Volume 11 - Good Shepherd Catholic School


Volume 11 - Good Shepherd Catholic School
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Phone: 6278 9500
Email: [email protected]
Website: web.gsl.wa.edu.au
4 September 2015
Vision Statement:
Good Shepherd Catholic School is an inclusive community growing together in faith by living our Catholic values
and beliefs. We are guided by the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ, in partnership with parents, caregivers, parish
and the wider community. Our school is dedicated to fostering life-long learning through educational excellence
encapsulating the spiritual, cognitive, emotional, social and physical development of the child.
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents, Staff and Students,
The Gift of Fathers in the Human Mystery of Love and Life
Fatherhood is undergoing a renewal. Whereas once we presumed a lot of things about
fatherhood and perhaps overlooked its need for closer attention today there is a
growing interest in the irreplaceable contribution men offer families in their role as
father. This renewal is something in which we can all take part by reflecting on our
own experience of fatherhood. Our reflections will no doubt be a mixed bag; joyful for
others, painful for some, a mix of positive and negative emotions for most. Healing and
forgiveness, as much as celebration, must be part of our reflections. All of us face
problems in our families, in the church and in society. Healing and forgiveness, as
much as celebration, must be part of our reflections. All of us face problems I our
families, in the church and in society. Wherever there are two or more people, there
can be hurts and divisions. Yet it is also through people that we come to know God and
to be fulfilled personally. St Paul tells us that love is one thing that cannot hurt our
neighbour. Love is the summation of all the commandments. Our closest neighbours
are our members of our families. No matter how far we ‘roam’, home is the house
where our family lives. Father’s Day is a good time to pause to appreciate a unique
person that God has put into our lives – our father. It is easy to take fathers for
granted. The natural hurts that arise in all families can cause us to forget the wealth of
goodness and commitment that is also there. Father’s Day gives us an opportunity to
recall and affirm the particular gifts that fathers bring to families. This includes our
personal fathers, grandfathers, single parent showing appreciation to one’s father. The
important thing is to do it. When expressing thanks to your dad it is a good idea to
connect it with something specific – a special quality or a specific incident in the past
that typifies your father’s care and commitment. People can give presents if they want
to but the most important gift is the gift of appreciation. Every father knows that he is
human and didn’t always do it perfectly. He needs to hear from his children that he
‘must have done something right’ – maybe magnificently.
Love and God Bless
Jim Di Carlo
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Thank You!
Having been back at Good Shepherd for a week I would like to thank all the members
of the School Community for their “Welcome Back” messages of support and
encouragement. It has been most appreciated. I would like to also say a very special
thank you to Renae Butler, Tracey Hill and Romina Chapman for the wonderful work
they did in leading and running the school so smoothly and efficiently. We are blessed
to have such wonderful young leaders at our school. I am very happy to be back and
look forward to working with you all again.
Jim Di Carlo
Person of the Week
This week’s Person of the Week winner is:
Jordan Robertson 2B
Merit Awards
This week's Merit Certificate winners are:
Nathan Nguyen
Augustin Pham
Marcus Lombardi
David Tranter
Ewan Lusk
Chanel Jetta
Andrew Nguyen
PPW: Pearl Anthony
1W: Sophie Machin
2W: Amelia Rostkowska
3W: Seth Ioppolo
4W: Jasmine Lake
5W: Christof Nguyen
6W: Eshwaran Govindan
Faction Points
Foley House:
Maali House:
Francis House:
Noonan House:
Star Class
A big congratulations to Good Shepherd’s Star Class for this week
which has been awarded and well earned by the entire 1W class.
Congratulations to all the students for their efforts and well done to
Mrs Romina Chapman.
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
The following celebrated a birthday this week.
