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PDF - University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry
T H E M A G A Z I N E O F T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F D E T R O I T M E R C Y S C H O O L O F D E N T I S T RY | FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Video Capture Learning Improved Instrumentation Skills InVision Camera Technology DIGITAL DENTISTRY Patient Satisfaction CAD/Cam Equipmemt Time Savings 3D Digital Impressions THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION 10 UNDER 10 The Spirit of UDMSD Young Alumni to Watch Why Volunteerism Matters Please visit our planned giving website at udmercy.edu/planned gift and use our gift calculator for more specific information or contact Thomas Sklut, Director of Development at 313-494-6624 or [email protected] with any questions about setting up a charitable gift annuity with University of Detroit Mercy. LEADING EDGE THE UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY THE SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY 2700 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. BOULEVARD DETROIT, MI 48208 Antoine M. Garibaldi, Ph.D. University President Mert N. Aksu, D.D.S., J.D., M.H.S.A. Dean [email protected] Thomas W. Sklut, M.A. Director of Development [email protected] Maria Scarvelis, B.S., B.A. Special Events and Communications Editor of Leading Edge [email protected] FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 CONTENTS Dean’s Message.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Kari Radjewski, M.A. Communications Specialist Contributing Writer [email protected] Upcoming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Dana Hart, M.A. Recent Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Assistant to the Dean Contributing Writer [email protected] Kimberly Mercier, R.D.H., M.H.S.A. Director of Continuing Education and Alumni Relations Contributing Writer [email protected] Bidlack Creative Group Publication Design Eric Jacobs Photographer We Want To Hear From You! Feature: 10 under 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Feature: Spirit of Volunteerism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Feature: Digital Dentistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Faculty/Staff News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Student News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Outreach............................................................. 28 Diversity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Leading Edge welcomes letters to the editor, press releases, photos, or any other communications that highlight our alumni. Alumni News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Send your information to: Kari Radjewski Email: [email protected] Phone: 313-494-6927 Alumni Board President’s Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Please include a daytime phone number and email address with correspondence. ©2014 School of Dentistry Donor Honor Roll.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Find More Online! See this Fall/Winter 2014 issue, plus additional articles and photos on our web site at www.dental.udmercy.edu /UDMdental @UDMdental DEAN’S LETTER A Few Words... and a Thank You I am proud to present you with this edition of the Leading Edge. As you settle in for the holidays, I am hoping that you will enjoy all that we have to share with you in these pages. The School of Dentistry continues to transform itself and evolve to secure our reputation of providing leading clinical education programs. Mert N. Aksu, Dean In today’s times, there are many factors that need to be managed as part of a successful plan to remain competitive. In a recent presentation by Marko Vujicic, Ph.D., Managing Vice President for the American Dental Association Health Policy Resources Center, a number of trends facing the profession were discussed: •Declining utilization of dental care among younger adults •Continued fiscal austerity within state budget •Shift from financing procedures to financing outcomes •Pressure on providers to become more efficient •Increased integration of health care delivery and financing •Increased consumerism in health care These are all things our graduates will need to navigate as they learn the art and science of our profession. We remain committed to the same values that give you all a sense of pride in your school. The commitment is evidenced in the clinical proficiencies of our graduates, continuous selfassessment of our curriculum, and an unwavering focus on delivering practical, pragmatic and contemporary clinical educational experiences. For our alumni and friends, we desire to support your individual success and networking through continuing education and alumni events. I hope that we can continue to exceed your expectations in these areas. While these past few months have been filled with the hustle and bustle of graduation, a routine accreditation site visit by the Commission on Dental Accreditation, and continued faculty recruitment as well as the beginning of the fall semester and welcoming of new students to our campus, we are looking forward to deepening our 2 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 commitment to the educational program. Our faculty members are committed to their role in each student’s learning and development, and continually strive to partner in their success. Sometimes, the ebb and flow of our day-to-day lives often causes us to lose sight of larger goals in life. It is no different for me and our team at UDM. We know that the strength of what we do here is built on the coordinated efforts of many, based on effectively motivating learning in our students. Sometimes we are energized by the smallest things in our lives; a “thank you,” a The School of Dentistry continues to transform itself and evolve to secure our reputation of providing leading clinical education programs. student who smiles in appreciation, or a patient who proudly speaks of the care they received. There are many memories made during dental school and an immeasurable number of opportunities to make a positive impact on so many. As you read this and flip through the pages, I hope that pride of our story exudes a sincere sense of enthusiasm for all that we are doing. The integration and investment in various technologies to allow students to not only experience evolving clinical techniques, but also technology to improve learning in an era of knowledge growth in our profession. I want to thank you all for remaining engaged and interested in the investments we are making in your school to maintain the “Leading Edge” reputation that you are all a part of and a “Leading Edge” reputation that we all benefit from. Mert N. Aksu, D.D.S., J.D., M.H.S.A. Dean, School of Dentistry W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 3 UPCOMING EVENTS SAVE THE DATE! FEBRUARY 2015 UDMSD Annual Talent Show Students, Staff and Faculty alike will once again join together to perform and support each other at the School of Dentistry’s Annual Talent Show, on Friday, February 13th. For the third year in a row, the show will take place at the Gem Theatre in Detroit. We look forward to celebrating the unique talents of the members of the School of Dentistry! UDMSD Chicago Midwinter Meeting Alumni Reception The UDMSD Chicago Midwinter Meeting Alumni Reception will be held in conjunction with a special Pierre Fauchard Academy Induction Ceremony, Thursday, February 26, 2015, from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at the historic landmark Chicago Cultural Center. To RSVP, or nominate qualified candidates to the Academy, email [email protected] (nomination criteria at www.Fauchard.org.) MARCH 2015 UDMSD Dinner Dance For More Information About Events: Dates and times for upcoming events are posted on our website as they are announced. For event details, please visit: www.dental.udmercy.edu/events 4 L ELAEDAIDNIGN GE DEGDEG EFAFA L LL/LW /W I NITNETRE R 2 02104 1 4 Put on your dancing shoes, because on Saturday, March 28, 2015 the students, faculty, and staff are getting together to attend the UDMSD Dinner Dance, which will be held at the Atheneum Suite Hotel in Detroit, for an evening of food, dancing and fun! Awards will also be presented to faculty and staff who have helped make a difference in the lives of our students. CHICAGO • DETROIT MAY 2015 School of Dentistry Alumni Day Save the date, because on Friday, May 1, 2015, we will be returning to the Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth for the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry’s Alumni Day. Our keynote speaker will be Lisa Philp, who will be presenting, “Generational Diversity.” The day consists not only of continuing education, but also the chance to catch up with your classmates and to learn about the great new things the School of Dentistry offers. If your graduation year is one that ends in a ‘0’ or a ‘5’, plan to attend your reunion, held the evening of Alumni Day. If you are interested in helping with the planning of your reunion, contact Kimberly Mercier at: [email protected], or 313-494-6694. For more information on Alumni Day, or to register, please visit: dental.udmercy.edu/alumniday C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N School of Dentistry ALUMNI DAY 2015 Friday, May 1, 2015 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Lisa Philp, Featured Presenter Lisa Philp’s mission is to make dentistry simple and fun, allowing dental professionals to achieve personal and professional fulfillment in the workplace. As a leader and business owner over the past decade, Lisa has built a results-driven North American coaching company that uses a proprietary software program to objectively analyze the performance of future potential, and map out a unique plan for customized coaching programs, yielding a return on investment guarantee. As a speaker, she is an authentic and engaging communicator. She spreads her passion for dentistry, while combining practical application with real life solutions. Ms. Philp has been named as one of the “Leaders in Dental Consulting,” by Dentistry Today magazine. Generational Diversity — Bridging the Gap Dentistry is a human capital business with success being measured in how we treat the “person.” We are currently treating five generations of patients. Each generation is diverse with their preferences, loyalty, choices, and how they make decisions about their health and dentistry. Although each person has their individual preferences, there is science and experience that shows how we can adapt to each generational segment with predictability when we understand their culture, motivations, and priorities. These are all dependent on when someone was born and what they were exposed to in childhood, youth, and