An Improved Global Method for the Quantitation
An Improved Global Method for the Quantitation
An Improved Global Method for the Quantitation and Characterization of Lipids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Corona Charged Aerosol Detection Marc Plante, Bruce Bailey, and Ian N. Acworth Thermo Fisher Scientific, Chelmsford, MA, USA Thermo Fisher Scientific, Chelmsford, MA, USA Overview Purpose: To develop an improved global HPLC method for the high-resolution characterization and quantitation of a variety of lipids from different lipid classes. Method: A ternary gradient HPLC method, using the Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ C18 HPLC column, and the Thermo Scientific™ Corona™ ultra RS™ charged aerosol detector is outlined. Results: The global method was evaluated for selectivity, calibration, sensitivity, and precision. Five different lipid classes were analyzed demonstrating the selectivity of the method, and calibration curves over four orders of magnitude were created. For examples, two oil samples were analyzed. Introduction Methods Standard and Sample Preparation Stock standards were generally prep methanol/chloroform (1:1). More chl compounds (large paraffins). Samples were dissolved at 10 mg/m or methanol/tetrahydrofuran (1:1), de 10,000 g for 3 minutes to clarify. Liquid Chromatography HPLC System: Lipids constitute a wide variety of compounds and for convenience can be classified based on their chemical structure (e.g., fatty acids, triglycerides, waxes, steroids, phospholipids etc). Lipids play numerous important roles including biological (e.g., for fuel storage, insulation, and membrane structure), industrial (e.g., lubricants and fuels), and cooking. One of the most common methods used to measure lipids is gas chromatography, with many of the lipids requiring derivatization prior to separation and detection. Another approach uses high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), but their lack of a chromophore leaves lipids unresponsive to detection by the most common HPLC detector, ultraviolet absorbance. HPLC also can be used with universal detectors, such as evaporative light scattering (ELS), but lack of sensitivity, poor linearity, and a narrow dynamic range are often too limiting. The previous version of this method lacked resolution of triglycerides, which is now improved using the method presented here. To overcome the poor resolution of triglycerides lipids were separated on an Accucore C18, a solid core column, using a ternary gradient and then measured using a Corona ultra RS charged aerosol detector. This approach was capable of resolving and detecting numerous classes of lipids (esters, all acylglycerols, fatty alcohols and acids, and paraffins) in a single analysis with only simple dilution as a sample pretreatment. Thermo Sci pump, WPS oven HPLC Column: Accucore C Column Temperature: 40 °C Mobile Phase A: Methanol/w Mobile Phase B: Tetrahydrof Mobile Phase C: Acetone/ac Flow Rate: 1.0–1.5 mL Injection Volume: 2–10 µL Detector: Corona ultra Nebulizer Temperature: 15 °C Filter: 3 Data Rate: 10 Hz Power Function: 1.00 Flow Gradient: Time (min) Flow (mL -10 1 0 1 20 1 35 1 60 1 65 1 The Corona ultra RS detector provides the most sensitive and most uniform response factors of all universal HPLC detectors. As shown in the system schematic in Figure 1, it uses nebulization to form droplets that are then dried to particles. Particles are charged and measured using an electrometer. This mechanism enables detection at single-digit nanogram on-column. Since the mobile phase requirements for the charged aerosol detector are similar to those for mass spectrometry (MS), the same separation methods can be used with MS for peak identification. Data Analysis All HPLC chromatograms were obtai Dionex™ Chromeleon™ Chromatog A complete lipid composition of samples can now be generated using a single HPLC method. The method was used to characterize complex oil samples, such as algal oil and emu oil. Results FIGURE 1. Schematic and functioning of charged aerosol detection 1 10 3 2 8 4 6 5 7 