hotels - PA Draft Horse Sale`s
hotels - PA Draft Horse Sale`s
LOCATION OF SALE 2300 North Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 THE SALE WILL BE HELD at the PA facility known as “The Pennsylvania Farm Show Building.” This facility is located at the corner of Cameron and McClay streets in Harrisburg, PA. It is located on the east side of the Susquehanna River. Exit I-81 at Exit 67-A which is also Rt. #22. AREA HOTELS Mention the Sale for a SPECIAL RATE! SPRINGHILL SUITES 15 Capital Drive (off Kohn Road), Harrisburg, PA 17110 · Phone 717-540-5100 See ad on page 5 · Mention the sale for special rates ($112-$122 plus tax). HAMPTON INN & SUITES 30 Capital Drive (off Kohn Road), Harrisburg, PA 17110 · Phone 717-540-0900 See ad on page 5 · Mention the sale for special rates ($106-$116 plus tax). STAY BRIDGE SUITES 920 Wildwood Park Dr., Harrisburg, PA 17110 · Phone 717-233-3304 ECONO LODGE I-81 North. Harrisburg, PA · Phone 717-545-9089 Mention the sale for special rates ($52 plus tax). RED ROOF INN NORTH 400 Corporate Circle. Harrisburg, PA · Phone 717-657-1445 (Next to Econo Lodge) COMFORT INN I-81 Exit 77. Harrisburg, PA · Phone 717-540-8400 HAMPTON INN I-81 and PA turnpike, Carlisle, PA · Phone 717-240-0200 HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS I-81 Exit 72, Harrisburg, PA · Phone 717-657-2200 SALE COMMITTEE SECRETARY: Dale K. Stoltzfus 1006 Log Cabin Rd., Leola, PA 17540 Ph: 717-940-4412 Email: [email protected] TREASURER: Alvin Blank 5621 Umbletown Rd., Gap, PA 17527 Ph: 717-442-4341 DRIVING HORSES, TACK AND VENDORS: Daniel Dienner 448 School Lane Rd., Gap, PA 17527 Ph: 717-442-9815 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 1 AUCTIONEERS FOR HORSES: Andy Raber, (AU-005157) Dale Chupp, (AU-005299) Steve Andrews, Wooster, OH · (AU-002845-R) Lyle Chupp, Shipshewana, IN · (AU-005156) Jarron Miller, Huntington, IN · (AU005942) TACK AUCTIONEERS: Chupp Brothers PA Draft Horse Sale License AY002845-R Horses and vendors may arrive anytime after 12:00 pm on Monday January 18. Wash bays with warm water will be available for washing horses. Wagons and forecarts will be provided for hitching. It is recommended that all horses selling as broke be hitched before the sale in order to be sold as broke. Draft horses must be hitched from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm on Tuesday, January 19. See page 4 for additional scheduling. HORSE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS All horses must have a negative Coggins test within six months of the sale (make sure you draw the markings on the Coggins papers so that your horse can go to Canada) and a health chart within 30 days of the sale in order to get into the barn. If you are sending your horse(s) with a trucker before you arrive, you must send the health papers along with him or your horse(s) will not be able to get into the barn. Bred mares must have signed documentation from a vet who has checked them and found them to be safe in foal within 30 days of the sale in order to be sold as bred. Any buyer of a bred mare who is uncertain of her being bred must have her checked by the sale vet before she leaves the grounds. If she is bred, the cost of checking will be paid by the buyer, if not it will be paid by the seller. HAY AND STRAW All consignors are responsible to provide hay and straw for their consignments. No shavings are allowed. Hay and straw will be available for purchase at market rates. AS A SAFETY PRECAUTION No horses shall be moved any faster than a walk in any areas of the buildings except the large arena, tanbark trail, and sale arena. CANADIAN REGISTRATION ASSOCIATIONS Will transfer registration certificates for Canadian horses to American buyers. The cost of obtaining registration certificates from American breed associations will be paid by American buyers. 2 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • CHECK-IN No horses will be allowed into the buildings without the proper health papers. It is the responsibility of the consignor to bring their animals to the check-in office to process health papers & tag. Be sure to send your paperwork with your trucker if you plan to send your consignments ahead of yourself. ALL CONSIGNORS OF REGISTERED HORSES Please help us to help you by having all your registration papers in order. This includes the original registration paper and a signed transfer. If you are selling a bred mare be sure to fill out the bottom of the transfer with all of the breeding information. Any young stock for which registration has been applied for will be sold as registered. If registration has not been applied for by sale time they will be sold as grades. Stallion requirements for registering offspring: Belgians and Percherons must be DNA tested and the results of the tests must be on file with the respective breed organization. Catalog number of horse is sale number BUYERS: ALL SALES ARE FINAL Horses will be transferred to the person who signs the sales slip. All "no-sales" will be charged a fee of 6% at the last bid, or a minimum of $50, whichever is greater. No horse will be allowed to leave the barn without a checkout slip. All horses must be removed from the barns by midnight on Wednesday evening, day of sale. Buyers who have traveled from a distance who wish to spend the night before leaving for home must see the sale committee to make proper arrangements. All sellers are responsible for their horses up to the time that the sold gavel falls, after which the buyer assumes full responsibility. All consignments must have a new halter and lead rope, otherwise the sale committee will provide one and charge the seller for the cost. All consignments must pay a $75 entry fee. This fee is non-refundable. A charge of 6% will be deducted as a commission for the sale of all consignments with a cap of $500, and a minimum of $50. Transfer costs for registered animals will also be deducted from the sale proceeds. Sale checks will be issued as soon as possible after the sale and as soon as the buyers' checks have cleared. All payments must be U.S. funds. 3% buyer's premium will be waived if paid by cash or good check. Sales tax exemptions must be signed or PA sales tax of 6% paid. The sale committee of the PA Draft Horse Sale LLC reserves the right to reject any horses for any reason including but not limited to: unsoundness, poor condition, and improper documentation of health requirements. GUARANTEES No guarantees whatsoever, expressed or implied, are made by the auctioneers or the Sales Committee of the PA Draft Horse Sale LLC as to title, quality, or soundness of any consignments. Presentations and guarantees given in writing by the consignor will be announced at the time of sale as though by the consignor. Any claims made based upon said presentations and guarantees shall be made against the consignor only. The seller’s statements of soundness will be announced at the sale. LIABILITIES Everyone is cautioned to exercise care while attending the sale. The PA Draft Horse Sale LLC and all members of the committee thereof shall not be liable for any injuries sustained by anyone attending the sale and all parties entering the grounds where • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 3 the sale is held do so at their own risk and further agree that the organization responsible for the sale is hereby released from any liability or responsibility for any injuries sustained by them during the attendance of the sale, and its related activities, from any case whatsoever. TACK SALE Commissions charged on tack will be: 15% on items selling for $500 or less, 10% on items selling over $500. Tack and wagons may arrive from Monday afternoon to 11:00 am Tuesday morning. 2016 STALLION PRESENTATION Service fee will be sold at owner's discretion. Mare owners are encouraged to visit with stallion owners in the barns and take advantage of opportunities for bookings, in some cases at special rates for the 2016 breeding season. The cost to enter a stallion in the presentation is $250. All stallion service plans and activities are the sole responsibility of the stallion and mare owners. The sale committee makes no guarantees about the stallions and their fertility and ability to service mares. SALE SCHEDULE Monday January 18, 12:00 noon Check-in begins Tuesday January 19, 7:30 am Check-in of horses continued 9:00 am Tack (wagon/equipment) sale. Consignments accepted up to 11:00 am 8:30 am - 2:30 pm Draft Horse hitching in the large arena, beginning with all the mares NEW - The driving activities for draft horses will be dictated by a sign up poster indicating by first come first served a specific time when consignments will be presented. 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm In-hand presentation of unbroke horses in the small arena 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm Draft Horse Stallion Presentation 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm Driving Harness Horses in large arena 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Harness horse stallion presentation in the large arena beginning with lot A 3:30 pm - 4:00 pm broodmare program in the small arena 4:00 pm Draft Horse stallion presentation in the small arena, followed by the sale of all Draft Horse mares 3:30 pm - 9:00 pm Hitching of Harness Horses in the large arena Wednesday January 20, 9:00 am Sale of all Draft Horse stallions and geldings in the small arena 6:00 am Harness Horse stallion presentation in the large arena, followed by the sale of all Harness Horse consignments Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at the PA Draft and Harness Horse Sales. 4 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 5 To be sold Tuesday in the tack sale: Harold Clark Commemorative Tray from 1946 Set of Belgian Reviews Belgian Breeders New & Old Don’t miss an opportunity to own a very significant piece of American Belgian history!! The picture on the serving tray is of Harold Clark driving a mare six horse hitch, winners at the 1946 Royal Winter Fair in Ontario, and the big Chicago show that same year, over all breeds. This picture was taken at a time when Draft Horse numbers were falling through the floor. World War II was just over, the gasoline, steel, and rubber industries were gearing up to take over farming and transportation. Harold Clark never quit. The Con prefixed stallions and mares he bred at Meadowbrook farm in Michigan figure prominently into the pedigrees of Belgians of the present day. And not only did Harold not quit, he set a standard for cordiality and professionalism in Draft Horse circles that has also rippled down to our time. And, in addition to this great collectors item tray, there is a complete set of Belgian Reviews to be sold. Every issue except the 1925 and 1929 issues are included in the set. Educational reading for long winter evenings and a chance to become an informed, professional breeder of purebred pedigreed Belgians will be yours if you are the final bidder. Will be sold at 12:00 noon. 6 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • FISHER’S HARNESS SHOP LLC We Manufacture Horse Collars and Harnesses Leather • Brahma Webb Synthetic Horse Collars Wholesale Distributor for: Harness Hardware • Kick Horse Minerals Sleigh Bells • Genuine Leather Belts If your horses are not up to power, worm them and feed KICK Minerals. 267 North Star Road, Ronks, PA 17572 • 717-687-6048 BEILER’S MFG. & SUPPLY Main Office & Warehouse 3025 Harvest Drive Ronks, PA 17572 Phone (717) 768-0174 Fax (717) 768-0097 Manufacturing Address 290 S. Groffdale Road Leola, PA 17540 (717) 656-2179 Manufacturers of Leather, Nylon or Biothane Products like Halters, Harnesses or other Equine or Pet Related items. Distributors of Harness & Saddlery Hardware, Leather, Leather Oils, Biothane & Nylon Webbing plus other Equine Products. Manufacturer of Old Fashioned Hoof Dressing Manufacturer of Yoder’s Horse Products & Hoof Builder Stainless Steel Bits Check out all styles Manufacturer of Padded Leather Halters Horse Whips & Bats Stainless Steel Ornaments A Popular Horse Door Latch We stock all sizes of whips & bats. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 7 8 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 3230 East Gordon Road • Gordonville, PA 17529 877-301-0991 A public auction held annually to serve the needs of all breeds of Draft Horses. The Pennsylvania Draft Horse Sale would like to thank each and every one for their contribution and for helping to make this sale a success. We hope to see everyone back at next year's sale, which will be held on January 17 and 18. Mark your calendars! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 9 Draft Horse Stallion Presentation Tuesday, January 19 Draft horse stallion presentation in the large arena from 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM. Draft Horse stallion presentation in the small arena at 4:00 PM, followed by the sale of all Draft Horse mares. Wednesday, January 20 Sale of all Draft Horse stallions and geldings in the small arena at 8:00 AM. 10 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • I R.R.A'S JADIS'S YANKEE Owned by R.R.A's Percherons, Jacob Riehl, 4186 Old Phila Pike, Gordonville, PA 17529, (717) 768-0549 Percheron Stallion. 3 yr. old. Windermere's Eliminator Windermeres North American Maid Windermere Tayler Maid Windermere King Cong Windward's Jadis A.D.W. Beau's Roxy Windermere's Just Incredible Windermere's Cashmere Blackhome Duke MG's Bobbie McGee Blackhome Duke Camille Ironwood Beauregard Lone Oak Susan Lot's of presence. Good mover. Expecting his first crop of foals in spring 2016. $500 stud fee. II ORNDORFF'S CAPTAIN ENCORE Owned by Corbly Orndorff, 1917 Smith Creek Road, Waynesburg, PA 15370, (724) 833-3464 Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 28, 2008. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, white mane and tail. Orndorff's U2 Charlie Orndorff's U.C. Encore Orndorff's U-nan-amos Korry's Captain Orndorff's Captain Sabrina Orndorff's Flashy U Ellen Orndorff's Supreme U2 Remlap Amos Remlap Amos Orndorff's Supreme Unity L&C Korry Chief's Blossom Flash Du Marais Orndorff's Supreme Unity • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 11 III HF HUNTER'S RINGO 307165 Owned by Hardy Farms Standing at WYE Oak Farm, 378 Bunker Hill Rd., Strasburg, PA 17579, (717) 687-9484 Bred by Hardy Farms Percheron Stallion. Foaled March 1, 2010. Black. Small star above hair whorl. Irish Creek Cola Crawford Farms Hunter Prince's Pam Sterling's Thunderstik HF Thunder's Joy Hardy Farm's Tara Rose Hill Champ Lone Star Miss Holly Koncarlaet's Prince Jess M.G.'s Prince Janet of Glynlea Spirit Poseidon Henryetta Lot's of presence. Good mover. Expecting his first crop of foals in spring 2016. $500 stud fee. 12 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • IV COUNTRY ROAD PRINCE S67341 Owned by L-Valley Belgians, Christiana, PA Elmer Kauffman (610) 593-0976 – Ben Kauffman (610) 593-2055 Bred by H&C Belgians, Roanoke, IN Belgian Stallion. Foaled January 8, 2010. Red sorrel, stripe, L hind leg white, light mane and tail. C.J. Irvin C.J. Mitch Styleman's Lassie Country Road Firestone Glory's Kyra Joy Irish Hill Morning Glory Style's Stylemaster Maker's Tera Chickasaw Styleman Lynn Brook Rose Korry's Captain Orndorff's Supreme Vida Gloria's Master Guster AgRestore Cleata Live cover or shipped semen. Red, light mane and tail. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 13 V S.E.M. JASPER S67734 Owned by PY Stables, 5806 CR 19, Millersburg, OH 44654, (330) 600-0183 Bred by Kristen N. Freitag, New Carlisle, IN Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 24, 2010. Red sorrel, stripe, snip between nostrils, white on L hind leg, light mane and tail. Korry's Captain Orndorff's Captain Jeremy Orndorff's Supreme Jewel Master's Pearl's Bud Frontier's Lyn's Lexus OHF Conquest Jennylyn L&C Korry Chief's Blossom Orndorff's Congolaise Supreme Acorn Acre's Pearl Monette's Master Mike Queen's Pearl Shady Lane Conquest Jay-Lyn Jasper is available for on farm or shipped semen. 14 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 725 Trailer Plow with • • • • • Width adjustable to 12”, 14” or 16” Rope-activated mechanical clutch lift Spring-cushioned adjustable draw bar Shown with Keystone #4 Sod Bottom Bottom automatically resets over rocks 732 2-Way Sulky Plow 715 Sulky Plow Contact Us for FREE PRODUCT INFORMATION 5566 Old Philadelphia Pike, Gap, PA 17527 717.768.8313 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 15 16 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • NUTRA-GLO TM Nutritional Feed Supplement (Liquid Products) 1 qt. (5 month supply) $47.90 The 1st Available at: Harness Shops, Blacksmith Shops and Feed Stores everywhere! Choice se reds of today’s Hor Supplement of hund try ul Po & ers, Veal Owners, Dairy Farm d Deer & an s er Produc Dog Breeders! Wholesale/Retail Sunset Supply LLC. 717-626-2194 805 Log Cabin Rd Leola, PA 17540 Discover Your Herd’s Maximum Potential!™ Natural Supplements Help Your Horses Improves • Nutrition & Digestion • Hoof Quality • Immune System •Muscle Tone • Reproductive Health • EPM • Hair Coats Ask About Our “As a farrier, I see first hand the result of Devine Equine Natural products. It’s amazing to see horses turn 5-10 years younger especially when people have given up after trying everything.” Special Horse Feed Blend • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Elmer Ebersol, Farrier, PA 17 PHOTOS © WADE WILCOX © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC 18 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Draft Horse Mares Tuesday, January 19 In-hand presentation of mare consignments in the small arena from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM. Sale of all Draft Horse mares in the small arena at 4:00 PM #2 & #3 #22 #45 #64 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 19 The Harrisburg Broodmare Program Dale K. Stoltzfus This year for the third annual broodmare presentation and discussion we welcome Percheron Breeder Brian Lynch of Utopia Percherons in Goshen, Connecticut as our presenter. Brian and his wife Stacie have made great strides in the Percheron breeding industry in the past 10 years or so, while caring for their two young children Kaleigh and Kaiden, and introducing them to various equine activities. Stacie’s work portfolio includes professional photography of Draft Horses. For some years they campaigned a six horse hitch of black geldings with a great deal of success. The six could be resurrected at any time, but for now the program is concentrating more on breeding mares and raising foals. Keeping and breeding good brood mares is a very important part of the breeding equation, and so is keeping a good stallion; for Utopia its F.P. Icepick. Several of this stallion’s foals have topped major sales in his short career as a breeding horse, and they have been doing well for Brian and Stacie in halter classes as well. Brian credits the Kriz Brothers of Bethany, Connecticut for his mentorship into Draft Horse interest and activity. His time spent with these consummate horsemen have given him strong underpinnings to his own Percheron operation and surely helped to propel him into his career as a fulltime farrier. The mares of Utopia Percherons birthed 5 foals in 2015 and there are six mares hoping to give birth to live, healthy foals in the spring of 2016. Along with his own breeding activity, Brian does breed consulting for other breeders. Deep pedigrees that represent generations of sound horses resulting from sound breeding practices are the first consideration, always with the goal of pleasing the eye of the judge and hoping for that first place and/or championship position in the lineup; a position that has been tasted by this ambitious pair with a great deal of consistency at some major shows including the latest Percheron Congress. Brian will take some time during the day on Tuesday to wander around the barns at Harrisburg to pick out a mare that he feels best represent the kind of qualities suited for raising well-built and healthy foals. This can be a mare of any Draft Breed. With his experience in the show ring and his experience of looking at and working with, and on, horses’ hooves every day, and his knowledge of pedigrees, there is sure to be some valuable information and valuable ideas he will pass along to you. 20 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 1 SUNNY BROOK DENA M116022 Consigned by John David Fisher, Ronks, PA Bred by John R. Schlabach, Fredericksburg, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 18, 2001. Red sorrel with some roan, stripe, spots on upper lip, white legs, white mane and tail. H.B. Martin Clay Crest Coty Master’s Monique Orndorff’s Congolasie Classic HP Classic’s Dena HP Condura’s Kallie Orndorff’s Congolasie Classic Produce Acre’s Dawn Illini Masterpiece RKD Mary Congolaise Orndorff’s Highland Sue Timberland’s Kai Concord’s Condura Broke. Bred May 28, 2015. 2 L.F.K. CONNIE’S LADY 1041686 Consigned by Kerry Hayes, Jay Creek, NB, Canada Belgian Mare. Foaled April 15, 2000. Sorrel. Star connected to stripe and snip extending to nostrils, white on lower lip, white markings on left hind leg; light mane and tail. Maple Lawn Confidential Timberland’s Exception Windy Oaks Rhonda Hidden Acres Douglas Stoney Meadow’s Connie Stoney Acres Jody Greentop Naden’s Prince Confident’s Jane Oakland’s Congo Chickasaw Rita Master’s Eddie Aw Laurie Lake Lege Moniter Stoney Acres Marsha Broke. Sound, stands quiet to hook. Good mother, mare is open. #2 – L.F.K. Connie’s Lady • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 21 3 K.C.H. KIT 1038690 Consigned by Kerry Hayes, Jay Creek, NB, Canada Belgian Mare. Foaled April 30, 2002. Light Sorrel. Star with connected stripe and snip; legs light; mane white. C.J. Austin Glenn’s Burnt Bridge Jack Glynn’s Burnt Bridge Megan Jardine’s Larry Cap Hickory Cap’s Lynn Hickory Patty Jay-Lou-Supreme I’m A Constrico Too Imperial Lad of Greentop Nesbitt’s Riverview Linda Continue’s Banner Cindy Jane Farceur Jardine’s Tim Kate Farceur Open, beginners mare. Sound, quiet in every way. Stands quiet to hook. 4 B.V. PRINCE JEWEL M119829 Consigned by Wm Ray Miller, Wyomina, DE Bred by Jonathan J. Yoder, Rebersburg, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled May 26, 2005. Blonde, stripe, white mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s U.C. Prince Acorn Acre’s Pearl Krabben’s Joe Wallyview Jo’s Jewel Hollo-Way Beauty Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Count Cedric Riverside Nancy Brantview Jim Keet Sunny Brae Minnie House’s Conrad Farceur Goldie Sandy Supreme Broke to all farm machinery. Stands 18 hands. Good wind. Good worker in lines or jockey stick. Easy foaling mare. 5 DOUBLETAIL JUNIPER M124830 Consigned by Tiffany Ramsey, Delta, PA Bred by Dr. Tomas Vybiral, Thurmond, NC Belgian Mare. Foaled March 24, 2008. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. All-en-Time Jayson RKD Ice RKD Lou Ann Jay-Lou-Supreme C.J. Janette Dillinger’s Jullie Ohio State Conqueror Conqueror’s Lett RKD Captain College Bettie Lou Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Elegant’s April du Marais Grange’s Dillinger Lazy P Dixie 17.2 H, used in show hitch and farming, manure spreader, etc. Easy to be around, hook bath and harness. Solid feet. Sells open. 22 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 6 CC ALPHA LEGATEE Consigned by Benjamin Kauffman, L-Valley Belgians, Christiana, PA Bred by Ernest J. Helmuth, Millersburg, IN Belgian Mare. Foaled May 13, 2003. Red sorrel, stripe, snip between nostrils, white mane and tail. Jay-Lou-Supreme BJ Supreme Legacy L & C Deidra Prairie Grove Impressive Melody Acres Janice Maple Grove Jannette 7 Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Elegant’s April du Marais All-en-Time Jayson Deanna Mast’s Chief Continue Chickasaw Farrah Constrico’s Kirk Timberland’s Conora ALPINE ACRES KAYLA Consigned by Aden Burkholder, Baltic, OH Bred by Roy E. Coblentz, Wilmot, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled June 18, 2008. Red sorrel, stripe, spots in stripe, L hind leg white, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Rosewood Charles Hickory Valley Dutches Ramark Travis Lake State Jasmine Lake State Jill Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Seneca Valley Jessie Hickory Valley Ruby Alpine Acres Jason Ramark Designer RoseBud Imperial Lad of Greentop Lake State Kayla Broke. 8 PATON’S ROYAL JANA Consigned by Emanuel K. Beiler, Quarryville, PA Bred by Melvin L. Paton, Carnduff, SK Belgian Mare. Foaled May 10, 2001. Red sorrel, star and connected stripe and snip, dark spots on body, mane and tail white. Oakland’s Silver Mark Cedar Lane Royal Copper’s Judy Derek du Marais Paton’s Derek’s Juanita Edeltyn Bonnie Jay Conquerais Silver Belle Major B. Copper Du Brule Jane 4th Sunny Lane Sandy Remlap Don’s Debbie Banner du Marais Edeltyn Sarah Jay Well broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 23 10 MILMER’S VLW HANNAH 300996 Consigned by Stephen F. Stoltzfus, Loganton, PA Bred by Merle D. Oxley, Sac City, IA Percheron Mare. Foaled April 28, 2006. Black; small star, white bars in both hind hooves, avid implant # 101 068 033. Cedarview Lonesome Wee Willie Van Line Willie Koncarlaet’s Black Satin M.G.’s Prince Prince’s Sara Ann Big Timbers Jacque Lucasia Sir William Valley View Kelela Degas Koncarlaet’s Prince Commander’s Miss Genius Mc Gee Joanna Laet Big Timber’s Mike Ryan’s Jodi Broke to all farm machinery, including tobacco planter. 11 SUNRISE ACRES BABE 304428 Consigned by David M. Stoltzfus, Rebersburg, PA Bred by Gary Miller, Topeka, IN Percheron Mare. Foaled May 8, 2008. Black. DNA PN3365. Valley Vista Knightime Storey Creek Knight’s Charger Highview Trisha Shady Creek Jason Lakeside Cindy R-Kay Chief’s Princess Lucasia Sir William C. La Van’s Starbaby M.E.F. Hot Shot II Alberta Rose Dreamtime’s Silverado Terragold Touch of Class Chief’s Bob Lavon’s Bess 18 HH. Broke to all farm machinery. Works on either side. Selling open. I had this mare in the corn binder this past fall. A fast walking team. Sells with Brianna, Lot #12. 12 SUNRISE ACRES BRIANNA 304428 Consigned by David M. Stoltzfus, Rebersburg, PA Bred by Gary Miller, Topeka, IN Percheron Mare. Foaled May 23, 2008. Black. DNA PN3393. Irish Creek Cola Crawford Farms Hunter Prince’s Pam Ironwood Beauregard Grey Gables Rianna Little-Lady Bell Rose Hill Champ Lone Star Miss Holly Koncarlaet’s Prince Jess Cousteau Blackhome Shirley Lyn Hope Commander’s Bill La Nellie Grant 18 HH. Broke to all farm machinery. Top lead horse. In foal to Goshen Trail D. Boone. Bred April 20, 2015. Sells with Babe, Lot #11. 24 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 13 STOREYVALE MISS GWEN 311403 Consigned by Jacob Beiler, Shamrock Meadows Percherons, Quarryville, PA Bred by John Storey, Berwick, NB, Canada Percheron Mare. Faoled May 27, 2010. Black; no white markings. DNA PN/308. Rose Hill Daniel Rose Hill Manuel Thomsan Mi Bonnie Lucasia Nick 2nd Storeyvale Lindsey Storeyvale Jodi Prince Joe Fancy of Glynlea Mi Grandeur Matt Phay Eva D I D Lucasia Sir William J.M. Nick’s Susie Moon Face Miss Kate Broke. Due in May. Sells with Katniss, Lot #14. 14 PENNWOODS KATNISS 309860 Consigned by Jacob Beiler, Shamrock Meadows Percherons, Quarryville, PA Bred by Pennwoods Percherons, Centre Hall, PA Percheron Mare. Foaled April 22, 2012. Black; small irregular star. DNA PN6959. Prince Joe Rose Hill Daniel Fancy of Glynlea Pleasant View King G.T.’s Gwen Storey Creek Rosalyn Lo Lynd Joe Laet Princess Laet Koncar Showtime Fury Justamere Fantasyt M.G.’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Blackhome Grandeur Lyn Storey Creek Knight’s Sara Sells with Miss Gwen, Lot #13. 15 HIGH PINE JEN M131732 Cosigned by Mahlon Coblentz, Belle Center, OH Bred by Robert E. Davidson, Stanwood, IA Belgian Mare. Foaled June 5, 2012. Strawberry blonde, stripe, spot on lower lip, light legs, light mane and tail. Cedar Lane Royal Paton’s Royal Legend Paton’s C.L. Tally’s Lisa High Pine Jeff High Pine Jill High Pine Judy Oakland’s Silver Mark Copper’s Judy Nelson’s Sandy Proske’s DMD Tally Naden’s Bill High Pine Lucy Hector’s Casey High Pine’s Susie Broke to most farm machinery. In foal to a grade Belgian stallion for 2016. Sells with Hanna, Lot #16. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 25 16 GREENTOP RUBY’S HANNAH M131731 Consigned by Mahlon Coblentz, Belle Center, OH Bred by Mary McGrew Davidson, Stanwood, IA Belgian Mare. Foaled June 12, 2012. Strawberry blonde, stripe, white on lower lip, light legs, white mane and tail. Cedar Lane Royal Paton’s Royal Legend Paton’s C.L. Tally’s Lisa Volk’s Colonel Farceur Greentop Bel’s Ruby Greentop Bel Oakland’s Silver Mark Copper’s Judy Nelson’s Sandy Proske’s DMD Tally Constable’s Fred Volk’s Patsy Farceur Starlite Greentop Amber Broke to most farm machinery. Works with snap. Sells with Jen, Lot #15. 17 JAY L ANGEL M132747 Consigned by Daniel Hershberger, Millersburg, OH Bred by Jacob A. Lengacher, Spencerville, IN Belgian Mare. Foaled April 21, 2014. Blonde, stripe, white on lower lip, light legs, white mane and tail. Elect’s Chief Foss’ Jim Foss’ Jenny Marden Meadows Mitch Jay L Kitty Jay L Kristal K. Young’s Diamond Chester Sioux River Becky Bell’s Don Foss’ Dixie Asselstine Prince William Hillcroft Margie Doc’s Lazy Jay L Katie May Broke, pulling bred mare! Sells with her full sister Anna, Lot #18. 18 JAY L ANNA M132746 Consigned by Daniel Hershberger, Millersburg, OH Bred by Jacob A. Lengacher, Spencerville, IN Belgian Mare. Foaled April 10, 2013. Blonde, stripe, white on lower lip, spot on R side of body, white mane and tail. Elect’s Chief Foss’ Jim Foss’ Jenny Marden Meadows Mitch Jay L Kitty Jay L Kristal K. Young’s Diamond Chester Sioux River Becky Bell’s Don Foss’ Dixie Asselstine Prince William Hillcroft Margie Doc’s Lazy Jay L Katie May Broke, pulling bred mare! Sells with her full sister Angel, Lot #17. 26 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 19 JENNY M131685 Consigned by David Haskin, Apalachin, NY Bred by Dave Graber, Grabill, IN Belgian Mare. Foaled April 9, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, R hind leg white, light mane and tail. Banner Oak Hill Banner’s Jim Pine Grove Loretta K & W Master’s Legend Legend’s Lindsy King’s Valley Pet Orndorff’s Jim Dolly Jo Farceur Double M Jayce Schaefer’s Paula Master’s Eddie T M Joey King’s Valley Don Ringmaster’s Shirley To be sold with gelded twin, Jake, Lot #140. Will make great team. Started. 20 LORA’S LONNA M134319 Consigned by Elam S. Beiler, Kinzers, PA Bred by Elam S. Bieler, Kinzers, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 11, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on legs, dark mane and tail. Korry’s Captain Mountaineer Major Mike Mountaineer Monique Style’s Stylemaster “C” Steel’n Style Lora “C” L.G. Nova L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Monette’s Master Mike D.L. Williams Betsy Cickasaw Styleman Miss Clora C.J. Legand “C” Just R Crowning Glory 21 PINE CREEK BELL M134127 Consigned by Ivan E. Fisher, Strasburg, PA Bred by Ivan E. Fisher, Strasburg, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 7, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on L hind leg, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy Chickasaw Master’s Prince Detweiler’s Goyce Melody’s Ginny C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney Rolling Hills Melody Out of 18 HH mare. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 27 22 TABOR HILL CHARLOTTE M134353 Consigned by Levi S. Lapp, Gordonville, PA Bred by Levi S. Lapp, Gordonville, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled Feburary 24, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince BJ Majesty Marcoz Queen JHB Legand’s Jay D.V. Carrie Morrow’s Cleo Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney B.F. Dixie Marcoz C.J. Legand Redoy Bell II Twin Maple Jayce B&M’s Penny 22ASTONY POINT MATILDA M132742 Consigned by Larry and Barbara Kohlman, Port Clinton, OH Bred by Leroy E. Stutzman, Sugarcreek, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 10, 2014. Red sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Gloria’s Master Guster Patriot Francis Scott Key CHS Jacque Circle W Maxamillion Stony Point Marsha Stony Point Flora Master’s Eddie Gloria Congolaise J.J.M.’s Conceit Erb’s Jacque Constell Maple Lawn Scott’s dream Circle W Rocky’s Rose Monty’s O.S. Markus May du Marais Great disposition. Quiet. Well mannered. Willing to learn. Good moving and clean legged. #22A – Stony Point Matilda 28 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 23 TRIPLE M CAMPBELL M132742 Consigned by Joseph Stotlzfus, Newburg, PA Bred by Joseph Stotlzfus, Newburg, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled March 25, 2014. