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December 2005
Cheshvan - Kislev 5765
Finding Yeshua In The Holy Land
By Shira Sorko-Ram
I met Galina about eight years ago in a beauty
salon where she worked as a manicurist in a suburb
of Tel Aviv. A new immigrant of about six years
then, she had come from Russia where she had
been a piano teacher. She had learned quite a bit
of Hebrew on the job, and I found her a really
delightful person, full of life and energy.
As she worked on my nails, I began to tell her
about Yeshua. To my delight, she was completely
open to the Jewish Messiah – but for a very strange
reason. She had been seriously ill with cancer when
she first arrived in Israel and had sought help from
some kind of “healer” who claimed to have the
ability to heal, but seemingly had had no exposure
to other believers. This person prayed over her with
a lit candle, and after several visits, Galina began to
feel better.
Then, incredulously, at one point, this person
told her client that it was through the name of
Yeshua that she had power to heal. And she handed
Galina the book “Betrayed” by Stan Telchin in
Russian (we have printed these by the tens of
thousands in Hebrew) which is the story of a Jewish
businessman who came to know that Yeshua is the
Jewish Messiah. Galina, a Jewess, actually drove
to Nazareth to search for this Yeshua in a Russian
Orthodox church with an Arab priest, the only place
she knew to go. But she didn’t return, as she just
couldn’t see how the many icons of Jesus and Mary
could fit into her world view.
I was taken aback by such a weird tale, but felt
it best to simply keep talking to her about the power
of Messiah Yeshua to save and heal her completely.
She came to our Messianic Jewish congregation
which only had about 40 people at that time, along
with her daughter who was in the army. They both
immediately received the Son of God into their
lives, and Kati, who had sung in a local civic choir for
several years, was soon singing with our congregational
worship team.
Quickly, Galina understood that the Bible speaks very
strongly against any kind of witchcraft, and made a swift end
of all that smacked of idolatry and New Age activity. She
joined a women’s home group led by our partner relations
coordinator, Cookie. And she brought her sister and mother
to the congregation where both of them received salvation.
Week after week, Galina had one request when her
women’s group went to prayer – the salvation of her husband,
Alex. Galina would pray as if her heart would break and the
rest of the “girls” prayed just as fervently with her. Yet,
as Cookie recalls, everyone knew that Alex was a “tough
as nails” guy who in those days
had no need for God, and it was
hard for them to believe that this
miracle would ever materialize.
He had a wonderful job as an
architect, and with his wife by
now earning a modest but steady
income as a licensed cosmetician,
Alex and Galina had been able to
purchase a modest apartment not
long after their aliya (immigration)
to Israel from the Soviet Union, a feat many other Russian
immigrants had not been able to accomplish.
So for Alex who was also a gifted painter and sculptor, he
had everything going his way. What need did he really have
for Yeshua? While Alex would drive his wife to and from
her weekly Shabbat service and home group, he himself
showed no interest in accepting Yeshua as his Savior.
Meanwhile, Galina, often together with Kati, would come
forward after almost every service and pray with many tears
that Alex would come to salvation.
Cookie began to wonder if God might just change the
circumstances of Alex’s life in order to grab his attention. In
fact, she mentioned this to Galina – that she might need to
prepare herself for some radical changes. So it didn’t come
as too much of a surprise when Alex lost his good-paying
job as the economy slowed down during the terrible days of
the intifada. Suddenly he found himself among the ranks of
the unemployed and needy. We believed that it would only
be a matter of time until God would get his attention. Cookie
continues the story:
“There is no doubt that the Lord used these
circumstances to break Alex’s self-sufficiency and
indifference to Yeshua. As the weeks went by, we
noticed that Alex began to come in towards the end of
the services and spend time with the believers - getting
to know them a bit - before taking his wife home.
Some of the men began to befriend him and Alex
became very drawn to one of
them in particular. That was
my Moroccan husband, Itsik.
Although the combination of the
two was a bit strange culturally,
I saw the connection between
them get stronger and stronger
with each passing week.
“Alex seemed to really
admire Itsik, and God used
this growing admiration and
friendship to bring Alex to salvation. One of the most
poignant pictures I recall was seeing Alex following His
Messiah in immersion near Jerusalem in an ice-cold pool
of water in the winter. From that time on, it was as if a
real spirit of hardness left him, and little by little, Alex’s
personality began to soften up dramatically.