We wish them a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Jasmine Ani KB
Tanya Guwa 4B
Ella Wyard 3B
Skyla Taronowski 2W
Karl Pagkalinawan 6B
Annaliesse Mirchef KW
Breah Tarnowski 4W
Angus Bondarenko PPW
Vinn Szeto 3B
Nathan McKenzie 3B
Samantha Gigli 5B
Sergey Murselovic 5B
Antonio Lucente 2W
After School Activities
A reminder to parents and students regarding after school activities. If your child is
participating in an after school activity (for example basketball, running club etc) and a
sibling is not, they are to remain in the drop off / pick up area unless they are being
supervised by a guardian. Coaches and teachers cannot take responsibility for the
students other than those they are training.
Take Home Readers
We are running low on take-home reading books for our students. We are
asking all families to please search at home to ensure all reading books are
brought back to school to enable the children to consistently change and
update their books.
The Fathering Project
Stimulating your child's curiosity
Take your children to the museum and then ask them to tell you their 2 favourite
Take them to the local community library
Help them to become interested in nature, world events and interesting people
Here are some more fun ideas.
Join the discussion on the website.
We love to hear from you too!
The Fathering Project Team
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Social Worker
National Child Protection Week is from the 6th to the 12th of September. It is one week
of the year when workplaces, family and community are encouraged to promote the
safety and wellbeing of children and young people. Most adults are aware that
physical and sexual abuse harms children. Less attention is given in the media to
emotional and psychological abuse and neglect as other forms of harm. I have worked
with many parents over the years. I remember one father taking great pride in the fact
that he had never lifted a finger to his children. However he used shame, humiliation,
guilt and belittlement in a potent combination with anger to reduce his children’s selfesteem to shreds. The adage ‘Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will
never hurt me’ simply isn’t true. The trauma associated with psychological abuse can
be just as long-lasting as physical abuse. Children can be disciplined more effectively
by coolly helping them to see the effect of their behaviour and imposing consequences.
They learn their lesson but come out of it with their self-esteem intact.
If you would like to discover ways in which you can play your part in providing a
loving and supportive environment for your children please go to
http://napcan.org.au/resource-hub/what-role-can-i-play/ and click on ‘Parent’.
Sacramental Program – Important Dates
Tuesday 8 September
First Reconciliation
Held in the church
Health and Physical Education Day
Health and PE day is on Wednesday 9th September. The theme this year is ‘Good
for Children, Good for Schools and Good for Communities’.
We will be holding a Physical Activity Morning on Wednesday 9th
September. The upper grades Years 3 - 6 will run an activity for the lower grades
Kindy-Year 2 to rotate through. This will occur in the morning session 9am –
approx. 10.30am. All children are to wear either their light blue or faction
uniform for the day. In addition to the morning activities, all students will have
the opportunity to participate in a healthy eating competition. K-Year 2 are to
draw and label their lunchbox. Year 3-6 are recording their food for a day and
correctly placing the items into a food pyramid. All children are encouraged to
participate to go into the raffle for their chance to win a range of prizes!
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Walk Over October
Walk To School Day Wednesday 21st October 2015
Walking part or all of the way to school helps children to achieve the 60 minutes
of physical activity they need every day for good health. Walking to school with
family and friends are valuable opportunities for students to develop skills,
knowledge, attitudes and behaviour to walk safely within their environment.
The month of October celebrates WALK THERE OCTOBER and Good Shepherd
will be participating in the Walk To School on Wednesday 21st October 2015.
Staff and students in Pre-Primary to Year 6 will join in on a whole school walk
around our local area. We will be leaving the school grounds, walking down
Morley Drive, up Bottlebrush Drive, around the park and make our way back
again to school.
As we are leaving the school grounds, please fill in the permission slip below and
return to your class teachers by Friday 16th October.
Walk Over October - Walk To School Wednesday
I give permission for my child _______________________________ in class _____
leave the school grounds and participate in the Walk To School Day walk
around our local area with staff and students from Good Shepherd on
Wednesday 21st October 2015.