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s US Charlie Orndorff’s U.C. Prince Acorn Acre’s Pearl BJ Majesty Dienner’s Roselyn Turkey Creek Alexus Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Count Cedric Riverside Nancy Chickasaw Master’s Prince Marcoz Queen Turkey Creek Nick Tri-County Dolly A nice red filly with lots of snap. 24 HYJAK BUZZ’S VICTORIA PRINCIPLE 1045115 Consigned by Peter Maher, New Lowell, ON, Canada Bred by Peter Maher, New Lowell, ON, Canada Belgian Mare. Foaled February 17, 2013. White mane and tail. H.B. Jay Stoney Lake Buzz Hidden Acres Monette Master Holiday Lads ‘N’ Holiday Kate’s Joy Benbrook Grant’s Kate Jay-Lou Supreme Dillinger’s Malinda Monette’s Master Mike Red’s Dottie Master’s Eddie Miss Helen Jewell’s Grant Vernview Heather 25 WINDING GLEN ANN M131798 Consigned by L. Michael Kauffman, Christiana PA Bred by L. Michael Kauffman, Christiana PA Belgian Mare. Foaled May 19, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, white mane and tail. RKD Eddie Orndorff’s Ajax Orndorff’s Supreme Victoria Produce Acres Director Winding Glen Emma Lynn Brook Katrina Master’s Eddie RKD Heidi Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Oakland’s Vicki Lynn C J Ethan Produce Acres Divinity Constrico’s ConMark Kelli Acres College Flo • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 29 26 WATERS EDGE CINDY M131765 Consigned by Sam King, Millerstown, PA Bred by Sam King, Millerstown, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled May 24, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Prairie Grove Gordy NVF Flash N.V. Penney L & C Titan Misters Electra C. H. Eddie’s Donna Chickasaw Master’s Prince JLM Connie Conquerais Paradise Conquistador Miss Cindy Korry’s Captain Miss Melody Phinney’s Eddie Cinderalla Broke single and double. Jeb Neg. 27 MARKET WAYS JO ANNE M132852 Cosngied by Dublin Valley Farms, Fredericksburg, OH Bred by Amos F. Beiler, Jr., Gap, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled June 18, 2013. Sorrel, stripe, L hind leg white, white mane and tail. AgRestore’s Convinsor Weeping Meadow Contender Weeping Meadow Tereasa Gloria’s Master Guster Market Ways Lucy Molly’s Katie Sunshine OSO Korry’s Captain Country Pride’s Amy Weeping Meadow Ranger Tom’s Tonya Master’s Eddie Gloria Congolaise Duke’s Jade Tripsie’s Bea Molly Broke. 28 NAME L VALLEY VICTORIA M134272 Consigned by Stephen B. Kauffman, Christiana, PA Bred by Stephen B. Kauffman, Christiana, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled March 15, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Phinney’s Master’s Mike Farlane Victor Farlane Carmen Drafty Valley Bobby Mill Acres Holly Linda du Marais Monette’s Master Mike Phinney’s Victor Betty BJ Vision Orndorff’s Supreme Velda Conquerais Annie Jake du Marais Mona Rubins Broke single and double. 30 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 29 EM JIM’S CHARMING JOLENE M131579 Consigned by Jonathan Miller, Millersburg, OH Bred by Eli A. Mast, Millersburg, OH Beligan Mare. Foaled April 12, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, L fore and hind legs white, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain McIlrath’s Captain Jim McIlrath’s Jill Doll Hidden View HIghroller Hidden Rock Michaela Chickasaw Jewel L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Prince Charming McIlraths’ Jill Chickasaw Master’s Prince Windy Oak’s Megan Imperial Lad of Greentop Chickasaw Jolette Broke single and double. 30 KANAGY ACRES LORIE M131562 Consigned by Benjamin Kanagy, Shreve, OH Bred by Benjamin Kanagy, Shreve, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled January 11, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Maple Grove Reflection Stoney Lake Lester Gallo’s Maria Harbor Haven’s Extreme Kanagy Acres Melody Strawberry Hill Mackenzie C.J. Legand H.B. Gina Master’s Eddie Charger’s Jane Korry’s Captain Lady Flash Banner’s Jay Strawberry Hill Missy Broke single and double. 31 MAPLE GLEN MALISSA M132281 Consigned by Mervin A. Byler, Jordonville, NY Bred by Mervin A. Byler, Jordonville, NY Belgian Mare. Foaled April 25, 2013. Red sorrel, strip, light mane and tail. Remlap Chip du Marais Camelot Chips Image Marcon’s Queenie H.B. Vision’s Wizard Market Ways Marie Epsom’s Miss Janelle Cedarbrook Mike Eddie Bird Polly Oakland’s Marcon JK Gail BJ Vision H.B. Supreme Delight Drafty Valley Bobby Kate’s Katelyn Broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 31 32 WYANDOT FARMS KASEY M132082 Consigned by Eli J. Mast, Middlefield, OH Bred by Richard D. Huston, Carey, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 19, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, L hind leg white, white mane and tail. Korry’s Conqueror Orndorffs Conqueror Magic Stoney Point Mariah Hidden Creek Firestone J.K. Ruby Jewel Shady Creek Ruby L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Drafty Valley mikey Stoney Point Joy Hidden Acres Newten Holly Knepp’s Commander Marc Creekwood Farm Ruby Rose Broke single and double. 33 BVF MINDY’S BECKY M131048 Consigned by Adam Mast, Fredericksburg, OH Bred by Dennis A. Miller, Millersburg, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 6, 2013. Red sorrel, star, snip, flaxen mane and tail. Korry’s Captain H.J.M. Captain’s Tribute DLB Front Page News Charlie’s Majic Majic’s Mindy Battle Creek Rose L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Rocky’s Master Orndroff’s Supreme Carolyn Charlie H Farceur Spruce Hill Brandy Jayricho Evergreen’s Lady Sue Broke single and double. 34 BRIE’S EMILY 1045729 Consigned by Peter Maher, New Lowell, ON, Canada Bred by Hyjak Farms Angus, ON, Canada Belgian Mare. Foaled March 24, 2012. Sorrel. Star with connected stripe and snip; light mane and tail. Brockstream Duke Du Marais Warner’s Wee Willy Huron Hill’s Jessie’s Jamboree Hyjak Chips Renaisance Hyjak Reno’s Brie Holly’s U2C Princess Greentop Centennial Hawkins’ Queen Du Marais Derridge Classic Beattie’s Monalisa Jessie Remlap Chip Du Marais Cedarbrook’s Bonnie Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Mill Acres Holly Broke. In foal to Chickasaw’s Master Prince. 32 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 35 CRYSTAL SPRINGS BRENDA M130906 Consigned by Chrystal Springs Stables, Millersburg, OH Bred by Noah L. Yoder, Millersburg, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 6, 2012. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s Flashy Prince Round-Up-Flashy-Prince O.D.F.’s Doll Drafty Valley Bobby Crystal Springs Babe Golden Creek Barb Flash Du Marais Orndorff’s Congolaise Princes ThistleDown Buster O.D.F. Glory’s Classic Conquerais Annie Cedar Creek Don’s Barney Golden Creek Cindy Broke single and double. In foal to Whispering Winds Cactus. 35ANV PENNY’S BELLE Consigned by Emmaneul Miller, Jr., Dundee, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 26, 2013. Red sorrel, light mane and tail, stripe, white on lower lip. Korry’s Captain Harbor Haven Extreme EBH Lady Flash Paradise Conquistador NV Penny Miss Cindy L & C Korry Chief Blossom Orndorff’s Congolaise Classic Shirley Flash Master Eddie Princess Diana Greentop Magnum Miss Penny Broke. 36 MAPLE GLEN MATILDA M132279 Consigned by Mervin A. Byler, Jordonville, NY Bred by Mervin A. Byler, Jordanville, NY Belgian Mare. Foaled April 16, 2012. Sorrel, stripe, white mane and tail. Remlap Chip du Marais Camelot Chips Image Marcon’s Queenie H.B. Vision’s Wizard Market Ways Marie Epsom’s Miss Janelle Cedarbrook Mike Eddie Bird Polly Oakland’s Marcon JK Gail BJ Vision H.B. Supreme Delight Drafty Valley Bobby Kate’s Katelyn Broke, was main horse on Produce Farm. Has never been exposed to a stallion. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 33 37 UC CHANCE DUCHESS SUGARBELLE M133026 Consigned by Norman I. Mast, Millersburg, OH Bred by Johnny and/or Gail Gilmer, Nickelsville, VA Belgian Mare. Foaled June 19, 2012. Sorrel, stripe, snip between nostrils, white legs, white mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s U.C. Chance Orndorff’s U-nan-amos Zero Farceur Duchess Lacy’s Sugarbelle Samson’s Lacy Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Remlap Amos Orndorff’s Supreme Unity TBM Ike Cindy Kay Farceur Samson’s Eddie K A Tammy’s Jewell Broke. Bred to N.B. Captain Scott from May 29 to June 2, 2015. 38 KANAGY ACRES LEXIE M129884 Consigned by Benjamin L. Kanagy, Shreve, OH Bred by Benjamin L. Kanagy, Shreve, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled January 19, 2012. Red sorrel, stripe, spots in stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Maple Grove Reflection Stoney Lake Lester Gallo’s Maria Harbor Haven’s Extreme Kanagy Acres Melody Strawberry Hill Mackenzie C.J. Legand H.B. Gina Master’s Eddie Charger’s Jane Korry’s Captain EBH Lady Flash Banner’s Jay Strawberry Hill Missy Well broke to all farm machinery. In foal to Agrestore’s J.W. Fireside. 39 TRIPLE M ANGELINA M132741 Consigned by Joseph Stoltzfus, Newburg, PA Bred by Joseph Stoltzfus, Newburg, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled March 22, 2014. Red sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s U.C. Prince Acorn Acre’s Pearl Korry’s Captain Chardon’s Miss Sabrina Chardons U2Charlies Angel Orndoff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Count Cedric Riverside Nancy L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Chardon’s Miss Kara Shay A nice red filly with lots of common sense. Very easy to work with. 34 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 40 CEDAR TREE’S MARISSA 312048 Consigned by Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Miller, Hartly, DE Bred by Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Miller, Hartly, DE Percheron Mare. Foaled May 7, 2015. Grey; small star. DNA PN8405. Blackhome Grandeur Lyn Hannah Hill Wil-Lyn Spring Mounts Halley Windermere’s King Arthur Cedar Tree Rachel E.S.P. Francois’ Valentine Highview Dragano College Lynda Pleasant View King K.D.S. Abbey Blackhome Duke Marissa Laet Francois A.D.H. Faithful Promise 41 ROLLING HILLS APRIL 312029 Consigned by Robin & Jerry Hancock, Winston-Salem, NC Bred by Robin & Jerry Hancock, Winston-Salem, NC Percheron Mare. Foaled April 27, 2015. Black. DNA PN8375. Chevron Misty Valley Jet Le San Sha’s Diamond Tierra Windermere’s Justa-Dandy Rolling Hills Palin Rolling Hills Martena Joanna’s Noble Cassie’s Calliope M.G.’s Black Diamond Forrest Edge Dolly Lyn II Justa-Classic Windermere’s Joy Daleview Luther Northride Acres Princess Stylish black filly. 42 HOLLOW’S CASSANDRA M134366 Consigned by Raymond Lantz, Glenville, PA Bred by Raymond Lantz, Glenville, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 20, 2015. Sorrel, stripe, spot by R nostril, white on lower lip, spot on R stifle, white on hind legs, light mane and tail. Korry’s Conqueror Orndorffs Conqueror Jules Orndorff’s U.C. Jewell H.B. Jay Produce Acres Cindy Lilac Lawn Lady L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorffs U2 Charlie Orndorff’s U-nan-amos Jay-Lou-Supreme Dillinger’s Malinda Dutch Maid Citation Dutch Maid Sapphira Great footed and upheaded. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 35 43 BLUE HEN FARMS HAZEL M134314 Consigned by John H. Byler, Dover, DE Bred by John H. Byler, Dover, DE Belgian Mare. Foaled April 12, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy W.B. State of the Art Asham West Carlene Pine Grove Jolene L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy Orndorff’s Contolaise Supreme Kelli Acres Patsy Paradise Conquistador Maple Grove Joan 44 ROCKY RIDGE LORETTA M134277 Consigned by Emanuel K. Beiler, Quarryville, PA Bred by Emanuel K. Beiler, Quarryville, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled May 25, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on R hind leg, light mane and tail. Kidron Road Extreme PEH Donner Jazzman’s Debutante HP Classic Rhythm Sunny Creek April Twin Oaks June H.J.M. Captain’s Tribute Misty Valley Holly K & W Jazzman Elm Lawn Blossom Orndorff’s Congolaise Classic HP Marggie du Marais H.B. Vinnie AgRestore Julie Jay WE’VE MOVED! 10 S New Holland Rd. Suite 2 Gordonville, PA 17529 (717) 442-9451 36 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 45 MAPLE RIDGE JESSICA 1045785 Consigned by Paul MacMillian, Mountain, ON, Canada Bred by Paul MacMillian, Mountain, ON, Canada Belgian Mare. Foaled February 12, 2015. Star with connected stripe and snip; white on upper and lower lip; white on hind legs; mane light, red tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Kandy’s Prince Kandy L.Y. Captain’s Stormy Maple Ridge Stylish Brandi BJ Hi-style Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Erb’s C.J. Oakand’s Keri Korry’s Captain Nesbit’s Buttermilk June Style’s Stylemaster BJ Supreme Sunshine Non-carrier of JEB. #45 – Maple Ridge Jessica 46 HILLSIDE PRINCE CLASSY M117716 Consigned by Mark Gingerich, Middlefield, OH Bred by Dannie E. Gingerich, Cazenovia, WI Belgian Mare. Foaled March 30, 2004. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Master’s Prince Chickasaw Fairie Princess Bobtown’s Major U.S. Sonne’s Dixibelle Sonne’s Lady Remplap Amos Whaley’s Miss Goldie Prince Charming Chickasaw Fairie Nesbitt’s Misty River Ben Sioux River Della Oakland’s Silver Mark Prairie Grove Elise Broke to farm machinery, works with snap. Vet checked in foal to BJ Bud’s Ultra, due April 21, 2016. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 37 47 SWIHART’S SOPHIE M125001 Consgined by Miller Brothers, Holmesville, OH Bred by Frederick R. and/or Debra K. Swihart, Jackson, MI Belgian mare. Foaled April 9, 2006. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Remlap Ace Design Country Class Ace’s Storm Chestnut’s Meg Korry’s Captain Mountaineer Captina Karen’s Dolly K & W Master’s Baily Remlap Constance Edie Johne Produce Acres Connection Chestnut’s Jessie L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Whit’s Coca Cola Classic Victor’s Karen Broke single and double. In foal to Whispering Wind’s Cactus. 48 HARBOR HAVEN’S MONALEENA Consigned by Jacob S. King, Belmont Acres Belgians, Quarryville, PA Bred by Tom Steinbrick, Marblehead, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled February 26, 2009. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, L hind leg white, light mane and tail. L & C Korry Korry’s Captain Chief’s Blossom Maple Lawn Scott’s Dream Harbor Havens dreamaleena L & C Rosaleena All-en-Time Jayson Deanna Chief K. Farceur Marquette’s Cindy Remlap Scott Maple Lawn Miss Fantastic Timberland’s Kai L & C Desiree Broke. 49 CHARDON’S MISS SABRINA M125555 Consigned by Joseph Stoltzfus, Newburg, PA Bred by Charles W. and/or Donna J. Pursley, Mt. Orab, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 24, 2008. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower, white legs, flaxen mane and tail. L & C Korry Korry’s Captain Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Chardons U2Charlies Angel Chardon’s Miss Kara Shay All-en-Time Jayson Deanna Chief K. Farceur Marquette’s Cindy Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Nesbitt’s Misty River Ben Erieo K Farceur Amy Lots of class. Broke single and double. In foal to Triple M. Conway. 38 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 50 SOPHIE’S SANDRA M132300 Consigned by Miller Brothers, Holmesville, OH Bred by Levi A. Weaver, Apple Creek, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled April 1, 2013. Light sorrel, star, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Korry’s Captain H.J.M. Captain’s Tribute DLB Front Page News Country Class Ace’s Storm Swihart’s Sophie Mountaineer Captina L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Rocky’s Master Orndorff’s Supreme Carolyn Remlap’s Ace Design Chestnut’s Meg Korry’s Captain Karen’s Dolly Broke single and double. Fitted by Dublin Valley Farms. 51 L-VALLEY LITTLE BROWN JUG M131690 Consigned by Elmer E. Kaufman, Jr., Christiana, PA Bred by Elmer E. Kaufman, Jr., Christiana, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled May 5, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, spots on upper lip, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy H.B. Vision’s Wizard Market Ways Judy Molly’s Katie Sunshine OSO C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory BJ Vision H.B. Supreme Delight Duke’s Jade Tripsie’s Bea Molly 52 LONG VIEW’S CRYSTAL M131191 Consigned by Jonathan Miller, Millersburg, OH Bred by Andy J. Miller, Meadville, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 30, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince H.J.M. Prince’s Pride HJM Captain’s Madam X R.E.R.’s Challenger Sprice Lane Jeanie Drafty Valley Jeanie Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Korry’s Captain HJM Amanda Pleasant Lake Mike Waving Acres Bonnie Chestnut’s Rocky Roberta Farceur Broke single and double. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 39 53 RW EMMA SUE M131214 Consigned by Urie U. Byler and Robert Hershberger, Fredericksburg, OH Bred by Raymond I Weaver, Apple Creek, OH Belgian mare. Foaled February 25, 2013. Red sorrel, star, spot on R side of star, stripe, L hind leg white, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain Greene Meade Captain Hawk Greene Meade Hanna Drafty Valley Wyatt Belmont Acre’s Emmaly Detweiler’s Cherylan L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s U2 Charlie South Wind Nina Korry’s Captain Drafty Valley Bonnie Paradise Conquistador Royce Cheryl Broke. 54 WATEREDGE MISSY M132449 Consigned by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Bred by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 24, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Prairie Grove Gordy NVF Flash N.V. Penney Korry’s Captain Weeping Meadow Capt. Mary Tom’s Tonya Chickasaw Master’s Prince JLM Connie Conquerais Paradise Conquistador Miss Cindy L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom WMJ Tommy DLB Ezzy M Broke, hitch prospect. 55 ALPINE ACRES HOLLY Consigned by Adam Mast, Frediercksburg, OH Bred by Roy E. Coblentz, Wilmot, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled March 28, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, white on lower lip. BJ Majesty BJ Boilermaker Orndorff’s Captain Rose Turkey Creek Alex D.V. Amber Moutnain Meadows Annalee Chickasaw Master’s Prince Marcoz Queen Korry’s Captain Orndorff’s U-2 Rosette LJM Captain’s Carbon Copy Turkey Creek Beth Lisa’s Patrick D D T’s Ann Broke single and double. 40 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 56 TRIPLE M DAWN M131622 Consigned by Joseph Stoltzfus, Newburg, PA Bred by Noah L. Yoder, Millersburg, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled March 9, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, flaxen mane and tail. Orndorff’s U.C. Encore Stoney Lake Extreme Stoney Lake Harriet Korry’s Captain Chardon’s Miss Sabrina Chardons U2Charlies Angel Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s U-nan-amos RKD Harley PVF Judy L L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Chardon’s Miss Kara Shay In training at time of consignment. Very easy to work with. A nice big, red mare with plenty of show. 57 CRF BRUCE’S JANET M132139 Consigned by Steve Weaver, Shreve, OH Bred by Owen A. Yoder, Fresno, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled March 23, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Majic Marker Greene Meade Bruce Greene Meade UC Brenda Chickasaw Master’s Prince Carol’s Prince’s Rosie Roadside Matty’s Rosette Charlie’s Majic Chief Promise Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Courtney’s Bricole Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Lake Ledge Matty Roadside Doll 58 CA’S AMY’S AMBER M133316 Consigned by Daniel S. Fisher, Ronks, PA Bred by Sam McNichol, Bellefonte, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled March 25, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on L hind leg, light mane and tail. Maple Lawn Challenger Orndorff’s Challenger Orndorff’s Rosegold II AgRestore’s Convinsor Winding Lanes May Winding Lanes Goldie Orndorff’s Congolaise Classic Maple Lawn Jewel Orndorff’s Highlight Orndorff’s Supreme Dutchess Korry’s Captain Country Pride’s Amy Y Point Mac BJC Dayleen’s Janie Broke single and double. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 41 59 WHISPERING VALLEY’S JEAN Consigned by David W. and Laura Miller, Hartly, DE Bred by Vernon P. Burkholder, Millersburg, OH Percheron Mare. Foaled March 4, 2006. Black; small star. Donamerr’s Dexter All-Star’s Commet Ancors Commet Whispering Valley’s Phaton Whispering Valley’s Mae Miss Liz Degas South Valley Prince Ha Ha Donamerr’s Miss Catherine Blackhome Duke Blackhome Duke Ancors Mariah Ostralien’s Dolly Su Be Ostralien’s Count Don Eve Degas Broke single and double. Can’t hook her wrong. 60 SEVEN LICK ACRES JADE 297628 Consigned by Stephen F. Stoltzfus, Loganton, PA Bred by Abe J. Hershberger, Dundee, OH Percheron Mare. Foaled June 4, 2004. Black; small star, inside left hind pastern white. Valley View Johnny Excelsior Bayonet Stoneaway Babe Dragano Koncarlaet Carnot Colonel Seven Lick Acres Dixie S.L. Cindy Valley View Gambler Valley View Sue Highview Dragano Rolling Acres Stelle Koncarlaet’s Princess Barney Lady June Laet Big Chief Billy Molly D Broke to all farm machinery. 61 E.A.S. BELLA’S MADISON 309200 Consigned by Ellan S. Stevens, Unity, ME Bred by Ellan S. Stevens, Unity, ME Percheron Mare. Foaled June 4, 2012. Black; star, small snip. DNA PN6534. Locust Creek Marcus Northland’s Margery’s Mac Northland’s Miss Margery Locust Creek Marcus E.A.S. Queen Isabella E.A.S. Sarah E. 42 Sterling’s Thunderstik Phinney’s Lavon’s Susette Marksman Miss Magical Meg Laet Sterling’s Thundnerstik Phinney’s Lavon’s Susette Valley view Trapper Northland’s Miss Magical Nina • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 62 ROLLING HILLS EASTER 312028 Consigned by Jerry Hancock, Winston-Salem, NC Bred by Robin and Jerry Hancock, Winston Salem, NC Percheron Mare. Foaled April 5, 2015. Black; little white on left hind pastern and coronet. DNA PN8376. Chevron Misty Valley Jet Le San Sha’s Diamond Tierra Daleview Luther Rolling Hills Martena Northridge Acres Princess Joanna’s Noble Cassie’s Calliope M.G.’s Black Diamond Forrest Edge Dolly Lyn II Pine Hill Champ Koncar’s Melinda Maverick Beau Jester Chef’s Little Queen Fancy black filly. 63 ROCK ISLAND REBA 310977 Consigned by Robert Hershberger and Bill Whitington, Fredericksburg, OH Bredy by Samuel P. Mast, Middlefield, OH Percheron Mare. Foaled April 8, 2013. Black. Small irregular star, left hind leg white. DNA PN7696. Windermere King Kong BP Prestige Yasmine Lucasia Diamond Bud Simpsons Dana G.T.’s Delight Blackhome Duke Camille Dreamtimes Silverado Flash in the Knight Rose Hill Bud Lucasia Crystal Pleasant View King Storey Creek Rosalyn Broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 43 64 BEILU ACRES REBA 310150 Consigned by John S. Beiler, Mount Joy, PA Bred by John S. Beiler, Mount Joy, PA Percheron Mare. Foaled March 21, 2013. Black. Few white hairs in forehead. DNA PN7147. Windermere King Cong BP PRestige Yasmine L.D. Prince Foley Double K’s Lady’s Twila Double K’s Lady Princess Blackhome Duke Camille Dreamtime’s Silverado Flash in the Knight M.G.’s Prince Samantha’s Pat Bittersweet Chief David Hills Dale Princess Good moving mare. Broke single and double. #64 – Beilu Acres Reba 65 FLAT ROCKS HEAVENLY VISION 305678 Consigned by John K. Lapp, Jr. Allenwood, PA Bred by Bobby D. Rowe, Bellevue, OH Percheron Mare. Foaled January 27, 2009. Grey; small star. DNA PN4160. Blackhome Colonel Lyn Hazelwood Lynda’s Bravo Hazelwood Lady’s Lynda Pleasant View King Flat Rock Fasination Sunshine Fantasia Highview Dragano Blackhome Connie Lyn Blackhome Duke M.E.F. Lady Enchantress M.G.’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Duke’s General Schwarzopf Manorview Dusk Grey; small star. DNA PN4160. 44 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 66 ECLIPSE RIVER BEAUTY M129234 Consigned by Charles Stingle, Jr., Smithfield, OH Bred by Matt and/or Sue Frieden and/or Dan Nisley, Joy, IL Belgian Mare. Foaled April 26, 2011. Red sorrel, stripe, L hind leg white, flaxen mane and tail. Korry’s Captain Moutaineer Eclipse Onslow Conquest Rose Nesbitt’s Misty River Matt Matts Mr River Beaut Smith’s Dagger Betsy L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Remlap Banner Onslow Ella’s Conqueror Lady Naden’s Matt Nesbitt’s Misty River Lynne Double M Dagger Jr. Smith’s Naden Bonnie 67 THISTLEDOWN JALEIN M129158 Consigned by Jeremiah Kanagy, Shreve, OH Bred by Jeffrey M. Moore, Adrian, MI Belgian Mare. Foaled June 28, 2011. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. C.J. Colby Sun Set Acres Corbin Rena Chancy ThistleDown Nitro Double DJ Farm Blade Cid’s Dora Jay-Lou-Supreme Coat’s Farms Rhonda Chancy Conqueror’s Cindy Constrico’s Kirk Ramona Neumann’s Cid Major’s Dolly Well broke single and double. In foal to Agrestore’s J.W. Fireside. 68 S.G.F. VICTORIA Consigned by Sherwood Groves Farm, Tunkhannock, PA Bred by Donald L. Sherwood, Tunkhannock, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled May 10, 2010. Red sorrel, white on lower lip, white legs, light mane and tail. RKD Eddie S.G.F. Master’s Bob S.G.F. U-Vette Orndorff’s U2 Charlie S.G.F. Cali Ginger Farceur Master’s Eddie RKD Heidi Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Kauffman’s Karly Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea M. V. Victor’s Banner Nancy Farceur She is a BIG mare by a RKD Eddie son and a U-2 Charlie daughter. Vicki is bred to Agrestore’s Convinsor for an April foal. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 45 69 MAPLEBROOK LADY Consigned by Cole Stienbrick, Marblehead, OH Bred by Mark D. Gingerich, Middlefield, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled May 10, 2012. Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, white mane, light tail. Harbor Haven’s Extreme Clear View Excel 47’s Francie Stone Hill Captain Kirk El Acres Lady Janice El Acres Lady Janet Korry’s Captain EBH Lady Flash L & C Trevor C.J. Alisa Korry’s Captain SH Supreme Florence Calsey’s Duke Cedar Hills Lady Jane 17.3 hand hitch mare. Broke. Bred to Triple Lane Farms Jr. Due February 15th. 70 WINDING GLEN SANDRA Consigned by L. Michael Kauffman, Christiana, PA Bred by L. Michael Kauffman, Christiana, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 29, 2012. Blonde, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. C J Ethan Produce Acres Director Produce Acres Divinity Korry’s Captain Winding Glen Captain Kate Lynn Brook Katrina Jay-Lou-Supreme C.J. Kanita Naden’s Bill Produce Acres Miss Dynasty L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Constrico’s ConMark Kelli Acres College Flo 71 DUBLIN VALLEY CHEYENNE M132001 Consigned by Dublin Valley Farms, Fredericksburg, OH Bred by Robert A. Hershberger, Fredericksburg, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled June 15, 2013. Red sorrel, star, strip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Thunderbranch Prince Tunderbranch Angel Meadow Groves Raising A Ruckus Rocky Bar Justice Rocky Bark Cheyenne Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Meg of Thunderbranch Mosquito Creek Caesar Meadow Grove’s Vanna Farceur Nesbitt’s Riverview J R Brewster’s Satin Doll Broke. 46 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 72 BLUE HEN FARMS VIKKI M133841 Consigned by John H. Byler, Dover, DE Bred by John H. Byler, Dover, DE Belgian Mare. Foaled May 30, 2011. Red sorrel, stripe, white on L hind leg, white mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Coutnry Pride’s Amy Frontier’s Denium Dude DL Betty Rose Kay Jewel L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy Remplap’s Ace Design Frontier’s Justa Debbie C.J. Bradley Mary Jane Benedict Broke single and double. Open. Never been exposed. 73 D.V. FELICITY M131316 Consigned by Ivan Mast, Fredericksburg, OH Bred by Ivan S. Mast, Fredericksburg, OH Belgian Mare. Foaled January 24, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, R hind leg white, light mane and tail. LJM Captain’s Carbon Copy Turkey Creek Alex Turkey Creek Beth Twin Maple Jayce Morrow’s Cleo B&M’s Penny Korry’s Captain Clay-Crest Camelot Orndorff’s Supreme Bruce Joy’s Blondie Double M Jayce Circle P Misty Hallett’s Classic Rock B & M’s Annie Broke. 74 WATEREDGE MAPLE M132448 Consigned by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Bred by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled March 20, 2013. Sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Prairie Grove Gordy NVF Flash N.V. Penney Greentop Magnium N.V. Misty S.G.F. Ultra Chickasaw Master’s Prince JLM Connie Conquerais Paradise Conquistador Miss Cindy Naden’s Bill Minnie Du Marais Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Ginger Farceur Broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 47 75 BREAKER’S BREANA M131923 Consigned by Urie U. Byler and Robert Hershberger, Fredericksburg, OH Bred by Ezra Hochstetler, Topeka, IN Belgian Mare. Foaled May 28, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, L hind leg white, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Prince’s Bruce Double R Denise Upstream Maverick Upstream Heart Breaker Silverado’s Ginger Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Brass Prescott Double R Dixie C.J. Legand Spike’s Maxine Constrico’s ConMark SoutWind Megan Broke. 76 HOLLOW’S MONTANA M134276 Consigned by Raymond Lantz, Glenville, PA Bred by Vernon Yoder, Middlebury, IN Belgian Mare. Foaled February 9, 2015. Light sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. Paradise Conquistador Pine Grove ConMark Oakwood’s Beth H.B. Jay Patriot Molly Pticher Julia Master’s Eddie Princess Diana Oakwood’s Patrick Oakwood’s Misty Jay-Lou-Supreme Dillinger’s Malinda Dana’s Master Justin Holly’s Lucy 77 EL-LYN’S ISABELL M134264 Consigned by Elmer K. Fisher, Ronks, PA Bred by Elmer K. Fisher, Ronks, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled June 2, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy JHB Legend’s Jay Ivy Sweet Cicely 48 L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy C.J. Legand Redoy Bell II Spring Hill Flash Cinnamon • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 78 LANCHESTER TAMMEY M134225 Consigned by Samuel K. Fisher, Honeybrook, PA Bred by Samuel K. Fisher, Honeybrook, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled April 18, 2015. Red sorrel, star strip, L fore and hind legs white, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy Bar Charlie’s Corona S.J.F. Corona’s Viktoria Alpine Valley’s Vikie C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Stoney Lake Caprice Lisa-Lee Sam Connie Gus 79 L-VALLEY TULIP Consigned by Elmer E. Kauffman, Jr., Christiana, PA Belgian mare. Foaled March 14, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, left hind white, white mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy Produce Acres Director AgRestore R.J. Tess Maple Creek Patricia C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firstone Irish Hill Morning Glory C.J. Ethan Produce Acres Divinity Constrico Linda Farceur 80 SUNLIGHT ACRES CARLA M134118 Consigned by Amos K. Fisher, Kinzers, PA Bred by Amos K. Fisher, Kinzers, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled February 24, 2015. Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on L hind leg, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy N.B. Captain’s Junior N.B. Junior’s Caylee N.B. Eddie’s Cindy L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy Korry’s Captain Loyalea Conglaise Pam Irish Hill Jay Jou Circle Lane Jessie • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 49 81 TRIPLE H PRINCES M134356 Consigned by Lloyd K. lapp, Gordonville, PA Bred by L. Michael Kauffman, Christiana, PA Belgian Mare. Foaled June 4, 2015. Blonde, stripe, spot on R hip, white on L fore and R hind legs, white mane and tail. Korry’s Conqueror Circle M A-Rod Jo-Nel’s Lady Debut Produce Acres Director Winding Glen Paula Lynn Brook Katrina L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s Eddie Debut Simply Spice C J Ethan Produce Acres Divinity Constrico’s ConMark Kelli Acres College Flo Sharp. 82 MERRYVILLE BRANDON MEAGAN 1040138 Consigned by Peter Maher, Ne Lowell, ON, Canada Bred by Kim G. Hawen, Bellville, ON, Canada Belgian Mare. Foaled June 6, 2002. Sorrel. Small star with connected irregular stripe and snip; white on upper lip; legs light, white mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s U.C. Brandon Orndorff’s Highland Brandy Orndorff’s Penn State Hunter Creek Highland Rosette Nesbitt’s Misty River Juanita Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Confident’s Red Man Orndorff’s Highland Lassie Orndorff’s Highlight Orndorff’s Supreme Patsy Naden’s Matt Nesbitt’s Misty River Margaret Broke. Pasture bred between March and May 2015. Bred to Stoney Lake Buzz. Dam sold for $7000 in the 2015 sale. 83 STARLIT ACRES RETA 306137 Consigned by Jacob Zook, Jr., Gordonville, PA Bred by Jacob Zook, Jr., Gordonville, PA Percheron Mare. Foaled May 2, 2008. Black; large star, single hind leg white. DNA PN4428. Sterlings Thudnerstik H.F. Thunder’s Supreme Llardy Farm’s Tara Grassy Notch Duke Grassy Notch Beauty Grassy North Magic Trixetta M.G.’s Prince Janet of Glynlea Spirit Poseidon Henryetta Beau Jester Miss Dixiana Kontact Macho Jim Directress Maye 17.3 hand. Broke. Used primarily to mow pasture and as brood mare. Has never been worked hard. Stands to hitch. Safe and sound. Had a foal in 2014. Fitted and presented by RRA’s Percherons. 