“One of the things I also noticed was that week after
week, he would give a folded bill to my husband, the
treasurer, as a congregational offering. Alex had not been
a believer long enough to receive teaching on tithing, but
he somehow seemed to have caught the principle that
he was to give God his due. Despite the fact that Alex
was finding only temporary odd jobs, my husband tells
Before I met Yeshua, I
felt my family was cursed.
I had no sense of selfworth and I was convinced
nothing good would ever
happen to any of us.
me that he would faithfully give the equivalent of about thing was that he was not at all interested in learning about
$20 per week and sometimes more. As I observed this, her faith in Yeshua. Kati knew she had to make a decision,
I knew that it would not be long before Alex would be and she decided to follow the Lord all the way.
blessed supernaturally.
After breaking up with this person, she went through a
“Taking menial cleaning jobs, despite his university difficult period. She had not yet found a job in her field, and
degree and standing as a professional architect, Alex so was working as a waitress and wondering where her life
never complained. He gratefully took whatever work was going. We at Maoz have a policy of not helping Israelis
was available and continued to come to weekly services, study in Bible schools abroad because of the very real
joining my husband in collecting the offerings (what has possibility that they will not make it back to Israel at the end
now become his regular function).
of their studies. The number of Hebrew-speaking laborers
“It was out of the blue that we at Maoz received is so small that every single born-again Israeli who doesn’t
an email from a man in the U.S. who felt impressed to return home is a significant loss to the Body of Messiah in
financially help a struggling Russian Jewish believer Israel. But somehow, we really felt that it was the right thing
through since he himself had to do for Kati – to just let her soul and her talents blossom
Russian family roots. I immediately thought of Alex and under the greenhouse affect of a Bible school with a vision
began to share a bit of his
for the lost.
testimony with this man.
With a scholarship from a
“Some months later,
Bible school in the U.S., some
this individual sent a
aid from
sizeable financial gift for
and a promise of work on
Alex and Galina, and when
campus for her, she jumped at
we called Alex to come and
the opportunity to study Bible
pick it up, he was on the
and specialize in music. Soon
verge of tears as he realized
she was leading worship at a
God’s faithfulness to him
Messianic congregation near
in rewarding him for his
the Bible school. There she
sacrificial giving, even at a
met her man – a born-again
time when most might have
student whose whole family
justified their not giving
has a great love for Israel, and
any tithes or offerings.”
is active in Messianic Jewish
For some time, Galina had
work. Last summer Ari had the
dreamed of having her own
pleasure of marrying them, and
cosmetology business in her
as soon as Kati’s new husband
home. When Galina was laid
finishes his studies in business
off her job at the beauty salon,
administration, they plan to
she felt this was the time for
come on home to Israel!
her to make the move. With an
The combination of grant of
gelism and discipleship through
23,000, ($5248 or 2967) she
a vibrant local congregation,
purchased the equipment and
and a charitable fund such
facial products needed to start
as has
her own business, and today she is prospering and increasing brought new life, eternal life, economic success and love
her clientele. This couple has turned a corner, and although into this extended family of Russian immigrants!
Alex is still working at odd jobs, he is pouring his artistic
When we read this story to Galina (who doesn’t speak
gifting into painting. His style has changed completely, and English) to make sure all the facts were accurate, she wanted
he finds himself painting incredibly beautiful scenes out of very much to add the following: “Before I met Yeshua, I
the Book of Revelation. Ari has loved them so much that he felt my family was cursed. I had no sense of self-worth
purchased two of them!
and I was convinced nothing good would ever happen
After finishing the army, their daughter Kati went on to any of us. But when I came to faith in Yeshua my
to a university in Haifa to study architectural landscaping. Messiah, He gave me a sense of identity and great
By working long hours and her parents helping as much as worth as a child of God. I know with complete
possible, Kati graduated with high marks. She also met a assurance that all the curses Satan had placed on my
young man in college who seemed to be just the type of family are forever broken and our future is gloriously
person with whom she could spend a lifetime. The only in His hands!”
