pyjamas, Lady Sleep/Short/ Pyjamas Jifa S. Ok Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Manhattan Special Economic Zone, Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: 855)-44-712159 Fax: (855)-44-712160 Product: T-Shirt JIT Textiles Limited National Road 4, Phum Ang, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-398888 Fax: (855)-24-398888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Paddeel jacket, Hoody jacket, pants, and sportwear Jiun Ye Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No 5, Phum Spean Por and Phum Chamkar Svay, Khum Sethey, Srok Samaky Meanchey, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6795009 Fax: (855)-23-6871538 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportswear, Pajamas, Boy's Sleepwear, Girl's Sleepwear, Children Sleepwear Joc-J & W Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 3, Sangkat Kraing Pongro, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-889048 Product: Long Pants, Vest JRB Action Textile & Clothing Ltd. Phom Domnak Thom, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985673/76 Fax: (855)-23-985665 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men T-shirts, Blouson, Jacket, T-shirts, Ladies Trouser, Hooded Bluson, Jacket, T-shirt Juan Shi Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Baby, Boy, Girl, Men, Lady Knit JUDY MAO (CAMBODIA) GARMENT IND. Ltd. Phum Chumpouvorn, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-650970 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportwear K-22 Knits Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Phum Romdoul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-6503645 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Hat, Scarf K-Som Textile Co., Ltd. Phum No.5, Sangkat 4, Khann Mittapheap, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-934187 Product: Mattress Cover, Pillow Cover K.A.M Garment Co., Ltd. Street Veng Sreng, Phum Domnakthom, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969239 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Kidswear, Jeans, Fashion Kada Apparel Corp. Phum Moal, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-2112229 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Jacket, Trouser Kai Yue (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Damnak Thom, Sangkat Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-930658 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men/Boy Knitted, Polyester, Cotton Kandatex Knit Industrial Co., Ltd. Phum Rolus, Khum Boeung Duk, Srok Tek Chhu, Kampot Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-33-6501082 Fax: (855)-33-6501082 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady, Boy, Girl, Pullover Kaotex Garment Co., Ltd. Khum Peuk, Srok Ang Snuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-613269 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Female, Sport Cloth Kbal Koah Garment Co., Ltd. Road 1, Phum Chruy Ampil, Sangkat Kbal Koah, Khan Chba Ompao, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5553160 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Children jeans, Pants Keme Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Rolus, Khum Boeung Duk, Srok Kampot, Kampot Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-33-6666032 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All kinds of Underwear Ken Success Fashion (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Phneat, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424668 Fax: (855)-23-424228 Product: Jeans, Jacket, Short, Woven pants/skirts Kennetex International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. PHUM DOMNAK THOM, SANGKAT: STOENG MEAN CHEY, KHAN MEAN CHEY, PHNOM PENH CITY, KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA Tel: (855)-23-424668 Fax: (855)-23-424228 Product: Woven bottom Keohwea International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Bustaney, Khum Kaheang, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-697775 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Knit Fabric Garment Khu Pheap Garment Co., Ltd. No. 50, St 518, Toul Kork Village, Sangkat Toul Sangker, Khna Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-323272 Fax: (855)-23-990755 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Men and Women Woven Shirt, Pant; Uniform (Cotton woven fabric) Kie & Kie World Co., Ltd. Phom chom kar oeyluk, Sangkat kakab, Khan dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890370 Fax: (855)-23-890269 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt 44 GMAC Member Kin Tai Garment Co., Ltd. # 1587, National Road 2, Phum Toul Roka, Sangkat Chakangrekrom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425168 Fax: (855)-23-425169 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Jacket, Skirt, Short, Jeans King Fashion Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trapang Romcheck, S/K Chaom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-351128 Fax: (855)-23-351123 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected] Product: Knitted Top and Bottoms King First Industrial Co., Ltd. Road51, Damnark Ampil Village, Damnark Ampil Commune, Ansnuol Districk, Kandal Province Tel: (855)-23-725791 Fax: (855)-23-723266 Product: Top, Pans, Dress King Star Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trapaing Romchek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Shirt, polo-Shirt, Pants King Way Enterprises (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Goldfame Paksun SEZ, Khum Setbo, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399928 Fax: (855)-24-393515 Kingdeer (Cambodia) Knitting Co., Ltd. No. 1-3, St. 102, Samarki District, Takmao Town, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-9898258 Fax: (855)-23-425358 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cashmere knitted sweaters, Gloves KKN Apparel Co., Ltd. Special Economic Zone Koh Kong, Phum Neang Kok, Khum Pak Khlong, Srok Mondul Seyma, Koh Kong Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-35-6820040 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shorts, T-shirts, Sportwear (Adidas) Kwei Yang (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No.4, Phum Tunlorb KhpuosTbong, Khum Damnak Ampil, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6376373 Fax: (855)-24-6376373 E-mail: [email protected] Product: System 3 in 1 jackets, seam sealed jacket, light weight soft shell light weight wind Jacket Leader's Industrial Co., Ltd. Mundul 1, Sangkat No. 1, Khan Mittapheap, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-881897 Fax: (855)-23-884197 Product: Top, Jacket, Bottom, Sleepwear, Pajama, Polo, Shirt, Skirt, Vest, Dress, Cover-Up, Hooded Lean Global Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Chrey, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-866233 Product: Man/Lady Top, Pants, Jackets, Boy/Girl Tracksuit Lecien (Cambodia) Corporation PPSEZ, Sangkat Kantouk and Sangkat Ploeung Chhes Ro-tes and Sangkat Neoung Thom, Khan Porsenchey,Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729452 Fax: (855)-23-729450 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Underwear Leedar Knitting (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 21, Phum Prek Somrong, Khum Takmao, Srok Takmao, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-985518 Fax: (855)-24-985518 Product: Sweater Knitwear Legend Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #1782, National Road 5, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-427852 E-mail: (855)-23-427851 Product: Men shirts, kids, women shirts Li Chang Sheng (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Road No. 3, Phum Krorbetram, Khum Choungrok, Srok Kongpisey, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Product: Men, Lady, Kit Pants LIANFA (CAMBODIA) GARMENT CO., LTD. #8, Street 115, Prek Somrong Village, Takhmao, Commun, Takhmao Districk, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425232 Fax: (855)-23-425231 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven men and ladies pants Lim Line International (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. New Road, Group 13, Phum Toul Sangke, Sangkat Toul Sangke, khna Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-860875 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl, Infant Dress, Pant, Bodysuit, Cardigan Lin's Textiles Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Sangkat 1 (Tomnub Rolok), Khan Mittapheap, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855) 23-726593 Fax: (855) 23-222616 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Fabric (Knitting) Fleece with Brushed, Jersey, Mesh, Pique, Rib, Waffle. Liu Tan International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Kesor, Khum Prey Vihear, Srok Kong Pisey, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-730515 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sleepwear, Jacket, Shirt Lixing Knitting Factory Limited #405A, Phum Meanchey, SK Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969063 Fax: (855)-23-969063 Product: Knitting Long Victory International (Cambodia) Limited. New Road, Phum Toul Sangkat, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russeykeo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-864888 Fax: (855)-23-864888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven Fabric Loretta Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. Road No. 6A, Khtor Village, Sangkat Prek Leap, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-628688 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl, Boy, Man, Lady Polyester Fleece set, Pants, Jacket Lu Thai (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 1, Phum Svay Teur, Sangkat Svay Teur, Krong Svay Rieng, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-708703 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt Lucida (Cambodia) Enterprise Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring Thbong, National Road 3, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 23-6688077 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top, Pants, Dress, Skirt Lucky Ly Sunn Long Garment Co., Ltd. Sangkat Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23988125 Fax: (855)-23-988128 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Jacket M & V International Manufacturing Ltd. No. 1623, National road #2, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425010 Fax: (855)-23-425001 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater Macox Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Road No. 41, Phum Deikrohom, Khum Rokarkoh, Srok Kong Pisei, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-3163838 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Motorcycle Clothing Garment Makalot Garments (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building O, Vattanak Industrial park, Sangkat Stung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-555368 Fax: (855)-23-985692 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit top, bottom, pajama set, lady fashion, active wear, jacket, and underwear Man Ou Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Autrao, Khum Andong Tmor, Srok Preynob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-6533111 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Suit Manhattan Qing Dao Textile Corp. Phum Apmpil Leu Khum Ampil, Srok Kampong Siam, Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-721000 Fax: (855)-23-721198 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Patient Gown Hospital Dress Manhattan Textile and Gar. Corp. Phum Apil Leu Khum Ampil, Srok Kampong Siam, Kanpong Cham Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-721000 Fax: (855)-23-721189 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Patient Gown (Medical cloth) Master & Frank (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Angsnuol I, Khum Peuk, Srok Angsnuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968166 Fax: (855)-23-968167 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Gowns, Drapes, PE Sheets, PE Drapes, Medical Supply Mastertex Cam Internatioal Co., Ltd. Phum Kbal Damrey, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-679828 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies Woven Pants jeans 45 GMAC Member Mastex Incam (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chamkar Aulek, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-866 031 Fax: (855)-23-866 051 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Dress, Skirt, Trouser, Swimwear, Underwear, Legging Maurea Garments Corp. Road 5, Group 50, Phum Lou, Khum Svay Park, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6517000 Fax: (855)-23-219601 