pick up your coupon book at the co-op! - Keweenaw Co-op
pick up your coupon book at the co-op! - Keweenaw Co-op
pick up your coupon book at the co-op! Money-saving coupons inside! JA N UA RY – F E B RUA RY 2 0 1 5 A Hearty Breakfast Whole grains are considered heart-healthy foods. But sometimes making a whole grain breakfast can be challenging. If you’d like to try some heart-healthy options to rev up your morning, here are some simple ideas. Reheat already-cooked brown rice, quinoa or other grains in a pot with one and a half times as much water, milk or soy milk. Simmer for about 20 minutes, and season with honey, maple syrup, a pinch of salt and whatever fresh or dried fruit you might have. Or soak steel-cut oats in water, milk or almond milk overnight in the refrigerator. You can eat them cold with chopped apples or a handful of berries, or warm them up. Get more delicious recipes and ideas at www.strongertogether.coop. COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I O $ V e SAVE 1.00 off 2 l p m sa Stonyfield Any Two 32 oz.Yogurts Present one coupon per 2 items purchased. 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COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 $VOID e l p m sa SAVE 1.00 GoodBelly Any GoodBelly Item Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I O le V p m a s Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of 10 coupons per shopping trip. SAVE 40¢ Liberté Any Yogurt COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I O le V amp s SAVE 75¢ Celestial Seasonings Any Boxed Tea Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I $ O le V p m sa SAVE 1.00 Ah!laska Any Cocoa Mix Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 $VOID e l p m sa SAVE 2.00 Spectrum Essentials Any Spectrum Essentials Item Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I O $ le V p m sa Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. SAVE 1.00 Biokleen Any Laundry Item COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I $ O eV l p m sa 2.00 Alba Botanica Any Hawaiian Line Product or 32 oz. Lotion Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES SAVE FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I $ O le V p m sa SAVE 1.25 Aura Cacia Any Essential Oil Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES FEBRUARY 28, 2015 $VOID e l p m sa 2.00 Country Life Any Calcium/Magnesium Formula Item Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of one coupon per shopping trip. COUPON EXPIRES SAVE FEBRUARY 28, 2015 D I O $ le V p m sa Present one coupon per item purchased. Limit of 2 coupons per shopping trip. SAVE 3.00 Garden of Life Any Perfect Food Raw Item (excluding packets)
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