Signed: _______________________________________ Date : ____________________________________
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Inter House Athletics Carnival
Our annual Inter House Athletics Carnival is fast approaching. The carnival will
be held on Wednesday 16 September at Good Shepherd commencing at 9.00am
and finishing by approximately 2.40pm. Kindy B and PP – Year 2 will commence
the day with their tabloid games and then all year levels will come down to
support and watch them compete in their running events. KB to Year 2 will
return to class after recess. Following this Year 3 – 6 students will compete in
their running events and tabloid games. Kindy W will come down to the oval
from 1.20pm.
We are asking for some parent helpers to assist on the day with a number of
duties including timing and place judging. Please complete the form below if you
are available to help and return to Mrs Cairney vis the office. Parent helpers will
be contacted if their assistance is required.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Child's Name: ………………………………………………..……………..……. Class: ….…………….
Phone: …………………………………………………………………………..………………………………..
Sessions: (please tick)
Kindy to Year 2
Year 3 to Year 6
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
World Youth Day Fundraising
2016 World Youth Day Fundraising - for the Good Shepherd Parish.
A number of ex-students of Good Shepherd and siblings of current students, along
with Miss Tarca will be attending the World Youth Day to be held in Poland in
2016. Fundraising has begun to help our youth travel to Poland for the
experience of a Religious Pilgrimage lead by Pope Francis. The first of the
fundraising begins with bags of manure for sale for our school and parish
Manure for Sale!
Spring is approaching and your gardens need to be fertilised!!
Come and get some quality sheep manure from the Parish Youth Group.
We are selling 40L bags for $12....That's right $12.
Simply place your order at the school reception.
Please note only exact cash will be accepted.
You will be given a receipt to take over to Father Al to pick up your order.
Thank you
Miss Tarca
Term Dates
Term 3, 2015 will finishes on
Thursday 24 September 2015
Term 4, 2015 will commences on
Tuesday 13 October 2015
Term 4, 2015 will finishes on
Friday 11 December 2015
Kiara College Enrolments 2016
Enrolments now open for Year 7. In addition to courses in line with the
Australian Curriculum, students have the opportunity to study courses such as:
Agriculture, Dance, Engineering, Film and Media, Home Economics
Mechatronics, Multimedia, Music, Robotics, Web Design, Design & Technology
For further information regarding enrolling your child at the College, please
contact us as soon as possible.
Richard Kardol, Program Coordinator
Phone: 9378 0200 or Email: [email protected]
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
KidSport enables children to participate in community sport and recreation Eligible
youth aged 5–18 years can apply for financial assistance to contribute towards club
fees. The fees will go directly to the registered KidSport clubs through their
participating local government. Parents with a Health Care Card are entitled to apply
for a $200 payment to help pay for sports fees and equipment. They can ask for $200
per child and apply directly to the shire, and then the shire pay the child’s fees on their
behalf. For more information please head to the link below.
North Bassendean Little Athletics Club (Est. 1971)
We are a small friendly Club with between 60-90 registered athletes each season. Our
athletes learn and develop basic athletic skills with the aim to be the best they can be
and build confidence through participation. We offer training in a range of age
appropriate running, throwing, jumping and walking events for children aged 6-17
years. We train throughout the summer season (September-March) on Tuesday and
Thursday afternoons (4.30-6.00pm) at Jubilee Reserve, Eden Hill. Our athletes
compete in a variety of track and field events each Saturday morning during the
summer season at the Noranda Sporting Complex, Wylde Road, Noranda. Our Club is
registered with Kidsport. The 2015-16 Little Athletics season commences shortly with
registration day on Saturday 5th September 2015, with the first competition on
Saturday 3rd October 2015.
