legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
COALGATE Volume 129 Number 20 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, AUGUST 1, 2012 District Judge Richard E. Branam and family at the judge’s retirement party. Judge Branam Retires From The Bench After serving more than 21 years behind a courtroom bench as associate district judge and district judge for the 25th Judicial District of Oklahoma, the Honorable Richard E. “Rick” Branam has retired. The judge hung up his robe yesterday, July 31. Close to 200 attorneys, judges, law enforcement officers, community leaders, friends, family members, and people the judge has worked with through the years gathered at the Atoka Community Center on Friday evening for the judge’s retirement party. Branam was joined by his wife Jeannie. A graduate of East Central University and Oklahoma City University School of Law, Branam was a private-practice attorney from 1980 through 1990. During that time, he served as city attorney for the City of Coalgate, the Town of Tupelo, City of Stringtown and City of Caney as well as municipal judge for Coalgate and Tushka. Judge Branam took office as Associate District Judge in January 1991 after running a successful campaign against the reigning judge, Judge H.F. Followell. He held that office until February 16, 2006 when Governor Brad Henry appointed him District Judge for Coal and Atoka counties. Branam succeeded Judge Doug Gabbard, who was appointed by the governor in 2005 to the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals. There’s no doubt that Judge Branam will be missed. Several people spoke about his fairness and his dedication and commitment to his office. Some shared a few laughs and humorous stories. Associate District Judge Preston Harbuck described the retiring judge as a role model. “Other than my family, I haven’t learned more from anyone than Judge Branam,” he said. “The way I conduct myself and do business is based almost entirely on how he does business.” On behalf of Coal County citizens and employees, Coal County District 2 Commissioner Johnny D. Ward presented the judge a plaque in recognition and appreciation for the loyalty he has given as a public servant. When asked during a weekend interview if the judge has had any particularly memorable cases during his career, one case immediately came to mind. “As an attorney, it was a capital murder case of a 3-year-old child in the early eighties,” he said. “The court appointed me to represent the defendant.” As for his most memorable experience as a judge, he said it would have to be when he was assigned to Pittsburg County for approximately 13 months during the Terry Nichols’ trial in connection with the terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. “I was one of about seven judges that assumed part of the duties of then-District Judge Steven Taylor while he conducted the Nichols jury trial.” It was a long 13 months, he said. Branam told the Record-Register that since he is retiring at midterm, the governor would appoint Have you ever dreamed of going to an exotic island or country? A far away place with lush vegetation, beautiful waterfalls, magnificent mountains, and miles and miles of beaches? If this is your idea of a perfect vacation, you may want to consider taking advantage of a Panama tour that will be coming up in September. The tour is being offered by Coal County’s own Win (Panama Jones) Rice who has been conducting Panama tours for the past 20 years through his Panama Jones tourism company. A few years back, Win’s reputation as a knowledgeable and experienced tour guide caught the attention of Jack Hanna, a world-renowned animal expert and television personality. Following his first tour with Panama Jones, Hanna posted the following on the Panama Jones website: “We had a spectacular time PANAMA — A group of young Embera girls take a ride in a while visiting Panama, from the wildlife experiences at the dugout canoe (called a piragua) on the Chagres River. Canopy Tower and Gamboa, to visits with the local culture and thrill of the Chagres River, and finally the fascinating rain forest zip line in El Valle! Of course, the Panama Canal was amazing... “Panama Jones and his staff-without a doubt--did an excellent job to insure that our film shoot was a great success. The next time we visit Panama, we’ll call them again to handle everything!” Rick Prebeg, Hanna’s location planner, is making another trip to Panama in September to scout locations and subject matter for Hanna’s television show, “Into the Wild,” and has once again called upon Panama Jones. Filming for the show will be scheduled for February or March 2013. Rice said since he’ll be going to Panama in September to meet with Prebeg, he decided to schedule a tour for a few Oklahoma friends prior to Prebeg’s arrival. The tour is for four nights and five days and will be limited to six people. Panama someone to fill the remainder of his term, which runs through 2014. “It just seemed to me to be a good time to retire,” he said. “It will give the Judicial Nominating Commission and the governor time to appoint a replacement, and hopefully it will be the Honorable Preston Harbuck or the Honorable Clay Mowdy. I think both are very well qualified for the job. But it’s a process, and it will be whoever comes out of the Commission and whoever the governor wants.” In Oklahoma, all judges and justices requiring appointment are appointed by the governor. Candidates must first go through a nominating process through the Judicial Nominating Commission, which selects three candidates to Continued on Page A-3 Take An Exotic Tour With Panama Jones Jones himself will be the tour guide. “I’ve been doing business in Panama for a long time, and I’d like to invite some of my Oklahoma friends to go along and see what I do down there,” he said. The tour itinerary as well as links to the locations guests will visit are as follows: Wednesday, September 12 – Arrival in Panama and transfer to Hotel El Panama (www. Thursday, September 13 – Transfer to Colon by train ( train.html), tour of Portobelo (an old Spanish fort). Transfer by car to the Miraflores locks and the canal observation deck and museum ( Transfer to the hotel. Breakfast included at the hotel. Friday, September 14 – Trip to Tusipono, the Embera Indian village ( Continued on Page A-5 PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 I have a sister-in-law that takes a lot of good-natured kidding about her height (or lack of it). Award winning author Patsy Clairmont understands how my sister-in-law feels and writes the following . . . I can identify with Zacchaeus in that I have a difficult time finding a place high enough to let me see a parade. Visibility is limited when you’re five feet tall. I’ve spent a lifetime on my tiptoes, calling up to others, “What’s going on?” I know I’m supposed to take comfort in the saying “dynamite comes in small packages.” But I don’t want to blow up; I want to grow up. Sitting tall is also a challenge because invariably, a seven-foot-twoinch fellow will plant himself in front of me at church. I then have the joy of staring for the next hour a the seams in his shirt and his nappy neck. It’s like trying to watch a ball game through a billboard. Hugging is often a strain as we shorties have to reach past our stretching points to squeeze a neck. It’s such a rumpling experience and requires readjusting everything from hat to hose. As a speaker, I frequently find myself peeking over lecterns in my attempt to spot the audience. It’s difficult to retain the interest of people when their view consists of your forehead and eyebrows. I have stood on many creative booster stools so I could see and be seen. At one retreat, the kitchen workers brought me a box of canned juice to sand on. It worked fine until my high heel poked between two cans and I jerked sharply backward. I grabbed the lectern, catching myself just before doing a topsy-turvy somersault. My disheveled appearance resulting from my stage aerobics made me look juiced. I have perched on many piano benches to speak. Because they’re pieces of furniture, I always remove my shoes before stepping up. Smooth nylons on shiny-=finished wood equals slick chick in action. It’s like trying to speak on ice skates – possible but risky. To elevate me enough to be seen at one church meeting, the staff quickly piled up two stacks of hymnals, five deep. As I turned to look at my audience from one side of the auditorium to the other, the books would swivel. At one point the right-foot stack headed east while the left-foot stack headed west. Those shifting stilts kept me divided in my concentration, as I was concerned I would leave with a split personality. I’ve stood on milk crates, suitcases, tables and kiddie stools. Once I was precariously placed on a wooden box whose weight limit I obviously exceeded. It creaked threateningly throughout my presentation then, as I closed in prayer, a soloist began to sing, and I cautiously stepped down. Relieved that I hadn’t burst the boards, I walked down the platform steps to take a seat. At the last step, my heel caught in the microphone cords and I crash-landed in the front row as the singer was belting out “Amazing Grace.” I obviously was not Grace, although in a discussion later, we thought it was amazing I could survive my teetertotter platform and then splat when I arrived on solid ground. It’s difficult to be taken seriously when you’re sixty inches short. People have a habit of referring to shorties as “cute.” “Cute” is what you call a toddler, a house without a future, or the runt of the litter. I tried to increase the presentation of my stature by wearing tall clothes. But more than once, while walking up the front steps in sanctuaries, my heel slid into the hem of my long skirt, toppling me across the altar, where I looked like some sort of short sacrifice. I shortened my skirts and added shoulder pads to my jackets in an effort to give an illusion of tallness without tripping myself. Then one time I was in Washington, and when I was introduced in Washington, I grabbed my suit jacket and slid into it as I headed for the stage. I had been speaking for about fifteen minutes when I turned my head to one side and noticed that my left shoulder was four inches higher than my right. Evidently the pad, rather than conforming to the shape of my shoulder, perched on it. Up to that point, I was the only one in the auditorium who hadn’t noticed. I was speaking on being dysfunctional and suggested that this perched pad was proof of my expertise in the subject. When I finished speaking, the mistress of ceremonies approached the steps with the back of her dress tucked into her panty hose. That took a lot of pressure off me. Another time, I was sharing the stage with a statuesque and elegant friend who, as I was speaking, noticed that my mega shoulder pad has slid off my shoulder and into my blouse. She reached in through my neckline and fished down my back in her attempt to retrieve it. I was stunned but continued to speak as though I didn’t notice she was shoulder-deep into my clothing. Well, I lost the audience as everyone became hysterical watching her catch my illusive inches and pat them securely back into place. I wish my height were my only struggle with smallness. Unfortunately, I’m also shortsighted in my faith. I’m one of those “if I can see it, then I can believe it” people. Zacchaeus was a small man who shinnied up a sycamore tree to give himself a boost. To that extent, I can identify. But his next move made the difference for him in a way lengthened robes or mountainous shoulder pads under his togas never could. He inched out on a limb to glimpse the Savior. He risked the shaky-limb experience of faith and responded to the Lord’s invitation, not only to come down, but also to grow up. That day he stepped down from his own efforts to see and be seen and stepped up to the call of the Lord. Zacchaeus still lacked inches, but he gained insight and walked away a giant of a man. Faith is a believe-it-first proposition, with no promise that I’ll get to “see it” regardless of how many boxes I climb. That’s scary – like going out on a limb, huh, Zac? —CC— Many of us have had family members that suffered from dementia. It is a terrible thing for not only the one that has it but also for the family members to go thru. There is a recent report that says just getting out of the house is enough to cut in half your odds of developing Alzheimer’s disease. That’s the heartening conclusion of researchers at the Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center after they tracked a group of more than 1,000 initially healthy seniors over five years. They found that those who participated in social activities – like lunching with friends, volunteering, or going to church – were 50 percent less likely to develop signs of dementia; the most outgoing seniors reduced their risk by 75 percent. While linked to cognitive decline, scientists hadn’t been sure whether that was just because memory loss makes seniors feel less like going out. Study author Bryan James tells that his findings suggest it’s the other way around – “that social