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies Woven Max View Textiles (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Traoeang Romchek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-383886 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt (Man, Lady, Children) Maxlin (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Phum Ang, Khum Kantouk, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6741168 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies, men t-shirt, shorts, top, jacket, pajama set, boy, girls t-shirt, shorts, top, jacket, pants Medcrest Textiles (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Kontork Choeung, Sangkat Kontork, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-729525 Fax: (855)-23-729525 Product: Scrubs, Lab, Coat, Patient, Gown, Baby shirt, Flat sheet, Pillow case, Medical supply Medtecs (Cambodia) Corp. Limited Phum Ampil Leu Khum Ampil, Srok Kampong Siam, Kampong Cham province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-721000 Fax: (855)-23-721189 Product: Nightdress & Pajama, Fabric, Scrub suits, Coverall, Accessories, Blanket, Jacket & Drawstring Pants, Laundry bay, patient grown, Flat sheet & Pillowcase. Meng Ieng Garment Factory Ltd. Building 1&2, St 528, Sangkat Boeung Kak I, Khan Toul Kok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-884455 Fax: (855)-23-883374 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All kinds of Jeans and Denim Products Meng Tong Garment Manufactory Ltd. Phum 3, Khum Svay Rolum, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-398139 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All kinds of Jeans and Denim products Meridian Industries Garment (Cambodia) Limited Phum Kampongpring, Khum Sethbo, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Camodia. Tel: (855)-92-285909 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted Sweater Meroson (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chumrov, Sangkat Kokroka, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Pants, Knitted Shirt Mi Rae Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building No. 610, Street 371, Tomnopthmey, Phum Russey, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969140 Product: T-Shirt, Jacket, Pants Miaw Shun (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Wat Angtraket, Phoum Kantouk, Khom Kantouk, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Provice, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-853 802 Product: Men, Women, Ladies Min Kuan Textile Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Sala, Sangkat Ka Kab, Khan Dangkor Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890315 Fax: (855)-23-363113 Product: Children Nightwear Ming Shun Clothing (Cambodia) Factory Co., Ltd. No. 103, Plov Tomnop, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-699716 Product: Sewing, Cutting, Packing Minmax (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #368, Street 371, Morl Village, Dangkor Quarter Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969235 Fax: (855)-23-969237 E-mail: [email protected] Product: knitted wearing Apparel: Pants (long/Short), Top (Polo/T-Shirt/Swear-shirt) Jacket, Dress and Skirt Mir Apparel World Co., Ltd. Phum Rorlieng Sangke, Sangkat Soportep, Krong Chbarmon, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-210225 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];[email protected]; Product: Pants, T-Shirt, Shirt Moha Garments Co. Ltd Soun Ousahakam Vattanac II, Road No. 3, Vattanak Industrial Park II, Sangkat Krang Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-555368 Fax: (855)-23-995964 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Pajama set, knit top, bottom, active wear, Jacket Moon Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Plov Tomnop, Kabsrov, Phum Chungruk, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729247 Fax: 23-729248 Product: Children wear, Children Pyjamas, Ladies Nightwear, Toddler Morning Glory Garment Enterprise Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Wilson Industry Park, Building F, Phum Phsar Kambol, Sangkat Kambol, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-601008 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top, Bottom Morodok Cheat Khmer Apparel Limited. Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-610098 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Polo Shirt MT. Yeh's Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Street Trung Moan, Phum Tria, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-689896 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitting, Sleep Wear, Children Wear Muse Garment (Cambodia) Factory Ltd. Phum Bakou, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-96-2544696 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Blouse, Blazer, Jackets,Short, Jumpsuit Nagapeace Corporation Limited Phum Prek Treng, Khum Samroang Thom, Srok Kean Svay, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-736090 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Jeans cotton, Levies, G U & Dockers Nakayama (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Tai Seng Special Economic Zone (SEZ)(Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-946611 Fax: (855)-44-946633 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Baby and Kids Underwear Nan Kuang Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Dam Nak Thom Village, Steang Meanchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985721 Fax: (855)-23-985722 Product: Knit & Woven Garments Nanguo Garment Co., Ltd. Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Khan Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-601008 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women Shirt, Blouse, Woven Nantai Garment Factory (Cambodia) Ltd. Building D, Group 8, Damnak Thom Village, Sangkat Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424152 Fax: (855)-23-424153 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, polo shirt, pants, underwear Nasmi Industry Co., Ltd. Phum Prea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6791515 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pullon pants, Bengaline pants, skirt New Archid Garment Factory Limited National Road 4, Phum Trapaing Phum, Khum Peuk, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-817 871 Fax: (855)-23 306 878 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Polo shirt, pants, underwear New Ascent International Garments Limited Phum Vihear Sour Cheung, Khum Vihear Sour, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900062 Fax: (855)-23900062 Product: Jean, Trouser, Shirt, Blouse, Etc. New Mingda (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Pongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-796234 Product: T-shirt, Polo shirt, Trousers Pants, Shirt, Camisol (Knit), night Wear. New Orient (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. No 17 Work, Canadia Industrial Park, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-985699 Fax: (855)-23-985698 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jacket, Pants, Dress, Skirt, Nightwear Jacket, Polo shirt, Sportwear (Knit) 46 GMAC Member New Rainbow (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phoum Domnak Thom, Sanggkat Stoeung Meanchey, Khnan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: : (855)-11-633363 Product: Sweater, Polo Shirt New Wide (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Chom Karomchack, Phum Toul Pong Ror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424255 Product: Knit, T-Shirt for Man and Woman New Wish Industrial Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Sangke, Sangkat Tuol Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-725791 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Trouser, Button Newpex Co., Ltd. Building no. 20A, Soun Ousahkam Vattanac 2, Road No. 3, Sangkat Krang Pongror and Sangkat Brotas Lang, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900911 Fax: (855)-023-900910 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sports Bag, Shopping Bag, Cosmetic Bag, Fashion Bag, Wallet Noble Apparel Ltd. No. 141, Plov Chom Chao, Phum Damnak Thom, S/K Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995051 Fax: (855)-23-995051 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top shirt, Jacket, Dress Papillion Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Bulding No. 3, Vatanac Industry Park II, Road No. 3, Phum Prey Sampor, Sangkat Krangpongro, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6960134 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Lady woven pants, Skirt, Blouse, Blazer, Lady & Men Knit Top & Bottom, Children Knit wears Now Corp. National Road No. 41, Lumhach Commune, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729089 Fax: (855)-24-397398 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women dress, Pullover, Pant, Cardigan, Shirt Paron International (Cambodia) Limited Building F-9, Phum Damnak Pring, Khum Tumnop Thum, Srok Ponhea Leu, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89465502 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] Product: Leather Wallet, Bags and Belt Nugget Textile (Pte) Ltd. Phum Trie, Street Trung Mon, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969337 Fax: (855)-23-969338 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top, Shorts, Pants, Skirt, Gown, Pyjamas(Children, Men, Lady), Jacket, (Knit, Woven) Nex-t Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Street 371, Phum Moal, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-943765 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Top Pants, Dress, Shirt, Skirt, Shorts Nyan Kids (Cambodia) Ltd. Willson Industry building, Road #4, Sangkat Kombol, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-701038 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Boys, girls pants, jacket, pullover, dress, clippers, and romper Nextou Co., Ltd. Plov Odam Kabsrov, Phum Chum Pouvorn, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729159 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Knitted pants, tops, dresses, shirts Ocean Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Tear, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890335 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven Shorts and Pants, Skirt, Jacket Nice Wear International Co., Ltd. Phum 5, Sangkat 4, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-933985 Fax: (855)-34-933987 Email: [email protected] Product: Top/Jacket/Bottom/Sleepwear/Pajama/Polo Shirt/Skirt/Vest/Dress/Cover-Up/Hoodie Nishiku Enterprise Co., Ltd. National Road No. 2, Phum Kleang Sombath, Khum Pot Sor, Srok Bati, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-4145350 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Trousers Nissin Lotus Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Nob, Sangkat Prey Angkougn, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-6633168 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Uniform (Working Wear) Onis Activewear Co., Ltd. Plov Lom 13 D, Phum Sambour, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jersey, shorts, pants, jacket Orient International Enterprise (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Chamkarroth, Srok Samroang Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-876101 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt P.P.S Ltd. (Cambodia) Factory 3, Street 528, Sangkat Boeung Kok 1, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Pattern International (Cambodia) Company Limited National Road 4, Phum Romdul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729012 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shorts, Pants, Jackets, T-Shirt, Dress Peace Glory (Cambodia) MFG Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Pongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-352328 Fax: (855)-23-352329 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Nightwear, Sportwear (Knitted) Pemir (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-612922 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl, Infant Dress, Pant, Bodysuit, Cardigan Perfect Growth Private Co., Ltd. National Road No.4, Phum Svay Chrum, Khum Bekchan, Srok Ang Snoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729081 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polo Knit Shirt, Pajamas, Knitted Shirts, Knitted, Pants, and Short. Perform Well Holdings (Cambodia) Limited. Building 168, Khum Poeuk, Srok Ang Snoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-355088 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Garment Lady Wear Phong Wan Enterprise Co., Ltd. # 1671, Road 2, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (885)-23-425088 Fax: (855)-23-425089 Product: Sweater, Lad T-Shirt Pak Shun Knitting Factory Limited No. 786, National Road 2, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425688 Fax: (855)-23-425000 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater Piang Shing Hong Enterprise Co., Ltd. Building D2, Phum Russie, Tumnup Thmey Road, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995724 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies knitted pants, Woven dress, Shirt, Skirts, Pants, T-shirt Pantessa Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Moil, Sangkat Dangkor , Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-309935 Fax: (855)-23-358035 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Swimwear Pilot Knit Sport Wear (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building 1, Vattanak Industry Park II, National Road 3, Sangkat Kraing Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Knit Top 47 GMAC Member Plory-Cam Knitting Limited National Road No. 5, Srok Rolea Bier, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-773028 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Knitted Cotton Pollysa (Cambodia) Home Textile Co., Ltd. Building No. 7, Sihanoukvill Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Phum Pou Thoeung, Khum Bit Traing and Phum Smach Deng, Khum Riem, Srok Prey Nop, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-3745881 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polyester eiderdown PPNP Soya Toy Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Chas, Khum Vihear Sour, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-900010 Fax: (855)-24-900007 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All kind of Toy Propitious (Cambodia) Garment Ltd. Street 21, Phum Thmei, Khum Takhmau, Srok Takhmau, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-425520 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Children's Knitted Playwear/ Sleepwear, Men's Knit Boxer Quality Textiles Co., Ltd. #22, St. Chom Chao, Trapang Thloeung Village, S/K Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424635 Fax: (855)-23-424222 Product: Sleepwear Quantum Apparel (Cambodia) Ltd. Building Num11, St102cc, Phum Toul Pongro Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969760 Fax: (855)-23-969763 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Bandeau, Vest, Bra, Knickers, Cotton and Synthetic laces, Underwear and Bars Quantum Clothing (Cambodia) Ltd. #313 AB, St. Chom Chao, Phum Chrey Korng, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865162 Fax: (855)-23-865164 Product: Men Shirt, Pyjamas Quicksew (Cambodia) Ltd. Soun Ousahakam Vattanak, Building J, S/K Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995596 Fax: (855)-23-995598 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies Swimwear, Girl's Swimwear. Ricotex Industrial Co., Ltd. Phum Svay Teab, Khum AngPo Pel, Srok Kong Pisei, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8083003 Product: Children Cloth Elastic, Swimming Ronchester Inc. #1, Tai Seng, Bavet Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-946688 Fax: (855)-44-946699 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Coat Rong Yuan Knitting Co., Ltd. National Road 21, Phum Prek Kheav, Khum Roka Khpos, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-219647 Fax: (855)-23-219647 Product: Knitwear, Textiles Roo Hsing Garment Co., Ltd. New Road, Sangkat Toul Sanker, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-430151/2 Fax: (855)-23-430153 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Casual Pants, Denim Jeans, Skirt, Short Royal Crowntex International Inc. Mondol I, Sangkat 1, Khan Mittapheap, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-939631 Fax: 34-939633 Product: Garment, Apron, Table Linen Ruita Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring Thnong, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-997072 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweaters, Handkerchief, Hat, Muffler S C C L (Cambodia) Limited Phum Chork, Khum Bekchan, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-442251 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Swimwear S-YUAN (Cambodia) Apparel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Khum Roka Teb, Srok Chbar Morn, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-4781118 Fax: (855)-97-9539997 Product: Shirt, Trousers S.H. International Co., Ltd. Road No. 4, Phum Angkeo, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729120 Fax: (855)-23-729121 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All kind of knitted wearing apparel Quint Major Industrial Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeangchheouneang, Perk Commune, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-16-685928 Fax: (855)-25-398983 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Pants, jacket, outerwear, sportwear, woolen S.L.J (Cambodia) Apparel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. St. 371, Phum Russey, Sangkat Stoeung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-810933 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitting Reliable Source Industrial (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Kbaldamrey, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-614155 Fax: (855)-23-890028 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Underwear, sportswear, swimwear S.P. Brother (Sisophon) Co. Ltd. St. 7 Makara, Phum Deilo, Sangkat Toeuk Thla, Krong Serei Sophoan, Banteay Meanchey, Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-76-6251821 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shirt Sabrina (Cambodia) Garment MFG Corp. National Road 4, Phum Trapaing Reussey Village, Sambo Commue, Samrong Torng District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-15-753886 Fax: 15-750886 Product: Sport Sae Han International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Canadia Industrial Park, #38.39.40, St. Veng Sreng , Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posehchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6305972 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl Knitted, Pants, Girl Knitted top Sam Il International Co., Ltd. Road#4, Phum Preysvay, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729137 Fax: (855)-23-350765 Product: T-Shirt (Knit Fabric) Samil Cambo Co., Ltd. Phum Bonla Sahith, Sangkat Khmough, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-352130 Fax: (855)-23-352132 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies sleepwear, Knitted Pant, Knitwear, T-shirt, Blouse, Jacket San Fong International Co., Ltd. Phum Jres, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-365669 Fax: (855)-23-367768 Product: Children Nightwear Sang Min (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building 35, St Veng Sreng, Canadia Industrial Park, Phum Trapang Thloeng, Sangkat Chom Chao, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-368987 Fax: (855)-23-4505155 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Product: Underwear T-Shirt Sangwoo (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Road #4, Trapang Veng and Thork Village, Trapang Kong Commune, Samrong Tong District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-657637 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Blouse, Shirt, Dress, Skirt, Trouser, Top Scandinavian Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Plov Thmey, Phum Toul Sangke, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-644448 Fax: (66)-27599113 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Polo-Shirt, Pajamas, Dress Seduno Cambodia Knitting Co., Ltd. Srok Bati, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Product: All Kind of Knitted Product Seduno Investment Cambo Fashion Co., Ltd. Street No. 271 (Plov Sala Chom Kadong), Phum Kva, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-380190 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt (Men, Women, Children) 48 GMAC Member Seed 153 (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Krassang, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-78-884414 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All Kinds of Sweater, Carding Seeds Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Soun Vattanac, Building (I), Chom Chao Street, Damnak Thom Village, Sangkat Stueng Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865 287 Fax: (855)-23-865 285 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Product: Bra and Panty (Underwear) SEIL (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #00580, Street Chom Chao, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969150 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Bra and Pants Underwear Sein-Atree Co., Ltd. Phum Tbes, Khum Vosor, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-877611 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Tank Top, Shirt, Dress, Pullover, Jumpsuit Seo Rim (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. St. Chom Chao, Phum Trapeang Thloeung, SK Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865043 Fax: (855)-23-865046 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt (Knitted), Shirt, Pants Sepia (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Sangkat Samroang Krom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-6503551 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Jean, Trouser Seratex Co., Ltd. Chamkar Euvleuk Village, Kakab Commune, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890715 Fax: (855)-23-890718 Product: Lady Knit top, Dress Skirt, Pants, Jacket Shanghai Ch Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Son Dek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-228053 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Long Sleeve Shirt, Short Sleeve Shirt Sheico (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Mahattan SEZ, National Road No. 1, Khum Bavet, Srok Chantrea, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-715404 Fax: (855)-44-715401 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Wetsuits, Drysuits, Boots, Gloves, Rash guard Sheico (Phnom Penh) Co., Ltd. 17.5Km, National Road No. 3, Sangkat Pong Teuk, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-968070 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Wetsuits, Life Vest, Rash Guards, Sportswear Garments Shen Zhou (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Vattanak industrial park, Sangkat Stoeng Meanchey, khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995578 Fax: (855)-23-995621 Product: Causal, sport wear, baby wear Shin Jitian (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Kandal, Sangkat Rolous, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-95-201558 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Trouser Shinglecom (Cambodia) Garment Factory Ltd. Phum Angkao, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-78-253600 Product: Woven, T-Shirt Shining Textile Corp. Phum Tropaing Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985011/2/3 Product: Shirt, Trouser Shude Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Somnong, Sangkat Roka Thom, Krong Chba Mon, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-392276 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shirt, Girl/Boy Sleepwear SL Garment Processing (Cambodia) Ltd. No. 615, St. 371, Stoeung Meanchey Commune, Meanchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424883 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans, Short, Skirt, Pants Smart Pea Garment Ltd. Phum Bonla Sahith, Sangkat Khmounh, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-701038 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Boy, girl Skirt, Pants, Jacket, Pullover, Dress, Clippers, Romper Smart Shirts Garments Manufacturing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Trung Mon Street, Phum Damnak Thom 3, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-988129 Fax: (855)-23-988128 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven Soah Plush Toy (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 3, Khum Preyvihea, Srok Kong Pisey, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia Tel: (855)-12-393677 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Product: Plush Toy Shui Yat (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Borey Kamkor, Khum Chbamon, Srok Chbamon, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-60-231939 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All Kinds of Handbag Solamoda (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Klang Sambath, Khum Putsor, Srok Baty, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-701738 