Want to know how to effectively pray for Israel? Request our weekly
prayer letter via e-mail. Please e-mail us at [email protected]
want to thank you and the team for the generous donation of
6,000 (shekels) which will help to finance my bachelor’s degree in teaching and
education of nursery school age children. This school year will be my third at college. The
yearly tuition is about 11,000. Because my studies are not only towards an academic
degree but also towards a profession, I must dedicate many hours to teaching without
pay as well as studying and therefore it makes it impossible for me to finance my studies.
This donation enables me to successfully complete my studies. I just want to say that the
donations of are
very important for the advancement of
the Body of the Messiah here in Israel.
( 6,000 = $1,296 or 734)
Moriel, Congregation Tiferet Yeshua funds are distributed
Tel Aviv
to needy, born-again Israeli Jews and Arabs
Letters of Thanks
e want to thank you and your
organization for 10,000
which has helped our family financially.
We recently bought a small apartment
and then suddenly my husband was
laid off of his job. I just gave birth to
our second son, and will only be able
to go back to work after three months.
Because of all this, we had fallen
into debt with no way in sight to pay
it back. But thanks to you and those
who have contributed, we have solved
that problem and are now out of debt.
Thank you so much. We pray that God
will continue to bless you and your
ministry. ( 10,000 = $2,160 or 1,222)
Olga, Congregation Even Ezer
through the recommendations of their pastors.
The purpose of these funds is to help raise the
economic level of the Messianic community,
thereby enhancing its ability to be an example
of the love and power of God. We believe that
having sufficient means to live modestly without
debilitating debt better enables the believers to
evangelize and disciple their family and friends.
What may be hard to understand for those
not living in Israel is that Israelis as a whole are
a people imprisoned by debt. The banks allow
their clients to go into deep overdraft, and then
charge immense interest for that overdraft. If
a person doesn’t keep up his payments and
growing interest, the bank then closes the
account and proceeds to take legal steps.
It is a common lament that Israelis live
and die in overdraft. Once an Israeli gets into
this situation, it often perpetuates itself for a
lifetime. Israelis then look for ways to take
extra jobs, get paid “under the table” and
on and on it goes. Avoiding income tax by
families hopelessly in debt is as common as the
Israeli sun. Debts may range from a couple of
thousand dollars to hundreds of thousands of
dollars when a business fails – as thousands
did, during the intifada.
The cost of living in Tel Aviv is, according to
internet statistics, the same as that of Miami.
However, the average wage in Israel is the
want to thank you for the gift of
5,000 enabling me to attend my
second year of university. It is clear to
me that God has used you to open this
door for me and make it possible for me
to study yet another year. This year, part
of my curriculum includes studying the
books of the Bible: Jeremiah, Samuel,
Song of Solomon and Hosea [from an Orthodox point of view]. As I also am studying
the “History of the Jewish people,” I chose the period of the Bible and the Middle Ages.
Through the lectures, God has clarified the fantastic picture that He himself created which
made it clear to me how He has always been there for the Jewish people.
I do face challenges during these historical and theological lectures that I believe will
prepare me to be a more effective minister in the Messianic Body. I pray that God will
bless you in your loyal and moral ministry. ( 5,000 = $1,080 or 611)
Y, Congregation Ma’ayan
Kfar Saba
am a 73 year old widow who was born in Israel. As a result of several financial difficulties in my life,
I found myself left without any savings. Until recently I didn’t realize that I had any problems with my
hearing, but since many friends and relatives told me that I have a tendency to shout when I speak, I went to the
doctor for several tests. These tests showed that I was, indeed, in need of a hearing aid, which I found out would
cost 18,000. Knowing that I would be unable to afford such a device, I turned to my congregation for help, and
I was able to get the financial help needed through the donations of
There are simply not enough words to express my gratitude for this tremendous help that I received when I
was truly in need. I thank you and bless God
everyday for the help of those who desire to
bless the body of Israeli believers who are
equivalent of $1508 ( 846), per month, before enormous taxes,
needy in the land.
and the minimum wage is the equivalent of $719 ( 403). Even
( 18,000 = $3,888 or 2,200)
with both parents working, without extreme discipline and good
Shosh, Congregation Tiferet Yeshua
fortune, they usually find themselves falling hopelessly into debt,
Tel Aviv
generating chronic poverty. A third of Israel’s children live below
the poverty line.