50 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 84 STARLIT ACRES CONSTELLATION Consigned by Jacob Zook, Gordonville, PA Bred by Jacob Zook, Gordonville, PA Percheron Mare. Foaled May 29, 2005. M.G.’s Prince Pleasant View King Northwood’s Starlite Nicole (K) John Starlit Acres Milky Way Wild Rhythm Mc Gee Joanna Laet Mackhome Duke Daleview Peg (K) La Bob (K) Annette’s Debbie Degas Mill Creek Doc Koncarlets Miss Triss 18.2 hand. Broke. Used primarily to mow pasture and as brood mare. Has never been worked hard. Stands to hitch. Safe and sound. Fitted and presented by RRA’s Percherons. Subscription Rates Published quarterly. 1 year U.S. $35 | Canada $43 | Foreign $45 2 years U.S. $62 | Canada $78 | Foreign $82 Digital & Digital+Print Subscriptions available online! Canadian & Foreign subscribers pay in U.S. Funds only. Iowa Residents please apply your local option sales tax. – Serving the industry since 1964 – PO Box 670, Dept. PS | Waverly, Iowa 50677–0670 | [email protected] • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 51 52 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Comfortable Lightweight, 37lbs Size 4’ x 6’ x 1 1/2” thick Interlock or straight-edge Excellent for horse & wash stalls, sale floors, show circuits, trailers and semen collection floors Hanging Feeders Waterers See these products at the PA Draft Horse Sale January 2016 592 W. Trout Run Road Ephrata PA 17522; 717-299-2536; Dealers e Welcom SUPPLIES JOG CART • Smoother Ride • Durable • Easy Entry Check us out before you buy Drinking Post Waterer in • All Season Water Stop oth. o • Won’t Freeze our b • Always Fresh Water at • Durable • No Energy Bills Ride in Comfort Interlocking Rubber Mats Ride a JOG CART • Durable 6205 TR 419 • Comfortable Millersburg, OH 44654 • Easy to Install 330-893-3723 PA Dealer: Pine Shavings Shetler Farm Supply 8 Cubic Foot Bags Greenville PA • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 53 Getting Your Horse Ready For A Sale ? Try Health E Oil Today ! • Better Immune System • Excellant Weight Builder • Reduce The Risk Of Colic • Revive That “Show Quality” Coat Health E Distribution tch Sco ter red ! t u B avo Fl 471 Goods Rd Ephrata Pa 17522 Ph.(717)354-5173 * 2016 Stallion Calendars * •Visit our booth at the farmshowcomplex • proud to be your horse sale medical resource Serving all your pre-purchase veterinary needs. Dr. Mike Odian – (443) 340-6399 Licensed in PA, MD, VA, NY Dedication · Innovation · Compassion 54 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 23rd Annual Event Northern Indiana Michiana Event Center July 1st & 2nd, 2016 Northern Indiana Planners General Coordinator: Lavern D. Miller 260-768-7698 Breed Presentation: Freeman Yoder 260-593-0284 Local Advertising: Lynn Miller 574-821-1543 Equipment: Maynard Miller 260-768-7271 Homemaker: Norman Yoder 260-768-7336 Teamster: Devon O. Miller 260-562-3312 International Guests: Gerald Miller 574-642-4808 National Advertising: Dale Stoltzfus 1006 Log Cabin Rd. Leola, PA 17540 717-940-4412 [email protected] Produce: Marvin Hostetler 260-463-9920 Shuttle Wagons: Alvin Schrock 574-825-5769 Logging: Vernon Schrock 260-463-0141 ext.3 Vendors: Mervin P. Miller 260-499-3318 John Paul Kauffman 517-852-0237 Michiana Event Center 7605 N SR 9 Howe, Indiana 46746 Continue to watch our website for more information about our 2016 event as it becomes available. 2016_HPDad.indd 1 11/11/15 7:04 AM • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 55 Draft Horse Stallions & Geldings to be sold Wednesday Morning, January 20, 8:30 am in the small arena. 56 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 90 BELMONT ACRE’S LEGACY S70848 Consigned by David K. King, Belmont Acres, Pardise, PA Bred by David L. King, Paradise, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 30, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, spots on upper lip, light mane and tail. Master Round Robin Green River Master Jake Quaint Haven Julie All-en-time Lancer Katie’s Kandra Busyroad Countach’s Katie Master’s Eddie Sunnyeview Robin Eddie Du Marais Orndorff’s Jim’s Rosetta C.J. Legand All-en-time Gala Sue Hidden Acres Countach Kate 91 SUNNY CREST CS CODY S71008 Consigned by Christ K. Stoltzfus, Sunny Crest Belgians, Gordonville, PA Bred by Christ K. Stoltzfus, Gordonville, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 7, 2015. Red sorrel, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince BJ Majesty Marcoz Queen LCH Korry’s Cody AgRestore’s JW Camery AgRestore’s JW Colleta Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney B.F. Dixie Marcoz Korry’s Captain U-2 Mary-Lou G.S. Jay’s ND Man AgRestore Cora Lae 92 WATERDGE MAHLON S70832 Consigned by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Bred by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 23, 2015. Blonde, stripe, white mane and tail. Misters Titanium Creek Side Victory Creek Side Paige Greentop Magnium N.V. Misty S.G.F. Ultra L & C Titan Carey’s Croquet Pine Grove Lynn’s Kenny Creek Side Lady Naden’s Bill Minnie Du Marais Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Ginger Farceur • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 57 93 MAPLE RIDGE JUSTIN 1045787 Consigned by Janet Drynan, Mountain, ON, Canada Bred by Janet Drynan Mountain, ON, Canada Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 28, 2015. Red sorrel. Star with connected stripe and snip; white on upper and lower lip; legs light; red mane and tail. Kandy’s Prince Maple Ridge Gambit Maple Ridge Stylish Brandi Orndorff’s Flashy Patrick Sandy Acres Faye Lake Ledge Pat Chickasaw Master’s Prince Kandy L.Y. Captain’s Stormy BJ Hi-Style Flash Du Marais Orndorff’s Congolaise Princess Lake Ledge Mitch Lake Ledge Missy’s Lass Non-carrier of JEB. #93 – Maple Ridge Justin 94 QUEEN’S DYNAMIC S70948 Consigned by Michael A. Esh, Newburg, PA Bred by Michael A. Esh, Newburg, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 29, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy Brookview Lyle Triple M Magic Queen Annie Lou’s Little April L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy C.J. Legand Market Ways Jewel Irish Hill Jay Lou Yellow Barn Annie Very sharp colt. Full brother to Conway. Out of an 18 HH mare. 58 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 95 ALEX’S SUPREME S71000 Consigned by Daniel Weaver, Morris, NY Bred by Robert Detweiler, Jr., Richfield Springs, NY Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 7, 2015. Sorrel, stripe white on legs, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s Eddie Debut Moonlight Acres Alex AgRestore’s Alisa Rosewood Charles Duke’s Charles Ruby R.E.H.’s Fancy RKD Eddie Oakland’s Vicki Lynn C.J. Colby Pine Grove Roslyn Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Hickory Valley Dutches Gallo’s Duke Gallo’s Daisy Upheaded and a good moving colt. 96 J M JUSTIN S70971 Consigned by Marcus Kanagy, Shreve, OH Bred by Jeremiah R. Kanagy, Shreve, OH Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 8, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain McIlrat’s Captain Jim McIlrath’s Jill Doll Sun Set Acres Corbin ThistleDown Jalein Double DJ Farm Blade L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Prince Charming McIlrath’s Jill C.J. Colby Rena Chancy ThistleDown Nitro Cid’s Dora 97 D&R DENALI Consigned by David A. Fisher, Gordonville, PA Bred by David A. Fisher, Gordonville, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 7, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince BJ Majesty Marcoz Queen N.B. Captain’s Junior Junior’s Betsy Double H Josie Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney B.F. Dixie Marcoz Korry’s Captain Loyalea Conglaise Pam Double H. Bob Jagger’s Belle • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 59 98 WHF HESA WYATT EARP Consigned by Lynn Stotlzfus, Garrett, PA Bred by Lynn Stoltzfus, Garrett, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 18, 2015. Red sorrel, full strip, white mane and tail. Cowboy Chief WHF Hesa Chief Too Connie’s Charlotte Hen Creek Mike Riemer’s Whitley Greene Meade Whitney Greene Meade Brock Greene Meade UC Brenda Dublin Valley Supreme Mountainside Connie Master’s Pearl’s Bud Irish Indians Booster Kate Korry’s Captain Greene Meade Supreme Sugar 99 TRIPLE H ECLIPSE S71062 Consigned by Lloyd K. Lapp, Gordonville, PA Bred by L. Michael Kauffman, Christiana, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled June 2, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white on hind legs, light mane and tail. Korry’s Conqueror Circle M A-Rod Jo-Nel’s Lady Debut Produce Acres Director Winding Glen Emma Lynn Brook Katrina L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s Eddie Debut Simply Spice C J Ethan Produce Acres Divinity Constrico’s ConMark Kelli Acres College Flo 100 WYE OAKS KEVIN 311674 Consigned by Joans M. Ebersol, Strasburg, PA Bred by Joans M. Ebersol, Strasburg, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled April 15, 2015. Black; large star, small snip. Kerwin’s Maximus Kerwin’s Max’s Blue Rocket Windermere’s Prima Donna Eastwind Kirk’s Super Nova Alpine Valley Kaleigh Kindlewood Kate 60 Chevron Windermere’s Casey All-Star’s Prince Rocket Windermere Duke’s Exclamation Pearson’s Kate’s Kirk Glynlea’s Sylvia R.S. Excalibur Kindlewood Kelly • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 101 E&L TALLY’S DYNO Consigned by Elmer F. Stotzfus, Jr. Mill Hall, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled April 19, 2015. Black, small star. Pleasant View King Westwind King’s Talisman Almost Heaven’s Rose Briar Hill Trademark E.L.’s Janette Winter Hill Jole M.G.’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Cousteau Rhoda Chevron Rolling Hills Shania Windermere’s Gladiator Glencal Douglas Jordyn 102 E&L TALLY’S DIAMOND Consigned by Elmer F. Stoltzfus Jr., Mill Hall, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled March 29, 2015. Plain black. Pleasant View King Westwind King’s Talisman Almost Heaven’s Rose Braeholm Impressive Tupper Hill Jessica M.E.F. Margaret Rose M.O.’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Cousteau Rhoda Pleasant View King Braeholm Fannie M.E.F. Duke’s Abe Miss Susann 1/2 brother with #101. Nice pair of colts with good bloodlines. 103 CURRIER’S BUDDY Consigned by Allen Byler Jr., Richfield Springs, NY Bred by Scott Currier, Clayville, NY Percheron Stallion. Foaled March 24, 2015. Black, small star, little white on upper lip. Raona Commanding Knight Stony Creek Jordy Stony Creek Jane Ann Storey Creek Knight’s Rook D.D.S. Rook’s Reba Locust Hill’s Annie Queen’s Commander Raona Lady Echo Fury’s Showtime Koncar Highview Meggin Valley Vista Knightime Buckeye Ambassador’s Reba LA Mark Robbin’s Little Orphan Annie • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 61 104 EVENSONG OF PRAIRIE FALCON 311798 Consigned by John David Martin, Milton, PA Bred by John David Martin, Milton, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled February 25, 2015. Black with a small star. Corilda Brit High Prairie Impressive Princess L.D. Prince Foley M-C Foley’s Farrah J.N.S. Happy’s Pearl Corilda Blackie Mona-Lee Pride’s Prince Mini Pearl M.G.’s Prince Samantha’s Pat Blackhome Rex Dragano Happy Hill Suprise 105 CUPP-A-JOE 311998 Consigned by Stephen Burkholder, Fleetwood, PA Bred by Stephen Burkholder, Fleetwood, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled April 3, 2015. Black. Pleasant View King Pennwoods Lochenvaar Jaylea’s Blazen Bonnie Wall Street Flash Glenda Cheyanne Johnhart’s Mabel M.G.’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Koncar Showtime Fury Timeu Valley Connie Ironwood Beauregard Vintage Mike’s Naomi Blackhome Grandeur Lyn Johnhart’s Ebony 106 LANCHESTER PRINCE CHANCE S70955 Consigned by Ivan K. Fisher, Honey Brook, PA Bred by Ivan K. Fisher, Honey Brook, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 5, 2015. Blonde with a stripe, white on lower lip, white mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy Produce Acres Director L-Valley Cinderella Story Cinderella’s Hiawatha 62 C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory C J Ethan Produce Acres Divinity RKD Magic Neumann’s Cinderella • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 107 LANCHESTER TITAN S70956 Consigned by Samuel K. Fisher, Honey Brook, PA Bred by Samuel K. Fisher, Honey Brook, PA Foaled April 17, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy BJ Majesty Sunny Crest Holly Junior’s Betsy C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Chickasaw Master’s Prince Marcoz Queen N.B. Captain’s Junior Double H Josie #107 – Lanchester Titan 108 L-VALLEY PRINCE WILLIAM S70934 Consigned by Samuel Kauffman, Christiana, PA Bred by Samuel B. Kauffman, Christiana, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 19, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy N.B. Captain’s Junior Rocky Spring’s Melissa Misty Valley Ginger C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Korry’s Captain Loyalea Conglaise Pam Monette’s Master Mike RBJ Brenda • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 63 109 MOONLIGHT ACRES CODY S70860 Consigned by Reuben E. Fisher, Gordonville, PA Bred by Reuben E. Fisher, Gordonville, PA Belgion Stallion. Foaled March 10, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white legs, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy Painful Acres Flashy Painful Acres Connie A & A Matty’s Bess L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy Chickasaw Master’s Prince A & A Matty’s Beauty Lake Ledge Matty Roadside Esquire’s Babe Good footed colt. Out of a 18 hand mare. 110 CLS CODY’S DAKOTA S70926 Consigned by Charles L. Stingle Sr., Smithfield, OH Bred by Charles L. Stingle, Smithfield, OH Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 18, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, spots in stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, white mane and tail. Stoney Lake Elvis M.J.K. Christen’s Cody Stoney Lake Christen D.H.F. Captain’s Abe CLS Abe’s April CLS Donna DuMarais Orndorff’s U.C. Encore Stoney Lake Harriet H.B. Jay Hidden Acres Monette Korry’s Captain S.C.V.F. Julie du Marais M.P.M. Branson Proper’s Charlotte Du Marais 111 BELMONT ACRE’S LIPTON S70847 Consigned by David K. King, Paradise, PA Bred by David K. King, Paradise, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled Februrary 9, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white legs, light mane and tail. Master Round Robin Green River Master Jake Quaint Haven Julie Korry’s Captain Greene Meade Whitney Greene Meade SupremeSugar 64 Master’s Eddie Sunnyview Robin Eddie Du Marais Orndorff’s Jim’s Rosetta L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Coventry’s Angel • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 112 TRIPLE M AUTHENTIC S70918 Consigned by Joseph Stoltzfus, Newburg, PA Bred by Joseph W. Stoltzfus, Newburg, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 9, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, spot between nostrils, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy BJ Majesty Dienner’s Roselyn Turkey Creek Alexus L & C Korry Chief’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy Chickasaw Master’s Prince Marcoz Queen Turkey Creek Nick Tri-County Dolly This young stallion has that “look at me” attitude. He is a non-carrier of JEB and is DNA approved. Don’t miss this one. 113 COUNTRY ROAD PRINCE JAZZ Consigned by Elmer E. Kauffman Jr., Christiana, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 12, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on left front and left hind legs, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy H.B. Vision’s Wizard Market Ways Judy Molly’s Katie Sunshine OSO C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory BJ Vision H.B. Supreme Delight Duke’s Jade Tripsie’s Bea Molly A sharp colt. 114 FISHER’S ALBERT S71059 Consigned by Christ E. Fisher, Gordonville, PA Bred by Christ E. Fisher, Gordonville, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 20, 2015. Sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince BJ Majesty Marcoz Queen Kurt J. Gwynne Sue’s Angela Farceur Sue Farceur Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney B.F. Dixie Marcoz Monette’s Master Mike Lynnett J Farceur Oakland’s Marc Sandra Lou Farceur Out of a 18 hh mare. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 65 115 SUNNY CREST CS CASPER S71035 Consigned by Sunny Crest Beglians, Christ K. Stoltzfus, Gordonville, PA Bred by Christ K. Stoltzfus, Gordonville, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled July 7, 2015. Sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy Dana’s Master Justin Spring Hill Lilly SpringHill I’m PrincessII C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Monette’s Master Mike J.J.’s Dana Farceur BJ Theory Spring Hill LouAnn 116 EV GREEN EARL S71004 Consigned by John G. Stoltzfus, Willow Street, PA Bred by John G. Stoltzfus, Willow Street, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 2, 2015. Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy JSS Prince Jubilee F.Y. Jardine’s Sensation OMB Lady’s Hot Mercedes C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Chickasaw Master’s Prince Clarahan’s Nader Jane N.B. Captain’s Junior BTS Kyle’s First Lady 117 IMAGE’S IMPERIAL Consigned by Mervin A. Byler, Jordanville, NY Bred by David Detweiler, Richfield Springs, NY Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 2015. Remlap Chip du Marais Camelot Chips Image Marcon’s Queenie AW Imperial Fisher’s Imperial Linda Bar Be Belle’s Lily 66 Cedarbrook Mike Eddie Bird Polly Oakland’s Marcon JK Gail AW Warlock A W Ribbon Girl Hallett’s Classic Rock Clairlea’s Royal Belle • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 118 WALNUT VIEW DUSTIN S71069 Consigned by John David Fisher, Ronks, PA Bred by John D. Fisher, Jr., Ronks, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 23, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glroy’s Kyra Joy Clay-Crest Coty Sunny Brook Dena HP Classic’s Dena C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory H.B. Martin Master’s Monique Orndorff’s Congolaise Classic HP Condura’s Kallie 119 WATEREDGE MACK S70833 Consigned by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Bred by Isaac King, Lititz, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 9, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, flaxen mane and tail. Misters Titanium Creek Side Victory Creek Side Paige NVF Flash Water Edge Margie Weeping Meadow Capt. Mary L & C Titan Carey’s Croquet Pine Grove Lynn’s Kenny Creek Side Lady Praire Grove Gordy N.V. Penney Korry’s Captain Tom’s Tonya MILLER WHEEL SHOP Assembled Wheels 15/16” Rims to 1-1/2” Rims Ashland EZ Pin Hubs & Flush Hubs 24” to 42” Wheels & Custom Wheels 17731 Peters Road, Middlefield, Ohio 44062 330-632-9712 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 67 120 MAPLE RIDGE JAGUAR 1045786 Consigned by Janet Drynan, Mountain, Ontario Belgian Stallion. Foaled February 28, 2015. Light sorrel. Large star with connected wide stripe and snip; white on upper and lower lip; white on front and hind legs; white on mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Kandy’s Prince Kandy L.Y. Captain’s Stormy Maple Ridge Bambi Maple Ridge Mae Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess ERB’s C.J Oakland’s Keri Korry’s Captain Nesbit’s Buttermilk Nesbitt’s Riverview Jey Maple Ridge April Non-carrier of JEB #120 – Maple Ridge Jaguar 121 SUNRISE HOLLOW’S PATRIOT S71051 Consigned by Ivan S. King, Homer City, PA Bred by Ivan S. King, Homer City, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 23, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, snip on upper lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince BJ Majesty Marcoz Queen H.B. Vision’s Wizard Market Ways Penny Epsom’s Miss Janelle 68 Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney B.F. Dixie Marcoz BJ Vision H.B. Supreme Delight Drafty Valley Bobby Kate’s Katelyn • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 122 FIVE ACRE KING S70862 Consigned by David Yoder, Middlefield, OH Bred by Chris Clemson, Chardon, OH Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 3,2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Majic Marker Greene Meade Bruce Greene Meade UC Brenda Valley Acres U-C Master LCI Paris AWI Gypsy Charlie’s Majic Chief Promise Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Courtney’s Bricole Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s Flashy Molly Schaefer’s Quinton AWI Betsy Sharp stud colt. 123 L-VALLEY PRINCE LANE S70913 Consigned by L-Valley Belgians, Benjamin Kauffman, Christiana, PA Bred by Benjamin B. Kauffman, Christiana, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 3, 2015. Sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. C.J. Mitch Country Road Prince Glory’s Kyra Joy BJ Supreme Legacy CC Alpha Legatee Melody Acres Janice C.J. Irvin Styleman’s Lassie Country Road Firestone Irish Hill Morning Glory Jay-Lou-Supreme L & C Deidra Prairie Grove Impressive Maple Grove Jannette 124 ROCKY RIDGE CHARLIE S70998 Consigned by Emanuel K. Beller, Quarryville, PA Bred by Emanuel K. Beiler, Quarryville, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 30, 2015. Red sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Phinney’s Master’s Mike Farlane Victor Farlane Carmen Morningcall Classics Bud Farlane Miss Cheril Sylver BJ Cheril Monette’s Master Mike Phinney’s Victor Betty BJ Vision Orndorff’s Supreme Velda Derridge Classic Twin Oak Princess du Marais BJ Vision Sylver Jill • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 69 125 WHF HESA COLT 45 Consigned by Lynn Stoltzfus, Garrett, PA Bred by Lynn Stoltzfus, Garrett, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 18, 2015. Red sorrel, full strip, white mane and tail Cowboy Chief WHF Hesa Chief Too Connie’s Charlotte L & C Korry Lor-Rob Miss Clara Lor-Rob Survivor Greene Meade Brock Greene Meade UC Brenda Dublin Valley Supreme Mountainside Connie All-en-Time Jayson Deanna CJ Legend KGN Ruby 126 SUNRISE HOLLOW’S JORDEN S71050 Consigned by Ivan S. King, Homer City, PA Bred by Ivan S. King, Homer City, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 19, 2015 Chickasaw Master’s Prince BJ Majesty Marcoz Queen WMJ Tommy Weeping Meadow Jessica Weeping Meadow Janette Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Cedar Creek Don’s Barney B.F. Dixie Marcoz Drafty Valley Bobby JJM Congolaise Barb Gloria’s Master Guster Lynn Dale Janet Broke. 127 H.Y. JAK BUZZ’S WILSON Consigned by Peter Maher, New Lowell, Ontario Belgian Stallion. Foaled January 15, 2015. H.B. Jay Stoney Lake Buzz Hidden Acres Monette Master Mike’s Fred Del-Mar Polley Anna Eddie Bird Polly 70 Jay-Lou-Supreme Dillinger’s Malinda Monette’s Master Mike Red’s Dottie Monette’s Master Mike Sunny’s Sue Farceur Eddie Du Marais Holly bird Farceur • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 128 TRIPLE M. CONWAY S69699 Consigned by Michael A. Esh, Newburg, PA Bred by Michael A. Esh, Newburg, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled May 8, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, white one lower lip, white mane and tail. Korry’s Captain AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy Brookview Lyle Triple M Magic Queen Annie Lou’s Little April L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy C.J. Legand Market Ways Jewel Irish Hill Jay Lou Yellow Barn Annie Broke single and double. Proven breeder. Very easy to handle. Don’t miss this one! Out of a 18 HH mare. 129 TRIPLE LANE FARM’S JR. S69389 Consigned by Cole Stienbrick, Marblehead, OH Bred by Leland H. Mast, LaGrange, IN Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 29, 2013. Korry’s Captain AgRestore Bravado AgRestore’s Carol Detweiler’s Prince’s Doug Triple Lane’s Amy L&M Mike’s Linda L & C Korry Cheif’s Blossom Maple Lawn Scott’s Dream S.C.V.F. Charlynn Chickasaw Master’s Prince Monty’s O.S. Misty Pearl Pleasant Lake Mike Special’s Edna Non-carrier of JEB. Good moving horse, with lots of quality. He speaks for himself. Broke. 130 CRYSTAL SPRINGS GORDAN S70276 Consigned by Chrystal Springs Stables, Millersburg, OH Bred by Noah L. Yoder, Millersburg, OH Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 30, 2014. Red sorrel, stripe, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Praire Grove Gordy JLM Connie Conquerais Remlap Coleddie Crystal Springs Jessica Crystal Springs Babe Loyalca Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Neumann’s Cecil Conquerais Carol Eddie Du Marais Produce Acre’s Coletta Drafty Valley Bobby Golden Creek Barb • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 71 131 WARRIOR VALLEY JASPER’S HERK S70484 Consigned by Warrior Valley Farm, Tyrone, PA Bred by Richard H. &/or Patricia Campbell, Tyrone, PA Belgian Stallion. Foaled March 26, 2014. Sorrel, star, stripe, white mane and tail. H.B. Victory Supreme JBJ Jasper Windy Oaks Loralie Orndorff’s U-2 Sir Fredric WarriorValleyFriedaBoots River Valley King’s Bootsy Jay-Lou-Supreme Produce Acre’s Dawn Belgian Acres Justin Oakland’s Lori Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Highland Brandy Rodney’s King Farceur Contractor’s du Marias #131 – Warrior Valley Jasper’s Herk 132 CEDAR TREE’S WILLIE 312047 Consigned by Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Miller, Hartly, DE Bred by Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Miller, Hartly, DE Percheron Stallion. Foaled May 3, 2015. Black with a small star. DNA PN8403. Blackhome Grandeur Lyn Hannah Hill Wil-Lyn Spring Mount’s Halley Windermere’s King Arthur Cedar Tree Rebecca E.S.P. Francois’ Valentine 72 Highview Dragno College Lynda Pleasant View King K.D.S. Abby Blackhome Duke Marissa Laet Francois A.D.H. Faithful Promise • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 133 WYE OAK’S LITTLE ROCK 311781 Consigned by Jonas M. Ebersol, Strasburg, PA Bred by Jonas M. Ebersol, Strasburg, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled May 18, 2015. Black with a large star. Kerwin’s Maximus Kerwin’s Max’s Blue Rocket Windermere’s Prima Donna DLF Micah Emma Lake’s Amber Hammers Queen’s Magic Princess Chevron Windermere’s Casey All-Star’s Prince Rocket Windermere Duke’s Exclamation Pleasant View King S.G. Malinda L.D.’s Prince Magic Tiger Meadow Queen’s Classic 134 MT JOY ACRES LANCE Consigned by Amos Beiler, Mount Joy, PA Percheron Stallion. Mg’s Prince Pleasant View Kury Northwoods Starlight Nicole Ironwood Beaugurd ADW Beaus Ronda Lone Oak Susan McGee Joanna Laet Blackhome Duke Daleview Peg Cousteau Blackhome Shirly Lynn Ebony of Glynea Donalds Peggy Out of a 18 HH mare. 135 SHAMROCK MEADOWS MIDNIGHT SUPREME 312004 Consigned by Shamrock Meadows, Jacob M. Beiler, Quarryville, PA Bred by Shamrock Meadows, Jacob M. Beiler, Quarryville, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled May 24, 2015. Black with a star and snip. Chevron Briar Hill Trademark Rolling Hills Shania Wee Willie’s Jetliner P.P. Jet’s Wee Lexus M.D. Faith’s Daisy Joanna’s Noble Cassie’s Calliope Daleview Luther Rolling Hills Symphony Cedarview Lonesome Wee Willie June La Bell’s Successor South View’s Mason Did Cedar Lea Showtime Faith • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 73 136 ROLLING HILLS LONGMIRE 310989 Consigned by Jerry Hancock, Winston Salem, NC Bred by Jerry Hancock, Winston Salem, NC Percheron Stallion. Foaled March 21, 2014. Grey with a few white hairs in forehead, faint snip, inside left hind coronet white. Chevron Briar Hill Trademark Rolling Hills Shania Pleasant View King D.K.’s Mariah Shady Creek Millie Joanna’s Noble Cassie’s Calliope Daleview Luther Rolling Hills Symphony M.G.’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Pennwoods Grande Climax Braeholm Marguerite Tremendous bloodlines, possible stud prospect. 137 SPRING VALLEY’S BIG TEX 310970 Consigned by Jonas M. Ebersol, Strasburg, PA Bred by Larry E. Miller, Fredericksburg, OH Percheron Stallion. Foaled May 5, 2015. Black. Donamerr S Dexter All-Star’s Commet Ancors Mariah Ironwood Beauregard Spring Valley’s Victory Spring Valley’s Jan 137A R.R.A.’S JADIS’S KING HENRY Consigned by R.R.A.’s Percherons, Jacob M. Riehl Jr., Gordonville, PA Bred by Jacob M. Riehl Jr., Gordonville, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled April 12, 2015. Black with a star. M.G.’s Prince Pleasant View King Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Windermere King Cong Windward’s Jadis A.D.W. Beau’s Roxy 74 South Valley Prince Ha Ha Donamerr’s Miss Catherine Blackhome Duke Green Coulee Marjarie Cousteau Blackhome Shirley Lyn Ancor’s Gabriel Spring Valley’s Sherri Mc Gee Joanna Laet Blackhome Duke Daleview Peg Cousteau Camille Ironwood Beaureo Lone Oak Susan • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 138 WILLSHIRE’S MAVERICK 312075 Consigned by Dean Brant, Rockwood, PA Bred by Dean Brant, Rockwood, PA Percheron Stallion. Foaled April 24, 2015. Black. Irregular size extending into tapering strip, broken snip. AllStar’s Prince Rocket Belle View Douglas Belle View Dazzle Windermere’s North American Maid Willshire’s Nikki Willshire’s Celta May MG’s Prince M.S. Doc’s Ashley Black Duke Did JT Lang’s Jamie Lynn Wildermere’s Eliminator Windermere’s Tayler Maid Spring Valley’s Dennis McConnel Beauty 139 MEMORY LANE ROCKY 1045183 Consigned by Reginald Wynes, Petitcodiac, NB Canada Belgian Stallion. Foaled April 29, 2013. Red sorrel with a star and connected stripe and snip. Left eye white; white on upper and lower lip; white on hind legs; light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince J.Z. Mr. Special J.Z. Shelby Remlap’s Ace Design C.T. Paradise Ace’s Katie Guster’s Darcia Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chicksaw Fairie Princess Chickasaw Styleman Conmark’s Kate K & W Master’s Baily Remlap Constance Edie Johne Penn State Guster Bell-Du-Marais 140 JAKE (TWIN) Consigned by David Haskins, Apalachin, NY Bred by Dave Graber, Grabill, IN Foaled April 9, 2013. Roan, stripe, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Banner Oak Hill Banner’s Jim Pine Grove Loretta K & W Master’s Legend Legend’s Lindsy King’s Valley Pet Orndorff’s Jim Dolly Jo Farceur Double M Jayce Schaefer’s Paula Master’s Eddie T M Joey King’s Valley Don Ringmaster’s Shirley Sister Jenny and Jake will make a great team. Started. Sells with Jenny Lot 19. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 75 BELGIAN & PERCHERON GELDINGS 141 RED Consigned by David R. Peachey, Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 8 year old. Sorrel, strip, flaxen mane and long tail. Broke, farm team. Sells with Ron Lot 142. 142 RON Consigned by David R. Peachey, Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 8 yr. old. Sorrel, strip, flaxen mane and long tail. Broke, farm team. Sells with Red lot 141. 143 LAVERN Consigned by John G. Stoltzfus, Willow Street, PA Belgian gelding. 7 year old. White mane and tail. Full stripe. Blonde. 18 hands. Broke to all farm machinery. Pulling prospect. Full brother to Lewis. Selling as a team with Lewis lot 144. 144 LEWIS Consigned by John G. Stoltzfus, Willow Street, PA Belgian gelding. 5 yr. old. White mane and tail. Full stripe. Blonde. 18 hands. Broke to all farm machinery. Korry’s Captain grandson. Full brother to Lavern. Selling as a team with Lavern lot 143. 145 FRED Consigned by Abe A. Miller, Freedom, NY Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Light mane and tail. Full stripe. Light sorrel. 17.2 hands. Broke to all farm machinery. Selling as a team with Tom lot 146. 146 TOM Consigned by Abe A. Miller, Freedom NY Belgian gelding. 5 yr. old. Light mane and tail. Full stripe. Light sorrel. Broke to farm machinery. Selling as a team with Fred lot 145. 147 TOM Consigned by Simon R. Peachey, Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Light mane and tail. Full stripe. 17.3 hands. Broke to farm machinery. 76 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 148 TIM Consigned by Simon R. Peachey, Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Light mane and tail. Star. Blonde. 17.3 hands. Broke to farm machinery. 149 DUKE Consigned by David K. Peachey, Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Sells with Dan lot 150. 150 DAN Consigned by David K. Peachey, Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Sells with Duke lot 149. 151 JAKE Consigned by Daniel Hershberger Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 6 yr. old. Red sorrel; stripe. Kid broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Jim, lot 152. Good farm team. 152 JIM Consigned by Daniel Hershberger Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 6 yr. old. Red sorrel; stripe. Kid broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Jake, lot 151. Good main farm team. 153 DUKE Consigned by Paul H Martin Jr New Holland, PA Belgian gelding. 9 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; full stripe. White mane and tail, white socks. 17.2 HH Main lead team on farm. Kid broke. Sells with Luke, lot 154. Both were on hay rides all fall. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 77 154 LUKE Consigned by Paul H Martin Jr New Holland, PA Belgian Gelding. 10 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; full stripe. White mane and tail, white socks. 17.2 HH Main lead team on farm. Kid broke. Sells with Duke, lot 153. Both were on hay rides all fall. 155 BLAZER Consigned by John David Fisher Ronks, PA Belgian gelding. 7 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; light mane and full stripe. Broke. #154 – Luke Peach Lane Harness Shop Abner S. Esh Manufacturer of Nylon & Biothane Harnesses From Mini to Draft We also stock: Collars, Pads, Halters, Eveners Neck Yokes & Much More. 88 Peach Lane, Ronks, PA 17572 · 717-687-5122 Less 5% on sale days on purchases of $100 or more. 78 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 156 MAPLE RIDGE HORTON 1045117 Consigned by Paul Macmillan Mountain, Ontario Belgian Gelding. Foaled February 24, 2013 Red sorrel; star with connected stripe and snip. White on upper and lower lip. White on left hind leg. Legs light. Light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Kandy’s Prince Kandy LY Captain’s Stormy Maple Ridge Stylish Brandi BJ Hi-Style Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Erb’s CJ Oakland’s Keri Korry’s Captain Nesbit’s Buttermilk June Style’s Stylemaster BJ Supreme Sunshine Broke. #156 – Maple Ridge Horton 157 LANCHESTER PRIX S69456 Consigned by Samuel Fisher Honey Brook, PA Belgian Gelding. Foaled March 7, 2013. Sorrel; stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. RKD Eddie Orndorff’s Ajax Orndorff’s Supreme Victoria Bar Charlie’s Corona SJF Corona’s Viktoria Apline Vally’s Vikie Master’s Eddie RKD Heidi Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Oakland’s Vicki Lynn Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Stoney Lake Caprice Lisa-Lee Sam Connie Gus • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 79 158 BEATLE Consigned by John H Byler Dover, DE Belgian Gelding. 3 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; white mane and tale, full stripe. 18 HH Broke single and double. BJ Majesty’s son. 159 PRINCE Consigned by Ben N Yoder Baltic, OH Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; light mane and tail, full stripe. Broke single and double. 160 CRUISER Consigned by David K Peachey Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Red sorrel; full stripe, white mane and tail. Broke. 161 BEN Consigned by Daniel Hershberger Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 8 yr. old. Blonde; stripe. 18 HH Kid broke to all farm machinery. Traffic safe. Farm or hobby team. Sells with Pete, lot 162. 162 PETE Consigned by Daniel Hershberger Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 7 yr. old. Blonde; stripe. 18 HH Kid broke to all farm machinery. Traffic safe. Farm or hobby team. Sells with Ben, lot 161. 163 KING Consigned by David R Peachey Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 6 yr. old. Sorrel; star to small stripe. Flaxen mane and tail. Broke, main team, produce team, traffic safe. Sells with Captain, lot 164. 164 CAPTAIN Consigned by David R Peachey Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 5 yr. old. Sorrel; star to small stripe. Flaxen mane and tail. Broke, main team, produce team, traffic safe. Sells with King, lot 163. 80 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 165 JOE Consigned by Mervin J Peachey Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Blonde; white mane and tail, full stripe. 17.2 HH Half brother sold in 2014 sale. Broke to most farm machinery. Long tail. Sells choice with Moe, lot 166. 166 MOE Consigned by Mervin J Peachey Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; red mane and tail, full stripe. 17.2 HH Sired by Moe-Joe. Broke to most farm machinery. Sells choice with Joe, lot 165. 167 KYLE Consigned by Aden Weaver Danville, OH Percheron gelding. 7 yr. old. Black; no white. Well broke to all farm machinery, sells with Kurt, lot 168. 168 KURT Consigned by Aden Weaver Danville, OH Percheron gelding. 6 yr. old. Black; no white. Well broke to all farm machinery, sells with Kyle, lot 167. 169 TIM Consigned by David K Peachey Mill Creek, PA Belgian Gelding. 5 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Sells with Tom, lot 170. 170 TOM Consigned by David K Peachey Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 5 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Sells with Tim, lot 169. 171 FRED Consigned by Simon R Peachy Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Deep red sorrel, white mane and tail, full stripe. Broke to most farm equipment. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 81 172 SUNNY BROOK MAGIC Consigned by Jeremiah Kanagy Shreve, OH Bred by John R Schlabach Fredericksburg, OH Belgian Gelding. Foaled May 17, 2012. Red sorrel; stripe, spot in stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, light mane and tail. Master’s Eddie RKD Eddie RKD Heidi Misters Pierce Misters Diva CH Eddie’s Donna Master Gwynne Glory du Marais All-en-Time Jayson RKD Sue II Asselstine Prince William Alpine Acres Betty Phinney’s Eddie Cinderella Well broke single and double. 173 U.C. CHANCE FARCEUR EDDIE G70667 Consigned by Norman I Mast Millersburg, OH Bred by Johnny &/or Gail Gilmer Nickelsville, VA Belgian gelding. Foaled June 8, 2013. Sorrel; stripe, white on lower lip, white legs, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s UC Chance Orndorff’s U-nan-amos Zero Farceur Duchess Lacy’s Sugarbelle Samson’s Lacy Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Remlap Amos Orndorff’s Supreme Unity TBM Ike Cindy Kay Farceur Samson’s Eddie K A Tammy’s Jewell Broke. 174 MJK HARLEY S69454 Consigned by Marcus Kanagy Shreve, OH Belgian Gelding. Foaled March 29, 2013. Red sorrel; stripe, snip on upper lip, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Praire Grove Gordy JLM Connie Conquerais Remlap Chip du Marais Highland View Hannah Camelot Vic’s Angel Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Neumann’s Cecil Conquerais Carol Cedarbrook Mike Eddie Bird Polly Vicky’s Victor Marcon’s Queenie Broke single and double. 82 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 175 RAIDER Consigned by Roy A Miller Stevens, PA Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Blonde; white mane and tail, full stripe. Full brother to $18,500 mare sold here in 2014. Works in lines and jockey, and farm equipment with engines. Also hitches single. 176 DONALD Consigned by Leon F Stoltzfus Loysville, PA Percheron gelding. 9 yr. old. Black. 18.2 HH Works anywhere in the lead or jockey. Broke to all farm machinery. Has snap safe and sound. Could be a horse for your hitch. 177 BVF DAWN’S CHIP 309563 Consigned by Tom Hanson Nassau, NY Bred by Brian Lynch Goshen, IN Percheron Gelding. Foaled March 1, 2013. Black; left hind pastern white. Pennwoods Cabernet FP Icepick NC Olympic Ice Hardy Farm’s Thunder’s Jackson Grand River Emma Dawn Soft Breeze Laura Donamerr S Magnum Champagne Pleasant View King HHF Gambler’s Icicle Sterling’s Thunderstik Sue’s Karla Stardust Royal Command Timeu Valley Lady Liz Good moving lead horse prospect. Broke single and double. Fitted by Brian Lynch. 178 ELKWOOD PILOT 309395 Consigned by Amos M King Quarrysville, PA Bred by Ross Joseph Elkhorn, Alberta Percheron Gelding. Foaled May 5, 2012. Black; small star. Valley Creek Darrell Elkwood Cash Elkview Tanya Iron Horse Spider Elkwood Sandy Bear Creek Leaha All-Star’s Prince Rocket Koncarlaet’s Dixie Pularosa Ben Elkview Gem Thunder Valley Donald’s Pride Vicalta Doll Pilot of Glynlea Prince Lady Glamour Broke single and double. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 83 179 RRA’S CONNIE’S REBEL 310446 Consigned by Jacob M Riehl Jr Gordonville, PA Percheron gelding. Foaled April 11, 2013. Black. 17.3 HH Windermere’s Eliminator Windermere’s North American Maid Windermere Tayler Maid Pleasant View King RRA’s Connie ADW Beau’s Roxy Windermere’s Just Incredible Winderemere’s Cashmere Blackhome Duke MG’s Bobbie McGee MG’s Prince Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Ironwood Beauregard Lone Oak Susan 180 MOUNT JOY ACRES KINGSTON 310052 Consigned by Noah Yoder Dover, DE Bred by Amos L Beiler Mount Joy, PA Percheron gelding. Foaled February 9, 2013. Black; prolonged tapering star, small snip. 18 HH MG’s Prince Pleasant View King Northwood’s Starlight Nicole Ironwood Beauregard ADW Beau’s Rhonda Lone Oak Susan McGee Joanna Laet Blackhome Duke Daleview Peg Cousteau Blackhome Shirley Lyn Ebony of Glynlea Donald’s Peggy Broke single and double. 181 RANDY Consigned by David R Peachey Belleville, PA Percheron gelding. 9 yr. old. Black; star. Broke, line team. Sells with Ranger, lot 182. 182 RANGER Consigned by David R Peachey Belleville, PA Percheron gelding. 9 yr. old. Black; star. Broke, line team. Sells with Randy, lot 181. 84 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 183 CHARLIE Consigned by David A Hostetler Middlefield, OH Percheron gelding. 14 yr. old. White. Good broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Sam, lot 184. A quiet and safe team, traffic safe. 184 SAM Consigned by David A Hostetler Middlefield, OH Percheron gelding. 13 yr. old. White. Good broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Charlie, lot 183. A quiet and safe team, traffic safe. 185 TIM Consigned by Mark Gingrich Middlefield, OH Percheron gelding. 4 yr. old. Black. Broke to most farm machinery, has been on carriage rides through town. Traffic safe. Sells with Tom, lot 186. This is a small team of full brothers sporting long tails. 186 TOM Consigned by Mark Gingrich Middlefield, OH Percheron gelding. 3 yr. old. Black. Broke to most farm machinery, has been on carriage rides through town. Traffic safe. Sells with Tim, lot 185. This is a small team of full brothers sporting long tails. 187 TOM Consigned by Mark Burley Clyde, NY Belgian gelding. 2 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; light red mane and tail, full stripe. 17.3 HH Foaled 5/2/2012 by Y Point Master Fritz. Has a great work ethic. As sweet as they come. 188 U.C. CHANCE SONNY BOY G70666 Consigned by Norman I Mast Millersburg, OH Bred by Johnny &/or Gail Gilmer Nickelsville, VA Belgian gelding. Foaled June 5, 2013. Sorrel; stripe, white legs, light mane and tail. Orndorff’s U2 Charlie Orndorff’s UC Chance Orndorff’s U-nan-amos Alpine Acres Jason Sharp Turn Farms Lady Katerina du Marais Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Charlie Bea Remlap Amos Orndorff’s Supreme Unity Penn State Guster Stichert’s Victoria Questionnaire Sunnyview Peggy Broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 85 189 PRINCE Consigned by Jeremiah Kanagy Shreve, OH Belgian gelding. 6 yr. old. Light sorrel; white mane and tail, full stripe. Well broke single and double. 190 LYNN Consigned by David K Peachey Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 2 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Well started for a two year old. Sired by Orndorff’s Challenger. 191 THUNDER’S LEGEND S69235 Consigned by Jake Stutzman III Burke, NY Bred by Kathy D Chess Graysville, PA Belgian gelding. Foaled April 1, 2007. Red sorrel; strip, snip on upper lip, spot on R hip, white on legs, spot on R hind leg, flaxen mane and tail. CJ Legand Oak Haven’s Prince Legend Queen’s Lady Diane Jagger’s Congolaise Clint Mile High Miss Libby Grim’s Supreme Lynn Jay-Lou-Supreme Marshall’s Kitt Farceur Korner View Scott’s Mark Queen Du Marais Farceur Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Sweetmeadow Farceur June Atwater Marcus Orndorff’s Supreme Sis 192 JAY Consigned by Ron Broadsword Lichtfield, OH Belgian gelding. 6 yr. old. Red sorrel; stripe, white mane and tail. Sired by CLS Captian’s Royal. Fitted by Dublin Valley Farm. 193 SAM Consigned by Chrystal Springs Stables Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Broke single and double. 86 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 194 BAR RB LIMITED EDITION 1045300 Consigned by Jonathan Miller Millersburg, OH Bred by Robert A Berry Birtle, MD Belgian gelding. Foaled May 22, 2013. Sorrel; star with connected stripe and snip, spot near star, white on upper and lower lip, light mane and tail. Chickasaw Master’s Prince Chickasaw Magic Chickasaw Midge Pine Grove Marquette Rocky Bar Licorice Rocky Bar Tanja Loyalea Eddie Master Peace Chickasaw Fairie Princess Oakland’s Congo Chickasaw Mindy Paradise Conquistador Pine Grove Sherella Fran-Way Dallas Rocky Bar Carla Broke single and double. Hitchy. 195 FLASH Consigned by Stephane Hinse St. Liboire, Quebec Belgian gelding. 5 yr. old. Light sorrel; blonde mane and tail, full stripe. 18.1 HH He will be presented by Sam King. Broke single and double. 196 CHIP Consigned by Robert Detweiler Jr Richfield Springs, NY Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Deep red sorrel; light mane and tail, full stripe. Broke. 197 BOB Consigned by Daniel Hershberger Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Blonde; stripe. 17 HH Long tail. Broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Barney, lot 198. 198 BARNEY Consigned by Daniel Hershberger Millersburg, OH Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Blonde; stripe. 17 HH Long tail. Broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Bob, lot 197. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 87 199 TED Consigned by David R Peachey Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Sorrel; star, flaxen mane and tail. Broke, worked in an orchard last year. Sells with Fred, lot 200. 200 FRED Consigned by David R. Peachey, Belleville, PA Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Sorrel, star, flaxen mane and tail. Broke worked in an orchard last year. Sells with Ted lot 199. 201 RANGER Consigned by Omar and Linda Stoltzfus, Newport, PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Red sorrel, stripe. Broke single and double, either side. A willing worker, Orndorff’s U-2 Charlie grandson. 201A BELMONT ACRES HUMMER S68218 Consigned by Joseph G. Fisher, Kirkwood, PA Bred by David K. King, Paradise,PA Belgian Draft Gelding. Foaled May 29, 2011. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail Korry’s Captian Drafty Valley Wyatt Drafty Valley Bonnie Korry’s Captain Greene Meade Whitney Greene Meade Supreeme Sugar L&C Korry Chief’s Blossom Drafty Valley Bobby Magnum’s Della L&C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s Congolaise Supreme Coventry’s Angel Broke. 202 RIDER Consigned by Omar and Linda Stoltzfus Newport,PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Well broke. 88 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 203 PRINCE Consigned by John and Mose Miller Middlefield, OH Belgian gelding. 6 yr. old. Well broke to most farm machinery. Sells with Pete, lot 204. Willing workers. 204 PETE Consigned by John and Mose Miller Middlefield, OH Belgian gelding. 8 yr. old. Well broke to most farm machinery. Sells with Prince, lot 203. Willing workers. 205 JIM Consigned by David K. Peachy Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 5 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Sells with Jerry, lot 206. 206 JERRY Consigned by David K. Peachey Mill Creek, PA Belgian gelding. 7 yr. old. Red sorrel. Broke. Sells with Jim, lot 205. 207 DOUG Consigned by Jake S. Byler Middlefield, OH Belgian gelding. 9 yr. old. Broke to most farm machinery. Sells with Doc, lot 208. 208 DOC Consigned by Jake S. Byler Middlefield, OH Belgian gelding. 8 yr. old. Broke to most farm machinery. Sells with Doug, lot 207. 209 CHIP Consigned by David R. Peachey Belleville,PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Light sorrel, strip, white mane and tail, two white socks. Broke! Sells with Charlie, lot 210. 210 CHARLIE Consigned by David R. Peachey Belleville,PA Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Light sorrel, strip, white mane and tail, two white socks. Broke! Sells with Chip, lot 209 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 89 211 MINDY’S ACE 310967 Consigned by Noah J. Yoder Dover,DE Bred by Noah J. Yoder Dover,DE Percheron gelding. Foaled February 15, 2014. Black, few white hairs in forehead. DNA PN7695. King Konlaet Lone Oak Phantom Lone Oak Pia Francois Franc Mindy Joy ESP Dukes Leslie Black’s Master Paul Crystal Laet Ebony of Glynlea Lone Oak Princess Rexio Allen Marelwood Fannie Blackhome Duke Condelichte Flicka Laet Broke single and Double. 17.3 HH. 212 R-M ROYAL CHIP 310843 Consigned by Elam Fisher Jr. Ronks,PA Bred by Arcadia Farms, Jeff and Kathi Buck Mogadore,OH Percheron Gelding. Foaled June 8, 2013. Black, small irregular star. M.G.’s Prince Pleasant View King Northwood’s Starlight Nicole L.D. Prince Foley Hopeview Royal Reba Skipper’s Royal Delight MC Gee Joanna Laet Blackhome Duke Daleview Peg M.G.’s Prince Samantha’s Pat Kirby’s Skipper Koncarlaet’s Black Satin 213 TIM Consigned by John and Mose Miller Middlefield, OH Percheron gelding. 3 yr. old. Well broke to most farm machinery. Sells with Tom, lot 214. 214 TOM Consigned by John and Mose Miller Middlefield, OH Percheron gelding. 3 yr. old. Well broke to most farm machinery. Sells with Tim, lot 213. 90 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 215 DOCK Consigned by Mark Gingrich Middlefield, OH Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Blonde with strip. Good broke to most farm machinery. Traffic safe, been on the main highway. Sells with Rock, lot 216. Nice sized farm team. 216 ROCK Consigned by Mark Gingrich Middlefield, OH Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Blonde with strip. Good broke to most farm machinery. Traffic safe, been on the main highway. Sells with Dock, lot 215. nice sized farm team. 217 JAKE Consigned by David R. Peachey Belleville, PA Percheron gelding. 4 yr. old. Black with star. Broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Jerry, lot 218. 218 JERRY Consigned by David R. Peachey Belleville, PA Percheron gelding. 4 yr. old. Black with star. Broke to all farm machinery. Sells with Jake, lot 217. 219 PETE Consigned by Paul H. Martin New Holland, PA Percheron gelding. Black. 17 HH. Main farm team used to give wagon ride. Traffic safe. Nice gentle team ½ brother to Prince. Sells with Prince, lot 220. 220 PRINCE Consigned by Paul H. Martin New Holland, PA Percheron gelding. Black. 17 HH Main farm team used to give wagon rides. Traffic safe. Nice gentle team ½ brother to Pete. Sells with Pete, lot 219. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 91 221 SONNY HAVEN’S JAYSON S69630 Consigned by Robert Yoder Dundee, OH Bred by Uria Miller, JR Orwell, OH Belgian Gelding. Foaled April 8, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Harbor Haven’s Extreme Captain’s Extreme Blitzen Kinney’s Molly HJM Captain’s Navigator N&A Navigator’s Lisa Drafty Valley Kristy Korry’s Captain EBH Lady Flash Charlie’s Norman Spike’s Margie Korry’s Captain DLB Front Page News Drafty Valley Bobby H.J.M. Liza Broke, single and double. 222 EL-LYN’S IMPERIAL G69510 Consigned by Isaac King Lititz, PA Bred by Elmer K. Fisher Ronks, PA Belgian gelding. Foaled February 27, 2013. Red sorrel, stripe, spot in stripe, white on lower lip, white hind legs, flaxen mane and tail. Korry’s Captian AgRestore’s Convinsor Country Pride’s Amy JHB Legend’s Jay Ivy Sweet Cicely L&C Korry Chief’s Blossom Produce Acres Competitor McKenzie’s Christy C.J. Legand Redoy Bell II Spring Hill Flash Cinnamon Broke. 223 CHIEF Consigned by Ben N. Yoder Baltic, OH Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Light sorrel with white mane and tail and full stipe. Broke single and double. 224 CLASSIC Consigned by Dublin Valley Farms Fredericksburg, OH Belgian gelding. 3 yr. old. Red sorrel, stripe, light mane and tail. Broke. 92 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 225 Consigned by Brian Lynch Goshen, CT Belgian gelding. 7 yr. old. Burnt red sorrel, white mane and tail, full strip. Big Wheel Horse prospect. Has worked in woods and on wagon rides, never been shown, broke single and double. 226 WATERSEDGE JAY Consigned by Sam King Millerstown,PA Gelding. 3 yr. old. Light sorrel with white mane and tail, full stipe. 17.1 HH. Broke singe and double. 227 WEEPING MEADOW LIBERTY Consigned by Jake Ervin Stoltzfus Gordonville, PA Gelding. 4 yr. old. Deep red sorrel, white mane and tail, full stipe. 17.2 HH. HJM Captain Tribute son. Broke to all form machinery. Broke single & double. Dom is a Weeping Meadow Ranger dau. Could be registered. 228 ZACK Consigned by Jeremiah Kanagy Shreve, OH Grade gelding. 5 yr. old. Deep red sorrel, light mane and tail, full stipe. Well broke single and double. 229 BLAZE Consigned by Nevin and John Mast Middlefield, OH Grade gelding. 3 yr. old. Roan with white mane and tail, full stipe. Broke single and double. 230 KING Consigned by Ben N. Yoder Baltic, OH Gelding. 4 yr. old. Blonde with white mane and tail, full stipe. Broke single and double. 231 TURBO Consigned by Ben N. Yoder Baltic, OH Gelding. 4 yr. old. Deep red sorrel with light mane and tail, full stipe. Broke to all farm machine. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 93 232 REIGN’S JORDAN Consigned by David Y. King Gordonville, PA Belgian Gelding. Foaled March 30, 2012. Sorrel, stripe, white on lower lip, light mane and tail. Korry’s Captian Orndorff’s Captain Reign Orndorff’s U-2 Roselle Christy’s Jet Fern’s Babe Queen’s Fern L&C Korry Chief’s Blossom Orndorff’s Supreme U2 Orndorff’s Highland Roseter Penn State Guster Bonnie’s Christy Orndorff’s Tara Bell’s Babe Broke single, double. Heads up. Horse with a lot of heart. 233 SAMSON Consigned by David Y. King Gordonville, PA Belgian gelding. 4 yr. old. Sorrel, white mane and tail. Broke single, double. Gentle, quiet horse. Might work for city horse. WR STABLES STANDING SILVER KOSMOS Sire: Sparkangelo Dam: Nordic Flight by Keystone Nordic Foaled 2014 Very limited for 2016 Training for Harness Horses, All Breeds, Including Draft Horses 10+ Years Experience Wayne & Rosanne Leid • 660 Shippensburg Rd. Shippensburg, PA • 717-423-6393 94 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • © FOREMAN DESåIGN GROUP, LLC • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 95 © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC 96 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • GEAR up for your next ride! & NEW VED O R P IM ub h Steel Wheels • 1¼” layer of rubber with an additional layer of 3/8” flat steel tire on the outside • Rigorous powder coat process for maximum coating adhesion • Half round steel or rubber only also available • Can be purchased separately for regular carriage gears CMS Torsion Axle Undercarriage w/ Airbag Suspension & NEW VED O IMPRsion! tor CMS Disc Brakes • Better braking with less effort. • New design minimizes drag & rattle. • Available to fit standard 1” and 1 ¹⁄₈” axles. • Existing carriages w/ drum brakes can be retrofitted w/ disc brakes. s@ Visit u ft / ra D the PA Horse s s Harne on Sale -20 Jan. 19 717-397-4079 250 Maple Ave. Bird-in-Hand, PA 17505 WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS: Ask about wholesale & quantity pricing. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 97 98 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • © FOREMAN DESåIGN GROUP, LLC • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 99 AT WE HAVE YOUR NEW RIDE ! 1-866-580-5521 Model 210: “The Champion” “Ride in stylish comfort in our *new* torsion-axle CHAMPION Cart!” Available Options: *Shaft Length *Wheel Size *Dash Size (Chrome or Brass) *Natural or Painted Finish *Custom Water & Dust-Proof Cover *Tufted Seat *NEW EZ-Entry Design! Standard Features: *Wooden Wheels *Torsion Axle *Tug Stops *Rubber Floor Mat Torsion-Axle Suspension *Whip Holder Model 220: “The Roadster” “Crafted with genuine chrome, C-Mor’s ROADSTER leads the pack!” Available Options: *Natural Stain Colors *75”, 88” or 96” Shaft Length *Painted Shafts with Powdercoated Frame *Chrome or Brass Hardware *Full Cover Standard Features: *Chrome Frame *24” Chrome Wheels *Chrome Screen Dash *Rough-out Seat *Drop Heel Shafts *Tug Stops 19 Walker Lane, Kinzers, PA 17535, U.S.A. “Crafters of Fine Horse and Pony Carts.” ***Please visit our display booth in the hall outside the main arena!*** 100 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • WE HAVE YOUR NEW RIDE! 1-866-580-5521 AT SHOW BUGGY (MODEL #110) *Powder-Coated Axles, Springs & Wheels *Solid Wooden Body in Natural or Color *Easy Removable Shaft Design *New More Stable Spring Design “C-MOR CLASSIC” PLEASURE CART (MODEL #170) *Adjustable Seat with Easy-Entry Design *Adjustable Axle with Torsion Suspension *Natural Finish or Various Colors WORK & PLEASURE CARRIAGE *Powder-Coated Axles, Springs & Wheels *Metal Powder-Coated Frame *Easy Removable Shaft Design *New More Stable Spring Design “C-MOR CRUISER” (MODEL #120) EASY-ENTRY SULKY (MODEL #130) *Easy-Entry Single- or Double-Seaters *Every Cart Individually Hand-Crafted *Horse, Pony and Miniature Sizes *Natural Finish or Various Colors *Other Options Available These are just a few of our distinctive models. Call or Write Us for More Information. 19 Walker Lane, Kinzers, PA 17535, U.S.A. Samuel K. Fisher 1-866-580-5521 “Crafters of Fine Horse and Pony Carts” • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 101 Harness Horse Stallion Presentation Tuesday, January 19 Harness horse stallion presentation in the large arena from 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM. Wednesday, January 20 Harness Horse stallion presentation in the large arena at 6:00 AM, followed by the sale of all Harness Horse consignments at 7:30 AM. Stallion Presentation will be after sale horses are hitched on Tuesday afternoon or approximately 5:00 PM. Presentation will be done in order by lot number. Service fees will be sold Tuesday afternoon if the consignor wants to. Stallion Presentation horses will go in to the large arena Wednesday morning at 6:00 AM until 7:30 AM in order by lot number. We appreciate it if all horses come into the ring in catalog order. Thank you! - The Sale Committee 102 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • A FRIEND OR FOE 6HM45 Owned by Henry Kauffman Jr. and Matthew Stoltzfus, 459 White Horse Rd., Gap, PA 17527, (717) 799-4264 Registered Standardbred Stallion. Bay. Foaled May 15, 2010. 16.3 H. BJ's Mac Mac's Crown K American Winner Friendly American A Stunning 16.3 H Stallion that has a very serious Standardbred drive. Record 1.53. On farm or shipped semen. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 103 B HARRY THE HORSE 4JP006 Owned by Allen Stoltzfus, 5588 Old Phila Pike, Gap, PA 17527, (717) 380-4502 Standardbred Stallion. Muscles Yankie Deweycheatumn Howe Andover Hall Sandra B Donerail 16.3 H. Dark Bay Standardbred Stallion. Great size and conformation. Strong, steady trotter with lots of class. Good stall and road manners. Check him out. Get your name in early. Stud fee 2016: Registered $650.00, Grade $600.00, Mare care $7.00/day. 104 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • C COUNT DRACULA 9EC17 Owned by P.Y. Stables, 5806 CR. 19, Millersburg, OH 44654, (330) 600-0183 Black Standardbred Stallion. Foaled February 1, 2007. Striking Sabra 1:56 $217,492 Full Count 1:55 $238,692 Overcomer 1:57 $405,822 Howl Count has a lot of speed. Record of 1:55 $74,333. Has a full brothers still racing at 1:51 $427,919. Full sister still racing at 1:56 $344,000. His roots are Ohio elg. Available on farm or shipped semen. Make plans to breed your mares for 2016! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 105 D P. LAVEC ST2012314386(PU) Owned by Elam S. Lantz, 6157 Old Phila Pike, Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-8473 Stallion. Brown. Foaled in 2012. 15.3 H. M.R. Lavec Lavecster Tweakster ARMBRO-Nash River Road Tina Photo Perfect Live cover or shipped semen available. 106 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • E GL THUNDERBIRD 0KB72 Owned by Great Lakes Equine Agent and Standing at Bowman Equine Stables, 4574 TR. 629, Milllersburg, OH 44654 . Standardbred Stallion. Black. Foaled in 2012. 16.2 H. Incredible Abe Spirit Seeker (STBD) Captain Blackheart Keno's Glory DJ's Glory Service fee $1,000.00 for registered, $600.00 for Grades. Live Foal Guarantee. Shipped semen available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 107 F GLADIATOR 6J710 Owned by Allen Stoltzfus, 439 Newville Rd., Newburgh, PA 17240, (717) 830-1774 Bay Standardbred Stallion. Foaled April 12, 2011. 16 H. SJ's Caviar Lindy Lane EdGy Gladiator is an expressive young stallion with lots of class, manners, and chrome. Consider him for the 2016 breeding season. 108 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • G CRUIZINWITHMUSCLES 9K260 Owned by Elmer S. Martin and Brian R. Brubacker Standing at 401 Peach Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 Standardbred Stallion. Dark Bay with strip and 2 hinds white. 16.3 H. Valley Victory Muscle Yankee Maiden Yankee Conway Hall Alix Hall American Splendor Cruz is standing his first season. Check out his great conformation and pedigree. Has a very good disposition and lots of drive! Has a full brother in 1:52.4. and a half sister in 1:54. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 109 H TOUCHDOWN TOWN 8DB30 Owned by Glicks Stables, 4000 E. Newpost Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 (717) 824-2588 Standardbred Stallion. Black. Foaled March 28, 2006. 16 H. Valley Victory Muscles Yankee Maiden Yankee Pine Chip Graceful Touch Act of Grace Standing at Glicks Stables. On farm or shipped semen. Stud fee $500.00 for first 20 paid bookings. $5.00/day mare care. 110 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • I WHICHAMACALLIT 4JP28 Owned by Dave Stoltzfus, 5646 Umbletown Rd., Gap, PA 17527, (717) 442-4819 Standardbred Stallion. Bay. Foaled March 10, 2011. Muscles Yankee Deweycheatumnowe Trolley Square Conway Hal. Won An Done Spawning Whichamacallit is a 5 year old Stallion. Very good conformation color style head set record of 2:00.2f. $26,000 earnings. Available for on farm breeding or ship semen. (717) 442-4819. $500 stud fee. Here’s your chance; the stallions are here, the mares are here, look around, ask questions, educate yourself, wave to the bid spotters at the right time, buy yourself a good mare, and choose a stallion to breed her to and you will be in the horse breeding business!! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 111 J JITTERBUG Owned by Pine Grove Acres, 6354 State Route 39, Millersburg, OH 44654, (330) 674-7817 Standardbred Stallion. Black with some chrome. Primrose Lane Kadabra Quillo American Winner Jodi's Jayme Curtsy for Me Meadow Road Barb's Pride Trottin Happy Arsenals Dynasty Super Bowl BJ's Pleasure Meadow Lady Leese Jitterbug is 16:2. Black with some chrome. He's young with size, speed, endurance. Very sensible. Record of 1.54.1. On farm breeding or shipped semen available. Reg. foals. OH eligible. 112 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • K FIRST CLASS S-4452 Owned by Willow Run Farm, 133 B Buckwalter Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 344-0727 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Foaled 2010. 16.1 H. Patijn Whiskei DHH Sobria Canadance Canadian Goddess Homozygous black or bay. Siring super nice foals. His oldest foals are just turning 3 years old and are looking awesome. L ATLAS 5-1940 Owned by Mark Weaver, 158 Meadow Valley Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-0671 Chestnut Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. 16.3 H. Foaled April 25, 2005. Renovo Fabricius (DHH) Voratiena Callaway's Blue North Callaway's Alice Blue Gown (Saddlebred) Callaway's Didi A stallion that possesses and produces great conformation and a forward moving attitude. A producer of mostly bay foals. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 113 M PAYCHECK 50% 5-15774 Owned by P.Y. Stables, 5806 CR. 19, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 600-0183 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Foaled May 30, 2013. Ronaldo Melody Acres Ben Franklin (DHH) Ozomooi Mr Lavec Liquid Ice Sierra Kosmos Available for on farm or shipped semen. N GDH MANTENO Owned by Suncrest Acres, 5083 TR 351, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 674-2890 Black Stallion Dutch Harness Standardbred cross. Foaled April 9, 2012. 16.2 H. Nando (DHH) Victor (DHH) Norabella (DHH) Armbro Tunnel (STBD) Mumbo Jumbo (STBD) Master All (STBD) Manteno is a black 16.2 H. Stallion with 4 whites and a star. We are looking forward to our first foal crop from him. Shipped semen or on farm breeding available. A very good opportunity to breed your half dutch mares. 114 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • O MC LOCO Owned by Enos Slabaugh and Henry Kauffman Jr., 1500 Beaver Dam Rd., Honey Brook, PA 17555 (717) 799-4264 Black Stallion. Dutch Harness Standardbred cross. Foaled April 25, 2013. 