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven, T-Shirt, Shirt, Pants, Short, Skirt, Pajamas, Jacket Sieh Strong Garment Co., Ltd. #450, Phum Teuk Thal, Sangkat Teuk Thal, Khan Sen Sok , Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969184 Fax: (855)-23-969185 Product: Lady Jacket, Women's Woven Jacket, Lady Knitted Pants Son Keng Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Phum Sla, Khum Voar Sar, Srok Samraong Torng, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-78335128 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven, Denim, Pant (Lady and Man) Sigma Textiles (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Toul Pongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12538778 Soo Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995541 Fax: (855)-23-995540 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Blouse, Dress, Hospital uniform, Men and Lady Jacket and Pants Sin Lan Ho Garment Co., Ltd. No. 450, Tumnoptek, Boeung Tum Pun, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995249 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies, Girls, Knit Top, Swimsuit, jean pants, Sleepwear, Dress, Skirt, Boy Top, pants Siu Quinh Garment (MFG) Ltd. #169, St Cham ka Doung, Group 7, Kvar Village, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855)-12-859632 Fax: (855)-23-995488 Product: Jacket, Parka, Workerwear (Woven, Men Knitting) Sixplus Industry Co., Ltd. Phum Kandal, Khum Prek Anhchanh, Srok Mockam Poul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900038 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportwear Sky High (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Road 4, Phum Prei Pring, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729603 Fax: (855)-23-729609 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Ladies knitted Pullover, Cardigan, Sweater, Scarf, Dress Southland (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Veng Sreng Street, Phum Trapeang Thlong, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865209 Product: Hat Splendid Chance International Ltd. New Road, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russeykeo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-998399 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Sleep wear, Kit, Vest, Pants, Shirt, Skirt, Jackets Splendor Industry Co., Ltd. New Road Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-998399 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Sleepwear, Kid, Vest, Pants, Shirt, Skirt, Jacket 49 GMAC Member Sportex Industry Co., Ltd. National Road 5, Phum Spean Kpos, KM# 6, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-430159 Fax: (855)-23-430149 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportswear Star Fuyu Garment Company Limited Phum Damnak Thom III, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89553589 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Product: Knitting (Kids, Lady, Men) Starlight Apparel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. No. 18, Street Betong Thmey, Phum Seda, Khum Vihear Suor, Srok Ksach Kandal, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-815815 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Casualwear and Sportwear for Man, Lady, Children and infant Steps Footsocks Asia Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Lovear, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-9814970 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater Su Tong Fang Group Ying Kan (Cambodia) Garment, Ltd. Group 3, Road 15, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-633880 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans Success Index Group (Cambodia) Limited. Phum Trapeang Cher Neang, Khum Peck, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-16-915886 Fax: (855)-25-398983 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Pants, Jacket, Woolen, Sportwear, Outerwear, Swimming Sun Best Garment Co., Ltd. National Road No 4, Angsnuol No 2 Village, Peuk Commune, Angsnuol District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-986087 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Boy, Girls, Women, Ladies, T-shirt, Infants, Swimsuit Sun Sky (Cambodia) Industries Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring Cheung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890388 Fax: (855)-23 -890368 Product: Knit Skirt, Jackets, Skirt, Cardigan, Pullover Sun World Garment CO., Ltd. Building #2 & 3, St. Chom Chao, Phum Trapaing Thleung, SK Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995939 Fax: (855)-23-995939 Product: T-shirt, Knitwear Sunjoy Fur Processing (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Prey sampor, Sangkat Kraing Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-879911 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Fur Dress Suntex Pte Ltd. #8, Street Chom Chao, Sangkat Chom Chao Khan Porsenchey, PO Box 1375, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985688 Fax: (855)-23-424777; 23-424799 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men, ladies, and children Shorts, Pants, Jacket, Dress, Tank top Supreme Choice (Cambodia) Garment Limited No. 172A, St. 598, Sangkat Chhrang Chom Res II, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-950 311 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Children Knitted Playwear/ Sleepwear Svay Rieng (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. National Road 1, Chrok Mates Commune, Svay Teap District, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-393956 Fax: (855)-44-393976 Product: Hospital Dress Swany (Cambodia) Corporation National Road 1, Tai Seng SEZ, Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-715465 Fax: (855)-44-715366 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Gloves SYLDON GARMENT LTD. No. 1, Street No. 104CC, Phum Toulpongro, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985033 Fax: (855)-23-985022 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shorts, Pants, Skirts, Jacket T & K Garment Industry Co., Ltd. Building 7,8,9 Toul Pong Ror Village, Chom Chao Quarter, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865091 Fax: (855)-23-865113 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, Short Pants, Trousers, and Jeans T Y Fashion (Cambodia) Plc. National Road 51, Srah Po Village, Phsar Dek Commune, Ponhea Leu District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-369679 Fax: (855)-24-399678 Product: Underwear, Pants, Short, Knit shirt, Baby Garment T.K. Garment Sisophon Co., Ltd. St. 7 Makara, Phum Deilo, Sangkat Toeuk Thla, Krong Serei Sophoan, Banteay Meanchey Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-953717 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Casual Garment: top, pants, trousers, jeans, Jackets, etc. T.R.C.A Garment Co., Ltd. Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5551995 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polo Shirt, Khit Tops/Bottoms, Fleece Jackets/Pants T.U.W Textile (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Phsar Trach, Khum Longvek, Srok Kampong Tralach, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6668876 Product: Singlet T-Shirt, Brief Tae Young (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Khum Bekchan, Srok Angsnuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-99-323231 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies/ Girl Swimwear, Men Swim trunk/ Board shorts,Junior Swimwear, Gym, Shorts, Sleepwear, knitwear, Light Hooded, Jacket Tai Yang Enterprises Co., Ltd. National Road. No. 4, Phum Bekchan, Khum Bekchan, Angsnuol District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-397894 Fax: (855)-24-397893 Product: Jean, Sports, Skirt, Dress Tai Yar Garment Industry Co., Ltd. Road No. 51, Khum Psa Dek, Srok Ponhea Lu, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399679 Product: Children Shirt, Woman Shirt Taieasy International Co., Ltd. National Road No. 5, Srok Krakor, Pursat Province, Cambodia Tel: (855)-78563151 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Bodysuit, Gown, Play wear for baby Tainan Enterprises (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Phum Bek Chan, Khum Bek Chan, Srok Ang Snuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-397894 Fax: (855)-24-397893 Product: Jean, Sport Cloths, Skirt, Dress Tairong (Cambodia) Knitting Co., Ltd. Phum Tleuk, Khum Perk, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-309976 Fax: (855)-23-309975 Product: All kinds of Socks(Knitting) Tak Fook (Cambodia) Garment Ltd. National Road 5, Phom Anlong Thraot, Khum Longvek, Srok Kampong Trorlach, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-26-779006 Fax: (855)-26-779005 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Children Knitted Playwear/ Sleepwear Tak Sun Enterprise (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. 1. National Road #3, Phum Prey Som Por, Plov Tumnop Sordom Steung, Sangkat Krang Pongror, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2. National Road #4, Phum Bekchan, Khum Bekchan, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province. Tel: (855)-23-729766 Fax: (855)-23-729699 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Product: Kids Jeans Talent Gar. Industry (Cam) Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring Cheung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890032 Fax: (855)-23-890083 Product: Knitting Tops and Bottoms such as Tshirt, Polo, Pants, Sports, Top tank Tange Land (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Kantouk Khang Cheung, Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-996810 Fax: (855)-23-985097 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Kimono 50 GMAC Member Te Fu Umbrella Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Phum Tek Chea, Khum Peck, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-2769808 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Umbrella Teng Xun Limited Road 41, Phum Veal Vong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Product: Handbag for women Terratex Knitting & Garment (Int'l) Factory Ltd. Lot #1529, National Road 2, Sangkat Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-16-883322 Fax: (855)-23-425048 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater, Pullover, Cardigan, and GMT ACCS TGMB&N Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Street 68, Sangkat Toul Sangker, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-986885 Fax: (855)-23-986889 Product: Jacket Thai Pore Garment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. No. 83, Street 163, Sangkat Toul Svayprey 1, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-215215 Fax: (855)-23-216216 Product: Pullover, Sweater The One (Cambodia) Industries Co., Ltd. Block Soun Osahakam Pochentong, Plov Lom, Phum Prey Tea, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890388 Fax: (855)-23-890368 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Shirt, Jackets, Shirt, Cardigan, Pullover The Willbes (Cambodia) & Co., Ltd. Village of Damnactra Yeoung, Chom Chao Commune, Porsenchey District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-464338 Fax: (855)-12-464337 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men, ladies, kids shorts, pants, skirt, pajamas, swim, and woven garment Tianyan International (Cambodia) Fashion Co., Ltd. Phum Kva, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Woven Fabric, Jeans Tien Sung Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Tropeang Thlong Village, Sangkat Cham Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5552801 Fax: (855)-23-5552803 Product: Jacket, T-Shirt, Pant, polo Shirt Timeless Fashion Clothing Co., Ltd. Plovlom, Phum Tnalbambek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-434489 Product: Bottom, woven for kid and adult Tiner Fashion (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Moal, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-211151 Product: Lady Underwear (Bras, and Shorts) Tokokosen Garments (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Dragon King SEZ, National Road No. 1, Sangkat Prey Angkunh, Bavet City, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-581950 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Casnal Shirt Top Centre Manufacturing Ltd. No. 7, Sok San Street, Phum Toulpongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969108 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sleepwear, shirts, trousers Top Fame Garments Limited Phum Moal, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-967775 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men /Ladies Sleepwear, Skirt Top Form (Cambodia) Company Limited Phum Boeung