For more information on how to join our Club please contact:
Karen Hewitt - Club Manager Ph: 0408 927 126
Justine Mezzatesta – Treasurer Ph: 0414 310 630
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: https://sites.google.com/site/northbassendeanlac/
Morley Eagles Baseball Club
Registrations Now Open for Season 2015 – 2016
Age Groups
Little League: 9 - 12yrs as at 1st May 2016
Junior League: 13 - 14yrs of age as at 1st May 2016
Colts: 15 - 18yrs of age as at 1st May 2016
Game Times
Little League games are played Monday nights @ Mirrabooka
Softball complex beginning around 6.00pm
Junior League & Colts are played Saturday afternoon
All Junior Enquiries to:
Melinda Tough - 0428 277436
Denis Druzianich - 0475 953 781
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
School Events
Uniform Shop Times
8:15am – 9:15am
2:15pm – 3:15pm
Available from the Canteen on Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Hats, calculators, desk mats, CD Roms and Essential Facts and Tables Books
Canteen Roster
Canteen Specials - $6.50
Canteen Specials and Pricelist
Twista Bolognaise / Bottle of Water / Fruit
Twista Bolognaise / Bottle of Water / Fruit
Beef Lasagne / Bottle of Water / Fruit
Reminder - Sports Carnival Sausage Sizzle
Yes I would like to order a Sausage Sizzle and my order is as follows:
(Please return to the Office in a labelled envelope with $3.00 enclosed per order)
(please circle)
Name:…………………………………………………………. Class: ………… Quantity: ………….
Sauce / No Sauce
Name:…………………………………………………………. Class: ………… Quantity: ………….
Sauce / No Sauce
Name:…………………………………………………………. Class: ………… Quantity: ………….
Sauce / No Sauce
Name:…………………………………………………………. Class: ………… Quantity: ………….
Sauce / No Sauce
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Parent Reading Roster
parents/grandparents/parishners who are generously donating their precious time to
listen to our students read.
Melissa Rechichi
Melanie Hamilton
Sharon Carrington
Kellie Long
Amelia Rodrigues
Nadia Campbell
Darlene Stoker
Lorraine Rodrigues
Nadia Lake
Rachel Andrzejczak
Sandra Palmer
Shannyn Nicholas
Jenny Stoner
Julie Thompson
Veronica Vaz
Cassandra Lembo
Genie McGrath
Jo Machin
Phyllis Pereira
Italia Vaccaro
Holly Vecchio
Kylie Debono
Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated by the staff and students of our
school. Therefore we would like to invite you to a “Thank you” afternoon tea on
Wednesday 23 September at 2.00pm in the meeting room.
Please indicate on the form below if you will be attending and return to the office by
Thursday 17th.
Parent Reading Roster Afternoon Tea Wednesday 23 September
Name: ___________________________________________ will be attending.
Thank you once again for your continued support.
Helen Lornie
Literacy Co-ordinator
The P & F Page !
A huge thank you to everyone for their donations
and to everyone that helped make the 2015
Father’s Day stall a success. We wish all the
special men in our lives a wonderful Father’s
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
MC’d by our Master Extraordinaire – JIM DI CARLO
Don’t miss the chance to come and show us your knowledge.
Saturday 7 November 2015
Doors open at 7.00pm for a 7.30pm start
So book your babysitter and enjoy a night out without the kids.
Grab a group of friends and get a table together.
Entry is $20 per person or $200 per table up to 10 people.
If you can’t fill a table, we can allocate you one on arrival.
Entry includes 5 raffle tickets for all raffles drawn on the night.
More raffle tickets can be purchased at the door.
Raffle tickets can be collected when you arrive on the night.
This is event is fully BYO, so feel free to bring your own food and drinks (including
alcohol). We will be offering free tea and coffee
We will be holding a silent and an open auction on the night.
Order and prepay for your table before the 24 October 2015 and receive an additional
15 raffle tickets.
To order your entry tickets, please complete the form below and return to the office as
soon as possible. Limited tables are available, so get in before early before they run
All enquires and bookings, please contact Melissa Rechichi on 0417 994 301 or
[email protected].