16.1 H. Bonanza Elijah D.T. (DHH) Mirona Striking Zip.Com (STBD) Tabuli Florida P This young stallion is out of a super good driving mare. He has a lot of talent and great conformation. Presented by and standing at Sunny Side Stables. Take advantage of your time at Harrisburg. Go through the barns and choose a mare that will cross well with one or two of the stallions that you like the best.Buy the mare and get into the breeding business!! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 115 P GERONIMUS 528003201102794 Owned by Big G Equine/Cumberland Mountain, 5052 S. Dickenson Ct., St. Joseph, MI 49085 (269) 757-3972 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Foaled April 28, 2011. 16 H. Makers Mark Geronimus Wenie W Kevr Suddie Marksman Boulders Black Cat Nando Seddie W (STER) Black with 4 whites and strip. 116 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Q HIRO-T 528210002841278 Owned by Cumberland Mountain/Stormy Ridge, 5052 S. Dickenson Ct., St. Joseph, MI 49085 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Dark Bay. Foaled May 20, 2012. Cizandro Hiro T Darona T (STER) Waldemar Vizandra Keur Preferont Manno Karona Ster Preferont KWPN Approved Stallion. Grand National Reserve Champion five Harness. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 117 R WALDEMAR 5-14571 Owned by Abner Stoltzfus, Dave Riehl, Aaron Kauffman, and Steven Glick, 1218 Valley Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 806-6708 Bay Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. 4 whites and stripes. Foaled April 19, 2003. 16.2 H. Kolonel Patijn (DHH) Julony Jovioal Ninkie (DHH) Itinkie V We are very pleased with Waldemar's offspring. They have a lot of prettiness, power and the go forward attitude. Whether you are breeding for the road or competition - he WILL put power into your foals. Contact Dutch Country Stables at (717) 806-6708. 118 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • S GLOBETROTTER 528003201103882 Owned by Rocky Ridge Stables and Misty Meadows Stables, 247 S. Pool Forge Rd., Narven, PA 17555 (717) 989-2026 DHH Stallion. Bay. Foaled May 15, 2011. 16.1 H. Waldemar Cizandro (DHH) Uizandra Harald Lilonka (DHH) Bilonka Globetrotter is a 16 hand black bay stallion. We have a very nice 2015 foal crop. Standing at Rocky Ridge Stables. On farm breeding and shipped semen available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 119 T SUPERMAN KWPN#99-10607 ADHHA#ST1660 Owned by Jacob Hochstetler or David Troyer, 1834 Clymer Sherman Rd., Clymer, NY 14724 (814) 397-2936, (716) 355-4643 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Liver Chestnut. 16 H. Sirius Impression Brooklawn's Cavalier Brooklawn's La Rosa Uriant Elarda Wilardo Superman is a proven producer. Has sired many great driving individuals. Shipped semen available. 120 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • U ALAMO KWPN 84002520050045 Owned by Aaron Beiler, (717) 442-2979 Standing at and presented by Southern End Equine, 726 Mt. Vernon Rd., Gap, PA 17527 Bay Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Foaled March 26, 2005. 16.2 H. Renovo Fabricius Voratiena Balmoral Olizandra Izandra Alamo is a proven producer of serious driving horses. They drive with style and steam! He is available to outside mares. Shipped semen or on farm breeding. Contact Dave at Southern End Equine (717) 442-2979. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 121 V L-N-Z'S HAMPTON 5-12712 Owned by P.Y. Stables, 5806 CR. 19, Millersburg, OH 44654, (330) 600-0183 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Black with stripe and 4 whites. Foaled approximately April 14, 2012. Nando Wouter Namora Sendrini Majestiet Lendrini Hampton's first foal crop is looking sharp. Available for on farm or shipped semen. 122 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • W DONDERSTEEN Owned by V&R Stables and Alpine Hill Farms, 1000 TR. 660, Dundee, OH 44624, (330) 600-9260 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Renovo Ganges Whony Brooklawn's Cavalier Sealanda Kalarda Donsersteen's offspring are selling very good at the sales. UR's Cameron was a Dondersteen yearly stud colt sold at the Ashland Springs sale for $23,000. Dondersteen had Top Colt in the Keuring. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 123 X WOUTER Owned by Reuben Keim and Verlin Miller (330) 893-3164 Agent and standing at Bowman Equine Stables, 4574 TR. 629, Millersburg, OH 44654 Black Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Foaled April 22, 2003. Registered. 16.1 H. Fortissimo Nando (DHH) Farora Namora (DHH) Service fee $500. Live foal guarantee. Shipped semen available. 124 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Y BKK SNAP Owned by Benjamin K Kauffman, 1113 Park Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344, (610) 273-3643 Dutch Harness Standardbred Cross. Stallion. Lorton Sandokan 5-1039 (DHH) Myosine Savage Hanover Honey Loop (STBD) Lady Loop Garland Lobell Stallion presentation. Ivan Fisher will present him. The time is right. The stallion owners are here, talk to them, ask them questions, get educated, ask them to look at some mares with you, make breeding arrangements for this spring and get ready for that miraculous new foal to hit the ground in your barn next year! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 125 Z BLACK DIAMOND 5-1699 Owned by CA Stables, Agent: Dutch Country Stables, 1218 Valley Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 806-6708 DHH Stallion. Black with 4 whites and strip. Foaled April 1, 2006. Immigrant Majesteit (DHH) Henriette Renovo Ilona (DHH) Ellen This exciting stallion has all the beauty to pass on to his offspring. He is the 3/4 brother to the DHH stallion Winston. Give Black Diamond a chance on your mares. Contact Dutch Country Stables (717) 806-6708. 126 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • AA ECLIPSE 5-12676 Owned by Dave Stoltzfus, 5646 Umbletown Rd., Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-4819 DHH Bay Stallion. Foaled May 31, 2009. 16 H. Patijn Vader Sabrina Shady Maples North Moeder Shady Maples Evening Eclipse is full Dutch Stallion that is passing his presence and moving forward attitude on his foals. Very athletic. Available for on farm breeding or ship semen. (717) 442-4819. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 127 BB GOVERNOR 528003201107753 Owned by Rocky Ridge Stables, Farbig Farm, 247 S. Pool Forge Rd., Narvon, PA 17555, (717) 989-2026 Dark Bay Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Foaled May 10, 2011. 17 H. Waldemar Cizandro (DHH) Uizandra Fabricius Penny Jenny Govenor is a 17 hand black stallion. We are anxiously awaiting his first foal crop. Standing at Rocky Ridge Stables. On farm breeding and shipped semen available. 128 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • CC GRAAF KELLY 528003201110194 Owned by Cumberland Mountain. 5052 S. Dickinson Ct., St. Joseph, MI 49085, (269) 757-3792 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Bay. Foaled May 4, 2011. Fabricus Manno Gilvia Patijn Wiskelly Kelly Graaf Kelly 2014 Stallion Champion Holland. 2015 Grand National Junior Fine Harness Champion. 2015 National Junior Fine Harness Champion. KWPN Aprroved Stallion. Limited breedings available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 129 DD INTIMIDATOR 5-13825 Owned by Abner Stoltzfus, 212 Cedar Hill Rd., Peach Bottom, PA 17563, (717) 548-3800 Dutch Harness Horse Stallion. Bay. Foaled February 27, 2013. Patjin Waldemar Ninkie Vaandrager Duzandra Uzandra Future star out of Waldemar. Standing with Cumberland Mountain. 130 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • EE ALBERT S-1401 Owned by Steve Stoltzfus, Windy Ridge Farm, 126 Coyote Lane, Mill Hall, PA 17751, (570) 726-6209 Fresian Stallion. Fortissimo Nando Jola Farao Namora Jamora • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 131 FF RENKE VAN REMMEL HAUSEN 276004201300379 Owned by John and David Blank, 5921 Plank Rd., Narvon, PA 17555, (717) 442-3619 Fresian Stallion. Black. Foaled March 12, 2013. 16 H. Abe 346 Aan 416 Dieke V Tije 401 Sjoekeutit Leechlan Djoekeutit Leechlan 3 year old Fresian Stallion. Imported from Germany in March 2014. We are anxiously awaiting his first crop of foals this spring. Renke looks very promising. For more info call (717) 442-3619. 132 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • GG NICO Owned by Lee Eicher, Premier Fresians (330) 893-3164 Agent and standing at Bowman Equine Stables, 4574 TR. 629, Millersburg, OH 44654 Friesian Stallion. Black. Foaled May 17, 2012. 16 H. Spike 450 (Friesian) Mintse 384 (Friesian) Service fee $750. Live foal guarantee. Shipped semen available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 133 HH DARWIN 840004200906172 Owned by Samuel Peachey, 720 School House Rd., Belleville, PA 17004 (814) 386-8905 Fresian Stallion. Black. Foaled May 13, 2009. Leffert 306 Minste 384 Jieldou Oege 267 Hinkes Oriente Proven stallion. Natural action. Good disposition. LFG. Ask for discounts today. 134 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • II IDSGER BEL 528004201000934 Owned by Elam S. Lantz, 6157 Old Phila Pike, Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-8473 Fresian Stallion. Black. Foaled in 2010. 16 H. Tsjerk 328 Loadewk 431 Marianne Leffert 306 Annegien E.L. Pieta Black Friesian Stallion. Live cover or shipped semen available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 135 JJ NIKOLAUS HSF 84000421203511 Owned by Allen and Samuel Kauffman, 7849 W. Eininn Rd., Clymer, NY 14724 (716) 355-4586 Fresian Stallion. Black. Foaled May 31, 2012. Teade 392 Siphe 450 Bauwina W. Onne 376 Silke Tina HSE Christa Vandezui A young FHANA registered stallion. His first foals are looking good. On farm or shipped semen available. 136 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • KK YARICH K (STER) 200700952 Owned by David Graber, Samuel Schwartz and Nathan Schwartz (330) 893-3164 Agent and standing at Bowman Equine Stables, 4574 TR. 629, Millersburg, OH 44654 Friesian Stallion. Black. Foaled March 29, 2007. 16.2 H. Teunis 332 Fridse 423 (Friesian) Lobke Y ("Ster") Tsjerk 328 Ulrichje K (Friesian) ("Ster") Cobij Service fee $750. Live foal guarantee. Shipped semen available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 137 LL MIRANDY'S TURBO 2011090 Owned by Jeremy Auker, 9283 Rt. 259 HWY. S., Homer City, PA 15748, (724) 541-0069 Friesian Percheron Cross Stallion. Black. Foaled May 27, 2011. 16.2 H. Rintse 386 (Friesian) Pieter Z (Friesian) Warber F (Friesian) Douwe Of Varna (Friesian) H.C.'s Reflecting Beauty (Friesian/Percheron) E.B. Foxie's Pearl (Percheron) Turbo is an exciting young stallion with tons of presence. Very well mannered, upheaded, big powerful trot, and fun to drive. Stud fee $400 LFG. Registered with The Friesian Sport Horse 9550. 138 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • MM JC EXTREME ADHHA-5-12525 FBHR20150724 Owned by Tall Pine Equine and Dublin Valley Farms, 16730 Bundysburg Rd., Middlefield, OH 44062 (216) 299-6312 Friesian DHH Cross Stallion. Black. Foaled February 17, 2012, Goffert Knight Of Wild Rose Ranch (Friesian) Sabine Plains Liberator JD's Alivia (DHH) Safiera Power presence attitude. This homozygous black stallion is upheaded with an easy going attitude. We are excitedly awaiting his second foal crop. His first foal crop has super conformation with exciting front ends! Shipped semen available - live foal guarantee. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 139 NN LIGHTNING OF LANCELOT 20120360 Owned by Titus L. Nolt, 291 Smith Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257, (717) 423-5121 Fresian Standardbred Cross Stallion. Black. Foaled June 2, 2010. 16 H. Wander 352 FPS Lancelot of Wild Rose Ranch Liebschen 199518590 ster MRM Earnhardt LAH Jazzy LAH Dakota © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC Lightning is a six year old black proven breeder. Ready for his fourth breeding season. Sharp arched headset and powerful trot which he passes on to his offspring. Very willing and sensible. 2016 fee: $450, mare care:$5.00 per day. © JASON MOLBACK © WADE WILCOX 140 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • OO BROOKSIDES SPARK ANGELO 2011094 Owned by John Petersheim, 250 Jumper Rd., Newburg, PA 17240, (717) 423-6660 Friesian Standardbred Cross Stallion. Black Bay. Foaled in 2011. T.S. Jerk Michelangelo P. (Friesian) King Conch (STBD) Profitable Venture (STBD) Sparky is a Friesian Standardbred Stallion with a lot of drive and speed. His offspring are flashy with lots of trot. Over 75% of his foals have white markings. Standing the 2016 breeding season at Ridgeview Stables. Stud fee: $500. LFG. Shipped semen available. Any questions, call J.D. (717) 423-6660. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 141 PP BONIE B (STER) 528004200801365 Owned by Double M Friesians (330) 893-3164 Agent and standing at Bowman Equine Stables, 4574 TR. 629, Millersburg, OH 44654 Friesian Stallion. Black. Foaled in April 12, 2008. 16H. Tsjerk 328 Andries 415 (Friesian) Gitte Jasper 366 Welmoed V. (Friesian) Lobje V. Service fee: $750. Live foal gurantee. Shipped semen available. 142 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • QQ TETTRINO (STER) 84004200604630 Owned by Pete L. Miller (330) 893-3164 Agent and standing at Bowman Equine Stables, 4574 TR. 629, Millersburg, OH 44654 Friesian Stallion. Black. Foaled May 5, 2006. 16 H. Olof 315 Jasper 366 (Friesian) Antje Ut De Mieden Feitse 293 Yokje D (Friesian) Hetske Service fee: $600. Live Foal Quarantee. Shipped semen available. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 143 144 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • © FOREMAN DESåIGN GROUP, LLC • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 145 146 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC © JASON MOLBACK © BOB DEVONSHIRE Here’s your chance; the stallions are here, the mares are here, look around, ask questions, educate yourself, wave to the bid spotters at the right time, buy yourself a good mare, and choose a stallion to breed her to and you will be in the horse breeding business!! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 147 148 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 149 © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC © BOB DEVONSHIRE 150 © BOB DEVONSHIRE © BOB DEVONSHIRE • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 151 Rimokan Registered DHH Stallion Sire: Sandokan Dam: Rimone GW Bay with 4 white and a star. Rimokan is producing very nice foals. One of his yearling sold at 2015 Fall Ashland Sale for $7,500 and resold the next day for $12,500. Rimokan is making a difference on most mares his is bred to! Available to limited amount of outside mares. Booking before 1-30-16. Fee $450 + 4.00 mare care/$5.00 wet. Owned by: Pine Hollow Horse Farm Solomon & Fannie Zook 2237 Beaver Dam Road Honey Brook, PA 19344 717-286-4226 152 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Welcome to the Ninth Annual JUNE 21-22, 2016 June 20 - Horse Check-In June 21 - Horse Check-In & Sale of Standardbreds, Saddlebreds, etc. & Stallion Presentation June 22 - Stallion Presentation & Sale of all other Consigned Horses © FOREMAN DESIGN GROUP, LLC Deadline for consignments is May 18, 2016 or till quota is made. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • ECS Ad Harrisburg.indd 1 153 12/3/14 9:58 AM Standardbred & Crossbred Harness Horses to be sold at 8:00 AM Wednesday, January 20, in the large arena. Hitching of the horses will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 PM. Hitching will be done in order by lot number. (No subsitute horses allowed). No hitching of horses in the large arena after 6:00 AM Wednesday morning. 154 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 301 J-S FOR JUSTICE 3L329 Consigned by Marcus Mullet, Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 15, 2013. Black. 15.3 hands. Justice Hall Malabar Man Sizzling Kimberly Fresh at consignment. Black gelding that has some drive. Nice 3 year old. 302 MAGIC RIDGE 8K385 Consigned by Meryl Stoltzfus (Stoltzfus Bros.), Millerstown, PA Standardbred gelding . Foaled March 7, 2012. Black with a star, connecting strip, snip. Sand Vic Royal Prestige Yagot Prestige Keen! First sale. Wow! 303 SPEED QD 2K1069 Consigned by Paul Coblentz, Belle Center, OH Gelding. Foaled May 3, 2012. Bay. 16 hands. Prize Speed Speed In Action Active Charmer Big solid trotter. T.S.S. Up in the bit. Surrey horse deluxe! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 155 304 I WANT CRAZY Consigned by Amos Gingerich, Ulysses, PA Standardbred Stallion. Foaled April 15, 2013. 16.1 hands. Black. Credit Winner CRAZE D Muscle’s Yankee Yankee Doodle Brandy Registered. Been in the buggy 3 months. Fills 2 hands. Drives tops. Traffic safe and sound. Prospect! 305 DC LUCKY 1K976 Consigned by John L. King Jr., Leola, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 1, 2012. Bay. 16.1 hands. Pine Chip Pinetucky Royal Prestige Anna Stella Snug in the line. Boys horse deluxe. Ready for miles. Broke the best. 306 MBC CAN WE FLY IH765 8 Consigned by Susquehanna Stables, Sam Jay Fisher, Montgomery, PA Standardbred. Foaled April 23, 2010. Dark brown or black. Cambelle Connection (STDB) Incredible Finale Given To Fly (STDB) Grand Banks We have been driving her on 15-40 mile trips regularly since last fall. She had a nice black Baanbreker colt for us last spring with no problems. She trots with the trotters and drives good! Traffic safe and sound. ADHHA Recorded papers. 156 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 307 7K251 Consigned by Emanuel Shetler, Fillmore, NY Gelding. Black. 16.2 hands. RC Royalty Dream Vacation Fresh at time of consignment. 308 PRIZED FIGHTER 2GL34 Consigned by Rob and Matt Miller, Guys Mills, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 22, 2009. 16.1 hands. Balanced Image Duke of York (Ambro Monarch) By Valley Victory Pine Chip Concher (Conch) By Bone Fish T.S.S. Well broke. Been in the buggy 9 months. Very powerful. He will fill both hands! First sale and absolutely wow! 309 MONKEY GOWLER 5K824 Consigned by Duane Weaver, Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled in 2012. 15.3 hands. Dark Bay. Victory Sam Big Victory Fresh. First sale. Very sharp driver. Kinda special! One week trial. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 157 310 TOWNLINE ELIANSKID 7K7222 Consigned by Mose Fisher, Shippensburg, PA Gelding. Bay. 16.1 hands. Conway Hall Southwind Elian Mr. Lavec Crowchild Great headset and a lot of motion. Boys horse deluxe! Extra special. #310 – Townline Elianskid 311 SOLSTICE KASH 4FE72 Consigned by Ivan Raber, Millersburg, OH Foaled April 26, 2008. 15.3 hands. Bay. American Winner American Mike El Paso Kash Solara Kash Good broke. Boys horse. Sharp driver. 158 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 312 EXPEDITED 2JL71 Consigned by Robert D. Yoder, Millersburg, OH Gelding. Foaled February 12, 2011. Bay. 16 hands. Federal Flex (STDB) Conway Hall Annadale (STDB) Nice horse with a long neck and sharp head. Top buggy broke. Very special. Traffic safe and sound. 313 OZMANIA 3JM98 Consigned by Aden Mast and Glenn Horst, Penn Yan, NY Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 25, 2011. 15.3 hands. Bay. Left hind pastern white. Art Major Major In Art (STDB) Miami Spice by Jate Lobell Blissfull Hall Blissard of Oz (STDB) Naraculous by Big Towner Personal horse for 1½ year. Traffic safe and sound. Trots with the trotters, can fill two hands. #313 – Ozmania • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 159 314 HERE COMES PINNEY 0J380 Consigned by Ivan R. Miller, Baltic, OH Mare. Foaled 2011. 16.1 hands. Bay. Here Comes Herbie Speedy Crown Pine Chip Good broke. Ready for 25 mile trips. Fun to drive. 315 STEUBEN SOIL ON 8L634 Consigned by David E. Miller, Millersburg, OH Standardbred mare. Foaled March 25, 2013. Brown. 16.1 hands. Passailed Lifesawitch Fresh at time of consignment. Sharp driver. 316 JOHNNY ON THE TROT 7L-P21 3 Consigned by Melvin Lee Stoltzfus Standardbred gelding. 3 yr. old. 16 hands. Bay. Dewycheatumhowe Angus Hall Jonlinda Lots of potential. Lots of action and fun to drive. Traffic safe and sound. 160 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 317 Consigned by Matthew Troyer and Willis Troyer, Mifflintown, PA Gelding. Foaled in 2010. Bay. 16+ hands. Registered. Fresh at time of consignment. He looks like he’ll be the kind that we all like papers should be in hand by sale time. 318 TWIN B SERENA OKB41 Consigned by Allen Stoltzfus, Gap, PA Standardbred mare. Foaled April 28, 2012. Bay. 16 hands. Muscle Mass Broadway Hall Twin B Suri Trotting mare. T.S.S. 2 week guarentee. Good all around mare. Drives with snap but very sensable. Been in buggy - driven everywhere. In foal to Harry the Horse (STDB Stallion). LFG stud fee paid due 6-25-16. • Collars • Show Halters & Bridles • Everyday Leather & Nylon Halters • Top Quality Show Lines (Single-Six) • Braiding Benches • Show Harness Boxes • Shoring Aprons • Draft Riding Bridles • Show & Work Harnesses • Draft Saddles • Leather & Plastic Shoeing Pads • Draft Sizes XL-L-M-S • STDB Sizes 4-6 $3.70 ea. • Wedge Pads 5053 Brush Valley Road, Rebersburg, PA 16872 Phone: 814-349-2214 • We ship UPS. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 161 319 BARBAZON 4DE20 Consigned by Jay Zimmerman, Greenwich, OH Gelding. Foaled March 4, 2006. 16 hands. Bay. Balanced Image Wilson Wyoming Speedy Somolli Valley Victor Cosmetize Speed in Action Fresh in August. Record of 1:56. You be the judge. Plumb the kind. Wow! #319 – Barbazon 320 Consigned by John O. Hershberger, Sulliavan, IL Gelding. 16.2 hands. Buggy broke. Traffic safe. This horse can trot with the Standardbreds. 162 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 321 CARRIER 2K036 Consigned by John & Matt Martin, Ephrata,PA Gelding. Foaled March 13, 2012. 16 hands. Small star and snip. Conway Hall Valley Victory Winged Victory Very showy. Wow. First sale. 322 FANTASY BAR PINE 8T161 Consigned by Ervin Hershberger, Patriot, OH Standardbred mare. Foaled in 2011. Dark bay. 16 hands. Above the Bar Solid Pine Driving mare. Buggy broke. Safe, sound, on the bit, and a classy way of going. 323 GLORIES IMAGE OHL14 Consigned by Junior and Ivan Weaver, Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 2, 2010. Bay. 16.1 hands. Balanced Image Image Setter Be Ready Dream Of Glory DL Carrie Keystone Gazette T.S.S. Been in buggy one year. Very good broke! Hard copy papers! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 163 324 WILBERT 4JP09 Consigned by Mahlon Stoltzfus (Stoltzfus Bro.), Millerstown, PA Gelding. Foaled May 6, 2011. Brown, star, 2 white behind. Dewey Cheatumhowe Angus Hall Spenditallbaby Broke good enough for the women. Very expressive! Keen! #324 – Wilbert 325 GOLD STAR KEVIN 9KA74 Consigned by Derrick Troyer, Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 28, 2012. 16.2 hands. Dark bay. Basil Conway Hall Holgers Girl He is that special buggy horse. First sale. 164 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 326 SOUTHERN CLOUD BURST 3T861 Consigned by Mahlon Coblentz, Belle Center, OH Standardbred Stallion. Foaled April 19, 2011. 16 hands. Black. Conway Hall Southwind Elian Pinechip Lounge Poll Pine An impressive black stallion. Drives with class. Lots of potential. Plum the kind we all like to drive! 327 MINI COOPER’S PHOTO Consigned by John M. Miller, Holmesville, OH Black. Foaled June 1, 2013. RC Royalty Fame n’ Fortune Heads up and fancy. Boys horse deluxe. TSS. 328 CHURCH STREET STATION 2D622 Consigned by Rob and Matt Miller, Guys Mills, PA Standardbred gelding. Bay. Foaled February 17, 2006. 15.3 hands. Garland LoBell Conway Hall Amour Angus by Magna Force SJ’s Photo Spring Photo Barnard Lobell by Speed Crow We got him fresh out of the meadows in July. Record of 1.54.4 Made $109,000. One pretty dude! 100% T.S.S. sweet driver! Signed Transfer. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 165 329 LIE CHEAT N STEAL 5KP97 Consigned by Eli Gingerich, Ulysses, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 27, 2012. Bay.16 hands. Kadabra Windsong Espoir Diamond Image Amigo Hall Taco Ovail Ridge Kathy Been in buggy 7 months. Good headset and come up in the bit. Traffic safe and sound. 330 TRIPOLI 3D306 Consigned by Firman Troyer, Millersburg, OH Mare. Foaled April 28, 2006. Bay with star, and 3 white socks. 15.3 hands. Semper Fi Hall (STDB) Cumin Cumindina Wow. Very pretty mare that drives up and on the bit. Last raced September 29, 2015. Record of 1:57.2. $98,574 in earnings. Traffic safe and sound. 331 CAPTAIN Consigned by Samuel J. Blank, Honey Brook, PA Gelding. Foaled in 2010. 16.2 hands. Bay. Rex By Incredible Abe Captain is broke ot the women to drive. Traffic safe and sound. 166 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 332 IF I HAD A HAMMER 9JN80 Consigned by David D. Troyer, Middlefield, OH Gelding. 5 yr. old. Black with star. Drop Of The Hammer Angus Hall Ready for miles. Any boys dream. T.S.S. One week trial. 333 CHARLESTON SPRINGS IJM22 Consigned by Mose Fisher and Pete King, Shippensburg, PA Standardbred. Bay. 16.2 hands. Primrose Lane Kadabra Quillo Donerail Pacific Elegance Boys horse. Absolute Powerhouse. Holds hard! Record of 1:57. #333 – Charleston Springs • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 167 334 LEE LEE HALL 4FB74 Consigned by Ivan R. Miller, Baltic, OH Bay Mare. Broadway Hall Speed In Action Armbro Iliad A solid driving trotter by Broadway Hall. Top driver or brood mare prospect. 335 DIAMONDS ON CREDIT 7K837 8 Consigned by John L. King Jr., Leola, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 16, 2012. 16.2 hands. Bay. Armbro Goal Diamond Gocl Credid Winner Koster Winner Snug in the line. Heads up the kind we all like, ready for miles. 336 TERRIFIC BI 5K5102 Consigned by Aden Mast and Nelson Zimmermann, Avoca, NY Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 15, 2012. 16.2 hands. Bay. Taurus Dream Balanced Image Crysta’s Image This is one serious road machine. Fresh at time of consignment. Takes two strong arms my kind. T.S.S. 168 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 337 BATTLESHOE KING 2J891 Consigned by John Raber, Millersburg, OH Gelding. Brown. 15.3 hands. King Conch King La Conch Key’s La Nina Lafayette Labell Hawthorne Sherrie Map Land Fancy going boys horse. Good broke. 338 MIDNIGHT MICHEAL OJO52 Consigned by Randy Miller, Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred gelding. Black. Foaled in 2011. 16 hands. Westoaite Storm Donerail In Still of Night Classy boys horse. Sharp driver. Take advantage of your time at Harrisburg. Go through the barns and choose a mare that will cross well with one or two of the stallions that you like the best. Buy the mare and get into the breeding business! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 169 339 DEVIL’S DUC 6FB66 Consigned by Mahlon Stoltzfus (Stoltzfus Bros.), Millerstown, PA Gelding. Foaled March 29, 2008. Bay with small star. SJ’s Cavier Supergill Joeys Delight Show horse in harness. #339 – Devil’s Duc 340 MACANDCHIP 7K926 Consigned by Pine Acres Farm, Belle Center, OH Gelding. 4 year old. Bay. Chip Chip Hooray Carry The Message Very good driving gelding. TSS. Trots with best. Excellent family gelding. 170 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 341 WY GANT DIXIE GIRL 9K199-9 Consigned by Eli Gingerich, Ulysses, PA Mare. Foaled May 29, 2012. Black. 16.2 hands. Credit Winner Donerail Rose Street Rebel Been in buggy 2 months. First sale. She is for real! Traffic safe and sound. Papers in hand. 342 MR. MIRACLE DUNN Consigned by Aaron Miller, Holmesville, OH Gelding. Foaled 2012. Neely Dunn BJ’s Mac Fresh at time of consignment. Plum nice. TSS. First sale. 343 TENACIOUIS TAPHER 1J2672 Consigned by Roy L. Troyer, Millersburg, OH Gelding. Foaled April 12, 2011. 16.3 hands. Bay, star. Left hind pastern white. Incredible Abe (STDB) Garland Lebell Jetty’s Girl (STDB) Big - Bold and powerful. My personal surrey horse for 6 months. Traffic safe and sound. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 171 344 HEIR TO THE KINGDOM 5K050 Consigned by Emanuel Shetler, Fillmore, NY Gelding. Black. 15.2 hands. Sand Vic DoneRail Fresh at time of consignment. Should make show ring. 345 CMYFLASHY MUSCLES 8KA54 Consigned by Amos Blank, Gap, PA Gelding. Foaled April 10, 2012. 16.1 hands. Rarate SJ’s Photo Flashphoto Cosmos A fun horse to drive. Very sharp. The KIND. 346 RED ZONE 8JL49 Consigned by Paul Coblentz, Belle Center, OH Mare. Foaled May 12, 2001. 16 hands. Bay. Balance Image Amigo Hall Angus Hall Kinky Hanover Drives with snap. Ready for miles. T.S.S. Buggy broke. 172 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 347 PRIMER CAP 5F449 Consigned by David and Rob Miller, Webster, KY Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 30, 2008.16.1 hands. Super Star Ranger Prime Time Ranger Playing Possum by Crowning Point Chivas Merit Boney Fingers Sensuous Hanover by Super Bowl Fancy, T.S.S. Well broke, very fun to drive. Don’t miss this one! He’s for real! Hard copy papers in hand. 348 GEORGES WILDFLOWER 5HM75 Consigned by Jay Stoltzfus (Stoltzfus Bro.), Millerstown, PA Mare. Foaled May 28, 2010. 16.2 hands. Lauecster Modulator Candylips Wow! Powerful. Very pretty! #348 – Georges Wildflower • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 173 349 SMOKEN MARBARO 5TA28 Consigned by Lavern J. Yoder, Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 25, 2011. Dark bay with star and both hind ankles white. Malabar Maple (STDB) Conway Hall Malibu Hall (STDB) Super Bowl Personal horse for 1 year. Broke. T.S.S. 350 STRIKING CANNON 4KP85 Consigned by Sam Blank, Gap, PA Standardbred gelding. 16.1 hands. Striking Sahbra Keystone Nordic Meet My Ex Boys Horse Delux. Drives with tight lines. Need HARNESS? 435 Churchtown Rd. Honey Brook, PA 19344 610-273-7370 174 Manufacturer of Synthetic Harnesses Quality Expected...Quality and Tack Delivered... g 2016 Master Catalo PA 19344 Road, Honey Brook, 435 Churchtown • Fax: 610-273-3065 Phone: 610-273-7370 Email: [email protected] (if returned in new condition) notice, change without Prices subject to when placing order. confirm prices 1 Call for your FREE 76-page catalog today! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 351 TOP FLIGHT G-13533 Consigned by Elam King Jr., Honeybrook, PA Crossbred Gelding. Foaled April 10, 2012. 16.1 hands. Bay. A stripe and 2 whites. Nando Albert Namora Taron A.G. Fancy (1/2 Dutch) Jean A.G. (STDB) T.S.S. Broke. Women can drive him, and enough of smoke for us men! He has a lot of action and drive. Wow. #351 – Top Flight 352 FLASH Consigned by Ivan Yoder, Millersburg, OH Gelding. Foaled in 2010. Bay Nando OH Wouter (DHH) Namora Royal Strength Grand Dan (STDB) Flash is a bay gelding with strip and 4 whites. He has a lot of smoke and is fun to drive. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 175 353 CHIVAS REBA Consigned by Rocky Ridge Stables, Narvon, PA Bay mare. Foaled in 2013. Winsdown Black Gold (Saddlebred) Winsdown Bonfire Isadora’s Rogers (Saddlebred) Whiskie (DHH) Chivas Regal Standardbred/Saddlebred Reba is a bay 3 yr. old mare. Should be ready for the carrage by sale time. She will have a lot of fire. Check her out. 354 JESSICA M14818 Consigned by Atlee Yoder, Millersburg, OH Crossbred mare. Foaled May 30, 2012. Bay with a star and 1 white. Balmoral Taron (DHH) Trotting Bred Babe (STDB) Trotting Bred Broke. Ready for miles. 355 LUCKY STRIKE S-3781 Consigned by Scenic Acres (DHH) and Owen Yoder, Millersburg, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 9, 2011. 16.2 hands. Bay with strip and 4 whites. Nando Victor (DHH) Norabella Stor Mont Bronze SOS Mixmania (STDB) Kinross Gold Traffic safe and sound. Good broke and classy. The kind you like to sit behind. Speed and drive. 176 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 356 WINNER’S MIDNIGHT S-4539 Consigned by Allen A. Raber, Millersburg, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 6, 2011. Black. Roy M Winner (DHH) Mariska Sweety (STDB) 357 JESSIE Consigned by Albert R. Hershberger, Danville, OH Crossbred gelding. 4 yr. old. Dark bay with 4 white feet. 16.2 hands. Dutch Harness STDB A real go getter. High steppin boys horse, possibly show. Traffic safe and sound. Very up headed. Will speed from large traffic behind. More info at sale time. 358 TURP’S LAD G-13293 Consigned by Mark Weaver, Ephrata, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 17, 2009. 16.2 hands. Black Cambridge Cole Turpijn (DHH) Diandra Wild Romance Wild Dana (STDB) The Shining Big, black, beautiful. Super driver. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 177 359 PITSIDES CAPTAN G-14968 Consigned by Willow Run Farm, Lancaster, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 10, 2012. 16.2 hands. Bay. Patijn Whiskei (DHH) Sabrina So Enchanting Valley View’s Cool Train (Saddlebred) Harlem’s Cool Train Supreme Big, well built. Well broke. Whiskei gelding. 360 LILLY RM-13063 Consigned by Johnny E. Hershberger, Beach City, OH Crossbred mare. Foaled June 3, 2012. 