Salang, Sangkat Russeykeo Keo, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-724128 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cutting, Sewing, Packing Top Sports Textile Ltd. Manhattan Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-715125 Fax: (855)-44-715126 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitting and Dyeing Top Summit Garment Inc. National Road No. 4, Phum Ang, Khum Kantouk and Phum Trapeang Toul, Khum Kombol, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-15-753886 Product: Knitted and Woven Garment Top World Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. Road 1, chroy Ampil, Kbal Kaoh, Kean Svay Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)23-555 3173 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Children, Jean, Pants Trax Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No1, Confederation of Russia, Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-880453 Fax: (855)-23-880534 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sportwear Tuki Sport (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building M6 & M7, St. Trung Mon, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969881 Fax: (855)-23-969882 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Wind Breaker Waterproof Clothing Tung Chao Enterprise (Cambodia) Ltd. Street N0 598, Phum Boeung Salang, Sangkat Reussey Keo, Khan Reussey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-864011 Product: (855)-23-864099 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ladies Knit Jacket, Tops, Pants, Women Knitted T-Shirt U-Knits (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road no. 2, Phum Prek Holech, Sangkat Prek Ho, Krong Takhmao, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-998886 Fax: (855)-24-998855 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Wear U.C. Knit Garments Co., Ltd. Building #902, Street Chom Chao, Phum Domnak Thom, Sangkat Mean Chey, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424161 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pajamas (ladies) U.D.S Garment Co., Ltd. Road No. 6A, Phum Bak Kheng, Sangkat Prek Leap, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-860875 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl, Infant Dress, Pants, Bodysuit, Cardigan UFI TAILOR CORPORATION National Road No. 3, Phum Toul Lhong, Khum Tang Duong, Srok Batie, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-471823 E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Product: Men Suits Unicorn (Cambodia) Recreation Products Co., Ltd. National Road No. 2, Phum Kandal, Sangkat Rolous, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-211172 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sleeping Bag, Pajamas Uniform and Socks MFG (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Odorum, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-5700055 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Socks and Tight (All kind of socks for men, ladies, children) Unionmill-Boda (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring Thbong, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-86-309010 E-mail: [email protected] Unipros (Cambodia) Enterprise Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Pring, Thbong, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsechey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-16-566211 Product: Tent for Camping Unison Garments Co., Ltd. Toul Pongror Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Puosenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-723375 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Knit Tops, Knit Pants United Apparel Cambodia Inc. Road #4, Prey Polao Village, Trapaing Korng Commune, Saroaung Tung District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995407 Fax: (855)-23995408 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants, Jacket, Pullover 51 GMAC Member Unity Fashion Cambodia Co., Ltd. Phum Anhchanh, Khum Tumnup Thom, Srok Ponhea Leu, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-341277 Fax: (855)-25-398885 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Knitted Pullover, Lady Knitted Cardigan, Lady Dress, Knitted Sweater, Unisex Pullover, Unisex Knit Pullover, Cardigan Universal Glory Limited No. 1782, National Road #5, (KM No. 3), Sangkat Tuol Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-427852 Fax: (855)-23-427851 E-mail: Shorts, pants, skirts USA Fully Field (Cambodia) Garments C/L #790, National Road 2, S/K Chak Angre Krom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-683988 Product: Women Shirts V-Xin Garment Co., Ltd. No. 20, Suon Ouksahakam Canadia City Investment, Phum Trapeang Tleng, Sangkat Com Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-398033 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Pants Vanco Industrial Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Phum Chork ,Khum Beik Chan, Srok Angsnourl, Kandal Province,Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729528 Fax: (855)-24-393828 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Vest-Like Garment, Cardigan, Anorak, Blouse, T-Shirt, Trousers ,Top (Knitted Fabric) Vantage River Textile Co., Ltd. Phum 5, Sangkat 4, Krong Preah Sihanouk, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-6377610 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Uniform, Trousers, Table Linen and aprons Vast Apparel (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Prey Sala, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6313283 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Men, Woven, Youth Shirt and Pants, Infant, Boy Jacket and Vest Volumecocomo Apparel (Cambodia) Inc. Phum Trapeng Thleng, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dang Kor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995636 Fax: (855)-23-995617 Product: Knit Ladies wear Weibo Best Production (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. PPSEZ, Sangkat Boengthom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-517600 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Pants, shirts W & D (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Russey, Sangkat Steung Mean Chaey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh. Tel: (855)-23-424046 Fax: (855)-23-424047 Product: Sweater, Jacket Weibo Eic Garment Manufacturing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. PPSEZ, Plorng Chasrotes Commune, Sangkat Boeungthom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-517600 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man or Lady Shirt, Pants, Jackets, Shorts W Dexing Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. St. 13D, Phum Sambour, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-768889 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven, Knit Top W. Lingerie & Underwear Factory Co., Ltd. Phum Chom Chao, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Pur Sen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-985228 Product: Underwear, Bra, T-Shirts, Pants, Pajamas, neck warmer, all innerwear W.E.G.C Manufacturing Limited Mondol I, Sangkat I, Khan Mittapheap, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-6569292 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Laundry bag, cover, mesh bag, trolley liner, carrying bag, avene bag Wah Fung Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building No 1436, Phum Krol Kou, Sangkat Kilomet No 6, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6330358 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans, Pants, Shorts, Skirt, Jacket, T-Shit, Pullover, Sweat shirt Wah Sun HK Factory (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road #4, Phum Trach, Srok Samroang Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-6500232 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Handbag Wai Full Garments (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Pongtek, Khum Damnak Ampil, Srok Angsnuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-656674 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men and women denim jeans Welly (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Kbal Damrei, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-982298 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Baby, Boy, Girl, Lady, Men WEY SAN Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Chras, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-365669 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Children Whitex Garments (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Vattanac Industiral Park, Phum Trapeang Thleng, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995558 Fax: (855)-23-995559 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Boxer, Brief, Knit Panty Win Shingtex (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chum Pouvoan, New Road, SK Chom Chao, Khan Por Sen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890763 Fax: (855)-23-890761 E-mail: [email protected] Product: (Sleepwear) Pajama, Pants, Shirt Winblem Inc. Phum Trophieng Chek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-9012206 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Establish Garment, Knitted, Curtain and Bed Sheet Wanhao Apparel Corp. Phum Tropaing Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dongkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-351420 Product: Jeans Wincam Corporation Phum Toul Kok, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-864273 Fax: (855)-23-864276 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Swimwear Victco Handbags (Cambodia) Industrial Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Krassaing Chreak, khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-4078888 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All Kinds of Handbags Wanshen Clothing (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Kantouk Cheung, Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-924318 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man Knitted T-Shirt, Lady Knitted Polo Shirt Wing Ying (Cam) Garment Factory Ltd. National Road no. 4, Preyrokar Village, Chhork Chev Neang Commune, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-395639 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Pants, Jackets Vision Glory Knitting (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Tomnopthey (371) Road, Boeungtom Pon, Phum Mori, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969788 Fax: (855)-23-969787 Product: Men & Ladies Sweater Cut & Sewn WDJ knitting (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Bayab, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmei, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-541096 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitwear Winnie Fashion Co., Ltd. Phum Tropaing Krosaing, Khum Bek Chan, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-410092 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Blouse, Pants, Dress, (Lady Top), Shirt VG2 Knitting (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Viheakpous, Krong Soung, Tbong Khmum Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969788 Fax: (855)-23-969787 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men and Lady Sweat 52 GMAC Member Winsand Garment & Woolen Knitting Factory Co., Ltd. Steet 118A, Phum Prektoch, Khum Prekdach, Srok Loeukdiek, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6303765 Fax: (855)-23-425035 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted Sweater, Pullover, Cardigan, Shrug, Jumpers Xin Lan (Cambodia) Garment Company Limited No. 8148, National road $4, Phum Prey Beung, Khum Kantouk, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-399788 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Kitted underwear Winsol Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No. 339, Phum Thmey, St. Chamkar Doung, Songkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5551995 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polo shirt, knit tops/ bottom, fleece jackets/pants Xindashun Textiles Co., Ltd. Sihanouk Ville Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Khum Riem, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8751191 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Quilt, Blanket, Dog house. Winson Int'l Garment (Cambodia) Ltd. National Road 4, Phum Romdoul, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-8187828 Fax: (855)-23-844915 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Underwear, Bra, Tank Wintai Sock Manufacture Ltd. National Road No. 2, Phum Kleang Sombath, Khum Putsor, Srok Baty, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-67-288882 Fax: (855)-23-425252 