inactivity itself leads to cognitive impairments.” People who never leave their comfort zone “aren’t engaging with their environment and meeting new people,” he says. “They may not be using their minds as much.” Interacting with others may be a kind of mental exercise that keeps the brain fit. As James puts it, you can either choose to give your mind a regular workout “or lose it.” — The Week Magazine —CC— And last of all, a story that reminded me of my dog . . . A traveler entering a small country store noticed a sign on the door warning, “Danger! Beware of dog!” Inside, he saw a harmless old hound dog asleep on the floor beside the cash register. “Is that the dog folks are supposed to beware of?” the traveler asked the storeowner. “Yep, that’s him,” came the reply. The traveler couldn’t help but be amused. “He doesn’t look dangerous. Why the sign?” “Well, before I posted it, people kept tripping over him.” Cowboy preacher Kirk Stowers, his wife Dianne, daughter Hannah and daughter and son-in-law Afton and Brandon Dodgen are the principle team members of this family ministry. Kirk preaches a powerful kingdom message reminding redeemed people of the fullness of the blessing of new convenant blood bought believers. Revival Cowboy Preacher with Kirk Stowers Sunday, August 5th thru August 8th Coalgate Assembly of God Church (Corner of Byrd & Clay) Mount up with Jesus Sunday Morning Service 11:00 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Monday thru Wednesday 7:00 pm Judge Branam Retires From The Bench Continued from Front Page submit to the governor for a single selection to the office. The Nominating Commission has posted a “Notice of Judicial Vacancy” on the Oklahoma State Courts Network website. The notice states that appointees shall have had a minimum of four years experience as a licensed practicing attorney, or as a judge of a court of record, or both, within the State of Oklahoma. The deadline for applications is 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 31. Even though Branam has now retired as a judge, it doesn’t sound like he’s going to run out any time soon and buy a rocking chair. “My hope is to do some parttime private practice — I don’t want to go back into full-time,” he said. “I also hope to do some mediation for attorneys in southeastern Oklahoma. I was settlement judge for about 15 years for the Southeastern Administrative District, which covers nine counties.” And, of course, “a little traveling and a little fishing” were added to those retirement plans. Rick and Jeannie Branam have been married 15 years and make their home in Coalgate. Between them, they have four children, Jimmy “Bam Bam” Branam, Bells, TX; Dannielle Branam, Durant, OK; Ricky Richardson, Coalgate, OK; and Tina Plunkett, Oklahoma City. They have nine grandchildren, three greatgrandchildren, and a fourth great- Judge Branam and wife Jeannie Branam. grandchild due in February 2013. Judge Branam expressed his appreciation to all the people who were responsible for his retirement party — which, incidentally, included a catered barbecue dinner. “I want to thank Trae Gray and his staff for putting it together, and my bailiff, drug court and all the other people that helped decorate.” Gray said several attorneys in the area pitched in to help with the party. “I made a few phone calls, and they all wanted to help,” he said. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012—PAGE A-3 J ERIK OHNSON & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW Erik Johnson is pleased to announce the opening of his Law Practice in Ada. Now accepting new clients • Civil & Criminal trial experience • Probate & Trust Administration • Property Law • Municipal Law 211 W. 13th, Ada 580-279-1975 email: [email protected] THE JUDGES — The Honorable D. Clay Mowdy, Preston Harbuck, Richard E. Branam, and Doug Gabbard, II. Judge Branam gives his mother, Betty Choate, a hug at his retirement party. ECU STUDENTS — Jim Branam, Bill Langdon, Larry Grant and Rick Branam, from left. These four guys were students at East Central University at the same time. Justin Humphrey, Atoka/Coal Drug Court Coordinator, left, and Coalgate attorney Trae Gray at Judge Branam’s retirement party. Coal County District 2 Commissioner Johnny D. Ward presents a plaque of appreciation to Judge Branam. THE BRANAM BROTHERS — Bob Branam, McAlester, OK; Richard E. “Rick” Branam, Coalgate, OK; Gerald Branam, Jr., McAlester, OK; and Terry Branam, Krebs, OK. Not pictured – sister Sharon Ann Johnson, McAlester, OK; Brother Glenn Branam, Krebs, OK; and brother John Branam, Krebs, OK. PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 Service Held For Aftin Ezella Ables Funeral services for Aftin Izella (Self) Ables, a longtime Coal County resident, were held Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Bro. Monty Wood officiating. Burial was in Pine Cemetery with arrangements under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate. Mrs. Ables was born October 10, 1927 in Hitchita, OK to George Washington and Flora Ethel (Howerton) Self and passed away July 28, 2012 in Coalgate at the age of 84. She attended Pine Community and Coalgate Schools and married Thurman “Pee Wee” Ables on August 26, 1946 in Sherman, TX. He preceded her in death on July 6, 2007. Mrs. Ables was a Christian of the Pentecostal faith. She enjoyed gardening and working cattle along with her husband. Izella worked as a cook at the Chuck Wagon Café in her younger years. She was a loving mother, grandmother and friend. Survivors include her daughter, Lanell Éclair of Coalgate; grandchildren, Jamie McGaugh of Coalgate, Jason Éclair of Baytown, TX and Jeff Éclair of Coalgate; great granddaughter, Mazie McGaugh of Coalgate; along with numerous nieces, nephews and other relatives and many dear friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; sisters, Louise (Self) Welty and Orah Janetta Self; brothers, George Samuel Self and James Frederick Self. Pallbearers were Stephen Shores, Billy Haworth, Jason Eaves, David Eaves and Neil Turnbow. Funeral services for Bertie M. Cox, an Atoka resident, were held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday (today) August 1, 2012 at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Bro. Tom Hargrave and Bro. Arvel Hall officiating. Burial was in Green Meadows Cemetery in Atoka with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Cox was born November 25, 1931 at Utica, OK to Patrick and Nina (Ward) Hedgecock and passed away July 27, 2012 at Atoka at the age of 80. She attended school as a young lady in the Antlers Community and married James W. “Dub” Cox in 1948 in Paris, TX. Bertie was a jewelry store owner and operator, was of the Baptist Faith and enjoyed gardening and working in her flowerbeds. Survivors include one son, Rick Cox and wife Don Ann of Atoka; siblings, Bill Hedgecock and wife Inez of Antlers, OK and Lois Thompson of Santa Paula, CA; grandchildren, Brad Cox and wife Dena of Stillwater, Jason Cox and wife Gina of Har- rah, OK, Sommer Cox of Aubrey, TX, Alyssha Walker and husband Jamie of Lavon, TX, Amanda Adams of Lane, OK, Jennifer Adams of Atoka, and Samantha Oldon and husband Steve of Bonham, TX; nine great grandchildren; special friends, Roy Pittman of Atoka, Thomas Merritt of Caney, Beckie Harbuck of Farris, Juanita Morris of Cottonwood, Bill Harris of Atoka and Elmer “Mutt” Hall of Crystal, OK; along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; son, James “Taco” Cox; and siblings, Pat Hedgecock, Robert “Pete” Hedgecock, Raymond “Cap” Hedgecock, Bean Gentry, and Wannella Ward Prince. Casketbearers were Charles McCall II, Harley Jenkins, Mike Thomas, Tim Thomas, Harry Farris, Gary McCool, Steve Mansell, Dave Spencer, Rick Virden, Gary Ditters Cole, Jerry Cantrell, Brad Wollery, Kevin Harris, Lloyd Callicoat, Delroe Smith, Roy Pittman, Leon McNeil and Thomas Merritt. Service Held For Bertie M. Cox It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd Coalgate, OK 74538 Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors Service times: Sunday School 10:00 am Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. If you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment. Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 Clarita Community Hosts Summer Blood Drive Donors with Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) can not only give back with their donation, but can also further pediatric medical research. OBI will host a blood drive with Clarita community from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesday, August 8, at Clarita Community Center. Anyone who is healthy and 16 years or older* is encouraged to donate. Donors will receive two tickets to the Oklahoma City Zoo, a Feel Wild summer T-shirt and Donor Rewards points. Donors who wish to support Children’s Miracle Network hospitals - locally, through Children’s Hospital Foundation - can forgo the Feel Wild T-shirt and, in turn, OBI will make a monetary donation of similar value to the Children’s Hospital Foundation. It’s a chance to doublygive to Oklahoma children battling critical health conditions through the life-saving gift of blood and also through support for pediatric medical research, community outreach and treatment initiatives. There will be children who need blood in the coming weeks as a result of life-threatening health issues, said John Armitage, M.D., Oklahoma Blood Institute president and CEO. They are counting on you to give. The need for blood impacts all ages, often unexpectedly as a result of accident or illness. Oklahoma Blood Institute is the ninth largest, non-profit blood center in America, providing every drop of blood needed by patients in 144 medical facilities across Oklahoma, including all metro Oklahoma City hospi- tals. During summer months, it is especially important to increase fluid intake the entire day before giving blood and to eat a complete meal within six hours of donating. Plenty of air-conditioned comfort in an indoor setting is required at all blood drives. For more information or to make an appointment to donate, contact Oklahoma Blood Institute at 877-340-8777 or visit us at ; * 16 year olds must weigh at least 125 and provide signed parental permission, 17 year olds must weigh at least 125 pounds, 18+ year olds must weigh at least 110 pounds. Coalgate Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church of God 508 E. Dyer St. Coalgate, OK. 580-927-2156 “A Light In A Dark World” EVERYONE IS WELCOME Come And Enjoy The Light Of Christ Pastor, Delbert White • Auto • Home • Life • Business Has Your Home Insurance Premium Gone Up? Maybe I Can Help. Call For A FREE Quote Joe Howell Insurance Insuring you since ‘82 114 N. Main • Coalgate, Ok 74538 580-927-3241 http://www/ COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE A-5 Take An Exotic Tour With Panama Jones Continued from Front Page Breakfast included at the hotel. Lunch included at the Indian village. Other interesting areas in or near Panama City will also be visited. Saturday, September 15 – Full transit of the Panama Canal (www.panamacanal. com/canal.html). Travel will be aboard the Pacific Queen ( pqueen.html). Breakfast included at the hotel. Food and drinks included aboard the boat. Sunday, September 16 – Departure. Transfer to the airport. Breakfast included at the hotel. “We’ve taken the highlights of our ‘best of the best’ seven nights eight days package that normally retails for about $1,500 and included them in this package,” said Rice. “We’re offering this tour for $1,288.50 per person/double occupancy.” The tour price does not include airfare. Lunch is not included on day two (September 13). On this day, the group will stop at a place called Los Canones where meals cost less than $10 per person. Lobster, of course will cost more. It is around $15 per person. Dinners are not included in the tour package, but meals can be found for around $10 per person, depending on one’s taste. Win has spent a lot of time in Panama. A paratrooper in the U.S. Army, Win was assigned to an airborne unit in Panama in 1969 and served three tours of duty there. His off time adventures included scuba diving, treks across the isthmus, fishing, searching for artifacts, and exploring the many nooks and crannies of Panama. This is where he first met the Embera Indians in the Darien Region of Panama and became intrigued with their culture. He would later return to Panama after the ousting of Manuel Noriega to establish an adventure tourism company carrying his nickname, Panama Jones. After being injured in a parachute jump, Win was taken off jump status and reclassified. He was transferred to the states in 1978; but after a year and a half with no excitement, he applied for duty in Alaska where his parents and a sister and family were living. After another year and a half with no excitement, he took early medical retirement and moved to the Kenai Peninsula where he met his wife-to-be, Linda, and her two children. Rice says during the five years that followed, not one day went by that Panama was not on his mind. And so began his and Linda’s plans to return to the lower 48 and develop a tourism company. They moved