16 hands. Wouter (DHH) Triple H. Saturn (¾ DHH, ¼ Saddlebred) J.Z. Sakeeny (Saddlebred/Dutch Harness) War Commander (STDB) Dancing Babes (STDB/ASB) Merry Meadows (Saddlebred) Nando (DHH) Namora (DHH) Harlem Globetrotter (ASD) Porana (DHH) Sierra Kosme (STDB) Silver Ange (STDB) My Gemini Dancing Prince Dancing A sweet, refined driving mare that stands 16 hands. Stands good to hitch and at stop signs. T.S.S. Buggy broke. Fancy mare. Check her out. 361 PATRICK HENRY S-4711 Consigned by John. K. Stoltzfus Jr., Leola, PA Gelding. Foaled April 2, 2010. Dark bay with a star and 4 whites. Patijn Whiskei Sabrina Sierra Kosmos Hunter Lindsey STDB Patrick is one serious road machine. Acclimated, sound. He is for real! 178 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 362 KING Consignd by David Yoder, Millersburg, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled in 2010. Black with a star and 3 whites. Warsaw (DHH) STDB King is a nice, powerful carriage horse. He is well broke and traffic safe and sound. 363 JONY BEE GOODE G-4744 Consigned by John M. Glick, New Providence, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 8, 2009. 16.1 hands. Bay. Brooklawn’s Cavalier Super Man (DHH) Elarda Stephen Lee JK’s Val Lee (STDB) Partay Acclimated. Drives like Superman. 364 ALEXIS Consigned by Abe N. Miller, Fresno, OH Crossbred mare. Foaled in 2012. 16 hands. Black with a stripe and 4 whites. Dutch STDB A classy driver. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 179 365 ANNS SHINING GLORY M12429 Consigned by P.Y. Stables, Millersburg, OH Crossbred mare. Foaled May 15, 2011. Black. Manno (DHH) Banno (DHH) Virna I Look Like My Mom I Look Like Annie (STDB) Glory is well broke and traffic safe. 365A ROYAL RIDGE BLACK SATIN REG. PENDING Consigned by Jason Stoltzfus, Millerstown, PA Crossbred mare. Foaled June 1, 2012. Black with white marking. 16.1 H. Selleen Adino (DHH) Nodine The Event of a Lifetime Little Miss Dangerous (Saddlebred) Sultan’s Shimmerring Star Lots of color. Black with just the right amount of white. Broke to drive. 366 TEOFERD Consigned by David Shetler, Millersburg, OH Crossbred Gelding. Foaled March 19, 2011. Black with 3 whites. Nando Wilfred (DHH) Sophie Teo Tamar (DHH/STDB) Ready for miles. Single or double. Acclimated. 180 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 367 H L EASTHER STAR S-12989 Consigned by Junior Yoder, Dundee, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 6, 2012 Black with 2 whites. 16 hands. Vaandrager Doran (DHH) Uliena Taron Krista (DHH/STDB) Daisy Broke single and double. Fully acclimated. 368 J.R. CASH Consigned by Aaron Lantz, Lancaster, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled July 11, 2010. Bay. 16.2 hands. Trevor Re (DHH) Abby STDB Hello, I’m Johnny Cash. T.S.S. Absolutely breathtaking. A horse you don’t want to miss. He is all natural buggy broke. Wow! 369 T R QUICK VIC G-4227 Consigned by Daniel Esh Jr., Loganton, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 11, 2009. 16.3 hands. Dark Chestnut. Nando Victor (DHH) Norabella Quickdraw Chip Quick Heart (STDB) Norwegians Heart Good boys horse, was my personal horse for 3 years. Needs miles. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 181 370 PRINCE Consigned by Andrew A. Raber, Sugarcreek, OH Foaled in 2000. 16.1 hands. Dutch STDB Traffic safe and sound. Upheaded and looking for more miles. Drives with tight lines. Power house. 5 year old gelding. Stands to hitch and at corners. Bay with 2 white socks. 371 BUBBA Consigned by Samuel B. Esh, Sprakers, NY Crossbred gelding. Black. 17 hands. Foaled June 14, 2007. Urano (Dutch Harness) Balance Image Amozon Image (STDB) 8 yr. old Dutch Harness STDB. Traffic safe and sound. Ready for miles. 372 CHIEF Consigned by Lamar Miller, Sugarcreek, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 16, 2008. 16.3 hands. Bay. Dutch STDB Big powerful surrey horse. 182 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 373 MATT Consigned by David F. Stoltzfus, Loganton, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled in 2008. Bay. 16.1 hands. DHH Saddlebred Matt is a big classy family horse deluxe. He was my personal family horse for one year and is broke to the very best. T.S.S. My wife loved to drive him. He will watch the first big trucks if not driven enough. 374 TUCKER G-14014 Consigned by Aaron Lapp, Allenwood, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 3, 2008. Black bay, strip, 16.3 hands. Majesteit (DHH) Winston (DHH) Nikita J (DHH) STDB Daisy (STDB) STDB Tucker is a big, powerful gelding with that Winston drive! He’s traffic safe and sound with tons of action, speed and drive! Speaks for himself. (Agent: Susquehanna Stables) 375 ROOK RG 13062 Consigned by P.Y. Stables, Millersburg, OH Gelding. Foaled in 2011. Bay with stripe and 4 whites. Wouter Triple H Saturn J.Z. Sackeeny War Commander Dancing Babe’s Sierra Kosmos Rook is a very classy and powerful driver fills up both hands. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 183 376 CODY G14922 Consigned by James W Hoover Mifflinburg, PA Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross gelding. Foaled May 20, 2012. Black bay; star and snip, 4 white socks. 16 HH Plains Liberator (DHH) Bonanza (DHH) Vodine (DHH) El Paso Kash (STDB) Lexi Kash (STDB) (STDB) mare Cody has been to town and all over. Traffic safe and sound and drive up and on ready for miles. 377 L-N-Z’S JAMIE G13323 Consigned by Emanuel L Kanagy Belleville, PA Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross gelding. Foaled May 18, 2009. Bay, four whites, pin strip. 16.1 HH Majesteit Winston (DHH) Nikita J (STDB) Jewel TVS (STDB) Broke single and double. Traffic safe and sound. Family or boys’ horse. 378 TURPS SURPRISE M14540 Consigned by The Peachey Brothers Belleville, PA Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross mare. Foaled April 26, 2012. Black; 1 white sock. Cambridge Cole (DHH) Turpijin (DHH) Diandra (DHH) Giant Triumph (STDB) Girlie (STDB) B Surprise (STBD) Walton Searchlight (DHH) Cambridge Madge (DHH) Waterman Keur (DHH) Sadra (DHH) (STDB) (STDB) Turps is a well mannered horse with lots of speed. A snug in the lines. 2 weeks guarantee. 184 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 379 SPRING BROOKS GINGER M4077 Consigned by David K Fisher Gap, PA Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross mare. Foaled May 5, 2011. Bay. 16.2 HH Jonker Uitlander (DHH) Kiandra Firm Belief No Reasonable Doubt (STDB) Ambro Valise Spring Brooks Ginger is a serious driving mare. Broke, TSS! Want a little excitement? She is vet checked. In foal to Harry the Horse. Due 6/15/16. 380 MAJEDUST Consigned by Duane Weaver Gelding. Foaled 2011. Black. 16.1 HH Majestiest (SDB) 16;1 HH. Jet black. Broke to perfection. Carriage horse deluxe! TSS. Has papers. 381 LADY TMF M3703 Consigned by Michael Dienner Gap, PA Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross mare. Foaled May 20, 2008. 16.3 HH Immigrant Majesteit (DHH) Henriette (STDB) Diamond’s Linda (STBD) (STDB) Lady is a sharp black mare that is broke the very best. The perfect family horse. TSS. Bred 7/5 and 7/7/15 to Harry the Horse who is Lot B in the Stallion Presentation. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 185 382 KING OF DUTCH G14602 Consigned by David A Blank Gap, PA Gelding. Foaled May 5, 2011. Bay. 16.2 HH Majesteit Zildjian Nauirene By King Konch Good broke. Traffic safe and sound. Drives with style and snap. 383 EBONY’S MAX S13964 Consigned by Ervin Miller Millersburg, OH Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross gelding. Foaled April 10, 2013. Black Bay. 15.2 HH Wouter (DHH) L-N-Z’s Ebony (DHH) Pilane (DHH) Dakota Spur (STDB) JE Flings Rose (STDB) Royal Fling (STDB) 3 white socks, strip. Traffic safe and sound. Buggy broke. 384 DEWY Consigned by Matt Troyer Huntsburg, OH Agent: Dutch Country Stables Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross gelding. Foaled April 20, 2012. Bay. 16.1 HH Nando Albert (DHH) Nomaro Justice Dew Spice Gal (STDB) Red Oaks Sugar Dewey is a sharp expressive gelding. Traffic safe and always ready for the next mile. He could be your next roadster show horse or a serious road horse. Reason for selling, we are dissolving partnership. One serious classy athlete. 186 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 385 ELDORADO G4504 Consigned by Levi Erb Sugarcreek, OH Dutch Harness gelding. Foaled April 2009. Bay; 4 white. 16.3 HH Jonker Windfall Star (H/STDB) There’s no hill too big or a mile too long. Has a fast trot. Very well broke. Lots of chrome. 4 whites. Don’t miss him. 386 DUSTY LANE FRISHEY S4157 Consigned by Junior Yoder Dundee, OH Gelding. Foaled March 29, 2011. Dark bay. 15.3 HH Patijn Whiskei Sabrina Joey TNL Angel Wanted Angel Fully acclimated. Sharp driver. Broke. 387 D & L’S DIXIE M14036 Consigned by David E King Strasburg, PA Dutch Harness/Standardbred cross mare. Foaled March 23,2013. Black. 15.3 HH Whiskei First Class (DHH) Canadian Goddess Carry the Message Cari (STDB) Secrets Dixie is a fancy 3 yr. old mare that drives tops. Has a very willing to please attitude that anybody will love! She is one sweet horse! Don’t miss her! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 187 388 L-N-Z’S GIANDRA M4263 Consigned by Morehead Acres, Steven Yoder Holmesville, OH Mare. Foaled March 19, 2011. Black. 16.3 HH Nando Wouter OH Namora Winand Waymars June Premiere Class (STDB) A black mare with 4 white. A powerful mare. 389 FH BLACKJACK Consigned by Daniel M Stoltzfus Blain, PA Gelding. Foaled May 6, 2013. Black; strip and 3 white socks. 16.1 HH Alex (DHH) Credit Winner RC Bisness Splash Um First sale. Info at sale time. 390 PONDAS FIRST TOMMY 7J425 Consigned by David D Troyer Middlefield, OH Standardbred Gelding. Foaled March 28, 2011. Black. N Dix Huip Mr. Lavec Broke the very best. Ready for miles. A dream to drive. TSS. 1 week trial. 188 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 391 THIRD TIMES THE CHARM 9K357 Consigned by Aaron A Yoder Navarre, OH Standardbred mare. Foaled April 3, 2012. Bay. 16.3 HH Andover Hall Swan For All Keystone Nordic Ok’s Noble Lady Charm is a stretchy, upheaded mare, who has a mile eating trot. TSS Her dam line shows broodmare potential. Saled prepped by MARS Stables. 392 FORCE FLEX 3JL31 Consigned by Randy Miller Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2011. Bay. 16.1 HH Federal Flex Kadbard Kabita Personal horse last 5 months, wow! Check this 5 yr. old gelding. Your Source of Building Materials Contact us Today!! - Roof & Floor Trusses - T&G, V-Groove Decking - Glulam Posts, Beams, Arches - Fabral Metal Roofing & Siding - PLYCO Windows & Doors - 701 E. Linden Street Richland, PA 17087 Ph: 717-866-6581 - Fx: 717-866-7237 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 4.5x2.5.indd 1 189 11/11/2015 1:27:29 PM 393 MIDNIGHT STORM 7J311 Consigned by Menno Ray Hershberger Dover, DE Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 26, 2011. Black 15.3 HH Conway Hall Big Apple Deli Windswept Pleasure Credit Winner Credit Court Annette’s Crown 100% TSS. Class act in harness. Always heads up. Doesn’t need any over check! Papers. #393 – Midnight Storm 394 ALL IN THE RED 9G687 Consigned by Glen Jess, Starcrest Stables Arthur, IL Standardbred mare. Foaled April 21, 2009. Black. Credit Winner Valley Victory Princess Gladiator Ambro Prowess Speedy Crown Had this mare for 2 years. Drive up and on. 190 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 395 CUT HIM LOOSE Consigned by Daniel M Stoltzfus Blain, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 19, 2009. Dark bay; one white sock. 16 HH Primrose Lane Kadabra Ouillo Angus Hall Athenian Princess Broke. Classy. Fun to drive! On the road 1 year. TSS. 396 JESSE’S CHIP 9J861 Consigned by Mahlon Coblentz Belle Center, OH Standardbred gelding. 5 yr. old. Jailhouse Jesse Pine Chip Bonefish Boys horse deluxe. Drive’s with snap. TSS. 397 JESS B KOZ OJA30 Consigned by Emery A Miller Fredericksburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 29, 2011. Brown. 16.1 HH Donerail Jailhouse Jesse Jailhouse Rock Sierra Kosmos Crinoline Hanover Crystal Hanover Personal horse for 2 years. Speaks for himself! Hard copy papers. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 191 398 CORSAIR HALL 3JP21 Consigned by Raymond and Rosa Shetler Punxsutawney, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled February 19, 2011. Dark bay. 16.2 HH Deweycheatumnhowe Andover Hall Collen Hall 5 year old gelding. Buggy broke. A very upstanding Dewey with lots of class! Don’t miss him! He is for real! 399 MASTER OF HEARTS 7K777 Consigned by Marcus Mullet Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled June 7, 2012. Bay. 16.2 HH Master Glide Donerail Grace Oaks Has been my personal horse last 6 months in surrey. Powerfull. Fills 2 hands. 400 TINKY Z 9HB959 Consigned by Ervin Hershberger Patriot, OH Standardbred mare. Foaled April 23, 2010. Dark Bay. 16 HH Sierra Kosmos Tuff As Millie SJ’S Photo Royal Troubador Big Z Photo Big Z Money Very good driving mare. Classy kind. Safe and sound. Can fill two hands. 192 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 401 FASHION MAGICIAN 2K883 Consigned by Junior and Ivan Weaver Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 11, 2012. Jet black. 16.2 HH Donato Hanover Dream Vaction Show Your Lindys SJ’s Photo 16.2 HH TSS. Very good broke! One of the sweetest horses to sit behind! Wow! Speaks for himself. Hard copy papers. 402 TRINITY GABIE 6KP31 Consigned by Abe A Miller Freedom, NY Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 21, 2012. Bay. 15.3 HH Arm Bro Nash Shippspeed One of a kind. Sharp headset. Fresh 2 months. 403 LV’S DUNN IT AGAIN OK419 Consigned by Lavern J Yoder Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled February 23, 2012. Bay; inside left hind coronet and heel white. 16 HH Neely Dunn Jr’s Chip Lv’s Chip Fresh at time of consignment. TSS. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 193 404 FAIRWIN BORN TO TROT 9G508 Consigned by Moses Fisher Shippenburg, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2009. Bay. 16 HH Angus Hall Hallsworth Veras Image King Gonch Queen of Trot Cloverleaf Kosmos A good honest road horse. Travels with class. Tough and ready for miles. TSS. #404 – Fairwin Born to Trot 405 KEMO JOSHY 1H240 Consigned by Roy N. Miller Baltic, OH Standardbred gelding. Chip Chip Hooray Aggressive Way Fresh. Sharp. Fancy trotter. 194 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 406 RIGHT ON RAY Consigned by Rebecca Sue King Leole, PA Gelding. Foaled 2008. Bay. 16 HH Western Terror Class act in harness. Snug in the line. All trot. 407 KATAHDIN JOHN 4 41 41522 2 Consigned by Aden Mast and Nelson Zimmerman Avoca, NY Gelding. Foaled April 30, 2013. Bay. 16.1 HH Musclini Tagliabue Tagsdream Idole Normand A very nice going 2 year old. Has 4 whites. Very up headed and a nice trot on the road 5 months, very special. TSS. Hard copy papers. 408 STAR Consigned by John Raber Millersburg, OH Gelding. Foaled March 20, 2011. Brown. 16.1 HH Balanced Image Scrappy Robert Scrappy Speedy Crown On the bit. Nice driver. Good broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 195 409 TEACHER PAT Consigned by Emanuel J Shetler Fillmore, NY Mare. Lucky Chucky Donerail Fresh at time of consignment. 410 COME FLEX WITH ME Consigned by Amos Gingerich and Eli Gingerich Ulysses, PA Standardbred gelding. Bay. 16 HH Federal Flex Incredible Abe Only Babe Been in buggy 4 months. Fancy gelding with headset and motion! Traffic safe and sound. 411 REACHING OLYMPIA 5K675 Consigned by Roy L Troyer Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 12, 2012. Bay; 3 white socks. 16 HH Muscle Massive (STDB) Windsong’s Legacy A Six Pack From Perfect (STDB) Fresh at time of consignment. A good thinking horse with a lot of potential. Traffic safe and sound. 196 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 412 BARN TREASURE 8K625 Consigned by Seth and Daniel Miller Meadville, PA Standardbred mare. Foaled February 22, 2012. Black. 16 HH Self Possessed Cash Hall Chatty Hanover (by Super Bowl) Malabar Man Fun For Us Treasure Always Speedy Crown Well broke. Good traveller. TSS Hard copy papers in hand. Plenty of snap. Been in the buggy 10 months. First Sale 413 KINMUNDY 1JB23 Consigned by Amos Blank Gap, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 19, 2011. 16.1 HH Yankee Valor International Chip Fox Valley Oneida Absolutely broke to the T. A very sharp moving animal. 414 VICTORIOUS WARRIOR 7K390 Consigned by Mahlon Coblentz Belle Center, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 11, 2012. Bay. 15.3 HH Victory Sam Angus Hall Heres Holly A Classy young trotter. TSS. In buggy 8 months. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 197 415 NORTHERN EMERALD 0JM71 Consigned by John Raber Millersburg, OH Mare. Foaled February 03, 2011. Brown. 16. 2 HH Primrose Lane Kadabra Quillo Andover Hall Good Times Are Here Good As Your Word Fresh at time of consignment. Classy driver. 416 TURBO SEELSTER 3JL96 Consigned by Kevin Lynn Miller Millersburg, OH Gelding. Foaled February 06, 2011. 16.2 HH Federal Flex Tymal Timeout Fresh at time of Consignment. Powerful driving horse. 417 ITS VERY POSSIBLE 1G370 8 Consigned by David Stoltzfus Millerstown, PA Standardbred gelding. Bay. 16 HH Anythings Possible Royal Troubador I’m Fashionable 16 HH Had this horse 8 months. Traffic safe and sound. Does not need overcheck. Big strong horse. Ready for miles and hills. 198 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 418 GIRAFFITI 1LA60 Consigned by Matthew Troyer and Willis Troyer Mifflintown, PA Gelding. Foaled March 17, 2013. Bay. 16.1 HH JJ’s Caviar Cavier’s Crown JJ’s Photo American Winner Good broke. Young. Expressive horse that has lots of brains and looks. TSS. 419 COOL AND LUCKY Consigned by Allen Stoltzfus Gap, PA Mare. Foaled April 4, 2013. Brown. 15 HH Lucky Chucky Lindy Lane Coulantine 3 yr. old trotting mare fresh off the track in July. Well mannered filly should make anyone a good horse. First sale. Never Raced. TSS. 2 week guarantee. Update at sale time. The time is right. The stallion owners are here, talk to them, ask them questions, get educated, ask them to look at some mares with you, make breeding arrangements for this spring and get ready for that miraculous new foal to hit the ground in your barn next year! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 199 420 WHICKED HANOVER 2H405 Consigned by Jay Zimmerman Greenwich, OH Gelding. Foaled May 23, 2010. Bay. 15.3 HH Self Possessed Cantab Hall Garland Hall Dream Vacation Wherley American Winner Fresh at time of consignment. Very classy. Check in. Powerful. #420 – Whicked Hanover 421 CLASSIC NORMA JEAN 4HA80 Consigned by John O Herschberger Sullivan, IL Standardbred mare. Foaled February 5, 2010. Bay. 16.1 HH Classic Photo Donerail Southwind Winona Speed Crow Buggy broke traffic safe. Been to the buggy over a year. Broke for the women. Big powerful mare. 200 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 422 GLEN MILLS PROMISE 5KR34 Consigned by John Matt Martin Ephrata, PA Gelding. Bay; star connected strip left hind ankle. 15.3 HH Promising Catch Royal Ballad Needs no over check. Sharp as a tack. 423 WOODSIDE WARRIOR 0GA01 Consigned by Duane Weaver Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2009. Bay . 16 HH Chip Chip Hooray Ambro Laser 16 HH Buggy 8 months. Ready for miles. He is the real deal. 424 GRINGOTT 3J441 Consigned by Melvin E Miller Dundee, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 6, 2011. Black. Chocolatier Donerail Donepunk Precious Punkin Broke. One Serious driving machine. Traffic safe and sound. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 201 425 STAR BLACK KNIGHT 5HR94 Consigned by Andrew Yoder Dover, DE Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 08, 2010. Bay. 16.2 HH Southfork Defiant Yankee Defiant Pine Up headed and fun to sit behind. Fresh 2 weeks. 426 STARLIT WISE GUY 8K620 6 Consigned by Aaron Lantz Lancaster, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 9, 2012. Black. 16.3 HH ABC Garland Swiss Connection Greta Lite N Sleek In buggy 7 months. TSS He’s black, big, powerful, and one mile eaten trotter. 100% buggy broke. Wow! 427 CHIPPER JOE 7LO13 Consigned by the Peachey Brothers Belleville, PA Standardbred gelding. 3 yr. old. 16.1 HH Pine Chip Chip, Chip Hooray Conway Hall Shar of Victor Lima Silk I Look Like My Mom Speaks for himself with lots of potential. TSS. 202 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 428 STAND UP GUY 0LM88 Consigned by Mahlon D Gingerich Ulysses, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 2, 2013. Bay. 16 HH Primrose Lane Kadabra Quillo Donerail Armbro Chelsea Covet Garden 16 HH TSS. Comes up in the bit. Boy’s horse. Don’t miss him! 429 TO DREAM AGAIN 5FN028 Consigned by Jake Beiler New Holland, PA Standardbred mare. Foaled April 14, 2008. Bay. 16.2 HH Balanced Image Village Barrister Mr. La Vec Oaklea Nevada Ready for all kinds of miles! Very keen! Buggy broke. TSS! 430 DW’S RADAR 6GG130 Consigned by Matthew M Troyer Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 13, 2009. Bay; star, two white hind ankles. 15.3 HH Dilbert Hoover Speed In Action Sister Speed Alota Hill Been in my buggy 14 months. This is an extra special one! He’s for real. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 203 431 QUANTUM SAHBRA 5JP87 Consigned by Matthew L Riehl Coatsville, PA Gelding. Foaled 2011. Bay. 15.2 HH Striking Sahbra Angus Hall Quantum Royalty Sharp black 5 year old gelding. TSS. Been on the road 1 year. Sharp enough for the boys and safe for the women. 432 AMY LOUISE 0HP981 Consigned by Jesse Miller Dundee, OH Standardbred mare. Foaled 2010. Brown. 16 HH Garland Lobell Angus Hall (STDB) Armour Angus King Konch Queen Nora (STDB) Marathons Jewel Fresh July 2015. An exceptionally well broke mare that thinks right. Anyone can drive. Rare mare! Signed transfer. 2 week trial. #432 – Amy Louise 204 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 433 TROTTIN TRICE 0G552 Consigned by Andrew Yoder Dover, DE Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 11, 2009. Dark Bay; small star, one white in back. 16.1 HH Moving Forward Pine Chip Fills two hands. Fresh at consignment. #433 – Trottin Trice 434 BRIEFS OR BOXERS 2J794 Consigned by Steven Allgyer Loysville, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 4, 2011. Bay 16 HH Political Briefing Royal Prestige Prestigous Roz Roz Hanover 16 HH Boy’s horse deluxe. Fancy. Wow. What a blast to drive. Don’t miss him. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 205 435 Consigned by Levi A Hershberger Fredericksburg, OH Gelding. 5 yr. old. Bay; 4 whites. 16.3 HH 100% traffic safe and sound. Broke for the women. Big powerful gelding. Papers in hand. 436 TAKE THAT 1KR80 Consigned by Jacob M Riehl Jr Gordonville, PA Gelding. Foaled April 28, 2012. Brown. 16.1 HH Angus Hall Sturdy Sahbra Sturdy Lori Good solid road horse. Stands at stop signs and to hitch. Traffic safe and sound. 437 IMATUFFYANKEE 4K571 Consigned by Lavern Mast Hamptonville, NC Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 14, 2012. Bay. 16 HH Yankee Glide (STDB) Kadabra Magical Memories Fresh in August. Just started in buggy at time of consignment. Very fun individual to drive and has a ton of brains. Well mannered and lots of potential. Right hind pastern white. 438 RIP WATER BLAZE 3F207 9 Consigned by Reuben Fisher Lancaster, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 9, 2008. Bay; 4 whites and strip. 16.2 HH Glory B River(STDB) Sierra Kosmos Aurora Windswept (STDB) Penny Windsy Size, speed, style. This horse has got it all. Drives like a Sierra. Traffic Safe and sound. Super barn manners. A young boy’s dream. 206 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 439 ROYAL BOB 3G490 Consigned by Marvin J Ebersole Leola, PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 18, 2009. 16.2 HH RC Royalty Yankee Paco Pina Colada My personal horse for 10 months. A serious powerhouse. 440 CASH Consigned by Roy N Miller Baltic, OH Crossbred Gelding. Foaled 2010. (Crossbred) Cash is a sharp driving horse. TSS. Ready for miles. 441 JULIUS NDF 20140565 Consigned by Bill Mullet Mechanicstown, OH Gelding. Foaled May 22, 2013. Black. 16.1 HH Duke Ulyssis Nieskje (Percheron/Morgan) Buggy broke. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 207 442 BELLE Consigned by Jonas A Hershberger Danville, OH Friesian/Morgan crossbred mare. 8 yr. old. Bay. 15.3 HH (Friesian) (Morgan) Very sharp. Friesian cross mare spirit. Shy’s about big traffic. Travels with style. 443 KING Consigned by David A Blank Gap, PA Friesian/Standardbred cross gelding. Foaled 2012. Bay. 16.1 HH Rintse 386 Rosh Wango (Friesian) Sanja Joy (STDB) 4 year old Friesian/Standardbred cross. Broke to the T. Traffic Safe and sound. He’s got it all. 208 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 444 ROLLING ROCKY Consigned by Mervin Lee Yoder Narvon, PA Gelding. Foaled May 2009. Black. 16.3 HH Michelangelo (Friesian) King Conch Rocky is 100% in every way. You need no over check, and you don’t need to tell him to go. He loves miles, and he does it easy and in a short time. #444 – Rolling Rocky 445 BLACK GOLD Consigned by Elmer Peachey Allensville,PA Friesian/Standardbred cross gelding. Foaled June 7, 2010. Dark Bay. 15.3 HH Rintse 386 Pieter Z (Friesian) Warber F. (STER) (STDB) Peakaboo (STDB) (STDB) Will have registration by sale time. 5 year old dark bay gelding. Friesian/Standardbred cross. Broke. Traffic safe and sound. A fun horse to sit behind. Speaks for himself. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 209 446 MC’S DOROTHY 2012207 Consigned by Samuel Peachey Belleville, PA Friesian/Standardbred cross. Foaled June 9, 2012. Bay. Mintse 384 Darwin (Friesian) Hinke S. (Friesian) Davanti (STDB) Canyouseemenow (STDB) Prowess (STDB) She has super good stall manners. Traffic safe and sound. Big powerful coming 4 yr. old. 447 DMS CHESTER Consigned by David E Shetler Millersburg, OH Friesian/Hackney cross gelding. Foaled May 2000. Black. 16 HH Rintse Pieter Z (Friesian) Warble F Brooklawn’s Cavalier Banquet Lipstith (Hackney Horse) Broke single & double Traffic safe and sound. My personal horse. Classy driver. 448 TA SMOKEY Consigned by Reuben Troyer Sugarcreek, OH Gelding. Foaled 2012. Dark Bay. 16.1 HH Michelangelo (Friesian) Flashy (STDB) Glory Again Stonette (STDB) BF Coal Town Smokey is 3/4 Standardbred, 1/4 Friesian. Well broke and a wiling traveler. Good for long trips. TSS. Registered FSH. 210 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 449 RUGAR Consigned by Raymond and Rosa Shetler Punxsutawney, PA Friesian/Standardbred cross stallion. Foaled 2011. Black. 16 HH Tsjerk Michelangelo Tjallina W. Tuneful Contest 4 year old stud. Black Friesian Standardbred/Friesian cross. Very well broke. TSS Excellent stallion prospect and family horse. He’s for real, a powerful trot and willing. Has a very pleasing personality. 450 SUPERSTAR Consigned by Joseph Yoder Burke, NY Gelding. Foaled April 2012. Bay. 16 HH (Friesian) H F Lassiter (Hackney) Valley Victor Valley Victoria TSS. Peacock on harness. Tough and ready for miles! Always heads up and looking for the next mile. Here is one classy dude! 451 TAMMY Consigned by Alvin P. Beiler Narvon, PA Crossbred mare. Foaled 2012. Bay. 16 hands. Tomma De Fayes (Fresian) HVK Courageous Flair SRB Courageous Rose (Morgan) 4 year old mare. Broke single and double. Top buggy broke, very sharp individual. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 211 452 RANGER Consigned by Michael Dienner Gap, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 16, 2012. Dark bay, with 4 whites, star, snip. Hackney DHH Sheila STDB Ranger is broke to ride and drive. 453 MISS AMERICA Consigned by Pine Acres Farms Belle Center, OH Crossbred. 5 yr. old. Bay with star, 4 whites. 16 hands. Rex Standardbred Mare T.S.S. in buggy 4 months. Awesome individual, women can drive but has enough steam for the men. Serious family mare. 454 CHIEF Consigned by Albert R. Hershberger Danville, OH Crossbred gelding. 8 yr. old. Black with 1 white foot. 16 hands. Morgan Standardbred Very nice family horse. Safe and sound. Old quartercrack healing nice. Was everywhere still has spirited. Stands good to hitch at corners. 212 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 455 CHIP Consigned by Ivan R. Miller Baltic, OH Crossbred gelding. Crossbred Well broke. Traffic safe and sound. Ready for miles. 456 PRINCE Consigned by Melvin E. Miller Dundee,OH Registered Saddlebred gelding. 4yr. old. Chestnut. Broke. On the bit, one fancy dude. Traffic safe and sound. 457 R-S FARMS VITAALS KIRBY G12463 Consigned by Ivan Yoder Millersburg, OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 6, 2011. Black-bay. Orlandor Vitaal (DHH) Ironica Sierra Kosmos Echoleader (Stdb) Yankee Echo Kirby is a big black-bay gelding with 4 whites, and stripe. He has been on long hard trips, needs a lot of miles, a man’s horse! 458 WHISTLER S12707 Consigned by Allen A. Raber Millersburg,OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 21, 2012. Black. Roy M Winner WA Wariska STB Sweety STB Whistler is a 16.1 hand black gelding with 2 whites, strip. Traffic safe and sound. Broke in every way, single, double, a gelding with a lot of speed. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 213 459 UROFIRE Consigned by Rocky Ridge Stables Narvon, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 14, 2010. Dark bay with 3 whites, star and snip. Manno Uromast (DHH) Zarelmoer Soncerer Hanov Betzy (STDB) Fire Away Ann 5 year old. 16:2 hand bay gelding. Traffic safe & sound. Ready for 15 mile trips. Fun type horse to drive. He is the kind. ADHHA registered. 460 BLAZE Consigned by Atlee Yoder Millersburg, OH Crossbred. Foaled 2008. Bay with stripe and 3 whites. DHH DHH DHH Sierra Kcrmos Blaze is a 16:2 powerful surrey horse. 460A ROYAL RIDGE CROSSFIRE’S FLAME Consigned by Jason Stoltzfus Millerstown, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 11, 2012. 16 HH. Chestnut with white markings. Selleen Adino (DHH) Nudone Springview’s Crossfire Miss Crossfire (Saddlebred) Scars Delight Broke to drive. Fancy driver. 214 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 461 O JAY G-4745 Consigned by David Yoder Millersburg, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 3,2010. Bay. 16.3 hands. Brooklawns Cavalier Superman (DHH) Elarda Stephen Lee (by Speedy C) JK’s Val Lee (STDB) Nice, big, powerful gelding that drives with the best. 462 GB HANK S-14681 Consigned by John K. Stoltzfus Leola,PA Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 12, 2012. Bay with 4 whites and star. 16.1 hands. Majesteit Caviar Marjo Harmonie Unique Hot N Sweet (Crossbred) Hank is very well broke with class and ready for miles. 463 FLIGHT Consigned by Abe N. Miller Fresno,OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled 2009. 16.1 hands. Dutch Harness Morgan Classy driver. Watch him drive. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 215 464 HUMDINGER IWF G-16303 Consigned by John M. Glick New Providence, PA Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 22, 2012. Chestnut. 16.1 hands. Fabricius Urano (DHH) Marita Kilarney’s Ruff and Ready Honeymoon Time (SDB) Trip the Light Fantastic Green broke. Recommendation at sale time. 465 V&M’S FIRESTONE S-3165 Consigned by Scenic Acres DHH, Owen Yoder Millersburg, OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 10, 2010. Bay with 2 whites. Jonker Wintall (DHH) Erina P’s Pee Wee My Connie Mary’s Connie (STDB) Firestone is a big powerful gelding. Traffic safe and sound. Good broke and ready for miles. 466 COWBOY Consigned by Mark Weaver Ephrata, PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled June 11, 2012. Bay. 16.1 hands. Fabricius Atlas (DHH) Callaway’s Alice Blue Gown Dream Vacation Dreamy Miss (STDB) El Paso Kash Sharp looking. 216 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 467 BOBBY Consigned by Albert R. Hershberger Danville, OH Crossbred gelding. 8 yr. old. Black. 15.2 hands. Dutch Morgan Very sharp boy’s horse. Well broke. Very up head. 4 white feet with star/snip. Can go get with style. Sound. Traffic safe. 468 MACY Consigned by WIllow Run Farm Lancaster, PA Crossbred mare. Foaled 2012. Dark bay. 16.1 hands. Immigrant Majesteit (DHH) Henriette Saddlebred Missy Standardbred Just out of training at time of consignment. Should be buggy broke & ready to go by sale time. A nice Majesteit mare. 469 JET Consigned by Jonas A. Hershberger Danville, OH Crossbred gelding. 4 yr. old. Black with 3 white legs. 16 hands. Dutch Harness Morgan STDB Very nice black 1 white trim. Traffic safe. Has been driven by women. Has some style, potential for nice family horse. Very sound. Traffic safe. More info at sale time. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 217 470 CHAD Consigned by Eric Lee Miller Millersburg, OH Crossbred gelding. Foaled 2012. 15.3 hands. E.Z. Warrior (Dutch) Standardbred Good broke, drives with class, sharp boys horse. 471 SHARP TURN ROCKET S14802 Consigned by David Raber Fredericktown, OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 2, 2013. Black. Wouter (DHH) Triple H Saturn JZ Sakeeny (DHH) Wonderboy (DHH) Ma’s Mindy Judy Penn Baron (Belgian) Rocket is a 3 year black gelding with 4 whites and strip. 