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I would like to order Entry tickets for the Quiz Night on 7 November 2015
Contact Number: ____________________________________________________
Number of tickets __________ @ $20.00 each enclosed
Number of tables __________ @ $200.00 each enclosed
(includes extra 15 raffle tickets per table)
To receive your entry tickets please complete the following
Student Name: _____________________________________________________
Class: ______________________
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Fundraising Raffle booklets were sent home with each family last term for our 2015
Fundraising Raffle. The prizes for the raffle are listed below. Each ticket can be
purchased for $5. Should you wish to enter, please complete your name & telephone
number on each ticket purchased. Don’t forget to ask your family & friends over the
holidays. If you would like further booklets to win these great prizes, please contact
Marija Muccilli on 0438 830 203.
1st PRIZE - $1500 Travel Voucher
2nd PRIZE - $750 Red Balloon Voucher
3rd PRIZE - $250 Coles Myer Voucher
Please return your tickets along with payment to the office by 30 October 2015. The
raffle will be drawn at the Quiz Night, 7 November 2015(Tickets on sale now). GOOD
We are seeking your support for donations towards the quiz night raffle, auction items,
table prizes & hampers e.g. wine, chocolates or vouchers etc.
If you or someone you know owns a business and would like to make a donation to
support our school, please contact Marija Muccilli on 0438 830 203 or at
[email protected] .
We would like to invite all parents and friends to come along and join us for the next
P&F meeting. This meeting takes place in the School Hall Meeting Room on
Tuesday 27 October 2015, 7pm
We hope to see you there.
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Concerns have been raised regarding the ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torch’ reward item due
to the inclusion of four button batteries that can be accessed by unscrewing the back of
the torch. Whilst this reward has been independently tested and deemed to meet
relevant product standards the Commonwealth Bank have made the decision to
proactively withdraw this item from the School Banking Rewards Program.
Parents/Guardians are requested to dispose of any ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torches’ their
child may have already received as part of the Rewards Program. Students who have
previously received a ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torch’ are welcome to redeem an alternative
reward item.
Pat the Dog will be at assembly on Thursday 24 September 2015
to present the Golden Pat Award. The class with the most
consistent bankers for the term will win!
Make sure you keep making those deposits!!
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Entertainment Books
Book available to view at the Front Office.
Good Shepherd Catholic School, Lockridge
Contact: Melissa Rechichi
Phone: 0417 994 301
Email: [email protected]
To order your Membership securely online visit: www.entbook.com.au/842w47
Alternatively, please comeplete your details below:
Name: ________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Email:________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________ State:_____________ Postcode: ______________
Child’s Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ Class Room:________________________
Perth Edition $65 including GST: # ____ Book(s) #____ Digital Membership(s) $_______ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $______
Credit Card Numner: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ Expiry Date: __ __ / __ __ CCV*: _______________
CCV is 3 digits on the back of your credit card
Card holder’s name: __________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Thanks for your support! 20% from each Book sold contributes to our School
Class News
In Week 8 we will be looking at the letter P and drawing a picture about the big
book ‘Sam’s picnic’. The children will be making a farm animal out of clay and
printing numbers 1 to 10. In PATHS we will be reviewing how to do the turtle and
reminding the children to do the turtle when they are upset or angry. In Religion
we will be discussing sun safety at the beach and the things we need to wear and
take to the beach. We have been learning about the importance of Slip, Slop, Slap!
Have a good weekend!
Pre Primary
What a productive week we have had. The children had a great time learning
new skills in the tennis clinics on Thursday! A big thank-you to all of the father’s
that came along to our breakfast this morning. We wish you all a very special
Father’s Day on Sunday. In English next week, our big book focus is on the story
‘The Gingerbread Man’. The children will make gingerbread and order the steps
it took to bake them. They will also be exploring compound words and playing
Studyladder on the ipads. In Maths, the children will be revising addition and
subtraction. They will also be writing two and three digit numbers. In Religion
the children will be brainstorming places that we can talk to God. A reminder to
please start spelling sight words for homework to assist the children in their
sentence writing at school. Have a fantastic weekend!
