HRM`s Historic Communities
HRM`s Historic Communities
HRM’s Historic Communities The following is a selection of materials on the history of the communities that make up Halifax Regional Municipality (Halifax County). The official spelling of these communities has been taken from the Gazetteer of Canada: Nova Scotia (1993). For a brief history of all communities, or for ones not listed below, consult the titles listed in General Works. This list does not include travel guides, institutional histories, or major events within a community. General Works Africville Antrim Armdale Bald Rock Bayer Settlement Beaver Bank Beaver Harbour Bedford Birch Cove Black Point Blind Bay Boutiliers Point Brookvale Caribou Gold Mines Chaplin Chaswood Cherry Brook Chezzetcook Clam Harbour Cole Harbour Cooks Brook Cow Bay Crystal Crescent Dartmouth Dean DeBaies Cove Devils Island Dover, East and West Duncans Cove Dutch Settlement Eastern Passage Ecum Secum Elderbank Elmsvale Fairview Fall River Fergusons Cove French Village Georges Island Glen Haven Glen Margaret Glenmore Goffs Hacketts Cove Halifax Hammonds Plains Harrietsfield Harrigan Cove Head of St. Margarets Bay Herring Cove Higginsville Hubbards Hubley Hutchison Settlement Indian Harbour Ingramport Jeddore (East, West, & Head) Jollimore Ketch Harbour Lake Charlotte Lake Egmont Lawlor Island Lawrencetown Lay Lake Lindsay Lake Little Harbour McNabs Island Meaghers Grant Middle Musquodoboit Moosehead Mooseland Moose River Moose River Gold Mines Moser River Murphys Cove Mushaboom Musquodoboit Harbour Necum Teuch Newcomb Corner Oakfield Ostrea Lake Owls Head Harbour Oyster Pond Peggys Cove Pennant Petpeswick Harbour Pleasant Point Pleasant Valley Popes Harbour Port Dufferin Porters Lake Portuguese Cove Preston Prospect Purcells Cove Queensland Quoddy Sable Island Sackville (Upper, Middle & Lower) Sambro Seabright Sheet Harbour Ship Harbour South Section Spry Bay Spryfield Tangier Tantallon Terence Bay Upper Lakeville Upper Musquodoboit Watt Section Waverley Windsor Junction Wyses Corner HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) General Works: Nova Scotia Variant Place Names, by Dorothy Cooke. Halifax: Dalhousie University: School of Library Service, 1986. One City, Many Communities, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1999. Place Names and Places of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1967. Place Names of Atlantic Canada, by William B. Hamilton. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996. Place-Names of the Province of Nova Scotia, by Thomas J. Brown. [Halifax: s.n.], 1922. Sketches and Traditions of the Northwest Arm, by John W. Regan. Willowdale: Hounslow, 1978. Bald Rock “Fishing, Military Settled Shoreline Communities,” by Peter Saulnier. Chebucto News 1, no. 5 (1999): 5. Bayer Settlement Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l]: The Society, 1982. Beaver Bank Cries at Kinsac Corner: and Other Legends. Halifax: Privately printed, 1977?. Africville Africville: The Life and Death of a Canadian Black Community, by Donald H. Clairmont. Historic Sackville, by Robert Paton Harvey. Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1999. Historical Recordings of Beaver Bank, 17981968, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, by The Spirit of Africville. Halifax: Formac, 1992. Maribelle Smiley. [s.l. : Maribelle Smiley, 1971?]. For a complete listing of materials on Africville, please see the African Nov a Scotians resource list. Beaver Harbour Antrim Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Armdale Beyond the North West Arm: A Local History of Williams’ Lake, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Heather Watts. [s.l. : s.n.], 1994. Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. The Little Dutch Village: Armdale and Fairview, by Devonna Edwards. Halifax: Nimbus, 2003. Halifax’s Northwest Arm: An Illustrated History, by Heather Watts. Halifax: Formac 2003 Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Antigonish: Formac, 1979. Bedford Birch Cove: Fact and Fancy. Halifax: Halifax School Board, 1980. The Captain, The Colonel and Me: Bedford, Nova Scotia Since 1503 by Elsie Churchill Tolson. Bedford: Fort Sackville Foundation Press, 1996. Cries at Kinsac Corner: and Other Legends. Halifax: Privately printed, 1977?. Footprints Around and About Bedford Basin: A District Brimful of Romantic Associations: Some Interesting Facts About Its Early History, by George Mullane. [s.l. : s.n., 19–?]. Growing Up in Bedford, 1914-1930, by Marion Robb Christie. Bedford: Marion Christie, 2000. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Birch Cove Chaplin “Birch Cove” in Report of Historic Sites Advisory Council, by the Province of Nova Scotia, 5. Halifax: Queen’s Printer, 1957. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Birch Cove: Fact and Fancy. Halifax: Halifax Chaswood School Board, 1980. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Footprints Around and About Bedford Basin: A District Brimful of Romantic Associations: Some Interesting Facts About Its Early History, by George Mullane. [s.l. : s.n., 19–?]. Cherry Brook Black Point St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Blind Bay Haulin’ in the Family Net: Terence Bay, Prospect, Shad Bay, Blind Bay, Dover, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. Struggle For Development: The Black Communities of North and East Preston and Cherry Brook, Nova Scotia, 1784-1987, by Mohamed Hagi Abucar. Dartmouth: Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, 1988. Chezzetcook Acadian Life in Chezzetcook, by Ronald Labelle. Lawrencetown: Pottersfield Press, 1995. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l]: The Society, 1982. Boutiliers Point Genealogies of the Families of Chezzetcook, 12 Volumes, by F.J. Melanson. Halifax: F.J. St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Melanson, 1981-82. Brookvale Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. : s.n.], 1977. Caribou Gold Mines Caribou Gold Mines, 1864-1990, by Eleanor Clam Harbour M. Belmore. Upper Musquodoboit: E.M. Belmore, 1990. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Markland in Nova Scotia. Caribou Gold Haulin’ in the Family Net: Ship Harbour, Owl’s Head, Little Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Clam Harbour, Lake Charlotte, Clam Bay, by Mines: The Icelandic Memorial Society of Nova Scotia, 2000. [videorecording]. Markland Remembrance of the Years 18751881, by Gudbrandur Erlendsson. Upper Musquodoboit: Icelandic Memorial Society of Nova Scotia, 2000. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. More Tales of the Yesteryears. Book Two, by Mrs E.S. Williams. W.Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1980. Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1977. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Cole Harbour A Goodly Heritage: Memories of North End Dartmouth, Early 1900s, by Ian K. Forsyth. Along the Cole Harbour Road: A Journey Through 1765-2003, by Harry Chapman. Dartmouth: Dartmouth Historical Assoc., 2002. Dartmouth: Cole Harbour Rural Heritage Society, 2003. by Mike Parker. Halifax: Nimbus, 1998. Cole Harbour Pioneers, Volume One: The Giles Family, by Rod. Nixon. Cole Harbour: Rod and Frances Nixon, 1980. Cole Harbour 1749-1992: An Historical Perspective, by Victor L. Settle. Cole Harbour: Historic Dartmouth: Reflections of Early Life, History of Dartmouth and Halifax Harbour, 1415-1800, by Douglas William Trider. Dartmouth: Douglas Trider, 1999. History of Dartmouth/District Families and Halifax Harbour, 1800 to1850, by Douglas The Author, 1995. William Trider. Dartmouth: Douglas Trider, 2001. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: History of Dartmouth/District Families and Halifax Harbour, 1851 to 1873, by Douglas Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. A Tale of Two Dykes: The Story of Cole Harbour, by Margaret Kuhn Campbell. Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1979. Cooks Brook Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. William Trider. Dartmouth: Douglas Trider, 2003. History of Dartmouth/District Families and Halifax Harbour, 1873 to 1900, by Douglas William Trider. Dartmouth: Douglas Trider, 2003. History of the Townships of Dartmouth, Preston and Lawrencetown, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, by Mary Jane Lawson. Halifax: Morton and Co., 1893. Cow Bay Haulin’ in the Family Net: McNab’s Island, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay, Devil’s Island, Lawlor’s Island, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. The View From Here: An Oral History of Eastern Passage, 1864-1945, by Joe Brown. Shearwater: Shearwater Development Corporation, 1998. Crystal Crescent A Vanished Village: Crystal Crescent, Formerly, Coote Cove, by H. Millard Wright. [S.l.: s.n., 1999. Dartmouth A Dartmouth Bibliography, 1750-1961, by In the Wake of the Alderney: Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, 1750-2000, by Harry Chapman. Dartmouth: Dartmouth Historical Association, 2000. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Stories of Dartmouth: The Babes in the Wood, with a Road Guide to the Graves of the Children at Woodlawn, by John Patrick Martin. Halifax: [s.n.], 1944. The Story of Dartmouth, by John Patrick Martin. Dartmouth: J. Martin, 1957. The Story of the Dartmouth Park, by G.S. Gosley. Dartmouth: [s.n., 1985?]