16.2 hands. 100% traffic safe and sound. Women can drive. Well brake. Drives with style. Check him out. 472 RANGER Consigned by Andrew Yoder Dover, DE Crossbred gelding. 5 yr. old. Black. Dutch Harness/Hackney cross. Black strip, two whites. Sharp boys horse. A willing traveler. Traffic safe and sound. 473 FISHERS BABY Consigned by Abe Miller Freedom, NY Crossbred mare. Foaled July 2, 2013. Bay with 3 white socks, star, and snip. 16 hands. Dutch Harness Fishers Brandon Fishers Bell Standardbred Defiant Yankee Speedy Crown Well started. The real deal!! Fancy! 218 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 474 Consigned by Jacob M. Riehl, JR Gordonville, PA Crossbred mare. Foaled March 19, 2010. 15.3 hands Uitlander Juniper (DHH) Vicki Credit Winner Standardbred Standardbred Mare Very sharp driving mare. Speaks for herself. 475 MM THUNDER STIK G16467 Consigned by Nelson Hershberger Baltic, OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 23, 2011. 16.2 hands. Moneymaker Bernhard (DHH) Symphony Strong Status Pilane (Standardbred) Standardbred Mare 5 year old registered gelding. Traffic safe and sound. Surrey size driving horse. 476 REFLEX RG-13061 Consigned by Johnny E. Hershberger Beach City, OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled July 11, 2012. Dark bay. 16 hands. Wooter (DHH) Triple H. Saturn (DHH/ASB) J.Z. Sakeeny (SDB/DHH) Nando (DHH) Namora (DHH) Harlem Globetrotter (ASB) Porana (DHH) Standadbred Star (STB) Standardbred Powerful driving gelding that stands 16 hands. Stand’s good to hitch and at stop signs, quiet in the barn. Traffic safe & sound. Buggy broke, he has that big bold Saturn trot! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 219 477 MJ HALLYKAN G3188 Consigned by Allen Raber, Eli Hochstetler Millersburg,OH Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled March 13, 2009. Black with 4 whites. 16.2 hands. Lorton Sandokan Myosina Friesan Hally Hackney Hallykan is a black 6 year old. 16.2 hands gelding with 4 whites that is broke in every way. Traffic safe & sound. A fancy gelding with a lot of motion. 478 BEAUTY Consigned by P.Y. Stable’s Millersburg, OH Crossbred mare. Foaled 2013. Bay. Wouter Triple H Saturn (DHH) J.Z. Sackeeny Misty (Crossbred) Beauty is a sharp mare. 479 ROCKY RIDGE CHIP S-13907 Consigned by Rocky Ridge Stabes Narvon, PA Registered Crossbred gelding. Foaled May 13, 2013. Black bay. Uromast JD’s Eclipse (DHH) Safiera Beau Chip M Women (Standardbred) Mississippi Woman Chipis is a 3 year old 16.2 hand black gelding with crome. Should be in the carriage by sale time. Check him out. Good pedigree on the standardbred side. ADHHA registered. 220 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 480 KUNTRYSIDE’S FRANCY M-13226 Consigned by Atlee Yoder Millersburg, OH Crossbred mare. Foaled 2012. Bay with snip, 4 whites. Dondersteen (DHH) Winand Chambord Grace Hockney Fancy is good driving fancy mare. Traffic safe and sound. Check her pedigree. Been used on 28 mile trips. 481 SOUTHERN STROKE 1-K037 Consigned by Meryl Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus Bro. Millerstown,PA Crossbred gelding. Foaled April 20, 2012. Keystroke Hanover Image in Motion Southern Traveler Expressive, very special!! #481 – Southern Stroke • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 221 482 UNBUCKLED 7F036 Consigned by Derrick Troyer Sugarcreek, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 16, 2008. Black. 16.1 hands. Banderas Hall Full Time Job Unavailable In buggy one year. A blast to drive. Wow! 483 I’M A BUCK I 8K266 Consigned by Paul Coblentz Belle Center, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 24, 2012. Bay. 15.3 hands Donerail Jailhouse Jesse Speed In Action Name It Something A young trotter with some class. Traffic safe and sound. In buggy 8 months. Boys horse. 484 OUR CROWD 3J029 Consigned by Vernon Mast Millersburg,OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled February 28, 2011. Black. 15.3 hands. Mr. Vic Sand Vic Cindy Q Prakas Bright Affair Carolyn S. Fresh at time of consignment. Traffic safe and sound. Headset, motion, fills two hands. Boys horse deluxe, papers in hand. 222 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 485 ROSE BUD PINEY 8K187 Consigned by Daniel O. Miller Rossiter,PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 1, 2012. 16.1 hands. Pine Chip Pinetuckey Dakota Spur Dakota’s Child Lord Child Always heads up with action, speaks for himself. Traffic safe and sound. Been in buggy 1 year. 486 VISITATION RIGHTS Consigned by Danny R. Byler Dover,DE Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2009. Bay with star. Image of Jate Falcon Seelster Fancy boys horse trots with a long stride stands to hitch and at stop signs. Traffic safe and sound. 487 DARING BRO 9EP65 Consigned by Aaron Swarey Mill Creek, PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 20, 2007. Light bay with star, white left hind leg and right front ankle. 16.1 hands. Balanced Image Armbro Worldwide Crown Speedy Daring Jean Daring Score Speedy Crown Final Score Been on the road over a year. Women can drive if driven enough. Traffic safe and sound. Hard copy papers. Fun to drive. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 223 488 PRINCE ARNIE Consigned by Marcus Mullet Sugarcreek,OH Registered Standardbred. Foaled March 28, 2013. Broad Bahn Speedy Crown Francy Crown Talk about power, look no farther. Fresh. 5 month been in surrey hard and ready for all kinds of miles. Will fill 2 hands. Nice 3 year old gelding. Madien trotter has speed. 489 MR FABULOUS Consigned by Ervin Lee Lantz Gordonville, PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Bay. 16.2 hands. Andover Hall Donato Hanover D Train Lindy Lane Swoosh Hanover 4 year old gelding broke. 100% traffic safe and sound. Very intelligent. What a blast! 490 CRAWFISH CREEK 8GM07 Consigned by Adam Hershberger Fillmore, NY Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2009. Black with strip and 3 whites. Jereme’s Jet Three Fold Hayser Creek Acclimated, broke, black, chrome! Nice gelding. Traffic safe and sound. 224 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 491 VC ECLIPSE OH6223 Consigned by Eli H. Miller Salineville, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 19, 2010. Brown. 16.2 hands. Andover Hall Donato Hanover Mr Lavec Missy Lavec Super Shann Traffic safe and sound. Drives with lots of power. One surrey horse deluxe! 492 STELLAS GOLDEN BANG 4G957 Consigned by Marvin Kuhns Kennerdell,PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled 2009. Black. 16.3 hands. Pine Chip Bands Gold Chip Lindys Crown Meadow Rond Hollys Traditional 16.3 hand black mare with 4 white socks and strip. Traffic safe and sound. 100 percent. Broke. Get in hold on and enjoy your ride. WOW. 493 ZIP ZAP ZOOM 6K644 Consigned by Benjamin L. Peachey Belleville,PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled 2012. Iverman Yankie Glide Wonderful Sara Broke. Traffic safe and sound. Update at sale time. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 225 494 A CHOICE FOR ALL 9K449 Consigned by Detweiler Brothers Richfield Springs, NY Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled May 13, 2012. Dark bay. 16.1 hands. Andover Hall Swan for All Valley Victor Fresh 2 months. Well mannered driving mare. Buggy broke. 495 VICTORIA DELYS 1KR38 Consigned by Emanuel J. Byler Canajoharie, NY Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled April 21, 2012. Brown. Garland Lobell Angus Hall Victorys Force Lily Delys Nikita De Volney 100% Traffic safe and sound. Drives with snap and two hands full, man’s or boy’s horse. Speaks for herself. 496 ARBOR ROSE HANOVER 8L984 Consigned by Mervin Lee Yoder Narvon,PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled April 4, 2013. Dark. 15.3-16 hands. Muscles Yankee Muscle Massive Graceful Touch Balanced Image Always a Starlet Starlet Rayne Rose is a nice 3 year old mare with a lot of potential. She is broke very good and is very sensible. 226 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 497 REVALATOR 9KR68 Consigned by John S. Fisher, Agent Emanuel J. Byler Canajoharie, NY Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 7, 2012. Brown. Northern Bailey Crcommando Reloaded Blackdenimtrousers Trotter that drives with snug lines. Traffic safe and sound. Needs miles. Country Lane Coach Shop New Carriages Used Carriages Trade Ins ~ Paint Jobs ~ Repairs ~ Parts 700 Country Lane • Paradise, PA 17562 • 717-442-2993 Home of the Classic Switch Box Collection 753 Country Lane • Paradise, PA 17562 Phone: (717) 442-2994 • Fax: (717) 442-4334 Large Variety try Lane Fabrics n u o C Custom Orders 690 Country Lane • Paradise, PA 17562 • Phone: (717) 201-2887 Large Selection of Fabrics, Carpets, Rugs & Mats 3 Businesses in 1 Booth! Stop in to check out what is new! Find us in the Draft Horse Section 19074_CLCShop--Åd--PAHarness--4-5x3-75.indd 1 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 11/16/15 2:43 PM 227 498 TROT LIKE A GIRL 4L143 Consigned by Jesse Schlabach Hamptonville, NC Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled May 10, 2013. Black. Credit Winner Crazed San Pelligrino Celia Bleue Florida Pro Traffic safe and sound. Clean, sharp, young mare with serious potential. Black! First sale. Signed transfer. 499 TIME TO GET LUCKY 4K148 Consigned by Marlin Petersheim Gap, PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled April 20, 2012. Black. 16.1 hands. Lucky Chucky Banker Hall Senorita Victoria A black mare with lots of potential. 500 HALLANDOVER 7L960 Consigned by David A. Blank Gap,PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 11, 2013. Dark bay. 16.1 hands. Andover Hall Fern Sierra Kosmos Traffic safe and sound. A class act. 228 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 501 MY MISSION MY WAY 2LN79 Consigned by Amos Gingerich Ulysses,PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled March 21, 2013. Bay. 16 hands. Man of Many Missions Malabar Man Meadowbranch Quiz Been in carriage for 2 months. Drives tops. Traffic safe and sound. Papers. 502 HOMOTOWN SIGNED TRANSFER Consigned by Amos Esh Millerstown,PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2010. Bay P.S. with four white sox, full strip. 15.3 hands. His Highness Corleone Been in buggy for 1 year and he is for real. Ready for 40 mile weekends. Gets up in the bit. 503 TEX Consigned by Aaron A. Yoder Navarre, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2008. Black, 16.2 hands. Home raised Standardbred trotter 8 year old dark bay gelding with motion and speed. Traffic safe and sound. Drives with tight lines. Looking for a horse for long trips look in. Sale prepped by MARS Stables. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 229 504 DAMAGE CONTROL 1LM94 Consigned by Menno Ray Hershberger Dover, DE Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled April 25, 2013. Bay with one white foot and a star. 15.2 hands. Kadabra Angus Hall No Bledeena Fresh mare with a lot of potential. First sale. Signed transfer. 505 ANSHELS FEHRTEL Consigned by Aaron Lantz Lancaster,PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 8, 2010. Black. 16 hands Sand Vic Mr Lavec Creme Caramel In buggy, 7 month. Traffic safe and sound. Drives. Up and on classy boys type!! 506 CHARM Consigned by John O. Herschberger Sullivan, IL Standardbred gelding. Black with strip and 3 whites. 16.1 hands. Trevor Rex Royal Strength Buggy broke traffic safe and absolute horseman’s dream. Has potential and brains to be a show horse. 230 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 507 DO WE NEED LINDY 5KP44 Consigned by John & Matt Martin Ephrata, PA Standardbred mare. 3 yr. old. 16.1 HH. Dark bay. Deweycheatemhowe Andover Hall Class act! Fresh at time of consignment. 508 BROADWAY BLOCKY Consigned by Junior & Ivan Weaver Millersburg, OH Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2012. Black with white left hind heel. 16.1 hands. Broadway Hall Muscles Yankee Bowl of Muscles Super Bowl Traffic safe and sound. Fresh at time of consignment. Solid young trotter. Could still be a race horse. Lots of family. First sale. Hard copy papers. 509 SMOKEY Consigned by Raymond & Rosa Shetler Punxsutawney,PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled 2012. Bay. 16.3 hands. Malabar Man Pine Chip A big upstanding 4 year old gelding. 100% broke. Traffic safe and sound. Don’t miss him! Wow!! Personal horse for lost six months. My wife drives him anywhere. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 231 510 SMOKE N STORMS TRANSFER PAPERS Consigned by Daniel M. Stoltzfus Blain,PA Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 13, 2008. Black with one white sock. 16.1 hands Norm Storms Prince Plumsted Gales Plum Classy one of a kind! Fresh at consignment. Will be in buggy by sale time. Traffic safe and sound. #510 – Smoke N Storms 511 SOUTH JERSEY HEY 1G514 Consigned by Emery A. Miller Fredericksburg, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 19, 2009. Bay. Garland Lobell Conway Hall Amour Angus Wall Street Banker Stock to Wath Our Gal Dew Fresh at time of consignment. Hard copy of papers. 232 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 512 KID GLOVES HANOVER 7HA90 Consigned by Jay Stoltzfus, Stoltzfus Bro Millerstown, PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled February 23, 2010. Bay. Andover Hall Muscles Yankee Kiss Off Personal horse, one of a kind! #512 – Kid Gloves Hanover 513 1L661 Consigned by Randy Miller Sugarcreek, OH Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled 2013. Hard Rock and Roll Final Score Fresh 1st sale. Lots of potential. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 233 514 MILLERS DIAMOND STAR Consigned by Starcrest Stables, Paul Hershberger Arthur, IL Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 20, 2013. Bay. Pine Chip Pine Tar Dilbert Hanover DW’s Diamond Royal Prestige Emerald Viking Buggy broke a good young horse that drives nice. 515 ARTISTIC FLIGHT 3G353 Consigned by David & Melvin E. Miller Dundee,OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 3, 2009. Bay. Panspacific Flight Artiscape Artistic Viking Broke and on the bit. Woman can drive. Traffic safe to sound. 234 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 516 BROADWAY MASK 1H0497 Consigned by Marvin J. Ebersole Leola, PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled April 1, 2010. Bay Broadway Hall American Winner American Misty On the road since April. One sharp dude. 517 COUNT YOUR ROSES 9J397 0 Consigned by Melvin Lee Stoltzfus Millerstown, PA Registered Standardbred mare. 16 hands. Full Count Jailhouse Jesse Jailhouse Rose 16 hands bay mare. Traffic safe and sound. Ready for miles and hills. A pleasure to sit behind. 518 HALLELUJAH FLIGHT 8K760 Consigned by Wayne E. Miller Dundee, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 21, 2012. Brown. 16.1 hands. Panspacificflight Hallelujah Fresh at time of consignment, sharp individual. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 235 519 LIMITED FUNDING 3G611 Consigned by Jay Zimmerman Greenwich, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled March 30, 2009. Bay. 16.1 hands. SJ’s Photo SJ’s Caviar TV Yankee Self Possessed Hearts in Bloom Mr. Vic Hard as a rock ready for miles. he is a little extra special. Broke to a T. Show type. #519 – Limited Funding 520 MONTABELLO BRANDI 1F864 Consigned by Allen Stoltzfus Gap, PA Registered Standardbred mare. Foaled April 10, 2008. 16 hands. Super Punk Cumin Berta Bebopp Berta Bambino 8 year old brown mare. Traffic safe and sound. ready for miles. Been in the buggy and to church. Good boy’s or family horse. 2 week quarentee. In foal to Harry the Horse Standardbred Stallion due 6-8-16. 236 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 521 RIDGE LOVER 5J159 Consigned by Lavon Yoder Sugarcreek, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. 5 yr. old. Bay with 2 whites. 16 hands. Tom Ridge Angus Hall Luv Buttons Boys horse deluxe. He will fill 2 hands. He is hard and ready for all kinds of miles. 522 ABE MILLER 4L302 Consigned by Abe Miller Freedom, NY Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 4, 2013. Bay. 17 hands. Rock N Roll Hanover Artsplace Big surrey horse powerful. WOW!!!! Fresh! 523 J.S. THUNDER Consigned by Andrew Yoder Dover, DE Standardbred gelding. Foaled 5 yr. old. Dark bay. 16.1 hands. Worthy Bowl He’ in the Shower Good broke. Powerful. He’s the kind. Traffic safe and sound. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 237 524 CHARTING MAC STAR 6GA02 Consigned by Willis and Matthew Troyer Mifflintown, PA Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled January 02, 2009. Chestnut. 16.1 hands. Star Challenge BJ’s Mac Cherry Mac Armbro Goal Good broke, acclimated horse that will always fill 2 hands. Personal horse 6 months. 238 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 525 HIGH STEPPING TODD 4HC00 Consigned by Ervin Hershberger Patriot, OH Registered Standardbred gelding. Foaled May 7, 2010. Dark Bay. 15.3 hands. Sierra Kosmos Sierra High on Todd Scrappy Robert Noble Face Filly Fulmer Nobella Bells A fancy pleasure & driving horse for the boys. Traffic safe and sound. Can fill 2 hands. 526 CITY LOFT 1JR90 Consigned by Matthew Fisher, Newburg, PA Standardbred Bay Gelding. Foaled 2011. 16.1 H. Shadow Play Betters Delight Winbak Rita TSS. Been in the carriage. Always in the lines. One serious road horse. #526 – City Loft • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 239 527 WINNING SIERRA 8G360 Consigned by Roy N. Miller, Baltic, OH Stallion. Foaled 2009. 16.1 Hands. Valley Victor Prakas Sierra Kosmos 16.1 hand stallion by Valley Victor. Sierra Kosmos dam. Sharp horse. Sire’s nice. Offspring’s well broke. Well mannered and a good looker. Sure breeder. #527 – Winning Sierra 528 LINDY’S GOT LUCKY 5K631 Consigned by Aaron and Mike Miller, Duane Weaver Agent Dundee, OH Standardbred Dark Bay. Foaled 2012. 16.1 H. Lucky Chucky CanTab Hall Buggy 6 months. Drives the absolute best. Class Act. 240 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 529 CANDY AND CAVIAR 7J479 Consigned by Rob and Matt Miller, Guys Mills, PA Standardbred Bay Mare. Foaled May 3, 2011 Lindy Lane Lear Jetta Missy Hadagar by Speed Bowl S.J.’s Caviar American Caviar Native American by American Winner Sharp mare. On the road 5 months. TSS. Can be a little hot. Hard copy papers in hand. Check her out she could be the one. My kind! First sale. 530 LUKIE DUKE 6F120 Consigned by Roy L. Troyer, Millersburg, OH Standardbred Gelding. Foaled May 30, 2008. Bay. 16 HH. Southwind Elian STDB Super Ben Joe Britt Nicole STDB Last raced 11-28-15. Record of 1:56.4. Over $97,000 in earnings. Very nice honest horse that drives good. Traffic safe and sound. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 241 531 BU CLEM Consigned by Mahlon Stoltzfus, Millerstown, PA Standardbred Gelding. Black with star. Foaled March 14, 2011. 16.2 H. Sierra Kosmos Big Victory BU Victory Black. Been in the buggy 6 months. Broke to a T. #531 – BU Clem 532 JOEVIDAL 9J000 Consigned by Ivan Raber, Millersburg, OH Standardbred Bay Gelding. Foaled February 4, 2011. 15.3 H. Muscles Yankeee Muscle Hill Yankee Blondie Revenue S. Caviart Annie Toss Up Fresh at the time of consignment. Record of 1:55. Sharp Driver. 242 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 533 PROVE DEM ALL WRONG 9F830 Consigned by Aden Mast and Glen Horst, Avoca, NY Standardbred Bay Gelding. Foaled April 2, 2008.16.1 H. Done Rail Balanced Image Bolero Image This horse is the way everybody likes them. Upheaded and a nice driver on the road 6 months. My kind. Speaks for himself. Traffic safe and sound. 534 CASH FORCARTER Consigned by John L. King Jr.,Leole, PA Standardbred Gelding. Black. Foaled June 7,2009. 16.1 H. Lindy Lane Oaklea Julian Pinechip JM Gerula Snug in the lines. Doesn’t need an overcheck. One serious road horse. Drives with the best. Ready for miles. 535 MC SILVER CROWN 6L710 Consigned by Pine Acres Farm, Belle Center, OH Standardbred Stallion. Dark Bay, 2 whites. Foaled February 22, 2013. 16 H. Speedy Crown Dem Speedy Bones Royal Strength Topten Looker A sharp young stallion with lots of good pedigree. Drives with snap. Excellent stallion prospect. • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 243 536 SWINGINGSTORMY 9JAS1 Consigned by Derrick Troyer, Sugarcreek, OH Standardbred Gelding. Dark Bay. Foaled April 27, 2011. 16.1 H. Swingin Glory Pilgrims Punch Dee Doo DAA One power house. In buggy 4 months. The real deal. 537 CDS MAJIC LADY 7KR05 Consigned by Amos Blank, Gap, PA Standardbred Mare. Foaled May 4, 2012. 16.2 H. Reystone Nordic Dream of Glory Snow Streak Absolutely the kind. Check her out. 538 Consigned by Levi Shetler, Fillmore, NY 3 year old by sale time. Conway Hall Tom Ridge Will recommend at sale time. 244 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 539 Consigned by Marty Yoder, Rossiter, PA. Standardbred Bay Gelding. Foaled 2008. Registered. 16.3 H. Pine Chip Pine Tuckey Duovalcar Hevele Molly Thunder Molly Mystic Molly Good broke. Upheaded, in buggy 1 year. Speaks for himself. 540 POWERFUL PEACE 9K867 Consigned by Willie Shetler, Fillmore, NY Standardbred Dark Bay Gelding. 16.2 H. Muscle Massive Angus Hall Fresh at time of consignment. Big and powerful. 541 NORDIC OF THE VALLEY 5KA90 Consigned by Amos Esh, Millerstown, PA Standardbred Bay P. Mare. Foaled May 3, 2012. 16 H. Wenceslaus STBD Keystone Nordic Nordic Passage STBD Verona Beatho Traffic safe and sound. Been in buggy 6 months. Don’t miss her! • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 245 542 BOGO TIM 3H999 Consigned by David D. Troyer, Middlefield, OH Standardbred. Star, both hinds white. 6 years old. Tiny Tim Donerail A 1 in every way. The real deal. TSS 1 week trial. Henry Kauffman Jr. 717-799-4264 S unny ide tables Sale Prepping • Health-E-Oil • Equine Dentistry Your horse is our priority. 1500 Beaver Dam Road, Honey Brook, PA 19344 246 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 247 I N T R O D U C I N G the all new $12 each 2 for $20 Auction Clock I A prime recording plays each hour from auctioneers: • Steve Andrews • Merlin Woodruff • Lyle Chupp • Dale Chupp • Andy Raber • David Miller • Eli Detweiler, Jr and more… Auction Clock I A limited number of clocks will be produced in order to preserve their collectability. LIMITED QUANTITY Your clock will have a number between 1 and 999. Only a few hundred remain. Watch for Auction Clock II with 12 different auctioneers. WH O L E SA L E P R I C E A VA I L A B L E TAKING ORDERS Aranell AUCTION CLOCKS R&R Morgan CALENDARS Robert & Rosanna Miller • p. 440-636-2214 248 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 249 SPRING DRIVING SALE Saturday, May 21, 2016 Starting at 8:30 am Shipshewana Auction Facility 345 W. VanBuren Shipshewana, Indiana Indoor Driving Arena Hotels Within Walking Distance Driving of Sale Horses Friday Evening May 20th Starting at 5:00 pm Food and Drinks Available Proceeds to Benefit Special Education Fund Consignment Rate: $100 (Non-Refundable) • Commission Rate: 4% Morgan & Morgan Cross Sale, LLC Contact Persons Stan Miller (260) 768-4319 250 Ernie Yoder (260) 499-0092 Jonas Weaver • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • (260) 463-4822 The artistic expression of Rowenda Boogie On Down LPS The Boogie Man x Rowenda Belleek This exciting black stallion is proving to produce world & regional champions. Don’t be left behind! Contact us today about breeding to this beautiful young stallion. Stud fee $1,400 LFG. Multiple mare discount. $200 discount when you book by 2/15/16. Nittanys Boogie Time Nittanys Mayor EKL Noble Charm Sunrise Stables, LLC Andrew & Sarah Ann Beiler Breeding, Training, Shoeing & Sales 3550 Scenic Road • Gordonville, PA 17529 717-725-5731 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 251 252 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 253 254 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 255 256 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 1150 E. Oregon Rd. Lititz Pa 17543 (717) 656-0067 OREGON AG LLC Excellent Sale Prepper Energy Stimulant Improves Hair Coat Fights EPM in Horses Improves Weight Gain Daily Nutritional Supplement Lameness Leg wear Over-exertion A Proven Natural Formula ! ! ! Muscle Injuries (Limber Res-Q) might be your answer UNIQUE Construction • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • MidAtlCtAd_TO_111714.indd 1 257 11/18/14 10:32 PM 258 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 259 Index of Draft Horse Stallion Presentation L-Valley Belgians, Christiana, PA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV Orndorff, Corbly, 1917 Smith Creek Road, Waynesburg, PA 15370, (724) 833-3464 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II PY Stables, 5806 CR 19, Millersburg, OH 44654, (330) 600-0183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V R.R.A’s Percherons, Jacob Riehl, 4186 Old Phila Pike, Gordonville, PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I WYE Oak Farm, 378 Bunker Hill Rd., Strasburg, PA 17579 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Index of Harness Horse Stallion Presentation Auker, Jeremy, 9283 Rt. 259 HWY. S., Homer City, PA 15748, (724) 541-0069 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LL Beiler, Aaron, (717) 442-2979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U Big G Equine/Cumberland Mountain, 5052 S. Dickenson Ct., St. Joseph, MI 49085 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Blank, John and David, 5921 Plank Rd., Narvon, PA 17555, (717) 442-3619 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FF CA Stables, Agent: Dutch Country Stables, 1218 Valley Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 (717) 806-6708 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z Cumberland Mountain. 5052 S. Dickinson Ct., St. Joseph, MI 49085, (269) 757-3792 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC Cumberland Mountain/Stormy Ridge, 5052 S. Dickenson Ct., St. Joseph, MI 49085 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Double M Friesians (330) 893-3164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PP Eicher, Lee, Premier Fresians (330) 893-3164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GG Glicks Stables, 4000 E. Newpost Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 (717) 824-2588 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H Graber, David, Samuel Schwartz and Nathan Schwartz (330) 893-3164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KK Great Lakes Equine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Hochstetler, Jacob or David Troyer, 1834 Clymer Sherman Rd., Clymer, NY 14724 (814) 397-2936, (716) 355-4643 . . . . . T Kauffman, Allen and Samuel, 7849 W. Eininn Rd., Clymer, NY 14724 (716) 355-4586 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JJ Kauffman, Benjamin K., 1113 Park Rd., Honey Brook, PA 19344, (610) 273-3643 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y Kauffman, Henry Jr. and Matthew Stoltzfus, 459 White Horse Rd., Gap, PA 17527, (717) 799-4264 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Keim, Reuben and Miller, Verlin (330) 893-3164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X Lantz, Elam S., 6157 Old Phila Pike, Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-8473 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D, II Martin, Elmer S. and Brian R. Brubacker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Miller, Pete L. (330) 893-3164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QQ Nolt, Titus L., 291 Smith Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257, (717) 423-5121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NN P.Y. Stables, 5806 CR. 19, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 600-0183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C, M, V Peachey, Samuel, 720 School House Rd., Belleville, PA 17004 (814) 386-8905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HH Petersheim, John, 250 Jumper Rd., Newburg, PA 17240, (717) 423-6660 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OO Pine Grove Acres, 6354 State Route 39, Millersburg, OH 44654, (330) 674-7817 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Rocky Ridge Stables and Misty Meadows Stables, 247 S. Pool Forge Rd., Narven, PA 17555 (717) 989-2026 . . . . . . . . . . . S Rocky Ridge Stables, Farbig Farm, 247 S. Pool Forge Rd., Narvon, PA 17555, (717) 989-2026 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BB Slabaugh, Enos and Henry Kauffman Jr., 1500 Beaver Dam Rd., Honey Brook, PA 17555 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O Stoltzfus, Abner, 212 Cedar Hill Rd., Peach Bottom, PA 17563, (717) 548-3800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DD Stoltzfus, Abner, Dave Riehl, Aaron Kauffman, and Steven Glick, 1218 Valley Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R Stoltzfus, Allen, 439 Newville Rd., Newburgh, PA 17240, (717) 830-1774 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F Stoltzfus, Allen, 5588 Old Phila Pike, Gap, PA 17527, (717) 380-4502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B Stoltzfus, Dave, 5646 Umbletown Rd., Gap, PA 17527 (717) 442-4819 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, AA Stoltzfus, Steve, Windy Ridge Farm, 126 Coyote Lane, Mill Hall, PA 17751, (570) 726-6209 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EE Suncrest Acres, 5083 TR 351, Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 674-2890 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N Tall Pine Equine and Dublin Valley Farms, 16730 Bundysburg Rd., Middlefield, OH 44062 (216) 299-6312 . . . . . . . . . . . MM V&R Stables and Alpine Hill Farms, 1000 TR. 660, Dundee, OH 44624, (330) 600-9260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W Weaver, Mark, 158 Meadow Valley Rd., Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 738-0671 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L Willow Run Farm, 133 B Buckwalter Rd., Lancaster, PA 17602 (717) 344-0727 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K 260 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Index of Draft Horses Beiler, Amos, 1314 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy PA 17552 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Beiler, Elam S., 251 Springville Road, Kinzers PA 17535 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Beiler, Emanuel K., 113 A Greentree Road, Quarryville PA 17566 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,44,124 Beiler, Jacob, Shamrock Meadows Percherons, 193 Dry Wells Road, Quarryville PA 17566 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,14,135 Beiler, John S., 1310 Harrisburg Avenue, Mount Joy PA 17552 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Brant, Dean, 698 Pioneer Road, Rockwood PA 15557 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Broadsword, Ron, 10545 Smith Road, Lichtfield, OH 44253 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Burkholder, Aden, 2614 Township Road 190, Baltic OH 43804 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Burkholder, Stephen, 115 Short Lane, Fleetwood PA 19522 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Burley, Mark, 2528 Lakes Corners Rose Valley Rd, Clyde NY 13361 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Byler Jr., Allen, 444 Hyder Road, Richfield Springs NY 13439 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Byler, Jake S., 14240 Bundysburg Road, Middlefield OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207,208 Byler, John H., 574 Lynnbury Woods Road, Dover DE 19904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,72,158 Byler, Mervin A., 244 Deronda Road, Jordanville NY 13361 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,36,117 Byler, Urie U. and Hershberger, Robert, 3968 Township Road 606, Fredericksburg OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,75 Crystal Springs Stables, 4208 State Road 557, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,130,193 Coblentz, Mahlon, 7443 County Route 49, Belle Center OH 43310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,16 Detweiler Jr, Robert, 1012 County Hwy 24, Richfield Springs NY 13439 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Drynan, Janet, 10284 Highway 43, Mountain ON K0E 1S0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,120 Dublin Valley Farms, 3968 Township Road 606, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,71,224 Ebersol, Jonas M., 378 Bunker Hill Road, Strasburg PA 17579 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,133,137 Esh, Michael A., 1803 Mountain Road, Newburg PA 17240 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94,128 Fisher Jr. , Elam, 3217 Old Phila Pike, Ronks PA 17572 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Fisher, Amos K., 5113 Peters Road, Kinzers PA 17535 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Fisher, Christ E., 3100 Zeltonreich Road, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Fisher, Daniel S., 69 S Ronks Rd, Ronks