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Liquid eluent enters from HPLC system Pneumatic nebulization occurs Small droplets enter drying tube Large droplets exit to drain Dried particles enter mixing chamber Gas stream passes over corona needle Charged gas collides with particles and charge is transferred 8. High mobility species are removed 9. Charge is measured by a highly sensitive electrometer 10. Signal transferred to chromatographic software Calibrations Calibration curves were generated u analyzed in triplicate. The data were on inverted axes (amount on the y-ax correlations for second-order polynom quadratic fits were performed for am (ng o.c.) for paraffins, fatty alcohols, of linear fits was provided using the f are used to internally correct for the Chromatograms of these four classe were resolved within their group as w demonstrating the specificity of the m Fitted, quadratic calibration curves fo calibration curves for the fatty acids, is shown in Figure 4. The spread of a of differences in analyte volatility. Sin particles passing through the detecto is produced, and therefore less respo The results of the quadratic calibratio time, limit of quantitation (LOQ) base calibration over the entire dynamic ra calibration. 2 An Improved Global Method for the Quantitation and Characterization of Lipids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Corona Charged Aerosol Detection entific, Chelmsford, MA, USA or selectivity, calibration, sensitivity, and nalyzed demonstrating the selectivity of the ers of magnitude were created. For s and for convenience can be classified acids, triglycerides, waxes, steroids, portant roles including biological ane structure), industrial (e.g., lubricants mmon methods used to measure lipids ds requiring derivatization prior to uses high performance liquid chromophore leaves lipids unresponsive ector, ultraviolet absorbance. HPLC also s evaporative light scattering (ELS), but w dynamic range are often too limiting. esolution of triglycerides, which is now des lipids were separated on an ternary gradient and then measured using This approach was capable of resolving ters, all acylglycerols, fatty alcohols and only simple dilution as a sample most sensitive and most uniform response hown in the system schematic in Figure 1, then dried to particles. Particles are er. This mechanism enables detection he mobile phase requirements for the e for mass spectrometry (MS), the same r peak identification. now be generated using a single HPLC ze complex oil samples, such as algal oil of charged aerosol detection 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Liquid eluent enters from HPLC system Pneumatic nebulization occurs Small droplets enter drying tube Large droplets exit to drain Dried particles enter mixing chamber Gas stream passes over corona needle Charged gas collides with particles and charge is transferred 8. High mobility species are removed 9. Charge is measured by a highly sensitive electrometer 10. Signal transferred to chromatographic software Samples were dissolved at 10 mg/mL concentration in either methanol/chloroform (1:1) or methanol/tetrahydrofuran (1:1), depending on solubility. Samples were centrifuged at 10,000 g for 3 minutes to clarify. 185 pA 175 75 HPLC System: 25 Flow Rate (mL/min) %A %B %C -10 1.0 90 10 0 0 1.0 90 10 0 20 1.5 15 85 0 35 1.5 2 78 20 60 1.5 2 3 95 65 1.0 90 10 0 22 11 12 100 50 Time (min) 20 125 Liquid Chromatography Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 DGP-3600RS pump, WPS-3000RS autosampler, and TCC-3000RS column oven HPLC Column: Accucore C18, 2.6 µm, 3.0 × 150 mm Column Temperature: 40 °C Mobile Phase A: Methanol/water/acetic acid (600:400:4) Mobile Phase B: Tetrahydrofuran/acetonitrile (50:950) Mobile Phase C: Acetone/acetonitrile (900:100) Flow Rate: 1.0–1.5 mL/min Injection Volume: 2–10 µL Detector: Corona ultra RS Nebulizer Temperature: 15 °C Filter: 3 Data Rate: 10 Hz Power Function: 1.00 Flow Gradient: 21 150 15 16 14 0 17 10 19 18 9 13 -25 2 8 1 -50 -75 -85 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 FIGURE 3. Second-order polynomial f injected in triplicate 12000 10000 Amount on Column (ng) using the Thermo Scientific™ rmo Scientific™ Corona™ ultra RS™ Standard and Sample Preparations Stock standards were generally prepared at a concentration of 10 mg/mL in methanol/chloroform (1:1). More chloroform was used (up to 1:3) for more hydrophobic compounds (large paraffins). Data Analysis All HPLC chromatograms were obtained and compiled using Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Chromeleon™ Chromatography Data System software, 7.1 SR 1. 