When Israelis come to receive Yeshua, one of the chief missions
of the pastors is to help them plan a budget and begin to work
towards getting out of debt. They must be taught the basics of
God’s integrity – not to cheat on their income tax and to begin to
pay their tithes, even in the midst of their great need.
If it seems like a monumental job, it is! Yet we have seen family
after family begin to pull out of their poverty mentality, become
efficient with what they have, and then watch God pour out his
blessing with new and better jobs plus many other miracles. fulfills a critical function in getting these
people to a manageable debt level so that they can begin to see
the light at the end of the tunnel. The fund has also helped both
Russian immigrants and Israelis with terrible teeth problems,
often as a result of having never seen a dentist in their lives until
it is too late. The fund has helped not a few replace front teeth
which has truly made them into new persons.
Secondly, when we are presented with opportunities to help
Israeli believers train for a practical career, or help immigrants
attend classes to learn Hebrew so that they have an opportunity
to succeed in the job market, we know that this is a wonderful use
of our contributors’ funds. Thus we search for ways to help the
needy permanently better their livelihood. Such a believer will be
able to give to the Lord’s work and in every way be a far more
effective believer in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel.
In the last 12 months alone, has distributed
an average of $17,995 each month to Israeli Messianic believers and
victims of terrorism, for a total of $215,936 ( 121,095). It has blessed 68
families and individuals from 22 congregations. – Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram
want to thank you for the support of
10,000 you gave me. I have to say that
your financial help assisted me in becoming
debt free. I am grateful for this, because
now I can finally lead a normal financial life.
With your help, not only am I out of debt, but
I have received proper financial guidance
and counseling with those who were willing
to sit with me and help. Now I will be able
to better manage my family’s finances in an
effective and responsible way, and I believe
that will make a great deal of difference
in my effectiveness as a believer. I am not
exaggerating when I say that this financial
help released me from worries which kept me
in a sort of prison. I am grateful to you and
to the Lord.
( 10,000 = $2,160 or 1,222)
Sagi, Revive Israel
Meveseret Zion
e wish to thank you from the bottom
of our hearts for the financial
help of 5,000 that was much needed for
family dental repairs. In our congregational
ministry, we often meet new people but have
never had a high level of confidence due to the fact that our teeth were in a state of disrepair. We were unable to
financially manage this much needed dental work as my wife earns very little as a caretaker and so we mostly
rely upon help from the National Insurance. We are also supporting my wife’s mother who lives with us, an 85
year old widow. In spite of all this, we always obediently tithe from everything we have.
So your help is a confirmation of the justice and security of the Lord. We thank you and pray that your
ministry will grow and bring joy to you and to all the people you are helping.
( 5,000 = $1080 or 680)
Boris, Congregation Ma’ayanot Chaim
What the
pastors and leaders
hank you very much for your very generous
gift of 13,000 to the needy people of the
Ethiopian Messianic congregations in Israel. We are
very grateful for your prayer and significant financial
support. It has greatly encouraged us and helped us
to move forward in the vision that God has given us
to build his Kingdom here in Israel.
( 13,000 = $2,900 or 1,600)
e want to express our deepest gratitude
for the significant financial gift of 10,000
we received from you to help cover the cost of an
urgent medical operation for Avner B.Y. The operation was successful and we thank God for His provision and healing power. Thank you for being a
vessel of his care.
( 10,000 = $2,300 or 1,300)
Eitan Shishkoff
Congregation Ohalei Rachamim (Tents of Mercy)
Mengistu Ephraim
Congregation Torch of Gideon
hank you so very much for your donation
of 23,000. This contribution has joined to
underwrite the cost of warehouse palletized shelving to receive humanitarian aid to Israel that has
been donated by charitable organizations.
Our Israeli headquarters distribute through
its 26 centers located throughout the land. Some
clothing and supplies go to street people. Most
goes to new immigrants who land here with only
two suitcases with which to begin their new life.
The language and customs can seem strange and
overwhelming. They are comforted by knowing
someone cares.
The Joseph Project, on behalf of all the thousands of recipients who will receive this humanitarian aid because you helped build the infrastructure, is deeply grateful to you.