PA 17572 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Fisher, David A., 80 B North Soudersburg Rd, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Fisher, Elmer K., 259-A Mascot Road, Ronks PA 17572 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Fisher, Ivan E., 1736 Beaver Valley Pike, Strasburg PA 17579 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Fisher, Ivan K., 590 Beaver Dam Road, Honey Brook PA 19344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Fisher, John David, 103 South Ronks Road, Ronks PA 17572 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,118,155 Fisher, Joseph G., 856 Wesley Road, Kirkwood PA 17536 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201A Fisher, Reuben E., 132-A N New Holland Rd, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Fisher, Samuel K., 803 Welsh Road, Honeybrook, PA 19344 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,107,157 Gingerich, Mark, 15789 Georgia Road, Middlefield OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46,185,186,215,216 Hancock, Robin & Jerry, 3024 Sell Road, Winston Salem NC 27105-9793 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,62,136 Hanson, Tom, P O Box 566, Nassau NY 12123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Haskins, David, 113 Fox Road, Apalachin NY 13732-3022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,140 Hayes, Kerry, 3721 Route 620 Highway, Tay Creek NB E6B 1K3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,3 Hershberger, Daniel, 5452 State Route 557, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17,18,151,152,161,162,197,198 Hershberger, Robert and Whitington, Bill, 3968 Township Road 606, Fredericksburg OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Hinse, Stephane, 223 Rang Charlotte, St-Liboire QC J0H 1R0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Hostetler, David A., 14759 Hayes Road, Middlefield OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183,184 Kanagy, Benjamin L., 9928 Schaaf Road, Shreve OH 44676 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,38 Kanagy, Jeremiah, 9928 Schaaf Road, Shreve OH 44676 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67,172,189,228 Kanagy, Marcus, 9928 Schaaf Road, Shreve OH 44676 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,174 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 261 Kauffman Jr., Elmer E., L-Valley Belgians, 49 Lower Valley Road, Christiana PA 17509 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51,113,79 Kauffman, Benjamin, L-Valley Belgians, 54 Lower Valley Road, Christiana PA 17509 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,123 Kauffman, L. Michael, 107 Noble Road, Christiana PA 17509 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,70 Kauffman, Samuel, L-Valley Belgians, 71 Lower Valley Road, Christiana PA 17509 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Kauffman, Stephen B., L-Valley Belgians, 24 Orchard Buck Road, Christiana PA 17509 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 King, Amos M., 225 Hollow Road, Quarryville PA 17566 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 King, David K., Belmont Acres, 72 Quarry Road, Paradise PA 17562 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,111 King, David Y., 598 S Shirk Road, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232,233 King, Isaac, 629 Water Edge Road, Lititz PA 17543 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54,74,92,119,222 King, Ivan S., 597 Upper Laurel Road, Homer City PA 15748 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121,126 King, Jacob S., Belmont Acres Belgians, 903 Valley Road, Quarryville PA 17566 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 King, Sam, 46 Equitation Way, Millerstown PA 17062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,226 Kohlman, Larry and Barbara, 2132 East State Road, Port Clinton, OH 43452 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22A Lantz, Raymond, 3885 Winding Lane #A, Glenville, PA 17329 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,76 Lapp, Jr., John K., 15866 Stae Route 44, Allenwood PA 17810 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Lapp, Levi S., 3806 B Yost Road, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Lapp, Lloyd K., 314 North Hollander Road, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,99 Lynch, Brian, 293 East Street North, Goshen, CT 06756 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 MacMillian, Paul, 1910 Lillico Road, Mountain, ON, KOE150 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45,156 Maher, Peter, 2630 9/10 Sideroad RR # 1, New Lowell ON L0M 1N0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,34,82,127,219,220 Martin Jr, Paul H., 737 N Railroad Avenue, New Holland PA 17557 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153,154 Martin, John David, 228 County Line Road, Milton PA 17847 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Mast, Adam, 4198 Township Road 606, Fredericksburg OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,55 Mast, Eli J., 17258 Pioneer Road, Middlefield OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Mast, Ivan, 4198 Township Road 606, Fredericksburg OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Mast, Nevin and John, 13920 Bundysburg Road, Middlefield OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Mast, Norman I., 4198 Township Road 606, Fredericksburg OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,173,188 Miller Brothers, 8673 TR S61, Holmesville, OH 44633 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,50 Miller, Abe A., 11295 North Hill Road, Freedom NY 14065 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145,146 Miller, David W. and Laura, 723 Brittney Lane, Hartly DE 19953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Miller, Emmanuel Jr., 8014 Township Road 662, Dundee, OH 44624 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35A Miller, John and Mose, 14808 Hayes Road, Middlefield OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203, 204,213,214 Miller, Jonathan, 6656 Township Road 351, Millersburg, OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,52,194 Miller, Mr. & Mrs. William Ray, 6702 Westville Road, Hartly DE 19953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Miller, Roy A., 30 A Durlach Hill Road, Stevens PA 17578 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Miller, Wm Ray, 574 Jebb Road, Wyoming DE 19934 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Miller, William Ray Jr., 6702 Westerville Road, Hartly, DE 19953 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Peachey, David K., 9370 Big Valley Pike, Mill Creek PA 17060 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149,150,160,169,170,190,205,206 Peachey, David R., 3520 E Back Mountain Rd, Belleville PA 17004 . . . . 141,142,163,164,181,182,199,200,217,218,209,210 Peachey, Mervin J., 755 Knepp Road, Belleville PA 17004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165,166 Peachey, Simon R., 388 Belleville Lane, Belleville PA 17004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147,148,171 Ramsey, Tiffany, 242 Miller Road, Delta PA 17314 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Riehl Jr, Jacob M., 4186 Old Phila Pike, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137A,179 Sherwood Groves Farm, 41 Sherwood Dr, Tunkhannock PA 18657 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Stevens, Ellan S., 263 Waning Road, Unity ME 04988 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Stienbrick, Cole, 5910 E Port Clinton Eastern Rd, Marblehead OH 43440 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69,129 Stingle Sr., Charles L., PO Box 418, Smithfield, OH 43948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Stingle, Jr., Charles, PO Box 413, Smithfield OH 43948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Stoltzfus Jr., Elmer F., 233 Stoltzfus Lane, Mill Hall PA 17751 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101,102 262 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Stoltzfus, Christ K., Sunny Crest Beglians, 3109 A Irishtown Road, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91,115 Stoltzfus, David M., 227 Horse Drive, Rebersburg PA 16872 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,12 Stoltzfus, Jake Ervin, 442 N Hollander Road, Gordonville PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Stoltzfus, John G., 439 Byerland Church Road, Willow Street PA 17584 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116,143,144 Stoltzfus, Joseph, 1805 Mountain Road , Newburg PA 17240 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,39,49,56,112 Stoltzfus, Leon F., 2240 Fort Robinson Road, Loysville PA 17047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Stoltzfus, Lynn, 1587 Pine Hill Road, Garrett, PA 15542 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98,125 Stoltzfus, Omar and Linda, 1601 Hominy Ridge Road, Newport PA 17074 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201,202 Stoltzfus, Stephen F., 93 Ferris Lane, Loganton PA 17747 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,60 Stutzman III, Jake, 815 Trout River Road, Burke NY 12917 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Warrior Valley Farm, 3404 Pennington Road, Tyrone, PA 16686 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Weaver, Aden, 16480 Chapel Road, Danville OH 43014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167,168 Weaver, Daniel, 1273 East Side Road, Morris NY 13808 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Weaver, Steve, 9779 Schaaf Road, Shreve OH 44676 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Wynes, Reginald, PO Box 2543, Petitcodiac, NB E426H4 Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Yoder, Ben N., 3313 Township Road 182, Baltic OH 43804 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159,230,223,231 Yoder, David, 15889 Newcomb Road, Middlefield, OH 44062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Yoder, Noah J., 1937 Hazlettville Road, Dover DE 19904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211,180 Yoder, Robert, 2653 Township Road 414, Dundee OH 44624 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Zook, Jr., Jacob, 40218 Old Phila Pike, Gordonville, PA 17529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83,84 Index of Harness Horses Allgyer, Stephen, 590 Couchtown Road, Loysville PA 17047, 717-275-2219 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434 Beiler, Alvin P., 196 Blank Road, Narvon PA 17555, 717-768-8501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Beiler, Jake, New Holland, PA, 717-656-4366 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Blank, Amos, 5846 Old Phila Pike, Gap PA 17527, 717-768-7356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345,413,537 Blank, David A., 5846 Old Phila Pike, Gap PA 17527, 717-768-7350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382,443,500 Blank, Sam, 5846 Old Phila Pike, Gap PA 17527, 717-768-7350 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Blank, Samuel J., 510 Todd Rd, Honey Brook PA 19344, 610-273-7362 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Byler, Danny R., 2423 Lockwood Chapel Rd, Dover DE 19904, 302-492-3867 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 Byler, Emanuel J., 1100 Carlisle Road, Canajoharie NY 13317, 1-518-673-4812 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495 Coblentz, Mahlon, 7443 County Route 49, Belle Center OH 43310, 937-464-2544 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326,396,414 Coblentz, Paul, 7443 County Route 49, Belle Center OH 43310 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303,346,483 Detweiler Brothers, 905 McKoons Road, Richfield Springs NY 13439, 315-858-2631 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 Dienner, Michael, 448 School Lane Road, Gap PA 17527, 717-940-3042 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381,452 Ebersole, Marvin J., 73 Hess Road, Leola PA 17540 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439,516 Erb, Levi, 3420 TR 166 Sugarcreek, OH, 44681 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385 Esh Jr., Daniel, 1205 West Valley Rd, Loganton PA 17747, 570-725-2559 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Esh, Amos, 7034 Raccoon Valley Rd, Millerstown PA 17062, 717-438-0283 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541,502 Esh, Samuel B., 555 Darrow Road, Sprakers NY 12166, 518-673-2663 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 Fisher, David K., 726 Mount Vernon Road, Gap PA 17527, 717-442-2979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379 Fisher, John S., 280 Buel Road, Canajoharie NY 13317, 1-518-673-4812 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497 Fisher, Matthew, 27 Enola Road, Newburg PA 17240 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 Fisher, Mose and King, Pete, 12552 Mongull Hill Road, Shippensburg PA 17257, 717-658-2800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Fisher, Mose, 12552 Mongull Hill Road, Shippensburg PA 17257, 717-658-2800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310,404 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 263 Fisher, Reuben, 133 B Buckwalter Road, Lancaster PA 17602, 717-394-4422 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Fisher, Sam Jay, Susquehanna Stables, 1348 Elimsport Road, Montgomery PA 17752, 570-547-2868 . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 Gingerich, Amos and Gingerich, Eli, 940 Hickox/Ulysses Rd, Ulysses PA 16948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410 Gingerich, Amos, 940 Hickox/Ulysses Rd, Ulysses PA 16948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304,501 Gingerich, Eli, 569 West Street, Ulysses PA 16948 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329,341 Gingerich, Mahlon D., 127 Collins Hill Road, Ulysses PA 16948, 814-720-4596 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Glick, John M., 96 Hopkins Mill Road, New Providence PA 17560, 717-786-3601 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363,464 Herschberger, John O., 1206 County Road 1575 E, Sullivan IL 61951, 217-259-9099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320,421,506 Hershberger, Adam, 11692 State Route 19, Fillmore NY 14735, 1-585-567-4757 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490 Hershberger, Albert R. , 15780 Body Road, Danville OH 43014, 740-599-6607 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357,454,467 Hershberger, Ervin, 1870 Boggs Road, Patriot OH 45658 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322,400,525 Hershberger, Johnny E., 13871 Lawnfield Street, Beach City OH 44608, 330-359-5267ext.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360,476 Hershberger, Jonas A., 28680 Black Road, Danville OH 43014, 330-567-2233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442,469 Hershberger, Levi A., 8546 Township Road 635, Fredericksburg OH 44627 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 Hershberger, Menno Ray, 2299 Dinah’s Corner Road, Dover DE 19904, 302-735-9857 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393,504 Hershberger, Nelson, 4954 Township Road 117, Baltic OH 43804, 330-275-9822 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475 Hershberger, Paul, Starcrest Stables, Arthur, IL, 217-543-2092 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514 Hoover, James W., 1215 Swengle Road, Mifflinburg PA 17844, 570-966-8710 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Jess, Glen, Starcrest Stables, Arthur, IL, 217-543-2092 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394 Kanagy, Emanuel L., 323 Peight’s Store Lane, Belleville PA 17004, 717-935-2950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 King Jr., Elam, 400 Gooseberry Lane, Honey Brook PA 19344, 610-273-7434 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 King Jr., John L., 745 E Millport Road, Leola PA 17540, 717-989-0205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305,335,534 King, David E., 958 Eisenberger Road, Strasburg PA 17579, 717-368-5193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 King, Rebecca Sue, 745 E Millport Road, Leola PA 17540, 717-627-0275 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Kuhns, Marvin, 433 Cramer Road, Kennerdell,PA, 16374 1-814-316-6637 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492 Lantz, Aaron, 2348 Rockvale Road, Lancaster PA 17602, 717-951-4118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368,426,505 Lantz, Ervin Lee, 268 Hollow Road, Gordonville PA 17529, 717-847-3859 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489 Lapp, Aaron, 8362 Sulphur Springs Road, Allenwood PA 17810, 570-547-6602 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 Martin, John & Matt, 146 Mill Road, Ephrata PA 17522, 717-354-6216 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321,422,507 Mast, Aden and Horst, Glenn, 505 Stryker Road, Avoca NY 14809 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Mast, Aden and Horst, Glenn, 2592 County House Road, Penn Yan NY 14527, 315-536-5997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Mast, Aden and Zimmermann, Nelson, 505 Stryker Road, Avoca NY 14809 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336,407 Mast, Lavern, 5328 St Paul Church Road, Hamptonville NC 27020, 336-468-4711 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Mast, Vernon, 6354 State Route 39, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-674-7817 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 Miller, Aaron and Mike, Dundee, OH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 Miller, Aaron, 10088 County Road 329, Holmesville OH 44633, 330-567-2233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Miller, Abe A., 11295 North Hill Road, Freedom NY 14065, 585-567-4375 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402,473,522 Miller, Abe N., 29952 CR 10, Fresno, OH, 43824 740-545-7059 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364,463 Miller, Daniel O., 57 Henry Road, Rossiter, PA 15772 814-249-3152 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 Miller, David & Melvin E., 3962 US 62, Dundee OH 44624, 330-893-2937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515 Miller, David and Rob, 1732 JB Ball Lane, Webster, KY, 40176, 270-668-5316 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Miller, David E., 6904 County Road 672, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-231-7135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Miller, Eli H., 8521 Clover Road NE, Mechanicstown OH 44651, 330-717-2174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Miller, Emery A., 7792 Frease Road, Fredericksburg OH 44627, 330-466-6974 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397,511 Miller, Eric Lee, 6904 County Road 672, Millersburg, OH 44654 330-231-7135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470 Miller, Ervin, 7472 CR 77, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-260-5007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383 Miller, Ivan R., 1610 TWP RD 183, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-893-0252 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314,334,455 Miller, Jesse, 9252 County Road 186, Dundee OH 44624, 330-359-5939 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432 Miller, John M., 10088 CR 329, Holmesville, OH 44633, 330-567-2233 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 264 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Miller, Kevin Lynn, 6904 CR 672, Millersburg, OH, 330-231-7135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416 Miller, Lamar, 3130 Township Road 157, Sugarcreek OH 44681, 330-893-3138 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Miller, Melvin E., 3962 US 62, Dundee OH 44624, 330-893-2937 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424,456 Miller, Randy, Sugarcreek, OH, 330-340-8259 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338,392,513 Miller, Rob and Matt, 8501 Frenchtown Road, Guys Mills PA 16327, 814-795-3668 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308,328,529 Miller, Roy N., 1610 Township Road 183, Baltic OH 43804, 330-897-3410 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405,440,527 Miller, Seth and Daniel, 8327 Williamson Road, Meadville, PA 16335, 814-724-5993 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Miller, Wayne E., 3962 US 62, Dundee OH 44624 , 330-231-7135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Mullet, Bill, 5183 Aurora Road, Mechanicstown OH 44651, 330-936-4086 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 Mullet, Marcus, 3420 Township Road 166, Sugarcreek OH 44681, 330-852-2826 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301,399,488 P.Y. Stables, 5806 County Road 19, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-600-0183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365,375,478 Peachey Brothers, 95 Stone Barn Lane, Belleville PA 17004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378,427 Peachey, Benjamin L., 698 School House Road, Belleville PA 17004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 Peachey, Elmer, 145 Rolling Hill Lane, Allensville PA 17002, 717-483-9970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Peachey, Samuel, 720 School House Road, Belleville PA 17004, 814-386-8905 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Petersheim, Marlin, 626 Mount Vernon Road, Gap PA 17527, 717-617-9652 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499 Pine Acres Farm, 7443 CR 49 Belle Center, OH 43310, 937-464-9243 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340,453,535 Raber, Allen & Hochstetler, Eli, 5083 Township Road 351, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-674-2890 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477 Raber, Allen A., 5083 Township Road 351, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356,458 Raber, Andrew A., 5125 County Road 172, Sugarcreek OH 44681, 330-852-3198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Raber, David, 5495 CR 22 Fredericktown, OH 43019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Raber, Ivan, 4205 TR 629 Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-600-4251 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311,532 Raber, John, 4213 Township Road 629, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337,408,415 Riehl Jr, Jacob M., 4186 Old Phila Pike, Gordonville PA 17529, 717-768-0549 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436,474 Riehl, Matthew L, 1064 W Kings Highway, Coatesville PA 19320, 610-857-5698 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 Rocky Ridge Stables, 247 S Poole Forge Road, Narvon PA 17555, 717-989-2026 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353,459,479 Schlabach, Jesse, 4708 Hunting Creek Church Road, Hamptonville NC 27020, 336-468-4311 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498 Shetler, David E., 3982 State Road 39, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-275-0722 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366,447 Shetler, Emanuel J., 11596 Purdy Road, Fillmore NY 14735, 1-585-567-2775 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307,344,409 Shetler, Levi, Fillmore, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 Shetler, Raymond & Rosa, 1261 Dora Road, Punxutawney PA 15767, 814-590-0554 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398,449,509 Shetler, Willie, Fillmore, NY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540 Stoltzfus Jr., John. K., 126 South Greffdale Road Leola, PA, 17540 717-656-7364 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361,462 Stoltzfus, Allen, 5588 Old Phila Pike, Gap PA 17527, 717-380-4502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318,419,520 Stoltzfus, Daniel M., 50 Hillside Lane, Blain PA 17006, 717-395-7506 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389,395,510 Stoltzfus, David F., 46 Embick Lane, Loganton PA 17747, 570-725-3879 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 Stoltzfus, David, 6597 Raccoon Valley Road Millerstown, PA 17062, 717-438-3432 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417 Stoltzfus, Jason, 599 Lyons Road, Millerstown PA 17062, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365A,460A Stoltzfus, Jay (Stoltzfus Bro.), 11119 Buffalo Trace, Millerstown PA 17062, 717-480-4583 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348,512 Stoltzfus, Mahlon (Stoltzfus Bro.), 599 Lyons Road, Millerstown PA 17062, 717-480-4583 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324,339,531 Stoltzfus, Melvin Lee, 6597 Racoon Valley Rd, Millerstown PA 17062, 717-438-3432 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316,517 Stoltzfus, Meryl (Stoltzfus Bros.), 355 Lyons Road, Millerstown PA 17062, 717-480-4583 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302,481 Swarey, Aaron, 12770 Dachenbach Lane, Mill Creek PA 17060 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Troyer, David D., 15946 Newcomb Road, Middlefield OH 44062, 717-658-2800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332,390,542 Troyer, Derrick, 909 Hickory Drive, Sugarcreek OH 44681, 330-852-3227 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325,482,536 Troyer, Firman, 6184 County Road 77, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Troyer, Matt, 11950 Hunt Road, Huntsburg, OH 44046, 717-806-6708 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Troyer, Matthew and Troyer, Willis, 104 Equine Acres Lane, Mifflintown PA 17059, 717-535-5901 . . . . . . . . 317,418,524 Troyer, Matthew M., 5501 Township Road 605, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-674-2531 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 265 Troyer, Reuben, 3430 County Road 70, Sugarcreek OH 44681, 330-893-0906 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 Troyer, Roy L., 6274 County Road 77, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343,411,530 Weaver, Duane, 5127 Township Road 351, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-674-1777 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309,380,423 Weaver, Junior & Ivan, 4929 County Road 207, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-893-3300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323,401,508 Weaver, Mark, 158 Meadow Valley Road, Ephrata PA 17522, 717-738-0671 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358,466 Willow Run Farm, 133 B Buckwalter Eoad, Lancaster, PA 17602, 717-344-0727 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359,468 Yoder, Aaron A., 17784 Harrison Road SW, Navarre OH 44662, 330-359-2852 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391,503 Yoder, Andrew, 3416 Yoder Drive, Dover DE 19904, 302-735-4588 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425,433,472,523 Yoder, Atlee, 5806 County Road 19, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-674-0305 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354,460,480 Yoder, David, 8073 Township Road 652, Millersburg OH 44654, 330-600-1128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362,461 Yoder, Ivan, 47650 Township Road 218, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352,457 Yoder, Joseph, 373 Seventy Road, Burke NY 12917, 518-483-0727 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Yoder, Junior, 1798 County Road 168, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-201-3394 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367,386 Yoder, Lavern J., 1355 County Road 140, Sugarcreek OH 44681, 330-852-4062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349,403 Yoder, Lavon, CR 140 Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521 Yoder, Marty, Rossiter, PA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Yoder, Mervin Lee, 283 Jacobs Road, Narvon PA 17555, 717-768-8070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444,496 Yoder, Owen, Scenic Acres DHH, Millersburg, OH, 330-893-1175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355,465 Yoder, Robert D., 4208 Township Road 629, Millersburg OH 44654 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Yoder, Steven, Morehead Acres, 7934 Township Road 551, Holmesville OH 44633, 330-231-3854 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388 Zimmerman, Jay, 893 Plymouth East Road, Greenwich OH 44837, 419-752-0278 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319,420,519 Index of Advertisers All Breed Stallion Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Allen Stoltzfus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Alpha Star Morgans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Backyard and Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 Beiler’s MFG. & Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Belgian Draft Horse Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bowman Equine Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 Broadmor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Carriage Machine Shop LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Chester County Fencing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 Chupp Blacksmith Shop LTD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 C-Mor Cart Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100,101 Conrad & Jolene Yoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Country Lane Coach Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Divine Equine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Double M Friesians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Draft Horse Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Dublin Valley Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Dutch Country Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 East Coast Harness Horse Sale LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Elk Creek Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Equi-lete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 266 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • Equine Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Fairview Coach Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 Fisher’s Harness Shop LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Health E Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Heartland Equine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Horizon Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Horse Progress Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 I&J MFG. LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Keystone Harness Horse Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Lapp’s Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Mars Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Miller Wheel Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Millers Scotch Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Morgan Cross Horse Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Mountainside Horseshoeing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Never Done Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 New Holland Sales Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside Back Cover Oregon Ag LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Peach Lane Harness Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Pine Hollow Horse Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Pine Tree Harness Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Ridgeview Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Rigidply Rafters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Robert & Rosanna Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Rocky Ridge Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 S&I Pump Crete LLC/S&S Silo Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Samannco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Shaving Barn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 ShowEase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Springhill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Front Cover SpringHill Suites/Hampton Inn & Suites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Suncrest Acres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Sunny Side Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 Sunrise Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Superior Morgan Horse Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Titus & Edwin Nolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Trail Livestock Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Unique Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Weavertown Coach Shop LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 White Horse Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 WR Stables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Yonie’s Harness Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE • 267 Notes 268 • PENNSYLVANIA DRAFT HORSE SALE •
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