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Results 0 20 40 60 Peak Area (pA Calibrations Calibration curves were generated using standard solutions (prepared as above), and analyzed in triplicate. The data were fit to second-order polynomials using data plotted on inverted axes (amount on the y-axis, peak area on the x-axis), as it provides for better correlations for second-order polynomial fits on Corona detector data. Calibrations using quadratic fits were performed for amounts ranging from 10 to 10,000 ng on column (ng o.c.) for paraffins, fatty alcohols, fatty acids, esters, and acylglycerides. An example of linear fits was provided using the fatty acids with different power function values, which are used to internally correct for the curvature of the charged aerosol response curves. Chromatograms of these four classes of lipids are shown in Figure 2. All of the analytes were resolved within their group as well as between analytes in different groups, demonstrating the specificity of the method. Fitted, quadratic calibration curves for seven paraffins are shown in Figure 3, and linear calibration curves for the fatty acids, each with its indicated power function value (PFV), is shown in Figure 4. The spread of analyte response seen in these figures is the result of differences in analyte volatility. Since the Corona detector responds to mass of analyte particles passing through the detector, the more volatile an analyte, the less particle mass is produced, and therefore less response. The results of the quadratic calibrations are provided in Table 1, including analyte retention time, limit of quantitation (LOQ) based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 10.0, precision of calibration over the entire dynamic range, and the correlation coefficient for each analyte calibration. FIGURE 4. Linear calibration plots for using power function values (PFV). 5 4.5 4 3.5 Peak Area (pA*min) PLC method for the high-resolution of lipids from different lipid classes. FIGURE 2. Overlays of HPLC-Corona fatty alcohols, fatty acids, and esters, Methods 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN70533_e 03/13S 3 4000 Amount on Col FIGURE 2. Overlays of HPLC-Corona detector chromatograms of paraffins, fatty alcohols, fatty acids, and esters, at 2500 ng o.c. s pared at a concentration of 10 mg/mL in loroform was used (up to 1:3) for more hydrophobic 185 pA 175 20 125 L concentration in either methanol/chloroform (1:1) epending on solubility. Samples were centrifuged at 11 12 100 75 15 16 50 ientific™ Dionex™ UltiMate™ 3000 DGP-3600RS S-3000RS autosampler, and TCC-3000RS column C18, 2.6 µm, 3.0 × 150 mm 17 10 19 25 14 0 18 9 4 6 7 2 8 1 -50 -75 -85 0.0 5 3 13 -25 water/acetic acid (600:400:4) uran/acetonitrile (50:950) etonitrile (900:100) /min 22 Compound Peaks 12.Eicosanol 13.Lauricacid 14.Myristicacid 15.Palmiticacid 16.Oleicacid 17.Steariccid a 18.Methyldodecanoate 19.Ethylhexadecanoate 20.Methyloctadecanoate 21.Ethylnonadecanoate 22.Methylhexacosonate 1.Octadecane 2.Eicosane 3.Docosane 4.Tetracosane 5.Hexacosane 6.Octacosane 7.Triacontane 8.Dodecanol 9.Tetradecanol 10.Hexadecanol 11.Octadecanol 21 150 TABLE 1. Calibration data for five min 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 FIGURE 3. Second-order polynomial fits for paraffins, from 10 to 10,000 ng o.c., injected in triplicate a RS 12000 %A %B %C 1.0 90 10 0 1.0 90 10 0 1.5 15 85 0 1.5 2 78 20 1.5 2 3 95 1.0 90 10 0 10000 Amount on Column (ng) w Rate L/min) 1. Octadecane 2. Eicosane 3. Docosane 4. Tetracosane 5. Hexacosane 6. Octacosane 7. Triacontane 8. Dodecanol 9. Tetradecanol 10. Hexadecanol 