as an adult. Location Class Reunions CE Credit 7 CEUs Registration/Tuition The Inn at St. John’s If your graduation year ends in a ‘0’ or a ‘5’, 44045 Five Mile Road plan to attend your reunion held the Hygenist & Assistant $90/$140* Dentist - $140/$190* Plymouth, MI 48170 evening of Alumni Day. If you are interested * If registering after April 1, 2015 in helping with the planning of your reunion, contact Kimberly Mercier, Director of Alumni Relations at: 313-494-6694 or [email protected]. For more information or to register for this event, please visit www.dental.udmercy.edu/alumniday W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 5 2014 EVENTS Dr. Sanjay Chand prepares to share a song with the audience at the Taste of Diversity Dinner Caroline Eskander introducing her belly dancing routine JANUARY 2014 display of support and encouragement from among the community of women represented. All were in agreement — the annual Ladies’ High Tea is a favored highlight of the year! Ladies’ High Tea Saturday, January 2 — The University of Detroit Mercy Chapter of SNDA hosted their Ladies’ High Tea. The guests of the event, which included UDM Dental and Dental Hygiene students, faculty, staff, and alumni, spent the afternoon at the Victorian Tea Parlor. The ladies wore hats and headpieces, and sampled a variety of amazing teas, finger foods, and desserts. The goal of the tea was to provide an opportunity for the ladies to celebrate the legacy of women and African Americans in dentistry. Events of the day included trivia games, discussions about quotes from famous women and other historical figures, and spending time getting to know more about each other’s unique personal and professional journeys. The tea was spearheaded by Director of Multicultural Affairs, Dr. Deirdre Young, who wanted to create an event that would inspire and uplift the students, and allow the faculty, staff, and alumni the opportunity to reach back and interact with the students who are striving to carry on their legacy in the profession. The day was a huge success as many of the ladies of SNDA expressed through tears their gratitude for such a 6 LLEADING ELAEDAIDNIG EDGE N GE DEG Fall DEG& EFA Winter FA L LL/LW /2013 W I NITNETRE R 2 02104 1 4 Fady Shounia and Aziz Moukled present their research board at Alumni Day FEBRUARY 2014 Taste of Diversity Dinner Wednesday, February 5 — The UDMSD chapter of the Student National Dental Association (SNDA) held their annual dinner in the Special Functions room on the Corktown Campus. The purpose of the event is to celebrate the ethnic diversity in our school, all while being entertained by live musical performances and dancing. Faculty and staff were invited to bring unique dishes representing their ethnic background. The guests enjoyed listening to Dr. Chand’s wonderful voice, Ziggy Garza’s upbeat music, and a dance performance sponsored by the Hispanic Student Dental Association. The proceeds from the event go toward the SNDA/SNDHA Oral Biopsy Fund and the Oral Cancer Walk. The event is one of the most popular at the school and helped those involved have a greater appreciation for the sense of diversity around our campus. Dr. John Palanci and Dr. Jeffery Parent are surrounded by students as they enjoy a lunch during Alumni Day Susan Ku and a pre-dental UDM advocate pose with a patient during “Give Kids a Smile” Talent Show UDMSD Chicago Midwinter Meeting Alumni Reception Friday, February 7— The third annual UDMSD Talent Show was once again held at the Gem Theatre in Detroit, MI. Students and faculty put their myriad talents on display during an evening that included singing, comedy skits, solos, and dancing as participants showcased their hidden skills. Be sure to join us on Friday, February 13, 2015 for the next show! Give Kids A Smile Saturday, February 8 — Many children in Detroit had more to smile about once again, following the “Give Kids a Smile” day at the Corktown Campus. With the help of dentists, dental hygienists, faculty, staff, and students, the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry provided free oral health care services to children ages 4 through 16 from low-income families. Fourth-year dental students, with faculty supervision, provided the bulk of the care during the event. Participating children took home a free oral health kit containing toothpaste and floss — and a big smile. Thursday, February 20 —The UDMSD Chicago Midwinter Meeting Alumni Reception was held in conjunction with the Pierre Fauchard Academy Fellow Induction Ceremony at the Chicago Cultural Center. The Cultural Center is one of Chicago’s most renowned reception venues. APRIL 2014 Alumni Day with Reunions and the OKU Induction Friday, April 4 — T he lovely Inn at St. John’s in Plymouth, Michigan was the setting for our annual UDMSD Alumni Day. After a successful year in 2013 combining Alumni Day, class reunions and the OKU Induction ceremony to optimize our time together, we decided to repeat it again! Our keynote speaker was Bruce Christopher who presented the topic of “The Psychology of Success.” Each year, Alumni Day provides attendees with continuing education, an opportunity to catch up with classmates, and School of Dentistry updates. WW W W.W. D EDNETA Nwww.dental.udmercy.edu TA L .U L .U DM DE MRECY. R CY. E DEUD U 7 2014 EVENTS Samantha Chang, Shaheera Afzal, Bhavisha Patel, and Sravani Komanduri take a moment together at the annual dinner dance at the Westin Book Cadillac Dr. Deirdre Young supervises the work of prospective dental students Dinner Dance MAY 2014 Saturday, April 5 — Over 400 dental students, faculty, and staff attended this year’s Dinner Dance at the beautiful Westin Book Cadillac Hotel in Detroit. The evening celebrates both faculty and staff who have impacted the lives of the students. We offer our congratulations to all the honorees! Impressions Program Saturday, April 12 — The Student National Dental Association chapter at UDMSD hosted their annual Impressions Program. This program was implemented by the National Chapter of SNDA as an annual event to expose under-represented minority students to the field of dentistry, and to help these individuals become stronger candidates. It also seeks to increase the number of minority students who are enrolled in dental schools throughout the country. This year, 24 students participated in the program, representing a diverse spectrum of cultures, ethnicities, and backgrounds. 8 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Michigan Dental Association (MDA) Annual Session Friday, May 2 — The Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan was the setting for this year’s UDMSD MDA Alumni Reception, hosted by Dr. Mert Aksu, Dean of the School of Dentistry. The conference, held at the DeVos Place, includes numerous continuing education opportunities and nearly 200 exhibits. SNDA/SNDHA Senior Sendoff Wednesday, May 7— The Student National Dental Association and the Student National Dental Hygienists’ Association chapter at UDMSD hosted their annual Senior Sendoff Celebration. This program was implemented to commemorate the scholastic achievements of SNDA/SNDHA members. The faculty, staff, alumni, and families of the graduating seniors spent an evening at Andiamo’s Riverfront, honoring: Gregory Bolden, D.D.S.; Tracey Cobb, D.D.S.; Thien-Kim Le, D.D.S; Anitra Moore, R.D.H., B.S.; and Andrew Nguyen, D.D.S. Students enjoy the warm weather during the New Alumni Reception at the Detroit Yacht Club New Alumni Reception Thursday, May 8 — Faculty, alumni board members, family, and friends gathered together at the Detroit Yacht Club for the second annual New Alumni Reception. The Detroit River provided a stunning backdrop for this event, which celebrated our newest upcoming graduates, welcoming them as new alumni. 2014 Commencement Friday, May 9 — The School of Dentistry held their 81st Annual Commencement Ceremony on the grounds of the McNichols Campus. Eric Kushion celebrates his commencement with family members The commencement speaker was William Maas, D.D.S., M.P.H., M.S., Assistant Surgeon General (retired), U.S. Public Health Service. The students were announced to the podium by Dr. Aksu, and the certificates and degrees were conferred by Dr. Antoine Garibaldi, President of the University of Detroit Mercy. California Dental Association Friday, May 16 — For the first time, UDMSD hosted an alumni reception at the California Dental Association’s Annual Session. The Hilton Anaheim, played host to myriad alumni on the West Coast. We look forward to having this event again next year, and we hope to see you there! The ceremony began with a welcome by Dr. Richard Nykiel ’75, Alumni Board President, which was followed by an invocation by John M. Staudenmaier, SJ, and then Stephanie Michelle Fawn Chen from the Dental Class of 2014 led the attendees in both “O Canada” and “The Star Spangled Banner.” Dean of the School of Dentistry, Dr. Mert Aksu, officially welcomed the graduates. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 9 2014 EVENTS Pre-dental students join with the UDM chapter of SNDA/SNDHA to help raise awareness of oral cancer JUNE 2014 JULY 2014 Oral Cancer Walk NDA Annual Session Saturday, June 7— The UDM chapter of the SNDA/SNDHA hosted their 8th annual Oral, Head, & Neck Cancer Walk. This 3 mile walk was started to increase the awareness of oral cancer in the community. All monies raised enable the SNDA/SNDHA to continue providing oral biopsies for patients in need. Saturday, July 26 — Dr. Deirdre Young and Dr. Mert Aksu represented the School of Dentistry at the NDA Annual Meeting at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside Hotel, in New Orleans, LA. In addition to the conference, the School of Dentistry hosted an alumni reception to welcome past graduates attending the event. Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) Annual Session Friday, June 27— We were excited to see The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) hosting their Annual Session in our own hometown of Detroit! The Marriott Renaissance Center was the location of the alumni reception hosted by Dr. Mert Aksu. 10 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 AUGUST 2014 White Coat Ceremony Sunday, August 17— Students enjoyed a time-honored tradition as both the Dental Hygiene Class of 2016 and the Dental Class of 2018 were welcomed into their professional educational programs at the annual White Coat Ceremony. For the first time, the event took place at McNichols Campus in Detroit, as we hosted incoming students, friends, family, and alumni. During the ceremony the audience witnessed each student accepting their white coat, along with the students reciting the professional oath. To celebrate the major milestone, all participants were invited to the Fountain Lounge for a reception following the ceremony. T his edition of the Leading Edge starts a new tradition at the School of Dentistry. It’s important to the School that we highlight the efforts of recent graduates who have gone above and beyond in their professional careers. We are extremely honored that our graduates are both clinically proficient and also socially aware in their current community. We congratulate all of those alums that have made an impact at their clinic. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 11 KYLE L. BOUHANA D.D.S. ’13 Showcasing 10 alumni who have been out less than 10 years. These 10 young professionals embody the UDM.S.D time-honored tradition of giving back. Gulf Coast Endodontics • Pasadena, TX “Our clinic goes above and beyond in participating in outreach programs and increasing access to care by partaking in Healthy Kids Dental Program, which is in partnership with the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH). Healthy Kids Dental provides a commitment to improving the oral health of underserved children and has been named one of five national models for improving access to dental care for low-income populations. We are also a supporter of the VINA Community Dental Center, which was created in 2008 to meet the needs of low-income individuals in Livingston County who have little or no access to dental care. VINA (Vision, Integrity, Need, Action) provides basic dental care with prevention, saving teeth, and relief of pain and infection as major goals.” “I am a native of the metropolitan Detroit area, and was born and raised in Windsor, Canada. While studying biochemistry at the University of Windsor, I developed a strong interest in pursuing a career in dentistry. Once starting my journey at UDMSD, I knew I made the right decision. After graduation, I enjoyed dentistry for the elements it combines, including artistry and the opportunity to create something manually. Practicing in Detroit and Windsor, I gained a memorable experience, being a part of the fabric of both cities. My passion for endodontics came to fruition there, and I started my endodontic residency at Boston University. Graduating in 2009, I spent a year honing my skills in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. My brother, also an endodontist, and I then moved to Pasadena, TX and opened Gulf Coast Endodontics in 2010. Since then, the practice has flourished to the point that we decided to open two more offices in the Houston area. I find satisfaction in relieving patients of pain and treating all of them as if they are family. My quest to work closely with people to improve overall health and well-being can be attributed to my positive experiences at UDMSD.” Best Advice Received: “Dentistry requires a lifelong desire for lifelong learning in a routine effort to provide quality oral health care.” Interesting Fact: “Not only was it my desire to follow in my father’s footsteps into the profession of dentistry, but it was also my aspiration to graduate from the same dental school as well, the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. My father, Thomas L. Bouhana, D.D.S. was the class of 1979; I was the class of 2013. I wanted to attend this dental school not only because my father went there, but because of the UDMSD’s reputation for clinical supremacy as well. It speaks volumes in the profession of dentistry, from both a patient and peer perspective, when you can say you graduated from UDMSD.” 12 MARK HADDAD, D.D.S. ’04 Hartland Gentle Dental • Hartland, MI L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Best Advice Received: “To follow my dreams and that my higher education will be a means of giving back to the community.” Interesting Fact: “I am a certified scuba diver and regularly practice yoga. In my free time, I also enjoy golf, skiing, skydiving, and traveling.” LIEUT. ERIC HEIM, D.D.S. ’03 BLAKE LIVINGSTON, D.D.S. ’10 Marine Corps Recruit Depot Dental Clinic • Parris Island, SC Livingston Family Dentistry and Dental Implants • Highland Park, MI “Nearly three years after taking my oath of office for the Navy, I would never have predicted the amount of genuine pride that I have for providing exceptional care to the recruits I currently see while stationed in South Carolina. In a year, the dental office treats more than 19,000 recruits. From oral diagnosis through all the specialty services, we are responsible for making sure that these young marines are prepared to deploy within a month of leaving South Carolina. The treatment needs of this population vary, but for many, joining the Marines gave them the opportunity and access to health care, which they may be receiving for the first time. It humbles me to think that any Marine in my chair may have to make the ultimate sacrifice within a month of our encounter; this reminds me that my job is truly a privilege.” “After graduating from UDMSD, I completed the AEGD residency program at University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, where I received additional training in implant placement and restoration, endodontics, and fixed and removable prosthodontics. Since returning to the Detroit area, I have practiced with my father, Dr. Ronald Livingston ’81, in Highland Park. We have a commitment to serving the inner city with the highest quality dental care. When I first returned to Detroit, I spent a year as the staff dentist for Spectrum Juvenile Detention Center in Highland Park, which serves all of Wayne County. I also work part time with Michigan Geriatric Dental Care with another University of Detroit graduate, Dr. Mary Fisher ’81, providing treatment to the elderly population with mobile dentistry in their homes and at nursing facilities. I currently serve as the vice president of The Wolverine Dental Society, which represents the approximately 200 African American dentists in the metro Detroit area. The WDS is the Michigan chapter of the National Dental Association. I will take office as president of the Wolverine Dental Society in September 2015.” Best Advice Received: “Always treat your patient like family.” Interesting Fact: “Next year I will be working as a dentist aboard an aircraft carrier out of Norfolk, VA. I’m looking forward to the experience of treating various dental needs of the 5000+ sailors aboard the ship which can be deployed for several months at a time.” Best Advice Received: “Laugh. Dentistry is a serious profession, but you have to have fun, too.”— Dr. Joe Ingrao ’54 Interesting Fact: “I am a third generation graduate of UDMSD. My father, Dr. Ronald Livingston ’81, and my grandfather, oral surgeon Dr. Richard Vaughn ’63, both received their undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Detroit.” W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 13 Showcasing 10 alumni who have been out less than 10 years. These 10 young professionals embody the UDM.S.D time-honored tradition of giving back. CHELSEA L. MASON, D.D.S. ’13 CARLOS RAMIREZ, D.D.S. ’05 Michael A. Davis, DDS, PLC & Chelsea L. Mason, DDS, PLC Family Dentistry • Saginaw, MI LakeShore Center for Head and Neck, Maxillofacial & Reconstructive Surgery, St. John Providence Health System • Warren, MI “I joined the dental practice of my uncle, Dr. Michael A. Davis, in Saginaw, Michigan to provide quality dental care for children and adults. My uncle and I improve access to dental care in several ways. First, we volunteered at the Michigan Dental Association’s Mission of Mercy dental event in June at Saginaw Valley State University. My father, Dr. William E. Mason, a Saginaw periodontist, also volunteered his time. Together, the three of us completed initial exams and extracted hopeless teeth for patients in need of dental care. My uncle and I are also the primary dental providers for a local nursing home in Saginaw, which further improves access to care for the geriatric population. Most recently, I completed several fillings on a 97 year-old woman and my uncle completed fillings on her 100 year-old sister; our oldest patients yet! Finally, we also participate in the Michigan Department of Community Health’s Healthy Kids Dental Program.” “I am a maxillofacial and head and neck surgeon, with specialized training in reconstructive surgery, and am among a handful of surgeons in Southeast Michigan, trained to provide this advanced surgical option. I am on staff at St. John Macomb-Oakland Hospital, St. John Hospital and Medical Center, and Providence Hospital. I provide an additional spectrum of reconstruction for patients who have been significantly disfigured by head and neck cancers, and patients with maxillofacial trauma, or soft/hard tissue defects or avulsions. I earned my medical degree from Wayne State University and dental surgery degree from UDMSD. I completed residency training in oral maxillofacial surgery at Providence, William Beaumont, and Sinai-Grace Hospitals, then went on to specialized fellowship training in microvascular reconstruction, head and neck surgery at University of Florida College of Medicine, training directly under world renowned surgeon Rui P. Fernandes, M.D., D.M.D., F.A.C.S. I have also authored multiple peer reviewed publications, book chapters, and I lecture nationally and internationally on reconstructive surgery.” Best Advice Received: “I learned the most about dentistry from Dr. Cindy Bauer, Dr. Charles Taylor and my dad. Together they taught me, “Patients do not care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Interesting Fact: “The field of dentistry is an integral part of our family. My sister, Dr. Suzanne A. Mason ’10 is a Michigan Board certified periodontist practicing in Traverse City, and she also received her D.D.S. from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. I am proud of Suzanne’s perseverance, dedication and accomplishments!” 