. Fiona Black. Halifax: School of Library and Information Studies, 1992. Dean Dartmouth Nova Scotia: The Great Harbour . Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Halifax: John Quinpool, 1942. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) DeBaies Cove Haulin’ in the Family Net: Ship Harbour, Owl’s Head, Little Harbour, DeBaies Cove, Clam Harbour, Lake Charlotte, Clam Bay, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. Devils Island “Devil’s Island” by Kate Langan. The Beaver (August-September, 1998): 34-39. Haulin’ in the Family Net: McNab’s Island, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay, Devil’s Island, Lawlor’s Island, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. “Summer on the Island” by Kate Langan. Shunpiking 3, no. 4 (1998): 6-7. Time in a Bottle: Historic Halifax Harbour from the Bottom Up, by Robert Chaulk. East Lawrencetown: Pottersfield Press, 2002. Dover, East and West Haulin’ in the Family Net: Terence Bay, Prospect, Shad Bay, Blind Bay, Dover, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. The History of Indian Harbour, by Lillian Crooks. Indian Harbour: Lillian Crooks, 2004. Duncans Cove “Fishing, Military Settled Shoreline Communities,” by Peter Saulnier. Chebucto News 1, no. 5 (1999): 5. Sketches and Traditions of the Northwest Arm, by John W. Regan. Willowdale: Hounslow Press, 1978. Eastern Passage Haulin’ in the Family Net: McNab’s Island, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay, Devil’s Island, Lawlor’s Island, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. History of Eastern Passage. [s.l.]: Dartmouth Patriot, 1901. The View From Here: An Oral History of Eastern Passage, 1864-1945, by Joe Brown. Shearwater: Shearwater Devel. Corp., 1998. Ecum Secum Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Antigonish: Formac, 1979. Elderbank Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Recollections of Little River-Elderbank, 1783-1983. Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1984. Elmsvale Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Fairview Haulin’ in the Family Net: Sambro, Ketch Harbour, Pennant, Duncan’s Cove, Portuguese Cove, Ferguson’s Cove, by Linda “Birch Cove” in Report of Historic Sites Advisory Council, by the Province of Nova Scotia, 5. Halifax: Queen’s Printer, 1957. Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Birch Cove: Fact and Fancy. Halifax: Halifax Dutch Settlement “The Estates and Haunts of Dutch Village”, by Terry Punch. Nova Scotia Historical Quarterly Special Supplement (1975):1-17. The Little Dutch Village: Armdale & Fairview, by Devonna Edwards. Halifax: Nimbus, 2003. School Board, 1980. Footprints Around and About Bedford Basin: A District Brimful of Romantic Associations: Some Interesting Facts About Its Early History, by George Mullane. [S.l: s.n., 19_?]. The Little Dutch Village: Armdale and Fairview, by Devonna Edwards. Halifax: Nimbus, 2003. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Fall River Dear Reader: The History of Fall River and Windsor Junction. Hantsport: Lancelot, 1989. The Way It Used to Be: The Stories of Fall River and Windsor Junction. Fall River: Historical Society of Fall River and Windsor Junction, 1997. Fergusons Cove Haulin’ in the Family Net: Sambro, Ketch Harbour, Pennant, Duncan’s Cove, Portuguese Cove, Ferguson’s Cove, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. French Village St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Halifax Beyond the North West Arm: A Local History of Williams’ Lake, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Heather Watts. [s.l : s.n.], 1994. Chapters in the History of Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton. [s.l. : s.n.], 1915-1919. Chronology of Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Brent Robson. Halifax: Halifax Regional Municipality Corporate Library, 2000. The Dark Side of Life in Victorian Halifax, by As the Last Leaf Fell: From Montbéliard to the Head of Saint Margaret’s Bay: An Illustrated History, by Barbara Peart. Judith Fingard. Porter’s Lake: Pottersfield Press, 1989. Tantallon: Barbara Peart, 2001. Edwardian Halifax: Postcard Glimpses of an Era, 1900-1920, by Dan Soucoup. Halifax: St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Georges Island Nimbus, 1998. Fortress Halifax: Portrait of a Garrison Town, by Mike Parker. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. Georges Island: The Keep of Halifax Harbour, by Dianne Marshall. Halifax: Nimbus, Glimpses of Halifax, 1867-1900, by Phyllis R. 2003. Glen Haven Halifax and Its People, 1749-1999: Images from the Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management . Halifax: Nimbus, 1999. St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax, Cornerstone of Canada, by Joan M. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Glen Margaret St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Glenmore Blakeley. Halifax: The Archives, 1949. Payzant. Burlington: Windsor Publications, 1985. Halifax, the First 250 Years, by Judith Fingard. Halifax: Formac, 1999. Halifax, Warden of the North, by Thomas Head. Raddall. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1948. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Halifax’s North End: An Anthropologist Looks at the City, by Paul A. Erickson. Goffs Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1986. History Along the Old Guysborough Road, by Halifax’s Northwest Arm: An Illustrated History, by Heather Watts. Halifax: Formac, M. Noreen E. Gray. Enfield: The Authors, 1987. 2003. Hacketts Cove The History of Indian Harbour, by Lillian Crooks. Indian Harbour: Lillian Crooks, 2004. Halifax: South End, by James Cornall. Charleston: Arcadia, 1998. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Halifax (cont.) Historic Halifax, by Elizabeth Pacey. Willowdale: Hounslow Press, 1988. Historic North End Halifax, by Paul A. Erickson. Halifax: Nimbus, 2004. History of Halifax City, by Thomas Beamish Akins. Halifax: [s.n.], 1895. In Halifax Town: On Going For a Walk in Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Louis Collins. Halifax: L.Collins, 1975. The Little Dutch Village: Armdale & Fairview, by Devonna Edwards. Halifax: Nimbus, 2003. Point Pleasant Park: An Illustrated History, “Harrietsfield’s History Contained Entertainment Elements”, by Peter Saulnier. Chebucto News 6, no 1 (1999): 3. Memories of Harrietsfield: A Series of Articles, by Eric Salmonson. [Halifax: Mainland South Heritage Society], 2001. “The Settling of Harrietsfield”, by Peter Saulnier. Chebucto News 1, no. 4 (1999): 4. Harrigan Cove Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Formac: Antigonish, 1979. by Janet Kitz. Halifax: Pleasant Point Publishing, 1999. Head of St. Margarets Bay Sketches and Traditions of the Northwest Arm, by John W. Regan. Willowdale: Hounslow, 1978. As the Last Leaf Fell: From Montbéliard to the Head of Saint Margaret’s Bay: An Illustrated History, by Barbara Peart. Time in a Bottle: Historic Halifax Harbour from the Bottom Up, by Robert Chaulk. East St. Margaret’s Bay: A History, by Alfreda Tantallon: Barbara Peart, 2001. Lawrencetown: Pottersfield Press, 2002. Withrow. [Halifax], Four East Publications, 1985. Hammonds Plains St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. “Black Refugee Communities in Early Nineteenth Century Nova Scotia”, by Harvey Amani Whitfield. Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 6 (2003): 92-109. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. St. Margaret’s Bay Heritage Calendar. [s.l. : District 1 Volunteer Fire Department, 198?]. “Early Pioneers”: A Heritage of Faith and Courage, Upper Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia. [s.l. : s.n.], 1978. Herring Cove Hammonds Plains: The First Hundred Years, Halifax: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. by Dorothy Bezanson Evans. Halifax: Bounty Print, 1993. Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. Harrietsfield Then and Now: Research by the Students of Herring Cove Junior High School Into the History of the Local Area. Halifax: Norman Beyond the North West Arm: A Local History of Williams Lake, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Higginsville Heather Watts. [S.l: s.n.], 1994. Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. Wade Ltd, [198?]. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Hubbards Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1977. St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Hubley St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Hutchison Settlement Reminiscence, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1976. Tales of the Yesteryears. Book One , by Mrs. E.S. Williams. W. Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1979. Jollimore Beyond the North West Arm: A Local History of Williams’ Lake, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Heather Watts. [s.l: s.n.], 1994. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l.: s.n., 198?]. Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. Indian Harbour [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. The History of Indian Harbour, by Lillian Crooks. Indian Harbour: Lillian Crooks, 2004. Sketches and Traditions of the Northwest Arm, by John W. Regan. Willowdale: Hounslow St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Press, 1978. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Ketch Harbour Ingramport Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Jeddore (East, West and Head) Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Backward Glances, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1979. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Oyster Pond, Upper Lakeville, West Jeddore, East Jeddore, Head Jeddore, by Linda Gray- LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. More Tales of the Yesteryears. Book Two, by Mrs E.S. Williams. W.Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1980. “Fishing, Military Settled Shoreline Communities”, by Peter Saulnier. Chebucto News 1, no. 5 (1999): 5. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Sambro, Ketch Harbour, Pennant, Duncan’s Cove, Portuguese Cove, Ferguson’s Cove, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Lake Charlotte Haulin’ in the Family Net: Ship Harbour, Owl’s Head, Little Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Clam Harbour, Lake Charlotte, Clam Bay, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. Lake Egmont Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Lawlors Island McNab’s Island, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia: An Historical Overview, by Brian Haulin’ in the Family Net: McNab’s Island, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay, Devil’s Island, Lawlor’s Island, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Kinsman. Halifax: Nova Scotia Dept. of Natural Resources, 1996. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. View from the Bucket, by Jean Redekopp. McNabs Island, Halifax Harbour, Nova Scotia: An Historical Overview, by Brian Kinsman. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, 1996. Time in a Bottle: Historic Halifax Harbour from the Bottom Up, by Robert Chaulk. East Frederiction: Maritimes Arts Projects Productions, 1996. Meaghers Grant Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Lawrencetown: Pottersfield Press, 2002. Middle Musquodoboit Lawrencetown Leaves from the Whip-Handle Tree, by E.M. History of the Townships of Dartmouth, Preston and Lawrencetown, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, by Mary Jane Lawson. Halifax: Morton and Co., 1893. Deyarmond. [s.l. : s.n.], 1974. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Lay Lake Musquodoboit Pioneers: A Record of Seventy Families, Their Homesteads and Genealogies, 1780-1980, by Jennie Reid. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Musquodoboit: Musquodoboit Enterprises Historical Committee, 1980. Lindsay Lake Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Little Harbour Haulin’ in the Family Net: Ship Harbour, Owl’s Head, Little Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Clam Harbour, Lake Charlotte, Clam Bay, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. McNabs Island Discover McNab’s Island. Halifax: Friends of Reflections of the Halifax County Exhibition: A History of the Halifax County Exhibition and the Middle Musquodoboit Agricultural Society . [s.l., Middle Musq. Agricultural Society, 2002]. The Whip-Handle Tree, by E. M. Deyarmond. [s.l. : s.n.], 1972. Moosehead Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Formac: Antigonish, 1979. McNabs Island Society, 1995. Mooseland Haulin’ in the Family Net: McNab’s Island, Eastern Passage, Cow Bay, Devil’s Island, Lawlor’s Island, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Markland Remembrance of the Years 18751881, by Gudbrandur Erlendsson. Dartmouth: Print Atlantic, 2000. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Moose River Musquodoboit Harbour It Happened at Moose River, by David E. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Stephens. Windsor: Lancelot Press, 1974. Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., [198?]. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Moose River Gold Mines A History of Moose River Gold Mines: Its People, Its Mines and Its Times, by Forrest C. Higgins. Amherst: Modern Memoirs Pub., 2002. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore, by the Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., [198?]. Moser River Necum Teuch History of Moser’s River and Other Stories, by Winifred Lowe. Nova Scotia: W. Lowe, 1978. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Formac: Antigonish, 1979. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Formac: Antigonish, 1979. Newcomb Corner Murphys Cove Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Oakfield Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. “Oakfield and Its Founder”, by Margaret Laurie. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Pope’s Harbour, Murphy’s Cove, Spry Harbour, Mushaboom, Tangier, Spry Bay, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society Volume 24, (1938):175-190. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Ostrea Lake Mushaboom Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Tales of the Yesteryears. Book One , by Mrs. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Pope’s Harbour, Murphy’s Cove, Spry Harbour, Mushaboom, Tangier, Spry Bay, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Owls Head Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. E.S. Williams. W. Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1979. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Owls Head (cont.) Pennant Haulin’ in the Family Net: Ship Harbour, Owl’s Head, Little Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Clam Harbour, Lake Charlotte, Clam Bay, by Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. : s.n.], 1977. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Sambro, Ketch Harbour, Pennant, Duncan’s Cove, Portuguese Cove, Ferguson’s Cove, by Linda Oyster Pond Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. Backward Glances, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1979. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Petpeswick Harbour Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Oyster Pond, Upper Lakeville, West Jeddore, East Jeddore, Head Jeddore, by Linda Gray- LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. More Tales of the Yesteryears. Book Two, by Mrs E.S. Williams. W.Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1980. Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. Pleasant Point Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Tales of the Yesteryears. Book One , by Mrs. E.S. Williams. W. Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1979. Pleasant Valley Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. : s.n.], 1977. Popes Harbour Reminiscence, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. 1976. Tales of the Yesteryears. Book One , by Mrs. E.S. Williams. W. Jeddore: G.E. Forsythe, 1979. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Pope’s Harbour, Murphy’s Cove, Spry Harbour, Mushaboom, Tangier, Spry Bay, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc . Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Peggys Cove The History of Indian Harbour, by Lillian Crooks. Indian Harbour: Lillian Crooks, 2004. Peggy’s Cove, by John Frederick Bligh Livesay. Toronto: Ryerson, 1944. Peggy’s Cove: Its People, Its Beauty and Its History. Halifax: Global Video Inc, 1991 [videorecording]. St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Port Dufferin Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. Hartling. Formac: Antigonish, 1979. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Porters Lake Quoddy History of Porter’s Lake, by Lena Ferguson. Where Broad Atlantic Surges Roll: A History of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Necum Teuch, and Ecum Secum , by Phillip L. West Chezzetcook: L. Ferguson, 1990. Portuguese Cove Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Sambro, Ketch Harbour, Pennant, Duncan’s Cove, Portuguese Cove, Ferguson’s Cove, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Preston “Black Refugee Communities in Early Nineteenth Century Nova Scotia”, by Harvey Amani Whitfield. Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 6 (2003): 92-109. Hartling. Formac: Antigonish, 1979. Sable Island A Dune Adrift: The Strange Origins and Curious History of Sable Island , by Marq de Villiers. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 2004. Sable Island, by Bruce Armstrong. Toronto: Doubleday Canada, 1981. Sable Island, Its History and Phenomena, by George Geddie Patterson. Toronto: Canadiana House, 1984. Sable Island Shipwrecks: Disaster and Survival at the North Atlantic Graveyard, by Lyall Campbell. Halifax: Nimbus, 1994. History of the Townships of Dartmouth, Preston and Lawrencetown, Halifax County, Nova Scotia, by Mary Jane Lawson. Halifax: Shifting Sands, by Jack Zinck. Dartmouth: T & Morton and Co., 1893. Sackville (Upper, Middle and Lower) Struggle For Development: The Black Communities of North and East Preston and Cherry Brook, Nova Scotia, 1784-1987, by Cries at Kinsac Corner: And Other Legends. Mohamed Hagi Abucar. Dartmouth: Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia, 1988. Prospect Fourteen Decades in Prospect , 1794-1929. Halifax: Edward J. McCarthy, 1929. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Terence Bay, Prospect, Shad Bay, Blind Bay, Dover, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. T Pub. Co., 1979. Halifax: Privately Printed, 1977?. Historic Sackville, by Robert Paton Harvey. Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. “Where Currant Bushes Grew: An Introduction to the Sackville Fultzes,” by Robert Paton Harvey. Nova Scotia Historical Review 2, no. 1 (1982): 74-85. Sambro Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. Purcells Cove Purcell’s Cove: The Little Place that Help Build Halifax City, by Elsie Millington. Victoria: “Fishing, Military Settled Shoreline Communities”, by Peter Saulnier. Chebucto News 1, no. 5, (1999): 5. S. Millington, 2000. Queensland St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Sambro, Ketch Harbour, Pennant, Duncan’s Cove, Portuguese Cove, Ferguson’s Cove, by Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Seabright St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. Shad Bay : s.n.], 1977. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Terence Bay, Prospect, Shad Bay, Blind Bay, Dover, by Reminiscence, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1976. Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. South Section Sheet Harbour Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Sheet Harbour: A Local History, by James E. Rutledge. Halifax: W. Macnab & Son, 1954. Sheet Harbour: From the Notes of an Old Woodsman, by Howard Coady. Hantsport: Spry Bay Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Spryfield Beyond the North West Arm: A Local History of Williams’ Lake, Halifax, Nova Scotia, by Heather Watts. [s.l. : s.n.], 1994. Lancelot Press, 1988. Discovering Our Past from Armdale to Pennant: A Series of Articles, by Iris V. Shea. “The Sheet Harbour Loyalist Settlement of 1784 and Hiram’s Lodge No.8" by Jackie Logan. Nova Scotia Historical Review 15, no. 1(1995): 118-126. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. Ship Harbour Discovering Our Past Spryfield, by Iris. V. Shea. [Halifax]: Mainland South Heritage Society, 2000. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Mainland South Heritage Calendar. Halifax: Backward Glances, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : Tangier Mainland South Heritage Society, 1993-2000. s.n.], 1979. Along the Shore, by Marine Highway Historical The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1982. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Ship Harbour, Owl’s Head, Little Harbour, DeBaie’s Cove, Clam Harbour, Lake Charlotte, Clam Bay, by The Gull’s Cry, by Marine Highway Historical Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore. Halifax: Society. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. HRM’s Historic Com munities (cont.) Tantallon Watt Section St. Margaret’s Bay: An Historical Album, Peggy’s Cove-Hubbards, by Alfreda Withrow. Halifax: Nimbus, 1997. Lakes, Salt Marshes and the Narrow Green Strip: Some Historic Buildings in Dartmouth and Halifax County’s Eastern Shore, by the Terence Bay Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia, 1979. Saga of Terence Bay, by Stella Maris. [s.l. : Waverley s.n., 19–?]. Cries at Kinsac Corner: and Other Legends. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Terence Bay, Prospect, Shad Bay, Blind Bay, Dover, by Halifax: Privately printed, 1977? Linda Gray-LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda GrayLeBlanc, 1999. Gold: The Wealth of Waverley, by John Upper Lakeville This is Waverley, Nova Scotia, by Ida B. Clark. Backward Glances, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], 1979. The Gull’s Cry. [s.l.]: The Society, 1984. Haulin’ in the Family Net: Oyster Pond, Upper Lakeville, West Jeddore, East Jeddore, Head Jeddore, by Linda Gray- LeBlanc. Spryfield: Linda Gray-LeBlanc, 1999. Rambling Memories, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. Hartlen. Hantsport: Lancelot Press, 1988. Waverley: Waverley Home and School Association, 1960. Waverley: Then and Now, Commemorating 125 Years Since the First Discovery of gold in Waverley. Waverley: Waverley Ratepayers Association, 1986. Windsor Junction Dear Reader: The History of Fall River and Windsor Junction. Hantsport: Lancelot Press, : s.n.], 1977. 1989. Reminiscence, by Helen M. Jennex. [s.l. : s.n.], The Way It Used to Be: The Stories of Fall River and Windsor Junction. Fall River: 1976. Upper Musquodoboit Leaves from the Whip-Handle Tree, by E.M. Deyarmond. [s.l. : s.n.], 1974. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. Musquodoboit Pioneers: A Record of Seventy Families, Their Homesteads and Genealogies, 1780-1980, by Jennie Reid. Musquodoboit: Musquodoboit Enterprises Historical Committee, 1980. The Whip-Handle Tree by E. M. Deyarmond. [s.l. : s.n.], 1972. Historical Society of Fall River and Windsor Junction, 1997. Wyses Corner History Along the Old Guysborough Road, by M. Noreen E. Gray. Enfield: The Authors, 1987. Memories: Musquodoboit Valley, Nova Scotia, by Roberta Annand. [s.l. : s.n., 198?]. jm/sg/11/04
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