Year 1
This week has flown by! Now onto another busy and exciting week 8. This week
in Literacy the class will be continuing to write information reports, this week
focusing on a particular sport. They will also be writing their own wonder
questions based on our shared book. In Maths, students will be moving onto a
new unit of work involving number patterns. They will learn about strategies to
use to solve simple patterns, in order to continue them with ease. In Science the
class will be learning about how sound is made and in Health, students will be
discussing safety in and around the classroom. A reminder that our excursion is
this Thursday 10th September. Parents will be notified if they are required on the
day. Please remember that recess only, must be packed in a plastic bag with their
name clearly labelled. All permission slips must be returned by Tuesday 8th
Have a fantastic weekend!
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Year 1 Excursion
As part of our dinosaur theme this term we have organised an excursion to the
Perth Museum. Students will be involved in a number of workshops including,
exploring the olden days, discovering dinosaurs and a tour of the museum. Your
child is to bring a piece of fruit in a clearly labelled plastic bag to eat for recess at
the museum as well as their water bottle. The children will be back at school for
lunch. Please indicate below if you are able to be a parent helper on the day.
Perth Museum
Thursday 10th September 2015
Departing School:
Arriving Back Approximately:
1:10 pm
I give permission for ………………………………………………………….. in Year 1 W/B to
travel by bus to and from Perth Museum on Thursday 10th September 2015
If you are able to be a parent helper on the day could you please tick the box
Signed: ……………………………………………………………. Date:……………………………………..
Year 2
This week in Mathematics the students will be revising subtraction using
regrouping when necessary. They will also be completing times table activities
and their daily mental maths. In Literacy the students will be proofreading
pieces of texts for missing punctuation, completing guided reading
comprehension with the teachers and practicing their handwriting skills. The
students will be bringing home Father’s Day BBQ aprons that they have painted
themselves. We have used fabric paint to decorate them. To ensure the paint
does not come off in the wash you will need to iron the aprons once as this will
lock in the fabric paint. We hope that all the fathers and special people in the
children’s lives have a great day on Sunday!
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Year 3
Thank you to everyone who braved the cold on Tuesday and attended the
Reconciliation meeting. Remember it is Reconciliation this Tuesday at 6.00pm.
Some children will have readings, please could they practise these at home as
well. Year 3B’s assembly is next Friday and 3W’s mass the week after. On
Wednesday all children will be participating in a P.E and Health day. On
Thursday there is an incursion from the Fire Brigade. We have nearly finished
our novel Charlotte’s Web and the children are looking forward to watching the
Have a great weekend.
Year 4
This week in Literacy we have been continuing to read The Wizard of Oz and
creating our story maps. In Mathematics we have been learning how to simplify
fractions. In Sport we are working on our Athletics events in preparation for the
Athletics Carnival. Please make sure you all bring your recycling survey back as
soon as possible to ensure that you receive a mini recycle bin! Have a great
Year 5
We had a lot of fun on Friday at the Sci-tech excursion! This tied in with our
Science unit Place and Space as we watched a short film about NASA’s base in
Houston. Thank you to the parents who came to help.
Next week we have the Health and PE day! This will involve a physical activity
morning where our upper students will run sports activities for the lower grades.
Students can wear either shirt on this day.
Have a happy and safe Father’s Day this weekend.
God Bless
Year 6
We have reached the end of week 7. We have now finished our time trials for our
running events. Thank you to all students for their patience and participation. We
are sure all your hard training will pay off in week 9’s Inter House athletics
carnival. In Science we have been discussing ‘electricity’ and how it all works. Our
focus has been on ‘light bulbs’, what we think we know about them and what we
want to learn. It has been fun conducting experiments during this unit of work.
Congratulations on the year sixes for completing their Hero speech which was
due in class today. Presentations will commence on Monday so please ensure you
are ready to go. Miss Decotter and Miss Naylor can’t wait to hear your speeches.
Have a fabulous weekend!
4 September 2015
Good Shepherd Catholic School
Mr Bentley
This is what
when the
Dockers lose
to the West