14 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Best Advice Received: “Always work hard; you will always get out what you put in. The harder you work the bigger the results, but never lose focus of what got you to that mountain top.” Interesting Fact: “I was born in Arequipa, Peru. My parents moved to Toronto, Ontario when I was six. They only allowed us to speak Spanish at home, something that has helped me throughout my entire career. I have a very supportive family; my wife Pamela, my children Vanessa and Carlos II, and our two dogs, Pistachio and Biscuit.” SUNNIE STEWART, R.D.H. ’13 ALEXA M. VITEK, D.D.S. ’04 • Rochester Hills, MI Vitek Family Dentistry, PC • DeWitt, MI “Since early this summer, I’ve been volunteering once a week at the Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic in Pontiac, Michigan. The experience is extremely fulfilling, as I am able to interact with patients who may not have been able to afford routine cleanings. I really enjoy giving back to the community and seeing the reaction from my patients once the appointment is complete. It feels great to connect with the patient population and serve as a resource for those who really appreciate the care.” “I started my general dental practice, located in DeWitt, Michigan, from scratch in 2007. I currently serve as the chairperson of the Michigan Dental Association’s Committee on Membership, and am the past-president of Central District Dental Society. Because of my involvement and leadership in organized dentistry, I received the MDA New Dentist Award in April 2011. From 2007 – 2010, I served as a delegate to the Michigan Dental Association’s House of Delegates. Since 2012, I have been selected to represent Michigan dentists as an alternate delegate to the American Dental Association’s House of Delegates and have chaired the ADA’s 9th District Reference Committee on Membership. I was inducted into the Pierre Fauchard Academy (PFA) in May 2009 and became a fellow of the prestigious American College of Dentists (ACD) in October 2012. I have a zest for organized dentistry and thrive on continually improving opportunities for member of the Michigan Dental Association.” Best Advice Received: “Always provide quality care. It’s essential to exceed the standards of care.” Interesting Fact: “I consider myself a lifelong learner and am excited to return to the field of dentistry. I’ve continued taking classes to fulfill the pre-requisite requirements, with plans to take the DAT exam in the near future. I love a challenge and look forward to returning to the School of Dentistry.” Best Advice Received: “Pick where you want to live first, and then decide where you want to practice.” – Dr. Jeffrey Parent. “I decided that I wanted to live close to family and friends, near my hometown of St. John’s, Michigan. When a practice wasn’t available to purchase that fulfilled my standards of care and expectations, I decided to start a practice from scratch. This practice start-up decision was a sacrifice of time and money, but incredibly worth being surrounded by family and friends.” Interesting Fact: “I tap danced for 13 years growing up and recently started taking tap dance classes again as an adult.” W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 15 JANEICE WOOTEN, D.D.S. ’08 Showcasing 10 alumni who have been out less than 10 years. These 10 young professionals embody the UDM.S.D time-honored tradition of giving back. The University of Detroit Mercy • Detroit, MI “I have worked in a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHCs) in both Saginaw and Detroit for several years now as a means of helping those who unfortunately have been accustomed to being told “No!” I have always felt a strong connection and commitment to the underserved populations, because I believe that regardless of their socioeconomic background, patients deserve respect and quality health care.” “I graduated from UDM in 2009 and started as a R.D.H. in 2010 with Dr. Michael Zonder ’68 at Covenant Community Care’s Mobile Dental Unit providing prophylaxis, sealants and fluoride to children at Detroit schools. Some children had never been to a dentist and were quite afraid, but I took the time to show instruments and explain procedures to ensure they were comfortable. Best Advice Received: “Many instructors encouraged me to be compassionate and respectful of patient’s fears and anxieties towards receiving dental care. By showing compassion during their time of need, you can create a loyal patient who will share their positive experience with others.” Interesting Fact: “I received my B.A. from the University of Michigan in Classical Civilizations. I participated in a study abroad program my senior year on Greek Mythology and Ancient Art and Architecture. I am interested in dental anthropology as a means of marrying my undergrad major with my love for dentistry.” 16 TONYA ZALENSKI, R.D.H. ’09 Deliver Dental Solutions • Detroit, MI L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 The opportunity to join UDMSD as adjunct parttime clinical instructor came in 2012. It gives me great pride to share my clinical knowledge with first and second year dental hygiene students and to watch them grow from novices to well qualified clinicians. In addition, I am part of the Dental Hygiene Program Admissions which allows me to be one of the first people at UDMSD that potential students meet. Most recently, I have taken on other responsibility in UDMSD’s Institute of Advanced Continuing Education, discovering the many aspects of running a successful CE course.” Best Advice Received: “A bachelors degree can open the world to you. There is more to dental hygiene than the typical career path.” Interesting Fact: “I have provided a happy and loving home to two retired bomb-dogs who both served in Iraq: Diablo served until he was 10 and Lady served until she was 4.” The Spirit of Volunteerism BY WILLIAM R. CHASE, D.D.S. ’72 M y interest in volunteering overseas began with my involvement with the Detroit Dental Clinic Club in 1973. This organization formed the cornerstone of my desire to give back to Third World populations. When I first joined the DDCC, I started traveling internationally to teach contemporary dentistry to foreign dentists. Dr. William Chase ‘72 Over the next 11 years, the group traveled to countries like Belgium, Switzerland, China, Russia, and Scandinavia. After seeing the immense dental needs in these countries, I decided to volunteer my professional services to needy populations. Rotary International (RI) helped me realize this dream by awarding me grants to work in foreign countries for month-long service opportunities. My first such volunteer assignment took place in 1984, when I agreed to spend one month on the remote island of Palawan in the Philippines treating the Vietnamese Boat People. Sponsored by RI’s Health, Hunger, and Humanity Grant, this first experience of working in a primitive dental environment was exciting yet physically taxing. I was the only dentist for approximately 2,500 displaced refugees on the island in the I have been immensely touched by these experiences, and would highly recommend that every dentist volunteer at least once during their professional career. My second international assignment in 1992 was to Brazil, in a remote area of the Amazon River Basin in the north of the country. The Fundacao Esperance (Foundation of Hope) Clinic did have running water and electricity. Located in the city of Sanatrem, with a population of 300,000+, patients were provided with not only dental care, but medical care and family planning as well. Getting patients to come to the dental clinic was never a problem. I worked from 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each day, seeing more than 25 patients per day, performing a multitude of tasks, including operative dentistry, endodontics, and oral surgery. By the time I returned to this same compound the following year, I was able to raise money to have the dental clinic in Brazil remodeled and doubled in size. This allowed for Fundacao Esperanca to see more patients, and recruit more international doctors. I was honored that same year, when the compound named the dental clinic in my honor. Over the next 17 years, until 2010, I completed 12 trips to this clinic. I have been immensely touched by these experiences, and would highly recommend that every dentist volunteer at least once during their professional career. It will change your life forever! I am most grateful to my alma mater, the UDMSD, for preparing me for what turned out to be an exciting 40 year career in a great profession! South China Sea. My one-room clinic had neither electricity nor running water. All I was able to do was extract teeth on young and old alike. I had no means of sterilizing my surgical instruments between patients, except by wiping them off for a few seconds with rubbing alcohol. I estimate that I took out about 100 teeth per day. The tropical climate was extreme, and the raw fish diet caused a parasitic infection which required a 3 month period of recovery. However, the experience of serving a population with a great need was rewarding. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 17 DIGITAL DENTISTRY FROM CLASSROOM TO PRACTICE Video Capture Learning Electronic Dental Records Improved Instrumentation Skills Better Care Outcomes Improved Communication CAD/Cam Equipmemt 18 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 InVision Camera Technology DIGITAL DENTISTRY Patient Satisfaction Time Savings 3D Digital Impressions “Our graduates will be able to evaluate, assess, and apply current and emerging science and technology in dentistry and be able to understand how to implement technology when patient care outcomes are benefited. ” — Dr. Mert Aksu I t is nearly impossible to imagine a life without the conveniences and accessibilities technology facilitates. Whether personal or professional, there always seems to be a new, faster, simpler, more efficient method to completing tasks. Today’s technological advances have altered the way dental practices are run and patients are treated. From scheduling and billing to record maintenance and performing clinical procedures, going digital has shaped a more efficient, cost effective and sophisticated clinic, simplifying communication between patients and providers. Consequently, patient expectations of a dental visit are reinforced; in today’s competitive market, incorporating new technologies into practice is no longer an option. Similarly, dental education has to address the same types of changes when training dental hygiene and dental students. As technology has transformed the industry, UDM School of Dentistry (UDMSD) has prioritized keeping up with the trends. To actively address this challenge, UDMSD continuously incorporates technology to create innovative teaching methods and enhance learning processes, aiming to graduate competent and advantaged providers with a skillset and knowledge base vital to the success of their professional careers. Navigating students through advances of dental technology is all in a day’s work for Clinical Associate Professor Dr. Dincer Gurun. “In 2009, UDMSD was one of the first dental schools in North America to introduce digital technology into its restorative pre-doctoral curriculum. Since then we have expanded and integrated digital technology throughout the entire curriculum.” — Dr. Dincer Gurun In keeping with UDMSD’s goal of being on the leading edge for dental education, a range of digital technologies are being used in classrooms and clinics to enhance learning effectiveness and efficiency, as well as organization and quality of patient care. ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS As society becomes increasingly reliant upon technology and the Affordable Care Act embeds itself into providing patient care, electronic health records (EHRs) are essential in the modern practice. Being the present and future of dentistry, EHRs will continue to become more sophisticated over time and increasingly instrumental in patient care. For these reasons, UDMSD dental and hygiene students are trained in this exact type of record keeping. During pre-clinic years in oral health assessment courses, students are introduced to digital documentation utilizing the School’s centralized record keeping system, axiUm. Within axiUm students are able to review simulated patient cases, each including medical information, intra/extra oral examination findings, periodontal and dental examination data, pre-clinic photos, and radiographs. Next, axiUm prompts students with medical history questions about the patient, helping students to relate information in the computer to the individual patient. Using a partner, classmates conduct medical history interviews on each other, and then complete data entry of medical history into axiUm. Through this, students learn the best data entry approaches for recording patient responses. Inherent of its design, EHRs provide a standardized method of evaluating and preparing students to obtain and maintain detailed records of patients’ conditions and treatments, both medical and dental. Students often express appreciation of the time spent practicing EHRs on simulated patient cases as it eases the transition from classroom to clinic; the exact goal of the teaching method. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 19 Electronic Dental Records EHR technology enables students to review and familiarize themselves with the patient data prior to their appointments. Students and faculty now discuss the patient’s data in a “huddle” fashion prior to the onset of clinic each day. In combination with EHRs, students are also taught best practices of Lexicomp, an online pharmaceutical reference database. When facing unfamiliar prescriptions in a patient record, students are able to consult this system to obtain the most current information on respective medications. As dental education becomes increasingly more hands-on, students recognize the vital skill to managing patient care as they transition to the clinic floor. At the end of two years in the student clinic applying the learned skill-set every day, graduates feel confidence and preparedness as they enter the workforce as professional oral health providers. AUDIO-VISUAL ENHANCEMENTS For dental hygiene and dental students alike, a variety of audio and visual enhancements have been incorporated into UDMSD pre-clinic curriculum. Optimizing faculty 20 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Improved Communication instruction and student learning is the main focus for Mike Verdusco, Director of Educational Technology. As a result, Mike and staff have implemented a variety of digital systems for lecture, lab, classroom and clinic settings. “Finding instructional methods that include technology to positively impact the student’s learning experience and prepare them for a continually changing workplace, is the challenge of educators today.” — Mike Verdusco One of the latest adoptions of technology for the dental hygiene program is the use of video capture to record instrumentation as students practice on patient simulators. Upon observing faculty demonstrations, students record each other exercising the same techniques, review the recording, then self-assess. Students freely share video clips amongst each other, providing opportunity for peer feedback. At the end of each pre-clinical session, students write a reflection essay for faculty assessment. This encourages students to further self-evaluate strengths and weaknesses, and provides faculty opportunity to provide clarification and feedback as needed, which is noticed in the following quote by Adjunct Instructor, Dr. Eliana Sanchez. “Teaching our students how to use 3D/CAD-CAM INNOVATIONS Some of the most sophisticated clinical technologies applied in UDMSD student clinics are the advanced 3D digital impressions and CAD/CAM units. In a treatment setting, each provides greater patient comfort and satisfaction through precise placement, but in an educational setting, these technologies are perceived as much more. Rather, they serve as valuable teaching tools. High magnifications and manipulations allow students to visualize the oral cavity from all angles or a specific spot in greater detail. Adjunct Associate Professor, Dr. Sherif Badr, both teaches UDMSD students how to navigate the equipment and utilizes it in his private; he best validates CAD/CAM innovations with the statement: digital technology in dentistry is not only excellent preparation for their future, but provides an excellent tool for “This technology is changing the face of dentistry. It is the future; it is becoming the standard.” communicating more effectively; it allows for immediate feedback to improve preparations in clinic practicums.” — Dr. Eliana Sanchez Another area of the school equipped with high definition audio visual equipment is the gross anatomy lab. An InVision camera with a magnifying lens displays intricate imagery and details across ten 50” LCD screens throughout the lab. Upon watching instructors perform procedures, students model the same techniques at their cadaver stations. Whether the lesson demonstrates complex dissection or intricate instrumentation, insight provided by the equipment enriches the quality of both teaching and learning, thus contributing to the progression of students into dental experts. As dental hygiene and dental students enter the clinic, they again utilize video recordings in a patient communication assignment. Upon self-evaluating patient education and communication techniques, students review the video with faculty members in one-on-one coaching sessions. During these meetings, faculty reinforces proper communication skills and provides critique for areas of improvement. UDMSD students are encouraged and regularly provided opportunities for self-assessment. This creates self-aware individuals and providers. Whether a student corrects communication skills, modifies chairside professionalism or notes instances of effectivity with a patient, watching their real-life interactions gives students a third-person perspective of themselves. Time Savings CAD/CAM Equipment A Cerec scanner used in student clinics. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 21 The success of integrating digital impression technology with curriculum speaks for itself as students express in course reviews: UDMSD takes a layered approach to preparing students in these aptitudes, spanning the curriculum over three years. Starting in the second year, students are introduced to the technologies as they enter the simulation lab. Here students are required to send one crown restoration to the lab using digital impressions. Once stereolithography (SLA) models are received, restorations are cemented onto manikins. “I especially like working with chairside oral scanners. It was awesome for us to get a chance to use this technology and see what it can provide us and our patients as clinicians” These lessons are expanded upon in the third year. Students have an advanced course in fixed prosthodontics which reveals the value of 3D impression and CAD/CAM technologies in more details. Patient case load provides opportunity for third and fourth year students to use the technology in clinics. If a student takes the initiative to use digital impressions for a restoration, extra credit is awarded. As students progress into their last semesters of dental school, two advanced electives are offered with intentions to further improve skills with digital impressions and CAD/CAM equipment. To ease the use of these technologies with patient care, a clinical coordinator supervises the workflow. Digital dentistry has facilitated efficiency and accuracy for office capabilities, professionalism, clinical expertise and treatment. Most importantly, though, patient satisfaction is intensified, which ultimately drives the demand for such advances. UDMSD is committed to ensuring students have a thorough grasp of the benefits and uses of these technologies long before graduation, providing a confidence to flourish and succeed as providers and clinicians. 3D Digital Impressions Dr. Sanchez works with student to interpret digital impression imaging. 22 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Improved Instrumentation Skills FAC U LT Y / S TA F F N E W S Going Public: Engagement and Mentorship Juliette Daniels, UDMSD Director of Student Affairs, was recently published in the book Going Public: Civic and Community Engagement, an exploration of the programs and experiences related to civic engagement in higher education and the associated learning outcomes. Juliette was part of a four-person authorship team for the chapter, “Undergraduate Research: Blending the Scholarship of Discovery, Teaching, Application and Integration,” which explored the importance of undergraduate research and faculty mentorship for creating meaningful, engaged learning opportunities for students. The opportunity to meet with mentors made a significant difference in students’ ability to apply classroom knowledge to practical settings. In applying the research at UDMSD, Juliette has led the mentorship program and matched incoming students with faculty on campus. Faculty Awards Five of our outstanding faculty members – Dr. Shyam Prasad Aravindaksha, Dr. Sanjay Chand, Dr. Stewart Markofsky, Dr. Kiran Ranganath, and Dr. Linda Weberman have completed the 2013 ADEA/AAL Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) program. ITL is an intensive faculty development program administered by the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) and AAL. The program’s goal is to help prepare dental faculty to become more effective teachers, and to develop skills that will facilitate confidence, job satisfaction, and professional growth in the academic environment. Introducing Thomas Sklut as Director of Development Thomas W. Sklut Thomas Sklut was named Director of Development, effective July 2014. He joins the School of Dentistry with a great depth of experience, most recently with Mercy High School where he served as Executive Director of Advancement. He also serves as a consultant specializing in major gift fundraising, as well as organizational and leadership development issues within notfor-profit organizations. A native of Michigan, Tom earned a Bachelor of Arts from Oakland University, and a Master’s degree from Michigan State University. He has an extensive background in communications, public relations, donor development and fundraising. He brings an enthusiastic, holistic approach to development work and an understanding of the multiple initiatives of