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady/Man Knitted Sweater, Pullover, Cardigan, Baby Knitted Sweater/Scarf Woorie Garment Co., Ltd. No. 605, Phum Kantouk Khang Cheung, Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900001 Fax: (855)-23-900003 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Woven Shirt Xiang Hecam Garment Co., Ltd. Sangkat Steung Meang Chey, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-262302 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitting Knitted garment Xiangmao Rain Gear Industrial Co., Ltd. No. Lo. 1577, Sangkat Chak Angre Kroam, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-608550 Product: Rain Gear Xin Fang (Cambodia) Garment MFG Ltd. Veng Sreng Street, Trapeang Thleung Village, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. (855)-23-995883 (855)-23-995883 [email protected] Ladies Top, Men Top, Men Shorts, Lady Shorts Xing Hing Feng Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Rong Chak, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-853802 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men, women pants, Capri, Top, Jersey Xiong Fong International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samrong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-3635858 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Kids, Men, Women, Pajamas Xu Sheng Cam Co., Ltd. Phum Chak Chhok, Sangkat Samrong Krom, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6919423 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Jackets Y & W Garment Co., Ltd. St: 217, Phum Prek Chrey, Sangkat Spean Thmor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-70-507238 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Baby, Knitted Wear Y M G Garment Accessories Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Toul Sala Village, Prey Pouch Commune, Angsnoul District, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-306568 E-mail: Embroidery Label, Embroidery Patch Y.D.L Factory (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Canadia industry park, No. 41, Plov Chom Chao, Phum Tropeang Thleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865293 Fax: (855)-23-865292 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sticker, Ribbon, Paper Yakjin (Cambodia) Inc. Taker-Phsar Kombol Prey Kod Village, Kambol Commune, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729421 Fax: (855)-23-729423 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Pullover, shorts, pants, dress, hooked jacket, pajamas top, nightwear (woman, lady, girls, knit) Yar-Kang-Sin Group Textile Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Phum Takol, Khum Peany, Srok Kampong Tralach, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-26-6411010 Product: Jersey, Rib, Interlock, Fleece, P.K Polar Fleece, Terry Yi Rong (Cambodia) Knitting Co., Ltd. National Road No 4, Phum Theak, Khum Peuk, Srok Angsbuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-558262 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sock Ying He (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Bakou, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-282688 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweat Shirt, Sleepwear Yong De Wei Garment PTY Ltd. Phum Tropang Toul, Sangkat Kambol, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Product: Tee Polo, Pants Cardigan Yorkmars (Cambodia) Garment MFG Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Chrey, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-866416 Fax: (855)-23-866418 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Pants/Shirt/Jeans, Man Shirt/Jeans, Baby Suite, Boy or Girl Shirt, Jacket Yorks (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 1, Tai Seng SEZ,Khum Bavet, Srok Chantrea, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia Tel: (855)-44-946336 E-mail: [email protected] Product: UV Protection Gloves, Jersey Cut and Sew Gloves, Polo, and Nylon Gloves. You Li International (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Chrey Thom, Khum Prey Angkougn, Srok Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Product: Underwear Young Dong 1 Co., Ltd. Phum Kbal Damrei, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-866179 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Pants, Skirt, Dress, Blouse Young Inner (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Choeung Ek, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900115 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women Under Wear (Bra Cup) YTC Corporation Phum Voar Sar, Khum Voar Sar, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-987411 Fax: (855)-25-987413 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Product: Women, Ladies, Girl, Knit, Pullover, Shorts/dress-hoodie, Jacket, Pyjamas top, nightwear Yu Da Garment Industry (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Pochentong Industrial Park, Phum Prey Tear, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6501628 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Single, Jersey, Pants, Micro Jersey, Micro Fleece, Velour. Woven Fleece, Rib, Interlock, Trico, Mesh Yu Fa Garment Industry (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trapaing Por, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-866316 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Single Jersey, Micro Fleece, Velour, Woven, Fleece, RIB, Interlock, Trico, Mesh 53 GMAC Member Yuan Da Rong Fong (Cambodia) Textile Co., Ltd. Street No. 21, Phum Trapeang Angkor, Sangkat Roka Krov, Krong Don Keo, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-67-778861 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Includer, Children, Man, and Woman Sweater Yun Ming International Group Co., Ltd. Steng Village, Peany Commune, Kampong Tralach District, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-26-6411010 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted Fabric YVP Trading Co., Ltd. Building #5B, Canadia Industrial Park, Veng Sreng Street, Chom Chao Quarter, Dangkor District, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-833616 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Knit top, bottom, woven shorts and pants, sleepwear Zhen Tai Garment (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No. 17, St. 600, Phum Domnak, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sensok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-755846 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven, cotton, Jean, Pants, and Bottom, Levis, G U and Dockers Zheng Yong Garment Factory Co., Ltd. #4, Road #5, Sangkat Toul Sangke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-430657 Fax: (855)-23-430193 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men, Ladies, Girls, Boys shorts and skirts, Infant Jeans Zhenyun Hua Co., Ltd. National Road No. 2, Phum Kandal, Sangkat Roluos, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-998092 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polo, T-Shirt, Paints Zhong Guo Yun Jin (Cambodia) Garment Factory Co., Ltd. Phum Krabei Tram, Khum Chungrok, Srok Kong Pisei, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-520120 Fax: (855)-964963 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shirt, Pants, Dress Zhong Yin (Cambodia) B Textile Co., Ltd. Phum Prek Treng, Khum Setbo, Srok Saang, Kandal Province. Tel: (855)-12-999087 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men or Lady Knitted Shirts & Knitted TShirt Zhong Yin (Cambodia) Textile Co., Ltd. Phum Sre Chomrov, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-999087 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man and lady knitted Shirt and T-shirt Zhong Yov Co., Ltd. Phum Preyroka, Khum Chhork Choeneang, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-900588 Fax: (855)-24-399265 E-mail: [email protected]; any_2006everyday.com.kh Product: Ladies Pants, Skirts, Jackets, Shirts for Woman (Woven) Zongtex Garment Manufacturing Ltd. Phum Trapaing Romchek, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-306858 Product: Lady knit top ( knit) lady woven romper ( woven) Footwear Member Aerosoft Summit Footwear Co., Ltd. St. 57B, Phum Vealvong, Khum Tasda, Srok Sampovloun, Battambang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-89-255252 E-mail: [email protected] Product: General Footwear Beautiful Spring Footwear Co., Ltd. National Road 22, Srok Tram Kok, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-888597 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sport Shoes Bright Sense International Corporation Street 51, Phum Oknha Tep, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samrong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-397676 Fax: (855)-24-398866 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes Cambodia Chan Shin Household Products Co., Ltd. National Road 212 KM, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-3960966 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Slipper & Laundry Bag Cambodian Team Work Industry Co., Ltd. SSEZ, Khum Ream, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-69712568 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes Cambothai Footwear Co., Ltd. Phum Thvy Khang Thbong, Sangkat Andong Khmer, Kampot Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-33-6669951 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes (Man, Lady, Children), Upper Leather Can Sports Shoe Co., Ltd. National Road 5, Phum Chamkar Svay, Khum Sethey, Srok Samaky Meanchey, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-22-585388 Product: Sports Shoes Carlington (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 6, Phum Roveang, Khum Knor Damboung, Srok Cheung Prey, Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-88-5793999 Fax: (855)-88-8860966 Product: SANDALS Cheng Yueh Enterprise Co., Ltd. Veng Sreng Street, Phum Chom Chao, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Outsole Chou You Industry Co., Ltd. No. 121-126, St. No. 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969087 Fax: (855)-23-969087 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Footwear Lady Shoes Clean Circle Co., Ltd. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (SEZ), Khum Phloeung Chhes Ro-tes, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729321 Fax: (855)-23-729322 Product: Lady Shoes Complete Honour Footwear Industrial (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 3, Phum Tlouk, Khum Chungruk, Srok Kong Pisey, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6666898 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Leisure Shoes, Kid Shoes Continuous Lucky (Cambodia) Limited. National Road 4, Phum Trapeang Ampil, Srok Trapeang Kong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12998152 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes Dance Supply (Cambodia) Limited Building No. 10, Phum Toulpongro, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865003 Fax: (855)-23-865004 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Ballet Shoes DSL2 Enterprises Ltd. Phum Toul Pongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-430290 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Dance Shoes Focus Footwear (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. New Road, Phum Tuol Sangkae, Sangkat Toul Sangkae, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-986746 Fax: (855)-23-990918 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Footwear (woman) Fu Chuen (Cambodia) Corp Ltd. Veng Sreng Street, Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995601 Fax: (855)-23-995605 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sport Shoes G-Foremost (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Khum Kombol, Srok Angsnuol, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-78-555325 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes Golden Gain Shoe Company Ltd. Phum Prey Tea, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-890826 Fax: (855)-23-866428 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes Golden Prosper Footwear Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Phum Kul, Khum Kantok, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Provine, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6352388 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady and Man Shoes Grand East Footwear Int'l Corp. Phum Prey Por Pel, Khum Peck, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969217 Fax: (855)-23-969217 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes 54 GMAC Member Grazie International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Group 8, Phm Kh1, Sangkat Chhrang Chom Res II, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855) 