( 23,000 = $5,165 or 2,820)
Jo Kaplan
The Joseph Project
You may donate to Maoz with Visa, Mastercard or other credit cards. To give
by automatic monthly withdrawal, please call Maoz Ministries 1-800-856-7060
e wanted to thank you for your generous help
of 23,000 to families who were wounded
in terrorist attacks. Your contributors helped us very
much and completed the amount that was missing in
this special project to make the holiday season a joyful
one - with gifts of food and supplies for these stricken
families. The families thank everyone for the donation
that helped them to spend the holidays in happiness
with food on the table and the possibility to buy other
things needed for the holidays.
We also wish to thank you on behalf of the Moiel
family for the generous donation that gave them light,
hope and joy. They were very simply without words
from happiness. Your donation surprised them and
brought tears to their eyes. They will be sending you a
thank you letter.
( 23,000 = $5,165 or 2,820)
Berry & Batya Segal
Vision for Israel Ministries and The Joseph Storehouse
ately our congregation submitted a
request for financial help of 13,000 for
one of our congregants because of a very difficult financial situation. Our sister, R, lived in the
States for some years, got saved there and was
thereafter guided by God to return to her native
Israel. R returned two years ago to face different
difficulties that were connected to her past.
To close this chapter of her life which
includes considerable debt, she really needed
the help she received from your generous donation. Because of this donation, R has been set
free from the debts that tied her down until now
and she is now far more able to focus on her
growth in her faith and her service to the Lord.
I want to thank you for your generous support.
( 13,000 = $2,900 or 1,600)
Tony Sperendeo
Congregation Maayan (The Fountain)
Kfar Saba
By mail:
Maoz Ministries
P.O. Box 535788
Grand Prairie, TX 75053-5788
By phone:
U.S. 800-856-7060
G.B. 44-208-692-2831
CAN. 519-751-0035
are saying…
nclosed are the receipts for the recent gift given
to the N family. They will be sending a personal
thank you letter.
I know that the gift of 9,000 was a great blessing
and encouragement for them.
They have used it in a prudent manner to greatly
reduce their indebtedness. We will be sitting with
them monthly to help them plan a budget and keep
out of future debt.
The fund has made a tremendous difference in many believers’ lives. Of course
all needs are not met through just finances. Growing
young families such as this family have many needs.
Yet, I believe that the easing of their current financial
pressure coupled with sound counseling will make a
difference. Thanks for being there.
( 9,000 = $1,944 or 1,100)
Shmuel Birnbaum
Congregation Yam Ahavato (Sea of His Love)
Bat Yam, Israel
By fax:
U.S. 214-677-0500
G.B. 44-208-333-7272
CAN. 519-751-0960
Visit us online
via our secure web sites:
The Maoz Israel Wall of Honor:
For our U.S. partners only*
he Maoz Israel
Wall of Honor was
created to recognize the
generosity and foresight
of those who embrace
the vision of Maoz and
future by making a
legacy gift today. The
hallmark of this special
group of friends is a
commitment to reaching Israel and her people
– impacting them with
the Gospel. The Maoz
Israel Wall of Honor is
being established this
year with an inaugural
membership – and you
can be a part of this!
Membership is extended to anyone who:
Includes Maoz Israel Ministries as beneficiary in
his or her will;
Names Maoz Israel Ministries as the beneficiary of
a life insurance policy or retirement plan;
Names Maoz Israel Ministries as a beneficiary of
a life income gift (a remainder trust, a charitable
gift annuity, or a lead trust); or
Makes a gift of a personal residence, building,
land or farm to Maoz Israel Ministries, with a life
estate reserved.
Please let us know if you have named Maoz Israel Ministries as the
beneficiary of a legacy gift. We want to honor you as a member of the Maoz
Israel Wall of Honor. For more information on how to include Maoz in your will
or about how a life income gift might benefit you today and help secure Maoz’
future impact on Israel, please contact Jim Morrison at 214-677-0560.
We just know we wanted
to bless Israel, and we felt
Maoz Israel Ministries was
the best place to do that.
Alice and Wayne Huff
When you join the Wall of Honor, you will receive a beautiful stone plaque with your
name on it. Also, a plaque will be hung in Israel with your name in honor of your gift.
Become a member today with your investment in the future salvation of Israel!