to Win’s hometown of Clarita in 1987, opened a small cabinet shop, and waited for Noriega to fall. After Panama was liberated in 1989, Win and Linda were finally able to start fulfilling their dreams. Following a trip to Panama in June 1992, they And once in a while he person- September tour, please contact returned home to Clarita and set ally guides his favorite tour, The Panama Jones at info@panaPanama Explorer Tour. their plan into action. or 1-888-726For more information on the The first year was slow go2621. ing, but the Rices knew they CONSTRUCTION were on the right track. Win obtained more education in the WE ALSO BUILD HOMES tourism trade and computer and Internet technology. This was We build homes and additions. New homes 68 to 78 ft. brick & rock, back before Internet advertisarchitecture, shingles, concrete or wood foundation, Argon & Low E ing was popular, so selecting windows, custom cabinets, granite countertops included in price. the right media was critical. A Call us today for Free Estimate. domain name was purchased, a website was developed, and business began to grow. The domain name selected was As the business grew over the years, it became necessary to establish an office in Panama. Win and long time friends worked together in developing tourism programs to historic locations in Panama as well as to several rain forests and cloud forests. The most exciting and rewarding project was working with the Embera Indians on the Chagres River helping them develop a new lifestyle through tourism. Max Pinzon, an old friend who was exiled during the Noriega years and living in Oklahoma City, helped Win and Linda with the early planning of the adventure tour company. The company that carries Win’s nickname (Panama Jones) was established in 1997. Win and Linda continue to coordinate tours to Panama from their office in Clarita. Win is retired now and has lots of excitement trying to keep up with nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, a pony, two donkeys, two dogs, three cats, eight chickens, and two rabbits. He is also tirelessly committed to restoring his beloved hometown. He still makes trips to Panama to hang around with old friends and assist Panama Jones coordinators. R.W. CONSTRUCTION 918-470-2148 Competitive Pricing! PANAMA — Win (Panama Jones) Rice with an Indian couple in the village of Tusipono. Note the toucan that Win is holding. New Inventory Arriving Weekly! Summer Dresses – 40% OFF 30% OFF MISS ME JEANS, SHORTS, CAPRIS! leton Chelsy Midd F F O % 0 3 – s p o T r e m m u S All Sizes Including Plus Size Now Featuring Men’s LUCKY & SILVER JEANS Call For An Appointment With Our Beauty Stylists! PANAMA — An Embera Indian woman in the Tusipono village weaves a basket. The village is on the Chagres River. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new on Facebook. HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. es Jewelry, Purs and Summer Flip Flops! Dress With Pizazz and Family Hair Care Center Owner: Barbara Callicoat 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 • (580) 889-7704 PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted CHOOSE A CAREER IN CORRECTIONS! JOB FAIR The Oklahoma Department of Corrections is hosting a job fair for MACK ALFORD CORRECTIONAL CENTER & HOWARD MCLEOD CORRECTIONAL CENTER AUG. 9, 2012 • 9 AM TO 3 PM at the Kiamichi Technology Center 1301 West Liberty Road Atoka, OK 74525 APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR 't forget to download your 2x2 ads CORRECTIONAL SECURITY OFFICERS AND FOOD SERVICE e this week. On-site testing will be administered for correctional officers and food service supervisors from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Driver’s license or photo identification e Ad Name to download. showing date of birth is required for testing. Applicants who have prior military om OPSexperience for theshould 2x2alsoads.) bring a copy of their DD214 form. e in your newspaper. For further information contact: SHIRLEE DEATON AT MACC (580) 346-7301 OR SHARON CHESTER AT HMCC (580) 889-6651 The Oklahoma Department of Corrections is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Promotes a Drug Free Workplace. A departmental physical examination and drug test is required prior to entering on duty. Successful applicants will be required to pass a background investigation. WEEK OF JULY 29, 2012. OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK 2x4.5HELP WANTED 12p DRIVERS: Regional opportunities EXP. FLATBED now open with plenty of freight & great pay! 800277-0212 or OWNER OPERATORS $2,5000 Sign-On Bonus! Dedicated Runs. Class-A CDL & 1 yr experience. Greatcare plan options for: Major Medical, Retirement, more!. Lease Purchase Program w/Down Payment Assistance. 866-915-3910. "CAN YOU DIG IT?" Heavy Equipment School. 3 wk Training Program. Backhoes, Bulldozers Excavators. Local Job Placement Asst. VA Benefits Approved. E 2 National Certifications. 866-362-6497 DRIVERS - You can count on Knight for flexible hometime, plenty of miles, daily or weekly pay, modern trucks, quarterly safety bonuses. Local orientation. 800-414-9569 DRIVERS OWNER OPERATORS & Fleet Drivers Oklahoma CDL? $ New Pay Package $ Sign-On Bonus Return to Oklahoma every 6-8 days. Call 1-800-765-3952. WANTED: LIFE AGENTS; Earn $500 a day; Commissions Paid Daily; Leads, No Cold Calls; Health & Dental Ins.; Complete Training; Guidance in Obtaining License Call 1-888-713-6020. TANTARA TRANSPORTATION is now hiring Owner Operators for a van division. Dedicated lanes w/Competitive pay & hometime. Call Dave at 800-650-0292 or apply online OKLAHOMA'S FIRST Indoor water park seeking a Chief Engineer to handle all maintenance of pumps, water quality and general maintenance —Former Water Sewer pump experience a plus — Perhaps someone with experience in a city or town utility department—Resume or questions to [email protected] or 580-323-3555x9 LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CLAIMS. Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery – No Fee. 1-800-259-8548. DRIS STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS Perfect for Homes & Garages. Lowest Prices, Make Offer and LOW Monthly Payment on remaining cancelled orders. 20x24, 25x30, 30x44, 35x60. CALL 1-800-9919251 Nicole. s=s CAREER TRAINING/EDUCATION AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal Justice, *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV certified. Call 866-579-2843. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad, call Courtni at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672. OCAN072912 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record (Published in the Coalgate Record Register August 1, 2012, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION Register July 18, 25 & August 1, 2012, 3t) COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA IN THE DISTRICT COURT APPLICANT: JONES ENERGY, LTD OF COAL COUNTY RELIEF GRANTED: LOCATION EXCEPTION STATE OF OKLAHOMA LAND COVERED: SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, COAL SANDRA RUTH JOHNSON, CELIA RUTH COUNTY, OKLAHOMA MCCLURE, JAMES ROGER MCCLURE, CAUSE CD NO. 201204737 JOHN STEPHEN MCCLURE, and NOTICE OF HEARINGå REBECCA MCCLURE MARRIOTT, STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers Plaintiffs, and takers of oil and gas and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County, vs. Oklahoma, and more particularly: Antero Resources Corp.; Areta B. McKenzie Trust, THE UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS OF: J. F. RUSH S/P/A Milton D. McKenzie, Trustee; Beta Shale, LLC; Bo-Mc Enterprises, LLC; BP America Production Co., Attn: Mid-Continent Land Mgr.; Brookline Minerals, LLC; Brown Moore; JOHN F. RUSH, DECEASED, KATE Kimberly Moore; Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP, c/o ConocoPhillips; R. SNIDER S/P/A KATE SNIDER, DECEASED, E. M. ENLOW S/P/A Canaan Resources, LLC; E.F. Kurashige Trust, Irwin M. Kurashige, Trustee; Encore ESTHER ENLOW, DECEASED, CHAMP Energy Partners Operating, LLC, c/o Vanguard Natural Resources; Gentry Minerals, LLC; Jillian Pasquali, c/o Pasquali Investments; Jones County Minerals, Inc.; Journey D. ENLOW, DECEASED, MAUDE ENLOW, Oil & Gas, Inc.; Lario Oil & Gas Company; MEH Investments; Mitchell Royalty Limited DECEASED, EDWINA V. BOWEN, Partnership; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc., One Williams Center, Suite DECEASED, and J. C. MCCLURE 1900; Pablo Energy II, LLC; Southridge Energy, LLC; Paige Pasquali, c/o Pasquali S/P/A JAMES CLAUDE MCCLURE, Investments; Parthenon Trading Company; Randall Petroleum Corp.; Sinclair Oil & Gas DECEASED, Company; SM Energy Company; TGM Properties, Inc.; Wentworth Operating Co.; WLM Defendants. Energy Co., LLC; and, if any of the above-named individuals are deceased, the unknown CV-2012-21 heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, successor trustees and assigns, NOTICE BY PUBLICATION immediate and remote, of any such deceased person; and, if any of the above-named THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The Unknown Successors of: J. F. Rush s/p/a corporations or companies are no longer in existence, then the unknown successors and assigns of any such corporation or company. John F. Rush, Kate R. Snider s/p/a Kate NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Application in this cause is requesting that the Snider, E. M. Enlow s/p/a Esther Enlow, Commission issue an order granting the Applicant an exception to the well location Champ D. Enlow, Maude Enlow, Edwina prescribed by Order No. 538817 for the Woodford common source of supply underlying V. Bowen, and J. C. McClure s/p/a James the 640-acre unit comprised of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal Claude McClure, all deceased. County, Oklahoma, so that Applicant may drill, complete and produce a horizontal well You are hereby notified that you have for the purpose of producing from said common source of supply. Applicant is requesting been sued in The the Oklahoma District Court of Coal Department of Corrections County State of Oklahoma, is hosting ainjobCause fair for authorization to drill the proposed horizontal well, called the Caitlin 7H-30, at a location described as follows: Number CV-2012-21 wherein Sandra CENTER MACK ALFORD CORRECTIONAL CENTER Surface Location: No closer than 406 feet from the south line and no closer than Ruth Johnson, Celia Ruth CORRECTIONAL McClure, & HOWARD MCLEOD 1,864 feet from the west line of the adjoining Section 19, Township 1 North, Range 10 James Roger McClure, John Stephen East, Coal County, Oklahoma. McClure, and Rebecca McClure Marriott Completion Interval, which will be cased and cemented: are the Plaintiffs and you are Defendants First Perforation: No closer than 175 feet from the north line and no closer than 900 and that you must answer the Petition of feet from the west line of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, the Plaintiffs at onthe or before the Technology 28th day of Center Kiamichi Oklahoma. August, 2012, or judgment will be rendered 1301 West Liberty Road Atoka, 74525 Last Perforation: No closer than 175 feet from the south line, and no closer than 900 accordingly adjudging that Plaintiffs are OK feet from the west line of said Section 30. the ownersAPPLICATIONS of certain undivided interests WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR The lands adjacent to the land covered by this Application are as follows: Sections the oil, gas and other minerals in and to SECURITY 19, 20, 29, 31 and 32; in Township 1 North, Range 10 East; and Sections 24, 25 and 36, the followingCORRECTIONAL described property in Coal OFFICERS AND FOOD County, State of Oklahoma, to-wit: SERVICE Township 1 North, Range 9 East; Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law S/2 N/2 *On-site SW/4 and S/2will SW/4 of Section for correctional testing be administered hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. 15, Township North, Rangesupervisors 11 East, fromJudge officers3and food service 10:00 for a.m. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative containing to 120 3:00acres, p.m. Driver’s license or photo identification Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jim and judicially determining the death and showing date of birth is required for testing. Applicants Thorpe Office Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at heirship of J. F. Rush s/p/a John F. Rush, who have prior military experience should8:30 also a.m. bring on a the 20th day of August, 2012, and that this notice be published as required Kate R. Snider s/p/a Kate Snider, E. M. copy of theirEnlow, DD214Champ form. D. Enlow, by law and the rules of the Commission. Enlow s/p/a Esther NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present For further information contact: Maude Enlow, Edwina V. Bowen, and J. C. McClure s/p/a James Claude McClure, all SHIRLEE DEATON AT MACC (580)testimony 346-7301 by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by deceased, and quieting and confirming the OR telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s Attorney, prior to the hearing date, Plaintiffs title and possession therein as in SHARON 889-6651 provide their name and phone number. the Petition set forth.CHESTER AT HMCC (580)and th Equal The Oklahoma Department of Corrections is an Opportunity NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be Given under my hand and seal this 17 Employer and Promotes a Drug Free Workplace. A departmental heard.physical For information concerning this action, contact: Jones Energy, LTD., c/o Jim day of July, 2012. examination and drug test is required prior to entering on duty. Successful Troiano, Fenway Land, LLC, 805 W. 10th St., Suite 400, Austin, TX 78701, Telephone Rachel Fuller, Court Clerk applicants will be required to pass a background investigation. (512) 692-9806; OR J. Fred Gist, Attorney, HALL, ESTILL, HARDWICK, GABLE, By:S)Michelle Lampkin GOLDEN & NELSON, P.C., 100 North Broadway, Suite 2900, Oklahoma City, OK Deputy 73102, Telephone: (405) 5532828. Linda G. Evans, OBA #10316 CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA Attorney for Plaintiffs S)DANA L. MURPHY P.O. Box 309 — 110 W. Main Chair Holdenville, OK 74848 S)BOB ANTHONY Tel. (405) 380-6511 Vice Chairman S)PATRICE DOUGLAS Commissioner (Published in the Coalgate Record DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day of July, 2012. Register July 25 & August 1, 2012, 2t) BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: 2x4.5 IN THE DISTRICT COURT S)PEGGY MITCHELL OF COAL COUNTY Commission Secretary 7pSTATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELLEN MARIE RAUPE, Deceased. (Published in the Coalgate Record Register July 25 & August 1, 2012, 2t) P-08-53 CITIMORTGAGE, INC. NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL vs. ACCOUNT, DUSTIN TUCKER, et. al. PETITION FOR DECREE OF Case No. CJ-2012-2 DISTRIBUTION NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE APPROVAL OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES, Notice is given that on August 29, 2012, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at Coal County COSTS AND EXPENSES, APPROVAL Courthouse, 4 North Main Street, Coalgate, OK 74538 in Coalgate, Oklahoma, Coal OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE’S County, Oklahoma, the Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell, for cash, at FEES, AND DISCHARGE OF public auction, to the highest and best bidder, all that certain real estate in Coal County, PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Notice is hereby given that Audrey Oklahoma, to-wit: Mayer, the duly appointed and qualified E/2 SW/4 SW/4 SE/4 and NW/4 SW/4 SE/4 of Section 19, Township 2 North, Range Personal Representative of the Estate of 11 East and W/2 SW/4 SW/4 SE/4 of Section 19, Township 2 North, Range 11 East, Ellen Marie Raupe, Deceased, has filed Coal County, Oklahoma; her Final Account, Petition for Decree subject to unpaid taxes assessments, advancements by Plaintiff for taxes, insurance of Distribution, Approval of Attorneys’ premiums, expenses necessary for the preservation of the subject property, if any, Fees, Costs and Expenses, Approval and prior security interests in fixtures, if any, said property having been appraised at of Personal Representative’s Fee, and $95,000.00. Sale will be made pursuant to order of sale issued in accordance with Discharge of Personal Representative. judgment entered in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma. A hearing has been fixed by the Judge Pursuant to judgment, Plaintiff reserves the right to recall the Special Execution and of the Court for the August 16, 2012 at Order of Sale and to cancel this scheduled sale orally or in writing at any time prior to sale 9:00 A.M., in the District Courtroom, Coal without notice or leave of Court. County Courthouse, Coalgate, Oklahoma, PERSONS OR OTHER ENTITIES HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY and all persons interested in the Estate are WHOSE INTEREST IS SOUGHT TO BE EXTINGUISHED, INCLUDING THOSE notified to appear and show cause, if an WHOSE ACTUAL ADDRESS IS UNKNOWN AND PERSONS OR OTHER ENTITIES they have, why the Account should not be WHOSE UNKNOWN SUCCESSORS ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ARE: Dustin Tucker and settled and allowed, the Estate distributed, Shelly Tucker. Roy Deck, Sheriff of the Attorneys’ Fees, Costs, and Expenses Coal County, Oklahoma approved, the Personal Representative’s By: S)Cliff Ridgeway fee, if approved, and the Personal Deputy Representative discharged. Kelly M. Parker #22673 DATED this 23rd day of July, 2012. S)D. Clay Mowdy Lamun Mock Cunnyingham & Davis, P.C. JUDGE OF THE DISTRICT COURT Attorneys for Plaintiff 5613 N. Classen Blvd. FRANK STOUT OBA #12885 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 P.O. Box 1444 (405) 840-5900 Ada, OK 74821 (405) 842-6132 (580) 332-3355 CHOOSE A CAREER IN CORRECTIONS! JOB FAIR AUG. 9, 2012 9 AM TO 3 PM LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Free Estimates Royal Construction Carpentry, Painting, Caports, Room Additions, Garage Conversions, Lawn Care, Tree Removal Call: Hope Dennis 580-927-0507 or 580-235-8384 Coalgate, OK Jason’s BARBER SHOP has moved to a new location at the FREE LOCAL DELIVERY 1 coupon per customer CAXCA LPXLP 8 lb Bag Ice .99¢ Palace Drug Store Open Daily - 8am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 1 pm CLOSED SUNDAY COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE A-7 Bargains on the Sidewalk in Ada Friday & Saturday The annual Ada Citywide Sidewalk Sale will be held this Friday and Saturday, August 3rd and 4th. The Ada Retail Committee voted earlier this year to move the event to the first weekend in August to coincide with Oklahoma’s Tax Free Weekend. The Tax Free shopping will cover back-to-school items such as clothing and shoes. Merchants in Downtown Ada, North Hills, Arlington Center and South Ridge, as well as several on Mississippi, will be participating in the two day sale. The event was extended back to two days this year to allow shoppers more opportunity to take advantage of the sales. Savings of up to 75% off are being offered on clearance items as well as selections of new fall items. In addition to the shopping experience, school supplies will be given away at the Agri Plex in the 4th annual give-away sponsored by the Legacy Church of Ada, and the local American Legion will be sponsoring a Kids’ Day, complete with bounce houses and games, in the north parking lot at Wal Mart. Merchants will be observing their regular hours on Friday but have set opening times up for Saturday shoppers. Most downtown stores will be opening for business at 8:00 am on Saturday while the outlying shopping centers (North Hills, Arlington and South Ridge) will be opening at 9:00 am. There are exceptions to those times so consult your favorite store’s ad to be sure you’re among the first to check out the bargains available. Now Featuring Melissa & Doug’s Toys! 216 E Main Ada, OK 74820 (580)332-5858 Tuesday thru Friday: 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ��Saturday: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 101 W Main , Ada • (580)332-2277 Fashion Charm Bracelets $15 Each Select Jewelry up to 75% Off 18” Strand Freshwater Pearls $20 Each OPEN AT 8:00 A.M. ARLINGTON CENTER A Shopping Tradition in Ada Ada Sidewalk Sale and the Tax Free Weekend all wrapped up in one big weekend August 3 & 4 Arvest Bank Braum’s China Super Buffet Communication Solutions DK’s Nutrition Center Domino’s Pizza Goodwill Industries J.C. Penney Catalog Store J’s Hallmark Merle Norman Cosmetics Orschelin’s Payless Shoe Source Postal Plus Sall’s Beauty Supply Second Hand Sports Sherwin Williams Snowball Express Subway Wall’s Bargain Center PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 We Buy Gold! Sidewalk Sale Special Up to 70% Off Select Silver Diamond Shop Friday & Saturday August 3 & 4 100 E Main - Ada - (580)332-0457 Open Monday - Friday 10 to 5:30 Saturday 8 to 5 Save up to 75% on Women’s, Children’s & Men’s Apparel Register to win a LCD TV Inside and Outside the Store! Open at 10 a.m. Friday and 8 a.m. Saturday Ms Edna’s 200 East Main Street Ada, OK (580) 421-9007 20% Off formals & wedding dresses 90% Savings up to 1500 Hoppe Blvd • Southridge Shopping Center • Ada, Oklahoma 5BY'SFF8FFLFOEt4JEFXBML4BMF"VHVTU 0GG'SBNJOH Word/Name Mats Unframed Prints Framed Art limit 1 item per household 50% Off 108 E. Main • Ada • (580)332-9226 Oh Baby! 33% to 80% Off Select Items 10 to 7 • Friday & Saturday 1500 Hoppe Blvd, Suite 5 • Ada, OK (580)421-9840 - across from Santa Fe Steak House Beat the Heat! Shop Early Open at 7:00 a.m. o up t 70% Off Check out our 15th Anniversary 9 Months, etc. 102 E. Main - Ada Save BIG in Ada During our Sidewalk Sale and Tax Free Weekend Follow the Crowd to Ada’s Annual Sidewalk Sale • August 3 & 4 BIG Savings PLUS Tax Free Weeken! North Hills CENTRE South Ridge SHOPPING CENTER COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE B-1 Coleman Blue River Wildcat Pee Wee Regional Champions. Pictured from left to right, front row—Roddrik Orphan, Hunter Horath, Holdyn Burchfield, Cameron Christian and Noah Carter. Middle row—Seth Foreman (Cottonwood student), Tyler Adams (Cottonwood student), Haydn Vick (Cottonwood student), Jacob Lawless and Ty Hendrix. Back row—Coaches Mike Lawless, Jon Adams and D. John Horath. The team went on to place 3rd in State. Their record is 46 – 7. Veteran’s Voice Laverne Collins VFW Post 1198 and Ladies Auxiliary will travel to Hugo Sat. Aug. 4th, 2012 to attend the District 4 meeting. The meeting will start at 11:00 a.m. with a joint meeting. Service officer Charles Spears will inform the members on veterans’ benefits. District 4 Commander Dan O’Grady, and President Linda Spears will be presenting plaques and certificates to the Post and Ladies Auxiliary that won various awards at the State Convention in Oklahoma City in June. Linda said with the help of the ladies in District 4, they made over 102% in membership and she was presented a plate from national with picture of two fallen soldiers in the middle and $100. Then District 4 won $25 for the 100% and over membership drawing in the department. So thank you for all the support each auxiliary give. A school of instruction class will be given on how to report on the programs they turn in every quarter. With all the volunteer hours and money spent is how we win our awards, so report to your Post Commander or President and help us win more awards next year. Hugo Post 8316 will furnish lunch for a $5.00 service charge. After lunch we have a drawing on items to help the district. Then starting at 1:00 p.m. the veterans will hold their meeting and the Ladies will hold theirs. So if you are a member with the VFW or Ladies Aux. from Antlers, Atoka, Boswell, Coalgate, Durant, Fort Towson, Hugo or Idabel, come join us. August 14th, Coalgate Post 1198 and Ladies Auxiliary will be going to the Sulphur Veterans Center for their annual Bingo Party. We will be taking cakes, cookies, candy, T-shirts, underwear, stamps, books, toothbrushes, toothpaste, socks, shirts or whatever the veterans can use. We will leave the VFW building at 9:30 a.m. We always stop for lunch in Sulphur. Then we have time to visit with the veterans before we start bingo. You should see their faces when they see all the cakes we take for them. They love to talk and eat. It is a lot of fun visiting and helping them play bingo. It is time for the annual membership dues to be paid. The VFW went up to $25.00. and the Ladies Auxiliary to $20.00, due to Department and National raising theirs. You can call Charles Spears at 580-927-3232, Don Stanberry at 580-927-2024 for the VFW or Linda Spears at 580-9273232 for the Ladies Auxiliary. We would like to say thank you to all the VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members that helped us win the plaques and certificates this year. We did a great job in Coalgate. Our new officers this year will be Commander Charles Spears, and President Vicky Salmon. The next VFW meeting will be August 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Then August 16th at 7:00 p.m. the Ladies and Veterans will meet. Come join us! Big ATS Gymnastics & Tumbling Fall Classes Start August 6th Easy Registration at Atoka’s Standing Rock and Coalgate’s The Flower Garden Schedule found at (580) 258-0356 Back to School Night at Emerson Elementary Tuesday Evening, August 7, 2012 6 - 8 pm (1) Meet your teacher (2) Find your classroom (3) Bring in your school supplies NEED A RIDE TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY? Coalgate United Methodist Church GIVE US A CALL - WE WILL PICK YOU UP 580-927-3050 Coalgate United Methodist Church Leave Message With Name, Address & Phone # SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP 11:00 Everyone Welcome To Attend! MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PARENT IF 3 YEARS OLD AND YOUNGER PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 LEGAL NOTICE LEHIGH HOUSE FIRE RULED ARSON — A fire that destroyed a vacant wood frame house in Lehigh early Thursday morning, July 26, is under investigation by the Coal County Sheriff’s Office. The fire was ruled incendiary with multiple points