the School. Tom is looking forward to meeting UDMSD alumni at upcoming events in the year ahead. Keep Us Updated! Submit Your News Alumni Association Online: To see more photos from recent events, learn about Alumni Board activities, or sign up for outreach, visit the Alumni Association web page at http://dental.udmercy.edu/alumni/ Send your information for publication in Leading Edge to: Kari Radjewski, Communications Specialist [email protected] W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 23 FAC U LT Y / S TA F F N E W S Please Welcome Our New Faculty Members... Dr. Rehab Alabduljabbar DR. REHAB ALABDULJABBAR Clinical Assistant Professor DR. SALVATORE CUTINO Clinical Associate Professor Dr. Rehab Alabduljabbar earned her B.D.S. from the University of Jordan, a D.Sc.D. in Dental Public Health from Boston University, and a clinical certificate in Pediatric Dentistry from Nova Southeastern University. Prior to joining the University, she served as a teaching assistant at Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Alabduljabbar has been with the Department of Pediatric Dentistry as a part-time faculty member since April 2014, where she will now teach full-time. Dr. Salvatore Cutino earned his D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy. Prior to joining us, Dr. Cutino served as Deputy Group Commander/Chief of Dental Professional Services in San AntonioLackland, TX. He will teach in the Department of Patient Management. DR. YASSER ALALI Assistant Professor Dr. Salvatore Cutino Dr. Ayesha Jabeen Dr. Yasser Alali joined the full-time faculty as Assistant Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry in August. Dr. Alali has been with the School of Dentistry since 2011. Prior to joining us, he served as Dental Clinic Director in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Alali earned his B.D.S. from King Saud University, his M.S.D. from University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and his D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy. DR. YVONNE ANTCZAK Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Yvonne Antczak was hired full-time as Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry in August. She has been with the School of Dentistry since 2009 and prior to joining us, practiced dentistry in South Lyon. Dr. Antczak earned her B.S. and D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy. Dr. Bassam Kinaia DR. MAZIN ASKAR Clinical Associate Professor Dr. Mazin Askar earned his B.D.S. from University of Baghdad and his M.S. from University of Minnesota. Prior to joining us, Dr. Askar served as Senior Consultant and Head of the Endodontics Section of the Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar. Dr. Askar will teach in the Department of Endodontics. Dr. Joan Lewis 24 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 DR. AYESHA JABEEN Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Ayesha Jabeen earned her B.D.S. from Gulbarga University in India, and D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy. Prior to joining us, Dr. Jabeen taught and studied at University of Rochester in New York. She has been with the School of Dentistry since 2012, where she will now teach full-time in the Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences. DR. BASSAM KINAIA Associate Professor Dr. Bassam Kinaia has been hired full-time as Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene. Prior to joining the University, Dr. Kinaia practiced general dentistry in Flint. Dr. Kinaia earned both his D.D.S. and M.S. from University of Detroit Mercy. DR. JOAN LEWIS Clinical Associate Professor Dr. Joan Lewis joined the full-time faculty as Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene. She returns to the School of Dentistry from private practice in Bloomfield Hills. Dr. Lewis earned her B.S. from Alma College, her D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy, and her M.S.D. from Case Western Reserve University. PROF. LAURA MANNING-LEE Clinical Associate Professor DR. VINICIUS RODRIGUES Clinical Assistant Professor Prof. Laura Manning-Lee joined the full-time faculty as Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene. She has been with the School as a part-time faculty member since 1995 and practiced dental hygiene in Grosse Pointe Woods. Prof. Manning-Lee earned both her B.S. and M.A. from University of Detroit Mercy. Dr. Vinicius Rodruigues earned a Surgeon Dentist Degree from University of Sao Paulo, D.M.Sc. from Harvard, and his D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy. Dr. Rodrigues has been with the university since 2012 as a part-time faculty member in the Department of Periodontology and Dental Hygiene, where he will now teach full-time. DR. SUSAN PAURAZAS Clinical Associate Professor DR. JOSHUA SCHEYS Assistant Professor Dr. Susan Paurazas was hired full-time as Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Endodontics in September. Dr. Paurazas has been with the School of Dentistry since 2002. Prior to joining the School of Dentistry on a full-time basis, she practiced dentistry in New Baltimore. Dr. Paurazas received her D.D.S. and M.S. from the University of Detroit Mercy and her M.H.S.A. from University of Michigan. Dr. Joshua Scheys earned his B.S. from Evangel College, and Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from University of Michigan. Prior to joining us, Dr. Scheys served as a faculty member at University of Michigan. He now teaches fulltime in the Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences. DR. NANCY POZNICK Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Nancy Poznick earned her B.S. from Saint Mary’s College, and her D.D.S. from University of Michigan. Dr. Poznick has been with the School of Dentistry since January 2013, as a part-time faculty member, and practiced general dentistry in Illinois prior to joining us. She now teaches full-time in the Department of Patient Management. DR. SURBHI PURI Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Surbhi Puri received her B.D.S. from Punjabi University in India, and M.A. from Boston University. Prior to joining our facility, Dr. Puri practiced endodontics at two hospitals in India. She will now teach full-time in the Department of Endodontics. Prof. Laura Manning-Lee Dr. Susan Parauzas DR. HERPREET SETHI Clinical Assistant Professor Dr. Herpreet Sethi earned both her B.S. and D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy, and completed a general practice residency at St. Joseph Mercy Oakland, prior to joining the School of Dentistry. Dr. Sethi has been with us since August 2013 as a part-time faculty member in the Department of Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences, where she will teach full-time. Dr. Joshua Scheys DR. IBRAHIM ZAKHARY Associate Professor Dr. Ibrahim Zakhary earned his B.D.S. and Master of Oral Surgery from the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine in Cairo, Egypt. Prior to joining us, Dr. Zakhary served as senior research associate for the Georgia Health Sciences University in Augusta, Georgia. He has been with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery as a part-time faculty member since 2013, where he will now teach full-time. Dr. Ibrahim Zakhary W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 25 STUDENT NEWS A Call For Inclusion An open letter from Fernando Ruiz of the Alliance for Inclusion Hello fellow Titans! These past years have brought about some exciting changes to the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry. Fernando Ruiz Building renovations, curriculum changes, and of course, the expanded class size have all seen the school grow physically and academically. However, these dynamic changes have the potential to overshadow one of the schools biggest accomplishments this year, the formation of the Alliance for Inclusion. Often fondly referred to as AI, this new student run organization was founded in the summer of 2013 under the leadership of faculty advisor Dr. Kenneth Hillenburg and second year student Matthew Love. Based on the ideology of inclusion, AI aims to promote unification of UDM’s many diverse groups through education, service and fellowship. organizations it offers to support to students of various cultures and religions. However, since the beginning of the school, there has never been such an organization available for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. The Alliance for Inclusion was created in an attempt to fill this void. Simply adding another student organization to the mix though would not make the LGBT population any more included. As such, AI decided to open its doors to all religious, racial, gender, and ethnic affiliations on campus to help foster the importance of inclusion—one As we are all well aware, one truly great aspect of UDM’s dental school is the extensive selection of student Although the dental school is clearly a very diverse community, it is no longer enough to attend a school that simply AI promotes unification of UDM’s M.A.ny diverse groups through education, service, and fellowship. unified group standing together to support everyone. While the focus of the Alliance will remain centered on LGBT issues, the organization will never turn away anyone in the UDM family in need of assistance or friendship. has diversity. Instead, we must take members from each group and “include” them into one social environment. AI is taking diversity to the next level through this idea of inclusion by planning volunteering events with other student organizations, holding training luncheons in order to educate our faculty/students, and providing a support system for all those in need. Students and faculty alike, we are all here with a commitment to help others regardless of who they are. By educating each other and participating in community service projects, we will honor that commitment to our patients and show our devotion to equality. We now ask you to join us in our mission toward inclusion by providing any help you can offer. Whether it is donations of time, money or support to our members, we would be extremely appreciative and love to include you in any or all of our future endeavors. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and consider us as a worthwhile organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our organization at: allianceforinclusion @gmail.com or visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/UDMSODAI. Members of the Alliance for Inclusion, above left; faculty and community members are great support for student organizations, above right 26 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Student Spotlight: Jared Moberg reports on his service learning project: Oral Cavity Care in a Hospital ICU I visited an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with the focus on inter-disciplinary communication. While in the clinic, I asked the nurse how they care for the oral cavity of the patients. The nurse explained to me that they have a 0.12% chlorhexidine-gluconate mouth rinse that they use with a sponge/toothbrush suction device to brush their teeth every 2 hours and Jared Moberg give the patient’s mouth a bath every 6 hours with the chlorhexidine rinse. She gave me a set of sponge/toothbrush suction devices and a unit of 15 ml of 0.12% chlorhexidine-gluconate to share with my instructor. Upon discussion of why they choose this technique for oral health care of patients, the nurse explained that about 1 in every 9 patients on ventilators in the ICU contracts pneumonia and that it is assumed that the bacteria are coming from the oral cavity. The nurse also explained that they would love to have an oral health care professional come and educate the attending nurses on how to adequately provide oral hygiene care. She mentioned that they had a “crash course” on how to UDMSD STUDENTS IN THE NEWS Graham Greenland, a DS4 student, received an honor from ASDA at the Annual Session held this past summer (District 6 Delegate of the Year). Graham also received an alumni honor award from the College of Engineering & Science at McNichols over the same weekend. Congratulations, Graham! Another DS4 Student, Fady Shounia, organized an oral cancer screening on a Sunday in March, 2014. It took place in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chaldean Church Hall in Warren, and was part of The Chaldean Health Fair that takes place annually in an underserved community. This year’s goal was to serve the new Iraqi refugees who attended church. The station included oral cancer screening and oral hygiene instruction with packs of free samples that included: a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouthwash. Overall, over sixty screenings and sixteen oral cancer screenings were performed. Faculty included Dr. Suhaila Mammo and The role of dental care in determining the overall health of patients is gaining importance in the medical field. Dr. Nahla Wadie Salem. UDMSD students performing cancer screenings included Mathew Savaya and Fady Shounia (DS4), Enas Karim (DS3), Lina Jajjoka, Melinda Kashat, and Davina Yatoma (DH2), Reema Shamoon, Maureen Thomas, and care for the oral cavity, however, each nurse eventually develops their own care plan. A question to the medical care providers and myself is, does the patient’s oral health status prior to admission make any difference in the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia? Does the cleansing method decrease the incidence of pneumonia pathogen? Bianca Toma (DS1). This experience reinforced the importance of the role of oral health care professionals in the field of medicine. Not only do we need to extend our dental expertise beyond dental office patient care, we need to provide educational services to medical health care providers. My conclusion from this experience is that the patient’s oral health status prior to the admission is indeed correlated to the incidence of ventilatorassociated pneumonia during time spent in ICU. Award. Congratulations also go to the following The UDMSD Chapter of Student Professionalism and Ethics in Dentistry (SPEA) was recently awarded the National SPEA Chapter of the Year Award, and the National SPEA Best Communications students who were elected to national positions: • Hanan Kazbour, National Vice Chair of Membership Affairs • Bianca (Toma) Boji, National Vice Chair of Organizational Affairs • Samnfet Mangat, Regent Officer District 4. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 27 O U T R E AC H International and Local Outreach DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Over Spring Break, the UDM Chapter of the Alpha Omega fraternity traveled to the Dominican Republic for four days of mission work in dental clinics. Practicing dentistry from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m daily, they provided dental hygiene care, extractions and restorative treatments. The group consisted of 24 dental students, one dental hygiene student, and four dentists of which three were UDM alumni. They saw hundreds of patients and practiced with dental equipment and supplies donated or loaned by private dentists, manufacturers, suppliers, and the UDM School of Dentistry. Dr. Carl Stone summed up the trip by saying, “I think all of us had a very rewarding and fun experience, and would like to do a similar trip again.” BELIZE Established in 1993, the Belize Mission Project has evolved over the last two decades. With medical and dental care being at the heart of the experience, practitioners are able to give back to the surrounding community clinics in Belize. The mission includes dentists, physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and others to join in the outreach efforts. This past year, Dr. Michael Haddow made his 10th trip over to join in the week of service. He has enjoyed practicing dentistry in a Christian manner, and experiencing the rewards of providing an important service to those who do not have access to dental care. For more information on this trip, please visit: http://www.belizemissionproject.com/ MEXICO During the 2014 Spring Break, the UDM chapter of the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) hosted a mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico through the international organization Forward Edge. The team served a community with high rates of illiteracy, malnutrition and infant mortality. Their mission was to provide villagers with dental exams and treatment. In addition to the dental work, the team also collaborated with the Trigo y Miel (Milk & Honey) ministry to prepare one meal a day for the children, while also helping with homework, partaking in soccer games and working on crafts. MOUTH GUARD CLINIC UDMSD students recently partnered with St. Clair College to hold a free custom mouth guard clinic at the St. Clair College Centre for Applied Health Sciences. This was the third annual event of its kind, and 176 mouth guards were made for children from the greater Windsor and Essex County regions. Students and faculty from both schools provided the services and fabricated the mouth guards on site. The free services were a result of contributions made by Patterson Dental in London, ON, Quantum Dental Technologies in Windsor, ON, and the UDMSD Community Outreach Department. MEN’S HEALTH EVENT Under the direction of Dr. Prasad and Laura Wright, UDMSD participated in the annual Men’s Health Event held at Ford Field. Volunteers included students, AEGD residents, alumni, faculty, staff, and family members. This event brought 5,700 people to Ford Field where 687 oral head and neck cancer screenings (an increase of 103% from 2013) were performed. Over 40 participants were referred to their dentist or doctor for possible abnormal findings; another 60 participants were told they needed immediate dental attention. The event provided a venue for students to take the lead in the screening process, while educating the community about oral cancer. Our team plans to participate again in future years. Dr. Michael Haddow with a patient in Belize 28 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 For more information on Outreach activities and trips, contact Ms. Laura Wright, Community Outreach Coordinator at: [email protected] DIVERSITY Lessons in a Lunchbox: Preventative Dental Care Dr. Deirdre D. Young, Director of Multicultural Affairs at the UDMSD, again teamed up with the Maryland Children’s Oral Health Institute this year to aid in the delivery of the “Lessons in a Lunchbox” initiative. The Maryland Children’s Oral Health Institute (MCOHI) is a 501(c)3 organization created to combat dental neglect and oral abuse among children. It works to improve attitudes and behavior of children and families on oral health issues through early health promotion and disease prevention education. In response to the numerous health and behavioral issues seen in children with dental caries, Pediatric Dentist and CEO of MCOHI, Winifred Booker, created the “Lessons In A Lunch Box: Healthy Teeth Essentials & Facts About Snacks” program to ensure teachers, parents and children work together to help eliminate this completely preventable disease. UDMSD’s Office of Multicultural Affairs partnered with the Wolverine Dental Society, UDM Chapter of the Student National Dental Association, Pre-Dental Student Association, and the Hispanic Student Dental Association to provide oral hygiene instructions and assist over 200 first through third graders at Golightly Education Center in assembling lunchbox tool kits. Golightly students were elated to receive a lunchbox containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, healthy snack facts, and a carrot carrying case. In turn, dental student volunteers were excited to teach young, eager children how to care for their teeth. It was a wonderful community learning experience for all! Making an Impact: Tour 4 Diversity Dr. Deirdre Young represented UDMSD in the Tour 4 Diversity this year, which involved six stops to recruit students interested in pursuing professional careers. The tour exposes underrepresented minorities to occupations in health care and addresses preconceived barriers to applying for medical or dental school. Each stop offers a full day of pre-medical enrichment activities and workshops for students. Workshop locations included: •Aetna Foundation, Hartford, CT •Iona College, New Rochelle, NY •Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ •Delaware State University, Dover, DE •Bowie State University, Bowie, MD •Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC Grant Funding Renewed for Pipeline Programs The Office of Multicultural Affairs is excited to announce over $300,000 in renewed grant funding for UDMSD pipeline programs. The funds assist pre-doctoral and pre-hygiene students from disadvantaged and/or underrepresented minority (URM) backgrounds. The grant will create programming opportunities to encourage students to pursue careers in the dental field. It will also assist the educational development of URM allied health faculty, and support the UDMSD Sealant Program. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services awarded the Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) funding in the amount of $238,425 for pipeline projects. The HCOP program works to build diversity in the health fields by providing students from disadvantaged backgrounds with an opportunity to develop the skills needed to successfully enter, complete, and graduate from professional schools. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), in partnership with American Dental Education Association (ADEA), awarded UDMSD $70,000 for the second-year of programming. Partnering with ADEA through the WKKF grant will allow for training of URM allied dental health professionals, recruitment of professionals in the underserved communities, and promotion of school-based programs for preventive dental care. For more information on these events, please contact Yvita Fox of the Office of Multicultural Affairs at: [email protected] or 313-494-6652. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 29 ALUMNI NEWS Spirit of UDM: Alumni Achievement Awards In April 2014, the University of Detroit Mercy hosted the inaugural University-wide celebration, Spirit of UDM: Alumni Achievement Awards. This new event honored distinguished alumni with an Alumni Achievement Award. Amongst the 2014 award recipients was our own Dr. John DiBiaggio ’58 who received the award for the School of Dentistry. Dr. DiBiaggio is a former President of Tufts University, Michigan State University and University of Connecticut. The Spirit of UDM Alumni Achievement Award was established to recognize distinguished graduates, from the University’s colleges and schools, who have excelled in their chosen profession, demonstrated outstanding leadership in their work, and benefited the wider community through their support. Award recipients reflect the University’s mission of excellence and service and bring pride to their alma mater. 30 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 UDMSD ALUMNI NEWS The following UDMSD Alumni accomplished great things this year and received the following accolades: Dr. Carl E. Misch ’73 received the ADA’s 2014 Distinguished Service Award for his long and distinguished dental career. This is the highest award conferred by the ADA’s Board of Directors. Dr. Richard Stevenson ’75 was named 2014-15 President of the Florida Dental Association at the 2014 Florida National Dental Convention in Orlando. Dr. Colleen B. DeLacy ’03 received a Fellowship from the AGD during the academy’s annual meeting convocation ceremony. Dr. Marco Tironi ’13 joined Rochester Advanced Dentistry. The practice focuses on cosmetic, implant, and neuromuscular dentistry. Dr. Tironi earned his D.D.S. from University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry and a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing from Michigan State University. 2014 Public Service Awards were presented to Dr. Steve Harris ’83 and Dr. Ronald Morris ’81. Dr. Timothy Kosinski ’84 was recently featured on the cover of Inclusive Magazine’s 5 year anniversary edition magazine. Dr. Kosinski was highlighted inside with a Q&A interview, and was also the author of an article entitled, “Implant Therapy: Then and Now”. Dr. Ali Ismail ’13 has joined Livonia Dental Care, where he specializes in cosmetic and pediatric dentistry, implants, and endodontics. He earned his D.D.S. from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Biological Science from Wayne State University. Dr. Virgina Merchant, our own faculty member, was selected as a receipient of the William J. Gies Foundation Editorial Award for 2014. DONOR HONOR ROLL The University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry recognizes and thanks the following donors who contributed to the School between July 1, 2013 and June 30, 2014. $10,000 + Dr. Raymond A. Fortson Dr. Richard M. Golden $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Mert N. Aksu Dr. Catherine M. Dinka and Dr. John D. Dinka Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Doering Dr. and Mrs. H. Robert Steiman Dr. Mary Sue Stonisch $2,500 - $4,999 Dr. Daniel Humiston Drs. James W. and Michelene R. Lepczyk Dr. Carl G. Madison and Mrs. Diane Madison Dr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Scott Dr. and Mrs. Ali A. Sobh Dr. and Mrs. Darrell D. Wotta $1,877 - $2,499 Dr. and Mrs. James S. Allen Drs. Timothy A. and Biruta DeConinck Dr. Steven E. Fegan Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Grabowski Dr. David W. Ho and Mrs. Amy Ho Dr. Diane C. Hoelscher and Mr. Stephen Hoelscher Dr. Steven C. Legel Dr. Mark R. Mortiere Dr. Mark T. Murphy and Mrs. Denise Murphy Dr. Richard J. Persiani and Mrs. Penelope Persiani Dr. and Mrs. Curt S. Ralstrom Dr. Louis M. Shoha Dr. Kanokraj Srisukho Dr. Rachel M. Stockhausen Dr. Patrick L. Sweeney and Mrs. Eileen Sweeney Dr. Lawrence C. Walsh $1,000 - $1,876 Mrs. Anna M. Aksu Memorial Fund Dr. and Mrs. F. Charles Arens Dr. Salwa Atwan and Dr. Auday Maki Dr. and Mrs. Alfred D. Austin, Jr. Dr. Philip Badalamenti Dr. and Mrs. Sherif E. Badr Dr. Martha A. Bamfield and Mr. Luke Stefanovsky Dr. and Mrs. William M. Berkowski Dr. and Mrs. David F. Blanden Dr. and Mrs. John P. Braud Dr. Alyssa L. Cairo and Mr. Matt Schuster Dr. Scott D. Clement Mr. Mark Coleman and Mrs. Margaret Coleman Mr. Richard Cortis and Dr. Charlotte M. Cortis Dr. Robert G. Coyle and Mrs. Marian Coyle Dr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Degenhardt III Dr. William S. Demray Dr. and Mrs. G. Bruce Douglas Dr. and Mrs. Joel L. Dunsky Dr. and Mrs. Fares M. Elias Dr. Jack Falvo † and Mrs. Jack Falvo Dr. Mark E. Frenchi and Mrs. Kathleen E. Frenchi Dr. and Mrs. David P. Groth Dr. Arvind Gulati Dr. and Mrs. Dincer C. Gurun Dr. and Mrs. James W. Gusfa Dr. Mark N. Haddad Dr. Raymond C. Hahn Dr. and Mrs. Alan R. Heller Mrs. Mary M. Hoban Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hoen Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Howieson Dr. and Mrs. Brian J. Hunt Dr. Jonathan H. Jacobs Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Jeffers Dr. and Mrs. G. Michael Kabot Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kasper Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Kennedy Dr. Gregory J. Keys and Mrs. Joanne Keys Dr. Paul F. Korte and Mrs. Patricia Korte Dr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Kosinski Dr. and Mrs. William L. Krieg Dr. Richard Kulbersh and Dr. Valmy Kulbersh Mrs. Judy A. Kwapis Jaeger Dr. Robert L. Legel Ms. Maureen E. Lennox Dr. Robert J. Lingle and Mrs. Mary Lingle Dr. and Mrs. Matthew L. Logan Dr. and Mrs. Martin J. Makowski Dr. Matthew R. Maley Dr. Kerri L. Millett Dr. Emmett J. Neville Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Niskar Dr. James R. Orcutt and Mrs. Dianne Orcutt Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Pantera, Jr. Dr. Mary K. Parise and Mr. Joseph Parise Dr. Bruce T. Roach Dr. and Mrs. James F. Sarcheck Dr. Timothy R. Saunders Mr. Kevin M. Shepherd and Mrs. Kathi Shepherd Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Sheridan Dr. and Mrs. Donald B. Sherman Dr. Ian M. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Jason K. Snow Ms. Claudine M. Sordyl Dr. Michael Szewczyk Dr. Teresa A. Gorski Szewczyk Dr. Takako I. Tanaka Dr. Daman D. Thanik Dr. and Mrs. Tymon C. Totte Dr. Robert M. Trombly and Mrs. Colleen Trombly Dr. John P. Warr and Mrs. Maria Warr Mr. Dale J. Werth and Mrs. Kimberly J. Werth Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Wiens Dr. and Mrs. John M. Willis Dr. Kay L. Wilson and Mr. Daniel Barry Dr. Sean L. Wittmer Dr. Eugene Wu Dr. Deirdre D. Young Prof. Pamela Zarkowski and Mr. Daniel J. Pierce Mr. Keith A. and Mrs. Carolynn A. Zeitz † Deceased W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 31 A L U M N I B OA R D P R E S I D E N T ’ S L E T T E R UDMSD Alumni Continue to Make our School Great I n keeping with the “spirit of giving”, I would like to recognize and thank those who give to our school in whatever way they are able, whether it is financial or donating their time to the events and community service projects that are sponsored by the University of Detroit Mercy. Dr. Richard Nykiel ‘78 Volunteering is a great way to show your support. In June of 2014, the AGD was in Detroit for their annual meeting and exhibits. Volunteers, many of whom were UDM alumni and students, were utilized through the Local Arrangements Committee. This was a great opportunity to showcase not only what we have to offer in the city of Detroit, but also our school as well. Volunteering is a great way to show support for your school. I would like to thank the Alumni Board for their time and support, especially with student relations. It has been the intent of the Board to make ourselves available to the students through meet and greets, panel discussions on relevant topics, and becoming more involved in their activities. We recently had UDM night at Comerica Park. It was well attended and a great show of support for the Tigers, the city and our university. Alumni events are a wonderful opportunity to 32 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 network and hear about all the great things happening at UDM, and to show support and pride for your alma mater. We are extremely fortunate to have a state-ofthe-art dental school. If you have yet to visit our Alumni events are a wonderful opportunity to network. new school, you should make it a point to do so. I am sure you will be not only be pleased and amazed with this beautiful facility, but I know you will be quite proud as well. The Alumni Board and I would like to hear your questions and comments, but most of all we would like to see you. Support your school. Get involved and give! Sincerely, Dr. Richard Nykiel, ’78 [email protected] C O N T I N U I N G E D U C AT I O N To register, or for complete course information, scan the QR code or visit: dental.udmercy.edu/ce Questions? Call Debra Huff at: 313-494-6626 We are pleased to announce that most UDMSD CE courses are offered to UDM alumni at a 10% discount. Please make sure to choose ‘alumni’ as part of your highest credential when registering for all courses. The University of Detroit Mercy - School of Dentistry is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. The American Dental Association’s Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) approves continuing dental education courses on an hour-for-hour basis. The formal continuing education programs of the University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry are accepted by AGD for Fellowship/Mastership credit. The current term of acceptance extends from May 2014 through June 2018. University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry.The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 5/1/2011 to 4/30/2015. Provider ID# 214176. W W W. D E N TA L .U D M E R CY. E D U 33 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage PA I D 2700 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48208-2576 www.dental.udmercy.edu ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED LEADING EDGE FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Please join us! School of Dentistry Alumni Day 2015 Friday, May 1, 2015 The Inn at St. John’s, Plymouth, MI (See page 5 for details) 34 L E A D I N G E D G E FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 1 4 Permit No. 1475 Detroit, MI