11. Octadecanol 12. Eicosanol 13. Lauric acid 14. Myristic acid 15. Palmitic acid 16. Oleic acid 17. Stearic acid 18. Methyl dodecanoate 19. Ethyl hexadecanoate 20. Methyl octadecanoate 21. Ethyl nonadecanoate 22. Methyl hexacosonate Monostearin 1,3-Distearin Tristearin 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 5 Sample Results 8000 Octadecane Eicosane Docosane 6000 Tetracosane Hexacosane 4000 Samples of algal oil and emu oil wer analyzed. Algal oil, an important sou proved to be a complex sample, as overlay of stearylglycerols shows th method provides high resolution thro chromatogram, the triglyceride regio Octacosane Triacontane ined and compiled using Thermo Scientific™ raphy Data System software, 7.1 SR 1. Ret Tim 2000 FIGURE 5. HPLC-Corona detector methanol/chloroform (1:1) and the 250 pA 225 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 200 Peak Area (pA*min) 175 es of lipids are shown in Figure 2. All of the analytes well as between analytes in different groups, method. or seven paraffins are shown in Figure 3, and linear each with its indicated power function value (PFV), analyte response seen in these figures is the result nce the Corona detector responds to mass of analyte or, the more volatile an analyte, the less particle mass onse. ons are provided in Table 1, including analyte retention ed on a signal-to-noise ratio of 10.0, precision of ange, and the correlation coefficient for each analyte FIGURE 4. Linear calibration plots for free fatty acids, from 10 – 5000 ng o.c., using power function values (PFV). 150 Di 125 100 5 75 4.5 PFV 1.75, r2=0.9989 4 25 PFV 1.75, r2=0.9992 PFV 1.45, r2=0.9969 3 0 Lauric PFV 1.75, r2=0.9989 2.5 Myristic Linolenic Palmitic 2 Oleic PFV 1.05, r2=0.9990 1.5 Stearic 1 0.5 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Amount on Column (ng) 5000 6000 7000 Monostearin 50 PFV 1.65, r2=0.9972 3.5 Peak Area (pA*min) using standard solutions (prepared as above), and fit to second-order polynomials using data plotted xis, peak area on the x-axis), as it provides for better mial fits on Corona detector data. Calibrations using mounts ranging from 10 to 10,000 ng on column fatty acids, esters, and acylglycerides. An example fatty acids with different power function values, which curvature of the charged aerosol response curves. 8000 -20 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Emu oil, with a number of purported (TAG). A sample of AEA-certified (Am analyzed, and the chromatogram is integrated and compared against em The triglycerides are grouped togeth ECN is the value calculated by 2Cthe number of double bonds in a TA lower amounts of TAG (ECN 50) are detector response of this experimen larger than at higher amounts (provi 4 An Improved Global Method for the Quantitation and Characterization of Lipids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Corona Charged Aerosol Detection etector chromatograms of paraffins, t 2500 ng o.c. TABLE 1. Calibration data for five lipid classes by quadratic fits using inverted axes Compound Peaks 12.Eicosanol 13.Lauricacid 14.Myristicacid 15.Palmiticacid 16.Oleicacid 17.Steariccid a 18.Methyldodecanoate 19.Ethylhexadecanoate 20.Methyloctadecanoate 21.Ethylnonadecanoate 22.Methylhexacosonate 1.Octadecane 2.Eicosane 3.Docosane 4.Tetracosane 5.Hexacosane 6.Octacosane 7.Triacontane 8.Dodecanol 9.Tetradecanol 10.Hexadecanol 11.Octadecanol 4 5 3 6 7 min 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 s for paraffins, from 10 to 10,000 ng o.c., 1. Octadecane 2. Eicosane 3. Docosane 4. Tetracosane 5. Hexacosane 6. Octacosane 7. Triacontane 8. Dodecanol 9. Tetradecanol 10. Hexadecanol 11. Octadecanol 12. Eicosanol 13. Lauric acid 14. Myristic acid 15. Palmitic acid 16. Oleic acid 17. Stearic acid 18. Methyl dodecanoate 19. Ethyl hexadecanoate 20. Methyl octadecanoate 21. Ethyl nonadecanoate 22. Methyl hexacosonate Monostearin 1,3-Distearin Tristearin Retention Time (min) LOQ (ng o.c.) Calibration RSD (%)* 28.05 31.34 34.56 37.56 40.49 43.27 45.88 11.07 14.10 16.80 19.17 21.32 6.99 10.15 13.09 13.38 15.73 17.22 18.66 20.66 25.62 28.48 14.42 32.85 50.60 225 