of origin, meaning that there were multiple spots in the house where fires were started, Coalgate Fire Marshal Chris Clymer and Coalgate Fire Chief David Holt stated. An on-the-scene investigation was conducted by the state Fire Marshal’s office. Lehigh Fire Chief David Townsend said the Lehigh Fire Department and the Coalgate Fire Department responded to the fire at approximately 1:30 a.m. Thursday. Coal County Undersheriff Ray Pebworth confirmed Tuesday that the case has been turned over to the sheriff’s office for investigation. According to Townsend, the property is owned by Jim Smith of Enid, OK. Fenders and Flames Set For Next Week —Miss Fenders and Flames Contest Still Open The Coalgate Fire Department’s Fifth Annual Fenders and Flames Car, is set for Friday and Saturday, Truck and Motorcycle Show August 10 and 11. The Little Miss, Junior Miss and Miss Fenders and Flames contest is still open. The Little Miss division is for girls up to 9 years of age. Junior Miss is for ages 1017; and Miss is for ages 18 and older. This is how the contest works: We would like to say thank you to all customers who Each contestant is given have used our drop-off services. Due to our job and 100 tickets to be sold at $1 working out of town a lot, we have decided to shut each. The contestant in each THANK YOU On behalf of T & N Laundry Mat, Ca RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • AUTOMOBILES • UPHOLSTERY • FLOOD RESTORATION Tim’s Tim & Magean Robinson 405-592-9990 Emergencies: 405-592-9991 Tim & Magean Robinson patrons’ protection. The area is monitored by cameras for our patron’s Thank you, T & N Laundry et Clean p r ing the drop-off press down for now. We will still have the drop off wash dry and fold open though. We are sorry for any inconvenience we have caused anyone due to this. The laundry mat will remain open 24/7 to accommodate different people’s hours of needs. LATEST TECHNOLOGY • PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Monday - Friday 9a.m. to 5p.m. • Residential • Commercial • Automobiles • Upholstery MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT • Flood Restoration Auto • Truck • Motorcycle • Railroad Crossing Call for Free Consultation 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway • 918-423-0421 1-800-658-1596 Latest Technology Professional Service Your headquarters for Unique Gifts Novelties • Ipad & Iphone accessories • Phone Chargers • USB Flash Drives • • Clocks • Jewelry • Oil Paintings Q SHOP 1201 N Hills Center Ada, Oklahoma (580)332-8313 The Cutest Gift Shop in Town LPXLP division who sells the most tickets will be crowned during the Fenders and Flames show on Saturday. All participants will receive trophies Contestants must register and pick up their tickets at Coalgate City Hall by 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 3. Persons who buy tickets will have their names placed in a 50/50 drawing. The pot (ticket sales) will be split 50/50 between the drawing winner and the Coalgate Fire Department. The 2012 Fenders and Flames show will include 24 classes. A complete list of classes is available at the fire department. Awards will be given to Best in Show (car and motorcycle), Class Winners, Best Paint, Best Engine, Best Interior, People’s Choice, Best Flames, and Furthest Traveled. Dash plaques will be given to the first 50 entries. Pre-registration is now open. All entries must be registered no later than 9:30 a.m., Saturday, August 11. Pre-registration may be mailed or hand-delivered to the Coalgate Fire Department at 3 S. Main, Coalgate, OK 74538. The fee is $20, whether pre-registration or registration at the Coalgate Park. Regular registration opens at the park on Saturday, August 11, at 7:00 a.m. and closes at 9:30 a.m. The show will kick off on Friday evening with the always-popular street cruise through downtown Coalgate followed by lots of entertainment in the park. More information will be published next week. In the meantime, please contact the Coalgate Fire Department at (580) 927-3913, Rodger Wilson at 580-927-5329, or Berney Blue at (580) 9275543. (Published in the Coalgate Record Register August 1, 2012, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: JONES ENERGY, LTD RELIEF GRANTED: LOCATION EXCEPTION LAND COVERED: SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 10 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201204738 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more particularly: Antero Resources Corp.; Areta B. McKenzie Trust, Milton D. McKenzie, Trustee; Beta Shale, LLC; Bo-Mc Enterprises, LLC; BP America Production Co., Attn: Mid-Continent Land Mgr.; Brookline Minerals, LLC; Brown Moore; Kimberly Moore; Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Company, LP, c/o ConocoPhillips; Canaan Resources, LLC; E.F. Kurashige Trust, Irwin M. Kurashige, Trustee; Encore Energy Partners Operating, LLC, c/o Vanguard Natural Resources; Gentry Minerals, LLC; Jillian Pasquali, c/o Pasquali Investments; Jones County Minerals, Inc.; Journey Oil & Gas, Inc.; Lario Oil & Gas Company; MEH Investments; Mitchell Royalty Limited Partnership; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc., One Williams Center, Suite 1900; Pablo Energy II, LLC; Southridge Energy, LLC; Paige Pasquali, c/o Pasquali Investments; Parthenon Trading Company; Randall Petroleum Corp.; Sinclair Oil & Gas Company; SM Energy Company; TGM Properties, Inc.; Wentworth Operating Co.; WLM Energy Co., LLC; and, if any of the above-named individuals are deceased, the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, successor trustees and assigns, immediate and remote, of any such deceased person; and, if any of the above-named corporations or companies are no longer in existence, then the unknown successors and assigns of any such corporation or company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Application in this cause is requesting that the Commission issue an order granting the Applicant an exception to the well location prescribed by Order No. 538817 for the Woodford common source of supply underlying the 640acre unit comprised of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, so that Applicant may drill, complete and produce a horizontal well for the purpose of producing from said common source of supply. Applicant is requesting authorization to drill the proposed horizontal well, called the Caitlin 6H30, at a location described as follows: Surface Location: No closer than 406 feet from the south line and no closer than 1,882 feet from the west line of the adjoining Section 19, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. Completion Interval, which will be cased and cemented: First Perforation: No closer than 175 feet from the north line and no closer than 1,550 feet from the west line of Section 30, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. Last Perforation: No closer than 175 feet from the south line, and no closer than 1,550 feet from the west line of said Section 30. The lands adjacent to the land covered by this Application are as follows: Sections 19, 20, 29, 31 and 32; in Township 1 North, Range 10 East; and Sections 24, 25 and 36, Township 1 North, Range 9 East; Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 20th day of August, 2012, and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s Attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact: Jones Energy, LTD., c/o Jim Troiano, Fenway Land, LLC, 805 W. 10th St., Suite 400, Austin, TX 78701, Telephone (512) 692-9806; OR J. Fred Gist, Attorney, HALL, ESTILL, HARDWICK, GABLE, GOLDEN & NELSON, P.C., 100 North Broadway, Suite 2900, Oklahoma City, OK 73102, Telephone: (405) 5532828. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)DANA L. MURPHY Chair S)BOB ANTHONY Vice Chairman S)PATRICE DOUGLAS Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 31st day of July, 2012. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Commission Secretary Coal County Fair Announced Come one, come all to the 2012 Coal County Free Fair September 5-7! Now is the time to prepare exhibits for quilting, canning, crafts, etc., to enter in the fair. Exhibit categories include: Youth: 3-8 years, 4-H and FFA; and for adults: open division. For open division, one could win a blue ribbon and have a possibility of getting Best of Show. There is no charge to enter your exhibits. The only requirements are, you must live in Coal County and must have made the item yourself since October 1, 2011. Fair books are available at the Coal County OSU Cooperative Extension office in the courthouse Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. If you have questions about items for exhibit, please By Sherry Loudermilk, Coal County DHS Coal County Department of Human Services Division of Child Welfare will host our 14th Annual Silent Auction to benefit our foster children’s Christmas. The silent auction call the Extension office at 580927-2262. More details to follow in a few weeks. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its program to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or as a veteran, and is an equal opportunity employer. DHS Announces Foster Children Silent Auction Furnishings, Ada’s newest re offers Gel Beds by Sealy merica’s best known premiere ny. Beds are designed to be cool in warm in the winter. Sealy gel ave better REM sleep, which orative rest, and may be the n do for your health. 00 on King 50 on Queen e best! upon and save today has been scheduled for the end of October 2012 and is the only benefit we hold. For the past 14 years, Children Services has held a silent auction in the lobby of the Coal County Courthouse to raise money to provide our foster children Christmas presents. Due to this benefit, our foster children have progressed over the years of receiving $10 to $100 presents. This amount solely depends on money raised at the silent auction. We are asking for your help. We need new items for our auction; things that cannot be readily purchased and that will draw interest, such as autographed pictures, posters, CD’s, DVD’s, t-shirts, books, etc. If it is possible for you to help us with this endeavor, we and our foster children would sincerely appreciate every effort. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me or the CWS Supervisor, Robin Kennedy, at 580-927-2379. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE B-3 Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 7/25/2012 Total Head: 745 #1 Steers 415-446 ...............................$150-$161 452-493 ...............................$146-$155 520-548 ...............................$130-$137 560-591 ...............................$130-$137 601-627 ...............................$130-$132 664-688 ...............................$130-$133 714................................................$128 #1 Heifers 275-290 .............................$150-$156 380-398 ......................................$144 408-445 ...............................$133-140 465-498 .............................$130-$139 505-540 .............................$124-$131 560-598 .............................$125-$135 600-647 .............................$120-$128 606..............................................$133 665-689 .............................$119-$128 706-708 .................................$122.50 755-785 ............................. $117-$118 803.........................................