70-86720776 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady, Man, Children Shoes, All Kinds of Shoes Leadwind Shoes (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Toulpongror, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969217 Fax: (855)-23-969218 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shoes, Sport Shoes, Kid Shoes, Girl Shoes Ho Hsin Tai Limited Phum Chom Chao, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-865089 Fax: (855)-23-865078 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes Lin Wen Chih Sunbow Enterprises Co., Ltd. Khum Siem Reap, Srok Kandal Stoeung, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-4799188 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Outdoor & Short Shoes Huge Sky Enterprise Co., Ltd. Building D & E, National Road 4, Phum Trapeang Ampel, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-998152 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes, Lady Boots Long Lead (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road No. 5, Phum Chamkar Svay, Khum Sethey, Srok Samaki, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-26-6366610 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes I-Cheng (Cambodia) Corporation National Road No.3,Phum Tang Dong,Khum Tang Dong,Srok Baty Takeo Province,Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-997921 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sport Shoes, Vulcanizing Shoes (Footwear),Industrial, Safety Shoes Magnate Footwear Co., Ltd. Lot No 118-119, Phum Chungruk, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-219615 Fax: (855)-23-219616 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shoes, Lady Shoes, Boots Jacka Shoes Manufactory Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Srok Samroang Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-6915218 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All Kinds of Sport Shoes Jocam Footwear Co., Ltd. St. 2006, Phum Trapeang Chhouk, Sangkat Tek Thlar, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-302381 Fax: (855)-23-995361 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Winter Shoes, Security Shoes, Leisure Shoes Juhui Footwear Co., Ltd. Phum Roveang, Khum Khnol Dambong, Srok Chheung Prey, Kampong Cham Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-42-6400799 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woven and kids shoes Kaoway Sports Ltd. Manhattan Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-715069 Fax: (855)-44-715069 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sports Shoes, Football Shoes Maru Chuen (Cambodia) Corp., Ltd. Prey Sor, Phum Trapeang Rumcheck, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-7626089 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sport Shoes, Functional Shoes Meng Da Footwear Industrial Co., Ltd. Veng Sreng Street, Phum Trapeang Tleng, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Poh Sen Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-969518 Fax: (855)-23-969517 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Adidas running shoes, Training Original and Kids Metina Footwear Co., Ltd. Khum Tbeng, Srok Kandal Stoeung, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-219615 Fax: (855)-23-219619 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Men Shies, Lady Shoes, Boot New Star Shoes Co., Ltd. National Road 4, Mondol1, Sangkat I, Khan Mittapheap, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-34-320288 Fax: (855)-34-320287 Product: Men Shoes, Lady Shoes, Kids Kingmaker (Cambodia) Footwear Co., Ltd. Manhattan Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (Sangkat Bavet, Krong Bavet, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia Tel: (855)-44-715150 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Clarks and K1X, Skechers Pontus Footwear Ltd. National Road No. 3, Phum Khlar Krohem, Khum Taphem, Srok Tramkok, Takeo Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-32-6333799 Fax: (855)-32-215388 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes LA MORE (CAMBODIA) CO., LTD. Phum Prey Phdao, Khum Chrok Mtes, Srok Svay Teap, Svay Rieng Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-44-946178 Fax: (855)-44-946178, (855)-44-946188 Product: Footwear Pou Yuen (Cambodia) Enterprise Ltd. Phum Sleng Rorleung, Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-882060 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sports Shoes Regence Footwear (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Andong, Khum Bekchan, Srok Angsnuol, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-523449 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women, Men, Kids, Leather boot, shoes Riyingshoes Factory (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. SSEZ, Khum Ream, Srok Prey Nob, Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia. E-mail: [email protected] Product: Footwear Sen Zhan Shoes (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Building No. 60D, Street 1928, Phum Ba Yab, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-941443 Product: Sport Shoes Shimano (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. P.O. BOX 1151, st. National road No. 4, Trapeng Rokar Village, Trapeng Kong Commune, Samrong Tong District, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-985192 Fax: (855)-12-464663 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cycling Shoe for Man and Woman Shoe Premier II (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. New Road, Sangkat Tuol Sagke, Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-982313 Fax: (855)-23-986458 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All Kids of footwear Sky Nice International Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Sangkat Kombal, Khan Posenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-895925 Product: Ladies, Kid Shoes Sun Well Shoes Co., Ltd Street Veng Sreng, Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424179 Fax: (855)-23-424178 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Footwear (Men and Women) Super-Champ Footwear (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Raul Chrouk, Sangkat Prey Veng, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-4878880 Fax: (856)-4-22937411 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sandals, Casual Shoes, Dress Shoes, Boots, Hiker Tanaway Leather Goods Manufacturer Co., Ltd. Phum Sre Chomrov, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77 980 868 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Man and Lady Shoes Tiger Wing Co., Ltd. Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (SEZ), National Road 4, Sangkat Phloeung Chhes Ro-tes, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729360 Fax: (855)-23-729362 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Women Casual 55 GMAC Member Tripos International (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Chrok Romiet, Khum Chhouksor, Srok Kampong Tralach, Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92 788816 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women Shoes, Children Shoes Volsco International Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Por, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Product: Lady Shoes Wing Star Shoes Co., Ltd. 49 km, National Road 3, Phum Ang Sokunthea, Khum Moha Russey, Srok Kong Pisey, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-6400436 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sport shoes Winmag Shoes Manufacturing Co., Ltd. National Road 3, Phum Trav Em, Khum Po Pel, Srok Tram Kak, Takeo Province. Tel: (855)-77-700938 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes Ying Dong Shoes Co., Ltd. National Road No. 4, Phum Angkeo, Sangkat Kantouk, Khum Kantouk, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729132 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Casual Lady Shoes Yuan Quan Shoes Co., Ltd. Street No. 114, Phum Trapeang Po, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-355519 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Lady Shoes Ziben Safety (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No. 11, Street No. 51, Phum Prak Kuy, Khum Trapeang Kong, Srok Samraong Tong, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-25-6401691 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Shoes (Upper and Safety) Associate Member Adidas Sourcing Ltd. (Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office) 22/F Bitexco Financial Tower, No. 2 Hai Trieu St., District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Tel: (84)-8-39157000 Fax: (84)-8-38220975 Product: Sourcing Products of Adidas Group Branch Of Juki Singapore Pte Ltd. Sangkat Beung Rang, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-223707 Fax: (855)-23-223707 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sell Juki Industrial Sewing maching and Provide maintenance Service Bureau Veritas Consumer Product Services Vietnam Ltd. Road 371, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-962271 Fax: (855)-23-962272 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Testing, Inspection and Certification Solution Provider for global consumer, Electric, Wireless and Automative Market C Square Garment Finishing Co., Ltd. Road No 6A, Sangkat Prek Leap Khan Russey Keo, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-6958275 Product: Denim, Woven Pants, Short (Man, Lady, Kid) Cambodia-Vietnam Insurance Company No. 27 E, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-212000 Fax: (855)-23-215505 E-mail: [email protected] Product: General Insurance Campu Lonpac Insurance Plc. 7th Floor, Campu Bank Building, No. 2-3, St. 114, Sangkat Phsar Thmey II, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-966966 Fax: (855)-23-986273 E-mail: [email protected] Product: General Insurance Cheang Long Co., Ltd. No. 1076E, St. 371, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-885818 Fax: (855)-23-886682 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Sewing machine Supply ,JUKI , AMF REECE, KANSAI Special, HASHIMA ,K.M, ORGAN NEEDLE, KOBAN HOOK AND BOBINE CASE ,SPARE PART, I-HCEM BRAND, Shing Ling, Sicama, UZU, Silver Star. Chief (Cambodia) Specialized Bank Plc. #315, St. Angduong, 20th Floor, Canadia Tower, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-431888 Fax: (855)-23-431868 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Credit Operation Cosmos Services Co., Ltd. Mao Tse Tong Blvd., Sangkat Toul Svay Prey1, Khan Chamkamorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-999001 Fax: (855)-23-999003 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Inspection, Audit Services FCF Inspection (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. #13E, St. 217, Sangkat Dangkor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-997380 Fax: (855)-23-997381 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Garment Quality Controller GSG (Scovill) Fasteners Asia Ltd. 1st Floor, Garment Factory Building, 12 Hung To, Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong. Tel: (852)-36587700 Fax: (852)-24288121 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Snap fasteners, Zipper, metal, plastic, rubber, alloy buttons, burr, rivets, tacks, labels, ties, eyelets and other garment accessories. Guangdong Textiles Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. No 66-69, National Road 4, Phum Bekchan, Khum Bekchan, Srok Ang Snoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-964966 Fax: (855)-23-964963 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Order Agent Production (Garment) Hanbo GSC (Cambodia) Ltd. No. 45A 7, 8, 9, Street Sahakpoun Rusy, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-950396 Fax: (855)-23-950395 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Business consultant Intertek Testing Service (Cambodia) Company Limited No. 9, Street 400, Sangkat Boeng Keng Kang 1, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-220421 Fax: (855)-23-220426 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Inspection Services(Pre-production inspection, During Production inspection, and Preshipment/Final random inspection, Textile Testing Laboratory, Gem and Jewelry Testing Laboratory, Social Compliance Audit) Kar Tat Computer Embroidery Sequin FTY (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No. 765, National Road 4, Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-729700 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Embroidery Li & Fung (Cambodia) Limited 1st Floor of Regency Complex A, No. 8A/298, MaoTse Toung, Blvd (245), Sangkat TomnubTeuk, Chamkarmorn, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-424177 Fax: (855)-23-424122 E-mail: [email