80 33 25 20 20 20 1515 35 10 2 2 190 10 5 3 1 300 40 10 4 4 20 20 18 1.75 1.99 1.90 2.66 2.91 2.55 2.78 3.37 5.90 5.49 7.21 8.73 4.94 2.52 2.08 1.65 2.79 1.98 6.03 4.11 3.29 2.87 2.03 5.33 2.35 Quadratic Correlation Coeff. (r2) 0.9998 0.9998 0.9999 0.9997 0.9997 0.9998 0.9997 0.9996 0.9990 0.9990 0.9979 0.9967 0.9984 0.9997 0.9998 0.9999 0.9997 0.9998 0.9985 0.9994 0.9996 0.9997 0.9998 0.9998 0.9995 Sample Results Octadecane Eicosane Docosane Tetracosane Hexacosane Samples of algal oil and emu oil were prepared and 5 µL aliquots were injected and analyzed. Algal oil, an important source of a variety of lipids and other compounds, proved to be a complex sample, as the shown in the chromatogram in Figure 5. An overlay of stearylglycerols shows the position of highly retained acylglycerols. The method provides high resolution throughout the chromatogram. As can be seen in this chromatogram, the triglyceride region is also highly resolved. Octacosane Triacontane FIGURE 5. HPLC-Corona detector chromatogram of algal oil (blue), 10 mg/mL in methanol/chloroform (1:1) and the stearylglycerols standards (black) 250 pA Triglycerides 225 100 0 120 140 min) 175 n (ng) 150 75 0 Lauric r2=0.9989 Myristic Linolenic Palmitic Oleic PFV 1.05, r2=0.9990 5000 6000 7000 Tristearin 25 PFV 1.75, r2=0.9992 PFV 1.45, r2=0.9969 PFV 1.75, 1,3-Distearin Monostearin 50 PFV 1.65, r2=0.9972 Stearic 8000 -20 220 pA 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 -20 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 2 TABLE 2. Nonlinear, relative experiment specifications for triacylglycerols Equivalent Carbon Number (ECN) TAGs Spec Am (M Rang ECN-42 LLL, OLLn, PLLn 0.1- ECN-44 OLL, PLL 4.0-1 ECN-46 OOL, POL, SLL 15.6-4 ECN-48 OOO, POO, PPO, SOL 33.2-6 ECN-50 POS 3.4 Conclusions Diglycerides 125 100 PFV 1.75, r2=0.9989 FIGURE 6. Chromatogram of 5 µL injecti tetrahydrofuran (1:1), with equivalent ca L = linoleic, Ln = linolenic, P = palmitic, S = 200 ee fatty acids, from 10 – 5000 ng o.c., With the determination of appropriate powe increase analyte separation, and with comp is capable of highly sensitive and fast chara analytes. min 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 Emu oil, with a number of purported health benefits, consists largely of triglycerides (TAG). A sample of AEA-certified (American Emu Association) emu oil was prepared and analyzed, and the chromatogram is shown in Figure 6. Relative peak area amounts were integrated and compared against emu oil product specifications, as presented in Table 2. The triglycerides are grouped together and labeled by equivalent carbon number, ECN. ECN is the value calculated by 2C-2n, where C is the number of carbon atoms, and n is the number of double bonds in a TAG. The results are consistent with expectations. The lower amounts of TAG (ECN 50) are overestimates, which is attributable to the non-linear detector response of this experiment. At lower amounts of analyte, the response factor is larger than at higher amounts (providing more peak area per amount of analyte). • A general, universal method for the simult including paraffins, fatty acids, alcohol, es • Sensitivity is dependent on the normal bo a general limit for detectability by charged • Sensitivity for the majority of analytes was • A complex lipid sample, algal oil, demonst entire range of compounds present in this quantitative possibilities of the method, ev • The power function can be used to create References 1. content of emu oil by AOCS HPLC meth © 2013 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiari use of these products in any manners that mig Thermo Scientific Poster Note • PN70533_e 03/13S 5 ses by quadratic fits using inverted axes LOQ (ng o.c.) Calibration RSD (%)* 225 80 33 25 20 20 20 1515 35 10 2 2 190 10 5 3 1 300 40 10 4 4 20 20 18 1.75 1.99 1.90 2.66 2.91 2.55 2.78 3.37 5.90 5.49 7.21 8.73 4.94 2.52 2.08 1.65 2.79 1.98 6.03 4.11 3.29 2.87 2.03 5.33 2.35 Quadratic Correlation Coeff. (r2) 0.9998 0.9998 0.9999 0.9997 0.9997 0.9998 0.9997 0.9996 0.9990 0.9990 0.9979 0.9967 0.9984 0.9997 0.9998 0.9999 0.9997 0.9998 0.9985 0.9994 0.9996 0.9997 