$120.50 c e l e S Select Mariah & Ryan to wed. Mariah Lynn Burgess and Ryan Scott Brazeal announce their approaching wedding on August 18, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The bride is the daughter 10:00-3:30 of Mrs. Marsha Burgess of Coalgate and the late George 80) 279-1752 Burgess of Seminole, the granddaughter of the late James and Betty Cole of Coalgate and the late Alex and Joan Burgess of Seminole. Mariah is a 2010 graduate of Coalgate High School and is employed by Dollar General in Coalgate. The groom is the son of Stephanie Brazeal of Coalgate and Thomas Brazeal of Dallas, TX and grandson of Carey and Pamela Cole of Phillips and Jerald and Lorraine Holt of Seagoville, TX. Ryan is a 2010 graduate of Coalgate High School and is presently employed by A & W Machine in Coalgate. The ceremony will take place at Fossil Creek Ranch, Fitzhugh, OK August 18, 2012. Pastor James Bokovoy will officiate the ceremony. All family and friends are invited to celebrate this very special occasion. The couple along with their daughter, Myleigh, plans to make their home in Coalgate. Select Home Furnishings, Ada’s newest furniture store offers Gel Beds by Sealy Posture Pedic, America’s best known premiere mattress company. The Opti-Cool Beds are designed to be cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Sealy gel beds help you have better REM sleep, which gives deeper, restorative rest, and may be the best thing you can do for your health. Save $200 on King Save $150 on Queen the best! Bring your coupon and save today “We Discount Prices Not Quality” Mon - Fri 10 - 6 • Sat 10:00-3:30 700 W. 12 Street • (580) 279-1752 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register August 1 & 8, 2012, 2t) OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION Oil and Gas Conservation Division UIC Department Jim Thorpe Building P. O. Box 52000 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-2000 Application No. 1300510048 STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers, and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County Oklahoma: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That D & E Oil Company, Box 220, Fittstown, OK 74842, is requesting that the Commission, pursuant to OCC-OGR Rules 165: 10-5-5 and 165: 10-5-6 and ROP 165: 5-7-27 administratively authorize the approval of commercial disposal of saltwater into the following commercial disposal well: WELL NAME AND NUMBER: Robins 1-27 NE SW SW 27 02N 09E Coal County NAME OF DISPOSAL ZONE: Arbuckle DEPTH Top: 7100’ Bottom: 8750’ DISPOSAL RATE AND PRESSURE: 12000 Bbs/day 3500 Psi/Surface Objections may be filed with the Oklahoma Corporation Commission within thirty (30) days after the publication of this notice. Objections, if any, should be mailed to Oil and Gas Conservation Divison, Pollution Abatement Department, Jim Thorpe Building, P.O. Box 52000, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73152-2000 Suchard Regulatory Consultant LLC 3313 Caddo Lane Norman, OK 73072 405 217 4131 Kubota is celebrating 40 years in America with money-saving finance offers and the promise – your new Kubota is a powerhouse of engineering and reliability. the test of time is Kubota’s strength – because productivity is yours. Kubota is celebrating 40 years in AmericaStanding with money-saving finance offers and the promise – your new Kubota Join the Kubota movement: 40 Years Strong. is a powerhouse of engineering and reliability. the test of time is Kubota’s strength – because productivity is yours. Kubota is celebrating 40 years in AmericaStanding with money-saving finance offers and the promise – your new Kubota Kubota is celebrating 40 years in Join America with money-saving finance offers and the promise – your new Kubota theStanding Kubota movement: 40 Years Strong. is a powerhouse of engineering and reliability. the test of time is Kubota’s strength – because productivity is yours. is a powerhouse of engineering and reliability. the test of time is Kubota’s * is yours. Join theStanding Kubota movement: 40 Years Strong.strength – because productivity A.P.R. Join the Kubota movement: 40 Years Strong. * $0 Down & 0%% Financing for 60 Months Or Valuable Customer Instant $0 Down & 0% Financing forRebates** 60 Months* Or Valuable Customer Instant Rebates** $0 Down & 0 Financing for % $0 Down & 0 Financing for 60 60 Months Months* A.P.R. A.P.R. A.P.R. Or Or Valuable Valuable Customer Customer Instant Instant Rebates** Rebates** LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record July 25, & August 1, 2012, 2t) PUBLIC NOTICE All persons having an indebtedness or claim against The City of Coalgate are hereby notified that all invoices and documentation pertaining to said purchase order or contract must be recorded in the office of the City Clerk on or before September 30, 2012, covering all debts now unpaid and incurred during the period beginning on July 1, 2011 June 30, 2012 or said account shall be void and forever barred. 2x2 and adsending mayonrun anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind S)Sherlyn Walker download the line ads for this week at City Clerk ZONE: 2 for week of July 29, 2012 Kubota is celebrating 40 years in America with money-saving finance offers and the promise – your new Kubota is a powerhouse of engineering and reliability. Standing the test of time is Kubota’s strength – because productivity is yours. Join the Kubota movement: 40 Years Strong. your classified department to $0 Down & 0% Financing for 60 Months* - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 ADA LPXLP Or Valuable Customer Instant Rebates** “Ride With The Brand” 1212 N. Broadway ©Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2012 A.P.R. *$0 down, 0% A.P.R. financing for terms up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota equipment from available inventory at participating dealers through 9/30/2012. Example: A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Only Kubota and select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment *$0 down, Inclusion 0% A.P.R.offinancing terms up may to 60result months purchases of A.P.R. select new Kubota equipment available inventory at participating dealers through 9/30/2012. Example: is eligible. ineligiblefor equipment in aonhigher blended Not available for Rental,from National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate financing A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at(C.I.R.) 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest available to customers no dealer may not be available with customer instant rebate offers. Financing is available throughper Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401isDel Amo Blvd., Torrance,if CA 90503;documentation subject to credit preparation fee isexceptions charged. Dealer charge for document preparation shall be accordance with state laws. Only Kubota and select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment approval. Some apply. Offer expires 9/30/2012. See us forfeedetails on in these and other low-rate options or go to for more information. **Customer instant rebates *$0 down, 0% A.P.R. fi nancing for terms up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota equipment from available inventory at participating dealers through 9/30/2012. Example: is eligible. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in a higher blended A.P.R.Kubota Not available for Rental, National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate financing (C.I.R.) of $300 to $2,500 are available on fi0% nance purchases of60 equipment through Kubota Tractor Corporation. subtracts rebate from pre-rebate A 60-month monthly installment repayment term atmonths A.P.R. requires payments $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 0%inventory A.P.R. interest isDealer available to customers if9/30/2012. no dealer’s dealer documentation *$0 down, A.P.R. fiwith nancing for terms upcash to 60or on purchases ofeligible select newofKubota equipment from available at 3401 participating dealers through Example: may notprice be0% available customer instant rebate (C.I.R.) offers. Financing istoavailable through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit selling on qualifying purchases. Subject to dealership inventory. Sales governmental agencies, independent rental centers, and is dealer owned rental fleetsif do qualify. Some preparation fee isexceptions charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee be in accordance with state laws. Only Kubota andinterest select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60shall payments of and $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. available toinformation. customers no not dealer documentation approval. Some apply. Offer expires 9/30/2012. See us for details on these other low-rate options or go to for more **Customer instant rebates exceptions apply. instant rebatesfor are not available afterblended completed sale. C.I.R. availability ends laws. 9/30/2012. Optionaland may be shown. 0% A.P.R. and is eligible. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in preparation a higher A.P.R. available for National orequipment Governmental low-rate financing preparation fee istoCustomer charged. Dealer charge document fee be Kubota inNot accordance withRental, state OnlyAccounts Kubota select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment (C.I.R.) of $300 $2,500 are available on cash or finance purchases of shall eligible equipment through Kubota Tractor Corporation. Dealercustomers. subtracts rebate from dealer’s pre-rebate may notprice beInclusion available customer instant rebate (C.I.R.) Financing istoavailable through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CAand 90503; subject to credit is eligible. ofwith ineligible equipment may in a offers. higher blended Not available for Rental, National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0%fleets A.P.R. low-rate financing selling on qualifying purchases. Subject to result dealership inventory. SalesA.P.R. governmental agencies, independent rental centers, and dealer owned rental do not qualify. Some approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 9/30/2012. See us for details on these and other low-rate options or go to for more information. **Customer instant rebates may not be available with customer instant rebate (C.I.R.) offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit exceptions apply. Customer instant rebates are not available after completed sale. C.I.R. availability ends 9/30/2012. Optional equipment may be shown. (C.I.R.) $300 to $2,500 are available cash 9/30/2012. or finance purchases eligible equipment throughoptions KubotaorTractor Corporation. Dealer subtracts rebate from dealer’s pre-rebate approval.of Some exceptions apply. Offer on expires See us for of details onKubota these and other low-rate go to for more information. **Customer instant rebates selling on qualifying to or dealership inventory. Sales to governmental agencies, independent rental centers, and dealer rental fleets do dealer’s not qualify. Some (C.I.R.)price of $300 to $2,500 purchases. are availableSubject on cash finance purchases of eligible Kubota equipment through Kubota Tractor Corporation. Dealerowned subtracts rebate from pre-rebate exceptions Customer instant rebates availableinventory. after completed C.I.R. availability ends 9/30/2012.rental Optional equipment may be shown. selling priceapply. on qualifying purchases. Subjectaretonot dealership Sales tosale. governmental agencies, independent centers, and dealer owned rental fleets do not qualify. Some exceptions apply. Customer instant rebates are not available after completed sale. C.I.R. availability ends 9/30/2012. Optional equipment may be shown. 855-4KUBOTA DUNCAN 3445 N. Hwy. 81 *$0 down, 0% A.P.R. financing for terms up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota equipment from available inventory at participating dealers through 9/30/2012. Example: A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Only Kubota and select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment is eligible. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in a higher blended A.P.R. Not available for Rental, National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate financing may not be available with customer instant rebate (C.I.R.) offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 9/30/2012. See us for details on these and other low-rate options or go to for more information. **Customer instant rebates (C.I.R.) of $300 to $2,500 are available on cash or finance purchases of eligible Kubota equipment through Kubota Tractor Corporation. Dealer subtracts rebate from dealer’s pre-rebate selling price on qualifying purchases. Subject to dealership inventory. Sales to governmental agencies, independent rental centers, and dealer owned rental fleets do not qualify. Some exceptions apply. Customer instant rebates are not available after completed sale. C.I.R. availability ends 9/30/2012. Optional equipment may be shown. PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 GARAGE SALES YARD SALE—Sat. 8 til 2, 7 N. Byrd, 1 blk S. of Library. 20” TV, books, home décor, teen girl and women’s clothes, scrapbooking supplies, 20” boys bike, girl baby and toddler clothes and items. (1tp20) YARD SALE—Fri. & Sat. 3 blks east of Coal Co. Market. At 911 S. Ada. Rockin chair, touch floor lamp, comforters (queen & full), summer tops, flip-flops, saddle for $25, two small TV’s, uniform tops $3 each (mostly med. & small), clothes of all sizes and misc. (1tp20) YARD SALE—9 South Broadway St. Sat. Aug 4, 7 til 3. 3000-watt generator, pocket rocket mini bike, two 50cc 4-wheelers, lawn sweeper, side rail pickup tool boxes, granite pieces, Go-Cart, Honda XR-80 dirt bike, 2008 Honda VTX-1300 cc, lots of other misc. tools, baby stuff and other items. Everything must go!! (1tc20) YARD SALE—Sat. Aug 4 at 1 S. Orray from 7 til??. All sizes of nice boys clothes, shoes, scrubs, DVD’s, books, wooden movie rack, twin size bedding, propane cookstove $30, lots of other stuff. April Franklin & Autumn Lawrence. (1tp20) 3-FAM YARD SALE—211 South Byrd Sat. 8 til 5. Bunk beds & mattress, 2 chest, queen bed frame & POSITION AVAILABLE TenderCare Home Health & Hospice has a full time position available for an RN Case Manager and Licensed Social Worker.. We offer competitive wages, mileage reimbursement and a full benefit package, some of which includes, PTO, paid holidays, sick leave, health insurance, most of which is paid by the corporation as well as other benefits. For more information about benefits or other questions please contact the Human Resources Department at 580-927-2327-ext 259. Please apply in the Human Resources Department at 8 N. Covington, Coalgate, EOE • CLOSING • COaL COuNty aSSeSSOrS OffICe will be closed auGuSt 7, 2012 thru auGuSt 10, 2012 So Staff May attend their annual School In tulsa ATTENTION Interested in selling your oil or gas mineral rights please call 405-203-8055 for further details [email protected] Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel 16 Mi. South of Atoka, Hwy. 69 & 75 Call: 580-889-6778 or 800- 889-6778 Custom Built Corral and Pasture Gates Metal Buildings ALL TYPES OF METAL FABRICATION FOR ALL YOUR PIPE, STEEL, LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT NEEDS CONTACT 24’ x 30 x 10’ all steel barn w/10’ framed opening .....................