protected] Liang Chi Industry (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Svay, Khum Krang Mkak, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-6593456 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cooling Tower FRP(Fiber Reinforce Plastic) Nanux (Cambodia) Inc. Road No. 3, Phum Prey Sdach, Khum Veal, SrokKong Pisey, Kompong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-77-521843 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Plastic bag, Shoes OMIC (Cambodia) Ltd. No. G10, St Goody, Russian Blvd, Chong Thnal Khang Keut, Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-883443 Fax: (855)-23-883443 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Goods Package and Inspection services Omori & Thomas Logistic Services (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road no. 4, Sangkat Prey Pring, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-306252 Fax: (855)-23-987391 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Quality Inspection Services and Logistics Pactics (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. No. 668, Phum Vihear Chen, Sangkat Svay Dangkom, Srok Siem Reap, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-882352 Fax: (855)-23-882347 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Sweater 56 GMAC Member Puls Trading Far East Limited (H&M) 7th floor, Phnom Penh Tower, 445 Monivong Blvd Sangkat Boeung Pralit, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-962200 Fax: (855)-23-990731 E-mail: [email protected] Representative Office of Coats Phong Phu Phnom Penh Tower no. 445, St. 93/232, Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeng Probit, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-964660 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Product: Thread Supplier Representative Office of GBX Trading FZE 58-E1, the Icon Professional Building, 216, Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Tonle Basac, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-996307 Representative Office of Marks and Spencer PLC 7th Floor, Phnom Penh, Tower, 445 Monivong Blvd., Sangkat Boeung Pralit, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-953333 Fax: (855)-23-964190 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cloth, Footwear Representative Office of Stuart Peters Limited 4th floor, B-Ray Tower, Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamkarmon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-218128 Fax: (855)-23-993225 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jersey and Woven (Ladies wear Unit) Representative Office of Tesco International Sourcing Limited 3th Floor, Siri Tower, Russian Blve, Sangkat Tek Lark I, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-999815 Fax: (855)-23-966501 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cloth S-WON LABEL Co., LTD. Phum Bayab, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-900821 Fax: (855)-23-900822 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Label Saha Taching Polytex Co., Ltd. 149 Moo 5, Tumbol Tacye, Amphur Muang, Samutsakorn 74000. Tel: (66)-34-880255 Fax: (66)-34-880258 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Polyester Yarn Manufacture Sepakor Angkor Co. Ltd. Phum Steung Thmey, Khum Svay Dangkom, Srok Siem Reap, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-63-963330 Fax: (855)-63-964097 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Cloths, Home Fumishing, Bags and accessory, and Crafts SGS (Cambodia) Limited. No. 1076A-C, Street 371, Sangkat Steoung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-967888 Fax: (855)-23-967885 Product: Inspection, Testing, Verification, and Certification T U V Rheinland (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. SSN Center 4th Floor, No. 66, Pheah Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Mean Chey, Khan Don Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-212209 Fax: (855)-23-212210 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Quality Control: Inspection Services (Preproduction, During Production, PreShipment/Final Random), Laboratory Testing (mechanical & Chemical), Management System Certification, Audits. TUV SUD PSB Office unit No. 1FB-D, #10, St. 109 (Ung Pokun), VTRUST Office Center MTP, Sangkat Mittpheap, Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-5002525 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Inspection, Garment Testing, Social Compliance Audit, Management System Certification Audit. YKK Vietnam Co., Ltd. No.53,Preah Monivong Boulevard, Sangkat Srak Chork, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-723637 Fax: (855)-23-430685 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Research market of zippers, snap, buttons Sub-Contratct Member Beauty Apparels (Cambodia) Ltd. Phum Chong Khang Kuet, Russian Blvd., Sangkat Tek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995750 Fax: (855)-23-995752 Product: Knit & Woven Wears Men, Women and Children Bloomtime Embroidery Pte Ltd. #9, St. Chom Chao, Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-995260 Fax: (855)-23-995261 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt, Pants, Jackets Cam-Sky Garment Co., Ltd. Street No. 21, Phum Prek Somrong, Sangkat Takhmao, Krong Takhmao, Kandal Province. Tel: (855)-12-682728 Product: T-Shirt Cambo Guo Feng (Cambodia) Garment Investment Co., Ltd. No. 4174, Street 30, Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-771778 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Sweater Cambo Jin Nan Garment Investment Co., Ltd. No. 267, North Bridge, Sangkat Tuek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-523208 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Girl Woven Pants, Lady Skirt Cambo Kai Rui Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-610040 Product: Man, Girl Woven Pants, T-Shirt Cambo Yan Xing Industry Investment Co., Ltd. Phum Tuek Thla, Sangkat Tuek Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-911068 Product: Lady Knitted Man Cambo Yingfeng Garment Investment Co., Ltd. National Road, No.4, Phum Angkao, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-758988 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt Cambodia Shun Garment Co., Ltd. No. 398 Plov Lom, Phum Trapeang Lang, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-78-765858 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt Cambodia Unique Garment Ltd. National Road 6A, Sangkat Prek Leab, Khan Chroy Changvar, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-710638 Fax: (855)-23-729082 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Women Knit Underwear, Man/Boy Knit Shirt, Women Knit Bra Cheam Leng Garment Co., Ltd. Russey village, Stoeung meanchey commune, Meanchey district, Phnom Penh Cambodia (855)-12-950949 Product: Women, Men T-Shirt D.S Co., Ltd. Phum Damnak, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-828206 Product: Girl Short Sleeve Shirt/Girl Long Sleeve Shirt/Pants Da Rong Printing & Embroidery Co., Ltd. Phum Troyoeng, Khum Peuk, Srok Angsnoul, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-930666 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All kind of print & embroidery Service De Yuan Zhi Yi Chang Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-330298 Product: Sweater, T-shirt, Pants, Shirt Fuling Computer Embroidery Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Tleung, Sangkat Chom Chao, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-877129 E-mail: [email protected] Product: All type of Embroidery Global Cambo Garment Co., Ltd. No. 034, Phum Domnak Thom 3, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-524767 Product: T-Shirt and Blouse Guang Yuan Cam Co., Ltd. No. 53 E0, Stree Veng Sreng, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-698498 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt H.F (Cambodia) Garment Investment Co., Ltd. Phum Beung Kroper, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-682215 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Woman Trouser, Shirt, Uniform Hai Long Far East Development (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. National Road 3, Building D2, Phum Sre Nhor, Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-97-8968897 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Printing and Embroidery on garment or cut pieces 57 GMAC Member Happy Lucky Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Kbal Damrei, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-369221 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Baby, Boy, Girl Cloth Jia Sheng Sangkat Boeung Tumpun, LotvII 0057, Plovlom, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-857101 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Adult Jacket, Kids Jacket, Pants, Polo-Shirt Jianmao (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. No. 96, Street 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-885298 Fax: (855)-23-885298 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knit Shirt, Knit and Packing Kang Da Garment Co., Ltd. No. 445, Monireth Blvd, Phum Russey, Sangkat Steung Mean Chey, Khan Mean Chey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-920113 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Knitted Baby, Lady/Men/Kid Hoodie Jacket, Knit Lady/Men/Kid Pants Lee Faith Garment Co., Ltd. No. 268, Street 2002, Phum Trapeang Chhouk, Sangkat Tek Thlar, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-222632 Lucky Sapphire Co., Ltd. No. B6, Russian Federation Blvd., Phum Kbal Domrei, Sangkat Kakab, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-298355 Product: Long Sleeve, Trouser, Long Shirt, T-Shirt Meng Yan Garment Manufactory & Wet Processing Ltd. Building No. A, Phum 3, Khum Svay Rolom, Srok Saang, Kandal Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-24-398139 Product: All kinds of Jeans and Denim Products Punctuality Garment Factory Co., Ltd. No. 401, St. 75k, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-8333111 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt Sa One Garments Limited National Road No. 4, Phum Angkeo, Sangkat Chom Chao,Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-865260 Product: Knit & woven wear men, Women and children Sheng Huang Industries Co., Ltd. National road #4, Phum Krang Pol Tep, Sangkat Roka Thom, Krong Chba Mon, Kampong Speu Province, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-474190 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Jeans Shinchang Tech, Inc. Plovlum, Phum Payab, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-23-950077 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Hang Tag and Price Tags, All kind of Labels and Stickers Tag Pin, other accessories and more. Shing Zhi Cheng Garment Factory Co., Ltd. Phum Prey Tea, Sangkat Chom Chao, Kan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-357370 Product: Sweater, Blouse, Children wear Spring Star (Cambodia) Garment Factory Co., Ltd. Khum Domnak Thom, Sangkat Seung Meangchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-17-983838 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Knitted Violet Apparel (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Street 271, Phum Trapeang Chhouk, Sangkat Teuk Thlar, Khan Sen Sek, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tel: (855)-23-995168 Fax: (855)-23-995268 E-mail: [email protected] Xin Chao Live Garment Co., Ltd. No. 329, Sreet Steoung Meanchey, Sangkat Dangkor,Khan Dangkor, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-826886 Email: [email protected] Product: T-Shirt, Woven, Men Xin Yan He Garment Co., Ltd. No. 127-136, Street 1986, Sangkat Phnom Penh Thmey, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-557281 E-mail: [email protected] Product: T-shirt Xin Ye Xin Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trea, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-11-316023 Product: T-Shirt Yong Xiang Cam Co., Ltd. No. 56 Eo, Veng Sreng Street, Sangkat Steung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-988838 Product: T-shirt and long pants Yu Feng (Cambodia) Apparel Co., Ltd. Street No. 66, Phum Damnak Thom, Sangkat Stung Meanchey, Khan Meanchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-92-855510 Product: T-Shirt, Sweater Yung Zhi (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. No. 93, Plovlom, Phum Kantouk Cheung, Sangkat Kantouk, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-574868 E-mail: [email protected] Product: Trouser, Jeans, T-Shirt Zhi Kao (Cambodia) Garment Co., Ltd. Phum Trapeang Andong, Sangkat Trapeang Krassaing, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: (855)-12-242444 Product: Knitted 58
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