* If you live outside of the United States and wish to make a legacy gift, please contact our Canadian or England office for more information.
Maoz Israel
Wall of Honor
for one year
Possesing the Gates
of the Enemy
Cindy Jacobs
Memorial Members
Marjorie Woodbury
Marizona Robinson
Restoring Your
Shield of Faith
Chuck D. Pierce
Robert Heidler
The Purpose
Driven Life
Charter Members
Tommy Brown
Wayne and Alice Huff
Arlene Tice
Ray and Christy Wilkerson
Rick Warren
Developing the
Leaders Around You
John C. Maxwell
Developing the
Leader Within You
John C. Maxwell
Books in process of Hebrew
translation and publishing.
Maoz Israel Wall of Honor Members,
thank you for your support!
You can have a part in putting
books that bring maturity and
spiritual growth into the hands
of Israelis.
would like to thank you very much for your help of a
total of 30,000 for our Druze brothers and sisters who
have been going through very hard times. It is extremely
unusual for a Druze to become a believer in Yeshua the
Messiah, and now, when several whole families – husbands,
wives and children – have come to Yeshua, it is something
unheard of! It is a miracle! These families are living under
continuous persecution. Their lives have been threatened
by Druze from their village, and their children have been
threatened with kidnapping. There have been notes on their
doors, calls in the middle of the night and several have been
severely beaten. One of our brothers was attacked by five
hooligans who broke a vertebra in his neck. Another time,
there was an attempt to murder two of our brothers when a
car tried to run over them, but God spared them!
When one of the brothers first came to faith, he was
afraid to speak about it even to his wife for fear of rejection,
violence or murder. After some time he did tell her and she
also came to faith in Yeshua the Messiah.
The Druze brothers and sisters who become believers,
face strong resistance from their families. It even came to a
point that one of our brother’s own father spat at him, which
in the Druze culture is considered the worst expression of
scorn and humiliation. In a recent incident a believer was
attacked while driving his car. People came with stones and
bars and tried to kill him. The car was demolished but he
was still somehow able to drive away in it. Afterwards, the car
had to be towed away. This brother reached a point of mental
fatigue and was on the edge of collapse.
Lately, also their wives have been threatened by their
own families, so it is very difficult for them. For the Druze,
it is a tough issue when a family member leaves the Druze
religion. There have been cases where a father or a brother
has murdered his own family members. They consider it an
outrage against the honor and good name of their family
when one of them leaves the Druze religion. Now some of
our believing sisters are enduring this type of pressure from
their families.
Also the children are going through a difficult time at
school and in the village. It isn’t easy for them at all. Their
classmates, and sometimes even the teachers, have laughed
and mocked them.
Even with all this, our Druze brothers and sisters are
holding on to the Lord and declaring that they will not leave
Him. They want to stand in the faith, whatever it costs them,
and, in this case, it is often a question of life and death. It is
just God’s grace that up till now they are all still with us.
In addition to all this hardship, they also face financial
problems. One of the brothers suffers from the not
uncommon illness of combat fatigue after serving in the
Israeli army. Another brother had a work-related accident
about 10 years ago and is crippled. Others have been without
work for a long time in an economically depressed sector
of the Israeli society, or their bosses have been paying them
irregularly – or not paying them at all for long periods of
time. Usually in the Druze society, the individual member
enjoys the support, both financially and physically, of the
extended family. In this case our brothers have been rejected
by all and most of them are in debt and finding it hard to
keep taking care of the basic needs of their families.
Your financial help was a great blessing for them! It has
enabled them to buy food and has helped to reduce the
pressure. Our brothers are very thankful for your kind and
loving physical support. Please continue to pray for all the
Druze brothers and sisters, that God will strengthen them
and be with them.
( 30,000 = $6,480 or 3,666)
Daniel Yahav - Congregation Peniel
Note: The Druze community in Israel numbers some 104,000 people out of a world-wide population of about a million. Their
secretive, closed religion is an offshoot of Islam which came into being in the 11th century. They believe that Moses’ father-in-law,
Jethro, was the founder of their religion. There has scarely been any Druze who have come to believe in Yeshua – until now. God
has not forgotten the Druze, and today there is a stirring of the Holy Spirit among the them – but not without persecution.