$5,295.00 30’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening .........................$10,595.00 40’ x 60’ x 10’ steel barn w/10’ framed opening..........................$12,995.00 5-1/2 x 12 Heavy Duty Corral Panels..........................................$119.00ea. Self-Catching Head Gate............................................................$399.00 6’ Creep Feeder - 850 Lb Capacity.............................................$695.00 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity...............................................$1,150.00 3-1/2 Ton Bulk Feeder on Wheels...............................................$1,895.00 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard.........................................starting at.....$595.00 7’ x 16’ Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard..................................$1,075.00 7’ x 16’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard ...starting at.......$1,250.00 7’ x 20’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard.......................$1,875.00 Colored Sheets, Doors, and Concrete Additional Charge Visit our website “ box springs, wood table & 4 chairs, tools & tool boxes, men’s & boy’s jeans, small children clothes, Linds Standridge, Rachel Hall, & Danny Baker. (1tp20) COOL INSIDE SALE—At 109 N. Roy St. in Coalgate. Fri. & Sat. Fishing rods & reels, fish finder, brand name knives, 177 pellet rifles, flags, 50# pull cross bow, 22 cal pellet rifles, jewelry, 177 pellet pistol, peace pipes that you really smoke & more. If flags are flying we are open. (1tc20) 3-FAM. YARD SALE—At 209 S. Arno. Fri. & Sat. all kinds of items. 580-364-4233. (1tp20) YARD SALE—Sat. at 202 S. Low 8 til? Lots of children’s clothes. (1tc20) E-mail: [email protected] 918-557-5308 $0 DOWN WITH LAND on new or repo doublewides. Over 30 to choose from. Call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) WANTED: $You don’t have to be rich$ to get our homes. A DEED is all you need! NO LAND: (? DON’T CRY! We’ll get you some! Low down payments. Wac 405-631-3200. (5/30tfn) ASSUME PAYMENTS on 4 bed, 2 bath doublewide. If interested call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) Special Gov’t Program!! Zero Down if you own land or have family land. E-Z Qualify! We own the bank! Bad credit OK. VA and FHA financing available 1000 furniture package with new home purchase. Call for free approval 888-878-2971 or 405-6024526. (10/21tfn) ATTENTION NATIVE AMERICAN HOUSING HELP for Modular or Manufactured Homes. Zero down with land program. In Muskogee, for details call 918-686-0584 wac. (5/18tfn) FEDERAL RECOVERY for Landowners. Zero down and low payments. Easy qualifying. Well and Septic are available. Will remove or trade for existing homes. Call Heath @ 918-576-3696 for your approval. wac (6/6tfn) ZERO DOWN!! If you own land or have a trade in!! No Minimum credit score required. FREE statewide delivery! Call Americas #1 Homebuilder for approval! #866888-2825 wac. (3/14tfn) FOR RENT FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 927-9910 or 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-3133. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT –– Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—Nice 3-bdrm house in town CH/A. Also 2-bdrm house in country, water paid 580-258-8856 cell, 580-927-9910. (8/1tfn) FOR RENT—4-bdrm, 2-bath house in the country, 8 miles West of Coalgate. $600 per month. 927-6968. (6/6tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 3-bath mobile home in Centrahoma. Phone 901491-3171 or 901-491-1027. (3tp21) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 1-bath brick house located on Vincent St. Recently remodeled. $600 per month. Also 2-bdrm, 1-bath brick house with CH/A on Finney St. $500 per month. Call 580-258-1984. (1tc20) FOR RENT—2-bdrm, 2-bath, located in Olney in the country. $350 per month with $300 deposit. Also have RV Lots with complete hookups, $250 a month plus electric $200 deposit. 580-927-2282 or after 7 pm, call 580258-0094 or 927-2189. (4tc23) WANTED RICK’S TANK TRUCK SERVICES is looking to hire qualified drivers to drive at night for the Calvin area. Yard is located south of Calvin on Hwy 75. You must carry a Class A CDL, be 21-yrs.old, and have at least one-year tank truck driving experience. $16.25 per hour. Average 60-hrs. Benefits available. Please contact Matt 580399-5608. (tfn) HELP WANTED—The Coal and Atoka County Health Departments have a Children First Registered Nurse position available serving clients in Atoka and Coal counties. This nursing position conducts home visits providing parent education and support to first time parents. If you are interested in this position All Concrete 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Installed Jerry English 580-927-5493 General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems ir t D l l Fi Top Soi l Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Jerry Lemons Home 580-428-3166 Cell 580-258-0282 IRT now hiring for Customer serviCe reps √Paid Training $9.50 per Hour √Production Rate $10.50 per Hour √Monthly incentives √Full Company Benefits Be part of our Call Center team. Support Inbound Service & Sales calls for Major Telecommunications Company. Minimum Requirements: •Type 20 WPM •Ability to Navigate Web •Must have a HS Diploma or GED •Must have proven and consistent work history •Excellent sales skills •Must pass criminal background check 3700 IRT Dr., Ada OK (Take Kerr Lab Rd to IRT Drive) [email protected] 580-272-9200 EOE BE PART OF A WORLD CLASS COMPANY Contact Lindsey Gaylor for all of your Real Estate needs Maxwell Real Estate 1130 Arlington - Ada, Ok 74820 580-927-6120 or 580-332-6482 3•bdrm. 1.5 bath brick home on 1 acre well and rural water, garage & tile throughout. 3 miles North on hwy 75. $58,000.00. Real Estate ale S Land for NEWE LISTING - 806 S. Bayard, 1680 sq ft frame home with 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 bath 30x30 all metal shop, 4 car carport, RV carport & fenced yard. Priced at $115,000. NEW LISTING - 7 N. Orray, 960 sq ft frame home with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, super nice, extra low utilities & 2 car metal carport . Priced at $58,000. NEW LISTING - Onley, 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath brickhome on 4 acres with in closed garage, horse barn & round pen right on the black top. Priced at $68,000. NEW LISTING - 3 bedroom, 1 bath frame home with detached metal carport, storage building, very clean and extra nice, recently remolded on 2 lots. 4 South Veterans Drive. Priced and $89,000. 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on the corner of Covington & Hanover. Priced at $30,000. House on 20 acres. 3 bedroom, 2 bath frame home. 1/2 mile South on College road 5 miles East of Coalgate on Hwy 43. Priced at $125,000. 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 400+/-acres of Prime hunting land located on the West side of the Jack Hills. 4 ponds. Creek. Small hunters cabin. Whitetails. Rio Grande Turkey. Some quail. Hogs and other predators. $1400 per acre. Price reduced to $1,250 per acre. Clarita • 710 acres - A recreational paradise. High fenced. Managed deer program since 2006. 2800 sq. ft. home. 3 bedrooms, 3.4 baths. Guest house. 3500 sq. ft. insulated shop building. 7 ponds. 3 seasonal creeks. $1.6 million. • 110 acres - Great hunting lodge. Pecan trees. Pond. Blue river frontage. Meadows. $410,000. • 200 acres - 10 acre lake. New fences. Creek. Scattered Pecan trees. Pens. Electricity. 85% open. $2,000/acre. • 480 acres - 25 acre lake. 75% open. Pens. Electricity. County road frontage. $1750/acre. SOLD MANy MoRE LISTINGS AvAILABLE. PLEASE CHECk oUR WEB SITE foR ALL LISTINGS WITH PICTURES “Handling Coalgate homes....Tom Fritz...580-258-0262” CAXCA Storm Shelters FOR SALE Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley one the health departments listed and fill out an application. We are an equal opportunity employer. (2tc20) please contact the Coal or Atoka county health departments for further information. Please call 580-9272367 or 580-889-2116 or go to the 39 acres, 3 mi. N. of Coalgate on Hwy 75. Priced at $100,000.00. 220 acres 1 mile West of Coalgate on Hwy 3. Good for hunting, cattle, with 2 large ponds and Hwy frontage. Metal Building on 2 lots on Frey St. Priced at $29,000.00 For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Sales Associate: Chillie Joe Bills • 580-258-0312 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE B-5 Wilson Sunshine Workers Meet The Wilson Sunshine Workers met June 12, 2012. Myrtie called the meeting to order. The devotional, “With God All Things Are Possible,” was given by Elizabeth Pratt. Thelma started the Homemakers creed. The roll call was answered by, “Are You Handy Around Your Home?” What kinds of money saving repairs have you made? Myrtie read minutes of last meeting. Accepted. The treasurer, Doris, gave the treasurers report. Myrtie gave the cemetery report. The cemetery has been mowed five times. The cemetery working ad was put in the paper and work day was May 26th. Members gave food for the sale and donated food for OHCE week and Relay for Life. The Summer Council meeting is June 27, at 10:30 a.m. with Wilson as hostess. We are meeting to decorate the tables and need door prizes. It is to be Native American decorations. The leader lesson will be at 1:30 after the council meeting. It is on making a Family Heritage party July 20 for the little people were: Thelma Toney, Elizabeth cookbook. We are still doing in the home. We went over sev- Pratt, Dorothy Harkins, Teri McCullar, Doris Kahle, Elizabeth the fresh fruiting. Doris paid eral other things we can do. Those attending the meeting Harkins and Myrtie Rush. for 12 members instead of having the Spring Bean Dinner. 6 S Main St - Coalgate - 927-3222 For the veterans we are to Monday thru Friday-10 am to 6 pm bring pillowcases, coupons, Saturday - 10 am to 3 pm books and items to go in the boxes that we send. We made BACK-TO-SCHOOL a quilt and gave it to one of the SALE!!! Coal County boys. This weekend only We gave food to a Senior Citizen in Wapanucka. Plans Aug 2nd, 3Rd, And 4Th are to make bibs and bookmarkDoors Open at 10 a.m. ers. select name brand We will have the manor pie Divine Consign 50% off clothes, shoes, purses,& belts. Nike, Reebok, Clark's, Justice, GAP, Children's Place, Puma, Sketchers, Fossil, Liz Clairborn, Born, Silver, Cruel Girl, Levi's, American Eagles, Wranglers, Hollister, Lane Bryant 25% off Total Purchase this Thurs, Fri, & Sat Only!!! Fun in the Sun! • Discount tickets to Frontier City and White Water Bay available for purchase with room • Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet served daily • Complimentary Dinner/Social served Monday - Thursday evening • 2.5 miles from White Water Bay; 13 miles to Frontier City fun!! Call Now to Book your Summer Fun! Gail Burns, Service Unit Manager and Leader for Troop 180, received a pin for 25 years of service to the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma. This is a very prestigous award. It takes a lot of time and love for the girls to guide a group. In addition to leading her own group she also manages the Atoka County troops. How To Prevent Whooping Cough In Children Recent reports about whooping cough (pertussis) in Oklahoma have raised concerns about how to protect children, especially babies, from the disease. Whooping cough is a serious disease that can affect people of any age, but infants are at greatest risk. “The best way to prevent whooping cough in children and babies younger than 12 months of age is to surround the child with persons who have been vaccinated against the disease,” said Coal County Health Department Administrative Director Michael Echelle. “In other words, make sure all of the people in contact with the child or baby have received a dose of Tdap or DTaP vaccine according to the recommended schedule.