0.9998 0.9998 0.9995 d and 5 µL aliquots were injected and ariety of lipids and other compounds, in the chromatogram in Figure 5. An of highly retained acylglycerols. The e chromatogram. As can be seen in this highly resolved. ogram of algal oil (blue), 10 mg/mL in lycerols standards (black) Triglycerides With the determination of appropriate power function values, changing the gradient to increase analyte separation, and with comparable standards for this analysis, the method is capable of highly sensitive and fast characterizations and quantitation of specific analytes. FIGURE 6. Chromatogram of 5 µL injection of emu oil, 10 mg/mL in methanol/ tetrahydrofuran (1:1), with equivalent carbon numbers (ECN) for triglycerides 220 pA ECN 48 200 175 POS ECN 46 150 ECN 50 POS 125 100 ECN 44 75 50 ECN 52 25 0 -20 min 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 TABLE 2. Nonlinear, relative experimental results for emu oil against product specifications for triacylglycerols Equivalent Carbon Number (ECN) TAGs Specification Amount1 (Mass-%) Range, Mean Experimental Amount Found (Area-%) Recovery at Mean (%) ECN-42 LLL, OLLn, PLLn 0.1-2.5, 1.0 -- -- ECN-44 OLL, PLL 4.0-16.0, 10.0 10.3 103 ECN-46 OOL, POL, SLL 15.6-40.8, 28.2 29.1 103 ECN-48 OOO, POO, PPO, SOL 33.2-63.2, 48.2 41.9 ECN-50 POS 3.4-8.2, 5.8 8.1 86.9 283 L = linoleic, Ln = linolenic, P = palmitic, S = stearic, O = oleic Conclusions 1,3-Distearin Tristearin min 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 nefits, consists largely of triglycerides mu Association) emu oil was prepared and Figure 6. Relative peak area amounts were uct specifications, as presented in Table 2. beled by equivalent carbon number, ECN. C is the number of carbon atoms, and n is sults are consistent with expectations. The mates, which is attributable to the non-linear amounts of analyte, the response factor is peak area per amount of analyte). • A general, universal method for the simultaneous analysis of different classes of lipids, including paraffins, fatty acids, alcohol, esters, and acylglycerols is presented. • Sensitivity is dependent on the normal boiling points of the analytes, with 300 ºC being a general limit for detectability by charged aerosol detection. • Sensitivity for the majority of analytes was found to be between 2 and 20 ng o.c. • A complex lipid sample, algal oil, demonstrated the resolution of the method over the entire range of compounds present in this sample. Emu oil demonstrated the quantitative possibilities of the method, even without standards. • The power function can be used to create linear calibration curves when required. References 1., specifications of triacylglycerol content of emu oil by AOCS HPLC method Ce 5b-89 (last accessed 12 Feb 2013) © 2013 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. This information is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. PO70533_E 03/13S 6 An Improved Global Method for the Quantitation and Characterization of Lipids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Corona Charged Aerosol Detection ©2013 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. ISO is a trademark of the International Standards Organization. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. products. It is not intended to encourage use of these products in any manners that might infringe the intellectual property rights of others. Specifications, terms and pricing are subject to change. Not all products are available in all countries. Please consult your local sales representative for details. Australia +61 3 9757 4486 Austria +43 1 333 50 34 0 Belgium +32 53 73 42 41 Brazil +55 11 3731 5140 China +852 2428 3282 PN70533_E 03/13S Denmark +45 70 23 62 60 France +33 1 60 92 48 00 Germany +49 6126 991 0 India +91 22 2764 9494 Italy +39 02 51 62 1267 Japan +81 6 6885 1213 Korea +82 2 3420 8600 Netherlands +31 76 579 55 55 Singapore +65 6289 1190 Sweden +46 8 473 3380 Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA USA is ISO 9001:2008 Certified. Switzerland +41 62 205 9966 Taiwan +886 2 8751 6655 UK/Ireland +44 1442 233555 USA and Canada +847 295 7500