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that parents, brothers, sisters, and others living in the same household are the source for 75 percent to 83 percent of whooping cough cases in infants under age 1. Grandparents are the source for six to eight percent of whooping cough cases in babies. All persons who have or will have contact with babies should be vaccinated against whooping cough including: All children at 2, 4, 6, and 12 to 18 months of age and at 4 to 6 years of age. Pregnant women past 20 weeks gestation. Women not vaccinated during pregnancy should receive Tdap immediately post-partum. Child care workers. Health care personnel, including anyone employed in clinics or hospitals. All family members and relatives. DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis vaccine) is used for children 6 years of age and younger. Tdap vaccine Voter Registration Deadline Friday Friday, August 3, is the last day to apply for voter registration in order to be eligible to vote in the August 28 Primary Runoff Election. The Coal County Primary Runoff Election includes one local office and one congressional office. On the local level, Democrats will choose between Bryan Jump and Ray Pebworth as their nominee for Coal County sheriff. The winner of this election will face Republican candidate Jason Lenamond in November. Coal County voters will also help decide the Democratic and Republican nominees for the District 2 U.S. House of Representatives seat being vacated by Dan Boren. On the Democratic ballot are Rob Wallace and Wayne Herriman. Republican candidates are George Faught and Markwayne Mullin. Sample ballots are available at the Coal County Election Board office. Oklahoma voter registration application forms are available at the Coal County Election Board office located in the courthouse at 4 N. Main Street, Coalgate, at most post offices, tag agencies, and public libraries. Applications also are available on the Internet at For more information, please contact the Coal County Election Board office at 580-927-3456. 510 S. MacArthur Blvd., OKC, OK 73128 Phone: 1-405-604-0200 • Fax: 1-405-604-0201 • 2x5 PAS is recommended for all children over 6 years of age not complete with DTaP series, teens beginning at 11 years of age, and adults. If an adult or teen has not received a dose of Tdap previously, they should receive a dose at least two weeks before they anticipate having contact with a baby. “The more people are immunized with the Tdap vaccine, the lower the risk of exposure to whooping cough for babies Coal County,” Echelle emphasized. The Coal County Health Department has Tdap or DTaP vaccine available for all ages. For more information, contact the Health Department at 580-9272367. “From Starter Homes to High End” “most homes built in 90 days” ≈now serving coal county and surrounding areas∆ COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE B-6 Coalgate Police Report Traffic Citations The following traffic citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department Sunday, July 22 through Sunday, July 29: Ronald Arthur Ladd, Smithville, OK – Speeding. Kenneth W. Crane, Seminole, OK – Speeding. Ashlee Rea Winslett, Kiowa, OK – Speeding. Jesse James Ward, Coalgate, OK – Speeding. Jesica Marez, Coalgate, OK – Disobeyed lawful order. Traffic Citations The following citations issued by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol were filed in Coal County District Court from Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 26: Brandon Frank Haggard, Allen, OK – Speeding. Jesy Wayne Cochran, Atoka, OK – No insurance verification in possession. Dale Edward Roberson, Carrollton, TX – Speeding. Kenneth Richard Maroon, Red Oak, OK – Speeding. Stephanie Marie Nicholson, Antlers, OK – Speeding. Coleman Blane Corzine, Sadler, TX – Speeding. Barbara Anna Foster, Pottsboro, TX – Speeding. William Joseph Hamer, Coalgate, OK – Speeding. Glenda S. Hazlitt, Stratford, OK – Speeding. Oklahoma Highway Patrol Report Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Search: for the free stuff, Fun Page. I am also collecting old and newer guns. Call me: 580-889-3338 C ommerce F inance $ It doesn't matter $ if you owe others $ Call Collect for Phone Applications 580-436-4123 $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 sold 1000 cattle. Steers $6 to $12 Higher. Heifers $4 to $7 Higher. Next week Tues. Jul. 31st 50 head herd dispersal, mostly angus cows 4 to 7 years old start calving Oct. 1st for 45 days.”Jesus answered them, “I told you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in My Father’s name, they bear witness of Me.”(John 10:25) weight range 225 to 300# 300 to 350# 350 to 400# 400 to 450# 450 to 500# 500 to 550# 550 to 600# 600 to 700# 700 to 750# 800 to 850# #1 Steers $198 to $207 $173 to $186 $169 to $182 $157 to $170 $136 to $150 $128 to $140 $121 to $133 $118 to $133 $120 to $125 $120 to $123 #1 heifers $170 to $181 $141 to $154 $133 to $146 $129 to $140 $127 to $140 $120 to $130 $118 to $130 $117 to $136 $111 to $118 $107 to $112 140 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. paCKeR COwS STeaDy TO $3 hIGheR. paCKeR BuLLS $1 LOweR high yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$97 to $100 average yielding packer bulls sold from...............$93 to $96 Low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$88 to $92 high yielding packer cows sold from ....................$75 to $84 average yielding packer cows sold from .............$71 to $79 Low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$66 to $75 Sale Every Tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm Open 7 DayS/weeK & 24 hOuRS/Day 2 ReCeIVe & CaRe FOR yOuR LIVeSTOCK InVeSTMenT! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill Lindsey Grant Richard Magby George Tarr Donny Shadwick 918-421-9057 580-889-6049 918-423-4498 918-649-4750 918-548-3478 580-889-1329 918-424-1464 918-655-7754 Ken Sherrill 918-421-0257 Curt Krigbaum 918-650-8013 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Clagg SprayFOAM Insulation It’s getting hot outside; now is the time to insulate with FOAM. Insulate the attic of your existing home or insulate the attic and walls of a new construction for maximum comfort and efficiency. We can also cool your metal building and chicken or hog bar. No mieage chares for travel. Call Joe for a free on site or phone estimate at 918-424-1143 Martin’s Construction Terry Martin, Owner General Construction Metal, Composition an d Commercial Roofing All Type Painting Privacy Fencing; Home Additions; Asphalt Sealing 30 Years Experience PH: 580-845-2834 CELL: 580-272-4402 DONNIE’S PAINT & BODY SHOP NOW MEETING ON TUESDAY & THURSDAY EVENINGS Wrecker Service is available! COALGATE ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH ~ Meetings Will Start at 6:30 pm ~ Meetings will be led by Tisha Wilson 580-258-8925 and Clinton Palmer 580-258-0259 with pastoral staff available for free counseling. Pastor Billy Wilson is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, and Pastors Linda Wilson and Mary Jo Johnson are licensed counselors. Tisha has over come destructive habits and long to help you do the same. We are here to help you be free from destructive habits and move into a fulfilling life. We invite anyone who feels unloved or alone to come enjoy friendship with others who are having the same problems. WE want YOU TO KNOW THAT Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to be your friend. Church phone: 580-92-3020 LPXLP Pastor Billy’s cell: 580-927-5588 24 Hours Day 7 Days Week 889-6440 Night Wrecker Service a Atok 889-6440 102 East 5th • Atoka Coal County District Court Records James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 J & N Construction General Construction Custom Steel Buildings, Metal Roofs Free Estimates Route 5 Box 445 Coalgate, OK 74538 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012— PAGE B-7 “The Gospel Barn” 1 1/2 miles West of Coalgate, Ok on Hwy 31 (Follow Signs) NEW DAY 3rd Misdemeanors Jessie James Self, Atoka, OK – Public intoxication; malicious injury to property. Divorces Brianna Lorraine Ingram vs Joshua Dean Ingram. James Wyatt Belcher vs Nancy Belcher. Friday Nite of each month 6:00 - 10:00 concessions Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, Traditional Country/Gospel Information Call 580-927-2829 or 927-0861 No Drugs or Alcohol Allowed LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record July 25, & August 1, 2012, 2t) PUBLIC NOTICE All persons having an indebtedness or claim against The City of Coalgate are hereby notified that all invoices and documentation pertaining to said purchase order or contract must be recorded in the office of the City Clerk on or before September 30, 2012, covering all debts now unpaid and incurred during the period beginning on July 1, 2011 and ending on June 30, 2012 or said account shall be void and forever barred. S)Sherlyn Walker City Clerk ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY 11:00 NOON Weekly Market Report Monday, JULY 30, 2012 no more. SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 620 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .......$1.80 - $2.42.5 300 - 400 lb....... $1.77 - $2.00 400 - 500 lb....... $1.40 - $1.80 500 - 600 lb....... $1.30 - $1.45 600 700 lb........$1.18 - $1.38 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb .......$1.70 - $1.95 300 - 400 lb....... $1.52 - $1.65 400 - 500 lb....... $1.30 - $1.44 500 - 600 lb....... $1.20 - $1.39 600 - 700 lb........$1.17 - $1.28 • 50 Different Mattresses • All Sizes • All Prices PAIRS 1050-1425 • STOCKER COWS $900-$1100 • PACKER COWS .72¢-.82¢ LOW DRESSING .55¢-.71¢ • PACKER BULLS $.88-$1.01 BULLS PER hEAD NONE • BABY CALVES $300-$400 • We Deliver Owners & Operators Phil & Paula hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 123 E. Main • Ada, OK • (580) 436-8265 HOT SUMMER DAYS... Hotter Summer Deals! NEW 2012 FORD FOCUS SE NEW 2012 FORD ESCAPE XLT NEW 2012 FORD E-150 CARGO VAN NEW 2012 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB XLT 25 MPG! 38 MPG! SPORT PKG.! 6 SPEED AUTO, WINDOW TINT! STOCK #20347 READY TO WORK! V-6, AUTO, POWER MOONROOF, HANDS FREE SYNC SYSTEM & MORE! STOCK #20220 MSRP $21,085 NOW $18,998 1 MSRP $28,180 NOW $23,698 * Manager Special! V-8, COMMERCIAL CARGO VAN PKG., TRAILER TOW & MORE! STOCK #20246 TRAILER TOW, KEYLESS ENTRY, SAT RADIO, HANDS FREE SYNC SYSTEM & MORE! STOCK #20336 MSRP $28,420 NOW $25,368 1 MSRP $32,440 NOW $24,798 2* * All rebates applied. 1. A/R/A - must finance with Ford Credit W.A.C. 2. A/R/A - must finance with Ford Credit W.A.C. Requires trade in of 1995 or newer vehicle registered in buyers name to qualify for $2,000 Trade Assistance Cash. Prices do not include Tag, Tax & License fees. See dealer for complete details. Limited Time Event! 2006 Ford Expedition King Ranch Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail 2006 GMC Sierra Ext-Cab 4WD 19,950 $ $ STUTEVILLE WHOLESALE NO DEALERS! NO WHOLESALERS! Ends C/O/B 8-7-12 No Exceptions! Plus many, many more pre-owned at rock bottom pricing! Take advantage now – we are overstocked! Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail Local Trade In. Super Clean! Don’t Miss Out! Stock #2972A. Look! Manager Special 2007 Jeep Commander 4WD Overland 15,799 $ Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail Z71 Pkg., Local Trade, Won’t Last! Hard To Find. Stock #20244C. 2005 Dodge 1500 R/C “Daytona” 16,499 $ Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail 24,253 Hemi V-8 - Leather - Loaded! 3rd Row! Stock #2959. 19,899 $ Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail 19,805 $ STUTEVILLE WHOLESALE Only 29,676 Miles! Local Trade In! Super Nice! Stock #2861A. 2005 Chevrolet Suburban LT 10,499 $ Kelley Blue Book Suggested Retail 14,443 $ Local Trade, Hemi V-8, Auto , Super Clean & Well Maintained! Won’t Last!. Stock #20244B. $ STUTEVILLE WHOLESALE 11,799 $ 11,610 STUTEVILLE WHOLESALE 12,505 $ STUTEVILLE WHOLESALE 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt Sedan LS STUTEVILLE WHOLESALE Local Trade, Great For The Family, Seating For 7+. Stock #2935A. 10,899 $ SERVICE. CONVENIENCE. PRICE. LPXLP PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—AUGUST 1, 2012 COAL COUNTY GENERAL HOSPITAL, IN COOPERATION WITH August 5th 2012 ~ 2 to 4 pm Coalgate Park Building Registered at Walmart INVITE YOU TO ATTEND A All family and friends are invited to attend. LUNCHEON MEETING TO DISCUSS THE HEALTH SERVICES DIRECTORY FOR COAL COUNTY FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 2012 Tupelo Enrollment Dates August 13th COALGATE PARK BUILDING 12:00 NOON cottonwood enrollment MEET THE TEACHERS Hamburgers Hot Dogs Cold Drinks In Honor of Mariah Burgess & Ryan Brazeal THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND OSU CENTER FOR RURAL HEALTH Free Bridal Shower Tuesday August 7th 3:00pm to 6:30 pm Juniors & Seniors 9:00 to 11:00 Freshman & Sophomores 12:00 to 2:00 August 13th High School Physicals 9:00 Coalgate Church Of The Nazarene Celebrating 100 Years of Missions The Nazarene Church was established in 1908 in Pilot Point, Tx. “A Vote for My Daddy is a Vote for Our Future” H H H H H H H H Elect Bryan Jump for Coal County Sheriff August 28 , 2012 th Paid for by Bryan Jump, 103 W. Hooker, Coalgate, OK. Missions Have Always Been A Priority countries We now have missionaries in 159 countrys with 730 missionaries and their children Coalgate Church of the Nazarene is proud to welcome guest Rev. Robert McCroskey to speak August 5th, 2012 services begin at 10:45 a.m. School is right around the corner, and with it comes the need for new products and services. Let us help with new cars for new drivers, their first checking account, or online banking for your college student. Call or come by today. 101 North Main - Coalgate - 927-2311 Member FDIC
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